#pls tag me in all your works!!
ikeasharksss · 1 year
hey im curious
feel free to rb & explain your answer in the tags!
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Pick a song for each letter of your URL, and then tag that many people! Much thanks to @angelthingy for tagging me <3
Bird, you can fly - Eyemèr Untitled - Knuckle Puck Re-emerging Signs of the Apocalypse - Spanish Love Songs Never Meant - American Football I Was Hiding Under Your Porch Because I Love You - Waterparks Nightmare On Southfield - Action/Adventure Green Squirrel In Pretty Bad Shape - Hot Mulligan Cigarettes & Saints - The Wonder Years Overstepping - Belmont My Life For Hire - A Day To Remember Pints Of Guiness Make You Strong - Against Me! Understanding In A Car Crash - Thursday Thank God It's Friday - Ice Nine Kills Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - My Chemical Romance Right Choice - Can't Swim Paradise Lost, a poem by John Milton - The Used El Niño Considers His Failures - Spanish Love Songs Rationalize - Action/Adventure Sick Of It All - Magnolia Park One Step at a Time - Four Year Strong No Children - The Mountain Goats And Now I'm Nothing - The Wonder Years
Good lord did that take a while to finish... time to start tagging uhhh *counts* twenty-two people now: @sucker-for--anything-acoustic @tradedsymmetry @broke-bruce-wayne @mackie-ds @juliens-bakery @breaking-justin @flashlight-smallknife @cemetery-pigeons @ogbulesky @dysphoria-things @eyemermusic @plainramennoodles @unnervinglyferal @ameliafromafairytale @aiam-maianaise @weirdpinkandmagical @crazyworkswell @kind-wizard @leonidele @thevictorianpirate @mira-kyria @cant-even-spell-my-own-url
Okay I think I tagged like all my mutuals and then some... suffice to say I am sorely regretting my longass username. Anyway these tags are low pressure and open as always, so feel free to join in! (or not, I'm not the cops)
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tackytigerfic · 1 year
WIP Snip
still working so hard on getting this finished, still slow as fuck and feeling a bit ashamed of it but i know that's just bad brain thinking. had a bit of good writing news this week too though so it's not all bad. Here's a snip from my multiverse fic where Voldemort didn't die and there's a war raging on, Wolfstar live and they raised Harry, and Draco has just rejoined the Order after seven years abroad in France. Here's a scene with good dad Sirius.
“This—“ Sirius said, waving his hands at Harry “—is what I’m talking about. One of the many things I love about you is that you just say things like this, and you mean them.” He put his warm hand on Harry’s chest. “I sometimes wonder how you've managed to stay so kind, after all you’ve been through. Your parents would love you so much, you know.” “Well,” Harry muttered, voice brusque to hide the tightness in his throat, “they’d have to really, wouldn’t they? Being my parents, and all.” “They’d love you as their son, no matter what, of course. But I mean that they’d love you as a person in your own right, Harry. You’ve grown into a man that anyone would be proud to follow.” Harry put his own hand up to grope for Sirius’s, still resting over his heart, grateful for the darkness. “You’re not following me, though. You’re with me—you, and Moony, and Ron, and Hermione, and everyone. We’re all together in this. We do this side-by-side, it’s why it works. I’m not some big leader like Voldemort set out to be. I’m just the guy who happens to be the one who has to kill him. Everything else is a team effort.” “Oh, Harry,” Sirius said, and then Harry found himself wrapped up in Sirius’s arms, face full of all that fine, silky hair, savouring the warm solid familiar feel of him for a lovely moment, before Sirius let him go again. “Now do you see why we don’t want to let you go off somewhere with Malfoy? We need you.” Harry looked up at the house, at the long dark arm of the east wing, where he knew Malfoy’s bedroom was, a low light still burning as though Malfoy wasn’t expecting to sleep any time soon. He couldn’t tell Sirius that Malfoy needed him, because Malfoy needing him was based on a secret that couldn’t be shared, even with the people Harry loved the most. It wasn’t his to tell. Instead, he reached out again until his hand met Sirius’s forearm, ropey with muscle, always so warm. “I love you, you know,” he said. High above them, at the lighted window, a shadow passed.
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non-un-topo · 11 months
Wish there was an elixir that wasn't alcohol that you could take that just makes you write/draw and not care about the quality of your work or about what your potential audience might think
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kyros-tha-soldier · 7 months
King riku: *asleep in his bedroom at the palace*
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lastoneout · 11 months
You should also tell those people that no, they absolutely cannot tell people to kill themselves on tumblr.
It’s against tos to promote suicide or self harm and anons can now be traced by the staff, so if someone they tell it to reports it, they absolutely will get their account shut down.
