#poem for the kid who hated to leave
meloncholyidiotpoems · 2 months
Oh but the thing is, now I do the leaving
I’ve grown so used to the dance, now I take the first step
My feet grow restless, homesick for a place that is nowhere and everywhere
For a hotel bed, for the open road
It’s a language I loathed to learn, but now speak fluently
Now I do the leaving and I do it on my own
my heart is still in a suitcase in the trunk of the car
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repulsiveliquidation · 3 months
Alone || Leah Williamson
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warnings : mentions of bullying, death, loneliness, rude namecalling. smut is at the end but i promise there is a happy ending. words in bold are from a poem above, but i can't remember who wrote it!
I like being alone was something that you always convinced yourself of growing up. Dad was always high on some binge drinking spree with his equally deadbeat friends and Mum tried her best to be a parent but with a useless father and barely any money coming in, you quickly learned how to keep yourself occupied and take care of yourself.
One day, the police showed up at your door and knocked. Mum stopped folding the laundry and you poked your head in just in time to hear the officers tell your mother that your father had tried to rob the local liquor store and was shot by the police who arrived on the scene. Having been ostracized from the community long ago due to your father’s behavior, the news of his death only increased the cold shoulder you and your mother got from the town.
Parents in your hometown seemed to teach their children bad manners from a young age; all the kids in school knew to stay away from you. No one sat with you at lunch, no one ever wanted you on their team for PE. God forbid you were paired up together for a group project, no one ever wanted your company.
Secondary school was rinse and repeat. No one sat with you at lunch, no one ever wanted you on their team for the science fair. Once, you were assigned the popular girl for the English project which was 25 percent of the class grade.
“You’re doing the whole thing yourself and you better not screw with my portion of the project, you got that you freak?” Megan warned, having cornered you in the girls’ changing room after class.
“I’d watch that tone if I were you, Meg,” came a voice from the end of the showers where you were cowering.
“Stay out of it Williamson or I’ll sock you!”
“I think you’re the only one about to leave here with a black eye Meg so I’d watch your tone.”
“You’re not defending the freak are you?”
“I’m doing what’s right, I’ve had it to here with your snarky attitude,” Leah challenged, grabbing the bully’s arm and pulling her away from you. “Leave her alone.”
“Fuck you, Williamson! Everyone will know you like the freak!”
“Call her that one more time and I’ll tattoo it across your forehead!”
Megan leaves the changing room with a loud huff and you hide yourself more in the shower cubicle. You’d never interacted with Leah Williamson before. You knew to stay far away from the popular girls and the captain of the girls’ football team was one of them.
Leah smiles kindly and reaches a hand out for you. You don’t take it immediately, half expecting her to make fun of you and demand you do her homework for her. Leah realizes this and shakes her head a little, sitting on the floor with you. You’re about to ask her to leave when she opens her mouth first.
“I’m sorry about her and all of them. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.”
“I’m used to it,” you mumble, pulling your legs to your chest and hugging them.
“I’m Leah.”
“I know who you are,” you answer quickly, pushing yourself up to your feet. “You don’t have to pretend to be nice to me,” you say just as the tears threaten to fall. You do not need Leah to see them, it’ll give her one more thing to tell everyone about.
You grab your torn backpack and rush out of the changing room before she can answer you.
Leah stands there a little hurt, her efforts of extending an olive branch failing only motivate her more. She knew about the whole scandal or whatever it was that happened all those years ago but learned at a very young age that Amanda hated it all.
“You treat that family with the same respect you give everyone else, Leah you understand? No one deserves such unkind neighbors.”
You do not know what compelled you to sit in the stands of Leah’s football game against a rival school. There was a ticket in your locker with a note hoping to see you there. Thinking it was a prank, you wanted to throw it away but decided against it, which meant that the cloudy England sky and shitty concession food was your plan for the afternoon.
“Hi, you got my ticket!”
You had your eyes glued to your phone, your hat pulled down over your eyes to block out the stares you normally got. But that familiar thick local accented voice rang loud in front of you, you looked up to see Leah grinning at you with her mother Amanda right behind her.
“You put the ticket in my locker?” you asked sheepishly, watching as Amanda sat next to you.
“Yes darling, her father couldn’t make it and she didn’t waste it so she wanted to give it to you.”
You look up at Leah and her grin is almost brighter than it was before. She was all dressed and ready for the game, hand reaching out to pat your head before running back onto the pitch.
“I’m so glad you’re here, I hope you stay the whole game!” she yelled out, jogging towards the rest of her teammates.
“She didn’t have to give me the ticket,” you mumble under your breath. More people are staring now, you could feel it. Amanda reached around your shoulders and rubbed your back, smiling down at you.
“No, but she insisted.”
Leah was relentless in her pursuit of you. There were more notes in your locker that were not malicious. They were written in the same writing as the first letter that had a football ticket in it, always signed LW.
Soon the letters became more personalized and directly from Leah. People talked a lot in this town and word got out fast that Leah was making friends with the freak. She didn’t seem fazed, the teasing she could endure; the bullying you normally received almost doubled overnight.
Ever since Leah started giving you the letters in person, all the people who had crushes on her had increased their hatred of you.
You were walking home after one of Leah’s games, headphones in and head down like always. You didn’t see them coming for you and didn’t hear them either. Megan and her girls had followed you the whole way until you turned into a dark alley; it was a shortcut to your house and you’ve never seen anyone else use it before.
Carla pulled your hair first. You turned and before you could defend yourself, Megan slapped you across the face. Alice tripped you as you tried to run away, slipping face-first into a muddy puddle left by the rain that morning. Rebecca, the ring leader, grabs your shoulder and turns you around, eyes seething with anger.
“I have wanted Leah Williamson for a very long time, you pathetic little bitch. What the fuck did you do to her in that bathroom that day when Megan was beating sense into your stupid brain huh?”
“Being a bully isn’t a quality I look for in a girl, Becca.”
Leah stands there with her kit still on and her hair sticking to her forehead. Her hands on her hips and chest heaving suggest she ran all the way here. She looks down at you before stepping towards you and reaching a hand out to you. You take it this time and she pulls you up and into a hug.
“Are you okay?” she asks, brushing your hair out of your face. You nod and she cups your cheek, thumb rubbing over your cheekbone that was slightly red from Megan’s slap earlier.
“What did I say about testing my patience, Rebecca?”
“Leah, she’s the town freak! What could you possibly see in her?”
“Everything I don’t see in you, Becca. What would your mother say if I let it slip over tea next week that her precious girl is a sly little liar? She doesn’t need to know about your little stunt with the principal I walked in on last week now does she?”  
“Don’t you dare!”
“Then you leave her alone,” Leah sternly warns, eyes shooting daggers at the fleeing girls.
“Come on, I’ll take you home. I saw them coming for you after the game and I followed them. I’m glad I found you in time!”
“Why are you being nice to me?”
“I think you know I like you a lot more than you’re letting yourself believe.”
“Why me, Leah?”
She takes your hand and walks towards the main road with you. You see Amanda in the car waiting, shaking her head at the two of you.
“Are you okay, love?” she asks you as you climb into the backseat with Leah. She hasn’t let go of your hand the whole time, rubbing the back of your palm with her thumb gently. You like the feeling of her hot skin on yours, it’s such a simple comfort and you can’t even remember the last time you felt it.
“Yes, Mrs. Williamson. Leah got me in time.”
“Please dear, I’ve told you to call me Amanda.”
“Mum, can she stay over tonight?” Leah chirps, holding your hand tighter. You blush a little, looking at her with a single thought in your head; you deserve to allow yourself a little bit of love.
“My mum is okay with it, I can stay.”
“Great! I’ve put a set of clean clothes in the bathroom for you too so…”
“Thank you, Leah,” you say quietly, eyes avoiding her piercing blue ones.
“Of course.”
The whole night goes by perfectly. Amanda cooks a delicious meal that you shamelessly have three servings of. Since it was a Friday night, Leah insisted on movie night. There were throw blankets and pillows all over the floor but you were hesitant to cuddle close to Leah. Having not made a single friend in years, you were scared that one wrong move could ruin the little bit of joy Leah had given you in such a short period.
Leah however, could not hold herself back anymore and was honestly quite annoyed at you. She had been showing her affection towards you for weeks and you were still hesitant to reciprocate them.
“You don’t like me back, do you? You’re just doing this to be nice.”
You look at Leah in horror. No, no, no! This was not how it was supposed to go.
“Leah,” you start, sitting up. “No one has ever wanted to be my friend my entire life. I have my useless dead father to thank for that. When you started giving me those letters, I genuinely thought you were planning some long term practical joke but tonight you’ve shown me that you truly want to be my friend, maybe more.” Leah sits up too and you continue.
“I’m scared, I haven’t done this in a long time. I don’t want to make a wrong move and scare you away. I want you so bad, if everything you’ve left in your letters is true then I want this, I want us. When you scored that goal last week when you rarely do, you looked at me. You did a hand heart towards me and I genuinely thought you were showing it to someone else in the crowd but you pointed at me.”
