#pony is sensitive and cries easily
boysborntodie · 3 months
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@dumbponyboykinnie Ty for the ask!!! Literally kicking my feet in delight /hj
8: I’m not American and also did not have assigned readings so unfortunately I did not get to read it in school. But I always saw it referenced everywhere and curiosity got the better of me. And here I am.
10: That’s difficult… hmm… I don’t think there’s any I genuinely dislike (like wish it wasn’t there) in the book. I think they were all important and necessary. Cherry and Pony’s final scene (in the book) is hard to for me to read even though it was such a character-defining one.
13: One thing I love about the Outsiders is that every single character is written SO well. None of them fall flat or feel without substance. I have to go with Pony himself though. Will write an essay on just him because his character, relationships and worldview all go through such major changes and SE Hinton uses foils and context to enhance his character so WELL
Johnny is specifically a Latino man. This is something I think is really important to her character whether or not SE Hinton meant it. Due to the context of the Outsiders, it’s the only headcanon about Johnny being a POC that genuinely works and makes sense
Sodapop goes through a depressive phase after the Outsiders. I feel Sandy and starting a life with her was the one thing that kept Soda hopeful and without her, he’s no longer distracted from his insecurities and problems
Ponyboy leaves Tulsa for good. This is kinda said in the text (and that Darry would also leave) but it’s still not exactly canon. He still keeps in touch with his friends who still live there but he would never stay for long. I can see him living in the city for a while and retiring to the country later on
Dally is originally from Tulsa like the rest of the guys. He just moved to New York for a few years and then returned back
Dally was super close to his own mother when she was alive and that’s why he got along so well with Mrs Curtis. She was also a deeply religious person which is a source if conflict for Dally because he isn’t
20: I fucking hate Ponyboy because he reminds me wayyyy too much of myself. In fact, there’s literally no difference I can think of, from his personality and character to even stuff like his love for soda (both the drink snd the character asjknfd), cigarettes (I stopped before I could really get into it tho), fast driving and chocolate
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m4sonn · 4 days
⍟~ Hatred and cuddles ~⍟
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(tahbks to pokie @peachyponyboyy for hklpyng me with ygis and the anon wgo sugghested it)
𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕩 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣, 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕟 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣’𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕
You were Sodapop’s twin brother. You were just kind of there. You weren’t a greaser, you just didn't like how it made your hair look. I guess you could be considered a hippie? You could never touch a blade or use a bottle, you were all about peace. Steve slightly disliked you because of that, you were just so… calm… it irritated him. You wouldn’t fight with him and never really argued with anyone and it just pissed him off!! He didn’t know what exactly about it pissed him off but it just did.
Right now, he was waiting for someone, just anyone, to get to the Curtis house. It was just the two of you, it was pretty late at night but no one was home. Dally was in the cooler, two-bit was babysitting his sister for once, Darry was still at work, soda was out at who knows where, and he couldn’t care less what Johnny and ponyboy were doing. You were currently in your pajamas, a pair of basketball shorts and a baggy old shirt, a hand me down from Darry. You couldn’t quite get the smell of darry’s cheap ass dollar general cologne out of it, no matter how many washes it went through and no matter how many years you’ve had it.
He sat on one bed of the couch and you sat pretty close next to him. You guys were watching whatever was in the TV, it was kind of boring since you were too poor for cable but it was whatever. You were pretty tired, but you didn’t wanna get up and go to your room. You started to fall asleep on the couch. After a while you felt your body go limp and your eyes shut and succumbing to your tired state.
Steve felt a weight fall onto his side, looking over it was you. Asleep and leaning onto him. He grumbled about you being annoying and stupid but oddly he couldn’t push you off.. with anyone else it wouldn’t be a problem and he would easily shove them off of the couch head first but something was… different… right now. A slight pale pinkish reddish color washed over his cheeks and he wrapped one arm around you. He gently pulled you closer. He was currently just wearing some jeans and socks, he had came home from work and almost immediately gotten kicked out by his dad again so he had just had his DX shirt on when he got there. He took it off almost immediately when he got there and kicked off his shoes. He soon fell asleep shortly after you, his head resting on top of yours (you guys are sharing lice, so coquette >o< <333)
Steve woke up to the flashes of cameras, you still asleep next to him, the rest of the gang giggling as pony took pictures of the two of you sleeping. You started to wake up too. Steve put his arm over his eyes, the bright light that flashed with every picture blinding him. “What the hell is happening” he murmured angrily. The gang scattered and you sat up more. You looked around, drowsy and disoriented. You leaned back against Steve after managing to gain the consciousness to realize where you were and what the fuck is happening.
“Welcome back.” He murmured as he looked at you. He flicked your forehead causing you to flinch, he chuckled at your nose which scrunched up when you were irritated. He started to shove you and tried to get a rise out of you, being the peaceful guy that you were you just politely asked him to stop which pissed him off even more. “God, why are you so fucking annoying!” He basically yelled out at you. You stared at him bewilderedly. “W-wha?-“ you asked in confusion. “You’re just so- so- infuriating!” He put up air quotes as he spoke “ ‘oOh I’m Y/n AnD iM sUpEr SeNsItIvE aNd iM a LiTtLe WuSs WhO wOnT mAn Up AnD fIgHt!!!’ “ he mocked. You had always been more sensitive; kind of like ponyboy. You cried easy and your brother teased you for it a lot. You felt the tingle of tears starting to form in your eyes. He started to go on and on about how annoying you were and how much he hated you. And you just… broke… tears started to sting your face as if they were acid spilt into your face.
Steve just froze, watching as your usually calm face was washed away by your emotions. “I- uhm…” he sputtered out. He didn’t know what to do. He was always bad with crying, hell he couldn’t even get himself to stop crying in the rare occasions he did but this was just too much. He didn’t expect you to cry like that, he didn’t think he had been that harsh on you. He awkwardly wrapped him arms around you. “Uhm… i- ‘m sorry… don’t cry… uhm… please….?” That last word felt weird to say, it just felt unnatural coming off of his tongue. He felt bad for the first time in his life, he had made people cry before but he didn’t really care that much. He usually just said go cry about it and walked away.
He just sat there, with his arms wrapped around you in a hug. Gently patting your back as he tried to get you to stop crying. After a bit you managed to calm down, small hiccups and sniffles being the only sound coming out of you. He let go of you as you wiped your eyes. “Uhm… ‘m sorry…” he murmured out, he just prayed none of your brothers had woken up. You looked up at him through wet lashes. “I’m sorry… i-i-“ he cut you off “what are you sorry for, ‘m the one who yelled at you…” you didn’t know what to say back. You guys just watched TV silently.
After a while you guys started to talk, just normal conversation. You guys basically talked all night. You leaned slightly into him and he wrapped and arm around, you watched tv cuddled up all lovingly like, his hard shell of hate cracked as this was all to try and make you feel better after he made you cry. You guys both had a light hue of pink on your cheeks as you talked, and at the end of your chat before you guys went to sleep you guys shared a gentle kiss. And of course you guys woke up to the gang laughing at you two cuddling and taking embarrassing pictures to tease you guys. And dally calling you two gay ofc 💞💞💞
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shinmybabyboy · 2 years
Yui Komori Headcannons because she deserves better
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She used to have a my little pony phrase when she was a kid her favourite was Flutershy and Pinkie pie
She adores stickers and puts them in gifts or even in her journal
She has matching phone charms with Ayato
Her favourite flower is Dahlia
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She loves painting her nails even tho when she was a kid she has an addiction eating them
She loves strawberries and her favourite desert is strawberry shortcake
She also loves cotton candy and always gets some when she goes to a festival
Her nails mostly have a jelly style
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She has freckles but hides them
She loves dresses mostly soft pink ones
She is very sensitive and cries easily also her nose and cheeks turn pink
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diagonal-queen · 10 months
hi dia. today i cried for 15 mins because i saw a cute old man giving a recipe happily and the comments were like “it looks so bad, ew”…i literally cried to this. am i too sensitive.
those comments are so mean wtf????? he just wanted to share a recipe why are ppl like this????????? that's like a fully valid thing to cry over. you're not crying over something really really dumb, like rich girls who fake cry cus daddy won't buy them a pony. there is a difference between being easily moved and being really sensitive.
my love, i cry when i see soukoku cosplayers on tiktok. i cry when i watch disney movies. i even sometimes cry when i'm reading smut. one time a youtube ad for a ballpoint pen had me full on ugly crying. i assure you that this is a safe space for folks who cry at things all the time even if they are insanely embarrassing sometimes.
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fayeandknight · 3 years
My Brain: Hey, here's some insight into why you were the way you were as a really young child.
Me: Thanks, I hate it.
Under the cut for TW: Vague mentions of CSA.
When I was really little, from around kindergarten up until about 2nd grade, I used to bite. A lot. It was my go to response any time someone was touching me in a way I disliked. My siblings were told to keep their hands to themselves (no hitting/punching). I was told to keep my teeth to myself (no biting).
It was even on one of my report cards. 'Spiffy excels in her studies and makes friends easily. However she needs frequent reminding that it is not acceptable to bite her classmates.' I have always written it off as me being a weirdo. But while I was driving home today it clicked, unwanted and unwelcome, but the light bulb went on anyway.
I bit as a result of two major factors in my life.
One, it had been proven to me that I was physically weak. I could not free myself from being under the hands/body of a certain adult male in my life. My arms and legs, my fists and feet - my body was too small and powerless to fend him off. I was too conditioned to be a polite young lady, even at that young age, that I dared not scream. And all my helpless mewling meant nothing in the face of his want. It was terrifying and infuriating. I did not want to be touched like that.
I tried to avoid him or at least being left alone with him. But we lived too close and he was a "trusted" adult. Crying about it just got me in trouble. I was told I was too clingy and dramatic, a crybaby who was too selfish to want to be separated from her parents.
Not long after starting school some of my male classmates came up with a game where they pulled girls' hair during recces and ran away to the teacher on duty as fast as they could to avoid retribution. My scalp is sensitive so it really hurt when they did this. I was also really small (short and thin) with long (to my butt) hair. That made me an easy target.
I loved unicorns and My Little Pony and soaked up everything about real horses I could convince anyone to teach me. I learned that horses bite.
One day I was fast enough to grab a boy's arm after he pulled my hair. I knew I didn't have much time before he pulled out of my feeble grip. So I brought his arm to my mouth and chomped down as hard as I could, imagining myself as a wild horse.
He screamed and cried and eventually pulled away. I didn't break skin but it was probably a near thing. I got in trouble. But for the next few days the boys didn't pull my hair.
The moment I bit that kid I gained power. Power that I had never had before and it made others wary of touching me. I ran full tilt with it. Pull my hair? I'll bite you. Shove me? I'll bite you. Get too close to me when I don't want you to? I'll fucking bite you.
Two, I found it very difficult to have people, of all ages, believe me about body sensitivities. As mentioned my scalp is super sensitive, some materials hurt to touch, and even some begin touching caused me discomfort But no one believed me. Looking back that was definitely some sensory processing stuff, likely exacerbated by trauma.
It was a glorious few years until it was squashed out of me because that's not what people do. But I loved biting people. It was clear communication when I struggled with words and naming my feelings. It was a strong statement when my body was weak.
And as much as the why makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry forever, I am not mad at little me for doing it.
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peachyteabuck · 4 years
old school (make me drool)
summary: bunny is sweet, well-behaved. something about princess, though, makes her want to act out for the first time in her life. 
pairing: natasha romanoff x ofc
words: 2,663
trigger warnings: heavy md/lg, spanking, forced age regression, manipulation, there’s a vague allusion to starker, breaking of rules, 
notes/other: ANYONE WHO USES THIS AS AN EXCUSE TO BRING RAPE FANTASIES INTO MY INBOX WILL BE BLOCKED IMMEDIATELY. this was inspired by @orphiclittleone & i highly reccomend you check out their blog!
ask box / masterlist / commission info / ko-fi
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It started when Princess had to go with Steve to a meeting with Natasha. For whatever reason Steve decided she couldn’t be alone, and Natasha said it would be fine. Princess wasn’t too mad, unhappy she could only bring one of her prizes stuffed animals, but nearly-willingly went with her Daddy to Aunty Nat’s. Still, it wasn’t until she met Bunny that the pointed frown left her face.
Steve put her down onto the thick comforter next to Bunny, whose lips were wrapped tightly around a paci, hands clutched around a large stuffed animal of her namesake, eyes trained on the TV in front of her. Her long, thick hair was tied from her face with a pink scrunchie with a bow on it, her knit sweater a matching shade of pink. Her socks were stark white, ankle devoid of the tracker Princess had to wear.
Bunny said nothing at her guest, head only turning when Natasha caressed her face.
“Uncle Steve and I are going to do some work in my office, okay Bunny?” She placed a kiss to the girl’s head where her hair parted, careful not to remove any from her perfect ponytail. “I’ll be down soon to give you your bottle. Until then, play nice with Princess, alright?”
Bunny, still not dislodging the paci, nods and leans into her Mommy.
“Good girl,” Natasha praises, leaving one final kiss to her girl’s forehead before leading Steve into her office, a room adjacent to the playroom the girls resided in. In a moment of good faith, she had her coworker close the door behind them.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” Steve chuckled as he sat in the fine leather chair near the fireplace. “I put that track on Princess for a reason, you know.”
Natasha sighed, grabbing the file from her desk. “If we weren’t discussing how someone was disemboweled by a small terrorist organization outside Orlando, I’d keep it open.”
Steve, already worried about what Bucky had exposed Princess to in order to watch her squirm, acquiesced.
Back in the playroom, Bunny made a disgruntled noise as Princess poked her chubby cheek.
“Do you ever speak?” Princess asked, nose wrinkled at her supposed playmate’s poor playful reciprocation. “Daddy said you were quiet, really quiet. He said you almost never talk. I’m not quiet.”
Bunny, much to Princess’ dismay, remains mute. Not a squeak, not a huff, not an eyeroll. Even Bucky’s Doll was better than this, and she was often too exhausted to give Princess enough attention for the girl’s liking.
Princess, though, is anything but a quitter. She pulls back for a few minutes, allowing her counterpart to relax. Just as Bunny seemed the happiest, Princess yanked the paci out of her mouth and pinned her to the floor.
Bunny tried to yell, but Princess placed her hand over the girl’s mouth before she could do anything. As Princess leans close to her ear, she whispers low, giggling as Bunny clutches her stuffed animal’s ears in her tiny hand. “Daddy says we can be playmates, do you want that, Bunny?”
Suddenly, in the span of less than a second, Princess hears her Daddy’s footsteps, hears the knob turning, and jumps off Bunny to the other side of the blanket. Bunny laid, there, stunned, as Nat and Steve picked up their respective littles.
As Steve bid his goodbye, and Nat turned around to close the door, Bunny perched her chin on her Mommy’s shoulder and locked eyes with Princess, who wears a smile fit for the evil penguins from the movie Bunny was watching before Princess showed up.
Somehow, Bunny knew their game wasn’t over.
