#please don't interact if you are going to try and get into a shipping war I will just block
beyond-far-horizons · 2 years
Wow what an episode! I thought they woven key aspects of Fire and Blood overall very well and laid the foundations of coming events fantastically.
I really felt for Rhaenyra but I wanted to shake her, her father (and Alicent) are doing so much to support her as heir and she is doing (understandable) but stupid things to jeopardise that. Starting from last episode, the defiant princess pushing back against her role was really grating on me, which is funny as growing up it was a beloved trope of mine.
I can really see how Rhaenyra is inspired by Daemon and that leads to her behaviour (Strong boys) later on. Given photos, I hope the future arrangement is mutually beneficent for her, Laenor and all involved, but contrasting with how awful Alicent’s situation is and her quiet resignation to duty, I can see that causing massive resentment later (re dagger speech in the trailers).
Speaking of Alicent, I’m still a little non-plussed by the close friendship/possible sapphic undertones to hers and Rhaenyra’s relationship since it’s so different from Fire and Blood, but it makes things 100% more interesting and heartbreaking. I feel awful for her and can tell how she would get so invested in her children’s birthright especially when Rhaenyra’s flagrant pursuit of pleasure as well as power threatens them down the line.
Speaking of pleasure...wow Rhaenyra and Cristen! I thought this was so well acted by both performers. Rhaenyra felt like a young woman whose sexuality was newly awoken and after Daemon’s contrary behaviour she was desperate to prove her desirability and in some ways power over someone. I’m a little sad they haven’t taken time to develop Rhaenyra and Cristen’s bond as ‘her white knight’ like they emphasise in the book as Cristen definitely felt like a consolation prize to her at first, but as things went on there felt like a real connection. It was so good to see a soft love scene focusing on a woman’s desire, pleasure and agency in GOT.
As for Cole, this starts to answer the bizarre relationship/breakdown that happens in the book, it’s a really good mix of the different possibilities. I thought the whole scene was completely captivating as he slowly surrendered to her, even though I was screaming for them both to stop because it was such a bad decision on both sides. The emphasis on him removing his treasured White Cloak and all that means, in a weird way it was almost fetishized like the way a girl losing her virginity is in media. Rhaenyra ‘taking’ Cole’s precious virtue and breaking his illusion of the pure princess and true love definitely could account for Cole’s later actions. I can also see him spreading around the rumour Mushroom tells in Fire and Blood - that she tried to seduce him after being ‘sullied’ by her depraved uncle, but he (the pure, virtuous white knight) rejected her. Despite everything, the two actors and the direction really make me feel like we’ve wondered into a proper fairytale and a softer, more human story which is strange for GOT. Ready for the dream to be shattered soon since it is GOT lol.
Milly is excellent but she looks so young, it’s designed to make you feel uncomfortable and it does.
Sorry but the whole thing with Daemon was creepy to me both in the book and in this, but each to their own. However I’m really interested in the constant parallels between him and Rhaenyra. Really glad they emphasise if she had been man she could screw around as much as she wants. The real issue as it always is in a patriarchal society is that unless you control a woman and her sexuality, you can’t prove the father, only the mother. In an equal or matriarchal society it shouldn’t matter because Rhaenyra is the heir so her children should be heirs regardless. Of course they would be still born out of wedlock so *shrugs*.
Really wish they wouldn’t keep plugging the ‘Prince that was Promised’ storyline as that was the plot thread I loved the most from the books and it was so thoroughly ruined in the series it just makes me angry to recall it.
Oh and Alicent and Viserys - fan disservice! Poor Alicent :(
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lovemyromance · 2 months
Stops this madness!!
Like yes, I know every side of the fandom is guilty of twisting things in their favor but come on. COME ON.
There are theories and then there are people doing the splits, breaking their arm trying to make these egregious extrapolations and reaches.
I have personally, never denied the fact that Elucien were mates. In fact, I didn't even question that fact despite the Elriel theories swimming around - until HOFAS came out and we got confirmation the cauldron was wrong
Yes, their bond seemed so different than Feysand and Nessian, but I did not really say anything about it until I got canon confirmation that the Cauldron had been tampered with.
I did not twist canon text. I did not theorize beyond what is already there on the page.
So I hope you can see why, I am incredibly annoyed every time I see Eluciens trying to shit on every Elriel moment and twisting it to have some alternative crazy reasoning.
I'm not going to call anyone out because I don't usually go fighting on anti-posts (even though their blatant disregard for canon makes my eye twitch). But why did I see an anti post saying
"Oh, Azriel only went to go save Elain from Hybern's camp as a challenge from Nesta, because she said "then you will die". He was just trying to prove her wrong."
Like what? You are honestly telling me, someone read that scene, saw how Azriel defied all warnings and orders and said "I'm getting her back" when he is not her mate, not her sister, barely even her friend at this point, getting his wings shredded to save her, swaying on his feet from pain and blood loss but still not letting her go and demanding to get the chains off her -
You read that scene-the multiple chapters to cover it - and thought "Oh, he only did that to prove Nesta wrong?"
Why would he even want to prove Nesta wrong? Why would that even be a thing? Why would it be something he would risk his life for? Can you please explain? Is he suddenly beefing with Nesta in the middle of a war?
Sometimes... the most obvious answer is the right one. Sometimes when an author writes something, she means it.
Like half the headcannons and theories antis post are fine whatever, but why do they have to shit on beautiful Elriel moments? Your ship should be able to float on its own, and if it doesn't maybe that's a sign 🙄
Sorry Elucien doesn't have any positive interactions together. Sorry Gwynriel barely even interacts on the page, let alone romantically.
Be happy with your ship. And if headcannons and theories is all you have, then be happy with that because you chose to ignore canon and ship whatever. Don't go around trashing actual canon text and purposefully misconstruing it to make yourself feel better.
God I'm tired of this and I've literally only been engaging in this fandom for like a month. I can't imagine what people who've been here since 2016 have had to go through, y'all stronger than me for sure 😅
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To add to your point-Percy did NOT hold the sky for Annabeth. It bugs me to an irrational level when people gush over how he held the sky for Annabeth when what ACTUALLY happened is he was getting his ass kicked and knew he couldn’t defeat Atlas whereas Artemis could. So he took the sacrifice and held the sky so Artemis could fight. And Annabeth never held the sky for Percy. She held it for Luke. And I’m by no means a Luke/Annabeth shipper. That canonically what happens in the book. Thank you and goodnight.
Annabeth fans Do Not Interact. Please keep scrolling - this post is not for you.
I hate how some ppl twist everything Percy does to make it romantic for Annabeth. Exactly like your example; he held the sky for Artemis. Tho side note: that scene was actually so badass - he was struggling under the weight of the sky and still managed to figure out Artemis's plan and work with her to trap Atlas. Smart even under fatal pressure; that's our Percy lol.
Meanwhile Annabeth saved the guy who was trying to destroy the world, forcing a goddess to be trapped - the goddess who was instrumental in trying to get the Olympians to prep for that war. Big yikes Annabeth.
Also yeah. Annabeth stans love to dimmish how much Annabeth loved Luke; it's nuts. I don't ship them, but their bond/the affection between them (romantically one sided on Annabeth's side and platonic sibling on Luke's side) was so strong. They hadn't been on good terms for years and Annabeth was Luke's mortal anchor. Annabeth spewed Luke apologetics even as Luke tried to kill Thalia, Percy and everyone at camp half blood - to the extent that ppl started thinking that she was the spy. How about all Annabeth stans go deal with that and leave Percy with us 😭😭
Thanks for the ask!
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freyjas-musings · 2 months
I think its come to a point where I have to clarify a few things.
To start with , to everyone who reached out , thank you I am doing ok, I am just busy, I have a lot of work related travel in the next two weeks and I am preparing for my deadlines and dealing with real life . I promise I am fine.
As far as people who have doxxed me and have put my username on display subjecting me to bullying and harassment, the irony of the entire thing is not lost to me .
The fact that Elriels accused me of threatening to subject someone to harassment, when I specifically did not mention any username or individual .... while simultaneously displaying my username not only on several public FB groups which I have SS of, but also in several posts on both Tumblr and Twitter is baffling . Don't they see that they literally did what they accused me of "wanting" to do?
Who is the only one who is being subject to harassment and bullying ? Me and somehow I am the person who is in the wrong here ?
Now , coming to the part of character assassination, this isn't about fictional characters or books anymore , these people have written horrible things about me as a person ... twisted something I said on a post which most certainly wasn't said in a serious manner its dumb to think it was ( How would someone force someone to write an English exam ? The entire thing was exaggerated and ridiculous) and have called me different things varying from a Psychotic bitch to a creepy person aka defamation thereby posing a threat to my emotional and mental well-being.
I have been in this fandom long enough and I have interacted with enough people that it should atleast give most people that I have interacted with a general idea of what I really am like.
I have mostly kept well away from Elriels , I don't engage with them in any manner if I can avoid it and I have gone ahead and blocked as many of them and their tags. So , I clearly have no intention of interacting with them irrespective of whether they are decent people or not , I simply don't see the necessity and its not my preference. This is the reason most of my interactions usually revolve around Gwynriels and they are the only ones I usually address even in my posts.
I am a part of this fandom for myself and I commission art because I like the creative aspect of it and I love interacting and supporting artists. This much everybody knows about me.
The locus of my identity is internal to me and my circle of validation is a total sum of 2 people - My husband and my child.
So for anyone who thinks they can bully me into going away from the fandom by twisting things and saying mean things about me... you are really wrong.
I honestly wasn't feeling right about BB milking the ship war and preying on vulnerable people while also not lending their support to artists who are integral to the fandom... which is why , I literally stated 2 days back that I would be stepping back from the SJM fandom till we have news on the next book.
But .....
If this is the sort of shit people try to pull with me then it's not about BB anymore, My priority now is bullies in the fandom. My priority is people who thought they could manipulate my people against me.....
This is to Gywnriels, I will totally respect it if you guys would like to unfollow me based on the propaganda that's been in action by the Elriels. But seeing I have gained 15 followers in the last 2 days I am going to assume you guys truly understand what I am as a person and for that I am thankful and incredibly grateful 🙏. If you guys see posts of people displaying my username please report both the post and the blogger.
Now , I would like to go back to work because irrespective of who Azriel gets to fuck in the next book ... my work is what is important... its what feeds me and pays my bills.
