sharklysweet · 25 days
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My .hack fancharacter Rajin. I wish they made it an actually mmorpg cause i wanna play the story of The World. I wanna know the lore and make fun characters in it and run around as my own protagonist and search for the key of the twilight!!
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desperado-raspado · 11 days
Hi pal, I hope you’re doing well!! For prompts, whatever your fancy: Cid Highwind, Deacon Fallout4, or maybe some Raijin and Fujin? You could draw the phone book and it would be good tbh 🫡
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reallypheelingit · 1 year
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Day 16 of @dragonaday-fr is Dragon That Belongs to Someone Else! I was in a banescale mood so here is Rajin, a precious archeologist who loves smooth rocks! He belongs to @naphiatra !!
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saintapplebees · 2 years
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i believe in stinky man supremacy
[ rajin ]
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 2 years
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A. Full grown fire drake (70 feet tall) for size reference
B. Main Thrusters
C. Wing Thrusters for Maneuverability
D. Cockpit
E. Front View w/ Solar Sails
F. Offensive Add ons
G. Defensive Add ons
H. Sky Rings (for hovering)
I. Recreation/Training Upper Tower/Fin
J. Front View
K. Dining Hall
L. Hangar Bottom Tower/Fin
M. Self Sustaining Pods
N. Space Screen
O. Cold Storage Silo
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First Main Floor
P. Misc Pod 1
Q. Garden Pod
R. Library Pod
S. Misc Pod 2
T. Outdoor Pod
U. Social Pod
V. Storage Tower Base
W. Engine Room (Beneath 1st Floor)
Second Main Floor
X. Personal Living Suites
Y. Dining Hall Close up
Z. Bow end Elevator
Third Main Floor
1. Storage (non food)
3. Art Studio
4. Gym
5/6. Pool/Spa
7. Workshop
8. Sick Bay
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Rajin is the main setting of my story. She is a massive air/spaceship traveling between worlds while self sustaining internal functionalities for life and comfort. Capable of carrying hundreds, but a crew of only 5 individuals made her into their permanent home for several years while they take to exploring the deeper and darker reaches of the Universe.
General overview…….externally, Rajin is inspired by the sun and betta fish with its tall upper and lower fin like structures and wings. A series of see through pods line the bottom section. Every part of Rajin….engines, sky rings, even the walls and floors are alive in a sense as they shift very slightly with the pulses of elemental magic running all throughout the ship.
Speaking of elemental magic, Rajin is powered by the 8 main crystals containing, ice, air, lightning, earth, water, fire, dark, and light energies. The balance…push and pull between the larger dark and light crystals power general to warp speed travel. Most other space ships currently depend on advanced tech, special fuel, and orbital rings for space exploration and this is only within a series of metropolitan like planets/systems including Youndre. Every other world is considered independent/isolated even depending just on magic vs. science. The other crystals aid in basic/beneficial functions like heating, cooling, lighting, providing clean water, and nutritional vegetation.
Internally, Rajin was restored and rebuilt to provide personalized living for Eldoron, Jessie, Orion, Ian, and Trish while in mid hyperspeed for weeks on end. Outside of each of them having large house like rooms, they also have access to shared recreational, nature filled spaces, look outs,….etc.and being able to prepare ahead with training rooms and a smithy/leather crafter workshop for armor and weapons.
Everyone plays different roles to upkeep Rajin while also supporting each other…..i.e. Eldoron sets its courses and manually flies/lands the ship, Ian improves and repairs (by encouraging Rajin’s self-healing properties), Jessie runs the sick bay and aids in harvesting and cooking, Trish helps with plant and animal care (including the care of the creatures she temporarily holds for rescue), and Orion helps charge and balance the magic between all the crystals to keep everything stable.
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rome2600er · 6 months
This song was made by young people from the Arab world. 25 artists performed this song, a song for beloved Palestine, “We Return = RAJIN ”
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You know, i can see why people would say Kakashi would lose a fight to Hashirama and Naruto. He would. They’re litterally god status shinobi
I think Minato and Tobirama are overrated but i’n tired of fighting with thise fans
But Hiruzen and Tsunade are Hokage’s who Kakashi is on par with. Stats wise Kakashi is between them (Hiruzen has 34, Kakashi 34.5 and Tsunade 35) meaning they’re all very close in skill. Tsunade obviously has her 100 healings which would make her incredably difficult to defeat obviously
But I think people are REALLY over hyping hiruzen. He’s known as the strongest of his generation and the professor but like… His biggest accomplishment is knowing a crap ton of jutsu’s
Which is obv impressive but Kakashi knows more
Both Kakashi and Hiruzen have all the elements mastered
Both of them are incredibly strong and talented shinobi known for being the strongest of their gen (with Kakashi’s friend actually being as strong as him and surpassing him by using the eighth gate while Hiruzen’s friend just stole Uchiha eyes and died a meaningless death but that doesn’t count towards them personally)
How does Kakashi keep getting religated to ‘weakest Hokage’ when Hiruzen and Tsunade are the same level of him, each with different skills
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angelosearch · 5 months
Raijin and Fujin have big Team Rocket Energy
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sydns · 1 year
When i read all this stuff about Rajine warms my heart, but also absolutely crushes me because, i see her as like- actually gone. 😭
I feel like when you get killed by a ark it disintegrates everything down to your very soul. so if you get killed by one, you're gone.
