#plastic-free summer essentials
attheideality · 1 year
10 plastic free summer essentials in your summer bag
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libraford · 17 days
Park Cleanup Pet Peeves
I'll be starting my seasonal gig at Parks and Rec in a couple months and I've got a couple things I wanna say. I know that this will probably not reach the people who need to hear it, but if ONE LESS person leaves the parks a mess, I will be That Much Happier.
-You're not supposed to smoke, drink, or have sex in public parks but I know that people will anyway. But if you are going to do those things, please dispose of the evidence in the trash cans. A human has to pick these things up.
-Dog poop goes in a bag. Bag goes in the trash can.
-The little wax paper liners in the women's room? See you're supposed to put your pad/tampon in that wax paper bag, take the bag out of the bin, and then dispose of it in the actual trash can. Don't feel bad, no one told me either. Also no one told the dudes I work with. But this reduces direct exposure to bodily fluids, especially as the summer gets on and it gets hot in those bathrooms.
-On that subject! The little bins that they go in next to the toilet? Don't stick trash in there. Don't put diapers in there. Also don't put beer cans crushed in such a specific way that I slice my hand on them as I try to jimmy it out of there. Literally, that bin is too small for most things. They are meant specifically for those brown bags. Please for the love of god, throw things in the trash can.
-As for the urinals, please no solids. Most commonly gum and chewed tobacco, but you can use your imagination.
-If you're doing a photo shoot or an event with confetti, please use a paper confetti instead of a plastic one- its easier to get rid of.
-If you're doing a pizza party, we'd rather you stack the pizza boxes in a pile next to the trash can instead of trying to fit them in the trash. Because then we can just throw the trash bag over the top and tie it instead of trying to fish it out. This kind of goes for any big trash- if it won't fit in the trash can easily, don't try.
-Please don't call cops on people sleeping in the parks if they're not bothering anyone. Even if they've been sleeping there all day. Dude's just trying to chill.
-Destruction of the toilets will result in the indefinite locking of the restrooms. You ruined them and now everyone at the softball tournament can blame you for it.
-Parks people are not the police. We are maintenance workers who are not trained to handle most emergencies and the most we can do in any situation is report to the proper department. Please don't look to us for answers if someone is starting a fight.
-Also please don't spit on us for driving on the path. We're permitted to. Its essential for us to drive on the path to do our job.
-please don't abandon animals at the park. Rehome them properly. I spent a whole week trying to catch a rooster last summer.
-look, I get it- 'oh no, your pretty building has writing on it!' Grafitti is so edgy. We get it. But it means Jacob has to sand it off now so that the kids at the birthday party don't see a giant drawing of a weiner. Acts of rebellion that create more work for the working class are not revolutionary.
-please do not set fire to the Tiny Free Library. Why did you do that? That's mean.
-please do not feed bread to ducks and geese. Corn, birdseed, lettuce- those are better for them. If you want to reduce tge amount of goose poop in the parks, shop feeding them bread.
-also do not anger tge geese. They remember what its like to be dinosaurs.
I'll have more later, probably, once the season wears on.
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twostepstyless · 2 years
All Roads Lead To You
Authors Note:
Harry and Y/N decide to take an open-ended roadtrip to Italy, they’ve been best friends since school but what changes when they get to run away for a bit and enjoy some overdue, uninterrupted time together under the summer sun as they journey across Europe. This one has been in the works, essentially, since Harry’s House was released. Heavily inspired by the song Keep Driving, the referenced are blatantly obvious LOL. Also wrote this about Harry’s trip to Italy he took during the pandemic when he drove there from England with a friend, in my story the friend happens to be Y/N. Some of the photos they take on the trip are also direct references from the Harry’s House album booklet, see if you can guess which ones! This is my longest fic to date and I hope you enjoy it, it’s been a labour of love. 
As always, reblogs, likes, feedback is appreciated and encouraged !!
Lots of love, G xo 
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Warnings: Recreational drug use and smut. Don’t do drugs kids (but if you do be safe xo) 
Contains: Long drives, crepes in Paris, Coffee in Pisa, Pizza in Naples, Audrey Hepburn in Rome and a whole lotta love in Positano and a lot of blatant references to the song Keep Driving xo OH and Y/N spills food… a LOT
Word Count: 22k (it’s a BIG one, may need to read on desktop, device depending)
“Right then, we ready?” Harry asked shutting the driver side door as he got comfortable in the leather seat. 
“Think so, did you lock up?” she asked, not yet looking up from her phone as she scrolled through their carefully curated road trip playlist. 
“No, jus’ left the front door open for a laugh, I’ve stuck a sign up out the front saying everything’s free for the taking as well,” he said, sarcasm dripping around every word. 
“Don’t be a smart arse, or you’ll be in for a long journey, I was jus’ checking. Did you lock the back doors?” She glanced up at him to see him sliding the key to the borrowed car into the ignition, his blue hat backwards on top of his grown-out curls, a pair of yellow tinted sunglasses hanging from the neck of his sweatshirt. 
Harry paused as he was about to turn the key to start the car up, “the back doors weren’t open,” he said slowly, as if trying to convince himself of the fact. 
“H, we ate out there this morning,” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, baffled to the fact he couldn’t remember they were out there with coffee and pancakes not even an hour ago. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Harry grumbled, pulling the keys back out of the ignition and groaning as he got back out the car with his knees cracking as he stood. Y/N leant out of the open passenger window as Harry made his way back to his front door.
“Oi, try and lose that hat while you’re at it, yeah?” Y/N called out the window to him, a smirk playing at her lips as Harry looked back over his shoulder as he unlocked the door. Before entering he turned back to face her, spun his hat round so the front was facing her so she could read that god awful fisherman quote, and he stuck both his middle fingers up at her as he laughed, walking backwards into his house. 
While he was gone, Y/N took the opportunity to connect her phone to the sound system ready to deep dive into their playlist and then rifled through her bag in the footwell that had all their essentials for the first block of driving, just double checking she had everything to hand. A rough route map, or more so things they could stop to see and interesting places they could spend a night on their open-ended trip as they drove from London to Italy. Y/N had both their passports in a plastic wallet along with every other document they could possibly need and then some. Harry had joked her bag had looked like a police evidence container with everything separated into various wallets and folders. That had earned him a slap in the chest with one of those wallets and her saying, “well say, we get questioned about the car insurance at least I’ll know where it is, instead of you patting at your pockets as if it’s going to appear by magic, eh?” 
She wasn’t wrong either, Harry knew he was making the right decision asking her to come along on this trip with him. Not only was she so well organised it put him to shame but he really couldn’t wait to have some well overdue Harry and Y/N time. The pair had been friends since they started high school, in fact, Harry was of the opinion friends was too basic of a term for what they were to each other. Kindred spirits perhaps, confidante seemed a bit too high and mighty of a phrase. Soulmates. Platonic soulmates, Harry kept telling himself, but the ache in his chest he felt when they were separated by the Atlantic Ocean and every flight grounded for the foreseeable when he got stuck in L.A when the entire world locked down said differently. Their daily FaceTime calls, that happened at all hours of the day and night, when they would confuse their time differences and any semblance of a daily schedule fell by the wayside throughout lockdowns and quarantines, eventually turned into them fantasising what they should do to make up for lost time when they were finally reunited and restrictions allowed them to run away for a bit, and thus the idea to drive to Italy was born. They justified it by saying, well driving would mean they would interact with the least amount of people other than each other, minimising their risk of becoming unwell, it would also mean they could make the trip as long or short as they pleased as neither of the pair had anything they had to rush back for. The only small argument they had got into was which car would be taking them on the journey across the English Channel and Europe, Y/N’s ageing car, that Harry had affectionately named her ‘Doodlebug’ was out of the question, it was a little too small and if Y/N was honest she didn’t think the car would make it through the channel crossing never mind to Italy. That left them Harry’s multiple car options, all of which Y/N shot down as he suggested them, rejecting his classic and vintage cars because, “what if something went wrong H? I doubt some mechanic in the middle of nowhere France can fix a Mercedes from the 60s.” When he suggested his newer, modern cars, they ended up in the reject pile just as quick, “they’re all a bit ostentatious d’you not think? All a bit ‘look at me, I’m a wanker roaring through rural France in a sports car’ or a big, fuck-off Range Rover before you suggest that.” 
That left them drawing a blank, toying the idea of hiring a car until Harry mentioned his and Y/N’s plans while on a call with his Mum.
“Why don’t you take Robin’s?” she had suggested.
“Christ Mum, y’sure y’would be alright with that?” he queried, gnawing on his lip.
“Honestly Harry, please do, it would be a nice full circle moment, I think. We went all over the country in that thing, would be lovely to see you two take it further afield, make some memories like we did,” she had given him a soft smile through the phone screen as Harry gave her one back, feeling his eyes go glassy. 
Which brought them to this moment. The second Harry had found out he was able to get home from L.A, Y/N was taking the quickest trip back up North she’d ever had, to collect the car and give a quick wave through the window to her own parents as that was as close to them as she was willing to risk, and she was back on the road driving the borrowed car to London to await Harry’s arrival. They set their departure date for a little over two weeks after Harry returned, so they could both isolate and not risk each other’s health and safety. 
Just as she was repacking her final documents folder with their passports, Harry’s filled with a lot more stamps and used pages than her own, back into her bag in the footwell, Harry had returned, opening, and sliding into the driver’s seat, popping the key back into the ignition. 
“Well, was the back door unlocked then?” she looked over at him, quirking her eyebrow, a smirk playing at her lips, taking note that the ‘if you ain’t a fisherman, you ain’t shit’ hat was still sat firmly on his head, squashing his soft curls down. 
“Shut up,” he grumbled, deflecting from answering, he couldn’t help but let a smile tug at the corner of his annoyed pout as Y/N giggled from her seat, fastening her belt as Harry started the engine. “Next stop, the Eurotunnel,” he grinned at her as she wriggled excitedly in her seat, the idea of escaping the U.K for at least a little while was really doing a number on her. 
“There’ll be bluebirds over, the white cliffs of Dover,” Y/N warbled as she pressed play on the same song on her phone. 
Harry huffed out a laugh, “the Eurotunnel is in Folkestone, y’idiot,” he said as she continued her slightly off-key tune as the voice of Vera Lynn eased them into the first leg of a journey that would change everything. 
“Harry, you’re going to hurt yourself,” Y/N warned as she pulled out the document with their booking reference.
“M’fine,” he grunted, reaching through his window, fingertips just whispering across the touchscreen as he tried to plug in the details
“Jus’ accept you misjudged it and open your bloody door, I’m not popping your shoulder back into place in the car park,” she retaliated. 
Harry sighed before stretching out his seatbelt and popping the door open so he could lean closer to the screen all the while muttering under his breath, “jus’ embarrassing innit,” and “I look like a right knob,” as Y/N snickered and read out the code to him for him to punch in. 
Slamming the door shut and handing her the ticket they had to hang from the rear-view mirror, his eyes met hers as she pressed her lips together to stifle the laugh that was crawling its way up her throat, “not a word,” he cautioned lifting his foot from the clutch as they drove under the raised barrier. “How long’ve we got til our slot?” he asked as he followed the road round into the car park where a selection of shops and world duty free framed the tarmac. 
“Uh, 30-40 minutes, I think,” Y/N glanced at her watch as Harry pulled into a free parking space, “I really need a wee before we go anywhere though,” quickly attaching the ticket with the bold letter E inked on it to the rear-view mirror that would direct the staff to which train they should be on before undoing her seatbelt and reaching for her mask to slip on to enter the rest area. 
Pulling his own mask on, he unbuckled his own seatbelt before getting out the car with her, locking it behind him with the push of a button, “okay, you sort yourself out, I’m away to play ‘Supermarket Sweep’ in the shops, any requests?” he held the door to the concourse open for her. 
“The journey is only a bit over half an hour, but I could go somethin’ tasty,” she paused, mulling over what she could want before the pressure in her bladder interrupted her as she shot off towards the toilets, calling over her shoulder, “surprise me!”
Hands washed and dried and snacks purchased, they met outside the front doors of the concourse, so they weren’t lingering around many people before sauntering back over to the car. 
“Shit, I forgot to put that bloody U.K sticker on the car,” Harry said as he took notice of the white stickers with the bold black letters emblazoned on the car’s parked on either side of their own. “Pass me it out, s’in the glove box,” he passed her the bag filled with their snacks as well to deposit in her passenger side too. Y/N quickly located the sticker handing it to Harry who was stood behind her on the passenger side and just as she was about to close the compartment, she caught sight of something else.
“Oh… H, look at this,” wrapping her hand round the item before pulling herself back out the car round the back to see Harry squatting down, smoothing over the sticker over the bumper. She handed him the polaroid she found, one of Anne and Robin, perched on the bonnet of this very car, clearly taken before one of their many road trips. Harry’s fingers held onto the edges of the image as to not taint it with his fingerprints as he took in their beaming faces, Y/N watched smiling softly as his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat before he cleared it. 
“I’ve got m’film camera in my backpack, we should take one too… like they did,” he glanced up at her timidly.
“That sounds like a great idea, let me put this back where it belongs and we’ll take one before we go, yeah?” she gave him a warm smile and a squeeze of his hand, taking the polaroid from him and putting it back in its home in the glove box so it would be on their journey with them. Harry was opening the boot, scouring through his large backpack that Y/N frequently teased him about, saying he looked like an 11-year-old on their first day of high school wearing it. Pulling out the camera and setting it up as he closed the boot again, Y/N sidled up to him as he held out the camera in front of them, trying to get the newly placed U.K sticker in the shot. Her hand came up to block the sun from her eyes as she beamed into the camera lens, a broad grin across Harry’s face too, as one eye squinted closed as he battled the golden rays shining in his face as he took their photo. 
“S’black an’ white film in it just now, that’s the only thing,” Harry said taking the camera and its accompanying bag, stuffed full of accessories and new rolls of film and cannisters into the front seats so they could take some pictures on their journey.
“Even better,” she smiled, sliding back into her seat, and fastening her belt, “should we get out of here then?”
“Let’s do this,” Harry reached over to squeeze her knee in excitement as he started the car and drove towards the Eurotunnel. 
Harry was adamant he was doing the first portion of driving from his home until they stopped overnight in Paris, one of the locations they decided to stop off at along the way to Italy, wanting to make it a ‘proper road trip.’ He was adamant he was doing that first portion of driving even when they got into a little scuffle next to the car while stretching their legs as the train hurtled under the English Channel. When Y/N tried to wrestle the keys from his grip and force herself into the driver’s seat. 
“Move your arse, it’s not happening,” he had said taking the keys out of her grip holding them up above both their heads and out of reach. 
“You’re the one that said we were splitting the driving,” she shot back as she reached up on the tips of her toes, her fingers just ghosting the keys, if only she could just hook a finger through the keyring.
Harry whipped the keys back down and stuck them in his back pocket before spinning Y/N round so he was closer to the open driver’s door, “and we’ll split it with you driving for a bit tomorrow, jus’ let me get us to Paris,” he stated as he sat down in seat and shut the door behind him before seeing Y/N’s furrowed brow through the open window, “oi, get in and buckled up, grumpy, we’ll be driving off soon.” 
Her grumpiness didn’t last long as they were on the road from Calais to Paris, with them competing in the car of who could remember more from high school French which was really just the numbers from 1 to 20, some greetings and how to say you were going to the cinema with your mates, all completed with their dodgy attempt at an accent. 
“Pass me a piggy,” he asked, looking out the corner of his eyes through his yellow sunglasses to see Y/N had burst into their snack haul.
“Um..” she began, feeling the heat rise on her face. 
“You’ve not tanked an entire bag of Percy Pigs, have you?” Harry asked whipping his head round at her quickly, mouth open, before his eyes shot back to the road, “and didn’t even offer me one.”  “No, no, not all of them, there’s some left, honest,” she giggled clutching onto the pink packaging that she had torn open.
“Then cough up,” he held out his left palm that had previously been resting on the gear stick. Y/N begrudgingly placed the pig-shaped confection in his hand. 
“I love Percy Pigs, they’re my favourites,” she said softly to herself mostly, as she ate the second to last sweet before handing Harry the last one in the bag. 
“I know y’do, there’s a second bag in there for the very reason I knew you would put that first bag away in record time,” he mumbled, chewing round a mouthful of fruit-flavoured pig.
“Shit, is there actually? You’re my second favourite after Percy now” she squeaked as she tore through the bag for life Harry had filled with her favourites while he played Supermarket Sweep earlier that day. Harry grinned at her joy of finding the second bag as he took a swig of water from the bottle that she had taken the lid off for him as he drove. 
She had played the opening song from Beauty and the Beast as they drove into Paris as Harry snorted at her choice before joining in her singalong and pointing towards himself during the line about the baker. They did a quick driving tour of Paris as night fell over the city, both too exhausted for anything more. They parked up to enjoy the glittering light show of the Eiffel Tower while they ate the crêpes Y/N had purchased from an overpriced stand while she said something about this being a trip to play up the tourist stereotype. Harry watched her eyes sparkle in the twinkling light as drip of Nutella landed on her chin and a slice of strawberry fell out her dessert onto the pavement below their feet. As the sparkling faded out to darkness, Y/N looked up at Harry, who laughed in her face as he wiped away the Nutella with his scrunched-up napkin while she played it off saying she was saving that bit for later. 
Harry had called in a favour with some friends in Paris and had managed to borrow an apartment for a night while his friend was out of town, gathering their overnight bags from the car and Y/N’s bag with all their important bits that she didn’t want to leave unattended in the car overnight, they shuffled into the quiet of the apartment to see Harry’s friend had made up their sofa bed in addition to their own bedroom for the pair.
“Bedrooms through there, Y/N/N, I’ll be out here,” he grunted out, his tiredness starting to become more evident in his voice. 
“Don’t be ridiculous c’mere,” she tugged him alongside her into the bedroom, “I also don’t want t’hear you whine about a sore back in the car all day tomorrow,” she stated before sitting him down on the bed and kicking her shoes off and grabbing her sleepwear from her bag, “I baggsy the bathroom first, though,” she said through a yawn as she walked away from him. Harry quickly got himself changed while she was out of the room and was swiping through the pictures they had taken at the Eiffel Tower, and quick shots of other sights through the window on their driving tour, on his phone, in addition to the ones on his film camera. He barely noticed her enter the room again and shuffle into the bed next to him until the mumbled, “bathrooms all yours.” Harry was quick in sorting himself out in the bathroom, doing his business, washing his face, and brushing his teeth as he felt his body succumbing to sleep. He stumbled back into the bedroom to see her already out, soft puffs of air leaving her, her hair covering her face. Slipping under the sheets next to her, he reached over, pushed her hair back and smiled softly, eyes blinking heavily as he took in her softened features before turning out the bedside light and letting his body fall under the sleep it so desperately needed. 
“H, I’m so hungry I’m hurtling towards taking a bite out the steering wheel,” she announced, looking over at him with a deadpan expression from her spot in the driver’s seat as he took a quick picture of her grimace on his camera. They had set off from Paris early with a long driving day in front of them with and Y/N was taking on the first stint of the drive to give Harry a break after his turn yesterday. 
“Percy not cutting it any longer?” Harry questioned, lowering his camera from his face, a teasing smirk plaguing his mouth.
“Not even a little bit,” she sighed looking down at the packet of sweets jammed into one of the cup holders, not in the slightest bit tempted as she was yesterday. 
“I’m already googling, I’ll find somewhere,” he reassured pulling his phone out of the pocket of his hoodie before pausing, “here, drink up, it’ll hold you over a bit before we stop,” he unscrewed lid of the water before passing it to her as she drank up gratefully keeping her right hand on the steering wheel. 
They drove for another 45 minutes before Harry instructed her to pull into a rest stop that apparently served a great breakfast, according to TripAdvisor anyway. Y/N parked up and unbuckled and as she reached for a fresh mask Harry gripped her wrist and deposited it back into her lap, “no point in both of us going in, we’ll eat in the car, yeah?” 
