#pure crystal bracelet
copperproduct · 7 months
How to Properly Clean and Care for Your Copper Magnet Bracelet
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Properly cleaning and caring for your copper magnet bracelet is essential to maintain its appearance and effectiveness. Copper bracelets, often used as arthritis bracelets for women, require regular care to keep them in good condition. Here are some steps to help you clean and care for your pure copper magnet bracelet:
Cleaning Your Copper Magnet Bracelet:
Gentle Cleaning: To clean your copper bracelet, use a mild soap, such as dish soap or a gentle hand soap, and warm water. Avoid abrasive or harsh cleaning solutions, as they can damage the copper and any magnet components.
Soaking: Create a soapy water solution by mixing a few drops of mild soap with warm water. Let your bracelet soak for a few minutes to loosen any dirt or oils.
Soft Brush: Use a soft brush, like a toothbrush or a soft cloth, to gently scrub the bracelet’s surface. Be sure to reach into the crevices and along the edges to remove any buildup.
Rinse Thoroughly: After cleaning, rinse the bracelet thoroughly with clean, lukewarm water to remove any soap residue.
Dry Carefully: Pat your copper magnet bracelet dry with a soft, clean cloth. Avoid using abrasive materials that may scratch the copper.
Polishing Your Copper Magnet Bracelet:
Natural Patina: Copper naturally develops a patina over time, giving it a unique and attractive appearance. If you want to maintain the patina, gently wipe the bracelet with a soft cloth to remove any smudges or fingerprints.
Polishing: If you prefer a shiny, polished look, use a copper-specific polishing cloth or a homemade mixture of equal parts vinegar and salt. Gently rub the bracelet with the cloth or mixture to restore its shine. Rinse and dry thoroughly afterward.
Caring for the Magnet Components:
Avoid Submersion: Try to keep the magnet components of your bracelet as dry as possible. Remove the bracelet before activities involving water, like swimming or bathing, to prevent damage to the magnets.
Check for Loose Magnets: Periodically inspect your bracelet for loose or displaced magnets. If you notice any issues, contact the manufacturer or a jeweler for repairs.
General Tips:
Store Properly: When you’re not wearing your pure copper bracelet, store it in a dry, cool place. Avoid leaving it in direct sunlight or humid conditions, as this can affect the copper’s appearance.
Frequent Use: The more you wear your copper magnet bracelet, the better it can provide potential benefits for arthritis. Wearing it regularly may also help prevent tarnishing since the oils from your skin can provide a protective barrier.
Adjust Fit: Make sure your bracelet is properly fitted to ensure comfort and to prevent it from slipping off.
Consult the Manufacturer: If you have specific care instructions from the manufacturer, follow them closely.
Remember that the effectiveness of pure copper magnet bracelets in alleviating arthritis symptoms is a matter of debate and personal experience. While some people report relief, others may not find them beneficial. If you have any concerns about your arthritis, consult a healthcare professional for advice and treatment options.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about properly cleaning and caring for your copper magnet bracelet:
Can I use regular jewelry cleaning solutions on my copper magnet bracelet?
No, it’s not recommended to use regular jewelry cleaning solutions, especially those containing harsh chemicals, on copper bracelets. These solutions can tarnish or damage the copper. Stick to mild soap and warm water for cleaning.
How often should I clean my copper magnet bracelet?
The frequency of cleaning your copper bracelet depends on how often you wear it and your body’s natural oils. Typically, cleaning it every 1-2 weeks is sufficient. However, if you notice tarnishing or a loss of shine, clean it as needed.
Is it necessary to dry the bracelet after cleaning?
Yes, it’s important to dry your copper magnet bracelet thoroughly after cleaning to prevent water spots and tarnishing. Use a soft, clean cloth for this purpose.
Can I wear my copper magnet bracelet while swimming or in the shower?
It’s not recommended to wear your copper magnet bracelet while swimming or in the shower. Submersion in water can potentially damage the magnets and affect the appearance of the copper. Removing the bracelet before these activities is advisable.
How do I deal with tarnish or patina on my copper bracelet?
If you prefer the natural patina that develops on copper, simply use a soft cloth to wipe away any smudges or fingerprints. If you want to restore a shiny finish, consider using a copper-specific polishing cloth or a vinegar and salt mixture.
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darklinaforever · 10 days
Love how the cat king says “I don’t see the harm in one little spell.” About the bracelet and then is the cause of the gang being almost killed by a witch, Charles having to relive childhood trauma, Edwin going into gay panic, Jenny being attacked by a psychopath, Charles having to literally relive his death, Edwin realizing he's in love with Charles, Monty being “killed”, the boys being almost killed by a mushroom, the boys being almost dragged to their afterlives, Edwin being dragged to hell, Crystal having to fight her abusive ex boyfriend, Edwin confessing his love to Charles, Jenny having to know about ghosts and stuff, Edwin being tortured, and Niko getting killed.
Yes of course... The Cat King is responsible for all the horrible things that happened to the group! Bad faith is powerful here.
Also, just to say...
Edwin and Charles would surely have been found whether they stayed in town or not since they had already been spotted following Charles' possession of Esther. And given the determination of the woman who wanted to find them, believe me she would have done it at one point or another. And she would have made Charles relive his death just as much probably too.
Crystal, for her part, should have fought David whether she was in Port Townsed or not ! I remember that the guy was always on her mind before she went there.
