#pokemon volkner x reader
chiffiorra · 8 months
₊❏❜ ⋮ So Sweet to Eat
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Kinktober Day #13
Prompt: Cunnilingus Character: Volkner This Work Contains: fem!reader, friends with benefits, cunnilingus, slight edging, squirting, barely any dialogue lol WC: 405 Note: i haven't written for one of my long-time crushes since childhood? what a crime. also damn, methinks that cunnilingus isn't easy to write 😳 Taglist: @enchantedforest-network
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You always laughed and didn't believe him when he said that he was good with his mouth, you had always assumed that he was joking around.
But he wasn't joking after all when he chose to hold you down and strip you of your bottoms thanks to you playfully challenging him. Did you regret this? Considering that he was pleasuring you beyond words; no, you didn't regret it.
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The room was silent save for your panting and moaning and Volkner going down on you as if he hadn't eaten in days. Sure this wasn't the first time you fooled around thanks to your relationship, but he never did something like this before.
Your knees felt weak as he continued licking at your clit, swirling his tongue all around. You tried to cover your mouth but he refused to let that happen, using his hand to hold your wrists together. He wanted nothing more than to hear you cry for him.
His free hand held onto your thigh as he kept you still, preventing you from moving away from him. And boy was it hard to not resist the urge to move.
You swore that you could feel a smirk form on his face, not unlike when he felt the spark from battling other trainers. You couldn't help but feel more excited as he began fucking you with his tongue. Despite not giving you a warning and you're feeling ready to reach your climax, you were ready to give into him.
A hand began to rub at your clit almost roughly which made your moans grow louder. However, before you could tell him you were close… he stopped.
You looked at him angrily, "Why did you stop?" You demanded. A smirk grew on his face at your anger.
"Because I wanted to do this," he simply said, before switching places with his finger and tongue. You felt him thrust your spot roughly and his tongue licking your clit thoroughly and it was hard to try and keep your body still.
Before you knew it, you gushed all over his fingers and chin, your eyes widened at how he managed to do that.
Volkner, on the other hand, seemed proud of this achievement. As his thumb slowly began rubbing your clit again despite your legs still trembling, you knew he was just getting started.
"So now do you believe me?" He asked, barely hiding a smug expression.
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deareststars · 1 year
General relationship hcs for Morty, Steven, Wallace, and Volkner with gn s/o?
similar to the last one, i'll be splitting this into 2 parts. first will be morty & volkner bc i wanna keep our fave gen iii boys together :,)
characters: morty (gen ii/iv), volkner (gen iv).
content: gn reader, established relationship, feel-good stuff all the way through. reader is a pokemon trainer, but their full occupation is unspecified in both morty & volkner's hcs.
tw: none.
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the two of you meet in ecruteak city at the bell tower. morty sees how stunning you are, and immediately uses his world-famous pickup line: "i'm able to see the future, and what i see is the two of us together."
he's absolutely a cheerful, flirty partner who never relents on pickup lines no matter how long you've been dating. everyday is a new adventure because this man has so much energy.
"morty, where are we going?" you ask, exasperated as he pulls you along the cobblestone paths in ecruteak. it's autumn, his favorite season, and his partner pokemon, gengar, is running alongside you. he looks over his shoulder and grins. "there's a new place i want to show you! it's almost as stunning as you, my will-o-wisp!" as he watches your lips curl into a bright smile, he laughs and begins running faster, excited to see how you'll react to seeing this new place in person.
even though he's obvious with his feelings (the man thinks he's smooth, but when he's in love, he can never stop nervously laughing at every joke you make and always finds an excuse to touch you), you have to make the first move. i imagine his confidence is a facade; deep down, being groomed to take over the gym after his parents, and many people generally being suspicious of him because of his love for ghost-type pokemon, has left a lot of scars and trust issues.
but when you do start dating, physical touch becomes his go-to love language. draping himself over your shoulders, holding your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist—PDA has become an integral part of your relationship.
of course, tell him if it makes you uncomfortable, and he'll tone it down in public. but when you're in private, cuddling is a must.
gengar becomes an integral part of your relationship, too. the pokemon is actually more mischievous than his trainer, leading to more than a few...incidences.
you stand in the kitchen, humming to yourself as you cut up some vegetables for dinner. morty is directly to your right, boiling water on the stove and dancing to the song you're singing. a chill runs down your back, and you look down. you shriek as you see your shadow begin moving around, jumping back into morty, who catches you. "gengar!" you yell, scowling as the purple ghost-type leaves your shadow and appears in the kitchen, snickering and pretending to act innocent. morty laughs, and despite your annoyance (the surprise made you drop the knife, meaning you'd have to spend extra time cleaning it before you could finish dinner) you couldn't help but laugh, too. "one day, i'll get used to it!" you exclaim. "i mean, i don't mind being your knight in shining armor," morty teases. gengar makes kissy noises behind his stubby little hands.