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ffcrazy15 · 3 months
I'm kinda getting just...burnt out, man. I don't know what it is, but the fanfic community these last few years has just been really difficult to engage with. There are a lot of reasons, but I think among the biggest is this: (warning: long vent incoming):
So. I've been writing fanfic for...gosh, fourteen years now. And back in the day, we had our fair share of problems, I won't lie. Now I came in after the major flame wars of the '00s, but still, there were the shipping wars and the shit-stirrers and the people who took other people having a different opinion on their faves WAY too personally.
But! There were rules of engagement. People might not have always followed them, but back then you could say to someone, "hey, you're not behaving in the way we all agree people should behave in this space. You're being a jerk." And people would either lose their shit at you and you'd block them, or they'd apologize and not do the rude thing moving forward.
This went especially for new writers/readers. They'd make a mistake, people would inform them, and they wouldn't make the mistake again moving forward. That was how we built a health community back then.
*Now: a disclaimer. I know not all new fans are like this, and to those of you who do listen when people inform you of the etiquette of fandom spaces, I want to give a sincere thank-you. The following does not apply to you.
However, and not to be an old woman yelling at the kids to get off her lawn, but:
I see people trying, politely, to tell newcomers the basic rules of engagement for how to interact in fandom. "Don't complain about things that are clearly marked in the summary or tags." "Do not get into dumb shipping wars. Ship and let ship." "Don't leave harsh or unasked-for concrit." "Don't demand updates in the comments."
And instead of saying "Oh wow, sorry, I didn't know about that, I'll do better next time"—I see some new folks responding with things like "Well this just makes me NEVER want to comment/engage/participate!"
And writers are so scared of not getting ANY engagement in this landscape of already dwindling comments and reblogs—or worse, ruining things for other writers—that they immediately capitulate and say oh, we're sorry, we shouldn't have told you you were being rude, please don't stop commenting on fics, we were in the wrong.
And I'm here to say: No. Enough! It is our job as the older citizens of this space to set the expectations for community behavior. If the new arrivals get mildly embarrassed for being politely informed (key words there) that they've committed a faux pas, then that's okay! It's a growing experience. Learning how to be polite in new social settings isn't traumatizing them or causing them emotional harm. They will survive the couple seconds of embarrassment, and then they will go on to be kinder and more conscientious citizens of the digital landscape.
Now, if you're a newcomer who is intimidated by people telling you the rules of etiquette in fandom spaces:
Look. I get it. I was new to fandom once, and I know that that can be intimidating! But sometimes there are going to be situations where you will be new to a social setting and have to awkwardly feel things out, and you will make mistakes and be corrected by others. That's just part of life. Thankfully, fandom is a space where folks have really tried to cultivate clear rules of engagement and want to hand it on to new people! There are guides on the "ao3 etiquette" tag of how to leave polite comments and interact in fandom, and there are lots of people who will help you learn the ropes if you ask them nicely.
I promise you, you have the ability to learn the rules of social etiquette in this online space. You will be able to emotionally withstand the minor embarrassment; all of us have before you, and you will too. And if you are not able to emotionally handle someone politely taking you aside and informing you that you're making some social mistakes and how to fix them, then you are not mature enough to participate in fandom spaces.
Now, for folks who've read this far and would like some quick tips on fandom etiquette, here they are. Remember, none of this advice is meant as a criticism, and if you've done some of these things without knowing better, then that's okay, we all make mistakes! This is simply to help us all have a good time in this space and build each other up as readers and writers!
"Don't like, don't read." — The most important rule of fandom. If you come across a fanfic that has something in the summary or the tags that you don't like, then do not click on that fic. If you do choose to read it anyway, you have no right to blame the author for your reading something you didn't enjoy.
"Dead Dove: Do Not Eat." — A more extreme version of "Don't like, don't read," this means that there is content in the fic that most people would find disgusting, frightening or morally objectionable. Do not read that story if you do not want to read that sort of content.
"Ship and let ship." — Other people will like different ships or romantic pairings of characters than you do. Their doing so is not an insult to you or to the characters in question. If you do not want to engage with stories/fanart/etc. of that ship, then do not read those fics, and block those tags here on Tumblr. Do not go onto other people's fics/art/etc. and tell them that they are wrong for liking that ship (This includes if you find the ship morally objectionable; see "DL:DR" and "DD:DNE" above.)
Tagging – If you are a writer, make sure to tag your story appropriately. This includes the romantic ships (indicated with a slash, / ) and the friendship ships (indicated with an & or the word "and"). It also includes things like graphic depictions of violence, non-consensual or dubiously consensual sexual content, characters who are under the age of eighteen engaging in sexual situations, and major character death. It also includes "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" (see above), which you should include as a tag if you have content in your fic that the majority of people would find disgusting, frightening or morally objectionable.
Rating – Make sure to rate your story appropriately. If there is explicit sexual content or graphic violence in your story, it should be rated as "mature" or "explicit." Do not label it as "teen" or "general" (or K, K+ or T on FF.net). If there is any sexual content or more-than-cartoon-violence in your story, it should not be rated as "general" (or K or K+).
Bookmarking — Be aware that unless you set the bookmark to "private," the author can read any comments or tags you leave on the bookmark.
Commenting — Almost all writers love comments, and many writers depend on comments for their motivation to continue a story. Leaving comments is both a great way to show a writer that you enjoy their story, as well as provide the writer with motivation to keep writing! A comment can be as elaborate as you like and list every detail you loved about the story, or as simple as "this was good, I really liked it!" Either of those is fine. Keyboard smashes are also fine, as are emojis if you're too shy to write a full comment.
Commenting on Older Stories — Is absolutely fine, and in fact highly appreciated!
Demanding an Update — Do not, however, demand that a writer update quickly or ask them when the next chapter will be. Writers are doing this for free, and demanding an update is considered impolite at best and guilt-tripping at worst. (Examples: saying "This is really good, excited for more!" is fine, since this does not put a timed expectation on the writer. Saying "This is really good, when is the next update!" is considered mildly impolite, and simply writing "Update" is considered highly rude. It is seen as demanding another free gift right after you've received one.)
Concrit/Constructive Criticism — Different writers' mileage will vary on how much they like constructive criticism, so best practice is to check their author's notes, summary, or author page to see if they say they are okay with concrit. If they do not say so, then default to assuming they don't want concrit.
If you do provide constructive criticism, make sure to include at least two compliments as well (preferably more). State the criticism politely and briefly.
Also, be aware that an author might disagree with your advice and choose not to take it. This is not a slight against you personally, and you should not treat it as such.
Do not offer criticism that is not meant to be constructive or help the author grow in their writing skills.
Do not offer "constructive criticism" about you disliking things the author has clearly tagged or noted in the summary. That is not constructive criticism, that is just flaming. (See "DL:DR" above.)
And finally: Never Ascribe to Maliciousness What Can Be Attributed To Ignorance. — If someone is rude to you, remember that they might be new to the space and not be aware of the rules of etiquette. Politely inform them that they've screwed up, and assume that everyone is well-intentioned until they prove otherwise.
And there you have it! By following the above advice, you can help to build up a thriving fan culture of happy writers and happy readers. Remember, we're all here to enjoy our favorite works together and create fan content for them, so let's all work together to create a pleasant digital space for one another. :)
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moodymisty · 2 years
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❗Requests are 𝕮𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉! Thanks for waiting while I work on requests!❗
Requests left: 26
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𝔅𝔩𝔬𝔤 𝔒𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔳𝔦𝔢𝔴:
✦ Hello! I'm Misty, or Jordan, whichever you prefer. I'm an constantly exhausted Software Engineering student and luster of men in varying types of armor, with a love for writing and drawing in my spare time. I have a deep love for video games, so many things here will be in that area.
Writing gets posted around once or twice a week, but it might be more or less depending. I also tend to post things that aren't in my main wheelhouse to Ao3, so feel free to go give that a look if you're interested in some more niche content.
[ MoodyMisty on Ao3 ] - [ MoodyMisty on Discord ] - [ Misty on Steam ]
𝕬 𝖋𝖊𝖜 𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘… ✦ Please be respectful here: My goal is to keep my blog a positive place, so be polite and avoid sending in unironic character/media/fic hate, 'ship discourse'', or any other fandom wank. I don't care about any of it. ✦ BE 18+. Even if all my stuff isn't NSFW, I don't feel comfortable having underage users here, I ask you to respect that. If I catch you following, interacting with my works or trying to chat me up, you will get blocked. ✦ All in all, just behave. This is a nice little library, so I ask you to be on good behavior and not make a mess of the place. ✦ Current fandoms that are circulating around here are Star Wars, Darksiders, Warhammer 40K, and Transformers. Will there be random things? Yes, but this is what I'm into most at the moment. ✦ Common tags: [Misty's book club] For asks about various headcanons, scenarios, or just chitter chatter about characters. [mywriting] Is self explanatory. [For the Library] Writing that isn't mine that I really enjoyed.