Leah had tears in her eyes, the tough captain of the school girls’ football team seemed moved by your words. She leaned in and you let her, pressing your lips to hers. You were sure you felt fireworks and that she did too. Her lips were soft and she loved that you smelled like her body wash.
You pulled away and blinked fast, hoping that she wasn’t a figment of your imagination. By the time you’d blinked about fifty times, she was still there, her stupid smug smile on her face.
“I really like you,” you tell her, head leaning on her shoulder as you turn your attention back to the TV.
“I really like you too,” she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as she pulls you into her side.
In the days that come, Leah warned all those who regularly mess with you that they now mess with her too. She also warned that if she caught wind of people calling you names, especially freak, they would go home with it etched across their faces.
You’re sat at the dinner table with Leah in your home years later. Grace is sitting on her playmat, totally engrossed in her building blocks. The sunset pours into the living room and you’ve never been happier in your life.
There’s nothing in your life you’d want to change. You thank your lucky stars that the Lioness sitting in front of you took a chance on you that year in secondary school. Life had only gone up since getting together at 17. You went to college and Leah played for Arsenal. It was hard when you moved for a year to Spain to study but Leah fought hard to make sure the connection was there, flying every other weekend to see you.
The moment you graduated, Leah proposed in front of all your friends. Yes, you made friends! The Spain host family you lived with was more than welcoming and gave you a sense of belonging that you had never felt before. The little community you built for yourself gave you a chance to heal and forgive all those people who wronged young you.
She looked up at you with a face of pure admiration. The ring glimmered in the sun, the diamond was the perfect carat for her perfect girl.
“I have never been surer of anything in my life, will you marry me?”
You’re both standing at the altar, hands held in front of all your friends and family. The Arsenal and Lioness girls are rowdy in the front, cheering their captain on. She had just shared her vows and it was now your turn.
“When I was little, I convinced myself that I liked being alone. I was always the last to be picked, last to be called, sometimes the teachers forgot about me. By the time I was in secondary school, I had accepted that I was going to be alone all my life. Until I met you,” you look up at Leah and see that she’s already got tears in her eyes. You continue, feeling a little emotional yourself.
“I was sure that you were playing a prank on me, wanting nothing more than to humiliate me in front of everyone like they always did. I waited and waited and nothing happened. You saved me from those girls that day and in the car ride home I knew you were different. For the first time ever, I wanted your company more than my own.”
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop…”
“Never, babygirl,” Leah coos, hands gripping your hips from behind as she fucks into your pussy hard. You whine into the mattress and grip the sheets, pushing your ass back into her hips. She angled her hips just right, hitting your sweet spot just enough to send you right off the edge.
“Leah!” you cried, reaching back to hold her strong thigh. She was relentless, pounding you through your orgasm. She flipped you over a minute later, her strap pushed back into your sensitive hole just milliseconds after pulling out. You’re about to squeal about being sensitive when she wraps her hand around your neck so lightly. It’s barely there but her skin on yours sends electric shocks through your system.
You buck up into her and bite your lip, forcing her cock straight into your pussy. She gives you that smug smirk that boils your blood and gets to work, rutting into you with purpose. Her hands knead your breasts religiously, face buried between them in an instant. You cradle her head that rests on you, legs widening for her subconsciously.
Your body submits to her willingly and you can barely think when the hand around your neck gently tightens. Your eyes roll into your head and you grin deliriously, oxygen leaving your head as quickly as it gets there.  
Her hips, although practically laying on you, do not relent, pounding into your pussy obediently. Her harness rubs your clit just right and you can barely make a sound to warn her before you gush all over her cock and your thighs. She squeezes your neck just a little harder than usual and it sends you straight into another orgasm right after the other.
She only slows down when you’re shaking like a leaf and turning a little pale, kissing you gently. You grin and reach out for her, she pulls her harness off and settles between your legs. You pat her head and kiss her forehead, fingers running through her blond hair. She presses kisses all over your neck and you sigh, grateful for the chance at a proper life the woman in your arms had given you.
“I love you, Leah,” you mumble into her hair and you feel the captain mumble her answer into your neck. You giggle and settle into the warm bed with the love of your life, excited to see what life has in store for the two of you.
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tadpolesinyourshoes · 1 month
more od my stardew brain rot for the masses. I present:
My headcannons after life after marriage with the SDV bachelor/ettes:
Its kinda long, sorry and I also apologize for typos or if its incoherent. I'm no writer
You thoughy he worried avout your health BEFORE you got together, oh boy oh boy. He's alaays asking how you feel, bringing you snacks amd water while you work the farm. He cleans you up after the mines (while he lectures you about the dangers). He likes the domestic moments. The days it rains and you stay inside together with warm cups of coffee, snuggled up in the bed. Hes a classica kind of guy. He leaves roses on the table and brings you breakfast in bed. Since hes a doctor, you're both awake early. Every morning is filled with sleepy kisses and coffee. He never leaves the house without a kiss and a 'see you later'.
This man is ANXIOUS. Hes a bundle of self doubt and insecurity. He spends his hours thinking how great you are and how itd a matter of time until you leave him. Reassure him, please. He absolutely loves every minute you're with him. Hes acrually a surprisingly good cook. He also is so good with kids. He definitely wants kids after seeing you with Jas. Hes not big on saying how he feels, but he's working on it. Instead he helps out here and there, feeding the chickens (he actually loves doing that), cleaning the house, cooking a meal when you get home late. Little touches when you're alone. His leg agaisnt yours, his hand gently in your hair while you sleep. He loves you more than anything (except the chickens. Knoe your place.)
He is down SO BAD. Carries a picture of the two of you everywhere. He shows you off whenever he has the chance. Hes just so proud of his sweetheart. He cooks well, but he hates cooking so you two agree to split the chores. You're his muse ans you best believe he makes it known. He leaves you poems; post-it notes on the mirror, on a napkin on the counter, written on the bavk of th grocery list, a torn out notebook page in your coat pocket. He loves when you do his hair. If you don't know how, he teaches you. On slow days on the farm, you leave the front door open for some air and you can hear him playing piano.
His love language is tackling you (physical touch). You walk through the door and hes hugging you, kissing your cheeks, picking you up and taking you to bed. He can't cook, but he can bake. Evelyn taught him and he treasures the skill. For every anniversary, no matter how small, he makes a treat. He loves helping you around the farm because its an excuse to walk around shirtless and flex for you. He also has a weirdly green thumb. The crops wont sprout and the season is almost over? Send Alex to water them. The next moening you have a bounty like no other.
He has ADHD so he does that peguin pebbling thing where he finds random objects and brings them to you because 'this reminded me of you.' He can't cook. For the love of yoba don't let him cook unless you want to remodel your kitchen. He still tries to be sweet though. Hes not a morning person, but when you wake up early he stumbled put of bed, hair messy, eyes closed and follows you like a sad puppy. Hes so clingy. Like SO clingy. Personal space. Gone. He talks to you through the bathroom door, holds you while you sleep, wants to be next to you all the time. He also loves your animals, especially the chickens. He has one favorite, but he won't say it (he might hurt the others feelings). Sometimes you come back from town and hes sitting outside on the porch talking to the chickens, who look strangely invested.
He loves you so much, but he hates that everyone KNOWS he loves you. You gush about the sweet things he does to your friends and he goes bright red in the ears. The townsfolk ask about you so he tries to avoid having to talk to them. When you're alone though, he's the total opposite. Hes quiet, sure, but he does whatever he can to help you out. A kiss on your cheek before he goes to water the crops for you. Makes you a cup of coffee after work. When he was little, robin taught him how to carve and widdle. He makes you cute wooden figures, usually modeled after your animals. He takes you to the city for weekend date nights. He asks you to go on rides just to feel your arms around him.
She treats you like the most beautiful painting shes ever layed her eyes on. When you're sitting with her on the beach, she'll paint dancing swirls up your arms to your hands. (Maybe you get it tattooed one day and she cries). All the paintings in your house are made by her. Much like Elliott, youre her muse. She makes you sit so she can paint you or practice sketching. But she can never get enough of you. When you lay together, she meticulously traces the shapes of your body. Your hands, your nose, your hips. Everything about you is perfect to her.
She's a free, creative person. She wakes you up late at night to look at the stars and dance by the river. Shes been making a quilt out of scrap fabric for your bed. She tries to tesch you how to sew it so you cam be a part of it. She helps you with the crops and picks fresh vegetables when theh grow so she can make you beautiful dinners. She loves to cook for you because you always have something good to say about it. She could be on food network, you swear it. Every day when she gets ready, right after putting on her lipstick, she kisses your cheek to leave a little mark. You leave it there while you do your chores.
Penny is naturally an early bird. She wakes up each morning with you. You two share a few minutes of quiet before stsrting coffee. You take turns making breakfast. Penny is so used to keeping the house up by herself after living with Pam, so being with you is a breath of fresh air. But she still likes to help you out. So before going to teach the kids, she helps out in the garden. You pass by in town while shes walking the kids home. You join them on their walk and Jas starts asking you for that princess story again. As you tell it, you see Penny's cheeks go pink. Its only the story of how you met. But to you it felt like a fairy tale. You walk home with your wife every day, sharing stories of your day while settling down on the porch.
