#photo by jk
kanmom51 · 10 months
Photo by JK 8 August 2023
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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BTS EXHIBITION '오, 늘' FILM CAMERA Photo (B side ver.) #2023BTSFESTA
BTS 06.11. 08:00
BTS EXHIBITION '오, 늘' FILM CAMERA Photo (B side ver.) 🎞️
#BTS10thAnniversary #10주년과같이돌아온오늘전시회  #필카감성의완성은방탄얼굴  #0ㅏ미들기다렸죠  #육일이_0🌛
bts_bighit twt 11 Jun. 2023
🎁611 BTS EXHIBITION '오, 늘' FILM CAMERA Photo (B side ver.) 🎞️ (https://weverse.io/bts/media/2-120286339)
#BTS10thAnniversary #10주년과같이돌아온오늘전시회 #필카감성의완성은방탄얼굴 #0ㅏ미들기다렸죠 #육일이_0🌛
#BTS10thAnniversary #.LaExhibiciónOneulEstáDeVueltaParaLaOcasiónDel10moAniversario #.LosRostrosDeLosMiembrosDeBTSRealmenteCompletanLaEstéticaDeLaCamaraDePelicula #.EstabasEsperando,¿NoEsAsíARMY? #612_0 🌛
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ohwhale22 · 10 months
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dzckling · 11 months
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lordoflightning · 1 year
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pov: you’re about to be mauled
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stevebabey · 3 months
hi rubes!!! i was curious on ur thoughts on what a lazy sunday with steve would look like? esp if its one that like both ur day off and its smth that hasnt happened in a long time
hi angel!! sorry i sat on this one for awhile, i hope i made up for it by making it sooooo lovey dovey <3 0.8k, gn!reader
By some miracle, you're the first awake.
Steve is like a kind of sheep dog— he requires frequent exercise and so, he usually slips a run in the morning before you're even close to awake.
And also because of the shaggy hair and the way he seems to wag an invisible tail when all his favourite people are gathered in the same room, even going around and rounding them up, checking on everyone— Okay, you get the point, analogy over.
Actually, point is, you getting up before Steve like never happens.
Scratch that, you and Steve getting a day off to sleep in on the same day never happens. And even more, Steve very rarely skips his morning run because, y'know, sheep dog and all.
Basically, you figure this whole morning is a wondrous crafted little miracle. You have no plans to waste it.
Peering across your pillow, you watch the rise and fall of Steve's chest as he sleeps, your softened gaze roaming over his face gently. He looks younger in his sleep, pillowy lips parted lightly. His moles beg to be kissed. His hair is a mess. It's lost all its volume, lying flat against the pillow and urging you to run your fingers through it.
You ignore the urge in favor of slipping out from under the comforter. quiet as you can.
Steve's annoyingly good at spoiling you and is less than receptive to letting you return the sentiment. With one last glance back at bed, you let out a soft sigh, a honeyed noise, and head to the kitchen.
Steve's favourite mug is this wonky one that Dustin made once upon a time, some pottery class at one of his camps. You stare at it, glazed eyes taking in an alarmingly amount of detail on the cup, as the coffee brews behind you. Its scent wafts through the room. You've woken a dozen times to it, when it's Steve up and about, fixing a beverage for you.
It's cute, you think, that he still uses Dustin's mug for his coffee. By cute you mean, you can't think about it for too long or you'll stamp back down to the bedroom and kiss your boyfriend til your lips are blue and—
"Ooh, coffee?" Steve announces his presence with his words, partially garbled by his loud yawn. He halfheartedly covers his mouth, the hoodie he's haphazardly chucked on misaligned enough that it hangs over his hand adorably. He shuffles into the kitchen tiredly and despite his introduction, he heads right to you.
You can't resist a pout. Steve takes a moment to notice it, too happily distracted sidling up and worming his arms around your middle.
When he does, he tilts his head to the side. "What?"
"You couldn't let me bring it to you in bed?"
He grins. "I'm sorry. Was that the plan?"
"You know it was." You mumble grouchily, not upset at all. You push a hand into his chest, giving him a little shove. "You're always doin' this stuff for me but you don't ever let me do it for you."
Steve softens unbearably, his grin getting all gooey at the sides. He looks a little lovestruck, messy hair and all. It takes immense will to continue your upset facade. You nudge his chest again, your head inclining towards the bedroom.
"What?" His eyebrows jump, expression a mixture of incredulity and affectionate. "Y'want me to get back in bed? So you can come bring it to me?"
