obiespider · 2 years
This is your reminder that Crowley's nickname for Sam and Dean was actually a gay microaggression.
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Rocky and Bullwinkle were coded as a gay couple in the 1950s. The Nickname 'Moose' was first used in Ben Edlund's 5.20, The Devil You Know to show Crowley putting Dean on edge by calling the two of them a couple.
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obiespider · 2 years
Support form the sky - I Want Ukraine to Have the Protection of Israel's Iron Dome. Will That Happen Despite Putin's Threats?
Putin's tacit threats are keeping Israel from sharing it's Iron Dome with Ukraine, despite Israeli protests calling to protect the Ukrainian people. 1.5 million people in Israel speak Russian, about 17.5% of the country. It might surprise Putin, then, just how many Israelis are against Putin's war. Israelis (and Westerners in general) are calling on their government to protect Ukraine by sharing the Iron Dome - and anti missile system that could save countless Ukrainian lives. (Photo - Pro Ukrainian protesters in Tel Aviv)
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1/3 of the 1.3 million people who sought refuge from the former USSR in Israel came from Ukraine. They and those from Russia are speaking out against Putin's aggressive invasion. Israel and it's leaders have a good relationship with Ukraine and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, private Israeli firms have sold the Ukrainian military communication equipment and robotics, and in the last week the country has shipped 100 tons of humanitarian and medical supplies including 17 tons of medical equipment and winter tents and sleeping bags for 3,000 people. Israel has closed its airspace to Russia and Tel Aviv is expecting to receive 10,000 - 15,000 Ukrainians in the coming weeks. Yet Israel has not sent any weapons and the Ukrainian President has not formally asked Israel for its famous defense system, Why not?
Because Israeli ministers feel they cannot afford to provoke Putin's wrath.
What is the Iron Dome? and How can it help Ukraine?
The iron dome is really software - software that took decades to develop and was once the subject of mockery. The system uses sensors to detect rockets headed for populated civilian areas and attempts to intercept and detonate those rockets in the sky before they reach the ground. It has it's limitations, though. It's effectiveness is not perfect, and is also dependent on the number of rockets being fired at once. If the system runs out of ammo, or can't be reloaded fast enough, the remaining rockets will also get through. Still, according to the Israeli military, the ID has stopped ~90% of missiles in the past few years. Additionally - Russia isn't firing ground missiles, it bombs from airplanes, dropping the danger coming from above. While it is not exactly what the system was designed to protect against, the dome could no doubt still save Ukrainian lives.
Why isn't Israel publicly giving Ukraine Iron Dome technology?
Israel's leaders do not dare give Ukraine weapons to use directly against Putin's advances, and he is particularly pressuring Israeli leaders not to share the Iron Dome.
Russia's in control of Syria. Syria is Israel's neighbor, 9 times its size, and a country still entrenched in a brutal multi-sided civil war. In addition to countless other crimes, Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad has used illegal and lethal gas on his own country's civilian citizens at least 330 times. In 2015 Russia came into Syria and levelled Aleppo to back Assad. Assad is also supported by Hezbollah - the Iranian backed militant group considered by the ADL to be a terrorist organization. Putin is now using some of the horrifying illegal war crime tactics he learned from Assad against Ukraine, and that, should horrify everyone.
Russia is the dominant power in Syria. Hezbollah and the Assad regime regularly drive rockets through Syria to Lebanon. Barrages within Lebanon or from Lebanon into Israel are capable of igniting the powder keg of an already tense region. Since 2015, Israeli entry into Syrian airspace to stop these rockets operates with Putin's permission. Permission which can be revoked.
Russian Aggression - In recent weeks Russian air forces have also been increasingly active in Syria, both on the Western Israeli border and in eastern Syria where American planes operate; a show of force before the invasion of Ukraine and a warning not to interfere.