Shes high energy. She heard about it, she wants to try it. Take her to the city to a nigt club and she'll dance circles with you all night. She makes you matching bracelets and you never dare to take it off. When you go down to the mines, she wants to come with. She doesn't fear them, but that scares you. You have to convince her to stay with the farm every time. But you always bring her a beautiful gemstone back. You think the amythest brings out her eyes. Shes a decent cook, actually. Contrary to what Sam and Sebastion may say. Her recipes are odd, but somehow, they always work out. Shes not a morning person, she won't get up even if you shake her. But somehow she knows if you forget to give her a kiss on your way out the door.
She takes a million pictures of you. She loves to. You hide your face, she tells you how much she likes your smile. You're working on the farm and hear the shutter click. She likes the ways your arms look when you roll up your sleeves. After a long day in town, you bring her flowers. Shes always waiting up for you. She likes to slow dance in the living room and hear about your adventures from the day. She tells Alex about how great you are. Everytime you walk by and catch her off gaurd, she fixes her hair so she 'looks nice'. You just kiss her and tell her she looks nice all the time.
She loves to help you out on thr farm. Just not... conventionally. She is her father's daughter, so shes always making you new inventions to make the farm run smoother. Better fertilizer, fresh feed thst produces better eggs, though she was banned from tending the animald after one of her feeds turned your chickens eggs bright pink. She loves to walk around town with you, always with your hand in hers. She's not a cook, but she still tries to learn from you. Shes learning, but she mostly just likes getting to be near you while you cook.
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huiyi07 · 11 months
No, cause if you think about it, Kaeya never appears without purpose and intent. You might be like “duh that’s what every character is” but think about Childe, or Jean, Barbara, collei, the list goes on. They always appear with fun, happy reasons behind it, but not Kaeya.
He’s not the only character- Albedo shares this as well with how he mostly only appears to drop some lore bombs about khaenriah and gold and then disappears for another year, but it’s still different for Kaeya. He appears during events not only to give us lore, but always, without fail, to reveal something about himself.
Proof? Okay, the 1.4 windblume festival. Kaeya does a silly little poem class with Venti- surprise, he’s threatening him with a Khaenri’ahn message that says “I will triumph over you” and even when you debunk that, you can still see how Barbatos treats him as his own despite whatever stipulations about his heritage there are. 1.6 midsummer islands- Kaeya and diluc both reminisce their childhood, and it’s the first reveal that shows us just how close they really were. After that, he disappears for while, until boom- hidden strife in 2.8, where we find out the real details of his fight with diluc and how they grew apart- but it’s hinted they still care for each other. It also tells us a little about Kaeya’s lore and family, how they took over as regents, which adds to the real gravity of their fight- telling us he’s not just a poor kid from khaenriah, he’s the last real heir to the throne. After that, winelesefest, where it shows us how Kaeya and Diluc are right now, how theyre obviously missing each other and it’s very obvious that they care for each other deeply. That kinda ties up the whole ragbros story for now, and after that it becomes serious.
He appears again in the Caribert quest for us to find out he’s the heir of the organization of vengeful Khaenri’ahns turned monsters who want to take down the gods. He claims to not be affiliated with them in any way- but it leaves the question in everyone’s minds, “what else is he hiding from us?”
Now, he’s recently appeared once again for the 3.8 summer festival, and it looks really innocent and fun and just another way of showing us how kind he really is, until you realize that Kaeya’s outfit from this version describes how much he really hates the burden on his shoulders and how he wishes he was never forced to be an agent of khaenriah.
If you ask me, we’re past the point of just getting to know Kaeya and who he is on a personality basis, and are now getting into the real gravity of his identity as the last hope of the Khaenri’ahn kingdom. It’s really building up how important he’s going to be to the endgame of the whole archon quest storyline and how much of a key role he will actually play. Man I’m so hyped!!
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odinsblog · 2 months
Since 2014, millions of Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other minorities have been locked up in China and subjected to torture and forced labour. Some of those freed talk about trying to rebuild their lives in neighbouring Kazakhstan.
Photography by Robin Tutenges
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A Chinese course book
Saliman Yesbolat used to live in Ghulja county, Xinjiang. After she refused to denounce her Uyghur neighbours to the police, she was forced to perform the raising of the Chinese flag every Monday at dawn, and to attend Chinese lessons twice a week in the basement of her building, where she would learn the Chinese language, patriotic songs and Xi Jinping's discourses by heart. This is her exercise book.
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Forced to leave China
At 65, Imam Madi Toleukhan is one of the oldest refugees in Bekbolat, Kazakhstan, where more than 100 families took shelter after fleeing the Chinese regime. 'We were richer back there. I owned a herd, but I was too afraid for my sons, my grandchildren and their future: I came to Kazakhstan to save them. I didn't want them to be the fourth generation to suffer at the hands of the Chinese government, he says.
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Remembering Uyghur culture in exile
Two members of the Dolan Ensemble, a Uyghur dance troupe based in Kazakhstan, get ready before performing a traditional dance to mark 40 days since the birth of a baby. Founded in 2016, the troupe performs at festivals or private events that bring together members of the Uyghur community, some of whom have had to leave Xinjiang.
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Torture, infertility and damaged genitalia
In Kazakhstan, medical care for camp survivors is poor. Most victims can barely afford to see a family doctor. Anara*, an endocrinologist in a Kazakh hospital who has examined about 50 camp survivors since 2020, noticed recurrent infertility problems among her patients. 'Men or women, many have damaged genitalia. Some told me they'd been given drugs, others said they'd been raped. As they didn't come to us right after being released from the camps, it's impossible to know what kind of drugs they were administered in Xinjiang, she says. *Not her real name
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The tiger chair
Ospan* spent a year in a re-education camp. He says his mind and body were crushed by the tortures he experienced in a tiger chair - a steel apparatus with handcuffs that restrains the body in painful positions. Aged about 50, this former shepherd, who took refuge with his family in eastern Kazakhstan, is no longer fit for work. Physically wrecked and prone to headaches, he mourns the loss of his memory above all. 'I used to know a lot of songs and I loved to sing; I also knew poems by heart ... Now, I can't sing any more, I can't remember the words,' he says. *Not his real name
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Broken families and imprisonment
Aikamal Rashibek saw the dreadful efficiency of the CCP's brainwashing on her husband, Kerimbek Bakytali, after he was released from a Chinese psychiatric hospital. 'He disappeared for a year. When he came back, he didn't tell me anything about what happened to him. He was highly unhinged, always nervous, and got angry whenever I asked questions. He couldn't stop repeating that he hated Kazakhstan now, and that he wanted to go back to China with the kids to give them a Chinese education, says Aikamal. They are now separated.
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Missing loved ones in China’s camps
In March 2017, Miyessar Muhedamu, left, a Uyghur woman, was arrested in Xinjiang under the pretext that she had studied Arabic in Egypt when she was young. Her husband, Sadirzhan Ayupov, right, and her three children have not seen her since. Now that Miyessar has left the camp, Sadirzhan receives a short call every few months. He suspects she might have suffered abuse, yet Miyessar can’t speak freely. ‘She told me she’d been in a re-education camp, and that she’d been released. When I ask her what she went through there, she doesn’t answer,’ says Sadirzhan.
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Life after fleeing China
Sent to a re-education camp in 2018 at the age of 64, Yerke* saw her health quickly deteriorate. Locked a tiny cell with dozens of other women, she almost lost the use of her legs due to the cold floor she had to lie on. She was in the camp when she learned of her son’s death: pressured by the Chinese authorities, he took his own life. After her release, Yerke fled to Kazakhstan with some family members, but two of her children remain in China. *Not her real name
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Forced labour and confessions
Dina Nurdybay, 32, was arrested in Nilka county, Xinjiang, because her traditional Kazakh clothing business made her a separatist, according to the Chinese authorities. She spent 11 months between two re-education camps, a CCP school and a forced-labour sewing factory. After proving she was capable of being ‘well behaved’ and having performed a self-criticism in front of the whole village, Dina was released and managed to escape when she obtained a week’s leave to visit her ailing father in Kazakhstan.
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Cultural genocide
China’s repression of ethnic minorities also involves cultural genocide. As Muslim rituals are forbidden in Xinjiang, people are trying to keep their traditions alive across borders. Here, a family is praying together in Kazakhstan after the death of one of their relatives in Xinjiang. They could not repatriate the body because the border between the two countries was closed at the time.