I genuinely mean this in the nicest way possible, but if you have time to click on my blog and open my ask box and type this message and hit send then you have time to go into the notes of that post and see that I made an entire addition covering exactly that yesterday.
(Edit: Just showing off how this addition will not show up on the reblogged version of this post.)
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mangatxt · 7 months
I just want to mention real quick that I love your fic sage advice so much. I look forward to it so much, and when the previous chapter was published I was checking ao3 sometimes 2-3 times a day to see if it updated. You’re an incredible writer and I’m currently working on fanart. Love what you do.
hiiiii thank you for sending me this kind ask! reading this made my day. i'm so happy you like my work <3
also, i appreciate your patience between chapters. i know updates have not been super predictable. if all goes well, i'm hoping i can get both ch6 and 7 up by the end of december. that's the goal after nanowrimo at least.
thanks again <3 hope you have a good rest of your day!
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milkpansa-archive · 2 years
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j-hope - more 
happiest of birthdays to you darling @ipromisedthesunset ♡
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orchideae · 4 months
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!!!!!!!!! I don't want to turn my camera so people don't see Qiaoying Village (but these two are directly looking down to the village from atop a hill next to it) if they haven't seen it yet. Now, I know through Yelan's signature dish, that Yanshang has a delivery route directly to this village. Like I knew this, but seeing people here has me absolutely buzzing. Also, also, also, also, also. I'M BUZZING. BUZZING!! I'd put all of this under a read more, but I need it for the actual little spoiler tied to a HC (non-canon-based) at the bottom, so excuse my mania.
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT'S CRUMBS OF MY GIRL. But also!!! This makes me so happy, it's not just a casino at night, it truly is a proper teahouse during the daytime. Aaaaaaa, I'm not a 'I'm right!!!' kind of person, but it's just... it's just nice to be like 'Okay, I'm on the right track' It's like a little confirmation that she clicks, and makes sense to me, you know? God, but also, I'm so proud. She's so multi-layered and multi-faceted and this is kicking so much more motivation into my heart even if I didn't need any more (and just need my brain to calm down after months of severe stress so I can focus), but god, she's just such a good one. I love her immensely, for so many reasons. But just, this whole thing isn't even ambition, because WE LITERALLY KNOW that she isn't ambitious per se (since she refused the position of Tianshu, even if part of the reason why is also because she doesn't want to be tied down to Liyue Harbor), she simply wants Liyue and its people to be safe (like so many who live in it, I LOVE THIS REGION WITH SUCH A BIG PART OF MY HEART, guys), it's also why she patrols the Chasm. Ugh, ugh, ugh.
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Also, a little liberty of a HC that isn't tied to canon, and I wouldn't suggest peeking under the read more unless you don't care about very minor spoilers (it doesn't touch on the main SQ at all, it's tied to 'The Roaming Abode', ultimately tied to a house at a tiny distance from the village itself). So if you haven't played that specific WQ yet, don't peek! But, 1005 headcanon that Yelan has 'purchased' property here, and let me talk about it under the read more.
The Roaming Abode is a WQ that starts with a little girl who tells you that her grandfather has gone missing, or rather that he's gone to get 'blessed waters' from Mt. Xianluan for this 'divine plant' that he claimed he kept in his yard that needed that kind of water. Throughout this shorter quest, you learn that this man died (and you're left to question who the little girl is, or whether she's a little girl at all), and left behind a home in Qiaoying Village. This is what's said about both the man and his home by Uncle Luo:
Uncle Luo: He was an outsider, and we discovered that he was a bit... touched in the head the moment he arrived. He claimed that he'd picked divine herbs, but the pharmacy couldn't recognize them — much less buy them from him. Uncle Luo: But he had no other skills, and couldn't make the Mora needed to feed himself, so he had to knock on doors to ask for help. We took pity on him, and decided to feed him. His house was also built using Mora the villagers pooled together.
And then continues:
Uncle Luo: No one expected something that terrible to happen to him afterward, but once it did, everyone thought that this must've been him repaying us by protecting the village! Uncle Luo: Everyone thanked him, and thus people have been reliably caring for his own home. We're almost there, by the way.
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This is the house, and the view from it. Now, I think most of us know that when a house isn't lived in, it'll inevitably fall into disrepair, no matter how much people may try to take care of its exterior and even cleaning inside if possible. A house needs to know the kind of maintenance that you can only truly give it when it's lived in. So, it's a little headcanon that as Yelan actually has a good tie to Qiaoying Village, and especially as she ages (and in my main verse, develops a tie to Fontaine), that she comes to negotiate and purchase this. Not out of greed whatsoever, but because she comes to thoroughly enjoy its environment (and if you know of her lines in the teapot, Yelan greatly enjoys tea drinking and the social aspect of it through which she learns about people), and also because it's a shame to let things get neglected to a point where they may perish at some point (I mean remember, most of Liyue consists of ruins). It's not a base of operation like Yanshang is, but it is simply a home, along with the one she has some distance away from Liyue Harbor, or she may simply replace one with the other.