✦ Tips for sending requests
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Tech Masterlist
Echo Masterlist
Hunter Masterlist
Wrecker Masterlist
Crosshair Masterlist
The Bad Batch Masterlist
Din Djarin Masterlist
Boba Fett Masterlist
The 501st Masterlist
Paz Vizsla Masterlist
Delta Squad Masterlist
212th Masterlist
Wolfpack Masterlist
"finding out they have a momento of you somewhere on them they bring everywhere" + Tai (Homeless veteran from Kenobi and @/Imarvelatthestar's oc)
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Deciding to take Despair for a joyride
Giving War a nice massage because he deserves it
Strife fluff
Some Lewd content™ with War
Strife's chapter of the 'steal their horse' series
Strife comfort
Cute domestic moment with Death
Calling Death 'Deathy' because you have a death wish
[HCs] Horsemen reacting to you being stressed (from work/something similar)
[HCs] Samael's human getting nabbed
[HCs] Learning magic in secret then gifting them an enchanted gift
[HCs] Horsemen realizing they have a crush on the reader
Death's Reaper form meets Reader
Strife and his favorite human have a moment alone (NSFW)
[HCs] Death and male S/O
Fluff with War
Samael and his starry eyed s/o
Snuggling with Strife
Love on Death (NSFW)
Death returning to the one he abandoned post Well of Souls
-Full Fics/Oneshots
"Tree in Bloom" A Strife/Fem!Reader Series
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2,) Canon typical violence, Post-apocalypse, Eventual romance, Eventual smut maybe, Friends to lovers, Strife is clingy and emotionally rockheaded
"Death's Door" A Death/Fem!Reader oneshot
SFW, Only warning is Death is a crusty ol git
"R&R" A War/Fem!Reader oneshot
SFW, Canon typical violence, Light blood and injury, Absolutely tooth rotting fluff at the end
"Fiery Chains" A War/Fem!Reader oneshot
SFW, Fluff without plot, Toothrotting amounts of fluff, Ruin expressing the feelings that War is too grumpy to show
"Off the Beaten Path" A Death/Fem!Reader oneshot
NSFW, it’s like 20% porn if that, Porn with feeling, No use of y/n, Outdoor sex, Established relationship, Fluff
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Perturabo Masterlist
Guilliman Masterlist
Konrad Curze Masterlist
Sanguinius Masterlist
Lorgar Aurelian Masterlist
Leman Russ fluff
Angron and his little Historitor Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Random snippets
Sitting on Dorn's lap ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Corvus Corax being a naughty crow (NSFW)
Mortarion seeing you sick
Lion remembers a bittersweet memory of you after waking up
Commanding in Dorn's proxy while you're away from him
Vulkan with pregnant!S/O fluff
Sevatar hunting you
The other Primarchs realizing Mortarion has a lover
Mortartion + Praise (Very slightly NSFW)
[Ramblings] Kor Phaeron hating reader for Lorgar being in love with them
[HCs] The Legions reacting to their Primarch having a lover Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Jaghatai Khan realizing he's maybe falling in love
Magnus coming across his s/o trying to do sorcery
[Ramblings] Mortarion and his s/o
Unnamed Black Templar and his little mortal
Cuddling with your Black Templar in the freezing cold
Yandere Horus getting jealous (NSFW)
Asking Ferrus about his arms (vaguely lewd but not nsfw)
Getting cornered by 5 Luna Wolves (slightly nsfw)
Playing around with some Space Wolves
Some random Jaghatai Khan HCs (NSFW)
Ferrus Manus returning from a crusade (NSFW)
Willingly giving your blood to an unnamed Lamenter
Corvus and his very pregnant beloved
[HCs] Random Primarch courting HCs
Getting bullied by Cato Sicarius (slightly lewd but not nsfw)
AlphariusOmegon voice kink (slightly lewd but not nsfw)
Dorn being awkward around the woman he has a 'crush' on
-Full Fics/Oneshots
Lion El'Jonson and his beloved
Part 1, SFW, Princess/Knight dynamics
"Remember Only Me" A Salamander/Fem!Reader/Night Lord series
(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 soon) Hints of nsfw at points, Yandere, Size differences, Very toxic suffocating relationship(s), Some knight/princess dynamics, Demeaning language, Both these guys have hero complexes, Violence blood and bruises and possibly death to say without spoilers
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Fandom: Resident Evil
"Thank you" A Merchant/Fem!Reader oneshot NSFW, Oral (male receiving), Porn without Plot, Praise Kink, A hint of deepthroating, Guess you could call it unsafe sex you barely know the man lol
Fandom: Transformers
Jealous Starscream
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geekgirles · 1 year
So we're going the Feligami route, huh?
Disclaimer: I am well aware of the contents of the leaks. However, I will not discuss them in my posts out of respect for my fellow Miraculers that wish not to be spoiled. So, please, if you read this and are aware of the spoilers as well, refrain from discussing them. At the very least don’t do it on the notes. Please and thank you.
Before I say anything else, I want to first make it clear that this is in no way meant as an attack towards Feligami shippers. Just because I don't share your enthusiasm for the ship doesn't mean I'm going to declare war on its supporters. I just...I just need to get this out of my chest. Because I have so many feelings, and thoughts, and opinions regarding these two as a couple and its execution...and not necessarily of the good kind.
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You might be thinking my main beef with Kagami and Félix dating may come from the fact that, morals aside, these two are too similar.
Both are intelligent, capable, well-educated kids from rich families who at first glance have a more dignified and serious vibe going on as opposed to Adrien's more laid-back rich kid energy. A perfectly crafted image of elegance and aloofness that underlies strong emotions, a mischievous side, and a warm heart (which in Félix's case sort of contradicts his gremlin child personality from previous seasons, but that's a topic for another day).
However, while that does play a part in my disinterest in the ship, it is actually the least of my concerns.
So please let me explain why I just can't help but roll my eyes at this development:
1. It's rushed and feels forced:
Leaving aside the obvious reality that it is that Félix has only been featured in 7 episodes in the entirety of the show (with his Multiplication appearance being important but minor), there is also the fact that these two have interacted thrice in all that time. 
With their first interaction back in Gabriel Agreste being reduced to giving a side-glance to each other. And not even a friendly one.
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Truly, they are soulmates...
Now, the irony doesn’t escape me regarding the fact that some of the Love Square issues come precisely from the fact that it’s taken them too long for Adrienette to be canon. One of my personal issues with Feligami happens to be that their relationship came a tad too soon. 
Can you please explain to me how do we go from “I begrudgingly acknowledge your existence” to “I can’t stop thinking about you”? I’m sorry, but that is too much of a shoujo manga cliché even for Miraculous. 
Mainly because that was basically the kind of dynamic Marinette would have had with Félix had he remained Chat Noir and Astruc, being cognizant of this fact, chose to scrap him because of that.
Because at least Marinette crushing on Adrien after thinking he was a jerk comes from the fact that he went out of his way to apologise to her, make amends, and show he is truly kind at heart. Feligami just comes out of nowhere.
Moreover, their current relationship status also feels forced due to their previous interactions. I’m sorry, but let’s face it, nobody in their right mind would think falling for or even trusting Félix/Argos is a good idea. 
If my memory doesn’t fail me, in Multiplication Ladybug and Chat Noir declared Félix as a public enemy due to willingly betraying them and allying himself with Shadow Moth, which directly resulted in him getting the miraculouses and becoming Monarch. (I could be mistaken on this one, though)
And as former miraculous holder, someone who is aware of the fact that the power is granted by sentient beings whose fates are unknown to them, there is just no way Kagami would come to even consider trusting Argos. 
And don’t try to bring her friendship with Lila up because at least there she has the excuse of not being aware of the full extent of Lila’s maliciousness and manipulations. In Félix’s case, she is 100% aware of what he’s capable of. 
Hell, he literally snapped her loved ones out of existence! And regardless of how terrible Tomoe is, she is still Kagami’s mother and she loves her. Just how she adores Marinette who, to her knowledge, Félix almost killed for real.
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And you expect me to believe she would just move past that? Please, don’t insult me like that.
As much as I love my girl Kagami, there really isn’t enough content between these two to justify either of them falling for the other. 
Which sort of leads us to my next point...
2. The implications behind the ship:
There are a lot of unfortunate implications between their interactions. The kind that makes this pairing becoming canon very questionable because it just wouldn’t bode well in any long-term relationship, let alone a real one. And this actually comes from both sides. 
But let’s start with Félix, okay?
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Ah, yes. The ring close-up.
What was originally meant as a “mere” confirmation of the fact that Kagami is most likely a sentimonster as well (a shock in itself if you didn’t buy the Sentimonster Theory), has the unfortunate side effect of implying the main, or even sole, reason Félix ever developed a crush on her is because the two are sentimonsters...and that’s it. 
Which is a terrible thing to base an entirely relationship on, because it would mean that Félix isn’t in love with Kagami as her own person. Because, quite frankly, he barely knows her to really come to appreciate her as such. But rather, his interest is born from the fact that the two are one and the same. 
It just reads as Félix being desperate for companionship, instead of actively looking for Kagami’s companionship.
And speaking of things that just don’t bode well...Kagami’s side in all of this isn’t much better. 
Ever since she was first introduced as Adrien’s potential alternative love interest, or more accurately, ever since Frozer, Kagami has made it a point to let Adrien know she wishes he were more proactive and assertive, which sort of culminated with that harsh phone call from Risk. 
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And would you look at that!
Aside from his more manipulative side, being more proactive and assertive than Adrien sort of is Félix’s deal! Looks like Kagami finally found her match after all...
All that would be fine and dandy if it weren’t for the fact that all of season 5 so far, and especially Protection, have shown Adrien finally taking measures to try and be more in control of his life. Which good for him! We all know he needed the character development. Unfortunately this also comes with the canon fact that his new personality also reignited the flame of Kagami’s love for him. Which, again, was the main conflict in Protection: 
Kagami trying to keep her own growing feelings and jealousy in check now that Adrien and Marinette are an item. 
And where does this leave Feligami at?
Well, coupled with the fact that for some weird reason the Fathoms and Agrestes couldn’t be bothered to give their children individual looks, that is to say, that Félix is a carbon copy of Adrien and that Kagami was once again in love with him (Adrien) because he was finally turning into the kind of person she always dreamed he would be...let’s just say it all feels as if Kagami is projecting her feelings for Adrien onto Félix, rather than learning to love him for who he is. 
And that is just not fair for either character. Because it feels as if neither Félix or Kagami are being loved for who they truly are, but for what the other wants them to be. Which is the wrong approach to any relationship.
4. Kagami deserves a girlfriend
5. Even though my previous point is (half) meant as a joke, given what’s happened in Pretension it still holds a certain weight. Mainly because what ultimately seems to endear Félix to Kagami is the fact that some of his mannerisms remind her of Marinette.
I'm not making this up. Félix suddenly acting like a mess around Kagami could not be any more of an obvious parallel to Marinette's own bouts of nervousness around Adrien throughout the show.
Let’s that sink in for a minute, okay?
You’re telling me, Kagami for the most part is justifiably and understandibly hostile towards Félix, but the moment he starts acting like Marinette her whole demeanour softens? You say that she cares for Marinette so much that anything that resembles her becomes an immediate soft spot for Kagami?? And I’m supposed to believe she’s falling for Félix instead of getting deadass gayer for Marinette each passing episode????
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Now, if that’s not a comphet narrative when I see it...
Which, combined with my previous point about Kagami projecting her feelings for Adrien onto Félix, only gives further credibility to the popular “fanon” idea that Kagami is bi. Now, if you could just let her meet some nice girl from her fencing class and let her explore that side of herself in peace instead of forcing her into a nonsensical relationship, that’d be great. 
6. It just reinforces the show’s blatant amatonormativity
Believe it or not, this is actually my main beef with the pairing. This is what makes me grit my teeth and roll my eyes in annoyance.
I get it, I get it. 
“Miraculous takes a lot of inspiration from rom-coms”, “it’s a show based on magical girls; of course romance is important!”, “the Love Square is one of its main pillars, what did you expect?”
I know. 
However, and I cannot stress this enough, you do not need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy and fulfilled. Not only because of the existence of these wonderful groups of people called aromantics and aroace people, but even the most straight, cisgendered, hopeless romantic can be perfectly content single. 
