#please interact with this post (can also be temporarily) if you see this so i know you've read it!
ruvviks · 2 years
>> broker chapter update
hi guys! hope you all enjoyed part 1 of the broker chapter :D as i've said before, all of the posts are now tagged with "ch:the broker" so you can always find the chapters there if you missed any, but for convenience i'll list them here as well
the incident
the right hand man
the interrogation
the revelation
the broker chapter will have 3 more parts after this, all with 4-5 chapters. i'm taking a short break right now (not as if i was posting weekly chapters but let's pretend i was) to properly write part 2 so i have a head start with things once school starts again for me
doesn't mean i won't be online or won't be making new content though! i still have plenty of other projects lying around, both cyberpunk and others, that i'll be working on and sharing with you guys in the meantime :)
as always, if you have any questions about this story (can be about anything!!) you are 100% welcome to jump into my asks! i love talking about my ocs and writing so i'm happy to answer any questions you might have (especially after last chapter's reveal tee hee) :D <3
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laurasimonsdaughter · 1 month
Hey!!! Could you please share some undead folklore??? I am needing it for a story but it is very hard to go after it without only getting the modern conception of a "zombie"
Anon, anon I am blowing you kisses, I am utterly uninterested in modern zombies but I love me some undead folklore!
First things first: there are lots of words to refer to undead beings and they are often used interchangably. Personally I tend to call anything that was once human but died and then returned and is still a physical, corporeal being, a "revenant". This excludes ghosts and apparitions, which could definitely be called undead, but usually serve a different function in stories.
But, among revenants there is still a lot of variety! In their reason for being undead, in their appearance, their behaviour, and the rules they (seem to) follow. What kind of folklore you want to draw from for your story, will depend entirely on what kind of role they need to fulfill in your narrative. So here is some broad inspiration:
• In an earlier post I wrote about a category of revenant that I call "The Returning Recently Dead", who behave almost like a ghost with unfinished business and I mostly see in the types: the slighted (out for revenge), the grief-bound lover (could be tragic or horrific), the cursed with a duty (out to complete their task), the loving with a duty (out to protect their loved one). They all follow very different rules, but there's some great inspiration there! (Some more examples in this post.)
• There is also a specific folklore tale type called "The Grateful Dead" which usually involves someone being respectful of someone's burial place or otherwise kind towards the dead, who is later helped by a Mysterious Helper who can do fantastic things but doesn't seem entirely...human...
• Folklore also includes revenants that are more of a bad omen or a simply creepy sight to happen upon. The returning recently dead and the grateful dead tend to temporarily visit the land of the living, but some folktales depict The Dead as still very capable of interacting with life if they choose to, if only for their own amusement. This post about Dullahan has some great examples of that (dancing skeletons, undead processions, etc.) and this Icelandic tale is still one of my favourites.
• Of course most vampires are also revenants, but since most people will treat them as a category all their own, I will too. I do want to give a shout-out to what Montague Summers called "ghouls" and attributed to Arabic folklore. Especially the tales of Amine and Nadille, who each marry living human men, who then slowly find out that their pretty, pale wives, who hardly seem to eat anything and are only lively at night, are not what they seem. (You can read Summers' text here.)
One thing that is very important about all these undead, is that they are intelligent. Some of them can pass for human, others genuinely look dead, but most of them are capable of speaking and complex actions. They are not mindless killers or shambling creatures. Those do exist in folklore, but they usually end up more in the "don't walk across the graveyard at night or you'll be eaten alive" type of cautionary folktale that pops up all over Europe. Wich is all well and good, but makes for much shorter stories~
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yridenergyridenergy · 18 days
On the eve of the seven-year mark for this account, let's address the biggest hate point about me: how I insist that people either ask before, come and say thanks, simply link to or credit this page when they share/repost the content.
Even if I manage to convince a handful of peopIe, I will continually have to argue and work with people on this because it's not inherent. For example, I come from an online community where, decades ago, we were shocked when we learned that Japanese artists were mad that some people had simply copied and pasted their fanart. It's obvious when you stop to put yourself in their shoes, but for a lot of people, it takes some personal effort to accept the realization that: "Oh okay, I see where you're coming from." In no way am I comparing fanart with most of my content, as artists deserve a ton more praise, but the concept of being grateful for where you got stuff and not simply saving and reposting stuff is the same. And guess what? People outside of that aforementioned community, and even probably newcomers to that community, are still sharing uncredited fanart. It's not inherent, I get it.
For almost seven years, I have posted twice daily, at least, and this requires quite a lot of budget, time, innovation and effort. And absolutely, the content comes from the band themselves, I'm not the photographer(s), the live show recorders, the interviewers, etc. However, you also wouldn't have that GIF, JPG, etc. if it wasn't for me. I do it to share the love, the passion. If I don't mention the source in my post, then it's either directly cited on the picture or the band has not mentioned the source either, like for memocas.
Also, each perpetrator thinks of themselves individually, but imagine my perspective too: it's not just one, but dozens of people who keep reposting my content to their own crowd of followers without any context. When you don't mention a source and just display new content out of nowhere, you are indeed claiming it as if you were the benefactor.
So, am I fighting for the "clout" or whatever? Well, maybe in the same capacity as those people are clearly attracted to. Whether we are or not, it's just about the principle behind the whole situation that reposting is not the proper way to show that you are grateful about something. Unless it came from a robot or some big corporation without feelings or humanity. If you don't wish to interact and ask permission or say thanks at all, let alone like or reblog on Tumblr, then the least you can do is to mention where you found stuff. To whom you owe the pleasure of having seen that content and being able to share it.
And it's so stupid because on Twitter, for example, you benefit from 280 characters now, plus a link gives a preview of the images that are on the landing site. There is zero excuse for not mentioning your source right there in the post where you repost an image (or screenshots of a translated interview, mindblowingly enough), in addition to whatever small comment you want to make regarding the content, instead of in a subsequent reply that nobody will bother to check.