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you meet volkner in the midst of his burnout. after a lot of prodding and poking, he finally agrees to battle you in a friendly training match—and is electrified by your presence.
he's not the most cuddly person in the world. PDA is incredibly limited, and when you're home, you have to initiate most of what you do. what he does enjoy, though, is taking care of you: cooking you food, giving you massages when you come home stressed, making sure laundry is folded and put away as soon as it finishes.
i imagine you have to pull him away from his work often. having made so many things in sunyshore, volkner is out late at night, making sure everything is still working.
you walk into vista lighthouse, and finally find volkner on the observation deck, overlooking the city. "hey, it's getting late," you say, coming over to him and putting a hand on his back. "i know," he replies. "just...thinking. i'll be back home soon." you shake your head. "no, sir," you tease. "'soon' is going to turn into coming back at sunrise. let's get you some tea and a good book to read, okay?" he stares at the moon, high above the ocean. "but what if something happens?'" he asks. "and what if i'm not here to fix it?" "dear, you've got to stop worrying about things like that. eventually, something will happen, but you can't fix it if you're not in fighting shape, right?" with that logic, he finally relents and lets you guide him back down. he kisses your cheek, apologizing and promising to make you breakfast first thing in the morning.
volkner is someone who appreciates intelligence. even if you're not as well-read as him, he likes talking things out with you: schematics for new projects, battle strategies, new inventions he'd like to make someday. listen to him ramble, ask questions, and give him your input if you feel confident. he'll appreciate it no matter what you do.
when flint comes by and they have their occasional battles, it's like a totally different version of volkner. he's energetic and passionate as he comes up with different ways to catch flint off guard, and every time he does, he immediately looks to you like he's trying his best to impress you.
"luxray, use thunder fang on magmortar's arm!" flint's eyes widen as volkner's partner pokemon grabs magmortar by the arm and crushes it between its electrified fangs. magmortar grunts and tries to throw luxray off. "now, throw him to the ground!" luxray goes back onto his hind legs, managing to pull magmortar with him, and throws him down. the force is enough to crack the floor, and flint chuckles. "you never run out of ideas, do you?" volkner's not paying attention to flint, though. he stares off into the stands, making direct eye contact with you, and grins. you roll your eyes and cup your hands around your mouth. "pay attention to the battle!" "right, right," volkner says, turning back to the field as magmortar gets back up. "don't worry! i'm just getting started!"
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crowborn666-writes · 1 year
Headcanons of how would Morty, Volkner, Drayden react to gender neutral crush accidentally confessing to him?
Morty, Volkner, and Drayden Being Accidentally Confessed To
Various x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romantic
You didn’t think his ghost type Pokémon would’ve found a way to snitch on you
You expressed your feelings to his Gengar, wondering to it how you were going to confess
And if Morty would even reciprocate
Well his Gengar, the little mischief maker, made a love note for you, giving it to its trainer and pointing to you
You were pulled from your thoughts by a kiss to your cheek, Morty sitting down beside you “I like you too”
You were helping him with some technical work when you slipped up
You’d left your phone next to him to use as a flashlight since his had died
Just as he moved to pick up your phone again, your friend texted you asking if you’d asked him out yet
Nonchalant, he went back to what he was fixing “your friend is asking why you haven’t asked me out yet. I wanna know too.”
You were talking to Iris about crushes, giving and getting advice from each other
You didn’t realize Drayden was in the same room when you said you liked him
Iris simply nodded along, oblivious to his presence as well
For a hulk of a man, he sure was stealthy
“So you like me, eh?” He announced himself once Iris left, nearly giving you a heart attack
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coannaa-bee · 1 year
Relationship headcanons for Steven, Wallace, Volkner, and Adaman with gender neutral s/o?
Why of course you can! Ask and you’ll be served!
Steven, Wallace, Volkner, and Adaman Relationship Headcanon’s
Steven is a fairly easy one. He’s a gentleman at heart and loves to accompany you wherever your heart desires! Steven will come home with many different stones and crystals for you and will sit down with you to make cute little bracelets and necklaces.
A cute little thing he’ll probably do is make a ring out of a stone of gem that you found pretty and when you’re busy, like reading, he’ll gently take your hand, slide the ring on your finger before holding his hand up to his face to place a light kiss on it before his fingers intertwines his fingers with yours with the sweetest smile that makes you grow red.
Steven would say he loves you so much that he’ll 100% say the most corniest stuff ever that he can make sure it’ll make you snort and possibly burst in laughter. Steven would laugh with you before he kisses you saying how much he loves your smile.
PDA is something Steven loves giving. He’ll sometimes have his arm wrapped around your torso/waist or he’ll just hold his hand. He will kiss your cheek at times when he wants to give more love to you.
Steven would get worn out by many things like him being a champion and helping around Hoenn in general. When he does come home tired, he’ll walk to your shared bedroom and practically flop onto the bed with a groan. When you’re sitting or laying on the bed, you’ll try and comfort him the best you can.
He’ll talk about his day and will end up laying on your stomach and just relax as you calm him down as much as possible and make him feel comfortable.
Wallace quite literally spoil you like crazy it’s not even funny. You like a pretty gold necklace with diamonds? He’ll have it for you the next day as a gift. Like plushies? Bought. You never complain but you have to make sure he doesn’t overdue himself with spending so much on you so you’ll have to spoil him too with all the things HE loves in return!
When Wallace is in a contest, and wins like he mostly always does, he’ll always pick you up and kiss your face everywhere causing you to malfunction and circuits to be cut short through your brain.
He loves you so much that he can’t even describe it! When he’s asleep in the mornings and doesn’t want to wake up, you’ll have to wake him up with morning kisses or just sweet little nicknames!
