#people who don't pay attention to detail are the ones that have me like......well ok. you're wrong but ok.
every time i see a character be listed with the wrong eye color i lose a little bit of my life force.
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demiromanticmickey · 4 months
On today's "I am SO not normal about Dead Friend Forever": Discussing Catholicism and Colonization in this gay Thai slasher series
Some background on me: I am from a Latine Catholic family. Raised as a non-practicing Catholic (we didn't go to church or pray). Then my parents enrolled me in a Catholic school that I attended from 5th grade to the end of 7th grade. Today, I am not Catholic and have never really considered myself as such.
Ok, so in the flashback episodes of DFF, I have been noticing a lot of things. My findings under the cut.
Let's start with this crucifix and photo of the Virgin Mary and a baby Jesus.
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Screenshot from ep. 5.
The camera lingers here a bit so we're obviously meant to pay attention to the phrase. I put the screenshot through Google translate's image translator and the translation it gave me was, "Think good, do good, be a good person." I didn't think much of it when I first watched the episode other than it was supposed to establish that the boys attend a Christian or Catholic school.
But then there was this image posted on Be On Cloud's Instagram (also from ep. 5): X
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Zooming in, we can see there's another picture of Mary in the background. Watching the classroom scenes, it's easy to miss because the series itself is more washed out than the official photos posted. But this emphasis on Mary led me to believe the school is a Catholic one. So out of curiosity, I looked up the schools the writers and directors attended because I felt I was onto something here. And boy, was I!
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Source: MDL
Ma-Deaw, if you didn't know, is one of the directors of Dead Friend Forever (he also directed Manner of Death and Inhuman Kiss , and lots of other things).
One Google search later (X) and I learned "Montfort College" is a Catholic school. It started out as a primary school that later added a secondary school as well.
Now let's take a closer look at some of the details of this school:
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First, the school's motto "Labor Conquers All Things". This reminded me of the phone conversation Tee had with his uncle:
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On my first watch, this sounded familiar to me but I couldn't really place why. It wasn't until I saw this other Tumblr post (X) that pointed out it's similar to a bible quote from the New Testament. The quote varies a bit depending on which version of the bible you're using but it's along the lines of, "He who does not work, neither shall he eat".
This is meant to discourage "laziness". Nevermind the fact that people deserve to eat simply because we get hungry and need food to survive. The idea that we only "deserve" things based on productivity is an extremely colonial one. — Reminder also that Tee is being forced into this "work" in the first place. He's just a high school kid. I don't need to like his character to understand how fucked up his situation is.
Then there's the patron of the school. St. Louis de Montfort was a French Catholic priest most known for his study in Mariology. What is Mariology (X)? The study of Mary, the mother of Jesus. I didn't know that was a thing but it's unsurprising considering how prominent images of Mary were in my own religious upbringing. And she's what started me down this rabbit hole in the first place. Mary is a big deal to the Catholics. I'm going to be paying even more attention now if more Mary imagery pops up.
The Garden of Eden and Original Sin
Now I want to draw attention to these images:
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Screenshots from ep. 7
Here we have Non and Phee biting into an apple as they leisure around this lush green field. We know they've visited this location more than once because they're wearing different outfits in the screenshots. And I think it's important to note that it's Phee holding the apple and offering it to Non.
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The use of the word "bait" in the bts of ep. 7 is quite interesting too. (X)
The Garden of Eden was the paradise in which Adam and Eve resided. In this garden, there were many trees to eat from. The one tree Adam and Eve were forbidden by God to eat from was the Tree of Knowledge. A serpent (Satan), first tempted Eve into taking from the tree to eat it's fruit. And then Eve gave the fruit to Adam. That is Original Sin. And because Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, all humans thereafter are born sinful and bad, and can only find salvation through God.
Of course in the scene between Phee and Non, the sin the apple represents is being gay. And it's after this, and after the bracelet scene, that Non becomes involved with Por's film and his tragedy begins.
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Zoomed in screenshot from ep. 5
And I wonder if the bracelet scene is the last time Phee and Non visit this forest location. It would parallel how Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden once they sinned.
Final Thoughts
You give me a story that criticizes Western religion and how it's used as a tool for oppression and colonization, and I'm gonna eat that shit up. I am gonna eat it up. Every. Single. Time.
I really wasn't expecting anything like this from Dead Friend Forever. This level in attention to detail is unmatched. I don't think I've watched a more well planned out show. And no matter where DFF goes from here, these seven episodes will always hold a special place in my heart. 💗
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oneatlatime · 7 months
The Desert
Alternate title: Gimme Appa back.
"But I believe, Aang can save the world." no pressure kid.
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I had completely forgotten about these two chuckleheads. For once the 'Previously On' segment is useful rather than spoilery.
Ok Aang is going to get the world's biggest pass this episode, because he's in the suckiest of all situations. But even so, how exactly was Toph supposed to come and get them, when she was both actually blind for once and the only reason the library hadn't drowned them yet?
Aang has something of a history of running away. Does going after Appa count as running away from his friends?
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Zuko's theatre kid tendencies are genetic.
The way Iroh said "What Now?" you know he was actually saying "fuck's sake."
Zuko's hair seems to grow very quickly. I thought that I could use his hair growth to measure time passing but this is not tracking. He barely had a buzz cut in The Chase and now he's fluffy.
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Two things: a) this guy has eyes greyer than Aang this episode. b) He's cocking his hands like that ridiculous Henry Cavill scene from Mission Impossible where he cocks his biceps.
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This guy's spear has piercings. And is coming out of a Dragon's mouth.
I don't know that I'd call these guys legendary. They're zero for two against an Avatar in Drag and two starving refugees with three functioning arms.
Doesn't Katara ever change out her water? Or even use it up and have to refill it?
I said it last episode, and I'll say it again: why did five people, a lemur, and a ten tonne sky bison travel into a desert famous for its desertiness with only a single water pouch between them? Admittedly, if they'd brought extra water and left it on Appa, they'd be having the same problem, but still...
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Is a kids' show actually going to go there?
They actually went there!
Honestly if you're dying of dehydration in the desert, eating strange plants is absolutely the way to go. I'd rather trip my way into the afterlife than just shrivel up and die.
I love the way Aang's glider shadow moves over the dunes. Another one of those tiny details that the animators could have left out, but they didn't!
Sand benders must get crazy high speeds if Aang can't spot even a trace of Appa from up high. He wasn't Appa-napped very long ago.
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Everyone go watch the scene where Aang blows up the mushroom cloud. Go right now I'll wait. And pay attention to Sokka's mouth. It does the wave.
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His mouth does the wave and his arms do the worm. Someone really had fun this episode.
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Zuko breaking the world record for highest number of Fire Nation wanted posters. Despite being the only person on that board who's unquestionably loyal to the Fire Nation. What a nice reward he got for his loyalty.
How is that one wrestler dude's hair so shiny?
Why, other than plot convenience, would Zuko and Iroh be at the Ice Spring?
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I see now that the left hand shadow is Sokka with a Momo on his head. But for just a second I thought it was Ramona from Scott Pilgrim.
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There are some really beautiful colour gradients in this desert.
"We won't survive without Appa." Well yes, but you have to try.
If this is a normal desert they're going to freeze their butts off overnight.
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No comment. Just vibes.
Hey this is a Katara episode! Toph is blind, Sokka's zoinked, Aang's given up, so it's Katara time baby!
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This episode has no business being this pretty.
"Sokka. I was there." I'd be very surprised if Katara's voice actress doesn't have an idiot older brother. That line was delivered a little too perfectly.
I'm not going to comment on every Sokka is high joke, but rest assured I'm finding them all hilarious.
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Those drinks cost a gold piece each. Where did they get five gold pieces from?
Colour me shocked. The chuckleheads actually had a good idea for once.
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Colour me shocked again! I vaguely predicted this!
Zuko. Honey. How are you this dim? He's so very good at missing exactly what's in front of him.
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Big muscles. No brains.
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Very pretty. The sand texture is good too.
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Well that was mean.
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Passive aggressive glider deployment. Also how low is that cloud if Aang can reach it to bend it?
Aang is not shining this episode (understandably) but Katara is going from strength to strength. I NEVER would have thought that she was someone who could keep her cool under pressure like this. Happy to be wrong!
I have no idea if Sokka is going to remember or be aware of this epic trip he's on, but this is probably the best time he's had in months. Certainly since Yue died. He deserves this. Bad timing, but he needed a break.
"You must forgive my nephew. He is not an initiate, and is dumb as shit and incapable of reading the room."
Why is there a flower shop in the middle of the desert? What clients do they have? Obviously it's a front for this pai sho secret society thing, but why did they pick such a nonsensical front?
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Toph has so much personality that it's easy to forget how tiny she is. Like a little gargoyle.
Sokka talking like a Greaser was the thing I didn't know I needed.
Poor Katara. Now you know how your brother feels every time he has to save your bacon from your weekly prison break.
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I am losing my mind over these colours. Especially after The Library.
"I have a natural curiosity." I'm going to start using that.
Oops they found the circle bird nest.
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Hey showrunners, you're going to take Momo from me too? You sure you want to do that? After last episode? Don't give me a pretty sunset with a latte swirl. Give me back Appa, put down Momo, or I'll sic Toph on you.
I do like Toph as a piece of artillery.
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Turns out a combined Appa and Momo -napping is what it takes to get Aang to break his no killing rule. I now know how to defeat the Fire Lord.
The Audacity. Going to Ba-Sing- however the hell that's spelled. The sheer audacity. But then what? What's the plan after they get there? Just live the rest of their lives?
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Rejected Mortal Combat guy.
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You ever have one of those days where you do only your top lip?
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Whoever made that door, and that lock - good job!
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Nothing to see here, just making a delivery of two giant planters in the middle of the desert. The Owl decided to spruce up his entryway.
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Y'all are fucked. Y'all deserve it. Aang has completely lost control. He's spent the whole episode losing it more and more and now he's gone completely off the rails. Has he ever zipped into the Avatar state that fast before?
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Never underestimate the power of a woman who's fed up with everyone's nonsense. Just so fed up.
Well that was sad.
Badass name of the day: Malachi Throne, voice of a character whose name I don't recognise.
Final Thoughts
This was Katara's episode. I'm not going to forgive not getting Appa back, but Katara actually keeping a level head for once was an unexpected delight.
This episode was pretty unrelentingly heavy in the A-plot, which is why I don't understand why Sokka and Momo tripping worked so well. It did work, and I very much enjoyed it, but it should have stuck out like a sore thumb and it didn't. The beat up Sokka quota fulfillled from within by chemicals was a nice creative touch.
I am very happy to see Iroh take the wheel, although I'm not convinced there's a long term plan here beyond get food and shelter. Which, fair enough, goals tend to be short term and immediate when you're in dire straits.
This episode really stomped all over Aang. And then stomped some more. I was surprised how negative and shouty he was at the beginning, but by the end I was surprised how long it took him to lose it. Apart from his staff and his clothes, Appa really is all he has left from before he got frozen. That sandbender punk was rotten to the core.
So I guess we're going to the earth kingdom capital regardless of the eclipse information. Is the rest of the season going to be getting there? I also can't help but notice that it's where Iroh and Zuko are headed as well. Zuko could actively run in the direction opposite to the Avatar and he'd still end up tripping over him. The earth Kingdom is ginormous. And yet, like every two episodes Zuko runs into the Avatar. Is it fate? Is it plot convenience?
I should dislike this episode. It's 24 minutes of our faves getting beat down and not finding Appa, with a b-plot of Zuko being more oblivious than usual. I should dislike it, but I don't. This is definitely going on the rewatch list. It was a very pretty episode, which helped. Beyond that I can't put into words why I liked it, but I did!