And then, what does the Cat King have to do with the fact that Jenny was almost killed by a psychopath ? This girl literally said she had to start cleaning again before she started trying to kill Jenny, implying that she must have killed other women before. So it probably would have happened to Jenny at some point, whether Niko got involved or not.
And then... Monty is not dead. He was just transformed back into a crow.
And in fact, fortunately the Cat King warned Edwin of the trap of society, so he was at least prepared.
The Cat King is not responsible for Esther's behavior. If Esther tried to kill the group it was purely her fault, that crazy person. And I remind you that the Cat King literally gave crucial information about Esther to Niko and Crystal so that they could save Edwin and Charles with a minimum of success.
The delusion of an event caused by one person who is responsible for everything that follows is a stupid reasoning.
I can do it too ! Look : If Edwin hadn't cast a spell on a cat, the Cat King wouldn't have put the bracelet on him ! So it's all Edwin's fault ! Or again : f Crystal hadn't insisted on going to resolve the case of the disappearance of the little girl kidnapped by Esther while the boys had never practiced outside of London, well none of that would have happened !
And if someone dares to tell me that, yes but Edwin and Crystal did this for good reasons, what do you think the Cat King did ? He simply temporarily punished with a spell, someone who himself cast a spell on one of his cats, one of his subjects / member of his people, by trapping him in turn. Not to mention that Edwin is quite disdainful towards the cat by validating the thought that for him, yes, cats are all alike.
Brief ! In any case, delighted to at least note that this person recognizes that without Cat King there will be no Edwin who admits to being gay and even less confesses to Charles.
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
of course there is a new jewelry to obsess about so i’m here! it’s been a while since i saw something new related to wyb cause it has always been 🦴 and the rest are his chanel stuff. and a bracelet??? a bracelet??? this is a first for me. so i’ve lightly discussed before what we think this is for. i don’t see any closet accounts confirming it yet so we may be wrong. we can’t see it clearly but if it is as significant as we think it is, then it will show up in the future.
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i would imagine there are different meanings to giving someone with obsidian in them but cpfs are more on the positive meaning of it. leaning towards how it is given as protection.
1. Eliminate negative energy: Obsidian’s energy is strong and pure. It is absorbing energy. Wear an obsidian bracelet or pendants can effectively eliminate the harmful substances attached to the wearer's body.prevent interference from surrounding negative energy, and expel bad luck.
2. Remove disease: Obsidian is a naturally occurring black colored gemstone and also relatively absorbent crystal. lAfter wearing it on the body, it can effectively remove the toxins from the human body. The yin and yang energy of the human body reaches a balance, which is beneficial to the health of the human body and healthy development.
3. Restore physical strength: Obsidian can increase the life of the human body and strength, when worn regularly, it can help the human body recover. restores physical strength. it can also relieve the mental stress of the human body. it can also improve people’s sleep quality and have a positive impact on physical health.
4. Protect safety: Obsidian° is a very good body protection and talisman, because it is a spiritual object. Wear it close to your body for a long time, which can increase your own protection. The protection function can also effectively prevent the invasion of external evil spirits.
you get the point, it is for his protection. 🤍
CHROME HEARTS is not new to WYB. he wears a lot from the brand but really more on clothes but not accessories. I’ve seen some photos from before, xz was wearing a particular CH pendant multiple times but none after 2020. so maybe the choice of brand is he knew that WYB likes it and chose from there.
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they are just too sweet 🍬🍭😭😭😭😭
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beautifulbrainrot · 1 year
Heyy! I live for your writing 🤭
I was wondering if you would write maybe like a gn!reader thats a bit weird, artsy and adores spencer. Dresses really colourful, likes crystals, very friendly to the team. DEFO becomes besties with the team ESPECIALLY GARCIA. Manages to make Hotch smile even ( crazy )
Anyways the team starts to notice that spencer comes in with crocheted scarfs and they’re like 🤨 and then he finally introduces the team to his partner. Giving very much golden retriever!reader energy. Theyre all excited and they made everyone presents and Garcia’s like OMG NEW BSF‼️🤞
i’m so glad you like my stuff, i hope this is what you wanted!!
apologies for it being so short, i’m so low in motivation rn 💔
“goodmorning spence! .. that’s a new look!” jj said, tilting her head and smiling at the newest edition to spencer’s look. a purple crotcheted scarf.
“oh! this, yeah my- uh- my girlfriend made it for me!” he smiled rubbing the soft material with his fingers as he thought of you. you had spent hours with your crotchet needles, giggling and refusing to tell him when he asked what you were making.
“girlfriend? you have a girlfriend! since when? why didn’t you tell us!” garcia asked excitedly, running over to spencer’s side to inspect his new scarf.
“woah, this is amazing!! when do i get to meet her!”
“why don’t we have drinks tonight and you can bring her along?” jj suggested, a small smile on her face as she looked at the pure joy and happiness on spencer face as he talked about you.
“yeah! i’ll bring her!” he smiled.
“okay, but what if they don’t like me!!” you worried, clutching spencers arm tightly as you walked with him towards the bar.
“they’ll love you, i promise!” he comforted, leading you inside and towards to the booth where the whole team were sat, chatting amongst themselves.
“hey everyone! this is my girlfriend!” he annonced excitedly. you gave a small wave, your crystal bracelets clinking together on your wrist as your hand moved.
the teams eyes collectively widened as they looked at you, in all your brightly coloured glory.