Wallace have many nicknames that can definitely get you red. He likes to call you his sweet little lovedisc.
He would take you to the beach and many different water type Pokémon were sometimes swim up allowing you to play with them. Wallace will have you seated on your lap at times and he’ll relax with you while at the beach.
Volkner is someone who is always bored as he works at the gym yet nobody seems to be able to beat him and it gets him annoyed at times. But his head will go up when he sees you walking towards him as you greet all the trainers working there.
He loves it when you visit him at the gym, it makes him very happy. He’ll guide you over and you hug him and talk about your day before he talks about his.
When you don’t come over and you’re still at home, when the gym closes and he arrives back, you look at him as he’s very worn out and tired. You giggle confusing him. You ended up pointing to his shoulder to see a Joltik that’s latched onto him nibbling at his hair. He’ll stare at the Pokémon dumbfounded expression.
(You’ll have to bait the Pokémon with a AAA battery so the little one can get off of him.)
Electric Pokémon will sometimes rush inside when Volkner comes home and they’ll end up eating and sleeping at your shared home for the night!
Volkner is a fan of PDA but most likely, you’ll have to make the move. He’s hand will wrap around your shoulders and he’ll probably keep it like that if he makes the move. If you do so, you’ll hold his hand/arm and stay close to his side while you kiss his cheek time to time.
Adaman is an easy one. He would walk with you to many different places in Obsidian Fieldlands and everywhere else in Hisui. He’ll walk with you with his Leafeon by his side. He’ll hold your hand before you two talk and have a good time.
Adaman loves when he lays in your lap and you just brush through his hair with me lost care. Adaman would keep you safe from anyone who would dare harm you. He wouldn’t be able to stand the sight of you getting hurt especially in front of him.
He likes PDA in every way, shape, and form. Hold his hand? Smiles like and idiot. Kiss him? He’ll practically smooch you back. You’re getting nervous? He’ll keep you close. Tired? Don’t worry, he’ll carry you the rest of the way. Words cannot describe his love for you, everything he does is cause he loves you with all his heart! <3
Cuddling is so sweet with him. He’ll be holding you or you’ll be holding him. He likes to be facing you too when cuddling and doesn’t care if he’s the one holding you or getting held. Adaman would stay close to you, his head sometimes laying on your shoulder as he gets comfortable.
A cute little thing that happens is Leafeon would sometimes hop on your shared bed and snuggle with you two causing you both to giggle at the Pokémon who did it’s signature cry and just gets comfortable with the both of you.
Absolutely sweetheart overall
>>💎💎Please don’t copy/steal or translate on ANY page please and thank you!🌹🌹<<
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Okay- there is zero pressure to write for this, I’m sure you have a ton of event submissions and I hope I’m not flooding your inbox with Roark content, but I just wanted to share the idea of his glasses doing the anime thingy where they get all glossy-you know what I’m talking about I hope-right before he jumps somebody and attacks them with tickles! I saw a picture of that somewhere online with him and just. Have not been able to stop thinking about it! Once again, this is just a fun headcannon i wanted to share, no pressure to add it to the list and I apologize if I’m blowing up your inbox (whoops) I promise I’m not trying to be annoying! I’m just very excited! Anyway, keep up the amazing work and as always, thank you!!! -⚡️
Headcanons To Dabbles: Officially CLOSED!
*squee!!!* Oh my goodness that's AMAZING! I love the mental image of Roark getting all mirror lenses akljerjakrjjaekrkj I gotcha covered, friend! Decided to go with Volkner for this last Roark one because I miss my electro boy.
“Oi, Roark. You remembered (Y/N)’s birthday?”
The redhead froze, halfway out of his expedition gear. He turned to look at Volkner, starting to sweat. “Oh dear Arceus, it’s TODAY? I thought it was in another week- oh no their present isn’t ready yet-”
“Roark, I was lying.” Volkner cut him off, making him stumble in his panic. “It is next week.”
The redhead stared, betrayed. “Why…?”
“You’ve been rambling on about rocks for the past 20 minutes.” Volkner's lips twitched. “I was starting to wonder if your brain fossilized.”
“Oh ha ha.” Roark puffed, glasses gleaming over as Volker chuckled in his hand. “Very funny.”
“Heh, yeah…why are you looking at me like that?” Volkner leaned back some when the glare Roark was sending him didn’t yield.
Silence, and then-
“Whoa!” Volkner yelped as he was shoved backwards, Roark tackling him into the grass. “Whoa, hang on there- what are you do-ohohohohohohoing!” Giggles bubbled over almost instantly as the redhead’s hands found his waist, kneading just below his ribs. “Rohoohohoahahhark!”
“First you trick me into thinking I forgot (Y/N)’s birthday, and THEN you call me dumb!” Roark moved up to Volkner’s center ribs, earning a proper bout of laughter from the soft spoken gym leader. “You must die! Prepare to get tickle-stoned!”
“Gehahhahahahhahha! I’m shahahhahaharry! I’m shahahhahahahhahahrry!” Volkner tried to grab his hands, but Roark was surprisingly quick. The best he could do was cling to his wrists. “Cuhuuhuuht it ohohooohoohut!”
“Are you REALLY sorry?” Roark asked, raising a brow.
“TRULY sorry?”
