#please please take all of this with a grain of salt though because the writing is exactly why i haven't actually read it in full
bonetrousledbones · 1 year
what do you think about horrortale? idk anything about it but i've heard it has some questionable elements >_>
i'm gonna be honest horrortale has never been scary to me,, the character designs are pretty generic imo, and i get the whole concept is basically "oh yea the normal ut cast got all kinds of fucked after frisk left" but that's still just not very compelling??
i can see the concept of famine driving ppl to desperation but i cannot get behind the eating humans part because first off WHERE are they getting all those humans, second if eating humans makes monsters all Big And Scary And Fucked Up why is papyrus the only mildly interesting character design in the dang au
idk i just think it could really push the actual Horror aspect a bit more, when you've already got a buncha monsters i dont think it would hurt to really push that they ARE monsters, especially in a situation as desperate as they're in
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that-fic-girl · 5 months
Head canon: what it would be like to date them.
characters: Alastor, angel dust, husk, vox
disclaimer: everything i write about these characters might not be accurate to the actual story, please take everything in the fic with a grain of salt, none of this is canon!!
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he hasnt been in an actual relationship in a while so being close and vulnerable with someone is quite hard for him, especially as someone who associates emotions with weakness.
First off, its safe to say he adores the ground you walk on. He's in love with everything about you, your clothes, the smell of your hair, your sickly sweet voice. his loves it all.
If there was ever a problem you needed fixing, a person you needed taken care of or even a errand you needed to run he would tend to it himself. he would not let you lift a finger.
PDA is a iffy thing for him, he wouldnt do grand big gestures but maybe a hand on the hip or a few words of affirmation.
everyone in the pride ring quickly learned of yours and radio demon's relationship. And no one dared to mess with you, ofcourse there was people who wanted to test their luck but they would have to pay the price later.
his love language is definitely words of affirmation, he will sweet talk the shit out of you. At night when it's just you two in bed, he will have his hands stroking through your hair whilst you rant to him about your day and he'll reply with sweet nothings
"oh darling, i've missed you all evening"
"you looked ravishing today my dear.."
"mm your hair smells amazing, my love"
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Angel Dust
Angel is one of, if not, the horniest mother fuckers out there but somehow, he manages to somewhat make a healthy relationship with someone.
you two are seen as "the bad bitch" couple. you're always out together, always getting into dumb shit together. You'll get yelled at by vaggie at early hours in the morning because the two of you where playing a childish game of tag in the hotel halls.
his love language is definitely physical touch, he'll have his arms slung around your waist almost all the time. Kisses are a MUST every 5 minutes, like this boy will NOT part from you. especially in the mornings when you have to leave for work;
"mmnnnnoooooooo...stayyy for five minutes pleasseeeee"
"but sweets..you're soooo warm"
"sweetheart please, you feel so comfy"
yeah good luck with that.
nights with him are VERY eventful, if it wasn't obvious. You two would usually be at it late hours into the night but sometimes, when you two where too exhausted to fuck like rabbits, he would be sprawled across your lap whilst you stroked his fur.
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Despite his harsh tone and uncompromising demeanor, you understood that Husk wasn't trying to be malicious towards you. It was simply his way of communicating, and you knew that his behavior wasn't personal. Even though he could be abrasive at times, you loved him for his rough edges and authentic personality
You and Husk's time together was mostly spent at the bar. You didn't like to drink much, but you loved seeing him work and make cocktails like a pro. You didn't mind that it wasn't considered a typical date, because you liked spending time with him in whatever way he felt most comfortable.
Husk is not used to receiving compliments, as he didn't often receive them in his past life. When you complimented him, it caught him off guard and he was surprised. But he eventually learned to appreciate it, and it even made him feel a little sentimental.
Despite the difficulty, you were able to help Husk realize that you genuinely cared about him. He had been used to being surrounded by dishonesty and hypocrisy, but you were always sincere and real. He held you in high regard, as you were the only source of light in his life, and he didn't want to lose you.
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You were known as a strong and independent person who didn't need assistance from others. You knew how to stand up for yourself, despite being harsh and tough at times. Despite your exterior, no one was aware of the soft spot in your heart that Vox's affection and touch alone could melt away your severity.
He appreciated seeing your affectionate side, as it felt special and intimate, like a shared secret between the two of you. He knew you valued your privacy, and he respected it by never sharing photos or other details on social media. He didn't want to betray your trust.
You were often feared and respected when you were with Vox. People found it hard to believe that someone as intimidating as yourself could have a tender, caring side that was kept hidden from most. Vox was glad that he was the only one who got to see that side of you. He didn't want to share something so special and personal with anyone else.
Quite often, he would call you on the phone, knowing that sweet words could be just as effective as a kiss. He enjoyed hearing how your voice softened from its usual seriousness to a more affectionate tone. He was aware that when he said loving phrases to you, you would blush and smile shyly, and sometimes he even regretted not being able to witness it in person.
"i've missed you today babe.."
"mhm look at my pretty girl/boy!"
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fallow-hollow · 2 months
loved your kabru fic!! would you be willing to write a 5+1 chilchuck/reader fic? along the lines of “5 times they nearly kissed, and 1 time post-canon where they actually did”?
count to six
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…ft! chilchuck x gn! reader
…tags! pining, almost kisses, arguments but they make up, extremely minor manga spoilers, chilchuck being bad with feelings, pre-relationship and post-relationship, most of these take place pre-canon
…word count! 3697
…notes! i think receiving a chilchuck request is just a rite of passage for a dunmeshi blog at this point. i hope the old man likers are pleased by this one!
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You’d always admired Chilchuck, really. And not just in a professional sense, mind you.
Of course you respected his skills and his professionalism, but after working with him for some time, you could clearly see that there was so much more about him that continued to catch your eye. Those little slips in his usual attitude were what fascinated you, keeping you waiting for the next snippet of his personality you could get a glimpse of.
As a man of great pride in his profession, accepting help or being “coddled” weren’t exactly on Chilchuck’s to-do list. If he was interrupted or goodness forbid challenged while he was trying to do his job, he’d become even crabbier than those literal treasure crabs monsters he hated so much. Nonetheless, you cared for him and your party, so you offered to lend a hand where you felt it was appropriate.
Maybe it was just you, but the half-foot almost seemed more receptive of your intervention than he usually was with others. Perhaps it was because you did your best to be unobtrusive but firm in your offers, cementing yourself not as someone looking down on him, but a teammate who understood the importance of cooperation.
While your professional relationship was an enjoyable one, it was nice to see the man let loose every now and again. Around and after mealtimes he’d become more talkative, especially if he’d had some booze to wash down his helping of whatever was available that night. This particular evening, you’d had a particularly nice stir fry with the grains you’d bought and even a bit of salt-cured meat and some dried legumes that kept extremely well. Even if your meals were sometimes a hodgepodge of whatever would be cheap or long-lasting, it filled you up, and you were grateful for that.
The rest of the party members had just stood up to go and wash their dishes and utensils, and you were about to rise as well before stealing a quick glance at the half-foot next to you and immediately blurting out,
“Oh, you’ve got something.”
Chilchuck could only raise one of his eyebrows, not quite understanding what you meant from your wording. “Something?” he parroted.
“On your face,” you would quickly clarify, leading to spending several seconds watching him try to get it, making both amusement and slight frustration bubble up within you.
In fact, you were so concentrated on wiping off the smeared food with your sleeve that you didn’t even notice the sound of his squeak — yes, his squeak — when you leaned forward to get a closer look. In hindsight, perhaps you’d miscalculated the amount of space between you, because your faces were practically touching, despite you not realizing it at the time. In your concentration, your companion even noticed the tip of your tongue sticking out of your mouth in concentration. It wasn’t something he’d intended to fixate on, but in the moment it seemed like it was all he could do while he waited for you to be done. After all, it moved suddenly, you two might accidentally…..
“Alright, got it.” You pulled away so quickly that he hardly had time to comprehend the motion before your grinning face was already visible, albeit more distant now. Only after the fact would you realize that you had most certainly invaded his personal space without asking, though it felt too late to really apologize for it properly without making things awkward.
What both you and him didn’t notice, however, was the way his ears tinged pink at the proximity between the two of you.
With the embarrassment of the previous incident still fresh in your mind, the second offense certainly didn’t fly over your head this time.
Though, with all fairness, it wasn’t like it was something that could be helped. Rather than simple ignorance of personal space, this was a total accident.
In order to progress into the deeper floors of the dungeon, it was only natural that any party would eventually have to deal with some traps getting in their way. Your party in particular was currently being led by your expert, that being Chilchuck, through a plain, narrow hallway that was purportedly rigged with various traps and projectiles.
Both the walls and floor were made of what appeared to be a completely uniform stone construction, but with his keen senses and knowledge of dungeons, Chilchuck was able to deduce a pattern of which stones were safe to step on, the rest being triggers for various dangerous mechanisms.
Everyone was following behind Chilchuck in pretty much single file. He would traverse the safe path, then you would copy his steps, so on and so forth down the line. Usually, this method worked perfectly for these sorts of puzzles, as long as nobody moved too early or had a misstep. Unfortunately for you in particular, a misstep is exactly what you made.
When trying to land gracefully on the ball of your foot, the weight shifted, forcing you to roll onto your ankle with a pained sound. Instinctually, you tried to put your weight back into your other foot and staggered, hardly even comprehending the way you felt the ground beneath you sink ever so slightly.
All you really registered at first was the sound of somebody shouting, not to mention the feeling of your body being tugged forward with a roughness that stemmed not from malice, but from desperation. Someone was tugging on your shirt, so much so that you immediately fell onto your knees and proceeded to slide across the floor for a short distance as well. If you didn’t have something covering your knees, you’re sure that would have hurt like hell.
The pain was just on the cusp of excruciating, making you want to reach down and hold your injured foot, but not before you noticed the warmth of a body directly in front of you, close enough to wrap both arms around.
Chilchuck still had a grasp on your shirt, breathing heavily after what was most certainly a terrifying moment for him. It’s strange, really — he always insisted that he was only here to guide you, not bail you out, but in moments like these, the sight of a party member in harm’s way always seemed to seep through his stoic exterior and inflict him with sheer panic.
You almost wanted to smile at the thought, finding it almost soothing, but you figured it would seem pretty odd considering you’d freshly injured yourself and you were also far too close to your coworker for comfort.
A free hand laid itself on top of Chilchuck’s, still shaky. The man subsequently withdrew his hand, shocked at the unprompted touch despite literally having grabbed you moments before. That was…. different, he attempted to reason to himself.
Some voices sounded from behind the both of you after you withdrew from one another to catch your breath.
“Are you alright?” came a soft voice that you instantly recognized as Falin. “If I could, I’d heal you right now, but I really can’t reach you with these trapped tiles all around. I hope it’s okay that we have to wait until we clear the traps.”
“Not like we have much of a choice, so I’m fine.” You listened to your own voice bounce off the walls, noting how wary you sounded. Outside of your field of vision, the half-foot also winced. You weren’t in great shape, sure, but it really could have been worse…. he thought that maybe telling himself that would make him feel less guilty about the state you were in, but for some strange reason, the feeling just wouldn’t go down. Almost like an especially bitter tasting liquor.
Toshiro — or Shuro, as most of the party tended to call him — was the next in line behind you, and luckily well equipped to carry you the rest of the way. It was a good thing, some might even say a stroke of luck that you’d been positioned in front of him instead of, say, Marcille, but Chilchuck couldn’t help but follow you with his eyes. Seeing you be carried by the man somehow only made him feel more on edge, instead of at ease like he naturally should have. That bitter taste again…
Despite your injury, you felt surprisingly alert, and your eyes continued to dart around, assessing your surroundings now that you didn’t have to focus so intensely on the floor. You saw an arrow lodged into a gap between two of the stones in the wall, probably freshly fired when you triggered that trap. If you hadn’t been pulled away in time, you might have gotten seriously injured or even died.
By the time your gaze landed back on Chilchuck, he was already turning around, but you could’ve sworn that he was looking at you in the split second before he turned his back on you.
The thought that maybe you captivate him even half as much as he captivates you lets you close your eyes with a smile on your face.
Ever since that incident in the hallway, you’d started to suspect that Chilchuck was avoiding you.
It wasn’t anything offensive or egregious, but you could sense him becoming even more withdrawn than usual. You two weren’t exactly the chummiest of people with one another in the first place, but lately he’d been acknowledging you less and less, not responding to smart remarks or offers to help him like he usually did.
You knew that he was still noticing you, judging by the slight turn of his head towards the sound of your voice and the occasional clenching of his jaw. Clearly, something was on his mind that he didn’t feel like sharing. Fairly typical, though you couldn’t help but miss that thin sliver of himself he let others see. With you, he was open just enough to at least let you get your foot in the door, and you didn’t want to lose that.
So, determined to get to the bottom of your companion’s heightened defensiveness, you were able to catch him alone when he’d volunteered to be on night watch. With everyone else asleep, you’d finally be able to talk to him without the concern of being overheard.
The half-foot immediately noticed your presence, you’re sure of that. Of course, you were still quiet as to not wake anyone up, it was more so that no matter how quiet you could be, absolutely nothing would slip past his keen senses. Detecting threats and things of note in the dungeon was his job, after all.
No time was wasted in cutting to the chase, certainly.
“Are you avoiding me?”
You couldn’t catch a glimpse of Chilchuck’s face from where you stood, but the way he slowly shifted from one foot to another suggested he was deliberating his response. There was also also a light tapping sound that rang through the space between you, and after a minute of darting your eyes around you realized that he had his arms crossed and was tapping his index finger against his forearm.
The thing you couldn’t notice, of course, was the way his eyes were blown wide with the fear of a man who had absolutely no idea what to say. It’s not like he was ever any good at talking about these things. That’s why he thought it better to just avoid the issue altogether!
Clearly, he should’ve known better. You had other plans for him, just like you always do. Most of those plans usually ended up making him somehow feel like a total fool, even if he was just trying to keep it professional. So why? Why did he respond in earnest instead of shooing you away?
“It’s just sort of a habit, I guess. I try to avoid forming personal biases, especially ones based around personal relationships.” Once those words were finally pushed up and out of his throat, the man at least felt brave enough go turn around and face you, scratching the back of his neck now. “It’s pretty much the most common cause of issues within and between parties, so it’s something I’ve come to be wary of over the years.”
His words caused something to click in your head, and you couldn’t help but grin at him despite the circumstances.
“Are you essentially saying I’m your favorite?”
Perhaps that wasn’t the best thing to say in response, but you couldn’t bring yourself to regret it, what with how the man’s face scrunched up in both embarrassment and frustration. Maybe it was just an effect of the dim lighting, but he seemed a bit red as well.
“Now’s not the time to act smug, you know that’s not my point.” The hand that was previously behind his neck shifted to point at you accusingly, but it didn’t quite feel sincere. There was something about the way it wavered in midair that made you feel certain that he wasn’t truly angry. “I’m just saying that I prefer to regulate the group environment than just go around making merry without a second thought!”
Dark pupils followed your form, moving up to stand next to him now. “I understand what you mean, but there is a lot of value in making merry, you know? Or even moments like this, for example.”
Chilchuck felt so confused at those words that he dropped his irritated expression entirely. What could possibly be valuable about something so frustrating as his own biases? It’s not like his feelings had any tangible value like a gold coin or a precious jewel. Love was nice, sure, but that alone couldn’t put food on the table.
Sensing his confusion, you could only continue. “Maybe you only view it from a professional lens, but that doesn’t mean it can’t make sense from that standpoint, you know? Your coworkers like to know you. Playing favorites really isn’t an issue when you’re not out boss or anything, I’d think. You’re our equal. And I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but it’s hard to confidently stand on equal ground with somebody who’s so closed off. Makes it hard to trust.”
Wasn’t trust in his skills enough? He was already an extremely skilled individual, what reason would most people have…. not to trust him….
It felt so shameful to just look at the ground as if he was being scolded. What else could he do, though? It felt like the mechanism of a trap with a tentacle wedged in the crevices, keeping it from moving altogether. Your words were that obstruction, stopping the inner workings of his mind in its tracks.
“Could you look at me, Chilchuck?”
Total bewilderment did nothing to prevent the half-food from turning to meet your face, level with his own. One of your hands hovered over his cheek, never quite touching. In a similar fashion, his fingers ghosted over your wrist.
“Even just taking a moment to look at someone, take in each other’s presence…. it’s a start. Not open, but not closed, either. You can just leave that door open a crack. It shows people that you trust them with not only your time, but yourself.”
His eyes were utterly transfixed on the movements of your lips.
You were right there, you were so close. A perfect chance served on a silver platter. Even so…
“…Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” The moment Chilchuck’s hand departed from your wrist, you withdrew your own hand, backing off into the distance the two of you previously had. He turned to stand shoulder to shoulder with you now, not quite facing you, but not quite facing away, either. By no means did the man want to shut you out, but he couldn’t bring himself to open up just yet.
The brief silence was interrupted by a quick remark. “You better mean that, because I’m not opposed to cornering you like this again.”
Chilchuck snorted at your words. “Fine, fine, I heard you. Never let me catch a break, do you?”
No, not just yet.
It had hardly been two days since your talk, and the man was already admiring you while you slept like some kind of freak.
Lord, what were you doing to him?
He just couldn’t sleep, that’s what he said to himself as his eyes remained fixed on your face. In hindsight, he almost regrets letting you put your sleeping bag next to his. If you hadn’t, he wouldn’t have such an easy way to stare at you instead of sleeping like he was supposed to.
In the end, though, he supposed it was his fault. He had a harder time saying no to you, and he hated it.
More than that, he hated how vulnerable you were in this moment. So close to him, yet so at ease. Did you really trust him like you talked about? In truth, Chilchuck himself wasn’t sure if you should. Did you really know just how depraved and selfish he actually was?
I mean, if he really wanted to, he could do something horrible and you wouldn’t even know. Take advantage of this state, and do whatever he wanted.
