#personally still recovering from that video clip
pedrohub · 2 months
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Stills from The Uninvited — ph. Robert Leitzell
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littledata · 3 months
I know you’re probably working on those prompts, but I, too, just ended up on North Sea tiktok, and if you have time, I’m curious what Ava’s reaction to that particular algorithmic destination would be. Because like, Bea’s the most capable person ever, but those waves are Very Big, and why isn’t everyone tethered to the boat at all times??
(From the on that dizzy edge universe. An example video if anyone would like context.)
For a long time, Ava's TikTok experience was predictable. It mostly went: hot girl biting her lip, hot girl playing guitar, hot dude baking a cake, weirdly mesmerising crafting video, drama about people she'd never met, hot person kissing another hot person.
The number of straight-up thirst traps has been on the decline recently though - mostly because Ava just has to turn her head and Bea will be changing her shirt or using a hammer or standing perfectly still, all of which is a lot hotter than any video she's ever seen. In its infinite wisdom though, The Algorithm has seen her scrolling past those videos and decided it needs to fill the void with something else.
That thing, apparently, is North Sea TikTok.
They're lying in bed when it happens for the first time. Beatrice had spent the first few weeks after she came home insisting they should try to maintain separate bedrooms, move their relationship along at an orderly and appropriate pace, but she pretty quickly gave in to the allure of spooning and her bedroom defaulted to being both of theirs.
Now, before they go to sleep, they often end up lying side by side while Beatrice reads one of her insane books about lesbian necromancers or whatever and Ava scrolls TikTok or reads fanfiction about hot people falling in love in coffee shops and stuff. It makes her feel mature and settled and safe in a way that's sometimes so exciting she has to take Bea's book out of her hands and make out with her about it.
Anyway, so they're doing that (lying in bed, not making out) when it shows up on her for you page. It starts with the weird, slow sea shanty, then there's the huge waves, and then someone is getting slammed in the face with the fucking ocean.
Ava lets it loop. Then she lets it loop again. Then she taps on the suggested search north sea tiktok and she's presented with a thousand more videos exactly like the first. People falling overboard and huge waves crashing over ships and and and -
"Bea." Ava taps her arm insistently.
Bea looks up from her book without much concern - she doesn't use TikTok but she does submit to being shown Ava's curated favourites. Also, she's wearing glasses and she looks super cute.
No, Ava, don't get distracted.
"Bea," she repeats and holds her phone up to her face.
Beatrice watches with a scrutinising gaze. When the video finishes, she says, "They really shouldn't be filming in those situations, it's distracting them from proper safety precautions."
Ava stares at her. "That's all you have to say? They could have died."
"Possibly," Beatrice agrees. "Once someone falls overboard it's very difficult to recover them, although certainly not impossible. And it depends a lot on the kind of ship. I assume someone wouldn't post a video where someone died though."
Although Beatrice's naivety about what people are willing to post on the internet is adorable, Ava's mind is stuck somewhere in between the words overboard and impossible. Even Beatrice, careful and capable as she is, couldn't keep herself from being swept off her feet by some of those waves. Ava can picture her so vividly, disappearing under the surface.
"You're not making me feel better about this."
"Oh." Beatrice blinks in surprise as if she has only just realised that they aren't having a purely practical discussion. She puts her book carefully down on the nightstand. "I'm not sure what to say. I can't lie to you and pretend it isn't dangerous. Those are cherry-picked clips showing the worst though, it isn't always like that."
Which, yeah, okay, Ava already knew it was dangerous. For all the months that Beatrice is away she lives with the low-level, prickling anxiety that the next call she gets will be telling her Bea is hurt, or worse. It's different seeing it though, seeing how quick it is, how powerful -
"How often are you in the north sea?" she asks, as if that's the only problem with it.
Beatrice winces, "Well, it depends. The contracts I work - " She explains something complicated and lengthy about shipping and demand and the company she works for and Ava thinks she's the most interesting person in the world but this stuff is, also, a little bit boring and she's still pretty busy picturing her girlfriend's imminent death.
She needs to send these videos to Camila. If there's anyone she can rely on to overreact with her, it's Camila.
"Ava," Beatrice says, seeing that she's lost her. She tugs Ava's phone gently from her hands and puts it down next to her book. Then she wraps one arm around Ava's shoulders and the other around her waist and pulls her in close.
Ava has always loved being hugged by Bea, even before they got together - she's strong and solid and lets Ava hold on for as long as she needs to. (Also, she smells fucking amazing, like, all the time).
It wasn't until they started dating that she realised Beatrice had been holding something of herself back though, not letting herself relax entirely whenever they touched. Now, it's as if her whole body sinks into it, like some tension evaporates the moment Ava's arms are around her.
Ava pushes her face into Beatrice's chest and inhales, lets herself hide there in the fabric of her shirt for a moment. It's dark and warm and hard to worry about anything.
"I promise I do everything I possibly can to come home safe to you," Beatrice says into her ear, "I'm sorry I can't give you any more reassurance than that."
"Okay," Ava says, voice muffled against Beatrice's chest. It's not enough but it has to be enough. This is Bea's job, the thing she loves more than anything else, and Ava won't ever touch the sanctity of that. "I'm still going to worry about you."
"I know." Beatrice presses a kiss into her hair and pulls back, "I worry about you too though, when I'm gone."
Ava rolls her eyes, "The most dangerous thing that could happen to me is Lilith finally snapping and turning on everyone she loves."
"So fairly likely then?" Beatrice asks.
Ava snorts, "Like a 90% chance."
They settle themselves to go to sleep, lying down fully and adjusting the pillows and blankets. That's another thing Ava learned recently: Beatrice - her big, tough sailor - likes being the little spoon. She won't admit to that, obviously, but she sighs contentedly whenever Ava wraps her arms around her from behind.
So when Beatrice reaches up to switch the lamp off, Ava does just that, presses herself against Bea's back. She listens to Beatrice's breathing become slow and even, and she clings on.
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anonymousboxcar · 4 months
TTTE/RWS Headcanons: Tabitha
Tabitha is a cat who appears in a TTTE annual story called “Gordon’s Stowaway.” I just really like playing around with the idea of a railway cat who adores Gordon (and whom Gordon adores in return, lol)!
—————————— -Within Tabitha’s first week in Tidmouth Sheds, a workbench became swamped with cat toys brought in by cleaners and engine crews. Yarn, felt mice, battery-powered doodads — you name it!
-This is partly because of Tabitha’s inherent cuteness. It’s also because NWR employees discovered bringing a new toy was the fastest way to curry favor with Gordon.
-Gordon insists on inspecting every new toy, ensuring it’s “suitable” for her. Nine times out of ten, he accepts this latest tribute with the loftiness of a medieval lord.
(-The one time out of ten is anything with catnip. Gordon still hasn’t recovered from what he calls The Incident.)
-But Tabitha’s favorite toy is a simple feather. The engines take turns having someone lay it across their funnels. Then, they let off steam. The feather goes flying and she jumps after it.
-Tabitha doesn’t share Gordon’s musical tastes. The first time they put on his tape of The Magic Flute, she hid under his buffers for an hour. Still feeling guilty, Gordon now refrains from playing his opera tapes whenever she’s there.
-The others sometimes exploit this, coaxing her into the sheds so they don’t have to listen to the “Night Aria” for the hundredth time.
-She seems indifferent to the other engines’ preferences, as long as it’s at a reasonable volume. With James’ jazz CDs, however, she curls up on her cushion and goes straight to sleep. James and Gordon still bicker over whether she’s comfortable or bored by his music.
-If one of them is in a bad headspace, she’ll sit with them on their running board and purr. Nobody knows how she knows, but it’s clear she has a sixth sense for it. And she always makes them feel better.
-Tabitha has her own YouTube channel! Run by a cleaner at the sheds, it mostly consists of short clips: chasing birds, slow-blinking at the person behind the camera, playing with string, etc.
-For a short while, none of her viewers knew she was the NWR’s cat. That changed with a video of her running to Gordon as he came back to the sheds, meowing at him.
-(Not only did the video go viral, but the moment Gordon’s face lit up upon seeing her became the most viewed part of the video.)
-Tabitha’s Internet fame has since been used to spearhead various causes: fundraising for other heritage railways, railway safety campaigns, and so on.
-Thomas also has a tongue-in-cheek, one-sided rivalry with Tabitha over who should be the mascot of the NWR. It’s mostly something he plays up to amuse visiting children or to spur on fundraising. (The others make sure he doesn’t get too into it, though.)
-When there’s no mice to chase out of the sheds, Tabitha joins Gordon on his morning trains. A porter brings along her cushion, from which she watches the scenery go by. The coaches adore her and scold any passengers who disturb her.
-The first time Gordon had to go to the works after Tabitha settled in, he figured she would be fine at Tidmouth in his absence. The others would care for her.
-And they did. So much so, in fact, that they caved to her mournful meowing and pacing in Gordon’s empty berth. Gordon couldn’t be upset after Henry explained this to him, Tabitha jumping into his cab.
-Tabitha’s clinginess is her one bad habit. Since she can’t always be at the works with Gordon, everyone does their best to keep her occupied and happy. Even the Fat Controller will slip her a treat.
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mermmarie · 1 year
Authors Note: I’m sick, so how about some headcanons about the (Bay) boys taking care of you when you’re not feeling well? 😘
No warnings. Rated E for everyone??
OVERALL: (General headcanons that apply to all the turtles) 
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Due to the boys genetic engineering, they wouldn’t be susceptible to most human illnesses (if any at all.) So, you wouldn’t have to worry about quarantining away from your mutant boyfriend.
One of my personal favorite headcanons for the Bay Boys (thanks to @dontlookatmytmntcollection) is that they run hot. Their warmth would be comforting and somewhat medicinal (depending on the type of aliment you have.) 
Looots of face kisses. Even though they can’t contract your illness, it doesn’t mean they’re down to play tonsil hockey while snot’s dripping from your nose to lips and you’re trying to hack up your lungs every minute. So, you settle with kisses on your cheeks, forehead and ears.
“Babe, I can’t come down to the sewers, I’m sick.” “... Aight. I’m coming to you then.” NOTHING, would stop these boys from coming to your aid when you’re not feeling well. I mean, it is their responsibility to take care of the citizens of New York. They’re definitely not using your illness as an excuse to get out the lair and cuddle with you till sunrise. 
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Mikey doesn’t like being contained to one spot or activity for too long, so he wants you to recover quickly which means: staying hydrated!! He’ll make sure you’re sipping water every quarter hour, and you’ll have consumed at least three liters worth of fluid each day you’re sick.
However, you being sick does make for a great excuse to stay in bed and play video games. He’s definitely busting out the handhelds, or he’s bringing in a bigger console for you two to start an action-adventure story game together!
If he’s not with you, he’s blowing up your phone with jokes, memes, and funny videos to make up for his absence. After all, laughter is the best medicine, right?
