#like pony burned his finger because he stuck a cigarette stub to it and-
boysborntodie · 3 months
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@dumbponyboykinnie Ty for the ask!!! Literally kicking my feet in delight /hj
8: I’m not American and also did not have assigned readings so unfortunately I did not get to read it in school. But I always saw it referenced everywhere and curiosity got the better of me. And here I am.
10: That’s difficult… hmm… I don’t think there’s any I genuinely dislike (like wish it wasn’t there) in the book. I think they were all important and necessary. Cherry and Pony’s final scene (in the book) is hard to for me to read even though it was such a character-defining one.
13: One thing I love about the Outsiders is that every single character is written SO well. None of them fall flat or feel without substance. I have to go with Pony himself though. Will write an essay on just him because his character, relationships and worldview all go through such major changes and SE Hinton uses foils and context to enhance his character so WELL
Johnny is specifically a Latino man. This is something I think is really important to her character whether or not SE Hinton meant it. Due to the context of the Outsiders, it’s the only headcanon about Johnny being a POC that genuinely works and makes sense
Sodapop goes through a depressive phase after the Outsiders. I feel Sandy and starting a life with her was the one thing that kept Soda hopeful and without her, he’s no longer distracted from his insecurities and problems
Ponyboy leaves Tulsa for good. This is kinda said in the text (and that Darry would also leave) but it’s still not exactly canon. He still keeps in touch with his friends who still live there but he would never stay for long. I can see him living in the city for a while and retiring to the country later on
Dally is originally from Tulsa like the rest of the guys. He just moved to New York for a few years and then returned back
Dally was super close to his own mother when she was alive and that’s why he got along so well with Mrs Curtis. She was also a deeply religious person which is a source if conflict for Dally because he isn’t
20: I fucking hate Ponyboy because he reminds me wayyyy too much of myself. In fact, there’s literally no difference I can think of, from his personality and character to even stuff like his love for soda (both the drink snd the character asjknfd), cigarettes (I stopped before I could really get into it tho), fast driving and chocolate
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