#political circus
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[The Daily Don] :: [Primetime material]
The Cretin News Network, mired in third place in the ratings and in danger of dropping to fourth place behind NewsMax, took an hour tonight to deliver “ratings” to their corporate overlord, “Reality” TV King David Zaslav. They did it by allowing anyone who could stomach looking to see that the monster known as Donald J. Trump has no “bottom,” that there is no line he will not cross repeatedly, that there is no proven lie he will not continue to spew, that he is not only completely and totally unfit to hold any office or position of responsibility, but is incapable of achieving the minimum behavior standards for inclusion as a member of the species.
And as he did all that, the lifetime losers, the escapees from Flyover Loserville, the senile old white male boomers who were fuckwits when I knew them 60 years ago in high school, are actually all worse than he is; they are people completely bereft of any moral sensibility, so mired in ignorance, mendacity and maliciousness, whose malign view of the world is so skewed, that they laughed and applauded the serial lies and threats to the country they claim to love that were spewed by the monster who sat in front of them.
Asked if he owed Mike Pence an apology for January 6, Trump launched into an attack on Pence, justifying the cries of the insurrectionist mob he called into existence that day to “Hang Mike Pence!” by claiming Pence didn’t “do the right thing,” “He could have sent the votes back to the states, he had the power to do that, and we would have had a much different outcome!”
And the audience of mental defectives applauded that.
Asked if he would recognize the result of the 2024 election regardless of the outcome, he refused to say he would. Just as he refused to say he would recognize the result in 2016 and 2020 unless he was declared the winner.
And the audience of moral defectives applauded that.
Asked about the judgement yesterday in the civil trial in New York, he again declared he didn’t know who E. Jean Carroll is, and then proceeded to defame her anew by calling her a ‘whack job” and then accusing her of being a “bad person” because “who would invite a man into a dressing room of a major department store in New York?”
And the audience of malicious morons laughed and applauded.
When he declared that he would pardon the January 6 insurrectionists, who he declared were all patriotic Americans upset at “losing our country,” almost including the Proud Boys and the Oath Keeper - the convicted seditionists - on the list of those whose crimes against the country he took an oath to protect he would pardon, the audience cheered and applauded.
The only people worse than the monster Trump are the 74 million who are so debased, so depraved, so lacking in all morality and intelligence, who voted for him after watching his assault on the United States and American society, the 74 million who support him for hating the people they hate.
These people see every crime he commits and applaud him. There will never be forgiveness for any of them, no “De-Trumpization” program that can restore them to participation in civilized society. That they have done what they have done over these past eight years since the monster first came down his golden escalator is proof they never were who any of us thought they were.
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The republicans are probably gonna win the House, but it will be by the closest margin in American history, even smaller than the Democrats in 2020, like single digit dissents away from a tie/flip. It's gonna be decided by recounts over the next few weeks or months, but come January 3rd the republicans will probably have a plurality and be given the speakership anyway. And you know that means all the nutjobs are gonna become committee chairs, green and boebert and jim jordan and all the moat unhinged election deniers and insurrectionists will have complete control over the legislative agenda and nuke any and all attempts at compromise on principle alone. I'd also expect them to invite a bunch of January 6 rioters to visit the Capitol for a photo-op just to rub salt in the wound, "it feels good to be back."
Oh, and impeachment proceedings will start on day one. They'll vote on it in January or February, as soon as they have 218 guaranteed votes. Biden will be acquited in the senate 52-48 or 53-47, maybe more, but that's not why republicans are gonna do it. They just want to rapid fire impeach Biden at least 3 times so trump is no longer the most impeached president anymore. They'll spread it out over 2023 so they can pretend it isn't a publicity stunt for their circus show.
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Political Circus.....
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Just sayin,.... I know how the Trump supporters think. They think the system in America has taken advantage of them their whole lives.
Trump has reassured these people that is Indeed the case, and they have been used and abused by the system.
That's why he won the presidency when he did.
Ya see, if enough of those people grow stronger in numbers Trump will win again, because those people think Trump is going to change America more in "Their" favor........ that's the hope anyway,.... and the logic is,..... it takes a grifter to change a grifter mentality, and Trumps supporters think government is already a bunch of Grifters!
Every crime Trump has commited is a testament of that bastardization of the system in America that he will turn into a positive in those peoples minds,......... they thrive on it like they are finally getting back at whomever has screwed their livelihoods,... as Trump tells them this American system isn't against him as much as it's against keeping them down where the system want's them,......... and that's how he gets the support he's got, and all the hundreds of thousands of donations to his cause from $5 dollars to $200 dollars,........ and it all ads up into millions for his campaign.
If you think the American system has held you back from being a success your probably going to be voting for Trump, and that's just the way it is in a fractured American society, and a whole lot of people have been screwed, but it isn't just government regulations doing it, it's mostly Industries stronghold on society, and industry mandates to government on the most part.
And if you don't believe that why has Donald Trump not been behind bars for everything he's done that YOU or I would be in prison for???