A lot of people will still disagree on this and hate me, and that's fine. If you don't like me, then don't engage with what I share, because that's just hypocritical. This really shouldn't be that controversial, it's just that your feathers are temporarily ruffled. People added watermarks on their GIFs and scans etc. way before I did.
And the descent from "Please credit if you repost" to "Do not repost" came because people didn't do even that anyway. But if someone comes to ask me if they can nevertheless, I'm super likely to say 'yes'.
At the end of the day, I want to keep this blog positive, I want to foster a good environment to lift people's mood day by day. We have enough bullshit in our lives. I've heard of the Dir en grey community being toxic at probably more than one stage of its existence, but hopefully we can keep avoiding that.
As for me, I am eternally grateful to those who keep up with my apparently insufferable self.
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askblueandviolet · 7 months
Hello! Welcome to the Blue and Violet Ask Blog!
As you might have guessed, this is an ask blog where you can ask the Mayor (Blue) and Macaque (Violet) from LMK questions! However, before anything else, there are a few things that you need to know.
General Things:
First things first, if you are not aware already, this blog is not based 'completely' on LMK canon! Instead, it is directly based and linked to the Blue and Violet Fanfiction series on AO3. Written by yours truly, me (haha!). Link to the fic series is in the bio/under the header. If you want to ask questions, please make sure you are up to date with all the chapters in ALL the fics in the series. (Also by the way YES THIS IS SHADOWPUPPET >:DDDD. If you don't like it and have a desire to assert your opinion regarding that? Then please, I kindly ask that you do not interact with this blog for your sake, my sake, and for the sake of everyone else who might want to enjoy this. Thank you :))).)
What this means is that the only things that Macaque and Mayor have experienced is within the context of this fanfiction series (which contains lots of establishment of how they know each other and their perspectives during seasons 1-3). Therefore, you definitely cannot ask these two about season four related things, because it hasn't happened to them yet!
Due to this, this blog will follow the timeline and events of what happens in the newest instalment of the series, 'Winter Mornings, Summer Nights' (previously, it was 'Colours'). After every chapter is posted, you will be able to ask Macaque and Mayor questions relating to what had happened to them in that chapter or any events prior in the fic series.
IMPORTANT: Whatever happens in this ask blog is NOT canon to the fic series. However, what happens in the fic series directly affects this blog. This means that nothing you ask or say on this blog will affect the Blue and Violet storyline.
Rules (or just... things to remember?) Regarding Asks:
I think I will be able to answer every question that you all submit. However, if I find a question too offensive, too uncomfortable, too strange (meaning I just don't understand it :'D) or something that will potentially spoil the future events of the fic series, then I will have to unfortunately ignore the ask. Either that, or I simply answer the ask with a silly picture of some sorts. On that note, please don't ask any character or me what will happen next! They probably don't know either! You'll all just have to wait and see ;D.
You can ask both Macaque and Mayor any questions you desire. However, I would highly recommend with each chapter posted, we stick to asking questions to whomever the new chapter's POV is in!
Also, if you wanted, you could also ask side characters any questions you wanted! Like Baihe, or any one of my OC's for Mayor's side of the story. But, keep in mind that this is technically a Shadowpuppet ask blog XDDD thus, they should be the main focus.
Not only can you ask the characters questions, but you can also just ask me questions about the series in general? Or just... Say something I guess? I've had people do that on my main blog, and it always makes me happy to see that people like what I am writing!
I will be honest, I am not expecting many asks to come to this blog. But, on the off chance I am overloaded with asks, please know that I can only work so fast! If it really does get too much I will temporarily shut the ask box, but I will make sure that every ask is answered to the best of my ability (Update: I look back on this statement and I realise oh how so very naive I had been)!
IMPORTANT: As of right now, it seems I should be able to answer one-two questions per day (although it could be less frequent due to potential circumstances in the future) so keep that in mind!
After experimenting with the ask box I have decided that the box will be open for 24 hours whenever it opens! This is just so that people from different time zones can like, have an equal chance to get something in if they want, haha. No cap limit on the box for now, just go wild!
Master List of Asks :D (WIP)
💙- Mayor
💜 - Macaque
🩷 - Baihe (because of how many times she appears, she deserves her own key, haha :DDD)
Chapter One Asks 💜🩷
Chapter Two Asks 💙
Chapter Three Asks 💜🩷
Chapter Four Asks 💙
Chapter Five Asks 💜(🩷)
Chapter Six Asks 💙💜🩷
Chapter Seven Asks 💙💜🩷
Chapter Eight Asks 💙
Chapter Nine Asks 💜🩷
Chapter Ten Asks 💙
Chapter Eleven Asks 💙
Chapter Twelve Asks 💜
Chapter Thirteen Asks 💙
Chapter Fourteen Asks 💙💜
Winter Mornings, Summer Nights
Chapter One Asks 💜
Chapter Two Asks 💙💜
Chapter Three Asks 💙
Chapter Four Asks 💙💜
Chapter Five Asks 💜(💙)
Chapter Six Asks 💙💜
Chapter Seven Asks 💙💜
AND THAT'S IT! I... think? This post will update as time goes on the more and more I learn how to help this blog function to the best of its ability. So please check this pinned post every time before you ask a question :DDD.
