#polski langblr
lichozestudni · 8 months
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loth-moth · 9 months
GROMSKO - A Pronunciation Guide
Suave Sobiesław (It rhymes. Get it?)
Sobiesław - Soa - Beh- swav
O like Oat. ł is a W like Web. W is pronounced as a V sound.
Kosciuszko - KOSh-CHews-skO
Kos like Gossip.
C iu-s like Check and Useless with a partially voiced S/Z.
Sko like Go.
Voiced and unvoiced referring to how involved your vocal cords are. A good way to understand this is try switching between F - V and S - Z. V in many central and eastern European countries sometimes sounds like a 'voiced F' . (I will not be making an accent/speech guide as I have for König as I don't speak Polish and feel it's not my place. If you are Polish and have any feedback or would like to help me work on such a post feel free to reach out.)
Now go, be free, have fun with everybody's favourite beefy Polak.
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Wiedział_ś, że pierwsze polskie wydanie książki Ruchomy Zamek Hauru ukazało się w 2005 roku? Było to rok po ukazaniu się filmu pod tym samym tytułem, który być może znasz.
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Znaczy, cóż. Światowa premiera filmu była w 2004 roku. Do Polski trafił rok później, od razu z polskim dubbingiem.
Koniec końców i książka i film trafiły na polski rynek mniej więcej w tym samym czasie - nie udało mi się dostać do informacji, co trafiło do nas pierwsze, ale coś mi mówi że nietrudno zgadnąć.
Ale ja nie o tym.
Imię tytułowego czarnoksiężnika w polskiej wersji językowej to Hauru - jest to zjaponizowana wersja imienia Howl (co znaczy "wyć") które nosił ten sam bohater w oryginalnej wersji językowej powieści.
Przyszło mi na myśl, że gdyby książka trafiła na polski rynek na długo przed filmem, gdzieś w latach 90., być może tłumacz nie zostawiłby imienia Howl nieprzetłumaczonego. A jako, że byłoby to przed ukazaniem się anime, wtedy siłą rzeczy zjaponizowana wersja jego imienia nie byłaby raczej szeroko znana poza Japonią.
Wtedy, kto wie, być może boski bishounen do którego przywykliśmy, nazywałby się Wyjec?
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Wyjcu... Ratuj mnie... Wyjcu. Wyjcu ratuj mnie
Idk ten post nie ma żadnej twardej konkluzji bahdhahhahshsh
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tealingual · 1 year
Basic Polish phrases
dzień dobry /d͡ʑɛɲ ˈdɔb.rɨ/ good day do widzenia /dɔ viˈd͡zɛ.ɲa/ goodbye  tak /tak/ yes nie /ɲɛ/ no proszę /ˈprɔ.ʂɛ/ please dziękuję /d͡ʑɛŋˈku.jɛ/ thank you  przepraszam /pʂɛpˈra.ʂam/ sorry, excuse me na zdrowie /na ˈzdrɔ.vjɛ/ cheers
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vossn · 4 months
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the cases just won’t go into my head but you know what does? that's right, cake.
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I don't know if it's just me but I like imagining around my language learning. 🥰🤓
I am actually reading a Harry-Potter-fanfiction in Polish right now, it's mostly translating but it's a short story and I'm quite motivated. I'll definitely learn something from it even if it is relatively hard at the moment because my language level is not very high yet. But I still really like it. 😊 Because there I also have the opportunity to encounter and observe the language in the wild, which is very important and helpful, especially for learning the cases (there are 7 or 8, depending on the grammar book).
It's a Snape-fanfiction (unsurprisingly), a very neutral one (you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find one in this day and age) and I'm working my way through it because I feel happiness with this. And often I'm really happy also when I find fanart with Russian speech on it on Pinterest because then I'm learning that too and I find it fascinating to see these characters speaking Russian. And I'm using that for Polish too, I'm imagining a little and then maybe Snape speaks Polish to me in this time as I'm learning it, I find that fascinating and so motivating to help me learn more! 💚 You usually need an attachment figure to learn a language well and efficiently, especially when you're a listening-learner. Language courses usually can't offer that but it's so important! And to me that works relatively well, imagining my favourite characters or even their whole universe speaking in a different language to me, the one I'm learning. 😄❤ Maybe that could work for you too, who knows. 😊 I definitely learned a looooot of my English through 'Harry Potter', both the movies and the books and also the fandom around it. I love imagining that and I also met a Polish Snape-fan online, which is really cool! 😄😊 You need a genuine motivation to make good progress even if you're already good at learning languages.