“Well, let me go then, don’t want you to get, y’know,” she spoke as she gestured her hands in the air as if to create some sort of fanfare symbolising Harry getting mobbed. 
“Considering we’re in the middle of nowhere France and there’s only a lorry, us, and a car from 1982 parked up,” he nodded towards the car, “I think I’ll be jus’ fine. Got m’mask and m’sunnies on as well,” he said as he donned both, nodding his head down quickly to knock his sunglasses from their perch in his hair to cover his eyes as he looped the elastic of his mask over his ears. 
“Take my wallet then, s’in the top of my bag, got some cash in there,” she reached over to adjust his sunglasses that sat squint on his face while he scrunched his nose up.
“Fuck off,” he scoffed at her suggestion of offering him money, unbuckling his seatbelt, and opening his door to get out.
“Harry just tak-” she was cut off by the slamming of his door as she rolled her eyes at his behaviour. 
He returned about 20 minutes later as she watched him through the front windscreen as he crossed the car park with a coffee carrier and a brown paper bag that the handles seemed to be straining on as he shook it in the air and wiggled his hips when he came to a stop in front of the car. She could see his eyes crinkle through his yellow lenses as he came back round to his passenger door. He passed her the coffee carrier in and balanced the paper bag on top of the centre console as he situated himself back in his seat. Y/N had rolled her own seat back as far as it could go to give herself a bit more room.
“That smells amazing,” Y/N sighed dreamily taking a whiff of the hot food coming from the paper bag as she took their coffees from the carrier and settled them in the two-remaining cupholders. 
“Oh, we hit the jackpot in there, I come bearing a bag of fresh, home-made, assorted pastries,” he pulled out a white paper bag that seemed to be filled to bursting with buttery, flaky goodness, “we also have- oops there’s the forks,” he distracted himself pulling out a bundle of wooden cutlery wrapped in some paper napkins. “We also have toast,” he pulled out a white cardboard box and placed it on the dashboard between them, balancing some butter packages and jams on top, “and finally, hash browns an’ fried eggs,” he grinned handing over a polystyrene container she could feel the heat radiating through and placing his own container in his lap. 
“Oh my god, aw I could kiss you,” she smiled patting her grumbling stomach, “did y’get knives though ‘cause I don’t like the egg whi-”
“Already dealt with,” he cut her off with a smile then taking a sip from his coffee, and sure enough it was. She popped open the lid of her food and saw her hash browns with two fried egg yolks sat next to them, the whites cut off from around them. Looking over at Harry, she saw him already wolfing into his yolkless egg whites in their chopped-up glory. 
They ate and drank with their music playing quietly in the background until their bellies were full and Y/N was feeling a lot less grouchy. She packed up their rubbish into the paper bag and went to get out the car to take it to the bin across the carpark, “wait hang on lovie,” Harry stopped her before taking his thumb and swiping it across her bottom lip and chin before holding it in her eyeline, “some stray strawberry jam this time, are y’planning on spilling down your chin at every stop?” he smiled before wiping his thumb clean on a spare napkin before putting that in the top of their rubbish too.
Y/N continued driving the next portion of the journey with Harry deciding he’d take over just before the Mont Blanc tunnel. Insisting even when Y/N fought him on it. 
“Why don’t we just swap the other side of the tunnel, seems a bit more logical to do it tha’ way.”
“No, no we’ll swap before,” his most reassuring tone evident in his voice. 
She paused, thinking, before it dawned on her, “you just want to say you drove through the big tunnel, don’t you?” she mused. Harry’s silence and the redness that coloured his cheeks and the tips of his ears gave him away in an instant. “Y’so silly, we’ll swap before the tunnel,” she said as he beamed to himself.
So, they did. Y/N pulled into the last rest stop before the Mont Blanc tunnel where it was her turn to fill up the tank anyway as Harry got himself comfortable in the driver’s seat, moving it into position and adjusting his mirrors. Petrol paid for; they were on their way again. Y/N was fiddling around with Harry’s camera changing the film from the black and white reel they had finished to a colour film instead. As they paid the toll for the tunnel through the Alps and waited on their turn to go through, she caught his attention, “right, look at me,” he turned his head as he drove up to the entrance of the tunnel as Y/N took his picture, catching him unawares. “There we go, Harry’s big moment driving through the tunnel captured on film to remember forever,” she teased. 
“You’ve got a real cheek, y’know, could’ve at least told me y’were taking m’photo, I would’ve posed an’ got a better shot,” he pulled his hat off leaving it on the dash, which she then took a photo of, while it was lit by the afternoon sun coming in the front window. 
“Nah, my photography is all about catching real, genuine emotions,” she said in her best serious voice. 
“Your photography,” he snorted, “right Annie Leibovitz, calm yourself down.”
“Oh, fuck off Harry, c’mon it’s our turn,” she said pointing towards the tunnel entrance. 
As he drove into the tunnel with a smile on his face, he mentioned the silly superstition they used to do as children, “I’d say hold your breath and make a wish til the end of the tunnel but it’s 7 and a bit miles long and I could be doing with y’not passing out halfway.” 
They decided to keep driving. Originally planning on having a rest night on the other side of the tunnel once they crossed into Italy, but Harry was feeling good and hadn’t driven much so was up for getting them to Pisa early so they could spend two nights rather than the one and get to see the city properly the next day. 
The highway hypnosis and gentle rumble of the car paired with their early morning start, rocked Y/N to sleep for a little while nearly two hours into their journey, and Harry couldn’t help himself by continuously taking shy glances over at her. Constantly worried that the next time she’s going to be awake and catch him looking, but he just couldn’t stop himself, her softened, relaxed features were just so endearing to him. It comforted him to know she felt safe, secure, and relaxed enough to fall asleep while he drove. He let her sleep as long as he could before he became wary about her not being able to sleep tonight if she slept all the way until Pisa. He considered reaching over and gently shaking her awake. Considered it, then swiftly moved on from that because at heart, Harry was a little shit to Y/N. A menace, and always had been over the nearly fifteen years they knew each other, and that wasn’t about to change now. He pulled over at a quiet part of the road and grabbed her phone that was still connected to the speakers, playing soft instrumental and orchestral music. He signed in with her passcode and entered her Apple Music tab, quickly finding the song he wanted and queuing it to play next before starting off down the road again. As the previous song faded into nothing, Harry quickly spun the volume dial and thought to himself, when in Italy. As the rousing opening to ‘Volare’ blasted through the car speakers, so loud the car 100 metres in front of them could probably hear it. Y/N shrieked awake and jumped so high her head brushed the roof of the car as Harry cackled. 
“What in the actual fuck, Harry?!” she clutched her chest as Harry kept laughing. 
“Y’needed to wake up or you’re not going to sleep t’night, so I woke you up,” he kept laughing, turning the music down to a volume that wasn’t threatening to burst their eardrums.
“So, you decided to do that by nearly giving me a heart attack?” she asked dumbfounded her heartrate slowly ticking back down to a more sensible rhythm. “You’re an actual dickhead, Harry Styles.”
“Shut up and singalong, y’love this song,” he grinned wickedly at her. 
“Where are we, anyway?” she asked stretching her arms above her head, finally adjusting to being awake again. 
“Just passed Genoa, f’you look out my window we might be able to see the water in a second,” Harry glanced out trying to see the sparkling blue of the Ligurian Sea as he began softly humming along to the song. 
As they reached Pisa, things were going the same way they had went in Paris. Agreeing they were far too exhausted to do anything that night, at least they had an entire day and night tomorrow to explore and see the city. It was really beneficial for Y/N to be friends with Harry, who had friends, everywhere. They were staying in another borrowed apartment from one of his friends for the next two nights, this one slightly more extravagant with a large balcony and two bedrooms so they wouldn’t be squished in together, Harry didn’t know if this was a positive or a negative, but it also meant that one of them didn’t have to be banished to a pull-out either. They were picking up the keys from Harry’s mate in the centre of town near a restaurant his friend had also recommended so they opted to get take-out from there, after Harry pulled out some awful joke about them having a ‘Pisa Pizza’ to take back and eat to settle down for the night. 
Harry pulled up and parked in a space a few down from the restaurant, and before Y/N even reached for her belt to undo it, he stopped her. “Jus’ you wait here, sleepy, I won’t be too long,” he uttered before reaching across and tucking strands of her hair behind her ear. 
“Hmm, okay,” Y/N yawned before reaching down to her bag, “take this though, an’ I mean it this time, H, don’t even try and give it back or you’ll be spoiling for a fight,” she ordered before shoving a few folded-up Euros into his palm to pay for dinner. Rolling his eyes, he pocketed the cash and got out the car. 
She had been scrolling her phone when Harry returned with a set of keys between his teeth and carrying two pizza boxes in his hands, a plastic bag balanced on top, and a paper bag tucked under his arm. Y/N reached over and popped open the driver’s door, so he didn’t have to struggle, and he handed her the boxes and plastic bag, filled with their food, in for her to hold. 
“What’s with the other bag,” she looked over as Harry kept hold of the paper bag before reaching back over the seats and depositing it into his backpack that had made its way into the backseat rather than the boot. 
“Jus’ somethin’ for tomorrow night and maybe something else for another night,” he had a knowing smirk plastered on his face as she quirked an eyebrow at him but was far too tired to push it any further. She’d find out eventually.
The rest of their evening passed in a sleepy sort of haze, having got into the apartment, eating their dinner, taking turns showering and completing their night-time routines. With full bellies, they bade each other goodnight and slunk away into their respective bedrooms. Although they both admitted to themselves that they missed the closeness of each other through the brick wall that now separated them. They had been in each other’s pockets the last few days and now not having the option to reach out and touch or feel the other’s warmth was missed, but they’ll keep those thoughts to themselves. 
Their day in Pisa had started off busy and got lazier as it progressed which was perfect for them and exactly what they wanted out of the trip. They felt they had to go and see the tower in all its leaning glory and made the move to go first thing in the morning to avoid the most amount of people as they could. They took the classic tourist snapshots of pushing and pulling the tower before handing Harry’s camera to an older man to take a photo of the pair of them. They smiled and said ‘Grazie’ generously to the gentleman before giving the camera to a woman who passed them a few moments later to try again, as the older man’s fingertip was definitely, at least partially, covering the lens. 
They spent the rest of the morning wandering piazzas and side streets, in shops and taking photos. A new pair of sandals for Y/N later, as the strap snapped on her own as they walked, and pictures of Harry posed with a bottle of balsamic vinegar he had purchased, they decided they needed a pick me up. Walking into a trattoria, Harry ordered coffees and food for them to share in the best Italian that he had learnt from his friends and the Duolingo subscription he raved about to her. 
“This is weird, y’know,” he noted, sipping on his coffee as they sat outside on metal chairs that never sat quite level on the ground and a matching bistro table that wobbled if you so much as brushed against it. 
“What’s that?” she questioned, peering at him through the yellow of his sunglasses he had placed on her face as she sat down in the seat that the sun was glaring onto as Harry sat with his back to it. 
“Sitting down and having a coffee,” he hummed before tearing off a corner of bread and dipping it into the oil and balsamic mixture and popping it into his mouth. 
“How’s that weird?” she enquired further as she took a drink of her own coffee. 
“Suppose not s’much having the coffee, more the act of being able to sit down and drink it. I don’t really get t’do this much anymore. If I get a coffee, or anything really, it’s like okay, get it to go, move, onto the next place, or the next thing, don’t stop or it could cause a scene,” he rambles. “I’m just happy I can sit here and enjoy this, and we can take our time and we can chat or not chat if we don’t want to, we can spend as long as want,” he paused taking in his surroundings before looking down at his lap and furrowing his eyebrows, “ignore me, it’s stupid,” he tried brushing it off. 
“Hey, look at me,” she said, pushing the sunglasses back into her hair before his eyes met hers. “It’s not stupid, it’s not. You’re just appreciating being able to see the world go by for the first time since you were 16, Har, it’s a big deal,” she responded. “It’s like we’re hiding you in plain sight,” she had a sort of mischievous glint in her eye because they’ve managed this far going undetected. 
“Thank you, Y/N/N, really,” he smiled, “genuinely, I wouldn’t want to do this trip with anyone but you.”
“Thank fuck for that because I’ve made it this far with you, would be a bit shite if you had changed your mind now,” she laughed as his dimples popped in a responding peel of laughter. “We can do this as much as y’want you know,” her tone turning into a mixture of being serious but also reassuring, “if you want to stop for a coffee, or smell the flowers or sit and gorge on pasta on a busy terrace at a restaurant where no one knows it’s you, say the word an’ we’ll stop.” 
That’s what they did the rest of the afternoon, walking aimlessly wherever their feet took them, discovering tourist spots and hidden gems, stopping to read a chapter of their books, they had bought from a second-hand book shop on a tiny side street, while perched on the wall of a fountain in a bustling Piazza and for dinner they had done just what Y/N had suggested, filling themselves up on pasta while sat on a terrace as the evening sun faded around them. 
They were sitting on the balcony of the apartment now as Harry poured their wine glasses full of the additional bottle of wine, he had bought from the restaurant for them to share when they got back.
“Cheers,” he raised his glass in the air, gripping it by the stem as he tilted the bowl of the glass to hers. 
“Thought you were supposed to be great at Italian,” she said picking up her own glass but not letting the glass chime together yet, “they say Salute here, so Salute, look me in the eye as well or 7 years of bad sex is coming your way,” she giggled catching his gaze before letting the rim of the glasses clip together in a pleasing, twinkly sound. They both took a swig from the glass and afterwards Harry put his down abruptly on the table and stood up.
“Oh shit, I almost forgot,” and he dashed back through the open doors into the apartment.
“Forgot what?” she called in after him, still cradling her own wine glass, taking another sip letting the alcohol warm her from the inside out. 
Harry came back with a small decorative bowl, placing it in the centre of the table and the brown paper bag from yesterday in his clutches. His eyes gleamed at her as he rustled through the bag, looking for something in particular. Firstly, he pulled out a lighter and placed it down onto the table, the second thing came soon after. A joint, perfectly pre-rolled in pink rolling paper. “This is also why I had to meet to get the keys in person,” he confided.
“Bloody hell, H, we’ve not done this for a while, thought you just got sleepy from smoking?” Y/N took another mouthful of wine before sitting the glass down and scooching her chair closer to his. 
“Mm, I do, most of the time, this is a different strain though, so we’ll see what happens, y’up for it?” he asked sincerely, if she wasn’t, he’d forget all about it. 
“Of course, I’m up for it,” she grinned reaching for the lighter on the table, “what else you got in the bag?” 
“Ah, that’s for me to know and you to find out, Sweetness,” he spoke vaguely, before placing the joint between his lips and leaning forward to let her spark it to life. He inhaled deeply, feeling it catch in his throat ever so slightly from being out of practice. He let the feeling settle in his lungs before steadily exhaling into the cooling summer air before ashing the joint into the bowl he brought with him and passing it to Y/N. Through sips of wine, deep inhales, ashes and exhales they passed their evening with soft conversation and fits of giggles. 
“Can’t believe y’broke y’bloody shoe out walking today,” he tittered before drinking down his wine before topping up his own glass and hers. 
“Aw don’t,” she whined, “I loved those sandals,” the full of her lip pouted before she took another drag. 
“More importantly, can’t believe the way you tripped when it broke,” he was cackling now at the memory of her earlier in the day, “I mean, fuck, y’nearly stacked it into the fountain,” he struggled to get out through his laughter, tapping off the joint she passed him back. 
“Oh, piss off,” she tried to keep her face serious, but Harry’s face lit up with laughter was hard to resist as she fell subject to her own giggling. 
They finished the joint and the wine between the pair of them. Letting the effects settle into their bodies for a little while, feeling more relaxed than euphoric. 
“Well, I better go drink a shit load of water and go sleep to sober up since m’driving in the morning,” Y/N began, standing to her feet, gathering the empty wine bottle and their empty glasses that were stained with lip marks and fingerprints. 
Harry stood to his feet as well, cleaning up everything else and tucking his paper bag back under his arm as they both toddled back into the apartment, shutting the balcony doors behind them. Popping everything they had brought in with them into the kitchen for them to tidy up in the morning before they continued their journey. They met again in the hallway outside the two bedroom doors as they said goodnight to each other. 
Harry couldn’t help himself in wrapping her in a warm hug, “thank you for today, really,” he whispered into her hair. 
“Don’t be silly,” she murmured back, wrapping her arms around his waist, letting her fingers dance on his spine as they swayed on the spot. 
“It meant a lot to me, today is right up there as one of my top 5 days, ever,” Harry kept going giving her a little squeeze.
“God, you’ve turned into a right wet wipe while you’ve been away, eh?” they broke away from their embrace as Y/N snickered. 
“Piss off,” he breathed out a laugh in return. Then he done it, he just couldn’t stop himself, his body already moving before the thought crossed his mind. He placed a delicate kiss upon the corner of her mouth and their eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his lips down. They blinked their eyes open at each other as Harry pulled back, a soft smile playing at their both their lips, then he done it again, just a bit closer to the target this time. He took her bottom lip between his and pressed a slow, lingering kiss to her lips before he stood back to his full height and quietly laughed again as they looked at each other. 
They both turned to enter their rooms for the evening before Y/N said, looking over her shoulder, “Oi, H, I want to hear what the rest of those top 5 days are at one point,” she beamed as they both closed their bedroom doors. The pair of them ghosting their fingertips over their lips where they kissed. 
“D’you think the car sounds dodgy?” she asked trying to listen closely to the car, something was definitely making a noise that wasn’t there before. 
Harry reached over and turned the volume of the music right down to listen closely, “eh, there might be something a little off, it’ll be fine though, we’re not driving that long this morning,” he said sincerely turning the volume back up. She glanced over at him, both her hands gripping the steering wheel as she captained them on the drive to Rome. Harry was talking a gulp of his coffee from his to go cup, baring his teeth round the steaming, bitter liquid as it seared down his throat. 
“You’re only saying that, so I won’t get dead concerned, aren’t you?” Y/N uttered softly. 
“Maybe,” Harry drew out the word, a glint in his green eyes, “but maybe not. You’re concerned no matter what I say, correct?” Harry passed her, her own coffee cup so she could take a drink when she made a grabby hand towards it. 
“Just a little bit,” she said handing him the cup back after gulping it down so he could put it down in the cupholder. 
“Let’s just get to Rome and we’ll deal with it if it becomes a problem,” he reached over squeezing her knee in reassurance as she let out a slow breath trying to push the engine noise to the back of her mind and enjoy their route to Rome. 
Harry was directing Y/N through the streets of Rome from a map on his phone and as they approached the area they were staying in, Harry spoke. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”
“Hmm, what’s that?” she muttered, not fully listening as she was focusing on her driving as the cobbled roads were narrow, and they were surrounded by pedestrians. 
“Where we’re staying t’night, y’might recognise it,” a smile evident in his voice, “take a left here, doll and park up, we need to walk a little, not much parking on our street.” Y/N done the best parallel park of her life and killed the engine giving him a bemused smile at Harry’s vagueness. Harry took both their overnight bags after he slipped his backpack on his shoulders. After she grabbed her smaller bag, she reached to take her overnight bag off him, “s’fine Sweets, I’ve got it.” They walked down the road they had parked on as Harry kept an eye on his phone map making sure he took her down the correct street, “ready?” he asked as they stood at the corner of the street they were turning down. She nodded her head eagerly and followed him round, letting a soft gasp leave her mouth as she saw the stone buildings that were covered in sprawling ivy. Catching the street sign above her head, her eyes shot to Harry’s who was stood in front of her, their bags resting on the cobbled road as he took a picture of her face flushed with the heat, eyes bright with excitement a wide grin spread across her lips as a bubble of laughter that he would compare to wind chimes left her. 
“Via Margutta? From ‘Roman Holiday’? You’re actually having a laugh, Harry!” Y/N all but launched herself at Harry who had to catch her quickly before they both landed on the cobbles. 
Harry couldn’t help but laugh as he tried unlatching her vice grip, she had around his neck, “okay, okay, let me look at you,” he pried her hands off and held her by the wrists as they both laughed, her eyes sparkling as she looked at him.