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2hiit · 9 months
hello again, dashboard.
my name is jenga, and you might recognize me from @2hiit, @mikucaptor, @spellbookbindings, @oberonnie, @goodnatured, @uzufoxy, and @autochaton. if you do, you may have also noticed my various absences from the tumblrsphere in the last year or so. although i've been trying to stay as uninvolved from this as i can, i've reached my breaking point. this is in part due to the newest of the false allegations sunnie has lobbied against me, and in part due to the health of my wife, who was supposed to be wearing a heart monitor this month to track some irregular beating, but whose results have most definitely been skewed due to the repeated stress sunnie has been putting our family through this past week. 
this post will include every shred of evidence i have against sunnie (@sunniehub), with the hope that once i've said everything i can, i never have to address this again. i deserve peace. my family deserves peace. i have been forced to accept we will not get any if i continue to just wait for this to blow over.
sunnie runs the following blogs: 
sunniehub / carcins  / softdweller / 8ad / goresports / paiinball / w2f / stuckyfanfiction / w33dgod69 / diqqiebitch / hissassin / dowwn / eredan / hotdoxxed / apedshit / acabemy / mistaklen 
xe has been relentlessly block evading and stalking my various blogs, as well as attempting to tarnish my online reputation beyond repair with false accusations in an effort to drive me off of this site. i have been dealing with sunnie and xer inexcusable behavior ever since i blocked xem on january 2nd, 2023 for the sake of my mental health. i made a response post once before addressing these false allegations against me, but i now realize that will no longer be sufficient, as sunnie seems to be content with making up new and worse accusations when the previous ones fail to stick.
content warnings for this document include: mentions of r/pe, mentions of CSA, stalking, harassment, emotional abuse, gaslighting, guilt tripping, suicidal thoughts, and mentions of transphobia. there are also descriptions of physical stalking, as well as graphic descriptions of violence, but these things are warned for before they occur, and are skippable if need be.
over the course of THIS DOCUMENT, i’ll be showing you chat logs, screenshots, and data supporting the claims i’ve made about sunnie, as well as offering you some context as to how this situation came to be. this is quite an extensive log and i'm aware it may be hard to follow, and some of you may want to skip to the parts that are most striking to you. i have taken the liberty to include an outline in the sidebar for the ease of moving around the document at your own pace, and i’ll be using formatting to make it as neurodivergent friendly as i possibly can. please bear with me.
i truly believe sunnie is a danger to this community, most especially those xe interacts with on a regular basis, just like i once did.
[as a disclaimer: while i have censored sunnie's previous name, i will not be altering any outdated pronouns as they appear in our chat logs. this is to maintain the integrity of the logs and readability. i no longer use xer former pronouns or name, and there are plenty of people who can vouch for this fact.]
i will be temporarily disabling anonymous asks, because i will not be addressing this matter publicly any longer. when i do eventually re-able them, any asks pertaining to this post, or the events this post addresses, will be promptly deleted. replies, reblogs, and DMs are fine, but otherwise, i am considering this matter closed until further notice.
furthermore, i do not want to see any commentary, speculation, or prodding for details whatsoever regarding the individuals in this document whose identities i have censored. this is a stalking accusation. they are censored for their protection.
they are not the focus of this document, sunnie is.
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shares-a-vest · 5 months
💖 Fic Writing Review 2023 💖
I was tagged by @penny00dreadful @rocknrollsalad @cranberrymoons and @unclewaynemunson Thanks everyone! You all smashed it in 2023. Here's to more words wording and fun fandom times with our faves.
Tbh, it took me a good month minute to work out how to do this, seeing as I don't post much to ao3 (something I intend on mending in 2024). I'm very much going with the 'feel free to show whatever stats you like' aspect of the rules.
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But before all that, I'd like to use this post as an opportunity to acknowledge everyone who enjoys my writing. I kinda just fell into writing in this fandom and discovered that I love it!
I'm also sending love and appreciation to my beloved moots and everyone in the stwg discord server. Here's to another year of creating, sharing and interacting 💖
This fandom really is my happy place a lot of the time, a much-needed creative outlet and a space where I can talk to people who let me be my silly little old self.
I have so much I want to write in 2024 (including some in-the-works stuff listed below). One goal I know I have in 2024 is to write what I'll temporarily title, 'The Origin of Joanie Munson'. I would really like to knuckle down and write a looonnnggg fic this year that would tell that story.
Anyway, enough of me talking, I'll stop before I get too sappy...
Top 5 Posts by Notes:
Wayne and Claudia to Steve's Rescue
I'm Dating Garfield
My Prince
Eddie gets stuck in Steve's shower after the power goes off
Eddie Munson: Sparkly Vampire Boyfriend
Proudest Work & Reflections:
Wayne and Steve get hearing aids: This post was very much inspired by my pop's ongoing struggle with his hearing aids. HoH Steve is a beloved headcanon of mine so I was happy to receive so much love for a little ficlet that came from a very real place.
Steve spends Father's Day with the Buckleys: If there's one Steve trope I will write, it's Steve Has Bad Parents™. I always find myself writing this trope and getting Steve all sad and angsty as a personal coping mechanism/outlet for irl Dad Stuff™. I was a pile of goo over the tags and comments saying this ficlet resonated with readers! We really are just out here projecting onto our blorbos to get through shit.
Joanie Munson's First Word: I love my Joanie Munson AU. And one thing I love writing into it is Wayne being a doting Grandpa. It was a WIP for quite a while and I remember waking up at like 3am, unable to sleep and bam I finished it, proving that sometimes it's worth letting something linger in the drafts until the moment strikes.
My Fandom Events in 2023 (I did a sprinkling of others, but these I completed/worked on consistently):
Spicy Six Fanworks Challenge SPRING and SUMMER
Steddie Week 2023
Upcoming Works & Events (aka, next in the pipeline):
Spicy Six Fanworks Challenge WINTER
Clarkson Mixtape Fic
STWG Hozier Project
Tagging some precious moots (plus those above) to send my love and good New Year vibes to! @thefreakandthehair @tboyeddie @steventhusiast @imfinereallyy @hbyrde36 @spicysix @momotonescreaming @withacapitalp @farahsamboolents @hellion-child @sidekick-hero (also feel free to do this tag game too if you'd like/haven't already!)