Also, being in a relationship is just not something Kagami and Félix’s characters need. But the writers insist that being romantically involved with someone is the only viable happy ending for anyone.
In Kagami’s case, in my humble opinion, taking control of her life from her controlling and strict mother while working on building stronger platonic relationships with her friends would be a very satisfying way to conclude her character arc. Because as touching as it was to see everyone assuring Kagami that they love her in Perfection, aside from Marinette and Adrien the only person her age she’s been interacting with is Lila. 
Not exactly the image of honesty and genuine support one would expect in a friendship, huh?
Maybe it’s just me, but seeing the once lonely and socially awkwad Kagami aurrounded by people she’s actually friends with rather than kids that hang out with her by association (that is to say, they are either Mari or Adrien’s friends too and that day they just happen to be all together) would feel like we’ve come full circle. 
From the aloof and lonely girl that is only focused on being the best and making her family proud we met in Riposte...
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...to the warm and happy girl who greatly values her social circle she’s slowly been turning into.
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And as for Félix...
Well, truth be told, the show hasn’t really given us much to work with. But maybe a happy ending for him would be if aside from finally being free like he wants to be, he rekindles his relationship with Adrien. If the two really were close in the past, then it would be a pity to lose that. 
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But no. 
Instead, the show just has to reinforce the idea that the only way you can possibly be happy is by being in a romantic relationship. Never mind if they have neglected that subplot for so long it just comes completely out of the blue and feels unearned. 
I love Miraculous, I love the Love Square, and I am a shipper first and a person second, but this is ridiculous and a huge disservice to all parties involved.
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rainbowsky · 11 months
Tips for enjoying the event tonight
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I wrote this for Weibo Night a while back, and figured I'd bring it back for tonight.
Since there are so many new turtles who haven't seen GG and DD together at an event I figured I'd give a few tips for getting the most out of the evening.
TAKE A NAP - make sure you're well rested so that you're awake enough to fully enjoy it. No matter how excited you are, make sure you get a nap in, even if you have to drug yourself. 😅
Test your devices and viewing setup well in advance, and make sure anything that needs charging is fully charged.
That includes testing any viewing links ahead of time to make sure they're available in your region and working properly.
Have a backup plan or two or three so that if something goes wrong you can switch over. That might mean installing an app on your phone or something, so get that done in advance.
Have snacks, drinks, etc. ready to go, and make sure you remember to actually eat and drink. Stay healthy!
Make sure to let family, roommates, kids, partners or anyone else who might interfere with your viewing know in advance that you're going to be watching it and won't be available/will be monopolizing the TV/computer during that timeframe.
Advice for enjoying the night:
Don't set your expectations too high. It's possible we might see them interact, but it's highly unlikely. Be realistic about what you think you're going to see.
The same goes for seeing them onstage together at the same time. We might, but it depends entirely on the format chosen for the event. There may be a group chorus at the end or something of that nature, or there might not.
Focus on them as individuals and don't make everything about their relationship. Remember, they're there as individual celebrities - not as a couple. This is a government event. Don't expect candy everywhere you look.
Know that there will be anti attacks. There will be solos trying to taunt and attack turtles no matter what happens. Stay out of fan wars. Block and ignore. Recognize that these people are hateful and will say anything to hurt you. Don't give them that power. Nothing they say is about you, it's about themselves and the hate they have inside them.
That also goes for other CP fans. There are people who ship GG and DD with other stars. Recognize they're going to be trying to mine their own candy from the event, and their theories and ideas can be upsetting to turtles. Avoid, block and ignore.
Stay in your own lane. The best way to avoid negative experiences is to avoid other CP and solo spaces and stick with other turtles.
Have an attitude of gratefulness. Be grateful GGDD are together, be grateful that we get to see them perform live for the first time in a while. Don't focus on what you didn't get, or on what didn't happen, or on negativity.
Just a reminder, standard etiquette for these things is to keep the news feed clear of other topics for the duration of the event, and for a few hours before and after the event.
A special note on this event
This is an event of political significance, and it is understandable that many of us have mixed feelings or even anger or grief about what is being celebrated. There will also be people who genuinely celebrate the occasion and are genuinely happy about this event.
Please be respectful of each other. Everyone has to make up their own mindss about where they stand on things politically. However, those are personal decisions that should not be attacked from either side.
Most of all, don't be judgmental of yourself or of others for enjoying the event. One can be excited and enjoy the performances and still hold their political positions. Enjoying GG and DD, and being excited about the night does not turn you into a political hypocrite or traitor of any kind.
I urge everyone to be sensitive to the fact that some people will be in pain and sad today. I hope everybody will be kind and gentle with each other.
Of course, it's up to every turtle to choose their own fandom experience and approach, but these are some of the ways I keep my experience happy and fun.
Also, for those who can't view for some reason, or who have problems during the event and miss things - don't worry. Everything will be posted online and available for viewing later on. There's nothing saying you have to see it all live.
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callsign-bunnie · 6 months
Wow… I always thought you were inclusive to all fans. Guess not.
I tried to be, and I still try to be to MOST fans, but I have limits and I have lines. I know it's probably been obvious, but I've really drawn back from being socially active in the fandom. I take stands, occasionally, but for the most part, I just block and move on. My block list on tiktok is long, because if I don't like content, I block rather than get upset.
I don't really look at my home page, anymore. Going onto AO3 hits me with so many (niche and specific to me) triggers in a day, that my reason for not reading others' works has shifted from, even though I'm working on managing it, my Dyslexia to just being unable to navigate my own triggers. This isn't anyone's fault, it's mine.
If I'm being honest? My mental health is in the dumpster and while this has a wide variety of reasons, if I can protect it in any way I can, I will. And if this includes having to tell a certain group of fans that they're not welcome on my blog? Unfortunately, that's what has to happen.
I'm not a stranger to fandom wars, as stupid as I think they are, I'm not a stranger to the aggression that happens here. And I have, definitely, been on the other side a few times. My first proper introduction to fandom was Supernatural and FNAF. I STILL deal with seeing posts talking about how a ship I didn't ship is superior to one I do ship for no fucking reason. I understand liking a character, and I understand having villain characters that you still like and love, and I can appreciate the "he's my precious pookie bear and does nothing wrong" mindset to a certain extent.
But I think ignoring Makarov's actions, even if he's a fictional character, even if it's just a game, is ignorant, in today's climate. A prime example of why I cannot get behind it is Russian Terminator. I have... so many reasons I can go through why this man is just awful, but my wife is slightly more educated, so I'll let her take the reigns on that one if she wants. However, he sucks. Objectively. But because he's masked and ripped, I see so many edits of him. So many.
I see people call themselves his "simps" and actively ignore and block those who try to point out his horrific actions and opinions and views and values to them. This man is not a fictional character. He's a real person.
I have always been a huge advocate for "live and let live" in fandom spaces. To an extent that even my wife and I get into arguments over it. My only limit seems to be pedophilia, for personal reasons. And I am not telling you to stop writing Makarov. I'm not even telling you not to find him hot. You can giggle and kick your feet when he "activates your praise kink" in the first mission, I don't care I won't stop you.
But I don't want that in my own space. I protect my peace. This ranges from silly things that just bother me (pricegraves) to big things like this. As my wife stated, Graves committed war crimes. Yes. He killed civilians, and that's inexcusable. But, I feel like this is comparing a passion killing, to systematic murder. Graves would have committed those crimes in any country, but the US. France, England, pretty much any country he could have gotten away with it.
Makarov targeted a country of Arabic people, because he knew about the aggression and islamophobia that exists in the west. He knew that if he pulled some strings a little, he could very easily turn a country just looking for peace into a country of terrorists, in the western media's eyes. This is irredeemable in my eyes.
So, no. I try to be inclusive. Pricegraves fans are still welcome to interact with me. They know by now that I won't write it, I don't really entertain it, and to go to my wife. The same for FarahAlex shippers, and really anyone who ships something on my No-Ship list. (Though please get the memo on that second ship, I'm never gonna budge, I'm sorry.)
I'm sorry if you feel alienated, I know it probably sucks. Trust me, I understand. But, unfortunately, I want to protect my peace, and I want my blog to continue to be my own safe space.
Thank you for understanding.
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Welcome to the Group OC Tournament
Submissions are Closed!
What is this?
This is a tournament for groups of OC's. If you, or you and some friends have some OC's who interact, whether it be via multiverse shenanigans, ttrpg parties, or elaborate shared universes, I wanna hear about them.
This will be a low stakes, fun vibes tournament, don't be an asshole to anyone else. In fact, I would encourage OC groups going against each other to talk to each other and maybe make a collaborative piece (writing, music, art, whatever) together. These pieces will be collected and after the main poll, we'll run a secondary one about the best collaborative piece.
Don't feel pressured to do this, however, it's an opt in bonus.
We are now accepting Duo's
The rule stating groups had to have three or more members has now been pulled back to two or more, however, it should be noted that this is more about fun group dynamics, story and concept, not so much romance or oc shipping, so try to keep that in mind when submitting. After this tournament finishes, I might run one on this blog for oc shipping, so maybe save your ship's for that.
How many nominees are you accepting?
I don't know. There might be a lot of people who're interested, there might be very few. It will depend on the response to the tournament.
Submission's will stay open until I decide to close them, I will give a two day warning before closing them.
Can me and my friends submit a team or group together/can I submit a group by myself?
Yes and yes. I encourage multiple people submitting a team, but individuals submitting a team are absolutely allowed.
Can I submit a- ?
You are welcome to submit:
-Fandom OC's (Including Fantrolls/fankids, pony oc's, minecraft oc's)
-Dnd parties, characters from ttrpg groups
-RP characters
-OC's from planned stories/webcomics/ect
-OC's from existing stories/webcomics/ect (provided you, or you and your co-submitters own the OC's in question)
-OC's from mmorpg's (such as Guild Wars, Final Fantasy, WoW)
-OC groups of two or more people. (Probably if you're getting to around 15, that's maybe too many, and either focus on a smaller part of the group, or work out a different group to submit)
-Other OC's that fit the tournament theme. If you're not sure if your OC group is appropriate, message me and we can work it out.
Your should not submit:
-Harry Potter OC's. I will ignore submissions of OC's from Harry Potter. If your group previously had a fan character/s from Harry Potter, but that fact has been changed or made irrelevant, or if you have adapted the Harry Potter setting to something distinct, that's allowed.
-OC's groups of only one person.
-On behalf of other groups. If you and your friends/team/group do not own the OC's you're submitting, you shouldn't be submitting them.