“How did you do this?” she asked shaking her head as she looked around the street she knew so well from the screen.
“Saw it online when I was looking for a place for us to stay, know ‘Roman Holiday’ is your favourite, so I just had to,” he shrugged. She didn’t quite have the words to say how much it meant to her or even begin to process how thoughtful he had been, so she just hugged him, another bone-crushing hug that she just hoped got across how happy and grateful she was and Y/N assumes it did when she felt his lips pucker against the top of her head and his arms wrap around her as they embraced in the middle of the cobbles. 
Just as they left the apartment Harry stopped her and tied a silk neck scarf around her throat that he had been carrying in his pocket. “Now you look the part, Audrey Hepburn,” he booped the end of her nose before positioning her in the middle of the street, taking a couple of pictures of her on his camera, before pulling out his phone to get one of her on there as well. 
“Wait, take one with me,” Y/N reached towards him.
“Nope, this is all you this time, Miss Hepburn,” he took a few extra candid shots before he stretched out his hand to grab hers and be on their way. They had both explored Rome extensively, both separately and together so weren’t rushing to the major tourist hot spots, however on their walk they noticed the Trevi fountain was only about 10 minutes from the apartment and had to stop by for a wish. Y/N dug through her purse to find them both a coin and stood side by side holding hands, fluttered their eyes closed and wished, tossing the coin over their shoulders. 
“Y’know the rules H, so don’t even ask,” Y/N warned him before he even had the chance to open his mouth. 
“Yeah, well, didn’t want to know your wish anyway,” he pouted defiantly. 
“Don’t lie, you so want to know,” she smirked. 
“Whatever,” Harry rolled his eyes playfully before leading them out of the piazza, “right c’mon I’ve got something for us to do tonight.”
“Ooh, what’s that?” Y/N quizzed.
“You’ll just need to follow me and find out, won’t you?” he kept walking. They walked for nearly 40 minutes, they probably could have done it in half that, but Harry just kept stopping her to take pictures of them both, but mostly her, as the summer sun sunk down around them, casting her in a warm glow. “The lightings perfect, just stop for a sec,” and “wait, jus’ one more f’me,” and utterances of “so beautiful,” as he looked through his viewfinder and at the screen of his phone as he clicked away happily. Y/N had to agree, the lighting and backdrop of the city was beautiful, she didn’t know that Harry was more so calling his subject matter beautiful.
“Fun fact, this is the oldest bridge in Rome,” Harry said stopping in front of it. 
“Yeah?” she replied looking up at him as he took in the area. 
“Mhm, according to google, the Ponte Fabrico,” he put on his best accent, which to be fair, was actually pretty good.
“Where does said old bridge, lead us to?” she toyed with her neck scarf.
“Isola Tiberina, or Tiber Island,” Harry pointed towards the opposite end of the bridge as they began walking over it, “there’s a couple of mad myths about the island but we’re not here for that, they do a film festival every summer, while we’re not seeing a film, they have like pop-up bars and restaurants, thought we could just take a wander round, eat, drink, be merry y’know,” he smiled letting her loop her arm in his as she stumbled over a cobblestone that was raised higher than the surrounding ones. 
“It’s so beautiful,” Y/N sighed while noticing the tents that lined the island along the river as they made their way onto the island. 
They ate and drank their way around the island, rating each of their samples of food on a scale of 1 to 5 but nothing really scoring under a 3.5. Y/N eventually had Harry help her untie the neck scarf that was beginning to feel claustrophobic in the evening heat and after the couple of cocktails they had been drinking began to affect her. He gripped her wrist and tied it around there instead in a pretty bow for her as they finished up their evening on the island and began to walk back to the apartment. Slowly, with no intention of rushing themselves back. Stumbling over each other, not in drunkenness but more of a happy daze. 
“You tired?” Harry asked opening the door to the apartment and going towards his backpack.
“Not really,” Y/N responded undoing the silk scarf from her wrist and taking her earrings out, a move that always made her feel more comfortable when coming home.
“Great, I’ve got something else for us,” and Harry shook the paper bag that had held their shared joint from the previous evening, before dropping it into another tote bag he had prepared that seemed to be stuffed with something soft. 
“I don’t think we can smoke in here, H, even with the windows open,” she said. 
“We’re not smoking, thought we could go up to the roof as well, there’s a deck up there and they have a rooftop pool, as he popped the front door open again for her. They got up to the roof and sat down at the little table and chairs they had there, the rest of the terrace was filled up by the pool sunken into the ground and the tiles were spilling over with potted plants tucked in every nook and cranny around it. Y/N was enamoured looking out over the city and the rooftops of Rome before them. 
“It’s so beautiful,” she said softly.
“Yeah,” Harry breathed and when she turned round, he had been watching her, before blinking and shaking himself out of his reverie. Reaching for the paper bag he turned it upside down and a thin block wrapped in foil fell into his hand. He quickly peeled back the foil and placed the block of chocolate onto the wrought-iron table in front of them. 
“You brought me up here, t’eat chocolate?” She deadpanned, quirking an eyebrow at him. 
“Well, I also thought we could take a dip, I brought towels,” he nodded towards his overfilled tote bag, “it’s not just normal chocolate though.”
“Right Willy Wonka, what d’you mean it’s not normal chocolate?” She grabbed the bar and realised the second she brought it closer to her face when she could smell it, “y’got us edibles?” and he nodded. “Cannabis is a gateway drug, you should know,” she smirked as she snapped the bar into squares. 
“Gateway to what?” Harry snorted, “having fun, relaxing, and enjoying our holiday? Plus, I’m pretty sure we’ve done worse,” Harry laughed as they both picked up a square and let it melt on their tongues before eating. Harry wasn’t sure how strong it was, so they decided to cut themselves off after a few squares each, just to see how it hit them before overindulging. 
It was around 45 minutes later when the pair started to feel it, Harry began quietly giggling to himself as his eyes were drawn to the lights that cast a glow over the landmarks of the city which caused Y/N to start giggling at his giggling. 
“We should swim, I wanna swim, can we swim?” she asked him, standing up grabbing his tote and pulling out the two large yellow and white striped towels he had shoved in there, and she lay them flat on the terrace next to the pool. 
“Mhmm,” he mumbled, grabbing her hand to pull himself from his seat as he emptied his pocket of his phone and the key to the apartment and left it with the remaining chocolate on the table. They both kicked off their shoes before Y/N stopped. “What’s wrong?” he looked over at her, still playing with her hand in his grip, enjoying the feeling of her warm fingers, entwined with his own.
“Don’t have m’swimsuit on, do I?” Y/N grumbled. 
“That’s never stopped you, c’mon let’s just jump in,” he tugged on her hand, “sort of like we’re jumping off the roof innit, like we’re on the roof right now and we’re about to jump in a pool.”
“But the pools still on the roof,” she countered, “you’re so high,” giggling, Y/N kicked off her trousers anyway, leaving her in her underwear and t-shirt, as Harry quickly peeled off his own jeans, the idea of wet denim clinging his skin enough to put him off wearing them in the water. 
“Shh, let me have this, we’re jumping, in 3..2..1,” and with that, Harry quickly plugged his nose with his free hand and they leapt from the pool edge, the warm water splashing up around them. As they resurfaced Harry had a wild-eyed look as he felt the material of his blue Mickey Mouse t-shirt cling to his torso as it became soaked in water. “Y’look like Cousin Itt,” he laughed looking at his best friend, helping her scrape back all her hair that had covered her face, upon the impact in the water, with clumsy hands. 
“My feet don’t reach the bottom, will y’help me?” Harry doesn’t know why she asked, not that he would have said no, but she didn’t really give him the option or time to reject her either as she latched her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and gripped him like she was a koala. They waded around like that for a while, giggling at the feeling of the water tickling against their skin, every now and again, Harry would squat down and dip both their heads under the water and they would come back up gasping when they forgot to take deep enough breaths. 
As their high was peaking, they decided to get out the water and lie down on the towels and let the warm evening air dry their skin a bit. As Y/N joined Harry lying down on their backs, she felt every bone in her back click and pop as she lay against the flat tile ground.
“Jesus Christ, was tha’ you’re back?” he looked over open-mouthed in shock at the loud crack. 
“Mhm, think my spines just, like, moving everything back in place from the driving,” she sighed, feeling immensely relaxed from the satisfying bone pop, the weed as well mellowing her out. They lay there for a while, taking in the inky swirls of the night sky that was littered with tiny, glittery dots of stars. 
“It’s big, innit?” Harry whispered into the night. 
“Hm?” she mused.
“The sky, s’big.” 
“Yeah, there’s a fair bit of it,” she huffed a laugh through her nose. 
“Makes me feel tiny, insignificant,” he kept his eyes trained on the sky. Y/N furrowed her brow and rolled on her side to look at his side profile. He glanced down to look at her and seen her furrowed brow before his view went back to the stars, “not insignificant in the way you’re thinking, more in a broader sense. Like me and you are just little specks aren’t we, in the grand scheme of things, nothing we do matters in comparison to the universe.” 
“Yeah, I guess, but what we do now in our lifetimes matters now and affects stuff around us now, and that’s significant enough,” Y/N mused, “and if we’re just little specks, then you’re my favourite speck an’ everything you do matters to me, promise,” she prodded his side before he finally rolled over to face her. 
“You’re my favourite speck too,” Harry mused before leaning forward and nudging his nose against her cheek as they both fell into fits of giggles again. “I really missed you,” Harry finalised as Y/N reached up to tuck his hair back that had begun to curl as the pool water dried from his locks. 
“I missed you, too, an insane amount really. Which is weird because we’ve been apart longer when you’ve been on the road, but think it was, like, ‘cause I had zero option to see you an’ there was nothing we could do to change it,” she kept carding her fingers through his soft hair, her heightened senses making it seem like she could feel every single strand as it passed over her skin. 
“Mmm, let’s never do that again, yeah? Our daily calls really got me through it, no matter how late they were sometimes,” he smiled at her, leaning into her touch.
“Yeah, sorry ‘bout that, the time difference thing still fucks me up,” she giggled, her mouth splitting into a wide grin. 
“Your smile is something else,” Harry complimented, thumb coming up to caress her cheek before running along her bottom lip. “Brightest star in the sky is right in front of me,” he whispered again. Then he was kissing her, and she was kissing him back. It was different than the kiss shared in Pisa. This one was more charged, and both felt a tingling under their melded lips and shocks under every touch and brush of skin. They broke away to catch their breath before blinking at each other and attaching their lips again, their tongues brushing against one another’s as Harry’s hand landed on her waist and her body shuddered forward to tuck herself in his hold, her hand in a fist, scrunching the still damp fabric of his t-shirt in its grip. Harry needed her closer, he gripped her hip and hitched it over his own, pressing their fronts together as they kissed deeply, Harry licking into her mouth, tasting sweet remnants of chocolate. Y/N still clutched the fabric of his t-shirt in one hand, the other reaching around to hold the back of his head, nails scratching at his scalp and the nape of his neck, causing Harry’s skin to erupt in goosebumps and a prickle of pleasure began to manifest in them both. They broke away properly this time, both rolling back onto their backs, staring back up at the night sky again and falling into bursts of laughter. 
“I think we should go to bed, Harry,” she said through her airy laughter. They packed up, and eventually made their way back to the apartment where they both took quick showers to wash the pool water from them and changed for bed. The bed that they were sharing again tonight. 
As they lay facing each other, Harry began to fall over the other side of his high, thankfully, considering he was driving in the morning again. Y/N however was still flushed and feeling the effects of the chocolate. 
“Your eyes are like, crazy,” as she stared into them, “crazy good,” she quickly affirmed. “Like crazy pretty, they’re green but not, they also look clear which is mental, feel like y’can tell a lot by someone’s eyes,” she murmured. 
“Yeah? What can y’tell from mine?” he entertained her thoughts. 
“That you’re like an angel that walks among us,” she said seriously as Harry cackled into the quiet of the bedroom, “nooo, m’dead serious. Your eyes show that your kind, and lovely and that you never mean any harm and they show when you’re happy, they’re even prettier when you get all emotional, the tears make them look all sparkly, like… like glitter eyes,” she rambled out as Harry smiled and tried to stifle another laugh. 
“Thank you, Sweetness, that’s nice of you to say, I think your eyes are super pretty too,” he said as she subconsciously batted her lashes at him in response, “but I think you should close them now and sleep, yeah?” 
“Mhmm,” she mumbled out before reaching out and attaching their lips together again, slower this time but no less passionate, with languid strokes of their tongues and soft hums coming from each other’s throats. Harry broke them apart as they both breathed deeply.
He uttered one final, “sleep,” before she fell under. 
“You’re lying to me, if you don’t think the car definitely sounds a bit dodgy now,” Y/N piped up from the passenger seat.
“I don’t know if dodgy is the right word, different maybe? There’s definitely something different,” and with that he took a glance at her. She looks beautiful he thought, comfortable and so beautiful. She wore a t-shirt of his she had filched from him years ago, so worn and washed you could barely make out the graphic, it more so looking like it was covered in paint chips in varying tones and shades than any sort of image. Over that she had a soft cotton set of overalls or dungarees as she had corrected them when he complimented them this morning. “They’re fucking dungarees, Harry,” she had griped as he rolled his eyes. They had wandered round and took some more pictures this morning, a quick visit back up to the roof terrace where another occupant of the building took a picture of the two of them leaning over the railing before getting back in the car for the drive to their next destination. 
“I don’t think I like it being different,” Y/N scrunched her nose.
“Different can be good,” Harry mused, last night and the night before that’s kisses going unmentioned but hanging and colouring the air around them. 
“Yeah… but I don’t think that applies to cars, gorgeous,” she was right, he didn’t mean different good about the car. The pet name she called him was pealing in his head like a bell, reverberating against the sides of his skull. She had called him that before, but it felt different now, good different.
“No probably not, listen just turn the music up, Sweetness, drown it out, there’s no lights on the dashboard saying something’s wrong. The car’s not been used for long distances in a hot minute s’probably just not used to it, I promise you, we’ll be fine,” Harry reassured her, knowing sometimes she just needed him to tell her it was all going to be fine when her mind started to run too fast for her to catch up with, he was her pause, her reprieve. 
They had decided to make one pit stop on their route to their destination. Y/N’s uncle had engrained the phrase ‘see Naples and die,’ in her from a young age, as long as she could remember actually and neither of the pair of them had ever actually stopped in the city before and sure enough it was beautiful. She couldn’t help but take multiple photos of the colourful buildings that lined the port, like little houses made of sweets, while boats bobbed in the water that lapped at the brick surround. Y/N stopped Harry every few paces taking photos of him against the technicolour backdrop and then asked someone to take one of the duo on her phone that was immediately used as her lockscreen, a house of turquoise and pink sat next to one of a tangerine orange behind them and Harry’s arm over her shoulder and her own hand against his waist. The pose they continued to hold as they walked along the waterfront before Harry pulled them into a restaurant, he had found online in his 2-minute search for traditional Neapolitan pizza.
“Genuinely, I think that’s the best pizza I’ve ever eaten,” Harry said dreamily as he rubbed the little food-baby pooch that had appeared at his stomach as they settled back in the car for Harry to finish the drive. 
“I think I’ll be thinking about that sauce and cheese for the rest of my life, y’sure y’don’t want me to drive?” she asked as Harry was fastening his seatbelt. 
“Postive,” he grinned at her, starting the car, “you’ve seen Naples then, reckon you’re happy to die now?” 
“Mmm, maybe not right this second, we’ve got a few more places to see and things to do first H, but I get what my uncle meant now, it’s so beautiful,” she grabbed her phone beginning to swipe through the dozens of pictures that had been added to her camera roll from their visit, including one of Harry with the biggest cheese pull, connecting his mouth and the pizza he was eating, she had ever seen along with the dribble of tomato sauce down his chin, proving it wasn’t just her who was the messy eater. 
“I think I’d be a bit gutted if you croaked it now, Y/N/N,” Harry huffed a soft laugh.
“Yeah?” she glanced over at him.
He quickly glanced over at her, catching her gaze as he furrowed his brow. “Devastated,” he said seriously, nodding, before leaving it at that as he re-joined the main road out of Naples.
“Buongiorno Amalfi!!!” Harry shouted with the windows rolled down letting the warm coastal breeze blow their hair around as he gave some rendition of the big crescendo of ‘Nessun Dorma,’ that was more shrieking than anything remotely related to opera as Y/N doubled over in fits of giggles. 
“Catch yourself on, Pavarotti,” she laughed as she scraped her hair off her face that had covered it as the wind blew it around. 
“You’re going to love it here, Y/N/N,” Harry looked delighted as he drove the coastal road to the town of Positano. “Don’t shout at me, though.”
“Why would I shout at you?” she queried, turning in her seat to face him. 
“I’ve, uh, booked us somewhere a bit nicer to stay rather than the apartment I sent you,” his face flushed. 
“H, we agreed on flats and apartments,” Y/N whined slightly, she hated when he did extravagant things for her, she never wanted him to feel like she expected it. 
“No, I know, but we’re stopping here for a little while, thought we would want something a bit more comfortable an’ I feel like we deserve it, you definitely do for putting up with me,” Harry smiled as he pulled up to a private gate before pulling out his phone and his notes app for the gate code, managing to put it in by reaching through the window this time rather than having to pop the door open. As the gate swung open, they were confronted with the large villa, the walls painted a cream colour, with teal shutters and sprawling pink bougainvillea flowers blooming across the walls and terraces. 
Harry let out a low whistle as they took in the sight, “shit, I’m trying my best to be so angry at you for this but it’s so pretty,” Y/N sighed as Harry brought the car to a stop in front of the house. 
Harry let her into the villa to explore with another code from his notes app and leaves her to it while he collects their luggage from the car bringing in their bigger bags as well as their over-nights as this was going to be their base for the next while. Harry left their bags at the front door and was on his way to find Y/N who had vanished by the time he returned, he let the air conditioning of the property soothe his clammy skin as he meandered from room to room on the lookout for his favourite person. 
He found her eventually, out on the tiny balcony of one of the guest bedrooms, small enough that only one person could stand on it with no room for any seating, he watched her from his place against the bedroom door frame, as the gossamer curtains of the balcony doors swathed around her back as she leant against the railing, leaning out, taking in the view. He walked quietly up behind her before placing his hands on either side of her, gripping the railing she was leant on, she didn’t even flinch as she felt his warm body sidle up behind her. 
“See something you like?” he asked, resting his chin on her shoulder as they looked out, able to catch a glimpse of the sea and the pebbled beach below.
“This is ridiculous,” she hummed, “places like this aren’t supposed to exist in real life.”
“Well, f’you like this one, I can do you one better,” Harry gripped her wrist and pulled her back through the guest bedroom and into another bedroom, apparently the master going by its size and grandeur in comparison. He pulled back similar gossamer curtains and opened the double doors out onto a terrace with tiled flooring and a pergola roof that had more of the perfumed bougainvillea flowers sprawled across the gaps. The terrace was equipped with a table and chairs for two at one end and a day bed at the other, but the real prize was the view. A full unobstructed sea view, where they could see how the waves sparkled as they crashed into each other under the bright sun, watching bodies mull around in the water, letting it cool their sun-soaked skin. 
“Fucking hell, Harry,” Y/N breathed out, seemingly astounded by the view and the place they got to call home for the next little while. 
“Pretty, innit?” he grinned at her. 
“Understatement of the century, Har,” her eyes were wide as saucers trying to take it all in while letting the soft perfume of the bougainvillea flowers wash over her senses, the salt-air of the sea below them mixing into the fragrance. 
“Thought we could take a walk this afternoon, explore a bit, take a walk along the beach, dip our toes in the water,” Harry dreamed up their afternoons plans as he took up place beside Y/N as she leant against the balcony, bumping his hip against hers. “Then on the way back up, do a bit of shopping to stock up the house for our stay, we could stay in and cook together tonight, eat out here, enjoy the view,” he plucked one of the paper-like pink flowers from the trailing plants and placed it in her hair by her ear before he bumped her hip again, “what d’ya think of that, sweets?” She nodded her head eagerly as she spun to face him as she stared into his face, watching how his dimples carved their way into his face, leaving perfect little pockets in which she would like to leave a kiss. Admiring the smattering of freckles that had begun to appear across the high planes of his face from where the warm sun has brushed his skin. His bright eyes glittering at Y/N’s obvious excitement for their plans. 
