#part way through a thunderstorm came and they ended up taking shelter together. imagine that as a meet cute
ahabsleg · 8 months
“If ever, my dear Hawthorne, in the eternal times that are to come, you and I shall sit down in Paradise, in some little shady corner by ourselves; and if we shall by any means be able to smuggle a basket of champagne there (I won't believe in a Temperance Heaven), and if we shall then cross our celestial legs in the celestial grass that is forever tropical, and strike our glasses and our heads together, till both musically ring in concert, — then, O my dear fellow-mortal, how shall we pleasantly discourse of all the things manifold which now so distress us, — when all the earth shall be but a reminiscence, yea, its final dissolution an antiquity. … Let us swear that, though now we sweat, yet it is because of the dry heat which is indispensable to the nourishment of the vine which is to bear the grapes that are to give us the champagne hereafter.”
Herman Melville in a letter to Nathaniel Hawthorne, June 1851.
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littlefreya · 3 years
Poison Honey
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Summary: Everyone around you is too busy getting drunk and making out, while you are just dying for this dreadful Christmas party to be over. But just as you plan to leave, you catch the eye of a very hungry August Walker.
Pairing: August Walker x Reader (2nd pov)
Word count: 1K
Warnings: Passion, romance, sexual innuendo, a “thrill of the chase” if this may trigger anyone and mild alcohol use.  
A/N: Okay this Christmas drabble came to me in a dream a month ago, and I had to write it down but waited for today to post it. Many thanks to the love of my life @agniavateira​ who did my beta so quickly! 
Title: Poison Honey
Festive fairy tea lights were strung across the concrete office walls, resembling little flakes of gold over gloom and sparks floating from a pyre. Their aura lit fervent bodies clung together, shining over the grinding and touching figures as they danced to the upbeat Christmas carols that played in a volume so high you could hardly hear yourself think.
It was nothing more but a smouldering den of sin, an orgy of delights. 
Standing at a distant corner with a glass of spicy-sweet sangria pressed to your lips, you watched the massive hall, unable to take part in the sweaty horde that pranced around the golden calf.
You weren’t happy this time of the year, but then again, you never were satisfied. It’s not that life was mundane; it’s just that it existed with no meaning, and these sort of cheap thrills left you shaken. 
Because even though you wanted to take a chance and be that bad girl, deep inside, you knew you could never be one of them. 
A sigh left your lips. Waiting for the appropriate time to depart without having people talk about your introversion later, you downed your drink while deflecting the numerous attempts of Debbie from accounting to drag you into the fuss. 
It was then that you realised, you were not the only one standing alienated from the crowd. 
Funny, you’ve always assumed that a man like Agent Walker would be the first to go balls-deep in at least two women tonight. But he seemed far more enthralled in spying on everyone else and like he was having a good time watching everyone else fuck up.
His eyes burnt with blue flames that laved over many skulls before it slowly licked upon your sight. And as if you could feel both fire and ice ascending in your tendons, a shiver crawled down your back. Languidly, he traced your form. Stroking his moustache briefly, Agent Walker raised the glass of bourbon perched in his hand and gave a small tilt of recognition as if you understood one another though you’ve never spoken before. 
The last drop of sangria couldn’t quench the sudden dryness that formed in your throat. As your anxiety spiked, you did what you knew best and twirled your feet, pretending you had to go somewhere. 
What were you so afraid of? Living? 
Squeezing the purse in your palm, you hurried to find the jacket left abandoned on your desk. Drunk and sultry, your co-workers swarmed every corner like zombies in a horror flick, and the sounds of passionate lovemaking reverberated through the corridors. Somewhere, in one of the glass-enclosed offices, two colleagues were indulging in a carnal dance.
Agent Walker was no longer in sight, still it resonated in your mind that he was stalking through every passage. Heat bubbled in your belly and between your reaching thighs, the tepid dew began to gather. Maybe you wanted to be chased... And perhaps you desired August Walker to catch you.  
Trying to brush these pesky thoughts away, you finally grabbed your coat and headed towards the exit. The calming warmth one feels when arriving at a shelter began to sink down your sternum. A few steps more, and you were to be safe.
But hope blew off like a candle in a ghastly wind. 
August’s shoulders were broad enough to block any way out as he stood at the pathway. His excessively muscular arms were crossed together, biceps so large they were bigger than your head. His steel-blue shirt looked as if it was about to pop and expose what you could only imagine as the epitome of virility.
The shuddering gasp that escaped you didn’t go unnoticed; he smirked with triumph before his eyes slowly levitated above your head and focused on the ceiling.
“Lucky me,” he chimed, his voice a low and melodic growl that felt like a claw cinched around your heart. 
Skin riddled with goosebumps you followed his gaze, the chill increasing as your mind already processed what you feared to grasp.
The mistletoe was hanging right over your head. 
August’s beguiling smile cut into his left cheek, darkness poisoning his lips. He made a large step forward, easily closing the remaining distance. Yes, you knew he was handsome, but up close, his beauty was ethereal: eyes like precious gems and a strong chin that made every other man look stale. His pouty lips parted as he looked down at you. A small flinch marred your face as he reached a hand to the small of your back.
“Will I get a kiss? Or will you doom me with bad luck?”
Thunderstorms struck the strings of your heart, and in your ears, you felt the throb. If August hadn’t held you in his arms, you would be on the floor by now as your legs wouldn’t cease their jittering.
Fear, desire, and the menacing anxiety of doing something completely outrageous toyed you like a marionette. Before you even realised it your mouth fell open and August leaned in, bourbon and candy on his breath. His whiskers and plump lips touched you first, brushing over so gently it was barely a kiss. Innocently he caressed your mouth before his tongue slithered into your hot cavern and tasted you with a devouring yearning. 
He crushed you; his hard pecs collided with your breasts, turning muscle and bones into a liquid thing for him to manipulate. As he pillaged your mouth, a guttural groan made its way down your entire body and ended fluttering at your womb. 
It felt empyreal, you wanted more. Melting into his steady form, you began to picture his warm body naked above yours, imagining what’s beneath his crisped shirt and ironed tie. You wondered of the size of his manhood and how these soft, lips would taste the plains of your body when he slowly broke the kiss, ending it with a tender groan that vibrated at your mouth.
Breathless, you stared at him, utterly distraught and hastily turning upset. Shame burnt white-hot, tingling across every living cell in your body. Not saying a word you pushed right past him and hurried toward the elevator. 
“Guess I’ll see you around...?” He asked behind you, with a definite victory in his voice.
Ignoring his remark you quickly disappeared to the elevator, thankful as the silver doors closed in your face and rescued you at the last moment. Your heart still rumbled in your chest as if begging to rip itself out and in your mouth lingered a honey-like flavour. 
Clueless fingers outlined the electric tingle over your lips; it was only a kiss, yet everything felt different after tonight. 
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sinner-as-saint · 3 years
‘Till We Bleed Out - 4.
Vampire!bucky x reader.
Part 4 of this series. 
Run-through: Your car breaks down on a deserted road on a rainy night. You have no other option but to seek shelter from the nearest house you could find; the mansion, which happened to be the talk of the town for its mysteriousness along with its equally mysterious owner, Mr. Barnes. The universe can be tricky sometimes but the fact that you found yourself at that mansion’s doorstep at that time was no simple coincidence. That one night changes everything forever - quite literally. True love, past lives and creatures from folklore; turns out it’s all real. 
Themes throughout the series: vampire!bucky, fluff, smut, angst 
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You had tears streaming down your face when Bucky stepped into the bedroom.
He was all you needed. You sobbed and extended both your arms out in front of you, asking him to come closer because you just needed him to anchor you back to sanity. Bucky rushed to you immediately, wrapping his arms around. He knew what happened, and he knew it was a lot for you to handle. 
“Shh, it’s okay baby. I’m here.” He whispered in your ear as he effortlessly pulled you onto his lap. He leaned back into the headboard with your clinging to him like a little bear. “It’s alright, sweetheart. You’re okay now, you’re home.” 