He bet he could even get close enough to…
The half-foot turned over.
Not tonight.
Just after the party lost Falin, as well as Toshiro and Namari leaving as a result, Chilchuck asked to talk with you.
“You shouldn’t go looking for her. Especially not with us.”
You weren’t sure whether you were angry or just disappointed. Did he really not understand?
“I’ve already made up my mind, Chilchuck. You already know how I feel.” This response only seemed to further provoke your companion. With nobody else around to hear, he had no problem raising his voice at you.
“Oh, I know perfectly well!” When he pointed at you, his hand didn’t waver, trained perfectly on your form. “I know that you’re absolutely insane if you think this is in any way a good idea.”
Frustration started to overtake your face, and in turn you shouted back, “I don’t know why you always feel like caring about others and being insane is the same thing! It isn’t!”
“Don’t assume how I feel!” As you both shouted back and forth, you both slowly inched closer to one another, until eventually you were standing toe to toe. The pressure eventually got so intense that you could only collapse to your knees and plead,
“Then just tell me. Tell me, please. All I want is to know.”
Well, that was a quick way to make him feel like the biggest asshole on earth. You on your knees, asking him so simply for something that couldn’t be bought or sold. Asking for him.
I can’t, he wanted to say. He tried to force out the words, but he nearly choked, as if he was about to cry. Holding back that reaction, he tried his best to do what he knew you needed.
…He leveled with you and put a hand on your shoulder. It really was so hard to say no to you.
“Not yet, okay? I promise I will once this is all over, just… not yet. Wait for me, will you at least do that much?”
After a few moments of catching your own breath, you were able to look at his face again, your own now being blank and receptive. “Outside of the dungeon, you mean?”
He nodded. Your expression shifted to become more unsure, but only slightly.
“And how do I know you’ll come back?”
Perhaps just to give you a taste of your own medicine, Chilchuck grinned softly, deciding to throw your own words back in your face like you’d done to him.
“I thought you knew that you were always my favorite.”
All that and more, really. One day, he’d be able to tell you all about it.
six - after the dungeon
You’d often catch your lover slumped over at the counter of the shop after it closed. One of your favorite things to do was come up behind him and put your hands on his shoulders. Sometimes he’d be too lost in his thoughts to notice you and be startled by your sudden appearance. Tonight, however, he merely sighed and relaxed into your touch.
“Hard day today?” When he groaned in response, you had to suppress a giggle. That man really could be such a drama queen sometimes.
“How could you tell?” His question, unlike yours, was laced with sarcasm. Eventually, he lifted up his head and twisted his torso to look at you. “Had a fair amount of house calls today. Kahka Brud is a nice place to live and all, but I’d rather not be running around it at my age.”
“Yes, yes, you poor thing.”
“Hey!” His exclamation in conjunction with his pout sent you into a fit of hushed laughter.
Wiping a tear from your eye, you continued, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, just teasing. One of these days you really ought to hire someone else to split the workload. When Mei’s in the area, we can certainly ask you about it.”
Chilchuck acknowledged your advice with a hum, but didn’t respond, instead choosing to fully turn around and put his hands on your sides.
“Mhm, I’ll get to that later.” His voice slurred from tiredness. “Right now, I just missed you.”
Your lover’s blunt declarations of missing you never failed to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. In fact, you were about to return the sentiment in kind, but didn’t get the chance before the half-foot lurched his body forward to close the space between you.
His mouth was lax against yours, and his tongue lazily poked through the gap, not stretching the inside of your mouth, but merely resting as if it belonged there. It was a lazy kiss, but one full of warmth and a true sense of… home, really.
No mind was paid to the string of saliva left by him as you withdrew, all you could say being a quiet “I missed you too.”
After all, your faces didn’t stay apart for too long after that.
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appleblueberry-pie · 28 days
Hello! May I pretty please with sprinkles and chocolate on top request a soft, attention deprived yandere Satoru who wants nothing more than your attention, and affection? When you reject him, he literally starts to fall apart at the seams because he just can’t bring himself to force you into anything you don’t want to do.
This the second one today lol
hm. i need to learn to stop holding back in my writing
"I just.....I just don't think I'm ready to commit....to you." Satoru somehow had to box 1 million emotions crashing down on him. The feeling of his heart being torn into two, the feeling of anger, jealousy, confusion, sadness and mania just absolutely melting his mind. He had to shove all of these emotions into the little compartment called his heart and mask it all with general confusion. Confusion on why he couldn't be chosen? And it's worse that he knows exactly why.
"Oh.....well, that's okay. I know you're talking to that guy from earlier?" You give him a slightly awkward smile before it shifts into one of sympathy. He knows you care for him, but to love him...that's an entirely different thing. He gets it.
"Yeah, he is good for me. I'm glad you understand." He gives you a tired smile and nods with your words. "I'm flattered at your request, but maybe...not right now." Yeah, not ever. At least not with him around. He won't be here long, anyways. Better if you get your final thoughts of him out now.
"I love that you found someone, Y/n. You deserve it." Every word couldn't feel genuine, it was so fake scraping off of his tongue into your ears. He's surprised you haven't caught his lie yet. He watches you bashfully shrug at his words and his heart clenches in anger. So much anger, he has to take deep breaths. And even though they do absolutely nothing to the millions of fantasies of tearing that soulless human apart, the one second of your scent being caught in his nose does wonders to rid him of his pounding headache.
He doesn't say anything crazy when you shut the door after saying good night to each other, he doesn't do anything when he walks down your steps but he swears to himself the second he gets to the sidewalk that he will effortlessly make anyone who ruins his chance with you disappear from this planet without a second trace. That man doesn't deserve you. None of your ex's deserved you, fuck, your family doesn't deserve you either. No one understands you like he does. No one will ever reach the level of understanding he has of your entire life. He just....he just needs you so bad.
But he would never hurt you. He'll always be there when you need him. And if he has to get rid of Justin or Tyler or whatever that fuckface's name was just to get you even an inch closer to his general direction, then he'd take it. He'd take a grain of salt if you had even looked at it. He just needs you bad.
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rabbitbandit05 · 3 months
Head-canon: Mizu/Reader while on their Period
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First official post for BES fandom, thats exciting!
I have recieved a few requests and have started working on them, so those will be posted very very soon! Reminder that if you have a request to please either comment or to submit an ask on my page (anonymous is on if that matters).
Ok, now getting into the actual post: Im not sure why I wrote this, could be because I was on my own period and it seemed like a fun topic to cover since it isn’t always talked about. These are all my own personal head-canons and may differ from what others think, so take all of this with a grain of salt.
I feel like Im also not sure weather to use You when refering to you, the reader, or to use Y/N, so for my first post I kept it very general (I use reader in this post isntead of 'you' or 'Y/N'. please give me feedback on this and weather you would prefer me to use something different.)
Warnings: Mentions of Blood (duh), Mensuration, and NSFW
🚫Minors DNI!🚫
Mizu on her period: 
Her periods are irregular, mainly due to her inconsistent diet and stress she is usually under
But when they do come, she can usually handle them pretty well. She doesn’t mind the blood and the pain isn’t terrible either (considering the pain she has felt before)
It does bother her though that she is slightly limited in movement and has to wrap herself either 1.) very very well so that she doesn’t bleed through or 2.) rewrap herself every other hour, which is annoying and costly of time
She also hates that it’s an indicator of her gender and one wrong move could expose her
During the worse days of it, might just stay at an inn for the night rather than staying outside (if that’s an option)
Reader is particularly attentive during this time for Mizu and is doing anything to comfort her (even if on the outside she doesn’t show that she is in pain, reader still knows she must be) 
Reader heats up water, messages her tense shoulders, ect. Really anything to ease the pain (reader usually does this, but does it more so while Mizu is on her cycle)
Reader also helps to clean her wraps, since it would look suspicious if Mizu did it herself and wasn't injured. 
Reader on Their period:
Not gonna write too much for this section since everyone's periods are different and don't wanna generalize
When reader is on their period, Mizu is more attentive for sure, and more affectionate since she understands reader is struggling a bit
Might make sure to take longer breaks while traveling, so that reader has more time to gather and situate themselves 
Mizu gives lots of hugs and cuddles while reader is on their period, especially at night when everyone else is asleep
depending on weather reader is inclined to sex while on their period or not is up to readers interpretation 
If yes, then Mizu doesn’t mind fingering her partner while they are on their cycle
In fact, I think she rather likes it, considering the only other time there is blood on her hands is when someone has been killed or injured, or it’s her own blood- 
She finds it almost ironic that the same hands that have shed so much blood can also be covered in readers blood (for a good reason)-
I don’t think she would mind eating out reader either, not finding it disgusting at all
When Mizu is on her period, she doesn't mind being touched, but also doesn’t exactly initiate it 
She still views it as something to be ashamed of 
And just generally wants to ride it out before being sexual/ sexually involved with reader again (at least on her part) 
But I’d reader initiates it, then Mizu is happy to go along with it, though it’s still limited and mainly just cuddles 
Suggestions and feedback is appreciated! Thank you for reading!
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master-xochimilli · 8 months
◇ About + DNI ◇
Currently: Offline (Not answeing dms!!! Very slowly answering asks!!! I <3 being mentally ill!!! /s)
Asks closed !!! Inbox is way too fucking full lmao
Welcome to my blog~ My name is Xochimilli, though I'm sure some of you would be eager to call me Master or Sir
A 21 year old switchy vers genderqueer boygirl cat thing, It/He pronouns (yes capitalized :3)
My asks and dms are closed, because I'm a silly socially burnt out bitch
If you cannot handle different time zones and the fact others have work and responsibilities don't even bother. Asks will not be answered right away, please take situation/time sensitive asks with a grain of salt.
Time Zone: GMT -6 • Mexico City
♡ Pet
My pet is the lovely @onetiredpup, or 🫀 puppy who I lovee and adore so so soooo much 💛 THE BOYFRIEND YIPPPEE YAYY HOORAYY :3 💛💛💛💛💛 A A AAAAAA AA AAAAAAA KISSING HIM KISSING HER HUGGING THEM SO TIGHTLY
◇Anon Pets◇
•🪐 • 🩻 • 🦇 • 🪲 • 🐻 • 🐼 • ⚰️ • 🌱 • doe • 🧜‍♀️ • 🫧 • 🌻 • 👑 • 🦦 • 🌌 • 🥺 • 🤍 • 🐾 • 🍰 • 🍑 • 🪣 • 👑🖤 • 🍊 • 🍤 • 🐈‍⬛ • 🪷 • 🐞 • 🐬 • 🌟 • 🏩 • ✴️
◇ DNI ◇
Minors and ageless blogs fuck off, I will block you.
Typical DNI, dont be a bitch to others. Raceplay, and ED blogs also dni, for personal reasons, I can and will block anyone I want to, this is my safe space.
I also just reccomend not to interact if you just want the horny!!! I will rb anything n everything I want <3
◇ Kinks ◇ Limits under cut ◇
Impact play
Soft Degradation + Praise
Edging + Cum Denial
Free Use
CNC (emphasis on the consent)
Intox (only alcohol)
Royalty play
Pain/Physical Injury
Gore (will not post about it)
Cannibalism (will not post about it)
Apart from what is included in the DNI, do not offer to include these. I either don't enjoy them personally or can't do/write for them !!!
Use of the word "rape" in cnc (literally a fucking victim of it, me panicking and having flashbacks about over it will not be fun so stfu!!!)
Brat taming (I am too soft for it)
Weight gain/Loss + Feederism
Subby Xochi shit->
Some stuff about when I'm subby because holy shit a lot of similar asks about me being a subby kitty recently lmao, keep in mind I am very much soft when in a sub mindset
Petplay (kitty maybeee bunny), incredibly soft degradation, lots of praise, piss, somno, breeding, pregnancy, edging/cum denial, free use, alcohol intox, biting/marking, royalty play (i just wanna be a princess whose cared for), laction/milking, cockwarming, possesiveness, forcemasc, mommy/daddy
Terms I use
I literally don't give a shit what words you use for my body but I do enjoy enjoy having my general hole and cock area called princess parts and kitty parts when subby lol also my clit is my cock but like, my cock is my clit yknow?
My gender is cool, call me a good girl or princess, along with most masc terms!!! Kitty words also get my mind all WOAHS
Ummm, aaaa aa aaaaa fuck I don't know just writing about how I liked being refered to as "kitty" and "princess" gets me blushing LMAOOOO I am just babie fr, I literally cry when I cum,,, I just like being cared for and given sooo much attention and kind of spoiled and babied with lotssss of praise and words of affection,,, im dom for the horny but subby for the being cared for lmao,,, being subby lets me not worry about anything but being good so yayayayaaaa get me to just relax for once
Oki that's it, also if you are going to try to dom me, nice try but you'll probably fucking fail LMAOO I am so mentally ill I feel guilty subbing sometimes,,, also I probably need to feel hella safe with you because damn I get so emotional,,, okay that's it lol
My puppy's good boy chart ♡
Good boy chart for my lovely puppyyyyy, my sweet boyfriend @onetiredpup 💛 So so sooo excited for using it with him !!!! Will update it as they get stickers :3 so everyone can see what a good boy she is~
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based off @/droolypupboy's chart !!!!
◇ More:
I am literally just queer, in gender and sexuality, I am just a queer fuck !!!! My gender is just I am God, because I fucking am God. Because someone asked: I am kind of pretty sure I am monoamorous, I will engange in sexual play but no romantic stuff :3 -> have a boyfriebd. I have a boyfriend. Did I mention I have a boyfriend? I have a boyfriend and I love him I love my boyfriend with my whole being 💛 My boyfriend my beloved kissing her face right now actually because I love them and my blog is kinda obviously all about him lmao
Mostly a top dom, but really a nice switch vers at heart and would love switching it up if a person came along and put me in place like the soft kitty I am
Will be referred to as sir and master. Only my puppy darling can call me daddy.
All pet/master, d/s relations are for fun but I feel very strongly and I will care about you and probably count you as a close friend :3
Autistic and ADHD, and mentally ill, and chronically pained– Age regressor will always log out before regressing. Also a full time worker, don't fret if I don't answer right away~
Living in CDMX, long periods of silence are usually due to getting stuck in traffic or power outages, or when regressing.
◇Xochi is a real person I am not horny all the time lmao
A part time librarian! Head of the children's section of the library I work at, love taking care of kids and helping them get interested in reading. Also part time English teacher! Really just doing things I like nowdays~
I'm a pretty big softie at heart, expert crybaby, expert emotion feeler, expert at caring too much. I am also good at being dumb and laughing too much at stupid shit :3
I like stuff apart from masturbating and getting others horny~ Like drawing, Sky: Children of the Light, Sanrio (My Melody my beloved ♡), Percy Jackson, Artemis Fowl, Pretty Cure, plushies and cooking to name a few things I like, so don't be afraid to just talk about my interests! I'm not scary I promise :]
Understanding and open, don't like me being too rough? Go ahead and tell me— Will gladly compliment and comfort you, don't be shy! Also be a sweetheart and tell me if you get excited hm?
◇ Tags ◇
#xochimilli writes -> Orignal text posts
#xochimilli answers◇ -> Answering asks
#xochimilli comfort ->Only comfort more sfw
#xochimilli speaks ->Me bitching about stuff
#xochi is the breeding bitch -> Bottom/Sub POV writings
#important◇ -> important shit lmao
#☆lynn no mires☆ ->irl Xochi, audios and pictures
#🫀puppy-> For my love, my bf, my sweetheart, the one who fills my whole heart and my sunshine :3 ♡
#🫀💛 -> reblogs that make me think of them ♡
♱𝖋𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖔𝖙♱ <- matchy matchy for my bestie my beloved HOLAAA SEÑOR GACHA AAAAAAA
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mochiajclayne · 24 days
thoughts on sasusaku + sarada and their...family
Will start this out by stating that this is a combination of observation and analysis so take it with a grain of salt.
(If you like sasusaku/ss, this ain't for you so please do yourself a favor and scroll away.)
naruhina + boruto version.
This is definitely the most fucked up thing to ever come in fruition in the sequel and they weren't even justified in Gaiden. LMAO. 
Diving into this family's issue at hand, it's pretty much about Sasuke being an absent father and being away from his family for more than a decade--not to mention that Sasuke is able to freaking report to the Hokage but not even pay a visit to his family.
Gaiden was pretty much good at covering the topic already but let's break down how dysfunctional it is:
The lack of evidence signified about Sasuke and Sakura being married. We see pictures of Sakura and Sarada at important moments of her life but not a single wedding photo. Sarada pretty much asking Sakura if she's really Sasuke's wife is valid because she won't doubt from the beginning if there was telltale evidence supporting that information. There isn't.
The "family" photo. Sasuke was roughly seventeen in that photo, not to mention it's next to Sakura who is in her 30s at that point. Isn't it strange? No updated photo since they got married? What's fucked up is that she had to cover up the rest of Taka behind that photo. That raised more questions, specifically, Sarada asking who those people are and who is the one wearing glasses like she does.
And, yeah. The glasses thing. It was a simple yes or no question. Sakura saying that she doesn't know is inane because they had spent time as Team 7 in the past, not to mention the sporadic moment they see each other (Orochimaru's hideout, that bridge where she tried to kill him but failed), and during the war. I don't know where she's looking but Sasuke hasn't worn glasses at all and if she can't answer that simple question, that says more about her. Anyway, that fed the idea that she doesn't know a single thing about her husband at all and Sarada notices this. Naruto who was able to say information about Sasuke unprompted, pretty much what Sarada needed to hear--yeah, I know. Shocker.