Also, important to note: on top of all the above, this also works in the favor of the village in general, as now the cost of its maintenance will no longer have to keep coming from the villagers who take care of it (just like the mora to build it came from them), it will come from Yelan, which can be done through the likely decently substantial profits of Yanshang.
And to note: no, she doesn't 'take it over' as she did with Yanshang Teahouse, she literally purchases it, which also feeds money into the local community. Which is something that, based on the references above in terms of her character, Yanshang's new reputation, her loyalties, her foci— I'm confident in saying wholly fits her character.
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derangedthots · 1 year
feeling some type of way about user simpofnegan's new cowboy jacemond fic in the tags and by some type of way i mean desperately trying not to scream in my dorm room @ 2am and wake my roommate
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thenegoteator · 2 years
Hi! 2, 7, or 18 for the 25 more star wars asks please? I find this list pretty interesting and am curious to see what you think! Love your art btw :)
(aaah thank you!!! I've answered 2 and 18 in past asks so for the sake of brevity I'll only keep the answer for 7 here if that's ok!!)
7. what’s your favorite fan art/work? (bonus: reblog and tag the creator if you can)
ooooh there are so many!!!!! I can't choose!!!!!! this is outrageous!!!!! I went through my ao3 bookmarks but I honestly might have to come back and do one for art, bc this post is,,,, too long now I think
Rhapsody in Blue by @kckenobi it's about grief and healing and belonging and I'm not ok at ALL (modern au, 17 chapters, features both Obitine and Codywan)
the rainfall on geonosis series by ealcynn (I'm not sure if they're active on tumblr?) it puts the "war" in "clone wars", one of the earliest things I read in fandom, has a special place in my heart (2 works at 3 and 4 chapters respectively, gen, it's quite whumpy though so be ye warned)
time and time and time again by @giggles-and-freckles no one does Leia and Obi-Wan like abi and I'm so glad the Obi-Wan show took notes from her (could be canon-compliant but written before the Obi-Wan series, 2 chapters, gen)
when that day comes by @katierosefun star wars is a ghost story!!!!!! this one is too, kind of (modern au, 8/9 chapters, gen, I cried)
the mission reports series by @smilebackwards I remember this was one of the first works that was so good that I dared comment on it as a new fan, and then only a short time later I went back and saw that the author had added a new work!!!! felt like winning the lottery (qui-gon lives au, 2 completed oneshots, gen)
the padawan at war (again) series by @itstimeforstarwars I've been reading this one for so long that I probably don't fully remember all of why I love it but it's got one of the best characterisations of a what-if scenario I've ever seen. (deaging/time-travel, 3 works, one at 3 chapters, one at 13, and one at 45/47 I'm in awe)
the life and what comes after verse by @kingofattolia I read this years ago but I still think about it and the Mace characterisation - at some point he says something that literally made me lie down on the floor and go. ok this one healed me a little bit. amnesia trope but make it intricate. (3 works, one at 19 chapters, one at 7/?, and a oneshot, gen)
Forecast. by @outpastthemoat this reads like the prose equivalent of a track from the Narnia soundtrack. beautiful characterisation (Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan padawan years, oneshot, gen)
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mini-soda · 1 year
A Traffic SMP au written by minisoda [me!!]!
What if the Life Series had a grand finale? Where all the characters were brought back in for one final game, where the stakes are higher than ever. When you die at red, You won’t be coming back this time. No spectators, no second chances in the next timeline. Your soul will be destroyed and scattered across the very fabric of the universe.
The players will compete in challenges that range from trivia, to pvp battles, extreme biome survivals, and full on mini life series tournaments.
Betrayals! Terrible jokes! An insane game narrator who is only a black silhouette with a singular eye! Divorce! Guillotines! Boogeymen! We’ve got it all here folks!
Join us soon for Episode 0: The Center Of the Universe. Where Jimmy finds himself pondering the meaning of existence whilst hurling towards A Deadly Ball Of Light!
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evansbby · 2 years
I swear to god this place gives me so much anxiety now
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alilbatflies · 6 months
Be aware that if you reblog a bunch of my posts before you request your thing, you will be recognised and your request will possibly definitely gain priority in my scattered little brain. That means your chances of successfully reading whatever you requested get higher.
Also, be polite. I'm easily spooked.
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kentopedia · 8 months
“rylie the way you write dazai is so good!” i will fall in love with you !!!
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heretic-altias · 8 months
The untagged kissing has returned to hurt me I will simply suffer and die
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