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
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myslutwritings · 11 months
𓆩♡𓆪 Welcome to my blog 𓆩♡𓆪
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Hello there:) my name is michelle and i’m 19 years old. i’ve been using tumblr for a long time now. I actually used to write but i stopped doing it awhile ago. however, i’ve decided to give it another try! I remember i stopped awhile ago because i wasn’t as passionate about it. plus, i wasn’t feeling so great and that was the very reason why i quit temporarily.
Currently, i am insanely hyperfixated on demon slayer! i’m mostly obsessed with the KNY demons so this blog is for my demon lovers/simps! i’ll be writing for only the demons because those are the ones i’m most passionate about. Don’t get me wrong, i adore all the characters endlessly but i can only see myself writing for the demons right now. So if that isn’t your preference then please kindly leave and don’t bother hating. As for my lovely demon lovers feel free to stay and send me requests in my inbox!
I’m still (sorta) new at this so my sincerest apologies if my writing/grammar is crappy in any shape or form!!
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☆ Characters i will be writing for ☆
- Muzan kibutsuji
- Kokushibo
- Douma
- Akaza
- Hantengu clones (Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu, & Urogi)
- Gyutaro
- Daki
- Enmu
- Lady tamayo
- Nakime
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〖 Rules 〗
-okay so just going over some basic ground rules because this part is required.
-please do NOT spam my inbox! it’ll just stress me out further and only compel me to not wanna write anymore.
-i will not do ships! (ex; character x character) only x readers! (ex: character x s/o)
-i prefer to do preferences/imagines/headcanons but i’ll do short stories(one shots) as well! however, those take more time to write.
-i will write about the ideas that get submitted that i like the most. please don’t take this in the wrong way but i’m only writing for what i know how to write about if that makes sense?
-also, minors aren’t allowed to interact with my NSFW posts.
-PLEASE SPECIFY WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU REQUEST! and please specify whether you’d like it to be NSFW or SFW.
-if i haven’t done your request please do not take it to heart! i only write for what i know how to write for, you know? i hope that makes sense!
-I will do my best to complete every request i get! It takes me time to write because unfortunately life gets in the way but please do not mistaken me for giving up! I will get it done in my own time.
-writing is a hobby of mine. something i want to do to help me relax and feel comforted. i’m not too keen on making it feel like a chore or a job i hate. i will write for whatever i want and do whichever request i feel motivated to write for. thank you!
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➤ what i’m comfortable writing;
NSFW/SFW (i won’t be doing NSFW for Daki)
Fluff/Angst (I love writing these)
Violence (i’m okay with this jus nothin’ too crazy💀)
Yandere!Characters (Then again just nothing TOO crazy)
Gore (this is demon slayer we’re talking ab so gore is okay obv)
self harm (for comfort purposes only! i won’t be glamorizing/romanticizing it)
Poly relationships (ex: character x character x reader)
I will write for fem, male, trans & GN reader! (i want everyone to feel included, plus it’s fun to write for all)
i’ll also write for child!reader but only platonically.
I will not write full-on smut fics. (simply because i’m terrible at it and i have zero motivation for it) But i can do spicy scenarios or NSFW headcanons!
➤ what i’m NOT comfortable writing;
Pedophilia/underaged/incest (obviously💀)
Suicide (i can write fluff fics where it’s only suicidal thoughts and the characters help the reader but that’s about it.)
pregnancy/birth giving (nothing wrong w it js makes me uncomfortable)
Mother or Father reader. I’m not the best at writing domestic stories like that.
non-sexual Age regression. (nothing wrong with it, it’s just not what i prefer to write about)
necrophilia/foot fetishes/age-play/vore/any weird kinks in general. (you get what i’m saying?)
Daddy kink (i just can’t take it seriously lol)
Smut fics/stories for male!reader (I identify as a woman, so writing a full porn one-shot for a male reader would be a bit awkward in my opinion. But i can still do headcanons)
In conclusion i won’t be writing anything that’s offensive or highly controversial or flat out problematic! however, my writings will contain somewhat dark topics and that’s about all. but i won’t go overboard with anything. (i’m sure you understand)
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Feel free to leave me requests though!! i am sooo desperate‼️ i don’t bite so don’t be scared lol
ANYWAYYY that’s about everything. bye-bye :))
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smellyrottentrees · 1 month
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Some more info:
You are welcome to interact with posts no matter how old they are! Unless, of course, it’s something time-sensitive like a poll.
Please ask questions! I need nothing more than an excuse to infodump. I may become vague if I feel a certain topic contains spoilers, but I will make it clear that is the case if it is so.
Don’t be afraid to say hi! I’d love to make writer friends, especially in the high fantasy and mythological genres. And if you also make art for your writing, all the better!
I don’t reblog many things unless I have my own input to add, but feel free to reblog my work, especially if you have a comment or addition to something I’ve said.
If you want to see art unrelated to my story, as well as process photos, check out my insta under the same name. NOTICE: due to Mxta’s disgusting new AI policy, uploads of art to my Instagram have been temporarily delayed.
OC Boundaries
Fanart: YES, with credit.
Shipping: Only canon, do NOT ship with your OCs.
Kinning: I would strongly prefer if you did NOT.
Fanfic/writing: I would prefer if you did NOT. Or, at the absolute least, TELL ME about it if you do it and keep it SFW!
Drawing your OCs with mine: I would prefer if you did NOT.
NSFW of my characters?: DEPENDS. You can only draw as NSFW as I draw—look through my feed for guidelines, or ASK. I am not opposed to TASTEFUL artistic nudity or violence.
Cosplaying: DEPENDS—with credit and permission, most likely I will say yes.
Headcanoning: Go right ahead, as I understand headcanons are sort of just theories? Or plausible situations you’d like to believe are true. TELL ME your headcanons, you might end up being right.
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with-love-from-hell · 8 months
Thank you all for voting on my poll! I really appreciate everyone's feedback! It looks like the winner of the poll was the headcanon thing, but I think I underestimated how busy I'd be this week, so I'm going to do something a *little* different, and I picked the top 4!
