#plus makes me think about things i might associate with the characters and adds some extra characterization imo
undermostcorgi · 4 months
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ok i will post them because i love them and i worked way too hard on it and almost lost the file multiple times so i am forcing you to see Them
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gonzo-rella · 1 year
Fluff Alphabet: Jamie Tartt
Inspired by this post by @snk-warriors​
Relationship(s): Jamie Tartt x gn!reader (romantic)
Warnings: None! (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: I figured I’d finally try out the alphabet format. Let me know if you’d be interested in me doing this for another character, and feel free to send me other alphabet layouts to try out! Plus, just feel free to send in Jamie requests. Also, apologies if some of this makes my love for Keeley beyond obvious.)
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
At first, Jamie loves to take you out to dinner, shopping, or wherever he can spend money on you. 
Over time, though, I feel like he’ll become more content with just having a night in with you, doing some mundane thing like watching a film.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
I feel like Jamie’s grown to become far less shallow, so his appreciation for you is well-rounded. As cheesy as it sounds, he really appreciates who you are as a person. It’s not something he’s used to in relationships (even though Keeley had plenty to appreciate outside of her appearance).
That said, I do imagine there are physical characteristics of yours that he could spend a lifetime gazing at. If he had to choose anything specific, it’d probably be your smile and your eyes. He’s not used to people being genuinely warm to him, so it makes his heart melt when you look at him and smile at him.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Jamie will give you his full attention when you’re not feeling great. It’ll break his heart to see you looking almost broken, but he’ll engulf you in a hug and tell you everything’s going to be alright.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Jamie’s previous relationships have been relatively shallow; you’re probably the first person he’s considered an actual future with. He wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
At the very least, he wants you to live with him. He loves the idea of waking up next to you every morning and falling asleep beside you every night.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
You and Jamie are on equal footing in your relationship. It’s quite unexpected, since he’s a well-off footballer and you’re... well, not.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Oh, God, Jamie hates fighting with you, especially with the history of his dad. If you end up yelling at him or express anger/frustration, he’ll immediately go into panic mode because I feel like he might associate fighting with anyone with his dad being a dick to him. He’ll worry that you don’t love him anymore and he’ll just generally feel like shit. He might need a bit of space for a given period of time, but he’ll forgive you if forgiveness is warranted.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He doesn’t really express it a whole lot (at least at the start of your relationship), but he is so grateful to have you as his s/o, since he’s not exactly used to being appreciated as a person (not to bring up his dad again, but-).
If his breakup with Keeley taught him anything, it’s that he should be grateful for what he has when he has it. He’s definitely learned his lesson.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
At first, I imagine that he’s conscious about unloading too much of his emotional baggage onto you, so he’ll end up concealing his insecurities until you kind of pick up on them yourself. It’s not even like he views any of this as secrecy; he just thinks he’s shielding you from... well, himself. He’ll definitely become more and more comfortable opening up as your relationship develops, though.
When it comes to things that aren’t his emotional problems, though, he doesn’t have anything he really hides from you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Being with you is part of what inspires Jamie on his road to self-improvement (of course along with multiple other things). You make him want to be a better person.
Since his relationship with his dad (wow, we’re sure mentioning his dad a lot) is less than ideal, I imagine that you’ll probably help him work through some of the issues he has been left with as a result of that. It’s nothing you can fix completely, but you definitely help him get through tough times.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I feel like jealousy is something Jamie has to work on. He’s not crazy possessive nor does he get jealous easily, and it’s not like his jealousy is something you’d notice unless you were the most perceptive person on the planet.
When he experiences jealousy, it’s more linked to his insecurities. He’d probably just try to ignore it, or, failing that, seek your approval in some way. It might not be the healthiest way of dealing with it, and if you end up figuring out how he’s feeling he might open up.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Jamie absolutely prides himself on being a good kisser.
I feel like your first kiss with him would be surprisingly sweet. Like, you guys are both nervous (Jamie’s obviously trying to play it cool, and you tell him he doesn’t have to). He asks if he can kiss you, and you obviously agree. With that, he gently grabs your face and presses his lips to yours.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He’s surprisingly awkward and nervous. Here’s how I imagined his confession in part one of my critically-acclaimed duology Inadequate.
“I really like you. It’s not because I think you’re fit. I mean, you’re still pretty fit, but, like, I dunno, I like who you are too, probably more than how you look. That doesn’t always happen for me.”
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I feel like marriage isn’t something overly important to Jamie. He knows that he wants you in his life forever, but he doesn’t have strong feelings about marriage.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
The most common name he uses is probably ‘babe’. If you’d prefer, though, he’d probably call you some variation of your name (e.g. a shortened version of your name).
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When he’s head-over-heels in love with you, he’s (to quote Roy) a bit less of an insufferable little prick.
He tries not to be all lovey dovey and he tries his best to play it cool, but sometimes he just can’t hide how happy you make him. He smiles to himself and his teammates often notices that he looks like he’s waiting for someone when you’re not around.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Jamie will definitely check in on what you’re comfortable with before doing anything, or, at the very least, he’ll listen to you if you express any discomfort.
If he had it his way, though, he’d constantly have his arm around you or have your hand in his, and he’d give you so many kisses. Mostly because he loves you, but part of him really likes to show off that you’re his s/o.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Maybe this isn’t all that random, but he’s got a smart mouth. He’s very good at saying things that’ll totally fluster you, much to his delight.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Jamie tries his best to do what he thinks is romantic. He’ll take you out to the nicest restaurant (he’s paying, of course) and he’ll buy you gift after gift.
But I feel like, gradually, how he shows his love will become more personal, since he’ll learn more and more about what you like, and he’ll realise that you see romance in the personal rather than the material.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Since you’re (probably) incredibly supportive of him and his career, he’ll definitely reciprocate this support.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He definitely leans more towards trying new things, though he does like having a balance between normalcy and stability and trying out new things.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
I feel like you’d probably underestimate how well Jamie knows you. When he gives a shit about someone, he picks up little things that might seem trivial to most others. He’ll definitely surprise you when he casually recalls something about you that you wouldn’t expect him to remember.
Jamie can be very empathetic. He’s been through some shit in his life despite the front he tries to put on, so odds are he understands how you feel. At the very least, he’ll try his best to understand.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
As I mentioned before, Keeley breaking up with him was a wakeup call he needed to start valuing his future S/Os.
So, he really does value you and your relationship. Of course, he’s come to value his friendships with the team, but he values your relationship just as much.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Jamie will definitely try to protect you from the press as best he can, and he’s sure to sort it out if any problems do arise.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
As you can probably guess, Jamie is incredibly affectionate. He’ll often greet you with a peck on the cheek or lips, and he’ll often find himself wrapped around you before and after you two go to sleep.
He's become desensitised to the bollockings from Roy about him being late because of these morning cuddles.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
It’s apparent when you’re on Jamie’s mind. He’ll become distracted, and it’s difficult for him to get his head in the game.
The best he can do is think about how he’ll get to see you soon, and he’ll just occupy himself until then.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Jamie will definitely go to great lengths for your relationship, and he’ll do whatever it takes- within reason- to maintain it.
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candyhoiic · 3 months
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Here’s my contribution to sinner! Adam because I just think he’s neat 👉👈
Anyways as one of my favorite characters of course I made his design with suffering in mind uwu /hj /lh
The reason why his collar and bracelets/cuffs are on even without his clothes is because he literally can't take them off, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the 'accessories' are actually fused with his skin. It's a part of his divine punishment as a physical means of constantly reminding him of how much he's a slave to his own desires and anger. It can also be interpreted as a physical manifestation of him being a prisoner to hell now tehehe
Actually, now that I think about it, the spikes we can see on his collar and cuffs most definitely go out both ways, so he has spikes piercing into his skin at all times.
His "hood" is actually apart of him too basically like a cobra's hood ^^ I did this since I like the idea of a sinner's appearance being somewhat determined by how they died, and while Lucifer didn't deliver the final blow, he definitely played a major role in getting him there. So, that's why I gave Adam some snake-like attributes (i.e the hood, split tongue, and scales) the very creature associated with the devil himself!
