#parts numbers asks
clever-and-unique-name · 10 months
Asking specifically about: Astrid, Reki, Finch, and Iris! :)
O...oh my, thank you so much Anni <33
Fun fact about Astrid: I believe she's the only one of us who's ever seriously considered having biological children? Which strikes me as odd every time I remember it, because it seems so out-of-character for her. But I guess I should remember that Astrid has several layers of complexity to her, and apparently one of those layers has a strong maternal instinct. ^^;
She oscillates between extreme sadness and extreme affection; she believes this makes her very difficult to "deal with" because people never know "which Reki" they're going to get. She has a deeply held belief that if she's not her "happy self" all the time then people are going to get sick of her, so she tends to hide herself away and be very quiet when she's feeling sad. Thankfully she has @sundropglass , particularly Hail and Dosy, who want to hold her safe and sound no matter her mood <3
Our newest-discovered part, but she's been around for a long while! She comes out to draw or be otherwise artsy, and she's not particularly interested in socializing with most people while doing so. We used to call her the "feral crafter" because she would just...show up, go into an unbroken trance-like state of drawing or creating, and then leave once it was done...sometimes 10 hours later. She's closest in age to Moss and Rei, in the 6-10yo range.
She's become a bit of a mystery to us; we haven't heard from her in a very long time, except for one time recently when she appeared to deal with an acute crisis situation. We theorize that she's either dormant and only surfaces to handle crises, or has possibly fused with Abel. Once upon a time, she worked alongside Mal as a guardian and provided us with very cold, analytical guidance, but it's been quite a while since that was her role. Our metaphorical awareness of her is that she's turned into an alabaster statue seated in her old observatory.
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sanguith · 3 months
I have a question I need asked:
And please, if you want to, type in the tags or replies if reading numbers is important to mentally understand what time it is OR if seeing a "picture" of the time is required to mentally understand what time it is (i'm hoping this makes sense)
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thinking about puppet!Home. also thinking about that tidbit saying that Wally had to learn how to be gentle first as to not break things. combining both for maximum effect
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lafragolina · 7 months
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just kill me
#this whole article is bad but this was the WORST#not even for the reason you think (819 reasons)#Eliza you've already heard this rant but#if I can be way too sincere and long-winded for a moment#'always if I ask him something he helps'#how many quotes do we have from teammates over the years saying that exact thing#michael latta saying 'it doesn't matter if you're a top pair dman or a 4th line peasant; he'll do anything to help you'#christian djoos saying 'he's always there for you no matter what time or place. if something's up he's always there'#HHA saying recently nicke gave him his number and told him 'if you need anything just call me and I can help you'#carly in that interview when this was announced saying how nicke has been the support for everyone in that locker room from himself and osh#to guys who haven't been there long like strome and even pacioretty#I know holts and batya and andre and rasmus and jojo and tj and tom and karl alzner have all said stuff like this too#and that's just who I can think of off the top of my head#like. that's it. that's nicke.#if you ask him something. he helps.#for such an amazing athlete. for such a crucial part of making hockey A Thing in DC.#what his teammates want to talk about is his kindness#and that speaks so highly of him and is so genuinely admirable to me and worth aspiring to#I don't want to put anyone on a pedestal because we don't know these guys#but like. in terms of impact. nicke really genuinely made me try to be a better more thoughtful more actively outreaching friend#because I saw the way his teammates talked about him and that's how I want to be thought of.#I want people to know I'll be there for them. & not that I haven't been willing to do that but I've been more active about offering it#and part of that genuinely is because of his example#there's a million other things about his kindness I could mention before I even get to his hockey but this has already gone on far too long#so anyway#he is so dear to me#I hope he is happy and healthy#and that he knows how loved he is#nicklas backstrom#hockey
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samwpmarleau · 10 months
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JAMIE & KEELEY            ↳ 2.02 Lavender
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violent138 · 2 months
Lots of the newer heroes struggle with gadgets, hacking, or need some guidance on the finer points of superheroing and when they find their way to Batman they're super nervous. What they don't expect is that a massive nerd with tons of experience teaching kids, who's heard every stupid question under the sun, and is more than willing to help them with what they need to know.