“i brought presents for you all!” you smilied brightly, holding up the big gift bag full of gifts you had made for them.
garcias eyes lit up immediately, “presents?! and oh, i love your outfit!! and your bracelets, oh i know we’re going to be best friends!!” she grinned, grabbing your free hand and pulling you into the booth next to her.
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Present - D. M. x gn!Reader
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A/N: Have a little Draco fic as a treat 💛 It’s unedited with no use of Y/N
CW: Probably ooc Draco; Draco being a cheesy softie; gift-giving; a bit of arguing; lying; teensy bit of emotional manipulation; Draco’s bad spending habits; ‘I love you’s; fluff
508 words
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“Draco, what is this?”
Your boyfriend looks up from his book, his expression brightening at the sight of you. “It’s your birthday gift, love.”
You’re holding the equivalent of a muggle fortune. A leather bracelet, studded with tiny diamonds and jewels, with a single elegant charm carved out of pure crystal.
You stare at Draco, struggling to wrap your mind around his words. “My… birthday present…?”
He nods and puts down his book. “I had Mother request the goblins to make it, so it won’t ever break. They enchant their crafts, or something.”
He gets up and walks over to you, plucking the bracelet from your hands and unfastening it. He takes your hand, stroking his thumb along your palm as he does so.
You shiver a little at the light touch. “It looks like it cost a fortune.”
Draco blushes a little as he slips the bracelet onto your wrist. “It wasn’t that expensive, darling. Just a month’s worth of allowance.”
You squint suspiciously at him. “A month’s worth? And how much is that?”
He blushes a little more and looks away. “Oh, only about a couple hundred galleons or so. It is dragonhide leather, after all.”
Your jaw drops. “A couple hundred galleons?! Draco Lucius Malfoy!”
He flushes red. “It’s not that big of a deal! Besides…”
He trails off, and you cross your arms. You’re more incredulous than upset, but it still seems like a big deal.
“…You’re worth all the galleons in the world.”
This makes you pause. You stare at him, inwardly melting at the cheesy but clearly genuine words. Finally, you sigh and look down.
“I love you.”
He smiles and moves to speak, but you hold up a hand. “I love you, but you have to stop spending your money on me.”
He shifts from foot to foot. “Okay.”
You give him a suspicious look. He flushes a bit. An instant tell.
“You’re just gonna spend the money on me and not tell me, aren’t you?”
“I can’t help it,” he says defensively. “I see things I think you’d like and well, they don’t cost that much, so I have to get them for you.”
“It’s several hundred galleons!”
He wilts a little and gives you a sad look. “But you like it, right?”
You bite your tongue and look down at the bracelet. It’s quite charming, if you’re being honest. And the sentiment behind it is quite sweet.
After a moment, you sigh. “Of course I like it, Draco. I just wish you’d spend your money on better things.”
He leans in to give you a kiss, his words firm and unwavering. “There’s nothing better than you, my love.”
His words make you melt a bit, and you accept the kiss. It’s soft and sweet. Almost enough to make you forget about being frustrated in the first place.
“You, Draco Malfoy,” you say, taking his hands in yours. “are ridiculously cheesy. But I love you for it.”
He grins and gives you another kiss. “I love you too.”
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Event: Christmas gift, future sight.{Bad ending}
(TW: suicide(mention), abuse, insanity, bullying(mention), terrorism, children being married to other children at a young age(mention), teen pregnancy(mention), murder, quick mentions of rapists and attempted drugging. You have been warned)
You woke up in a giant garden. A lot of pretty but creepy flowers decorated the garden. You landed in front of shrines. There were 12 of them with some items that were placed in front of them on a fancy velvet black pillow.
Shimizu Nijiue: Died from drowning during her execution. She tried to be the perfect mastermind to please Team Danganropa and protect her little siblings. She had a bowl of crystal clear water with a Nymphaea Caerulea on the water, and a small wooden figure of an accurate  Greek siren. Died at the age of 16.
Irofuka Nijiue: Died from being burned alive alongside his love, Yolei Aisei, during his execution. He died, leaving a baby girl behind. A Serial Killer disguised as a butler. Would have been a wonderful father if he lived past the age of 16. He had a black and red rose, a duster, and a bottle of deadly nightshade on the pillow.
Yolei Aisei: Died from being burned to death alongside her love, Irofuka Nijiue, during his execution. A spree killer who had been enslaved and raped at a young age after her parents’ death, soon took revenge on her former master and swore to kill all rapists and child abusers before she died. Would have been a wonderful mother if she had lived past the age of 16. There was a book called “A Thorough Investigation of Genocide Jack”, a black and red rose, and a crow plushie on her pillow.
Chitaki Nijiue: Died being ripped apart during her execution. Lost her mind from the abuse that was given to her by Team Danganronpa and fell for a man who just toyed with her emotions out of pure curiosity. Was a great doctor at the age of 13, a lovesick killer and mastermind who died at the age of 16. She had a bottle full of a drag she had made to speed up blood production, a needle, and a sage flower.
Kanto Nijiue: Beaten to death during his execution. Found out to be one of the masterminds and sent himself off to his execution, apologizing for putting them in a killing game against their will. He was an amazing brother and friend to many, even loved by the killing game participants who were supposed to hate him. He had coloured bandages, a bracelet with the words “Lil Bro'' on a boxing glove charm, and a gladious on the pillow
Iroryuko Nijiue: overdosed on 50 bottles of vitamins, committing suicide. Bullied at a young age due to his father’s past and actions. He committed suicide after his twin brother’s execution. There was a Gladiolus Flanaganii which is also called “Suicide Lily”, a pair of sunglasses that looks like Hajime Makunouchi’s sunglasses, and a bracelet with the words “Big Bro” on a boxing glove charm on the pillow.