Plus, with the hood, he kind gives off grim reaper vibes, which is fitting since he was technically hell's very own grim reaper along with the rest of his exorcist.
He also has some goat attributes ie the horns, hooves, ears, tail (not that I actually drew it lmao sorry), and sideway pupils for his hood eyes because of their connection with the devil and well that's the first creature that comes to my mind that has horns tbh.
His face and horns are meant to mock his exterminator mask because I'm a sucker for that trope. Just imagine how pissed off he was to find out he couldn't take off his 'mask'
I gave him piercings bc their hot /hj I mean they are but let's be honest canon Adam should have definitely had piercings because they fit his vibe so well.
He also has a nicked eyebrow because he so would. He's just that type of cringe /j
As for the rest of his outfit? I don't really know what to say I just wanted to give him rock n' roll vibes while also capturing that fact that he is in fact an old man no matter how young he might look.
Also, for anyone wondering the belt was absolutely necessary. There was no way I wasn't going to add it when the thought first came to me. It just says something about his ego.
I did my best to make Adam somewhat out of shape, but I don't have really any experience with different body types so some of it might look off, but I did my best.
The headshot in the corner was a very quick drawing of what his full demon form may look like. If I ever actually give it a full design don't be surprised if it changes significantly because I definitely have some thoughts about it but I'm just too tired to actually pour the energy into drawing it rn oops
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However, I did have enough energy to draw what I imagine his wings to be like. And of course, I could pass up on another chance to give him a mocking reminder of how far he's fallen. He kept his wings technically but there next to useless as he can't actually fly with them. And honestly, they're not actually all that durable as one can imagine since well their just bone.
So, it's a big weak spot for him but luckily, he can detract them into his skin. Although the process is painful, and he has to let them out every now and then or it'll feel like his back is on fire. They also glow making it hard to hide them when they're out.
The marking/tattoo/brand on his back is a cross with his A over it. I like to think it symbolizes how he put himself before God which is a big no, no. It can also be interpreted as a nod to how he was basically acting like he was God himself by passing on divine judgement and punishment onto others for things he himself was guilty of.
Anyways the red glowing exes over the symbol are simply to show off the killing blows Nifty delivered to him.
Last but not least, I made him caked up and I won't apologize for that either.
Anyways byeee! Thanks for reading my rambles about my sinner! Adam design. Hope you enjoyed!~
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chronicoverthinker · 5 months
A character analysis of Yoshiki cause he’s very dear to me 😔
I genuinely hope that as the story progresses we’ll get to learn more about Yoshiki’s father and the dynamics in the Tsujinaka household. Even tho we still don’t know the details we can see how much his father’s abusive tendencies ended up affecting Yoshiki , and mokmoklen is truly able to bring it out in a subtle but magnificent way in the things Yoshiki says , both about himself or others , and also in his relationship with “Hikaru”.
So, I’m not a psychology major myself but from personal experience I believe that Yoshiki presents symptoms of the so called fawn response. Fawning is also known as the “please-appease” syndrome, being mainly associated with people pleasing and codependency (see where I’m already going with this?). Usually these people seek safety by pleasing others as a way of avoiding conflict.
A possible reason as to why people might develop this syndrome is because they grew up in an abusive environment when they were little , maybe seeing one of their caretakers have outbursts of anger (we know that Yoshiki’s parents used to argue to such a degree that neighborhoods could hear them + if I remember correctly it is stated in the light novel that his father always used to slam his hands on the table and such).
As a consequence of this , he learnt that being good and pleasing his father would be the only way to guarantee his own survival. We see this happen in one of the flashbacks where his father grabs him (rather forcefully may I add) by the arm and Yoshiki just let it happen , knowing it’s best not to say anything. Even tho we can see how uncomfortable he looks with his father around.
People suffering from fawn response also have a hard time saying no , feeling guilty about expressing their own needs and feelings. Since growing up in an environment where you have to constantly walk around eggshells with others and where communication has never really been a thing , the things left unsaid make these people start believing that THEY might be the problem.
We see this happen in ch. 7. Now , I know that people will probably have various interpretations of THAT specific sequence of scenes , but personally I interpreted it as a metaphor for attempted r*pe or violation of some sort , with “Hikaru” trying to claim Yoshiki in the only way he knows , because he aches for him so damn much but he realizes that stealing Hikaru’s identity doesn’t make Yoshiki his in any way. He’s different from Hikaru and he can’t and shouldn’t expect to occupy the same spot as Hikaru previously did.
And even tho what “Hikaru” did is horrible , Yoshiki is still the one feeling bad about RIGHTFULLY trying to set some kind of boundary with “Hikaru”. He feels like HE is the one that should be apologizing for being harsh with him.
This brings me onto the next point which is being self-sacrificing , with Yoshiki quite literally feeling guilty for all the deaths happening most probably because of “Hikaru” and even deciding to share the burden of his possible next killings with him. Plus I would also add in what he said in ch.21 , where he literally states that he would give “Hikaru” his whole EVERYTHING if it meant that he could live somewhere as he pleased. He’s always thinking about others’ needs before his owns , deciding to share burdens that don’t have anything to do with him and he shouldn’t be carrying.
Other obvious trait very common in people suffering from this condition is having codependent relationships , which perfectly describes what he has with “Hikaru”. Hikaru is no longer here , so I’d rather have a fake around than having to live without him. This is what he says more or less in ch.1 , and it’s actually so heartbreaking to hear because Hikaru was quite literally Yoshiki’s light and source of comfort. He was the one always protecting Yoshiki and taking care of him. So when “Hikaru” goes “I bet you were crying not wanting for me to leave you” it is actually true , Yoshiki is no good without Hikaru! (or at least that’s what he thinks , but I swear you are baby 😭)
And even tho in ch.21 we see his journey of processing his grief for Hikaru’s death finally ending, he’s now becoming even more attached to “Hikaru” and getting all worried when he started thinking that maybe going back to the mountain might be the best option. You can clearly see his distress as he says “Didn’t you finally find the place you belong? You can’t do that. Let’s find another solution together”
Another thing is obviously the fact that he hates being scolded , especially when he’s so well behaved all the time like mokmoklen said.
I would also like to add the fact that he thinks so lowly of himself when he’s actually such a caring and kindhearted person. He says that he’s not sweet , and that he’s as hard on others like he is on himself. But as soon as Asako feels insecure about her hair he goes “I can definitely ask my mom since she’s a hairdresser” , we can see his kindness in the way he cares for his sister etc …
Anyways this was just me rambling about him because mokmoklen is able to write such beautiful characters and Yoshiki is literally my son
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juriyuna · 30 days
I like to think of San as being very tall (as in, well over 6'0") and muscular for a few reasons, but even setting aside my personal biases, I think it suits her character really well. One of her primary traits is how meticulous she is about keeping up a certain exterior-- she wants to be strong, level-headed, and dependable, and gets incredibly embarrassed if anyone outside of a select few people (her family and the Hikarizuka Youth Association) sees her soft side. She's worked hard to get to where she's at, both physically and emotionally, and takes pride in the progress she's made.
I feel like San being tall and solidly-built would make her more self-conscious about coming across as "immature". She might be able to get away with the occasional slip-up if she was small and feminine, or at least average height, but given her size, any sort of childishness (real or perceived) is going to stick out like a sore thumb. Like, people wouldn't bat an eye at a typical teenage girl getting all emotional about something, or ending a phone call with "bye-bye!", but they'll definitely notice if a giant like her acts like that. If it doesn't make her look outright silly, it's at least going to deflate her carefully-cultivated image, which is just as bad.
Same with how she is, deep down, a fairly anxious person. She's ashamed enough about still being afraid of things like ghosts, spooky noises outside, and change at her age-- compound that with her size, and it starts to feel downright humiliating. She knows that she's gonna come off like a big baby if anyone ever finds out that she's scared of such childish things; she has to keep up a brave face as best she can. (But she will still excuse herself when people start telling ghost stories, claiming that she doesn't have time for "nonsense like this".)