Somehow that made you cry even harder. His grip around you tightened. His eyes watered too as a smile formed on his face. He had you back now, everything was alright. 
He held you for God knows how long. Minutes, maybe hours. He had turned the bedside lamp on and with the help of the soft glow he could see that your tears had stopped and your face was no longer damp. You sniffled here and there, shifting on his lap whenever your legs felt uncomfortable but you cling to him still, refusing to let go. And he was more than happy to hold you for however long you needed him too. Good thing he could physically never get tired. 
“Sweetheart?” he called out gently, hoping you’d talk to him. 
“Hmm?” you answered. 
He smiled and kissed the top of your head. “Are you okay?” 
You nodded. “Yes. But my head hurts.” 
He hugged you a little tighter, “You’re gonna be okay, baby. You should get some rest.” 
That made you scoff. You pulled away a little, straightening your back and faced him with a weird look. “Stop trying to get me to sleep all the time.” You mumbled, your voice hoarse with how much you cried earlier. 
He chuckled, wiping the tear stains from your face. “Well I don’t know, from what I’ve seen humans are very sleepy creatures.” 
You rolled your eyes at him and he laughed and pulled you closer. “I missed you. So much.” He mumbled, looking deep into your eyes. 
You began tearing up again. “I didn’t- I didn’t mean to leave you here, all alone I-,” you choked on a sob and he hugged you again, you pushed your face into the crook of his neck, wetting his skin with your tears. “I couldn’t fight them off that night, they were-,”
“Shh,” he whispered in your ear. “I know, baby. I know. It’s not your fault, I should’ve protected you better. I should’ve been more careful.” He could feel your heartbeats against his chest. “But you’re back now. Everything is fine.” 
When you stopped crying again you pulled away to face him; a thousand questions on your mind. 
“Where is everyone? Steve? Nat? Tony? Are they…” you trailed off, unable to speak because just saying their names out loud made your heart hurt. 
“Everyone is still here. We even have a few new members.” His answer brought back so many memories. 
You remembered them; your large group of friends who quickly became family. You could spend decades not seeing each other but when you did, you all picked up right where you left off. You remember how extravagant your reunions used to be, each of you knowing you’re much more stronger because you’ve got each other. You were a solid team, despite all of you being different in your own way. You created a secret, solid team of nocturnal creatures, ancient gods and beings from other galaxies; not all of you were vampires. But you were a family nonetheless. 
“Where are they now?” You asked, smiling at the memories which came flooding back in. 
Bucky smiled. “One call away. They’re gonna lose their minds when I tell them you’re finally back.” 
Your smile faded into a slight frown. “But I’m human now.” Suddenly you didn’t want to be. “You’re gonna have to turn me at some point.” 
He nodded. “At some point, yes. But not right now. You’ve been through enough already.” You recognized that tone of his. His voice was firm which meant that he wasn’t going to change his mind anytime soon. 
You almost whined. “But Bucky-,”
He was quick to cut you off. “No. I found you after more than a century. I think I can wait a little longer.” He leaned in to kiss your cheek. “Besides,” his lips trailed down your neck and your heart raced, he chuckled, “I love hearing your heartbeats.” 
You smiled, leaning more into his touch. “I forgot you could hear them.” 
He playfully nipped at your neck. “Keeps me up at night sometimes.” 
You giggled. “I apologize. I’ll tell my human heart to be quiet from now on.” You ran your fingers through his hair. 
“Don’t.” he mumbled against your skin. “I never knew you when you were human before. This is new, I like it.” He kissed along your jaw, making you shiver - not just because of his body temperature. “Besides, it constantly reminds me that I have you back now.” 
You smiled and gently caressed his cheek. “Speaking of me being back, you knew about me way before I showed up at the front door that day, didn’t you?” you had, while having a meltdown earlier, pieced it together. 
Bucky tensed up. Then chuckled, pulling away from you and stared into your eyes. He nodded, a little nervous about how you’d react. “Yeah.” 
You smirked. “And the thunderstorm? Thor?” There was no way a storm could be so constantly violent for so many days, you figured he must've gotten help from the god. He nodded yet again. “How did you find me?” you smiled playfully, feeling all proud because you discovered his little game. 
“Wanda was out running errands a couple of months ago, and she ran all the way home crying and a complete mess. Vis calmed her down, and then she broke the news to me. She said she saw you.” Bucky reached out and cupped your face. “Then I had to see you for myself.” 
You knew him too well. “And?” you smirked, knowing there was still some part of that story left. 
“I went for a stroll around town. And I saw you, you were at the café where you went each Saturday morning for some light reading. I knew then that I had to get you to come home, but I couldn’t do it alone. So I reached out to Thor… and Loki.” 
“Buck!” you were pleasantly surprised. “Let me guess, it’s Loki’s fault that my car broke down so conveniently close to our home?” You didn’t need an answer to that, you knew. He nodded, fighting a smile. “And then naturally, Thor did his bit.” He nodded yet again. You shook your head, chuckling. “So you stalk me, then lure me in and then keep me confined in here?” you meant it as a joke, of course. 
Bucky groaned and pushed his face into your neck, hiding his embarrassment. “Don’t say it like that.” His voice came out muffled. “I have the right to do all that, I’m your husband.” 
You giggled. “Not in this lifetime. Not yet.” 
You earned yourself a glare from Bucky. He quickly leaned in to kiss you. Taking you by surprise as he nibbled on your lower lip, making your body tingle. “I love you.” He mumbled against your lips, pulling away before it got too heated. 
“I love you too.” you murmured, knowing that he was still being cautious and maybe a little hesitant. 
He fake gasped, “Already? But you’ve only known me for a couple of days, human.” 
You giggled and pulled away, and ended up laughing. “Shut up. I love you so much.” 
He smiled at you. “I know.” 
As you looked at him you realized that the room had gotten lighter. You kissed him one last time then got up to use the shower. You needed a nice, long shower to clear your head for a while, and he knew it so he let you be. 
While showering you thought about the changes which would follow now. You smiled at how much had changed already. A couple of days back, you had no recollection about your life with Bucky. But now, you had all the memories of the past lifetime spent with him. And you couldn’t wait for more. 
Bucky found you standing at the sink, wiping your face dry with a towel. You hadn’t noticed he had made his way into the bathroom yet. You placed the towel down on the counter and almost jumped when you saw his reflection in the mirror. 
“Bucky,” you smiled as he walked over and wrapped his arms around you from behind. 
“Hi.” he whispered and kissed down your neck. 
“You could knock. What if I wasn’t decent?” you asked, knowing it would get a reaction out of him. 
He rolled his eyes at you, pushing his face back into the crook of your neck. “Nothing I haven’t seen.” he mumbled, kissing your skin. “You always smell so good.” He kissed along your throat as his hand discreetly, slowly undid the knot at the front of your robe. You accidentally let out a moan. And he smirked against your skin, “I’ve missed you. So much.” 
“I’m here baby. I’ll take care of you.” He whispered in your ear; his voice deep and hot and smooth. He managed to undo your robe completely, slipping his hand past the slit and in between your legs. You moaned again, your body remembering his touch as well. “Do you know how hard it’s been holding back from you?” he mumbled in your ear as his fingers lightly grazed your folds. “Hmm? Do you?” he teased you by trailing his fingers up your body, gently cupping your breast with his cold fingers before moaning in your ear. “You’re so warm. I can imagine how warm your little cunt will be, wrapped around my cock.”  
He chuckled when you visibly shivered in his arms. 
“I want you.” 
And that was all he needed to hear. He grabbed you by the waist and turned you around, kissing you feverishly while walking backwards out of the bathroom. He discarded your robe on your way to the bed. You shivered again, at the feel of his cold fingers against your bare body. 
You giggled when he pushed you down on the bed, his hungry eyes watching you with nothing but raw desire and hunger. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered. And despite you being the one whose heart was racing, he was the one who sounded breathless. 