Iroha Nijiue: Suicide, hanged herself to death. She was a wonderful sister, a wonderful mother, and a wonderful painter. She will be missed by so so many, and I am sorry, dear mother. I’m sorry for not saving you and for existing, please forgive me. The pillow had a purple hyacinth, a white Carnation, and an Okoden(a money offering) of 132,765,000.00 Japanese Yen(a million us dollars).
The rest were Iroha's older siblings and parents. It states that whoever made the shrines didn’t know the siblings but put money, their favourite food, and white lilies on their pillows. Iroha’s parents got only orange lilies, a message to the dead parents saying “Fuck you”, and a bloody dagger that might have been used to kill said, parents. It was clear that the meaning of the orange lilies in this situation aren’t positive.
You noticed the ground near a trash can with rotten food and dead flowers in it was wet. You looked around to see a 16-year-old girl sleeping in a bunch of flower beds of beautiful but creepy flowers. She had long, messy, orange hair; tired eyebags, Iroha’s fair skin tone, a Hope’s Peak Academy uniform jacket on her shoulders; a black dress that looks like a funeral dress and a ball gown at the same time, made from satin. She had a silver crown with a black veil covering her face, just enough for her face to be seen from up close, but covered when far away. She looks to be in distress, a nightmare instead of a dream. She kinda reminds you of Irohana Nijiue.
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astrasae · 1 year
Sully kids with human gf!
- featuring: Lo’ak, Neteyam, Kiri.
- warnings: none. pure fluff.
- wc: 565
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He is really gentle with you. Always checking on you after running or jumping somewhere. He gets really worried when you fell tho.
Making you jewelrys with his own hands.
Him teaching you Na’vi, and you teaching him English.
You teaching him how to play a guitar. But since his hands are too big, it always causes a problem.
“Ughh, you play it. I can’t get the notes right.” He says, annoyed bcs he can’t play. I take the guitar from him and start to play my favorite song.
He always gets amazed when I play. “You are really good at that, Syulang.” He says looking at me. I giggle at his cuteness. “Thank you love.” I say.
He takes you to watch the stars come out.
He takes you to fly with his ikran. Slow of course, not to fast. He is scared that you will fall.
Always holding your thighs while flying.
Him teaching you Na’vi dances, so you guys can both dance together at festivals.
He lets you braid his hair. Because he enjoys ur fingers on his hair. It gives him comfort.
He gives you the biggest hugs when you are unhappy.
Cuddling. Like a lot. Him being the big spoon. You falling asleep on his chest. His hand around ur waist.
He loves to take you to his favorite spots.
He talks to his siblings about you.
He sneaks out of his hut, to come to your room and sleep with you.
He never lets anyone say bad things about you.
He is really gentle with you too. Like really gentle. Never raises his voice at you. Never hisses to you. He only hisses playfully.
Him teaching you how to hunt. How to catch a fish.
You reading him books you love that are from earth. He always listens carefully.
He wakes you up before 12pm so guys can have breakfast together.
He gets worried so much when you get sick.
“Do you need something, like hot tea? Fruits? Medicine? I can get some medicine from my grandmother.”
Always keeping somethin with him that belongs to you. Bcs he misses you so much when he is on missions.
He is really interested in human biology. So he sometimes asks Norm about things that he is curious about.
“So you humans bleed down there..?”
“Neteyam where tf did you learn that?!”
He lets you style and braid his hair. He really enjoys it.
He holds you close when you wake up from a nightmare.
Always protects you. Always stands up for you.
She really adores you. I mean, she is really in love with you.
She loves taking you to explore and walk around the forest.
She calls you Cutie, Honey, Darling…
You call her Baby, Sweatheart, Love…
She makes you really delicious fruit bowls.
You guys love painting together. Sometimes Tuk will join too!
And you guys love singing together.
Always wants you to be safe.
She makes you bracelets or necklaceses whenever she is bored.
She likes cuddling so much! So she’s always the big spoon. You really like holding eachother close.
She loves talking about crystals. And knows so many things. Meanings, benefits, how to use them…
You guys fall asleep on the grass, the grass dancing around you.
She loves plants! She talks about plants with you. And you always listening to her. She knows everything about plants.
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a/n: hi guys!! I’m here with a new post. I hope all of you to like it. Enjoy reading! Let me know if there’s any mistakes!
Syulang: flower.
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One of my biggest problem with MK1 is that it took Bi han’s iconic blue eyes from him to make he seem more human
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So this is what he ended up looking like which isn’t half bad but he still would have looked better with blue eyes but then they released an ice skin for christmas which gave me a great hc
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Since we know from previous games that cryomancers especially mixed blood cryomancers starts developing their cryomancy as they get older and more experienced with their skills so what if the effect of their developing cryomancy physically alter their bodies as they get older. Like it starts with just their eyes getting more blue and then turning lighter shades of blue as the years go on, thier hair turns pure white rather than going grey, their skin get paler and develop an almost translucent sheen to it but by far my favourite hc is that every cryomancer has a different and unique showflake design that shows up in their eyes when they use their power, also their eyes glow an electic sort of blue when they are using their powers or if they are in a dark room.