Harry’s plans came to fruition in record time, finishing a quick tour around the house they were quick to grab what they would need for the afternoon, not before Harry was ensuring Y/N’s shoelaces were tied tight because there were a lot of steps and hills and the last thing he needs is her tripping and cracking her head like it was an egg and he wouldn’t put it past his clumsy girl. Sorry, the clumsy girl, she wasn’t his, much to Harry’s disdain. They were staying a 5-minute walk from Fornillo Beach so made their way there first, where they could kick their shoes off and walk through the sand of this particular beach as the others were pebbled. They let the warm water of the Tyrrhenian Sea wash over their feet and lap at their ankles as Y/N’s dungarees were cropped and Harry had changed into a pair of striped shorts for the occasion. They kicked splashes of the salty spray at each other as they frolicked in the surf, Y/N nearly dropping her tote bag into the water as she dodged one of his splashes. They took a tonne more photos, Harry getting very snap happy with his camera, taking an obscene number of candid shots of her as she took in everything around them, to the point he had to put a new reel of film in as they left the beach. Y/N wasn’t slick though, Harry kept catching her taking sly photos of him on her phone in his peripheral and would see her smile softly down at the screen as she reviewed them. He kept his mouth shut though and approached a couple on the beach to take a photo of the pair, ankle-deep in the water for them. 
“I can’t wait to scrapbook the shit out of all these photos,” Y/N bubbled as they climbed the steps away from the beach finally. 
“I’m going to be a bloody fortune getting all these film photos printed,” Harry muttered as he tucked his camera away into its bag and squeezing that into his own tote bag. 
“I’m sure it won’t break the bank, H,” she teased as she pinched his arm before looping her free arm through his as they climbed the steps carefully, making their way to the little market Harry had visited when he was last here where they could stock up the villa for their stay. 
Y/N’s favourite version of Harry was this one, and those that could fall into the same category, and that was him doing seemingly mundane tasks, in this case doing his weekly food shop. She was back out with her phone camera in an instant, taking pictures of him reading the back packaging of pastas, photos of him bathed in the fluorescent lighting of the refrigerators as he picked out meats and cheeses and even a little video of him in the produce section holding out a tomato to her like he just couldn’t contain himself, “I mean, Jesus,  just give this a whiff, you can smell how fresh it is, Y/N/N.” 
Harry was glad he tucked an extra tote in his own because across the three bags they carried now, they were all fit to bursting. Bottles of wine shoved down the sides, fish and meat wrapped up, blocks of cheese in crinkly paper, their fresh produce balancing on top as not to get squished. Harry nearly had a heart attack and all the fresh bread options in the bakery and was going back with an additional loaf with a crisp crust tucked under his arm that he couldn’t fit in the bags with the other ones they just had to try. Before they walked back to the villa, they found themselves sitting on the step outside the market splitting the Amalfi speciality ‘Delizia al Limone’, that they made fresh in store. They moaned around bites of the sponge and custard dessert, the lemony glaze being so refreshingly tart. 
“It’s only been a few hours, and I reckon I could stay here forever, y’know,” Y/N gushed as she licked a stray glob of the lemon glaze off her fingertip. Harry had to blink hard to stop staring at her sucking the digit into her mouth.
“We could always jus’ run away here forever, we’d have a ball I think,” Harry said as he pulled himself to his feet taking two of the tote bags and slinging them over his shoulders before reaching down to pull her up by the hand as she held onto the final bag. 
“Hmm, just you n’me?” she contemplated, beginning their walk back to the villa. 
“Mhm, just us,” Harry reiterated trying to reach for the bag she was carrying for him to carry as well but she just swatted her hand away and placed the strap on her shoulder furthest from him.
“An’ I’ll be the woman who stole Harry Styles away and locked him up in her villa in the quiet streets of Italy, never to return, m’not sure about that one,” she dramatised. 
“You make it sound like somethin’ out of Beauty and the Beast,” Harry tittered turning them up another set of stairs. 
“You’re for sure the beast then, ‘specially with that Stache you’ve got brewing, keep that up and it’ll maybe be a real, full moustache by the time we go back to England,” Y/N taunted him. 
“Oi, I resent that…” Harry began, “you’re definitely all beauty anyway,” he murmured the last part, Y/N not quite hearing them as a tour group passed them down the steps. 
They made it back to the villa shortly after and packed away their shopping before deciding to start on their dinner for the evening, deciding on a pasta full of all the fresh vegetables they had bought earlier. They split the chopping and stirring between them as they snacked on antipasti they had bought while dancing around the kitchen to the playlist of instrumental and orchestral music he had been listening to recently. Just before everything was ready, Y/N opted on them dining on the balcony attached to the larger bedroom as Harry had suggested earlier so was taking everything they could need or want out there, setting up the little table that overlooked the sea. She uncorked a bottle of wine and filled their glasses full, and placed cutlery and napkins at their table along with some of the bread Harry so desperately needed. As she was about to turn back in to see if Harry needed any help, he was already walking out towards her with a steaming pasta bowl in each hand and a dish towel lazily thrown over his shoulder. He nudged her with his hip into her seat and presented her dinner in front of her as she groaned at how good it smelt. 
“Bloody hell, H, you’ve outdone yourself here,” she said as he cracked some black pepper over the top of her plate for her. 
“You helped,” he smiled as he took his own seat.
“I chopped some peppers and stirred the sauce, wouldn’t call myself a chef,” she laughed. 
“Hey, every chef needs his sous-chef,” Harry raised his wine glass to hers letting them clink softly together as they both took a sip before reaching for their forks to dig in. 
“You’re too good to me,” Y/N sighed around her first bite, letting her eyes flutter shut at the taste as Harry watched with a shit-eating grin, overjoyed she was liking what he made. 
Over dinner they discussed what they wanted to do while they were there, Y/N wanted to go to a museum she had seen on tripadvisor, as well as time on the beach with their books, and visits to all the little shops and some more time splashing in the water together. Harry mentioned something about a private boat trip to Capri he had seen advertised, that he had most definitely already booked for them before coming on the trip, but she didn’t need to know that. Something triggered the telling of an old story, and they began reminiscing about growing up together in fits of laughter at something that happened in their Year 10 science class and remembering when Y/N bumped off college for a week and a half to visit Harry while he was touring and they both realised that each of their favourite stories to tell people seemed to involve each other in every single one of them. 
“Aw Y/N/N,” Harry sighed as he ate his last forkful, “y’were doing so well,” he nodded towards her t-shirt which now had a forkful of food that had fell off her own last bite. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” she whined at herself, scraping most of the food off back into her plate, leaving behind a reddish-orange stain in its wake.
“D’you want me to go get you a cloth or wipe or somethin’?” he chuckled. 
“No, s’fine, I can jus-” she wriggled her right arm free of the t-shirt sleeve and then the left arm following that as Harry quirked an eyebrow at what she was doing, “what? It’s cool, the dungarees cover all m’bits and pieces,” and she pulled the t-shirt over her head without having to unclip her dungarees at all. Seemingly a professional at that move she’s had to do it so many times as she dumped the soiled t-shirt on the tiled terrace. Harry gulped as the top swell of her braless breasts became visible, it’s nothing he hadn’t seen of her before over the years, but after how he’s been feeling over this trip, he’s struggling to keep himself in check. 
“Dance with me for a sec?” she questioned; they could still hear Harry’s playlist floating through the open balcony doors. 
“Uh… yeah, mhm, sounds good,” Harry babbled, scraping his chair back, quickly lifting his wine glass to his lips and draining its contents as she followed suit. Y/N was the braver of the two, reaching up first to wrap her arms around his neck and lean her head against his chest, she could feel his warm skin radiate through the thin button-up shirt he wore and the pitter-patter of his heart thud in his chest. Harry’s arms tentatively wrapped around her waist, settling, for the time being, on the small of her back as they swayed in time to the quiet music in the background. 
“This is m’favourite,” she whispered against his chest, he smelt of summer, a hint of citrus, sun cream and warm skin. 
“It’s Tchaikovsky, I think, sweets” Harry replied, letting his nose run along the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her fruity shampoo.
“Not the song, H,” she breathed out a light laugh from her nose, “although it is pretty. Just being here, no in fact it’s not even here, it’s being with you, could be anywhere, being with you is my favourite, today’s location is just a bonus,” she said letting her eyes flutter and Harry could just about feel her eyelashes blink against his chest and then he felt her lips press a kiss onto his chest. His breath caught and his hands came back to her sides, thumbs rubbing careful circles as they climbed higher. The fabric of her dungarees dipped quite low on her sides and Harry’s hands continued climbing until they found purchase where the seam of fabric met her skin. His thumbs resting on the side of her breasts, the swell visible from the dip in the fabric. Her skin was soft under Harry’s touch as he kept rubbing and squeezing at her sides as she tilted her head back to investigate his face, her eyes as wide as saucers as Harry seemed to snap back into his body and realise what he was doing. 
“Y/N, I-I…” he stammered out, lifting his hands off her sides leaving them hovering there, just not touching. 
“No, s’okay, s’okay,” she unlatched her hands from around his neck gripping his wrists and putting his hands back where they were. “You can touch, it’s okay, you’re okay,” she reassured nodding her head before she reached up and placed a kiss on his jawline. Harry’s eyes slipped closed, his lashes brushing his cheeks as he breathed deeply at the sensation of her plush lips that continued placing kisses and light sucks to his cheek, jaw, and neck. 
“Y/N/N,” Harry sighed lifting his head away from her lips immediate reach. 
“Mhm?” she asked, their eyes searching each other’s, pupils becoming more blown out by the second. 
“I- I jus’-” Harry tried to speak but it proved futile, they had no need for words anymore as Y/N began nodding her head at Harry’s unspoken question and he leant down and pressed their lips together. Their lips rolled and moulded together, Harry’s hands still pressing firmly at her sides, thumbs skimming the supple flesh of her side boob, as if he was trying to commit every ripple of skin, every pore and indentation to memory. He could eulogise her skin. Their kisses became hungrier, tongues meeting and licking the seam of each other’s lips, desperate for a taste. Stumbling towards the day bed, drunk on each other as Harry fell on his back as Y/N crawled over him, situating herself on his lap, feeling him growing beneath her as she gave an experimental roll of her hips against his own as he gasped into her mouth as they continued to kiss, breaking only to breathe as their lips still brushed. Her fingers began to play with the buttons of his shirt, waiting for his permission to begin undoing them. Harry’s hand came away from her side to latch onto her wandering hand to help her deftly undo the top button. After being allowed to do one, she quickly unfastened the rest on her own, pushing his shirt from his shoulders so it became a crumpled mess under his back. She giggled as she took in his bare torso and arms, the black ink of his tattoos hugging his skin, looking like he was born with them rather than something that was added later. 
“What’re you giggling at, Sweetness?” Harry panted as their hips still rolled and grinded together. 
“You’ve got a farmers tan, gorgeous,” she giggled again before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the tan line that wrapped around his bicep from the t-shirts he had been wearing, she nosed up his arm and across his shoulder, kissing her away across. “I like you all sun-kissed, look so healthy and glowy,” she kept kissing down his chest before feeling brave and licking across his nipple before biting softly into his pec. 
“Y/N,” he groaned out before sitting up right with her still straddling him as she gasped at his movement, it bumped their pelvises together as they moved, and she had to bite down on her lip to silence the moan that crawled its way up her throat at the sensation. His hands came to her front and quickly undone the fastenings of her jumpsuit, flipping the straps backwards over her shoulders and letting the fabric cascade down her body to pool at her waist, keeping her bottom half covered but completely exposing her from the waist up. Harry felt his eyes widen, the curvature of her waist and breasts as they swelled as she breathed deep was doing a number on him, so soft, supple, and inviting. Her nipples hardening with the exposure to the fresh air had Harry leaning in, wrapping his lips around one, laving his tongue over the peak and sucking it into his mouth, his hand coming up to toy with the other, squeezing the swell of her breast in his hand, rolling her nipple between his fingers as she gasped and keened under his touch. 
“More H, need more, gorgeous,” she huffed out as Harry broke away from his assault on her breasts, a string of saliva connecting him to her. His hands slid down to grip the fullness of her bum and he rolled them over so he was hovering between her legs as she laid on her back, her hands immediately going to the waistband of his shorts, pulling the tie undone and shoving them down as best she could. Harry helped her out when the fabric became caught up around the tops of his thighs and he kicked his legs free. Harry was visibly hard in his underwear, the bump hard to ignore, especially as he gave another roll of his hips towards Y/N’s as he moaned lowly in his throat at the friction. He gripped the bunched fabric of her overalls from around her waist and began to tug them down, becoming irritated when she refused to lift her hips to help him slide them down, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. He leant back up her lips, kissing her deeply, pulling her bottom lip between his teeth, biting softly, and letting it snap back into place. 
“Please,” he requested against her lips and Y/N lifted her hips immediately as he rolled her clothes down her body. Leaving her in her full coverage, orange striped underwear, Harry’s hands came down to play with the tiny piece of lace that wrapped around the waistline before toying with the satin bow that adorned the front. 
“Sorry ‘bout the knickers, didn’t think I’d be getting them out to show off an’ impress anyone,” she said shyly, focusing on the feeling of Harry’s fingertips dancing at her lower stomach. 
“God, believe me Y/N, m’impressed no matter what,” he groaned as he lifted the elastic waistline and let it snap back against her skin in a sharp bite. He stopped all ministrations and that point and let his eyes do the work, taking her in as she lay atop the day bed, hair splayed in a halo around her while her chest rose and fell in quick succession as she heaved in deep breaths. 
“What’re you doing?” she breathed, reaching for his hands to interlock their fingers. 
“Jus’ admiring, you’re so beautiful, Y/N/N,” Harry said sincerely, coming back to catch her gaze in his as his thumb rubbed the back of her knuckles of the hand that was gripping his. 
Y/N felt the heat rise to her cheeks as she gave a bashful laugh before she latched her hands arms around his neck to pull him down towards her lips in a searing kiss. Well, what would’ve been a searing kiss if they hadn’t both dived into it open-mouthed.
“Ow! Jesus, m’fuckin tooth,” Harry groaned his hand coming up to check he hadn’t gone all bloody gummed when they’re teeth clashed in their plight to kiss one another. 
“Oh my god,” she laughed, showing zero remorse. 
“Don’t laugh, Y/N,” he whined.
“I’m so sorry, H,” Y/N tried to be serious, “open up and lemme see,” she managed to get out before she loudly cackled in his face slapping her hands over her mouth to contain her ringing laughter. 
“Can’t believe I’m going t’need to go to the emergency dentist with toothache ‘cause I was that desperate to kiss you,” as they both laughed at the situation, “okay, be cool,” he pecked her lips, “s’fine, it didn’t happen,” he pecked her lips again. 
“It did happen,” she muffled out lips pressing against his in more short pecks.
“Shh, no it didn’t, just act normal, we’re all good,” and he leant down and pulled her into the passionate kiss they had been aiming for before. They were separated only by the thin cotton of each of their underwear’s and they could feel everything as Harry worked his hips in slow rolls against hers. The heat radiating from their crotches as Y/N moaned and gasped at the firmness hidden in Harrys briefs ticking against her, him aiming perfectly so the little damp patch on her knickers was just transferring to his own. His kisses began to wander from her plush lips, across her cheek, sucking and leaving a blooming mark on the patch of skin just below her ear as she writhed at the sensation, Harry forcing his hips down against hers to keep her from wriggling away from the assault across her collarbones and décolletage, licking and biting more of his marks like a trail of breadcrumbs to lead him back to her lips that he was sure he would need as he got lost in his heaven between her legs. Y/N’s hands came down to card through his hair, giving light tugs when he would pinch another patch of skin on her lower tummy between his teeth. Harry’s own hands were busy too, running lengths up and down her legs, letting his fingertips coast under the elastic of her panties that sat around each leg before they breezed back down her legs, his blunt nails lightly scratching her skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. When his fingers made it back up through the legs of her underwear again, Harry’s eyes flickered up to catch her own gaze in a silent question as Y/N rapidly nodded her head. 
“Take ‘em off, please gorgeous, want them off,” Y/N gulped, lifting her hips to aid the process as he stretched the fabric taught over his hands and wrinkled them down and over her legs. Instead of letting them fall to the terrace floor, like she expected, she watched Harry through her hazy, hooded eyes, sit back on his knees, scrunch her panties in his fist and bring the bundled fabric up to his face where he breathed them in deeply, moaning and letting his eyes close. Y/N’s legs snapped closed at the sight, thighs pressing together to try and give herself some form of release from the pressure that was building in her abdomen, teeth sinking into her lip to withhold the moan that so desperately wanted to make itself known. 
“Fuck, Y/N/N, baby, y’smell so good, I need t’taste you, just a little one, please,” Harry all but begged, prying her legs back open. 
“Go ahead, s’yours, take what you want, Harry,” Y/N let her hips tick forward towards his face to get the message across. Harry’s head dipped down as he lay between her spread legs, kissing her hipbones and the flesh of her inner thighs as she watched his every action. Nose skimming her lower stomach, he trailed it further, through the thatch of hair that decorated the apex of her thighs, breathing her in. She felt his shoulders quake as a shiver of pleasure ran through him as he flattened his tongue and painted it along the length of her soaking heat. “Shit,” she gasped, pressing herself up to balance on one of her elbows as one hand flew to Harry’s hair, scrunching the locks between her fingers. 
“Now I know why I’ve been calling you sweetness,” Harry murmured between flicks of his tongue, “Y/N/N, you taste…” he trailed off, his tongue delving into where she wept for him before tantalisingly teasing the tip of his tongue up to roll against her clit, evoking the most sinful noises from her. 
Y/N’s hips wriggled under his constant assault and her breath was coming out in pants as she succumbed to the intense pleasure. “H, more, baby, need it,” she whined through her struggling breaths, her grip on his curls tugging him as close as he could be as his lips suctioned round her clit, nose resting on her mound. Harry placed his left arm across her lower stomach, effectively pinning her against the day bed. 
“Still, stay still for me, baby and I’ll give you what you want,” Harry said breaking away from her centre briefly and leaning up to kiss her deeply. “D’you taste it? Can you taste how sweet you are for me?” he questioned as Y/N nodded her head limply before he made his way back down. “Y’gonna come for me an’ let me taste you properly, baby?” He didn’t wait for her response and if anything, Y/N was too fucked out to harbour one. He lingered over her pussy, opening his mouth, and letting the spit he had collected land on her heat before he flattened his tongue against the mess he made and shook his head in place to get in deeper. Harry’s right hand was wandering again, tracing patterns on her leg as he ghosted his fingertips up to join his tongue, his middle finger sinking into her with no resistance as her body tried to fight against his forearm that was pinning her in place as she felt the digit slide out and back into her at agonising pace. Harry was beginning to rut his own hips into the pillowy surface of the day bed, desperately needing to feel some friction against his solid cock. The mixture of Y/N’s taste, the glazed-over look in her eyes and the little whimpers and moans that would escape her was causing Harry to balance dangerously on the edge of finishing in his underwear. “Can you take another?” he grunted against her. 
“Uh-huh” she mewled. Honestly not really hearing what he was asking but would have said yes to anything in that moment she was so wound up. The next time Harry’s middle finger slid out, his ring finger joined it as they drove back in, reaching and curling to find that special spot of hers as his lips began suctioning around her little pearl of nerves again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, Harry, oh my god,” she moaned loudly, both hands flopping down to her sides, fingers digging into the mattress of the day bed.
“Found it,” she could feel him grinning against her as his fingers focused on repeatedly tapping away at her g-spot to send her teetering towards her end. 