(continue reading)
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konigsblog · 10 months
short random 141 headcannons, silly/fluff ☄️
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ghost 💀;
absolutely hates coffee, avid tea drinker and refuses anything else. a lot of people assume that the cold-hearted killer, simon riley, would hate sugary coffee. but, truth be told, he has a huge sweet tooth that only price knows about, and has to keep him from eating too much.
growing up, he was quiet. a lot of people teased him for being so silent, including his friends, but only in a joking way. he's one of those kids that make friend's easily, just well-behaved in class to avoid stressing out his mother.
acts as if he hates johnny, but after that solo mission soap had, he grew more close to him. didn't like whenever john had to go on a mission without him in fear that he wouldn't return, gradually developed a fear of losing the team - something he'd always had, yet increased further after graves's betrayal.
has a high metabolism. he could eat way over his maintenance calories and not gain anything. he works out in his house during leave, usually eating quick takeaways or frozen meals, rolling his eyes whenever you bring up the state of the apartment. who cares, its not as if he's here most of the time.
soap 🧼;
absolutely loves getting drunk at a club with the team, has to be dragged home by price, him and gaz laughing maniacally at absolutely nothing.
he threw up on ghost afterwards.
because if his flirtatious personality, he's had many girlfriends. they never last long since he doesn't take the relationship's seriousness, still flirting with others as a joke, but offending whoever he's with at the time.
he isn't serious at all, which we've probably gathered from his personality. accidentally laughs at the wrong times, apologise profusely as they snarl at him. definitely gives off the wrong impression and gets embarrassed whenever price mentions it.
johnny knows what he's good at, he doesn't like being insulted by anyone, even as a joke. mention something about him not being as strong as ghost as he's pissed for the rest of the day. somewhat easily jealous, stemmed from when he was a rookie, lean with barely any muscle and constantly teased by others. (heard the last bit from another creator, but i can't remember the user for the life of me.)
gaz 🧢;
doesn't take alcohol very well, especially his hangovers. they're cruel, he has a pounding headache all day and throws up multiple times. laid in bed playing games the entire day, groaning as he feels himself burn up.
is terrified of bugs, absolutely hates spiders. doesn't give a fuck about the spider poem, will scream and crush them with his foot. probably came from when he was a child and got caught in a spiders web, cried to his mum.
definitely has a lot of sisters. they raised him well so he's very respectful in relationships and knows how to treat a lady right. when he was younger, his sister's would beg him to let them use makeup on him, agreeing and getting annoyed when he couldn't wash it off.
definitely youngest child energy.
price 🎣;
when he was a kid, he wanted to be something like a policeman or a firefighter, loves being in charge of stuff.
he's a true gentleman; will hold the door for his wife, giving her a bouquet of flowers whenever he can, kisses her all the time and compliments galore. he's a true fan of cuddling you from behind, sneaking up on you and kissing your neck, complimenting the meal you'd made.
took the 141 fishing, let's just say that it never happened again. it was all peaceful until johnny thought he a turtle, leaning over the lake and falling in. kyle laughed his ass off and simon sighed with disapproval, yet not surprised that he'd managed something like that. price lost a good fish trying to save him from drowning.
loves dogs, not small dogs (chihuahua hater), but big dogs. he loves german shepherds since he works with them, k9s. or a doberman, definitely owned a big dog when he was younger and has baby photos of him on it's back, only laswell saw them.
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two-white-butterflies · 7 months
parallel lines | d. targaryen | part three
Description: An ordinary middle school teacher moves to a desolate town with her fiancee. After suffering episodes of vivid nightmares, she realizes that his uncle looks exactly like the man in her dreams.
Pairings: daemon targaryen/reader, aemond targaryen/reader
Trope: Reincarnation
series masterlist |
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<previous chapter
"The centre of every poem is this: I have loved you. I have had to deal with that." - Salma Deera.
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When Alys Rivers was born, there wasn't a word that could properly describe her power. She could coax rain out of clouds, and foresee a million different outcomes - you were the opposite. Yes, you were different than the men of these lands but your powers were scarce it couldn't even promise your own safety.
Alys Rivers was a real witch, more powerful than any mage that has walked this earth. She had the power to destroy everything, but she never lifted a finger against you. You figured that you'd be safe as long as she loved you - she was your sister after all.
The woman that you trail behind.
"I was worried about you - I thought that you'd follow after your husband. I couldn't let you die." she whispered, staring deep into the fire - taking leisurely sips of her wine. "I wanted to die, Alys." you glared at her - memories of last night flooding through your mind.
"You don't really believe that," she says with absolute certainty. What use was living without the man that you loved? "- rain came and we prepared barrels to catch water. Rain is gone and you move on." she turned her head towards you, hidden wisdom in her tone.
"What do you think your husband would've done? If you died last night, and he lived." she mused, already having an answer in mind. "Silence," you gritted your teeth - but it only provoked her.
"He would've married another maiden - perhaps Rhaenyra Targaryen? I've heard stories about his love for her." she antagonized, and you retreated into your bed. "You don't know him, Alys." you breathed, praying that death would come sooner than men.
"I know men like him. My beautiful sister - seduced by that-"
"If you have nothing good to say, you may leave." you placed the blanket over your body. Ignoring her discontent.
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yourname_: yeah he's pretty cool, but he's not as cool as me 😎
liked by RhaeTargaryen and 283 others
aemond_hxghtower: 😨 my reaction to that information 😨
Aegspert: Short 🤣 - yourname_: Says the 5'10 asshole ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? - - Aegspert: @yourname_ it's 5'11*
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"Aemond please please please!" Joffrey pleaded while hanging onto his uncle's hoodie. "Please attend my birthday!" he requested showing the older man his 'puppy eyes'.
"He's not going to stop unless he gets what he wants." Harwin crosses his arms, smiling at the boy who was jumping up and down. Aemond wanted to roll his eyes, Joffrey keeps doing this because he knows that he'll get what he wants, once he does. "Your brother only turns five once," you agreed with his family.
His glare softens - he hated you in his past life, was only interested in you in this life because he enjoyed to torment you. But somehow, along the lines of being your boyfriend - and living with each other, he's found himself falling. He's grown to care for you.
"I don't know how we'll have fun, there'll be other kids there -"
"And there will also be adults." you responded and everyone stared at him for a reply. With a shaky breath, he relents.
"Of course we'll come. We have a lot of time." he smiled down at his nephew, mayhaps it was finally time to put his grievances aside.
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Daemon's eyes narrowed hearing his phone ping. He never figured out how to put the thing on silent mode. "Take a left over there, much faster." he commented while pointing the right direction to the Uber Driver. "Apologies, it's my first time in this neighborhood." the driver chuckled and he hums. "There's always a first time for everything," he mumbled - staring at his phone.
yourname_ has requested to follow you.
He closes his eyes - should he accept it? Would you be turned off by the types of things he posted in Instagram? There were a couple selfies and charity foundation posts - the only people who followed him were his closest friends, family and students.
He presses the 'confirm' button.
yourname_ 10:28am i hope that you don't mind the follow request I couldn't find your facebook, I don't have an Iphone for imessage 😰
DaemonTargaryen.phd 10:29am I don't have a facebook. Rhaenyra's kids set up this account ,,, something about me being a luddite 🤣
yourname_ 10:29am ohh i totally get those kids life is lonely without socmed i wanted to thank you for paying for dinner last night rhaenyra returned my share
DaemonTargaryen.phd 10:30am It's nothing, I typically pay for the team dinners. It's not part of the bonus or anything Just my way of saying thanks 👍🏻
yourname_ 10:30am well...thank you anyways !
The driver stops his car in front of Rhaenyra's Bali-Themed Mansion. "We're here," he announces and Daemon silently gives his thanks, exiting the car before another round of conversation was started.
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Rhaenyra's Bali-Themed Mansion slowly turned into a forest - there were beautiful balloons scattered around the doors, it looked exactly out of a fairytale. "Rhaenyra's husband, Harwin, owns this restaurant chain in the USA. I had no faith in him - but gods did he pull it off." Aemond mumbled, leading you towards the kitchen.
As expected with rich people - their kitchen wasn't exactly the main kitchen. It was a kitchen for decoration purposes, everything looked beautiful in this house. "When you told me that you had a trust fund, I didn't expect that you'd be this -" you stuttered, eyes gazing around the wonderful interior. "Oh no, this is all Harwin." Aemond lied.
He couldn't have you thinking that he could've provided you a better life. There were things that couldn't be bought by money - his happiness was one of those things. "Rhaenyra's husband is cool, he's the kind of person I want to be when I grow up." you whispered and he replied with a small chuckle.
Some things never change.
"Maybe you'll finally start to read that cookbook that my mum bought you?" he teased, hand trailing towards the small of your back. "Or you can cook, and I can keep eating." you responded, he pulls your body closer. "Whatever you say, boss." he agreed.
A man clears his throat from behind the both of you.
"No sex on the countertops, I can't believe that we're having this talk again." Criston Cole rolls his eyes playfully, Aemond smiles. "Criston, it's been a while." he welcomed his father-figure with a warm embrace. Rhaenyra's house used to belong to their father, when Viserys died and Alicent married Criston - they briefly lived in this house. "Too much of a while," the man pats his back.
"Is this her?" he pointed in your direction. "In the flesh," you responded - hugging him tightly.
You've never met the man in person - but via video-call and Aemond's stories, he was a vital figure in his childhood. "You are taller in person." he complimented and you giggled. That was the first time someone called you taller. "You know, the last time I saw Aemond - he was boning his ex-girlfriend on these countertops." Criston chuckled with cadence and Aemond rolled his eyes.
"I do not want to talk about that witch again," Aemond shook his head, his hands finding its place back on your waist. "If you say so," Criston poured himself a glass of seltzer.