I love the idea that the cryomancers parthers(Sareena,Johnny,Hanzo and Casssie) are all in love with the unique snowflake pattern in their respective partners eyes as for them it looks like the most beautiful design in the world and they carry the patterns with them in someway as a reminder of their love for their partners
Johnny and Sareena have silver necklaces with the snowflake pattern of Bi han’s eye as the charm, Hanzo has Kuai liang’s snowflake carved on the hilt of his sword and Cassie has a small blue crystal charm of frost snowflake that she wears in her charm bracelet. The cryomancer trio are aware of this and are honestly a bit embarrassed about how much their partners adore their inhuman traits since I believe it was a cause of shame for them once upon a time about how none of them can ever be full human.
yet another reason to dislike mk1
But that's also such a cute hc and I'm adopting it immediately if you don't mind sharing.
I do feel like when Kuai Liang found out that Hanzo had carved the design into the hilt of his katana be's was speechless bc he knows how much Hanzo values his weapon and how loath he is to change any part about it
Johnny and Sareena got Bi-Han a necklace too but he won't tell anyone what the charm is
Cassie also gets the snowflake etched into her gear so that she has the symbol on her whenever she can't wear her bracelet, to keep her safe in battle. Frost can't help but hug her every time she sees it bc she's still not used to ppl loving her that much
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#vintage #Jewelry
👇 😍 #Juliana genuine and tested
Retail 👇 @chairishco
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#julian 🗓️
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Pay le💰 💰
5️⃣1️⃣.17grams 🏄🏽‍♂️ pure #14k #gold
Click the pic 👇🖱️ @starbucks @fashion @jewelry
Or pay retail price
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@glycinewatch-blog @goldjewellerybuyer-blog
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@desertrosetrading @gemstone-network @gemstonemega-blog-blog-blog @psychicnecknerdlamp @gemstonejewelrylovers-blog
#hessonite #garnet #red #diamond
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Wifi my beloved I have another idea 🤲
Bless the anon that said Legacy would collect stones and rocks and sea shells cause i present to you
Jewel maker! S/o
Hhhh it's such a neat concept I brainstormed a little
From the back of Ajax's mind, Legacy has long been familiarised with your jewellery shop. It's small and tucked in a cozy little corner of Liyue. You make everything by hand, spending hours and hours molding wire and metal (??) into pretty shapes. Unfortunately, that leaves you with very little time to go out and find the best materials yourself, something Legacy's instincts say is very important, so you most likely buy the materials you need.
Nuh uh. Not on Legacy's watch.
He goes out and finds the prettiest crystals and gems and what he recognises as the rough materials of what you use to make your jewellery, just to see the way your eyes light up in shock, then delight.
Now I can't help but wonder what jewellery you'd make for him and Ajax. 👀 Like imagine how pretty moth would be with his armor adorned by gold and glittery jewels, as ethereal as dangerous... And childe deciding that, oh, you gifted him something you made with your own hands? Oh he's never taking it off that's for sure.
(Also imagine proposing to Ajax and Legacy instead of the opposite sksksksk)
oooHHHHH this is so!! cute!!!! i'm a lover of unique pretty jewelry so this is right up my alley :D
Legacy also knows how exhausting your work is, spending hours squinting at tiny, shining components to craft the perfect pieces for your customers. on good days, you're merely fatigued- on bad days, your head thuds with pain and your eyes hurt so much that you can barely see. so your Abyssal moth monster sneaks out while you're at work, searching high and low for all that glitters, every type of rock and stone that you can use in your art. he's not alone- Zhongli usually tags along with him, showing Legacy how to identify the highest quality crystal and cor lapis, occasionally even bringing along the mischievous funeral parlor director, who's all the happier to hang around an intimidating-looking Abyss creature. sometimes Legacy feels the presence of an adeptus or two, the amber he finds unusually pure and vibrant, even glimpsing the far-off aura of the Conqueror of Demons, watching him from far away, and Legacy happily ambles back to your shop at the end of the day, arms full of rough gemstones
you blink in surprise when Foul Legacy pushes the door open and deposits the jewels on your workbench, after he's sure you've put all your tools away. he chirps proudly, rolling a chunk towards you to inspect, and after a moment of shock your face splits into a delighted grin, flinging your arms around Legacy as he rumbles joyfully. you're sure to base some of your next collections off of him, incorporating elegant moth-ish patterns with a splash of stars here and there, gold and silver and deep, rich hues. he trills in delight when he sees the bracelets, necklaces, and earrings you've made, watching you design them from over your shoulder, occasionally nudging your cheek to remind you to rest. his claws wrapped around you give you the perfect opportunity to measure them, discern his ring size so you can make measurements for the sketch on the very last page of your notebook, a custom pair of rings etched with stars, one smaller than the other- one for Ajax, and one for Foul Legacy- for when you finally work up the courage to propose
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copperproduct · 11 months
How to Use Crystal Bracelets for Stress Relief and Relaxation
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Crystal bracelets have gained popularity as a holistic approach to stress relief and relaxation. These beautiful accessories are believed to carry the healing energy of crystals and gemstones, providing a calming effect on the wearer. In this blog post, we will explore how to use crystal bracelets for stress relief and relaxation. Whether you’re a man or a woman, seeking pure crystal bracelets or specific stones like moonstone, these tips will help you make the most of their potential.