After a few minutes of that, Y/N was hanging precariously on the edge.  “M’gonna… m-gonn-” she cut off as Harry removed his fingers from her weeping hole, bringing them up to rub tight little circles against her clit, his tongue delving inside, feeling her walls flutter and pulse around the wet muscle as she found her release. She ripped the arm that was pinning her down off her, latching her fingers into his as her body curled in on itself as she shook her way through her orgasm, Harry moaning in delight at her taste, pushing his hips down to keep himself from exploding, his own fingers gripping hers just as tightly as his preoccupied hand began to let up on her clit. She tugged his hand so he became level with her face again, breathing deeply as she watched him take his fingers that had been inside her and suck them into his mouth to savour every taste he could get. “Fucking hell, H,” she said lowly as a low grumble of a laugh left his chest as he pulled their lips back together in a messy kiss, the wetness on his chin transferring to her own as he sucked on her bottom lip. “You’re turn, wanna taste you now,” Y/N expressed as they broke away from their kiss. 
“As much as I would love that, I can’t, I want to be inside you so bad and I won’t last,” Harry disclosed and when Y/N pouted at his response he couldn’t help the lazy, soft smile that graced his features. “Let’s save that for later, darling,” he nipped her pouted lip. 
“Fuck me, then. Want you inside, I want to feel you, Harry,” she nuzzled her face into his neck, hands running up and down, squeezing his biceps before looping over his shoulders and dragging her nails over the skin of his back lightly. 
“I want it too, baby, so bad. I don’t have any condoms though, didn’t exactly think I’d be shagging anyone this trip, let alone you,” Harry chuckled, slightly in disbelief that this was all happening, no matter how long he had craved it. 
“I’m still on my birth control, gorgeous. Please, I want y’so bad, m’aching, I trust you,” she said sincerely, kissing his neck, sucking on the skin leaving her own mark on him as her hands gripped the waistband of his briefs, shucking them down his thighs quickly. Harry gasped as the cool air reached his cock that was now free of its confinements, standing to attention and the precome seeping out painting his slit shiny. Y/N looked down, widening her eyes at his impressive length, her lips reattaching to his throat, biting and licking with more fervour she was so desperate to feel him slip inside of her.  
“I trust you too, more than anyone,” Harry said gripping her chin to look into her eyes, “how d’you wanna…” he tailed off. 
“Oh, uh, let me just,” Y/N untangled herself from their cluster of limbs rolling herself over til she was presented to him on all fours, her hips wiggling teasingly as she looked over her shoulder at him, seeing him gazing at the fullness of her hips and bum, lightly palming himself as her teeth sunk into her lip at the sight. Harry shuffled himself up behind her taking a grip of himself at his base, ticking his hips forward slightly so he could paint his tip through her folds, letting the wetness that was pooled there coat him. 
“You’re sure, Y/N?” he clarified. 
“Never been s’sure, I want it, gorgeous, I want you,” Y/N pushed back against him, feeling his tip applying pressure at her entrance. 
“Impatient little thing, aren’t you?” Harry began guiding himself into her tight channel, groaning at the feeling as one of Y/N’s hands shot back to spread herself open for him to bury into. He groaned at the vision of her hands dimpling the skin of her behind as she moaned at the pleasure-pain of him entering her. 
“Stretching me so good, Harry, feels so good,” their eyes met as she looked back over her shoulder. Once he bottomed out, he paused, letting her get used to him filling her, and taking a few steadying breaths of his own to calm himself. He grasped her hand that she had been using to spread open for him, holding it tight against her lower back, their fingers knotted together. “Fuck, you’re so big. Y’can move,” she whined, ready to rock her hips back against him if he wasn’t planning on moving. Harry reared his hips back, and was sliding back in within an instant, creating a slow but deep pace as both their breaths caught at the feeling. 
“Fuck, Y/N/N, you’re so warm an’ wet,” Harry groaned, Y/N clenched at his commentary, squeezing around his cock as he plunged back in, “fuckin’ tight as well, so tight, but made to take me, weren’t you?” Harry panted, their fingers still tangled together as his other hand gripped onto the plush at the side of her hip, squeezing, thinking to himself he would quite like to take a bite of the fullness of her hips, given the opportunity. 
“H, you’re so big, made for you, made to take your dick,” she whined, the hand that was holding her up collapsing under the rocking motion, so her cheek was pressed against the bed, bum still presented to him in the air. They were both already covered in a sheen of sweat from their activities and the warm evening air of Positano that lingered heavily around them. They were a mess of shivers, gasps, and moans as they fell into a rhythm with each other’s body’s. “Harder, can y’go harder, H? M’not going to break,” she asked as she began to push back against his thrusts. 
“Whatever you want, baby, but I’ll decide if you’re going to break or not,” his grip on her hip and hand tightened as he began to thrust into her with more vigour, loud smacking as their skin collided echoed around the open terrace, Harry was sure they were going to bruise, but he wasn’t opposed to seeing the bruised back of her thighs peeking out from one of her little sundresses she had packed, the idea made him slam his hips into her harder. 
Y/N pulled her arm, the one buckled under the pressure as Harry rocked into her, out from under her holding it behind her back to clutch onto Harry’s arm that held onto the other, desperate to feel his skin. Harry realising what she wanted, released his grip on her hip, holding both her hands in his behind her back.
“Jus’ needed to feel you, wanna feel you so bad, H,” she whimpered, fingers splaying over his forearms. 
“Yeah?” he panted, his thrusts sending shockwaves through the pair of them. 
“Mhm, so bad, skins so warm,” she babbled and if she wanted to feel his skin, who was he to refuse. He pulled her up to her knees, so her back was firmly against his chest, basically seated on his lap and as they fell into sync in their new position, she could feel him so much deeper than before. “Shit, shit, shit, Harry, you’re so deep,” her moans rising in volume. Harry released the grip on her hands and his own began to trail a path round to her front cupping a breast in each hand, rolling and pinching her nipples between his fingers as he kissed and licked over her neck, that the new position gave him access to, but he wanted her lips. Releasing one of her boobs from his grip he took his free hand and grasped her chin turning it to the side so he could kiss her deeply, her eyes had fallen shut at the deeper penetration she was feeling.
Breaking away from the kiss, he whispered against her lips, “open your eyes for me, pretty, and keep them open, need to see you,” her eyes fluttered open, seemingly with a little bit of a struggle as Harry bounced her on his lap, and bore into his own green ones. The hand he had gripped her chin with was off on an exploration again, dipping down her front, applying a little pressure to her lower abdomen, “feel me right here, baby?” Y/N could only nod in response before her lips were searching for his again. 
The hand that had been busy tweaking at her nipple came up to rest on the base of her throat, thumb placed on one side and the remainder of his fingers wrapping delicately round the other side as he turned her head to look out over the balcony of the terrace, they had made their bedroom for the evening. She could see the twinkling of the water from their upright position, the evening light dwindling and the glow from the moon beginning to paint everything with a silvery hue. “Look how pretty it is,” Harry murmured into the shell of her ear, his hot breath fanning over her. “We’re so lucky to have such a pretty view aren’t we, Y/N/N?” he sounded almost condescending as he pulled her earlobe between his teeth and nibbled. Y/N’s own hands had begun exploring, one reaching over behind her shoulder to find its grip in the hair at the nape of Harry’s neck, fingers twirling the strands he had let dry in their natural curls. The other hand came to rest atop Harry’s that he had around her throat and urged him to apply pressure by flexing her fingers against his. Harry’s eyes were searching the side of her face to make sure this is what she was wanting from him and with a subtle nod of her head her hand fell away to grip his thigh as his grip around her throat tightened, restricting her airflow, and sending a pleasurable buzz to her brain. 
“Fucking hell, Y/N, you’re so filthy,” Harry gasped as their hips moved in synchronicity, they were both teetering on the edge of bliss. “Tomorrow, we’ll go splash around in the water,” Harry kept her head tilted towards the view, “won’t that be fun, look how pretty the sea is,” his fingers flexed again, tightening against her throat once more. “Not as pretty as you, you’re so fucking beautiful, nothing could compare,” Harry whimpered out, the vice like grip around his cock was becoming overwhelming, he took his other hand and let it find it’s home on her clit as he began rubbing tight little circles there. Y/N’s cries were increasing in frequency as she bucked against the stimulation. “Louder, baby, let everyone hear how pretty you sound,” he panted
“Harry, m’gonna come,” she cried out when Harry gave her a second to gulp lungfuls of air into her system. 
“Me too, me too,” Harry babbled, “fuck, where d’you want me?” he asked quickly, if she wanted him to pull out it would have to be now as the elastic of his orgasm was stretched to its limit, just waiting for it to snap. 
“M’on my pill, inside, want it inside so bad, wanna feel all o’you,” Y/N was grinding her hips down to meet his thrusts as they increased in pace as they chased their high. That was all Harry needed to hear, and he was sent over the edge, ropes of sticky release pouring into her, Harry’s fingers tightened around her neck as his orgasm shattered through his body, hips slamming into hers, triggering Y/N’s orgasm as they came together. Her walls quivered and pulsed as she collapsed forward into the bed, Harry following, quickly rotating her onto her side so he wouldn’t crush her, still not pulling out.
“Shit,” they both breathed in unison, as they tried catching their breath, quickly the pair falling into giggles.
“Jinx,” Y/N whispered as Harry hummed a laugh, before placing three kisses on the back of her neck. They rested in silence for a few minutes, catching their breath and processing what had just happened, before Y/N opened her mouth again. “Think I need t’go clean up, things are feeling a little…sticky and not in a fun way,” Y/N said looking over her shoulder as Harry eyed her carefully before he leant forward and caught her lips in a kiss again. 
“Suppose so,” Harry sighed as he started to pull out, both hissing at the sensation. As Y/N stood and went to make her way across the terrace, he stopped her, “come stay with me tonight? Meet me in bed?” he asked softly, Y/N would say he even seemed shy or nervous to ask, as a flush painted his cheeks either from their activities or the embarrassment, he felt asking her to sleep with him in bed. 
 “Obviously, do you really think I’m letting you stay in the big posh bedroom without me? Dream on Harry,” she giggled, her tone light and airy, speaking to him as she always did as if their romp on the day bed never happened. She made her way back through the open doors, the gossamer curtains parting in billowy clouds around her as Harry flopped onto his back, running his hand through his hair, trying to piece together what the hell he and his best friend of nearly 15 years had just done.
Bedtime was easy. By the time they had both got cleaned up and dressed, them both in a fresh set of underwear and Y/N wearing another years old stolen t-shirt, any hint of awkwardness had completely dissipated. Harry was already in bed, the sheet pooling at his waist as he sat against the headboard typing a list of all the things they wanted to do while they were in town in his notes app. Moments later, Y/N was slipping under the sheets with him, a sleepy sort of smile gracing her features. Once she had wriggled around a little finding her spot, Harry put his phone down on the bedside table and was shrugging himself down the bed until he was lying on his side staring at his best friend in the darkened room. 
“Y’got some toothpaste,” he whispered, his thumb coming up to wipe away the white stain around her lip as she hummed softly in thanks. They stared at each other for a beat, tired eyes blinking heavily, muscles slightly achy from their endeavours on the day bed on the terrace. Just as they were about to fall over, they shuffled closer to each other until they were wrapped in each other’s warmth, legs tangled beneath the sheets, and they let their lips pucker together in a soft kiss, Harry taking her bottom lip between his own and suckling just a little bit. They broke away with a contented hum and let their eyes slip shut. 
“Minty fresh,” Harry whispered causing Y/N to let out a soft, twinkly giggle into the night mixing with the sound of the sea crashing into the rocks on the beach below. 
Harry awoke with a groan as the sun shone through the windows causing him to screw his eyes shut to protect them from the bright rays. He starfished his limbs across the bed, flexing his fingers and his toes to gain some feeling back in his sleep-drunk body. When his hands could reach either side of the bed, he realised he was alone in the nest of sheets and feathered pillows and sat up abruptly letting his eyes flit around the room and peer out the windows of the double doors for any sign of Y/N. With no immediate signs of her, he sat and took stock of how he was feeling after last night. Thrilled, to say the least, at first anyway. Harry had realised a while ago he cared for her much more than the average best friend does, and his want and need for her had only grown after being separated for so long, and now, having spent however many days constantly in her company, his feelings for her were undeniable now. He loved her. He was in love with her, and he could only hope she felt the same. Surely all their little kisses and especially last night meant something. Christ, what if it didn’t? What if it was just some fun while high or drunk? No, they weren’t drunk last night, they had a glass of wine each, both perfectly with their wits about them so that wasn’t an excuse. God, he hoped things weren’t going to be awkward. Where was she anyway? Shit, what if she’s done a runner? Harry thought to himself, his mind running at a mile a minute, barely registering the scent of brewing coffee floating through the air. 
“Oh, you fucker, ouch!” being shouted from outside the bedroom was the only thing that brought Harry back down to reality and the sound of gushing, running water seconds later as he found himself pulling off the sheets and stumbling blindly out of the bedroom to the kitchen where he heard a constant, “ow, ow, ow, ow,” being sing-songed. 
“Y/N/N, you alrigh’?” Harry rasped out; his voice hoarse from being asleep. 
“Was trying to make coffee in that stupid feckin’ pot I found in the cupboard and burnt my finger on it,” she whined, nodding towards the stove while running her finger under tepid water, a trick from her high school art teacher when she frequently burnt herself with the hot wax pot and the glue guns. Harry looked over to the stove top to see the stainless steel Moka pot steaming away on the hot plate, the smell of hot coffee much more intense and inviting in the kitchen. 
“Let me see,” Harry said. 
“It’s right there on the stove,” Y/N looked at him as if he had grown a second head, had she not just pointed out the pot to him?
“Your finger, thicko,” Harry rolled his eyes in faux annoyance as he reached towards her hand as she pulled it out of the stream of water holding it between their faces. Harry’s fingers clutched and twisted her hand delicately to see every angle. “Don’t think it’ll blister, but I’ve got some antiseptic cream in a first aid kit in m’bag,” he still held onto her hand, even though Dr. Styles was finished his examination. 
“Y’brought a first aid kit? Who are you?” Y/N smiled at Harry’s preparedness. 
“Y/N, sweets, you’re a bit of a liability, of course I brought a first aid kit.” Y/N paused her eyes path of taking in Harry’s shirtless form as her gaze shot back to his, mouth agape, seemingly appalled.
“…okay, that’s fair,” she eventually agreed, that yeah, she probably was a liability. Harry’s eyes flickered down to where he still held her injured finger between his own.
Without thinking, he brought the finger up to his lips and placed a kiss the pad of her fingertip, “there, all healed.” 
“Harry,” she whispered, feeling his lips pucker against her digit.
“Hmm,” he asked, post-verbally with a contented hum.
“Uh… um… d’you think you could reach the espresso cups from that cupboard,” she pointed towards an overhead cupboard and when Harry’s back was turned, she felt all the blood heating her face as she tried to calm her racing heart down. Her own mind had been whirring when she woke that morning so had to get out of bed to occupy herself, in her mad half hour she had managed to gather their discarded clothes from the terrace as well as clean up their mess from dinner both in the kitchen and where their finished meal had been abandoned at the table on the terrace. She had been flitting in and out the bedroom repeatedly, taking trips to tidy the balcony but each time she paused to look at Harry who was lying on his stomach in the bed, his arm reaching across to where she had been laying, his fingers scrunching the sheets that had been swathed around her body. She admired is sleep-softened features where his cheek was smushed against his pillow, puffs of air escaping his raspberry tinted lips. It would have been easy to crawl back in beside him and cuddle up to him but what if he didn’t want that from her? What if last night was just a bit of fun? Before she could dwell on it too much, she found herself in the kitchen scrubbing plates and starting on their breakfast and subsequently burning herself on the coffee pot.
Harry poured their espresso and turned back round to hand Y/N’s off to her to see her pacing round the kitchen trying to distract herself but moving manically. 
“Hey, hey, hey, stop, what’s wrong?” Harry questioned; his voice tainted with concern as he followed her round.
“Nothing, m’fine just trying to sort breakfast,” she was slicing bread and chopping fruit a little too fiercely to be considered ‘fine’, Harry wasn’t buying it. 
“Look at me, Y/N/N,” he said softly, and after a beat she spun round to face him, and Harry was confronted with her gnawing into her lip and a dampness glittering at her waterlines as tears threatened to spill. “Oh, sweetness,” Harry sighed sadly, “c’mon let’s go sit outside, we should, uh, we should have a chat, I think,” Harry gave her a smile, trying to reassure her, but he couldn’t help but notice the nagging feeling that her tears were his fault, they should’ve spoken before falling asleep, they should have spoken after Harry kissed her in Pisa, he just didn’t want to ruin the trip so early on if she wasn’t interested. He guided them out to the garden, still clutching both their coffees, he didn’t think sitting on the bedroom terrace was a good idea considering the memories of what happened there last night coloured the air out there. He handed her the coffee when they contented themselves on either end of the painted wooden bench. She took a sip of the searing coffee and let her teary eyes slip closed and tilted her head back to let the morning sun warm her face breathing out a heavy sigh. Silence fell between them, only the sound of the morning bird song and the light breeze rustling through the leaves of the trees disrupted them as they drank their coffee. Almost perfectly in sync, they drained the miniature ceramic mugs and placed them on the ground. Harry kept an eye on her out of the corner of his eye as she played with her fingers mindlessly, not sure who was supposed to speak first. 
“Why’re you s’far away?” he asked turning to face her, a light airy tone to his voice. He stretched the arm closest to her across the back of the bench, beckoning her under it. She looked at him, shyly at first, before that radiant smile he knew so well burst across her face as she shuffled along the bench, cuddling into his side, legs coming up to rest on the bench as his arm wrapped around her shoulder, holding her close. 
“I’m sorry,” they spoke in unison. 
“Jinx,” Y/N said quietly as they both let out an amused exhalation through their noses remembering Y/N saying the same thing last night. She took Harry’s hand that wasn’t around her shoulder, in hers, toying with his fingers in her grip.
“What’ve you got to be sorry about?” he asked bemused. “I’m sorry, I uh, came onto you I guess, that wasn’t fair of me to put you in that position. I- I don’t want things to be, to be awkward or uncomfortable with us, Y/N, but I understand if- f’you think d-different of me,” Harry was stumbling over his words, honestly not sure what he was trying to say, he just needed her to know he never wanted to make her feel uncomfortable or be the reason for her sadness. 
“Wait-what?” Y/N shot up from his side, turning her body to face him properly, he looked so upset. “Harry, no, I wanted you too, what we did last night, I wanted you to do, I asked you to, you didn’t like corner me or anything so, get that idea in the bin immediately,” she took both his hands in hers, thumbs rubbing across his knuckles in a soothing pattern. 
“You looked so sad this morning, Y/N/N, I thought you regretted it or were upset with me if I like coerced you into anything,” Harry’s voice was thick as he tried to reel his emotions in. 
“Christ, no, gorgeous, I was sad because I started overthinking everything, you know what I’m like. I just thought you would’ve wanted to ignore it like we did with the kisses, and I don’t think I could’ve done that, Harry, I just couldn’t,” she slumped against his chest as they both sighed in relief that neither of the pair seemed to regret their actions. 
“I didn’t want to ignore the kisses, I just didn’t want to ruin the trip so early on by telling you I liked you,” he was playing with the ends of her hair as she remained close to his chest. 
“I sure hope you like me; you’ve known me since we were 11,” she snorted against his chest. 
“No, Y/N,” he sat her up so they were looking at each other as she furrowed her eyebrows, “like you, like you,” Harry said, surprised at his own conviction, he always thought when this moment came it would be a lot more of stammering, nervous, voice that sort of shouted his confession at her. “Fuck, I’d use the love word, but I’d rather do that when we’re less snotty nosed and teary,” he chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ear before thumbing away a stray tear that trickled down her face. 
“Thank Christ,” Y/N heaved out before throwing her arms around Harry’s neck and laying her lips on his, catching him off-guard, a muffled hmph escaping as their lips worked against each other’s. He tasted of the bitter coffee, but she didn’t mind, his lips were soft and attentive as he grasped her cheeks in the palms of his hands. His tongue splitting her lips as he licked into her mouth wanting to feel all of her. 