Makes you ‘Get well soon’ cards, and leaves them strewn about your place for you to find when he’s away. If you don’t already have a vase for flowers, he’s bought you one and filled it with your favorite kind. (If it’s allergies that’s got you down, he’ll make sure to get fake flowers because you still deserve them! Just ones that won’t kill you! Lol!)   
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Surprisingly, Raph is the only one out of his brothers who’d be fine with staying in bed with you all day. He hates it when you’re feeling bad, and just wants you to get well soon. So, if that means resting up and getting some good sleep then so be it. The man’s natural heat helps relieve sinus pressure and soothes you to sleep, so you’re grateful for his presence. (Even if he takes up most of the bed.)
The others don’t know this, but Raph is really good at mani-pedis. He’ll trim, file, and shape your nails, as well as pushing back and clipping your cuticles to remove any dead skin. Color is up to you, which he also does surprisingly well for how large his digits are.
Sews you a shawl every time you’re sick. Which hopefully, is not too often, but even so– Raph’s a pro at it, so it doesn’t take him long to whip something up. It’s unbelievably soft and retains heat like it’s him draping his arms over your shoulders instead of the cotton fabric.
He knows how important it is to maintain nutrients and keep your energy up when sick. To save you a mess of dishes and utensils, he puts together dump-n-go meals in a slow cooker! It ranges from soups, to stews, to pastas, and oatmeal. They’re all very tasty and there’s a good amount of leftovers for the next day!
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Remember how I mentioned that Leo would be good at massages? Well, you’d be getting a lot of facials when sick. He’s working on your sinuses to release pressure and unblock your nasal passages. He makes sure to do this before you lie down for bed, that way you’ll sleep easier. 
Cleans your whole damn room/house. A clean space makes for a clean mind; not to mention sanitization helps with a quicker recovery period. And since there’s not much else for the two of you to do when you’re down and out, he might as well tidy up. It’s nice to not have any cleaning to do once you’ve recovered.
Depending on the severity of your sickness, Leo will suggest a workout. Nothing too strenuous!! Just something light, like yoga or walking to get you active. You’ve most likely been stationary for most of your illness and your body could use stretching. (I personally should probably apply this practice to real life, hahaha…)
This may come as a surprise, but you watch a lot of trash TV together when you’re sick. Leo is one of those guys who thinks he has no interest and is above that kind of content, but snaps his head to attention when some drama goes down. And nothing makes you feel better than watching someone else’s crummy life play out on the big screen.  
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Has immediately placed a ‘clean bill of health’ order on a delivery app, and sent it to your residence. The order consists of: over the counter meds, neti pots, electrolyte-infused drinks, multiple humidifiers (if you don’t already have one), and a boat load of tissues. You think it’s too much tissue until you’ve gone through multiple boxes in just one day…
Like his orange-clad brother, he would propose playing some video games if you’re feeling up for it. Although, unlike Mikey, he’d suggest you play something competitive or involving horror. It’s to get your heart pumping and blood flowing. Of course, he’s creative in his remedies!
He draws up perfectly temperature baths for you with essential oils to ease your congestion and Epsom salt to relieve your muscle aches. He also throws in some bath bubbles cause it isn’t only about feeling better! He wants you to relax and have some fun too!
If you got homework that needs done, housework that requires fixing, or bills to be paid, Donnie’s got you covered. The last thing you need to do while recovering is stress over tasks that he can easily take care of while you’re sick. (Not to mention, he takes much pride in being your go-to man.) 
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missmeinyourbones · 1 year
in which osamu can’t help but notice how his contact is saved in your phone
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Osamu feels warm, but he can’t decide if it's a good kind of warm or not. 
The two of you sit side by side on his grey couch, thighs casually smushing against one another as his arm cautiously lingers behind you. His air conditioner hasn't been turned on since august, but he’s suddenly thinking of opening a window with how hot his skin feels against yours.
His hand slightly shakes as it holds his phone (he prays to anyone listening that you don't notice the tremble), the same one that’s playing a clip you watch with eager eyes.
The video isn’t anything special. It was taken a few days ago when Osamu had decided to visit his brother at practice. The wobbly frame follows Atsumu running around what looks like a gym floor, as a hand (that you know to belong to Osamu) continuously squirts a squeezable water bottle at him. Atsumu’s whines are loud and childish as he squirms and attempts to dodge his brother’s offensive attacks. 
Osamu is a strong man, and he’s trying his very hardest to watch the video. Really, he is, but he can’t help but want to watch you instead. 
He notices your pupils grow in size as you laugh along with his own laughter through the screen. He hones in on how your nose slightly scrunches with your breathing, how your face is warm with the light remnants of a smile. 
“That’s so stupid,” you giggle, eyes on his screen as the video comes to an end, “send it to me.”
Removing his hand from the couch, Osamu forwards you the video without a second thought. 
So naturally, his attention is pulled to your phone that lights up on the coffee table. He can’t help but perk up at the notification. Though he knows it's from him and what the message consists of, something unexpected about the green bubble catches his eye. 
His tone is surprised, but clearly amused as he speaks up. 
“You have me saved as ‘Samu in your phone?”
Your eyebrows furrow at the odd question, clearly not following his realization. “That’s your name, isn’t it?”
Osamu has to physically chew on his cheeks to prevent the grandest of smiles from etching across his face. 
“Technically, no,” he tries to point out casually, “my name is O-samu.”
Though his voice is decently steady, he hopes you can’t hear his heart comically thumping in his chest. 
He watches your face slowly contort into a knowing realization, but you quickly recover with a nonchalant shrug. 
“Close enough,” you attempt to reason, “didn’t think it was that big of a deal.”
But it is a big deal to Osamu, as it’s making his palms unbelievably sweaty and his stomach flutter with childish nerves. He needs to know if you give all of your friends a personal contact nickname. If everyone has the privilege of being saved in your phone as something as special as ‘Samu. 
God, he hopes not.
It’s quiet for a moment before his curiosity gets the best of him. For once, Osamu allows himself to indulge. 
“Well, do you have Atsumu saved under ‘Tsumu?”
He’s grateful you don't question his sudden jealousy when you unlock your phone without any questions. You check his contact before shaking your head, “No, he’s just Atsumu.”
“Lemme see,” Osamu inquires, wanting to confirm it for himself. 
Your phone is shoved into his face with a sigh, and you’re right. Atsumu’s full name reads loud and clear above your texts—which, Osamu notes through a quick scan, consist of his brother begging you for your Netflix password and asking you to edit an Instagram picture of his. 
He’s pleased. A little too pleased for someone who’s supposed to be just your friend, but he digresses.
Still, it's not enough confirmation for him. “Well, what about Sunarin?”
Seconds later, you flip your phone back over so he can read the contact name. 
“Suna” reads in bold at the top of the screen, and again, Osamu can’t stop himself from raking his eyes over the text messages below. They consist of miscellaneous reaction memes and silly tweets with a few thumbs-up or down reactions scattered about. 
This time around, Osamu doesn’t stop himself from smiling ear to ear. 
He shows no shame as he blushes with pride at the realization that only he earns a particular name in your phone. He never thought one letter would make such a difference, but now, he’s dreaming of the moment you decided to type it into your phone—what kind of magnetic force pulled you to save his name so differently than everyone else’s.
Whatever it was, he’s sure it's the same force that's pulling him closer to you again.
His smug reaction flusters you, your face suddenly hot with embarrassment. Has it always been this hot in here? You pull your phone away from him and towards your chest for safekeeping. 
“What?” you whine, hiding your face in your hands at the intimacy of it all.  
He shakes his head with a slight smirk before merely shrugging his shoulders and keeping his eyes on you. 
His voice is quiet, knowing, when he mumbles softly. “M’the only one you got saved under a cute nickname, huh?”
You blush further into your hands, “Like I said, I didn’t think it was a big deal.”
You pull up his contact and he watches your finger hover over the edit button. “I can change it if it bothers you that much—”
“No,” Osamu abruptly interrupts your threat with a sudden desperation. Your face slowly grows a grin similar to his just a few moments ago.
He takes a moment to clear his throat before clarifying with a bit more conviction, “No, don’t change it. Keep it.”
A good warm, Osamu decides. Definitely a good kind of warm.
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ms-cartoon · 10 months
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Sorry for the long wait for this review. Life has been biting me in the rear lately and I’ve been unmotivated to get anything done. But I’m finally finished with this commentary and I haven’t forgotten about the “Unhappy Campers” episode that was uploaded recently. That will be done as well!
Okay, FINALLY Season 1 Episode 8 came out and about, after a year I think. Why was it taking so long? 
Well, short story; professional (or personal?) reasons involving Kesha. Also, copyright issues. 
Long Story? Well, as we all know, Kesha, a pretty known popstar, was voicing the role of a character Viv created for this episode named Beelzebub. As you can see from the gif I put on top, you can tell that there are some similarities there. Not just with the voice, but also appearances here and there.... which was one of the problems and reasons why Kesha didn’t wanna voice this role, at least initially since she clearly changed her mind after a year or so. If you’ve seen this episode, you’d probably know by now that Beelzebub is a party girl; she likes to drink, party, and eat junk food n stuff. And Kesha is ALL those things; party girl, likes to drink and eat. Or at least... she was like that? Thing is, she went to rehab for all those things and is recovering from it from what I’ve heard.
Not that I wanna assume anything but... creating an oc that has certain traits that the voice actor was struggling with and had to get cleaned for, not to mention that Beelzebub is a literal reference to Kesha and how she was back in the day? I don’t know what Viv’s goal was there, but doesn’t she think that might be a little insensitive?? Now, I don’t know if Kesha is sensitive about that, but she must’ve felt some type of way about it considering she wanted nothing to do with HB in the first place and had to wait almost a year to finally decide to do it.
Also, I still don’t get why this episode had to wait a year for this. Like, I get that Kesha is Vivzie’s idol and it was her dream to have her voice someone in her show, but did she really want her to voice a role so badly she wanted to put a pause on the season 1 finale and completely skip to season 2 until finally uploading it a year later? Why couldn’t she just get someone else to voice Beelzebub? Kesha didn’t even sing the song that was played in this episode, and she wrote it!! It just kinda feels like all this was for nothing. This should probably be the last time Viv EVER tries to get big-time celebrities to voice over characters in her show. Especially when it gets so complicated to the point where you have to keep certain famous youtube videos private, when animators can’t even upload animation roughs from the episode, and when you can’t tag Kesha about her association with Helluva Boss on ANY social media. Yeah . . . It’s that complicated. Hopefully, Viv will learn some kinda lesson from all of this, cuz she had to take her “Die Young” animation off YouTube because of it, which honestly sucks (mostly for her anyway). It really is messed up, especially when considering that Viv’s Die Young video was what mainly started her whole career in the first place before Hazbin. I really hope it was worth it,Viv. . . .
Anyway, let’s just jump to the review...