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thelunarfairy · 8 months
Hello! I'm also Brazilian and I saw your profile! And I just loved it!! I think it's really good how people like you see works and create such good theories about them! ( I'm just writing this in English because I want other people to see it 😅 )
So, I have a question if you don't mind... you know, in chapter 86, in our couple's kiss, moments before they kiss, we have this scene:
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When I saw this, of course I freaked out, but, thinking about it, I didn't really understand why. Like, is he smelling her?? Why did he do it so suddenly?? (I NEED ANSWERS!!) Anyway-
Feel completely free to ignore this if you don't want to or if you're feeling uncomfortable. OK? Thank you very much anyway 😊
Yeeeey! I'm very happy, another Brazilian hahaha I'm glad you found me, I'm really happy >.< I understand perfectly haha and thank you for asking the question in English so that everyone can understand, I'll put the answer in English and in Portuguese for you, ok? If you want, you can skip to the Portuguese part :3 (Note: I will only include images in the English part)
About your question, oh, this moment. Hanako hadn't seen Yashiro in a long time, you and I know very well how much he likes physical touch and how much he touched her so often, imagine that he was missing that, her touch, her voice, her smell.
So when the two of them finally finished talking about the whole situation Hanako created, Yashiro gave him the chance to talk about how he was feeling, he's not one to talk, you know, he likes to do.
He says he thought he would never see her again, because I imagine he thought it impossible for her to do what she did. Then, Yashiro appeared, saved him from Teru and told she loved him. When would he imagine that she would do that for him? He found her again, and she did all of this for him in the process.
Then Hanako couldn't contain himself any longer, he hugged her, like he hadn't done in a long time, he got closer, looked into her eyes and confessed that he was happy to see her again, happy that she did all that to see him again, so Hanako scene you sent.
He hugs her with so much tenderness, you can see it in the expression in his eyes, a hug that screams the whole time "I missed you" all these feelings, the longing, the surprise, the happiness and the love, are present in this hug. Hanako said he loves "everything" about her, so her scent might be included haha
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The sweet innocence of discovery, the first love of a boy who no longer knew how to understand his own feelings, or understood but didn't accept. Emotions overwhelm him, he could no longer contain himself.
He's thorough when he starts touching her again. He hugged her from behind to tell her how he felt and then, "What's wrong with me?" he said, trying to understand this new and intense feeling that he knew for the first time, his eyes show desire and happiness.
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I can hear his voice panting as he speaks these words, he was no longer holding back, after assuming that something was different, he hugs her, you can see him pulling her towards him, everything about her was a delight. The skin, the voice, the smell, the touch, he said it all, didn't he? He buried his face into her shoulder, "she's really here"
He delicately intertwines his fingers with hers, almost like a symbol of unity, then he looks her in the eyes as Nene kisses his hand, they maintain this eye contact as if he is asking for permission to kiss her, and then, the kiss.
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He was taking in every detail he could when he met her again, as if he couldn't believe that she was there and that he could touch her again like he used to, but it seems like our boy couldn't take it like he used to, can't he?
This moment of reunion between them was very well crafted. Hanako is not a boy who likes to talk about how he feels, he usually shows it with actions (even if against his will) he is very expressive so pay close attention to the way he acts. This scene shows how much he missed her, her touch, her look and every detail of her Hahahaha he almost cried with happiness. He didn't need to say a word for us to understand that, did he?
So the answer to your question is, he was hugging her and loving everything about her at that moment, everything hahaha
I hope that you enjoyed! Thanks for the ask ♡
Answer in Portuguese | Resposta em português
Yeeey! eu estou muito feliz, mais um brasileiro hahaha que bom que você me encontrou, eu estou realmente feliz >.< Eu entendo perfeitamente haha e obrigado por fazer a pergunta em inglês para que todos possam entender, eu vou colocar a resposta em inglês e em português pra você, ok? Se quiser pode pular para a parte em português :3 (Obs. vou colocar imagens apenas na parte em inglês)
Sobre a sua pergunta, ah, esse momento. Hanako não via Yashiro fazia um bom tempo, eu e você sabemos bem o quanto ele gosta de toque físico e o quanto ele tocava nela com tanta frequência, imagine que ele estava sentindo saudades disso, do toque, da voz, do cheiro dela.
Então, quando eles dois finalmente terminam de conversar sobre toda situação que Hanako criou, Yashiro deu a ele a chance dele falar como ele estava se sentindo, ele não é de falar, você sabe, ele gosta de fazer.
Ele diz que achava que nunca mais a veria, porque imagino que ele tenha considerado impossível que ela fizesse o que ela fez. Então, Yashiro apareceu, o salvou do Teru e disse que o amava. Quando ele imaginaria que ela fosse fazer isso por ele? Ele a reencontrou, e ela fez tudo isso por ele no processo.
Então Hanako não conseguiu mais se conter, ele a abraçou, como há tempos não fazia, se aproximou mais, olhou em seus olhos e confessou que estava feliz que em reencontrá-la, feliz que ela fez tudo aquilo para revê-lo, então a cena que você mandou.
Ele a abraça com tanta ternura, você consegue ver na expressão de seus olhos, um abraço que grita o tempo inteiro "eu senti sua falta" todos esses sentimentos, a saudade, a surpresa, a felicidade o amor, estão presentes nesse abraço. Hanako disse que ama "tudo" nela, então o cheiro dela pode estar incluso haha
A doce inocência da descoberta, o primeiro amor de um garoto que não sabia mais como entender seus próprios sentimentos, ou entendia mas não aceitava. As emoções o dominam, ele não conseguiu mais se conter.
Ele é minucioso quando começa a tocá-la novamente. A abraçou por trás, para falar como se sentia e logo em seguida, "O que há de errado comigo?" disse ele, tentando entender esse sentimento novo e intenso que ele conhecia pela primeira vez, seus olhos mostram o desejo e a felicidade.
Eu consigo ouvir a voz dele ofegante enquanto fala essas palavras, ele não estava mais se contendo, depois de assumir que algo estava diferente ele a abraça, você consegue ver ele puxando ela para si, tudo nela era um deleite. A pele, a voz, o cheiro, o toque, ele disse tudo, não disse? Ele afundou o rosto no ombro dela, "ela está realmente aqui"
Ele delicadamente entrelaçar seus dedos nos dela, quase como um símbolo de união, então, ele a olhou nos olhos enquanto Nene beijava sua mão, eles mantêm esse contato visual como se ele estivesse pedindo permissão para beijá-la, e então, o beijo.
Ele estava apreciando cada detalhe que podia quando a reencontrou, como se não estivesse acreditando que ela estava ali e que ele podia tocá-la novamente como costumava fazer, mas parece que nosso garoto não conseguiu mais aguentar como antes, não é mesmo?
Esse momento de reencontro entre eles foi muito bem trabalhado. Hanako não é um garoto que gosta de falar como se sente, ele costuma demonstrar com ações (mesmo que contra a vontade dele) ele é muito expressivo então preste bem atenção na forma como ele age. Essa cena mostra o quão ele sentia saudades dela, do toque, do olhar e de cada detalhe nela Hahahaha por muito pouco ele quase chorou de felicidade. Ele não precisou dizer uma palavra para entedermos isso, não é mesmo?
Então, a resposta da sua pergunta é, ele a estava abraçando e amando tudo nela naquele momento, tudo. Hahaha
Espero que tenha gostado! Obrigado pelo ask ♡
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mayiwritesomething · 2 months
Love is an Unfamiliar Name (Pt. 7)
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Wordcount: 2,1 k
Warnings: friends talking about sex, basically an allusion, no big deal.
A/N: In this slightly longer (and quite sad) chapter we have a Pedro who is a bit... let's say a jerk . but along the we will understand why this kind of behavior is happening, I swear haha
Fear (Of the Unknown)
"Neeeeext," Jenny demanded, munching on a bag of Takis while perched on the couch. "I want all the juicy details, girl." You finally met the girls at Jenny’s room on Sunday night after spending the whole day at Pedro’s.
"Well, we have to give the guy credit," Amy chimed in, reclining at the end of Jenny's bed. "I can't even remember the last time you had a sleepover with a man. He must've really impressed you to change your mind."
"Hey, it's not like we were going at it like rabbits," you chuckled, the memory still fresh in your mind. "We talked a lot too. It just felt like any other day, you know? Even during sex, we found our rhythm quickly."
"Have you noticed how radiant her skin looks?" Amy observed, peering at you with curiosity as you sat in the middle of the bed.
"Fuck, you're glowing!" Jenny exclaimed in surprise. "We'll have to find out what his secret is." You simply laughed it off.
"He really paid attention to what I wanted, always checking if I was comfortable," you admitted shyly. "But he could also be quite dominant. And like I said, we had some deep conversations in between... activities," you finished with a silly grin.
"My friend, I have some news for you," Amy interjected with a laugh. "It's a good thing that you finally let yourself date someone you've known for a while, it is way better than with some random shit—and you’re going to have to swallow your pride and admit that this guy was good. You probably didn’t let him know, but he got you on your knees.”
"He got me at least three or four times that I can remember," you chuckled.
"Come on!" Jenny playfully tossed a Taki at you.
"I'd pay to see that," Amy teased. "YOU," she pointed at you, bursting into song, "Just like a prayer, you know I'll take you there." She laughed.
"It was definitely a great point of view; I can't deny that." You smiled, feeling a shiver of excitement run down your spine.
"Amy, look at her. SHE IS FUCKING SMILING," Jenny pointed out, munching on her Takis.
"And to think he was so nervous about approaching her," Amy added, causing both you and Jenny to look at her in shock. She realized her mistake.
"WHAT?!" You and Jenny exclaimed simultaneously, eager for more information. Amy tried to backtrack, claiming it was obvious, but you pressed her for details.
"Please don't tell Timmy I told you this," Amy pleaded, disappointed in herself. "Remember that night you were feeling down, and he joined you on the patio? You two spent the night together. He was feeling confused and guilty for maybe mixing things up, so he confided in Timmy."
"And why are you telling this now, Amy?" You snapped, a hint of irritation in your voice. "I could've been having this great sex all this time. Single people also deserve happiness, you know," you added sarcasticly.
"Timmy only told me at the pub! before we went to check on you," Amy explained. "I was mad at him too, ok? But he told him that you're not someone to mess with. If he screws up and you decide to leave, you'll walk away just like you did before." Tim knew you; he had seen you broken before.
"Well… that explains a lot," you mused, recalling your conversations from the previous night when he decided to explain himself.
You jetted off to LA for a few days as planned, but true to your workaholic nature, you managed to squeeze in a business meeting during your vacation. After years of toiling on scores and earning some awards such as an Academy and a Golden Globe, you now have the luxury of being selective with your projects. The upcoming project was one you couldn't afford to pass up.
Your conversations with Pedro continued as usual, but as you boarded your flight on Monday, a nagging fear crept in—would he suddenly disappear? You didn't want that to happen; the memory of your past involvement with someone you had a prior connection to still haunted you.
Despite your reservations, you decided to give it a chance. Spending a long night with people you had no attachment to was much easier, you understood why the girls were excited to see you with someone you shared a connection with. And from your conversations with him, you learned that his friends felt the same.
A lingering question plagued your mind: Two different people, same traumas. Could it possibly work?
You pushed that thought aside, refusing to indulge in self-sabotage this time. You were enjoying yourself and didn't want to ruin a good thing. Upon returning to Canada, you and Pedro found yourselves in a rather funny situation—sneaking into each other's rooms like teenagers trying to evade their parents' watchful eyes.