"I didn't expect you to be here, I thought that you were teaching that dojo in Manila?" you tilted your head and the man nods. "It's not everyday that Joffrey celebrates his birthday, plus, I thought I'd come to visit -" he winked at Aemond. "It's nice to haunt your mother once in a while." he joked.
"I still can't understand why you agreed on a divorce. You loved her - she adored you. You know how conditional mum's love is." Aemond turned serious for a second. His grip on your waist tightened. "You know what. You should catch up with Helaena, I have to talk to Criston." your boyfriend whispered and you nod.
There were some aspects of his life that didn't require an explaination.
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You saw him again.
Daemon Targaryen - his name brought shivers down your spine. You stalked him a few hours ago - and to your surprise he was on that same train-ride in Italy. It is certainly a small world.
"Oh hey," he greeted with a smile. He held a large gift with both of his hands. "Where do you put this?" he inquired, searching the foyer for a table. "I-I don't know, I didn't bring a gift." you breathed, suddenly conscious of your simple mistake. "Oh no, it's okay - I'm the uncle that brings big gifts. It's my family title," he chuckled, verbally thanking the maid that came to retrieve his gift.
"I normally bring gifts to birthday parties but we were here on short notice," you smiled - leading him towards the living room.
Why did he make you feel electrified?
You stared deep into his eyes, unaware of the jazz music that began to play in the background.
'All roads lead to you, even the ones I took to forget you' - Mahmoud Darwish
"I don't recommend bringing these kids gifts. I detest spoiled brats - these kids are far from it but they have everything. Bring them to a park or buy them ice cream, they'll like it more." he advised.
Your eyebrows merged into each other.
"In that case, what did you buy them?" you inquired, and he smiled. "30 kilos of kinetic sand ... they requested it." his voice brought shivers down your spine. There was something alluring about his voice, he spoke like a great commander - he knows what to say. He tells you what you should do.
Who was this ethereal wisp of a man? Why did he bring so much emotions?
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A small giggle escaped your mouth.
"What do you think? Should people think with their hearts or their brains?" Rhaenyra inquired, piquing everyone's interest with her simple question. "Everyone should always think with their hearts," Rhaenys begins and Corlys rolls his eyes. "The words of a tender hearted woman." he teased earning a glare from his wife.
He presses a kiss to her hand. "I'm kidding, my love." he whispered.
"I mean as women - we think with our hearts first, then our brains - after that we make a logical decision." Rhaenys adds and Laenor shakes his head. "That would mean that you think with your brain, mother." Laenor argued and Rhaenys shook her head.
"My brain only made a decision between what my heart believed." Rhaenys raised her finger. "I think we should think with our brains. The question itself is the answer. Should people think with their hearts or their brains? What do we use to think? Our brains - is it not?" Daemon questioned the question.
Rhaenyra rolls her eyes.
"You know what I mean, uncle."
"What about you, (Your Name). What do you think?" Corlys turned his head and all of their attention crashed towards you. "Shouldn't you give an opinion first, sir?" you smiled, pouring yourself a glass of soda. "Oh, I don't think I'll have much of an opinion. I agree with whatever my wife thinks about." Corlys chuckles.
"Well - our hypothalamus is the part of the brain that deals with love. When we say 'I love you with all of my heart' we don't actually mean that. What we mean is - I love you with all of the neurons in my hypothalamus. So - we do think with our brains. Daemon is right." you smiled and he patted your back.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the verdict has been handed." Daemon teased the others and the table erupts into laughter. "Nerd," Rhaenys rolls her eyes before you both erupt into laughter.
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"On the screen, she looked like Alys. I thought that you found her again, but I know that girl - the comeliest woman in Harrenhal. All the knights used to travel all the way there - just to see her." Criston chuckled, reminiscing the past that he had.
He was much more handsome then, he had muscles, his body was toned - but now he was suffering hypertension and all other human deceases that didn't exist in the past.
"She's still very beautiful."
"I thought that if she and her sister would be reincarnated into this world again - they'd be models or something. Whatever did happen to Alys? I thought you loved her?" Criston inquired, Aemond's heart breaks a little. He's spent 25 years trying to forget Alys Rivers. He tried to forget those cold hands that have ensnared him.
In night, he sees her face in his dreams - eyes with kohl and plum red lips. He misses the woman that he used to love. All that he's loved in Alys, he tries to find inside of you - though your faces were similar, your personalities were as different as sun and moon.
He's grown to love you, yes.
You can never find the same person twice, yes.
But if he were to meet Alys - and she was suddenly different in this life. He'd still love her. He'd still love the different ways he'd fall in love with her. His Green Witch.
"or did you not love her?" Criston's eyes narrowed.
"I did - I do." he corrected himself.
"- but she won't come back. She told me that she'll never have a new body again." he shrugged, walking away from the kitchen - pretending that he wasn't affected at all.
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next chapter>>
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gold-rhine · 1 year
In an ideal universe where your wish fulfillment came true... any particular characters (including npcs) you'd like Kaeya to interact with when he gets there?
by wish fulfillment i assume you mean "kaeya moves to sumeru". to proper answer, i need to explain my pet crack theory which is Kaeya and Candace are related. buckle up babes
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ok, so, we know chlothar is one of kaeya's ancestors. look at this pasty ugly dude. he did NOT produce the hottest man in the game by in-breeding with other pasty khaenriah nobles from same bloodlines. and we know it had to be same bloodline or kid gets hilichurled.
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where are kaeya's hot genetics are coming from??? the darker skin?? blue eyes, dark blue hair?? like they could've at least give him the same brown skin tone to match, but no. and genshin matches relatives OBSESSIVELY. hot genetics HAVE to come from somewhere.
sumeru is near khaenriah. deshret's civilization is connected to khaenriah in canon, we know for a fact some of the survivors became part of khaenriah. deshret's civilization was also highly advanced AND fucked with the abyss. it's all not crack, thats just stating canon facts. so like it doesn't seem to me as a stretch to guess that the khaenriah's noble bloodline originated from Deshret. like, a lot of ppl connected to the desert have rhombs in their pupils, which we know is the main visible sign of this bloodline. like, thats not precisely khaenriah diamonds, but its fucking close, ok?
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and Candace is canonically a direct descendent of Deshret himself. Brown skin - check, blue eye color - check, dark midnight blue hair - check, hotness - hell yeah check.
if you catch my drift, i think khaenriah's main noble bloodline, the one that is not hilichurled, hailed from deshret. their only choice to get a normal, non-cursed kid was to find the descendants of the same bloodline who did not leave desert for khaenriah and so were not cursed, and it's Candace's family. booom babyy
so in ideal world, Candace and Kaeya realize they're distant cousins bc she's like Alberich? My aunt married some shady dude named Alberich, was that your dad? like all kaeya always wanted was to belong, and here he finally will have family that is not trying to use him OR repressed anger issue catholics. and nahida let even scara to redeem after he tried to murder her. kaeya could finally come clean and just live as himself.
and he would be so needed too, like the desert ppl are in turmoil process of integrating with sumeru, criminals are overrunning aaru village. and who keeps treasure hoarders in mond in check with nothing but three dumb sergeants and a smile? kaeya would sort that shit out in a month. seriously, i had to go to liyue to farm treasure hoarders, there are no roaming mobs of them in mond. kaeya would also be the best liason to akademiya, growing up with nobility and being used to political games as mond's spymaster.
after this premise, there is literally not a single character in sumeru it would not be fun to see kaeya interacting with. he and dehya are immediately besties, they met on a shopping trip where candace was helping him choose his new skin outfit, and this same evening drunk dehya is princess carrying him out of tavern. he can amplify cyno's horrible puns into a weapon of mass destruction and tighnari can't even hate him, bc he also made ppl stop eating poisonous mushrooms by spreading rumors that if you eat too much of them, their spores will grow inside of and mindcontrol you. its absolute bullshit, but it worked, goddamit. kaeya could solve kaveh and alhaitham's communication problems in one evening at a bar, but he wouldn't, bc he's a little shit and he thinks its entertaining to watch and he's curious how long its gonna take them by themselves, but he would give them trollish little nudges. also, in nilou's tropue he would finally have a proper bohemian scene to exercise his flair for dramatics and inspire several epic poems by being a heartbreaker.
tldr little desert village has neither rich nobility nor grand destiny he's supposed to fulfill, but it has ppl who will accept and appreciate him, and i think realizing that he doesn't have to choose between a coinflip of bad and awful and learning to live for himself instead is one of kaeya's arcs best possible resolutions
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strawbrygashez · 1 month
Caldre holiday hcs bc why not :)
•If it was up to Andre, he’d make Cal dress up as ghostface with him every year but after the second Halloween they’d gone as ghostface, Cal suggested they try something else for once which Andre reluctantly agreed to.
It would be kinda funny if Rachel started to really worry about Cal after one Halloween where Cal & Andre played a prank on her (doing the whole, there isn’t one ghostface but two thing). They probably got the voice changers and everything and while Cal genuinely thought it was just all good fun once he took off the mask and showed her it was just him, Andre had a slightly sadistic smile watching Rachel try to calm down 💀
•If they pass out candy together, Cals the one who’s actually passing out candy to kids while Andre just sits on the porch. Andre probably lets Cal pass out candy for about a hour before he starts complaining that they should just leave the bowl outside and go watch some scary movies together. Cal usually agrees.