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strawberrymleko · 27 days
Spending today doing some review and trying to master the different Z sounds in Polish. This video is extremely helpful to compare and differentiate between them 🥰
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jan-sepijusa · 1 month
Hello all!
This is my side blog for more language related stuff that doesn't necessarily fit the more silly vibes on my main blog @seiphagirlboss
I'm not sure how much I'll use this blog, but it exists now :3
mi jan Sepijusa (anu lili la, jan Sepi taso)
mi toki pona lon lipu ni. toki ale li pona tawa mi!
mi kama sona e toki Tosi. mi sona (meso) e toki Posuka.
Hallo Alles!
Ich bin Säphi. Ich lerne im Moment Deutsch, und ich lerne gern Fremdsprachen. Ich kann auch ein Bisschen Polnisch sprechen. An dieses Blog werde ich über die Sprachen und die Sprachwissenschaft posten. :3
Ich bin ungefähr A2 auf Deutsch, würde ich sagen.
Please correct me if I say something wrong, unnatural or ungrammatical!!
I am learning and any feedback is appreciated
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gardens-and-cats · 1 year
Polish pronunciation tips
Pronouncing trzy (three):
If you're struggling with this, it may be because you're trying to say it like t-rzy, when really it is said t-szy. This is because putting an unvoiced consonant before a voiced one causes devoicing, so the consonant cluster becomes unvoiced. If you don't know what voicing in consonants is:
So a word such as żabka ("froggie", also the name of a major retailer) is said like żapka. Another thing to note is that the t in trzy must be pronounced distinctly and not said as if the word is czy (if, or, question marker).
Ę and ą - why do they sometimes sound like e and o?
A development in the Polish language is the loss of nasalization on ę and ą, particularly at the ends of words. This isn't universal across Poland, but it will be common enough that you should know it.
Ę and ą are nasalized except for when at the end of words. So mężczyzna (man) is said menżczyzna but piję (I drink) is pronounced like pije. Likewise, skąd (from where) is said skond but piją (they drink) like pijo.
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morganmakesamess · 1 year
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ten polish terms & a little extra!
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lichozestudni · 9 months
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Bite-sized Polish: Food Vocab
śniadanie - breakfast
owoce - fruits
ser - cheese
jajko - egg
ryba - fish
zupa - soup
grzyb - mushroom
cytryna - lemon
mięso - meat
cukier - sugar
sałatka - salad
widelec - fork
nóż - knife
łyżka - spoon
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Me at 10am Me at 10:15am
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Hello out there!
I would really like to learn better Polish but currently no language course is available to me for my level. It's still a humble level in the A1-category but I want to learn better! 🙂
So thus now my question, is there anyone out there whose mother tongue is Polish, who would be willing to correct a Polish text from me maybe once a week? I would like to try and write a little bit about everyday things just to practice. I would love to hear from some of you guys and gals! 😊 Thank you and best greetings! 🙋🏼‍♀️😃 🇵🇱
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polyglos · 2 years
Rhyme Perception Study
Hey everyone!!! Sorry I haven’t been active at all in the last... I don’t even know, but I’m carrying out a study on rhyme perception for my final-year dissertation, and I was thinking I might as well post it here too!
I think Langblr is generally versed in linguistics, so this might narrow it down already, but if you were educated in English or Polish, aren’t schooled in phonetics, phonology or just general linguistic theory and wouldn’t mind sparing around 20 minutes to run through a survey and browser experiment, I’d really appreciate it if you could take part - you’d really be helping a poor linguistics student out 🥺
The link to the survey is here, and you will be redirected to the programme once you complete it! Just take the time to read all the information if you’re interested and check you’re okay with everything :D
Thank you ♥
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polish-boys · 2 years
🇵🇱🎵 zawsze tam gdzie ty
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