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Anyone, whether you follow me or not, can send me an ask with the words "Trick or Treat!" Elsewhere in the ask, I want you to include one of the following emojis, and follow the rules based on that emoji!
🎃 = A Random Halloween Headcanon.
In addition to the pumpkin emoji, please also indicate which character you'd like the headcanon to be for. I will be answering ONE per character, so this one will be limited entry. first come first serve! see below for who's still available before sending the ask!
Beelzebub | Asmodeus | Mammon | Barbatos | Simeon | Luke | Raphael | Michael
👻 = Music Matchup!
Unlike the headcanon, this one is unlimited! Send me any character from Obey Me! and a genre of music you like along with the emoji and I will give you a song recommendation that fits that character based on what you asked for!
👹 = Movie Casting!
This one will also be unlimited! Along with the demon mask emoji, send me a movie (preferably a horror or halloween-related movie, but I'll do any kind!) and I'll cast it based on the Obey Me characters I think would fit the parts! (I will do this even if I haven't seen the movie!)
☠️ = A Meme!
All you gotta do is send the skull and cross bones and huzzah! You will be gifted with a random obscure meme from my personal collection. (needless to say this one is absolutely unlimited. I have hundreds of memes lol)
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Entries can start at Midnight tonight! I will be accepting them all the way through 11:59 om Halloween! I will be pinning this post temporarily to the top of my page in order for the rules to be regularly seen.
For new followers, remember, I operate as an 18+ only blog. Even though this event will likely be kept pretty tame, I DO NOT INTERACT WITH MINORS. I also expect the rules to be followed, and no rude asks about the limits I've set for the headcanons. If you send in something that doesn't follow the rules, it will be deleted.
That being said...
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I look forward to many asks, and I am really excited to have some fun with this!
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junkissed · 1 year
onlyhuis 1k milestone celebration!
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hi friends! i recently hit a milestone on my blog, so to celebrate reaching 1k followers i'm holding a little event!
i know i am not very fast at posting my writing and i still have many asks sitting in my inbox, but i still want to do something special as a thank-you to my followers. so: i will temporarily be opening my requests for shorter kinds of writing like mtls and reactions! as much as i would love to write longer things for you all, i don't want to overwhelm myself so i'm trying to keep this more low key :)
i will be accepting asks from today, friday, june 30th, 2023 until monday, july 10th, 2023! asks sent after this date may be ignored or deleted for not following my rules. see more details below!
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how to participate:
1. read my guidelines here to see what i am comfy with writing 2. include this emoji in your ask, to show that it's for the celebration: 🐈 (asks with this emoji will be given priority over my normal asks!) 3. send your idea! things you can request: • member + kink // member + scenario • ot13 most to least (example here) • member/ot13 reaction to _____ • you can also ask any questions about me or my writing, like for sneak peeks of projects i'm working on! 4. be kind in your request! don't just tell me, "write about this now". i am much more inclined to respond to asks that say please and thank you <3
other notes:
1. i have the right to decline any ask whether it breaks my guidelines or not 2. keep in mind i have a busy life outside of tumblr but i will try my best to answer as many asks as i can! it may take some time so please be patient :) 3. you can request sfw or nsfw, but if your ask is sfw it may be posted on my other blog @junkissed instead (which is also very close to 1k, so follow there for more of my writing!) 4. like i said, i don't want to overwhelm myself with writing so be aware my answers will be short. but if you'd like me to elaborate on something please feel free send another ask for more! 5. if you have any questions or you're unsure how this all works, don't be shy! send me an ask and i'd be happy to clarify for you!
some links you might need:
my guidelines • my masterlist • join my taglist • my kofi
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thank you to my followers and everyone who has enjoyed reading my work! i'm so happy to be a part of such a wonderful community and interact with so many lovely people every day, it truly is the highlight of my day seeing so much love on my blog. it's been less than a year since i started even thinking about posting my writing, and i'm so grateful to every person that has encouraged me to keep writing and doing what i love!
love, june <3
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red-balloon12 · 10 months
A more put together rant/review for Murder Drones EP: 6
(Spoilers Below)
Okay…so now that I’m more calmed down about the recent murder drones episode, I can express my thoughts a bit more….calmly.
So first off: Tessa and J-
I really thought the main group was gonna fight Tessa and J but I was surprised when they didn’t. I don’t have that many thoughts for J but seeing N and V reunite with J was pretty sweet (if only Uzi shut up about killing J for once. That would have been nice) but as for Tessa, Tessa was pretty badass, the whole thing worth the raptors not being able to handle the sight of actual blood was interesting. And that kinda adds to the whole thing about the humans trying to wipe out the drones asap. Despite Tessa helping the group, I don’t fully trust her and I feel like N and Uzi (mostly N) is/are gonna have to fight her at some point.
The “New Bots”, Moose Head and Cowboy Egg Baby-
I mildly enjoyed these too. They kinda remind me of those characters you see in a zombie apocalypse that’s been there for a while and had gotten the hang of how things worked. Moose Head obviously knows Uzi’s mom and it seems like the show is setting up a SU like resolution where Uzi’s mom as actually kinda bad and did some horrible stuff both on her own and under the influence of the Absolute Solver. Moose Head also knew how to deal with the disassembly drones. Putting magnets on their heads. I don’t think anyone said anything about the magnets yet so I’m gonna. I wonder if the magnets are gonna come back. That was a very interesting piece lore that literally no one’s talking about.
As for the egg boi….I don’t have a lot to say about him except….baby. Precious baby.
And now for the part you’re probably waiting for…
Nuzi and V’s death-
I know I’m in the minority when I say this…and I know this isn’t what the NUzi shippers need right now but I need to say it so that I can have clarity.
I can’t or will never be able to ship/support Nuzi as long as V is dead.
I know this is petty of me but please let me explain my reasoning.