Industry Mandates to Government, not the other way around in reality.
That's what we are suppose to vote for,..... for who gets to be ruler of America and represent we the peoples wishes,............ and so far we have voted continuedly to let suspect people rule for us, ..... which is Republican & Democrat alike, because they both rule like Kings, taking their share FIRST, and then letting what's left trickle down to your dumb ass!
Today's America is a mixture of the truth washed with fake news so no one can tell what the hell is going on.
I mean Trumps supporters think "HE'S INNOCENT OBVIOUSLY" because he hasn't been arrested and put in jail.
Ya see,... Once America is seen as a Grifter, like Trump is, we will lose any legitimacy we have enjoyed to date, and in that America you will see a suspicious world that may not want to do business with America any more without payment UP-FRONT, which we don't do today, because we have the credibility of paying our debts, Trump doesn't pay his debts, he tells those who he ows money to that they have benefited from doing business with TRUMP and therefor doesn't pay them for their services........ just ask some of the lawyers whom Trump has fired.
Foreign nations won't stand for that kind of hoodwink, they will just refuse to do business with America.
Then America can join all the other third world nations with high poverty rates whos government is basically criminal and takes everything from their people.
Turning America into two classes, the wealthy and the poor, NO MIDDLE CLASS.
Hide and watch..........
If your voting for Trump your probably someone who thinks you've been stepped on or bypassed for your chance at the brass ring in America, so your going to send a message to the system,.... or maybe even try to collapse the whole system that did you wrong, which Trump will do that for ya,... and I understand that logic, I got nothing against ya.
I too have lost faith in today's political circus, I think I'm going to write my own name in for president "again', because nothing on the most part changes anyway, be it a democrat or republican president in office,.... they always force each other through congress legislations games to compromise with something that only benefits THEM and their livelihood and not We The People it seems.
It's just like a circus anymore, and we the people still have to pay admission to watch the stunts............. but were no longer part of the performance............
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cheekios · 25 days
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I did not make rent, I’m no where near it. I still have $750 to raise. Out of desperation I charged my card just to attempt to pay. The 3rd is the absolute last day to pay. The office is closed, so on Monday the leasing office will see whether I paid or not. If I don’t raise the remaining $750 the transaction will decline.
Goal: $750
CA: $HushEmu
If my payment declines I will be charged an additional $100 for processing fee. Not only that I will pay for the late fee which is $100 + $10 everyday rent is late. This is still in effect even if they are evicting the tenant. Evictions take 1-3 months every month I reside in my apartment they will charge me if I don’t vacate. The $100 + late fee will still resume even in eviction. I processed the payment despite not having enough to pay rent to buy time. I am lucky that rent fell on the weekend and not during the week.
This is my final plea to staying housed. I have exhausted all options. If payment does not reflect by Sunday Midnight. I will be issued a notice to vacate Monday.
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attleboy · 5 months
AAAAÆ I DIDN'T REALIZE YOU REBLOGGED MY SHARKO POM, you funny enough were partly an inspo cause ur teeth comic lol, I saw her chompers and the way she looked as she gazed at her teefers, she made me think of sharks •w• hence the bab was born
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yooo i'm so glad i could inspire!! :D and i can definitely see where you got 'shark' from with that teeth comic, in my sketch that inspired the comic she actually calls herself a shark [i'll stick that under the cut]
ANYWAY i really loved your shark pomni, she is such a charming little creature...
sorry for my late response, i wanted to make a doodle of her but it kept getting longer and it kept giving me trouble... however i think this works so just. here, i hope you enjoy :')
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andddd original sketch time :D
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everlastingrandom · 1 year
The speaker of the house vote goes like this: the fourth. The fifth. The minor fall and the major lift. The baffled king composing hallelujah
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sb-essebi · 3 months
Get in loser, we're taxing the rich!
There's an official proposal to the EU to tax the rich!
You only need to be a EU citizen to sing it. The goal is 1 million signatures before october 2024, and we're already at 140.000!
If you need extra incentive to sign, the French have the most signatures as of right now. You wouldn't want the French to be better than you, right? And if you are French, well, Italians are second right now, you wouldn't want the Italians to catch up, right?
Please reblog so more people can see, EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT FROM THE EU!
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hussyknee · 6 months
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Tfw your favourite faux-leftist liberal shill turns against you. 🥲
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mudwerks · 1 year
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faraamdraws · 7 months
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I watched the Pilot and all these fucking things won't leave my brain, Kinger is my absolute Favourite but Jax im still highly conflicted on.
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markantonys · 3 months
it continues to baffle me how many readers advocate for the show entirely cutting the andoran succession arc, aka elayne's ONE big Main Character storyline that she leads herself (vs. being a sidekick in nynaeve's storylines). what would you do if i started advocating for cutting mat forming the band of the red hand? you wouldn't be so happy about that, would you? well, that's the equivalent of what you're suggesting for elayne, just gutting her entire arc and reducing her to a secondary character.
some readers really need to learn that "i don't like this storyline" doesn't automatically equal "this storyline is just unimportant filler that can and should be cut from the show" (and that "i like this storyline" doesn't automatically equal "this storyline is crucial to the series as a whole and the show will be unwatchable if it's cut")
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triple-mayday · 1 year
There’s hella theories floating around about the reason behind Tucker Carlson’s sudden divorce with Fox News, but there’s one that I love the most.