Choosing the Right Crystal Bracelet:
When selecting a crystal bracelet, consider your specific needs and preferences. Explore different crystal options such as amethyst, rose quartz, or moonstone. Each crystal carries its unique energy and properties, so choose the one that resonates with you the most. If you’re looking for a pure crystal bracelet, opt for clear quartz, which amplifies the energy of other crystals and promotes balance.
Cleansing and Charging:
Before using your crystal bracelet, it’s essential to cleanse and charge it. Crystals can absorb negative energies over time, so start by rinsing it under running water to remove any impurities. Then, you can charge the bracelet by placing it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours, allowing the crystal to absorb positive energy.
Setting an Intention:
To enhance the effectiveness of your crystal bracelet, set a clear intention for its use. Take a moment to reflect on what you hope to achieve—whether it’s stress relief, relaxation, or emotional balance. Visualize this intention as you hold the bracelet in your hands, infusing it with your positive energy and purpose.
Wearing the Crystal Bracelet:
Once cleansed, charged, and infused with your intention, wear the crystal bracelet on your wrist. Allow the crystal’s energy to flow through you, promoting a sense of calmness and tranquility. As you go about your day, keep your intention in mind and trust in the power of the crystal to support your well-being.
Mindful Breathing and Meditation:
Combine the benefits of crystal bracelet with mindful breathing and meditation practices. Take a few moments each day to focus on your breath, allowing it to anchor you in the present moment. As you breathe in, imagine the crystal’s energy entering your body, and as you exhale, release any tension or stress. Visualize the crystal’s healing energy spreading throughout your entire being, bringing relaxation and harmony.
 Self-Care Rituals:
Incorporate your crystal bracelet into self-care rituals to enhance their effects. You can create a peaceful environment by lighting candles, playing soft music, or practicing aromatherapy. Engage in activities like yoga, journaling, or taking a soothing bath while wearing your crystal bracelet. These rituals will deepen your connection with the crystal’s energy bracelet and amplify its stress-relieving properties.
Crystal bracelets can be valuable tools for stress relief and relaxation. By selecting the right crystal, setting an intention, and incorporating mindful practices into your routine, you can harness the energy of these beautiful accessories. Whether you prefer a crystal bracelet for men, or women, or specific stones like moonstone, the power of crystals can support your well-being and promote a sense of calm in your daily life. Embrace the beauty and energy of crystal bracelets to find balance, relaxation, and inner peace.
Q1: What are crystal bracelets?
Crystal bracelets are accessories made with gemstones and crystals that are believed to carry healing energy. They are worn on the wrist and are commonly used for various purposes, including stress relief and relaxation.
Q2: How do crystal bracelets help with stress relief and relaxation?
Crystal bracelets are believed to emit positive energy that can help balance and align the body and mind. Different crystals have unique properties and energies that can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and bring about a sense of calmness and tranquility.
Q3: How do I choose the right crystal bracelet for stress relief?
When selecting a crystal bracelet, it’s essential to consider your personal preferences and the specific properties of the crystals. Some popular crystals for stress relief and relaxation include amethyst, rose quartz, and clear quartz. Choose a crystal that resonates with you and aligns with your intention for stress relief.
Q4: How do I cleanse and charge my crystal bracelet?
To cleanse your crystal bracelet, you can rinse it under running water or leave it in a bowl of saltwater for a few hours. After cleansing, you can change the bracelet by placing it in sunlight or moonlight for several hours. This process helps clear any negative energies and reenergize the crystals.
Q5: How do I set an intention for my crystal bracelet?
Setting an intention involves focusing your thoughts and energy on a specific purpose or desired outcome. Before wearing your crystal bracelet, take a moment to reflect on what you hope to achieve, such as stress relief or relaxation. Hold the bracelet in your hands, visualize your intention, and infuse the crystal with your positive energy.
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valkariel · 6 months
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Little Black Bow
Revisited Patrician with the original intent of savant shoes with patrician gloves. I like how the scallop detail of the leg item just peeks out above the top of the shoe's sock detail. I wasn't sure which of the hats I liked, but ended up with the songbird set's hat just for extra visual space in the head area. The YoRHa hat has a black stripe that echoes nicely with the shoes, but it is a smaller hat.
Head: Songbird Hat - pure white Body: Songbird Jacket - default Hands: Patrician's Gloves - default Legs: Edenmorn Chausses of Healing - soot black Feet: Virtu Savant's Boots - pure white
Alt Head: YoRHa Type-51 Cap of Healing | Loyal Housemaid's Brim | Valentione Rose RIbboned Hat | Frontier Ribbon
Earring: Pearl Earrings Neck: The Emperor's New Necklace Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Diadochos Codex Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Mount: -- Location: #SomerStudios - "3 Sets In One" - Crystal/Malboro Mist W2 Subdivision Topmast Apt 61
Shader: Faeberry Bloom
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ask-healthy-light · 7 months
Since everybody had spent so much of their energy battling their exhaustion, fighting to stay awake to help others, not a single being that had fallen asleep late at night woke up until the Sun risen far over the Mountain; and even as the first beings woke up, got out of bed, and cleaned themselves to head to the Lower Hall, there were others, such as Light, Nox, and Luna, who continued to sleep.
Eventually, when the Pink Pup did wake up, it gently started nudging Its snout against Luna's side, and licked her face until she opened her eyes a few moments later, before it leapt off the bed, and wandered over to the door; and Luna stretched, and slowly walked over to open the door for the Pup, asking It to stay safe as It did Its business, before she, too, cleaned herself, and left her room.