The next time they met, Bunny is playing on a blanket in Natasha’s expansive backyard, dressed in a plain-pink one-piece bathing suit with her hair in two braids down her back and the bracelet Doll made her on her left wrist. Peter’s in the pool, sunbathing on a unicorn floatie. Doll’s curled into Bucky’s side, shoulders covered with one of her Daddy’s worn t-shirts – one large enough to cover her sensitive, bruised thighs. Natasha, Stark, Strange, and Rogers are all inside, making drinks for themselves as the sun swelters high in the sky.
Princess is the only other conscious person who remains outside, an easily forgettable body as Bunny colors under the sweet shade of the big tree in the back of the expansive yard, quiet enough that the occasional squirrel or bird will hop across her blanket and sniff at her forgotten snack.
She’s unable to ignore her counterpart, though, when Princess plops herself down onto the thick, cotton blanket specifically designated for outdoor use.
Bunny, despite her annoyance, says nothing.
Princess says nothing in turn, watching the girl in front of her meticulously color in the lines of a complicated flower.
“Daddy never lets me color anything like that,” she finally says, staring at the set of sixty-four crayons Princess had wanted for two Christmases and three birthdays but still never received. “Daddy says they’re too complicated for me.”
Bunny stops coloring for a moment, whole body stilling. Princess thinks she’ll say something, thinks she’ll show a break in her shell that’ll give her some in. But no, the sound of crayon gliding against thick paper fills whatever silence Bunny intended to proliferate with words.
It’s then that Princess takes out one of the most-loved crayons – a soft blue that’s had the wrapped long since pulled off.
“Do you like this crayon?” she asks Bunny.
Bunny stops coloring – bright orange crayon inert as she tries to swallow the dryness in her mouth. Fear paints her face as she gazes upon her favorite coloring tool. Out of all her markers, her colored pencils, her watercolor paints. None of those hold a candle to that one crayon. It’s the only crayon she doesn’t like Natasha using, the only one she saves for the special coloring book pages – the ones she gifts her Mommy for Christmas and for her birthday and when Natasha picks her up from spending time at Uncle Bucky’s place because she’s been on a business trip.
Which is why Bunny nearly cries when Princess snaps it in half, then crushes the pieces into something resembling dust. She does whimper, though, does drop the crayon she’s holding and curl her legs up to her chest and stares at Princess with these wide eyes that beg for her to stop whatever it is she thinks she’s doing.
“What’d’ya gonna do about it?” Princess questions. When Bunny doesn’t answer, Princess quirks her eyebrow then moves to grab another one.
Bunny gasps, tears beginning to well up in the corner of her eyes. “Please don’t,” she whispers.
Princess pretends not to hear her, and selects another well-used crayon. “Really, you’re just gonna be a baby and let me do this?”
Bunny looks around the lawn, begging Natasha to come outside or Peter to feel how frightened she is or even Bucky, a man who rarely pays attention to her but seems to like her more than Princess, to look over and wonder why there’s such tension between his best friends’ best little girls. Unfortunately (for you, at least), none of them pay you any mind. Somehow this is worse than when Natasha has to leave you alone for work or whatever it is she does when she’s away. At least then you don’t have to do deal with Princess.
“Please, Princess,” Bunny says a little louder. “Please don’t break my crayons.”
Princess smiles wide and sinister, like that Cheshire Cat from that movie you don’t like very much. “Alright then,” is all she says before standing up and skipping off to lay on the Aurora towel that was in the shade of a different tree. Even though she’s alone, Bunny remains upright, curling around her precious box of crayons.
The third time they meet is Bunny’s birthday party about a month later. The main festivities are over, all the adults drinking from Natasha’s expensive liquor cabinet. Doll’s curled up on Bucky’s lap, playing with a My Little Pony toy (Applejack, of course) and occasionally being fed bits of cake from Bucky’s fork; Peter’s enthralled with the latest installment of their classic movie marathon that’s playing just too loud for Bunny’s liking.
On any other day, Bunny would be elated to watch her favorite movies with her favorite friend. She’s allowed to eat ice cream cake (vanilla, from her favorite pastry shop down the street) and wear her favorite pink dress.
Her hair is in two low buns with a pretty pink bow. Natasha spent the whole morning with Bunny in her lap, telling her how cute she is and how much she loves her. Everything was great, perfect.
That was, until Steve and Princess showed up. Natasha was preoccupied with catching up in her friend to notice Bunny clutching her favorite stuffie or Princess’ sly smile.
Like the first time they met, she and Princess are placed on the blanket that sits in the middle of the playroom. This time it’s fleece, thick, one Bunny made with Doll one of the rare times they’ve had playdates together. It’s full of mint green and soft pink flowers around a bunch of sea animals. Bucky said he found the blanket kit at a craft store and thought the two of them could make it when he and Natasha were working in his office.
There were a few moments of silence as Steve pet Princess’ hair and explained how much Princess had been looking forward to today. Princess just smiles big and wide and teasing, waiting for the adults to leave before she finally speaks.
“Ya know, Daddy and I love teasing each other…” Princess says as if she’s the most innocent conversation maker to ever fail to meet her counterpart’s eyes. “You and your Mommy should try it sometime.”
Bunny gulps, fidgeting with her hands. “Mommy doesn’t…Mommy doesn’t let me do that without her permission.”
Princess scoffs. “Oh, you ask your Mommy for everything. Daddy hasn’t made me do that in forever.” She lowers her voice to a whisper. “Daddy likes it when I act out.”
“Mommy doesn’t,” Bunny doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know how to stave off what she now understands is inevitable. “Mommy doesn’t like it when I act out. She likes it when I’m good. I get candy, cuddles, stuffies when I’m good.”
Princess almost rolls her eyes, frustrated. “Maybe you should just try it sometime, just to see what happens.”
Bunny doesn’t say anything back, too scared of what would happen. Natasha always told her curiosity killed the cat, but could curiosity kill her as well?
Hours pass without incident, without Princess nagging Bunny or Bunny snapping at Princess or, really, anything happening. Princess merely leaves her to brew for hours, eating cake with her fingers and eyeing Bunny to see how she’s doing. Bunny’s lost in her own thoughts, the only indication of time passing being Steve coming in take Princess home.
As Steve picks her up once more, a smirk spreads across her frosting-stained face. Her eyes are knowing, full of mischief. In the background, the forest fire scene from Bambi plays on the large TV. Bunny wishes she could be one of the forest creatures running for their life, able to get away from the natural disaster that had descended upon her home.
Despite her fear of Princess, her words stick in Bunny’s brain like gum in her hair. It’s all Bunny can think about for days, maybe even weeks after her birthday party.  It gets worse when she’s alone, when all she has are her thoughts and her hands and…and…
Bunny decides to do something, do the unimaginable the day Natasha says she’s going to have lunch with Stark and Strange. That she’ll be back in a few hours.
Just enough time, Bunny thinks as she hears the front door shut and the deadbolt lock. Just enough time for her to do the unthinkable.
◦ ◦ ◦
“Bunny!” Natasha calls into the house. There’s the usual pause, one where she’s used to allowing Bunny to find her voice. But for whatever reason, she doesn’t hear the usual yes, mommy? followed by the pit-pat of her feet across the house. “Bunny?” she calls again, but the only thing she can hear is resounding silence.
Natasha’s heartrate picks up tenfold, not even throwing her shoes off as she runs to the room she kept Bunny in when she had a long work day. As she types in the code to open the door, Natasha is met with a sight she’d never thought she’d see:
Bunny, with one hand down her pullup, and the other clutched over her mouth. Her pale yellow pajama shirt is hiked up to her ribs, threatening to fall over where her hand meets her center.
For a moment Natasha does not know what to do, body frozen and chest heaving and heart racing. Bunny hadn’t so much as blinked without permission, let alone touched herself sans asking Natasha beforehand.
Squeaky, breathy moans slip past her fingers, eyes rolling to the back of her head as her body shakes with the desperation that comes just before an orgasm.
That’s what snaps Natasha out of her trance, what makes her fly across the room and grab Bunny’s face with her perfectly manicured hand.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Natasha hisses through her teeth.
Bunny bites her lips, eyes wide with fear. “P-princ-“
Natasha almost growls. “What, Steve’s little?”
Bunny nods slowly, meekly, lip quivering in fear as Natasha hand remains firmly grasped over her jaw. “P-princess s-said that it woul-d be f-un to-“ Natasha, a woman who has not had a hair out of place since the Reagon administration, nearly knocks over Bunny’s designated stuffed animal bookshelf. Wordlessly, she places Bunny over her knee and exposes the soft skin of her ass.
Bunny hadn’t been spanked in years. Ever since Natasha had gotten her, broken her, she’d been the perfect little – so obedient and eager to please, smart and quiet, happy to play by herself while Natasha worked with the others. She was everything Natasha could’ve asked for and somehow more…
But this? This was inexcusable. She was a big believer in second chances, but those must always come after an appropriate punishment.
“You think just because Steve’s Princess can whine and act however she wants, that means you can, too?” she hisses, hitting each cheek twice. “You think that girl’s behavior excuses your own?”
Bunny yelps, trying to find the strength to speak without sobbing. “N…no…” she mumbles, digging her face into her and trying to curl against the woman whose lap she has found herself in.
“What was that?” Natasha snaps, hitting the backs of her thighs this time. The slaps of skin on skin echos throughout the room and stabs at Bunny’s ears.
“No, Mommy, I am not allowed to misbehave! I am not allowed to break the rules”
“Good,” Natasha says through grit teeth. She takes a moment to grope her heated ass cheeks, and you savor the sweet moments away from the sharp pain. “If you didn’t know your place, I would’ve had to call Steve up to see how he keeps Princess in line. Maybe Bucky, too. He once kept Doll in a basement for two weeks because she wouldn’t eat her vegetables. Do you want that?”
Violent shivers shoot through you. Uncle Bucky and Steve are nice enough to you, especially when Natasha’s around. But with her permission to discipline you in their preferred way? You shrink away at the thought. “N-no Mommy. No, Mommy I’ll promise I’ll be good.”
“Good girl,” Natasha coos, another few smacks landing on her bottom. “Now, for the rest of your punishment…” Bunny gulps, trying to relax her muscles so it doesn’t hurt as bad.
“Now, should I put you on meal replacement shakes or keep you in chastity?”
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rattyoakenbitch · 4 years
The Hobbit: Fili Imagine “Hold Me”
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Warnings: Dark thoughts, suicidal thoughts, breakdowns, graphic depictions of gore, angst, PTSD, fluff.
Word count: N/A
Pairings: Fili x Dunedain/human reader
Note: if you’re sensitive to the warnings above, don’t read!
Summary: You’ve been picked to be the 14th member of The Company. Since your age was closest to The Durin Brothers, you’ve been spending most of your time with them. Especially Fili, who you immediately clicked with from the start. One night, something triggers you, causing you to breakdown. Fili finds you and comforts you, spending the rest of the night beside you.
Blood. Ash. Fire. Smoke.
It’s all that filled your senses.
Children’s endless screaming for their mother.
Your screams were among them. You would have thought that you’d lose your voice after all your ear-piercing shrieks. No, just your mind.
At the young age of sixteen, the small town you & your family resided in was raided  by Orcs. Though it was tragic, it was very common, as it happened to you again, barely a year after.  While you got caught in your thoughts, distant screeches snapped you back to reality. It didn’t take long to realize it was Orcs. Possibly even a raid.  Thorin instantly shot up, searching for the source of the noise, while Bilbo emerged from his hiding spot behind his pony, clearly concerned.
“Um, what was that?” 
“Throatcutters,” Fili said all too casually. “There’ll be dozens of them out there.”
“They strike in the wee, small hours when everyone’s asleep. Quick and quiet. No screams. Just lots of blood.” With that, you winced as the memories kept replaying in your head. The images of dark, nearly black, gooey blood splat all across the floor. The disfigured faces of the Orcs, laughing as they went about on their killing spree.  Over and over. 
You didn’t even realize your breathing got heavier until Fili pointed it out. “Y/N, are you all right--?” He hesitantly asked, hoping you wouldn’t snap. You’ve failed to mention that you’d often have mood swings, sometimes even scaring Thorin which was rare. But The Company was understanding, as one time, you’ve shared a small detail about what you’ve gone through. They easily pieced it together and figured your capricious personality was linked with your scarring encounters. 
Deciding you didn’t want to completely break down in front of the whole Company, you stormed off into a farther area. As soon as you were fairly distanced, you dropped down onto the cold, dirt ground and started to sob. Your chest felt tighter by the second, your head was throbbing, and your eyes stung from the hot & salty tears that streamed down your cheeks.  You didn’t, and you couldn’t stop them. You had no control over your body or mind, anymore. You felt so helpless. Enslaved to the past.
“Y/N!” You recognized that voice from anywhere. When you didn’t respond, Fili called your name again, trying to find you through the gloomy fog. He eventually found you propped up against a tree, sobbing into your shoulders. He fell beside you, reaching out to pull you to him, but as soon as his skin came in contact with yours, you let out a short whimper and backed away, startled by the touch. Despite you being afraid, he was persistent. You flinched, thinking he was going to hurt you. Instead, he pulled your body to his, holding you in a tight embrace.
You cried into his chest for what felt like forever, yet he never left you. “Please, kill me,” you begged. He was taken back at the words.
“Y/N..” he trailed off, not knowing exactly how to respond. 
“Fili, I’m telling you, just end me right here and now,” you continued to bawl. “I can’t take it anymore.” He held you even tighter, rubbing his hands up and down your back comfortingly. 
“Hey, hey,” he attempted to calm you down. “Deep breaths, okay? Don’t think like that. For me.” Tears still prickled in your eyes, but you were finally in a more sensible state. You realized what had just happened.
“Oh, gods. Fili, I’m so sorry,” you panicked. “I didn’t know what I was saying! I-” He quickly shushed you, keeping you from rambling any further.
“Y/N, it’s all right. Just calm down and catch your breath.” You did as he said, slowly regaining your composure. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head. 
“I just want to sleep..”
He sucked in a deep breath, “Is there anything I can do?”
Hesitantly, you spoke. “C-Can you just hold me tonight?” Grasping what you’d said, your cheeks flushed.
“I mean, if it’s not too much to ask. I-I can manag-”
He let out a small, short chuckle. His pale cheeks went red as well.
“Of course, Y/N. Come on,” he said, picking you up bridal style before you could protest. You, Kili, & Fili would play around. They treated you like a child and picked you up a lot (considering you were nearly their height) to prove their point, which resulted in them being kicked and pushed over.  This time you didn’t struggle, as Fili held you warmly against him. You found comfort and feelings you’ve never felt before just by being near him. He carried you back to camp, where everybody but Kili, Gandalf & Balin were awake. Kili was about to make a snarky remark, but Fili put a finger over his lips and sent Kili a certain look as if to tell him to hold it back this time.  Carefully, Fili laid you down on your bedroll.
“Wait here,” he said, before going back to fetch his own. He came back and laid his bedroll beside yours, joining you to sleep. Your back was pressed against his chest, while his arms were wrapped around you securely.
You felt yourself drift to sleep. Before you completely dozed off, you whispered to Fili, “Thank you for doing this.”
“Sleep, amralime, (my love)”  The last thing he did was kiss the top of your head before you passed out.