Both of you excelled at maintaining a professional demeanor during the day, and no one would suspect that you were secretly meeting in the middle of the night. You were admired for your serious demeanor, while Pedro's easygoing nature was already known. Despite your differences, you both managed to keep your clandestine rendezvous under wraps, maintaining the facade of being nothing more than good friends.
In the past few months, you have been seeing each other at least once a week, a frequency that felt just right for you. With both of you thriving in your careers, it was important not to let things spiral out of control. So, when Pedro broached the topic of aligning your schedules to spend more time together, you felt a sense of relief. It was evident that he was trying to downplay his excitement about seeing you more often, but you welcomed the conversation, knowing it was a discussion you had also been considering.
You made sure to let him know that after the post-production phase, you would go on tour with Mended Fragments, so it would be harder to meet during these months, but with the tour ending, you would have a break, which he acknowledged and agreed, considering he had his own projects.
As usual, you meticulously planned the agenda for the following two weeks, which included a trip to New York to produce a quick soundtrack for a runway show while assisting your team via Zoom. Additionally, you had been invited to the show’s after-party, where Jenny would accompany you, presenting an excellent opportunity for networking and reconnecting with familiar faces, so you had a good feeling about it. During a post sex conversation, you discovered that Pedro would also be attending the same event.
"She's a good friend I made during my time in New York, so I'll finally have some free time to catch up with her. Oscar is also attending," Pedro mentioned, his gaze fixed on you as you both layed on the bed.
"Wow, I had no idea you knew her. Vivienne sounds like a lovely person," you replied. "She was blown away by Rick's show in Paris last season, so she reached out to him to know who the composer was, and that's how we met—even though you didn't ask," you added playfully, planting a kiss on his shoulder.
"I would ask, but you're quite quick, baby," he said, his demeanor distant as if his mind were elsewhere, which made you feel quite bothered.
"Is everything okay?" you asked softly, pulling away from his embrace to look him in the eyes.
"Yeah, it is; you just wore me out a bit, that's all," he replied, though you sensed he was not being entirely truthful. Or perhaps it was just your own mind playing tricks on you. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, you decided to let it go, so you kept talking.
"It'll be nice to see you there without anyone from work around," you said without hiding your smile. "I mean, being able to talk to you without having to sneak around like thieves." Your excitement was palpable.
"Well, baby...” Your smile faded, his tone felt weird. “I think it's best if we keep things as they are now. It's not like we have anything serious going on to show up at a party as a couple," he said, getting up to get dressed. His words stung like daggers, piercing through your skin. "It's almost 7 a.m. I should head back to my room."
"I never said anything about us being a couple, Pedro," you retorted, your tone sharp with frustration. "I simply mentioned meeting you at a party you were already planning to attend. I'm not suggesting anything." You were hurt by his sudden change in behavior.
"Okay. I just don't want us to misunderstand things," he said, noticing the glint of tears in your eyes. "I really enjoy what we have, baby, but it's more of a close friendship with benefits, isn't it?"
You couldn't understand why he was bringing this up out of nowhere. Perhaps it was the tequila you both had indulged in due to exhaustion. While you tried to make sense of his actions, you refused to throw a fit at that moment. You wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing you beg for his affection.
"If that's how you see it," you replied curtly, masking your hurt with sarcasm. "I must have misunderstood, but thank you for clarifying. I guess I'll see you at the party then. I'll be leaving on Monday."
"I thought you were supposed to leave on Wednesday," he remarked, surprised. "So, I won't get to see you?" Closing the distance between you, he attempted to embrace you, now fully dressed, while you stood by the bed, wrapped in a blanket.
"No," you answered firmly.
"I'm going to miss this body," he said, adjusting your hair, his breath tinged with the scent of alcohol. You held back tears, refusing to let them fall.
"Is the body all you'll miss?" you asked, trying to maintain a facade of strength.
"Is there anything else to miss?" he replied, deliberately cruel. It felt as though he wanted to see you break down in tears, solely because of him. He wouldn’t let you win this argument.
"Leave,” you were about to break. “Go have a shower and eat something, you’re fuckin drunk.” Your voice was trembling. You were also quite dizzy.
His gaze lingered on you, taken aback by your response. It wasn’t the plea for attention he anticipated. Why hadn’t you begged for his affection? Though he wanted to express his regret and admit he'd miss you, he needed validation from you. It was then that he realized he had screwed things up. You held the door open, silently urging him to depart. As he reluctantly exited your room, he reached out, attempting to grasp your hand.
"Please, just go," you stated firmly, unwavering in your resolve. And so, he left. Without a word.
Two hours later, after shedding all the tears you had in you, a message from Pedro lit up your phone screen. "Sorry for what I said." You decided to ignore him, but the persistent ringing of your phone indicated that he was calling. Reluctantly, you answered. "What?"
"Babe, I'm sorry.” He started, “I shouldn't have drunk that much. I was upset about work shit that happened yesterday, and I took it out on you—It's not your fault, please,” he added. ” I was a jerk, and I'm sorry for being mean to you. I'm really sorry, baby."
"Okay, anything else?" you responded coldly.
"Baby, I'm fuckin scared—what we have... it scares me," his voice quivered, betraying his own tears. “I don’t want to fuck things up; I truly don’t—”
"Listen, I always make an effort to see things from your perspective, Pedro. I hope you can do the same for me now," You wanted to express more, but you held back. "I don't want to talk to you right now, okay? Can you respect that?"
"Babe, please..."
"Can you respect that?" you reiterated firmly.
"I can. I'm really sorry."
"Goodbye. See you at Vivienne's," you abruptly ended the call. All you wanted to do was cry. Little did you know Pedro was doing the same: crying about the cruel words he said to you. He wanted it to be just a friend with benefits kind of relationship, but deep down he knew it wasn’t, and he was scared. You both were.
“Imagine two complete strangers
Who suspect they were meant to be
Both in need of love and affection
Yet their suspicions prevent something heavenly
Fear takes control — fear of the unknown”
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lyrenminth · 1 year
My best friend
n/a. I'm alive and well. I'm going to start publishing drafts, I hope you like it.
Bad days are for everyone. Having company was important. Since one of your best friends passed away, you had a hard time trying to move on. You cried everyday, thinking that you could have been a better friend and talk more with her. Spend more time, enjoy more. Life was a thin sheet of paper, it could end in many ways, you could draw so many dreams and yet tearing it apart.
Joe noticed your mood, and even though he tried to talk to you, you refused to speak with him because you felt awful. He respected your decision and gave you time. When it was obvious you weren't fine, he started getting nervous each day. He sent you more texts, and came home earlier than usual. The pre season was starting but you couldn't pay any attention to it. You were mourning.Until one day Joe took a seat to talk. You were in the living room, reading without comprehend so much about the meaning behind.
"Ok, that's enough. You need help" he stated, serious but caring "you haven't eat well, you lost weight, you don't talk, you don't go out anymore. I'm worried about you"
You shrugged, feeling anxious. "I don't know"
"I try to be patient, but this is worse of what I thought"
"What did you thought?" your voice lack emotion, like a machine.
"I know she was your friend" Tears started running down your face. You heart ached full of regrets. All the things you didn't do, all the words you didn't say. You were a shitty friend. He came closer to you, and you sat on across his legs and hugged you like a mother would hug her crying child. You buried your face on his chest, sobbing. "Baby, it's ok, it's ok" his hand ran through you back up and down, trying to comfort you. He gave you kisses on your forehead, whispering soft words.You knew Joe didn't feel comfortable with overly emotional people, but you couldn't stop. Besides, he was your partner.
"I feel terrible Joe"
"Tell me why"
"She called me one day before and I didn't answer. How many times I didn't answer?" you cried.
"You didn't know"
"Then her mother called me, I didn't picked up. I don't know..." you took a deep breath "I miss her"
"Baby, you didn't know what was going to happen. It's not your fault. Don't put the blame on you" his hands moved to your cheeks, his gentle touch calmed you down.
"What do I do now Joe?"Her mother told you everything was fine. No shade or prejudice against you. But the blame was eating you alive.
"Baby, you need help. Someone who is professional, not me or your mom or anyone else" he told you "You are my best friend too, I only want your happiness, and I bet she would like the same" his expression was serious, his worried eyes made your stomach twist in pain. You never thought about how important was your presence for him. But he showed you in his actions, the little details. He always remembered your allergies, your like and dislikes. He would listen to your rants when things didn't go well. And when he got injured, he rely on you a lot. With you he felt naked in mind and body, you knew his ups and downs and he trust you above every one else.Losing you was not in his plans. He grabbed you by your chin and made you look at him.
"Promise me you'll accept the help" You nodded because you didn't want to cause more harm. "I love you" he whispered so low you almost didn't hear him. You buried your face on his chest, feeling protected. Joe was your friend, your partner, your family. You must be strong for him.
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binary-not-found · 1 year
Episode 15 season 2 😍😍
And the crowd goes wild!!! 🥳😭😍🥰 Lucy is finally back and I've never been happier.
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I'm a person who lives for spoilers, so when they released this scene a few hours before the episode came out I was the happiest human on the entire continent and learned every single detail before I even watched the episode 🤭
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I didn't gif it, and that's my bad, but let's talk about the first thing Kate says when she sees Lucy, before putting down the pan, before hugging her, the response to Lucy's "Hii!" is "You're home" not "you're back" not "you're finally here" not even a "Lucy!" in surprise seeing her there earlier than expected, the first thing Kate thinks when she sees her is that Lucy is back with her, at home 🥺
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"You're perfect!"
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"It only took three requests, two informal one formal, eight emails and one very long phone call."
Lucy could have waited 24 more hours to go back to Hawai'i, she could have let things happen as planned, but her smitten ass couldn't take being away from Kate anymore and she needed to get to her as soon as possible, and she did everything to be with her at least one day sooner. Do you realize how in love she is? Do you realize how much she missed her during those four months? Do you realize why it's important for us to know this? She was away for four months, one more day wasn't going to hurt her, but she didn't want to wait any longer, that's the kind of thing you do for love.
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"It's that turning you on right now?" "Just a little bit"
Add it to the list of things that turn Kate on, Lucy fighting multiple opponents, and Lucy cutting as much red tape as she can to get to Kate one day early 🤭
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The intimacy of the moment and how beautiful it is to see them loving each other that hard ❤
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Just look at the way Lucy looks at Kate when she is laughing, her eyes follow her and she doesn't take them off her face for a moment, they are so in love 😭
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The fear in her eyes trying to figure out what the hell they were going to do with the party and the surprise, I know Kate knew that Jesse and Kai are too dumb to be able to keep the secret around Lucy and she was right, because in the end they made her feel sad :(
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Two things: One: Kate serving dinner and Lucy setting the table is something I didn't know I needed but I'm happy to know. Two: Kai texting Kate with updates on what Lucy is doing using gifs! Those two are best friends and no one can make me change my mind
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"I don't get it" "I think it's because you're small but powerful."}
One brain cell share these two 😅
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My poor Kate trying her best to make excuses about why the team doesn't want to hang out with Lucy, knowing that she feels hurt and left behind because they were being weird to her all day long
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"Well, we're throwing you a surprise party!"
And she let it out, listen and pay attention, Kate has proven more than once that the only thing she is always looking for is to protect Lucy, make sure she is ok, feels calm and is happy. The fact that Jesse and Kai can't behave like people when trying to keep a secret made Lucy feel bad, it made her feel ignored and even hurt when she felt that her team didn't care about her return, Kate noticed this and the only solution she found was to tell the truth, what she wanted is for Lucy to know that they were not indifferent to her return, she did it out of love, to take care of her.