Though there was little that she craved more than something warm to drink, Luna wanted to make sure that Nox and Light had both woken up as well, so she went to their rooms to check up on them before she headed downstairs; luckily for her, though not so much for Nox and Light, they had already been awake for some time, and they were still absolutely exhausted, even after they got plenty of sleep.
But when Luna knocked on their doors and asked them to join her downstairs, to her relief, both Nox and Light agreed with small smiles on their faces, and asked Luna for a moment to ready themselves; and the trio went downstairs not long after, where Celestia, Eclipse, and Spike had already started to make breakfast, and placed a few cups of coffee on the table when the three entered the kitchen.
Their smiles brightened when they took the cups, and thanked the others for helping out so early in the morning, to which they merely chuckled quietly, before they told Nox, Light, and Luna that they were later than usual, yet still not as late as the Crystal Royals; but they made sure to keep some fresh coffee ready for them as well, as they figured both Cadance and Shining had had a long night.
With a quick and knowing glance to each other, Luna and Nox let out deep sighs, and told the others that they had no idea how long and tough it really had been for them; but before either Celestia or Eclipse could ask them what they meant, Luna added that they had a pretty good idea on how to solve that which had been tormenting them for so long, though they had not yet received any confirmation.
To this, Light nodded, and said that they hoped their mutual friend in the Dragon Lands would write back to them soon, as they had a feeling he was glad to help them get rid of this threat, as it was one with which both he and the Two Sisters were very familiar; but until Boom wrote back to them to answer their questions, Light admitted they should not make assumptions based on loose connections.
But at that moment, the sound of cheerful giggling echoed through the entire Palace, and infectious laughter made everyone smile as they all knew who was approaching, until the smile faded from Nox's face, and she dropped her mug as she flew of out the kitchen; but it took a while for the others to realise what would happen if the Young Princess got too close, until they followed Nox to help her.
Fortunately, Nox caught up with Flurry Heart mere moments before she got too close to the Hall, and the aura of the pure crystal bracelet therein, for when the Young Princess made it halfway down the stairs, she felt her wings seize up; but Nox had anticipated this, and a split second after her own magic faded did she turn around to catch Flurry in her arms before she fell far, and softly landed.
To her immense relief, as well as that of the others who arrived a moment later, Flurry was unhurt, but it was clear she was terribly confused and rather upset at being unable to use either her wings or her magic; but as Flurry started babbling loudly and gesturing wildly in her arms, Nox nodded to the others with a smile, before she got up to bring the Princess to the kitchen for a little snack.
As she walked past the others, she whispered:
"Make sure to keep an eye out for Young Princess Twila, too…"
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
Send an ask or request! | Start at the beginning! | Next part!
Featuring: Nox Lunarwing from @nox-lunarwing Solar Eclipse and Twilight Sparkle as Twilight Eclipse from @asktwilighteclipse
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rxttenslutcemeterysys · 6 months
Things we've consumed but probably shouldn't have, but it rapidly gets worse the longer you go down the list;
tree bark
wild mushrooms
pillow stuffing
raw foods like onions
straight up just pure seasoning
bracelet beads and string
bracelet/jewelry charms
lollipop sticks
candy wrapping
whole and pieces of pencils
pencil lead
pen ink
sharp metals
sharp plastic
animal bones
plastic in general
flesh and scabs
rat posion
tide pods
hand sanitizer
raw meat
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popatochisssp · 8 months
Aesthetics Ref - A Bros
Nickname: Xanth (A!Sans)
Height: 4” taller than you (OR 5’3”)
Eye-lights: Sky blue (#87CEEB) with flecks of xanthic yellow (#EEED09)
Magic Specialty: Yellow, cyan, green
Scars/distinguishing marks:  Frozen open right eye-socket, the black inside replaced with pure yellow magic (usually covered with an eye-patch), loose stardust-clouds of yellow magic also replacing a slash of his throat, a starburst in the middle of his sternum, the middle of both forearms, and a line from the top of his ilium to the top of his femur
Preferred Style: Sporty boho, very freeform, eclectic and organic but with a grounding touch of athletic utility. He’s a little more willing to show off some bone and less concerned with appearing put together and sensible than he used to be and it comes together into something a little slapdash, a bit casual, but as a whole both comfortable and fun. Tends towards greens and yellows and blues still, but more open to beiges and browns and tans as well.
Outerwear: Occasional cardigans, kimono-style (or similar) shrugs, maybe a light poncho or two tucked away somewhere, but mostly prefers to go without outerwear entirely. Overalls may make an appearance now and then
Top: Graphic tees, athletic tanks, tank tops of just about any kind, but a preference for scoop or square necklines to let his collarbone breathe (…well, as much as it can with his scarf in the way, at least)
Bottom: Basketball shorts, sweatpants, cinch-leg pants, the odd pair of harem pants here and there, loosely fitting and usually torn up jeans
Footwear: Running/walking shoes, sandals (little preference as long as they’re durable, flipflops need not apply), sometimes boots but practical and the amount of heel is not a concern
Trademark accessory/accessories: Between a few things, his distinctive square eye-patch, his well-loved blue scarf, and his heavily adorned forearms—wrapped with bandages (to keep the purely magic bits [literally] under wraps) and decorated with a variety of leather and beaded bracelets, some of which have meaning to him and some he just thinks look cool
Nickname: Piper (A!Papyrus)
Height: 1’4” taller than you (OR 6’3”)
Eye-lights: None (magic otherwise manifests cerulean blue [#007BA7], with threaded streaks of xanthic yellow [#EEED09])
Magic Specialty: Blue, yellow, cyan
Scars/distinguishing marks: A slice of yellow across his cervical vertebrae, a similarly yellow (skeletal) handprint wrapped around his right humerus
Preferred Style: Candy-colored classic, very into a sleek and sophisticated style, the kind to get you on the cover of a GQ magazine, but unafraid of bright and vibrant color to stand out. Amaranth, turquoise, lavender, and lemon, often paired with black or white for a more dramatic pop, he tends not to spare expenses for quality and has a well-cultivated wardrobe for a variety of classy modern looks.