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diabloindigo · 3 years
Are you the person to open a box of cereal just to get the toy inside? As a kid yes. Right now, I don’t buy cereals with prizes anymore. Do they even stuff toys in cereal these days? 
Do you get scared easy? If it’s in the anxiety induced variety, yes. 
What was one of the stupidest things you cried over when you were little? Not sure, it could have been anything from not wanting to wear a fancy dress or dress shoes to a party or a broken toy. 
Have you ever drank milk from the carton? Despite having a working dishwasher and plenty of glasses, I “waterfall” milk and juice from the containers. 
Juice or milk? I go both ways, leaning more towards juice. Apple or orange. 
Do you ever turn off your computer properly? Once in a while. 
Do you wish you were a fish? Not really, though I kinda envy the blue Dory (Doctor Fish?) in the tank at my gynecologist’s waiting room. It likes to swim to the bottom of the tank and ride up to the top on a bubble jet. That damn fish has probably had more fun than I have in the past several months. 
Who’s your favorite super hero? Invincible (Amazon Prime). Along with Spider-Man (2002) and the Big Hero 6 movie, that character/series is a rare superhero show that makes me feel strong and vulnerable at the same time. 
Who’s your favorite super villain? Slade Wilson/ Deathstroke as seen in “Teen Titans: The Judas Contract” animated movie and the 2003-2006 “Teen Titans” cartoon series. 
Spiderman or X-men? Spider-Man. Tobey Maguire and Peter B. Parker from Into the Spiderverse. 
Movie theatre or stay at home movie night? Theaters. Alamo Drafthouse. I love ordering boozy milkshakes and finger foods.
Do you have a Blue Ray? I have one of those external drives for my Mac though I never use it. 
How about HD television? Yeah
Do you think HD television is kind of a waste of money? No. 
Do you get why people get so frickin’ freaked out during football season? I do not, and living in a state with a hard-on for (American) football makes it weird when I tell people that I do not have a favorite football team/player. 
Do you ever sneak scraps to the dog even though you’re not suppose to? I don’t sneak him food. If I cook or order too much to eat, then I scrape a couple of cup’s worth of leftovers in his bowl. He’s probably got only a year to live so let him live it up a little. 
Are you reading a book right now? If so what? A friend gave me a copy of “The Only Good Indians” but I can't get into it so I’m reading “Full Throttle” by Joe Hill. 
What was the last book you were required to read for school? It’s been so long I can’t remember. 
O donuts or jelly filled? Whipped cream filled. I love Krispy Kreme’s whipped cream filled donuts with raspberry filled donuts as a close second. 
If I’m feeling bland then I do like crullers. 
Do you like your ice-cream in a bowl or cone? Bowl unless it’s a tasty cone. 
Marshmallows in your hot chocolate or no? I could go either way unless it’s a tiny cup of chocolate. 
Do you like cherry coke? Hell yes. I love going to Sonic for a cherry-vanilla-lime Coke or this greasy little 1950s type burger joint for their cherry cokes since they load the cups with several cherries. 
Do you really think diet Dr. Pepper is the equivalent of a cupcake? No, it tastes artificial. Like a bastard child of a soft drink that wants to pass for cherry soda. 
Do you snore in your sleep? Drool? Talk? Snore and talk (I’m pretty stressed out).
Have you ever sleep walked? no
Are you a morning person? I am now. 
How do you wake up in the mornings? by alarm during the work week, naturally at 6-7 on vacation days. 
Do you think guyliner is hot? What is that? 
Is variety the spice of life? yeah
Do you think strawberry milk is disgusting? I like it. 
Have you ever drank after anyone? Like sharing a cup/bottle? Yeah, loads of times.  
Have you ever drank after anyone you don’t know very well? No. 
Do you have any limits on who you drink/eat after?
If we’re talking about sharing, then I will share food/drink with family and friends. If someone offers me bite-size pieces that are individually wrapped or can be torn off the main portion, I’ll eat it, but only from co-workers or acquaintances. 
Would you eat a sucker if someone already ate some of it? No. 
Would you chew somebody else's gum? Hell no. 
Do you know anyone who’s going to die of mono because of that? No. 
Do you enjoy school? My English and psychology classes. 
Are you a teacher’s pet? no
Do you have a job? Yes. 
How did you get to and from school? Parents drove me or I walked for elementary through high school. I drove when I went to college. 
Do you have a bedtime? And if so what is it? I’m in bed between 11-12 a.m.
What time do you get up? 6 am so I can walk/exercise before the sun boils the earth in full force. 
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Yeah in college. 
What’s more important? Beauty or brains? brains
Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t. 
Did you ever want to be an astronaut when you were little? No. Being a veterinarian or scientist were my highest ambitions as a small kid. 
How about the president? Never. 
What did you want to be when you were little? Veterinarian, scientist, cartoon character. 
Did you ever want to be a super model? no
Do you believe you’re attractive enough to be a super model? No.
Have you ever had an X-ray? Several in the past few months for pre-surgery and dental work.
What’s your favorite guy’s name? What’s your favorite girl’s name? Guys’: Shane, Mark, Tadashi, Austin, Cade, Trip.
Girls’: Quince, Sienna, Amy, Kit, Lizzie (Elizabeth), Raven.
Who’s your second cousin’s, grandparent’s, sister? The fuck...
Do you laugh to yourself whenever the ketchup bottle farts? No, in fact, I get annoyed when other people hear it and ask me if I farted. 
Do you have any real guns in your house? I have several. 
Do you know how to use nunchucks? No, I bought a pair at one of those Asian imports emporiums, but I donated them since I never learned to use them. They were these crappy foam padded ones with dragons printed on the handles. 
Do you know anyone who can use nunchucks? No. 
What do you want to be next Halloween? In better health and not shitting bricks about using up my paid time off to go to doctors’ appointments. 
Did you ever consider getting a job as a mall Santa? No. I’d rather be one of his elves or a reindeer. 
Are you the one responsible for taking out the garbage? Yes. Grosses me the fuck out sometimes with smelly discarded poultry trays or rotten food, but somebody’s gotta do it. 
Do you recycle? My city has the blue recycling bins, but I heard that since we’re an ass-backward community, “recyclables” and trash all go to the same place. I just place recyclables in the blue bin to help clear up space in the trash bin. Maybe I’m wrong and this city does recycle? Can’t hurt. 
When I was 11, I’d collect empty soda cans to take to the recycling guy since back in the day, they’d pay for aluminum cans. That’s how I scraped up funds for dollar movies and hot dogs. 
Are you a pyro? Yeah. I carry/collect Zippo lighters but mostly because the “click-click” is satisfying to hear since I flip the lids open and closed to relieve stress. And I burn a lot of old bills and letters with sensitive info on them. 
What was the last word/thing you wrote down? I was researching high fiber foods that are also low in carbs to make a grocery and dinner meal plan. 
Sleeping or eating? After my surgery, sleeping. 
Are you overall a positive person? I try to be realistically positive, if such a thing exists. The world will never be all sunshine and My Little Ponies, but I try to find some comfort and positivity when my world is a shit-show. Filling this survey out kinda helps. 
Do you hate hypocrites? Yeah, especially the “do as I say, not as I do” types. 
For instance, a certain family member is pushing good diet and health habits, but it aggravates the hell out of me if I see him drinking high sugar iced tea or eating ice cream. Or Door-Dashing Burger King, even if it is a Beyond Whopper with a diet Coke. 
Do you like to prank people? Yes, but I do benign pranks like leaving dirty riddles and meme drawings on their front doors. 
What was the worst prank you’ve ever done on anyone? I tried fucking with a telesolicitor but I could not stop laughing. 
Have you ever jumped on a trampoline in the ice? I don’t own a trampoline. 
Have you ever ice skated? No. I tried once after a local minor league hockey game. I got the skates on, but my ankles were bending/bowing out so I changed my mind.
Ever water skiid? No. 
Is vacuum spelled funny? Yes. 
Democrat or republican? I don’t associate formally with either party, but I hitch my pony a little to the left. 
Who’s the biggest asshole you know? My former boss circa 2013. Very unprofessional and a veritable loudmouth and a poor (shit) showman wannabe. 
Pen or pencil? Gel-ink pens. 
Should all paper have holes? nope
Speaking of holes. Swiss cheese, what’s the point of that? Fewer calories? Spinning slices in my hand like a TV cowboy spinning his revolver in the trigger guard with his finger? 
Have you ever been in a helicopter before? No. 
Own any airbrushed tshirts? Nope, not even in the nineties. 
Have you ever been suspended? No. 
Have you ever been in a fist fight? A few playground fights as a kid. 
Ever said something to someone that you didn’t mean to say? Yes. 
Do you forgive too easily? I don’t think so. 
What are you listening to right now? The AC running. 
Have you ever seen any of MCR’s music videos? Nope. 
Are you tan? No. 
Have you ever been in a tanning bed? No. I have no desire to look like a Cheeto or woo skin cancer. 
Have you ever played water volley? Once at my uncle’s neighborhood swimming pool. 
Ever had a sunburn? Yes, from neglecting sunscreen re-applications or underestimating the sun. 
How about wind burn? It hurts….. Nah, I don't live in a cold enough climate for that. 
What was the first word you learned how to say? I think it was “mama.”
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dikiyvter · 3 years
Headcanon post regarding: Giacomo’s body
i.e: A full run down on every aspect of his body that I currently have a headcanon for, prone to being updated in the future
Because Duke made a post, and I am but a simple sheep who wants to emulate his friends. Giacomo’s full body ref sheet can be found HERE. It’s.. become a little outdated in some regards, admittedly.
A brief rundown:
Giacomo is roughly 5′4″ ( 162.56 cm according to Google ) ( Mostly ) Straight blond hair | Very pale blue eyes Lithe build | Nice arm/back muscles from using his bow In this house we love his weird lil cheek swirls and ability to blush over the simplest things
Giacomo’s skin is a very, very pale shade. He blushes very easily, and it’s very apparently when he does. His skin is also rather soft in most places.
Sunburns and tans are not an issue for Gio-- what is an issue, however, would be heat stroke, especially given the thick layers this boy wears day-to-day.
His general feminine looks tend to get him confused for a young woman. This is in no way helped by the equally soft spoken and somewhat higher pitched voice Giacomo has. 
Aforementioned voice does have a slight accept to it. He’s spent a long time slowly working it out of his voice, knowing that, given the strain between Snezhnaya and the other countries, it would only cause problems for a nomad like himself. That, and sticking out when you’re being hunted is generally a bad idea. 
The accent does, however, start to slip in again when he gets a bit agitated or otherwise riled up.  ( As a fun side note, he and Riga almost exclusively speak to each other in their native language, so if you’re ever caught between the two of them in a battle........... have fun trying to figure out what’s going on )
His singing voice is truly beautiful. Unfortunately, past experiences have led Giacomo to retiring his voice, no longer singing for anyone. Rarely will he sing for himself- and if you catch him in such a moment, he will fall into dead silence and request to be alone for a while. 
Giacomo does bleed. His body runs with artificial blood, the primary purpose of which is to identify wounds in his artificial skin that will have to be fixed at a later point. 
Balance is something Gio is ridiculously skilled in. One almost never has to worry about him falling down... almost.
He also happens to have very good reaction time. Damn near freakish, really. 
Given the fact that Giacomo spends a great amount of his Mora on expensive perfumes from Fontaine... is fair to say that he smells very, very nice. The best I could describe it is wintery.
He shivers & shakes a lot. The exact reason why is often unknown, he just sort of.. does.
Weighs very, very little. Have fun throwing him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes.  
Hair grows very slowly. Doesn’t need to cut his hair often as a result. The longest it has ever gotten has been upper back length. 
Face & Hair
Pale blue eyes. Nothing too special about them, but...
There’s a certain disconnect in them. He can smile, but it doesn’t always really reach his eyes. Every expression is tinted with a sort of chill in his gaze. 
He cries very, very easily. At the drop of a hat, really-- But perhaps that’s because he can do it on command. He should really invest in some sort of waterproof makeup but, well... he hasn’t so far. It’s led to quite a few messes.
Most of his expressions are soft in nature- He smiles gently, his grin is careful. Anger, disappointment, it’s all measured. Rare is the sight of Giacomo truly emoting with his face, as most of it is done in his hands and his body language. 
His default expression is mildly tired and bored. 
His lashes are very, very thick and long. He doesn’t need it, but Gio DOES wear mascara, adding to the effect. His eyes are also lined with eyeliner, though it typically winds up being a degree smudged. 
Blemishes? There are none. Not a single scar, not a single freckle. The only markings on Giacomo’s face are the odd swirls on his cheeks. He looks almost doll-like from certain angles. 
Button nose. Nice lips. Small mouth. 
His hair is a light shade of blond. Giacomo spends much of his money on products to keep his hair nice-- As such it’s very soft and silky. It is kept shoulder length, with a portion of it pulled back into a sort of pony tail held together by a silver clasp inlaid with a bright bluish-green gem.
There is an intense cowlick at the top of his head. He hates it. Nothing he does will get it to lay flat for any longer than 5 seconds. 
His ears are not pierced.
Upper Body
Experienced in using his bow, his shoulder, back, and arm muscles are rather nice. 
Much like his face, his skin here is mostly clean of blemishes.. aside from the very large surgical scars that span his chest and stomach. It’s here where Dottore has taken him apart several times over to repair the circuits fried from Rigatello’s relentless lightening. 
Inside his chest lays a modified sort of chaos core-- The true means of it’s function are unknown, but it is what keeps his body functioning. Were one to remove it, it would be akin to removing a humans beating heart. The core puts off a soft pulsating hum as it sends energy through his circuits and artificial bones.
He has no hair whatsoever on his chest-- actually, aside from the hair on his head, really, he doesn’t seem to have much hair anywhere else. 
There are a few spots that have clearly been repaired hastily-- some areas, upon inspection, look as though they were sewn together recently.
His fingers are long-- they would be good for playing piano, if he ever had the opportunity to stop and learn. They are, however, greatly calloused from years of using his bow. He does use lotion, if only for vain purposes. 
His hands are also very agile- Sleight of hand is something Gio is skilled at as a result. 
Gio does take the time to paint his nails, typically in a light blue or white color. They are cleanly filed, and in general taken very good care of, much like the rest of his body.
Chest... sensitive.
He is Average, and that is all I will say on that topic.
Small hips & waist.
So much time spent running across Teyvat has given him rather nice legs. They aren’t particularly muscular, though- he’s built more for speed and agility than anything else. 
He’s got.. a fairly nice ass? Please excuse the fact Cala is deeply asexual and doesn’t really know what constitutes “a nice ass”.
I don’t have much else to say, sorry--
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multiplesmutthings · 5 years
Yang has been teasing and prodding Jaune for months now, wanting to take the Blonde's eyes off her sister. Unfortunately, she never accounted for how pent up Jaune would get, the dam breaking when Yang interrupts his training at the gym. Having had enough, Jaune barges into the female shower, determined to mak Yang regret her actions. (Rough, rape, hair pulling, forced orgasms, slight mind break)
(With help from @vecnawrites thank you very much!)