Sasuke's first meeting with Sarada. I've seen enough takes about him being an absent father. I'm not disagreeing with that. However, I present another perspective: Sasuke doesn't even know what his daughter looks like even though it's been shown that he was in Konoha at the time that Naruto is already Hokage (which would mean Sarada would be around seven or eight years old) and Sakura is in that same room, too. You're telling me that she couldn't have at least fucking introduce Sarada and Sasuke to each other? It's easy to shift the blame to the absent father because he simply isn't there but when Sakura, who knows the mission and with uncertainties on its duration, couldn't have made the initiative to simply give the kid an assurance that yeah, this is your dad, he exists and to Sasuke, she's Sarada and she's seven and she wears glasses. If making them meet is too much, at least a fucking photo would suffice it. But no. Nothing of the sort coming from Sakura. Why? Because she's okay with Sasuke being absent. She doesn't see any issue with it.
Communication. This is a controversial take and I will keep it simple. If Naruto and Sasuke can communicate and contact each other, what's stopping Sakura from reaching out to Sasuke? Isn't she his wife? She could literally write her own letter and send it alongside Naruto's but no efforts had been made on that. This is the benefit of the doubt but if Sakura at least reached out, then it's up to Sasuke to either intentionally ignore that or respond to her. My point here is initiative--it has been shown time and time again that she can do that, we've seen instances of it in the prequel. Did she stop because she finally got what she wants and is content with whatever crumbs she could hold on to? 
Sarada's birth. The sketchiest of them all. Some people wrote excellent analysis on this so please do check them out. My two cents on this is Orochimaru discussing cloning to Naruto and pretty much piquing Sarada's curiosity about the concept (which later on led to DNA testing as courtesy of Suigetsu). Sasuke pretty much reacted this way:
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Usually, ellipsis in media is used when the character is pondering/thinking about something. It also represents speechlessness or a pause. Now tell me, if Sarada's birth isn't sketchy and was in some sort of way, normal, why did Sasuke casted that wayward side glance? The entirety of Gaiden as well as this page was meant to make the readers question Sarada's conception. For a backstory, Kishimoto sure left more questions than answers.
Everything is unconventional like Sakura not keeping the umbilical cord and Karin has it instead, no records at Konoha Hospital when Sakura works there and can coordinate with the proper department/s to handle paperworks, traveling while pregnant (ma'am you are a medic-nin, make it make sense), etc. I will leave this as it is, again, it has been discussed extensively by various blogs here.
In conclusion, even in adulthood, Naruto and Sasuke knows each other best. They become expert parents (at least) around each other's kids. In a fucked up way, I think it's a silent cry for help aka look I'm good with your kid and we could've been good parents together but we were forced into these marriages.
Sasusaku ended up canon but it still doesn't change the fact that Sakura knows little to nothing about Sasuke to the point that Sarada picked up on that and even threw it at her face. At the end of the day, Naruto remained as the one and only that knows Sasuke's heart best.
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lunarw0rks · 11 months
My name is also technically Rachel but I was curious can I pretty please get a Price nsfw alphabet 😘😘
NSFW Alphabet | John Price
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A/N: thx for the request! my first time writing for price, so I hope it's not OOC. It's all my opinion anyway, so take it with a grain of salt.
Warning(s): explicit content (18+), smut, GN!Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
꒦꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒷꒦ PRICE MASTERLIST // have a request? ⋆ ⚘ 🕊 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ ao3 ver.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Literal king at aftercare. You wouldn’t be allowed to move a muscle afterwards, you’re staying there until he tends/cleans you. Prob. says something like “not a chance, love. Stay right here.” Getting some water, using a towel to clean up the mess, stripping the sheets, helping his partner redress, etc.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite part of himself; his mustache, thinks it looks sexy. A second would be his broad shoulders—toned and perfect for some manhandling (wink wonk)
On a partner: definitely a boobs/chest man, whether his partner is masc/fem, he always catches his eyes glued there. How it’s perfectly unique to his partners’ body type, definitely a favorite of his.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I don’t think he cares too much where he does it, but as referenced in “K”, if he can finish inside that’s his favorite. Other than that, he would prefer the face or stomach, how it's slightly degrading… But he finds it very hot.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
(Debated on putting this in “Kinks”, but I think it’s more of a dirty secret.)
It’s not something he does often, but thoroughly enjoys when he does.
Manhandling—using his strength and stamina as a way to throw his partner around, especially if there is a size difference, and even if there isn’t. His grip is like iron, so good luck trying to fight it. Still somehow being gentle and caring with words, all while he has a tight grip on their jaw or neck, forcing them into whatever position he pleases (w/ prior consent, obviously)
A small hint of this, something his S/O would experience often; lifting his partner up with ease. On his desk, against the wall, or even just holding them up as he fucks them.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he’s quite experienced, especially at understanding his partner's needs. Each of his sexual partners have been different in their own way, some with different desires as well as just maturing—POINT IS, he’s very good at reading the situation and making it enjoyable for both people.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy, but prefers if his partner is bent over something and he’s still standing. It allows him to use his whole body, as well as cage them in with his fame, pressing his stomach to their back, kissing along the side of their neck and shoulders—also while whispering dirty talk/and a fair amount of praise the whole time.
Sixty-nine, because he can lay back, while he and his partner both get something out of it. It’s the perfect position for him, because it's a combo of his two favorite things—eating out his S/O, all while getting head.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Quite serious, but not because he’s being uptight—he’s just focused on pleasuring his partner and himself. Though, if things were more intimate and soft, I can see him cracking a few jokes every now and then. If he’s making his partner moan, all while laughing at one of his jokes? He’ll love it, because he knows he’s doing something right.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
On a partner? Literally couldn’t care less, most likely would find the bush extremely attractive—shows his S/O in their natural state. If they preferred to wax or shave themselves, he would take notice of the effort and love it just as much. (Definitely would pay for any pampering/spa days for his S/O)
On himself? He’s well groomed, but not shaved or waxed down there. He maintains it regularly (most likely just trimming), probably on the same days he shaves.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
VERY INTIMATE; intertwining fingers, peppering kisses along his favorite parts of them, giving feedback and praising during. Sure, if his partner wanted the experience rougher, or if it's a quickie, he would keep things more simple and follow through with the mood.
But, he seems like he wants sex to be meaningful and tender. Afterall, he’s doing the deed with someone he can’t guarantee coming home to every day. I would imagine he’s especially lovey when there’s been time apart, like deployment, or both are too tired and held off for awhile, etc.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
For him, it’s 50/50.
Sometimes, he barely finds the need or time to masturbate—he’s often too busy and stressed for it. Besides, he wants to save himself for his partner and release that tension with them.
Then, on the other hand, he finds himself doing it daily. Seems like the type to do it strictly in bed though, probably in the morning before he gets ready.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Rank kink: I feel like this one is a given. But this seems like the type of kink he doesn’t know he likes, until his partner initiates. All day, he’s forced to be stern and serious. So, if one day, his partner called “Sir” or “Captain” during sex, he would absolutely love it—using his rank to his advantage on his S/O.
Breeding kink: LISTEN. He would never force his partner, always would ask before finishing, usually finishing on the stomach or back. But if they allowed him to finish inside, or not use protection—it’s game on, he finds it so arousing—watching it drip out and down their thighs afterwards. Not to mention, with his salary, children wouldn’t be out of the question for him, so take that with a grain of salt.
Praise kink: He feeds on praise—needing to make his partner as comfortable as possible. Loves feedback from his partner almost as much as he loves giving it. He’s constantly vocalizing things, how well they’re doing, some dirty talk occasionally.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Price seems like he’d be quite old fashioned—bed, couch, sometimes the kitchen. And on the off chance his S/O sees him at work, probably his office quite often, since he practically lives there.
Bed: allows things to be more intimate and comfortable, which he’s a sucker for. Being in the comfort of his home, feeling secure with one another in the bed, allowing things to feel more personal and meaningful.
Couch: if the act is more laidback, such as a casual quickie, or relieving him after a long day. Watching a movie/show while lazily riding him, or he’s under the blanket using his hands, while he’s acting as if nothing is happening.
Kitchen: very personal and homey setting, especially if his S/O is making a meal and he approaches from behind, wrapping his arms around them, giving husky, subtle hints in their ear. BONUS; if his S/O comes up behind him when he’s cooking, holding his waist—he’s kneeling before them in seconds.
Office: using all of the advantages that come with a private office and large desk. Enjoys bending his S/O over the desk, or oral while they’re sitting on it. DEF THE TYPE TO shove all his papers off to clear it, all while not breaking the kiss. Also feeds into his rank kink, let’s be honest here ;)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
If his partner is vocal during, showing him how well he’s doing—especially, if they use their words to tell him—he’ll literally melt.
His partner gets dressed up for him (makeup/hair/clothes)? He’ll secretly want to ruin it by fucking them.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don’t think he’d enjoy full non-con, maybe some elements of it, but even thinking of doing that to his partner… He wouldn’t like it. You want him to be slightly commanding and rough? He’s game. But, for him to enjoy himself, he has to know his partner is safe.
Possibly odd headcanon? But I don’t picture him being into spitting, in terms of his partner. Just don’t see him doing it to be degrading, or at all really. He comes well prepared if he knows he’s going to have sex, so spit as lube wouldn’t be necessary either.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving: He’s experienced sexually, so I get the feel that he would be very strategic with it. Not overly rough or quick, but the perfect equilibrium. Moderate, deliberate tongue movements until his partner finished—and then another round of it, just for good measure (¬‿¬ )
Receiving: He tries to act like it’s not something he needs, and he wouldn’t force his partner. However, he seems like the type to thoroughly enjoy getting head. One hand on the back of his S/O’s head, protecting it, while the other is behind his head in a relaxed fashion. Receiving oral is probably one of the few things he’s actually moaning during.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s a mix of slow and fast.
Rough vs. sensual? That would depend on the mood of the night, and what his partner wants. Across the board, it would be deliberate, but quick thrusts. Then, after a few, he would hold himself there for a few seconds, before continuing that motion.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
As much as he wants to take his time, quickies would be common, considering his high rank. As referenced in “L”, his office would be a hotspot.
Personal headcanon for this letter? He enjoys lazy sex—slow, laidback quickies when he’s too tired, but doesn’t want to leave his partner hot and bothered.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He would experiment, but only if his partner was really adamant about it. He’s more old-fashioned, stuck in his ways if you will—so you’d probably have to straight up tell him what you want for him to understand.
Risks? Weirdly enough, I think he would. At work, he’s high up enough in the ranks, that people know not to disturb him in his office unless it's urgent. Yet, he’d still enjoy the thrill of it. If it’s in the context of public sex, I think he would be hesitant.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He wouldn’t do multiple “rounds” per se, but during the act, he would make it last a while. He would make sure there wasn’t a need for another round, because his partner would be satisfied by the end of it.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any toys, but has other things (lube/protection/etc.)
If his partner wanted to use them, he would at the very least attempt it. For example, if he wanted things more vanilla, he would be willing to find a compromise—a toy you can both agree upon. He prefers things with just his body and theirs, probably an ego boost to make them finish like that, too.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
With how patient he is, I think he could keep up the teasing for quite awhile—if he and his S/O had the time to do so, or if that’s something they enjoy.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He would probably be quite vocal, but more so with his words than moans. Often it’s small grunts and deep, heavy breathing throughout.
Constant reassurance and praise to his partner, telling them how good they’re doing, using their favorite pet names, etc…
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
You want something? What’s he getting for it?
(W/ prior consent) Plays up the role of buying his partner things, spoiling them, and then getting something sexual in return. Besides, if he can’t be with you 24/7, expect some money wired to you—then a cocky message, telling you to buy something sexy for him.
… if he buys a clothing piece for you, he buys two so he can rip one of them off ;)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He gives the vibes of someone with a sleeper build. Yes, he’s buff and burly, but doesn’t look like someone with that amount of strength. A dad-bod in the making, all while he has chest hair leading to his happy trail.
No abs, but he’s toned on his shoulders and biceps the most.
As for… his parts: he’s above average, but not so much it's ridiculous. He gives the vibes of a grower, about 4 inches when soft, but 6.5 when hard. And slightly thick, about 2.5 inches thick.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
When he’s away for several months—very high. Honestly is surprisingly needy, but hides it well by keeping a poker face. He’s not the type to straight up ask, he would hint with his actions; hands roaming a little longer than usual, kissing along his partner’s jaw and neck, suddenly being really lovey before bedtime, etc.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He would fall asleep so fast after aftercare and all that. If he was truly exhausted, there might not be a lot of it, which is rare for him. But can you really blame him? He’s so stressed and busy at work all the time. Would definitely apologize if he rushed to sleep after, though.
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arandomaewblog · 5 months
this is my first time posting anything in the AEW fandom so please be nice! this is also just me trying to not lose my mind while being around my family for the next three days so if it's not good I blame it on that
basically this is a situation in which you've been friends with the AEW roster for so long that even though you're not a wrestler yourself you still get invited to hang out with them or whatever; I'm trying really hard not to overthink the plot because if I do that I'm never gonna write anything so just like take it with a grain of salt and tilt your head and squint or whatever
I'm rambling so here's you and Hook making out in a closet. enjoy.
"Name of the game is Seven Minutes in Heaven!"
Everyone in the room groans.
"Stop trying to get everyone to make out, Max!" Bowens shouts, but Max ignores him.
"It's not me!" he swears, holding his hands up in front of himself defensively. "It's all up to the bottle!" Max gestures to the empty Tito's bottle in the middle of the table. Bowens just rolls his eyes and lets it happen.
You start by just watching everyone else play - some of the pairings are ridiculous and would probably be do-overs if Max wasn't in charge, but he is, so there are no do-overs. Whoever the bottle lands on is who it lands on. No exceptions.
It's fine and fun and you're having a great time until it's your turn and the bottle ends up pointing at the guy you've had a crush on for months but haven't really spoken to all that much because he keeps to himself most of the time: Hook.
"Shit," you say to yourself, knowing nobody else in the room could have possibly heard it because Max is YELLING, all but shoving you and Hook into the closet himself. (Well, he tries guiding Hook, but Hook snatches his arm away and turns to face Max so fast that Max immediately takes his hand off and backs up a couple steps.) You open the door and step in, thankful that it's more of a walk-in closet situation so you have more room to back up and let Hook in after you. The doors must have some sort of soundproofing on them, or just be really thick, because when the door closes behind him, it's almost completely silent. You don't know what to do, mostly because being this close to the man you've been crushing on for months is...overwhelming, to say the least.
"So, uh..." Hook starts, his voice softer than you were anticipating, "what do you wanna do?" He looks up at you, hood still up and hair all in his face like normal, and fuck so handsome.
Not freak out and make you think I'm a weirdo, you think, but say something completely different and totally unexpected, even to yourself: "Can I say something?"
He nods.
You take a deep breath. "I know we don't know each other that well because we never really talk but I've had the biggest crush on you for months now and I don't know if you're that kind of guy, we can definitely talk about it later if you want, but all I want right now is for you to grab my face and kiss me until neither of us can breathe and I forget about all the people out there."
It's dark in the closet, so you have no idea what expression Hook has on his face right now, but he doesn't say anything right away. You're about to backtrack when he speaks.
"Too many people for you, too?"
His answer catches you by surprise, but it makes sense that he'd also be overwhelmed by it all. "Yeah," you say, softly, and you gasp when he steps into your space, your faces so close but still so far away.
"You wanna forget about 'em?" he asks, softly taking hold of your chin and tilting your head to look at him. All you can do is nod and try not to buckle at the knees when he cups your jaw and moves in closer.
"Let me help."
Thinking back on it later, you were expecting him to kiss like he fights: methodical, calculating, always three steps ahead of his competitor - but it's the exact opposite. He's methodical and almost cautious, yeah, but there's an uncertainty in the way he leans in, a small gasp of surprise when his lips finally meet yours, something that feels like relief when you start kissing him back.
Honestly? It's better than you'd imagined, and boy have you imagined it a lot. His lips are soft, his hands gentle, one holding your jaw and the other slipping around to your lower back. It starts as little individual kisses, and you'd be cool if it stayed that way for the whole time but something happens that makes you gasp, which leads to Hook softly biting into your bottom lip, and at that point all bets are off. The mild sting makes you groan, which makes Hook chuckle, a rumble deep in his chest like he's amused.
"Oh, you like that?" he asks teasingly, and again, all you can do is nod.
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not-handsome-enough · 2 months
Alright before I do anything take this with a grain of salt, cause it’s probably a continuity error / can be easily explained away BUT if you all would like to hold onto some hope please just hear me out. And also it offers a question for yall.
Alright! So!
On twitter someone had asked Brendon and Gene about Murmaider III and its placement on Dethalbum IV ( which btw shoutout to Gene’s wife that was brilliant ) and Brendon had mentioned that what sets 3 apart from the other two was that it was more dreamlike, and that it was made AFTER Army of the Doomstar. Now since Brendon and Gene weren’t the ones to make the order on the Album we can’t set a timeline for the songs ( though they are set in Brutal to Dreamlike order once again shoutout to Genes wife you goddess ) we can at least say that some songs were made post Army. In fact we could also make some assumptions about what songs were made DURING army. So I’ll separate that list here.
NOTE : YALL DONT NEED TO READ THIS PART THIS IS JUST ME RUNNING WITH “ some songs were made post AOTD which ones could they be teehee “ JUST KNOW MURMAIDER AND SOS WERE AFTER KUBBLER DIED OK SORRy I’m not deleting that whole thing I like it
Songs with “ * “ are canon, the rest are personal interpretation.