“YEhehahhahahahs, yehehahahahahs I’m shahahhahahahharry!” Volkner’ cheeks were a pretty pink shade, eyes squeezed shut with mirth and feet kicking behind them.
“Pfft- okay, okay!” Roark snickered, finally releasing the other and climbing off him. “That’ll teach you to trick me, Mr. Rain cloud!”
“Eheh…ehehehe…Mr. Rahaiain Cloud? Oh that is IT? Come here!” Volkner shot up suddenly, grabbing Roark and pulling him down beside him. “You’re asking for it back now!”
The sound of Roark’s laughter was quick to replace Volkner’s.
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clumsyexpression · 2 years
Volkner x Fluff Alphabet
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Fluff Alphabet - A, C, D, J, N Modern AU X Reader
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A - Attractive (what they find attractive)
 Looking into your eyes and hearing you talk about what you love. Although he may seem a little aloof most times, when he’s with you, he’s always paying attention and becomes a little bit clumsy if he’s tinkering with his gadgets and gizmos. He doesn’t think your lying when you speak, but the eyes express more of your essence, and what’s more soup for the soul than hearing someone passionately talk about what makes them happy? It’s by listening intently to you that he can pick gifts for you so easily.
C - Cuddle (how they cuddle)
A man who values his personal space, you’re always welcomed within – particularly when he’s able to spoon you while you’re going about your day. When he’s not preoccupied doing his own thing, he likes to check in on you by scooping you up from behind to see what you’re up to - resting his arms upon your waist and throwing in a sigh of contentment when he’s fully nestled into you.         
D - Dates (what dates with them are like)
Spending time with you is what matters most, so whether it’s a little outing on the beach or at the amusement park, he’s pretty laidback and mainly wants you to enjoy yourself. You would be surprised to know that he actually enjoys lugging around the gargantuan teddy bear he won for you at the amusement park, or watching you figure out the escape room was the highlight of the day. He’ll go with the flow of the date but thoroughly enjoy just being in your company.
J - Joker (do they pull pranks?)
He’s not a fan of pulling pranks or being pranked on in general, but you know who his best friend is, so you know there’s always a chance that you might be the unintended recipient of one. Volkner might have a prank or two in play but it’s usually as a defensive measure against his idiot friend. If you decide you want to prank him - depending on the nature of the prank - he won’t be super upset with you. He’ll give a tight smile and politely ask that you not do it again
N - Nickel (do they spoil?)
He’s not very thrilled to go shopping but he does pay attention to your interests and knows what you like. If there’s something he knows you want, he’ll most definitely make sure you get it but will also make sure you don’t know that he knows to make the surprise even sweeter. He doesn’t like to frivolously spend money in order to ensure that he has enough for the special, big gifts that you actually want.
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randoimago · 2 years
since the remakes are finally out, can I request general relationship hcs with roark, volkner, riley and flint, please?
General Relationship Headcanons
Character(s): Flint, Riley, Roark, Volker
Type of Request: Headcanons
Word Count: 528
Note(s): I did my best with this! The games only give so much personality to characters and I looked up bulbapedia to remind myself of extra stuff in the anime. So I hope you enjoy what I did!
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Flint is ready to just talk your ear off. Letting you know how his day was, the people he met, what he did. But he also makes sure to ask you about your day as well, he wants to hear all about what you did even if it was a lazy day.
Loves to go on walks with you. Takes you to Sunyshore a lot as it’s a nice city but also because he likes to bug Volkner.
Speaking of which, Flint would very much want you to be friends with Volkner. Those two are childhood friends so he’d like his S/O to also be friends with him.
Lots of shared interests too. If you have an interest in something then Flint is going to want to know what it is so he can dive into it as well. He is so supportive of just about anything you’re interested in.
He likes to go out a lot to train and he’ll be really happy if you want to go with him. If you don’t then that’s fine too! He promises to bring home something for you.
I can see Riley gifting you flowers a lot. Either wildflowers he found on his way to the Iron Island or he’ll stop and get some flowers that he knows you enjoy.
Likes to leave kisses on your wrist. He finds them cute but also it’s close to your pulse which he makes him smile when he feels it.
Tells you all kinds of stories about pokemon he’s met at the Iron Island and the training he’s done. Also likes to tell you about any interesting trainers he’s met. 
Loves to share his fascination of fossils with you. He’d love to take you through the museum multiple times just to view the fossils and tell you information about them that don’t appear on the plaques.
Roark doesn’t like telling you about tensions with his father just because he doesn’t want to bring the mood down, but he does appreciate you listening to him when he does decide. Being an ear for him is very much appreciated.
Would love to give you a necklace or bracelet with a fossil attached to it. He loves fossils and so he wants to share his love with his love.
I can see him being deep in the Underground and calling you to check to see if you’ve eaten or taken care of yourself. 
Not the most cuddly of individuals but he does enjoy giving you kisses, but like cheek and forehead kisses. Always kisses your cheek before going out.
When he’s had long days he likes to lay his head in your lap so you can play with his hair. It helps him relax after a day that’s been either too boring or too hectic.
When he was losing motivation due to not having a good battle in a while he was probably a bit more moody but when he was around you it instantly cheered him up.
Again, not too affectionate, but he likes to leave you little notes of praise of even just tell you how much he appreciates you.