Ever since she found out he had googly eyes for her sister, yang couldn’t stop herself from teasing and prodding Jaune, wanting to keep her sister away from him a bit longer. She knew ruby was growing up but Yang wanted her to stay a kid a bit longer. However as she teased the Arc she never knew about the beasts she was creating. Even as she went to the training gem alone to get a workout done. Jaune was going through the motions, attempting to keep himself calm with the burn of exercise. Ruby had recently confessed to him, blushing darkly, and he accepted. They were currently figuring things out, but one thing was sure: Ruby wasn't ready for sex, instead saying it was ‘okay’ for him to fuck others, as long as he came back to her. He was shocked, but thankful, his semblance worked passively internally with his own Aura, making everything improve and heighten, including his libido...however, with every sunny day, there was always a rain cloud, and that cloud was Yang. She did everything she could to keep them from spending time together when they had downtime, and even *Ruby* was getting annoyed with her over it. Yang was currently minding her own business this time, going into the gym with her tight leggings and tank top. MP3 in hand as her ear buds were on. She didn’t notice Jaune not the way he looked at her as she began to do some squats. She’d eventually tease him today, but she didn’t know she already was, with the way her ass showed off to him each time she did a squat. Jaune ground his teeth together, watching Yang's ass bounce and jiggle as she worked out. Not as bountiful as Blake's ass or as perky as Weiss' or Nora's, and *especially* not Ruby's, but it was still nice. He could feel his cock growing hard, sliding down the leg of his exercise shorts. He refocused on his exercising, not wanting to give his fellow blonde another reason to tease him. He was reaching his limit. Yang felt herself being watched, but ignored it and kept going, once she moved and she did some stretches her leggings hugged against where legs and ass more than ever, giving off the nice shape and figure she had as she teased Jaune indirectly. Jaune switched to push ups as his cock stretched down his inner leg to it's full length. His size was part of the reason that Ruby wanted to wait, after all, a ten inch, wrist thick cock wasn't something to laugh at...he only got harder when it became obvious from the jiggle that Yang wasn't wearing a bra of any sort, catching a protruding nub of a nipple as well as she twisted and stretched herself. If she teased him *one* more time, he would not be held responsible for his actions...
When yang finished her stretches she groaned and sighed while moving her hips a bit. “Damn Im good.” She said slapping her ass nicely in front of a mirror. Loving the shape she had, it was no question that she worked to get strong, and she liked it. Besides an added bonus to teasing Jaune as well. Jaune caught the action, but was unimpressed. Ruby had done the same thing to him to tease him in those tiny things she *dared* call "workout shorts"...and he had subsequently pinned her to the wall and made out with her...as well as give her her first orgasm by accident due to her grinding against his leg. Looking back she noticed Jaune and then noticed the lack of attention she gave her. Smirking Yang still noticed the erection growing in Jaune’s pants and began to rub her tits to ‘adjust’ her top a bit more in front of him. Jaune scoffed under his breath. Yeah, her tits were large, the largest of those he travelled with, but considering he flirted with Weiss and was dating Ruby, hadn't he proved he liked them a bit smaller?...it didn't mean that he wouldn't love to get his hands on them, though. He wasn't stupid. Yang then pushed her hair into a pony tail before moving past him and spoke. “Hey careful Vomit boy, if Ruby gets a glimpse at your short sword she might blush.” She mocked as she took notice of the large bulge in his pants and tried to make fun of it before she went off to the showers. Jaune stilled, fighting his anger, before he took a deep breath as he heard the shower starting...before standing, his cock sticking out and pulling his shorts away from his body as he moved towards the shower. He was horny, and how very...*kind*...of Yang to "volunteer" to sate his libido. Yang was cleaning her body in the showers. Her workout was nice and as a bonus she even teased Jaune. It counted as a win for her, as she cleaned her body she didn’t notice anyone like Jaune enter the showers as she was fully naked and oblivious. Stripping himself naked, Jaune licked his lips as he looked over Yang's naked, glistening body under the hot water. As much of a bitch she could be, she was hot. Walking up slowly behind her, he grabbed her and ground his cock between her ass cheeks, enjoying the squeal of shock he received. “Ahh! J-Jaune?!” She looked back and gasped as she felt something thick and long between her assheeks and she realized what he was doing. “W-Wait Jaune stop! I don’t know what your trying but if you don’t get off me I’l-AH!” She felt his cock rubbing between her asscheeks more.
Jaune chuckled as he reached around and palmed one of her heavy breasts, pinching and tweaking the erect nipple. His other hand came down and cupped her core. He snorted. "*REALLY?*" he asked, trailing his fingers over her soaking folds. "Just a little bit of teasing me, and you're *this* soaked? You truly *are* a slut, aren't you?" he asked.
“Nnngh Ahhh!” She felt him tweak her nipples, making her gasp and moan out involuntarily as she panted and tried to move her body against his but no luck in getting him off. “N-No I’m not! So... nnngh.. let go of me...” she said with her cheeks bright red and her pussy getting wet as something other than water dropped down her thighs.
Slipping one, two, three fingers into Yang easily, Jaune snorted again. "With how easily you're swallowing my fingers? I'm pretty sure I could shove my *fist* in you without trouble..." he chuckled, feeling her walls squeeze around his fingers and her legs tremble. "Did you just *cum*, you slut? *Wow*..."
“Nnngh... be quiet.... just pull your fingers out and go.. before I... I...” Yang felt so helpless. Her pussy already gushing with arousal as she came. Her hips bucking a bit she felt her Pussy clenching down on Jaune’s digits.
Jaune laughed. "No, I don't think I will, slut." he pressed his thumb on Yang's clit and rotated it, getting a squeak and loud moan from the blond in his arms. "You must be the Beacon Bicycle being *this* sensitive? Tell me, how many men, women, or *both* have had you in this position?"
“Nnnaaagh~! No... I haven’t... no. I haven’t even... nnnghaajhhh~!” The feeling of Jaune’s thumb pressing against her clit was enough to make Yang cum and squirt all over Jaune’s fingers. She moaned out loudly as she did, leaning back against him.
"You haven't even what? Been gangbanged by every boy in the year yet?" Jaune asked, his other hand abandoning Yang's breast to grab her lush blonde locks and *tug* on them, yanking her head back. Instead of anger, which he was expecting, he got rolled back violet eyes and a loud, slutty moan. Brow furrowing in thought, he moved his index finger and thumb to circle her clit for a moment...before squeezing. "Oh my *Gods*...not only are you a slut, you're a masochistic one, too!" he said as Yang cried out, pussy squirting hard enough to hit the shower wall before them.
“Ahhhhh! Jaune! Let gooo~!” She wailed out in pleasure as she felt him pull her hair back moaning. Her cheeks were bright red as she felt so embarrassed, being reduced to a cumming puddle as Jaune caused her orgasms. “I-I... I’m not.. aaaa slut~!” She could help but yelp as her clit was circled by his index finger and thumb.
Jaune laughed, tugging her hair harder, enjoying the sight of her breasts rapidly bouncing from how hard and fast she was breathing. "That's what *all* sluts say, Yang! But don't worry, I'm more than happy to accommodate *every single one* of your slutty holes with my cock..." quickly shifting himself, he lightly knocked Yang's leg, making her fall back onto his cock, her pussy making a loud *SLICKT* noise as it swallowed his cock to the base with no difficulty.
“N-No Jaune wa-AIIIIT!” Yang screamed out in the showers as she felt back into his cock. Yelling out as she felt it slip into her pussy entirely. She gasped out with wide eyes as she looked down to see a slight bulge in her abdomen and a bit of blood running by the water from her pussy. She gasped and sputtered as she shook in his grip. Moaning out as Jaune pulled her hair and groaning as she felt it enter her womb. Jaune didn't hesitate a moment, one hand yanking Yang's hair, the fingers of the other roughly pinching and rolling her clit as he moved his hips with focus, feeling his tip slam into her womb, her walls rippling around him in what he recognized as another orgasm. God, he was going to make it so this slut couldn't *live* without his cock! “Guh! J-Jaune... waiaitz.... your brealing meeee~!” Yang said crying out as she felt her pussy being fucked and railed by his cock, her hair being roughly pulled and the feeling of he clit made her cum, even if she didn’t want to. Her voice was coming out and her breaths ragged with each orgasm she had.
"As often as I'm sure you've done this, I doubt I'm breaking you." Jaune felt her clench tightly around him, milking him of his cum. "Here cums your first load, Yang!" he groaned, pressing his hips flush to Yang's ass as he unloaded into her pussy.
“N-No Jaaaauuuunnnee~!” She felt his hot load fill up her pussy and womb, making her gasp out as she went limp in his arms. Speaking incoherently as she was just raped and creampied by the guy she wanted to get away from her sister. As she did go limp she fell out of his hands and fell to the floor panting with her ass in the air as her gaped pussy was oozing out Jaune’s cum along with some red from her hymen being broken by his cock and her tougue stuck out form her mouth, panting as she tried getting up.
Yang's heart shaped ass was upturned towards him, her pussy oozing a mix of his and her cum out of it. Above that, was the untouched pucker of her ass being offered. "Why, thank you, slut...don't mind if I do!" Jaune grabbed Yang's ass and spread it apart, pressing the slick head of his cock to it. With a quick snap of his hips, he slipped into Yang's backdoor, reaching halfway before he met any resistance. "Wow, such a slut...even *BLAKE'S* ass made me work to get in!" granted, he hadn't had sex with Blake, but then Yang didn't need to know that, now did she?
“AHHHH~! Nnngh.. Jau.... Ju....” she couldn’t even say his name right as her toes curled and her hands were flat against the floor as she tried to get up but the feeling of his cock going deep into her ass made her lay back down against the wet floor panting like a slut as Jaune’s cock went deeper in.
Jaune laughed as he began to saw in and out, spanking Yang's ass hard, loving the wobble of the creamy flesh, which was swiftly turning red the more he slapped it. "Admit it, your body was made to take cock! It's all it's made for!"
“Ah! Nnngh Ah~ Jaune... slow... doooen~” she couldn’t even say words right as she felt him thrusting deep into her ass. Stretching her unused hole more as she stuck her tongue out and her eyes crossed from the sheer pleasure and pain she was received.
Yanking on her hair more, Jaune grinned. "What was that? Go *faster*? Okay, just for you!" Jaune thrust harder and faster, his hips slapping into Yang's backside, the loud *cracks* filling the showers, his free hand slipping around and between her thighs, rubbing, pinching, and twisting her clit again.
“Nnngaaaaggg~ jaaaune your gonna drive me crazy!” Yang came again as she felt her ass being pounded before her eyes began to roll up as she felt her clit being rubbed and pinched as she came more. Her legs shaking as she felt her mind breaking.
Jaune chuckled low. "That's the general idea, my slut. Here cums the second helping!" Juane thrust several times more, short and hard, before slamming his hips against Yang's cherry red rear and unloading his second load into her ass. Yang couldn’t say much more as she felt him cum deep inside of her ass. cresmpieing her as she stuck her tongue out and panted loudly as her body shook. Slowly pulling out of Yang's ass, Jaune let her go and watched her collapse to the floor, watching her gaping ass gushing out his cum with a smirk. He knelt down next to her and turned her head so she wouldn't drown, before speaking. "Did you enjoy the show?" he asked their watcher, before gasping slightly, looking down to see that Yang had wrapped her lips around his still hard and cum slick cock, slowly swallowing it down as she looked up at him in adoration.
“Yeah... I guess you can say I did.” Ruby said revealing herself as she saw her sister sucking Jaune’s cock hungrily with her eyes having small pink hearts and the eager gags coming from her as well. “Hopefully she’ll stop teasing you so much.” Ruby said as she walked over and kissed Jaune’s cheek. “That’s my job~”
Turning his head and capturing his smaller girlfriend's lips, Jaune made out with Ruby as he grabbed Yang's hair and *pulled* her down to the base of his cock, her nose buried in his trimmed hair. The choking and tight throat wrapping around him made him cum one final time, his balls emptying down Yang's throat and filling her belly, before yanking her back and unloading the last shots on her face.
Breaking the kiss, Jaune bumped noses with Ruby. "Yeah, and you do it so well..." he glanced down at Yang, looking up at the pair of them with glazed eyes and cum spattered features. "How do you like the picture?"
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lokislittlemagpie · 4 years
ask 16 and 32 wuw
((WOAH OMG HI LMAO- I'll add a meme for them too just to show more of their personality-)
Lets start with Benny!
32) (this actually helps with explaining him anyway-) Benny was designed after Brook the skeleton big time- He has darker skin and jade eyes like his mom (an undead demon 1800s girl i made a long while back-) Unlike both parents, he is fully living since he was created by CC! But he does have a veerry sensitive body (can get sick very easily or can very easily die by eating anything too spicy-) small heart issues, and is kinda thin- He is about 6 feet 7 inches and has dark black curly hair that he usually has inna tight pony tail! (kinda like Usopp but it drops down more, not as round rlly) He is 18!
16) Benny, as i said, is a lot like Brook but he is also incredibly inspired by Cyclonus too! He does have a love for old music and loves sword canes- But hes a huge chicken like Brook too- He loves Les Misrerables and he loves Hamilton- if you even get this man started, he will earrape One more Day and Satisfied until that's all you can hear in your worst nightmares-
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32) Yunni is about 5 feet 6 inch of pure sass- He is blond with big green eyes that are quite beautiful actually- He loves pink booty shorts and crop tops with things that say the dumbest jokes like "kawaii on the streets" on the front and "Senpai in the sheets" on the back- He is a great cook and will gladly be your sassy prep boi- his hair is kinda a combo of Sanji and Italy from Hetalia- He has that one strand of curly hair like he does but theat medium hair that covers one eye like Sanji but it's longer on the left and curls at the tips! He is 24!
16) He is inspired by 4 characters! Sanji, Italy, Swerve, and Bumblebee- His personality is a mush of Swerves low self-esteem jokes, Bumblebee Bayverse sass, Italy's cuteness, and Sanjis slight anger problems and his cooking skills aren't as great but hes a great bar tender! He loves Jeff Dunham, Gordon Ramsay, and Kevin Hart and he references their jokes or threats on the daily-
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32) Ruby is the daughter of two black magicians! Basil Hawkins and Dorothy Hopkins (whos next!) She has looong hair like her dad but is a slightly dark brown with black a the tips! She has his deep red eyes tho- Her face is more rounded like her mother's and she's only 5 foot 4- She's calm ajd quiet but can and will burn you not just literally but with just five words, your life is over- She always has a small smile on her face and always carries her book of spells! She has both her parents clothing sense wth dark clothes but she has to have her fathers old school frills and long black and red robes like her mother! She is 20!
