#pure onion oil
morethansalad · 1 year
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Miso-Glazed Aubergines with Kale, Red Onion and Pumpkin Seeds with Butterbean Mash (Vegan)
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Maple Goat’s Cheese Caramelised Onion Galette
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This rustic Maple Goat’s Cheese Caramelised Onion Galette is bursting with flavours, and beautifully enhanced with the suave taste of Maple Syrup. It makes a simple yet hearty dinner. Happy Thursday!
Ingredients (serves 2 to 3):
1 cup plain flour
3/4 cup wholemeal flour
½ teapoon salt
4 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into small chunks
1/3 cup ice water
1/2 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 tablespoon Rosemary Olive Oil
2 onions
1 large red onion
1 fluffy sprig fresh thyme
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 tablespoon pure (Grade A) Canadian Maple Syrup
¼ teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
¼ teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
90 grams/3 ounces soft goat’s cheese (such as Saint-Félicien or Saint-Marcellin)
In a large bowl, combine plain flour, wholemeal flour and salt. Give a good stir. Rub cold butter into flour mixture between your fingers until mixture resembles coarse meal. Gradually add ice water, stirring ingredients with your hand until a soft dough ball forms (you may not need all of it). Knead lightly a couple of minutes. Flatten into a disk.
Wrap tightly in cling film, and chill in the refrigerator at least an hour.
Melt butter with Rosemary Olive Oil in a large, nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Peel and finely slice onions and red onions, and add to the hot skillet. Cook, stirring often to coat in butter and oil, until onions are softened and start browning, about 8 minutes. Remove thyme leaves from their sprig, and stir into the onions. Cook, a couple of minutes. Deglaze with apple cider vinegar. Stir in Maple Syrup, and cook a couple of minutes more, until caramelised. Stir in baby spinach until just wilted. Season with fleur de sel and black pepper. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
Preheat oven to 200°C/395°F. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Onto a lightly floured surface, roll wholemeal pastry out into a large circle. Transfer wholemeal pastry circle onto prepared baking tray.
Spoon Maple caramelised onions onto the pastry, and spread out in an even layer, leaving out about 2cm/0.80″ on the edges.Then, liberally scatter chunks of goat’s cheese all over. Fold the edges of the pastry over the Maple caramelised onions.
Place baking tray in the middle of the hot oven, and bake, at 200°C/395°F, 35 minutes, until the wholemeal pastry is beautifully golden brown.
Serve Maple Goat’s CheeseCaramelised Onion Galette immediately, with dressed lettuce. 
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what-marsha-eats · 1 year
The dressing is as delicious and seasonal as it is versatile. Use it as a marinade for fish, a sauce for sauteed shrimp or a topping for pulled pork sliders.
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seelockhart · 6 months
Slow Cooking Recipes
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Slow Cooker Pumpkin Soup with Croutons - This creamy and warming slow cooker pumpkin soup is ideal for chilly autumn days. The addition of croutons gives the soup a nice crunch and texture.
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catstumps · 9 months
Classic Spaghetti Bolognese with Grated Parmesan Recipe
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Classic Spaghetti Bolognese with Grated Parmesan. Classic Spaghetti Bolognese is a time-tested recipe that is simple to prepare and delicious to eat. The rich tomato sauce with minced beef, onion, carrot, celery, and garlic is served over al dente spaghetti. Finish with a generous sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese for an extra flavor boost.
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bohobedlove · 10 months
Classic Spaghetti Bolognese with Grated Parmesan Recipe
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Classic Spaghetti Bolognese with Grated Parmesan. Classic Spaghetti Bolognese is a time-tested recipe that is simple to prepare and delicious to eat. The rich tomato sauce with minced beef, onion, carrot, celery, and garlic is served over al dente spaghetti. Finish with a generous sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese for an extra flavor boost.