He lowered himself on the bed, spreading your legs apart and settling in between them. He couldn’t believe you were finally back. And now that he had you, he wasn’t letting you go. Ever. He reached out and ran his knuckles along your wet folds, making you shudder at his mere touch. “You’re so warm.” He commented. 
Bucky placed a kiss on your inner thigh and you gasped. Your body reacted to his touch like no other. He reached out with two fingers and gently circled your clit, gathering your wetness from your folds and smearing it around. He watched how your body writhed on the bed, so responsive to his touch. 
He placed his hands on your thighs and spread your legs further apart and attached his lips to your core without a second thought; the lower half of his face completely submerged into your dripping core. You moaned out loud as you felt his warm mouth on top of your dripping core. His tongue slipped past your folds and teased your entrance; occasionally flicking your clit mercilessly. Your hands immediately gripped his hair and tugged gently at his roots. His tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit, parting your wet folds with ease. You were a moaning mess on the bed; squirming with tears in your eyes at just how good his mouth felt. 
“So fucking sweet…” he whispered and got back to assault your sensitive spot with his warm and wet tongue; relishing your taste, “as always.” You whimpered under his touch and at his words, feeling his stubble rubbing against your soft skin; it burned a little, but you enjoyed each and every second of it and craved for more.
He looked up at you, staring into your eyes while he ate you out, making your legs tremble around his head. You watched how his eyes drew darker and darker. He had a slight smirk on as he watched you in awe and how you lost control under his touch; legs shaking as he teased your entrance with the tip of his tongue. 
Your arousal drenched the lower half of his face as he ate you out relentlessly until you were nothing but a moaning mess. His hands wrapped around your thighs, securing you in his grip as he pushed his face further into you, making you cry out loud. You came violently all over Bucky’s tongue, body shuddering and shaking while you moaned his name out loud.
“So perfect…” he mumbled and kissed your inner thighs, licking you clean before kissing his way up your body and finding your lips again. He kissed you with ardor; eager to just be inside you already and make you squirm and shake under him, but he also wanted to cherish each moment and worship your body. He couldn’t make up his mind, but he knew that he wanted you. Bad. 
You felt his tongue stroke the top of your mouth, and his hands touched you wherever he could; your breasts, your waist – leaving trails of goosebumps wherever his fingers touched your skin. He quickly pulled away and undid his pants, then grabbed both your wrists and pinned them above your head. “Keep your hands there for me, sweetheart.” He mumbled under his breath and lifted his hips to align his erected cock to your entrance. You instinctively spread your legs apart to give him more room.
His hand reached down and he pumped his cock, rubbing it all over your dripping core in the process. You squirmed and moaned when he did so; the tip of his cock rubbing up and down your wet lips, parting them as he circled your clit gently. You shuddered under him; whining in need. Your body begging him to just take you already and make you his own.
His eyes looked darker than usual, and his face looked dangerously handsome. His voice was deep – which caused the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy. “I missed you so much.” With a slow, steady push, he inserted his length into you. You shuddered as you felt all of him, his beard tickled your skin as he kissed your lips repeatedly and told you how good you were. You heard his ragged breaths as he removed himself out and pushed himself back into you again. 
You moaned out loud; your cries wanton and desperate because you wanted more. You needed him. Bad. 
“You’re mine.” he whispered in your ear in between grunts and moans as he sped up into you, making you feel all of him while he stroked your walls perfectly. He reached out and grabbed your face with one hand, the other holding him up. He stared into your eyes, speeding up into you. “I’ve been dying to make love to you since you got here. I was dying to remind you that no matter what happens, you’re always gonna be mine.” He leaned in to kiss you, shamelessly shoving his tongue past your parted lips and stroking the inside of your open mouth. 
You could only moan in response. 
He kissed down your face. You let out a moan as he found your sweet spot, and felt him smirk against your skin. You moaned again as he bit and licked the skin beneath your jaw, all while slamming into you relentlessly; stretching you out and pounding into you like his life depended on it. When he pulled away to look at him again, you gasped at the sight of his dark eyes and sharp fangs. 
Your hands instinctively reached out to brush against his parted lips. They were soft, and cool. He smirked, leaning in to rest his forehead against yours. “Like what you see?” he teased. You meant to say yes but moaned out loud instead as you felt your walls clench around him, and tighten around his thick member; making him swear out loud too. “Fuck!” he cursed. 
“Bucky… please…” you were right on the edge. 
Bucky bit down on your shoulder with his sharp teeth as he pounded into you mercilessly. Not hard enough to injure you but just enough to make you scream loudly, in both pleasure and pain; begging him for more. Your body tingled as you felt the sharp pain. He placed one of his hands gently around your neck while he sped up even more into you; he leaned in to whisper in your ear again. “I love you.” he simply said, feeling your walls beginning to clench harder around him. 
“I love you…” you said it back, moaning as he made you come undone violently around him. 
Bucky pushed his face into your neck as he growled and grunted, coming right after you. You gasped for air, basking in his body heat as you held him close to you; sliding your hands into his hair and kissing his shoulder. “I love you, Buck. More than anything.” You spoke into his hair and he chuckled and pulled the two of you under the covers again.
“I love you more.” He pulled your worn out body into his and kept you safe by his side. He had you back now. Everything was going to be alright. 
“Hey, look.” You kept your head on his chest as you pointed towards the bedroom window. The storm had passed. You both saw the sunrise again, after so many gloomy days. “Good morning.” You mumbled and kissed his chest. 
He caressed your face lovingly, the light from the sun making you glow even more than earlier. “Good morning, sweetheart.” 
The storm had passed yes, but you weren’t leaving this house anytime soon.
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pocketseizure · 3 years
A Noble Pursuit
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None of the lessons from the Gerudo Classroom have prepared Rhondson for married life with Hudson, who has grown restless and disappeared from Tarrey Town a year after its founding. She travels to the Akkala Citadel Ruins to hunt for her husband while reflecting on the bridges that will need to be rebuilt in order for Hyrule to embrace a peaceful future.
This story about archaeology, castles, ruins, cultural differences, giant monster friends, and what it means “to live happily ever after” was written for @memorabiliazine​, and it’s also on AO3 (here). The accompanying illustrations are by the stylish scholar @pocketwei​.
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This wasn’t the first time Rhondson had set off on a husband hunt.
It was late summer, almost a year after the ghost of the Great Calamity vanished from the castle. Most of Hyrule was still green, but the first touches of red and gold had already begun to appear on the trees of Akkala. It was chilly when Rhondson left Tarrey Town, but the morning fog had lifted and the sky was crystal clear.
Rhondson had always enjoyed mornings. Most people woke up early in the desert and took a nap during the worst heat of the afternoon so that they could stay up late into the evening. Rhondson kept the same schedule in Tarrey Town, a practice that Hudson found inexplicably upsetting. He complained, almost every day now, that she never went to bed with him. He insisted that a man and his wife should fall asleep together. Rhondson explained that she enjoyed sewing by lamplight at night, when the world is quiet and even the plainest thread shines like gold, but he refused to understand.
Hudson had recently grown restless. Perhaps it was because of the tension in their relationship, or perhaps it was only the change of season, but he left Tarrey Town one afternoon and never returned. Ashai’s classes hadn’t prepared Rhondson for this. They’d talked so much about how to catch a man, but never about how to keep him. She wondered if other vai had the same problem. All of the romances she read when she was younger ended with a “happily ever after,” but what was supposed to happen the next day? And the day after that?
All things considered, Rhondson was content with her life in Tarrey Town. Her feelings about the settlement had been ambiguous at first. The location was out-of-the-way, to say the least, but the town received more visitors than she’d expected. The son of the two Sheikah researchers who lived in an old lighthouse up on the northern cliffs made his living as a traveling merchant of fine clothing, and he saw to it that Rhondson always had work. Tarrey Town was unique in its appeal as a marketplace for goods from all over Hyrule, and Hudson’s brightly painted modular houses had become something of a tourist attraction. He’d been flooded with orders for summer rental homes, and a satellite community had sprung up on the other side of the bridge to satisfy the demand.