16) She is inspired obviously from Hawkins- But she is very slightly tinted with Drift from Bayverse! She will tell dark dark poems at honestly the not so best of times- and she loves swords! She loves Adventure time and Steven Universe- Its the only light side to her just don't say that to her face-
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32) Dorothy is a 5 foot 5 Long slightly curly black curly haired magician! She has a third eye that runs in her now extinct royal family. She is always gently smiling but will put you in your place- One cold stare and make you wanna regret being born- She keeps her third eye covered with her hair and has emerald green eyes- her third eye has a huge dry eye problem so its kinda lightly tinted yellow with red veins- but its still green! She loves her medical dark magic gowns and gear! She is more into demons and sacrifice while Ruby likes to summon little demons and do blood moon stuff! They both love crystals tho! Amythest and Quartz are a must-
16) She is inspired by only a two people- Loki from Marvel with her slight sense of humor and honestly her hair- And she is also like The Black Magician who is from Princess and the frog who I can't remember the name of- She becomes someone else if she uses dark magic too long at once! She loves soap operas and would die to see Phantom of the Opera live-
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32) Lucas is a fun loving spider mink human hybrid! He is the son of Admiral Kizaru and My GFs OC Kasumi! He looks a lot like his dad but his personality is a little different! His hair is more curly and his a milk chocolate brown! He has four eyes but usually only uses the blue bottom eyes and keeps the red upper ones closed- He has elf like pointy ears and his dad's ridiculous lips- He has his eye brows too- But! he has his mom's fangs and eyes! He also has for slightly clawed arms and hands! He is just at perfect 6 feet! He uses swords and webs in battle that come from his hands like spiderman! He is calm but has many jokes and could be hiding anywhere- He is always smiling and tapping a foot to some song in his head- He loves his light peach orange uni pocket hoodie and his loose dark blue jeans with his converse-
16) Hes inspired by Kizaru of course and he is like a Rose Trantula kinda- More calm than most big spiders but still can and will fight you- He is also inspired clearly by spiderman! He also kinda reminds me of Whirl when he snaps- Or like IDW Drift when he gets Slicy dicey- He loves the old stuff like Ren and Stimpy and he still gets nightmare about "return the slaaaab" From Courts the cowardly dog-
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32) Julie Ann is a pink haired girl with purple tips and is full of spunk and curse words- She has a thin mechanical arm after getting it blown of by her own inventions! She is smart and narcissistic but secretly fears being alone- She loves military boots and torn up rock shirts that are almost a little revealing thanks to the giant arm pit holes- she loves black leather pants and always has half her head shaved on the left while the right is just flying around! But she does have a piece perminantly braided in the front of her head on the right and it's a just a few inches passed her shoulders- She will fist fight god and walk backwards into hell with both birds up- she has sky blue eyes!
16) She is inspired By Julie Sue from the sonic comics! (The older stuff) and Eustass Kidd from one piece! She can be a lot like Braintsorm/ Whirl too- Shes a scary woman- Five Finger Death Punch and the all edgy verse of DC is her life-
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32) Mel is A very shy GIANT Angler fish- I know in real life male anglers are tiny as hell but I really wanted a big shy man and Mel happened- Melvin is green with sea blue spike fins on his arms and back of his calfs! He has huge spike fin gills too but has learned to breath air over time- he has the little dangling trap from his forehead and has a combed over blue mohawk- He has big sharp teeth that poke out from his mouth in random places- his hands have blue webbing and so does his feet- His eyes are black and have gold squiggly irises- He is at a scary 7 feet 4 inches but he just wants hugs- This man cries when watching Endgame and Phantom of the Opera- He has a love for shirts that are just a little loose on him and loves jean shorts with sandles! He also loves crocs- Don't tease him he'll literally cry-
16) He is inspired actually by Ten from IDW and a bit of Endgame Hulk- He is also like inspired by Katakuri from One Piece! His sharp teeth from Kat and his body build is not quite as beefy as Hulk but he's kinda close honestly- He loves Steven Universe and the original Teen Titans! He squeals like a fan boy when ever he sees Beast boy-
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32) Jake is happy smart mini Dobbie! He is the shortest standing at 4 feet 5 inches! He has a stub tail and a golden pirate ring piercing on his right ear! He has all the colors and looks of a dobbie he just smol- He loves to fix things and will growl if you poke to much fun at him- Ruby calls it 'Short man syndrom' and he hates it- He only wears blue torn up blue mean shorts- No shirt and no shoes- His eyes are bright bby boi sea blue! He loves head pats every now and then and loves bacon- You can kill this mans family and hell forgive you for 5 pounds of bacon- He blasts Wheezer and Gorillaz from his work shop at all times!
16) He is inspired by your typical tiny Dobbie! But he kinda looks like a mechanic version of Rewind- He is also inspired by an old friends dog who was named Jake! He doesn't watch much tv or movies but if he does its gotta Be Marvel- This man looks up to Tony Stark like a god and has an Iron man poster for modivation in his shop-
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((I hope this isn't like too gross or annoying- Ive never mentioned any of my OCs- In fact i just forgot my main OC Lola- w o w- If you want stuff for her just let me know! I'll even try to find my old doodles and my gfs doodles if you want me to-))
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parti-pooper · 5 years
Headcanons for Stendy Family?
Alright, Anon! The time has come! OvO/ I don’t know if these are the kinds of headcanons you had hoped for - but I hope you can enjoy them anyway. uwu
Stan proposes to Wendy on the night of a wedding reception. Drunk. After puking. With no ring. Seeing his friends get married that day made him get mushy, and so he downed a bunch of liquid luck in the hopes of getting up enough courage to ask her to marry him. He thought it’d be romantic. Cue Wendy having to say nope after watching her beautiful, beloved boyfriend eject his guts and slur, “Wen-dyyy I larvuI lff fugignk larvaruu youuu,, marr meh ples marr meybeb…”
Wendy tells Stan what he did the next morning, and he gets embarrassed as he explains his thoughts last night. Wendy asks if he was genuine, and Stan says yeah, he really was. “Ask me again,” she says. “I don’t know,” he laughs nervously, “I’m kind of scared you’ll say no again.”  He pulls at his hair anxiously and averts his gaze, but she grabs his hand and makes him look into her eyes. “Ask me again,” she says, and he can’t deny her. “Okay, uhm… Wendy, I love you. Will you marry me?” He winces, pained, while he waits for her response. She smiles easily. “Yes.”
And that’s how Stan proposed to Wendy, drunk, and then proposed to her again, hungover. Still a better love story than Twilight.
They have a winter wedding. It snows on the day, and so Wendy and Stan both have white flakes in their black hair in all their wedding photographs outside the church. His horrible friends make dandruff jokes, but Stan and Wendy are so happy, they can’t even care. They’re shivering and smiling the whole day long.
Wendy keeps her last name, which Stan is disappointed about after all of those years writing Wendy Marsh in the margins of his notebooks, but he respects her decision.
They honeymoon in Hawaii. They’re a basic bitch couple, at the end of the day. (Butters sets them up, btw. Mahalo Rewards Card, biiitch!)
They were living together even before marriage, so they just continue to live like that for the first year of marriage. It isn’t long before Wendy gets pregnant though (Marsh men move fast, f.y.i., they end up being the first couple in their group of friends to have kids) and they quickly realise that their one-bedroom apartment probably isn’t the best place to raise a kid.
They end up moving to a cramped little house in a different area of their city. Stan wanted to move somewhere with a big backyard and a nearby park and quiet, safe roads for his kid to play in, like back where he grew up. But they had to stay in the city while Wendy finished her PhD.
It’s hard to make ends meet while Wendy’s working on her thesis and a part-time job while pregnant (with all of the discomfort that implies), and Stan’s trying to make enough money for the both of them doing whatever job he can. It’s a very poor time for them. There’s a lot of stress and a lot of arguments break out between them. They go to bed angry sometimes.
…But they always make up eventuality. It’s the hardest nights that make them cling the closest.
Stan and Wendy end up getting two babies for the price of one. They find out they’re having twins, and their stress just doubles.
They work themselves to exhaustion trying to save up enough money for their stork delivery, taking extra shifts at their work. They sleep whenever they’re not working. They forget to eat. Some days, they don’t even see each other. When they do, they can’t even muster the energy to just talk.
Sometimes they forget what it’s all for.
They remember again when Wendy finally gives birth, and they have their beautiful twin daughters. Stan holds one in each arm, and cries the whole time. Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny arrive pretty much instantaneously, being that over-dependent surrogate family they’ve always been to him, and all just hug the ever-loving shit out of Stan and coo over their new nieces.
Wendy gets a visit from all her girlfriends, too. Bebe, Nichole, Red, Heidi, Annie, and more, all come bearing gifts like the Wise Men at Jesus’ birth.
Having twins is no fucking party. Have you ever tried to soothe two babies crying at once? Stan and Wendy can’t take turns; they both have to get up in the night when the babies cry. The sleep deprivation is real, you guys.
Wendy has to take time off from her part-time job due to maternity leave, and she has to finish her thesis from home, so she stays and looks after the twins in the day. Stan goes to work all day, and then he takes over at night when he gets home.
Sometimes Gran’pa Randy and Gran’ma Sharon will take the kids off their hands for a weekend just so that Stan and Wendy can catch up on some fucking sleep. Stan has never loved them more than when they do that.
The twins grow up to be absolute terrors. Neither Stan nor Wendy know where they got their mischievous side from, but boy did they get it. Like, why are they so determined to stick pointy things in power outlets? Why do they constantly want to put small objects in their mouths? Why don’t they want to wear diapers? Why do they like to scream at the top of their lungs when their mom is working? Why do they think the wall is the best place to draw on with crayons? (Uncle Cartman is so proud, btw.)
Stan and Wendy swear up and down that they are never having another one. Never, ever. Nope. Not a single one. Two is more than enough. No.
Two years later, Wendy is pregnant again.
She’s finally finished her PhD though, so they think it’s finally time to move to that huge house with the big backyard in a nice neighbourhood like they always talked about.
“No, Stan, we’re not getting a dog too. We barely just got the girls potty-trained, and we still have to take them out on leashes. That’s all the dog we need right now.”
She gives birth to their son, Thomas, not long after. And thank goodness, he inherited his father’s quietness and is not as unnecessarily loud as his sisters. He also inherited his father’s sensitivity, however, and he cries at near-anything. A very fussy baby. He lives in his daddy’s arms, and he is literally, actually scared of his own shadow. His big sisters bully him a lot.
But they won’t allow anyone else to bully him. Like their mom, they stand up against any tyranny (that isn’t their own). Also like their mom, they are ferociously intelligent, and their parents fear them for it.
All three children have the same black hair and blue eyes as their mom and dad and grow up to be the absolute spit of their parents.
When Stan and Wendy look at their children, they quite literally forget all those years of hardship they went through; because what is that suffering, now, compared to this bliss?
Stan is such a sappy dad, in fact, that he writes songs about his children, for his children, and sings to them on his guitar.
Then the girls try to steal his guitar and almost break it with their careless strumming because they can’t appreciate nice things when they’re, what, six? Seriously, Stan, what did you think would happen?
But they quiet down and listen when Stan sings them a lullaby at bedtime.
Also, Stan is a pretty big push-over. His kids just need to bat their baby blues at them and he’s wrapped ‘round their tiny fingers. An ice-cream? You got it, honey. A pony? Anything for you, sweetie. What’s that, now? The assassination of the US president? Just hold on, cupcake, I’m on my way to D.C. right now.
I swear, Wendy “Don’t Fucking Test Me” Burger is the only force keeping that family from falling to the whims of their terrible twins and the wants of their infant son.
She makes sure they brush their teeth and eat their greens and look both ways before crossing the street. She has full folders of their medical and dental history organised in chronological order. She already has a college fund set up for all three kids that she keeps money flowing into monthly. She helps them with their homework (mostly Thomas, the girls do fine on their own). She’s a fucking scary force of nature, man.
…But maybe she lets Stan get that dog one day.
Uncle Kyle, Uncle Cartman, and Uncle Kenny visit often, and bring their own kids when they have them too. They reminisce while watching their children run around, playing and fighting, like they all used to do as kids. And they spoil Stan and Wendy’s children absolutely fucking rotten, and that doesn’t fucking help, guys, stop bringing the girls candy when we’re trying to teach them that locking their baby brother in the pantry is bad!!
Anyway, they’re a beautiful fucking family. I’m happy for them.
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erisgregory · 5 years
Mylex Prompt - Michael and Kyle constantly sniping at each other and Alex being fed up with it, saying “I’m so sick of this whose-dick-is-bigger contest! If you really wanna know, I’ll happily tell you!” (Implication that Alex has already seen Kyle’s)
This was such a fun prompt, though it was a bugger to write, thank you so much! Prompts are currently closed as I try and catch up with my inbox. I have ten prompts left.
cross posted to AO3
I’m Caught In Between (explicit)
Alex had been listening to it for almost an hour now. He didn’t think he could take much more. It was giving him a headache that the beers weren’t quite drowning out any more. He’d invited them both over in an attempt to get past the pettiness they both had any time they were around each other. However it was looking like it had backfired on him. So much for game night.
“You were a dick in high school and you’re no different now!” Michael was almost shouting and Kyle was no better, right up in Michael’s face like he didn’t even think about his safety.
“Some of us did grow up, Guerin, but maybe not all of us!” Kyle threw back.
“Oh that sounds mature, sure!” Michael threw a glance at Alex as if to say, see?
“Leave me out of it.” Alex told them both, holding his hands up.
“You know Alex doesn’t want to get involved because he knows you’re wrong.” Kyle said.
“Alex doesn’t want to get involved because he doesn’t want to hurt your precious feelings!” Michael told him.
“Alex doesn’t want to get involved because he’s not stupid enough to pick sides in an argument about who was the best Spiderman.” Alex explained. He couldn’t believe they were still going at it and now they were dragging him into it.
“You know what? I can’t take this anymore. “I’m so sick of this whose-dick-is-bigger contest! If you really wanna know, I’ll happily tell you!” He said, standing up and staring them both down.
Kyle coughed, but Michael laughed. Alex wasn’t even slightly amused. This sniping had been going on for days, and though the subject changed the underlying issue never did.
“You can’t mean…” Michael said.
“Oh I’m serious.” Alex raised his brows at them.
Kyle had the good sense to flush a warm pink across his cheeks. He was embarrassed or ashamed and either way really worked for Alex. He really wanted them to shut up. Alex didn’t think he was ashamed about the knowledge Alex had about him or the circumstances that led to Alex finding out. He was more embarrassed for being called out. Or so Alex was guessing.
“When did you…?” Michael still wasn’t forming complete sentences and he looked slightly abashed. Which was a much better look than smug was just now. Alex was sick of his superiority complex over Kyle. Both of them needed taking down a peg and he knew just how to do it.
“Twenty eleven. I was home on leave very briefly.” Alex told him. ‘We gave each other handies in the bathroom at Wild Pony.
“You said we were never going to talk about it.” Kyle said, but he was grinning looking at Michael like he’d already won.
“You’ve pushed me to this.” Alex said. “I don’t see that I have much choice.” He shrugged.
Kyle actually laughed proving he wasn’t ashamed of what they’d done. Alex was pretty sure of that, but it was nice to have it confirmed.
“Okay then, so tell us.” Michael challenged, though he didn’t sound as sure as he had been before when he was egging Kyle on. He maybe sounded a little worried and though Alex did want him taken down a peg or two he didn’t want to make him feel actually bad.
“Okay well, Kyle is longer.” He said. Kyle gave Michael the biggest shit eating grin.