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edwardslostalchemy · 1 year
Okay okay okay okay so what I've noticed about some cooking videos I've watched, the person cooking only uses salt and pepper to season their food. And i mean, nothing wrong with that, but. SPICE things up ohmgggg there's so many spices and herbs to give flavor to food, I'm begging people to use more things other than salt and pepper.
Like I saw a video of someone cooking salmon. Only used salt and pepper. And I'm here like. That is your prerogative, but make use of other spices.
This is how I prepare salmon: either add the juice of an orange or a lemon to give it some good marinade. You can use both citrus fruits if you want, but I use whichever is available in my basket or I pick one over the other to change things up.
Next, I get my spices. I am not into hot foods, so I don't add any hot peppers or hot sauce. But I love certain spices. I add cumin, garlic powder, ground pepper, lemon pepper, and onion powder, in that order. Let the salmon rest for a bit. Then cook it on a pan with oil. It takes like 4-5 minutes to cook each side of the salmon, maybe a bit more depending on your stove, but I don't leave it for too long so it doesn't burn, and I check to see if it's cooked all the way by cutting it in half with my spatula because in this house, we care more about food being fully cooked over aesthetic. My dad brings out the hot sauce, the home made salsa mom makes, and the tartar sauce, and we can add those on the side so we don't cover the salmon with sauces after plating.
It tastes amazing. You don't even have to add the sauces at the end for it to taste good. I use ground pepper, but I never add salt. I don't recall ever pulling out the salt container to add it to salmon. Lemon pepper already has sodium and it gives it good flavor. I do NOT put limits on how much spice i add to the salmon; I put as much of each as I want and feel comfortable. Cumin can have a deliciously overwhelming smell and ground pepper makes me sneeze, but heck if I don't add them.
Sometimes if I feel fancy, i add oregano or parsley flakes, or cut onion and cook it with the salmon so it can give it flavor, too. I've added honey to it when my roommate suggested it. If I want the salmon to be a little red, I add paprika. Sometimes i just go HAM and add some more spices i have in my pantry. Give it flavor!!!
Don't stay in the same cycle of cooking. This is one reason it can become boring. Make it exciting. Idk about others, but only using salt and pepper is boring to me. I will use steak seasoning if it means using something new and different (and I have steak seasoning in my pantry, I will use it). Rub some cilantro on the salmon or some parsley or marinade it over night. SOMETHING. Just don't limit yourselves to salt and pepper.
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artnewsmag · 1 year
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Easy Tomato Sauce - Sauces and Condiments
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Turkish Fava Bean Puree with Dill (Vegan)
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hedgehog-moss · 5 months
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I realised I hadn't posted a greenhouse report since spring, and today seemed like a good day for a 2023 home-grown food review!
2023 was a great year for fruit; my apple & plum trees were so generous! In the greenhouse my most successful crops were tomatoes, red chilli peppers, beans, and pickles. I was able to make spicy plum chutney using my own plums, onions and peppers:
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On the other hand I was unlucky with my non-greenhouse vegetables, there were so many insects this year and my courgettes got absolutely decimated. But then I complained about my bad courgette luck to some neighbours and was gifted 9 courgettes and 3 pumpkins. I spent the first half of my autumn cooking and freezing and pickling and preserving to try not to let anything go to waste; I made:
7 jars of pesto (with greenhouse basil); 8 jars of pasta sauce (with courgette-pumpkin-tomato-red peppers-onions-basil, + parmesan); an unknown but large amount of pumpkin-tomato soup (I put them in empty glass bottles and freeze them); 7 jars of spicy plum chutney; 2 small bottles of spicy oil for my pizzas (with some of my chilli peppers; the rest are still drying by the stove to become chilli powder); 5 jars of plum jam and 3 of blackberry jam (I also froze several kg of whole blackberries for winter desserts); 6 jars of pickles (they are delicious!! I'd never pickled pickles before this year, I'm really happy with the result); 12 small bottles of elderberry syrup; 4 large bottles of elderflower syrup; hundreds of little apple sweets; several bottles of apple juice; an absolutely dizzying amount of apple puree / compote / jelly, because I refused to leave any leftover apples for the dormouse population. They are not my friends.