So episode 8 was kinda... meh. It was alright I guess, still like always, I was expecting something outta nothing. Of course, some things happened on here that I just had to complain about, and I’ll explain later. But the gist of it is that... not a lot happened in this episode. As always, the writers were just rushing things. This whole episode might as well have been a 5-minute clip after so much wasted time on some stupid song which I’ll admit is pretty catchy (gives me 2010 vibes). And also what bothers me about this whole thing was that this was about Loona. 
Lemme explain; so y’all remember Ozzie’s right? That whole thing with Blitzo spying on M&M and bringing Stolas along just to get in the club? Yeah, that episode. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but that was supposed to be a Part 1 before episode 8 before Viv decided at the last minute to change that. At the end of episode 7, Blitzo pushed Stolas away after dropping him off. He went home and was scrolling through pictures and started to cry after seeing a picture of him, his sister, and mother. I was expecting this whole episode to be about just Blitzo and what he got going on, similar to Stolas and his episode in the second season. Like maybe a flashback of his past or something with the people that was a part of his life and left at some point over what he did. We have yet to know what happened between him and Fizzarolli that ended their friendship. Or what about his sister?? Cuz apparently, she doesn’t like Blitzo either and is holding a grudge about something. With Verosika, well we already know the two dated and why they broke up sorta, but I still feel like we have yet to explore the relationship they had. Like, how the hell did a scrawny little imp like Blitzo get with such a baddie like Verosika??? What was their relationship like?
So yeah, I just feel like this episode could’ve given us a whole other different plot. If anything, the story in this episode could’ve been saved for another. Not that there was any plot to tell anyway, especially when it’s 15-minutes long and rushed as hell. 
It’s literally just Loona at a party...
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In episode 7 S1, Blitzo got a text from Loona saying Vortex invited her to a party and that’s where we are. The whole time, she’s having difficulties socializing with folks and is very awkward. Plus we have our new character, Beelzebub to lighten everybody’s mood. She’s also Vortex’s girlfriend, but I’ll get into that in a little bit. Also, after a while, Blitzo comes by to pick her up initially but later joins the party with Loona.
Let’s just get started....
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-- Hold up, so no disclaimer of “This is for adults! You have been warned!” warning?? We’re just gonna jump straight into the episode? I’m not sure whether they forgot about that part or if they just don’t care anymore, but to me, it feels rather off. Especially since they’ve been doing it since the first episode of season 1. If you’re wanting to go all out with the r-rating anyway, it would still be best for you to put that disclaimer every time before you start the episode, especially when folks of a younger age are watching it for the first time and don’t like to be caught off guard with anything vulgar.
-- I couldn’t tell if Loona just hung up on Blitzo or just left him on read when he tried to call her. Regardless, she didn’t answer the phone while knowing fully well he’s trying to call her and its pretty rude. I know I’m being nitpicky about this part, but as someone who has parents who’d get onto you a little for not answering the phone sooner and not calling back immediately after finding out you missed the call, it can get a little triggering.
-- The hellhounds in this party don’t even look like actual hellhounds; just over a hundred different breeds of dogs with red eyes. If anything, Loona and Vortex look more like hellhounds.
-- Is it just me, or does the animation and clean-up here feel . . . . off? I mean- Look at the outlines!!
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Do you see how different the outlines are in size in each different scene??? They’re thick in one part, totally thin in another, but right back to thick again, and so on. Honestly, the more I notice it, the more irritable it is. I get that there are hundreds of animators working in this show, they like to animate their way, and I’m no animator myself (not yet), but would it kill y’all to stay consistent with the clean-ups here? Why can’t you stick to the same brush size while outlining?
-- While we’re on that topic, Loona’s character model looks much more off than the outlining. I’m not sure how I can explain it, I don’t critique art or character designs often (ironic cuz I draw a lot, lol), but Loona has been drawn so stiff and thick lately. . . . . I dunno. It just doesn’t look the same. You might see what I mean if you just look at the pictures above. Once again, it just seems like the animators and artist cannot stay consistent with the animation and character appearances.
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-- Loona butts in on a conversation with a couple of people she apparently doesn't get along with. I get that she's trying to socialize, but why, out of everyone in this party, did you choose to talk to someone who takes embarrassing photos of you and talks shit??
-- So this poodle hellhound took a photo of Loona throwing up that one time at a party she participated in. A party before this one of course. But last I checked, it was implied in ep 3 season 1 that Loona had never been to a party before and the one that Tex invited her to (the one in the episode) would be her first one. The party that Loona vomited at should’ve been her first one instead of the one Beezlebub is running. Not to mention that she has met some of these hellhounds before and is known as “Lunatic Loona” by most of them. This folks is yet another retcon.
-- Loona calls the poodle a bitch, leaving everybody completely shocked for some reason. “Ooooh! Teacher! She just said a bad word!” That’s seriously what they’re acting like. As if NOBODY in this wasted ass party (or in hell at all) has ever said a bad word before. If y’all don’t grow tf up-
-- I’m sorry, but if y’all asked me what I thought The seven deadly sin of Gluttony would look like, NEVER in my LIFE would I have pictured THIS--
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I know I cannot have been the only one high off shrooms the moment I seen this character design. . . She looks like a concept art of an OC that was made a 12-year-old Vivziepop. 
 So first off, she calls herself Queen Bee... but is shaped like the rest of these furry fanservice mutts. She’s just another wolf/fox with only a little bit of bug-like features to pass off that she’s only. . . part bee. But why not just make her a FULL BEE??? Why does she have to look like a whole lava lamp hellhound??? Like, I know the lava lamp feature was supposed to be based off her personality, but why can’t that just be her hair?? Why do you have to add that part to her STOMACH!!?? I can’t even tell if that’s just apart of her clothes or her actual body! Either way, its too much!! It must’ve been hard as sh*t to animate her!!!
It doesn’t even make sense that she looks like a hellhound anyway!! Hellhounds are supposed to be in the lowest rank right beside imps and Beezlebub looks like one of them, only with an extra pair of arms!! Once again, why can’t she just be a BEE or something???
-- I always forget that Helluva Boss is supposed to be a musical. Probably because it just doesn’t fit as one at this point, especially with this pop music. When it comes to musicals, the point in the songs is that we would have to feel empathy for whoever’s singing and they also tell a story while we get a sense in what we’re about to see, and it also drops hints in what will happen next. But THIS song, it’s just a little pop music talking about sweets while also introducing Beezlebub. I get that its the point in pop music; there’s not much meaning to them and it’s only meant for you to enjoy and sing along with, but you can’t really call this show a musical when music like this is being played. Like I said from before, it’s still fairly catchy. I’ll admit that, but I could hardly feel for it.
-- I don’t wanna badge Kesha for her acting skills. It’s not like she’s been in a lot of films anyway. I mean, she’s a pop singer first and always, so that’s fair. But it was pretty, meh? Like, she kinda sounded like she didn’t even wanna be there in the studio and is only reading her lines instead of actually ACTING them while putting little emotion in what she’s saying. Honestly, most of Beelzebub’s lines are kinda pointless anyway. Like she’s just saying random bizarre monologues that I can hardly care about or even listen to. I can’t even tell if I was supposed to laugh at them or what. Seems like to me the writers only put those lines in the script just to hear the famous Ke$ha talk more. Not to mention that some of what she said sounded completely unnecessary and weird. For instance, Beelzebub mentioned how she was associated with Satan and thinks of him as her brother, but also finds him hot without his shirt on and said that she could “hit that”. . . . . Uhh, not exactly something you should say or even THINK about your brother figure ma’am. Why y’all gotta have Kesha say all that?? I can definitely see why she wouldn’t wanna act out these scripts!! She must’ve felt hella uncomfortable reading them!
-- Okay, so . . . . Vortex, a lower class hellhound, and Beelzebub, one of the seven deadly sins being Gluttony (which means she a higher rank) dating?. . . Um, last I checked, a lower class and someone of higher up than that is kinda frowned upon by most of the demons in hell, as seen with how some people reacted to Blitzo and Stolas’s relationship. But for some reason, no one seems to react to Tex and Bee’s relationship?? Why is it that people mock Stolas and Blitzo for being a thing, but Tex and Bee can walk around and hold hands scott free??? I can tell that Viv just doesn't care anymore about the ranking system SHE made up.
-- I don’t really see Vortex and Bee as a couple anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I actually find it cute they’re together and even like the ship a little bit. But from what little interactions I’ve seen between them, kinda just seems like they’re more platonic best friends then boyfriend and girlfriend. I guess if we we’re to dig deep into they’re relationship, then I might see something, but . . . . I dunno, that’s probably just me.
--  Loona is so hard to read, especially now. The whole time she’s there, she’s just feeling super uncomfortable, like she doesn't even wanna be there even though she's with Vortex, who's the only person she seems to be more at ease with out of everyone in the party. Even when Bee is super welcoming and nice to her, Loona still feels bitter while not even liking her (Probably because Bee is dating Tex). And then for some reason, she just ups and leaves then starts to... tear up?? It's not too clear to me why she’s feeling sad. You can’t blame me for not knowing or picking up on it. It’s not like she was doing much of anything other than standing there and barely talking. How am I supposed to know what she’s really feeling and why she’s feeling it when she’s given no dialogue?
-- I'm reminded that Loona still acts so bitter around Blitzo and it's honestly irritating. She calls to ask him to pick her up and when he asks her if she was doing okay, she responded with such attitude! Aren’t we supposed to be sympathizing with her here??? I don’t care how frustrated she feels right now, especially since she has no reason to be. And I just love it how when people see her and say, "Oh hey Blitzo! Is that your daughter?" And she quickly responds, "I'm his ADOPTED daughter!" Like bitch. . . WAS ANYONE ASKING THAT!! He’s your family!! Paper or no paper!! DEAL WITH IT!! And no shit your adopted!! People can see that he’s an imp and you’re a HELLHOUND!!! Stop being so defensive!! 
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-- Are you for real right now. . . . . . 
You were getting all teary-eyed n shit, wanting to go home but as soon as some hellhound hottie starts flirting with you, you immediately get over it and change your mind in less than 5 seconds before you’re about to leave???? Like you don’t even think about it?? Viv, where are you getting at here???
-- I can’t really say much about Blitzo right now. He’s barely there anyway, only making an appearance in the last 10 minutes of the episode for comic relief and a pity party.
-- Viv must really don’t know what to do with her female characters and how to go about ‘em. Loona’s shown to be introverted and sad at first to straight up confident and lively around everyone in a matter of seconds. She’s so quick to make friends and get along with other hellhounds at the party as if it was no issue from before when it was. We don’t even get to see any progression of bonding with these out-of-nowhere friends she’s making. And all because of some dude that called her hot!!! It kinda makes me question on why Loona was even feeling sad in the first place since it was so easy for her to gain confidence.