“Wait, I’m not done.” He told them. Michael looked a little hopeful at that. “Michael’s thicker.”
Now Michael had the grin.
“That doesn’t help at all!” Kyle complained.
“Sure it does. It’s all about what someone’s looking for.” Alex assured him.
Michael laughed.
“Don’t do that, I didn’t say what I was looking for.” Alex cautioned Michael.
Then he had to laugh. They both looked so gobsmacked, it was hilarious.
Michael smacked his arm. “That was uncalled for.”
“You should have seen your face.” Alex wheezed.
“I’m glad you think this is so funny.” Kyle said with a huff. He was starting to look very put out.
“Come on, you should both be very happy.” Alex told them. “Now maybe you can stop all this pissing contest bullshit.”
“I don’t know, now I feel like I need to see if you’re telling the truth.” Michael said with a grin.
Alex turned to level a look at him. “That wasn’t exactly the point of this.” He said.
“But it could be, right Michael?” Kyle asked, grinning again now himself.
“Are you two serious right now?” Alex asked them. He could feel his own cheeks starting to heat up just thinking about it. Seriously?
“I’m dead serious, Manes.” Michael said. He cocked an eyebrow at Kyle.
“Dead serious.” He echoed, though Alex caught him swallowing nervously.
“Fine, let’s see it then.” If everyone else could be cocky so could Alex. Besides there was a part of him that would never admit it outloud, but this was fulfilling some serious fantasy fodder.
“Together then?” Michael asked Kyle who nodded. They stood facing each other on the other side of Alex’s coffee table.
Michael reached for his zipper first, but Kyle was right with him as they both undid their flies. Alex was holding his breath. This was really happening. They pushed their jeans down to their thighs. And then they paused and Alex felt his breath woosh out of him as they finally lowered their underwear in one fluid movement.
Kyle was already half hard, but he stroked himself a few times until he stood out fully hard. Michael was already there too. Both of them were staring at the other which was perfect actually because they completely missed that Alex almost fell off the couch leaning forward.
“What do you think, Valenti?” Michael asked. “Because I think Alex owes us for this little show.”
Kyle laughed and his eyes darted over to Alex. “I think you might be right.” He said, licking his lips.
Now it was Alex’s turn to swallow nervously. He didn’t think he’d had quite enough to drink be able to handle this onslaught. “What do you mean?” He asked, knowing exactly what they meant. He licked his lips as they stalked toward him, Michael from the right and Kyle from the left. It was almost too much to take.
They stood in front of him stripping the rest of the way out of their clothes until they both stood stark naked before him. It was just a lot to take in and if Michael hadn’t been the one egging this on he never would have believed he’d be comfortable with this. He looked more than comfortable though, he looked totally confident. So he hadn’t exactly been taken down a peg after all. Alex couldn’t help but grin nervously at them both.
Michael reached forward and took his hand, pulling him to the edge of the couch and laying his hand on his hip. Kyle repeated the motion until he was touching them both and suddenly very hard in his pants. He glanced up at them, first Michael then Kyle, they both clearly wanted it, and he wanted them. So he leaned forward slightly and kissing the juncture of Michael’s hip and leg, where he was most sensitive. He didn’t really know Kyle’s body despite some drunken fooling around years ago, but he thought about what he liked and went with that for now. He kissed down the little trail of hair from his belly button to the base of his cock.
Then he took Michael’s cock into his mouth and moved his hand to circle Kyle’s. Michael made a muted little noise as Alex sucked him down. He was always reserved in the beginning and Alex took it as a challenge to get him to let loose and make some real noise.
When he pulled off Michael’s pupils were blown wide leaving his eyes mostly black. Alex gave him a little grin before sinking over Kyle’s cock, sucking gently as he sank down to the base. Kyle really was longer so it took a little mind over matter to take him all the way in. He pulled back and swirled his tongue and then before he could think of his next move, Michael was there, moved in closer and nudging his cock against Alex’s full mouth. Alex obediently opened for him, not able to really close his mouth around them but he managed to suck on the heads of both, licking them in turn.
Alex had to press the heel of his hand to his own dick as it twitched hard in his pants. He was more turned on than he could ever remember being. Michael sank a hand into his hair and held him in place as he tried to get his mouth around both of them.
Looking up just made everything hotter because Michael and Kyle were kissing. Kyle had a hand on the back of his neck and Michael was tugging at his hair now and all of it felt so good. He pulled back just enough to take a breath before sinking his mouth back over Michael’s cock, all the way down, his jaw aching with the stretch. Michael cried out above him and it made Alex feel powerful.
He pulled off with a pop and turned to give the same treatment to Kyle’s cock, sinking down and then swallowing at the head until Kyle was moaning softly. All the while he kept a hand on both of them effectively holding them in place.
“Look at him.” Michael said to Kyle. “Look at those pretty lips.”
“Trust me, I’m looking.” Kyle said with a huffed laugh.
“This isn’t what you two did is it? What was it? Tell me.” He demanded. Alex loved when he got like that, all demanding and in control, but he didn’t expect Kyle to go along with it so easily.
“Hand jobs. Drunken handjobs in the parking lot of the Wild Pony. He didn’t know I was bi until that night.” Kyle explained between panted breaths.
“I see.” Michael said. “Bet that came as a shock.”
“Oh yeah.” Kyle assured him.
“A good one, I’d wager.” Michael told him.
“Seemed so, yeah.” Kyle laughed.
All of this was just too much talking for Alex so he pulled them by the dicks closer and took as much of them in as he could effectively shutting them both up again. It was a lot, almost too much and his jaw was certainly going to hurt later if he kept stretching it like this, but he wanted them, wanted their pleasure, wanted to drive them crazy.
Alex made his tongue flat and wide and licked the tips of both their cocks, tasting them both. Michael was saltier, but they both tasted so good. Alex wanted so much more. He sucked Kyle in, using his hand to jerk Michael off slowly but steadily.
“I want to be inside you.” Michael told him.
Alex pulled off Kyle and looked up at them. He swallowed hard. Maybe that was the next natural progression of this but it seemed like kind of a big deal. A bigger deal.
“Yeah?” Alex asked. He looked from Michael to Kyle and back to Michael.
“If you want to.” Michael amended.
“I do.” Alex said. “Do you?” He asked Kyle.
“God, yes.” Kyle breathed.
“Then we should take this to the bedroom.” Michael said.
They stepped back and Michael helped Alex to his feet. He kept his hand as they walked to the bedroom, and Michael leaned in to Alex and whispered, “This is okay with you, right?”
Alex nodded, he didn’t trust his voice just then. They made it to the bedroom and Michael immediately started to strip Alex. He pulled off Alex’s shirt and kissed him before going for his belt buckle. Once he had his bet off he gently pushed Alex to the edge of the bed and sat him down next to Kyle. Then he worked open Alex’s fly and helped push his pants and underwear off.
Michael backed off giving Alex the space to remove his prosthetic and lay it aside, which he did. Then he was back on him, taking his head in his hands and kissing him deeply.
When Michael pulled back to breath he turned Alex’s face toward Kyle who leaned in and took over the kissing. Kissing Kyle was something Alex wasn’t really prepared for. He was much more enthusiastic than Alex was expecting, more forceful, just more. It was pretty awesome all things considered.
Then they were climbing up into the bed, the three of them with Alex in the middle which was a pretty good place to be, he guessed. Michael immediately latched onto his neck finding the sensitive spot below his ear and Kyle brought their lips back together for another scorching kiss.
There were hands everywhere, on his chest on his thigh on his arm, on his jaw, too many to keep track of it seemed and that was okay by Alex. It wasn’t long before Michael’s hand made it to Alex’s cock, stroking it gently, in an almost teasing manner.
“Oh.” Alex said in an almost surprised voice. It felt good though, being between them, so he let himself relax into it. Alex reached for both of them then, wrapping a hand around each cock and they moved against him, each moaning softly as he touched them. It was a heady thing, having them both in bed like that.
“Can you get him ready?” Michael asked Kyle, reaching back and finding the lube in the draw. “He likes a lot of prep.”
Alex flushed at such an intimate detail coming out, but it was true so he just grinned at Kyle sheepishly as Kyle climbed down his body.
“I’ll be gentle.” Kyle told him softly. Alex nodded back. He liked gentle for this part. Kyle nuzzled into his thigh and placed kisses along the inner part of his knee leading up to the junction of his hip and leg.
“Can I?” He asked and he asked it so sweetly that it made Alex’s chest squeeze tight like he couldn’t breathe for a moment.
“Yeah.” Alex answered him when he could.
Then Kyle was taking him in his mouth, gently, slowly, as though it meant something more than just getting off, and that made Alex wonder. But not for long because Kyle was sucking him down and swallowing around the head of his cock and Alex couldn’t think clearly after that. The world narrowed down to the points of contact on his body, where Kyle was licking and sucking his cock and Michael was kissing across his chest, nibbling on a nipple and stroking him with his hands.
Kyle was just distracting him though, as it turned out, because next Alex felt a cool finger swirling around his entrance, pressing oh so lightly. Alex made the tiniest noise and Michael raised up to kiss him, swallowing the moan that came next as Kyle’s finger breached him. Alex didn’t know what to do with his hands then. He found that one of them had somehow made its way into Kyle’s hair and the other was holding on to Michael for dear life as he tried to anchor himself in some way.
One finger was taking out and two returned. Slowly pressing forward until Alex keened. Then they stilled and Kyle went back to sucking his cock down, keeping him balanced between discomfort and pleasure. It was working too, Alex could feel himself relaxing. Until Kyle found his prostate and then there was nothing but bursts of pleasure as he rode between Kyle’s fingers and his mouth.
“You look so good like this. I never get to just look at you when you’re coming apart.” Michael whispered into his ear, the words tickling and raising goosebumps on the back of his neck.
Kyle came back with three fingers and just pressed them in slowly and left them there until Alex’s hips were pushing down onto them. He needed more, he was ready, beyond ready. “Please.” Alex begged. “I need more.”
“Okay babe, I’ve got you.” Michael told him. Alex felt sure it was true, Michael always knew what he needed and when in bed.
Together they moved around on the bed until Alex’s back was to Kyle and he was facing Michael, laying on his side. Michael lifted his good leg up over his hip and settled between his thighs. Kyle came in close behind him, placing kissing along his shoulders and the back of his neck. His arm wound around Alex holding him snugly in place between them.
Michael slicked his cock with more lube and then slid into Alex with one smooth motion. Kyle pinched his nipple as Alex cried out softly. Michael felt so good, but being pinned between them brought an extra layer to the moment that was unexpectedly brilliant. Alex had never felt anything like it before.
“You make the best noises.” Kyle told him, licking the shell of his ear. “Don’t hold back.” He commanded.
Alex was pulled into a kiss by Michael who licked into his mouth and kissed him deeply as he began to move inside him. When he let Alex breathe again Alex couldn’t have stopped the little sounds falling from his mouth if he’d tried. Kyle’s hands seemed to be everywhere, stroking his belly, his thigh, playing across his nipples, and his mouth was attached to the side of Alex’s neck in one of his most sensitive spots. It was all Alex could do just to hang on to Michael as he fucked him slow and deep.
“Ah, ah.” He cried out as Michael found his prostate and then angled toward it on every thrust.
“Yeah.” Kyle whispered. “Let us hear you.” He reached around and took Alex’s cock in his hand and began to stroke it in long slow movements that made Alex feel like he was losing his mind. He knew he was getting loud, but ti was only spurring both of them on.
“Tell me when you’re ready for more.” Kyle said. All Alex could do was hang on and nod. He wanted more, he needed more but he didn’t know how to ask for that.
“Alex, I need you to say it. Tell me you need more.” Kyle told him. Alex felt his heart was going to trip right out of his chest.
“I need… I need more.” Alex managed to get out. He was trembling with excitement thinking about what more might mean.
Michael slowed to a stop then as if this whole thing were choreographed. “I want to know if it gets to be too much.” He told Alex and then leaned in to kiss him. Alex watched then as he pulled back to pass the lube to Kyle and Alex’s eyes went wide. He wanted it, but he wasn’t entirely convinced it was going to work.
Kyle rubbed the head of his cock against Alex’s stretched entrance. Alex was so sensitive it tore a moan from his throat. The thrill of what they were doing was causing Alex’s legs to tremble. He’d never done anything like this, not even close to this. It was exciting and scary and overwhelming in the best possible way. Kyle began to press in and Alex held perfectly still. So did Michael though he kissed Alex again as a distraction. Kyle attached his mouth to the juncture of Alex’s neck and shoulder and bit down gently, just enough for Alex to really feel it, enough that he was able to relax and let the head of Kyle’s cock slip inside him.
“Ahhh.” Alex moaned. Kyle petted at his hip and thigh, soothing him. He felt so full already and he knew they weren’t nearly done.
‘You’re doing so well.” Michael told him. Michael moved his hips the tiniest bit, maybe getting a better angle and Kyle slipped in a little deeper.
“Oh, ohh.” Alex moaned. The stretch burned just a little, but the feeling of being filled, really filled, was intoxicating. Alex wanted it all. He needed it. He was trembling all over now and he couldn’t keep quiet.
“Just a little bit more.” Kyle told him. “We’re almost there.” He whispered in Alex’s ear.
“Still good, baby?” Michael asked.
“Yes, yes, ohhh.” Was all Alex could manage. His knuckles were white where he gripped Michael’s arm, but he felt so good it was almost indescribable.
Kyle pressed and pressed and suddenly slid into place and Alex saw stars burst behind his eyelids. The world went away and everything, everything in him narrowed down to where they were all connected. Then Michael began to move.
He started slowly, pulling out part way and then pressing back in. Once they worked out that rhythm and Alex felt he would never walk straight after that, Kyle began to move opposite of Michael so that as one was slipping in the other was slipping out meaning that Alex was full at all times. He keened his pleasure and bit down on Michael’s shoulder without meaning to.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Kyle encouraged. “Let go, we’ve got you.”
This time it was Michael’s hand on his cock and he wasn’t gentle at all. He was jerking Alex off hard and fast, just the way Alex liked it when he was getting close. He felt it light up his spine like a firecracker. Everything felt hot and electric.Kyle was panting in his ear and Michael was huffing against his mouth. They couldn’t even kiss properly because the need to breathe was that intense.
“I’m close, I’m so close.” He warned, feeling like he was about to fly out of his own head. The feeling began in his gut and then lifted higher and higher until he felt he was flying.
“Come on, baby, you first, we want to see you come.” Michael told him. Kyle was at the point where he could only grunt his agreement into Alex’s neck.
Alex cried out loud and long as his orgasm ripped through him sending him spiraling out of his head. Michael stroked him through it, rocking into his body steadily, but slowing his hand as Alex reached the end. When he was spent he felt totally boneless between them and they held him tight and their capable hands.
Then they sped up. They both began to lose the rhythm and Alex could only lay there and enjoy it. He couldn’t even hold on any longer.
“Fuck, fuck.” Kyle stuttered, and then he was coming, his hips stilling deep inside of Alex, and Michael was right on his heels.