(If you think I'm being too mean to the dormice, please know that a) they are unrepentant thieves; b) I became so competent at hiding my apples that a dormouse ended up sneaking into the shower at night to eat my soap. My bar of homemade (not by me) goat milk soap. It's hazelnut scented so I guess if you're a rodent it just smells like lunch.)
I took some stuff out of the freezer just long enough to take this family picture; though I already gave away a lot of things to guests and neighbours, so it's just what's left! (I also froze enough chopped onions to last until summer I think)
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I am terrible at labelling my jars; in my hubris I always assume I'll just remember where I put which kind of sauce or flavour of compote. I never remember. I end up having to give my guests mystery jars, like "this is fruit jelly! Made with... fruits"
So it wouldn't get too monotonous I added various fruits to my apple purees: apple-raspberry, apple-blueberry, -plum, -blackberry... I also made a few jars of apple-pineapple-pumpkin compote because I had too much pumpkin and I regret not focusing on that from the start, this combo tasted so good and was the most cheerful yellow colour.
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I finally used my last apples last week, making apple-quince paste which is currently drying in order to become sweets. I bought some pretty & thick paper to origami a few boxes to put them in, so I'll have New Year presents for my courgette-providing neighbours. <3
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(My cats are currently banned from this room so they won't try to lick the fruit paste) (they don't even like it, they're just cats)
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Maple Apple and Lentil Salad
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This Maple Apple and Lentil Salad, fragrant with herbs, sharp with a punchy dressing, makes a tasty late Winter lunch. Happy Tuesday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 small garlic cloves
2 bay leaves
1 cup Puy Green Lentils
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
1 litre/4 cups water
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 heaped teaspoon Dijon Mustard
1 tablespoon pure (Grade A) Canadian Maple Syrup
½ teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
½ red onion
1 large apple, rinsed
3 fluffy sprigs fresh Cilantro
In a large, deep saucepan, heat olive oil over a medium flame.
Peel garlic cloves, and halve them. Stir into the saucepan, and cook, 1 minute more. Add bay leaves.
Then, stir in the green lentils, coating well in oil and herbs. Season with coarse sea salt, and stir in the water. Bring to the boil.
Once boiling, reduce heat to low, and half cover with a lid. Simmer, until lentils are just tender, about 20 to 25 minutes.
Meanwhile, combine olive oil, apple cider vinegar, Dijon Mustard and Maple Syrup into serving bowl. Give a good stir until well-blended. Season with black pepper.
Once the lentils are cooked, drain thoroughly and let cool, 5 minutes or so, discarding bay leaves and garlic halves.
Peel and thinly slice red onion. Halve, core and dice apple. Add red onion slices and apple dices to the serving bowl, tossing well to coat in dressing.
Finely chop Cilantro, and stir into the apples and onion as well. Finally, add the cooked lentils, whilst still warm, and toss to generously coat in dressing and combine.
Serve Maple Apple and Lentil Salad warm, or chill a couple of hours in the refrigerator if you prefer eating it cold.
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whimsigothwitch · 9 months
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Mabon pumpkin soup
Today it is the autumn-equinox, so I decided to share an delicious warm pumpkin soup that you can make to celebrate this turn of the wheel!
1 Pumpkin cut in pieces
3 Garlic cloves
1 Carrot
1 Onion
1,3L of vegetable broth
1 tbs of olive oil
* Toasted bread
Cut all the ingredients in pieces.
Fry the onion and garlic on medium fire in a big stockpot.
After sautéing the onion and garlic, turn the fire low and add the pumpkin in the pan. Slowly pour the vegetable broth in the stockpan en mix with a wooden spoon clockwise while saying:"As Mabon's magic fills the air, May abundance flow, and love be shared."
Let the soup simmer for 30 minutes until the pumpkin and carrots are mushy/or can easily be mushed when pressed on.
Turn the stove off, and place the pan on a wooden cutboard or cork pad, puree the soup until velvety smooth.