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Fluff M D H Volkner please <3
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D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Volkner honestly didn't believe he would get into this part of life; having a relationship with someone for so long. So it's honestly baffling to him, but also exciting. He doesn't know what to expect and that's absolutely great. He doesn't really have a planned out future for himself and you; just wanting to see what life hits you two with. Though, he wouldn't mind hearing what you plan for the future. Do you want kids? Want to live in a little home somewhere? He'll be happy to hear all about it.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He's around the middle. There are certain things he'll be open to share with you, but others where he just can't. It's okay though, because eventually Volkner will be able to tell you. These range from extremely personal stuff to topics that either he can't share to keep you safe or he doesn't know how to tell it out loud. They're more on the personal spectrum though.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He'd ask you, first of all. This goes back to his plans for the future, in which Volkner would ask you what you plan for the rest of your life. Again, he didn't really imagine he'd make it to this stage in life; marriage, commitment, sharing a life with someone else. He even asks himself the same question. Does he want to get married? Volkner thinks about this for a while until he's made a decision, then going back to you on the topic. He honestly wants to know if you'd be on board with it when the time comes. Now, as for how the proposal would go, it's not too exaggerated. Sometimes Volkner likes to get to the point and with this, it's no different. However, he would like to spice things up to make sure this will be something to remember for a long time. Same with the wedding; nothing too over the top, but still extremely exciting to be at. Volkner will recommend places to you and overall ask for your input. You always did have great ideas and besides, it's both of your weddings.
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more-pokeimagines · 4 years
[ ✨ ] Here I am dear, sorry if I spam your ask box ;v; The request was a drabble with Volkner in the AU you did with Cynthia, Steven and Lance, with the tattoo and the angst ;w; Thank you again considering doing it TvT ♥️
I’m terribly sorry that it took me so long, dear sparkle anon! I hope you don’t mind too much and enjoy the drabble. It got a bit longer than I expected and it’s not as angsty as the other ones I’ve written but it definitely doesn’t have a happy ending, so I hope that’s fine too. ^^ Feedback is always appreciated!
Too late – Volkner x reader (soulmate AU)
Volkner didn’t believe in soulmates. He did once when he was younger because he was absolutely fascinated by the fact that there was someone out there who was specifically meant for him. But as the years went by and he grew older without catching the slightest glimpse of his soulmate, he started to lose faith. He often felt like the tattoo on his wrist was there to mock him, to remind him that there was little or no chance that he would actually meet his soulmate anytime soon. And one day, he woke up and discovered that he didn’t care anymore. Of course his friends tried do convince him that there was still hope and that he wasn’t meant to be alone for the rest of his life but the truth was that the whole concept of soulmates didn’t matter to him anymore.
He immersed himself in his work, spent hours and hours at his gym, always looking for a challenger who was able to compete with him. It surely wasn’t a coincidence that you walked into the gym one day to challenge him.
Of course he recognized you immediately since the tattoo on your neck was the sure indication that you were meant for him but Volkner honestly didn’t care. You were just another trainer challenging him for his badge and you would be long gone before you realized that he was your soulmate. To him, this was absolutely fine because he had no intentions of talking about your fateful connection.
The battle itself was over quickly. He had made some crucial mistakes and when you started to tease him for letting you win so easily, he couldn’t even bring himself to fake a smile. When he handed you the badge and congratulated you on your victory, he paid scrupulous attention to not touch your skin in any way. Then you disappeared, maybe making preparations for challenging the Elite Four next. And he never thought about seeing you again.
A few years later, the realization that he made a horrible mistake all this time ago hit Volkner like a brick. You had been there, right in front of him and he just pushed you away without thinking twice. The two of you were meant for each other, you were soulmates – and still, he hadn’t even thought about giving you a chance. Heck, he didn’t even bother to ask you for your name!
He felt awful. It was crystal clear that he probably ruined his only chance to get to know you and being the idiot he was, he completely messed up. And even if there was a chance to find you he wasn’t sure if he’d really do it. You probably moved on, maybe you found someone else who loved you just as much as you deserved. Someone who didn’t push you away just because he was disappointed that he hadn’t met you earlier.
When Volkner finally gathered the courage to search for you he finally started to feel alive again. The first thing he would do was to apologize for his stupid behavior at the gym back then. And after that he would tell you that he was your soulmate. And maybe, just maybe, he’d even kiss you.
It was a lot easier to find you than he initially expected. You had worked hard since he last met you and actually managed to become a member of the Elite Four after Bertha had retired. He vaguely remembered that Flint had told him about a new colleague but he never would’ve dreamed that it was you who undertook her duties.
After that, he somehow managed to convince his best friend to take him to a League party with him. And on that evening things started to go downhill pretty fast.
You hated formal League parties like this. Most of the time, you were forced to talk to people you didn’t like while smiling at them and pretending that they were the best conversational partner you ever had. It was annoying and exhausting and you caught yourself wishing that the hours would pass a bit faster because you just wanted to go home and relax since the past few days had been pretty rough. The last thing you needed right now was someone who talked your ears off.
Needless to say that you felt a wave of relieve washing over you when you spotted your colleague Flint near the bar. “Excuse me for a second,” you said and smiled at the woman in front of you. “I’m just quickly grabbing a drink. Can I get you something too?”