The fact that Nuzi’s first sign of mutual attraction came in the SAME episode as V’s death rubs me the wrong way for several reasons. First of all, N’s feelings for Uzi legit came out of no where. Before episode 6 it was clear that Uzi had a thing for N but nothing in the past episodes gave me an indication that N liked Uzi back in that way. We know that N deeply cares for Uzi, yes but his way of caring for her gave me “big bro” vibes rather than “I’m in love with you” vibes.
N’s mutual attraction to Uzi doesn’t feel earned to me. It just feels shoe horned in so we can finally say that N and Uzi do like each other. And I don’t need N to be like “yeah! I love Uzi!” But they could have given us N longingly glancing at Uzi while she’s fighting or when she isn’t looking. SOMETHING to indicate N did like her back. My dude didn’t even blush once at Uzi before episode 6.
And then we have V’s death. V’s death ALSO doesn’t feel earned because like I said in my pre post about this, V’s been sidelined for the majority of this show. I know for a fact that there’s people in the fandom that didn’t give a damn about her death/celebrating her death and as malevolent as that is, I can’t fully blame them because V’s role in the show didn’t have much impact in the grand scheme of things. Her time with N and Uzi consisted of her terrorizing Uzi, keeping things from N and even temporarily killing him and needing to be rescued by the both of them. And through out the episodes, this formula mostly doesn’t change.
Sure there’s the scenes where she’s looking at how N and Uzi interact and she’s probably feeling left out and less sure about her chances with N, but there wasn’t a time where N or Uzi (especially Uzi) had a real heart to heart with V that would warrant the audience feeling bad for V/caring about her death. There’s a reason why the majority of people pissed about her death and also eNVy shippers.
And then when V finally gets that big amount of growth for her character, she dies. It just feels so cheap. Like I’ve been cheated out of what could have been V finally accepting N not liking her back anymore and her supporting N and Uzi while still helping them. Or even that and her staring to be better and that revives N’s love for V as well.
V didn’t have to die for NUzi to happen. She didn’t have to die period. She SHOULDN’T have to die. Her death (as well as the feelings the scene is trying to provoke) feels unearned and unnecessary. Until I get confirmation that this isn’t what the writers were trying to do, I’m blaming V’s death on NUzi and that’s why can’t ship NUzi. If the show just TRIED harder to utilize V more, I’m convinced we could have had both NUzi AND eNVy but instead, NUzi is canon and V’s dead.
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
Intro Post!
Call me Silver, Cap, Captain, I don't care! Long as you don't call me late to dinner! :D
I'm a part of the Hurricane Family! Also apparently the only one with braincells a fair percentage of the time, lol. I'm also the one who has the "rules"/intro post, so ask for it here!
I write! You can find all my stuff under the tag Silver Writes, or check out my Ao3! Username is Silver_Captain82403! And i also have a fic masterlist that hasn't been updated since it's creation here!
Um…. I have an art tag now? It’s Silver Does Art??? Should pop up in my featured tags.
Other Tags I commonly use are Silver Rambles (my negativity tag, feel free to block), Silver's Thoughts (usually my HC, Lore, etc. Tag), Silver's Shenanigans (everything. Everything is here).
@shyrule is my usual Wars angsting partner, don't worry about it.
I have sisters! I’ve ended up talking about them enough that they need nicknames, so in age order there’s: Music, Baker, and Comedy!
Pfp drawn by @ghosty-crow, and banner drawn by @cal-the-duende!! (Yeah I stole the idea from Venti not sorry Cal.)
Anon is on. so if you wanna send me an ask but are nervous (For reasons which I don't understand because I'm sorta ridiculous and definitely crazy), feel free to use it! I swear I don't bite, that's @gattodelblack's job.
Anon is temporarily off- I was getting some creepy asks, I’m sorry guys. Pine, Hermit and Wr0ng said they could take any messages from you- Cake, same deal, you’re gonna have to reach out to one of the others.
If you want to get to know me, please send an ask. I love talking to people, but I'm not big on Dm'ing unless I'm comfortable with someone.
Interact and I will end up giving you a nickname, I don’t make the rules.
@ajscico’s fic dealer on the regular. Don’t worry about it.
I think that's it?
Tumblr is currently being stupid and eating asks that I can only see on desktop, which I rarely get on. So if you send an ask and I don’t answer, there’s a chance it’s cause I don’t know about it. Sorry about that.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Koihana Bakumeiroku Prologue: Chapter 3
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I do not own any of the Koihana Bakumeiroku content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD and Animate. Please support them by playing the game and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
???: — Oh, hey there.
???: I’m the person you’re looking for, right?
Rin: Huh…!?
(“The person I’m looking for”...)
I blinked in surprise at the man who suddenly appeared before me.
Kido: — Doctor Mori, why are you here?
Katsu: Mori? … Oh, he’s that military doctor, right?
The man named “Mori” nodded enthusiastically in response to Kido and Katsu.
Mori: Oh? Nice to meet you. My name is Mori Ogai. I’m a military doctor and professional writer.
(“Mori Ogai”?)
My heart skipped a beat.
(He has the same name as the doctor in the letter.)
Mori: A government official who admired my skills called me here. I just finished the treatments.
Saito: ! There should be members of the Drawn-Sword Regiment among them…
Mori: Ah, your comrades? I treated them well, so they should have no problems or prognostic symptoms…
Saito heaved a sigh of relief at Mori’s words.
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Mori: Anyway… I didn’t expect to meet you today, Rin.
Rin: My name…
(He knows my name. This is definitely the right person…)
Kido: … I see. Doctor Mori is the doctor Rin is searching for.
Mori: Exactly.
(He’s the person I’m searching for…!)
I was shocked to see that he looked younger than I had expected.
Moreover, I also didn’t expect to meet him here.
Saito: … That’s surprising. How did you know that she’s looking for you?
Mori: Hmm, because of my doctor instincts, maybe? And she's a former patient of mine?
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Katsu: What nonsense.