It'd add to how intimidating she is as the Demon Instructor, as well (side note: this title was "鬼教官/oni instructor" in JP, and oni are often large and muscular). San is an iron wall in combat, and she certainly looks the part, with broad shoulders, a solid core, strong limbs, and a squarish jawline. Trainees and opponents alike see her towering over them on the battlefield and know they'll have to get serious if they want to stand a chance against her.
(side note 2: miyu has commented that the way athletes' muscles flex was the main thing that got her liking legs so much. the first leg-related incident that made her faint was watching some girl's intense sweaty workout. so san being buff would track with how miyu thinks she's the coolest, most beautiful person in the whole world.)
Last, but certainly not least, is San's gap moe factor. Her personality plays a key part too, of course, but her imposing looks would definitely add to the contrast, further increasing the charm of when she does something cute or wears uncharacteristically feminine outfits (like the swimsuit Himena picked out for her). It's endearing! Although San would be inclined to disagree...
(plus this headcanon lets me have some other fun headcanons, like:)
- Tatsu has known her since she was a little kid who barely came up to his hip, and still treats her like his baby sister. It doesn't matter that she's taller and heavier than him now; he's still gonna try to pick her up sometimes (mostly because he gets a laugh out of her reaction to it).
- He can't scoop her into a bear hug like he used to when she was small, but since he does a lot of heavy lifting at work, he can usually manage to hoist her a few inches off the ground for a bit. San protests every time, but she doesn't actually mind too much. It's kinda nostalgic, even if it is a little embarrassing.
- In spite of her size, she's surprisingly graceful and light on her feet. More than a few Feathers have been startled by San unintentionally sneaking up on them. ("Startled" might be putting it lightly-- given San's reputation, these poor girls would probably feel like they just turned around to find a bear standing behind them.)
- At school, she either has to sit in the back of the classroom, or in front of an empty desk, since otherwise she kinda blocks the view of whoever's sitting behind her...
- Her schoolmates see her as the gentle giant type. While she doesn't really have any close friends (partly due to how shy she is about opening up, partly due to her old-fashioned interests making it difficult to bond over shared hobbies), she's generally well-liked by her peers, who find her friendly, mature, and reliable. She's also one of the first people they go to if they need to move something heavy or reach a high shelf.
- Miyu doesn't get picked on as much now that she's started spending more time with San. Nobody really wants to test their luck with how San might react if she found out. (Similarly, San herself doesn't tend to get teased about her name anymore.)
- San is willing to lend her sweaters or jackets to her friends in NM on cold days, if they forgot their own. Unfortunately, the only person close to her height is Sasha, so it's not an ideal fit for most of them... Miyu in particular could practically get lost in San's winter coat. Her little hands can't even reach the ends of the sleeves.
- Himena, unlike Shigure and Hagumu, is unfazed by the fact that San could totally snap her in half, and enjoys poking fun at her sometimes. Whether Himena does so because she knows that San wouldn't actually hurt her or because she has zero sense of self-preservation is 50/50.
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me thinks, just maybe, you should totally share your fab four characters hcs (specifically ones ab their appearances) 😇 also i just rlly love headcanons
(also just a quick little thing, i have far too many hcs for these fucks, some of which contradict each other bc it kind of depends on what setting/story im thinking about these characters in. things like gender and pronouns change a lot too, so im not even gonna try and catalog all that shit. just know they are all Gay and Trans and only party has "consistent" pronouns bc they always use they/them, but i might add others in if im feeling spicy. the lack of canon material is absolutely wonderful for my creativity, so this is just like. a collection of the things that remain the same across the majority of my mental images of them lol)
Jet Star: no surprise here, his hair is very textured! so many curls!! i see the curls as a bit looser, not super tight or packed together but still like, well defined yknow? i envision him with fairly dark skin as well and, playing into the whole star/space association i have w/ him, i feel like he absolutely loves body glitter and, like, sparkly eyeshadows and shit (he doesn't wear it *all* the time but he'll put it on for a party or something and then just let it rub off over time. needless to say, there is glitter fucking all over his room). also, he fucking LOVES jewelry! just wears SO many bracelets and necklaces and shit (more bracelets than necklaces but there's still a lot of both). this was more of a ttid specific thing, but i think ive gotten so used to imaging him with a huge fucking scar on/around his neck, that its sort of bled into my regular interpretations of him so that's there as well! also, he wears an eyepatch PURELY as an aesthetic thing bc he thinks it makes him look cool and it switches eyes constantly but he denies that fact whenever people point it out! (that is until he actually *does* get his eye fucked up. some exterminator noticed how the patch's location would change, thought it would be funny to give it a permanet placement).
Party Poison: SO MANY FUCKING TATTOOS I'VE WRITTEN A POST ABT THIS AND I COULD HONESTLY WRITE A WHOLE FIC ABT IT I JUST- THEM. INK. COLORS. FUCK. love the idea of them with long hair, too. they usually keep it shaggy and just a *tad* bit longer than shoulder length, but i feel like they'd only cut it when they're in jusssst the right mood so it'll tend to grow out for months, get really long and start to reach their mid back, and then they'll get annoyed and finally chop a shit ton off when they're bored at like 4 am. also, this has nothing to do with appearances but they get fucking terrible and frequent migraines, purely because i get terrible and frequent migraines my only hobby is projecting my problems onto these gay fucks :D (also could so write a fic abt that and how it effected them it the city/their conflicting feelings about taking pills to help with the pain once they get out to the zones... hmmm...) the fucker also has sharp as hell teeth! canine especially! idk why they just do. kobra does to (snake siblings go brrr) but party's are noticed more often because they tend to talk a lot more/loudly and smile wider than kobra so people notice it on them more. im also a big fucking fan of android party so sometimes they are robot to me :) if they aren't robot, then they usually have some type of prosthetic limb in my brain (usually an arm idk why and idk if that's gonna be in ttid but yknow. we ball). they also really like lipstick, and they've got a large collection of practically every color imaginable
The Kobra Kid: okay so like i said before, sharp teeth! snake boy's got fangs!! he's also got heterochromia (ooo city trauma from being Different time!! there was definetly talk of surgeries to "correct" his eyes when he was younger and it was becoming more noticeable, but party always fought the adults on it, said he was too young, it would be too expensive, shit like that. worst came to worst, they'd get into some trouble to distract from the issue for a bit). anyways, i think the kid's naturally blonde, but not *that* blonde, yknow? like he gets out to the desert an the sun makes it a bit lighter and he falls in love with the idea of it being fucking BLONDE blonde, so he totally steals party's leftover bleach and just fried the absolute shit out of it. also, fuck it, i only thought of this just now but im incorporating it into everything ever; he dyes a streak in the front the same red as poison. (i like the idea that joys close to each other will dye their hair the others favorite color or the color that they have their hair as. and they're brothers!!! he loves his sibling!!!! he gets a re streak fuck you i can do what i want :]) uhhh other kobra things, oh! the world is a bright, bright place, and my man wears sunglasses constantly, even indoors, to Cope (again. projecting.) and yeah maybe he wears them too so he's harder to read/looks more badass, but really its just bc it fucking bright out man. OH AND PIERCINGS FUCK I FORGOT ABOUT THE PIERCINGS HE'S GOT SO MANY MOSTLY IN THE EARS BUT EYEBROW AND SEPTUM TOO AND OF FUCKING *COURSE* MY MAN HAS SNAKEBITES FUCK (one again might be projecting here but i love piercings and he'd look cool with them so he has them) also just thought of this but his nose is Fucked Up omg he gets punched in the face so much
Fun Ghoul: Scar :] he makes the most animated facial expressions too, and he's got these big fucking bright green eyes, and all that combines with the scar kind of freaks people out and he fucking LOVES it! he laughs at literally everything, too, especially when he's feeling nervous or super energetic. his adrenaline gets pumping and he's just cackling like a hyena. anyways, his hair is so fucking dark like *inky* black, and he's never heard of a shower a day in his life so my guy is greasy as all FUCK. his hair is just so fucking shiny and stringy and jet absolutely yells at him constantly trying to get him to WASH HIS FUCKING HAIR. it's longer than poison's, but not by a lot, and he ties it back a lot especially when he's working on projects and shit. he's cut it if he didn't hate it so much when it's short. his skin tone's also like a medium dark-ish, and i think he has a few tattoos but not nearly as many as party (his are all like super meaningful and related to like, late crew members or phoenix witch/religious things or mementos of super important moments in his life. (part of him hopes that, if the battery ever does get him and they steal his mind and memories away, the ink in his skin will help him remember who he truly is). he's got a lot of burn scars too (bombs and shit)!! not most aren't super severe, but they're visible in a lot of spots. he thinks it looks cool. fucker not only paints his nails, but he paints everyone else's too whether or not they're aware of it at them time (he gets bored and does it while they're sleeping lmao. party loves it, kobra's indifferent, jet pretends to get pissed off bc it makes ghoul laugh but really he thinks its sweet). also a fan of him with prosthetic limbs but i haven't really thought about that all too much yet.