•If it’s one of those years where they don’t go as ghostface, Cal does Andres makeup if the costume calls for it. Andre probably makes some dumb joke trying to tease him like “Haha wow you’re really good at this. You must do makeup by urself at home sometimes” and cals just like “Yeah.” And Andre goes “oh…ok.”
•I have a feeling that Cals family would go all out for Halloween so Cal & Andre usually set all the stuff up in the yard together. Cal likes working on the details like fake spiderwebs and fake blood while Andre likes messing with and setting up the animatronics. Andres probably even fixed a few old broken ones that were stuffed away in the garage.
•Not to uwu-ify Cal but I genuinely think he’d squeeze onto Andres arm if they went thru one of those haunted house things where people jump scare you and whatever. He genuinely doesn’t even mean to he just hates being jumped out at 💀
•They usually end the night off with eating left over candy and falling asleep on the couch while watching something like Friday the 13th.
•They both spend Christmas morning at their own houses. Cal usually comes over pretty quickly though after opening his gifts since it gets probably really hectic at his place with his siblings playing with their new stuff. Andre won’t admit it but he really likes when Cal shows up because Christmas morning feels awkward since it’s just him and his parents.
•If they end up going to a Christmas party (from Cals side of the family), they’ll find a place to sit where it’s quiet until they get dragged back into hanging out around everyone.
Cals family really likes Andre cuz Cal really likes him so they don’t feel bad about picking on Andre a little bit. Like something like, “Oh Andre you look so tense! Lighten up some it’s Christmas :)!!” Followed by a pinch on the cheek or a shoulder pat & Cal will chime in with a sarcastic “Yeah Andre. Lighten up some.”
•Andre is really awkward about receiving gifts and sounding genuine with his thank yous even if he really means it. Cal reacts more naturally about getting something he really does like or doesn’t.
•Andre really only gives gifts to Cal but might get cals siblings a little something if he has the cash to spend. He tries to keep note in his mind of things other people (cal & siblings) seem to like and don’t like and what they look at in stores more often than other things.
Cal tries to be really thoughtful in his gifts to others and especially to Andre. He gets kinda bashful when Andre is opening his gift or reading his Christmas card that has a poem for him inside. He kinda just hides his face or looks away until Andre is done going thru everything.
•One time at one of Cals family Christmas parties, they accidentally stood under a mistletoe together. They didn’t realize it until someone started to laugh and point above them. When they both looked up they scurried off blushing 💀
Valentines Day
•Andre would make fun of the holiday to hell and back but of course gets Cal something. Even before they started to date, he’d buy one of those chocolate heart box things to share it with Cal. And before Cal can say anything about it, he goes on about how it was JUST ON SALE & that if he was going to make it weird he can just not eat any or go away.
•When it was their first Valentine’s Day as a couple, Andre just grabbed the usual types of Valentine’s Day gifts. A stuffed animal, candy, a cool band shirt and maybe a hot topic gift card. He feels pretty happy about his selection of things he got him until he gets Cals gut wrenchingly beautiful, loving and thoughtful poem about how much Andre means to him. He apologizes so quickly for getting Cal material things while Cal had poured his heart out like this but Cal assured him he loves his gifts and that he knows Andre isn’t very good with words anyways :,)
Cal will also not let go of the stuffed animal until he absolutely has to. He also keeps it on his bed! And because I hc Cal to be kinda weird when it comes to how Andre smells, he asks him to hold the plush for a while (till it gets his scent 💀) or he sprays it with one of Andres colognes.
•Even though Cal is right that Andre isn’t good with words, Andre feels bad enough to at least attempt a poem for him. It comes out kinda reading like a middle schoolers attempt at it but Cal absolutely loves it. He’s smiling while reading it and Andre thinks it’s because it’s laughably bad but Cal assures him he absolutely loves it and would get it framed if he could :)
If Andre wants to keep writing for him too for future Valentine’s Days, he just gets Valentines Day cards and writes a normal letter in there.
•This is one of the only holidays Cal will completely shut down hanging out with Rachel. It’s Andre and his day 🗣 not hers! He’ll probably just get her a little thing just as a friend gift tho.
•Tbh not much to say here other than someone on Cals side of the family probably is having a thanksgiving day meal thing and Andre comes along. They act pretty much the same as they do at any one of these family things but Cal keeps letting Andre eat his left overs because he doesn’t like pretty much any thanksgiving day foods.
•Cals siblings beg Andre to make hand turkey drawings with them and he can’t say no so he’s eventually laying on the floor with them at some point with crayons and paper on the floor. Cal will NOT stop taking pictures or filming no matter how many times Andre threatens him or tells him to stop.
4th Of July
•These boys love their fireworks :D As soon as they start seeing them for sale, they start getting them. Andre might even save up a couple months before so he can get one of the huge packs.
•Andre chased Cal around the yard with a sparkler wand one time because it was making others laugh. Cal got his payback though by throwing a couple of those popping things at his feet a couple of times.
•Andre has to tug Cal away multiple times after he lights fireworks because he’ll just stand there for some reason. Probably just cuz he has his head in the clouds.
•kinda related, kinda not but they are so the type to look up videos of firework fails where they like, go off and hits someone’s car or whatever.
•Again one I don’t have much to say about but if Andre is around while Cals siblings are Easter egg hunting, he will make subtle hints to where the eggs they can’t find are. Him and Cal will just hang back while they keep a eye on them and maybe share some candy from a couple of eggs Cal decided to steal.
And now some hcs just involving seasons general
•Cal hates when it’s cold or snowing since he’s so scrawny, he gets cold fast. He complains a lot and will steal Andres blankets to wrap around himself while he’s at his place and he’ll make him warm up the car before they gotta go somewhere.
•If it’s just some chilly air, Andre huffs and gives him his jacket. Cal really likes this for multiple reasons but one of them being since Andre is bigger than him, it’s cozy :) Andre has gotten a few of his jackets and sweaters stolen by Cal and takes back the ones he really needs next time he’s over at Cals.
•When it’s just snow and it’s ONLY them and Cals whining about having to walk in snow, he’ll carry him and even though Cal keeps saying he doesn’t have to, Andre will act like he asked him to like “Ugh 🙄 I can’t believe you’re making me do this. Grow up already princess.”
•Cal also really hates the heat while Andre is indifferent to it. Cals complaining a lot this time also. Andre keeps telling him to stop wearing baggy clothes for a bit then & maybe tie what he can of his hair up but Cal won’t listen -_- So Andre does what he can and turns his bedroom fan on when Cals over and asks to keep the heat down in the house.
•When they get to go to the pool in the summer, Cal did this thing once where he bets he can hold his breath longer than Andre under water. Andre takes him up on it. Andre has to come up for air honestly pretty quickly while Cal stays under there… for almost too long until Andre goes back under to force Cal back up. Andre is like “WTF YOU COULD HAVE DIED!” while cals just laughing and says “aww you’re worried about me :)” Since then, Andre barely lets Cal stay submerged in water for very long.
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rodricksfilipinagf · 6 days
Imagine: Marrying Jamie (Jamie Tartt x Reader)
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Your wedding was very lavish as expected of a footballer and his wife
You had an expensive designer dress
For your wedding vow to him you did a poem that you wrote yourself 
His was more simple but heartfelt and meaningful 
His dad was NOT invited but his mom and Simon were
His whole team was there, and so were a bunch of kids from one of your jobs 
Jamie and his team surprised you with a dance number 
Not to be outdone, you sang a mashup. Maybe there was a rap
You and Jamie go to a tropical island that’s exclusive but so, so pretty
You have sex all the time, and everywhere 
You also spend a lot of time on the beach, and when you’re not in the water you’re reading 
By night you perform karaoke and then go clubbing with him
After your honeymoon you instantly quit your day job 
Jamie and your friend Keeley are SHOCKED because you are so good at it and seemed so happy 
But really you only did it because you didn’t want to starve and it was the best opinion for someone with no connections or wealth of your own
Keeley insists you could have been a CEO just like her, and though it’s tempting there are other things you would rather do now that money is not an issue
You decide to write full time. Anything and everything. Books. Movies. Plays. Stand up comedy. 
You visit Jamie’s talent agency with him and ask if you need a separate agent for each thing you can do
You utilize your newfound social media presence as a way to get speaking gigs about being autistic
You are more likely to get a literary agent because you are Jamie Tartt’s girlfriend with a shit ton of Instagram followers
You are able to make short films with the money you now have and enter then into film festivals and put them on YouTube
You miss kids. Like really miss them. 