“Wai-wait… what?” Harry gasped for breath as they broke apart, Y/N’s hands carding through Harry’s fluffy curls he had been letting dry naturally. 
“I don’t care if we’re snotty, fuck Harry, I bloody love you, love you, love you,” she giggled wiping the tears from her face. 
“Yeah?” He asked, smiling bright.
“Well, I didn’t shag my best mate of 15 years for a laugh, gorgeous,” she joked nuzzling into his neck breathing in his warmth. 
“Look at me, Sweetness,” there was that nickname, the one that had stuck all these years as Y/N tilted her head up, “I love you,” she could feel his smile as he whispered the words against her lips. 
They spent about two weeks in Positano, days filled on the beaches, strolls in the afternoons, cooking in the evening and wrapped up together in the sheets through the night. Well apart from that one night they went to one of the quieter beaches in the area and took a middle of the night dip sans any clothing. Quick pecks in the morning, lazy kisses over lunch and fingers intertwined on their walks. They were leaving Positano in a different place as when they arrived. 
Y/N was in the passenger seat, digging through her bag in the footwell making sure they had packed up all their important bits again as Harry locked the front door of the villa, she peered up through the front windscreen to see him walking back over with that bloody blue hat sat atop his grown-out curls, yellow sunglasses tinting his vision, shooting her a sly grin when he caught her staring. He got himself comfortable in the driver’s seat, belt fastened and turned the ignition on, immediately handing Y/N the cable to plug her phone in to play their shared playlist, turning to look at her. “Where to next, my love?” he asked reaching over to caress the side of her face. 
“Mmm,” she hummed, leaning into his touch, “let’s just keep driving for a bit and see where we end up.”
“Sounds good to me,” he leaned over the centre console and took her bottom lip between his own and kissed her deeply before breaking away and putting the car in reverse to drive them away from Positano and onto their next stop. 
“Wait! Shit, did you lock the balcony doors?” Y/N cried out as Harry slammed the breaks, getting a fright from her exclamation. His eyes narrowed, searching her face as if she was going to tell him the answer to that. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he groaned, pulling up on the hand break before killing the engine and getting back out the car as Y/N giggled away in her seat. Just before he slammed the driver’s door shut to go check he leant back down and was calling into her, “by the way, you’ve got chocolate and jam down your chin this time,” and he tossed a napkin at her that he had tucked away in his pocket for the exact purpose of having to clean up his messy girl. 
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evermoredeluxe · 7 months
I actually have an answer to anon's 1950s question. The post WWII economic boom led to a great suburban expansion throughout the 50s in the United States. This, coupled with the 1956 Federal Aid Highway Act, signed by Eisenhower, changed the way American cities were built forever. It was essentially the birth of American suburbia as we know it. The 50s are romanticized a lot; they represent, in American minds, the ideal of the american dream, specifically the suburban american dream: every American gets a house in the suburbs with a big lawn (that you can maybe put a Slip and Slide on, thus "slippery plastic summer") and drives their children, down a speedy road, to a lively high school with a cafeteria and a big gym. It's quintessential Americana. In reality, the suburban experiment has failed and is draining American cities of funds, draining suburbanites of their social life, isolating them, separating them through the means of congested, nightmarish highways that, no matter how many lanes you add to them, will never be the free, speedy highways of the 50s again.
Now, I don't know if Taylor had all this in mind when she wrote the song. But I picture Grease when I listen to it: a 1950s gymnasium, a cool guy that she is infatuated with. She's playing the role of the 50s red-lipped good girl. But she's left suburbia behind, she's escaped it; she's now a national treasure, a legend in the eyes of the suburbanites she's left behind. It's reminiscent of 'Tis the Damn Season and Midnight Rain, not in terms of muse, but in terms of nostalgia for the life she gave up.
Just my interpretation.
no i love this so much. i don’t have anything substantial to add but thank you for sharing! this also plays into the other suburbia/high school songs (ttds mainly) and her leaving her hometown behind.
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
this is random BUT i really need you guys to learn the difference between “outdoor dogs/cats” and WORKING dogs/cats
there is a difference between throwing an animal outside because you don’t actually want to take care of it vs giving them a job to do
I do not agree with the concept of outdoor dogs, and when i say this i am talking about the schnauzers and beagles who get chained outside in a plastic doghouse with no insulation or protection from the weather.
I have two great pyrenees who live outside in the barn with the livestock. they are WORKING dogs. they are herd protectors. they are spayed and fully vaccinated. they have a spacious barn to sleep in at night and stay warm in, fans for the hot summer, and they alway have food and water available. they are bred to withstand the elements and love to work. they would not be happy inside no matter how much enrichment i gave them.
this goes the same for cats. i have two cats who work as mousers to keep the barn free of pests. they are spayed and neutered and fully vaccinated. they are essential to my farm because poison and traps only work for so long (not to mention being generally unreliable and possibly dangerous to other animals), and without them the rats would be getting into all of the feed and supplies, destroying and infecting them. they have plenty of places to keep warm or cool depending on the weather and are fed regularly. these are WORKING CATS.
i have witnessed the issue with “outdoor cats” firsthand. recently the suburbs have been encroaching more and more on my rural space, and there are at least three “outdoor cats” that are allowed to wander around freely. they are NOT spayed or neutered, and i can tell because they are aggressive and howl at night. they harass the poultry and the livestock. they are being allowed to become invasive by owners who want a cat but don’t want the work of caring for it.
when discussing the ramifications of “outdoor cats” in suburban areas or the neglectful treatment of “outdoor dogs,” it is important to distinguish “outdoor” and working animals. they are different.
and small side note, all of this ties back into a bigger conversation about how invasive the suburbs are becoming and how disruptive they are to rural ecosystems.
thanks for reading.
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wingsthatshimmer · 1 year
A Post-Finale Summer Afternoon
In this version, Scott never died fighting Dante. He is still very much alive and still in a relationship with Vee. The setting is a post-Finale World.
Set in the Summer after Nora and Vee finish high school.
This is a post-Finale world. The War between Nephilim and Fallen Angels is over but tensions between the two groups are beginning to rise again as new Fallen angels are being created. Of course, because she is a Nephilim leader, this worries Nora.
The Archangels have created and formed a new realm. This new realm is called by many names including: the "Third Realm", the "New World", "The Realm of Tutela" (meaning Realm of Protection) or "Tutela" for short. It is where the Fallen and Nephilim species can live together in peace and away from the dangers of the Human worlds which require them to live in hiding. In this Wolrd, it is forbidden for the Fallen to exploit Nephilim. In fact, the Fallen have been designated by the Archangels to protect the Nephilim as Guardians and rule over them to keep them safe. In return, the Fallen can keep their wings. Humans related to the Nephilim are allowed to migrate to this new world. However, anybody who does migrate, whether it be Fallen, Nephilim or Human, is allowed to go back to their realm of origin.
Scott and Vee want to migrate to this new world but Nora remains sceptical.
Apart from Marcie’s death, the summer after high school was one of Nora’s few happy memories of her life in the old realm. She had been accepted into an English and Law double degree at Harvard. And of course, Vee and Scott were as in love and care-free as ever. The only thing keeping them from moving to the New World was Nora. They spent the whole Summer trying to persuade her to leave with them.
“Seven billion people in the world and I’m stuck with a best friend who’s content to be easy pickings for incoming fallen angels.” Vee sighed as she snuggled closer next to Scott on their shared beach towel.
“You promised no migration talk today. Or excessive PDA!” I rolled my eyes and threw an empty plastic bottle at Scott who was busy tapping along to Stevie Wonder’s Superstition on Vee’s butt.
“This isn’t PDA. It’s essential practice for the gig on Friday. The one that you promised to attend and support me at.” Without looking up or missing a beat, Scott had managed to duck and avoid the plastic bottle which had disappeared somewhere in the trees that lined the entrance to the beach.
I was in the middle of weighing up whether I should go after it when a familiar voice broke my stream of thoughts.
Tsk, tsk. Littering on the beach Angel? They have fines for that.  
I shot up and spun around to face him. Excitement shot through my whole body. Patch stood in front of me holding my sand covered drink bottle in one hand. With his free hand, he grabbed the waistband of my linen shorts and pulled me into his arms for a kiss. At once, all my worries about the New World, new fallen angels, and plans for the future had vanished. The smell of fresh mint and the feel of his strong arms consumed my senses.
I pulled away slightly and responded. I’m sure my husband can take care of it.
“Are you sure it was us who should’ve promised no PDA?” Vee yelled.
I was too dizzy from the kiss to think of a response. Instead, I curled up into patch’s arms as he knelt down onto the picnic blanket.
“It’s nice to see you too Vee.” Patch said without taking his eyes off me.
“You two are worse than thirteen-year-olds.” 
“At least this isn’t your everyday experience.” I said only half-jokingly.
“Ouch. It almost sounds like you don’t enjoy our company.”
“My sincerest apologies. How could I not enjoy watching you two eat each other’s faces off all day long.”
“Sigh. Some people don’t appreciate the passionate nature of young love.”
“Some people don’t appreciate public decency.”
“Didn’t you have sex on a playground last night?”
At that, I chocked on a lemonade Patch had bought for me. Scott pretended to gasp dramatically and patch chuckled next to me. Vee looked proud with herself. She shot a smug smile my way that said, Check mate. I looked away and made a mental note to share fewer details of my personal life with her.
Still looking away, I attempted to salvage some of my pride, “I said next to a playground. We were having a picnic!”
“Oh! Please excuse me. Picnic sex is a much more appropriate form of public sex. You really are an authentic advocate for public decency.” Vee grinned triumphantly at me while Scott snickered beside her.
I rolled my eyes at both of them and sought refuge next to Patch. He pulled me into his big arms and whispered, “I think I’m starting to like Vee.”
I groaned, Not you too.
Sorry Angel, I’ll make it up to you with another late-night picnic. I could feel his smile on my neck as he peppered me with kisses. Without meaning to, I leaned into him. His hands moved under my top to rest under my bikini top. He held me gently, I closed my eyes and breathed in the salt air. I could hear Vee and Scott’s laughter in the background while they wrestled over the last of the cold beer. I realised then that I hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. I let myself doze off while relishing in the ease and comfort of that sweet summer afternoon.
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* 𝒒𝒖𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒑𝒕. 24
change however necessary.
“I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve.”
“My whole trick is to keep the tune well out in front.  If I play Tchaikovsky, I play his melodies and skip his spiritual struggle.”
“My biggest regret is that I didn’t hit John Denver in the mouth while I had the chance.”
“I once played to an audience of one and he tapped me on the shoulder while I had my eyes closed, halfway through singing ‘Maggie’s Farm,’ to say he had to catch his bus.”
“The Beatles are dying in the wrong order.”
“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.”
“Pop music is about stealing pocket money from children.”
“The whole business is built on ego, vanity, self-satisfaction, and it’s total crap to pretend it’s not.”
“The mystical is not how the world is, but that it is.”
“The concepts most familiar to us are often the most mysterious.”
“Penetrating so many secrets, we cease to believe in the Unknowable.  But there it sits, nevertheless, calmly licking its chops.”
“Something unknown is doing we don’t know what.”
“It is the unknown that excites the ardor of scholars, who, in the known alone, would shrivel up with boredom.”
“Art evokes the mystery without which the world would not exist.”
“People love mystery and that is why they love my paintings.”
“The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.”
“No one can explain how the notes of a Mozart symphony, or the folds of a piece of Titian’s drapery produce their essential effects.  If you do not feel it, no one can by reasoning make you feel it.”
“If you want my opinion on the mystery of life and all that, I can give it to you in a nutshell: the universe is like a safe to which there is a key.  But the key is locked up in the safe.”
“Of all the wonders of nature, a tree in summer is perhaps the most remarkable; with the possible exception of a moose singing ‘Embraceable You’ in spats.”
“Nature teaches more than she preaches.  There are no sermons in stones.  It is easier to get a spark out of a stone than a moral.”
“Nature, my dear, is only a hypothesis.”
“Laws of Nature are human inventions, like ghosts.”
“To a person uninstructed in natural history, his country or seaside stroll is a walk through a gallery filled with wonderful works of art, nine-tenths of which have their faces turned to the wall.”
“I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance that I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.”
“Of all the things that oppress me, this sense of the evil working of nature herself—my disgust at her barbarity—clumsiness—darkness—bitter mockery of herself—is the most desolating.”
“Unfortunately this earth is not a fairyland, but a struggle for life, perfectly natural and therefore extremely harsh.”
“I do not believe Nature has a heart; and I suspect that, like many another beauty, she has been credited with a heart because of her face.”
“Nature uses as little as possible of anything.”
“Repetition is the only form of permanence that nature can achieve.”
“There is nothing useless in nature; not even uselessness itself.”
“Everything great in the world comes from neurotics.  They alone have founded our religions and composed our masterpieces.”
“I prefer neurotic people.  I like to hear rumblings beneath the surface.”
“The good writing of any age has always been the product of someone’s neurosis, and we’d have a mighty dull literature if all the writers that came along were a bunch of happy chuckleheads.”
“Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse.  It’s a bum’s life.  The principal benefit acting has afforded me is the money to pay for my psychoanalysis.”
“No good neurotic finds it difficult to be both opinionated and indecisive.”
“Neurotics build castles in the air, psychotics live in them.  My mother cleans them.”
“News travels faster than the mail.”
“It’s amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.”
“I always turn to the sports page first, which records people’s accomplishments.  The front page has nothing but man’s failures.”
“I am unable to understand how a man of honor could take a newspaper in his hands without a shudder of disgust.”
“I read the newspaper avidly.  It is my one form of continuous fiction.”
“Newspapers always excite curiosity.  No one ever lays one down without a feeling of disappointment.”
“A weekday edition of the New York Times contains more information than the average person was likely to come across in a lifetime in seventeenth-century England.”
“A man is a small thing, and the night is very large and full of wonders.”
“Whoever thinks of going to bed before twelve o’clock is a scoundrel.”
“The mind excels in its effortless ability to treat the world as if nothing it contains is entirely strange.”
“Nobody realizes that some people expect tremendous energy merely to be normal.”
“The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.”
“Little minds are interested in the extraordinary; great minds in the commonplace.”
“A hole is nothing at all, but you can break your neck in it.”
“There is one piece of advice, in a life of study, which I think no one will object to; and that is, every now and then to be completely idle—to do nothing at all.”
“The best screen actor is one who can do nothing supremely well.”
“I have noticed that nothing I have never said ever did me any harm.”
“Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving evidence of the fact.”
“One of the lessons of history is that nothing is often a good thing to do and always a clever thing to say.”
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”
“There is no such thing as nothing.”
“Nothing is more real than nothing.”
“We turn clay to make a vessel, but it is on the space where there is nothing that the usefulness of the vessel depends.”
“God made everything out of nothing.  But the nothingness shows through.”
“Nihilism has no substance.  There is no such thing as nothingness, and zero does not exist.  Everything is something.  Nothing is nothing.”
“Once is happenstance; twice is coincidence; three times is enemy action.”
“All is numbers.”
“If an angel were to tell us something of his philosophy, I do believe that some of his propositions would sound like 2 + 2 = 13.”
“There is no safety in numbers, or in anything else.”
“The obscure we see eventually.  The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.”
“The concepts most familiar to us are often the most mysterious.”
“Familiar things happen and mankind does not bother about them.  It requires a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious.”
“The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterward.”
“No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious.”
“The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the nonobvious.”
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wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Rare Wild Organic Chinese Black Goji Berries Lycium (Black Wolfberry) Seeds Organic Superfood Fruit Non-Gmo B10 Count: 10 Black goji berry is a magical biological resource that is rich in nutrition ingredients and medicine care active ingredients. According to the research report and the usage in folk, the black goji berry contains plenty of protein, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and other many kinds of nutrients. it can play a good role in anti-aging and beauty skincare. It can also be good food for cooking with some other things such as meat and fish and even drink for days. Goji Berry (Lycium ruthenicum) Wolf-berry is a spectacular plant, a super-food native throughout Central Asia. The black goji is known to be more healthful and potent than the more widely known red goji, and we find the flavor sweeter. The tasty, inky-black berries are exceptionally high in antioxidants and are said to boost the immune system and improve circulation. Thanks to their ability to fight free radicals, they have been hailed as food to promote healthy, graceful aging. It grows as a shrub reaching 35"-59" (90cm-1.5m) in height and the plants are self-fertile. (Black Wolfberry) This spectacular superfood is native throughout Central Asia. The black goji berry is very rarely found in Western cuisine but has long been celebrated in the Himalayan region as a powerful medicinal and healthy food. A native of Central Asia, the southern part of Russia, Northwest China, and Pakistan. In India, it grows in Kashmir, where native people use it to cure blindness in camels. It grows to 6 feet tall and can run out to 15 feet wide if left alone. The leaves turn a bronze color in the colder months. The bees, butterflies, and birds will visit from late Spring to mid-summer while in bloom. It grows in dry soils and is a drought-tolerant shrub. Black goji berries (Lycium Ruthenicum Murrray, Russian box thorn)are an incredibly rare and exotic fruit grown widely in the extreme and harsh environments of Central Asia. The sheer remoteness of the plant, and local reliance on it has meant it is relatively unknown outside its natural range. Black Goji grows as a shrub and reaches a height of about 9 feet with thorny branches dripping with clusters of plump, juicy, pearl-sized, sweet black fruits. Black goji berries are unique among fruits because they contain all essential amino acids, goji berries also have the highest concentration of protein of any fruit. This amazing little super fruit also contains natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compounds. The fruit ripens from summer through early Fall. PLANT INFORMATION: Plant Name: Goji Berry Taxonomy: Lycium ruthenicum Life Cycle: Perennial USDA Zones: 3-10 - Goji dislikes extreme cold or heat Germination Temperature: 20-25°C (68-77F) Ideal Temperature: 70-85 F Plant Height: 90cm-1.5m / 35"-59" Germination Days: 10-40 days (depends on temperature) Light Preferences: 6-12 hrs of Full sun Sprouts in 14-21 Days Seed Depth: 1/4" Plant Spacing: 36" Frost Hardy: Yes Growing Tips: Soak seeds in warm (70-85 F) water for 24 hours before planting. Add sand to the potting mix. Goji prefers alkaline soil and prefers to stay fairly dry, but tolerates most soils. HOW TO GROW GOJI BERRY FROM SEEDS Goji berry plants can be grown from seed, but plants will begin fruiting two years after seeding. Germination Sow seeds 1/4" deep and lightly cover with a medium. Keep moist in a bright spot. Do not cover with plastic but maintain a temperature around 65-75F. Goji berry perennial germination takes around 7-14 days at 20-25 degrees C / 65-75F. However, it can be much slower - up to several weeks at lower temperatures. ✅ Sow indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost in your area. ✅ Sow 2 to 3 seeds in each pot, about 5mm (¼”) deep. ✅ Use a sterilized seed starting mix, and do not add fertilizer. ✅ Keep soil moist until seeds germinate, and then put it under bright lights. ✅ Optional you can use a grow dome or grow light ✅ After the third true leaf emerges, transplant each seedling onto its own individual pot. ✅ Goji berry grows well in slightly alkaline soil with a pH range of 6.8 to 8.1. ✅ If you’re growing Goji in a large container, use simple topsoil with some perlite mixed in for drainage. Avoid peat-based soils. ✅ Keep your goji berry plant indoors for at least one year, before planting outdoors. Planting outdoors is best done when the goji berry plant is at least one foot in height. Germination Instruction Soak the seeds in water that is from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit for one to two days. This will increase their rate of germination. Combine sand with commercial potting mix or garden soil until it is very fine. The ideal soil pH should be between 7 and 8, although gogi plants will grow in soil with a pH lower than that. Plant the seeds 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep indoors in pots if you live in a colder area. Move the pots outside when the weather begins to warm. If you live in a warmer area, plant them outdoors in partial sun after the danger of frost has passed. Spray water on the soil. The temperature should be from 64 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray the seedlings with a mist sprayer until two leaves appear. Irrigate them with a sprinkler after that if your seedlings are outside. Do not allow the soil to become soggy. Snip off the main stem just above third leaf when it appears. This will cause the plant to grow laterally as a bush rather than vertically as a tree. A bushy form will yield more berries than a taller plant. Transfer seedlings planted in containers to direct sunlight and water regularly. As the richest known plant source of OPC(Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin) it has magnificent antioxidant capabilities. OPC is one of the most effective water-soluble free-radical scavengers. It is 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E.As a result, black goji berries may have the ability to slow down the aging process, lower cholesterol, and to prevent and slow the growth of cancer. Goji berry plants establish fast, but they don’t fruit fast when starting from seed. The roots establish enough within a few months of germination to be transplanted in pots. Plant Goji berry outdoors at least 2 feet apart - it can be trained like a grapevine on a trellis or left as a shrub. The tasty, inky black berries are exceptionally high in antioxidants and are said to boost the immune system and improve circulation. Thanks to their ability to fight free radicals, they have been hailed as food to promote healthy, graceful aging. The potent berries create an outstanding blue color when steeped or added to foods. These tasty berries are quickly becoming a popular superfruit added to smoothies and brewed into tea. The dried berries are great in granola and muffins or snacked on alone; you can also eat the berries fresh off the plant. Steep the berries into a beautiful blue tea; adding a few drops of lemon will turn the tea a lovely purple/pink color. The benefits of drinking black Goji tea: it is helpful for kidney and sex it has the function of keeping the liver, improving eyesight, resisting fatigue, beauty and resisting tumor,s etc. can cure heart disease, cardiopyretic disease, abnormal menstruation, menopause and etc. its prospects are very bright whether as the common green and health care food or medicine. How to use black Goji berry? Take about Black goji 3~5g, and pour 50~70 degrees hot water about 300ml (10 fl. oz), keep for 5 minutes. It can be brawn about 4 times till the water is clear, and the brawn black goji is edible. Because Black goji is rich in natural anthocyanin, if use neutral water to brew it, the water will be purple, if use alkaline water is brewed, the water will be blue. It is highly recommended to use this black goji berry with soup. it can be delicious and good for your sex and kidney if you have it for a certain period. Gardeners will be pleased to know this exciting berry is highly prolific and easy to grow! Plants thrive in zones 5-10. It grows as a shrub reaching 4-6 feet in height, and the plants are self-fertile. The fruit ripens from summer through early fall. http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/rare-wild-organic-chinese-black-goji-berries-lycium-black-wolfberry-seeds-organic-superfood-fruit-non-gmo-b10
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ramservices1 · 1 year
Why Book Ram Services & Sales for Air Cooler, Geyser or RO Water Purifier Service in Nagpur? - Ram Services & Sales
Inspection, Maintenance, Cleaning, and Repair Services
With the relentless heat associated with scorching summers these days, the companies are forced to take drastic measures to keep the premises comfortable so as to keep their operations running. Air cooling or air conditioning is becoming a necessity in most industries as well as in homes. So is the usage of other appliances like electric geysers and RO water purifiers. This has led to the rise in their maintenance and repair service for these appliances. It is no surprise that companies are compelled to take measures like bringing in an outside vendor to repair their broken appliances and utilities.