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-- Y’all, I think I’m convinced right now that the only reason Loona doesn’t like Beelzebub is because she’s dating her crush! Like- there’s nothing else to it. Bee and Tex are dating, Loona is still crushing Tex and that’s why she doesn’t like Beelzebub. Not to mention she’s possibly jealous because she feels inferior to her. She’s super outgoing, social, and could easily get along with anyone, something Loona can’t easily do (though that alone shouldn’t even matter because Loona already managed to make friends and some random hellhound flirted with her). You CANNOT convince me otherwise. And if that is the reason, then honey, you’re gonna have to let that go. For real!! You’re lucky that Tex even likes you enough to want to be your friend.
So Bee and Tex confront Loona about Blitzo, saying that he’s been drinking a lot (obviously) and that he’s going overboard with the partying. They suggested that Loona go check on him to make sure he’s okay and that he doesn’t cause some kind of scene (Then again, I don’t see why Bee would care. The point of her being the sin of Gluttony IS to go overboard with nearly anything. I mean- not the whole point, but it’s a common characteristic, so I don’t think she should be worried about it. I guess it’s good to know she’s considerate though.) Then all of a sudden, Loona snaps mainly at Bee and gets so hostile towards her saying, “You don’t know anything about my dad.” such and such, and I’m just like, “Ugh, again with your attitude!!!” 
For one, its pretty bold of you to stand up to a higher rank considering she could squash you in an instant.
But I mean- WHAT IS WITH THE SUDDEN HOSTILITY??? And most people wanna validate her, saying, “It was only a trauma response. You gotta understand that Loona is new to this and she’s not used to people suddenly caring and being kind. She’s just having a hard time trusting people and she did apologize.” Y’all. . . don’t even- First off, Loona's reaction to Bee felt too rushed and forced to be considered traumatic. Second off, someone having trauma does not excuse an unnecessary shitty attitude, especially when Bee has been so kind to Loona this whole episode. Third off, for someone who doesn’t trust people so easily and isn’t used to being given kindness, Loona seemed pretty quick to make friends with everyone at the party who were nice to her. She was sure as hell quick to get along with Vortex after only knowing him for a short amount of time! And he was kind to her too. She wasn’t being bitchy to them then. But when BEELZEBUB is showing care or kindness, Loona will suddenly start to act bitchy??? And because of some past trauma?? PLEASE!!
And some fans would go on to say, "She's just getting over a heartbreak. It takes a while to get over your crush."
They're saying this as if Loona is head over heels in love with Vortex when she was simply CRUSHING on him and from the moment she saw him. And yes, there IS a huge difference especially when Loona only knew Vortex in that short amount of time. I would understand Loona falling in love with Tex if they actually had the time to bond after ep 3. . . . but they didn't. At least there was no indication that they did. And on top of that, just for the record, Loona already knew that Tex had a girlfriend the same day she met him!! Which was five episodes ago!! So before y'all go on and say "She needs time to get over her crush", she should've already gotten over it by now!! I dunno why she's still crushing and blushing around him as if she believed he liked her back!
Why did she seem so shocked after Tex introduced his Bee anyway? As if Loona never recalled him mentioning he had a girlfriend back in ep 3. And say that was the reason why she was sad . . . why would it would it make her sad!!?? Like I said, she should’ve already known Tex had a girlfriend since he brought it up straight to her face. I would understand her being upset if he didn’t tell her and she didn’t find out about Bee until the last minute when Tex introduced her as his girlfriend. Then it would actually make sense for Loona to still crush on him the entire time because she wouldn’t have known he was taken and would believe she still had a shot with him. In this case, it would be understandable why it would make her sad. . . . but we didn’t go that route. Instead, we had to go about it the “Vivzie Way” (the more complicated way).
Point blank, Loona seems to only dislike Bee because she's with Tex and is jealous. And she shouldn't have reacted the way she did out of jealousy when Bee was only showing concern for Blitzo. Trauma or no trauma, I don’t care. It was unnecessary.
-- “Blitzo! BLITZO! Where are you, shithead!!”
Loona . . . . how’re you gonna get all defensive about your dad and then go straight back to calling him names?
-- For once, Loona decides she actually wants to care about her dad (mainly cuz she was told to). I guess its nice to see a cute father/daughter moment between Blitzo and Loona for once. Can’t say I feel for it at all though especially when it immediately starts to become completely pointless a season and two episodes later when we see this happen-
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Seriously, how're they gonna have Loona and Blitzo bond by the end of the episode only for Loona to go back to treating him like shit the next? It’s like whatever build-up was being made between them immediately collapsed a season later, and over something as petty as a mild criticism Blitzo gave Loona. You can just TELL that Viv and the other writers don’t think before writing these scenes down!!
Also, how is it that Loona will get all concerned for Blitzo making out with folks in the party while wasted even though she was literally cheering for him to chug a whole barrel of liquor in order to beat Bee in a game. What’s sad about this is that it was one of the only times Loona calls him “Dad”. . . . In a drinking game . . . . .
-- Blitzo: "Loony, will you be there for me?"
Loona: . . .Be where?"
Be invisible, obviously. . . . Frickin' idiot. . . .
-- We're supposed to feel bad for Blitzo, but it's kinda hard for me to do that when he wasn't even the main focus in this episode at all when he should been. Still, it's not like I could feel sorry for him anyway since he brought that whole Ozzie's mess on himself.
For now, I think that's all that could be said about this episode. I might just make some edits if I feel if I left something off. But the whole gist of it is that I feel like this episode was just a whole lotta nothin'. I don’t even think Loona learned anything this entire episode. Of course, the whole plot here was Loona learning to socialize and make friends with everyone, but we didn’t even get to see any of that. And she clearly didn’t learn anything since she was influenced by some rando calling her hot. It’s honestly sad, for real. The females in this show needs some serious work not just in their stories, but their characters too.
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An 82-year-old grandmother affiliated with the local Republican Party spat at and attacked a group of veterans during a press conference in Tulsa last Friday, after they vocally protested against the enforced use of religion in public schools.
The incident, which was captured on camera, took place at a press conference called by State Superintendent Ryan Walters on the grounds of Tulsa Public Schools’ administration building.
Attendees were there to show support for E’Lena Ashley, a Tulsa school board member who had been criticized by parents and her fellow board members for praying during a high school graduation ceremony in May. Among those attending the event were members of the local chapter of extremist group Moms for Liberty, which endorsed Ashley’s campaign for school board last year.
Also in attendance were Roberta Pfanstiel and her husband Carl, who were there to support Walters’ call for “religious freedom” in schools. Last month at a Tulsa School Board meeting he called for the promotion of Christianity and “Western heritage” in every classroom, including displaying the Ten Commandments.
At the event, the Pfanstiels were standing next to three activists from Veterans Defending Democracy, who were calling out what they saw as Walters’ hypocritical calls for “religious freedom” in schools.
During the event Pfanstiel, who lives in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, approached one of the activists, Bailee Tyler, who was sitting on the ground wearing a hat bearing the name of one of the activist groups she is affiliated with, Defense of Democracy.
“[Tyler] was on her knees, on the ground in front of me, and [Pfanstiel] came up from behind her and smacked her hat off of her head,” Erika Stormont, one of the three activists said in a podcast discussing the incident.
Much of the exchange was captured on video and posted online. In the clips Stormont, who was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 before becoming one of the Army’s first female cavalry scouts in 2015, told Pfanstiel that she cannot touch her or anyone else, and that if she does it again they would press charges.
At one point during the press conference a Christian pastor began praying, and at this point protesters called on Walters to allow a rabbi to pray also if he really believed in religious freedom, chanting “let him pray.”
“And it’s as we’re chanting that, again unprovoked, this woman comes up from behind my friend who’s still on the ground and it looks to me like both of her hands are going for her neck, her shoulders area, and that she made contact,” Stormont said.
In Stormont’s video, posted on TikTok, Pfanstiel’s husband is seen restraining his wife by holding both her elbows.
“As I turned my camera back to her and said: ‘That’s twice, you cannot touch people in public.’ She spits in my face and her saliva lands on my cheek,” Stormont said.
At this point in the video, Stormont is heard telling Pfanstiel to spit again because she has captured it on camera. “I know that’s a very inciting thing to say [but] when I say that, every single part of my body at that point was in fight flight [mode].”
Stormont says she drew on the training she had received in therapy about how to deal with such situations. “I refocused back to the event, I refocused on why I was there, and I ‘gray rocked’ her, which is a term we use when we talk about recovering from narcissistic abuse. You cannot give them any of your energy at that point. And I knew at that point we were going to be pressing charges.”
Stormont filed a police report online and received a tracking number, but told VICE News that she has not heard back from the Tulsa Police Department. She called the department this week to update them with the identity of the person who spat at her, after she had been identified by online sleuths, but had to leave a voicemail. The Tulsa Police Department did not respond to VICE News’ requests for comment on the case.
In total about 100 people attended the event according to Stormont, with about one third of the attendees opposing Walters’ and Ashley’s claims that the school board is being religiously intolerant.
Alongside members of the local Moms for Liberty chapter were prominent members of the state and county Republican Party, including Oklahoma GOP chair Nathan Dahm and Tulsa County GOP chairwoman Ronda Vuillemont-Smith. Moms for Liberty did not respond to questions about Pfanstiel’s affiliation with the group.
Pfanstiel, who deleted her Facebook account this week after VICE News contacted her, has in the past appeared in pictures posted online showing herself and her family with Dahm. One photo was taken in front of the Oklahoma State Capitol on January 6, 2021, to oppose the outcome of the 2020 presidential elections.
Dahm didn’t respond to VICE News’ request for comment but Vuillemont-Smith said the party “is aware of the allegations of assault that took place” and “while the party was not the organizer of this press conference, we are monitoring the situation.”
“The Republican Party of Tulsa County honors all veterans who served, and support the freedom of speech,” Vuillemont-Smith added. “We do not condone nor endorse violence of any kind, nor do we support actions or free-speech that disrupt and impede on others' right to free speech.”
When asked if Pfanstiel is a member of the Tulsa GOP, the chairwoman said “all registered Republicans in Tulsa County are considered members of the Tulsa GOP.”
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jmdbjk · 2 years
The aura faucet
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I still have things to say about this little 15 second clip because I’ve had a few minutes to breathe (thanks, BigHit, for letting us catch our breath for a few hours). 
Barely recovering over Jimin’s photo folio "mood sampler” video and we’re hit with another 15 second “concept film”, this time with Jimin in all his elegantly sensual dominatrix glory, glaring at us with some sort of carnal hunger...making people (male and female) drop their pants on the spot. The man is covered from head to toe and has this overt sexual power. HOW?
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I talk a lot about reconciling the different sides of Jimin in posts about him because we’ve heard people speak about his “aura” and how intimidating it is when in his presence and then we see this: 
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How is THAT... and THIS, the same person? TELL ME HOW???