You smile, nudging his chest again and grinning when he starts to take a couple steps back, heading towards the bedroom. "Yes. Exactly that."
"You're absurd."
You poke your tongue out him. "You love it."
Steve moves forward abruptly, his hands cradling your face gently as he leans and steals a kiss from you. He retracts just as fast, looking far too pleased with himself.
"Yes, I do," He agrees, still wandering backwards. He disappears into your bedroom and you're left standing there with your own lovesick grin. God, you love him. Your heart feels like spun sugar in your chest, airy and sweet beyond relief.
To which Steve is no help at all when you walk into the bedroom, carefully holding the mug so it doesn’t spill. He's tucked back in bed, pretending to be asleep, only to wake with the grace of a Disney princess at your footsteps.
He faux yawns and pretends to jump at your presence, scampering to sit up in bed so he can accept the coffee from you. "Oh wow, what a surprise this is!"
"Shut up. You think you're soo funny, huh?" you mumble, handing the coffee over. Your aching smile gives away just how funny you think he is.
"Mmhm," Steve hums as he takes a sip. You've made it just the way he likes it. He parrots your earlier words. "You love it."
You lean in, mindful of the mug, and kiss him sweetly. He tastes of coffee and cream and he chases your lips for a second kiss when you pull back. You aim for tiredly amused but the words come out devastatingly sincere anyway. "Yeah, I do."
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freckledjoes · 5 months
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JOE KEERY @ The Walt Disney Company Post-Emmys Celebration - January 15, 2024
(don't repost my gifs or edits)
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bts-trans · 7 months
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231120 Big Hit's Tweet
[#오늘의방탄] 내 인생에 빠지면 안되는 아미! 여러분들이 없으면 안되는 정국입니다🫶🏻 오늘 이 날 잊지 않을 거고, 여러분도 좋은 추억으로 남길 바랄게요💜 #오늘의정국 #정국 #JungKook #BTS #방탄소년단 #JungKook_GOLDEN #GOLDENLiveOnStage #BTSARMY
[#Today'sBangtan] ARMY, who are crucial to my life! This is Jungkookie, who can't live without you 🫶🏻 I will never forget this day, I hope it will be a good memory for you too💜
#Today'sJungkook #JungKook #BTS #JungKook_GOLDEN #GOLDENLiveOnStage #BTSARMY
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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dovesick · 9 months
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fluffy playing guitar
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rhiannatruex · 7 months
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this about sums him up
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nambawan-zonvip · 25 days
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who's damn child is that did he birthed it
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ggukzito-s · 2 years
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★ . . like or reblog.
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just-saymylove · 7 months
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always-is-always · 4 months
JK's ear lobes...... 🐰
It's just one of those little tiny details that I just can't let go of sometimes. Especially when people are posting photos of Jungkookie in uniform, and the ear lobes don't match up....
Yes. The ear lobes. 😁
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It is the biggest little detail that those mopes forget about, while they are photoshopping Kookie's face onto someone else's head.
Why might the ear lobes matter, you might wonder?
A lot of ARMYs already know the answer, but evidently there is an element within the fandom that totally overlooks it. That element is responsible for many of those fake photos that are making their way around the internet. The most recent is the one of Jimin sitting at a table at meal time, and it looks like Kookie is also sitting there (with another soldier in-between them). Guess what? Those are NOT Kookie's ear lobes. (Huh?? You might be wondering..)
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Yeah. Those ear lobes are not attached.. Jungkook has attached ear lobes. It is a genetic trait that many in Asia have. Far more than what we see here in the West. (I researched it several years ago, out of curiosity.)
So when we see someone posting a photo that looks like Jungkook, yet something is off, take a peek at the ears. Your answer is right there, 99.9% of the time. Easy-peezy.
That meal time photo also has something really weird going on with the forearm and hand that is supposed to be Jungkook's. That is the other dead giveaway.
Anyway.... I just thought I'd share some rambling words here, about our beloved Jungkook and his sweet ears. Because, there are too many out there sharing bogus photos, who have no qualms or conscience about it. It's not cool, especially when baby ARMYs believe what they are seeing.
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I'm hoping that we will eventually get some real photos from Jimin and Jungkook, in the coming weeks or so. Maybe after they reach their 100 day milestone (March 20th) and get an actual weekend off, they will drop something... we can hope, right?
In the meantime, I’ll keep fingers crossed! 💜
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lovvecherrymotion · 20 days
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bubmyg · 4 months
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53/547 posting a picture every day until jeongguk is home
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