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sneasedtomeetyou · 1 year
Pokéblr Ask Game
General Questions 1-20, Pokémon Specific Questions 21-40
What region are you from? What town? 
What’s your Unovan horoscope? 
Have you visited other regions?
What region would you most like to visit if ever given the chance?
Thoughts on the legendaries of your home region?
Thoughts on the legendaries of another region?
If you were a gym leader, what kind of gym would you run? If you are already a gym leader or gym trainer, what’s your gym like?
Which do you prefer, competitive battling or battling for fun?
What type of battle strategy do you tend to use with your Pokémon? If you do contests or something else with your Pokémon, what is your preferred approach to that?
Favorite Pokémon League champion?
Favorite gym leader?
Give us a random celebrity (gym leader, tv personality, musician, etc.) you can’t stand and why.
Thoughts on your home region’s Pokémon League?
Weirdest recent local news story?
If you had to pick a Pokémon to represent you, what Pokémon would you pick? 
Favorite evolutionary stone?
Do you prefer to hand decorate your Pokéballs? Do you have a preference for any specialty Pokéballs?
Do you think Rock and Ground are distinctly different Pokémon types, or largely the same and incorrectly categorized? 
Do you think Grass and Bug are distinctly different Pokémon types, or largely the same and incorrectly categorized? 
Do you think Water and Ice are distinctly different Pokémon types, or largely the same and incorrectly categorized? 
Do your Pokémon wear any fun accessories?
Does your Pokémon have a favorite item?
Do your Pokémon battle? 
Would you ever enter one of your Pokémon in a contest? Which one?
What type of food do your Pokémon prefer? What flavors?
Pokéblocks, Poké Puffs, Poffins, Poké Beans, Curry, or Sandwiches?
Who was your first Pokémon? How did you get them? How long have you had them?
What is your most recently obtained Pokémon? 
What is your favorite Pokémon type? 
What is your least favorite Pokémon type?
If you could have any Pokémon in the world to add to your team, what Pokémon would it be?
Have you encountered any rare or unusual Pokémon?
Have any of your Pokémon evolved? If so, what was in your opinion the most difficult one to evolve? 
Do you have a Pokémon that refuses to evolve?
Did any of your Pokémon have temperament issues when they first evolved? How did you handle it?
Which Pokémon took you the longest to bond with?
Do you have a naming convention for your Pokémon?
What Pokémon did you grow up thinking was rare only to find out they’re common elsewhere?
Do you and your Pokémon have any badges or contest ribbons? Which one are you most proud of?
Favorite thing about your partner Pokémon?
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jei-rifni · 8 days
merman! Mista. he's terrified of land people because they have 4 limbs lmao
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ghostforwhat · 10 months
thinking about Will’s infamous answer to ‘how would you do it’ to Hannibal in s2b and how the closer he gets to his goal, after he kills Tier bare handed, he starts wearing leather gloves with Freddie and Mason, and the disconnect that sparks because the phrase ‘with my (bare) hands’ is SO intimate of a threat -> i need to be sure of your death, i need to enact it, i need my prints left behind, i need your corpse to bear the mark of my intentions, i do not wish or care to hide what i have done so long as it’s clear that i was the one to do it -> Yet because of the gloves, there’s now a barrier, a subtle hesitation that belays the coming larger one, he knew before he called that he couldn’t follow through the way he originally stated but it was too late to back out and too raw to go further and after it all, his forgiveness was a knife because he still couldn’t bear to fulfill his own threat until the end when he did it wounded and bloody with love and Hannibal’s permission
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luminarai · 1 year
#additional cursed thought: would armand on have tiktok??? discuss
Armand definitely has a Tiktok. He films all of his videos with his real eye color and everyone assumes he’s super dedicated to the contact lens aesthetic. He makes one (1) video wearing the Rashid contacts and gets a million comments saying “your eyes are so beautiful, please stop wearing those creepy contacts” and he quits the app for two months.