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I could probably dissect just this 15 second video in a 3-part blog post. By the time I would write it though, the next teaser would drop and I would have to start over again....BREATHE, WE NEED TO BREATHE! OMG, we were waiting and waiting but now, slow down a little! LET US BREATHE!
It is fascinating how he can turn his “aura” on and off at will. Someone mentioned that Joon said Jimin was “the idols’ idol.” 
Our first taste of the Id/Ego was ... tasty. Very tasty.
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palepinkgoat · 1 year
TAG GAME WEDNESDAY: FANDOM EDITION (ok, it's Thursday, but let's roll with it)
Thank you @juliakayyy and @energieviefor tagging me!
your name: Karen
your age: possibly as old as your mom, youngsters
your first fandom(s): I was OBSESSED with Buffy in the mid season in particular, but I didn't really know how to connect with anyone, and our internet was very, very slow because we couldn't afford the better kind. And the computer was unreliable. Different times.
your current fandom(s): Shameless
how did you first get into fandom? I saw a clip on YouTube of the van kiss, which led to the kiss at Svetlana and Mickey's wedding, and then I was like WHAT and bought the 3 available seasons via amazon. I fell in love with every character, but we all know who ruled that show for me. At the time I was recovering from a serious injury where I couldn't really walk and had a lot of complications, so I spent a lot of time in bed re-watching the episodes and fan-videos/montages. Then I joined Tumblr, where I had 9 friends. I just lurked because I felt shy.
how long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? Oh sweet Jesus, since 2014. Not plugged in to social media for seasons like 7-9 just for reasons but I remained obsessed. The night the club kiss happened I seriously yelled and cried. I'm glad I could see that live because it was literally UNBELIEVABLE that that would happen and it was like a high intensity fandom moment. A group meltdown.
how often do you read fanfics? every single day
top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Ian, Mickey, and I actually love Lip because JAW is fantastic and quite handsome.
have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out. I'm pink_ink on Ao3! My first fic was written in 2014 and I was so prolific in 2014 and 2015! I can't believe how much and how fast I wrote some of that stuff.
have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? Oh man, that would be amazing if I could. But I can't draw anything other than a puppy I learned how to draw in the third grade.
share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: Mickey was born at home and he has foreskin (aka was never circumcised). And Ian LOVES it. I will die on this hill. And despite Ian's disparaging comment in that highly stupid "carl is not circumcised" plot line (of course they would know he was intact, they would have seen his penis a million times in diapers and in dressing in close quarters, etc) he loves Mickey's dick just how it is. Which is with foreskin, obviously. It's (head)canon.
you’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? I'd show the wedding kiss because it shows a bit of the intensity of the plot, and it's one of the first things I saw.
and finally, what does fandom mean to you? I've met some amazing people who are truly my friends as much as those in "real life." I'm still meeting new people who are becoming fast friends as well. We are connected by this love that makes us all so happy, and that's an incredible root of relationships. I've met a couple people in person and there are so many of you I'd love to meet someday! There can be drama in any group, but I'm too old for that shit. So I stay on the sunny side and love it over here.
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vs120shound · 1 year
★ ★ ★ ★ ★| Five "Stars"
YT: Bobby A Smoking Videos | ★★★★½
Finally got around to it (webmaster/web-producer writing here ... ). 3 Cheers: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Personal IT technician (married to my wife's oldest sister) did some repairs to an old laptop two weeks ago that he had gifted to me during the pandemic and was conking out. That had my "active" library. Started having problems with the laptop's reliability in the late-Summer 2022. He got library (saved to desktop and other areas of the computer) on to an external hard drive, and voila! Here it is at my disposal. Rest of the archive/library is on flash drives, and is darn hard to access in any meaningful and reliable way with this Mini-Mac, also gifted to me by my brother-in-law by way of my niece giving her laptop to him and he giving his to me after being wiped clean. Bottom line: that which was saved (thousands of files) on thumb drive/flash drive is not lost to me any more but is not dependable, yet a boat load of files (videos/photos) now is available and solid. Most of it is no longer lost. Much of it is saved. We know, we know!. Staff meeting of the ole VS120s Hound SF-content shop determined that all of my archived, save content MUST be transferred over whereby each of them has full access. Working on it. On our to-do list but that "live" list has getting some of these recently-recovered, re-accessed videos out to the vs120shound audience. This video is that first attempt to begin to cross that off the to-do list. What a start! Mayze from USA Smokers (Arizona, U.S.A.). Mayze was No. 14 on the Winter 2022-23-released Top-25 all-time favorite SF models list, collecting a mere 14 positive feedback actions of likes or re-blogs. Going to guarantee our audience (followers/fans) something -- actually it is a prediction -- and that is if this video were shown to all who viewed the No. 14 post on Mayze, she would have earned more than 14 likes/re-blogs. Of that, we all on The Staff are sure. Mayze, to us, is gorgeous, cute, sexy in her actions and with her body, and is a strong smoker (before she quit for good ... any updates, anyone, in that regard ... any sightings of her back with cigarettes?). Mayze has earned her spot in the vs120shound lineup. Perhaps further scouring of the World Wide Web will yield some other amazing clip of Mayze. If not, there's still the re-accessed library that was transferred over in February. Maybe we'll find more of her there. Of all the video of Mayze, this one here is the longest in duration and in some ways the "best" one. Added in early-March 2023. This was saved from YouTube, the "Bobby A Smoking Videos" webpage, which is a phenomenal webpage of SF content and is updated weekly on Saturday only. Hope you enjoy. Hope you are pleased that we have regained access to our archives/library. In the long run, you will benefit by being able to view some otherwise temporarily unavailable videos and photos of the "hottest" smoking women. Cheers! Hooray! Hoorah!
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Analysis and speculations for new season 5 spoilers
Ok everyone, lets take a look at the new spoilers provided, not much was seen, but there is a lot we can take away from the few seconds of clips.
The first tiny clip is of Marinette and Adrien together.
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 Based on the background, we know the two of them are currently at the wax museum. As for why exactly the two of them would be at the wax museum is anyone's guess, however, according to the translations provided by various members of the fandom, Marinette is apparently freaking out about what the distance should be between two people in order to count as a kiss. If I had to guess why exactly Marinette is panicking over the subject of a kiss then I would say that its not just because of the embarrassing situation she faced in “Puppeteer 2″ where she almost kissed the real Adrien as he attempted to pretend to be a wax statue, as a prank, but because it has something to do with another matter related to the wax museum itself. 
   It doesn’t feel like they are on a date, meaning that they might have been asked to do something for the wax museum. We know the wax museum has a variety of wax figures for a great deal of people, especially the heroes and villains of Paris, however, considering the wax museum is still a business, I wonder if they might be trying to make a new addition to the collection that could bring the museum a great deal of attention. My guess is that the museum is trying to include a new wax figure of Ladybug and Cat Noir in the one pose everyone in Paris is absolutely going crazy for and that’s the image of them kissing! I mean seriously we all know that Paris loves their heroes, but seeing their main heroic duo as a couple in love is something that they all fangirl over, I mean for goodness sake they even had their image kissing on a billboards all over Paris.
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 But because Alya deleted all images of the two heroes spotted in any couple like pose, including the one picture of the two of them kissing, the wax museum sculpture might not have any detailed references to go with in order to create a full bodied replica of the memorable pose everyone in Paris is dying to see again. 
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Which is why the person making the sculpture might be in a desperate search for two people who are the same height as Ladybug and Cat Noir in order to recreate the pose, and considering Marinette and Adrien were selected to be the Ladybug and Cat Noir in Clara Nightingales music video, odds are someone blabbed and recommended the two of them as the perfect posers to recreate Ladybug and Cat Noir’s kiss.
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    The next clip is of Luka and Kagami facepalming(HA!), considering the background is still of the wax museum, its likely that Luka and Kagami accompanied Marinette and Adrien. This is very interesting considering that Luka and Kagami have never really interacted with one another, making me suspect that the two of them will talk about facing the same situation with their former lovers, the situation being of course that the two of them knew that their ex’s were in love with the person the other was dating, as a result, Kagami and Luka may now be uniting together to try and get their goofball ex’s to admit their feelings towards one another. This is a problem because Marinette has decided to completely avoid her love for Adrien in order to focus on recovering the miraculous, meaning that Luka and Kagami are going to see first hand why the rest of the group get so frustrated when it comes to seeing just how difficult it is in helping Marinette and Adrien get together.
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Speaking of shipping, that brings us to the final little clip of Adrien openly stating that he is in love!
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(pauses to call friends): hey guys how’s the fandom reacting to this?
Friends: @%%&*%%TDFGHJHFTRE$%R&*^&YFGHVB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ah yes, good, good.
Given Adrien is finally understanding the fact that he has always been in love with Marinette, its nice to see that he is now openly admitting his love for her, now, I doubt he is saying a love confession right off the bat towards Marinette, so he may simply be saying he is in love, but is not yet ready to tell anyone who it is, let alone tell Marinette directly that its her, if he did tell her, he may simply be saying that he is in love. Its funny because this is not exactly a secret he needs to keep, everyone(besides Marinette) already knew!  I hope to see the guys come together to help Adrien come up with plans to help him in is love life just like how Alya and the other girls are helping Marinette.
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lunar-insanity · 2 years
I ended up... spending a lot of time just making a ref for this new OC while continuing to flesh things out for him and his story.
So! Backstory behind this guy. A friend of mine is streaming Marvel’s Spiderman Remastered for me to watch him play. And I am loving it so far, it’s great, it’s gonna make me cry when we get to Otto xD
Anyway so for some reason, clips of No Way Home have been popping up in my youtube dash, and some time ago I remember a gifset featuring Otto and OG!Peter. And I wanted to find more bits of the scene and stuff...
So then I was inspired xD
I’d like to introduce you to
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Wes Wheeler! Your friendly neighborhood, wheelchair bound, Spiderman! He’s best friends with Peter Parker, a journalist, and Harry Osborn, local rich boy trying to make Oscorp better than it is.
He also works with Anna Maria aaaaand //drum roooooooll//
Doctor Otto Octavius.
Y’all ready for more under the cut? Cause settle in, I got a lot to try and write cohesively.
Now I’m drawing from the game, and said friend’s suggestions, here since that is the... most amount of knowledge I have rn so bear with me as I stitch together different scenes that I liked and a character.
Also I liked Into The Spiderverse and multiverse stories in general.
So Wes! He’s a new computer engineer specializing in AI and programming, and works with Doc Otto after having started as an intern while still studying. It was Otto that first made the wheelchair for Wes!
He’s a chill, focused boi who loves his work with Otto. Good person (trust me, I am just... bad at describing his personality other than vibes)
One day he’s invited by Peter and Harry to some special event Peter is going to be covering, which has our wayward radioactive spider. Peter narrowly dodges getting bit, and instead Wes gets bit instead.