Hudson managed to keep himself busy, but he seemed to harbor doubts about establishing Tarrey Town on such a small island. To make matters worse, many of the people who’d come to town for the summer were starting to drift away as the days became shorter. Perhaps they were worried about Akkala’s infamous autumn thunderstorms. Rhondson happened to enjoy the heavy rains, whose gale winds and lightning crashes reminded her of the sandstorms back home, but she understood how the violent weather and sudden drop in temperature might put off people who weren’t accustomed to the climate. She’d camped at more than a few oasis waystations during her travels, and she knew it was perfectly natural for the population of a place like Tarrey Town to wax and wane with the season.
Rhondson tried to explain to Hudson how it was normal for people to come and go. Many of the town residents were nomadic by nature, she said, and they had no excuse not to indulge their wanderlust now that it was safe to travel. Hudson adamantly refused to listen. He insisted that a man’s home was his castle. But why not have two castles, Rhondson objected. And people would come back next summer, she reasoned. They’d had to hire new workers to perform upkeep on the vacation homes during the winter, after all, so it wasn’t as though the population was shrinking. If he was feeling ambitious, she added with a wink, they might be able to add their own contribution to the town’s population.
“I’m just not sure how long this town will last,” Hudson replied, ending the conversation with a sigh.
His admission put Rhondson ill at ease, and she couldn’t help recalling Hudson’s anxiety when she realized that he hadn’t come home during the night. “Sometimes you have to treat voe like children,” Ashai had once explained. “There will be times when they take action without thinking about how it will affect you, but it’s likely that their behavior comes from simple thoughtlessness, not spite.” Rhondson didn’t know about that. She’d met enough silly and immature vai in her life to understand that voe didn’t have a monopoly on being pigheaded. Still, if Hudson had gone out and gotten himself lost, purposefully or otherwise, she might as well go find him.
Rhondson set out from Tarrey Town and walked due south, pacing herself as she made her way up the gentle slope of the hills leading to Upland Zorana. Once the mountains began in earnest, she turned west at the road leading to the old stone quarry and kept going until she could see the waterfalls at the source of Lake Akkala.
She’d crossed the Sokkala Bridges when she first came to Tarrey Town instead of taking the longer road to the north, and she was just as impressed by them now as she was then. The log bridges were simple structures, really, not much more than planks laid over support pillars embedded in the banks of the rivulets flowing from the waterfall basin, but they were sturdy and well-constructed. A traveler could cross them with ease, secure enough in their footing to look up and appreciate the rainbows that danced in the misty spray of the waterfalls.
Not every bridge needed to be the Bridge of Hylia, Rhondson thought. Perhaps it was better if most bridges weren’t, in fact. The Bridge of Hylia was a magnificent piece of work, to be sure, but it seemed as though it was already in a state of disrepair even before the Great Calamity. Judging from the conversations between Hudson and his former boss Bolson, no living stonemason had any idea how to repair its gargantuan supports. Meanwhile, more modest structures like the Sokkala Bridges could be maintained whenever the need arose. In their own way, the Sokkala Bridges were just as important at the Bridge of Hylia, even if they never became monuments.
As she crossed the final bridge, Rhondson could see the hazy outline of Akkala Citadel rising in the west. Its massive size was impressive, but she couldn’t imagine it being particularly beneficial to anyone. Truth be told, the ruins weren’t much more than a glorified pile of old stone bricks that could almost certainly be put to better use elsewhere. Speaking of which, Rhondson was starting to get an inkling of where Hudson might have gotten himself off to. “A man’s home is his castle,” he liked to say, and how intriguing it must have been to have an actual castle so close to home, especially if its materials could be repurposed.
Rhondson headed north when the road forked and made her way across the old high bridge over the river, carefully navigating the deep fissures in the stone. Once she was safely on the other side, she began climbing the winding path up the mountain.
The leaves of the trees on the upper slopes of the hill had already turned a bold shade of crimson, and the weathered steel of the Sheikah Tower gleamed in the sun. Rumor had it that the citadel used to be patrolled by Guardians, but nothing confronted Rhondson save for a few moss-covered remnants of ceramic casing. Parts of the road had been washed away in a landslide, probably after the Malice swamp dried up, but the majority of the paving stones were still intact.
Rhondson entered the gatehouse at the foot of the outer wall surrounding the citadel. The inside was littered with rubble from a century-old battle, and the remains of more recent Bokoblin campfires were scattered across the floor. A partially overturned Guardian occupied a corner of the room, its segmented legs folded neatly underneath its casing like the paws of a sleeping cat. When she first set out from the desert, Rhondson had been terrified of encountering a Guardian, but she’d grown fond of the broken bits and pieces of their chassis that had been left beside Hyrule’s roads to remind travelers to remain vigilant. Their round faces and decoratively textured bodies were actually a bit cute, like oversized toys.
Rhondson passed through the gatehouse and entered a small courtyard. The walls of the citadel rose on every side of the open space, but the gaps between turrets were wide enough for the sun to shine through and warm the paving stones. One side of the courtyard was dominated by a large alcove that was probably used to shelter horses. The bare soil under the dilapidated wooden awning was covered in pale green scrub bush and dotted with bright yellow wildflowers.
A covered walkway ran along the opposite wall, connecting the gatehouse to the larger body of the citadel. As Rhondson followed the shaded path, she imagined how heavily the snowfall would accumulate at this altitude. She didn’t envy the soldiers tasked with shoveling duty. She glanced at the enormous wooden door that marked the entrance to the main hall, but its iron fittings were orange with rust. Thankfully, the smaller door at the end of the walkway was barely hanging by its hinges, and Rhondson had no trouble pushing it open.
She called Hudson’s name into the shadows of the citadel. Aside from the echo of her own voice, there was no answer. It probably wasn’t safe to go inside, but she had already come so far. Rhondson figured that she may as well make sure that Hudson wasn’t here before she left. 
The interior of the fortress wasn’t nearly as impressive as its silhouette. The entryway was much smaller than she expected, and the floor was made of packed earth. As Rhondson’s eyes adjusted to the gloom, she could see that the wooden beams of the ceiling were exposed. They were dark with ash. The smoke had probably come from the tall braziers secured to the pillars set into the stone walls.
Rhondson walked across the hall, glancing around her with interest. A few piles of old leaves moldered just inside the open service door, but the room was remarkably clean. The tapestries displayed in the bays between pillars still retained some of their color, and wooden weapons racks still clung to the stone walls next to the main gate. Rhondson realized that the earth floor must absorb the humidity of summer and the chill of winter, keeping the wood and cloth relatively preserved. The layer of ash coating the wooden beams of the ceiling probably helped protect them from the elements as well.
Large passageways ringed with shallow arches connected the central hall to the east and west wings, but Rhondson was more interested in a spiral staircase carved into the back wall. Although she had to bend her head to enter, the stairs bore her weight. Each step dipped slightly toward the middle from centuries of use. As she climbed to the next floor, Rhondson was amused by the thought of walking in the footsteps of people who had lived so long ago.
The room above was much smaller than the citadel’s entrance, but its ceiling was almost as high. The walls were constructed of the same unpainted white limestone as the fortress exterior. Their rough surfaces were irregularly broken by small rectangular windows positioned slightly above eye level. Some of the glass panes were missing, allowing a cool breeze to enter the bright and sun-warmed space, but the floorboards were level and seemed solid enough
Rhondson began to make her way from room to room. Her first thought was that the haphazard layout was due to poor planning, but she gradually realized that different parts of the Akkala Citadel must have been built at different times, more than likely after various battles. Very few furnishings remained in the deserted fortress, but the architecture differed so drastically between rooms that it was clear she was walking through different periods of history. Rhondson was amazed by the evolution of the windows, which became larger and more ornate as she walked. She imagined that this was what Hyrule Castle must look like, an amalgamation of architectural styles that had grown and transformed along with the kingdom itself.