* Aortic Desecration ( the first song of salvation but obviously not )
* SOS ( song of salvation )
Gardener of Vengeance ( Nathan directly references this during the scene where he confides in the band and Knubbler that he doesn’t write songs about hope and he’s just doing what he knows. I believe he wrote and recorded this but felt it wasn’t good enough to be the song of salvation and moved on. HOWEVER the language he used could place this as post AOTD because it sounds more like a thrown out there example kinda like how he figured out SOS in the cave )
Poisoned By Food ( Again I think this is a scrapped song of salvation since besides the actual poisoning of food a lot of the imagery feels like the what the metalocalypse was described like )
BLOODBATH ( guess what another scrapped song of salvation. This one feels like a ‘you don’t scare me I’m going to confidently stop you because if I go down you go down with me’ song. Also it could be Nathan trying to reach out to Magnus since he was one of the people on his list. Also quick note I’m going song by song so I don’t know if I’ll notice if any other songs would reflect the list I just got out of work so I’m not gonna catch it all rn )
Horse of Fire ( this is tricky because lyrics like star still blazing allude to this being written before aortic desecration but also Nathan didn’t have the talk with the whale until the deadline came up in which he had to go with aortic desecration <he wouldn’t have had time to write about the fist or the hand.> But the lyrics don’t have the <we should reach out to the fans> revelation that SOS has. Maybe this was a draft for SOS but I think once Nathan figured out what SOS was meant to be it just came to him naturally. I’m not sure. HOWEVER since the doomstar is referred to as a star that is still blazing and not a portal that’s been destroyed it’s safe to say this is not post AOTD. Either way this is an important song to keep in mind if you look at this speculating )
* Murmaider III ( stated by Brendon Small in the interview. He said he feels that the boys would have written this after AOTD and based off of interviews he’s had in the past about his songwriting process it’s hard to not take this as canon so. )
DEADFACE ( I think this is post because while the song plays during the movie only Skwisgaar knew about the possession so the lyrics wouldn’t quite make sense yet. It’s a tricky placement but I can see Skwisgaar playing around with it since he does play the notes during the movie )
Mutilation on a Saturday Night ( this feels so much like a we survived so now we’re gonna party song I can’t see Nathan Skwisgaar or Pickles make an argument for this being a Song of Salvation. Also all the fucked up shit they talk about references what happened during the metalocalypse but it’s spoken in past tense like a ‘hey we fucked shit up but we fixed it so now we’re just gonna keep fucking around haha’)
I am The Beast ( simply cause I don’t see this as something Nathan would write during AOTD but the ‘ I am a beast this is my domain and when I speak you scream my name ‘ could work as a salvation line but it feels too much like a Mutilation Saturday Night ‘I can write whatever I want cause I lived and I’m not gonna hold back’ vibe )
Satellite Bleeding ( this feels like the first song they would have written and recorded after the doomstar died. Kinda like watching the sky clear up after a storm. )
Now despite me rambling on about this I would like to draw attention to what’s canon. Specifically SOS and Murmaider III. These songs came out after Knubbler died. Yet Dethalbum IV credits Knubbler for production.
Drawing your attention to how crediting in the Dethalbum works, each album has a little section for Dethklok to get musical credits and thank whoever and whatever. There’s also production credit and location credit. On ALL of the Dethalbums Knubbler is credited as producer. Cause he’s the producer makes sense yeayeyaeyah. But whenever there’s a change in location or production, there’s additional credits.
ANOTHER NOTE: I DONT HAVE THE KLOK OPERA CD I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE CREDITING SYSTEM LOOKS LIKE ON THERE but if someone happens to be selling that cd outside of eBay please let me know
Let’s look at them.
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Dethalbum I ^
Shit ton of credits right, and on the other page which I didn’t take a picture of and can’t because I’m not home at the moment there’s credit to Snakes N Barrels for “Kill You” with each member listed. Take note that songs that are considered exceptions are credited differently and locations not at Mordhaus are credited.
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I lied I have the other page. For those without the dethalbum cds the actual credits are usually on another page and “Kill You” got mixed in with it
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Dethalbum II
Hey Knubbies gets to thank someone this time! Anyways once again Knubbler is credited for production, but also Dethklok. Keep this in mind. Also the fact that different location credited for Murmaider II but it’s recorded at Mordhaus
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Dethalbum III
Knubbler credit AND Abigail credit along with Dethklok AND once again location credit is Mordhaus and another fuckass place. Only thing that’s not really credited is Magnus with The Hammer but idk if he was like Toki and William where they play the songs but don’t really write or if he actually wrote The Hammer. I’m not a HammerHead, I’ve seen people interpret him as both, but at the end of the day idrk.
So what about Dethalbum IV
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Knubbler is credited. At Deus Keep. Only Knubbler. Only at Deus Keep. “But he’s not credited as a Producer” True! If the album was released in universe it would probably be a producer credit. Especially since Brendon and Ulrich have Producer credit on the page prior. Maybe it’s because Knubbler didn’t make it to the final production stage. Or maybe he’s staying hidden undercover..
Remember earlier. He canonically was not around for two of these songs on this album. He could not have recorded OR mixed SOS or Murmaider III. Even if you don’t fully think that Murmaider III was made Post AOTD, SOS was done post Knubbler death. Hell, the song was dedicated to him by William! But there’s no separate credit for SOS.
If we went on the same basis as previous albums SOS would have been credited to that part of Norway where they traveled to that I forgot the name of and I’m not gonna look up but you get the point. Or even Dethklok would have been credited as production. I could also say something about how Murmaider III wasn’t recorded in the Mariana Trench and how the whale isn’t calling to Nathan anymore but that’s for another day. Right now though, it’s just Knubbler. Just Knubbler and Deus Keep.
Which leads to 3 possibilities.
Knubbler Lives: Knubbler survived ( the flashing things on the ground were teleporters ) and Deus Keep is rebuilt. To celebrate their survival they make Dethalbum IV but don’t release it
Knubbler Died: The band recorded the last few songs on the album at the remains of Deus Keep. Knubblers presets aren’t changed so credit remains to him. Once again not releasing it.
It’s not an album: Dethalbum IV doesn’t exist in universe. That’s why there’s no producer credit. That’s why Nathan doesn’t thank the klokateers ( he thanks the army of the doomstar which is just him thanking fans ). Dethklok recording it post AOTD is more to do with how Brendon records dethalbums than in universe writing.
I like to think that this is just an unreleased album in universe since the record label is more than likely destroyed, but it has the possibility of releasing one day if society is rebuilt to what it once was. But it really depends on if you think the album is canon to the universe. Cause there’s no Mordhaus credit on Dethalbum IV and there’s no way for SOS to have been recorded at Deus Keep and blablabla
something fun to think about tho yk?
TLDR: two songs on dethalbum IV were made after Knubbler death yet the credit doesn’t change for him in the dethalbum so there’s a chance that he recorded and mixed those songs cause he is alive and well horray
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thewritetofreespeech · 6 months
Hi! Idk if you write for him, but if you do can you please write something fluffy with Apollo comforting and reassuring his S/O that they are beautiful? 💖
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It was hard sometimes, being Apollo’s lover.
Though you loved the man dearly, and knew there was more to him than just the flash he portrayed, it was hard to be standing next to someone who was shining all of the time. Particularly now.
“Oh Apollo! How wonderful to see you! Are you enjoying the festival??”
“Oh yes Hebe! Any opportunity for everyone to get together and look their best is a treat I always enjoy.” He replied with a bright smile.
To which Hebe (and any other goddess within an eye line of sight) gushed and cooed. “Oh wonderful! It’s a shame you have to be here alone though.”
“I’m not alone. You all are here! And, [Y/N] is with me.”
“Hello Hebe.”
The goddess’s face instantly fell into a look of sour grapes as she seemed to remember you were there. “Oh, yes, hello [Y/N]. I hope you are enjoying the party as well.” He voice couldn’t have been flatter if she were crushed by a stone. “Apollo! Would you mind playing something for us later? As the God of music & song, it would be an honor to hear you perform.”
“It would be my pleasure!”
The girls all gush again and squeal at the thought of a private concert from their favorite, beautiful God. And you had had enough. “I’m going to go home.”
You sat your wine down and make way for the exit. Not making it far before Apollo caught up to you in the corridor. “What’s wrong [Y/N]? Are you feeling ill?”
“Not ill. Sick.” You told him. “Sick of always being overlooked and ignored by your fans. Sick of always being forgotten because you are always so blinding.”
“Oh. Yes, my beauty does have that affect on people.” He agreed with a nod. Not helping his cause at all. “But, so does yours my love. Your beauty is blinding to me. Those others, my ‘fans’ as you call them, they are just faceless pillars of marble to me when you are around. I barely notice them as I am so taken by your beauty.”
“Really?” You ask cautiously. You know you should perhaps take his words with a grain of salt. He was the God of Poetry as well after all, and maybe he just didn’t want to get in trouble.
But looking at his beautiful, smiling face, you know that Apollo had no guile on this. You know he would never lie about someone’s beauty. “Really. Now, please stay. I won’t be able to perform without my muse. You may not like my fans, but it would be cruel to deny them the beauty of my song.”
“Well….alright. We can stay a little longer.”
“Wonderful!” He cheered. Grabbing your hand and dragging you back to the party.
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indieyuugure · 9 months
so i’m indie tmnt.. about leo and karai.. how’s that work?
So in Indie TMNT, Leo and Karai are what you could call “a couple” and while in the beginning that’s much more of a correct term, they mellow out as more of a super fighting duo that enjoys each other’s company.
Leo is the first to notice Karai and develop a crush, though he knows that it’s weird and he’s very shy about it. He does nice things for her and will cover for her even when he shouldn’t.
Karai in the beginning doesn’t have any feelings about him, negative or positive, he’s just another guy Shredder rants about at dinner. The Shredder, however, sees the potential for getting close to the turtles via Leo’s crush and she and him concoct a plan to play Leo. Unfortunately though, Karai actually ends up liking him back. They have many common interests, she thinks he’s funny and they naturally get along very well. So then Karai is caught between a rock and a hard place having to play double agent for both Leo and the Shredder.
During the invasion, Karai’s loyalties are really put in jeopardy as the Shredder is giving her direct commands and Leo is standing right there. Though Leo ends up thinking she chose to side with the Shredder—which he accepts and respects since he would do the same for his father, though he’s still kinda heart broken—Karai actually saved his life. I won’t spoil how, but she does in her typical sly manner.
Afterwards they make up and explain what happened. As time goes on, Leo’s teen crush kind of mellows into more of a close friendship and same with Karai. They’re both aware that their relationship won’t go anywhere and they’re okay with that, so they both decide that their relationship will end up being more like a friendship than a romance.
I hope this makes any amount of sense. I’m basing their relationship off of a couple I know in real life so it feels more natural. I do this with all relationships I write, for instance, April & Casey and Raph & Mona are based off stories I’ve heard of my parents as teenagers/young adults.
I think this is the most delicate relationship of all to deal with since it has a very bad reputation—no thanks to 2012–and can often come off as weird. The objective of Indie TMNT is to recreate and master everything in the TMNT universe and consolidate it into one iteration.
I think I want something more similar to the 87 Leo and Lotus which is very cute(in my opinion). I think people often take these relationships too seriously and forget the fact that the turtles are 15-16. All of the “romantic” relationships in my tmnt are very pure hearted “hey, I like you being here” sort of relationships.
PLEASE NOTE: a lot of this could end up changing because of plot reasons, so don’t take this as exactly what will happen to the letter. This is a vague idea that I currently have jotted down, so take this with a grain of salt and thank you for your understanding.
Good question! :]
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thechekhov · 11 months
Drinking Anon here.
This is what I was talking about, the Nomiai: https://www.nomunication.jp/japans-business-drinking-culture/
I knew it was more of a Japanese business 'ideal' tradition. I was just wondering if it extended to school teachers. The idea that you "HAVE" to go drinking if invited otherwise its an affront to someone's honor.
....alright, having looked at the website, here is my critical analysis of this:
This guy, Whiskey Richard, who 'has been exploring the Tokyo cocktail scene since 2008' may have a basis for what he's saying but please keep in mind the following:
He's in Tokyo, where the drinking scene AND business is larger comparably, and it's easier to find drinking buddies and older colleagues who may want to pressure you to go
He has clearly made a business of explaining 'Japanese drinking culture'. His main site is about advertising distilleries and reviewing them. He didn't write this article only because he wanted to Share The Deep Japanese Lore with foreigners. He's angling for a specific type of feeling. A feeling that helps buy what he's selling.
With all that in mind and our reasonably angled Skeptic hat cocked (a hat you should always have on, btw, so long as it is not glued to your head) let's review the rest of it.
Does Japan have a culture of drinking with coworkers? Yes.
Are nomikai a unique event that has a specific structure different to a standard 'out with the lads for a few beers' type scenario? Yes, absolutely. It's a more structural event.
Do Japanese businessmen take advantage of a more casual environment like a bar or izakaya to suss out who is a genuine person and who might be a pain to work with?
I believe yes. This is not a far stone to throw.
Are you going to be affronting someone's 'honor' by refusing to go drinking with them?
Absolutely fucking not. And if they think so, they're a shitnugget.
It also should be noted that the author correctly writes that this is specifically a salaryman business thing rather than something that affects all areas of the workplace. He does start with 'If you're in Tokyo on business...' after all.
Sure, your business partner may invite you to go drinking with them to try to get an idea for your non-professional side. That's no different than someone inviting you to a business lunch. I think the business side of things is more important here than the alcohol element, though. The point is that if you're in a foreign country and someone invites you to join them in a social event that takes place in a traditional restaurant, turning down the invite may indicate that you're not really that invested in the relationship.
And most people will reasonably understand if you have a real excuse, or don't really drink. Especially these days. Hell, I work in a Japanese office and I get invited to nomikai and often turn the invitation down because I have an hour drive back home and no way of getting back if I'm drunk. And I've never gotten flack for it, nor has anyone ever suggested I've dishonored them for it. If I was seeking new employment and was invited out for drinks, I might try to make that happen, if only to satisfy the social request to meet up. ...I also enjoy a drink every now and then.
Like I said, the article in question isn't necessarily wrong... but I think it goes a little too hard, digesting every single detail and milking it for all the 'mysticism' it's got instead of presenting it through a reasonably comparable lens of Western drinking culture.
All I'm saying is... look if I had a potluck catering company and I needed to sell my stuff to Japanese people in the US, you bet your ass I'd make a site about how Sacred the potluck is to the Americans and how important it is to bring The Correct Thing. So I respect the hustle. But I think anything about The Complete and Utter Uniqueness of Japan should be taken with a grain of salt.
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meowmeow-motherfucker · 5 months
Covenant- Chapter 7
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Summary: With the five year anniversary of the attack on New York approaching, Odin and Fury come to the agreement that an arranged marriage between Asgard and Earth would show good faith toward all future interactions. When Odin refuses Jane’s candidacy, Agent Coulson is tasked with finding a suitable wife for the prince of Asgard.
Pairing: Loki x OFC
Chapter warnings: Claire being a badass, imposter syndrome, mutual pining, tooth rotting fluff, feelings, FIRST KISS!! There's also vague mentions of the former laughingstock of a US president (if you know, you know). He is not mentioned by name because I refuse to put his name in any of my work, but he is his usual "charming" self and no one likes him. All opinions spoken by Claire and Loki are my opinions and also fact, but I'm not trying to end up on an FBI watch list so take everything with a grain of salt. Also, do not come at me with political commentary, I'm literally just trying to have a good time and write y'all an entertaining story.
Read it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51197938/chapters/129363727
Taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @gigglingtiggerv2 @icytrickster17 @mysteriouslyfriedjellyfish @lokislilkitten @justjoanne242 @amlocked @ddmariegirl @mags-04-blog @sharris8 @meepycheep @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @the-fantasy-loving-angel @jaidenhawke @smolvenger
Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist! Thanks for coming along on this journey with me!
Four days until the wedding
The next morning, Claire was hating life. The mead, like the wine, was delicious, but good grief did it pack a punch. Claire trudged her way to the bathroom, barely keeping her eyes open as Ragna helped her clean up and dress, and would have flopped on the couch if not for the nausea.
Instead, she was doing her best impression of a corpse until she had no choice but to leave in order to get breakfast.
Loki was already there when she dragged her sorry ass into the great hall, giving her a knowing smile when she dropped into her seat beside him.
“I did warn you-”
“Don’t-” Claire grimaced, waving his smug face away. Her head began to throb from the loud commotion in the great hall, and she cradled her head, her eyes falling closed in relief. “Oh god, I’m gonna die.”
“You won’t die,” Loki chuckled as he flagged down a servant to bring her wine. “Have some wine, it will help.”
“Not if I barf it up!” Claire whined.
“Humor me, won’t you?”
“Ugh, fine, I’ll do it for you,” Claire accepted the wine and swallowed a mouthful, groaning as her stomach complained loudly. “Are you sure I won’t die?”
“Positive,” Loki replied. “You need a good meal, and some scandalous gossip.”
“Oh my, is it about the prince and the soon-to-be princess who escaped the palace and spent the night drinking in a seedy bar?”
“Slightly more scandalous, which is truly saying something,” Loki snickered. “Have you seen Fandral today?” he muttered as he jutted his chin toward the other side of the great hall. “He’s acting...stranger than usual.”
“Is he?” Claire replied innocently as she glanced over at the man in question. To her delight, the arrogant man was squirming in his seat to the point his companions were all eyeing him warily. Even in her pitiful hungover state, she could tell what happening. “Interesting.”
“It’s as if...I couldn’t possibly speak of it- it’s inappropriate.”
“Tell me anyway,” Claire inched closer to Loki, hoping he would share whatever he was thinking. “You know I don’t care about propriety.” Loki patted her hand fondly. How could he forget?
“He’s behaving as though he’s picked up a disease,” he shook his head. “One obtained through...questionable behavior.” Claire gasped dramatically, leaning even closer.
“Surely you don’t mean…” she trailed off, resting her hand on his arm as they shared a meaningful glance. “Oh dear,” she said with false concern. “I hope he’ll be able to recover.”
“What have you done?” Loki asked without ire, looking at her expectantly.
“Me?” Claire balked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m certain you don’t,” Loki said casually, taking a sip of his wine as they watched Fandral squirm, now fidgeting so hard that his chair scraped loudly on the stone floor with each movement. It was causing quite a stir, and drawing the attention of nearly everyone in the great hall. “Oh dear.”
“Poor guy must be itching for relief.” Claire snickered at her private joke.
“I knew it,” Loki chuckled. “What did you do?”