Air coolers, geysers and RO water purifiers frequently operate in highly demanding environments. Advancement in technology of these appliances in recent years is making the lives of people simpler and better. These appliances require routine maintenance to restore full functionality and need expert intervention in case of any failure or breakdown. There are many companies out there that offer these services, but the company that stands out in Nagpur is Ram Services and Sales.
This article will look at why you should book Ram Services & Sales for Air Cooler Service or for geyser and RO Water Purifier service in Nagpur?.
It is now easier to maintain the such electric equipment of your home, office or institution with Ram Services & Sales. If you want to keep your air-cooler, electric geysers or RO purifiers in top-notch condition, then you should hire Ram Services and Sales for their unmatchable service in Nagpur. In addition, the company provides installation, de-installation service for the brand-new appliances. Our team of service experts handle all internal and external maintenance of these appliances.
Air Cooler Repair & Maintenance
At Ram Services & Sales, where timely service and customer satisfaction is our primary vision, we hold a team of experts to handle air cooler maintenance services on daily basis. We provide total solutions for centralized air cooling, from duct design, execution to installation of centralized air coolers and air grills. The capacity of our centralized air coolers ranges from 5000 CFM to 16000 CFM and we have done numerous centralized air-cooling projects including shops, warehouses, factories, event halls and residential units across India. Our scope includes both metal and plastic body coolers with front, top and bottom air outlets and, these coolers come with a 2-years onsite warranty. Our competent team can optimize your overall cost for centralized ducting with the right design and cooling units from our wide range of coolers.
Geyser Repair & Maintenance Service
In India, a water heater, also known as a geyser, requires the same level of care as any other electrical device, if not more. Even though manufacturers produce the finest components that are capable of withstanding incessant heating and cooling, even the finest components will eventually wear out if they are subjected to incessant pressure.
One of the most common issues and indications that a geyser needs to be fixed is water leakage. It could be for a number of different reasons, some of the most common ones being faulty installations, broken geysers, and insufficient water connection points. You might want to get your geyser checked if it suddenly stops working, the temperature control stops working, or the water doesn’t heat up to the right level. Proper and prompt inspection by trained professionals can help prevent larger damages. Ram Services and Sales employs qualified personnel who are aware of the urgency of your issues and are readily available for immediate assistance.
RO Water Purifier Services
In today’s polluted environment, drinking high-quality, filtered water is essential. Since drinking water is reason for majority of infectious disease in human body, it is essential that the water we drink is clean and free of potentially harmful pollutants. One of the best ways to get clean water is to purchase a home water filter. Filtering the water you drink is essential for avoiding potentially fatal infections caused by water.
RO Water Purifiers use a process called reverse osmosis to filter out contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, cysts, parasites, and heavy metals. The process removes 99.9% of these contaminants and leaves you with pure water. This process also removes minerals such as calcium and magnesium. TDS controller used in reputable RO water purifiers preserves essential natural minerals in the filtered water. RO Water Purifiers are very easy to use and can help you drink clean water at home or while you’re on the go.
Conclusion :
We are just a call away for any maintenance and repair related operations. Beginning by conducting a thorough inspection, we will keep you posted with a maintenance report, including a reasonable quote for the service. We conduct a thorough investigation and, if necessary, we pick all legitimate repair related materials from our inventory, saving you from all the running required for the work.
We constantly strive to keep the trust of our clients and the reputation that follows our brand. So when in trouble, don’t think twice, dial 9284004267 / 9960010998 for quick support or for free check of your devices.
Send your inquiries to Ram Services & Sales for Air Cooler, Geyser or RO water purifier service in Nagpur.
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@electricea​ asked:  🏊🏻‍♂️
Nightlife Starters
"It's...quite something, truly," Sonia answered, still looking up at the rows of fairy lights against the clear, ink-blue sky. They were fighting with the stars above for attention, not quite unlike Ryuji seemed to be doing in comparison with the surroundings of their outing he'd planned, though he seemed far more keen for her good opinion than anything else. She would've been perfectly content with a visit to a local swimming pool, but he'd insisted this one would be special. And quite unlike the water park they'd visited before, full of shouting children and queues for all of the attractions.
He'd been right about that: the pool he'd taken her to was on top of a recently-renovated hotel in Roppongi, something luxurious with, if she had to guess, had a price tag to match considering the fellow clientele and the sorts of offerings on the evening poolside menu. Unlike their previous aquatic excursion, no children were allowed as an array of twenty and thirty-somethings stretched out on lounge chairs, sent requests to a DJ booth in the corner, milled about the edge of the pool and, for perhaps the braver or tipsy attendees, took to the water early to beat the summer evening heat. "No, it's wonderful and an excellent idea, Ryuji-san, thank you. I think the only other option we may have had, besides staying in my condo's central air conditioning, is eating our weight in shaved ice!"
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She gave a small laugh at the thought: refreshing but horrible for their health. At least with such exclusive tickets, they had no trouble finding a pair of lounge chairs that were free, complete with several towels neatly rolled on each one and a leather-bound menu of the various poolside culinary offerings. Sonia set her large straw tote bag at the end of one: she'd brought her usual swimming essentials. A change of clothes, a book, a bottle of water, a plastic bag or two for her wet swimsuit afterwards. But the sunglasses and sunscreen, she realized, had been rather foolhardy additions: they were having a night swim after all. They wouldn't be needed. With a shake of her head, it at least made the situation far less awkward. She'd needed something to distract her: not from the good time, but from how much Ryuji must have worked and saved in order to afford an evening out like this. She smiled at him, reaching for the topmost buttons on her cotton sundress. The tiny flower print far more suited the daylight hours too, considering the flashy accessories many of the other attendees wore. It was like a high-end lounge, except instead of cocktail dresses there were bikinis.
"What should we do first?" She asked him, midway through slipping each button free of their buttonholes to reveal part of her light blue and white striped bikini she wore underneath. It was easier not to maintain eye contact: what if...what if he thought she was being inappropriate towards him while she was in the midst of, essentially, stripping? He'd only invited her on a friendly outing after all. Besides, Sonia trusted him not to act inappropriately, whether it was a look or a gesture. He was not only respectful, but surely he held no interest in her like that. "Should we swim first, or should we order something to eat or drink?"
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ecozonelifestyle · 2 years
Best Copper Ware In Uk Mainland As The Eco-Friendly Workouts To Beat The Heat
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How to fall in love with the summer season period is the only way with the Best Copper Ware In UK Mainland As The Eco- Friendly Workouts To Beat The Heat there goes the summer season bucket goals as the best things to do about the summer season.
In an try to attempt towards the lead for more environmentally friendly as well as the sustainable life one might have the right to make the positive change just like the recycling, the reusing as well as the way to support the small and the local business in UK. In order to save the planet our Mother Earth, energy, natural resources and the like. Where, all of these can help in building a eco friendly atmosphere to start living a life which is pollution free but in relation to this there is one more big change with Eco Friendly Products In UK Mainland that can bring a big impact. Where one can choose to green up the fitness routine, as well in this summer season.
Unfortunately there is an problem arising from the plastic pollution on which Ecozone has decided to eliminate plastic from the daily routine where plastic pollution are ever growing and many a times, it goes with hand in hand with the joys of summer season. So, let us all talk about the changes and bring out some refreshing ideas on how one can make the eco friendly regime while achieving the goals of the health.
Now a days, more of the people are talking for the incorporating Eco Friendly practices when it comes to the side of beauty, the diet, as well as the clothing. But, most of us don’t know that even our workouts can be Eco Friendly too. Where, Best Copper Ware In UK Mainland As The Eco- Friendly Workouts To Beat The Heat stands at the first lane.
And, not only this it is far better to turn out the exercise into more greener manner to have great benefits which are not only for the environment but for the well-being too. And, just in case if one is planning to start working soon then, here is a layout to change the workout routine as the tips which will help to be more kind to the nature as well as to the body also.
Hydration, is one of the extremely important part during the summers and specially during the workouts. For this keeping one hydrated is the most important thing in this summer season. Remember to carry Eco Friendly Copper Bottle In UK Mainland whenever travelling out of the house either for the gym or somewhere else. These are Best Copper Bottle In UK Mainland these Copper Bottle In UK Mainland is best in order to keep hydrated especially, while preferring the most intense workouts that requires the more energy.
If Pure Copper Bottle In UK Mainland is being brought then it is sure that it is reusable, because the plastic waste is already causing enough of the problems for the environment which is considered as that the people are using million of the water bottles in a minute and that is why the conditions are worse.
In concern with this, keeping oneself hydrated is a must essential but with this it is also essential to protect the environment which can be done by Premium Copper Ware In UK Mainland for drinking purposes like with Copper Carafe In UK Mainland, Copper Glass In UK Mainland, Copper Jugs In UK Mainland, Copper Mug In UK Mainland which are Pure Copper Glass in UK Mainland, Pure Copper Carafe in UK Mainland, Pure Copper Jugs In UK Mainland and the Best Copper Jugs In UK Mainland, Pure Copper Mug In UK Mainland these are the best products of copper through which drinking of water can only significantly cause much protection to health specially in summer season.
Along with the Copper Bottle In UK Mainland which is the Best Copper Bottle In UK Mainland also available in Matt Copper Bottle In UK Mainland is best product of copper as per the Ecozone Lifestyle Products Reviews.
For the ones those who work out to decide to start using of the supplements in order to improve the performance and to get the better results out there. If someone feels likes one must use natural supplements, make sure that they all are natural, as well as plant based and packed with vitamins and all of the healthy fatty acids and the amino acids that helps in the distribution of the energy and the incensement in order to endurance without restoring to the unhealthy chemicals and all the other substances that can forsure seriously harm the health.
All the gyms are most convenient as they have everything one may need but also, they also produce the large carbon footprint which all is actually responsible for the cause of global warming as well as the other dangers which all are related to the climatically changes.
Ecozone Lifestyle manufactures Environment Free Products In Edgware in terms of handicrafts as well. Best Copper Ware In UK Mainland As The Eco- Friendly Workouts To Beat The Heat where not only this posses a well position in decoration like by manufacturing Best Handicrafts In UK Mainland where it has Decorative Stool In UK Mainland, Wooden Stool In UK Mainland which are as one of the Best Decorative Stool In UK Mainland, Best Wooden Stool In UK Mainland. Other than these Ecozone Lifestyle has Tea Light Holders In UK Mainland, Handmade Tea Light In UK Mainland it is also aiming towards the elimination of plastic and focusing on the usage of Copper.
An Eco Friendly workout is a great way to start caring for the planet and become more environmentally conscious also by Copper Ware Copper Bracelet, Copper Bracelet In UK Mainland, Copper Ware Bracelet In UK Mainland to protect the self in this summer season. Also, one should do such things at the pace until and unless it is all set and ready to commit to the Eco Friendly and natural regime.
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wenleesblog01 · 4 days
The Sleepaway Camp Packing List: What to Take to Summer Camp
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Packing for camp? How exciting! We hope after reading our summer camp packing list that you’ll feel prepared for a fun-filled summer at Camp Friendship.
Camp gear to bring
Suitcase or duffel?
It doesn’t matter which! Campers are free to bring a large duffel bag, a suitcase with or without wheels, a large plastic tub, or even a set of plastic drawers. There’s no need to buy anything specific, whatever you have at home will work just fine, but we don’t recommend large trunks because of their size. Please note that all our cabins and bunks are different, so there’s no guarantee that  luggage will fit under the bed. However, our awesome counselors will help campers store luggage so that it’s out of the way of cabin fun.
Pack comfortable clothes that are okay to get messy and are adventure-ready. Kids go through more clothes at camp than you’d expect. While they’re actively enjoying the outdoors, they’re actively getting dirty too! Please ensure your camper has enough clothes to change a couple of times each day to stay comfortable, healthy, and dry.  
Our Camp Store does have some great CF swag. However, you’ll want to ensure your camper has enough of their own clothes to last at least a week and a half. For our campers staying multiple weeks, we’ll do your laundry for you towards the end of each week.
Although it is summer camp, it can be cool at night, so include a few sets of warm clothes on your camp packing list. Afternoon rain showers are fairly common in Virginia, so a light waterproof jacket is a must. 
Camp Tip: Two-piece swimsuits can be easier for younger campers to put on and take off. 
We have a closed-toe shoes rule at camp to ensure everyone’s tootsies stay safe from rocks, twigs, and splinters. Tennis shoes are perfect for everyday wear. If campers want to wear flip flops, those are best saved for shower time. We recommend a pair of closed-toe water shoes like Crocs or Keens that easily slip on and off for the lake or pool.
Personal items
Although camp can be messy, it’s important to stay clean and healthy. Pack a washcloth, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush (or two!) and any other personal items campers might need. Please consider packing their favorite toiletry items rather than selecting new travel sized ones. Many campers realize the toothpaste packed isn’t to their taste or they don’t like the smell of their new soap. Knowing they will use their familiar toiletry items with confidence is a must for good hygiene at camp.  
If your camper forgets or runs out of any of these items, we always have extra and are happy to help. Some campers like to bring all these items in a plastic basket or shower caddy for easy carrying. When packing liquids, use plastic bags to avoid spills and leaks.
Required items
There are a few essential items to put on your camp packing list. Firstly, a water bottle is a MUST. Campers spend more time outside than they are typically used to and can easily become dehydrated during the busy camp day. Although counselors encourage campers to drink water during meals and activities, campers should carry a water bottle with them at all times. They can fill up at the various hydration stations around camp. Staying hydrated is cool at camp, we even have special CF water bottles and water bottle stickers to prove it.
What’s the thing we hear our counselors say more often than anything else? “Don’t forget your sunscreen and bug spray!” Campers enjoy many activities around our forests and fields, and bug spray is especially important in the mornings and evenings. 
It’s always a good idea for campers to bring a small backpack to carry their belongings between activities. Backpacks are handy to keep a towel, bathing suit, water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, an extra pair of socks, and that perfectly shaped pet rock you just found!
While our cabins have electricity, they are not air conditioned. Campers should bring battery powered fans to help them stay cool in the cabin. We recommend packing extra batteries and practicing how to change out the batteries with your camper.
Linens and Laundry
Camp beds are all single bunk beds. We encourage parents to pack twin size sheets regardless of whether campers bring a sleeping bag or blanket. You can’t go wrong by packing an extra sheet or two as campers are asked to make their beds as part of their daily cabin chores. There’s nothing like jumping into a freshly made bed with clean sheets at the end of a day full of fun! 
Campers should come with at least one bath towel and one beach towel, but extras are always recommended for campers who will be swimming multiple times during the day. 
Campers who fly into camp from other states and countries can receive camp linens on arrival. Camp linen sets include a pillow, blanket, sheets, and towels and are refreshed at the end of each week.
Camp Tip: Pack your camper with a mesh laundry bag, even if they’re only staying one week. It helps campers stay organized and differentiate from their clean and dirty clothes. Additionally, it makes packing up at the end of the week a breeze. 
Horseback riding gear
If your camper is enrolled in the Equestrian Program, they will need to pack some program-specific gear. It is important to be comfortable when riding, long pants are required, and bringing extra socks is always a good idea. Chaps are welcome if you have them. Make sure to bring your riding boots or hard-soled shoes with a heel. If you have your own helmet, you’re welcome to bring it to camp as long as it’s ASTM-approved. If you are missing gear, you are more than welcome to borrow some from camp. There’s no need to bring your own tack and grooming supplies though – we have plenty here!
What NOT to bring
If something is valuable, treasured, fragile or potentially dangerous, leave it off your summer camp packing list! Campers should also leave all electronics at home. Camp Friendship is a unique experience where children can truly connect without the use of digital devices. Please give your child the chance to make these connections by leaving phones and all other electronics at home. For our friends who travel to camp from other states and countries, we will gladly keep electronic items safe and return them upon departure.
Packing pro tips
Label your stuff
Please don’t let your camper’s stuff join the Lost and Found mountain. We encourage parents to label every item, article of clothing, and piece of equipment with your camper’s first and last name.
Companies such as Mabel’s Labels and Oliver’s Labels have easy-to-use waterproof labels that help to avoid mix ups and lost items. You can even purchase these labels directly through your CampInTouch account by selecting “Camper Clothing Labels”.
Pack medication in original packaging
All medication, prescription or non-prescription (including vitamins and over-the-counter medication), must be brought to camp in the original packaging or in a blister pack pre-packaged by a
pharmacy. Medication will be handed to the Nurse on check-in day and kept in our Health Center for safekeeping.
Make letter writing easy
Help you to help…you! If you want to hear from your camper while they’re at camp, it’s wise to send them with letter-writing materials such as e-Letter paper, dark ink pens (not pencils), pre-addressed envelopes, stamps, postcards or smoke signals (just kidding!) Campers have cabin time each day where they can choose to write home. 