Its the sexiest, pettiest, most delicious bullshit to ever be conceived. Behold:
We know for a fact that Tucker got bitch slapped across New York City by Rupert Murdoch himself. Not only that, but baby boy was laid off sometime on Friday and notified only on Monday, when he came to work. So, this unforeseen development was like a kick in the balls. For the uninitiated, Rupert Murdoch is the name of the demonic entity responsible for the creation of Fox News.
Tuckerson and Rupert had a special relationship. According to Tucker himself, the now ex-host was “100% [Rupert’s] bitch” (we love a proud sugar baby). Tucker was basically a glorified court jester - he cosplayed for daddy Rupert as a pro-worker, anti-elitist, anti-establishment, Christian, relatable everyman that broke republicans could relate to. That was, of course, a load of horseshit. As said by Tucker himself.
You see, back in Mesozoic Era (circa 2008-2011), our boy was an active participant in shock radio programs where he paraded himself as an open and proud elitist and a self-admitted trust fund baby.
All of this deliciousness speaks for itself. Tucker Carlson is a chameleon that changes his face depending on what’s resonating best with his conservative audience. Which brings us to the nearly orgasmic culmination of events that could have possibly led to Tucker’s current unemployment.
Tuck roleplayed as a hardcore Christian for quite some time. On that fateful Friday night, he turned it up to 100 for his speech at the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation’s 50th anniversary gala. Bubba was popping off, calling abortions “child sacrifices” and demanding daily prayers. The audience loved it. Rupert? Not so much.
The thing is, for Rupert business comes before fascism. Grandpa worships money, Jesus is merely a profitable business strategy. For a businessman, the rabid fundie shit was already incredibly off-putting. And Tucker’s villain monologue just happened to be the last drop in the bucket that was already filled to the brim by Murdoch’s ex. That’s right. The chair of Fox News broke off his recent engagement because his fiancée was a Jesus freak.
Now onto the good shit. Rupert’s ex had a favorite show. Guess what that show was?
Tucker Carlson Tonight
The woman in question even had tête-à-tête chit chats with her favorite TV personality, thanks to her connection to Fox News CEO.
Tensions were rising in the Murdoch household. The ex-fiancée’s obsession with Tucker only added fuel to the fire. The woman went as far as declaring that Carlson was a messenger from God. One day, Tucker had a dinner at his boss’ estate. In the middle of dinner the Jesus lady pulled out a Bible and began discussing the book of Exodus with Carlson.
Rupert just sat there like 👁️👄👁️
In the end, the man was too freaked out by Christian fundamentalism and kicked Tucker out after his particularly awful speech. It was also a cute little fuck you to his ex cause now her favorite show got canceled
This is just one theory, but it’s my favorite, so I prefer it above all else, and now you get to experience this beauty with me
God, I adore American politics
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dougielombax · 3 months
I like to think the new TADC announcement video was a bad dream Pomni had between the pilot and the next upcoming episode.
She just wakes up in the dead of night, utterly terrified.
“…what the FUCK was that?????!!!”
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look if the general election ends up being biden v trump (which it very likely will), there are plenty of logical and pragmatic reasons i'd want biden to win, obviously. but the pettiest reason is that i just never want to hear about donald fucking trump ever again
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
The Islamic Republic Executed 3 more Protesters This Morning
The regime has executed more than a hundred of kurd, baloch and Arab activists in the last few months, all of them under false or ambiguous charges. Habib Asivad, an Arab rights activists who was kidnapped from turkey and brought to Iran by the regime, was one of the recent ones.
This morning the regime executed 3 more protesters who has been arrested during the nation wide Jîna revolution. They were tortured and forced to confess to a murder they didn't commit. In fact, there's a document that shows the murder was the regime guards doing. typical.
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The three political prisoners wrote from jail on Wednesday urging the people to stop their execution.
Describing themselves as "children of Iran" in the letter, the three prisoners said: "Hello. We ask our dear fellow citizens not to let them kill us. We need your help. We need your support.
On Sunday night, demonstrators had gathered outside the prison hoping to stop the feared hangings. Campaigners say the prisoners were tortured into confessions, and there is no reliable evidence against them. -Iran International News
As it was mentioned, people tried to stop the execution by protesting and gathering in front of the prison and it was postponed but at the end the regime executed them anyway.
Meanwhile Iran has been chosen to chair the UN Human Rights Council 2023 Social Forum. This is not a joke anymore, it's the tragedy of western human rights. Apparently murdering your people for protesting grants you a human rights council chair in west.
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hangryhomo · 1 year
me, watching the GOP fail to elect a Speaker for the 11th time in 3 days:
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