“I might have snuck itching powder into his clothes,” Claire admitted from behind her goblet. “I forgot to tell you about it last night.”
“When did you do this?”
“Yesterday afternoon,” Claire replied guiltily. “I had some unsupervised free time and I used it to sneak into his rooms. Don’t look at me like that; it’s not my fault his staff just let me walk in.”
“That is quite devious of you, darling, but was it worth it?” His ridiculous question was punctuated by Fandral dropping his mead to grip the underside of his chair with both hands, now wiggling from side to side as he grew increasingly panicked.
“Of course it was worth it; look at his face!” Claire cackled behind her goblet. “Besides, his constant man-whoring is annoying. Did you know he’s slept with every one of my staff, apart from Ragna? Not that I blame them; who hasn’t fallen for a guy like that? Maybe now he’ll act like less of a lech,” her lip curled in disgust as Fandral began actively itching his privates. “Or not.”
“Color me impressed. Well done,” Loki murmured as a frantic Fandral scurried from the great hall, his body contorting in an odd dance as he itched himself all the way to the door and presumably beyond. “Perhaps it was a bit harsh.”
“He deserves it,” Claire tucked into her breakfast without remorse. “Especially with the way he treats you.”
“You did this for me?” Loki asked in surprise. “My lady, I am touched.”
“You’re welcome,” Claire nodded, drinking deeply from her wine. “I’ll teach that prick to mess with my man.” she grumbled to herself. Loki grinned, warmed by the sentiment. He pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
Eating with one hand was a challenge, but Loki found he couldn’t be bothered to let go of Claire’s hand. And if he used his seidr to soothe her hangover, it was really no one’s business but his own.
Frigga was convinced that something secretive was going on between Claire and Loki. Claire had improved significantly in her daily lessons over the last several days, and during her appointments with the couple, Frigga had noticed their behavior toward each other had changed. They still argued from time to time, but there was an undercurrent to their interactions that hadn't been there before. As if the pair knew secrets no one else in the universe was party to. Frigga had been a mother long enough to know when something was going on under her nose. Something was going on, but for the sake of her son and the bond she could see growing day by day, she couldn't (and wouldn't) prove anything. With barely a week left before their wedding, the stakes were higher than ever.
She just hoped they were being smart.
Across the palace, Claire and Loki were embroiled in a heated argument in her chambers. Loki's top hat game piece had just landed on New York Avenue, which Claire owned, and upon which she had built four hotels. The commoner had bankrupted the prince.
“How. Dare. You. Madam,” Loki hissed as he was forced to surrender his properties one by one to her pile. “You tricked me, you sly little-” he growled as he then forked over a rainbow of colored bills. Claire cackled, counting the money before sorting it into the piles in front of her. The piles in front of Loki had dwindled to nothing thanks to Claire's construction efforts, leaving her the victor in his inaugural game of Monopoly.
“I told you to unmortgage your properties when you had the money but noooooo, you didn’t want to listen!” She said defensively. “Not my fault you're stubborn.”
“What are you talking about, I did exactly as you said!” Loki gestured uselessly to the still mortgaged properties in front of him. Claire laughed heartily, softening his ire. He'd tried everything and she'd slaughtered him. Mercilessly. He admired her ruthlessness, rolling his eyes affably at her smug smile when he collected the dice and handed them to her.
“Wanna play again?” She offered, eyes glinting mischievously as he glared at her.
“Absolutely not,” he laughed. “You'll just bankrupt me again.”
“Well I had fun.” Claire giggled.
“I'm sure you did,” Loki replied. “Tomorrow night I'll bring a game for us to play, and I shall win.”
“It's a date,” Claire grinned. “You probably need to go, don't you?” She asked as she began to gather the game pieces.
“Probably,” Loki said sheepishly, gathering the cards on the board in his large hands. “But I don’t wish to.” Their fingers brushed as she took the cards from him and Claire grinned.
“It's okay to admit you like spending time with me, you know,” she said as she put the cards in the box. “Just sayin'.” She folded the board and put it away, slipping the lid into place.
“I enjoy spending time with you,” Loki chuckled. “Without the crones, preferably.”
“Yeah they need to lighten up,” the couple shared a laugh before Claire jolted. “I have an idea!” She crowed excitedly, jumping up and bounding from the room. Loki was debating whether he should follow her to her bed chamber when she returned with a slim black rectangle. “Have you done a crossword before?”
“A what?”
“Okay, didn't think so,” Claire giggled as she sat beside him on the lounge. Her perfume had faded since their earlier outing, but only slightly. From afar she'd smelled enchanting, but up close her sweet scent was even more potent and made him yearn to reach out and touch her. “This isn't a competitive game, since someone is a sore loser.”
“I am not!” Loki protested lamely. Claire looked at him skeptically, her raised eyebrow making him scoff.
“Okay,” she snickered. “Like you didn’t literally throw a tantrum and call me names.”
“I called you madam; in what realm is that offensive? There are far worse things I could call you.”
“But you didn't.”
“Exactly.” Claire smiled in spite of herself. He was right.
“I think that's possibly the only time I've been called madam by someone who's mad at me. Usually I get called a bitch. Or a cunt. Or a whore.” Loki laughed sharply, immediately schooling his face.
“Apologies,” he said. “I was not expecting-”
“It's okay, I know it's not ladylike, but I ain't a lady.” Claire snickered.
“The men of Midgard do not know how to treat your sex, do they?” Loki asked.
“I would argue men everywhere don't. There are exceptions of course,” Claire hedged when Loki bristled. “But the vast majority? No.”
“That is unfortunate,” Loki murmured. “I shall endeavor to remain in the minority. Now, teach me this new game and defeat me again.”
“You like losing all of a sudden?” Claire teased.
“To you, perhaps,” Loki admitted as Claire opened her crossword app. “I said perhaps!” He added quickly when she laughed at him.
“Don’t worry, mischief, this isn’t that kind of game.” She patted his leg absently, and all of Loki's focus concentrated on that small point of contact. They sat shoulder to shoulder, with their arms pressed together. It would be so easy to lean over and- No! He chastised himself mentally. You have less than a week- surely you can last a week! “Does that make sense?” Damn, he'd missed her explanation while staring at her mouth! What had she said?
“I beg your pardon?”
“You were staring at me, not the game,” Claire grinned when Loki’s cheeks became pink. “Oh, you’re adorable.” Loki scoffed.
“Sir?” Claire replied cheekily, her grin blossoming into a wide smile at Loki’s dismay. “Would you like me to explain it again?”
“Yes, but…” Loki chuckled. “Do you know,” he paused before smiling shyly. “I was beginning to think your lips changed color. They've been a different shade each day since you've arrived,” his eyes dipped down to her lush lips. “Yet each night they are the same rosy pink.”
“Well I have to keep you on your toes somehow,” Claire snickered, enjoying the heat in his gaze as he glanced at her mouth. “Would you like to pick tomorrow's color, or should I surprise you?” Loki's brain seemed to stop working for a moment, as he gaped at her open-mouthed. She waited patiently, basking in her victory.
“Green,” he cleared his throat nervously. “Please.” He finally requested.
“As you wish, Your Majesty.” Claire winked at him, already looking forward to knocking him on his ass.
“I have an idea,” Loki said suddenly, changing form as he leapt to his feet. “I’ll return shortly.”
Half an hour later, Claire and Loki sat in her chambers embroiled in a battle of wits. Loki had returned with his chess set, challenging her to best him. Claire was aghast to learn it was three-dimensional. She liked Star Trek as much as the next girl, but this was ridiculous. Loki had beaten her in three rapid fire games, and they were now locked in their fourth bout.
“We can stop if you want.” Loki suggested as he waited for her to make a move.
“And let you claim victory again? I don’t think so.” Claire replied stubbornly as her eyes roamed the boards between them.
“Whilst I admire your determination darling, it’s time to admit you’ve been bested,” Loki chuckled. “See here? You are trapped.” he pointed to where his queen had indeed trapped her last lonely knight as he stood in defense of her king.
“I can still win,” Claire doubled down, leaning closer to him. “And when I do, you should kiss me. As a reward.” Loki grinned, wishing he could give her what she wanted.
“Claire, you know we can't.” he said, pulling away from her even though he didn't want to. Claire groaned, rolling her eyes. They’d already broken several rules, what was one more?
“It's a stupid rule.”
“Yes, but it's one we all agreed to-”
“-For the sake of appearances, I know I know. What is it with you princes and having to marry virgins anyway? It's not like sitting on a dick really changes you as a person,” Claire said. “No offense. I'm sure yours is very nice.”
“You'll find out in four days, you impatient creature,” Loki huffed in amusement. “Surely you will survive that long?”
“Fine,” Claire rolled her eyes. “It's still stupid.”
“Yes it is,” Loki replied as Claire yawned. “I should take my leave. Get some sleep, little wife. I shall see you in the morning.”
“I don't think you can call me that yet.” Claire teased.
“We may as well get used to it, don't you think?” Loki asked softly, looking relieved when Claire grinned.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Do you think I can do this?” Claire asked. “I’m almost done with princess lessons, and my head feels like it’s close to bursting with all the shit I have to remember, but that’s just protocol stuff. What about everything else?” The imposter syndrome was hitting really hard and Claire was struggling.
“Such as?”
“I don’t know, meeting foreign politicians, helping orphans...I’m still a little unclear on what exactly I should be doing and I’m kinda freaking out. I can’t quite wrap my head around the fact that less than a week from now, I’m going to be a princess. What am I supposed to do?”
“It will get easier with time.”
“Of course you think that, Loki, you grew up here. I grew up poor in LA. Maybe you’re right and it will get easier, but what about now?” Claire asked. “People aren’t going to want anything to do with me if they think I suck, and let’s face it, I’m good at lots of things but I suck at this! I’m barely even a real adult,” she scoffed as she ranted. “I’m-I am three owls in a trench coat, Loki!”
“You’re what?” Loki looked her over with alarm.
“Ugh, it’s a figure of speech,” Claire groaned. Yet another communication error. “I’m just worried I won’t live up to all the expectations.”
“I understand your concern, but we will work through it together. I meant what I said, Claire. I will not let you fail.” Loki murmured as he leaned closer. Claire swallowed, wondering if he would actually break the rule and kiss her. All this waiting felt like middle school all over again; the anticipation was killing her. At the last second Loki pressed his lips to her forehead, and though it wasn't what she wanted, Claire's insides turned molten and gooey.
“That was rude.”
“Is that why you’re blushing?” Loki laughed as he pulled away, winking at her as he got to his feet.
“Shut up. It's still rude,” Claire grumped. “I’m still sixty percent sure I’m going to crash and burn.”
“I would apologize, but I'm not the least bit sorry,” Loki dodged the pillow she threw at him with a laugh. “You'll have to be faster than that, darling.”
“Get out!” Claire laughed, throwing another pillow at him. He bowed sarcastically before making his way to the door.
“Try not to worry too much. Everything will be fine. I swear it.”
“I’ll try. Now go away, I need my beauty sleep.” Claire threw another pillow at him, giggling when he batted it away.
“Good night.” He smiled as he looked back at her.
“Good night.” Claire smiled back, holding back her girlish squeal until the door closed behind him. She still thought marriage was stupid, but things with Loki were going so well that it gave her hope they would be happy together. And even though she wasn’t fully convinced she’d be a good princess, she trusted Loki when he said he would help her navigate her new role.
Three days until the wedding
The next morning, Loki was distracted as soon as he woke up. He wasn't due to see Claire until the late afternoon, but already he was consumed by thoughts of her. Would she actually wear the green as he'd asked?
Through his council meetings and appointments with the tailor, Loki’s usually sharp mind wandered. He found himself daydreaming of the soft pillow of Claire’s lips, painted in a rainbow of colors, while his fellow council members droned on about taxes and new regulations for businesses.
At long last, after a swift mid-day meal of soup and crusty bread, Loki readied himself for his outing with Claire and hastened to her chambers. Outside the door, he adjusted his leathers and fussed with his hair like a nervous boy.
The crones had arrived before him, to his dismay, but Claire’s personal servant Ragna welcomed him inside.
“My lady will be out momentarily, Your Majesty.” she curtsied as she closed the door behind him.
“I’m here now, Ragna,” Claire announced as she stepped into the room. The crones stepped aside, curtsying low. A beaming smile lit Claire’s face as her eyes landed on him. “Hi.”
It was as if every ounce of breath had left his body. Claire was radiant, draped in a flattering tulle dress. The sweetheart neckline left her shoulders exposed, a quaint gold and emerald necklace gracing her collarbone. Her long dark hair hung in delicate curls, and her hands looked more delicate than usual with the long sleeves of the dress hanging past her wrists. The silver band on her bicep blended almost perfectly with the sheer sleeves.
“Hi.” he managed finally, the fluttering of his hands matching the fluttering in his stomach. Her lips were painted green as promised, light in shade like the kiwi fruit of her home. Loki had never had anything that was truly his, but here she was- claiming him with her jewelry and her lip paint.
“It's poison apple.” Claire said, pulling Loki from his thoughts.
“W-what?” his stammered response gained him another smile.
“My lipstick is called poison apple. You keep looking at it, so I assume you like it. Wanna borrow it?” She winked at him, setting the butterflies into motion once again.
“What?” Claire giggled, not even slightly remorseful for the effect she was having on him. They shared intense eye contact, simply staring at one another. Their chaperones burst their bubble, one of them clearing her throat rather harshly.
“Shall we move along to the market?” she suggested. Loki snapped to attention first.
“Yes, we shall,” Loki replied, offering Claire his arm. “My lady?”
“Let’s hit it, my lord,” Claire gave his arm a squeeze when she looped hers around his bicep. God damn, his biceps were incredible.
“Tell me something,” Loki asked as they walked through the market. “What exactly was your role with S.H.I.E.L.D.? You mentioned investigation, but what exactly did that entail?”
“I was responsible for determining threat levels,” Claire replied as she inspected a woven basket. “Analyzing people and their behavior was my specialty, but whenever something weird happened, my department would check it out and decide how best to proceed.”
“Which is why you were present-”
“When you sent the destroyer, yes,” Claire replied. “I was part of the team investigating Mjolnir when it showed up.”
“I am sorry you were in harms way.”
“Oh no biggie,” Claire waved off his concern. “Happens all the time. It was cool, you know?”
“Cool?” Loki asked skeptically, his brows rising high.
“I mean, sure, it was terrifying. Buuuut if I had a super awesome robot I would probably send it to break stuff too,” Claire laughed softly. “Can I ask-”
“Why I sent it?”
“Yeah,” Loki looked down, unwilling to admit his petty reasons. “You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I was just curious.”
“You would be the first.”
“What do you mean?” Claire asked. “No one asked you why?” Loki shook his head.
“They assumed I was jealous of my older brother and his claim to the throne; I was content to let them. But that was not why.”
“So what was the reason?” Claire pressed. Loki hesitated, his gaze flicking toward their chaperones. The two older women glared back, and Loki frowned.
“I should not say,“ He finally answered. “I have been...encouraged, shall we say, not to bring up unpleasant memories.”
“I believe Odin is concerned you will become too sympathetic.” Loki gave a sarcastic smile.
“Well that's horseshit,” Claire said. The chaperones gasped behind them and she turned to stare at the older women. “Yeah, I said a bad word. Deal with it,” She turned back to Loki. “Look, we're going to be married for a long time. I know I said I wouldn’t push you for answers and I meant it, but I think at some point I deserve answers to my questions.”
“I don't disagree,” Loki replied gently. "I do not trust easily, my lady.”
“I've noticed,” Claire pretending to inspect a skein of fabric while she thought. “You know, there’s a quote from Earth- those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it’.”
“England’s Wintston Churchill, I believe,” Loki's mouth pursed as he chose his words carefully. “It would be...beneficial, perhaps, for someone to hear my side of things. Someone who would not assume my guilt automatically.”
“I'm all ears, mischief.”
“You are not,” Loki smirked. “You are also have a charming wit and pleasant curves I find myself staring at far more than a respectable man should,” Claire blushed at his earnest words. “Forgive me, that was forward.”
“Don't apologize,” Claire replied. “The feeling is mutual.”
“I have pleasant curves?” Loki joked, delighting when Claire laughed and struck him on the arm.
“You have lots of pleasant things.”
“Such as?” Loki scoffed.
“Your hands,” Claire replied. She held up their clasped hands, unfurling her fingers and pressing her palm against his. His long fingers and wide palm dwarfed hers in size, and his gentle grip made her feel delicate- a feeling she was not familiar with. “Your eyes.”
“My eyes?” Loki asked doubtfully. No one in Asgard had eyes like his. “They are an oddity here.”
“I think they're beautiful,” Claire smiled. “I like odd,” The tops of Loki's cheeks turned pink, and she curled their fingers together again. “Also you have a cute butt.”
“I beg your pardon?!” Loki spluttered.
“Okay.” Claire shrugged.
“You said I beg your pardon. So beg.” Loki snorted, tugging her closer by the hand until they were chest to chest.
“You are demanding,” he murmured. “I like it.” Claire preened, a smug look on her face as the chaperones chastised them for being too close. Ignoring them, Loki pulled her even closer, grinning when she squealed giddily. “Once we are wed, I shall tell you what you wish to know.” Claire pulled back, patting his chest plate fondly.
“In your own time, mischief. We have plenty of it.” Loki grinned, releasing her at last. He brought her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
“Shall I tell you all the ways I find you beautiful instead?”
“Who am I say no to a prince?” Claire laughed as they began to walk again. Loki plucked a long stemmed rose from a vendors basket, offering it to her.
“You are refreshingly honest and utterly enchanting,” he said, admiring the red against her creamy skin as she smelled the flower. “I will confess I worried we would be ill-suited, or that you would be unattractive in some way. Even when we fight,” he chuckled. “I admire that you challenge me head on. Each time I think I have you figured out, you surprise me. I find myself appreciating each new thing I learn about you. I look forward to learning more about you in the years to come.” Oh my. Loki, coming in clutch with the silver tongue.