“Oh god!” Michael exclaimed, and Alex felt a warm heat filling him up and beginning to drip out of him.
It was too good and Alex was barely awake. He was completely out of it, more so than ever before and everything felt warm and tingling. Carefully, Alex could feel them slipping out of him. First Kyle, then Michael. And Alex whined, he couldn’t stop the sound from slipping out. Suddenly he was too empty and it left him feeling bereft.
“Shhh, babe, it’s okay, I’m here.” Michael soothed. Then Alex could feel fingers slipping inside him, filling the emptiness. It helped, and Alex felt grounded once more.
“Thank you.” He whispered. His voice felt too hoarse to use just yet.
“I’ll go get a washcloth.” Kyle suggested and then he pulled away and Alex missed him immediately.
Michael kissed him softly on the cheek. “You did so well.” He crooned. Alex soaked up the praise. He felt such bliss lying here in Michael’s arms. The only thing missing now was Kyle. But he was soon back with a warm wet cloth and a towel to lay under Alex. Alex submitted to a brief cleaning after Michael apologetically removed his fingers. They laid him back over the towel and caged him in on either side.
“I love you.” Alex slurred, already half asleep. “I love you too.” Michael said softly.
“Kyle?” Alex asked, his eyes closing.
“I’m here.” Kyle assured him.
“Stay the night?” He asked sleepily.
Kyle leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Of course.” He said gently.
Alex was drifting then but he could have sworn he heard them talking over him as he slipped off to sleep.
In the morning they shared breakfast around the little table by the window and no one bickered about anything. Alex had a huge grin because of it and Michael and Kyle knew exactly why he was smiling. That was the end of all the fighting and the pissing contests and the beginning of something new between them. Something that soon became precious to all three of them and Alex was so grateful for the way they’d found each other. Even if they’d almost driven him mad, in the end it was all worth it.
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crazyzaika · 5 years
Love on Detours - Chapter 7
Hey guys, and here comes the next chapter. It's still unchecked, but I hope it's not to bad. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think.
Greets Z
Chapter 7
He stroked with his fingers through the long blond hair that spread over the pillow and looked smilingly at the ceiling, had his other arm tightly wrapped around her, while Lucy nestled to him and slept. The wedding dinner had been over for hours and he still felt this joy in his heart. After the confession and the kiss they had gone back and Natsu had called Michelle and Mirajane and informed them about everything so that Lisanna could not run and squeal to her grandfather. He didn't want Lucy's parents to come in here in the next few days and destroy everything. Because finally Lucy was His. His girlfriend, his woman. She belonged to him and he belonged to her and that would not change, he would take care of that himself.
A slight grin was spreading on his features. He became a father, damn it! Apparently his mother had been right. But did it bother him? Not really. She had proudly shown him the picture of the ultrasound and when he learned that there would be twins, the party had been even more lively. A big grin lay on his lips and warmth spread in his chest.
"Why are you smiling like that," Lucy asked quietly and her voice was drowsy. Apparently she had just woken up. He turned to his side and looked down at her with a smile, grinning even wider.
"I'm just happy, that's all," he replied and stroked his fingertips over her pale, soft skin. Lucy's eyes got bigger and she blinked. Then she giggled and snuggled closer to him. He pulled her closer to his chest, stroked her neck and enjoyed the feeling of her soft body against his.
"I'm sorry I've been silent so far," she said. He pulled her a little closer and buried the face in her hair. She smelled wonderfully of strawberries and vanilla and he grumbled contentedly.
"Luce ... stop apologizing," he purred and kissed her neck. She gasped and he felt her fingernails clawing into his chest. His lips wandered over her skin, stroked over her ear and he bit hesitantly into it what made her wheeze again. He grinned. She was sensitive and he would lie if that didn't turn him on. He felt a pull in his groin and she gasped again, this time a little frightened. Natsu detached himself a little from her and met her gaze from big brown eyes.
"But ... "
"No buts. You were afraid I'd understand... but Luce?"
"Don't ever do that again, you hear? You know me, I hate lies," he said and his voice was colder than he wanted. Lucy's eyes widened and she swallowed, then she nodded. Redness spread on her cheeks. He smiled and pressed a kiss on her forehead, pulling her closer again. She was so damn soft and fragile at the same time. How did that work?
"Uh ... do you think you can wait with the sex?" she asked then and Natsu froze in his movement. Silence lay over the room and his cheeks glowed as he cleared his throat.
"Um ... "
"I mean ... I love you and everything and ... uh ... your body is absolutely hot", she started and he had to grin, "but ... I don't feel comfortable having sex right now. Is that okay?" she seemed so insecure and it stabbed him in the heart. Nevertheless he smiled and stroked through her hair.
"Sure. We've been a couple since last night. Don't worry about that," he said quietly and grinned at her. She sighed and smiled broadly at him, nodded and snuggled up to him a little more. He closed his eyes and played thoughtlessly with her silky hair. His heart beat fast and strong against his ribs.
"Twins, huh?" he asked and she giggled softly.
"I'm surprised that mother hasn't beheaded me yet," Natsu replied and felt Lucy giggle softly again, which made him grin. Even if it worried him somehow that the possibility still existed. But it was a fact that no one who was still in his right mind voluntarily exposed himself to the wrath of Grandeeney Dragneel. She wasn't the Oyabun's wife without a reason. Everyone here had the greatest respect for her, some people were more afraid of her than their father and that meant something. Even Zeref, Acnologia's foster son, who really didn't have all the cups in his cupboard, obeyed her instructions. And normally he only listened to Acnologia or to him.
"She got drunk when I came back from the first examination," Lucy whispered quietly and Natsu's eyes widened. He swallowed.
"And your father cried in joy and kissed the ultrasound image," she giggled quietly and with disbelief he looked at Lucy.
"Are ya serious?"
"Absolutely. Your mother was about to strangle him," she said and he laughed. That his old man reacted in such a way that something he never would have thought of.
The vibration of his cell phone woke him up and annoyed he turned to the side, detached himself from her sweet, soft body and pulled the smartphone to him, answering the call.
"Mhm," he growled into the receiver.
"We have an assignment, Laxus. Come out of your bed, I'll wait for you on the ground floor," the female but harsh voice reached his ears and he sighed annoyed.
"Erza?" he asked confused. She had woken him from deep sleep. But that wasn't a trick, because he had an absolutely light sleep. Nevertheless the words reached him slowly and he sighed deeply.
"Yes, you flat pliers. Who do you think is speaking here? Santa Claus? Your father, or what? Come on down here, or I'll come and get you," she said, and with every second he wasted waiting, her bad mood seemed to grow. Cold shivers glided down his back.
" Yeah it' s good, I'm coming down. Give me a break," he said, snorting annoyed. She growled again, but hung up. For him the sign that he was dismissed for the time being. But definitely only for the next five minutes. As long as he wasn't down then. The young woman next to him stirred easily and grumbled reluctantly. He bent over her and gave her a quick kiss, then he swung his legs out of bed, overcame the small distance to the table on the wall where his clothes hung over a chair and slipped in.
"Where are you going?" her soft voice quietly reached his ears and he sighed. So he had woken her up after all. Great. What he couldn't use now was an affectionate girlfriend. That's why he snorted annoyed, turned to her while he put on a vest and locked it and then put on a black shirt over it. He avoided her gaze. Shunned the gaze from those big blue eyes that now looked at him reproachfully. He swallowed slightly, his throat tightening.
"You are going ... to work?" she asked and alone she the way how she emphasized the word work, clearly showed him what Mira thought of his job. She came from a rich family. Quite in contrast to him. He had grown up in the gutter before Igneel had found him and taken him in, before he had met his grandfather. Accordingly, he had joined his clan at that time. Igneel was his great role model. He sighed and drove irritated through the blond short hair he had from his mother, as he knew.
"Listen ... ", he began and paused, his gaze lay on her, but he did not know what he should say. Mira swallowed and turned the gaze away, pulled the slender legs close to her upper body, wrapped her arms around it. Her luscious breasts were pushed up and he wished he could stay and hold her in his arms. Wish he could calm her down, pull her over and make her forget the world out there.
"Mira... sweetie," he began and his voice was husky and rough. He swallowed. How could he make her understand it? That he had duties? He was not allowed to talk about his work, that was a fact. But he wanted her to know that he wasn't doing dirty things. He did not want her to hate him. His lips pressed together, his hands clenching into fists. But she shook her head. The white pony fell into her forehead and the white curls fell like a veil around her, enveloping her body.
"Just go, asshole. Then do your job. But don't come to me when you get shot," she growled and he heard the pain clearly in her voice. He knew she was afraid that one day he wouldn't come back. He knew it, but Laxus couldn't change that. Everyone in this world had a role to play in doing a job and his role was to kick the ass of the really bad guys. Because that was what the clan actually did. They all had the image of a yakuza clan, but they actually dig out terror cells and organizations when the government demanded it. Sure, the clan also had two three brothels in the red light district, but the girls there were well treated and if they didn't want to, they weren't forced to do anything. But those were things he wasn't allowed to tell her, he couldn't tell her.
It hurt him and he would love to change this world for her, but he was just a small cogwheel on the whole. The fact that she was talking to him made him incredibly happy. His cell phone was vibrating, but he ignored his phone.
"I love you, you know that," he said and his voice trembled slightly. He swallowed and took a deep breath, drove over his neck and then grabbed his gun holster, put it on and strapped two knives to his thigh.
Mira watched him do it and it simply killed her that he was going. That he would hurt people again. She wasn't stupid, she knew he was a yakuza. Scum of society. She had already known that in high school and yet it hadn't stopped her from falling in love with him. She bit her lower lip, felt the burning in her eyes. Her heart cramped. She knew that he loved her and yet it hurt that she couldn't stop him from the violence. Again the phone vibrated and she felt as if she could feel the anger of the caller. Angrily, she looked at the smartphone, pressed her lips together and crawled resolutely across the wide bed, reaching for the device. And before Laxus could stop her, she answered the call.
"What?" she hissed. For a moment there was silence.
"Where is Laxus?" came the cold, irritable counter-question. Mira's eyes became narrow. She knew his voice. Erza. A dark rumble rolled up her throat and hot rage gathered in her belly. Poisonous dripping jealousy stretched her claws out to her heart.
"Listen carefully, you red-haired slut. He's about to put on protective clothing and weapons! If anything happens to him, I'll skin you and your darling. Only that this is clear," she hissed furiously into the device and silence spread both in the room and on the other side of the listener.
"Are you serious? If you think you can defeat me in a duel, Strauss. You're just a ridiculous little doll and don't deserve him at all, you snipe," came the cool answer. Mira felt the inevitable urge to drag Erza through the phone and rip her head off. Or to cut her into strips. Whichever fitted better.
"I mean it, Scarlett! If I don't get him back in one piece and intact, you'll lose more than one eye, understand? Then you will suffer so much that you wish you had never been born," she nagged and then the mobile phone was taken away from her. She hissed furiously, straightened up and wanted to grab it, but then she was pulled against his hard body and he kissed her possessively, plundered her mouth. Mira slapped his shoulders to let her go, but at the same time returned the kiss. She was so unspeakably angry. Then Laxus detached himself from the kiss, grinned at her dirty and she gasped softly. Her chest raised and lowered hectically and a deep blush lay on her high cheekbones.
"You're incredibly sexy, Mira," he snarled, pressed a quick kiss on her lips, loosened and bit her neck still teasingly, then licked her skin apologetically. She moaned. He was mean! Her body tingling and rage turned to excitement. But she knew he wouldn't go to bed with her.
"Erza, calm down, I'll be right there," he growled into his cell phone and hung up. He pressed another firm kiss on her lips, stroked her back and sucked the scent of her hair, her body deep into his lungs.
"I'll come back to you, don't worry. Nothing and nobody can stop me from ever coming back to you," he said and his voice was rough. Mira smiled slightly, nodded and her gaze followed him until he left the bedroom, walked down the hall. Her throat tightened and she felt the treacherous burning of her eyes. She swallowed when she heard the crack of the door and gritted her teeth tightly. And then the tears came.
He drove the 10 floors down to the underground garage with the elevator. With a quiet ping, the technician announced that he was on the desired floor and while the door slid to the side, the view of his light grey soul mirror slid through the poorly lit underground car park. He immediately saw the bright red head of hair and set himself in motion.
And he had clearly not been mistaken. She was furious. But that didn't really interest him. He walked the remaining meters while she, wearing clothes as black as he, crossed her arms in front of her chest. Her weapons were hidden under leather clothes and she fixed her eyes on him.
"It took too long, Dreyar," she hissed angrily and sighed annoyed, twisting her eyes.
"Put a stain on your shirt, Scarlett. Mira is more important to me than the shit here," he growled and stepped to the passenger seat, because he knew that she would drive. He knew her too well then. Erza Scarlett, undercover agent by profession, would never let anyone else drive her beloved car. Not even Jellal was allowed to drive the car and that should mean something. He was usually allowed to do pretty much anything with Erza. She growled at him angrily and for a moment he was afraid that she might jump over her car and go to his throat, but then she seemed to have calmed down, because she got in without comment, but threw the car door too loud. He turned his eyes again, then got into the car with her. She just got so annoyed that it wasn't funny anymore. But she was also his partner on the job.
Whereby that was something that was chosen according to abilities and not inclinations. If he could decide, he would never have made Erza his partner. He just couldn't stand her enough for that. She was annoying, always had a different view and opinion than him and argued with him far too often. And in her opinion, he should just send Mira into the desert. He buckled on because the crazy woman next to him drove like a sow and pulled out his smartphone to check the data on the job.
Razzia in the docks, he thought and pulled the eyebrows together. There was clearly too little information left for him. But he knew that the terrible thing next to him would clearly have more information. So it was time to engage in a conversation with her, even if he didn't like it at all.
"So ... a raid?" he asked growling and she grumbled in agreement.
"Erza ... "
"Don't talk to me stupidly from the side, I'll drive," she snarled at him and he frowned. That was not her way. So ... somewhere already, but normally she didn't hold any information from him.
"Okay ... Raven Tail or Tartaros?" he asked and she stiffened. Which confused him even more, but it also made him slightly aggressive that she didn't speak out.
"I need to know what we're going to dig up," he said and she sighed quietly, turning with squeaking tires. It was a miracle that the car had not overturned at this speed. But he wouldn't make the mistake of commenting on her driving style. He was attached to his life.
"Both. Mard Geer lets Jackal buy drugs," she said, and he hated it when he had to pull everything out of her nose.
"And who is the buyer? According to your information?"
"Flare Corona," she said quietly, and he sighed annoyed. He knew her, had grown up with her on the street. She hadn't been as lucky as he had been. On the contrary. She had really slipped into the shit. Sold drugs, weapons and if the rumors were true, then Raven Tail also got into human trading. So it was time to get this yakuza clan out. Whereby they were not a real clan. They tried to become one, to join the big ones. He knew that, because none other than his own dirtbag of his biological father was the boss of Raven Tail.
"And that was so hard now?" he asked into the silence. He took a look at the integrated navigation device and frowned. They were almost there. Only 5 minutes left. Erza sighed again. Something seemed to oppress her, but the way he knew her, she wouldn't just give it up.