And bing bong bang
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We have Spooderman
So Wes does his best to adapt to his new abilities and responsibilities as Spiderman. It first started out with him helping people out because he happened across them, and wanted to help since he could. Which then progressed into fighting villains. So he accidentally took on that responsibility.
And then the incident with Otto happens.
When Doc turns, it hits Wes hard, because those two were actually pretty close ever since Wes started interning for him. Otto wanted to help people like Wes and Anna in a world that wasn’t built for them. In this world, the arms were actually meant for WES.
But when the Doc’s funding was pulled by Norman Osborne, he got desperate. He needed SOMETHING to work so that they could get the funding to continue their work. So he tested the arms on himself... and things went haywire
(I have spent a long time coming up with my own explanation for what went wrong, believe me when I say I accidentally got really attached to Otto)
This is when responsibility REALLY clocks Wes in the head.
... At a very bad time because now is the starting point for a depressive spiral.
He’s the AI guy. He programmed the AI in those arms (He didn’t know it was for the arms, but it was AI for the prosthetics in general to connect to the brain). What happened?
He wants to figure out what happened, and fix it and help Doc, BUT! He can’t do it exactly without the current AI in those arms. He can make simulations and run those (and he has) and try to use those on Doc Ock (and he has) but they could never work (as they haven’t)
Harry and Peter do their best, with Harry recovering several chunks of tech his dad took from their lab (Harry is VERY pissed off with his dad, and blames him for what happened to Doc Otto), while Peter (and Anna, who discovers Wes is Spiderman after catching him passed out one late night in the now abandoned lab) provides emotional support.
But it then goes to hell in a hand basket.
(Shamelessly taking THIS from the video game because it is an excellent plot point)
Wes is with Peter again, attending some outdoor ceremony when spidey sense kicks in that there’s danger. But Wes is trapped in a crowd. He can’t move, he can’t quite see being so low compared to all the standing people, he’s stuck there as Wes.
He only has enough time to get Peter to the ground before the attack and he blacks out.
He wakes up at hospital, having to hear the news of what happened from Peter, who also (unfortunately) tells him that the readers have been flooding the line with questions as to where Spiderman was.
He was there. But he couldn’t do anything.
This just hits him harder. He can’t do everything alone. He’s only one person. What is he supposed to do?
So here is where he starts making the Drones and Spiderbot
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So prior to the attack, Wes had been job hunting for a higher paying job because he kinda needs the money to continue his work to try and help Doc and also LIVE.
After the attack, ironically enough, he does get a job! It’s an emergency acceptance as they need another AI programmer for a game they’re behind on. But this added work just stresses Wes out even more!
He can’t help the city, work on a cure for Otto, and his day job all at once!
So he repurposes an armored suit (I will explain later trust me) and makes the Drones at first who can keep an eye on the city and handle smaller scale stuff, equipped with web bombs and their tiny size (and wings sometimes)
Then when the work gets harder, he makes Spiderbot. Spiderbot does the bigger stuff, like fighting villians n’stuff.
The workload gets lighter and the city is still safe. Win win! Right?
Well.. for everything EXCEPT Wes’ mind. Because when things finally ease up, he tries (admittedly half-heartedly cause depression) to get back into it with Spiderbot, He just... can’t.
The bot is better at this.
Better than him.
So Wes steps away from being Spiderman.
(I would like to add that Anna AND the Bot do not approve of this? But the Bot does what he’s told and Anna does her best)
6 months pass (from the Attack, a year after Otto becomes Ock) (note I have a poor sense of time and have no idea how long a time gap should be), life has gone on, when suddenly SHENANIGANS
MULTIVERSE SHENANIGANS (yes here’s the spiderverse shenanigans)
(Idk if it’ll be the actual spiderverse crew or other ones but basically-)
So at the back of all this, Norman has had a team working on a big ... dimension opening collider (probs not a collider but I just started calling it that) and the first few tests go... Not as planned? The targeting system is off so it accidentally pulls in other Spiders and sends them scattered around the city.
They all manage to get together by running into Peter, who then introduces them to Wes! They end up hanging around Wes and start to rekindle the fire in him (even though he’s still really reluctant, thinking the bot can do better)
Until a good chunk of his villains come out in full force, headed by Wes’ main villain (Other than Ock) (Said villain I have dubbed Mirror cause they’re... not quite a mirror character? more like a foil? but basically they’re similar to Wes) and are aiming for the Collider! The spiders try to fight, but then get hit with the celular decay which throws them off just long enough to get beaten and caught
And Wes, who is at this point desperately working with Spiderbot from afar to try and win, is not having a good time! Not at all. Because the bot gets defeated from, ironically, being the only one there. The bot tried but got beat bad.
So now it’s only him.
His phone buzzes with messages from Harry that SOMETHING is going down at some facility he just found out was there, and is basically calling for Wes, Peter, and Anna to come back him up on the grilling he’s gonna give his dad when he gets there.
Anna calls him about what’s going on and Wes panics cause there’s no way he can do this, he can’t do it on his own. To which Anna verbally smacks him and says he had Spiderbot, he had the other Spidermen, and he HAS them. Even if Harry and Pete don’t know, he’s always had them to fall back on. It’s Wes who now has to properly believe in himself, cause everyone else does.
He’s mulling this over after the call when the drones drag in the half busted Spiderbot and Wes helps the poor thing in all the way, trying to find all the repair tools he can. Finally the bot itself tells him that he can do this, he did all this after all, don’t give up now.
This finally kicks Wes in the ass and he gears up to head out, the Bot hanging onto the back of the wheel chair as the drones try to repair it.
And here he rediscovers the joy of being Spiderman. Because of all things, he missed swinging around the city, seeing the view from so high up. Because up here, not even the wheelchair is a burden.
And he’s honestly missed helping people, even if it was the small mundane things.
So Wes as Spiderman shows up to the Collider and the whole group that’s there (Harry, Peter, Anna, and now him) get the run down from Norman and the scientists about shit, and they find out that both the CONTROL PANEL and the EMERGENCY PANEL are INSIDE the open portal to the multiverse (because it’s open to the space between all the dimensions and not one specifically)
Harry gets Spiderbot up and running with some magical nanites (to his father’s chagrin) and Wes goes in to A: Find the other Spiders, B: Subdue the villains inside, and C: Shut the thing down cause it’s ripping up the world bit by bit.
Wes heads inside and finds that in this middle space, several things from other universes are being pulled out from their dimensions by Mirror at the very end of this strange train of buildings n shit with that control panel.
So Wes goes through, trying to stay unknown to the villians for as long as he can. He sends the Bot after the other Spiders while he makes his way to Mirror.
Things go as plan until the Spiders get caught up by 2 villians and Wes ends up facing Ock in a building above them. Wes manages to hold his own against Ock and pins his arms to the large glass window behind them with the spider bombs he had created, and all the other gear he had made when he went MIA from the city.
So he pins the arms and pulls Ock back away, driving back up this floor-now-wall to stretch the arms to the limit and hold Doc in place, right up to him. (the reason is to keep the arms from thrashing just long enough because now, he has a chance to try and extract the AI in those arms, which is what a drone is doing at that moment.)
He ends up having a (one-sided, but Wes needed to say this) talk with Ock about maybe feeling abandoned, he sure abandoned being Spiderman, but he hadn’t stopped trying to save Doc Otto. Because this really isn’t him, they-he were going to make things better dammit. So he isn’t going to stop trying to help Otto.
And, once the Drone is done, he releases Ock in order to send him crashing through the glass and into the battle that was GOING ON BELOW THEM and buy the spiders there some time to get the upper hand while Wes keeps going for Mirror.
More fight shenanigans, the other Spiders do get the upper hand and Bot sacrifices parts of himself to send the webbed up villains back towards the portal entrance and out of the space. The whole group then joins up with Wes, who is in battle with mirror, trying to get to the Control Panel.
They get the upper hand again with Wes’ different fighting style and actually break the control panel, which starts reversing all the stuff that Mirror did, and send Mirror ricocheting back towards the entrance.
The spiders find they’re also being called back home (along with all the stuff and buildings in this space) and bid Wes farewell as he takes on the task of shutting down the machine with the emergency panel cause THINGS HAVE BEEN GETTING KINDA CRAZY BACK HOME.
So they all head home, Wes reaches the emergency panel, hits shut off, and slingshots himself back through the portal in time before the machine shuts down and the portal closes.
Portal closed, day saved, Wes has renewed life in him, and the thing he’s been trying to get his hands on since Day 1: An extracted copy of the arms’ current AI.
Harry declares that he’s taking on this part of Oscorp (After all, he’s probably going to run this place someday, he might as well start learning now) but he swears to god if his dad has more dangerous world ending projects he is going to flip (spoilers, he does)
And this post is getting very long so I will.. summarize the rambling xDD
Wes starts work on the AI, goes to Harry with Anna to reveal himself and ask for help, they start work together, Peter’s work place gets infiltrated by a Spy, Mirror persuades Ock to work with them, at some point there’s a miscommunication and Mirror thinks that Spiderman and Harry have the thing she’s after
They break in, Wes has to choose between saving their prototype (big clunky thing rn) or saving Harry and Anna, chooses to save his friends, He and the bot branch off, saves the friends, villains get away, Harry absolutely lays into his father about what the hell was it that he was nearly KILLED over this time (Because the villains went to gloat at Norman)
Mirror opens the box, finds the prototype instead of the thing she was after, smashes it, shards get stuck in Ock (which actually help)
More shenanigans, Wes gets the shards out and they make a cure proper, Mirror gets the mcguffin, final fight, Spiderbot handles Mirror while Wes goes for Ock, manages to subdue him, gets the fix on //points to No Way Home// and THEN goes to deal with Mirror as Doc Otto reveals he actually was working on a counter mcguffin because no way do you trust Mirror completely. They go get the mcguffin counter as Wes fights, they get it to him, Wes gets crafty with a mannequin, wins the fight, day is saved- HOORAY WE WIN
Here you can read my more incoherent ramblings about this here, and you can see all the bits that influenced this.
I mixed up the two constants a bit actually. The two constants are that Spiderman was bitten by a radioactive spider, and they lost someone close to them.
In this case, the 2nd followed the first way later in the form of losing Doc Otto.
Anyway Imma put the rest of the art I got here (it’s just the suit and other bits) and talk about THOSE NOW
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Wes’ suit! + Optional armor. The armor used to be part of a suit that was given to Wes (the origin and explanation for the suit is in that google doc) that was eventually turned into the drone, braces, and the arm guards. They all click and snap together and to him in different configurations. Like if Wes needed, he could potentially turn the hip armor into full on gloves (this is thanks to the tech already in the armor, he just reprogrammed them.)
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And now, for Wes’ powers, some other stuff about Spiderbot, and the wheelchair.
The bite did biological changes to dear ol Wes. He can still climb stuff, he’s got more strength, and the Spideysense.
But also doesn’t need webshooters. Wes can generate his own silk, and a lot of it (He needs to use a lot of web). He just needs to drink more water a lot more often to keep it up. So he keeps water bottles on hand.