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And boy if they are the best, but to keep a secret they all suck 😂
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"You used to protect secrets for a living and you let one slip because you couldn't stand to see me upset."
Exactly what I tell you, she just didn't want her love to be sad
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Nothing to say, just 😍🥺
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The way Kate's look changes and softens when her smile appears after what Lucy says 🥺.
1/2 Episode 15
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sillyromance · 6 months
Good day/night, Void-Draws!
🩸- reformation:
My attitude to this phenomenon is quite positive. I see reformation vore as a perfect way to relax and to make a "reboot" of all my systems - it's like to get born once again for a prey. Also, a pred doesn't need to concentrate on holding back digestion - everything goes as it should, the pred has a chance to absorb nutrients they require while knowing that their small friend won't feel hurt. Now the prey is painlessly passing away, but tomorrow they will be alive and sound asleep right beside their big pal. Also, it's just quite pleasant for both sides: the pred feels as their stomach softens, gets squishy and round, faintly gurgling as it happily works on a large "meal", and extra heaviness goes away, beings replaced by warmth and faint laziness; the prey enjoys tickling all around their body, fuzzily noticing while dozing off as their solid form melts into hot liquid...
Of course, some might say that acid can burn even when it's followed by reformation. Then I'd say I'm OK with that too. However, in such case, I'm thinking about an accident when no one of the involved haven't known that digestion without death is possible. For example, the prey gives up their life to help the pred survive, or the pred is forced to eat the prey (these two could be caught by their enemies and such procedure would be the most violent way to torture them), both being absolutely sure it's the end; however, next day the prey, safe and sound, wakes up beside their partner. This situation is great for a good angsty scenario with a sweet ending.
👀 - appearance:
Well, personally, I pay very much attention on it. I like male and non-binary preds who are usually humanoids; they are tall (way taller than a prey, sometimes literally giants), slim enough, though kinda bulky (I'm not a fan of skinny preds, but there may be some exceptions) and, definitely, quite strong. Coming to details, I like when a pred has a thick neck - then it's so easy to imagine sliding down their throat - and a wide torso. Also I have understood quite quickly that I have to like a person's face to consider them a pred; so, if describing, I often choose middle-aged, a bit severe/round-faced people/humanoids who have warm wide smile and wise, piercing eyes. Bonus points if a pred has a cool outfit (suits, armour, uniform). The only thing I can't accept in a potential pred is a beard, although I'm OK with moustaches. Combining all mentioned together, I think, the perfect preds for me are: Drift (TF RID), Fritz Howard (The Closer/Major Crimes), Darth Vader (Star Wars) - I know little about the last fictional universe but I have always been interested in one of its main antagonists.
As for preys, I often see them as miniature beings of all genders. Nevertheless, if I was a pred, I would choose a cute tiny elegant girl with big sparkling eyes, health blush on pretty cheeks and a funny pinned-up nose. So, the best prey for me is my own OC - Sacura.
🤖 - robot preds/preys:
Oh! These ones are my beloved! I don't see robots as preys though - well, it can happen if both parties are machines; so, this answer is going to be about robot preds only...
Recently I have discovered transformers; consequently, ma-a-any of them have became my sincere predcrushes. And generally, I'm really really into robotic vore. Robots can control all the processes going in their bodies, so they are perfect for every possible scenarios from safe to fatal; they can have lights built in the walls of their internal organs which can help a prey to relax inside (especially, if the latter is afraid of darkness); robots are surely able to regulate their body temperature and liquids circulation, this way, such preds' stomachs can be as warm and dry as their preys want! Robots are a pure treasure for protective vore enjoyers - their metal armour successfully shield everything behind it including little life curled up inside the tough frame. So, as you can see, there are endless reasons why robots should be used as preds more often!
Moreover... There is something magnificent in a situation when a person discovers soft and vulnerable spots of a creature which, at the first glance, seems to be nothing but roughness itself. This contrast makes my nerves tingle a little because it's way harder to be gentle and careful with your friend when you're made of hard materials.
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blu-engineer · 10 months
Wait wait wait tell me about the sniper Applejack comparisone I know Applejack very well and I trust you with tf2 what have you to say
so basically:
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^ this image is where sniper applejack is from LOL. when i was writing my sniper analysis post at 4 in the morning (IDK why either) this image popped into my head once i reached The Conclusion.
what is The Conclusion? sniper is like if the element of honesty killed people. and was also emotionally repressed a bit.
i'm gonna be real, it has been actually years since i watched MLP. it's basically an in-law fandom at this point but here's my rundown
applejack's whole thing is honesty. she hates lies, lying, and liars. she tells The Truth . she cant lie to people. single biggest thing that i can back this up with is the flimflam brothers she would kill those guys if she could
sniper is also Honest, but it's less explicitly a trait of his. you gotta pay attention to see it but once you notice it's EVERYWHERE. he talks about his job, his family, and his core philosophies extremely easily in meet the sniper. his is the ONLY video to consistently remain an actual interview, and he's also the only one who talks about personal details like that. it gets used against him once and he still Does Not Stop
it goes beyond the meet-the-team vids though- in the mainline comic series, sniper finds out that he is quite literally COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the australians (who, in tf2, are extremely loud and social and like if you cranked up neurotypical toxic masculinity to 11). this is like a subtext-said-out-loud thing. and sniper never tries to hide that he's Different. he knows he's different, and he refuses to lie about who he is
sniper is openly An Assassin. his parents don't like it, but he refuses to lie to them about it or change his profession because it's What He Does, it's a part of him like breathing is. so they argue. and that's okay
in comic 6, he gets paired up with spy due to various bullshit reasons (that include dying) and at one point they both run into scout, who is currently Also Dying. sniper REFUSES to let spy leave without admitting to scout that he's his dad. (wait now that im thinking about it.... wait. ohh MY GOD WAIT)
WAIT. HOLD ON. WAIT. HE DOES THIS. BECAUSE OF HIS PARENTS. OH MY GOD. sniper also finds out he's adopted and his comics arc involves him hunting down that information because he FEELS LIKE HE'S BEEN LIED TO HIS WHOLE LIFE and finding an explanation for why he's Different drives him to uhh. kidnap people . but its ok👍
anyway back to spy and sniper. their whole thing since fucking 2009 has been that they hate eachother and that spy is a Fucking Liar. when you look into it more it's almost a kind of narrative foils thing. spy is a liar, sniper tells the truth. spy hides that he's scout's dad, sniper finds out that he's adopted. so in comic 6 sniper makes spy admit it in Some Form. because lying to his son on his deathbed would be horrible
sniper is naked during that entire part of the comic btw. he doesn't seem to care? kind of a looser association with the whole honesty thing but still
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A Voice Through the Nothingness Part 8
Check out this post by @marvelmusing for what I used as a visual for my post scars Billy.
I hope everyone is enjoying my fic, it's about to pick up so now is a great time to comment and let me know what you like about it.
Series Masterlist
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Contains: Longing, pining, mild angst, this is still a slow burn.
4.6K words
Comment if you want to be tagged or follow #a voice through the nothingness.
“But nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it.” - Calla Quinn
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It had been five weeks since Billy left the hospital and despite Dr Charles telling him every session that his feelings would fade, they hadn't. He was back at work now, his suit feeling like home as he took calls and met with clients.
Getting back to his life had helped but he still found himself angry at the most minor things. There were a lot more annoyances now, and while he didn't miss the controlled environment of the hospital, he did miss all the people there.
His mind often floated to Hazel, he thought about what she was doing with her life, how work had been, what she was doing on her time off, he went around and around until he was overwhelmed with thoughts.
Frank bursting into his office pulled his attention away from his swirling mind, he didn't seem happy, "why does one of our cars show they were out the front of Hazel place for two hours last night?"
Billy drummed his fingers impulsively, "she lives in a shithole Frank, there are fucking rats and trash everywhere."
Frank sighed, Billy had been like this, obeying Hazel's request to stay away while worrying continuously about her. He was still staying away if he cased her place while she was at work, "Bill, you gotta stop. Hazel's a big girl, she can look after herself."
Frank was being careful, mindful of Billy's anger and the cup being tossed at his office wall proved that, "she deserved to be looked after, not watching her back while she walks down the street."
"Like she looked after you? Billy, she told you she needed distance and then she told you she would never have feelings for you. You have to let her go man, this isn't healthy." Frank was growing worried, he knew Billy would never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it but he also knew Hazel was going to say or do whatever she could to keep Billy from falling deeper in love with her.
Billy rubbed his face, "she was lying, we both know that."
Frank wasn't in the mood to go over this again, "it doesn't matter, she told you to stay away."
Billy looked at his friend, "I'm just going to keep an eye on her, just in case."
Frank's jaw clenched, "no you won't, if you keep this she will find out and to drop you into the shrink. I'll do it and I'm not going to tell you anything, you'll have to settle for knowing I'll make sure she's ok."
"Fine, I just want to keep her safe." Billy's voice was still full of anger.
"And I'm going to do that Bill but you can't be involved. She will hate herself if she thinks she's messed up you getting back on your feet. Don't be a selfish bastard, you gotta do what she's asked."
Billy's eyes fell to the ground, "I know. I just miss her so much."
Frank sighed, "yeah man, I can tell but she's doing ok. Dr Charles said that this won't last forever and in a few months, if she's ok with it, you can try and see you again but you can't do that if you don't get your head right and get over this. I know you don't think so but you're feelings are changing, you just gotta give it time."
Billy smiled softly, "yeah, well I still feel like shit," he took a deep breath, "now I have to go meet this guy, he wants full detail and he's willing to pay."
Frank chuckled, "you might have lost your step with the ladies but at least you haven't lost your sales smarts."
"You have to stop beating yourself up about this, you did the right thing and like you say to your patients so many times, you can't help your feelings, you can only understand them."
Hazel appreciated Dr Charles' confidence but she still felt like shit, "yeah yeah, we've been over this a million times before but even with a clear head I still feel like an asshole."
Dr Charles adjusted his glasses, "You didn't do anything wrong, you were aware of your feelings and where they came from and you didn't act on them. You knew that pulling away would have done more harm than good and you stuck it out. I know I don't say this often but you were in a no win situation and you made the most of it."
Hazel sighed, "I miss him, and it's not just Billy. I miss all of them and it sucks that I lost friends over this."
"That's normal, and while I know you don't want to hear about how Billy is doing even though he gave me permission to disclose how's he doing, I want you to know that he's working through his feelings. It's taking time but he's coming to realise that you were telling the truth." Dr Charles felt for both of them, but it was as clear to him as it was anyone else that the feelings went beyond trauma, it was his job to make sure they knew to what degree.
Hazel smiled softly, "so he's doing good?"
Dr Charles nodded, "he is and I know it's only been ten weeks since but he is making amazing progress. You are too and like I've said a million times before, with time you and Billy can and should spend some time together so you can work through this and have closure."
Hazel shook her head, "I just want to be his friend again."
"And maybe you can have that, but for now, you need to focus on not kicking yourself every time you think of him." He hopped up and went to the file drawer before returning with a folder, "if you need reassurance, you can read my notes on him."
Hazel held up a hand, "no, I don't want to."
Dr Charles smiled, "well then, I guess I'll see you next week?"
She nodded, "yep."
Billy leaned against the door frame and flashed a smile, "You know Macy, there's an amazing hot chocolate place about twenty minutes from here, maybe we can give it a go?"
The blonde twirled her hair, "I'd like that Mr Russo."
"Please, call me Billy." Billy was surprised at how easily he fell back into his old ways, this was as easy as breathing.
"Alright Billy," she pulled a bit of paper out of her purse and wrote her number and address on it, "see you at six."