But school curriculums are too general for what you want to cover, and repetitive, and you don’t want to chance a troublemaker in your class
You think it’s unfair that specialized stuff only starts in college 
And you love being around preteens 
So you start a nonprofit in which you teach 9-12 year olds creative writing
And they don’t have to pay bc tbh you don’t think their parents would pay for it
The kids love it, they’re not afraid to mess up and be goofy and laugh
Perfection isn’t the goal, just having a good time 
At first you feel a little guilty about spending Jamie’s money to buy a whole new designer wardrobe
But then he reminds you how marriage works and how what’s his is yours and you feel less bad 
But you try your best to use your speaking gig money or book advance money for stuff like that
You know he would happily fund your creative pursuits though
You’re very happy in your decision not to work a traditional job because now you can spend more time on what makes you happy
Now to the romantic stuff
Jamie is a great husband 
So thoughtful and caring
He offers to do chores when you’re too exhausted
Is very supportive of everything you want to accomplish
Plans very romantic dates for both of you
Doesn’t pressure you into having kids
You have sex all the time now that you live together
Loves having you at his games but understands if something else comes up
Keeps buying you expensive bags and jewelry
You two get a puppy together that likes to sleep in your bed with you
Always makes sure to give you detailed compliments every day
Is very understanding of you not wanting to physically carry and birth a child 
Posts about you all the time 
Brags to his teammates about how beautiful and sexy you are
Every time he comes across someone who might help you out with your dreams he brings you up
Leaves you alone for hours so you can read without being distracted by how hot he is 
You guys try out each others’ sex fantasies 
You two go on vacation together whenever there’s a long weekend or football season is over 
He hates whoever you do
He loves that you’re obsessed with him
You guys take care of each other whenever you’re sick
He watches all your favorite stuff with you but refuses to shut up while watching 
You have to bribe him not to talk while going to West End shows 
He likes it when you cook him dinner after a long day of football practice
He likes making you breakfast in bed 
He likes giving you scalp massages and playing with your hair 
Basically he treats you like a princess and married life with him is a dream come true 
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gogandmagog · 11 months
JEM: “Do you mean to say, mums, that you and dad were on bad terms when you went to school?”  DOCTOR BLTYHE: “Your mother thought she had a grudge against me, but I always wanted to be friends. However, that is all ancient history now. When did death come and look at you?”  ANNE: “Not my death. It was the shadow of your death I was thinking of... when everybody thought you were dying of typhoid. I thought I would die, too. And the night after I had heard you had taken a turn for the better... ah, that was the ‘wakefulness of joy’!”  DOCTOR BLYTHE: “It couldn’t have been anything to mine the night after I found you loved me!”  JEM, aside to Nan: “When dad and mums get to talking like that we find out a lot about their early days we never knew.”  SUSAN, who is making pies in the kitchen: “Isn’t it beautiful to see how they love each other? I can understand a good deal of that poem, old maid as I am!”
— ‘The Sixth Evening,’ The Blythes are Quoted, Lucy Maud Montgomery  
I was just revisiting this book, as I was getting ready for bed... and I remembered the first time that I read this chapter, how I had a good laugh over the notion that Jem and the Blythe kids didn’t know very much about their parents ‘early days,’ especially since their ‘early days’ stories are overall charming and amusing if nothing else... but it just now occurred to me, that there would be simply no way to tell this story to their kids without betraying two things. First, that Gilbert went and called Anne “carrots,” for all intents and purposes making proper fun of her hair, and second, that Anne was fragile and sensitive about her red hair and wished it were any different color.     These guys have 2.5 (.5 for Rilla, whose hair does change later) children with red hair. Of course it can’t be mentioned! The idea of sharing the same hair as your mother, only to come to understand that she hated her own hair? Or that your father was once known to tease her for that hair. Big oof! Which had me then realise as well, that Anne leaves off lamenting her hair to anyone expect Susan and Gilbert (always privately, too), in any book past Anne of the Island. I’m convinced it’s for these reasons.
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
You know, sometimes you need to sit down with someone and find out why the stuff you're making, art or writing, is bad. I remember someone online trashing everything I wrote and I just wanted to know why, and they said they just didn't like it. So, I decided because my English professor at college had a lot of poems and short stories published at the time, I would ask her why didn't this person like my stuff. I showed her everything the person said. She calmly said "not everyone will like you're work. It's OK, but they should just take a step back too and realize your stuff isn't for them." She explained to me I didn't receive proper criticism to see what I did wrong. So then, I blocked that person and then I finally got the criticism I needed. I got comments that were "chapter is too short." Or "don't leave on clif hanger".
Now how does this apply to Viv? Well, first off, people were talking about how the pilot established HB would be a work sitcom, just for her to say "it's not canon anymore". Next, people bitch about characters like Millie and she says "Uh sweaty the work isn't done yet. Stay tune." Then she has character like Creepzo and does weird ass crap like having the twins flash the audience and Moxxie and Millie straight up have sex in front of an audience, not once, but twice. Let's not forget she had that kid at that adult event! Her writing is everywhere and just cringey how she thinks everyone who hates her is Creepzo.
It's never easy learning to take criticism and it never gets fun knowing people hate your stuff, but like everything else, you get better at it by doing it. Running screaming to your twitter echo chamber for reassurance that your work is a precious golden treasure and so are you isn't how you improve on anything.
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sweaterweather-247 · 2 years
Dating Finnick Odair Headcanons
Finnick is a handsome charming young man who has the heart of the capital.
You two grew up together in district 4 and he fell in love with you.
When he was reaped you cried, you had a crush on Finnick and you couldn’t imagine a life without him.
He won the games and he came home and confessed his love for you.
You two started dating soon after that.
Finnick constantly flirts with you even after you’ve been dating for years.
He just loves seeing you blush.
Flirt back and he will be a blushing mess and stutter like hell.
Constantly making out anywhere where there isn’t cameras.
You know why Finnick occasionally leaves and you hate snow for forcing Finnick to be a prostitute.
You comfort Finnick after his “appointments” as he calls them.
Finnick doesn’t let any people from the capital go near you, they wouldn’t like that Finnick has a real lover.
He knows what would happen to you if they knew.
Finnick always writes you poems.
He calls you: love, cutie, my love, darling, my heart.
Your nicknames for him are: love, hunk, king, mah love.
You two always go swimming together and try to see who cam swim faster.
Finnick teaches you how to use a trident and how to fight incase you’re ever reaped.
He brings you to hang out with the other victors.
You watch him train the other tributes and comfort him if they die.
Cuddles all the time.
Finnick is the big spoon and is an amazing cuddler.
He holds you so tightly because he worries that one day he’ll lose you.
You hold him tightly through his nightmares.
Finnick is crazy protective of you.
He doesn’t want to lose you.
He glares at anyone who looks at you in a wrong way.
He will fight anyone who makes you uncomfortable and he will win.
Finnick wants to marry you and have kids if you want to.
He already has your wedding planned.
Finnick does get jealous a little bit, he knows you love him.
When someone starts flirting with you, Finnick comes over and kisses you, making the other guy uncomfortable.
You tease him for being jealous but he denies it.
You do get a bit jealous too.
The reputation of having a parade of lovers doesn’t bug you because you know he doesn’t love any of the women he sleeps with.
But other women believe it and often try to get Finnick to sleep with him, he always tells them off.
Sometimes you go up to him and make out with him to tell the other women to fuck off.
“Who’s jealous now cutie?”
Finnick always plans the best dates and your favourites are on the beach where you two had your first kiss.
You two started dating when you were both 14 and for 4 years he was terrified you were going to be reaped.
Once a week Finnick trained you to fight and you always viewed it as him being overprotective.
But you honestly loved it when you got pinned by him when you two were wrestling.
You live in victors village with him.
He purposefully makes your shared room close to his workout room because he knows you like it he works out.
You also both have your own bedrooms incase either of you want to be alone which is usually just you because Finnick is a clingy boy.
If you two fight, it’s usually about your safety because some times he can be overprotective or push you too hard during training.
Usually you two go to your separate bedrooms to cool off.
Finnick ties knots to calm himself and will sometimes go and talk to Johanna for advice.
He will always apologize with flowers and poems to express how sorry he is.
You two take care of mags together and she loves you so much.
Finnick loves the way you take care of her.
You love her so much because she helped Finnick win the games by teaching him to tie knots.
You even offered to let her live with you guys incase she can’t do things by herself anymore.
Finnick loves you so much.
He loves that you don’t just love him for his body but for all of him.
You love how caring he is and how selfless he is.
Finnick is the best boyfriend you could ask for.
(NSFW sorry if it sucks)
Finnick is great at sex because unfortunately he was exposed to it at a young age.
He waits for when you’re ready and when you are, he’s so excited.
Finnick is a soft Dom.
He goes as fast or as slow as you want.
When Finnick is a little bit too jealous he will take you to a secluded area and fuck you there.
When he’s feeling needy, missionary postion is his way of being close to you.
He kisses you all over your body and will leave love bits if you want him to.
Finnick can last really long in bed, if you can’t he’ll help you with that.
After you’re both done, he cleans you up and cuddles you all night.
If he’s tired, he’ll lay on top of you all night.
He just wants you to be in his arms forever.
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mindelectricdemofour · 3 months
if I want a man, then imma get a man
March 13: Solidarity / Hobbies (the hobby is mischief and lying)
Prompts: @mcyt-aro-week // ao3 Link: if I want a man, then imma get a man // Title: meghan trainor - no
It was a Thursday afternoon and Grian was experiencing shrimp emotions.