So yeah when Rajine was killed by Ludociel, her body and soul was gone. And thats why Derieri & Monspeet were so filled with revenge, they'll never see her again. even when death comes
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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Chen Nhai (KRITTANUN AUNCHANANUN aka PING) was very blasé with Ai's bitchy mother Rajin (WAE SOUL) that woman can teach a class on RBF for real.
But was that tidbit real? Is Ai really not Sib's son? And will Nhai keeping it to himself cause a rift between the couple?
At any rate, I gotta be proud of my boy Nhai for holding his own with that barracuda. Not one to advocate the violence against women but she needed to belted one. (God forgive me)
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cajuncardtricks · 1 month
tag dump part 2.
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arioagio · 2 months
Dibawa santai saja. Tidak perlu overthink. Menakuti hal-hal yang tidak perlu ditakuti. Ada Tuhan setia menemani kamu. Berdoa, datang kepada-Nya.
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prapuna · 6 months
uts macam apa yang memerlukan 1 jam untuk menjawab 1 soal
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wwwintinewscoid · 7 months
Meminta Jajaran Bawaslu Di semua Tingkatan Untuk Rajin Memitigasi Kerawanan Guna Mengantisipasi Pelanggaran Pemilu
INTINEWS.CO.ID, DAERAH – Kupang, Anggota Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum (Bawaslu) Lolly Suhenty meminta jajaran Bawaslu di semua tingkatan untuk rajin memitigasi kerawanan guna mengantisipasi pelanggaran pemilu. Ilustrasi oleh Ogi “Jhengghot”, (15/10). Prihal ini dikutip di situs web https://www bawaslu…
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View On WordPress
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rajinedgeofdarkness · 4 months
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My final piece of 2023!! I wanted to not only make sure this project is still a thing, but also that page illustration for it is occurring for certain this year!! The book cover for the first part. Included binding, back cover w/ synopsis, and the inside page. Certainly some room for improvements, but I'm pleased with this. It feels official!!
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WA 0852-9000-9353 DISTRIBUTOR LEVISAV Pasta Gigi Untuk Menghilangkan Bekas Luka Hitam Dan Memutihkan Gigi di Ciroyom Bandung
Gigi Putih Dengan, Gigi Agar Putih Alami, Cara Gigi Putih Alami, Gigi Putih Berseri, Gigi Putih Berkilau, Gigi Putih Bening, Gigi Biar Putih, Gigi Bercak Putih, Gigi Putih Cepat, Gigi Putih Caranya
Dengan kekuatan alami daun sirih, pasta gigi kami membantu melawan bakteri penyebab bau mulut dan menjaga kesehatan gusi. Ekstrak daun sirih telah dikenal luas karena sifat antiseptiknya yang membantu menjaga kebersihan mulut Anda.
dapatkan levisav di marketplace pilihan anda,untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi levisav.com dan nomor 0852-9000-9353
Aceh Utara, Bener Meriah, Bireuen, Gayo Lues, Nagan Raya, Pidie, Pidie Jaya, Simeulue, Banda Aceh, Langsa
Gejala Sakit Gigi
Tingkat keparahan sakit gigi sangat beragam, mulai dari nyeri yang ringan dan hanya menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman, hingga nyeri yang parah dan tak tertahankan. Rasa nyerinya sendiri dapat terasa berdenyut atau seperti ditusuk-tusuk. Selain rasa nyeri, sakit gigi dapat disertai dengan pembengkakan pada gusi, sakit kepala, dan demam. Segera temui dokter bila sakit gigi yang Anda alami sudah berlangsung lebih dari dua hari, atau jika disertai dengan:
Bau busuk di dalam mulut
Nyeri saat mengunyah
Gusi bengkak
Sulit menelan
Sesak napas
Sulit dan sakit saat membuka mulut
Nyeri telinga Diagnosis Sakit Gigi Pada pasien yang mengeluh sakit gigi, dokter gigi akan menelusuri terlebih dahulu gejala yang dirasakan oleh pasien, yaitu dengan menanyakan:
Letak nyeri
Seberapa parah nyeri yang dirasakan
Kapan nyeri tersebut biasa muncul
Hal yang membuat nyeri memburuk
Hal yang dapat meredakan nyeri.
Setelah itu, dokter akan melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap gigi, gusi, lidah, rahang, sinus, hidung, tenggorokan, bahkan leher. Kadang-kadang juga dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan merangsang gigi, misalnya dengan suhu dingin, menggigit atau mengunyah sesuatu, atau menekan gigi dengan jari. Jika dibutuhkan, dokter akan meminta pasien untuk menjalani pemeriksaan tambahan, seperti foto Rontgen gigi dan CT scan. Meredakan Sakit Gigi di Rumah Jika mengalami sakit gigi, sebaiknya segera temui dokter gigi untuk mencari tahu penyebabnya, sehingga dapat diobati dengan tepat. Namun sebelumnya, ada beberapa cara yang bisa Anda lakukan di rumah untuk meredakan sakit gigi, yaitu:
Membersihkan sela-sela gigi dengan benang gigi (dental floss) untuk menyingkirkan plak dan sisa makanan yang tersangkut.
Berkumur dengan air hangat.
Berkumur dengan obat kumur antiseptik.
Mengompres pipi dengan kompres dingin apabila sakit gigi disebabkan oleh cedera.
GigiPutihDengan #KarangGigiHarusDibersihkan #KarangGigiHitamKeras #KarangGigiHancur #KarangGigiHitamAdalah #KarangGigiHilang #KarangGigiJigong #KarangGigiKeras #KarangGigiKarenaBehel #KarangGigiMunculLagi
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