Toast some bread and sprinkle some pepper on the soup when served, enjoy!
Blessed Mabon
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somanyratsinthewalls · 3 months
Curiosity Killed the Cat (+18)
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Pairing: Massacre Soldier Killer x Female Reader
WC: 2600
Summary: You’ve never seen Killer without his mask. It’s a secret that you can’t help but need to be a part of. Your curiosity gets the best of you and Killer catches you peeping. 
TW: !SMUT PURE SELF INDULGENT SMUT! Porn with VERY LITTLE plot! fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampies, multiple orgasms, filthy talk, praise kink good girl etc, size difference. it's just porn.
**Minors DNI!!! 18+ only!!***
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You had been with the Kid Pirates for half a year now and during these six months you’ve learned the inner workings of the crew and the Victoria Punk herself. You knew that the best place to take a nap was in the storeroom next to the kitchen. You knew that Heat and Wire have had a game of Dungeons and Dragons going on for the past 6 years and they play every Friday evening. You knew that Killer hated when you left food on your plate at the end of a meal claiming that “a girl needs her strength.” You knew that every morning at 10:00 AM sharp, Captain Kid would render the ship’s only bathroom unusable for at least the next hour. 
There was something that was still a mystery to you. 
You had never seen Killer without his mask. 
It was something you had wondered about ever since you first met the crew’s first mate. Was he horrifically ugly? Maybe covered in scars? Why did he hide himself from the world? He was always the kindest to you of all the Kid Pirates, making sure you were fed and had supplies you needed when you first joined the crew. Your crude captain left a lot to be desired in terms of intelligent conversation, but in contrast, Killer would inquire about the book you were reading or if you needed a late night snack. 
Tonight you were drawn into the kitchen by the delicious smell of garlic and onions being sautéed in oil and butter. You enter the galley and can’t help but flit over to the stove where Killer was diligently working. You lean over the pot of boiling pasta water and the steam feels nice on your dry, salt-worn skin. 
“Mmmmm, smells so yummy, Kil!” He was nearly a foot taller than you, so it was easy to sneak in-between him and the stove to get a better whiff of his decadent culinary creations. 
You feel his massive chest behind you vibrate as he chuckles. 
“Thank you, little one. I hope you’re hungry.” 
“Hey, that shit smells good!” Kid exclaims as he barrels into the kitchen, slightly drunk already. Killer whips his head around to look at his captain. You take this moment to lean your head back and try to peek under the gap between his chin and his mask. You strain your eyes but all you can see is darkness. Your efforts are quickly thwarted as Killer returns his attention to the stove to stir the pasta. 
“Are you making that thing I like? The spaghetti cars banana?” Kid asks as he takes a sip of his beer. 
Killer sighs. 
“Carbonara. It’s carbonara, for the last fucking time.” Killer looks down at you. “Dinner’s almost ready, why don’t you wait at the table?”
You smile up at him, searching the holes in his mask for any clue at his expression. You nod and proceed to set the dining table for the evening meal. 
— — 
After you had your fill of wine and pasta (making sure to gesture to Killer and show him your clean plate to which he gives you a playful thumbs up), you decided you’d treat yourself to a hot bath. You were sure that the rest of the crew would spend the rest of the night drinking themselves stupid so you could enjoy a quiet bath in peace. 
You stroll into the bathroom with your towel and lay it next to the tub. You put the plug in and get the hot water started. You search the cabinets for some sort of bubble bath, but end of having to settle on an unmarked bottle of body wash. You pour the soap into the bath and white, fluffy bubbles start to form on the surface of the water. 
Once the tub was full, you shut off the water and stripped yourself of your filthy, ocean-smelling clothes. You step into the steaming water one foot at a time and gently lower yourself into the bathtub. As soon as you’re settled with your head leaning against the edge of the tub you release a deep sigh. 
After a few minutes of soaking, you find yourself almost drifting off. The doorknob clicking open snapped you out of your daze. The wooden bathroom door creaked open and Killer stepped inside the bathroom. 