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starmo · 21 days
hey! Big fan of your BTTF fics! I only recently got (back) into BTTF, but it seems you’ve been here for a few years, plus you’re an nsfw author in this fandom, so I was wondering if you might have some insight on why Mammett is practically the only ship with lots of nsfw material? The only straight ships I’ve seen is Marty/Lorraine or Marty/OC. Why no Marty/Jennifer, or George/Lorraine, or even Doc/Clara? I want some nsfw Marty/Jennifer so bad and can’t find it anywhere! Did it ever exist? Was it deleted? Hope you don’t mind the random horny. Just curious and want someone to ask/rant to, one BTTF fan to another :)
Hey there! Thanks for your inquiry! I am so glad to hear that you're a fan of my work! 😄
I actually haven't any clue as to why mammett recieves more attention from NSFW creators. Believe it or not, this surprisingly comes as a shock to me!
Though my allegiance is sworn to mammett (😂), I had been under the impression that it was the least popular of the ships typically associated w/ BTTF, on account of it's... divisiveness? For lack of a better term.
Though, if I were to reckon a guess as to why it's so beloved by degenerates (jk) like myself, I'd say it has just as much to do with the taboo nature of their relationship as hating mammett for it is!
Which is exactly why it doesn't surprise me that one of the only heteronormative ships from BTTF that recieves an abundance of attention is Lorraine x Marty.
Like mammett, Lorraine x Marty involves two individuals whose sexual/romantic relationship would be met with disapproval (because, y'know, incest), which just makes for a fun jaunt when it comes to writing smut fic. The juicier and more depraved, the better!
Aside from that, though there are many other reasons as to why I (and likely many others) are attached to Doc x Marty--I think a major contributing factor to the abundant creation of NSFW mammett fic is the fact that much of what we see of their on-screen interactions (of the physical variety, especially) is interlaced w/ homoerotic subtext, albeit (likely) unintentionally.
That and taking their age gap into account, and the time in which BTTF is set, when homosexuality was still HIGHLY frowned upon, it kind of makes for a deliciously provocative "torrid love affair" type deal.
And, I (personally) am also very much attracted to both Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox (hence why I've so many rarepairs involving their characters 😂) which only adds fuel to the "I want to see them bang" fire.
In summary, Doc and Marty tick off all the boxes for somebody like me (in both a "omg, my otp, I wanna cry, I love them so much!!" type way, and a "I want to see Doc absolutely DESTROY Marty" type way). I imagine people must feel similarly about ships like Lorraine x Marty, George x Marty, etc.
I guess the more canon-typical ships like Jennifer x Marty and Clara x Doc haven't as much allure to NSFW writers on account of the fact that they'e likely considered to be "vanilla"? Though I can only speculate on that.
As for your frustrations in this regard, I completely understand. Scouring the tags on ao3 or similar websites in search of at least just one fic involving a ship you're invested in, only to come up short, is one of the most infuriating things in the world.
I take similar issue w/ trans Marty vs cis Marty fics.
I am one of very few mammett fic writers who solely portray Marty as being trans, and that is largely due to the fact that as a trans man myself, I wanted to see more pre-op trans representation in smut fics; something which was virtually non-existent in the fandom prior to my contributions.
I also like to write smut fic for a wide variety of niche audiences; though some of the things I've written about and or plan to write about in the future aren't necessarily kinks of my own, I still want to offer something else to the fandom aside from the repetative "Doc and Marty have flowery prose gay sex in the garage" fics (not that there's anything wrong w/ those fics, but admittedly after reading about 6 or 7 of them I tend to go "but where's the pizazz??" ..."pizazz" being the nastiest shit you can conceive of, of course, lmao).
To this day one of my all-time favorite fics I've aided in the creation of is the one where Marty is a gas-station attendant and he and Doc end up banging by the dumpster in the back alleyway behind Marty's workplace.
Not only is it deliciously, viscerally filthy, but they (being Doc and Marty) are also still very much themselves; their affection and fondness for one another knows no bounds, and thus doesn't feel out of place even in a fic involving watersports, armpit licking and non-con kink.
Perhaps now that I know there is an audience for it, in the form of, at least, you, I could try my hand at writing some Jennifer x Marty or Clara x Doc fics!
I've only two WIPS as of right now that involve a Jennifer x Marty sex scene (sorta...); that being a fic in which Jennifer is present when an experiment involving some chemicals (of the horny variety) goes awry and Doc is in dire need of uh... relief--and a sequel fic to Nocturnal Emissions that immediately begins with Jennifer eating Marty out.
These are two fics that I hope to complete and upload at some point, but in the meantime, if you're curious (and/or would like to talk more about mammett/BTTF in general) feel free to DM me and I'd be more than happy to share what I've written for these fics w/ you! 😄
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beevean · 1 year
And another thing!!!! (My mind is occupied by this topic a lot this morning lol) The people who put those headcanons on the characters only focus on the Fun UwU Quirky parts of being neurodivergent. The amount of times I've seen stories or art of the tremendous drawbacks having such neurodivergencies brings with it can be counted on one hand. It's always the "omg Sonic is so hyperactive he's totes ADHD he likes running and struggles to sit still!!" in a So Cute So Silly So Relatable way, never the "you cannot get anything done despite mentally SCREAMING at yourself to get up and do your tasks, you think everyone in your life can't stand you, you insert your foot in your mouth every time you speak, you can't finish a task to save your life" way. It truly makes me wonder how people who give every single character a Fun Quirky So Silly neurodivergency think, especially when they only focus on the endearing parts.
"If "neurotypicalness" is associated ... can have a personality too." It's exactly this! Why would I want to go around saying I'm straight if everyone immediately declares me a boring bigot because of that? Why would I tell anyone I'm not sure if I'm neurodivergent or neurotypical if the latter will immediately make me come off as someone with zero interests who is a dick to anyone even slightly off what is considered "the norm"? I wouldn't say people stating these things are directly harmful, especially because in real life people simply do not think and act like on Tumblr, but I do firmly believe that it is simply hurtful for people who fall in the 'bad' categories. (But then again, I am also firmly convinced that Tumblr has a general mindset of "They hurt us first so now we get to hurt them back, for justice!!!", completely ignoring they have no idea who the recipients are in their daily life and what they stand for, so...)
Also I was actually thinking the other day of the Sonic Chest Fur theory, and... Sample size of four people. Good job, y'all! I honestly think that claiming that you can give your Forces Avatar chest fur regardless of gender is a more solid claim about how chest fur is not male-exclusive than stating that Sonic is Totes Trans because he lacks it. And also, that argument has never stopped anyone from headcanoning Shadow and Silver as trans.... I'm curious what would happen if you brought up the Sonic Has No Chest Fur argument to state those two cannot be, were it not that I think it'd be equal to throwing a bomb straight into a hornet's nest.