Kido: … You were eavesdropping.
Mori: Am I caught?
Saito: Nevertheless, it’s great that the two of you met.
Saito looked at me and smiled, I nodded.
Rin: Yes…! It’s all thanks to you and everyone else.
(Thank goodness Saito brought me here…)
If it weren't for him, I might never have this lucky opportunity to meet Doctor Mori.
Saito: I didn't do anything helpful.
Katsu: Whatever it is, this is a good thing. So we’ll leave the rest to you?
Mori: Ah, of course. I’m done with my work here, so let’s head back to my place and have a chat.
Rin: Sure, thank you so much!
When I first arrived in Tokyo, I was worried about what could go wrong, but…
(Mm, it looks like things are going in the right direction.)
Rin: Then…
Just as I was about to say goodbye to everyone—
Kido: … Please hold on.
Kido stopped me from leaving.
Rin: Yes?
Kido: Do you have a place to stay in Tokyo?
Rin: Oh…
(Actually, I haven't decided on that.)
I was a little tight on cash, so I was intending to temporarily stay in a cheap inn.
Mori: You can come to my place!
Rin: What.
Mori made a suggestion, seemingly realizing what I was thinking.
Rin: But that would be too much of a bother to you…
Mori: You can help me with some work. Moreover, your cooking is delicious, so I welcome you with open arms!
Mori said while waving his hand in an exaggerated manner, and I tilted my head in puzzlement.
Rin: How… how did you know about my cooking?
Mori: Ah, your grandmother wrote about it in her letters to me.
Mori: She wrote that you made delicious dishes in her restaurant, and was of big help to her!
Rin: My grandmother said that?
(So that’s how grandmother talked about me.)
I felt a fuzzy feeling in my heart.
(Mori has had personal contact with grandmother, and if he’s saying this…)
Rin: Can I accept your offer and stay at your place?
Mori: Of course!
Rin: But I’ll feel bad if all I do is help you with things… I’ll definitely find a proper job elsewhere.
Rin: I’m thinking of getting a job as a kitchen assistant at a restaurant.
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Kido: …
Kido was pondering about something while staring at me.
Rin: …?
I tilted my head sideways and he slowly spoke up.
Kido: … Rin. If it's alright with you, how about you work as a service staff for the Meiji Government?
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quickdeaths · 4 months
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Gosh do I even know any trends, who is to say.
Colored text on dash. I know a lot of people are very taken with it, but differently colored dialogue between characters just reminds me of RPing on vBulletin forums in like 2007. I don't mind it on people's actual blogs, but something about it against the white space on the dashboard is just not aesthetically pleasing to me.
Group Promos/Those "RP Finder" blogs. Basically anything that clogs up the tumblr RP tags with people directing to discord groups or 1v1, for two reasons. One, I run a tight ship here and don't follow a bunch of people, so I use the tags to find new mutuals. Probably once or twice a month, minimum, I go trawling through various general and fandom rp tags to find partners, and those posts clutter up the search. Even worse, while you can block them so you don't see their posts, there's a problem with tumblr (functioning website that it is) where if a search returns too many blocked posts at the start, it'll just never load more, so I have to keep these blogs visible so I can get to the good stuff.
The other reason I dislike them is because they're just not a culture fit for what my idea of tumblr rp is. I don't like huge group RPs where there's an expectation on writing with people because you're in the same group, and I don't often like the RP culture of some other sites, or discord, where people often have existing plots they want you to write, or where OC/Canon "doubling" is expected. I don't like that being brought to tumblr, especially when it's taking up our tag functionality to funnel people off of the site anyway.
I don't know really what to call this one but I guess RP toxic positivity? I don't want to come down too hard on it, because I think everyone's hearts are in the right place, and I don't know if that's really the best term for it, but you know what I'm talking about if I describe it - those posts that are like "I don't care if you take a year to reply, real life is more important!" or "You don't owe anyone anything, your blog is your space!" or "RP is a hobby not a jobby, don't ever feel like you have to take is so seriously!" and things like that.
I think it's a good mindset to understand that writing on Tumblr is not the be-all, end-all of life, and to give yourself some grace about things, but I also think as a collaborative hobby, we do owe each other things. Investment, moderately quick replies when possible, putting in what we want to get out, etc. I think people should curate their space as they like, yes, but also be understanding of the fact that not everything works for everyone, and that's okay too, and people who want some amount of commitment or schedule aren't bad people, they just experience the hobby different.
❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
FCs, not really. Honestly, I don't use icons anymore most of the time, and I can never keep up with the rules around stuff, who "can" or "can't be" used, what's too popular, what's "stealing" someone else's FC. I do think it's funny when people make OCs that use like the most visible characters of the most visible series of the year or whatever, but honestly, I don't really mind either way.
Characters... not permanently, but maybe temporarily. If someone's portrayal really rubs me the wrong way - like, for example, a super comedic portrayal of a character that I connect with or relate to a lot and that I think has a lot of depth - I usually just don't engage with that portrayal long. What more sort of puts a character on ice for me, at least for some time, is when I've had a close interaction with someone, and for OOC reasons, there was a falling out.
In a couple of instances over my, like, 11? 12? years writing on this site, I've had a ship partner or someone who I was very close with, where we ended up falling out as friends for various reasons, and that does always put me in a complicated position. On the one hand, I love the characters they were writing for their existence in canon, but also a great deal of what those characters were to me was defined by the specific portrayals my friends were writing. It would feel weird to move on and pretend those portrayals hadn't meant something to me, even if the friendship was over, and I didn't feel good about finding a new person who wrote that character quickly. Even connecting with the character in the original media felt kind of tinted a certain way, so I put those characters on the shelf for a little while, until some feelings had faded and it felt good to go back to them, whether that was the original material or someone else's portrayal, instead of bittersweet and complicated.
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
Already answered!