Rhondson enjoyed her stroll through the ruins, but Hudson was nowhere to be found. The sun was already low in the sky, so she made her way outside and began her descent. From her vantage point at the top of the path, she could see a flat patch of land at the base of the hill. The soldiers stationed here must have used it as a parade ground for exercise and training. It would be as good a place as any to make camp.
Dusk had begun to gather by the time she arrived on the field, and the shadows lay long across the tall grass. Rhondson didn’t see the Hinox immediately, but she could smell it. The odor wasn’t unpleasant, but it was unmistakable. As soon as she realized that she wasn’t alone, Rhondson turned to leave. Most Hinoxes tended to ignore the travelers that wandered into their vicinity, but she didn’t want to take any chances.
Without warning, the Hinox bellowed. Its scream sent startled birds up from the nearby trees in a rush of beating wings and angry squawking. Rhondson prepared herself to make a run for her life, but she was stopped in her tracks by a voice she would recognize anywhere.
“Don’t cry, you big baby. It only stings at first. You’ll feel better in two shakes of a blupee’s tail.”
Rhondson shook her head with amusement as she walked across the field toward the source of the voice. The Hinox pouted at her, giant tears spilling from its eye.
The broad-shouldered man crouching beside the Hinox jerked his head up. “Rhondson? What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. I came looking for you. Is this where you’ve been this whole time?”
“I meant to come back last night,” Hudson replied, averting his eyes. “But this oaf hurt his foot while helping me clear away the rubble on the path up the mountain, and I couldn’t just leave him like this. The wound would have suppurated, and he’s all alone out here.”
Rhondson gave the Hinox a closer look and saw that it – he – had a deep gash on his heel. Hudson was cleaning it with a balled-up wad of fabric. If she wasn’t mistaken, it was the first workshirt she’d sewn for him. She’d made it just as they were starting to get to know one another, before she knew his measurements, and it fit him poorly. She asked him to throw it away and bury it with the compost months ago, but he’d apparently kept it. Hudson was surprisingly sentimental for a man who insisted on utility over decoration. It was one of the things she liked about him.
Rhondson smiled as she shrugged her pack onto the ground and dug out a jar of safflina salve. As Hudson helped her dress the Hinox’s wound, he explained that he had indeed come here to assess the state of the stonework. He assumed the citadel would be in ruins, but the structure was still sound. It would be a shame to dismantle it. With a few minor renovations, it would be almost as good as new. Still, making it more habitable would mean reducing its efficacy as a fortress.
“But what does that matter?” Rhondson asked. “Who’s going to attack it?”
“There are monsters roaming about, and…”
“Does this ‘monster’ look like he’s going to attack anyone?”
The Hinox had fallen asleep as they talked and was snoring lightly.
“He’s not a monster,” Hudson replied with a frown.
“Exactly. It seems to me that you’re already thinking about hiring him to work for you.”
“I’m not… Well, I guess I am. Having a Hinox around would be useful, especially if I decide to fix up this place, but we’d have to knock down some of the interior walls to make more room for him.”
Rhondson winced as she remembered all the times she’d banged her forehead on Hylian doorways. Now that she thought about it, there was no reason for those doors to be so low in the first place, especially not when her husband could so easily make them more accommodating. “Weren’t you planning to knock down the walls anyway?” she pointed out. “You could use the materials to repair the bridge.”
“But it’s disrespectful not to honor the past,” Hudson objected. “Shouldn’t the history of the Akkala Citadel be preserved?”
“It’s in ruins.” Rhondson put a hand on his shoulder. “One day you’ll have to come with me to visit my family. Everything in Gerudo Town is built on top of history. Nothing gets done if you worry about preserving the past as it once was. Living things change, and that includes old castles like this.”
“Maybe it includes towns too,” Hudson replied. “I guess it won’t be so bad if Tarrey Town grows. We could have a sister city maybe, right here on this hill. It would be a convenient waystation for travelers.” He thought for a moment. “And a good place for Hinoxes, too. It’s built on their scale, at least, and they’re all over Akkala. It’s a shame they always have to sleep in the open. Besides, Mason looks like he could use a friend. He’ll be lonely without me.”
Mason? Rhondson grinned at the name her husband had assigned to the Hinox. “Are you going to bring him home, then?” she asked.
“Home is wherever you are, Rhondson. We’ll go wherever you like. I missed you.”
“I missed you too, but we can spend a night or two away from Tarrey Town. I’d like to go back to the citadel tomorrow morning. I don’t think anyone has been inside this place for at least a hundred years.”
The sun had finally set, and stars were beginning to shine in the deepening indigo of the twilight sky. Rhondson smiled as she pictured the castle on the hill once again filled with lights. There was a certain charm to speculating on what the past might have been like, but the future held much more potential for imagination.
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“The First Storm”
New ficlet! Written during last night’s thunderstorm, partially after losing power.
Also available on AO3!
The water fell around them, slashing, crashing to the wall, each drop tearing a hole too small to see into the stone beneath them. Crawley remembered being told, long ago, that water could destroy stone given enough time, bit by bit, crumb by crumb, wearing it down. Even when he’d learned what time was, he hadn’t thought it possible.
Well. He could see it now. The water drove into the trees, the earth, ripping through, threatening to destroy the entire world.
“You know,” said the angel beside him, white wing lifted to shield him from the drops. “It – it won’t hurt you. Perfectly natural. Like a waterfall.” He didn’t sound very confident.
“Not sure I’m a fan of—”
The sky split in two.
For an instant, everything was bright as day, brighter, dazzling his eyes, searing through him like holy light; then the world plunged into darkness, and the noise hit, horrible rumbling, crashing, shaking the Wall on which they stood. It would fall, it would collapse under them, bury them in hard stone, broken and forgotten for all time…
The echoes of the crash died in the distance, and Crawley realized he had moved closer to the angel – or the angel to him – and a brilliant line of heat ran up his arm and down his side where they almost, almost touched.
“W – wish you’d kept that sword now, huh?” Crawley said, desperate for a joke. “Could use the warmth.” It wasn’t cold that made him shiver, though. His feet were soaked and icy, all the heat seemed gone from the world, but that wasn’t why he shivered.
“They…they needed it more…” the angel reminded him, a slight hesitation the only sign of nervousness from him; that and his hands, twisting behind his back where Crawley wasn’t supposed to see. “We’ll be fine. I am an angel, and nothing—”
Another flash of light, the horrible sound, and this time Crawley crouched lower, defensively, right up against the angel’s side.
It was a foolish thing to do, show weakness like that. In Hell, it would have gotten him attacked in an instant. But standing there, watching the sky crack and shatter, he felt the same endless fear and confusion as that first stretch of time after his Fall, unable to do anything but cower and hide while the other demons ripped each other apart.
Nothing for it now. The angel would surely attack, take advantage of his paralysis, perhaps wait until the next flash of light when he was at his most vulnerable, but what could Crawley do?
An arm wrapped around his waist. Crawley flinched, waiting to be thrown, or manhandled, or—
“It’s alright. I have you.” The angel tugged at him, pressing Crawley into his side, shifting his wing to shield them both. “We’re going – going to be alright.”
“Wha…” Crawley knew he should pull away, but the wind shifted, filling his wings, threatening to blow him from the wall. He grasped at white robes, twining his fingers into the strange, unearthly fabric, and buried his face in the angel’s shoulder.
“I…you know, I saw the humans doing this earlier,” the angel murmured, voice almost lost in the rain. “To comfort each other, when they first felt fear.”
“Not afraid,” Crawley objected, even as the light returned, sending shivers of anticipation through him.