I don't know what else to add, we're on the same page 😂
There is definitely a tendency to cutesify autism and ADHD here. I have neither, so I'd rather not insist too much and leave others to speak out, but even I know that both come with massive challenges. That's why they're called disorders! They don't have to be life-debilitating ofc, they're not curses, but I can imagine how some ND people might be irritated by others, especially fellow NDs, simply ignoring their struggles because they're not appealing. Ngl I'd find a realistic portrayal of Sonic with ADHD much more refreshing than the usual "hehe he's hyperactive he's just like me fr fr <3"
(at least, when I see people headcanon a character as for example having BPD, they do acknowledge the difficulties that come with the disorder)
And yes, I do realize that Tumblr is not real life. Apparently 90% of people here are both ND and LGBT+, the complete opposite of real life. I get it. I don't want to come off as "wanting to be oppressed so bad" or whatever, at this point I'm too old to care. But still, young people are being shaped on Tumblr and especially on its nastier little sibling Twitter, and I don't want teens to internalize that cishet NT people are boring shells of human beings at best and asshole bigots at worst.
Personally I'd sooner headcanon that Shadow and Silver are a different kind of hedgehog compared to Sonic - they both have fur and eye markings, plus a similar eye shape, it's interesting. I also have... opinions on how generally trans Sonic is portrayed, but eh, I think I'm being problematic enough :V
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mar64ds · 1 year
I just saw your soul colors post and I wanted to add on that the fandom generally associates papyrus with kindness which makes sense? But integrity is right there, and fits soooo much better, and turning frisk blue and using blue attacks on them is like his whole thing
Papyrus is kind but I think integrity is something really really interesting to associate with Papyrus. Papyrus has morals that he believes in and that he is always going to stick by, Papyrus is always himself even when some people might think he is weird, things like that. Plus, his literal power turns your soul blue, it feels more fitting to associate him with that soul
I think another one of the the reason why I much prefer that the blue heart is associated with Papyrus and the green heart with Undyne is because I watched digimon adventure as a kid and changed me forever because, for those who have watched it, Yamato having the crest of 'friendship' when he is a character that struggles a lot with his relationships with his friends sometimes (Taichi especially), you would think 'why does he have the crest of friendship then it seems like he really struggles with that' but ultimately Yamato cares about his friends and even if it isn't always easy, friendship is important to him and it's way more meaningful that his crest is something like this, something he cares about and fights for and gives him strenght even if it isn't always easy
I'm rambling but I kind of see that with Papyrus and Undyne, it might seem more obvious that Papyrus is kindness and Undyne is bravery or something like that, but when you look more into the characters, Papyrus being integrity says even more about him and Undyne being kindness does too
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lethal-highway · 4 months
After having thought about it, here are my predictions for Sonic Shadow Generations. My predictions are mostly about what stages will be introduced for Shadow, since the standard stages in Sonic Generations will most likely already be included as implied by it being a remaster. It seems like this game largely exists as a lead up to Sonic Movie 3, which will be a play on the events of Sonic Adventure 2 (interesting that they're skipping the first Adventure title, by the way.)
It's probably to make Shadow marketable again, like with Knuckles. If this succeeds, he may very well become even more popular than ever before.
Main Prediction: Backstory Level Pack + Playable Character After unlocking him, Shadow becomes a playable character in Modern Sonic stages. Pretty straightforward, but they might add a few things to the stages in order to utilize some unique mechanics of his. You can see him teleporting in place of a homing attack in the few seconds of gameplay they show, so it's possible.
In addition, I predict for there to also be a smaller sum of levels for Shadow in order to sum up his backstory before heading into a conflict with a resurrected Black Doom. For this prediction, I'm selecting 1 per game.
Shadow Stage 1: Radical Highway That city stage in the trailer could easily be Radical Highway given the red siding on the roads. Plus, it's Shadow's first stage ever, it's very iconic, and Sonic Team loves to use the stage theme as a musical motif for Shadow. If they don't include Radical Highway in some form, I'll be shocked.
Shadow Stage 2: Final Chase This one's a gimme if you watched the trailer. His debut title is Sonic Adventure 2, and we get a brief glimpse of him on that very stage attacking GUN robots. It's only natural, since it looks like it'd get followed up with that reimagining of the Biolizard boss fight, which was the culmination of Shadow's arc in SA2. Shadow Stage 3: Hang Castle/Mystic Mansion His next appearing title is Sonic Heroes. I'll admit, this one's wishful thinking- there's not much evidence for it, since all four teams go through every stage in Heroes. It means none of them really have any special meaning to or association with Shadow, as a character. I love these Halloween stages, though. Sue me, I named myself after the fucking month of Halloween.
Shadow Stage 4: Westopolis His next chronological installment is Shadow the Hedgehog. To tell the truth, I'm torn between Westopolis (the first stage, and the one you have to do on every playthrough, ugh) and Final Haunt (the only stage that comes close to being good, a stage taking place in the alien landscape of the Black Comet, home of the Black Arms and Black Doom.) The trailer's city stage could still be Westopolis, though, given that red fog, which looks very similar to the fog in the hilarious opening cutscene of Shadow the Hedgehog, so I suppose my hands are tied. But my earnest desires are for Lethal Highway (gee, wonder why,) and Final Haunt.
Shadow Stage 5: Radical Train His next installment is Sonic 06. Normally, I'd not include one from this title, but Crisis City is literally in Sonic Generations. Anyway, Radical Train is the only stage anyone likes, so let's root for it. It's also the stage associated with the cutscene where Shadow roundhouse kicks Silver, and that one is truly legendary.
Shadow Stage 6: Mystic Jungle - Eggman's Facility This one was difficult: his most recent appearance in a mainline title was Forces, as a DLC character, with three stages for a short story explaining his involvement with Infinite, a prominent villain in that title. There's not much to go on here. Ultimately, I've picked this stage, as it's the most distinct of the three, involving infiltrating one of Eggman's bases. Nobody wants a second Green Hill stage.
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
I know you reblogged the post about people being like "fictional cannibalism is deep and intellectual and fictional incest is disgusting and morally wrong" some time ago, but I just wanted to add that it’s absolutely insane how people are calling every piece of media that isn’t wholesome and unproblematic nowadays a direct reflection of the creator’s secret deviant fantasies à la "check their hard drive". Like where does the line between getting called a genius and a master satirist and being labeled a disgusting pervert lie? Whenever I see someone make absolutely nonsensical comments like those all I can think of is Vladimir Nabokov getting canceled and chased off the internet in 2023 after writing Lolita lmao. Seriously tho. Especially in the spn fandom, how can people make posts about loving the fucked up family dynamics and the body horror and the psychological terror and the abuse parallels etc and then fall over themselves to put wincesties DNI DNI DNIII all over their entire blogs lol
My take on it is basically that the line people draw between what’s “morally” acceptable to write about or not is really just what they enjoy. That’s why this stuff usually comes down to shipping nonsense, it’s just fandom flame wars in a different trenchcoat. It’s also why you’ll get dissonant opinions like ‘incest is bad and we can’t write about it’ and ‘gore and murder is just fine to write about.’ If someone enjoys writing about their thing, however dark, and can understand why they enjoy writing about it, of course they’ll give it a pass, but other people’s dark things? that they don’t like, don’t understand? Must be evil. Must be disgusting.
(Plus, obviously, there’s probably something to be said about how in ‘incest vs cannibalism’, one of these is going to be assumed to only be about Sex and Perversion, while the other is obfuscated around sex, sometimes a display of desire but easy to deny that at the same time. Which is not to say that writing about incest is even always about sex, only that it will be perceived as such, no matter what you’re actually trying to discuss in your work.)
All that to say that of course it’s ridiculous to assume that someone’s writing or hell, even their internet persona, is reflective of their desires. I’m ace as fuck and get nervous if I don’t have explicit permission to hug someone, and I also have and will write noncon fic. There’s no secret there, nothing hidden that’s gonna lead to me hurting someone. I just enjoy writing impossibly huge power imbalances. I like squeezing characters like stress balls.
The “Wincesties DNI” thing still bothers me to this day. Maybe because I’m not sure where I even fall on that line. I follow wincest blogs, like their posts, I’ve written I think 2 or 3 wincest fics? But I rarely participate in it or reblog stuff here. Am I a wincestie? Am I tainted by association in such a way that I might as well be? Does “Wincesties DNI” mean actually all incest shippers dni, or are you secretly telling me you’re cool with Jo/Ellen, or did you just forget in the midst of your ship war that other interests exist. I don’t usually follow blogs that announce that, but that’s more because putting that label there just tells me even if I passed the test on that specific thing for you, you’re not gonna be cool about all the other weird shit I post lmao.