-Singular OC's that two or more people share custody of. That's very fun, but not what this tournament is about.
-If you're unsure if your OC breaks a rule, feel free to message me and we can work it out.
Can I submit more then one group?
Yes. But-
Each group should be unique OC's. Or, in other words, no single OC should appear on more then one submission.
No one person should submit more then three submissions.
If there's a problem with any of your submissions, i will contact you and we can work it out.
Are you submitting?
I am submitting, but to avoid bias, I will not state the group/s I am submitting.
Where do I submit?
Can I send in propaganda?
Yes, and in fact, I encourage it. Anyone in a group can send in propaganda.
Propaganda can be writing, art, music, playlists, ect.
Propaganda will be tagged with the teams name.
If your propaganda is a pencil drawing, please make sure the lineart is dark enough to clearly make out for a better chance of people observing your propaganda.
We now have a discord server
Feel free to join, but it's not required for the competition.
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we need to have an honest conversation about hostile attribution bias, honesty, and bullying.
@deliciouskeys i've had enough of this shit. you wanted to piss me off. now i'm pissed the fuck off.
hey, hiiii. friends of hers? critics? whoever you are reading this and willing to hear me out, i just wanna start by saying don't hate on her or anyone for this. don't send harassment, don't send anon hate, don't even unfollow her if you do read this all the way and find yourself upset with the topics discussed or her actions.
or maybe you wouldn't anyway, and you've already decided i'm insane, fine. but if you are friends of hers, don't barrage her with verbal abuse of any kind even if you are disappointed or disgusted, i'm not about that. and good friends won't just coddle and take your side to enable the bullshit, but they won't try to hurt you when you're down either
and to clarify what this is? it is a harsh criticism of ongoing behavior i have faced from her behind the scenes. or out in the open i suppose but mostly unseen or dismissed.
yes, i have the motherfucking receipts. i've tried to condense them to what i found most relevant to the topics at hand without clipping the interactions so much that they would give a biased misrepresentation, but all conversations as of this moment and to the best of my knowledge are still available to view in full context. mine certainly won't be deleted.
i may have some bad takes sometimes cause i'm as perfect as anyone, which is to say NOT AT ALL. but i'll readily admit that and the fact that i work on it, CONSTANTLY. and before anyone decides to dig through my shit to see if they can find dirt on me IRRELEVANT to this situation to DISTRACT from what's being called out?
all i ask is a fair chance and moment of your time to show you what i've been through, because it's something she never gave me from day one. and bear in mind please, that i am pissed off because it's gone on long enough and now she's trying to drag my friends into it while CONTINUING TO LIE BEHIND MY BACK and feign fucking ignorance.
no more.
deliciouskeys? you. yes you, i am addressing you directly this time. i gave you a peace offering with the mike sully meme, and you just kept going.
since i poked my head into the boys fandom, you have been hostile to me, LIED about me, put words in my mouth, accused me of hostility towards you, assumed my intent while not only withholding the benefit of a doubt, but consistently. consistently putting me down and insulting me as some sort of estranged fandom villain who only exists or popped up to oppose you or ruin everything.
i'm not a fucking cartoon character, i am a person. i do not exist to supplant you or whatever weird shit you keep imagining me to be that makes you act like this.
almost every single thing i say to you, instead of actually LISTENING or i dunno, READING IT AT FACE VALUE, you take. hyperanalyze. and immediately give it the WORST interpretation you can. and that's if i'm lucky.
i'm not here for fandom wars and shipping bullshit. i'm not here for your false dichotomy fantasy. i'm here to be a bullshit shipper and have fun and try to get others to be more open and have fun too. maybe throw in a psa here and there for the things i find important.
i'm not here to get fucking bullied either or to watch others get bullied. you can take your assumed hostility and narcissistic PROJECTION and shove it straight up your ass if you think i'm going to tolerate it.
and what is 'hostile attribution bias'? it's this shit.
oh, and you don't have to assume it anymore. i'm fucking hostile. why am i hostile? oh... at this point, i KNOW you KNOW. but not everyone else does, so let's just lay it all out and let others draw their own conclusions. hm?
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this was what set you off, right? the automatic assumption that this was someone i knew, looking out for me? i suppose that's possible but that doesn't mean i know exactly who it was or that i put them up to it.
and y'know, i might have even said that anon was a bit harsh and still given you the benefit of a doubt. anon was ANGRY and that's clear, but plausible deniability is so wonderful, isn't it?
but you've gone beyond that point. it wouldn't be the first time someone's noticed your behavior, and i can guarantee that. our first conversation was on my post about the comics and what they meant to me, sparked from an interaction i had with another fan of the show who refused to read the comics but still insulted them directly to me.
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the bottom piece is from the post, the top would be the snippet of conversation with the other person prior. all of these are highlighted with slightly adjusted coloring for ease of understanding who's who. and granted, you could argue that i jumped the gun in my first response to you, but then you accused me of being hostile towards people who allegedly read and disliked them. and i had done no such thing, i literally was not addressing those people at all.
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that was the first time you put words in my mouth, lied about what i said, and 'villainized' me for 'attacking people' made of straw i might add, when the post itself SPECIFICALLY STATED:
so not the people, but the IDEA. an actually legitimately incorrect idea given context. i could go into a rant about how the comics cover one of the single most important and detrimental concepts to humanity (the war machine) and how american media is so piss watered down, propagandized and censored for babies and pearl clutching old people (and before you clutch your pearls over me 'attacking' babies and the elderly, i am not. i am criticizing AMERICAN MEDIA and PURITAN MENTALITY) that the comic itself was relatively tame outside of the american world view bubble, but that's not the point here, is it.
the 'many many' actually refers to people off of tumblr too, though i'm sure there's a fair share here of that mindset as it's found everywhere with everything. even then, i don't condemn the people. minds can be changed for ideas, that was what i was trying to do. maybe i need better methods and i can admit that.
still you chose to lie to my face or what, attempt to gaslight me?? whatever it was, it was enough for someone ELSE to step in and literally ask if you were BULLYING me.
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and me, being the naive fucking moron that i am and thinking we ended on a nice punny note and the conversation wasn't so bad STILL gave YOU the benefit of a doubt.
did you extend the same courtesy to me later on? well, let's see.
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no. no you did not. snippets of a convo from an anon ask you got on a proposed canon butchlander from when i tried to join in, you immediately accused me of things i have never said or done or even implied. and when i called you out on it, you immediately apologized (good on you, not included here but i DO acknowledge it and DID appreciate it) and i thought, "oh cool! we must be explaining ourselves to try and better understand each other so this doesn't happen again."
only for you to then backtrack and jump back on that ASSUMED HOSTILITY shit you seem to just LOVE huffing. but just for me i gather. maybe a couple others that i haven't seen or don't know about.
considering this is just the stuff i DO know about.
moving on.
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you have questions? oh, what a cowinkydink, i have answers. if only you had just ASKED ME DIRECTLY INSTEAD OF PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH AND LYING.
but to give some clarification to the numbered ones.
love the framing here. OF COURSE, WE are ONLY here to be a NUISANCE. must be nice being a real human who can interact with others instead of solely "bother" them. if you'd actually read the post, you might have seen it was about the BULLYING itself, not the bullshit that apparently makes you rabid enough to be a bully. great use of being obtuse.
stop putting words in my mouth. stop fucking lying about me. stop assuming my intentions. stop painting me for your weird ass personal agenda or vendetta. stop making up bullshit about me when you haven't taken two seconds to get to know me. i did no such thing as 'slur the cishets'. proof is in the fucking pudding.
ahhh... i understand why you don't block people. and i think i'm understanding the insidious behavior and bullying too. you're disgusting to people who you don't want to see the content of so that they'll block you while you get to pretend you're still on your little high horse of being the "less petty" or "bigger" person. and that way you don't have to see their content anymore, right? having your cake, and eating it too. it's smart. it looks good on you as long as people don't see the behavior, like you might actually want to solve problems.
although, if i'm to understand all this correctly, you don't want to given the continued hostility towards me regardless of what i do or say. am i getting this, more of that delectable plausible deniability? or am i giving you too much credit? do you even want the benefit of a doubt at this point? because you stated before you'd rather be considered evil than stupid.
oh, my mistake, "disgusting" than "ignorant". let me not do what you do and put words in your mouth. clarify for me, if you want to.
personally, i think ignorance is more forgivable than malice because at least the uninformed can learn better, while those with ill intent will seek to harm again, but to each their own i guess.
and if you actually have brain damage over a nonsensical but ultimately harmless shit joke online, i'd suggest seeking actual help from a doctor because that isn't normal. but i'm going to be generous and say maybe it was a bit much or gave you a recurring nightmare or something, i don't know you, in which case yeah, get help if you need it. i take mental health very seriously so i'm not joking or being sarcastic here. happy healing and sorry for the trouble if that's the case on this specific thing.
but oh! you just don't want to see it, right? TOO BAD BITCH, I GOT MORE TO GIVE AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!