But I will give you a bonus one anyway that we're both very aware of hahaha. People who treat OCs/female muses/female OCs, and their writers, badly. There's a feeling that those characters need to prove that they're worthy of people caring about them, while whatever hot hunky anime guy is in the flavor of the month anime deserves attention just for existing (I am thinking of a Specific Anime Man but y'all will never guess who). Another frustrating wrinkle is that tons of people acknowledge this is a thing that exists, and will lament it as it affects their own characters, and then immediately ignore it when it comes to who they're interested in.
In my many travels, I've encountered people who will write female OCs and make long, sad posts about how no one gives female characters/OCs a chance, and then their own blog is entirely their character interacting with male canons, so in that sense, the little secondary pet peeve here is people who do not practice what they preach on this kinda thing. That will never be me I am an irl girlkisser and girlenjoyer, give me your girls, female muses to the front of the line my characters would like to be your characters' friends and/or rivals and/or deeply complicated emotional and romantic-coded friendship that ends in the most devastating friendship over breakup ever and then who knows
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fleursbending · 1 year
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⤷ please read this before requesting anything, and also to be aware of the general rules surrounding my writing blog specifically !
⤷ if you are confused as to why i don't write any nsfw/suggestive content for aged-up characters you can refer to this post.
⤷ tumblr has been flagging and putting community labels for "mature" on alot of my fics, even after appealing they still have them. the reasonings usually do not align but alas - if you want to enjoy my content and you're comfortable turning off the settings that prohibit you from reading them (temporarily or permanently) is up to you!
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✿ there will always be an indication on my pinned post, which is my navigation - whether or not requests are open if you do not know where to look!
✿ before requesting (whether it be a prompt, headcanon, oneshot - etc), please look at who i write for, just incase you wish to request for someone i currently do not have in said list!
✿ ^^ i am always open to adding someone new, feel free to put a request through my ask box.
✿ please specify if you want fem!reader or gn!reader in your requests. i do not write for m!reader.
✿ be as detailed as you can with your requests unless i say you don't need to (e.g writing prompts event). you can send me a full essay if you wish, it helps me creatively and builds on a better fleshed-out storyline.
✿ if you send me a request, please don't mass-send them to other accs ! i use my own personal time to finish requests.
✿ there are certain topics i refuse to write, if there was ever to be a request which includes such things - i may decline. i am sorry, and i hope you can understand!
✿ i am willing to write dark content, it depends. i also read and may reblog some myself! you can block the tag #junie joins the dark side , if you wish to not see such content.
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✿ i will not accept or write about any of the following : sexual assault, incest, pedophilia, self-harm, heavy use of gore, abortion, scat, vore, cheating, body horror, mlm relationships/sexual. (there will probably be more things added to this in due time).
✿ i will not be writing smut/nsfw/suggestive content for underage characters even if they are aged up.
✿ minors are welcome on this blog due to the wide range of content i write, e.g - platonic familial bonds stories. however, do not interact with any of my nsfw 18+ works/interactions. i am not the age police, i personally do not monitor every single person viewing my content. but just be aware of the content you are consuming. and if i avidly seeing you interacting with them, i will not hesitate to block you.
✿ do not interact with me personally in any nsfw/romantic way if you are a minor. that's just weird ass behaviour !!
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✿ my ask box is always open ! feel free to talk to me about anything, it doesn’t have to be request related. whether it is about life, or sending me a rec of something ! i love u all <3
✿ on the contrary, do not use my inbox as a place to trauma dump! there are topics triggering to me and i don't want to be dealing with them just because an anon sent me something. i am not your personal therapist, nor am i even qualified to be such a thing. think before you send! my ask box is just a place of comfort, shits, and giggles.
✿ any unnecessary drama or hate towards myself or my friends will be deleted instantly !! (unless i'm feeling like being an asshole right back).
✿  if we are mutuals you can ask for my discord and other personal socials, just dm me !
✿  treat me with kindness and respect, and i shall do the same. bigotry or disrespect will not be tolerated in any way, shape, or form. whether that is towards me or other individuals who come across my page!
✿  please follow all of these rules ! or else you may have a chance of being blocked. some of these rules may be subject to change, so please refer here when you feel the need to do so.
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𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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talesofesther · 2 years
And some useful info too;
I will only not write a request if I truly don’t feel inspired by it; then I’d rather not write, than write something that turns out bad.
Currently, I'm mainly writing for Astarion, Rolan, and Nami.
Here are some things that I don’t like writing about:
Pregnancy/having children, big no-no.
Cheating, I just don’t like it.
Illegal age gaps, for romantic relationships, no.
Toxic relationship between the characters being written for, nope.
Any really dark themes are not my thing.
And some facts worth mentioning:
Regarding smut, I hardly ever write it, but I’m open to some ideas if a request comes up. I just won’t do certain kinks, and smut for real people fics is out of the question. Any nsfw/18+ content will usually be tagged as such, so please be mindful!
I only write female reader (in some stories the pronoun is not mentioned and I do try to keep most of them that way, but if it is, it’s female) as I’m not comfortable writing anything else.
The only other places that I occasionally post my stories are AO3, and very rarely Wattpad, under the user talesofesther as well. So if you see my stories in any other places other than here, AO3, or Wattpad, I'd be very thankful if you could notify me as I do not allow any types of repost.
Taglists: each character has their own taglist, if you want to be added to one or more, please specify the character. I like to keep the limit of people in each taglist around 45, so when it reaches that mark, it’ll probably be temporarily closed. However, if I don’t ever see you interacting with the posts you’re tagged in, you will be removed from the taglist, thus opening space for other people who really are interested.
You can check my old navigation post to browse through the different fandoms I post about.
Also some FAQs:
Is it odd for men to read/interact with female reader fics?
How do I make the headers for my fics?
Tips for writing characterization and descriptions
Tips to start posting your stories
Tips for characterization of OCs/the Reader character
Where am I from?
Yes, I do have a horse.
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