“I…I never said you were,” the angel whispered, and his other arm came around to press Crawley’s head into the bend of his neck. Now he could feel how those hands trembled, a gentle, ceaseless vibration. When the noise returned, the angel buried his own face in Crawley’s shoulder, and the demon didn’t so much hear as feel the tiny squeak of distress that fell from those lips.
“Hey, A-Angel,” he managed, despite his own tremors. “We – we’ll be alright.” He folded his wings, wrapped them around the angel, cocooning them both. It was meager protection from the wind and cold, but it was all he could offer. The angel’s wings shifted again, stretching overhead, completing the feathery shelter they built.
It was dark inside, and warm, and very, very close. All he could smell was the sweet, pure scent of Heaven, the way it had smelt before everything went wrong. All he could feel were two impossibly strong arms, enveloping him into a softness he could never have imagined. All he could hear was the sharp, short breath hissing so close to his ears.
He knew when the light flashed again, a slight glow around the edges of the wings, illuminating their feet and legs below, but the pitch-black feathers absorbed it all, turned it back.
“I’m…I’m terribly sorry for this…imposition,” the angel murmured, but made no motion to separate.
“S’fine,” Crawley muttered, letting his arms stretch around the angel, cross behind his back, one hand resting in that space between wings. “We’re just…practicing. Human things.” Somewhat contradicted by the wings themselves, he supposed, but Crawley just pulled them tighter, wrapping them up, bringing him and the angel ever closer together. Their temples and cheeks pressed against each other now, Crawley all but sinking into the angel.
“That’s right,” the angel said. “Human things. Offering comfort. Warmth. They’re – they’re very good at that.” The noise again, sharp and tense, setting every feather vibrating, shaking them down to their bones. Another high sound of distress, and the angel dropped his chin.
Somehow - Crawley was never quite sure how - the demon found himself shifting, bringing their foreheads together, brushing their noses against each other, breaths mixing in the dark space. Crawley had to crouch a little to make it happen, but it felt right.
“Yeah. Comfort.” Crawley said. “S’very angelic, I’m sure, offering comfort to an enemy. Even if he doesn’t need it.”
“Yes. Precisely.” The rain seemed to fall even more fiercely, and it may have started to creep through their blended feathers. Certainly, Crawley could see wet trails running down the angel’s face. “Is there…ah…any – any – any other way I could…could…”
“There is, um, one thing,” he said. “Saw the humans do it.”
The light flashed again, they contracted, closer, the angel’s face tipping up, his tipping down—
Crawley bumped his mouth against the angel’s, held it there, parting his lips just a hair. He wasn’t entirely sure he was doing it right.
The angel jerked away, gasping, arms coming free, and Crawley felt a burn of shame. What had he been thinking? Hadn’t been, of course, just doing stupid things, the way he always did. Might as well leave now and—
The angel’s hands both slid up to cup Crawley’s face, and brought him back down again, tipping his face slightly to the side. They brushed their faces together again, mouths tight and shut, just pressure against each other’s teeth really, but they tried over and over.
The noise struck them, pulsing through them, and in the gasps of fear, their mouths found the way to fit together, parted, relaxed, taking the other’s fright and pulling it in, replacing it with something soft and welcoming.
They locked lips together, again, and again, hardly remembering to breathe. The angel’s hands shifted, one cupping the back of Crawley’s head, the other circling his neck, to bring them even closer.
All at once, Crawley’s snake tongue got the better of him and brushed a little too far past the angel’s lips. Again, their faces parted, but not so far this time. “Oh,” the angel said. “Oh.”
“Sssorry,” Crawley muttered. “I know it’s…it’s not…”
“Do that again,” the angel said.
“Wh – sserioussly?”
“Yes. Absolutely.” And before Crawley could object, their mouths were together again, only this time it was the angel’s tongue brushing his lips, seeking entrance into his mouth and oh…oh was all he could think.
They soon forgot entirely about the storm around them, caught up in the rush of experimentation. Nibbling lips. Pressing tongues. Trailing mouths across jawlines and back again.
They stumbled a bit, and the angel shoved Crawley against the parapet, rough stone digging into his back. The shield of feathers over their heads vanished as the white wings instead crossed behind Crawley’s shoulders, cushioning him, supporting him, and the rain poured in, drenching their hair and faces and robes. Neither even noticed. How could Crawley notice, when he had just found a spot, there, by the angel’s ear, that brought about the most wonderful moan of pleasure? Or when they angel decided to see what happened when he brought his lips to Crawley’s throat? 
The passage of time became meaningless again, as it had been long ago in Heaven. Nothing but wings and lips and arms stronger than stone, than water, than anything, holding Crawley together when the storm threatened to shake him apart.
Slowly, he realized the rain had ended, the night had gone quiet, and the only light was from the billion stars above, looking down on an angel and a demon in a state no such beings had ever been caught in before.
“Uh. Angel. I, uh…” He managed to disentangle a hand and cup it around the perfect curve of the cheek before him. “I think it’s done.”
“Mmmmh,” the angel sighed, face flushed pink, and rested his head against Crawley’s shoulder. “That was…good. With the lips.”
“Yesssss…” It came to Crawley’s notice that he was drenched and shivering, his robes stuck to him in uncomfortable ways, his feathers were all out of sorts, and his hair…he didn’t even know hair could do that, it was horrifying. And yet he never wanted to move from this spot.
“Never did anything like that in Heaven,” the angel said, sounding almost…drowsy.
“Nor in Hell. Not much fun in Hell.” He tried his lips against the angel’s brow, and liked the feel of it. “Probably wouldn’t be allowed.”
That sent a jolt through the angel, and he pulled back, eyes wide. “Not allowed?”
“What?” Crawley replayed what he’d said. “No, no, I—”
The angel stumbled away, eyes jerking up to the sky. “Oh! Oh, no, no, this is, this is all wrong. I shouldn’t – we shouldn’t—” his hands flapping anxiously. “I have to tell my…I have to report…I…this was wrong!”
He looked wretched, more so than when he’d admitted to giving away his sword. Face twisted in a grimace, gasping in pain. As if he might discorporate on the spot.
“I didn’t mean that,” Crawley tried to soothe him, hands waving almost as frantically as the angel’s. “Just that…it…we…” His stomach plummeted, an entirely new sensation, and one he didn’t like at all. Inside that wonderful shelter of feathers, wrapped in a strange warmth that filled his mind, it had seemed appropriate. Necessary, even, compelled by emotions he didn’t understand, emotions that couldn’t be wholly blamed on the chemicals coursing through a human corporation.
But here, laid bare beneath the light of the stars, he realized: what they had done...whatever it was...it was indefensible. Iniquitous. Wrong.
“What…what do I even say?” The angel moaned, pressing clasped hands to his lips, trembling again, so much worse than in the storm. “What do we call this...this...?”
“I…I…” A desperate thought burst into Crawley’s mind. “Temptation!”
“I beg your pardon?”
“A temptation. I tempted you. With the mouth thing.” He nodded, pushing upright, away from the parapet – the scene of their crime – tugging his robes back into order. “Very demonic, temptations. Practically expected, when I see my adversary in such a vulnerable state.”
“So...you just…” The angel’s face collapsed into confusion and a strange kind of pain, one that pierced Crawley through the heart. “All that was...”
“Of course, it failed,” he went on, twisted mind doing what it did best. “Because with humans, the mouth stuff leads to, er, other stuff.” He waved a hand vaguely. He hadn’t actually seen those bits, but they struck him as messy and uncomfortable. “Really forbidden stuff, I should think. Never got there because you distracted me. Nh. Thwarted me.”
“I…did?” The confusion at least seemed to be overwhelming the pain now. “Your…you were…what?”
“Very angelic, thwarting a demon. Who knows what I might have accomplished otherwise?” He leaned closer, hoping the angel could see the hint in his eyes. “Probably the best thing you could have done, keeping your enemy where you could see him.”
Understanding dawned like the sunrise, a smile more beautiful than Creation itself. “Yes…yes!” He nodded his head. “You’re right. Turned your wicked scheme back on you. Kept you from fulfilling, ah, whatever it was you set out to do.”
