#probably my grandfather
doomed-jester · 1 year
Don't get me wrong, playing God of War: Ragnarök and I love it but... I REALLY wish the fanbase talked more about the older games!! It feels like the whole classic era got swept under the rug so we could focus on the new games.
Is there a tag for the older GoW stuff so I can find content relating to that era SPECIFICALLY? I dig the Greek stuff!!
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writer-room · 8 months
Obsessed with Lloyd never mentioning his grandfather is the First Spinjitsu Master, apparently to the point even Arin didn't seem to know, because "eh, it never came up". Cause like, yeah, sure, my grandfather is God, what of it? Normal day for me. Shit happens. My dad is also evil, you wanna talk about that? I sure don't.
It's also funny from a character arc perspective. Here's itty bitty baby first season Lloyd, loudly proclaiming he's the son of Garmadon, and probably also making sure everyone knows he's God part 3 electric boogaloo. And then one Tomorrow's Tea and a few more years later and he's doing everything physically possible to NOT care about his heritage. In fact he'd probably rather his parentage was literally anyone else. Dude could care so less he forgets about it most of the time. King behavior.
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kibutsulove · 2 months
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Alexa please play daddy’s home by usher
this one’s for you @ozais-lobotomist
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soapywankenopy · 9 days
I really do hate when people ship the doctor with his/their companions
Ik the literal writers do it all the time so it's baked in
Doesn't mean I hate it any less
Especially when it's 12 and Clara
It's so icky I hate it
Honestly my only major exception is 12 and River, I feel like there was still a major power imbalance and the Doctor's relationship with River was super messed up anyway but 12 and River were actually really cute and had good chemistry.
Sorry for the mini rant but you should expect this of me by now
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stateofdreaming14 · 22 days
Me explaining why the winking lady at the end of The Church On Ruby Road is Susan, Susan Twist is the one who waited, and Ruby is their love child
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vixscribs · 2 months
despite benrook being a decently popular ship I can't seem to get behind a lot of fan content I see. Those are coworkers. There's no way they're snuggling and shit that's highly unprofessional.
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oh-great-authoress · 11 months
On the verge of posting a treatise on how Val Kilmer was not “hard to work with”, most of his directors just didn’t understand the thought process of a classically trained actor, and I need an ✨enabler✨.
Reblog if you want it…
Edit: The essay has now been published; look for it in the reblogs!
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townie-trait · 2 months
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Breaking! Local 28 year old man not in employment, education, or training.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
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confidence alive
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doveshovel · 1 month
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Hunter if he were a horse :)
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eldrtchmn · 5 months
...3, 2, 1 personal rant incoming
(it's depressing I'm sorry)
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dontbooatme · 1 year
Danny and Eri are biologically siblings.
Danny was taken in by their grandfather first and met Eri later. He was born quirkless. Though circumstances of him being separated from his and Eri's parents would've been different, in this au there wouldn't have been much love lost after what happened to their dad when Eri's quirk manifested. Maybe it was bias about him being quirkless, maybe their parents weren't that great anyway in any circumstance. No matter what child they tried to raise. But either way he ends up in his grandfather's care shortly before Eri's born. And they meet for the first time after Eri's quirk manifests.
By the time Overhaul is ready to start his experiments with Eri, he knows Danny is going to be a problem. He resolves to send the kid away once he gains control over the Yakuza.
He sends him to the Fentons. Maybe under the guise of a mentorship, maybe the excuse is that it's about showing Danny the ropes. Teaching him how to secure deals and establish good relations with potential assets. ie. The Fentons and their work with portals.
Danny knows something is wrong. He doesn't get more than a few brief calls with Eri per month. Though their relationship was only just starting to build up into something more familiar and less like strangers when he was sent away, he knows something is wrong. It's gut instinct. A sickness in his stomach that builds with every call.
He's just starting to try reasoning with Kai, or, he guesses, with Overhaul. He wants to go home. He wants to see Eri face to face and make sure she's safe, and as happy as the man claims she is.
He never gets the chance.
That's when he has his accident with the portal.
Fast forward to after Eri is rescued. And she brings up Danny to Aizawa. It's quiet. Hesitant. One more request for help after the first one, which was already difficult enough for her. But she does it anyway.
Only problem. Danny is stuck in his ghost form. He has no memories. And believes he's a full ghost.
Or maybe he has just enough memories to make him believe the newly diseased Fenton's were his family.
His human form isn't exactly in stasis while he's Phantom. The effects of neglecting his human form happen much, much slower. But they do happen. His human body starts to lose it's energy, starts to starve, starts to whither. And as his human form creeps closer and closer to death, his ghost form gets that little bit stronger.
Meaning the mission to find Danny has a time limit the heroes don't know about.
And without his memories, Danny himself is their biggest obstacle in his own rescue.
While Aizawa and the rest of the heroes search for this mysterious brother, Danny is trying to solve a mystery of his own. The mystery of what caused the portal to malfunction. The mystery of how he died. The mystery of how his family died. The mystery of why he was the only one to come back.