You instinctively cover your breasts with your hands, but it goes unnoticed by the intruder who went straight for the sink and counter on the opposite side of the room. You realize that he hasn’t even noticed your presence so you hold your breath, not wanting to startle or upset him. He stands at the sink for a moment with his hands gripping the counter. 
He then raises his hands and reaches for the back of his head. 
Oh my god. He was taking his mask off.
You were paralyzed, breath caught in your chest, eyes locked on the golden locks spilling from behind the mask. He leans down and pulls the mask off and leaves it on the counter to his right. You involuntarily slap your hand over your mouth in surprise. 
You eyes are fixed on the bathroom mirror when you see a pair of angled, sharp blue eyes staring back at you in it. 
“I know you’re there, little one.” 
You gasp. You still can’t move, stuck staring into those enchanting eyes. The only other things you could see were worn white bandages and messy blonde hair cascading from atop his head. 
“Come on out now… I want to show you something.” Killer says without turning around. 
You were mesmerized by his sweet voice, so you obeyed and stood up and stepped out of the tub. You dried off quickly and wrapped your towel around your torso before Killer interrupted you. 
“You won’t need that. Leave it. Come here.” 
You drop the towel and hesitantly approach the man at the sink, his muscles rippling in his back through his blue tee shirt. 
“Jump up here. I want you to help me take the bandages off.” Killer pats the counter to his left. 
You were frozen in place and your eyes were glued to the floor, so anxious about seeing his face. 
“Be a good girl and listen. Up.” Killer pats the counter again, more forcefully this time. 
“Yes, Kil…” You squeak and turn around and use the heels of your hands to pull yourself up onto the counter. You still would’t look up. 
“It’s ok… you can look…” Killer puts his hand over yours as it rested on the counter. You slowly raise your head and see a face covered in bandages, the only parts exposed being a thick pair of dark plum lips and those piercing eyes you saw staring at you from the mirror. You suck in a breath. 
“Here..” Killer pulls your hand and places one of the edges of the bandage in it and helped you begin to unravel it. With each pass of your hand across his face, Killer strokes up and down your bare thigh, causing you to open your legs involuntarily. 
With no sounds other than your own heavy breathing, you finally reveal Killer’s face. You gasp as you pull your hand to back your chest. He was so beautiful. His bright eyes such a contrast against his olive tanned skin. His chin was chiseled and his nose was pointed so sharply. You also notice faint scars littering his cheeks, similar to the ones on his left arm. You didn’t care, he was still handsome to you. 
“Killer… you’re… so pretty…” You reach a hand up and gingerly touch his cheek. He smiles softly. You curse him silently for keeping that smile from you for so long. He laughs and nuzzles into your hand. 
“Not as pretty as you, little one. Will you let me see you, too?”
“W-what do you mean?” You question. 
“Put your legs up, spread yourself for me.” He states as he starts bending your knees to place your feet on the counter at your sides, widely exposing your most intimate area to him. You feel blush fill your cheeks and the tip of your nose. 
“Mmm… now that’s pretty…” Killer coos as he slides his huge hand down your inner thigh to stroke up and down your slit with his thumb, sticky slick coating his digit. You find yourself shivering in anticipation under his touch. He begins focusing his movements on your clit as he rubs it in agonizingly slow circles, working you up at a painful pace. 
You can’t do anything but pant heavily and stare at his hand caressing your naked sex. 
“Look at me.” Killer demands. You oblige and look up at his exposed face. Your mouth hangs open as you keep his gaze, his rough thumb on your clit driving your crazy. 
“Killer…” You whimper up at him. 
“You’re so wet, sweet girl. So ready to get stretched out, hmm?” His lips curl into a devious smirk. 
You nod dumbly without breaking eye contact. 
Killer plunges two large fingers into your soaked hole and immediately curls them up into your spot. 