Outerwear: Blazers, fitted, with the occasional overcoat for fancier (or colder) occasions
Top: Button shirts and sweaters, sometimes worn together and sometimes separately. Cashmere and wool are favorites of his for sweaters, either turtleneck or v-neck with no in-between (he prefers to keep his ‘slit’ throat covered, but if that’s not an option he’ll bare it as an accessory). Some simple shirts in linen and cotton for warmer weather, as well a few old t-shirts kept for sentimental value that he wears around the house or when he expects he might get dirty
Bottom: Slacks, some pressed, but all slim-fitting to highlight his length of leg
Footwear: Dress shoes and boots, most fond of chukka boots but certainly has a shoe for just about any occasion
Trademark accessory/accessories: Wears a variety of necklaces, mostly layered chains (gold to match his neck), but some with crystal or stone pendants if they happen to coordinate well with his outfit
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k-dokja · 2 years
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Relationship & Courting | Questions | It's me, the provider of my own content again. Again, this is written with the knowledge of Heavensward Alphinaud. I'll change should he change in the future, but I don't think that's the case at the moment.
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♥ Do they seek out love or let it find the? Are they even interested in romance?
Let it find him. While the young Alphinaud has gone out to achieve a number of accomplishments to impress girls, he's nowhere near desperate for affection. A lot of his flirtation is an extension of his polite and charming personality, not meaningful attraction.
After spending so many of his younger years indulging in frivolities, he's now content to wait for the moment love comes to him. He has no opposition to it, in fact, he will pursue it if he ought to chance upon the person of his dream.
His own parents nurture a harmonious and loving marriage despite their difference, it is what Alphinaud also wants for himself.
♥  When they have a crush on someone, how do they let them know?
Depending on where he's at in his life. If he's caught up in the Scions business, helping the Warrior of Light save the world, then he has every reservation to be more subtle about it.
He often spends a lot of his downtime around his beloved, even if he has to go out of his way to be by their side. Alphinaud prides himself on his own intellect, but their opinion is always one he holds in high regard. He likes to relay the events of his days to them and ask them for their opinions, even if they don't match his own.
Then there comes the gifts, little trinkets that he thinks they would fancy. A ribbon, a bracelet, or even his own drawing of them. Whatever would bring a smile to their face and make them look at him with affection.
He's also less reserved about his touches. Nothing beyond what decorum dictates, but he stays close to them. His gentlemanly behaviour cranks to the max specifically for them. There are times when he touches their shoulder or elbow, and he smiles far more often at them.
♥ Do they spend a lot of time in the courting stage or attempt to get to first base as fast as possible?
And of course, it's courting for Alphinaud. He's too well-mannered for otherwise. There'd be a lot of walks, tea times together, and meaningful glances from across the room. Even if he has thought of their wedding long beforehand, he takes it slow and measured.
Like my friend said, always a planner, that one. It'd be a while before he puts his affection into words, but his affection has been crystal clear long before then. After all, when he cradles their face and looks upon them with such affection, who can deny the fact that Alphinaud Leveilleur is hopelessly, unmistakably in love?
♥ Do they make an effort to find someone with similar views, be they political or moral?
Seeing that his parents have minimal issues despite their opposing views in politics, Alphinaud can see that he's able to enter a marriage with such compromise, even if it's not preferred. Albeit should be one where they don't actively conflict with each other, since it'd be stressful for the household in the long run.
The moral is another matter, however. He cannot be with anyone who wishes malicious harm to others. It's simply the opposition to his entire being and the people he loves. In fact, those with a big heart who cares for others around them are indefinitely more attractive in his eyes.
He wants a partner in a relationship, who can challenge his views and support him when necessary, not constant arguments over matters that crack the foundation of their relationship.
♥ Do they seek to find a partner purely to further the bloodline and name, is it for true love, or is it for pleasure alone?
He'd be lying if he says he doesn't feel the pressure to further the Leveilleur bloodline. However, he'd not marry simply for that, as his own parents and even his grandparents before them have found a love of their own.
Alphinaud is a romantic at heart, even if he tries to be otherwise. He can marry for pragmatic purposes, but his idealism always pushes him to get both that and love.
♥ Do they sleep in the same bed/room as much as they can or do they sleep separately?
Same bedroom. It's the best way to his day, wrapped up under the blanket with his beloved as he falls asleep. He often has to travel for the Scions business, which makes him crave their presence during long trips. While it is a downside to his lifestyle, it also makes him appreciate the time he has with them much more.
♥ Do they make it a point to eat at least one meal a day together with their partner, or do they do as they please?
Absolutely. If he doesn't have to be away, he wants to be close if possible. He likes to hear them talk about their days and distract him from the constant worrying about the Scions. Not simply the meals, he also likes to spend time sitting with them by the fire afterwards, enjoying each other's company no matter what they're doing.
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