He also forces Daniel to be in videos with him and Daniel hates it. There’s a raging debate in the comments section every time about if he is Armand’s dad or his boyfriend. There’s a small but loyal faction that are entirely dedicated to thirsting over Daniel and they comment stuff like “well either way I wanna call him daddy.” Armand has 27 different sock puppet accounts that he cyberbullies these people on.
this is so fucking galaxy brained, I’m in awe of your mind. absolutely no notes except that I think I wheezelaughed so hard at it that I woke up all dogs in a twenty kilometer radius of my home.
also because I couldn’t NOT
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….and a small look at the comments:
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clever-and-unique-name · 10 months
yo my friend, may i also do the thing you are doing with the numbers and corresponding parts like on my own blog if i give you credit :0c I would also like to do this lol also um, gimme.. number.... 17
o yea of course!!! you don't even gotta give credit, it's just a fun lil thing to do <3
17 issss butterfly Rue! we're pretty sure she's the newest shade of rue, since we've only been aware of her since she started talking to Hail in the last year. the other rues are hypervigilent n tense, but butterfly rue is a little more relaxed, like the fight has drained out of her. Hail says she's like a butterfly that flies around him and eventually lands on him to rest, which is how she got her codename. she says affection still feels foreign to her so she's a bit awkward with giving or receiving it, but she likes to try whenever she can, and she trusts Hail implicitly <3
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insertsomthinawesome · 4 months
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I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! Okay so honestly I have been very very inconsistent over the years with just disappearing for periods of time due to various things 😂 So it probably seemed pretty normal to most people.
But it felt different on my side, so I'm excited to be back in business. I took a month long hiatus! 31 days of not drawing digital art. Its not something I talk about on here? But I've been suffering from some serious long term Art Burnout for.... a really really long time. Long enough that I should've taken a break probably years ago. It finally got so bad that I could barely draw. I was scared to do it (cause it always looked "bad" in my eyes [i'll come back to that]) and doing it was exhausting and disheartening.
I talked it over with somebody and realized that the fear and anger and frustration I felt towards my own artwork was uh. Not Normal or Healthy. And I finally committed to taking a real break for once.
I still drew a little bit by hand? Traditional art has always felt like it has lower stakes for me (i don't often share it online, and sometimes I don't even share it with friends) so I did some of that when I felt like it. But Digital art was completely off the table.
I had put such an immense pressure on myself to make my digital art perfect, to make as much of it as quickly as possible to satisfy something. It wasn't fun anymore. I'm proud of what i've made over the years! But for a long time now the stuff I've been making was made while hating every second of making it. With some rare exceptions.
I hated my art! It was a combination of Perfectionism, taking in too many external expectations, and the burnout. If you hate doing something its kinda hard to love it even when you want too lol. It wasn't "Bad" in the sense that the quality was low and it was ugly! It was "Bad" in the sense that it was unhealthy for me to keep doing it at that point in time.
I'm glad to report though, that with my hiatus officially over as of Wednesday last week: I am once again. In Love. With doing art, and being an artist :)
I put off taking a break for years cause I was scared that taking a break would mean that I would never achieve all the things I wanted to do with art. I was scared it was a stupid and lazy thing to do that would mean I'd never achieve my dreams. And Also even though I kinda hated drawing, I also loved making art. Its a weird duality that I can't even really explain??? I hated it but I also loved it. I wanted it but I also wanted to run from it. It wasn't until I was more mature and had more clarity and insight (and unfortunately also until the problems got worse) that I was finally able to let go of those fears and just do it.