"Go on, talk. I don't feel like thinking about it during our job, all right? That's just distracting," he growled and stared out of the side window.
"Flare ... you know her. That makes it problematic."
" Yeah is clear. I am an adult, Erza."
"You're 25."
"Yes, jesus. I am grown up. I can handle it. She didn't pay attention and keeps riding herself into crime. So I will nail her down and hand her over. Just like this bomb junkie Jackal," he said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Erza's gaze seemed thoughtful as she stopped in a side street and turned off the engine, parked her car. Then she looked at him with a serious look.
"Let's hope so."
Laxus grinned, unbuckled himself.
" Will go wrong alright", he said and got out. He loosened his shoulders.
Then let's go, he thought, and his gaze was grim as Erza followed him. He pushed all his thoughts away as they walked through the darkness, pulling their weapons.
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mummybear · 6 years
He’s not you - Part 4 - The escape attempt
Tumblr media
Warnings: Swearing, Smut, Angst, Mentions of blood
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Reader
Taking one last look out into the hall, you noticed that Sam and Dean were still talking, hopefully, distracted just enough so you could leave without them noticing.
Opening your bedroom window you quickly took note of all of the possible ways that you could escape. That's when you noticed the thick trail of ivy, that stopped on the roof just above the porch beneath it.
That's more like it, you thought to yourself as you started to climb out, finding a strong foothold for your first step, you noticed there was a brick sticking out slightly under the overgrowth of the ivy.
Using that to lean on you swung your other leg out too, holding onto the ledge tightly with both of your hands. At least something was going your way tonight you acknowledged, as you finally finished climbing down onto the roof below.
The next bit was easy slipping down off the roof, you swung yourself slightly from the roof, "Shit" you squeaked, as you landed you quickly realised you had cut your hand on something on the way down.
You had to move quickly because where you were was a little too out in the open, they would see you in seconds. So you ran to the nearest patch of cover you could see, which just so happened to be under a window.
You briefly saw Sam inside, and Dean appeared to be heading outside, so you made a break for your car, hoping for the best. You just about had time to unlock your car and jump inside, before Dean stepped out onto the porch.
"Son of a bitch!" you breathed heavily, feeling the heat rise on your skin at the sight of him, though you told yourself it was only all of the running, climbing and jumping. That it seriously had nothing at all to do with Dean Winchester.
However, you couldn't leave yet, no matter how much you wanted to. They would just see you straight away and catch you. If nothing else for the sake of Bobby.
So you were just going to have to sit and wait for him to go in, no matter how much you needed and wanted to leave.
You watched him carefully, willing him to go back inside, instead he took a seat on the steps leading down from the porch. Looking out into the distance, seemingly lost in thought.
Putting down the beer he had been holding he pushed his hands through his hair, rubbing his eyes with the balls of his of his hand.
You couldn't believe he couldn't see you, you were so close to where he was currently sitting.
You flinched a little noticing the light go off in the window, where Sam had been. One down one to go, you thought silently.
The need to kill something was still very much there, rising slowly, as their words continued running through your mind.
Though at this point you had a hard time figuring out who you were more annoyed with. You, for letting yourself fall for everything and hope beyond hope. Or Dean, for making you feel the way that you did, and looking, sounding and smelling the way he did.
But your irritated thoughts were interrupted by Dean's loud gravely voice, "Fuck!" he half shouted and half growled, into the empty void, of broken cars and road, you could hear the clear frustration in his voice.
You watched silently as Dean looked around, hands at his sides balled up into tight fists. Clearly, there was nothing to see, you watched him, his breathing was so obviously off, the way his chest was rising and falling.
Sighing to yourself you whispered to yourself under your breath, "Go to bed Dean" you sighed in irritation as you heard the light click on. Then you noticed the door opening and slumped down in your chair further as Sam came outside.
You could just about see them from where you were now, but you could still hear them clear as day.
Dean was looking at the floor, you weren't even sure he'd noticed the light go on above him. Sam put a hand on his brother's shoulder, Dean briefly looked over at him.
"Hey man, how're you doing?" Sam asked as they both took a seat on the steps.
"I'm fine Sammy, I just need a bit of time to myself" Dean replied tightly, shifting uncomfortably where he sat like something was bothering him.
"You got it. I'll see you in the morning, you know where I am if you need me" Sam replied, patting his brother on the back and leaving.
"Nighty night Sammy" Dean sighed. You sat up again, hoping Dean wouldn't be far behind his brother.
But ten minutes went by, and he had only moved to the middle and laid down on his back. One arm behind his head and the other between his legs.
So you got comfortable guessing you may be here for some time, leaning your head against your open window you closed your eyes.
A minute later you were drifting off when you heard something you hadn't heard in a very long time.
Your eyes snapped open, there were moaning and groaning noises, you looked around your surroundings, that was when you realised it was Dean.
Snapping your head back around to him, you almost passed out. He had a hand snuggly down the front of his jeans, and his hips were rolling into his hand, slowly rising from the floor.
"Fuck, yes" Dean growled, beginning to snap his hips up into his hand.
You suddenly felt your mouth go very dry, despite yourself. You just couldn't tear your eyes away from the sight in front of you, this shit was better than top shelf porn.
"Holy shit" you whimpered, at a loss for what to do at that moment, shifting in your seat, instantly feeling uncomfortable, you spread your legs.
You knew you shouldn't watch this was a private thing, but what could you do. You couldn't leave, they'd catch you even if he didn't want you here, you were sure he would do it for Bobby. So no you would just have to wait here, leaving wasn't currently an option.
So why not just enjoy the show, after all, he couldn't see you where you were. And he sure as shit didn't have anything to worry about.
Suddenly it got that much better, you felt your thighs shaking with need as you watched him pop the button of his jeans. And he shifted slightly, pulling them down his legs just enough."Oh god" you breathed quietly, wetting your lips with your tongue.
You could tell from where you were that he was going commando.
Dear god that man really was perfect, his legs looked even stronger when they were bare.
His shirt rode up as he moved, this man was completely gorgeous everywhere. This is just not fair, how can anyone look this good, you thought to yourself.
You could feel the wetness pooling in your panties.
Following his lead you tugged your jeans down, popping the button you pushed your hand down the front of them.
Whimpering as your fingers slipped easily through your folds, "Oh shit, yeah that's it princess. Ride me" Dean growled, through gritted teeth.
Giving one particularly harsh thrust upwards, making you take a harsh breath in. You rose a little off of the seat, almost following his movements. You could hear him breathing, a little rapidly, as his chest heaved up and down.
What you wouldn't give to ride that man like a pony.
Your fingers brushed lightly over your clit, making your thigh muscles tighten on contact. Then suddenly the strangest thing happened, causing you to grip the handle on your door, hard. Because all of a sudden it was like Dean had slipped inside you, your other hand quickly gripped the seat beside you.
Slipping down in your seat, you tossed your head back as you felt him starting to move inside you, your legs fell open welcoming the feeling.
Feeling his teeth sink into your shoulder, in your mind, you were picturing every little thing that you felt.
You had to bite your lip when he thrust particularly deep, to stop yourself from all but screaming.
Then before you knew what was happening it got even more intense, as you felt Dean's hands on your hips, looking up and out of the window with hooded eyes you watched him.
Moving herself a little as he thrust up hard into his hand again, hearing him growl was possibly the sexiest noise you had ever heard. "So fucking tight sweetheart" he moaned, causing you to whimper, as the invisible grip tightened on your hips.
Chewing your lip you threaded a hand through your hair, this was probably the sexiest thing that had ever happened to you.
"Shit, this feels so God damn real" Dean murmured, as you looked over at him, you couldn't help but agree with him. Even though he couldn't hear you.
"You feel so fucking good Y/N baby, gonna fill you up" Dean growled loudly, though it didn't quite click with you what he said, you were to lost in the moment.
"Fuck Dean, yes baby. So close" you cried out, louder than you would have if you had your senses intact. Pushing your hand back into your panties, you started to rub your clit in hard circles.
"Good girl, just like that. Come for me" Dean commanded, his voice edging off into a moan.
"Yes Dean, gonna come all over your big cock" you cried out, feeling your heartbeat in your ears.
"Yeah all for me" Dean grunted, feeling his hands lift your hips slightly. Changing the angle of his thrust, and that was all that it took.
It all happened so fast, you came so hard that your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and you almost blacked out. But something stopped you, hearing Dean grunt you suddenly felt him fill you up, "Holy shit" you whimpered feeling over sensitive.
You had been so lost in the moment, that you hadn't realised that every noise you made had been out loud. When it dawned on you, you also realised the pair of you had practically been answering each other.
"Shit" you whispered, pulling up your trousers. Looking up your heart sank in your chest, he was looking right at you.
"Oh God no" you panicked, doing up your window and starting your car. But you could still hear Dean calling for you, it only made the need to leave that more urgent.
Wheels spinning you finally made it out of there, leaving Dean behind you in the dust. "You're such a fucking idiot" you growled at your reflection.
You know he's just projecting, there's no other reason he was thinking about you, you thought to yourself angrily.
Poor guy probably thinks I'm a crazy person now, you sighed, knowing you couldn't stop, or he would come after you. If he decided to come after you anyway.
Looking around your car you tried to find the map, the one you had written to point you to the nest's location.
"Son of a bitch, where the hell is it" you growled, as your bag fell onto the floor. As you tried to grab it, "Come here, come to momma" you strained, as you stretched a little further.
Suddenly your car jolted, and there was a bang. Then the world went dark.
With Dean
It took him a moment to register what was happening, as he stood there staring at her. Both of them said nothing, suddenly she turned her engine on and wheel spun out of there.
He tried to call after her, tried to get her to come back. But he had seen her eyes she looked terrified. He needed to talk to her, needed to explain.
A feeling of dread ran through him, he needed to go after her before anything happened to her, with the way she was currently driving it was entirely possible. So without a second thought, he jumped into the Impala and sped down the road after her.
He went as fast as he felt safe, he hadn't realised how long and how far he had driven, until he looked at the time, and there still hadn't been any sign of her.
"Son of a bitch" he shouted, slamming his hands against the steering wheel. I should have found her by now he thought to himself, as he rounded yet another corner.
He'd made sure to send Sam a quick message, briefly explaining what happened. Without mentioning the x rated part.
But then questions kept on running through his mind, that he just needed to know the answers to like: Just how long had you been watching? How much had you exactly seen? And what the hell were you doing outside?
These were the ones that kept repeating on a loop anyway, but his voice quietened down as soon as he saw the giant mass in the road.
It was only as he got closer and his headlights hit it that he noticed it was a car, your car.
Skidding to a halt right behind it he jumped out of his car, "Y/N? Y/N? Can you hear me? Dean shouted as he neared the wreck.
Panic fueling him as he ripped open the driver's side door, but the pit in his stomach grew. When the door finally swung open with a lot of force, he realised that the car was completely empty.
You were nowhere to be seen, noticing the shattered glass and blood that littered the car. His heart sank in his chest, what the hell had happened? Where the hell were you?
The contents of your bag had been scattered across the floor, Dean's eyes were immediately drawn to the scrap of paper on the seat that caught Dean's eye. Slamming the driver's side door angrily he hurried over to the passenger side.
He noticed that the paper had been wedged into the seat, possibly on purpose, he hoped you still had enough wits about you at the moment and that this was you knowing that he would follow.
Snatching the paper up he looked it over quickly, deciding to quickly gather all of the belongings he could see. Making sure to put everything back in your bag, he went back to the Impala.
Chucking your stuff in the back seat, he quickly jumped in the driver's seat and flattened the paper against the steering wheel.
"God damn it Y/N" Dean sighed, both worry and anger lacing his tone. As soon as he realised what he was looking at.
The red circles, outlining the deaths you had linked together, with the same injuries and circumstances, you had spoken to them about.
The circle with the x inside it was where you believed the nest to be, the smaller circles surrounding it. Dean sent Sam a picture of the map and checking the time he noticed it was almost three in the morning now. So he told Sam if he didn't hear from either of them, by around ten, then he might need to come looking.
He was leaving nothing to chance with you involved. It was still around an hours drive from where he was, he just hoped you were okay. The research had to be solid, or he wouldn't find you.
But he trusted it because you knew what you were doing, at least where tracking stuff was concerned.
Dean thought about telling Bobby about you going missing, but he was too far away to do anything, at least Dean was here. Bobby would only blame himself if something happened to you, so Dean would make sure that it didn't.
He set off, engine roaring as he sped off down the road, hoping he got there before you were put through anything, after all, you didn't deserve it. If they found out about Sam and Dean knowing you, it would hardly go down well either, it would just make them enjoy hurting you more.
The thought completely put a sick feeling in the back of Dean's throat, but although he couldn't explain it. He felt for now at least you were okay.
Although for just how long, he couldn't be sure.
He’s Not You Masterlist
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knightofvibes · 7 years
Canon John: Quirky kid who doesn't like cake, over obsesses about Nic Cage until he realizes how much Con Air sucks, is super loyal to his friends, loves pranks, and gets distracted too easily, and is clearly in a bad place in the current canon  Fanon John:  Haha Dave I'm not gay ;B ;B ;B Canon Rose: Deep character who is a gay icon, a writer, a recovering addict, and a truly loving person who helped raise who knows how many grubs with her wife Fanon Rose: My name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way Canon Jade: Super sweet and fun girl who struggles with trauma and self image, is really forgetful, and loves gardening, and got through her issues and found a way to be happy with her loved ones Fanon Jade: :D Canon Dave: Abused, traumatized boy who likes photography and archaeology, dealt with internalized homophobia for years, has serious self image problems, hates the sight of blood, hides behind a series of facades, and is scared of puppets and loud sounds/sounds of metal clanging, but overcame all of this and ended up in a situation where he is safe and loved by his boyfriend karkat vantas Fanon Dave: sup. also apple juice. also im in love with john egbert Canon Jane: Strong, independent woman who is overweight and undaunted, loves her friends and father dearly, loves to bake and now runs crocker corp, loves pranking much like john, thinks and speaks for herself, likes sleuthing, and is quick to anger Fanon Jane: Baking! Betty Crocker! Cakes! Also I'm in love with Jake English! Canon Roxy: Lonely girl who would die for her friends, loves retro gaming, cats, and wizards, is sneaky, casual, and fun loving, almost always thinks of other people before herself, is a rogue with and without her god tier, and is now a recovering addict as well as safe and happy with her friends Fanon Roxy: lololol im soooo fukced up rn lol wonk ;) Canon Jake: Adventurous and sensitive boy who cries easily, has little to no confidence, is scared that all his friends hate him, naturally very oblivious, loves blue ladies, hates monsters, and has a wide vocabulary Fanon Jake: Gadzooks! I bloody love guns and skulls! Canon Dirk: Laid back kid who likes robotics, pretends not to like my little pony, very intellectual, naturally advises others, loves puppets and shitty blades, clearly dislikes himself, idolizes alpha dave, and exclusively likes males but doesnt use labels for his sexual orientation, and has only ever shown interest in Jake Fanon Dirk: god i'm so fucking gay and also a manwhore haha jake pls love me
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