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and i don't have a problem with you writing your personal views about a pairing, any pairing. if that were all you had done, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation or, if you don't care i suppose i wouldn't be screaming into the void.
but you explicitly stated your point of view was "pretty common", that defaults my view as "uncommon" or in other words, "others" me and those who like bottom billy. don't you dare deny that when you know for a fact it's true.
then citing reasons for why you believed your view was more "accurate". you then went on to claim you were "baffled" when if that were true and you were actually interested in TRYING to UNDERSTAND? YOU WOULD HAVE JUST FUCKING ASKED ME DIRECTLY.
not that i would owe you an explanation or apology, or anything. but i'd have been NICE enough to try and answer anyway to the best of my ability. here, i'll do it now.
i'm not a big fan of bottom homie for the same reasons i'm not at all a fan of (show) homewell. apart from the whole superdick/compressing anus thing, narcissistic abuse/grooming and exploiting someone's trauma for a toxic kink is not only a huge turn off for me, it's super fucking triggering based on my experiences and what i have been through. i've had enough people looking down on me and telling me they "know what's best for me" while trying to rob me of my humanity and use me for their gain.
the funny thing is that i relate to homie in that sense but consider myself a total bottom who also LOVES the 'dom mommy' in certain context, but i also share a lot of similarities with butcher as well and know they both have a lot of very intense differences from me. and homie has a fucking vibrator for a dick. you CANNOT make me want to miss a chance for that, it's just not going to happen. and if i ever want to explore any form of 'grooming' kink from a personal place? i'll stick to thanos and mistress death, thanks.
i also don't find toxic masculinity sexy, that's a red fucking flag for me more glaring than the entirety of homelander, i find POSITIVE masculinity far sexier and true 'top' like. MM has the most of that in my opinion and is the sexiest man on the show, besides the guy who plays black noir under the mask.
i also fully understand the kink on the other end, y'all wanna baby him cause he's never had a mommy and longs for some kind of nurturing parental love, and y'all also wanna fuck him cause he's hot. so ya smash the two together and embrace the infantilization kink (which is seriously not my thing)
and listen, more power to ya. if that's what you like, enjoy it. i'm not judging. i just don't have the same fucking taste and i'm entitled to that. i don't understand why you have to comment on it or be "baffled" by the idea that people can be different from you.
for the record, i don't want to smash the two ideas together, i want to help homie SEPARATE and DEMUDDLE the legitimate problems and confusion in his brain that makes him so vulnurable to women's manipulations, and help him grow the fuck up without wanting to fuck his own mother (if he hasn't already) or keep him baby minded forever. i want to untap his potential and see the man he can/would become depending on circumstance.
because i like redemption and character growth and am a sucker for second chances regardless of liking dark media, and there's a huge difference between "i like you" and " i like that you like me".
that requires a more careful handling than anything suface level, but regardless i don't enjoy exploiting trauma kinks or reinforcing toxic masculinity any more than i would enjoy yiff or snuff. i wouldn't judge someone for having the taste as long as no one real got hurt. but that doesn't mean i have to have their taste.
stop kink shaming me or being "confused" by my preference, i haven't done the same to you. and before you pretend you haven't or that i have.
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if you were "seriously trying to understand" you would again, ASK ME DIRECTLY instead of this roundabout bullshit where you talk about it and 'how confused or tired' you are, but can't be bothered to take two fucking seconds to JUST ASK for a more serious answer beyond willem dafoe.
if i wanted to shame you for having a kink, i wouldn't be subtle about it. but i wouldn't anyway because i wouldn't even shame those who have a rape fantasy because i have one and have written and read plenty of it. i file it under 'horror pr0n' with a number of other things, and not every form or 'flavor' of horror pr0n that exists is going to be for everyone, much the same as fucking regular horror. but if it's FICTION, it shouldn't matter.
i understand that and if i judged others for having different tastes or acted... well like YOU, that would make me a hypocrite.
and your friend got it PERFECTLY on the first note. and then decided to enable the bullshit yet again by subscribing to the bane of human unity, tribalism. thanks for reinforcing the idea that this HAS to be a dichotomy WHEN IT'S NOT.
a little healthy teasing and competition? i'm game. it's too bad that's not what this was.
i am not your fucking enemy just because YOU decided i was, YOU do not get to decide that for me. but i'll give them the benefit of a doubt and say they were 'just joking', right?
that's ALL it ever is. "just jokes". but JUST when you or "your side" do it. it's not like you've ever been derogatory and petty about "your side" being the "good side" of fandom.
if you have to constantly reinforce and self assure how "good" you are compared to "others" specifically not part of your niche bubble?
you're an asshole who's not actually "good", full stop. if you have to measure your self worth based on what others do or comparing yourself to them, actually seek help because that's not healthy. just my two cents
but if you want to get technical, NO ONE IS RIGHT AND NEITHER BILLY NOR HOMELANDER IS TOP OR BOTTOM IN A TRADITIONAL SENSE, not just because opinions and preferences can't be right or wrong. because butchlander isn't fucking canon, isn't going to become canon, and as far as we know, both characters are confirmed 100% STRAIGHT within the show with toxic masculinity issues a mile long and would never wanna touch each other like that with a 10 foot pole, and homelander's shown exactly ZERO interest in actually being pegged thus far, so that idea's a headcanon.
even herogasm showed us that 3 on fucking 1 STILL wasn't enough to take him down and homie freaking out over a bruise from an unfair challenge of 3 on 1 because it had logically been a very long time since he'd been hurt makes reasonable sense on a basic surface level. he's then over it by the time maeve makes him bleed and carries on bleeding, and now butcher's dying and is the most vulnurable and literally weak because he's sick of the bunch, so... headcanons? headcanons are fine but let's not forget reality and then laugh at the people who remember it.
and if you had just asked me why i even brought up lovely amazing beautiful cishet women (not at all sarcastic, see above purple posts), instead of YET AGAIN. ASSUMING MY INTENT AND PUTTING A LOAD OF CRAP IN MY MOUTH. you can have that back by the way, what the actual fuck is wrong with you??
or for clarification on why i brought it up? i could have TOLD YOU MYSELF. because unlike SOME PEOPLE, when someone just ASKS a question or gives a neutral or even heated response? I DON'T ASSUME HOSTILITY OR TAKE IT PERSONALLY FROM THEM LIKE IT'S A FUCKING SPORT.
fact (and correct me if i'm wrong): majority of people participating in shipping fandom are cishet women.
this is a simple fact, it doesn't mean anything beyond that, i specifically said both times there's nothing wrong with this.
a majority of people are cishet, so this is to be expected. it still doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the people.
fact: society has issues, ideas, and expectations that affect and harm us all. cishet, or queer. and these issues will and do present themselves in fandom and fan fictions whether we realize that or not. heteronormativity would be one of those. misogyny is another.
and one of my kinks is challenging that, or at least the way i see to challenge that while dunking on redpill idealogy and toxic masculinity because i fucking can.
and i just LOVE how you tout about having the "pReTtY cOmMoN" perception which newsflash, YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO HETERONORMATIVE IDEAOLOGY IF YOU THINK TOXIC MASCULINITY IS A REASON A MAN WOULD NEVER BOTTOM. you'd be surprised what people could get up to behind closed doors. but then you turn around and not only put more words in my mouth, enable anon to put words in my mouth, discourage getting a direct answer from me, accuse me and my friends of being the type to randomly accuse someone else of doxxing??? wtf even is that.
and of course. given your 'pretty common' perception being the total opposite of heteronormativity, it MUST mean that society has resolved all of its issues and come to accept queer people exactly as they are in all forms with no expectations or interference whatsoever, oh yeah. places like florida or uganda just totally don't exist. the u.s. isn't on the verge of becoming an actual fascist hellhole for us, and it is TOTALLY just... no one oppresses us. no one.
ESPECIALLY not the cishets.
and despite all the evidence to the contrary, you especially have done nothing wrong here and its all in my head. is that right? can you clarify for me? do you think that my situations have put zero pressure on me in my day to day life? on my friends' lives? do you think you didn't add to that? do you think you and company are the only ones that feel or react like humans?
imagine being so far up your own ass you tell the queer HOW to queer. or at least be a GOOD queer, right?
oh, i'm sorry let me not put words in your mouth. you were of course only laughing at me behind my back for the 'anti-cishet' things i never said.
and no. OBVIOUSLY i wasn't saying any of the shit you accused. i was saying i prefer SUBVERSIVE themes when i do my tops and bottoms and a more detailed look at that can be found in my purple all over responses or just the posts themselves, but if you still want to ask me anyway, i'll answer to the best of my ability.
and what a coincidence that despite you understanding top/bottom not just being related to penetration and some people will feel certain dynamics may be reductive, how ironic that you couldn't possibly fathom that as one of my main complaints.
you don't WANT to actually understand. you just wanted a circle jerk of confirmation bias.
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this anon hit the nail on the fucking head. and you wanted to fight them?? i could have overlooked this but i wanted to touch on something really important because i don't know what anon may have seen but i once saw you answer an ask about homelander's redeemability and you cited "tough love" as a means to get there.
and as a former addict and narcissistic abuse survivor (specifying for context), i can tell you first hand "tough love" is not a real thing, and it's not discipline either because that requires teaching and providing tools for rehabilitation. but don't just take my word for it.
from a psychological perspective and to hear actual professionals go over the concept? "tough love" not only DOESN'T work. it is an excuse to be nasty and abusive to someone under the guise that you are only doing it to help them, when all it really does is make you an abusive fuck.
this would be why the SHOW had HOMELANDER of all people saying it, why what billy did to ryan is presented the way it was with HUGHIE of all people, the guy who was at the time dealing with a huge wad of toxic masculinity issues up his ass, 'got it'. and even BUTCHER'S DAD is presented as the piece of shit that he is who gladly passed on his curse to butcher like it was a 'gift'.
even the comics got this when they present butcher doing his scumlord over 9000 move to hughie and annie saying "cruel to be kind" about his own bullshit. no. no no no. he did NOT do that for hughie's well being. he did it for himself because he was a selfish prick.
and i want to be clear. i am being an asshole here and i fully recognize that. that's for ME to feel better because i am fed up with your bullshit. because you have spent your time poking and prodding me for a hostile reaction. well congrats motherfucker. you got it.
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and there ain't NO fucking love there.
i won't be your enemy. but i am NOT your friend either. clearly YOU wouldn't want that anyway.
but because i always have to add in that disclaimer for basic human decency? EVEN WITH HOW I FEEL and what the actual science says about "tough love", i would still never tell someone they can't use it in fiction, presented as a toxic kink or whatever the fuck else. even if it triggers me. even if i have a thousand different reasons to criticize it and voice that in a separate space.
people can do whatever the fuck they want and i can't control that. neither can you.
but i don't have to engage with the content or speak positively on it or keep my mouth shut, and i'm not gonna harrass people or pull the kind of insidious bullshit you do either.
at the end of the day, this is fiction. and if you feel the need to run an entire fucking smear campaign about me over fiction and preferences??
stop lying about me
stop putting words in my mouth
stop talking about me behind my back
stop predetermining who i am for me
stop assuming hostility when i will flat out tell you my intent and you can just ask, that doesn't just go for me.
stop fucking gatekeeping and gaslighting.
and fuck you.
neither me nor any of my friends or these anons are crazy and i will not sit around while you try to fucking gaslight me or anyone else. try it again, i fucking dare you.
bottom billy lovers existing is not an attack on you. it never was. you don't own the tags. FUCKING DEAL.
this behavior? is UNNACCEPTABLE.
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as for fandom? a few more things i want to cover. i couldn't have said it better than a friend of mine who while a little hectic and crazy sometimes, has been nothing but a sweetheart<3 that i just want to encourage and motivate to art or post pictures of her billy butcher kitty babygirl incarnate but unfortunately due to circumstances may be regressing back into her shell.