“I’m looking forward to that too,” Claire leaned against him, her cheeks beginning to hurt from smiling so much. Her smile faltered when their chaperones scolded them once again for being too close. She rolled her eyes as she took a step back from him. “Mostly I look forward to spending time with you, alone.”
“The feeling is mutual, my lady.” Loki chuckled. Claire giggled, twirling the rose between her fingertips before her face grew serious.
“I know babies are expected at some point, but...how soon is soon? Do we get to enjoy being married for a little while first?”
“Is that what you want?”
“At least a year,” Claire chewed her bottom lip. “Maybe two? I like fun, but what about baby-free fun?”
“There are ways to avoid conception, my lady.”
“There are? Even here?”
“Of course. I am a master of seidr,” Loki replied. “It may be different from what you are used to on Midgard, but it will work just as effectively, if not more.”
“Whatever it is, sign me up,” Claire breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s okay, right?”
“Of course. Who am I to tell you what to do with your body?” Loki replied, smiling when Claire leaned her head against his shoulder. “I like the idea of being able to enjoy you without worry. We’ll decide together when the time is right.”
“There you are,” Loki sighed in relief as he opened the door to her en-suite bathroom. “I came for our lesson and could not find you, and I...well, I worried.”Loki admitted sheepishly as he hid behind the door. He heard the water splash in the room beyond, and his body responded to knowing Claire was naked mere feet away.
“Are you supposed to be in here?” she laughed.
“Technically, I am not,” Loki replied cheekily, grinning when he heard her laugh. “I wanted to check on you. I know today was a lot for you.”She’d spent the morning perfecting her riding form, and the afternoon being drilled by all of her instructors, each of them wanting to make sure she was flawless before the ceremony. It was draining and frustrating and while their outing to the market had been wonderful, Claire wanted to pull her hair out from the stress of it all.
“Oh god, don’t remind me,” Claire groaned, sinking deeper into the water. “I’m in a weird mood tonight.”
“What troubles you?”
“Lots of things.” Claire sighed heavily. “I don’t even know if I understand it myself.”
“Try me.”
“This is gonna sound nuts, but just stick with me, okay?” Claire pleaded. “I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you one-on-one. I’m feeling a lot more confident about signing up for this now that I know you better,” she smiled. “I enjoy our supervised dates too, but I like spending time with you without all the rules,” Loki smiled to himself, warmed by her admission. “I understand that all of this is pretty much a performance, like the circus. I know that in three days, there’s going to be a ton of people here to watch us get married and that’s fine.”
“But I hate that all those people are going to see our first kiss,” Claire confessed. “Again, I understand we can’t break the rules and that our marriage is basically a spectacle, but I don’t want us to be a spectacle. Does that make sense?”
“I understand completely.”
“I know we can’t do anything to change it. I don’t want you to risk your safety, I just needed you to know how I’m feeling.”
“I’m honored you trust me with that knowledge.” Silence hung in the steamy air for a stretch, the only sound the rippling of the water. Loki sat on the opposite side of the door, sure to preserve her privacy but wanting to be nearby. He could sense that she needed him.
“Loki?” she called.
“Yes, darling?”
“Do you really think I can do this?” Claire asked softly.
“I was worried at first,” he admitted with a fond smile. “You were loud and brash and opinionated-”
“That’s me, baby- bold and brash,” Claire snickered from the water. “I understand the concern.”
“I no longer have it,” Loki admitted. He heard Claire jerk suddenly in the water- no doubt looking at the door as though he’d sprouted a second head. “Something you said struck a cord with me; that either you would walk beside me as an equal or not at all. We are different, you and I. We may not fit elsewhere but we fit each other. If you were the person you were expected to be, we would not. We will always be equals, this I promise. I am not saying you will not stumble, but I will be with you every step of the way,” Loki pledged. “I have no doubt that in time you will bring the entirety of Asgard to its knees.”
“Thank you. Are you included in that?” Claire asked. The question hung in the air until she snorted, bursting into laughter that echoed in the bathroom. “I’m sorry, you’re out there being serious and I’m making dirty jokes. Feelings make me uncomfortable.”
“I have that difficulty also,” Loki replied. “Would you want me on my knees?”
“I could be persuaded,” Claire chuckled. “I like a good challenge.”
“I shall keep that in mind.”
“Can you toss me my towel please?” Claire laughed from inside the bathroom. “I forgot to grab it before I got in.”
“Here,” Loki stepped into the room, careful to avert his eyes and tossed her towel into her outstretched hand. “I’m going to set up our lesson for tonight. Join me when you’re ready.”
Claire stepped into the main room a few minutes later, dressed comfortably in her pajama pants and an old S.H.I.E.L.D t-shirt. Loki had not set up for any lessons- it looked more like he’d prepared for a book club than anything else. A stack of books sat on the table, as well as the usual tray laden with snack foods.
“I thought you said you were setting up a lesson.”
“A clever ruse,” Loki grinned. “I thought perhaps we could simply spend time together. It has been a difficult day for you and you deserve a break.”
“That’s very thoughtful of you, thank you.”
“Of course,” Loki smiled as she sat on the couch beside him. “I wondered if I could ask you a question.”
“When you first arrived, you had-” Loki mimed monstrous claws, making Claire laugh. “You no longer have them.”
“Yeah, I took them off,” Claire replied. “I really just wanted to look a little scary, and the claws are a good way to do it.”
“Ah,” Loki nodded. He could see why she would want to appear intimidating. “And the hoop in your nose?”
“The hoop stays. It’s permanent,” Claire plucked lightly at the purple hoop. “I’ve had it for years. I got it when I was sixteen and man, was my mom mad,” she laughed. “I thought she was gonna spit fire.”
“Was that a talent of hers?”
“No, it’s just an expression,” Claire shook her head. “Although she was Puerto Rican and probably could have done it if she put her mind to it.”
“I see. Is that a nationality?”
“It is, actually. You’ll find Puerto Ricans of all ethnic backgrounds, but she was born on the island. Her parents moved to the United States when she was a kid. That’s where I was born.”
“In LA?”
“Yeah. Los Angeles, or LA for short, is in California on the west coast of my country. I lived there until I was sixteen.”
“Would I be correct in assuming that is when you lost your mother?” Claire nodded.
“Yes. Phil took me in after that, and I went to the S.H.I.E.L.D academy, then I was out in the field within a couple of years.”
“And you’ve done nothing else?”
“Hey, my career is nothing to sneeze at. I had to work very hard to get to where I was,” Claire said defensively. “The S.H.I.E.L.D academy trains kids from a very early age, but I was able to pass their tests and get in late. I broke tons of records there, both at the academy and in the field. I’ve been to places most people couldn’t even dream of visiting.”
“Asgard included.” Claire laughed despite herself.
“Yes, Asgard included. You could probably make a killing in the tourism trade.”
“We have enough money, darling, believe me,” Loki chuckled. “Please, help yourself to something.” he held out the plate of snacks.
“What book are you reading?” Claire asked as she helped herself to a fruit tart. Loki produced a thick text on philosophy, already marked by a book mark.
“I am trying to refine my argument for the next council meeting,” he explained. “What will you read?”
“I’m reading a history of Asgard.”
“Your tutors will be pleased.” Loki chuckled as Claire scooted closer.
Loki set the snacks between them as they both settled in to read their books.
Claire closed her book once she’d finished her chapter; the question niggling in her brain demanding to be aired.
“I have a question.”
“Of course,” Loki put aside the book he was reading from to look at her. “What is it?”
“So I understand that people aren't supposed to touch members of the royal family. Am I included in that?”
“You are,” Loki nodded. “Even though we are not yet wed, you are my intended and that courtesy ought to be extended to you as it is to me.”
“And if it isn't?” Claire had though she’d seen Loki angry. She'd seen him annoyed, when he'd told off the crones or when they bickered, and he’d been furious after the glitter bomb incident, but this was different. His eyes darkened and his jaw tightened, a muscle ticking as he clenched his teeth.
“Give me a name.”
“I don't think it's that serious.”
“You said someone touched you. Or at least implied it. Who?”
“Why?” Loki balked. “I assume this cretin is still breathing. I intend to put a stop to that,” Claire couldn't help but smile. “You laugh, my lady, but this is no laughing matter.”
“No, you're right, sorry,” Claire nodded. “But why don't you let me handle it? I was really just asking for clarification.”
“Is that what you want? To handle it personally?”
“I think it would be best.”
“Do you not trust me?”
“It's not that,” Claire shook her head. “But we're getting married in a matter of days and I imagine this will cause a stir. The last thing we need is a scene.”
“I am capable of discretion,” Loki scoffed, clearly offended. “Honestly.”
“Loki, why do I feel like if you had your way, I would have a dead body outside my door?”
“Seems reasonable to me,” Loki shrugged. “Would that upset your delicate sensibilities?” He asked darkly.
“Of course not; I’m hardly a stranger to dead bodies. But I'd prefer if our marriage didn't start with one or both of us in prison.”
“You're no fun.” Loki purred.
“I'm plenty of fun. You'll find out exactly how much in three days.”
“Hmm,” The deep rumble from his chest made Claire's insides turn to goo. Fuck, she wanted him. The fact he offered to kill for her...it sent a dark thrill down her spine. He shot to his feet, preparing to leave. “I will ensure there is additional security at your door. I should-”
“Can I give you a hug?” Claire asked abruptly. Loki paused, surprised by her question.
“You may.” He grunted when she squeezed him around the middle, pressing her face into his chest. Loki stood awkwardly as she embraced him without fear. He couldn't remember the last time...
“I knew it.”
“We fit.” Claire murmured, practically purring with contentment as Loki's arms wrapped around her. His head came to rest on hers as he pulled her tightly against him. His heartbeat was steady and comforting in her ear, his body molded perfectly to hers as his chest rose and fell. This was the most they had touched since meeting, and Claire adored the feeling of his solid form against her body, as though he were the anchor to her ship lost at sea.
“Are you certain you wish to handle-”
“Yes,” Claire said stubbornly, keeping her face buried in his chest. “But if I need help, I'll tag you in.”
“How shall you handle it?”
“I'll beat him up, obviously.” Claire giggled.
“I would very much like to see that.” Loki replied.
“You like the fact that I can defend myself, don’t you?”
“I do indeed,” Loki chuckled. “I’ll admit, I’ve thought of it often since our fight on the training field.”
“I still want that rematch.”
“You shall have it. For now I shall have to hope that I can see you dispense justice to whichever lout dared to put a hand on you.” Claire laughed as she shifted her weight, grinning when she felt what was hiding in his pants.
“Is that a roll of quarters in your pocket or are you just excited to see me?” Claire snickered. Loki sighed in exasperation.
“Is this how life is to be with you? Hmm?” He jostled her playfully, making her laugh. “You tease me relentlessly then mock me for reacting?”
“For now,” Claire said apologetically. “Sorry, I can't do anything to help.” She wasn’t sorry at all.
“You are a dreadful menace. Go to bed, you little imp,” Loki huffed without ire, pulling away from her. “I shall see you in the morning.”
“Think sexy thoughts about me, k?” Loki laughed, his tongue flashing as he licked his lips. He grinned down at her, every inch a predator observing his prey, and Claire could have come on the spot.
“Darling, all of my thoughts are about you. Especially when I bring myself to release.” He growled, hands fisting in her clothes as he pulled her back into his chest, and Claire desperately wanted to feel his hands on her bare skin.
“I think about you too.” She confessed, shivering with delight when he backed her up against the nearest wall.
“Your pupils are dilated,” he noted as he towered over her. “I would wager if I touched you, you would be wet for me.”
“You're welcome to,” Claire challenged. “Or are we still pretending we're following the rules?” Loki growled as the neckline of her dress slipped lower, exposing unseen flesh to his desperate gaze. “Wait, can you lift me?” Loki furrowed his brows at the silly question. Of course he could. He lifted her effortlessly, stepping between her parted thighs with a growl. Claire sighed sweetly as he took her weight, her lithe arms closing behind his neck.
“Better?” He asked softly, his lips a mere inch from hers. It would be so easy to break the rules and kiss her, claim her until she begged him for sweet release.
“I've been thinking how I wanted to fuck you first after we're married,” nimble fingers combed through his hair, and Loki melted into the affection. “This is pretty high on the list.” Claire sighed, wrapping a lock of his hair around her finger as she squeezed his waist with her delectable thighs. Even though she was fully clothed, Loki could feel the heat of her skin through the cloth of her dress and it was driving him mad. Loki grunted with want and his cock throbbed between her legs. The whimper that escaped her nearly drove him to his knees. He dropped his head to her shoulder, inhaling her intoxicating scent as his eyes drifted closed.
“Sometimes,” he swallowed nervously. “I worry this is all a dream and I will wake to find myself still locked in that accursed cell,” He longed to sink his teeth into her flesh and mark her for all to see, but to do it now would have grave consequences. “I should go while I can still think clearly.” Claire brushed his hair back gently, clinging to him as he gingerly set her back on her feet. His hands trailed up her body, giving her goosebumps. He clasped her hand and gave the softest kiss to her knuckles, his eyes burning into hers as he put all his longing into his kiss. He pulled away, but pressed another kiss to her forearm as his other arm held her against him.
Holy shit. He was doing the Gomez thing. Without her asking! Claire was pretty sure he didn't even know who Gomez Addams was. His mouth burned with promise as he laid another kiss at the delicate fold of her arm. Claire's eyes were half closed with pleasure as he blazed a scorching trail along the heated nerves of her skin, kissing at her bicep and again at her shoulder. Claire's knees went weak as his lips pressed to the curve of her neck, only remaining upright thanks to his tightened grip when she wilted. Loki's tongue darted out to taste her flushed skin, teasing her with the sharp tip of his canines.
“Loki,” she pleaded breathlessly. “You should leave before I tie you to the bed.”
“Such promises, darling,” he murmured, pressing a final kiss to her neck before pulling away. “Are you sure you can stand?”
“Shut up,” Claire laughed. “Fuckin' neck kisses get me every time.”
“I shan't forget,” Loki promised, enjoying the needy way she grabbed his sleeves when he leaned in to kiss her. He didn't fully press his lips to hers, enjoying the dizzying pull of her mouth. She was utterly enchanting, sapphire eyes closed and cheeks flushed. “How could I with such a lovely reaction?” He released her, grinning when she groaned with want. “I shall take my leave. Good night, my lady.” Though his words were formal, his tone was anything but. This wasn't him testing her knowledge again. He was claiming her.
“Good night, my lord,” Claire replied. She welcomed the claim, and returned it. “I hate these rules.”
“As do I,” Loki said. “Though I believe it is past the midnight hour now. Two more days and you shall be mine.” Claire groaned, wishing time would hurry up and pass already.
“Two more days.” She sighed as the handmaiden replaced Loki. The guard at her door nodded in greeting when the massive door opened, and she waved at him as Loki slash the handmaiden strolled past him without incident. Frustrated, Claire began making mental plans to have a steamy bath before bed. She knew she should have packed more toys.
Two days until the wedding
“Good morning, darlings! A fabulous day awaits you- your guests arrive shortly and the wedding games will begin tomorrow!” Frigga greeted Claire and Loki in the great hall during breakfast. “Eat quickly; you must approve all the final touches before the guests arrive.” The couple shared a knowing glance. This was undoubtedly the last bit of calm they would have for the next few days.
After giving final approval of the seating arrangements, decorations, and the various menus of the coming feasts, Claire and Loki retreated to the garden with Frigga for tea. Frigga was practically vibrating with excitement as they rested before the madness truly began. The first official wedding event, the opening feast, would take place in a matter of hours.
“Mother,” Loki began as Claire nursed her cup of tea. “I wonder if I could ask something of you.”
“Of course, my darling,” Frigga patted his hand fondly. “What do you need?” Loki glanced at Claire before turning back to Frigga.
“I wondered if Claire and I could have just a moment alone.” he asked. Frigga challenged him with a raised brow, staring at him pensively over the rim of her teacup.
“More than you’ve already had?” she asked. Loki and Claire both froze, Claire choking on her tea and beginning to cough. “Relax, my darlings-”
“We haven’t broken the rules!” Claire said urgently.
“I’ve been helping Claire prepare for her role, nothing more,” Loki added. “Mother-”
“Hush,” Frigga said calmly as she straightened in her chair. “I already know this.”
“You do?”
“Darling girl,” Frigga scoffed gently as she pierced Claire with her knowing gaze. “You made a rather drastic improvement without warning. It was obvious you had assistance. And simultaneously, by some miracle, Loki’s outlook also began to improve. It was not difficult to discern what was happening,” she smirked, glancing between the pair. “I am no fool; I have raised two sons to adulthood. But results are results, and I was glad to see you happy,” she smiled at Loki. “And to see you faring better.” she extended a hand to Claire.
“If you did not break any additional rules, it shall remain our secret.” Frigga promised.
“We have not.”
“The risk isn’t worth it,” Claire added, warming Loki with her sincerity. “We both understand the rules and the reason behind them. We’re both doing this for bigger reasons than ourselves, and we understand we will largely be in the public eye. We just didn’t want the start of our physical relationship to be the same way.”
“Ah,” Frigga nodded in understanding. “As someone who did not meet her husband until we arrived at the altar, I completely understand.”
“Would you allow it?” Loki asked. Frigga said nothing, bridging her fingers in front of her tea cup as she stared them down. Claire was used to being under scrutiny, under threat of death, but her future mother-in-law’s discerning gaze made her sweat.
“I will cover for you for exactly five minutes,” she finally agreed, relaxing and taking a sip of tea. “I am trusting you to follow the other rules as you have until now.”
“Thank you, mother.” Loki got to his feet and offered Claire his hand. Claire grinned and took it, letting him lead her away from the table.
“What shall we discuss in our time together?” Frigga asked as they disappeared into the garden. Claire looked back to see Frigga chatting with mirror images of the two of them.