As soon as she declined you turned around to rush to the bar. “I’m so glad to see you,” you said without wasting time with greetings. “I’m stuck in the most boring conversation I ever had in my entire life and I-” You interrupted yourself when you spotted the blonde man who was standing next to him. Volkner, the Gym leader of Sunyshore City, stared back at you. Then, a smile flashed across his face. “Long time no see.”
For a second, you didn’t know what to say. The last time you met him he had been a reticent person but now he seemed to be much more relaxed and lighthearted. “Yeah, you’re right” you replied after a few moments of silence. “But it’s nice to meet you again.”
Volkner smiled again and it caught you completely off-guard. “I see you’re a member of the Elite Four now. Congratulations. I always knew you had the potential to achieve something great.”
“Yeah,” you said again, still confused about the sudden change of his behavior. Why was he even talking to you? When you challenged him all these years ago he hadn’t been so chatty. Back then you actually thought that your mere presence was enough to annoy him but since the only thing that mattered to you at that time was the last badge, you didn’t think about it too much. But now you began to wonder why he behaved like this – and why he was so nice to you now.
“How have you been?” he asked and snapped you out of your thoughts. He sounded genuinely interested – something that made you smile, even though you tried to hide it. “I’m doing great, thank you. The job can be a bit stressful sometimes but it’s okay. It’s fun.”Volkner nodded. As a gym leader he probably understood pretty well what you were trying to say. “It’s good to know that you’re happy,” he stated with a soft, almost tender tone in his voice. And the way he looked at you… you felt a shiver running down your spine. “Thanks,” you replied once again, just to say something and to try to distract yourself from the strange things you were feeling right now.
“Listen, (Y/N), I’m actually not here to make smalltalk with you”, he admitted after a few moments of awkward silence. “There’s… there’s something I wanted to tell you. Can we talk in private?”
“… sure,” you agreed confused. You had no clue that this whole conversation was about but somehow you sensed that it was something really important. “We could go for a little walk or something like that.”
As he nodded, you led him to the gardens at the back of the building. Small outdoor lamps lighted up paths around the flower beds, illuminating the colorful blossoms. It was a beautiful evening, a gentle breeze tousling your hair but you were way to nervous to even notice trivialities like this. What could be so important that the Gym Leader literally dragged you outside to talk to you?“Listen, (Y/N), I have no idea how to start”, Volkner sighed as if he had just been reading your mind. “It’s… I know we don’t know each other but there’s something I need to tell you.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”
“I think I might be your soulmate.”
“You… what” For a moment you could only stare at him, completely dumbfounded by his confession. The tattoo on your neck tingled as if it was trying to tell you that Volkner was right. To be honest, you hadn’t thought about your soulmate in a long time since you had decided that it was best not to worry too much but now you suddenly felt like your world had been shattered to pieces.
You silently watched as Volkner rolled the sleeve of his shirt up to reveal the tattoo on his wrist. “We’re soulmates,” he said again, carefully examining the look on your face. “We’re meant for each other.”
“How long have you known?” you asked, your voice barely louder than a whisper. Your hands were shaking and you crossed your arms to hide it. Volkner avoided your gaze. “(Y/N)…”
“How long?!”
“… since you walked into my gym,” he admitted quietly. “I noticed it immediately but… see, back then I didn’t care about meeting my soulmate anymore. I felt like I was better off alone, that’s why I didn’t say anything.”
You gulped. That explained the strange connection you had felt when you saw him for the first time but you had always tried to convince yourself that it was only in your mind. “You lied to me for all these years,” you said and shook your head in utter disbelief.
“I understand that you’re hurt.”
“I’m not hurt,” you interrupted him before he could continue. “I’m angry. Do you have an idea how much I wanted to meet my soulmate while I was traveling Sinnoh? How much I hoped to bump into you? And you knew that you’re my soulmate but you only thought about yourself! You didn’t care about me or my feelings at all.”
Volkner reached out to touch your hand but as you quickly took a step backwards to avoid his touch you could see a glint of desperation in his eyes. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). I know I messed up but I’m here now. I came here to tell you everything because I realized I made a terrible mistake when I let you go without telling you the truth.”
You shook your head again, taking another step backwards. “It’s too late,” you said. “I don’t want you anymore. I don’t care that we’re soulmates. We’re done. And I don’t want to see you ever again.”
With that, you turned around and stormed off, returning to the party. Volkner stood there and gazed back at you while his heart shattered into a million pieces. He had messed up. And now he had lost the only person that ever mattered to him. 
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biiju · 2 years
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pkmn ignition shipping log🔥⚡️
Please look my pixiv LOG!⤴︎ ⤴︎⤴︎
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I’d like to request Volkner on a casual date please
Volkner can’t keep up with you sometimes, although that’s not necessarily a bad thing, you always keep him on his toes. One moment he might be sitting idly and the next you’ll be marching in to tell him you needed something to show him. Today was different, due to the last time you had barged in you had told him some date plans you had arranged and he just nodded, telling you that he’ll go meet you.
Which is what he was doing right now, scanning the area in search of you. He was surprised when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind, causing him to freeze up immediately. 
“Guess who?” Only to relax the moment he hears your voice. 
“(Name).” He gently pushes himself out of your grasp, turning around to look directly at your grinning form. He matches your joy with a small smile of his own, that simultaneously acts as a form of greeting. 