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a message i will never stop promoting, whatever iteration it comes in, whenever it comes up.
i may disagree with what you are saying or doing, but as long as you are not harming anyone, i will fight wholeheartedly for your right to say or do so.
that is the philosphy of true freedom, THAT is what i subscribe to. and it pisses me the fuck off when i see people trying to punish or hurt people for things that hurt no one. we don't get to decide how other people want to live their lives. we can only navigate and hope we might find a friend along the way.
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and THAT is the single greatest picture of captain america ever fucking created. no i will take dissenting opinions.
in regards to assumed hostility or hostile attribution bias, a more lighthearted and easily digestable demonstration is below.
gais... just don't do it. don't automatically assume that someone means you harm or pain simply because they disagree with you. this is what leads to more problems. this is what leads to human tribalism. this is what divides us. this is what destroys us. this is what leads to wars. fandom shipping bullshit or otherwise.
the fucking stupidest invention of humanity, fought over goddamn unholy wads of paper and scribbles of ink because people couldn't accept that their ideas weren't accepted by everyone else, and anyone who didn't fall in line got the axe. or alienated. or excommunicated. or accused of being a witch. or whatever.
but this is the kinda shit we need to nip in the bud at the most basic level we can, every time we can.
it's called intolerance of the intolerant. and it's how we stop hatred from fostering and the intolerance being tolerated and eventually taking over.
because assumed hostility? it IS intolerance.
people are not made from ideas, it's the people who make or break the ideas, not the other way around. and ideas can change.
that should never be seen as a bad thing because it's necessary for positive changes and better understanding as time goes on.
challenge yourselves and the way you think, listen to newcomers and welcome them, have healthy discussions, learn to agree to disagree. it's not that hard.
and i know, i get it. it's not easy, not that simple either. everyone's on edge, people are sickly addicted to hatred and anger because they are EASY. giving in to them doesn't require self control or any form of discipline, it is as simple as instinct. it IS instinct. but if humanity has ANY hope of moving forward?
we HAVE to learn to give people the benefit of a doubt. we HAVE to learn to listen to each other, *actually* listen and hear *exactly* what others are saying. HAVE to learn to identify the difference between a differing *non-hostile* opinion and actual *intolerance*
because the world has already seen what happens when we FAIL and eventually we WILL run out of chances to get it right.
please at least TRY to give the benefit of the doubt in an appropriate situation.
i'll lead by example.
keys? even you. even now, i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt DESPITE how you've treated me AND my friends now. because MAYBE you were actually key in the sketch and just having a bad day each time we interacted or MAYBE you have some sort of trauma getting triggered whenever you see my shit or we interact or whatever the fuck it could be, MAYBE you are feeling the pressures of a self discovery coming out journey and it's manifesting badly (yes i did notice that and if this is the case i would still wish you nothing but good will and luck with that, not sarcastic), or some combination, there's a million reasons and i don't know you, so i'm not going to assume or say anything for certain.
unlike some people.
but i don't think you're stupid. on the contrary, looking at your posts, my first 'assumption' was that you are actually very well educated and were just enjoying having fun and being silly. later and based on some things i saw, it occured to me that your education/upbringing may put you at odds or at a disadvantage with connecting with people online or having them understand you, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you or them, it just means you're speaking different languages.
even the "tough love" thing could be a miscommunication/malapropism. it could also be internal denial because you had a loved one do that to you and still haven't come to terms with the actual abuse you were experiencing because "they knew best"
i've been there. but maybe i'm the one who's projecting just to give you the benefit of a doubt. is it fair for me to take out my own frustrations on random people? fuck to the NO. which is why i TRY regularly to keep that shit in line and my life private.
so i absolutely will not excuse you for being so blatantly dishonest about me either behind my back or to my face because even if you do think i'm being hostile (when i'm not), there's no excuse for that. no, i wouldn't excuse myself either.
that needs to stop in a general sense, and i know you KNOW you are doing that because you'd have to *actually* be the biggest fucking illiterate moron on the planet to not know at this point.
especially when i reached out to you before to try and resolve this calmly and you ignored me and then continued lying about me, yucking it up with anons and buddies like high school mean girls. officially. unironically. instead of doing an ounce of self reflecting.
and i didn't include those messages, but the continued disingenuity and callous misrepresentation is there. and especially the carving into my character to define me however you want without giving me a voice to speak for myself.
stop it. you know it. i know it. maybe you think i'm some country bumpkin cousin hick fucker who happens to conveniently be queer but is remarkably stupid or an easy target.
and maybe i am stupid for ever giving you the benefit of a doubt, but you don't get to rob me of my humanity or basic courtesy.
because YOU'RE human too. and you have a right to your thoughts and feelings and opinions, and i get that, and i support it
even if by some fucking bizarre coocoo for cocoa puffs alternate reality, butchlander were to become canon the way I saw it? i wouldn't gloat or celebrate or try to rub it in your face.
I would encourage you to keep liking what you like and keep being yourself, maybe even harder than before.
even knowing you wouldn't do the same for me. at least from personal experience. see any of the above. and if you think i'm a self righteous prick for it, so fucking be it.
but if you're going to be an asshole? at least own the fuck up to it.
oh, and by the way? i now headcanon that billy butcher once a month puts on a full body gimp suit and with ball gag to do some strange kinda unholy shit with fruit OR veggies (never both), and it HAS to be a waning crecent moon, because i fucking can. and you can't stop me. ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
gais... don't immediately assume hostility. please. i know tone can be hard to interpret through writing or typic and emojis help, and yeah, i know i can jump the gun too. but i try to take things told to me at face/basic value or read them in a neutral tone and i think it helps too.
but we should never be judging anyone before we know them.
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Okay, I know you just said you were busy, but I got something. What’s your take on Optimus and Elita-One’s relationship? I personally loved their moments in G1 and wished they had more. Also, Optimus deserves to be in a healthy relationship after all he’s been through. No pressure to get this done! I just wanted to put it out there. :)
My take? As in my thoughts? Well I can do that fairly easily. Sorry if you were expecting a proper story from this. But based on your ask I assume this an opinion thing. Please feel free to send in a more specific request if I butchered this.
To start off then, let me just say I 100% believe that Optimus and Elita are a match in heaven. I am fond of other ships, but these two were the first I ever saw in TF media and I adore them. I could go on and on about why I love them but I will try to put it simply.
In the beginning they were young, naive, and helm over pedes for each other as seen in the time travel episode in G1. Orion Pax and Ariel were close as could be and they seemed to compliment each other well. Orion was tough but still loving and Ariel was soft but still firm in keeping Orion reasonable. They kept each other in check and seemed to mesh well personality wise. Their love was young, energetic, and fun filled. It was not a mature attraction, but there was true devotion between them even in those days.
The tides of war didn't change that much. Even after Optimus and Elita were rebuilt in G1 to be who they needed to be, they still held a few core principles even as they aged. They were still loyal, their love burning bright even across millions of years and countless star systems. They supported each other through everything and came right back together like two parts of a puzzle when they were given opportunities to meet. There was always respect and love between them, no toxicity and no bad blood. Always affection and care even after so many millennia of war while also keeping the mutual desire to offer advice without fear of backlash.
It is a true example of undiluted affection and unconditional care that I think more ships with Optimus could use. Honestly other depictions of their interactions make me rather saddened. I truly do wish Elita and Optimus were given more chances to be a couple in other media. They are so very sweet and pure and they work perfectly together. Every single time they worked together they were in perfect sync, stepping in time and fighting like two parts of the same mech. Their relationship deserved better than to be thrown aside and largely forgotten.
The depictions I have seen in other media have usually been this tense back and forth tug of power that just isn't right. Elita respects Optimus because he is a good leader and a compassionate mech, and Optimus respects Elita for her abilities and her passion. They don't need to be at each other's throats in every other continuity or stuck working together in a heated situation because there was no other choice.
They deserved better and I would pay good money to see them given some proper screen time even as just good friends.
*cough* looking at you Earthspark. Don't fail me. *cough*
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photogirl894 · 1 year
Fluff and Romance ask!!! Is it possible to combine numbers 33 and 34? If I can only do one, then 34 please!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you, I need happiness in my life right now! 🥹
For you, my dearest? Of course! 🥰🥰 (And this one was for Hunter, I remember!)
"I Can Help With That"
33. “You’d be surprised how often I think about you.”
34. “Let me help you.”
Pairing: Hunter x fem reader
The Bad Batch scrambled onto the Marauder with you in tow behind them. Wrecker and Tech were helping carry Hunter in the ship while you, Echo and Crosshair were helping keep your assailants at bay. Hunter had just been shot in the back of his shoulder by one of the pirates chasing you as you were trying to get away. You all had to hurry and get away fast. Tech got the ship powered up while Wrecker took Hunter to his room in the back. Very soon, you got away from the planet and made the jump to hyperspace with everyone on board safely.
Wrecker and Tech got Hunter to his room and you shooed them out so you could take a look at his wound. He sat down on the edge of his bed, wincing and sucking in through his teeth in pain as he moved.
"Let's take a look at your wound, Hunter," you told him.
He shook his head and waved his hand dismissively. "No, I'm fine," he stated.
"Hunter, you were shot. You're not fine," you said back.
"I've had worse," he said.
You shook your head and ignored him, getting out the bacta and the stims to use on him. As you came up to administer one of them, he ducked away and swatted at your hand.
"I don't need that, (Y/N)," he insisted.
"Will you cut it out?" you cried. "If we leave it untreated, it could get worse and cause you problems."
"I said I'm fine!"
Then he turned away, frustrated, still groaning with pain, but seemingly trying to ignore it. You didn't understand why he was being so resentful towards you. The two of you always got along and you'd even suspected that he might even have feelings for you, given some of your past interactions and light flirtations, but this was different. He'd never turned you away like this before and it almost hurt that he was acting like this.
You came up behind him and gently placed a hand on his arm. "Hunter...please...let me help you," you softly pleaded. "I hate seeing you hurt and I just want you to be okay."
For a moment, he was silent, but then his shoulders slumped down as a sigh escaped him. "All right," he relented.
Keeping his back to you, he let you help remove his armor and then you carefully peeled the top of his blacks off, as well, revealing the blaster wound on his back shoulder. You warned him at first about the stim you were about to give him before injecting it into his neck, making him wince. Then you took out the bacta patch and started preparing to put it on his shoulder.
"I didn't want you to see me like this," he admitted, his face still turned away.
"Why?" you asked him.
"I'm supposed to be strong and protect this squad. I'm supposed to protect and look after you," he said. "Like this, I feel weak and I don't want you thinking less of me."
Surprised, you responded, "Hunter, I would never think less of you because of this. You're a soldier fighting a war. Things like are going to happen. I think very highly of you, so it would take a lot for that to change."