The relative size of their militaries is unmatched. Think of how small Ukraine seems in relation to Russia, Russia is 28 times the size of Ukraine. Well Ukraine is also 28 times the size of Israel, Making Russia 780 times Israel's size. Israel is 0.13% the size of Russia with 6% of its population. The land Russia is currently occupying in Ukraine represents more than the entire area of Israel. The country lives in the footprint of only one nuclear bomb. Israel has an intense fear of angering Russia, which is why its new prime minister, Naftali Bennett, did not mention Russia even once in his address last week about the invasion of Ukraine. He spoke about the need for peace, and about the need to support Ukraine, but left any explicit criticism of Moscow to his defense minister's separate statement, who promised aid, but did not mention weapons. “The Russian attack on Ukraine is a serious violation of international order, Israel condemns the attack, is ready and prepared to provide humanitarian aid to the citizens of Ukraine.”
If Russia attacks a NATO country - Poland & Israel are both NATO countries (Ukraine was on its way) - that's the ballgame - the could drag us all into World War III.
Could Ukraine still get an Iron Dome? Yes.
Don't rule it out completely, even if it is through backchannels rather than public action. Israel has been quietly exporting $2.5 Billion worth of weapons to Eastern European Countries on the Russian border since the Crimean crisis in 2014.
It may not be able to give or sell Ukraine Iron dome directly, but the countries do have friends in common. Ones that may buy or have already bought this system and then turn around and resell it to Ukraine. A United States house bill was introduced in September 2021 to send aid to Ukraine, on top of the $275 million dollars worth of equipment it had already sent since Jan 2021. That bill package may have included iron dome missile defense systems, though not by name.
The US Army purchased two batteries of the Iron Dome system under Trump, but has - at least publicly - not been able to integrate them with US army computers. The ID wasn’t designed to operate with the US Army's system and therefore has not been deployed overseas. Back to this 2021 US defense bill. It didn't specify the particulars of what was proposed to send to Ukrainian, but there was language in the bill about transferring a "current defense system".
Unfortunately, any sale or transfer of the system requires official Israeli approval, and the Kremlin is aware of that fact. The transfer of that weapons system was squashed for a few political reasons, but imo also bc Israel didn't dare oppose Putin so directly.
Now if the system could be transferred to a different country and that delivery should be intercepted by force? Well who is to blame?
(Jerusalem - Protest Signs read "Help Ukraine" "STOP! Russian Invasion of Ukraine" and "Iron Dome for Ukraine")
The Good News: Ukraine IS receiving anti-tank weapons - and the Israeli Public is calling for Ukrainian aid
Putin knows that the US cannot legally send Iron Dome tech to Ukraine without Israeli approval. However, Israel's approval is not required for another defensive system owned by an Israeli firm. An anti-tank system manufactured by Dynamit Nobel Defense, a German subsidiary of Rafael Systems, the company that manufactures the Iron Dome. That approval technically rests with Germany. While the less than covert attempt for the US to send the ID to Ukraine might have endangered Israel's security on Putin's anger and whim, Dynamit's anti-tank ballistic system can arrive in Ukraine while Israel maintains deniability of any involvement.
Ukraine received 50 anti-tank weapon systems with 400 anti-tank rockets and 200 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles on Tuesday.
Israeli Op-Eds are urging their government to oppose Putin and restore the world order before Ukraine, Taiwan, and Lebanon are swallowed by brutal dictatorships.
Even the more conservative Russian speaking Israelis who are older and rely on Putin's State Propaganda Machine for news are turning on him. Perhaps it was a step too far for the formally USSR persecuted Jews to believe that Zelenskyy, whose grandfather lost three brothers in the holocaust, is the Nazi leader Putin claims he is.
Meanwhile Israel’s Ministry of Immigration and Absorption is planning to house a new influx of Ukrainians seeking shelter.
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obiespider · 3 years
Take a Course in Queercoding
0:55 - The French Mistake 14:30 - 15x18 🙃
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obiespider · 3 years
No but I learned about the first potato chip in a cartoon. In a visual medium. and they told the story but didn't mention George Crum by name and paint the chef black as they would a black character. They either chose to erase his identity or researched the story just enough to produce an 'educational' cartoon on it but didn't even know.