She swayed off and Frank took her place, having watched the interaction from afar, "good you for Bill. I mean, it's been three months, I was being to think your dick didn't work."
Billy huffed, "my dick works fine thanks."
"Don't wobble your eyes at me, you fishy asshole, I'll feed you in a minute." Barry swam to the top of his tank and spit a glob of water at the lid, "fine you little shit, I'll give you some snails but you bet quit being a dick or I'm putting you in the soup."
Knock knock
Hazel sighed, "I'm coming." She raced to the door, Lizzy was standing there in the tightest pair of jeans she had ever seen and a silver silky T-shirt, "you look amazing."
Lizzy smiled, "thank you, are you will too once you let into your closet. We are going out tonight and we're going to dance and get all our drinks for free."
Hazel sighed, "you know I don't like going out, I have study to do anyway."
Lizzy rolled her eyes, "you're not in school any more Hazel, do case reading later. I'm not leaving here without you."
She rolled her eyes, "fine, you know where my clothes are. I need to feed Barry."
Lizzy smiled, "that's what I want to hear." When she walked by the tank she waved to the fish, "Hi Barry."
Barry swam to the glass and wiggled back and forth, "don't look at me like that dude, I know. I'll feed you before I leave."
When Lizzy came out, she had an outfit similar to her own in her hands, tight black skinny jeans and a simple dark blue crop top T-shirt, "that's very dark?"
"Well yes, we're going to a club. Put your hair in a bun, put on some silver jewellery and you'll look great." Lizzy handed Hazel the clothes and went to the tank to interact with Barry.
"Contrary to your belief, I know how to dress." Hazel wasn't offended, she just wanted to enjoy a quiet night in.
Lizzy sighed, "I know that but when was your last date?"
Hazel shrugged, "I don't know, two and a half years ago."
Lizzy tilted her head, "there you go. I know you have style, you just need a little help."
Hazel tossed on the clothes, not bothering to go behind the paper screen to change, "see you look great, it even shows off your tattoo." Lizzy was right, the detail black and grey botanical tattoo that stopped just before her scrubs started was on full display.
Hazel glanced at her arm, "Yeah yeah, can we at least get some food on the way? I don't want to be dancing all night with an empty stomach."
Lizzy smiled, "Sure, the club has some really nice food. There's nothing stopping up from getting a table and eating there."
Hazel rolled her eyes, "alright, just let me feed Barry and then we can go."
"Let me do it." Lizzy was already rushing to the fridge.
"Sure, I'll get my keys." Hazel resigned herself to it, maybe it would be good to get out for the night.
Frank shook his head as Billy walked up to him arm in arm with another woman, a redhead this time. Frank smiled at her then pointed to Billy, "Can I steal him for a bit?"
The woman smiled, "of course."
She walked off and Frank gave Billy a look, "it seems your back to your old tricks?"
Billy smiled, "yeah man, I am. Like I told you, I gotta share the wealth."
Frank sighed, "so you're finally over Hazel?"
Billy paused, "it ain't like that man. I miss her like hell but I can see what she was saying now. It wasn't love, at least not like that. I still really care about her and I'm not going to lie to you, if I saw her on the street it would kill me no to say hello but she said she needed space and I'm giving it to her. It's been four months, she old me that six months down the line I would be thankful for what she did and I am, had we started anything I would have fucked it up."
Frank raised his eyebrows, "wow, therapy has done you wonders."
Billy chuckled, "Yeah, I'm real balanced now. Where are we going anyway?"
"Club Blue, the owner wants us to do protection from an upcoming event. If we do well, he wants to hire us permanently." While a club wouldn't have been in their roster before, Thomas' advertising was being in all sorts of clients.
Billy smiled, "Great, I'll just grab my date and we'll head off."
Frank sighed, "Billy the Beaut, your dick's going to fall off one day if you keep this up."
Billy shrugged, "but not tonight."
Hazel looked out the taxi window and took in the streets, "where are we going?"
Liz looked up from her phone with a smile, "Club Blue."
Hazel's eyes went wide, "Lizabeth, they sell sixty dollar mac and cheese and ninety dollar cocktails, who is paying for this?"
Lizzy sighed, "The owner is putting on a huge event in a few weeks and they want advertise, there'll be a heap of free stuff."
Hazel shook her head, "but we need to get in, how are we going to get in when it's the hottest thing in town?"
Lizzy placed her hand on Hazel's leg and gave her knee a squeeze, "I have two tickets and the only person I wanted to take was my best friend. It's super high end, there won't be any creeps, the music will be nice and I don't plan to go home with anyone so we can dance the whole night."
Hazel's shoulder fell, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a killjoy."
Lizzy smiled softly, "you're not being a killjoy. We're going to have so much fun and looking the way you do, you're going to get a whole bunch of attention and you can turn down every single one that looks your way."
Hazel sighed, "why the fuck not."
Lizzy's smile grew, "that's the spirit."
It didn't take long for them to pull up at the club, the bright blue sign filling the night sky with a blue glow. They hopped out of the cab and walked to the front, bypassing the mile long line when Lizzy flashed the tickets. The red rope was moved to the side and they walked in, the music filling Hazel's ears as they got further into the club.
"Wow, this place is fancy. Like really fancy." Hazel's eye went from one thing to the next, the bright dangling lights to the dark blue walls and the white furniture, "those will get dirty fast."
Lizzy huffed, "I'm sure they'll keep it clean. Come on, let's go get some drinks and before you say anything, they have a whole range of mocktails."
They walked up to the bar and Hazel looked at the menu while Lizzy ordered and G an T, "I'll have a strawberry fizzle, no alcohol please."
The bartender smiled, "Good choice."
He made the drink and slid it across the bar, Hazel taking a sip and moaning as the burst of strawberry hit her tongue, "wow, this is amazing."
Lizzy smiled, "yep. I think we should order now, get in and eat dinner while we still can, that good with you?"
Hazel nodded, "yep, I want the duck fat fries and the classic hamburger they sound amazing."
Lizzy's finger grazed the solid metal menu bolted to the table, "and I think I'll get the duck fat fries and the fried fish."
They went to order but the bartender held up a finger, "already done ladies, have a seat at one of our tables and we'll have it out soon."
Hazel blinked, "gee wiz, we'll never be able to afford this place again."
Lizzy chuckled, "Nope, so enjoy it while you can."
"So we have four entrances, two for our guests and two for our staff. The small guest entrance at the back, which we just went through, is for the VIP guests and the one at the front is for our regulars. We don't care which ones our staff use but we do want our kitchen staff to use the one closest to the kitchen." The owner gave them a speedy tour, acting like Billy and Frank were already working for them.
"We'll see that on your plans if you choose to hire us." The owner had already sent Billy's date to the VIP area to enjoy a drink and Billy wasn't happy about having to beat around the bush.
The owner smiled, "well then, we can head to the VIP area and you can enjoy some drinks on us, see if you like our business and we'll talk about your fees."
He directed Frank and Billy to a set of couches slightly above the main floor and half hidden behind frosted glass, joining Billy's date who was waiting for them with drink in hand, "it's really nice here Billy."
He smiled and her and placed a hand on her knee, "It is." He turned to the owner, "now we won't waste your time, if you want to hire us we'll need some things first."
The man raised a hand, "Anything."
Frank cleared his throat, "First things first, you'll need safety measures in place, that's a different code word in each bathroom and drug tests behind the bar so you can test if someone thinks their drink has been spiked. We'll need assurances that you do fire checks regularly and have done drills for clearing with place out when it's full and we'll need a list of the people you've barred for the establishment."
The owner swallowed, "I'm sure we can get all that for you, our main priority is the safety of our guests."
Billy looked around, searching for all the windows are doors he could see from where he was sitting. His eyes scanned the crowd, and his heart skipped as he looked closer, confirming the women he was looking at were Hazel and Lizzy. He shook it off and returned to his conversation, she looked happy and he wasn't going to risk that by bothering her, no matter how much he wanted to clear the air.
They had been dancing for at least an hour when Lizzy paused the fun, "I gotta pee, I'll be back."
Hazel huffed, "You've got a weak ass blader, but I'll come just in case." They hurried off to the bathroom, up a small flight of stairs and around the corner to the bathroom. It was just as nice as the rest of the Club and Hazel took a moment to check her phone while she waited for Lizzy.
Her friend picked up on her facial expression when she stepped out of the stall, "what's wrong?"
Hazel sighed, "I got to pop outside and make a phone call, one of my patients took a turn, I'll be back."
Lizzy nodded, "off you go, I'll have a drink ready when you get back."
Hazel rushed out and Lizzy followed, now that she wasn't in the middle of a conversation, she was able to have a good look around and her focus was drawn to a small bar off to the side. As she walked towards it, she walked past a small frosted glass petition, her eyes going wide when she saw a man sitting with Frank and Billy and Billy's arm slung over a woman's shoulders. They all met eyes and Frank gave her a soft smile while Billy sat there like a deer in headlights.
Lizzy headed to the bar, planning on waiting for one of them to approach her rather than say something and good thing she did because just as the bartender was about to shoo her away, Billy walked up with a smile, "Whiskey for me and water for my friend."
"Hey." Billy looked good, his hair was longer and he had grown his bread in, he must have been close to how Hazel first described him.
He smiled softly, "hey. I saw you and Hazel and the dancefloor, you guys looked like you were having fun."
Lizzy nodded, "yeah we are, you look good."
Billy nodded, "I'm feeling good," he took a breath, "look, I'm not going to say anything to her, I'm doing what she said and staying away."
Lizzy sighed, "she missed you Bill but this distance is a good thing, having said that, don't be surprised if she called you in a few weeks for coffee."
Billy felt calmer than he thought he thought would at that news, "so she's doing well?"
"Yeah, she's great. She had to take a work call but she'll be back in a bit. If you're feeling up to it maybe you can talk to her tonight, I know she'd be happy with it." Lizzy was happy Hazel had dealt with her feelings but she knew that if Hazel waited any longer to get closure with him, she would never do it.
Billy shook his head, "no, I've got a hot date so I don't think she'd be happy with that. I've been meaning to ask Dr C but I guess I can ask you, is Hazel going to the charity dinner next month?"
Lizzy nodded, "yep, we both are. Will you be there?"
Billy smiled, "We all will be, we wanted to thank the hospital for everything they've done for us so we donated some seats and offered to do security."
Lizzy smiled, "wonderful, I'm sure you and Hazel will talk the night away."
Billy sighed, a strange feeling coming over him, "I'm sure we will."
"I think he's going to be there, Lizzy told me she saw him when we went to that club a few weeks ago but she wouldn't tell me much more. I want to talk to him, finally get over all of this."
Dr Charles nodded, "I think that's a great idea. Billy has said the same thing and while I think Lizabeth should tell you the conversation word for word I see no issues with you and Billy pursuing a friendship now."
A friendship?
Hazel blinked, "you think it will be that simple, even after everything?"
"I do. You have made it clear to me that you no longer feel at fault for what happened and Billy now understands why his feelings arose. I think that not only will it be beneficial for you to clear the air but I think it's important that you both move on from this together, not only because you still care about each other but because you are friends with Billy's friends and they are close with Lizzy. You can never go wrong with another support network." Dr Charles could see as clear as day that it was the right thing to do, he was just sad it took Hazel this long to stop being upset at herself over the whole thing.
Hazel sighed, "I don't think I needed that much convincing but thank you anyway."
Dr Charles smiled, "well then, I look forward to seeing you on Saturday night."
"Oh my God, these dressed are insane." Hazel couldn't stop looking at the price tags.