You took the patch and carefully placed it over his wound, smoothing it down so it stuck to his skin, feeling the tense muscles underneath.
Then he replied, his husky voice just above a whisper, "You'd be surprised how often I think of you."
Your hand halted on his shoulder, taken aback by what he said. It seemed he was anticipating a response from you as he kept silent, so you asked timidly, "What...what is it about me that you think about?"
Hunter answered, "Your smile...your laugh...your strength...how brave you are and how kind you are...how I love seeing your face when I get up every day and hearing you tell me 'good morning'. I think of how beautiful you are and how skilled you are as a medic. I...I don't know where I'd be or what I'd do without you here."
Finally, you moved around beside him, reached up and tenderly placed your hand on his cheek, guiding his face so he looked at you. His brown eyes met yours, full of awe in gazing at you.
"I think a lot about you, too...and I don't know what I'd do without you either," you told him.
His breath hitched slightly and you saw his eyes flicker down to your lips for a second. Your eyes briefly glanced down at his lips, too, signaling to him that you wanted the same thing. A few seconds later, he slowly closed the distance between you and your lips met in a gentle kiss, causing your breath to catch for a second and fireworks to explode inside you. When his lips parted from yours, they hovered over yours just a breath away before giving you one more chaste peck on the mouth just before pulling away, his eyes emanating with wonder at just having kissed you at last. A bright, giddy smile took over your mouth.
"I would love to do more, but...as you're aware, I have a hole in my back," he said, a crooked grin on his face.
"Well, that's why I'm here, Sergeant. I can help with that," you replied before going in for another kiss.
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's 1,000 Followers fics
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theflavorpurple · 5 months
would it be random if i just info dumped on this rare pair ship i've been obsessed with..?
eh ima do it anyways-
fair warning it could be like ooc or inaccurate this is just kinda my take on how it would work kinda making my own au for it ig ANYWAYS-
Transformers starrod dynamic?? :
-both under the shadows of previous leaders
-both had some type of admiration/ idolization/ slight infatuation with megatron that both ended up in disappointment and slight heartbreak, it wasn't love no it was a crush but both seemed to end on the most disappointing note on megatrons side
-could possibly get together under the demands/influence of peers/society since rodimus is a prime and starscream is now leader of cybertron, could be arranged
-use each other for their own self benefits and pleasure (complicated toxic yuri)
-”it's complicated” it really is but also isn't, their relationship is their own business
-everyone tells rodimus starscream is using him and ‘seducing/brainwashing’ him and that he's only going to break his heart. rodimus isn't stupid he knows but he also knows starscream would never do that (or at least has some hope)
-everyone tells starscream he's wrong for being with rodimus and to leave the prime alone or whatever but the seeker knows what he knows even if their relationship is complicated he's not going to let someone who doesn't know the true meaning of their relationship get to him (or at least tries to)
-maybe the mistress of flame has some significance… (idk her she just sounds important and relevant especially with rodimus)
-everyone wanted them together but their close friends (rodimus's) want them apart, starscream has had his fair share of “talks”of interrogation trying to get him to share his “true intent” with the prime (honestly it's an insult to him and his past trine)
- maybe they're still together out of pure spite?
-people may still try to act all sleezy around rodimus thinking it's all an act and fake. starscream still proves even after the war his talons are sharper than ever.
-jealous. starscream? jealous? of megatron? ha. don't make him laugh. yet his glare that could strike fear in most was pointed directly at the ex-decepticon leader. more specifically at the hand that was placed on a certain flame colored bots shoulder. no his wings didn't twitch in agitation. you've seen wrong, you don't understand how wing cant works.. and certainly the tiny spike of annoyance you felt in his field was just a figment of your imagination… yeah official meetings are certainly awkward, best to not interact with either of the pair…
-rodimus lives under the constant shadow of optimus wherever he goes people think he’s immature and naive when he is not, he acts like he doesn’t hear the jokes and whispers but he is no idiot everyone thinks he is and optimus does nothing but prove that
-i feel like their relationship as hot rod and optimus went from father and son like to disappointment and underestimation after he became Rodimus Prime
- seeing megatron with Optimus hurt them both. as a form of betrayal on rodimus’s end and as a form of anger for starscream. betrayal because he had trusted megatron with his troubles of never being good as the optimus prime. anger because no matter what happens even if that war is over megatron will always get his way. he gets his prime.
-the war is over but their idolized leaders had left a mess in their hands. now it’s their job to fix it. but hey. they’re happy together now, they’re proof everyone is at peace.
-”they think you're an idiot. they think you're naïve.”
“and they think you're not fit to be a ruler. they think you're selfish.”
“they think. and do you believe them?”
“do you..?”
“i know what i know, and i know how to prove them wrong.”
(i mean if anyone wanted to write for this concept don't let me stop you if anything pleases tag me cuz i crave content for these two😍 i love how complicated they are)
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I'm sick and tired of people acting like a ship has to be canon for it to be enjoyable!
No! It doesn't!
Sure, it might be an added bonus, but it's not the be all and end all of its enjoyability!
Please read below!!! vv
Chances are, if you go into it with the mind set "My ship has to be canon or else I will be angry, and anyone who disagrees is wrong", it's not going to be very fun for you or for anyone else in the fandom.
But if you go into it with the mindset "This ship is nice and I really think the characters should end up together, but I recognise that it might not become canon, and that's ok", then most likely it will be a lot more fun for you and anyone you interact with!
Also, the creators of whatever media your ship is from do not owe it to you to make the ship canon no matter how much evidence you have or how much chemistry you think the characters have, ok? They're just trying to tell a story, and getting angry with them is utterly pointless. At the end of the day, the plot is usually the most important aspect of any piece of media. I'd much rather have a satisfying ending to the plot than to see my ship become canon, wouldn't you agree?
Perhaps I'm biased since most of the media I consume is more focused on plot and characters/platonic relationships so there's next to no chance of any of my ships becoming canon, but that's ok!! I know that some ships mean a lot to some people, but I guarantee you that you will have more fun sharing theories and headcanons and fanart and fics or whatever with other people who enjoy the ship than you will ever have seeing the ship become canon.
And a lot of the time when a ship is made canon it's still disappointing because it didn't happen exactly how you expected or wanted it to happen. At the end of the day the characters' fates are up to the creators, so if you really don't like that a certain ship was/was not made canon, or if it was made canon in a way you didn't like, then why not try writing fanfiction? Or, better yet, why not try writing your own original story? That way literally everything is up to you!
I guess another thing I'm trying to say here is that fighting over ships is absolutely useless. It accomplishes nothing, and usually it's just a case of two people having different views on a certain character. But guess what? That's what's supposed to happen! It's fiction, which means none of the characters are real, which means everyone can interpret the characters and their actions differently! It's really interesting seeing everyone's different views and interpretations of the source media! And wouldn't it be kind of boring if everyone just had the exact same opinions on every character and ship?
Just because you believe a character has romantic feelings for another character, that doesn't mean that everyone else has to believe that too, and it doesn't matter if it's canon or not because it's your opinion.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it contradicts your own.
To summarise:
A ship being enjoyable is not dependent on whether it's canon or not. Instead, it's totally up to you to make it as enjoyable as you can by interacting with others who ship it, or even by discussing it with people who have opposing views! And don't be upset if your ship isn't canon! :)
Also, don't start ship wars because they're stupid.
(I'd like to add that this isn't anti-any particular ship, this is a message for everyone)
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brujitaadinbo · 5 months
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I am happy and a little nervous to start here. English is not something I master, so please let's go slowly. If you don't understand something, you can ask before anything.
I have a lot to say and I hope to gather more friends than anything else. I am open to dialogue but I repeat, insulting is not an argument and you leave. I have seen how Duo Din and Bo katan have coexisted during these seasons; I never expected that this interaction would deepen from the fact of giving each other the opportunity to open up and get to know each other.
I don't deny that at first I didn't see something between them; because I was more distracted by the action of the series and the euphoria. But my opinion completely changed in the season 3 finale.
When I saw how Grogu protected his father and in that process, I included Bo (and I'm not saying that he saw her as a mother but he saw the need to protect her, feeling her closer and part of him) So I change my perspective to this season.
I had to rewatch the series several times, hahaha I'm not lying and it makes me laugh but I did it. Then I started to see those little details between Din and Bo katan. Certain parallels and how hatred came to be appreciated. Since there were signs of flirting, he added verbal and body language, non-verbal language, approaches and even the dialogues, the music. A way to pair them, but not as a cliché couple, as they always portray us. With that cliché romance that always repeats itself; no no
Here they were giving things a process, this type of relationship in which both come wounded, with doubts, with traumas, something that must be slow because if not, it won't end up cooking. And living in a world like the one we live in, where survival is substantial, it is very likely that you empathize with them, understand them and understand how they have done what they have done and how they walk hand in hand.
I do not want to come to talk for the sake of talking and I will try to take all the visible and documented elements to show that indeed; There was no romance as such in this season between them, but there were romantic overtones, there was subtle interaction of this type between them, so much so that Grogu realized that something in Bo was changing. Being sensitive in those aspects, come on, that cannot be hidden from the child.
I have also seen how because of all this, toxic fandom and harmful people have given themselves the right to criticize, mock and attack. I understand it's Star Wars, without generalizing, don't expect many to understand or be mature or allow themselves to question or see beyond their own very personal visions and tastes.
But as I say; Your tastes are clouding the panorama or denying a palpable reality just because something is not to your liking and attacking it. More than sad, it's pathetic. Although anything can happen in The Mandalorian and no one can deny it, if we talk about possibilities, then I tell you, the possibility of something healthy developing is there!!! among them like so many ships from other SW content and clearly those little messages have been there for a reason.
"You don't talk about what you don't know" I love that Din said that. Because if you do not take the time to objectively question this union, to see the content again, you will continue in that ignorance of the elements, which is not just me (because it is not just my opinion, I base it on other aspects) Many others
I would like SW to understand that it is not just a bias of the population or of a certain country that has fans or fandoms about its content. We must give priority to everyone, this is a global phenomenon, seen in many places. And although the program has a family focus, nothing is an obstacle for them to show that no matter what it is, who it is, feelings and emotions are also valid and allow us to surround ourselves with positive people, becoming someone better for those who little by little have entered our hearts. No matter how badass, how Mandalorian, or where you want to be from. No matter the conflict or situation you are going through. Star Wars is based on human emotions and love is not left out of this.
are proving it and they only come to silence them.
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