“W – yeah! Exactly my point!”
“And I suppose…” He furrowed his brow, face troubled as he worked through a terrifying new conundrum. “My superiors don’t need to know…the exact nature of the temptation, or how I stopped it.”
“Too much detail can be a burden,” Crawley agreed fervently. “Best to…keep it simple.”
“You know, I think I shall.” The angel shook his wings, sending droplets to splatter against Crawley, and shot a look up at the stars. “I…I should report immediately. No reason to stay here.”
Crawley spared one more glance at the brilliant, unattainable light, then turned away. Too painful. “Yeah. Do…what you must. I should report in, too.
“Wait.” The angel’s face was flushed again, and his teeth caught at his plump, red lip – plumper and redder from the activity, Crawley was sure. Just watching those teeth work brought back pleasant memories. “Was that, I mean, that is…did you…enjoy it?”
Crawley smiled. “Best temptation I ever did.”
“Oh. Well then.” The angel’s gaze dropped to his hands, and he shuffled just a step closer. “Perhaps you could…tempt me again sometime.”
“I might. If you’re still around Earth.”
“Oh, I think I will be. Someone needs to keep you in line, wily serpent.” But a smile had returned - not the brilliant, glowing one of before, just a smug little purse of the lips. Crawley thought about how it would taste.
“I look forward to it…” He shook out his own wings, though he wouldn’t fly to get to his destination. “Wait. Before you go.” Crawley stared at his feet, feeling a fool. “What’s, um, what’s your name?”
The angel’s hand brushed his jaw, tipping his head up to meet twinkling eyes. “Aziraphale.” The hand dropped down to find Crawley’s, to envelope it, filling it with waves of warmth. “And I...I look forward to the next time, Crawley.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, and on another impulse, leaned forward and pressed his lips against that wonderful soft cheek. “Be seeing you…Aziraphale.”
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btsjeonjazz · 7 years
New toy II pt.2
Jungkook x reader
genre: smut, fluff, angst, sub!jungkook
also some thigh riding 
word count: 10.2k
What is a better occasion for some nasty actions than a blackout?
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After the incident in the pool at the house-warming party, you had the feeling that Jungkook tried to avoid you even more than before. He turned away when he saw you, went inside every single day you came from work and he played with Cloud in the garden, if Taehyung visited your sister and you, he suddenly had plans and so on. One time you called him as Tae and Mia wanted to order food, but he didn’t pick up ere his friend called and the boy seriously picked his fucking call up! It was frustrating as you thought that you overstepped your boundaries with him, even though he was pretty content as it happened throughout the party.
All of this was a week later and tonight you would stay home, although it was the weekend and your friends decided to go to the club Mia worked at. It was all thanks to your bet with your sister, she had to get Taehyung into being her toy, submissiveness at its finest and despite taking longer than you imaged Mia did send you a video the day after your party. The material contained a tied up Taehyung, sprawled naked on Mia’s bed, a blindfold wrapped around his eyes. You heard his loud moans and as Mia held the camera up she winked at you with a thumb up. She won, and so you had to spent one whole month at home, not partying with your friends.
On one hand it was part of your plan, but Jungkook didn’t try to get in touch with you at all. You had the idea to make him yours as he had to stay home most of the times because of his dog, asking him over or going to his house for some play, but as he avoided every contact it was more difficult. The moment you stepped away from him at the pool was when it turned. You snatched a drink and danced with some friends as you walked back to Jungkook who sat on one of the sun loungers a few hours later. He wasn’t alone and as you laid your hand on his shoulder, smiling innocently at him, he furrowed his brows, wriggling out of your touch.
Fine, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to start in front of everyone, but he didn’t tell to stop either. You guessed he liked the thrill of doing dirty things whereas his friends were around him, but although he moaned, begged you slightly and had an orgasm was Jungkook so different from you, signalling that he felt uncomfortable after all around you.
This night ended with him ignoring you, avoiding eye contact and only talking to his male friends. The attempts of some girls trying to hit on him fruitless, which made you grin to yourself though. But as you lay in the darkness of your room after everyone was gone, the pictures of Jungkook from before ran wild in your mind. The moment you imagined him in the pool in front of you, panting and whimpering made you wet immediately. And so you started to get yourself off, the memories from before your help for the night, and all nights after that.
“Y/n, make sure to put everything that lays in the garden inside!”, Mia called from the corridor, putting her shoes on ere she looked around the corner.
“So overdressed today? Do you have plans after your shift?”, you grinned, straightening yourself into a sitting position as you lay on the couch, phone in your hand. “Or is Tae coming?”
Mia turned red at the name and you really wondered if she developed feelings for her ‘toy’, but her flushed face and all the evenings they spent with each other implied that she seriously began to like him.
“Oh, shut up, will you?”, she seemed annoyed, but a smile crawled onto her face anyway. “Just put everything in, it will be storming tonight.”
You nodded, waving her as she turned back to leave for work before you heard her voice again.
“I sleep at Tae’s today”, and she was gone with the click of the door.
Your laugh filled the living room. She was so predictable, it was funny to watch her, men eater number one liking someone! You were happy for her, wishing that Mia would settle down a little. But before you could think about the chances your sister would have, you heard the thunder a few miles away already. It was the signal to collect the belongings outside, sheltering them before the storm would come. No wonder after weeks full of sunshine and heat it had to rain someday. And so the day came, and for once you were lucky to stay home, cosily laying on the couch with a movie playing as it began to rain heavily.
Lightning and thunder following only minutes after it started to pour down, making you flinch from the loud noises outside. Oh, you hated thunderstorms, foremost the ones which escalated so rapidly like the storm right now. As a child you went hiking with your parents and their friends, it was a nice day, full of laughter and fun, but after the sun set and you were still between the trees in the woods, it started to rain. It started softly, some drops landing on your nose ere lighting lighted up the darkness followed by a deafening sound. You were scared, seeing how you all rushed over the mud, tripping while running. Suddenly you were alone, your parents running away with their friends’ children, but leaving you behind. The thunder got worse as you hid, crouching into the mud ere you held your ears, trying to muffle the loud noises around you. It was a long time for a child alone in the dark before a hand grabbed you, your father, lifting you up as he ran towards the others again. This memories marked you and even today you feared thunderstorms, years after this incident.
Therefore you closed all windows in the house, taking a blanket to curl yourself onto the couch, the volume of the TV too loud.
And then it happened, a fucking blackout!
Whimpering you snatched your phone and hid under your blanket. Why a blackout? A thunderstorm okay, you could just turn the TV on, but thanks to the silence in the house you heard the sounds droning inside the room. You couldn’t call Mia as she worked right now and to pester your partying friends was a stupid and embarrassing idea. Therefore you had only one other option. Jeon Jungkook.
With trembling fingers – you cursed yourself for that – you scrolled through your contact list, searching for his name. It rang and rang and rang. He didn’t pick up, but you knew he was home as Tae was out to see your sister in the club and the lights shone through the curtains before the power was cut off. You tried it a few times, but it was no use, he didn’t want to pick up your phone calls.
You: Jungkook? If you’re home please don’t ignore my calls [10:13pm]
You: I’m afraid and now the power is cut off [10:13pm]
You: I know, I’m annoying right now, but please talk to me as long as the blackout lasts [10:13pm]
Even for you, you sounded desperate. Cursing you tried to muffle the sounds the way you did as a child, hands pressed onto your ears, humming and hid under you blanket. Fuck, you were such a crybaby. After two minutes you glanced on your phone. No response.
“Go and fuck yourself, Jung-”
A loud knock on the front door. Someone violently hit the door, calling your name. Jungkook. You hesitated only for a second before you jumped up, the blanket around your shoulders as you rushed to the front door, tripping over your own feet.