And I'm really really glad I did. It was everything I needed. And I hope to strike a better balance in the future with art. Taking more breaks when I need them, or just when other things have my attention like reading or Video games (Some star rail got played during this time xD)
From the outside things probably aren't going to be that different?? At this point I don't really have any sure plans to post anything I've been drawing since my Hiatus ended. I might or I might not xD I'm still a hobbyist artist taking things at her own pace, but I hope that it shows how much happier I am :)
Whumptober 2023 is being officially put to rest by this post btw! I was in major burnout when that event started, and I'm ready to just, move on from all the past expectations I'd shoved on my shoulders. If I feel like filling any of the prompts or going back to any of the ideas I'd come up for it I will! But I'm not going to worry about doing it unless the desire sets in. Thanks to everybody who's been so kind to me throughout my time on here as an artist! Ya'lls tags and screaming and kind words, the fanfic, the asks and the responses? Its been fantastic :) You guys have made me laugh, smile, and cry tears of joy. I hope from here that things only get better and sweeter! And if I have bad days again, that's okay too.
Here's to 2024 and whatever it may bring ya'll :D 🎉🎉✨✨🧡💜
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keymintt · 1 month
I'm gonna start wobbling around my OCs like they're laminated plastic sheets too, v inspirational thank you so much (she is so lovely btw!)
it's like this
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and thank you !!! :,,3c
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schmweed · 4 months
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ilovedthestars · 7 days
the problem with trying to send people made up fic titles for that ask game: i can barely come up with titles for my own, already written fics. i have no idea what to title anything ever. brain empty. help
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crossbackpoke-check · 3 months
it’s all the rest of what i want with you
connor dewar/brandon duhaime :: 8k
“Brandon,” Connor says with a sigh. “There’s no baby in there.”
“Not yet,” Brandon says. Connor feels his stomach twist, almost like what he would imagine a baby kicking to feel like.
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in these trying times of dewvorce, may i offer you 8k of pwp inspired by @stillfertile’s wonderful art which i had. several breakdowns about 🫶 anyway please enjoy!!!
#OFFICIAL FIC ANNOUNCEMENT 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️ i wish i had pretty fic graphics but alas i have No Skill and also. so much work i should be doing bu#HI SHE’S HERE i would love to say this is a complete surprise drop except i have Anxiety & i needed to ask you guys about it beforehand#in my defense i started writing this in like. january far before any tragedy occurred#because square asked about my tags on their dewey2 art and she spawned like. a million more thoughts about it#including the part where i got absolutely kicked in the face with the lightning vision of those two lines.#like those two lines are the first actual lines of the fic i wrote ajdhkwdiowdjiw ANYWAY please be nice to me i know i am always like#‘this is not the first real fic i ever thought i’d post’ and if i had a nickel i’d have three but this is the first pwp i’ve ever posted#and it’s 8k and it’s not a fic for an exchange (although technically i did very much write this for the dewey^2 hivemind so.)#i have SO many things to say i have so many comments on this doc also i couldn’t pick a title for the LONGEST time and i finally decided on#this one but the full quote was too long:#all the rest of what i want with you that scares me shitless#so. i was angling SO hard to make a yung gravy lyric as a title bc i saw the video of him at a wild game but i couldn’t find a good one#and instead y’all got a very sentimental title l m a o.#liv in the replies#shout out to the extended universe this lives in and also my unhinged comments in the docs.#if you liked fun fuck a baby in him friday i’ll be here all week i promise i am the exact same in the comments as i am in the tags 🫡#the NUMBER of times i wrote something in this by pulling it out of my ass and then actually went back and did the research & was RIGHT is.#far too high. also the amount of coincidental things that dropped while i was writing this (yung gravy song about pregnancy AFTER i wheeze#laughed myself into a yung gravy title the athletic player poll confirming my restaurant & bar choices from googling ‘st. paul good bars’…)#also if anybody got advice on formatting for these little announcements. help. this is different from my miro/luka one &i’m still not happy
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