“Your mom is awesome,” Claire laughed as they made their way deeper into the thick of the garden. “Can you do that too?”
“I can,” Loki replied as they came upon a lush willow tree. Loki tugged her beneath the tree’s canopy, the long leafy boughs shielding them from any passersby. “I could show you, if you wanted. But is that really how you wish to spend our limited time together?”
“Nah, I’ll take a rain check. I’d rather kiss you stupid.” Claire let him press her against the tree.
“You, kiss me stupid?” Loki scoffed as he towered over her. His gaze dropped to her lush lips as he leaned closer, his arm snaking around her waist. “You’re rather confident for someone who gets weak in the knees when I merely kiss your hand.”
“Shut up,” Claire giggled. “I’ll have you know I’m quite the ball-buster back home. You should be flattered.” She poked a finger in his chest, flattening her palm against him as he stepped even closer. They were chest to chest now, and Claire’s heart was thundering in her ears. Loki looked so handsome she wanted to eat him alive.
“Who says I’m not?” he purred. His lips hovered over hers teasingly, both of them drunk on the delectable liquor of finally being able to touch. Tired of waiting, Claire cupped the back of his neck and pulled Loki down, sighing happily as he crowded her against the tree. The kisses on her knuckles had alluded to Loki’s skill, but this was a different experience with all new thrills. His lips were soft and warm, and she could faintly taste the tea he’d sipped before they’d escaped. After being denied any sort of touch for so long, Claire wanted to remember everything.
Loki licked at her lips, humming with delight when she pulled him closer. Their shared breath became heated as they both fought the urge to tear off the offending clothing between them. His long fingers grasped at the material of her dress, tugging her against him insistently.
Loki’s hair was soft and looped easily around her fingers as she sank her hands into the tresses. Claire pulled away long enough to work her fingers beneath his collar, gasping when his large hand groped at her breast. Loki reclaimed her mouth, making her dizzy with want as he made love to her with his tongue. Unlike other men she’d kissed, Loki didn’t shove his tongue down her throat. Instead, he stoked her desire with measured teasing strokes that had her insides melting and her knees quaking.
Loki pulled away from her reluctantly, supporting her weight with a knowing smile.
“Do you feel better?” he asked softly.
“Much better.” Claire smiled up at him, soaking up the feel of him pressed against her as he kissed her forehead. He wrapped his arms around her, tucking her under his chin as she hugged him tightly. She could feel his pulse racing in his throat, and felt a wave of satisfaction that he was just as affected as she was.
“This was an excellent idea,” he murmured. “It may be difficult to steal moments like these once we are both entrenched in our duties, but I would like to-”
“I’d like that too. I know all this-” Claire gestured beyond the tree’s hanging boughs. “Is mostly a performance for others, but this is private.” She wound their fingers together, clasping their hands tightly.
“It shall stay that way. I am a very private person.”
“I’ve noticed,” Claire smiled. “But I agree. I don’t share well.” she hummed with satisfaction as he kissed her again, her eyes slipping closed as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“You’ll never share me, little wife. I am yours as you are mine,” Loki promised softly. “We should return,” he ran his hand down her arm, lifting her knuckles to his mouth before dotting kisses upon her wrist and forearm. “We are overdue.”
“If you keep doing that, you’re gonna have to carry me.” Claire murmured as his lips caressed the exposed skin at her inner elbow.
“Are you unwell?” he gave a teasing smirk when a whimper escaped her. It was unfair, honestly, how a simple kiss could make her clit throb with need. He traced his lips along her skin, pressing more kisses inside the sleeve openings at her bicep and at her shoulder. His warm breath caressed her skin delicately as he clutched possessively at her waist. “Perhaps I can help,” he placed another kiss upon her collar bone, searing her flesh and making desire flood her veins. “Better?” he breathed against her flushed skin, grinning mischievously when she clutched him to her. “Your scent...it shall drive me mad.” he murmured as he nosed at her neck, peppering kisses upon her skin and making her writhe against him.
“Gods, I cannot wait to make you fall apart beneath me,” he licked at her skin, drawing the tender flesh between his teeth as her nails dug into his shoulders. “We shall have endless amounts of fun together.”
Approaching footsteps pulled their attention from each other and they sprung apart. The skin at Claire’s neck smarted delightfully, but any mark would have given them away instantly. Loki soothed the skin with a brush of his thumb, using seidr to remove the faint mark he’d left behind.
“Thanks.” Claire grabbed his hand appreciatively, grateful he’d thought about it.
“Of course.” the couple shared a secretive smile as they emerged from under the tree to see Frigga approaching them. The queen took in their flushed faces and smiles before giving them a knowing look.
“There you are, my darlings. I trust all is well?”
“Very well, Mother. Thank you.”
“Of course. Now! Let us finish our walk before I must turn you over to the mercy of your guests.” she winked at them, gesturing for them to walk ahead of her on the cobblestone path.
“My lady?” Loki offered Claire his arm. Claire looped her arm through his, knocking into him gently with her hip. Loki looked at her with surprise before he knocked into her with his hip. Claire bumped into him again, making him stumble slightly. Frigga looked in with mild concern as Loki bumped into her harder, her concern giving way as the two burst into giggles. The pair took off down the path, shrieking with laughter and wearing matching smiles as Frigga trailed behind them with a smile of her own.
After their interlude in the garden, Claire and Loki were ushered to their respective chambers to get ready for the guests arrival. Claire felt like she was floating on air, chitchatting with Ragna as they walked.
All through her preparation, as her hair was combed within an inch of its life, her nails buffed until they gleamed, and her lips painted with a shimmery gloss, the feeling remained. Looking in the mirror, Claire saw not just herself, but a respectable lady. Someone in love.
Was it too early to call it that? Claire had long since given up on any meaningful connection, but Loki had found a way past her defenses in such a short time that it frightened her a little.
Okay, a lot.
But wasn’t that part of love? Didn’t it make you feel like you could fly, but also like you were a ship about to be dashed upon the rocky shore?
“Lady Claire?” Ragna caught her attention with a gentle hand on her shoulder. “It’s time.”
“Right,” Claire took a deep breath, looking back at her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t have any answers, but maybe this was one of those things you just have to go through. She felt confident that because of their bond, she and Loki would work well together, and hopefully, be happy for years to come. “I’m ready.”
Claire arrived in the throne room shortly after Loki, who looked devastatingly handsome in his formal leathers and cape. Claire’s intrusive thoughts wanted her to hug him from behind and bury her face between his shoulder blades. She settled for complimenting him since they were under heavy surveillance still.
“You look so fancy,” she murmured as she stepped up beside him. “No helmet today?”
“Not today, darling, you must be serious for once.”
“I can be serious.” Claire argued. Loki shot her a skeptical look. Claire made a silly face at him, catching him off guard and making him laugh. Behind Claire, Frigga made a stern face at the both of them, silently warning them to behave. This only served to make the pair laugh harder despite their best attempts to quiet down. The large doors opened, revealing the sea of people who’d come to see them. Claire’s stomach dropped, her anxiety suddenly dialed up to eleven. What if she did something stupid? What if she didn’t look the part?
“Don’t fuss, darling,” Loki said gently, squeezing her hand and preventing her from picking at her pristine nails. “You can do this.” he reassured her in the quiet before the storm.
“Thank you.” Claire squeezed back, grateful that he had noticed her distress, and that he had stepped in to soothe her.
“You’re welcome. Now chin up. You look lovely, and I know how confident you are,” he smiled. “Act like it.” he gave her hand another squeeze before the first guest approached. People were still spilling into the room, the line of guests to be greeted growing longer and longer. Loki stood at the head of their receiving line to Claire’s left, while Frigga and finally Odin stood to her right. Claire had assumed that the king and queen would greet the guests first, but Frigga had explained that the majority of the guests were allies of Asgard and therefore would come to pay respect to Odin, but also Loki and her by extension. Because they were the ones being celebrated, they would greet the guests first.
As a staff member told Loki the names of the first guests, Claire had a thought that maybe she should have binged The Crown before she came to Asgard. It probably would have been at least a little helpful.
She’d certainly get her curtsy down pat after today.
Good God, was there any end to this line?! Claire felt as though she’d met enough people to fill an entire stadium. Her hands ached from shaking so many, her face hurt from the smile she had plastered on, her feet were screaming at her from inside the shoes she wore. She just wanted this to end.
“I didn’t realize you would be coming!” Claire exclaimed as she saw a group of familiar faces approaching Loki. “It’s so nice to see all of you.”
“Please,” Tony said, holding up a hand to stop her. “Don’t get too emotional, I’m a person just like you. Actually I take that back-” He grunted when his wife smacked him in the ribs.
“Ignore him,” the blonde said with a small smile. “I’m Pepper.” She offered her hand for Claire to take.
“Oh hi!” Claire said excitedly. “I’ve heard lots of great things about you; it’s nice to finally meet you.”
“You too. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.”
“Hey, Rock of Ages, how’s it going?” Tony asked casually, unfazed by Loki’s glare as he held out his hand.
“How do you think?” he asked harshly, pointedly ignoring Tony’s hand.
“It’s just a question, buddy, relax. Congratulations.” Tony retracted his hand. A muscle ticked in Loki’s jaw as he clenched his fists. Beside Tony, Pepper facepalmed.
“Thank you.” Loki replied tersely as the couple continued down the line to greet Frigga. Steve stood waiting to greet Loki, along with Anja and a brunette man Claire didn’t recognize.
“Loki.” Steve offered his hand as he stepped in front of Loki.
“Rogers.” Loki shared a tense smile with the captain, squeezing his hand tightly. He released the captain after the appropriate amount of time, allowing him to sidestep and greet Claire.
“Hi Cla-”
“Captain,” Claire said icily. She still hadn’t forgiven Steve for choosing Rollins over her for the STRIKE team several years ago. “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course, thank you for the invitation,” Steve nodded politely. “Congratulations.” Steve stepped aside to greet Frigga, allowing Claire to observe Loki and Anja’s interaction.
“-Not being incarcerated has done wonders for me,” Loki said warmly. “Thank you for asking.”
“Of course,” Anja replied. “I’m glad you’re doing better.” she gave Loki a warm smile before stepping over to greet Claire.
“Shadow, right?” Claire asked, taking her hand.
“That’s me,” Anja smiled. “I’m your uncles favorite.” She stage whispered.
“Don’t let her lie, I’m his favorite.” Tony objected from further down the line. Frigga looked at him quizzically.
“I’m sure,” Claire giggled as Pepper dragged Tony away from Frigga to greet Odin. She turned back to Anja, clasping her hand in her own. “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course! I love weddings, and this place is gorg-eous!” Anja sang. “Congratulations. This is my husband Bucky.” she gestured to the dark haired man beside her.
“Hi.” Claire shook his hand too.
“Oh, hi. I thought-” Claire glanced at Steve, her head cocked in confusion.
“I got a two-fer,” Anja grinned. “Our rabbi is very modern.”
“Oh, right on!” Claire laughed. Kudos to Anja for bagging two hot relics. “Thanks for coming.”
“Thanks for inviting us.” Bucky replied, shaking her hand before the throuple moved down the line.
Bruce and a brunette woman Claire didn’t recognize stepped in front of Loki. The tension between Bruce and Loki was instantly palpable and everyone seemed to take a collective breath as the two stared each other down. Claire remembered from the file in her room that Hulk had thrown Loki around Avengers tower like a rag doll. Yikes. Talk about awkward. After a moment, Bruce offered a hand shake in a show of peace. Loki glanced down at his hand and up to Bruce, pausing briefly before taking his hand grudgingly.
“Hi, Claire,” Bruce said softly as they stepped in front of her. “This is my wife Darcy.”
“Hi there!” Darcy chimed in brightly. Claire smiled back at them and shook their hands, thanking them for coming. The couple seemed to balance each other; where Bruce was reserved, Darcy was exuberant.
“Uh…congratulations.” Bruce offered meekly.
“This must be so awkward for the both of you,” Darcy said gently. “No offense, arranged marriage just seems so...eek.”
“It was at first,” Claire chuckled. “It’s gotten better.” Darcy patted her hand comfortingly.
“Good, good. I hope your first child is a masculine child.” Darcy spoke with gravitas, in a perfect impression of Luca Brasi. Claire curled her lips inward to contain her laughter. She liked Darcy. They would have been good friends.
“Thanks Darcy.” Claire finally managed. Loki looked on with confusion as Darcy curtsied before moving on to greet Frigga.
“What was that girl talking about?” he leaned close to ask.
“It was a movie reference, dear, I’ll explain later.” Claire snickered as Thor appeared (finally), at the end of the line. Claire was overjoyed to see the president of her home country bringing up the rear of the line as she’d asked, sulking like a spoiled child just as she’d known he would. She’d known he couldn’t be uninvited for the sake of appearances, of course, but he was no doubt the furthest from where he wanted to be. If Claire knew the slimy bastard like she thought she did, he was surely hoping to use the occasion for some peacocking.
“Welcome to Asgard,” Loki greeted the man politely, as if he hadn’t suggested the man’s miserable place in the line. “I trust your accommodations are to your liking?”
“Yes, yes, very fine,” the man mumbled. “Not as nice as my resort, but very fine.” Loki glanced over to Claire with a pointed look that clearly meant Is this fool serious? Claire arched her brow in response.
Yes. Unfortunately.
Loki’s brow ticked just slightly, as if to say I see.
“We will do everything we can to make your time in Asgard more comfortable. We appreciate you coming.” Loki said diplomatically.
“Congratulations,” the man mumbled, ambling over to Claire with an awkward gait. “I’d love to meet while I’m here-” he wheezed, sticking out his small hand for Claire to shake. “Get your opinion on a couple things.”
“That depends,” Claire replied coolly, pointedly ignoring his tiny hand. “Are you actually interested in what I have to say, or are you hoping I’ll fix the next election to keep you in power?” Loki glanced at her with giddy interest, delighted to see her sink her claws into her prey. The puny man grew red in the face and withdrew his hand.
“I won fair and square.”
“I’m sure,” Claire said placidly. “I’m also sure we can both agree that Asgard is a far more powerful ally than Russia.”
“Maybe we can work something out. You’re from the States, after all.”
“Be that as it may, I won’t be interceding on your behalf. You’ll have to get by on your own merit, if you’re able.”
“I’m more than able- the most able,” the man insisted. “I can make things very difficult for you.”
“Can you even reach my shoulders?” Claire scoffed. “I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penised debutante. You want to start a street fight with me; bring it on, but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets. You don't even know my name,” she sneered, leaning into the man’s space and making him shrink back. “I'm the fucking lizard king.”
Gods, she was magnificent. Was this what love felt like? Loki would have gladly given her anything she desired in that moment.
Several emotions flickered across the mans face; fear, indignation, embarrassment, and finally, rage. He looked comical with his wide eyes, his eye sockets two large circles of white amidst the rest of his carrot-orange face. He mumbled something unintelligible to Claire and beat a hasty retreat.
“That is the leader of your country?” Loki leaned in to scoff. “Why is he orange?” his lip curled in disgust as he watched the odious man greet Frigga and Odin, his off-colored lips flapping as he no doubt said something offensive.
“He insists it’s a tan.”
“He is delusional,” Loki muttered. “He looks like a sunburnt Krylorian,” Claire couldn’t have contained her laughter if she tried. She did manage to reign it in, but only after the butt of their private joke glared at her. “Oh dear, I think you’re in trouble darling.”
“Oh my god, stop,” Claire cackled, slapping at him ineffectually, as he continued to mock the short man and make her laugh. “You’re going to get us in trouble.”
“You don’t need my help for that, menace,” Loki said with pride, pulling her against him with an arm around her waist. “You’ve sent him running like a frightened dog. But what exactly is a lizard king?” Claire laughed again.
“It’s a quote from a tv show,” she replied as Thor arrived, heralding at last the end of the parade of guests. “Don’t worry, I’m not in any competing lines of succession.”
“Good to know,” Loki chuckled. “I should hate for anything to derail our big day.”
“Looking forward to it, are you?” Claire asked teasingly as he offered her his arm to lead her to the great hall. A long night of feasting, drinking and dancing with their guests awaited them, and Claire for one was very excited.
“It would be a pity if it didn’t happen. Everyone is already here, after all.” Loki murmured, pleased beyond measure when she laughed and let her head drop onto his shoulder. No one else quite grasped his sense of humor like she did. It made him feel something he couldn’t quite name but whatever it was, he knew he wanted to feel it always.
Claire sank into the water with a groan of delight, overjoyed to soak her aching feet after such a long night. The opening feast was still in full swing in the great hall, but having accomplished everything she’d wanted to for the night, Claire had made an excuse to go to bed early.
She turned toward the open door as a creak sounded from outside it, smiling to herself. It could only be one person.
“You left early too?” she called.
“It was rather dull without you,” Loki replied from his post beyond the door. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine,” Claire laughed. “People think women are fragile so I was able to make an easy exit. Did I miss anything?”
“Not really. Things quieted down after your country’s...leader was separated from the captain and sergeant.” Claire snorted as she wet her hair in the steaming water.
“That’s probably for the best,” she cackled. “I can’t believe he had the nerve to ask them to take a photo with him,” her head shot up as a foul thought occurred to her. “You don’t think he’ll ask us for one, do you?”
“If he does, we’ll simply say no,” Loki chuckled. “I have no qualms about upsetting such a...how should I describe him?”
“An idiot?”
“Yes, that will do,” Loki agreed. “I have no qualms about upsetting an idiot,” The pair laughed together for a moment as they thought of the bumbling man downstairs. “Were you pleased by tonight’s event?”
“Oh yes, everything was wonderful! I am so full, I couldn’t eat another bite, but the food was so good I want more.”
“What of our guests? I saw you flitting about.”
“I’ll admit I had a bit of an agenda,” Claire laughed. “There were several politicians I wanted to talk to, and it was the perfect opportunity to pick their brains.”