His freckles also ended up mimicking spider eyes, somewhat. They still look like three big spots under each eye, but they can function. So if he’s ever blinded, he can still SOMEWHAT see. It’s not perfect but can still do it.
The web he shoots also is very stretchy, allowing for Wes to use it like a slingshot ooooor make a battle yo-yo to hit with.
And of course, THE CHAIR
Wes’ wheelchair was at first made by Doc Otto sometime after Wes started working for him. When Wes became spiderman,  this thing needed a LOT of modifications, most of it coming from lab materials or Harry. He can now also use it to whack people around with it if he needs to, but more importantly, this thing can handle impacts, landings, and can drive up walls.
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foxgloveawake · 2 years
Nice Things 
I saw a video clip recently where an interviewer was asking strangers: "what is one of the nicest things you've done for someone else?". It made me think. Some examples came to mind, but I suddenly realized my intentional efforts have really petered off over the years (I had to Google to make sure petered was actually a word wtf?). I don't think it's because I have purposely tried to become a shittier person...I just got so wrapped up in my own personal stuff. I felt drained. I also wasn't in the financial position to do things like frequent gifts or that type of assistance. I think what I am best at giving has no physical form; I'm good at giving emotional support, attention, or advice when I am asked. Some people don't really need that though, because they have their own methods or they are well put together, so that leaves me wondering what I can do for them that is nice to show I care. It would feel good to get back to acting more thoughtfully. Sometimes I have to self-care so much...I frankly get SICKKKK of myself. I think what actually makes me feel good is when I'm able to other-care (but duh, you have to take care of yourself, too). This sounds like "the basics of being a friend and a nice person 101" but I am trying to put more effort into getting back to being more proactive with my relationships. They really got softly shelved over the past couple of years. I was in self-centered mode. I am trying to do little things here and there, to make an effort. I sent a friend a tiny dried flower bouquet. I wrote another friend a letter on CUTE stationery and sent that too. I bought chocolates from a friend's kid's girl scout fundraiser. I send resources to friends when they're struggling with something specific. Idk. This is not humble bragging!!! because I am still shitty...I am just trying to work on recovering from being stuck up my own assssssssssssss.
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Suddenly thinking of Vox in the immediate aftermath of Alastor torturing him. The first few weeks after the Vees recovered him.
I think he was probably more or less catatonic and unresponsive and when he wasn’t he was incoherent and terrified.
Before they realized something was still terribly wrong again they both both so relieved when they finally got an understandable sentence out of him.
It took weeks just to repair his body. Weeks of Valentino and Velvette waiting for him to wake up. Weeks of single-mindedly trying to locate Alastor whenever they weren't stuck in the repair room, monitoring their employees to make sure none of them made even the smallest mistake. They thought (they hoped) that Alastor had simply made a mistake, not noticing that Vox wasn't dead yet when he ended the broadcast, but as time ticks by, thoughts creep in, unbidden– why didn't he finish him off? They try to ignore that question. Vox's body is nearly fixed and once he's back online they'll all have a good laugh about how arrogant Alastor was to think he could slay The Media Demon. Video killed the radio star, not the other way around.
Eager, anxious tension hangs in the air when the day finally comes to turn Vox back on. He's alive, he's fully repaired, everything's fine. It's going to be fine. The head engineer pushes the button and the VoxTek logo blooms across his face, blue and red and just as it should be. And then, suddenly, it flickers. Vox's face appears on his screen, but the display is black and white. He doesn't respond, doesn’t move, even as Val tries nervously to greet him. The repair team exchange concerned looks (Why isn't he reacting? All his diagnostics came back fine). And then Vox opens his mouth. And pure, ear-splitting, static-filled noise comes blasting out his speakers at maximum volume.
For the next month, Vox cannot speak. All that's coming out of him is static and incomprehensibly distorted clips from a hundred different broadcasts. He doesn't seem like he can see or hear either. The repair team try to fix him, assuming they must have missed something, but they can't find anything wrong with him. Val and Velvette are at a loss. Val can't stand to remain in the tower any longer and goes out to hunt for Alastor personally, leaving Velvette to try to manage the whole situation by herself. Valentino never finds Alastor.
Eventually, the noise coming out of Vox starts improving– they can at least make out what the clips he's playing say. There's no rhyme or reason to them though. He's not trying to communicate (or at least, they don't think he is), it's just randomly spliced-together gibberish. He seems like he's regaining his sensory capabilities though, since he’s actually reacting to stimuli again, even if the reactions are erratic and obviously fearful. It's an improvement, but the Vees are starting to worry that something might be truly, genuinely wrong.
At last, the day comes when Vox can speak with his own voice. What comes out is pure nonsense— unrelated words with no grammatical structure or pauses for "breath." It's scary to hear, but Val and Vel push those feelings down. He's recovering. He’s been slowly getting better every day for the past few months. It might take a while, but soon he'll be back to normal.
Vox eventually starts speaking in actual sentences again. They're rambly and frantic and don't make much sense, but at least they're legible as sentences. He can see and hear and walk again, even if he doesn't seem to recognize anyone or know where he is. It's painful to see him like this, but Valentino and Velvette wait patiently for the next step in his recovery.
It never comes.
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katdvs · 3 months
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This was requested by my friend @1lilspark. It's rated M. It's Lizzie and Ethan, based on what was supposed to happen on the reboot we'll never see. This is how I saw things playing out.
Here and Now, it's You and Me (1/2)
He was going to be a father, and it wasn’t to her child. He was going to be a husband, and he wouldn’t be hers. Those thoughts ruminated in her mind as she sat at the bar, taking slow sips of her Pinot Grigio. The sips were slow and short, really because she wasn’t enjoying it. Had she ever really enjoyed Pinot Grigio? Or had she led herself to believe she did due to what her ex-boyfriend wanted her to like?
Where had all of that led her? Back in her hometown. She left her job. Her boyfriend had cheated on her. Now she was sitting in some random Italian Brewhouse, Italian Craft. Gordo had picked it out for their meet up. A meet-up that secretly crushed her spirit, but still made her happy for her friend. She was a little upset that even though they still texted often, he hadn’t told her about his upcoming marriage or baby.
She looked at her wine glass, and then glanced at the happy hour menu. Cheese. Lizzie needed something filled with Cheese to sort out the feelings in her mind. Let her process everything that had happened. As she read through the options of appetizers, she saw one that gave her a moment of pause. Dreams Are Made of Bruschetta.
“Excuse me.” She called to the bartender, a younger male with dark skin. He turned and said nothing. He only smiled at her. “Could I get an order of this please.” She couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud. Though now she was certain she knew the bartender but wasn’t sure she could place from where.
He nodded as he typed the order in. He then pulled up a menu of beers that they personally brewed and pointed to one. It was called Isabella. “I think that would be better than the wine, thank you for the suggestion.”
He smiled again and started to pour the beer into a pint glass. “Here you go Lizzie.” He spoke softly before he went to help another patron at the bar.
Lanny. Matt’s childhood best friend, and partner in crime before Melina came into the picture.
If she was going to stick around town, she was going to have to get used to this. Running into people she grew up with. She was just thankful to know that Claire and Kate had left town. Claire is now working at a ski resort in Montana, at least according to Instagram. Kate had gone to DC, had a scandal with a Senator, now she was one of those blond talking heads, sitting in the so-called leg chair on cable news.
Her new drink sat in front of her, she took a sip, not expecting the notes of hazelnut and cinnamon that crossed her lips. She wasn’t sure what she should expect in all honesty. She was enjoying it, and it did make her think of her Italian look-a-like. What had been a wild, crazy summer.
The summer she and Gordo started dating.
Everything seemed possible after that trip to Rome.
Maybe she should go back. She couldn’t go alone though. She had been conned so terribly by Paolo. He never recovered from the scandal. She couldn’t lie that when she was feeling down about herself, and her life she might google him and discover he had tried his hand at the Italian version of Dancing with the Stars and had been voted off first. He had made attempts at several reality shows, a come back album, and it all failed.
Isabella, however, thrived without him. Every time she released a new album, Perfume, her memoir, she sent a copy to Lizzie. They arrived at her parents house each time. Part of Lizzie figured it was just tradition, she was basically on her PR list at this point. Though Lizzie never mentioned it, she didn’t bring it up. It wasn’t like she would go on TikTok and talk about the time she pretended to be an Italian Pop Song.
In all reality she was grateful that social media hadn’t been a thing that summer. When people posted video clips of her performance at the Colosseum, they usually spelled her name wrong. It didn’t come up when you did a google search on her personally. At least she had yet to explain in a job interview about it.
“Here you go Lizzie.” It wasn’t Lanny who placed the food in front of her. His skin Sunkissed, his hair short now, but still amazing. His voice sent a thrill through her body. “I always figured if you came in this is what you would order.”
“Ethan.” She was stunned. What was he doing here?
“I’m surprised you didn’t run after Gordo told you, his news.” Ethan spoke as he came out from behind the bar, taking the empty seat next to her.
Lizzie blinked several times, “Wait, how do you know about that?”
“He told me he was seeing you this afternoon.” Ethan nodded to Lanny who placed a beer in front of him. “I told him he should’ve told you months ago. But he never listens to reason.”
“I’m sorry, wait, you told Gordo months ago to tell me about what’s her face?”
Ethan nodded as he sat back in the stool, his eyes taking in the busy restaurant. “Yeah, my business partner can be an idiot sometimes. I think he really thought he could just drop you a wedding invitation in the mail.”
“Or a birth announcement.” Lizzie sighed as she brought a piece of toe bruschetta to her mouth, taking a tentative bite. The flavors bursting her mouth as she looked back to Ethan.
“Good right? I’m glad you like it. I mean it is named after your song.”
“Not my song.” She corrected.
“You did sing it on international television.” He reminded her before the music switched and the song that haunted her dreams.
She looked around a panic filling her body. Did people know? Would they be staring at her?
“Lizzie, it’s okay. We play it a couple of times a night. I ripped it off YouTube ages ago.” Ethan confessed before taking a sip of his beer. “Well actually Lanny did, from a copy Matt had sent him.”
“Ethan, I try to forget the whole Italian Pop Star stuff.” She confessed.
He cocked an eyebrow as he took her in, “Lizzie, you really still don’t get how amazing that was, right?”
“I guess not. I mean I got in so much trouble for it.”
“For the sneaking out on the school trip stuff.” He reminded her, “I mean even Kate covered for you.”
“Yeah, that was crazy. At least she and I got along for high school.”
“Probably helps that Miranda wasn’t around.” He paused, “That sounds bad. I mean if Miranda had come back to town after that trip to Mexico, I don’t think you and Kate would’ve stayed close.”
“Well college didn’t let us stay close.” Lizzie reminded him, “Wait, before you said that Gordo is your business partner, partner in what?”