(I want to stress, I think there’s a difference between “Wincesties dni” and “wincest dni”. I think that asking people to not leave tags on your posts or comments on your work referencing an incest ship is a valid boundary to have. If that content is triggering to you or just not your vibe, I think you should be able to say, ‘hey, not here.’ That is very different than going ‘if you are a part of this group or ever interacted with this group, get away from me.’ Especially in a fandom where. I mean. Sam & Dean being weird is in the text. It’s a huge part of the show to the point of being referenced repeatedly in-universe, it’s a famously huge part of the fandom to where wincest built the very ground (AO3) we all walk on, and I just think that if you walk into a gay bar, you really shouldn’t complain so loudly about all the bears you see.)
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What's the difference between "resume virtues" and "eulogy virtues?"
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In the early aughts legendary adman Tom Messner wrote a story for ADWEEK called “The Old Testament,” in which he described Brain Surgery for Suits as one of the five books of Moses, suggesting people, “Read this at the beginning of your career rather than at the end, like me.”  
Messner was being kind; in truth, that first effort was wanting in so many ways.  Its main virtue is what came after:  Brain Surgery gave rise to three editions of The Art of Client Service, each version better than one that preceded it. 
Before it became the mouth-filling Messner Vetere Berger McNamee Schmetterer/Euro RSCG, the eponymously named agency known by its founder and his partners had instituted Brain Food, a monthly lunchtime learning series for the agency, beginning with Ammirati & Puris alum and its prodigiously skilled, resident copywriter Joe O’Neill, who was then moonlighting as an arresting, persuasive, and insightful speaker.  I watched Joe on videotape – there were no MP4s back then – concluding his talk set a very high bar for those who came after him, me among them, given the following month I found myself at the podium.
I had all but forgotten about my visit to the agency until I unearthed a note, on Messner’s agency letterhead, from Greg Jones, who wrote to thank me for a lunchtime session I conducted at the shop. 
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I previously had made countless presentations – sharing strategy, ideas, and material of all types with clients and colleagues, plus pitching new business to prospects – but this would be my first foray into sharing something based on a book I wrote.  
I watched this first effort from more than 23 years ago, then followed by rewatching what might well be my last one (I surely hope not, but I’m a realist), given last Fall at the International Advertising Association’s Annual Conference, looking to see how things had changed, for better or worse, in terms of both delivery and content.
It was just a little weird to watch the old me; I certainly looked younger, with an abundance of hair framing a still graying beard.  I sounded pretty much the same, with my slightly (maybe overly?) nasal, Philly-inflected patois – rightly annoying to some, maybe many, listeners -- remaining largely changed. 
In terms of content, what surprised me isn’t how much the two presentations diverge from one another, but how little.  The current presentation is much more visually sophisticated, but the ideas themselves?  Largely unchanged. 
Why, I wondered.
I realized it’s not the result of thinking that has grown tired, stale, and out-of-date; instead, it’s the result of my having unearthed, more than two decades ago, core principles of client and colleague service that essentially have no expiration date.
Those principles, first retailed in a book, refined in three subsequent editions, then described and demonstrated in my workshops, are mainly about character.  Putting terminology aside for the moment, it explains why I’m partial to what New York Times columnist David Brooks says about the matter, claiming there are,  
“two sets of virtues, the résumé virtues and the eulogy virtues. The résumé virtues are the skills you bring to the marketplace. The eulogy virtues are the ones that are talked about at your funeral — whether you were kind, brave, honest or faithful.” 
In Chapter 1 of the current edition of The Art of Client Service I answer the question, “What makes a great account person?” by saying,
“It’s more about skills and qualities than about education and experience,” claiming, “Integrity has always been an essential quality of the best account people.”
Would David Brooks add “integrity” to his list of eulogy virtues?  I suspect he would, given all eulogy virtues are timeless and immutable, still governing  relationships between clients and their agencies, explaining why my first presentation nearly as instructive as my last.
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talenlee · 1 year
Boyfriend Material
Boyfriend Material
I default to tabletop games when I make games. It’s the skillset I have and it doesn’t involve, typically, reaching into a new skill space to try and develop something. But it’s not the only system I’ve ever used, and there is a design that I’ve had kicking around in my head for an idea of a few different visual novels, or maybe even RPGmaker style games. One of them that I think has a perfect name to go with its concept is Boyfriend Material.
In Boyfriend Material, you play a small-town area’s Dr Frankenstein type. You get to customise the type of weirdo doctor you are, and you go out on adventures finding different ways to make yourself a monster of some variety. The idea is that you work on it in pieces, with arms, legs, torso, and head all being projects of different types that you can mix and match, and doing so will expose you to different other people doing things similar to you, with the goal being attending a big party where all the different monster-makers like you are gathering to show off your creations.
The intention is that you should be able to customise your Dr Frankenstein, and you should be able to customise your Frankenstein’s creation, to let you make a potential romanceable NPC that you can start a relationship with at the party, or, you can date one of the other Dr Frankensteins you hung out with in the course of the build-up to the ball.
It might be a bit obvious to you, but this design is an absolute resource nightmare. We’re talking about a lot of modular design components; you need to be able to customise your protagonist, you need to be able to customise the parts of your in-development monster, and if there’s a Dr Frankenstein associated with every possible type of development you can do on your monster, then every factor of the monster adds another thread of complexity.
Let’s say that all characters get to be represented by a single form, no expressions or face-changes or anything like that, just the basic face, basic pose, and we set aside character customisation for your protagonist now. That means we can see this as a set of expansions on this basic combination. Then, let’s assume that our monster has five parts – head, torso, arm, arm, legs, and each one gets to choose between one of two options. That means the basic art would be 1+(2×5)+5, or 16 art assets. That’s a really simple, unimpressive way to do things, though. let’s say everyone needs a happy expression and a sad expression, and suddenly that’s 32.
That’s simplified of course; there are ways to cheat the resource storage on this kind of thing, where a sad and happy face monster with one type of arm or another type of arm is an easy resource to make. But even if they’re easy to make, they still represent more that needs to be organised.
Plus that’s a really simple kind of Monster? Sure, there’s the obvious meat corpse option for digging up bits, but what if we want a lot of different ideas for how our monster could look? Just off the top of my head, I can conceive of visually interesting options for building your monster out of:
Fungus, like a myconid
Wood and bracken
Rock, like a golem
Alchemically grown mystery substance
Steampunk clockwork robot parts
Glass jars full of ghosts
Okay, that’s just some ideas, but now what does that do to our — again, two expression — characters? We’re now looking at 7 different components for the monster, and that gets us to 2×(1+(7×5)+7), and that translates to 84 art resources. If characters have say, 5 different expressions, that takes us up to 210.
This is obviously really challenging for me to work with since I am not an art resource producer and art resources are expensive. This here represents art assets ramping through the roof hard and fast.
Okay, what if we eschew stuff entirely, what if I try to make this with almost no art assets. Is there a thing I can make where the bulk of what I do relies on the text and the rules, and doesn’t need art assets? Well, I can think of a few ways to do that. One is a pure text game, like Twine! That could be interesting to do. Twine is a good system for making linear games, though. I don’t know if I could use Twine to make a ‘visual novel’ without visual assets… but it’s something to look at.
Twine is a good thing about making sequences of pages, and those pages can check variables. It’s hard for me to visualise the complexity of that, though, because this is more meant to follow along a calendar, building up to an event, where in those days you can go to a lot of different locations and try out doing different things. I don’t think that works – it’s a bit like how in Twine it can be challenging to put an apple in a bag, because the bag has to be a specialised, customised item that can look at the apple and say ‘the apple goes in here’ rather than the much more general ‘objects can be put in bags.’ This kind of thing makes Twine really good for narratives with abstractions, much more than they are about handling material objects. In a lot of ways, Twine, isn’t a system that lets you go back and forth.