Lizzy wasn't having it, "It's just a one off, I've seen your bank account, you can afford it."
'Yes, because I'm saving so I can buy a house outright, I need every dollar I can get." Hazel didn't live in a shithole for no reason, she was doing her best to get out of there by any means necessary.
"It's one night Hazel, you should live a little." Lizzy paused and walked over to a dress Hazel had been eyeing the whole time they had been there, "Try it on, please."
Hazel huffed and took it off her, disappearing into to change room with an unimpressed look on her face. When she returned Lizzy could see how much she loved the dress, "I can't afford this Liz, I've got dresses at home."
Lizzy shook her head, "Then I'm buying it for you. Don't say no, I'm not going to let you, just say thank you."
Hazel sighed, "Thank you Lizzy, the moment I buy my house I'll pay you back double."
Lizzy chuckled, "you better."
Hazel spun towards to mirror to take a good look, finally ok to take it in now that she could have it. The dress was a deep green, floor length and covered in tiny embroidered flowers. The skirt had a little puff to it and the sleeves draped over her arm, the whole thing showing off her tattoo so tastefully that it made her look like some kind of woodland fairy. It fit her perfectly and the corset bodice clinging to her waist made the skirt sway even more.
She took a deep breath and turned back to Lizzy, "I love it so much."
Lizzy smiled, "I know. Come on, now that you've got that we have to go buy shoes, I'm sure you'll be able to find something you like and if you can't pay for it, I'll buy it for you." Hazel went to protest but Lizzy stopped her, "nope, you are going to look amazing even if I have to force you to."
Hazel shook her head, "I love you Liz."
Lizzy walked up to Hazel and pulled her into a hug, "Love you too Hazelnut."
Frank fixed his tie and straightened his suit, "What Bill, no date for tonight?"
Billy shook his head, "you know I'm planning on talking to Hazel tonight, I don't want to make some poor women feel like shit because I'm talking to someone else the whole night."
Frank smiled, "what a gentleman. What did Doctor Charles say yesterday?"
"He said that a friendship with Hazel would work but only if I'm honest with myself and with her and that I need to be sure that I don't have any lingering feelings, which I don't. She's my friend and I know now she did the right thing. If all I get to do tonight is say sorry for all the shit I put her through then that's fine with me." Billy didn't know when his feelings for Hazel faded, he just woke up one day and she wasn't the first thing he thought about.
"I just want you to be happy. Look man, I've said it to you before and I'll say it again. I think you're feelings for each other are a lot more than you two understand and sure, maybe you getting your head smashed against the floor fucked a few things up but you knew each other before it happened and while I don't like to think the universe has a plan, maybe it does here." Frank knew his friend well, Billy still felt something for her.
"I can't tell you how I'll feel when I see her again, I just know that I put her in a terrible position regardless of how she felt about me. If I'm going to do this, I want her to want it too." Deep down, even though his feelings had changed, Billy hoped they could grow again in a healthier way.
Frank nodded, "Well, we're leaving in ten so you're about to find out."
"Did you ever think we'd end up at the yearly charity ball?" Hazel was amazing at the ballroom, it was decorated with twinkling fairy lights and soft white drapes, the huge windows letting in the glow of the city just enough to feel fancy but not too much to feel exposed.
Lizzy shook her head, "nope, but we've done pretty well for ourselves this year, I think we deserve it."
Hazel nodded, "fuck yeah we do."
"You wanna get a drink?" Hazel followed Lizzy's finger to the long bar in the corner, the bartender putting on a show for the patrons lined up waiting for their drinks.
Hazel shrugged, "sure, why not." They wander over, Hazel leaning on the bar as she looked over the menu, "I'll have Whiskey on the rocks please."
Lizzy smiled, "ooo, living a little?"
Hazel shook her head, "no, I just don't have to work tomorrow."
Lizzy opened her mouth to respond but familiar faces walking through the door stopped her, she tapped Hazel on the shoulder and pointed behind her, Hazel turning around with interest. Her heart skipped a beat when her eyes landed on Billy. He looked great, his hair was back to the way it was when they first met, albeit missing where the scar went into his hairline, and his beard had grown back in.
She could tell Billy was already looking for her and they met eyes across the room, Hazel waving softly before picking up her drink and walking over. Billy gave her a soft smile, his heart racing in his chest, "Hello Hazel."
Hazel smiled back, trying to compose herself, "Hello Billy."
Part 9
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
TadaAi Valentine's Day
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TadaAi were the next and second to last to be voted in this poll and here is the date they had on Valentine's Day this year on our sims gameplay.
You can see all images (because here it can only be uploaded 30 images) and an extra images of TadaAi's date in our Blogger. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
Read their date below the cut line ↓
The sun was no longer visible.
Ainosuke: Tadashi, don't head to the mansion today, we'll do the final Valentine's Day event preparations for "S" at your apartment. 
Tadashi: At my apartment? 
Ainosuke: Yes, is there a problem?
Tadashi: No, Ainosuke-sama.
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They arrived at place. Tadashi drove into a subway pay parking lot. Ainosuke in order not to attract attention when he got out, inside the car dressed in other clothes.
Ainosuke: I'll follow you.
Tadashi: Understood.
And they arrived at the entrance of building where Tadashi's apartment was located.
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They went up to the floor where Tadashi's apartment was located.
??? A: Could that guy be the one from last time?
??? B: I don't know, honey. Last time we were on a trip and we only heard the rumors.... (Referring to Tadashi's birthday, November 22nd, 2022, where during the night they celebrated in his apartment)
??? A: Well, I didn't get a good look at him, I only saw that he has blue hair and is very handsome and tall!
??? B: Honey!
??? C: Wow, then I want to see him too!
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Already inside the apartment Tadashi directed Ainosuke towards his work room.
Tadashi: Here, you can put your laptop and make final preparations, the finished illustration is in the desktop folder with the name 【バレンタイン デービーフ"S"】
Ainosuke: Perfect, and on the web?
Tadashi: I will go prepare the bathroom now so you can take a bath. While you are bathing I will finish putting up the final text you have decided on. And before I go to take a shower, if you think it is OK, we will publish it so that everyone who wants to can start registering. But... There is one thing I do not understand...
Ainosuke: About what?
Tadashi: Why Regulars vs. Goofys? Langa-kun is Goofy, you know that.
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Ainosuke: I know. All Goofy who wish to participate must register first. Once registered, all the Regulars who wish to give chocolate to a particular Goofy must challenge them, and that way they will all beef at the same time against that Goofy. You got that right, didn't you?
Tadashi: Yes, but in that case you will not be able to go against Langa-kun.
Ainosuke: I know I won't be able to go against Langa-kun, but if he gets challenged to a beef by as many people as I think he will, he'll have as much fun as I will if... Everyone is free to participate if they wish.
Tadashi: Oh... I understand. ✨ «Ainosuke-sama wishes me to participate against him, for fun?» - thinking.
Ainosuke: So go prepare my bath.
Tadashi: Yes, I will get it ready right away.
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Tadashi went to prepare the bath for Ainosuke, while Ainosuke wrote the final details for Saturday night's event at Crazy Rock.
Ainosuke: Let's see how many people register this time and want to give me chocolate. Now to wait for the bath. But first... How was this being ordered...?
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Tadashi comes back to tell him that the bath is ready, and Ainosuke goes there happy after getting what he wanted.
Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama, what would you like for dinner?
Ainosuke: It's all ready.
Tadashi: All ready?
Ainosuke: Yes, I'm also able to do some things by myself sometimes.
Tadashi: Are you sure you do not want me to stay with you in the bathroom? As... Always...
Ainosuke: Did you put everything where I told you?
Tadashi: Yes, the towel on the chair, along with the bathrobe and the other thing you asked me for.
Ainosuke: Then now take care of finishing setting up the web page for the website before we publish it.
Tadashi: Yes.
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Ainosuke went to take a bath and Tadashi grabbed the USB with information Ainosuke left inside, placed it in his laptop and proceeded to include the text in the web page, with all the images and vectors integrated. Once finished.
Ainosuke: You know, Tadashi, that you look very handsome when work?
Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama! Are you done already?
Ainosuke: Yes, whenever you want can go take a bath, or a shower, or whatever you want to do.
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Tadashi: But do not you want to check if everything is correct and publish the web page first?
Ainosuke: Not yet, I will read it first.
Tadashi: Well then, with your permission I am going to take a shower.
Tadashi left Ainosuke checking the web page. And when he was getting undressed to take a shower, the doorbell rang...
Tadashi: Who will it be at this time of night?
Ainosuke: Tadashi, I will go.
Tadashi: No, Ainosuke-sama wait.
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Ainosuke: Don't worry, whoever they are, won't recognize me.
And despite the refusals of Tadashi who didn't even see how his Master was wearing, Ainosuke opened the door.
Ainosuke: «It must be the pizza delivery guy.» - thinking - Here's ADAM for.... Who are you?
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??? A: Wow, how handsome and tall he is....
??? B: Good afternoon-night, sorry for the inconvenience, we are the neighbors.
??? C: AAAAH! He has very captivating red eyes.
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Ainosuke: Wow... Mr. Tadashi has your neighbors on the landing. Good night, I'm ADAM, the cleaning guy. I thought you were the pizza delivery guy...
Tadashi: A... A...
Ainosuke: Yes, ADAM. Do you want me to keep cleaning? Or set the table for when the food arrives?
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Tadashi: Better keep... cleaning, A... Adam... Setting the table is not something a cleaning guy should be doing... Good night, what do you want? 
Ainosuke: Well, then when the pizza delivery guy comes, I'll get the door. Ok?
??? A: Is it a Japanese guy with a foreign name? Or is it a foreigner? Is it a working nickname? 
Ainosuke: What do you think? *wink*
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??? B: You shouldn't ask such things, honey. In fact I don't know what we're doing here, it's none of our business...
??? C: Are you a yakuza? But it doesn't look like you have tattoos...
Ainosuke: I'm only a very passionate love guy who loves to clean his clients' houses with a big love and passion.
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??? C: Oh my god it's like in a BL story, the super serious young worker who has no physical attractiveness at first glance, who a young cleaning guy falls madly in love with him, who is also super attractive and muscular.
Ainosuke: No physical attractiveness? It's not like you're any better than a kappa either.
Tadashi: A... Adam, I think the pizza delivery guy is coming, if you all excuse us.
??? B: Of course, sorry for the inconvenience. Honey, Mayu we should go now.
??? D: Handsome.
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??? A: But now was the best time!
??? B: Saori, let's go, I'll take you in my arms. All of us, let's go.
??? A: See you, young ADAM, when you come back to clean Mr. Kikuchi's house.
??? C: Yes, see you... Hey, Kikuchi-san, don't let him get away, I can tell he loves you so much.
??? B: Leeeet's go!
And the family went back to their apartment. While finally seeing that place was clearer, the pizza delivery guy approached Tadashi's apartment.
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Pizza delivery guy: Pizza for ADAM-san?
Ainosuke: Here, it's me. Here's the money.
Tadashi: «He ordered pizza for both of us to eat...» - thinking.
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Pizza delivery guy: Have a nice evening, bye.
The delivery guy left and the door finally closed, so Ainosuke took the opportunity to tell Tadashi to go take a bath.
Tadashi: No, I'll just take a shower. We can't waste any more time.
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Ainosuke: Well, then take a shower, but don't go out until I tell you and dress up, elegant.
Tadashi: Elegant?
Ainosuke: Do you want to waste more time?
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Before going to take a shower Tadashi tried to find the most elegant clothes he had in closet of his apartment. And then he finally went to take a shower. When he finally finish hear Ainosuke's voice.