“This, this is my place—well and Gordo’s. He’s a beer brewing genius. He created the Isabella.”
Lizzie took another sip. “It’s pretty good.”
“I’m sorry he blindsided you, especially after whatever had to have happened in New York to have you come home.”
“Heartbreak.” She took another bite, still amazed at the flavors.
“I hope you’ll be around town for a while. We should catch up and do more than talk about that summer in Rome.”
Lizzie tapped her nails on the bar top, “You know I hadn’t even thought much about that summer until I was in here. It inspired you in a way, didn’t it?”
“Yeah, part of why I went to culinary school after high school.” He shrugged. “I know everyone thought I would go to college on a sports scholarship.”
“So, you’re a chef?”
“Technically, yeah, I am. Is that a problem?”
Lizzie laughed to herself, “I came back to town because my chef boyfriend, was cheating on me. With my best friend.”
Ethan made a disgusted face, “How could anyone cheat on you Lizzie, you’re great.”
Lizzie shook her head, “I’m still the same Lizzie I was back in middle school. Goofy, klutzy—”
“Smart, kind, one of the sweetest friends that Gordo or I ever had.” He put his hand over hers. “Just because some stupid Chef in New York cheated on you doesn’t mean we’re all awful.”
“That’s how you saw me?”
“I still see you that way Lizzie.” Ethan pushed back a lock of her hair from her eyes, “I’ll be back. I must go check on some things in the kitchen. Please don’t leave without saying goodbye. Besides I know where you live.”
“I’m just staying with them for a little while.”
“Lizzie, it’s cool. I get it. I still lived with my parents until a few years ago.” Ethan confessed.
“You did?”
“Yeah, but now I’m in the apartment above this.” He shrugged, “My family isn’t far but I like being near my family. That’s another thing I always liked about you, how close you were, and are to your parents.”
“Thanks Ethan, I think I needed to hear that.”
“You’re welcome, I’ll be back.” He took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips for a sweet kiss.
What was happening? What was that sensation she was feeling? Had Ethan been flirting with her? No, he couldn’t have been.
She watched him walk towards the kitchen. He was a Chef though, and she wasn’t ready for another heartbreak after the last one, or the heartbreak of a dissolved dream. She couldn’t let the dream of Ethan Craft dissolve as well.
“This is really nice.” Lizzie looked around at Ethan’s living room in the apartment above his establishment. She was honestly surprised at how well it was decorated. This wasn’t the crash pad she had imagined Ethan would be in if he was still single now. Though actually, the fact that he was still single was kind of surprising.
“Thank you.” He handed her a glass of ice water, “My sister helped, told me I had to make sure that my place felt like a real home.”
“That was sweet of her.” Lizzie wondered if she would do the same for Matt, who was still living with her parents, trying to be a content creator. Maybe she could help him with his recording space, maybe.
Ethan sat on the couch, watching as Lizzie sat next to him. “Until recently, I did think maybe it would be you and Gordo as end game.” He confessed.
Lizzie stopped herself from sipping the water, “Wait, really? You thought about stuff like that?”
Ethan shrugged, “I mean Gordo is one of my best friends, he’s my business partner after all. I was kind of jealous.”
“Of what?”
“The way you looked at him. No girl has ever looked at me like that.”
Lizzie put the water glass down on the coffee table, and looked at her middle and high school crush, “Ethan, I think almost every girl in our grade had a crush on you. Not to mention the grades behind us, and above us.”
Ethan tugged on his short sandy hair, “I didn’t know then how mythic I was.” He leaned forward, “I was just a guy who liked to skateboard, hadn’t really figured out what I liked outside of sports. I mean Lizzie, Water Polo, how did I ever get into that?”
Lizzie listened as he laughed, “I saw how the girls looked at you. You hung the moon as far as many of them were concerned. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them were still dreaming about kissing Ethan Craft.” And perhaps doing more, they weren’t thirteen anymore after all.
“Anyways none of them looked at me the way you looked at Gordo.” Ethan leaned back on the couch, “besides, the girl I liked back then was taken.”
Lizzie tilted her head, “Who did you like back in school?” I will be judging you on the answer.
Ethan reached over, pushing the hair that had fallen in front of her eyes away, “Lizzie McGuire, you haven’t changed much deep down have you.”
“Maybe less butterfly clips.” She felt her body tighten at his touch. “Enough about me, who was the girl?”
“It was you, Lizzie.” Ethan smiled before he took his moment, letting his lips press against those of the girl he never thought he had a chance with.
Lizzie kissed him back, intoxicated with her dream come true, one she had long put to rest.
Ethan pulled her closer to him, not wanting to end the kiss, not wanting to let her go. This was possibly his one chance with Lizzie, she would probably be back in New York before his couch still smelled like her perfume.
Lizzie felt her body adjusting, she was straddling Ethan as they continued to kiss. I’m in Ethan’s lap! She couldn’t believe it as his hands moved under the back of her top. Ethan is touching me! Their lips broke apart, just long enough for each to start kissing different parts. Lizzie sucked in his earlobe as Ethan mapped his way along her neck.
We’re two consenting adults. We can kiss, we can touch, we can take off clothing if we want. Lizzie reminded herself as her hands fell on Ethan’s now bare chest.
She gasped in surprise when she felt his lips suckling on her nipple through the lace of her bra. Her fingers raked in his hair, as her body yearned for more. She couldn’t remember the last time anything felt this good. Had felt this exciting.
More clothes were gone, between kisses touches grew more intense. Things she had never thought Ethan would do; he was doing. Lizzie was gasping, her body needing more, she felt Ethan’s hands disappear for a moment, then the sound of a package opening.
She reached down, helping him roll the rubber down before helping to position him. She wanted him deep. She needed him deep in her.
Give her tonight.
Give her this fantasy she had never anticipated could happen.
Help her heal her heart.
Remind her that she was wanted.
“You feel so fucking good.” Ethan breathed into her ear.
Lizzie kept her eyes closed, “It’s so good.” She moaned, lost for more words. It was more fulfilling that she had felt in a long-time during sex.
Ethan held her as he moved, slowly at first, savoring it for his own selfish needs. He didn’t want to rush anything with Lizzie.
“I won’t break” she told him as she held onto him, “fuck me harder.”
Ethan kissed her in response as he picked up the pace he had set, giving her what she requested until she started crying out in pleasure. Ethan pulled her down on him, pushing himself in as deep as possible as they both climaxed.
Neither spoke for several minutes. Lizzie stayed in his lap, he was still inside her until she could breathe normally and moved to sit next to him. Ignoring the panic growing inside of her.
Lizzie woke to someone pounding on the door, yelling at Ethan. She could smell fresh baked bread being baked down in the restaurant kitchen. She sat up in the bed, she was alone, but the spot next to her was warm. She wore one of his old water polo shirts. How did he get into that of all sports.
“God Ethan, you knew you would have Sadie this morning.” The voice was angry and that told Lizzie to stay put in bed. But something about it was familiar.
“And you’re three hours early.” Ethan replied to the woman. “It’s eight am, you were supposed to be here at eleven, per the custody agreement.”
“I must work. How else am I supposed to make money to support your child.” She threw back at him.
Ethan sighed, “I’m sorry I didn’t turn out to be the rich sugar daddy you were hoping for. Just like you were hoping for in middle school.”
Lizzie froze as she listened, waiting, what did that have to do with anything. Also, who was Sadie? Wait, did Ethan have a child?
She started searching for her clothes, she found most of them.
“Oh, please throw that assignment in my face. We were what in the seventh grade?”
Lizzie knew now who it was arguing with Ethan from the other room. She saw the small bag she had brought with her when she met up with Gordo.
“Miranda, I’m sorry. I’ll always be sorry that I couldn’t be your forever.” Ethan meant that he truly had. He had given it a real try with Miranda when they got together after college. He had loved her, he wouldn’t have married her otherwise, let alone had a daughter together.
“Who is she? Are you just picking up randoms at the bar? Is this what you subject Sadie too?” Miranda held the glass Lizzie had been drinking from the night before, her peach lipstick having left a mark.
Lizzie had put enough pieces together to decide not to hide. “I’m not sure you should call me random.”
Ethan looked as Lizzie came into the room, dressed in the clothes she had worn the night before. Her hair in a messy bun, but it looked purposeful. “Lizzie, you don’t have to go.”
“I do, I actually have to meet up with my mom.” She looked at her conquest from the night before, “Ethan, thank you. You were great at listening to everything.”
“Lizzie?” Miranda’s mouth hung open.
“Hey Miranda, I didn’t know you were back in town.” It was the most honest response Lizzie could give right now as she made her way to the door. “Maybe we can catch up before I go back to New York.”
Ethan felt his whole body go heavy; he was right Lizzie was leaving soon again.
“How could you sleep with my ex-husband?” Miranda stared at Lizzie who was close to the door, two maybe three steps from escaping.
Lizzie straightened her body, long ago she might have shrunk at Miranda’s accusations to keep the peace, but that part of Lizzie had long since left. “What did or didn’t happen between Ethan and I, is between us. I had no idea you were back in down, let alone you and Ethan had been married. You didn’t come up in our conversation.”
“You always were a terrible friend.” Miranda glared at her.
“Ethan,” Lizzie felt her heart racing as she ignored the accusation, “We’ll talk soon. Miranda, we’re not the same girls that were best friends in the eighth grade. I’m sorry about that.”
“Just go, I’m surprised you didn’t try to bed Gordo.”
“Miranda!” Ethan’s tone was warning. “Lizzie, I’m here anytime you need to talk.”
“Thank you.” She gave him a small nod and left the apartment. Sitting outside was a girl, about ten years old. She was reading something on a tablet.
“Mom is always fighting with Dad, it’s not you.” The girl didn’t look up.
“That’s good to know.” Lizzie walked down the steps; she could smell the California air. So different from New York.
She got in her rental car, sitting for a minute as she went through the checklist in her mind about what she needed to do, and had accomplished. Even with the downer that was Ethan’s ex-wife, her ex-best friend showing up the morning after, Lizzie did do Ethan twice, it had been very, very nice.
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albiclalepsza · 4 months
People who are like "oh but why are you recording shit at concerts? We both know you'll never watch it" really don't know me. Because of course I'll watch it. I'm completely obsessed with my concert clips. I watch a few of my favorites basically every other day. A House In Nebraska clip, my favorite right now, I basically watch daily. Before that one I did the same thing with Send My Love To John. Every few days when I'm on public transportation and have nothing to do I just watch every video from Ethel Cain/ MUNA/ boygenius concert at Gunnersbury because I still haven't recovered from that.
And before every concert I hype myself up by watching pretty much all of them because it helps me convince myself that despite the massive crowd, stupidly loud noises and no personal space whatsoever I'll be so fucking happy once I'm there.
Of course you should have a healthy balance and not take more than a few videos to really focus on the artists before you, but still, I fucking love these videos. They help with the breaks between concerts so much
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