“You got me!” For the second time today you catch him off guard quickly taking his hand into yours and leading him off behind you. “Anyways, I saw this trainer come into town with this really cute Pikachu but they said they had to keep moving soon, so we’re going to need to move fast if you want to see it!” 
“What about our date?” He asks, struggling to keep up with your fast pace. 
“Are you telling me you don’t want to see the cute Pikachu? I also heard them say they have a Shinx... I bet it would be pretty cute too.” 
“Lead the way.” 
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leavaloo · 4 years
I hope I got this in before requests were closed again! I’d like to request something for Volkner please — like, say, first kiss hcs for Volkner? Thanks!
This was cute. Volkner’s a fun guy haha! Also one of my crushes when I was a lot younger (aside from Cheren, Silver, N-- you know what? There’s too many nevermind)
Volkner now has really mellowed out, but Volkner then was an entirely different challenge.
Not even because the kid was strong; he was strong enough to ace any Pokemon battle. No the issue was that this kid was hyperactive to all hell.
It got better when he got older, with the hyperactive tendencies becoming more that of his immaculate charm. But it was still hard to get him sitting down in one place long enough to even hug the boy.
In highschool, he was one of the top guys, what with his electric personality and his looks. But truth is that he didn’t want to give away his first kiss that readily.
So he ended up waiting a while, and by a while I mean he didn’t get a girlfriend until his early 20s.
His first kiss was... awkward with you, but you couldn’t help but laugh. This extremely charming guy not knowing how to kiss was hilarious.
Red as a cherubi, sheepish as a mareep. He enjoyed it but holy hell he was not used to that. When he told you that that was his first kiss, you almost couldn’t believe it. This handsome guy? No way.
But, it was true. You apologized for going too fast, but he just laughed that off.
Volkner had an electric personality, which meant that he was quick to shift moods while also going about it seamlessly.
That smirk came back, the damn thing
And so did the charm
Soon enough you were like putty in his hands, because every little touch would make you melt
“Well, if it’s not a problem, perhaps I can use you to practice?”
Yeah that about summed up the rest of his (and your) night.
After that? Volkner was a very kiss-y person, suddenly
Only with you, but he would make sure that he made everyone aware that this was the love of his life
And that was through as much uncomfortable PDA as he could.
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sneakymalou · 4 years
Text exchange prompt 1 (from the thing I commented on) for Volkner from DPPt, please!
I’m glad you liked my game ♥
Volkner text exchange 💕
VOLKNER ; [23:02] Are u sleepin’ ?
VOLKNER ; [23:03] I wanted to apologize about before... I was cold and heartless...
VOLKNER ; [23:04] Nobody asked me out before. Well, they did but I’ve never been in love...
VOLKNER ; [23:04] But that was before you. You’ve shown me love. How to care. How to take care. Then... how could I leave without your presence, heh ? I love you and only you. I understood it tonight. Finally...
VOLKNER ; [23:13] Sweetheart ? :(
F!READER ; [23:15] Damn, you took your time !!!!
VOLKNER ; [23:16] I know. My bad. How can I be forgiven ?
F!READER ; [23:16] Let me see...
VOLKNER ; [23:25] Well ?
F!READER ; [23:27] First, I want the best kiss I’ve ever had.
VOLKNER ; [23:27] Okay, next ?
F!READER ; [23:28]Second, I wanna taste your cooking...
VOLKNER ; [23:28] Tee-hee... you’re hundred percent sure ’bout that ? :D
F!READER ; [23:29] Third, I wanna spend all day in your gym stadium, just the two of us, battling for cute prices (surpriiiise for the prices, I’ll tell everything once we’re there)...
VOLKNER ; [23:30] Demanding woman, I love it... <3
F!READER ; [23:31] And last but not least... I want you to tell me in person what you wrote earlier. I just... want to hear it. I need it. I thought... you hated me.
VOLKNER ; [23:32] As you demand, princess. I’m waiting underneath your window...
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pokemagines · 5 years
sinnoh gym leaders + their s/o using pickup lines on them
anon asked: “Sinnohs Gym Leaders with an s/o who is prone to using all sorts of corny pick up lines on them, whether they are in public or not.”
a/n: since we try to limit to 5 charas i picked the Most Eligible Bachelors sowwy crasher wake T_T
also i know we know like nothing about the new fe characters but h. i want to write for them sO bad dkjfsfj -- mod touko
even if the pickup line is horrible, roark will be flustered. he covers his face in his hands and tells you to knock it off, but you aren’t giving up that easy! in public, he’s even more embarrassed as now everyone can see his red face. rip him.
volkner thinks it’s so lame, and will chide you for them. he will just let out a small laugh and be like “seriously?” but doesn’t tell you to stop or anything. he likes the attention a lot.
bold of you to assume that gardenia won’t spit some right back at you! she has loads more cheesy ones than you (”if you were a fruit you’d be a fineapple”) and ends up making you more flustered than her at times.
maylene just gets SO annoyed. especially if you two are doing something together and you just yell one at her. she’d just groan so loudly and tell you to stop being so embarrassing. her lucario thinks it’s funny though.
fantina probably won’t get them at first, so she’ll ask you to explain them for her. little do you know that she knows all along but you having to explain the joke ends up making you flustered which is what she wants all along! probably calls you “cute” in that accent of hers and kisses you on the nose after you realize.