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Ainosuke: Go ahead, Tadashi, anytime you want to come out.
Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama, it's like my birthday...
Ainosuke: Well, today it's just simple food and later some sweet or other. Sit down. (Referring to the fact that on his birthday he took him along with Kaoru and Kojiro to eat at a fancy restaurant.)
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Tadashi sat down and Ainosuke sat down too. They started to eat.
Ainosuke: Don't think that's all.
Tadashi: No?
Ainosuke: You'll see.
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When they finished eating the pieces they needed they left the box on top of the kitchen counter.
Tadashi: Ainosuke-sama. Thank you.
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Ainosuke: That's not all, I'm going to look for the penultimate surprise of the night. Wait for me at the table.
He went to look for something special that he had prepared for this occasion.
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Ainosuke: They're none of the sweets you used to give me when you were little, but I wanted to buy the best ones for you.
Tadashi: But, Ainosuke-sama, that was not necessary.
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Ainosuke: Happy Valentine's Day, Tadashi, shall we go to the sofa and watch a movie while we post the Valentine's "S" event web page?  This is the last surprise.
Tadashi: If you wish.
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They went to the sofa and posted a movie, at Ainosuke's request. Once they were seated Tadashi posted the S Valentine's Day event web page with a notification so that from that moment on everyone could watch it and participate.
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Ainosuke: Of course I am already registered. Let's see how many people want to give me chocolate this Saturday.
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Tadashi: «Ainosuke-sama... I will be the one to beat everyone who beefs against you and give you chocolate this Saturday. Name: Snake. Skateboard position: Regular. Choose the registered Goofy you want to give all your love to with a chocolate this Saturday: 愛抱夢 (ADAM)» - thinking.
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~The End?~
Poses by @simmireen, thank you for your hard work!
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Hi!! Question, since you do a lot of IDs (image descriptions) do you have any resources or tips for someone who wants to start writing them as well? What to pay special attention to, what is irrelevant, checklists etc?
Hi Anon!! This made me so happy to see. I'm glad you're interested in writing ID's!!
It's definitely not as overwhelming as it may seem. I will say I'm still learning myself, but here's my process. I boiled down my steps into a basic checklist to get you started:
Describe the category of image (digital/traditional art, photo, social media screenshot, etc.), unless it's already stated in the post.
Next, the summary. Pretend you're explaining the image to a friend (since that's pretty much the goal). You'll find yourself naturally starting out with the broadest/most obvious things. If it's a drawing or a photo, for example, that'll be the main subject[s] and whatever they're doing: "[Character] holds a bouquet of roses." "A fluffy cat blinks at the camera." OneLook Reverse Dictionary is your friend if you can't find the word for an action or pose.
Then, once you have your super basic one-to-two sentences, you can start on the details. When I'm low on energy or time, I stick to describing the most punchy details of the image: "A heart-shaped frame surrounds the characters. The piece uses pinks and reds." I also found this site for identifying drawing styles. For art, pay attention to color (or lack thereof), presence/absence of line art, and shading. For photos, describe style, mood, and color if you think it's relevant. It might be for artistic photography, not so much for a news article or a meme.*
There are different ways to demarcate your ID. You've probably seen that I use brackets around the description ( [ ] ) and sometimes a slash ( / ) right before writing "end ID." I've heard these aren't required, but lots of people prefer the visual distinction.
Use plain text (normal-sized font, no fancy formatting). You'd think it'd go without saying, but I've seen far too many people write their ID's in tiny font. Bold text at the beginning and end is fine, but that's about it.
Some subjective language is fine for describing mood (melancholy, cheerful, etc.), but don't overdo it. Don't add jokes that aren't in the image itself.
*For fictional characters, I usually only describe their outfits and features if they deviate from canon. For real people, I use my judgement on whether describing these details is relevant: Without those details, would they miss out on something important?
As for what's irrelevant, people have different preferences. I've heard from some blind and low vision people that they prefer really straightforward descriptions, while others prefer the detailed ones because they give them an equal or equivalent experience to what a sighted person would have.
I try to strike a balance, writing shorter descriptions for memes/informational images and longer ones for art. Active voice can help simplify your ID, though this isn't a strict rule.
What I have almost universally heard, though, is this: Even the most basic ID is better than none. If all you can do is a quick one-sentence description, that's ok! You've still opened up a previously inaccessible image to a new audience.
Now for resources:
Image Desc. Guidelines - This helped me out a lot when I started out!
Writing Image Descriptions
Giant Google Doc for Describing Memes
Resource for Video Desc. (I'm still learning how to improve my VD's myself)
Lastly, I know not everyone likes joining discord servers to ask questions, but The People's Accessibility Server is a great resource. (I removed the link because I couldn't find a way to hide my discord # from the invite, and I don't want to just put it out there, but here's this invite via keplercryptid's blog.) You can ask for advice, for someone to review your ID's, or even for someone to write them for you. You can DM me as well if you're comfortable with that.
I hope this is a good starting point for you, anon!! Best of luck <3
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volatilechemicalz · 7 months
ok I'm feeling silly enough to post this so here you go [most of it is based on personal experience] my essay type thing about the American school system that probably sucks but oh well
Posters are hung around schools. Images of people holding hands around the Earth. "Be yourself, there's only one of you!" "People care." "Be kind." "Speak up for yourself." Smiling faces. Empathy. Everywhere, plastered around the hallways for everyone to see, though they go unread. This baffles me, that the school has the audacity to hang up such kinds of posters in an environment like this.
In English class, there are books that you have to read. If you don't like it, that's too bad, write an essay. It's due tomorrow, five paragraphs, another one next week. Triggering topics are often discussed and displayed in this literature, and there are no warnings. The other students are joking about the events, laughing in the corner that they're congregated in. They're laughing, why aren't you? Don't cry, it's funny, as long as you don't pay attention to it. Don't think about it. That's not the point of this class. Here, regurgitate this plot point and extend it as possible. You won't get a good grade otherwise. You forgot an indent? Points off. Oh, your hands hurt from writing? Keep going! Unless you want to fail.
In History, we are fed propaganda constantly. America is the best country, right? Yes we did that thing but don't worry about it, look at this. We have the best government system, and very good leaders. Life is good in America. Don't worry about when you graduate. It's your job to fix this mess. Current history is not told. The same story is told over and over again with slightly more detail and different wording, all to drill it into your head that you're lucky to be here. You wouldn't know that though. Why would they lie? School is here to teach you after all. They just teach what they want to. Current history? Don't worry about it. The struggles of others that are happening now don't matter, learn about the civil war again.
In Science there is a constant bombardment of work. It's difficult to complete when everyone in the classroom seems to be doing great with it, since they have time to yell at their friends at a headache inducing volume. It doesn't matter if you get one, though, do your work. If it hurts that bad go to the nurse, get an ice pack and pretend it helps. Five minutes are left in class. Clutching your head, you can't hear when the teacher asks if you're okay over the continued screaming. Another day, someone mocks transgender people in a presentation about the water cycle. Everyone laughs. Why aren't you laughing? It's funny, right? Someone yells for the freedom of Palestine with passion, while someone yells back a no with equal volume and zero passion. (Did they even believe that?...) Don't say anything. Nobody else did. Take your notes, don't say anything.
In Math, you are expected to understand everything. The first explanation wasn't enough? Good luck on your test, do this worksheet. If you don't finish it's homework, and you know you won't finish it then. You have other things to do? Too bad, you're asking to fail this class if you don't want to do it. You're just too lazy. I'll have to call your parents if this keeps up. Maybe if you payed attention more you'd understand. Look, everyone else gets it, why don't you? Do these questions. I know you don't know how to do it, but I can't help you. You aren't allowed to guess.
Lunch is the loudest time of day. The food looks wrong and tastes bad, but it always does. If you don't like it, too bad, pack your own lunch. It doesn't matter if you can't do that. If you can't afford the food, too bad. We can pretend to care about that, but that's as far as it goes. We're doing a food drive this week to help people who are going hungry though, why don't you donate? Wear this color shirt to help fight world hunger, or breast cancer, support animals in need. Why aren't you dressed up? Don't you care?
Walking in the halls is a nightmare. People are constantly bumping against you. Not a single sorry is uttered, not even if they make you fall. If you do that, everyone will point and laugh. Nobody will help you, fix it yourself. People still care, though. There are too many conversations happening at once. People are called gay or autistic as a substitute for stupid, though that's not what those mean. That doesn't matter. Nobody said anything. Don't say anything. If someone is lazy or unathletic they are fat, and that's bad and funny. It's not wrong. Don't say anything. Be yourself, though, everyone matters. Hold hands. Smile.
A sigh of relief is released on the bus. It doesn't matter how long the drive is, you have friends to keep you company. What's that? You don't? Stare into space until your stop comes into view. Don't miss it. The bus driver won't turn around for you. You have to wait now. The bus is like the hallways, but worse. There are little safety measures and it smells weird. Everyone is right next to you no matter where you sit. Nothing is sanitized and there is garbage on the floor. Don't worry about it. It's not that long. If you don't like it, you can walk or get picked up. It's likely that your parents don't have time for that.
I enter the school again and look up at the posters, dragging my heavy backpack with me.
I hate writing essays.
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alitgblog · 9 months
"live" blogging s7, vol 1 (some analysis, some jokes lol)
first off, I totally forgot there were other casa amor girls so opening the app to see them on the banner I was like oooo
the S7 MC isn't too bad art wise, like it's definitely better than I thought with the preview, but
I do think the skinnier size MC is super skinny and the bigger one is not that much bigger, which is a little disappointing (always appreciate more size inclusion). ideally I think there would be one more size up i think but I do understand that means they'd have to fix all the clothes 3 times.
speaking of clothes they've always been bad at the beginning of the season since like s4 and this is no exception. I wish we got more options in the beginning and then the others they tack on later
the skin tones really are only three shades with each having one warmer variation, which is kind of nice to have people get that option in tone, but I do still wish there were more shades variation in between (and darker ones in general)
for absolutely no reason I have decided that my MC is also gonna be the S5 MC from my first playthrough getting a second chance after a second failed relationship with Suresh (let's just pretend she didn't win her season lol) and she's cute in this style (but again i wish we had the right skin tone for her). I guess if fusebox is backing out of bringing back Eddie then I'm bringing my MC
Her name is Junie and she's doing a lot better now mentally and has gained a little bit of healthy weight and finally loves herself now so fusebox better not make an embarrassment out of her again.
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this actually works out pretty well bc usually the casa amor girls on the show arrive at the same time unless something is special about one of them who can show up separately like MC does here (ok fine I've only seen that happen in LI USA S5 and I guess s6 of the game)
Ep 1
Bonnie being an LI feels solely like penance for me thinking Iona was hot but sad she wasn't even a friend really let alone an LI in s3 so thank you but for narrative purposes I'm making Junie straight
Uma is gorgeous
also fusebox is not beating the reused assets allegations even those poses are just too eerily familiar
"I wanna try the slow burn" *has war flashbacks to the Ozzy route I never finished*
short king raf
ok Alex picking MC when Summer was flirting so hard is actually very funny to me
I understand bc it's a gem choice i didn't pick that we didn't get the last card but very funny that they were like we're just not gonna give Summer a chance at all actually
Let's goooo confirmed Joyo is Indonesian (I'm filipino so i was hoping filipino so I could draw him singing karaoke but I am here for any southeast Asian representation at all 🥳)
however I am upset with the use of "rizz" again. maybe once or twice but if they do it again I'm rioting
Alex nerding out is so cute. also who wouldn't want a bob the builder boyfriend for home improvement projects lol
am i too old to understand what normcore is?? like I barely understand e-girl aesthetic but there's more??