The mystery of his sister. Of Eri Jazz.
His investigation ultimately leads him to Overhaul when he finally finds out just who caused the accident. The only problem? The man is in prison.
I don't exactly have all the kinks worked out with this. Like why Overhaul goes straight to attempted murder over a kid who doesn't have powers. Maybe to prove his resolve. Maybe he underestimated how close the two siblings could've been in the limited time they knew each other. Maybe Danny was the only one who could've threatened his claim as a leader of the Yakuza. And when he was originally sent away, his death was faked, unbeknownst to Danny. And he'd told Eri Danny was sent away for his own protection from members of the Yakuza. Protection that could be revoked at any time. I don't know yet.
But I do like the irony of Overhaul being responsible for giving a quirkless kid powers.
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directactionforhope · 4 months
Example Submitted Post
No more kids with cancer: Clean up the Santa Susana Field Lab
Video: A Change.org-made feature video explaining the situation and the story of the organization's founder, whose daughter got cancer.
From the organizers:
"Sign to demand that California's EPA and the Dept. of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) enforce the AOC cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Lab and prevent any more children from getting cancer...
My daughter’s childhood was stolen from her, and it haunts me to know her cancer might have been avoidable.
She, like [dozens of other] children, grew up within 20 miles the Santa Susana Field Lab, land which was developed in the 1940s to conduct rocket engine tests and secret nuclear research. In 1959 an uncontained partial meltdown of a sodium reactor caused such a devastating radiation leak that many consider it to be the worst nuclear disaster in U.S. history – and it was completely covered up for years.
Our community has up to 60% higher cancer rates, 20% higher invasive breast cancer rates, and we have the reports to prove it. It is the Department of Toxic Substance Control’s job to clean up this mess. They know our children are sick and dying, but they aren’t taking any meaningful action against those who own the land – Boeing, NASA and the Department of Energy.
The Woolsey Fire, which began on Santa Susana Field Lab, may have exposed millions of people in Southern California to the chemical and radioactive waste from the site, via ash and smoke. It proved once again that we will not be safe until the site is 100% cleaned up."
Action Type: Petition
Source organization: Parents Against Santa Susanna Field Laboratory
Where: Southern California, specifically western Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks, Chatsworth, and anything between those areas.
In person or virtual: Virtual. You can sign from anywhere, especially in the United States.
Time/date range: Petition started in 2017, ongoing, because Boeing is refusing to comply with the required cleanup plan they signed.
Here's the link again!
Anything else: This nuclear meltdown is the reason my grandfather died young of cancer. It's the reason 6+ members of my family are at lifelong elevated cancer risk, me included.
Everyone who has lived in this region, which includes a large area of Los Angeles, needs elevated levels of cancer screenings, especially for children, yet basically no one knows that.
(More on this here, if you're from any of the cities I listed PLEASE look into this and talk to your doctor about increased cancer screenings asap!)
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Unfortunately just a doodle today. Lots of stuff to do and am very tired lol.
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roguelov · 9 months
Mom: Could you sit with your grandfather for a bit later on?
Me: I mean yeah I could but like it’s going to be awkwardly silent (mainly because I suck at conversations)
Mom: Well show him what you do on your iPad! He loved to paint!
*Me immediately remembering my spicy Dream art that I’m currently working on plus the countless other fanarts I have*
Me: … yeah I don’t think I’m going to do that
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ardenrosegarden · 3 months
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Officially, Constance is Conan and Margaret’s only child, but a certain William, brother of the Duchess is cited as a witness in acts C45 and A16. He is either an illegitimate son of Conan or a second child of the ducal couple because the first name William translates easily into English, which would suit Margaret perfectly by recalling her English royal parentage. In any case, William was removed from the succession by the marriage of his sister, who received the duchy as a dowry because it is clear that the presence of a son could only thwart Henry's intentions. An only child allows him to conquer the duchy by marrying her to his son Geoffrey without waiting for Conan's death, which the presence of a male heir barred him from doing. William is therefore set aside to maintain an official version allowing Conan to abdicate and Henry II to obtain custody of Constance and therefore of the duchy. Perhaps Conan kept the Count of Tréguier for this disinherited son. Nevertheless, William, trained as a cleric, remained in his sister’s entourage and contented himself with intervening in the administrative life of the duchy.
Constance's mother, Margaret, is mentioned on only one occasion in her daughter's deeds (C36) to have her confirm one of her gifts, an act which is also attested by Henry de Bohun, Margaret's son from her second marriage and therefore Constance's half-brother. Although they had a very close relationship, Margaret did not stay at her daughter's court. Her possessions in England and her remarriage kept her away from Brittany.
Finally, certain acts of Constance are attested by Etienne (Stephen) qualified as the duchess's uncle. Acts C3, C5 and C19 drawn up in Quimperlé and Nantes prove that at one time Etienne lived at court and followed it in its travels. Unfortunately, we don't have any information on the figure to establish his relationship to either Conan IV or Margaret.
Mari-Anna Sohier, Étude des actes de la duchesse Constance et de sa famille
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