Okay, so maybe Twine, but probably not based on what I already know. You know what does work when you have text and rules and the stuff can be entirely imagined? Roleplaying games. A visual novel is often built around indulging a particular experience, a sort of empathic relationship to the fiction – you know, it’s about enjoying a story and about how that story makes you feel. Comments on visual novels tend towards being surprised about how the mechanics are good, you know? Otherwise, it’s very ‘yeah, this is exactly what you think.’
When you’re doing a RPG… I mean there’s journaling? That’s an option? But a journal RPG relies on you being the one who creates things, and gives you an excuse or a direction for the narrative you’re constructing. I don’t know, I feel like it’d be very difficult for me to make those experiences as engaging, as exciting or as enjoyable in the same way. Definitely an interesting option, but different somehow. I think it’d be in part that as a visual novel, I can provide for you, in a removed way the fiction, but if you’re doing a journaling RPG, all I’m doing is prompting the fiction. I can’t write romantic dialogue for you that makes you smile – I have to ask you to do it.
Another interesting option is, what if the RPG is a conventional group shared-narrative RPG where everyone is working on their projects? What if the other Dr Frankensteins with their specialities are all controlled by other players, who at the start of the game set up some of these parameters and maybe determine some secret traits that let players tell a story together about who does or doesn’t wind up finding one another or the monsters they make/summon/create interesting?
Relying on players to create more rules entanglement changes the need for stuff; players generate stuff for one another, but also, they need fictional framing to make that generation meaningful, and to make it so that they want to do that engagement. Also, what does success look like when I’m trying to bait you into, effectively, dating the rest of your RPG party?
I know I’m asking a lot of questions and providing very few answers, and that’s because this is something I’m genuinely not sure about. Right now, I can’t do the research to fulfill this to my satisfaction.
This is a way that the material needs of the game’s available stuff (its stuffness) can come into conflict with the tensions of its fiction (its abstraction). A new set of limbs for the monster aren’t free: They’re going to bring with them the need for systems for the player to interact with to go get those resources. Similarly, that gives me a space to fill in the world, to show different people doing different things in the world, which means that these game rules (the collection method) and this stuff (the art assets) all relate to one another, creating a matrix where you can sometimes make more of one thing to address another.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
#Games #Making
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systems-thinking · 2 years
It's been well documented that adults forget what it's like to be children. One could be corny and say they forget their sense of wonder and adventure. Naivete and silliness (remember silyness). But what is really lost. Deep imaingintion. My first experience of deep imagination as an adult was when a man of 26 the seven year old Nia(sassy as she was) [ sassy is slang for when a child acts/proforms adulthood Beyond what is socially by internalizing certain life events that shape your personality as an adult they can't shave your personality as a child because you haven't had those experiences but you can perform as if you had those experiences in the same way someone who has those Life Experiences can also perform a difference between your performance and their performance is the actual real life experiences (back to the story[this is important you make the story of nia within a story but it means one day she invited me to play with her in the yard and so I humored her and play the hopped and round jumped a little bit and then she added instruction okay this part of the yard is lava and these Stones here are the Rocks floating in it and all the green is red
Why I am I so prepared and set up things before they happen, the light of precaution the darkness of calamity. Remember its ego to insist/imagine that a character trait doesn't have a dark side or a light side ( after all only the Sith deals an absolute) ( and a imaginative person has a light side creativity and a Darkness of delusion/ insistence /ego/harmful in the way 1 taken away(like kidnapped[you know that story about a ape/primative child who had their child dragged away by wolfoves in dead of night while the rested of the tribe was a sleep and unable to help during the time when we rest at night (light of rest is to regained strength and dark which is to be vulnerable) if you don't believe thats ego[you know the math of ego is 1 -1 is zero. Harmful, bad way to loss [this losse Association of words allows for every story to be self-referential the math on that o mirror zero. Nothing being 0 reflecting itself being o or impinge for a scared or clim mode your in, hear me out/a story i will tell that might be real or might be a envisioning of something that never happened. A harm math 1-0 nothing o or stay the course we understand what we see or we see the same thing. only context chances this one word into two meanings when safe/sevual mode math 1 because you cant take 1 from zero in a fiction I just made up but yall know it(the story) a made it up as a 2, a second, a moment that we are choosing to speculate about while simultaneously also living in the moment, how long is a moment? its as long as you can imagine most people say when you become self awear of your thoughts that the end of the scenario/imagination /story whether you say it out loud or in your head the math is 1 plus 1 might be 2 might be 3 might be 4 each number a different scenario playing out or a different story o plus 1, 0 plus 2, 1 plus 6 each story has three parts start middle and end or math 0,1,2, some also count it as three parts 1, 2,3 thing counts as a number and zero is the lack of things. Some count it the first way too 0,1,2 with zero being a number (it gets to be a number because it represents a better beginning of a story. Instead of Once Upon a Time which is 1 you can start with 0. So first there was nothing o and then nothing became something whic 1 and then something was once upon a time math on that o plus 1 and 2 is something happening after a moment which is as long as I want to imagine it's not real anywhere else then in my head all that to say since you cant tell what I am thinking I need tell you it's a story or a question math on that is 1 logiclly leading to 2 or the less likely 4 or 8 or 3 whatever number that does not add up. Creative mode/made up/story/imagination. So we have two context a survival mode and a creative mode for same call this is one of ask/vote /are we going to be 1- o at a loss.(dark) Or are going to stay the course 1 mirror 1, (light)
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blindbeta · 3 years
Trope Discussion: The Blind Prophet / Blind Seer
This covers blind seers, prophets, clairvoyant characters, etc. Anyone who can see or predict the future, usually through seeing visions. This trope is extremely common. It also has roots in classical mythologies, religion, and literature. It is not necessarily bad on its own, but the way it is used in fiction and it’s popularity with non-blind writers makes it an uncomfortable trope for me much of the time.
I understand that not everyone will agree with me, but I think some of my suggestions can be helpful because this post offers potential ways to make this trope better for those who wish to use it.
I neglected to include it in my post about Things I Want to See More Of / Less Of in Blind Characters, but it is still something I want to discuss. I thought it warranted its own post. To get an idea of my thoughts on this trope, I don’t think it is so much harmful on its own, such as the cure trope, but rather I feel it is over-used and used in ways that contribute to ideas I find harmful. In the case of this trope, the ideas I find harmful refers mainly to the idea that blind characters need something extra or special that is designed to make up for their blindness.
The blind prophet or blind seer is something people seem to assign to their blind characters because it feels right. I would like writers to consider why this is, ways to avoid problems associated with it, and ways to be more intentional with how they design blind characters in the future. To clarify, I’m not saying you should never write a blind character who can see or predict the future. I’m not even saying this is best left up to blind writers. I’m saying I want writers to be aware and have more intent when they use this trope. Hopefully this post can help people do that.
I often receive asks or messages about blind characters who can see the future. A few common characteristics include:
1. this blind prophet is the only blind character
2. this blind character is the only person in the story who can see the future
3. this blind prophet is always totally blind - I have only received one message in which the blind prophet in question had some vision in one eye
4. seeing the future is portrayed as making up for or otherwise replacing the character’s lack of vision (again, the trope is almost always about a totally blind character)
So, in other words, this trope can be used for writers to make up for blindness, whether that means actually giving the character sight through their visions or making up for it emotionally. For example: “This character is blind, which is sad, but that’s okay because they can see even more than we can! They’re special!”
Let’s break it down.
Discussion: 1. this blind prophet is the only blind character
Why is this a problem? First, I think we are well beyond having only one blind character in our stories. Sometimes having one blind character feels as if the writer believes having more than one would be unrealistic. Sometimes it also feels frustrating to explain over and over that affirming stereotypes can often be avoided by simply having several blind characters. Unfortunately it often feels like a struggle to get writers to consider it. This means the only example of a blind person in the story is one who can see the future, which means they affirm this trope or stereotype for the casual reader.
Second, having the prophet be the only blind character tells readers that blind characters cannot exist without something to make up for their blindness. They can’t even exist in a story without this.