Bryson and his sister Jess have the most realistic sibling relationship from the last two seasons bc I also would mess with my brother's partners. and I once again am mourning the idea of a protective brother slow burn storyline in s6 instead of whatever Amelia was doing
"I won't bore you with the details" no pls do it I wanna know and I don't wanna pay the gems
all the guys have great personalities so far and idk if it's because I'm paying attention more this time or it's just better but oh no I'm falling for all of them
the drama set up with the guys and their partners is promising writing (namely the triangle with Geri, Bryson, and Joyo but maybe just because im torn between those two anyway) I'm shocked but cautious it's episode 1 lol
ep 2
early doors?
the gem party outfit is so 2013 disney channel, I actually will be taking the free outfit
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wait why is it not night time for truth or dare why did they change clothes lol
joyo, get out of here with the graphic tee and blazer combo. Maybe this is why Bryson doesn't like you, and it'd be justified (tbf him being a bad dresser has been established already though)
oh God I didn't see his pants too jfc let him borrow some clothes
I'm into the frenemy relationship with Summer, like there's always a female villain in the game and they're almost always entertaining to me at the beginning (minus maybe Kat and Ivy)
I'm warming up to the all the guys like how can you pick
I'm starting to realize I personally have a problem because I always go, at least initially, for the chefs/foodies (Jake, Bobby, Camilo, Roberto) and I like Bryson rn and I think my MC would go for Bryson based on how I played her in s5 but I'm slowly inching over to Joyo and honestly i see the vision for Bobby clone I mean Raf and it is absolutely bc they've mentioned cooking
stop talking about feet pls not again
I expect this from Summer but Uma coming over to try to steal my man?? I appreciate her boldness though and at least she's not going behind anyone's back
ep 3
as someone who doesn't have the modded app and will not pay real money for gems, I feel very happy with choosing to eavesdrop on the guys' conversation. I feel like usually a lot of the gem scenes aren't worth it but this one is fun
Joyo does skincare but can't dress and Bryson is a fashion expert but makes fun of skincare. If they joined forces they'd be unstoppable, thank God they hate each other
hey what the fuck happened to cassius
so in summary im pleasantly surprised and hyped for this season at the moment. and lastly, pls don't drop the ball on stick or twist again please please pleaseeee
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The Midnight Curse
Chapter 1
As she woke up in a cold sweat, she found herself in the middle of the forest. Lately Scarlett had been having weird dreams and waking up in weird places. She had to start having Midnight walks back to her house without her mom finding out and thinking the wrong think (she had been sneaking out to parties or to meet a boy). Suddenly she snapped out of her thoughts from a knock on her bedroom door.
"Scarlett,you're gonna be late for school if you don't get dressed."
She realised it was almost time for school and she quickly got dressed and ate her breakfast and walked to school.
At school,she walked up to her locker to get her book and her best friend walked up to her.
"Hi Scarlett."Amber said to Scarlett.
"Hi."Scarlett said back looking up from her books
"Did you do the math homework."Amber asked.
"Yeah,it's in my bag."Scarlett said as her mind drifted off to last night's events. "Hey,I need to tell you something but I need to know if I can trust you." Scarlett started to rethink her decision when her bestie said;
"Of course you can trust me. I am your best friend."
With that assurance Scarlett had a smile on her face and told her best friend;"Ask your mom if you can come for a sleepove,I will give you the details there." With that Scarlett walk to her first class and then the next and the next till school was over.
As she walks back from school,lost in thoughts she bumps into a guy,spilling his coffee.
"I am so so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to were I was going." She said as she grabbed a tissue from her back to clean his shirt
"It's OK,it's only my favourite shirt". He said in a British accent.
"I am s sorry,I will get it dry cleaned".
"Really it's OK.
While trying to clean his shirt with a tissue you noticed his jacket. "No way,you go to brookside high. I go to brookside high". She squealed in excitement.
"Yeah,Just moved here".He said in his deep British voice.
'I am Scarlett"
"Well I have to go or else mom Is going to really mad." She said while walking off.
She walked for a few minutes and noticed that Alex was following her.
"Are you stalking me."
"No, this is the way to my place."Scarlett heaved out a sigh of relief.
"Might as well walk together then."She said with a smile on her face. He smiled back and they walked home together.
On reaching home, they both realised they were next door neighbours. They greeted each other of with a smile.
She went up to her room and started rethinking her decision of telling her best friend about her "midnight walks".
While in thoughts she slept off.
She woke up in the forest and heard people calling her name and she saw a lady in a black torn hoodie who looked exactly like her. She had a staff in her hand and on top of the staff was a big diamond which looked exactly like the one her mother gave her. She was scared.
The lady in the black hoodie was saying something in a different language and for some reason Scarlett could understand exactly what she was saying 'kill the girl and set me free'.
She was going to kill her. Scarlett was really scared now. She started running but she tripped on a piece of wood. Just as the lady was about to kill her with a wooden dagger and then.......
She woke up in her room with her best friend hovering over her.
"Why are you screaming? It's just me."
"I had a nightmare and I don't think it's just a normal one."
"What do you mean?" Her bestie asked curiously and furrowed her eyebrows.
Then, Scarlett started telling Amber about her nightmare.
"I feel like I've heard something like that before." Then she gave a knowing look. "I found a book in the library with a red cover. I read the book a little bit and saw something about witches like the dream you had."
"How about we go to the library after my gymnastics class tomorrow."
"Yeah, sounds like a good idea but right now let's have our sleepover."
As they continued with their sleepover, Scarlett fell asleep and the witch came out at exactly 12:00 midnight.
"Is it time?" Amber said with a questioning voice to the witch.
"Begin phase 1."
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yourstormthlaylirahh · 5 months
PLEASE tell me more about how you came to be riding bareback on a horse down a mountain in a stampede. This lore is fascinating
Ok, so, bit of backstory: when I was in my early teens and had no experience with horses at all I got suckered into this Very Bad Barn. I feel quite embarrassed and ashamed about this. It was bad for many reasons, but without being excruciating these were the main issues in hindsight:
1) It had lax to nil safety considerations (no insurance, unqualified instructors in their early teens, only let us ride bareback because they didn't want to maintain school tack, didn't actually teach proper riding skills, etc)
2) manipulative and abusive social structure (compelled to volunteer with no compensation or lose your space, lots of gaslighting/moving the goalpost, the group of teens I was with were super fucked up and did a number on my mental health, the adults were even worse especially the barn owner - I have actually run the BITE model used to assess cults against this place and it places alarmingly high)
3) financial abuse - including but not limited to exorbitant prices for what was offered, 'gifting' horses to kids like me who didn't know better (no papers exchanged - paid for a horse for years and took care of all bills, etc only to have him taken away and been embargoed from seeing him when I had a disagreement with barn owner)
4) TERRIBLE horse welfare - I don't want to go into detail on this because it is still very raw, but the worst was a combination of not letting horses be pulled out of lessons despite injury + no biosecurity protocol = disastrous and fatal consequences
Ok, that actually ended up being excruciating detail, sorry about that. Depressing details out of the way, now onto the funny/dramatic part.
So all of this culminated in me, not knowing how to ride very well but thinking I was competent, riding multiple times weekly in groups of about 10 people who were also incompetent but confident (a dangerous combo) bareback in the mountains. The mountains where I live are steep, rocky semi-alpine, and where we rode usually reached a height of about a kilometer.
One of these rides I was in the middle of a group of said riders. We were making our way slowly up the mountain, which was a rather wide trail at that point with very large gravel, probably 45 angle iirc, and had almost reached the top of the mountain. I think there were about 4 horses in front of me and 4 or 5 behind me (cannot remember the exact number) and I was in the middle. I think I was about 20. It was sunny and we were all pretty relaxed and not paying attention, especially the ride leader. I am not sure what the ride leader's horse saw or heard, but he spooked hard and fast. The sleepy ride changed in an instant. All the horses spun 180 fast, unceremoniously dumping their riders onto the gravel. Except me. I missed my chance to fall relatively safely, and by the time my brain caught up with what was happening it was too late to make a last ditch attempt at 'dismounting' (read:falling).
The horses took off at a dead gallop down the mountain. I would say it was probably about half a km on the straightaway before the gravel path started to curve (thankfully the curve was pretty gradual) and head into the forest. I had a death grip in my horse's mane, and was using all my leg strength to hold on (keep in mind, due to the abysmal nature of this barn, I had very little experience cantering and had never galloped in my life. What little times I had cantered had all been on straight stretches with no turns). The horses were clumped right around me, so there was no place I could see to fall where I didn't run the risk of getting trampled or kicked in the head. When we got into the forest the situation got more dire as the path narrowed and the horses maintained their pace, but clumped even tighter. I'm not sure how likely I was in reality to be seriously or fatally injured if I had fallen off, but my thoughts were very loudly telling me that injury or death was a possibility so I didn't want to risk it.
Once we reached the forest it wasn't long before we encountered the stream. A tiny stream, but a short and sharp dip down to the water and then a short and sharp dip back up. They thankfully avoided the bridge. I don't actually remember riding the stream - did they jump the bank? Trip on rocks? I don't know, fear blurred my memory. And then we were continuing on the narrow forest path, me in my stampede, and I wondered how much longer I would be in hell and what I was going to do when the horses stopped - and would they stop? Then we were across the (fairly deserted, thank god) road and at the trailers. Finally the horses drew to a stop. I leaned forward and slid off my horse's neck, and here my legs collapsed and I actually did fall, slightly under his chest but by this time Jace has regained some of his senses and brought himself up so he didn't step on me.
My legs were raw from where I had been slamming my inner thighs into his withers - as I mentioned I had never been taught proper riding. If this happened now (which it wouldn't because I am at a Safe and Accredited barn, but I digress) I would be physically able to ride it better, but where I was then I had been relying very strongly on my death grip in his mane to stay on (the horses were very reactive to having leg pressure on them so we always rode with our legs slightly off the horse's sides, which resulted in us more or less balancing entirely on our pinbones. It took me probably 4 or 5 months when starting at a proper barn to start consistently keeping my leg on horses while riding because I was so conditioned to expect them to try take off when your legs touched their sides). I had basically been getting a few inches of air every stride before slamming back down. Poor Jace. Poor me.
There I was, with around 10 loose horses is very stages of remaining panic, frantically trying to catch everyone and tie them to the trailer. One of them, Thor, would not stop loosing his head and kept circling onto the road, which while relatively deserted still had cars sporadically coming and I do not know how he managed to not get hit - I couldn't get near him. I was bawling my eyes out at this point, but trying to stay calm enough to round everyone up. The equestrian parking lot was bordered by a general use parking lot mainly used by hikers, and there was about 5-10 different groups of people there, but no one offered to help. I could understand it being unsafe for them to help with the horses, but no one even asked if I was ok. What I really wanted was to send someone to check if the people I was riding with were ok - a significant portion of them were seniors and I thought they might have gotten hurt in the fall. One of them I had narrowly missed running over at the start of the stampede. Worst of all, some guy on his atv started to DRIVE HIS ATV THROUGH MY SCARED HERD OF LOOSE HORSES until I ran at him, waving my arms and screaming at him to go another way. I am still extremely indignant about this.
Anyways, thankfully soon after Mr Fucker on the ATV the other group from our barn, who had been riding on trails on the other side of the road, came back and were able to help finish catching the horses and go fetch the fallen people. No one ended up being seriously injured (though I walked with a limp for about a week because my legs actually scarred on the inner thigh) and all the horses were safe. But yeah. Sorry for being kind of long and rambly, I know it isn't really a very exciting story but it's a very strong memory for me.
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