“Shit, Kil!” You cry out and grab his bicep with one hand, supporting yourself on your other palm. He pulls and tugs his fingers repeatedly inside of you while grinding the base of his hand into your clit. 
“I can’t hold it! I’m gonna! Fuck, Killer!” You whine loudly as you feel the coil in your belly tighten dangerously. You slam your eyes shut and grab onto his arm with both hands, leaning forward into him for support. 
“That’s good little one, hold onto me, just let go for me…” 
“OH FUCK!” You cry out and fluids spray out of your body onto both Killer and the bathroom floor. Your core squeezes and spasms, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as Killer helps you through your orgasm by whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 
Slumped over into his shoulder, Killer removes his fingers from your core and scoops you up in one arm off the counter.
“You did such a good job, cumming so nicely for me. Think you can take my cock now?” Killer asks as he hikes you up in his grip, forcing you to look at him again. 
“Yes, I want it, please…” You say softly, still coming down from your previous high. 
“Perfect.” Killer chuckles and turns to carry you to the table that you usually used for folding laundry. He lays your naked, flushed form gently down on the surface of the table and rips his shirt over his head. He quickly unbuckles his belt and shuffles his jeans down his legs and steps out of them. His huge dick bobs in your direction, uncut tip red and leaking. 
“It… it’s not gonna fit…” You breath out as you stare in awe at his member while sitting up on your elbows. 
Killer grins again and steps between your spread legs, slapping his cock on your abdomen, showing exactly how deep it was supposed to go inside of you. You audibly whimper at the thought. 
“Sweetheart… you like being a good girl, right?” He coos down at you, his massive frame eclipsing most of the light in the room. He rubs soothing circles into your hip with his hand.
“Mhmm…” You sheepishly nod. 
“So you’re gonna lay there and take this whole cock in that tight little cunt of yours like a good girl, hmm?” He teases as he pulls back and guides his tip to rub up and down on your clit. 
“Mmmmhmmmm” You whine and buck your hips up into his touch. Killer uses this permission to press his heavy cockhead into your soaked opening. Inch by inch he splits your body open, the stretch causing you to moan out. 
“That’s right, little one… feels good, doesn’t it?” Killer reaches up a huge palm to squeeze and pinch your sensitive nipple. 
“Fuck, Kil! So full!” You squeeze your eyes shut and try to relax on his giant member. 
“Oh, my sweet baby, I’m not even all the way in yet!” Killer gives you a sinister laugh. He takes his opportunity to push his hips flush against yours and your writhe and cry from the sensation. You had never been this full in your life, he was truly stuffing you to your limits and it felt so good. He rubs your clit with one hand as he pulls back out, groaning lowly as he feels your cunt desperately cling to him and try to suck his member back in. 
Killer begins thrusting his hips, keeping most of himself sheathed deep inside of your walls and his hand gripped your waist to pull you back into him with each thrust. 
“Ah!” You moan and whine, grabbing and scratching at Killer’s broad chest as he molds your insides to the shape of his cock. You could barely breath, the man inside of you so large that you felt like he was in your chest. Killer speeds up his ministrations on your swollen clit. 
“Come on sweetheart… I feel you squeezing me, you’re close again…” Killer picks up the pace of his thrusts and you shriek out at the force of his hips slamming into your ass and thighs. “Fucking give it to me!” Killer presses harder into your clit and you scream and explode for the second time that night, for the first time on his cock. 
Tears were now freely flowing down your red cheeks and you could no longer form a coherent thought, let alone a sentence. You were a babbling, bouncing mess being speared by Killer’s massive girth. You were so dick drunk that your eyes were rolling back in your head. 
“More, more, more, more!” You slur out from your helpless state, spread out on the laundry table. 
“What a greedy little pussy… so fucked out and you want more? Want me to fill you, my sweet girl? Make sure you feel me for days…” Killer punctuated his last sentence with a push to your lower stomach. 
“Uh huh! Kil, please! Cum inside!” You try to nod your head but the force of Killer’s strokes made it nearly impossible. 