Discussion: 2. this blind character is the only person in the story who can see the future
Why is this a problem? This one is similar to the first one. We have the token blind character who is the only one who needs sensory based powers. Because, remember, the blind character needs to make up for something, apparently.
Why does the blind person always have to be the prophet? Why can’t they be the strong one or the one with teleportation? Why can’t they be, I don’t know, the person with power of attraction or display proficiency with a weapon?
Why do they always have sense based powers? Why not another power? At least a character like Toph is a powerful bender. She can do plenty of things aside from see, plus her adaptation was derived from everyday use of a power she already had rather than a power she was given for the purpose of seeing.
It gets a little disappointing when a blind person’s power is just the ability to — I guess — see? More on that in section 4.
Discussion: 3. this blind prophet is always totally blind - I have only received 2 story ideas in which the blind prophet in question had some vision
Why is this a problem? I’ll try to explain this part as best I can.
There is nothing wrong with having a totally blind character. That is not what I’m getting at here. My issue resides in the idea of seeing the future making up for blindness, and this means, the character usually needs to be totally blind.
I think this is a manifestation of the myth that all or most blind people have no vision at all. This is not true. In fact, the majority of us have some remaining vision. I asked my totally blind friend who said she had only met one other person who was like her.
I think this is also a manifestation of the idea that blindness needs to be made up for. With a special sight power and not with something like flight or technology-based powers. Writers who are consciously or unconsciously accepting this idea need to have a totally blind character. Because if the character has some remaining sight, what needs to be made up for?
Discussion: 4. seeing the future is portrayed as making up for or otherwise replacing the character’s lack of vision (again, the trope is almost always about a totally blind character)
Why is this a problem? I want to stress that these are two separate things. Both problems, but different ones that have roots in ableism.
When I say ‘making up for’, I refer to a blind character being given visions to make up for their lack of actual vision. As I mentioned before, this character, almost always totally blind, needs something to make up for blindness in the narrative. These visions can be brief ideas of the future or actual flashes of light or color. Either way, this character is being given a special kind of “sight” which makes up for their blindness. This can be a way for a sighted audience to feel better, or for the writer to feel as if they have made up for the character’s blindness. This is mostly emotional or mental. The character doesn’t need to actually see anything in order to fulfill this part of the trope.
The second part is about how sometimes the blind prophet can literally replace their blindness with their future visions. For example, they don’t need a cane while using stairs because they can predict when each step is. Or they might not be able to see people’s faces in visions. This erases their blindness. And in this case, why write a blind character at all?
On that note, discussion 3 also comes into play. If you want your character to be totally blind while failing to write them as totally blind, you shouldn’t be writing a totally blind character. In this instance, you probably shouldn’t be writing any blind characters, period, but I do think you would be better off writing a character with some vision instead.
Additionally, back in discussion 2, I said this: [quote] “It gets a little disappointing when a blind person’s power is just the ability to — I guess — see? More on that in section 4.” [End quote]. I wanted to add that having powers that just make up for a lack of sight is boring. I’m bored by it. Does it mean it can never be made interesting? Of course it can be interesting. However, that would require more work than some writers are putting in when this trope is used.
How to Avoid Some Problems
Problem 1: this blind prophet is the only blind character
To avoid: add more blind characters, specifically ones who cannot predict the future.
I generally advise adding at least 1 extra blind character, but for big tropes like this my happy area is 2 to 3 extra. You should have at least 2 to 3 blind characters in total to avoid both tokenism and this problem specifically. This means, if you have 1 blind character who can see the future, you should have at least 2 who cannot. This is the minimum.
The point is to expose readers to characters who do not follow the tropes they are probably used to and may even think are representative of blind people in general.
Problem 2: this blind character is the only person in the story who can see the future
To avoid: Set out to have characters who can see the future and who are specifically not blind. Also, have characters who are blind who cannot see the future.
I think, if you want a bunch of prophets in your story, this is a good way to go. You could also simply not have any blind prophets, but it depends on the story you are telling and if you have a bunch of prophet characters, you might wish to include a blind character among them.
For an ask relevant to this point, go here.
Problem 3: this blind prophet is always totally blind - I have only received 2 story ideas in which the blind prophet in question had some vision
To avoid: Create characters who are prophets with residual sight.
This problem is very much connected to problem 4, but I wanted to mention it just in case. It is not as much of an issue on it’s own.
Problem 4: seeing the future is portrayed as making up for or otherwise replacing the character’s lack of vision (again, the trope is almost always about a totally blind character)
To avoid: Don’t erase the character’s blindness with visions. Don’t give them visions as a way of making up for not being able to see at all / well. Don’t connect their powers to their blindness. The idea of [quote] “My character can’t see so what if they could - gasp - see in an extra special way” [end quote] is not that creative. Also see problem 3.
Additional thoughts:
Consider giving blind characters powers that don’t involve sight, at least not in such a direct way. Whether you have a blind prophet character or not. Perhaps another alternative could be giving them several powers.
I would like blind characters to have more unique powers, because I see this trope often. It would be fun to see something different or for this trope to be subverted somehow.
Again, I want more awareness and more intent from writers. Not necessarily complete avoidance of this trope. Would I like to come across it less? Yes. But there is still hope for it.
I hope this helps.
I also offer sensitivity readings. See my pinned post for more information.
Edit: @stealthetrees Yes I think it would still apply. Think of this type of character as also being totally blind.
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gentil-minou · 2 years
Random but do you ever see any OCD traits in mlb characters? I’m diagnosed with it and was wondering…
also I LOVE your content 💕
Thank you for your kind words!!! And sorry it's taken so long to respond to this. I have to admit, I don't do as much work with OCD (my specialty is Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD and working on getting better at ADHD) so I wanted to make sure I was informed well enough to talk about this topic.
OCD tends to be tougher to diagnose (for me at least) because it is characterized by intrusive thoughts leading to obsessions and compulsive behavior, often resulting in rituals to avoid any anxiety associated with it. It's an anxiety disorder, so there is a lot of overlap between them which is where I kind of struggle a bit with because anxious thoughts are a bit hard for me to distinguish from intrusive thoughts.
The challenge with ML is that we cannot hear the charcter's thought often enough to see "oh this is OCD and not general anxiety." Typically if I had a client in session we would go through a serious of questions and discussion to figure out what is going. Since we can't do that, we have to rely on what we see in the show.
The first person who came to mind was Gabe, especially in Backwarder with his aversion to human contact and also maybe his near disdain for being outside amongst people. The issue is we don't know what his thoughts are, so it could be because he's got OCD or because he's a dick. Plus he sucks so asfjhdjkf
I didn't like that answer so I asked for someone else's opinion and @galahadwilder mentioned Marinette also has some OCD tendencies!!!!
He made a good point that OCD is also characterized by "an extreme form of anxiety that leads to performing irrational rituals in order to prevent perceived bad outcomes"
And he also pointed out that Marinette's obsession might be Chat Blanc and that led me to think that Marinette's need to be in control of every situation, miraculous or not could be attributed to OCD.
For instance, her 1001 ways to care for your cat boy could have been played up for laughs but also could have been her need to keep thing in control or in check. Keeping track of important dates in a calendar, preparing for all of Adrien's birthdays, bringing as many things as possible to be prepared for any situation, and even the near paranoia in Mr Pigeon 72 could all be as a result of an intrusive thought like, "If I don't have control of everything or if I'm not prepared something is going to terribly wrong"
So Mari has some interesting presentations that could be attributed to OCD, but they could also be due to GAD, PTSD, ADHD, ASD, etc. because the joy of therapy is all the overlap (read: sarcasm xD)
That's part of what makes her such a fun character to explore!!!! She has so many multi-dimensional facets that make it so much fun to explore her character and mindset. And although we might not get concrete evidence to support any diagnosis, we can headcanon anything we want hehe :)
Hope that is somewhat satisfactory!!! Again, OCD is not my expertise but if you have any other thoughts or want to share your experience I'd love to hear and learn! And @galahadwilder please add if there's anything else you think I missed or correct me if I made any mistakes!!!!
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