“Did you manage to catch everyone you wished to speak to?”
“Yes! I was most excited to speak to Angela Merkel- she’s the first female chancellor of Germany; and Michelle Obama! Ah, such a remarkable woman, I really admire her. I asked her for leadership advice.”
“And did she give any?”
“Oh yes,” Claire sighed happily. “I don’t know how much I’ll be leading here, but I’d like to be like her. She’s very intelligent. Resilient. Level-headed and compassionate. She really cares about people.”
“I’m sure you’ll find opportunity,” Loki smiled. “Did you speak with anyone else?”
“Yes, I can’t believe I forgot to tell you!” Claire squealed excitedly. “Let it be known that, I, Claire Fisher, a lowly S.H.I.E.L.D agent and childhood resident of Compton, spoke to the QUEEN OF ENGLAND!”
“I had no idea you would be so excited about this,” Loki laughed, charmed by her enthusiasm. “Did she meet your expectations?”
“YES!” Claire squealed. “She was wonderful! She gave me leadership advice- and some marriage advice- and she’s SO funny! I love her so much, Loki, I never want her to leave.” Loki laughed heartily at that.
“Eventually we must let her go home, darling.”
“Oh alright, fine, she can leave.” Claire replied grumpily, sulking deeper into the water. She began to rub body wash into her skin, filling the humid air with the scent.
“What is that?” Loki asked. “That smell.” It smelled of intoxicating sweet flowers and musk.
“It’s body wash. In the Stars, from Bath and Body Works. It was a gift from my friends you met. FitzSimmons?”
“Ah yes, the scientists. I would have liked to speak to them more.”
“You should; I think you’d get along,” Claire smiled. “Anyway, they made me a going-away gift of self-care items and makeup. All of the scents are space or astronomy themed, which is so on brand for both of them. They also gave me all the lipsticks you’re so fond of.”
“I shall endeavor to thank them,” Loki smiled. “I assume you know them from S.H.I.E.L.D., but how did your role correlate to theirs?”
“Ah, well, as scientists, they would develop weapons and gear and whatnot, and every so often I would get to test their new toys in the field. They made a plasma cannon once that sadly did not get the final approval from the higher ups, but it was fun to play with.”
“I can imagine it was quite destructive.”
“Yeah, I spent a week filling out damage reports,” Claire cringed. “Still, it was disappointing to see it scrapped,” the pair fell into easy silence as Claire continued to scrub her skin. “Loki?”
“Tell me about one of your disappointments.” the loaded request sat heavy on Loki’s shoulders. It was a request to be vulnerable, and Loki wondered how far he was willing to let his guard down where Claire was concerned.
“When I was a boy- well...I was at an odd stage- not quite a man, but no longer a boy- I had a very exciting opportunity to study some insects that were on the brink of extinction. I have always preferred my studies to the practices of Odin and Thor, but this was an exceptional chance to study creatures that were vastly important to their ecosystems. For whatever reason, it was nearly impossible to get them to breed, and so their numbers dwindled, and dwindled, until finally, there were only two males and one female left.”
“That does sound interesting.”
“My tutor was one of the utmost experts in the field, and whether by design or luck, he came into possession of these three beetles. For weeks we studied them, and my days were consumed with them. I felt...a kinship of sorts with them, because they were the last of their kind, and I was- I am- an outsider. I wondered whether they could feel, or perhaps even shared, my profound sense of isolation.”
“Oh, honey…”
“One day, Odin stormed into my daily lessons, demanding to know why I was not on the training field with Thor. I tried to explain what my tutor and I were attempting, but he would not listen. He cared only that I was neglecting my training. I should mention that military service is compulsory at one’s majority, which was rapidly approaching for me at that time. He meant well-”
“That doesn’t matter. Your studies were important too,” Claire replied. “What happened?”
“Odin crushed the female,” Loki said softly. “He then told me it no longer mattered and since the beetles were doomed, I would be better served focusing on what did matter. He dragged me to the training field and made me stay there for hours.”
“At one point I collapsed, because I had been in the hot sun for so long without food or water. Odin instructed one of the older boys to dump water on me, and when I woke, I was told I was pathetic and not fit to serve in the infantry, let alone as an officer.”
“That’s horrible.”
“Yes, well...I cannot isolate the time I learned how little I mattered to Odin into a single memory; it is a running theme of which he enjoys reminding me.”
“I’m so sorry, Loki. No one deserves to feel that way,” Claire said angrily. “For what it’s worth, you matter to me.” Silence fell once again as Loki wrapped his arms around himself on the other side of the door.
“Thank you.” he murmured after a beat.
“Would you like to know my disappointment?” Claire asked softly.
“Yes, of course.”
“In one of our first meetings, when we were talking about my-” Claire laughed. “My parentage was questionable at best, I believe were your words.”
“Which I regret.”
“That’s mine as well. That I don’t know who my father is. I don’t know what kind of person he is, what his favorite food is,” she said softly. “At least with Odin...you know what color his eyes are, what tea he likes.”
“Is it worse to know, or not to know?” Loki asked somberly.
“I don’t have an answer to that.”
“Hmm,” Loki said absently. “Finish your bath, darling. Meet me on the lounge when you’re ready.” he withdrew quickly, needing a moment alone to collect himself. Claire let him go, already knowing what he needed. She needed it too.
She finished her bath quickly, wrapping her hair in the towel after slipping into her pajamas. She stepped out to find Loki stretched out on the couch with his eyes closed.
“Scoot over.” Claire nudged him gently as she reached the couch, settling beside him when he scooted to make room.
“That is a rather daring head piece,” Loki squinted at her. “You’ll make quite a statement at court.”
“Shut up,” Claire laughed. “I’m not gonna snuggle with you if you’re gonna make fun of me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling,” came the chuckled reply. “What was the marriage advice? From the queen of England?” he asked as they settled on the couch facing each other. Claire laughed softly, smothering her mirth in the pillow beneath her head.
“To find little moments to share, so that even when the job prevents big moments from happening, you have something to hold onto.”
“That is...rather honest.”
“I was going to invite you to join me in the bath, but I knew you would say no,” Claire murmured, glancing over at him. “These rules are dumb; we’re breaking several right now.”
“Indeed we are,” Loki purred. “Less than forty-eight hours to go, little wife.” Claire giggled as she stretched out alongside him.
“Stay for a little while?” Claire asked as tiredness washed over her. Her eyes fluttered closed and she reached for him, tugging him closer with a hand on his hip.
“Of course.”
Loki wasn’t sure what woke him, but he quickly realized he’d stayed far too long. The fire had died down, the dying embers casting a faint glow about the dark room. Claire lay tucked into his side, her warm body pressed deliciously close. Her hands clutched his bare skin, having wormed beneath his clothes as they slept.
“Norns,” Loki swore under his breath as he spied the blue tinge on the horizon. As much as he was enjoying their current predicament, he needed to leave. “Darling, I have to go.”
“Did we sleep too long?” Claire mumbled.
“A little. Get to bed, little wife.” Claire hummed when Loki kissed her forehead.
“Wait, let me walk you out,” Claire mumbled as she got to her feet. She rubbed her tired eyes as Loki stretched. Claire seized the opportunity and hugged him, nuzzling her face into his chest as he returned her affection. “I wish you could stay.”
“I shall see you in just a few hours, darling. Will you miss me terribly?” Claire nodded, eyes slipping closed as he squeezed her tightly.
“Yes,” Claire’s voice was muffled against his chest. “See you soon.”
“Sleep well, my darling,” Loki leaned down to kiss her forehead, but he was taken by surprise when Claire rose up to her tiptoes to kiss him. She wound her arms around his neck, pulling him in with the spell she cast. Loki let himself be pulled in, any argument dying as his hands skirted beneath her clothes. His fingers danced along her skin, palms bracketing her ribs as his thumbs just grazed the swell of her breasts. “Claire-”
“Sorry, not sorry,” Claire sighed as she released him, trailing her hands through his curly hair before she fully let him go. “I couldn’t help myself.” she grinned mischievously as he brushed her wild hair from her face. Miraculously, her still-damp towel was still on her head, but several locks of hair had escaped.
“Good night,” Loki drew both her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “See you soon.”
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hanbindans · 1 year
zerobaseone as IB students (headcanons)
some fun headcanons for my fellow students. please take these with a grain of salt, obviously I don't know them personally and these are just meant to be fun :) word count: 1.1 k (ca 140 for each) a/n: this is for a very niche target audience but it makes sense in MY head. also I have exams in less than 2 weeks so this is kind of representative of where my mind is at rn. and PSA if you're also an IB student please don't actually skip TOK <3
what's that?? "he's a 24 year old man, it's been years since he completed high school??" sorry I can't hear you too well I'll just go ahead and write this headcanon anyway <3
he's such a drama kid and he would take it even in IB, so theatre and korean lit would be his HLs
I feel like he would take bio and psych sl purely out of curiosity and then immediately regret it when he realizes how much content there is (but would be really good at psych)
aa sl!!! no particular reason tbh I just think he's kind of smart
doesn't understand tok. like...... at ALL. is saved by the fact that his psychology EE is pretty good because he pretty much flunks tok miserably
CAS defender because "guys it builds character I think it's great that we all do volunteer work :))" bless his heart
7 subjects :)
is good at tok probably
genuinely puts SO much time and effort into his cas and regrets it in the end but it looks cool on his resumé
psychology and korean lit HL, probably takes VA too but maybe as sl. he gives such lit vibes I feel like he would totally be a literature kid
chinese ab!!!! and maybe ESS because he can and doesn't like science <3
AI SL just because he's so social science but he gets 6s and 7s because it's too easy for him <3
basically he's all the social science subjects but because they're FUN not because they're easy :)
shares notes and study resources in the class group chat because he's cool like that
zhang hao
science kid
HL math AA, geography, and maybe chem or bio. maybe takes physics SL too.
definitely chinese lang/lit and korean ab (he could definitely do korean B but he can't be bothered)
you won't catch him anywhere without a comically large energy drink
completely numbed on the inside but also puts more effort in than everyone else and gets straight 7's
skips tok though because he can't be asked
does his EE on a very niche obsession of his and it gets a really good grade but he puts way too much effort into it
everyone wants to learn his ways but he doesn't do study groups because he gets too annoyed lmao. WILL tell juniors chatting in the library to stfu
he will complain about anything and everything any chance he gets but also catch him getting that 45 at the end of the day.
also science kid but a lot less intense
HL bio, chem, music, SL AA, korean lang/lit and japanese ab
he would complain SO MUCH about group 2 btw he's one of those science kids who really doesn't want to do 2 languages lol
really only cares about music to be honest but does the sciencey subjects because he thinks they're cool and gets pretty good grades
the type to do a hyper specific science IA and spend way too much time on it just for shits and giggles because he likes pouring things into beakers and swirling them
unintentionally does the most for his CAS, like "oh a service??? yeah I've been tutoring guitar for like 6 months does that count" and genuinely fails to see how other people struggle with it
also excells at tok, like genuinely writes an amazing philosophical TOK essay and gets full marks
ironically cares so little about IB but somehow does so well because he genuinely likes his subjects (and has an iq of like 150)
7 subjects :)
wants to do more languages than he's allowed because he's just built like that, he likes flexing his multilingualism
HL english lang/lit, french B, history. SL AA, bio, chem, psych
is annoyingly good at all his subjects like HOW are you doing all that and remembering everything?? secretly kind of a genius
does the mostest for his IAs for absolutely no reason other than he's just interested in his subjects and wants to do fun projects :)
also genuinely likes CAS for the same reason (play sports feed stray cats, what's not to like?)
super ambitious classmate who is somehow the only one still sane and always happy
encourages everyone before tests and exams like "come on guys we can do it!! :)"
this is more likely than you think like do you know how many rich international kids do IB??? in an alternate reality he's M23
visual art HL <33
probably business management HL too, but I could see him doing psych as well!! I think he'd enjoy the human relationships option
chinese lang/lit and english B because why do a bilingual diploma and struggle when you could just breeze through english B?????
AI and ESS sl because he cba, he just wants to pass fr.
to be honest he only really cares about visual art (does his EE in it and regrets it every day) and his social science a liiittle bit, other than that he's just doing exactly as much as he needs to pass
super chill classmate though like all IB kids need a Ricky in their class to humble our god complexes
IB but because he's an exchange student :') like he didn't even know what IB was when he started it
cramming the night before tests because he can't be asked to dedicate his whole life to studying
actually the nicest classmate though
eng b HL and breezes through it
ESS and AI sl together with ricky (they sit in the back of the class and snack together <3)
also like business management/psychology or something equivalent but he's REALLY good at it and gets easy 7's?? like he will be that 1 kid who has that 1 subject that he's an absolute god at
cries every tok lesson but it's alright
favourite part is ironically CAS because he has an excuse to volunteer at dog shelters and play basketball with his friends :)
peak IB child I bet he would take this programme for real
4 hls (economics, psychology, korean lang lit, chemistry)
I have no justification for these subjects btw I just spat out 4 that I think he would take. he definitely would do 4 HLs though because that's how he rolls
ALSO takes cas very seriously for absolutely no reason
also takes tok SUPER seriously- he will lead class discussions and get into heated debates about stupid shit like if newspeak would work in real life
AA sl and japanese ab because that's just his vibes
kind of overworked but is always helpful and shares notes with his classmates :)
does his EE in economics and ends up getting way too invested in it and becomes obsessed with economic development policies or something niche like that (nerd but affectionately <3)
very stressed and overworked but he WILL get those grades at the end of the day <33
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junnopons · 1 year
a guide to writing your sp
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Before we continue, I wanna remind everyone real quick that you don’t need a template to script. You don’t even need a script, subliminals, or whatever. This is just for people, including me, who want to script as their method and don’t know where to start. This doesn’t have to be used for scripting an sp specifically. Feel free to use this to script your ideal self or whatever your heart desires. Also, to answer some questions about manifesting a sp in general (feel free to skip this, as this is probably gonna be the longest part of the blog 😭)
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Q) what point of view do I need to write my script in? A) there isn’t any specific rule for how you write your script, except the rules you give yourself. feel free to write it however you wish
Q) does this person need to be in my life currently in order for me to manifest them? A) not at all. whether you want to manifest your childhood bestie, a complete stranger you met only yesterday, or a rando that looks, acts, and feels just like your favorite fictional character. you are truly limitless in who and what you can manifest
Q) how long will it take? A) as long as you want! 1 day, 12 years, 38 hours, 3 minutes, whatever! It’s just like manifesting something smaller like food or a phone. Although, if you still have doubts about your manifestation coming to you at the time you want I’d recommend working on self concept or repeating affirmations. You don’t have to though, ofc
Q) what if my sp is taken/not interested/or something else? A) now, with the knowledge of this being a rather controversial topic in the community feel free to take my opinion with a grain of salt. I personally don’t like messing with people’s relationships or feelings for any sort of gain, so I’d take that situation as an opportunity to manifest an even better version of your sp. this way no one gets hurt in the situation and you and your past sp can live happily
Q) what if I’m manifesting a fictional character/someone like a fictional character? How will that work? A) now, see I can’t exactly tell you the specifics of how it works (because tbh I don’t really know the specifics,) but I like to think about manifesting a fictional sp in two ways. 1. There are about 8 billion people on this earth right now. One of those 8 billion people are bound to have exactly your requirements, no matter how detailed or how simple they are. 2. There are countless amounts of realities, and just like when you script for reality shifting when you manifest you are also technically shifting to a reality with your desires. So what makes manifesting an sp any different
Feel free to send asks about anything else concerning this topic, I’ll be very happy to answer. Although, please don’t be rude or spam. That’s such a vibe killer (and no one wants to be a vibe killer). And with that, let’s discuss the guide to writing your sp.
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With writing an sp I like to imagine it as writing a wiki page of an official character (or writing an introduction to an original character of yours). The way you write it won’t make a difference, but I like writing mine with lots of details. Something like
name | age | sexuality | gender | zodiac | workplace/occupation | nationality | ethnicity | extra extra extra
Next comes the appearance part. Personally I like to make sure my appearance part is detailed to help with visualization. I also like to make my sps look somewhat close to known celebrities. That way when wanting to visualize them I can use various forms of media. For example, if you’re sp looks a lot like Felix form stray kids feel free to use edits of him to visualize. There are many ways of writing an sp’s physical description. Such as
“my sp looks like Felix from straykids with yuzuru hanyu’s body “ or “my sp has *very specific facial feature from one celebrity* with *another specific facial feature from another celebrity*” or simply write it like “my sp has brown dyed hair with emerald green eyes”
You can also leave this part blank like every other part of your script. The possibilities are endless.
Then, I like to go into the backstory and personality. I do it in the same group of paragraphs personally because I like to see how the backstory affects the person I’m writing about to make sure it’s pretty realistic. I like writing this part in 3rd person, but feel free to write it anyway you choose to. Also feel free to take this as seriously as you want to. For those, like me, who need a backstory idea or help with writing what characteristics your sp might have because of their experiences I recommend visiting the “one stop for writers” website.
After that, I like to get into one of the fun parts, my sp’s relationship with others. Whether it’s their relationship with their mother, the relationship with your friends, or the relationship with your family. Just don’t forget to write about yourself.
Personally I like writing my sp’s relationships something like this: “[Name] and their mother unfortunately do not get along that well, mainly due to *blah blah blah blah*” but ofc you can always make it less detailed too. Something like “Sp’s relationship with mother - neutral” will work just as good. Allow whatever’s up there to fill in the gaps for you
I don’t necessarily believe you have to script anything after that. I like adding more things such as personal style, how we meet, talents and skills, inspirations, etc,. But nothing on here or on the guide is mandatory. As long as you have a basic idea of how you want your sp to be you don’t need all of this. And so with that, I think it’s time for me to go. Do note that this blog with always be updated in case I find spelling mistakes or new information, but if you have any questions about this part or any part of the guide don’t be afraid to ask. With that, I’m logging off. Peace.
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