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obiespider · 3 years
The Empty didn't come until he saw the love in Dean's eyes
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Cas's happiest moment was seeing the love in Dean's eyes. (x)
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obiespider · 3 years
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did this age like fine wine or spoiled milk I literally can't tell
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obiespider · 3 years
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obiespider · 3 years
straight spock isn’t real. straight spock can’t hurt you 
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obiespider · 3 years
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I made him gay
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obiespider · 3 years
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obiespider · 3 years
having one of those nights where i'm wishing that i could substitute a capacity to passively endure trauma and distress for a capacity to do work and accomplish tasks. i mean, they essentially come out of the same psychological budget! like i am so goddamn good at lying back and thinking of england. i can sit stone-faced through experiences that would make your mother shriek. why can't someone pay me for that. i wouldn't even be a good housewife because i hate housework and childcare
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obiespider · 3 years
what a mother does for you out of obligation vs what a mother does for you because she wants to. the taste of a cup of coffee made from obligation vs. the taste of a cup of coffee made. did you raise me because you wanted to or did you raise me because you had to, because i was in your home and you thought, i have to put food in every mouth under this roof. did you look at me with love or did you look at me. did you ever look at me? did you ever see me? did you want to? do you want to still? if i asked you to love me would you laugh? would you ask me why? would you tell me to not ask such stupid questions? would you go to bed and wonder to yourself, why does she think i don't love her? i've done everything for her i've bathed her i've clothed her i've fed her i kept a roof over her head. isn't that love? do you even know? do you know what love looks like? did your mother love you? did she make you coffee? can you tell me what it tasted like?
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obiespider · 3 years
Hi sososososo sorry if this is annoying but I noticed you used the demi flag in your reply to that post and was wondering if you support the lable Demi? (this is feel bad hours for me as someone who fears they may need to unfollow several of their favorite spn blogs for. like. not doing that.)
Girl (gn) not only do I support the use of the label generally, I'm subscribing to the label myself. And to anyone who has ever experienced discovering that there's a word that perfectly describes you, that helps you understand yourself, and succinctly sums up what you've been trying to articulate but never fully could explain, but that you just never had access to that word because of patriarchal bullshit or worse, gate keeping from folk who are supposed to have your back? Fam. I gotchyu.
This is a human rights blog. We are family. Come hug me, okay?
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obiespider · 3 years
So with everyone abuzz about the Britney Trial, and appalled and shocked and horrified at what she has had to go through, I want to take the time to state that this is commonplace and a very real threat for neurodivergent folks of all stripes. If you have a paper diagnosis of something it can and will be used against you by abusers. If you are disabled and/or neurodivergent you are owned in the eyes of the law and society by the people you depend on. This obviously and predictably creates situations where abuse is prevalent.
What Britney revealed in this trial did not shock me at all because this is the reality of many many people. This is the threat that hangs over people like me if we dont conform and burn out to please an arbitrary standard of normal and don't lie like hell to doctors.
At any moment if my mother felt like it, she could simply take my autonomy away legally because I can't live alone. If I didn't censure myself all of the time around certain people regarding neurodivergence, I could end up in a similar position because a doctor decided I was too crazy to have rights, and unlike Brittney, there is no mass movement for justice for us common people.
I want everyone to realize that what Britney has said is commonplace for people deemed 'too crazy to function' and disabled people in general. We are abused at startlingly high rates by our caregivers (parents, doctors, etc), society thinks that our rights should be taken away for our own good. I want people to extend the horror and desire to see change to the rest of us who arent high profile and use that horror to enact real change.
Not just hashtag freebritney, but push to pass laws to protect the autonomy and freedoms of those of us who are effected by conservatorships, institutionalization, and general stamping on of the rights of neurodivergent and disabled folks in every area of our lives.
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obiespider · 3 years
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obiespider · 3 years
If I just keep analyzing deancas I will level up & get a good grade in relationship
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obiespider · 3 years
Demi folks: Are you 'dating'?
I was in a very long relationship that ended a few years ago. Only found the term demi after it ended. People are asking me out and I've never dated as an adult and I feel like, "Okay I'm not attracted to this person but maybe I need to force myself to go on dates to see if I will or could be?" But that also seems like a TERRIBLE idea.
Please help. I want survey data points and advice.
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