“Ugh-” The waters splashed as a book (Bane of Arthropods II) hit the surface, soon sinking under.
Grian stared at it with utter contempt.
“I mean, we've been through so much, and- I mean you treat me like I'm what- like I'm disposable!” The fishing rod was long forgotten. Grian's lips were pursed, eyes never leaving the book. “You are the worse, I hate you- no, please take me back!” 
He wasn't one for relationships, but right now, it felt like he was in one. One that ended in bitter divorce and fighting over who would care for the kids on the weekends. All because the ocean refused to give him a simple Mending tome. Really how hard could it be, to get one? Scar even got one! It was like the ocean was purposefully keeping him from it, cackling at his many failed attempts while throwing Mending at Scar and Gem. Anyone but him. 
He could imagine it now. The toxic relationship, the fighting, the begging. It felt like he could write a poem right now. Or a rock ballad.
He hadn't even noticed he was on his hands and knees. Although he was fully preparing to dive into the ocean if the next catch wasn't Mending, so he supposed the position reflected his mental state.
“Uh. What's wrong with you.”  “Ah-!” Grian jolted, eyes wide staring at Joel. The other man had seemingly materialised beside him. Joel wore a blank, uninterested stare.
“You scared the heck out of me, jesus-” Even as Grian explained, Joel still stood, waiting for him to answer the question.
What exactly was Grian doing? Did he even know? Moping and whining wouldn't get him closer to that Mending book.
He may have sat here too long. He'd lost track.
“Feuding with my ex wife,” was what came out his mouth, instead of any semblance of clear thoughts.
Joel glanced between him and ocean.
“...the sea?”
Grian nodded. Fuck it, he was dating the sea now. Instead continuing whatever weird bit they'd gotten themselves into, Joel just accepted it.
“Wow. That’s rough…” He blinked towards the ocean once more before glancing at Grian. “Well. Have fun getting mending from your… ex.” He squinted his eyes on saying ‘ex.’ “...I may have married your ex in a past life. Sorry-”
Before Grian could even process that Joel had said anything, (and what he’d said, because what the hell did that mean?) he was gone. Vanished with the wind.
But he’d left Grian with an idea.
An idea he couldn’t help but capitalise on.
“Fish endorsed by the Ocean. Ethically sourced,” The sign on Grian's post read. He was rather proud of it too. He adjusted it a little, thinking with a finger on his lips before adding the price.
Five diamonds seemed fair. If they were endorsed by the sea itself. They weren't ethically sourced of course, but he figured nobody would call him out on it.
“What's all this then?” He barely heard Mumbo's footsteps as the other man approached. There was barely any time to respond, as Mumbo was already reading his sign. “...Sourced by… the sea..? One would hope so… Also who is paying five diamonds for fish?”
Mumbo's eyes glanced back to Grian. Suspicious.
Grian swallowed his doubts and put on his act.
“Yeah, so I found out recently that the sea is my ex wife.” Grian hopped onto a barrel beside the sign. “I know, I know, horrible thing to forget but the sea is cold and unforgiving and I'm not that so I put it out of mind…”
Mumbo looked skeptical, (as he did most of the time Grian talked,) but hadn't interrupted him yet. Grian counted that as a win.
“...so then come to I remember the other day, our passionate love for each other, the coldness she treated me with, everything. But I'm doing this as I'm cooking up fish right-”
“I thought you didn't date?” Mumbo finally interrupted. But Grian had figured this out too.
“Yeah that's why we broke up,” he answered as flatly as possible before continuing, not letting Mumbo's mind dwell on it for more than a few seconds. 
“And I cook up the fish while I'm remembering and I look down. Because, I didn't remember that while we dated, we had kids.”
Grian lent in, eyes wide, putting his hand on Mumbo's shoulders. He had to sell this. “They were my kids Mumbo. I was cutting up my own fishy children, and oh-” He pulled away, fake sobbing. “-I can't even think about, just take them. Five diamonds for a stack. I can't be remembered for this awful deed.”
Mumbo did not look nearly as convinced as Grian had hoped. However he did look towards the price and then at Grian again. “I guess five diamonds isn't that much in the grand scheme of things.” He lent towards the barrel, Grian quickly jumping off, and sorted through the fish.
And then stopped. 
Grian grew nervous. Mumbo had thought of something.
“Do you have a permit for these..?”
 He forgot to figure that part out. Grian deflated. “Uh-”
“That's what I thought.”
“I'd figured everything else out though. And you were ready to buy them because of my trials and tribulations.” It felt so upsetting to see his whole routine go to waste. And Mumbo was about to buy too! He could see the way his eyes became enraptured as Grian talked about the sea and lost love and whatever other poetic words sprung from his mouth. 
And then Mumbo spoke.
“We don't have to throw the whole thing away.” Grian hadn't even noticed his friend’s mind deep in thought. One hand was clasped around his chin. Eventually Mumbo looked away. “How about we adapt it a little for our wart blocks?”
Grian felt his face light up. He could work with that.
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raspberrysmoon · 5 months
gimme them now
- mischa cannot order for himself. he can only order for noel. they have to order each others meals. noel doesnt question this, somehow
- mischa cant dance, but noel is one of those people where you turn music on and hes gonna boogie. you also have to boogie
- noel hates (and i mean hates) mischas every day fashion sense because the guy doesnt have one. at all. "but its endearing!" so he leaves it alone
- noel and mischa will sing together whenever theyre together in a car. doesnt matter who else is there
- mischa takes noels poems and turns them into romance/love songs and intersperses ukrainian into them
- mischa hates long socks and trades with noel so he doesnt even own any
- similarly, noel hates fuzzy socks
- noel carries snacks for mischa because the food his adoptive parents make isnt always great (or edible)
- mischa is amazing with kids, noel hates kids. kids love noel
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exmotranny · 8 months
i was a godfearing christian daughter
wearing a green tulle dress
and now im an ugly athiest son
and my ripped jeans look like a mess
i was a girl bowing to god
i was holding my scriptures on saturday night
now im a kid with nowhere to go
sitting with my friends, laughing in the moonlight
i was stupid, not happy
ignorance not really bliss
but now i'm a fag still in the church i hate
i don't think anyone's winning in this
i sigh and bow my head
oh, great god on high
but i don't hear his voice
just white noise
it echoes 'till im deaf
and i don't see no angels
just bright lights
and they flash 'till i'm blind
and i wish i could go back
i wish i could rewind
but i can't
so i get drunk off of lies and stupid little things
like a new name, and what if that person could love me
and what if my parents found a new routine
and what if i escaped into a religion that i could see
the god of, and what if he was really true
and what if my faith wasn't good enough, what would i do
if god came alive and i didn't pass the test
spend eternity alone, since i couldn't be the best
but for now i'll be a queer and look up at the stars
and in the corner of my eye i see the hurt, i see the scars
i see the pain and the hope and the ones who didn't care
and i see you, too, i see you right there
and god forbid, i decide to leave this fucked up scene
where everyone is hurt, where no one knows anything
please don't stop me, don't tell anyone a thing
need to make a clean break, no loose ends or left strings
and hey babe, its not like i'm contemplating suicide
but every night when i go to bed and i close my eyes
i want to sleep, i want to go, and i want to never wake again
a fate i wouldn't want for you, my dear pretty friend
but im ugly and dumb and stupid and mean
and so many times i've fucked up i don't deserve anything
i don't deserve happy endings and i don't deserve escape
i'm in a shitty cult, i have to be, i should have to stay
i should die and bleed and sink into the cold wet ground
i should cry, get lost and never get found
i should go away and never fall asleep
and i wont think of you, not a single thing
cause i have to let go, i'm not allowed to care
even when your scent is left in my hair
even when every time i think of you i cry
and i realize how much i don't want to die
i was a godfearing loveless angry quiet
christian daughter wearing a tulle dress
and now im a soft spoken sad boy in love
and i wish i wouldn't think of you at all
and i wish i wasn't such a goddamn mess
and i wish you'd stop looking at me
and i wish i could die
and i wish you'd hold my hand
and i wish i didn't cry
im a godfearing faggot who wants to be deceased
im an ugly ass sad boy full of poetry
im full of words and bugs and both are spilling out
and it'll be blood next, what a pleasure to takeout
all my guts and organs and blood and my brains
and on the outside pretend that i'm totally okay
i get drunk off of lies
i get drunk off of names
i get drunk off of you and our stupid little games
and i get drunk off of music and i get drunk off of art
and when i don't have poems to write i just fall apart
and poems are neat, stay in the cage
but this one i write sprawled over the page
cause big emotions don't fit
in itty bitty words
cause it's hard to get them out
it's hard to explain hurt
and i go in circles and write until it strips me
of everything i have, my agency
and you witness, you see all of me
but to conclude, you have to see
i love you
and i hate me
and i was a godfearing, angry, good old christian daughter
and now i'm just a son, and all i do is think
and i think that god's a stupid fucking creep
and he doesn't have a plan for me
and i think that i love you
and i think that i can't sleep
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