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Snow anon again, do you write for Volkner (from Sinnoh of the Pokemon franchise)? Could you perhaps write for how he would spend a rainy day with his s/o? Either way, additionally seeing the scenario with Tabi x reader would also be appreciated. Thank you very much for your writings!
Heya Snow Anon! I do not write for Volkner due to the lack of information I have on them. I can still write for Tabi though!
Rainy Day w/ Tabi
- Tabi seems to get moody on rainy days, but not in the bad way
- Sometimes you can see him just watching the rain
- "Tabi?" "Hm?" "You ok?" "Yeah I'm fine, just watching it pour out there." "You upset we couldn't go out today?" "No, not really, the rain seems to always calm my nerves." "Still worried she would've been there to ruin it all?" "I'm always worried about that." "Tabi..."
- You can get him to watch movies with you until the power goes out
- "Well, this sucks." "I don't really mind." "Let me guess, you like storms too?" "Yeah." "I'll make sure to get a white noise machine for you after this then." "Hm?" "To help you sleep at night."
- Flashlights and books seem to be the best bet after the lights are out
- He might read to you if you can steady the flashlight enough for him to read properly
- He doesn't really seem all that talkative if you don't say anything first
- After a while he's going to fall asleep cuddling up to you
- Try not to disturb him, it's hard for him to sleep as easily as this on any other day
- He'll have more energy than usual when he gets up tomorrow
- Maybe now you two can go out?
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
Masterlist (Pokemon) (Gens 1-9)
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Here we have all of my fics from Kanto-Alola!
**Legend Arceus Content will be put under “Sinnoh/Hisui”
Full Masterlist
Updated 5/25/23
Kanto Fics/Dabbles
Team Rocket Ruckus!
Jhoto Fics/Dabbles
Crime and Punishment (Johtosquad) (Lee!Gold)
Ho-Oh to the rescue! (Lee!Silver, Ler!Ho-Oh)
Not That Far Away (PreciousMetalShipping) (Lee!Silver, Ler!Gold)
Pigeot's Smiling Service (Lee!Falkner, Ler!Pigeot)
Poke-Dex Misstep (Lee!Crystal, Lers!Silver, Gold)
Stressed Out Champion (Lee!Lance, Ler!Elite Four)
Tickly Confessions (Lee!SIlver, Ler!Soul)
Hoenn Fics/Dabbles
Admit it! (Lee!Maxie, Ler!Archie)
Come To Bed (Lee!Maxie, Ler!Archie)
Cuddles With Crobat and Camerupt (Lee!Maxie)
Good Morning! (Lee!Maxie, Ler!Archie)
How Tough Are Ya? (Hardenshipping)
“How bad does this tickle on a scale of 1-10?” (Lee!Maxie, Ler!Archie)
Skitty Nursery (Lee!Archie, Ler!Skitties)
“Soon May The Wellerman Come (Lee!Maxie, Ler!Archie) (Mermaid AU)
The Great Maxie's Revenge (Lee!Archie, Ler!Maxie)
Sinnoh/Hisui Fics/Dabbles
Truth or Truther (Lee!Volo, Ler!Adaman)
Try Not To Laugh (Lee!Volkner, Lers!Gardenia, Roark)
Race you there! (Lee!Platinum, Ler!Pearl)
Weekend In Sinnoh (Absurdistshipping) (Switch!Diamond, Switch!Pearl)
Unova Fics/Dabbles
Dog Days (Lee!Cheren, Ler!Stoutland)
Don’t Go! (Lee!Chili, Ler!Cilan, Ler!Cress)
Laugh For Me! (Lee!Cheren, Ler!Bianca)
The Tickle Express (Switches!Subway Masters Emmett, Ingo)
Kalos Fics/Dabbles
Attack on The Inventor (Lee!Clemont)
Berry Picker Gone Wrong! (Lee!Clemont)
“C'mon, you know you wanna take a break…” (Lee!Clemont, Ler!Ash)
Clem The Tickle Monster! (Lee!Ash, Ler!Clemont)
Diodeshipping tickles (Switch!Clemont, Switch!!Ash)
Ganging Up On The Nerd! (Lee!Clemont, Ler!XY-gang)
Gotta Tickle ‘em All! (Lee!Clemont, Ler!Ash)
I’m Stuck! (Diodeshipping)
I’m With You (Diodeshipping)*
Joltik Circus! (Lee!Clemont)
Kalos Gang Tickle Fight!
Smile Clem! (Lee!Clemont, Ler!Serena)
“Try to stay still.“  (Lee!Ash, Ler!Clemont)
UpperHand (Lee!Ash, Ler!Clemont)
Sun and Moon Fics/Dabbles
Buzz Cuts (Lee!Gladion, Ler!Moon)
Bringing Back That Smile (Lee!Gladion, Ler!Lillie)
Don’t Touch It! (Lee!Hau, Ler!Gladion)
No More Moping! (Lee!Gladion, Ler!Hau)
The Incense Incident (Lee!Kiawe, Ler!Pokemon)
Reunion (Lee!Moon, Ler!Lillie)
Your Boy Guzma’s Greatest Mistake! (Lee!Guzma, Ler!Plumeria)
Paldea Fics/Dabbles
Map It Out (Lee!Arven x Reader)
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