Camp Tip: Most campers write their letters from their bunk bed. A book light with a clip can be really helpful for younger campers still perfecting the art of holding a flashlight while writing. 
Please remember that even the best of intentions can be forgotten. Campers have exciting new games to play with friends, the chance to finish that friendship bracelet they’ve been working on, time to take a nap, or chat to their counselor with an interesting accent. Please don’t be disappointed if you don’t receive a letter from your camper within the first day or two. We’ll do our best to encourage them to write home. Sending them with the materials to make it quick and easy certainly helps.
Bring a few home comforts
If this is your camper’s first time at sleep-away camp, certain reminders of home can be a nice touch. A favorite book, comfortable blanket or family photo can help make their cabin feel a little more homey. Games for cabin time are always a great move too. If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or something very dear to them, we suggest leaving that at home and finding a ‘camp favorite’ to bring to camp. We would hate for your child’s favorite item to go missing!
Help your camper re-pack
Include an UN-checked copy of your packing checklist in your camper’s things so they can use it to re-pack and come home. This helps them to ensure they have everything and reduces Lost and Found at Camp—yay!
Don’t let packing for camp stress you and your camper out! Use our printable packing checklist to make packing a breeze.
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jasonp01 · 6 days
The Sleepaway Camp Packing List: What to Take to Summer Camp
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Packing for camp? How exciting! We hope after reading our summer camp packing list that you'll feel prepared for fun-filled summer at Camp Friendship. 
Camp gear to bring 
Suitcase or duffel?
It doesn't matter which! Campers are free to bring a large duffel bag, a suitcase with or without wheels, a large plastic tub, or even a set of plastic drawers. There's no need to buy anything specific, whatever you have at home will work just fine, but we don't recommend large trunks because of their size. Please note that all our cabins and bunks are different, so there's no guarantee that luggage will fit under the bed. However, our awesome counselors will help campers store luggage so that it's out of the way of cabin fun. 
Pack comfortable clothes that are okay to get messy and are adventure-ready. Kids go through more clothes at camp than you'd expect. While they're actively enjoying the outdoors, they're actively getting dirty tool Please ensure your camper has enough clothes to change a couple of times each day to stay comfortable, healthy, and dry. 
Our Camp Store does have some great  CF swag. However, you'll want to ensure your camper has enough of their own clothes to last at least a week and a half. For our campers staying multiple weeks, we'll do your laundry for you towards the end of each week. 
Although it is summer camp, it can be cool at night. so include a few sets of warm clothes on your camp packing list. Afternoon rain showers are fairly common in Virginia, so a light waterproof jacket is must. 
Camp Tip: Two-piece swimsuits can be easier for younger campers to put on and take off. 
We have a closed-toe shoes rule at camp to ensure everyone's tootsies stay safe from rocks, twigs, and splinters. Tennis shoes are perfect for everyday wear. If campers want to wear flip flops, those are best saved for shower time. We recommend a pair of closed-toe water shoes like Crocs or Keens that easily slip on and off for the lake or pool. 
Personal items 
Although camp can be messy, it's important to stay clean and healthy. Pack a washcloth, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush (or two!) and any other personal items campers might need. Please consider packing their favorite toiletry items rather than selecting new travel sized ones. Many campers realize the toothpaste packed isn't to their taste or they don't like the smell of their new soap. Knowing they will use their familiar items with confidence is a must for good hygiene at camp. 
If your camp forgets or runs out of any of these items, we always have extra and are happy to help some campers like to bring all these items in a plastic basket or shower caddy for easy carrying. When packing liquids, use plastic bags to avoid spills and leaks. 
Required items 
There are a few essential items to put on your camp packing list. Firstly, a water bottle is a MUST. Campers spend more time outside than they are typically used to and can easily become dehydrated during the busy camp day. Although counselors encourage campers to drink water during meals and activities, campers should carry a water bottle with them at all times. They can fill up at the various hydration stations around camp. Staying hydrated is cool at camp, we even have special CF water bottles and water bottle stickers to prove it. 
What's the thing we hear our counselors say more often than anything else? "Don't forget your sunscreen and bug spray!" Campers enjoy many activities around our forests and fields, and bug spray is especially important in the mornings and evenings. 
It's always a good idea for campers to bring a small backpack to carry their belongings between activities. Backpacks are handy to keep a towel, bathing suit, water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, an extra pair of socks, and that perfectly shaped pet rock you just found! 
While our camps have electricity, they are not air conditioned. Campers should bring battery powered fans to help them stay cool in the cabin. We recommend packing extra batteries and practicing how to change out the batteries with your camper. 
Lines and Laundry 
Camp beds are all single bunk beds. We encourage parents to pack twin size sheets regardless of whether campers bring a sleeping bag or blanket. You can't go wrong by packing an extra sheet or two as campers are asked to make their beds as part of their daily cabin chores. There's nothing like jumping into a freshly made bed with clean sheets at the end of a day full of fun! 
Campers should come with at least one bath towel and one beach towel, but extras are always recommend for campers who will be swimming multiple times during the day. 
Campers who fly into camp from other states and countries can receive camp linens on arrival. Camp linen sets include a pillow, blanket, sheets, and are refreshed at the end of each week. 
Camp tip: Pack your camper with a mesh laundry bag, even d they're only staying one week. It helps campers stay organized and differentiate from their clean and dirty clothes. Additionally, it makes packing up at the end of the week a breeze. 
Horseback riding gear 
If your camper is enrolled in the Equestrian Program, they will need to pack some program-specific gear. It is important to be comfortable when riding, long pants are required, and bringing extra socks is always a good idea. Caps are welcome if you have them. Make sure to bring your riding boots or hard-soled shoes will a heel. If you have your own helmet, you're welcome to bring it to camp as long as it's ASTM-approved. If you are missing gear, you are more than welcome to borrow some from camp. There's no need to bring your own tack and grooming supplies though - we have plenty here! 
What NOT to bring 
If something is valuable, treasured, fragile or potentially dangerous, leave it off your summer camp packing list! Campers should also leave all electronics at home. Camp Friendship is a unique experience where children can truly connect without the use of digital devices. Please give your child the chance to make these connections by leaving phones and all other electronics at home. For our friends who travel to camp from other states and countries, we will gladly keep electronic items safe and return them upon departure.
Packing pro tips
Label your stuff
Please don’t let your camper’s stuff join the Lost and Found mountain. We encourage parents to label every item, article of clothing, and piece of equipment with your camper’s first and last name.
Companies such as Mabel’s Labels and Oliver’s Labels have easy-to-use waterproof labels that help to avoid mix ups and lost items. You can even purchase these labels directly through your CampInTouch account by selecting “Camper Clothing Labels”.
Pack medication in original packaging
All medication, prescription or non-prescription (including vitamins and over-the-counter medication), must be brought to camp in the original packaging or in a blister pack pre-packaged by a pharmacy. Medication will be handed to the Nurse on check-in day and kept in our Health Center for safekeeping.
Make letter writing easy
Help you to help…you! If you want to hear from your camper while they’re at camp, it’s wise to send them with letter-writing materials such as e-Letter paper, dark ink pens (not pencils), pre-addressed envelopes, stamps, postcards or smoke signals (just kidding!) Campers have cabin time each day where they can choose to write home. 
Camp Tip: Most campers write their letters from their bunk bed. A book light with a clip can be really helpful for younger campers still perfecting the art of holding a flashlight while writing. 
Please remember that even the best of intentions can be forgotten. Campers have exciting new games to play with friends, the chance to finish that friendship bracelet they’ve been working on, time to take a nap, or chat to their counselor with an interesting accent. Please don’t be disappointed if you don’t receive a letter from your camper within the first day or two. We’ll do our best to encourage them to write home. Sending them with the materials to make it quick and easy certainly helps.
Bring a few home comforts
If this is your camper’s first time at sleep-away camp, certain reminders of home can be a nice touch. A favorite book, comfortable blanket or family photo can help make their cabin feel a little more homey. Games for cabin time are always a great move too. If your child has a favorite stuffed animal or something very dear to them, we suggest leaving that at home and finding a ‘camp favorite’ to bring to camp. We would hate for your child’s favorite item to go missing!
Help your camper re-pack
Include an UN-checked copy of your packing checklist in your camper’s things so they can use it to re-pack and come home. This helps them to ensure they have everything and reduces Lost and Found at Camp—yay!
Don’t let packing for camp stress you and your camper out! Use our printable packing checklist to make packing a breeze.
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blueproducts · 12 days
Essential Features to Look for in Garage Storage Shelves for Brisbane Weather
When it comes to organizing your garage, selecting the right storage shelves is crucial, especially considering Brisbane's unique climate. From high humidity and summer heat to occasional heavy rains, your garage storage shelves need to be robust and resilient. Here’s a guide on essential features to look for in garage storage shelves Brisbane residents will find ideal for local weather conditions.
1. Moisture Resistance
Brisbane's humid subtropical climate means high humidity levels, especially in summer. Therefore, it's essential to choose storage shelves that can withstand moisture without warping or rusting. Look for materials like galvanized steel, powder-coated metal, or high-quality plastic. These materials are designed to resist moisture and prevent mold and mildew growth, ensuring the longevity of your storage solutions.
2. Durability and Strength
Given the fluctuations in temperature and humidity, durability is a key factor. Your garage storage shelves should be able to handle the weight of your stored items without sagging or breaking. Metal shelving units, particularly those made from heavy-duty steel, are excellent for supporting heavy loads and withstanding Brisbane’s weather variations. Additionally, consider shelves with reinforced edges and robust construction for added strength.
3. Adjustable Shelving
Flexibility in storage is a major advantage. Adjustable storage shelves allow you to modify the height and spacing to accommodate various items, from bulky tools to smaller accessories. This adaptability is particularly useful for garages where storage needs may change over time. In Brisbane, where seasonal items might need to be stored away during off-seasons, adjustable shelves provide the versatility you need.
4. UV Resistance
The intense Brisbane sun can be harsh, even inside a garage. If your garage is exposed to sunlight, UV-resistant materials are a must. UV-resistant storage shelving prevents discoloration, weakening, and cracking due to prolonged sun exposure. Plastic shelves with UV inhibitors or metal shelves with a protective coating are excellent choices to maintain their appearance and structural integrity over time.
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5. Easy Assembly and Installation
For those who prefer a hassle-free setup, easy assembly and installation are important features. Many storage shelves in Brisbane come with user-friendly designs that allow for quick assembly without the need for special tools. Opt for shelving units that provide clear instructions and minimal hardware requirements to save time and effort.
6. Ventilation Features
Good ventilation helps prevent moisture buildup and keeps stored items in better condition. Look for storage shelving with slatted designs or perforations that allow air to circulate freely. This is particularly beneficial in Brisbane’s humid environment, as it helps to reduce the risk of mold and mildew forming on stored goods.
7. Stability and Safety
Safety should never be compromised, especially in a garage where heavy items are stored. Ensure that your storage shelves come with features like wall-mounting brackets or anti-tip mechanisms to secure the shelves in place. Stable shelving units prevent accidents and keep your stored items safe from falling.
8. Corrosion Resistance
For garages exposed to Brisbane’s elements, such as those with open doors or situated near the coast, corrosion resistance is vital. Shelves made from stainless steel or coated with rust-resistant finishes are ideal. These materials withstand corrosion from salt air and humidity, ensuring your storage system remains sturdy and functional for years.
Selecting the right garage storage shelves in Brisbane requires careful consideration of the local climate and your specific storage needs. By prioritizing moisture resistance, durability, adjustability, UV resistance, easy assembly, ventilation, stability, and corrosion resistance, you can ensure your storage shelving in Brisbane stands the test of time and weather. Investing in high-quality, weather-appropriate storage shelves will help keep your garage organized, safe, and ready for any season.
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Storage solutions for your bedroom to get ready for the winter season
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As the leaves begin to change color and the cool chill of winter starts to creep in, it's time to think about not only switching out your summer wardrobe for cozy sweaters and woolen socks but also how you're going to store all those summer items. Where will you stash away your beach towels, delightful sundresses, flip-flops, and breezy linens that have served you well during the hotter months? You might be thinking that this is a daunting task, but fear not! With some creativity and strategic planning, we can turn this seasonal transition into an opportunity for a bedroom makeover! In this article on Bedroom Storage Ideas To Help You Prepare For Winter, we will dispatch an array of innovative solutions that are sure to make these transitions as smooth as possible while freeing up more space than ever. Embrace the changing seasons with us as we embark on a journey towards effective storage and organization.
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Under-the-bed Storage Solutions for Winter Bedding
When winter gives way to spring, it can often seem like a daunting task to figure out where to stow away your mountains of heavy-duty winter bedding. Well, how about underutilizing the unused real estate just waiting right under your mattress? That's right - under-the-bed storage provides an intuitive and practical solution for storing thick comforters and woolen blankets that are taking up too much closet space. Employing structured, slim storage units or roll-out drawers could turn this overlooked area into a convenient storage hub. Opt for clear plastic boxes to easily identify its contents or chic woven baskets that tie into your bedroom decor style. The key is finding a balance between aesthetics and functionality! So why fret over closet spaces when you've got an unsung hero lying dormant beneath you? The versatility of under-the-bed storage extends beyond just bedding; it could also act as safekeeping for seasonal clothing or sentimental items with high emotional value but low daily utility. So as we bid adieu to the cold chills of winter, let not its aftermath bring any despair. With efficient space utilization strategies like these on your side, organizing doesn't need to be overwhelming anymore!
Using Closet Organizers for Winter Clothes and Accessories
Winters often bring with them the arduous task of managing bulky coats, fluffy sweaters, and a multitude of accessories. This is when closet organizers become your best allies in combating the chaos within your wardrobes. Their essential function goes beyond just reducing clutter - they assist you in maximizing small spaces, improving visibility, and increasing accessibility to all your winter needs. Imagine reaching for that cozy knit scarf without having to rummage through a pile! Transforming jumbled closets into meticulously organized spaces doesn’t necessarily mean giving up on style either. Modern wardrobe organizers range from practical plastic boxes to stylish, fabric-covered storage bins or even chic drawer dividers complementing your interior decor. Best part? These handy tools can help you segregate clothes according to color schemes, frequency of use, and type - making dropping temperatures no match for smart dressing! Spending less time getting ready during those frosty mornings has never felt this good, right?
Creative Ways to Store Boots and Other Winter Footwear
For a fresh spin on boot storage, consider transforming an old ladder into a chic, rustic vertical rack. Leaning against your wall, a repurposed ladder not only serves as a perfect framework for hanging various boot styles but also adds an artistic touch to your decor. Every rung becomes home to single boots or pairs, making them easy to grab whilst dashing out on colder mornings. Plus, it's easier than ever to see which styles you own! Alternatively, pry open the door of innovation with hanging boot organizers that slip onto the back of closet doors effortlessly. This method maintains your footwear in its intended shape while saving much-needed floor space. Choose a clear organizer for easy visualization or opt for something colorful and vibrant to add humor and joy even at the peak of winter gloom. Creative storage rarely combines such flair and function!
Utilizing Wall Shelves for Storing Winter Books and Decorations
As the winter season unfolds, it's time to deck out your personal space with a heartwarming ambiance. How about coupling this warmth with some compelling read? Capitalizing on wall shelves to organize and store your charming winter-themed books and decorations is an exquisite way to mingle functionality and aesthetics! Wall shelves are not merely for storage purposes but serve as a canvas for displaying your artistic aesthetics. A beautifully appointed array of decorative pieces including snow-globe collections or LED-lit miniature pine trees interspersed with captivating page-turners on these suspended wonders can mysteriously uplift a cozy corner into your go-to relaxation niche! Utilize different styles such as rustic wooden shelves or Scandinavian-inspired floating bookcases for variety, making the snugness of the season palpable in every room. Every shelf is a testament to warm tales and twinkling decor, revolutionizing drab wall spaces into delightful stories of joy and coziness!
Innovative Ideas to Store Winter Sports Gear in Your Bedroom
Starting with an out-of-the-box thinking approach, consider transforming your winter sports gear into a thematic feature for your room. Ice skates can become a chic pendant light fixture while snowboards or skis can be upcycled into a unique shelf, adding both character and functionality to your space. Harnessing such creativity not only addresses the storage issue but also glorifies your passion for winter sports every time you step into your sanctuary. For something subtler and more intuitive, optimized under-the-bed storage might just be the game-changer you need. Find suitable containers or invest in custom-made drawers that properly fit each gear: from helmets to boots and gloves. To sweeten the deal, include silica packets inside the storage units to absorb moisture keeping your precious gear dry and must-free during off-season periods. However innovative these ideas are, remember they must sync harmoniously with your bedroom’s aesthetic values without compromising its tranquillity or cluttering valuable space.
How to Use Chests or Trunks for Extra Blankets and Pillows Storage for Winter
Did you know that just as fitted bedroom accessories add style to your interior décor, they can also introduce additional welcoming storage options for your winter essentials? Think of chests or trunks – timeless pieces of furniture that don’t merely exude an aura of vintage elegance but also double up as a cozy nest for your surplus blankets and pillows! Placed at the foot of the bed or tucked away in the corner, these compartments provide a hidden haven for snuggly delights, ready to shield you from winter's icy bite. One brilliant way to seamlessly integrate them into your fitted bedroom is by using matching or contrasting materials. Wood finishes complement most decors with their natural warmth whilst metal trunks lend an industrial edge. Adding plush fabrics inside ensures each blanket and pillow remains soft, fresh, and inviting. Herein lies the magic; not only do they offer a practical solution for bulging cupboards but chests and trunks create an inviting visual statement proclaiming readiness for the season’s chilliest nights. Read the full article
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abdulwahabnizamani · 26 days
The Essential Role of Water Coolers in Beating the Heat
As temperatures soar during the scorching summer months, the humble water cooler emerges as a silent hero, offering not just refreshment but also a lifeline against the sweltering heat. In workplaces, homes, and public spaces alike, the presence of a water cooler becomes indispensable, serving as a beacon of hydration and comfort in the midst of rising mercury levels.
Hydration Hub:
Water, the elixir of life, becomes even more crucial when the heat intensifies. Water coolers provide a convenient and accessible source of hydration, encouraging people to drink more water throughout the day. Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, especially when perspiration increases due to high temperatures.
Social Oasis:
Water coolers often serve as gathering points for spontaneous conversations and social interactions. In workplaces, they foster camaraderie among colleagues, offering a brief respite from the demands of the day. Shared moments around the water cooler can enhance team cohesion and promote a positive work culture.
Environmental Impact:
In a world grappling with environmental challenges, water coolers offer a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic bottles. By providing a centralized dispensing system, they reduce the consumption of plastic and contribute to efforts aimed at minimizing waste and conserving resources.
Productivity Booster:
Dehydration can impair cognitive function and diminish productivity. By ensuring easy access to chilled water, water coolers help individuals stay focused and alert, even in the face of oppressive heat. A well-hydrated workforce is a more efficient and effective one, capable of meeting the demands of the day with vigor and vitality.
Health and Wellness:
Beyond mere hydration, water coolers can accommodate filters and purification systems, delivering clean and fresh-tasting water free from impurities. This not only enhances the taste but also promotes better health by reducing the risk of waterborne illnesses and contaminants.
Cost-Effective Solution:
Investing in a water cooler can prove to be a cost-effective choice in the long run, especially for businesses and organizations. Compared to the recurring expense of purchasing bottled water, installing a water cooler offers significant savings over time, making it a financially prudent decision.
Accessibility for All:
Water coolers are designed to be inclusive, catering to the needs of individuals of all ages and abilities. With easy-to-use dispensers and options for adjustable heights, they ensure that everyone can enjoy a refreshing drink without barriers or limitations.
In summation, the importance of water coolers in the heat months cannot be overstated. Beyond their function as a mere appliance, they serve as catalysts for hydration, community, sustainability, productivity, health, and accessibility. As temperatures continue to rise, embracing the presence of water coolers is not just a matter of convenience but a testament to our commitment to staying cool, connected, and conscientious in the face of summer's relentless embrace.
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Pic pexels.com
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