“Hnnnggg…” Killer slams his hips deep into yours and blows his heavy load into your wet, waiting walls. He leans down and buries his head in the crook of your neck as his cock still twitches inside of you. As his orgasm subsides, he sighs and slowly pulls out of your spent cunt, leaving a heavy stream of semen to pour out of your hole. He holds himself up above your head and looks down at you and smiles. 
You smile back. You lift a shaky hand and cup his cheek. 
“It’s you…” You whisper as he gazes affectionately into your eyes. 
“It is me. And you’re mine now.” Killer says. Before he pushes himself off the table and grabs your towel to wrap around his waist. After fastening the towel securely he grabs you by your sides off the table and throws your nude body over his shoulder. He carries you out of the bathroom, presumably to his bedroom. 
“What the fuck Killer?” Kid calls from down the hallway, spotting you both. “Why is y/n naked? What the hell are you doing?”
“Going to enjoy my dessert.” He calls back at his captain. 
It was going to be a long night. 
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ellieslittleburrow · 4 months
Summary : You live near campus, away from Dean and Sam. You haven't seen them in a while. How do you react when you find them right at your door?
Pairings : Dean and Sam winchester x sister
Warnings : nooone, just fluff.
A/N : Hi, babies ❣❣ I hope this is as refreshing to you as it was for me.
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Oil sizzled as you set the stove on the lowest heat. You tossed the chopped up onions into the pan, filling the room with the familiar aroma.
The house phone rang. And you moved the pan aside before heading for the phone. You pressed a button, setting the phone near your ear when a familiar hum sounded.
Oh my god!
"Dean!" You excitedly shouted, earning yourself an "ouch" over the other line. You pressed a another button, opening the complex door for him and since you were only in the third floor, it only took him a quick minute to appear, followed by Sam.
"Hii" You opened your arms, running to embrace both of them. "What a surprise."
"Hey, kiddo." Dean tightly wrapped his arms around you, letting you go when Sam spoke.
"Hey, honey." Sam pulled you into a hug.
"I missed you both so much." Your voice vibrated into Sam's chest. "What are you doing here?"
"Eating, apparently." As Dean's voice went distant, you pulled away from Sam, spinning around to find Dean marching towards the kitchen.
You let out a little chuckle, following behind.
After setting the plates and beers on the table, you plumped down on the couch, waiting for your brothers to join. And as all three of you started eating, an hour and a half of talks about life, uni, cases and john flowed seamlessly.
"So..." Dean coughed. "Anybody in your life....kid?"
You rolled your eyes at Dean's sudden change of voice. You knew this one, a low tone, manipulative and curious. You're not falling for it.
"Nobody, Dean." You smiled at him, not caring that he already knew you were lying.
"Are you sure about that? Because i'm pretty sure you don't wear size 12 flip floppers." He eyed the entry door and you snorted a laugh. Fucking hell..This guy's eyes..
"Leave her alone, Dean." Sam rolled his eyes before turning to you. "As long as you're happy, honey."
You smiled at his response....your eyes darting around the room when silence set in...
"Alright....Time to head out, Dean." Sam slapped his thighs, readying himself to get up when you pushed him back down.
"We have to go, honey. We still have 5 hours to go before we get there." Sam argues and you shook your head.
"Please don't....it's only been an hour." You pleaded, looking over at Dean, who, to your surprise, was staring at you with pleading eyes.
He did not want to go either.
"Come on, Sammy. It's-" you spun around to get a look at the clock. "It's 6pm, don't you wanna get some sleep and head back for the road tomorrow morning?."
Sam grimaced. "I don't know if that's such a good idea, honey. I really do want to stay, but we could always stay over on our way ba-."
You turned to Dean, leaving Sam hanging. But Dean was already laid back, quiet, waiting for you to do all the dirty work. That's when Sam spoke again.
"Okay, how about this" He started, and your eyes grew wide, anticipating what's about to happen.
Sam straightened his back as he held his arms out, positioning one hand on top of the other, his right fist resting on top of his left palm. And as Dean understood the assignment, he got up, mirroring sam.
And in silence you watched, as for the very first time, Sam laid a rock, losing the fight as early as the first round.
You burst into laughter as Sam's eyebrows arose. Nobody expected that. And as you lifted your arms up, jumping in pure ecstasy, Dean grinned triumphantly.
"I won."
You nodded. "And you spend the night here."
Sam smacked his hands together. "Alright, then. Let's prep for a night in."
And we're done! If yall can spare a minute and tell me about my writiing pleaase? if i should change it up, if it's too repetitive and stuff. No pressure and thanks in advance ❣ 🖤🖤🥀🥀
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foodshowxyz · 2 months
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Creamy roasted garlic tomato soup
Yields: 4-6 servings Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 45-50 minutes
Roasted Veggies:
3 pounds ripe tomatoes (Roma or on-the-vine work well)
1 head garlic (top sliced off)
1 medium onion, quartered
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Soup Base:
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon dried thyme (or 2 sprigs fresh)
1/2 cup heavy cream
4 cups vegetable broth (low-sodium is best)
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves (optional, for garnish)
Baking sheet
Large pot or Dutch oven
Immersion blender (or regular blender)
Roast the Vegetables:
Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
Cut tomatoes in half lengthwise. Drizzle tomatoes, onion, and the garlic head with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Place them on a baking sheet, cut-side down.
Roast for 35-40 minutes, or until tomatoes are blistered and softened.
Start the Soup Base:
While the veggies roast, melt the butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add the thyme and cook for 30 seconds, stirring constantly.
Blend the Soup:
Carefully squeeze the roasted garlic cloves out of their skins and into the pot with the melted butter. Add the roasted tomatoes and onions (including any juices).
Pour in the vegetable broth. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 10 minutes.
Use an immersion blender (or carefully transfer to a regular blender in batches) to puree until very smooth.
Finish and Season:
Stir in the heavy cream. Taste and adjust salt and pepper as needed.
Ladle into bowls and garnish with fresh basil if desired. Enjoy with crusty bread, grilled cheese, or a simple salad for a delicious meal!
Tips & Variations:
Spice it up: Add a pinch of red pepper flakes with the thyme for a little kick.
Vegan: Swap the butter for olive oil and use a plant-based cream alternative.
Extra Flavor: Add a tablespoon of tomato paste while cooking the thyme for deeper tomato flavor.
Storage: This soup keeps well in the refrigerator for 3-4 days and freezes beautifully.
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thoughtportal · 7 months
homemade vegan vegetable stock cubes
What could you do with leftover vegetables scraps at the end of the week? Make stock cubes! You can use any sort of leftover vegetables to make your own all natural stock cubes! The process is super straightforward and you can make enough to store and use for months.
Ingredients 🥦🥕🍠🟨
1kg Assorted leftover vegetables (carrot peels,celery, broccoli stems ,cauliflower leaves,soft veg ,onion, leeks, mushrooms, etc.)
4 x cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of nutritional yeast
Herbs & spices
Salt & pepper
Olive oil Instructions 🥣
Gather your leftover vegetables and make sure they are clean and edible.
Chop the vegetables into smaller pieces
Sauté them with 2 tbsp of olive oil until
They release all the flavours and most of the water has evaporated
Let the veg cool for a bit
In a blender add the cooked vegetables , garlic,spices and herbs salt & black pepper.
Blend the mixture until it becomes a smooth puree.
Line a flat, shallow pan with parchment paper. Pour the vegetable puree onto the pan and smooth it out evenly.
Place the pan in the freezer and let it freeze until it’s solid.
Remove the frozen vegetable puree from the pan and cut it into cubes.
(Optional )Wrap each cube in parchment paper or place them in an airtight container. Store the wrapped cubes in the freezer .
Now you have your homemade vegan vegetable stock cubes in a convenient frozen form to enhance the flavor of your recipes whenever needed. Just take out a cube or two from the freezer for your cooking!
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