Jungkook was drenched, standing in the rain, his dog sheltered by his strong arms while he stood in front of you. The lightning which was shot towards earth behind the soaked boy woke you up, pulling him by the sleeve of his thin dark pullover inside your house. The blanket around your shoulders immediately wrapped around the boy’s broad one and his small, trembling dog. Maybe two minutes and he was drenched to the underwear, Cloud’s fur wet and curly.
“Oh, god you two look terrible!”, you said, rubbing the material over the boy’s wet hair as well as over the dog who wiggled his tail on his owner’s arms. “Wait a second.”
You rushed upstairs the flash light on your phone lighting your way up. With fast movements you grabbed two towels before you went downstairs again, finding Jungkook and Cloud on the same spot.
“Here”, you handed him the bigger towel to wipe the wetness at least a little. The other one in your hand you took Cloud from his arms. “Hey, Cloud. You look so soaked”, you talked to the dog who was happy to see you, licking past your fingers as you crouched down to rub the cloth around his wet fur.
Jungkook didn’t say a word, but tried to dry his clothes. In vain. You didn’t notice as you dried the dog’s trembling body, telling him how good and cute he was over and over again. This action alone let you forget the storm outside, the sounds only half as loud in your ears now as Jungkook and his fluff ball were by your side.
“It’s no use. Your clothes are too drenched already to rub them dry”, you declared, scratching your neck as you stood up again, observing Jungkook’s sad tries. “Better take a shower and I look for some old clothes from Mia’s ex-boyfriends.”
“It’s okay”, he said, narrowing his eyes to his tight shirt, clinging to his body as well as his sweatpants. You followed his view and had to gulp loudly. His member, not erect, was so prominent under the wet fabric, outlining his underwear and sweats. Not only that, but his state reminded you of the time you teased him in the pool, remembering how you got off the last days from this picture. Arousal made you press your legs together. It wasn’t the best time to get wet now, not as long as you were half afraid and he was so cold and reserved towards you.
“No and you know it. Come on, I won’t try anything again..”, you announced, the boy’s round glasses and the darkness hiding his eyes as you said that.
You heard a sigh ere he moved towards the stairs. “Give me ten minutes then. Cloud come”, he said, voice as reserved as his behaviour the last days. It hurt to see him like this even though you knew how he could be, like the evening as you met in the convenience store, the night Tae and he came over to eat your cooked food or the time in the pool. Therefore you planned to confront him after his shower.
With slow steps Jungkook and you climbed up the stairs, Cloud running behind you. Neither he nor you said a word while you looked for some sweats and a shirt in Mia’s room, the sound of the shower droning through the bathroom door.
You and Cloud cuddled in the dark corridor, waiting for Jungkook to finish the cold shower to give him the clothes you picked out for him.
Here he stood, naked, under your fucking shower. The water was ice cold, the blackout making it impossible to heat up as he leaned against the even colder tiles of the wall, contemplating his choices.
He never would have expected you to call for him, text him so desperately as you were afraid of the blackout which was a result of the storm outside. The thunderstorms were especially heavy in the summer after days of sunshine and unbearable heat. Jungkook had seen it coming as he walked with Cloud in the fields this afternoon, running back home as the first drops signalled the severe weather which made its way towards his home. Taehyung was already out as he entered his house, deciding to stay home with Cloud, the little dog afraid of the noises such storms made.
As he got your phone call he decided to ignore you further, the incident in the pool didn’t let him go. Jungkook was certain that you had interest in him. The times you made a show for him in the garden, as you so lasciviously moved your hips to some slow music while he played with his dog, your breasts bouncing up and down in your way too tight bikini top with those suggestive glances shot towards him drove him crazy that day and was fuelling his whole mind at night. Not even five minutes was he able to watch you, his growing bulge straining the outlines of his shorts and he was more than content that it was exactly what you intended. But as you asked him to help you with the wobbling ladder a few days later there were no doubts that his accusations were more than right. Who wore such a revealing skirt and nothing but a pink thong while ‘cleaning’ the gutter? He wasn’t dumb and if it would have been Taehyung you asked for help, he was confident in that, his friend would have fucked you the time he laid eyes on your display. But not Jungkook, he knew about your obvious tries and was so horny every time he saw you, but his character never let him do things Tae would have done. The first gaze was enough and his cock was as prominent as he watched you dance the days before. God, how you turned his mind upside down!
Taehyung noticed that his friend was out of his mind, blushing and so utterly quiet when he laid eyes on you, but he knew that every fucking tip of Tae’s was not how he would react. The try was awkward enough whereas Jungkook walked home with you one night. Oh, this night.. You kissed him! And after that his brain didn’t function anymore. It was too late for him to turn back now. He seriously got a liking on you, his mind always flooded with pictures of your being. Half naked, dancing, hips swinging from side to side.. and your smile! Jungkook was fucked. After the kiss he began liking you! You, who he knew looked for someone to play with and he didn’t want to be the one being toyed with. Not after developing more than friendly feelings for you by now.
Ah, he swore it to himself. But it was ruined only a few days later. The weekend of Tae’s and his house-warming party, to celebrate their new home together. He was nervous, seeing you closer in nothing but your tight bikini, laughing – melody in his ears – dancing and having fun with his friends made his cock twitch. The moment you hugged him as a greeting his dick began to grow as it was the first time he touched your bare skin, feeling your warmth and smelling your sweet perfume. Even know, thinking about the time, let his dick inflate, the cold water helping only a bit to repress his growing erection. Jungkook shouldn’t be thinking about you right now, although it was your shower he stood in. With all his might he tried to shove the thoughts about the incident inside the pool to the furthest corner of his mind. Failing.
You stood so fucking near him, hands on his chest as he jerked off in front of all his friends. And by god, it was one of the best orgasms he had ever had. If not the best by now. Thrilling feelings running through his veins, the thought about being seen was such a turn on for him, but the thing which drove him nuts was you. He could see how aroused you got, cheeks flushed and legs pressed together. Yes, it was exhilarating until it ended. You made him come, talked dirty to him with your pretty lips and he felt as if he was on cloud nine, thinking you gave him a chance to get closer to you. Hope rising high as he finished off, your hands pulling his swim shorts up. Jungkook’s mind was fogged with hope, happiness and fear at the same time as you separated from him. Your next words kinda hurting him. Disgusting. That’s what you said. And right then he knew that you wouldn’t give him a chance as a man, no, more as someone you looked down to. The icing, you telling him that you wanted to do such humiliating things to him more often! Jungkook was furious. Why did you do such things if you thought about them as dirty and disgusting? It made no sense.
This was the reason he started to ignore you. He had to make up his mind, was he ready to be toyed with by you? How deep was he into you? Or was it just your body he wanted? Attention? But attention as in relationship attention? Should he tell you his insecurities? Unfortunately he had no balls to confront you about his feelings and the pain your words caused after he had come for you.
Sighing he splashed the cold water in his face. It was time to step out, the few minutes he stayed under the prickling ice were enough for him to make the decision he prolonged for the last week.
A creak signalled you that Jungkook was ready to receive the clothes you had brought for him. His hand was already dry as he opened the door only ajar, his hand slipping through to grab the shirt and sweatpants from you. You didn’t hesitate as you gave him the clothes, Cloud squeezing his small body through the chink of the door, leaving you all alone on the dark corridor. The loud noises droning back to you as you were alone, sitting across the closed bathroom door, seemingly nervous until the dark haired boy appeared in front of you again. Hastily you stood up, arms hugging your upper body because of the nagging feeling of fear inside your mind.
“Thanks for being here”, you whispered, the thunder drowning your said words out.
“No problem”, his voice was louder than the storm, your heart racing a little at his voice full of repressed anger. Slowly, but steadily you began to regret the action in the pool. Maybe it was really too early to start things, but why hadn’t he said a word of negation then?
You started to walk towards the stairs, your legs a bit cramped at the thought of the confrontation you had planned out as he stood under the shower.
“Let us talk about..last time”, you finally announced as he sat down next to you on the couch, his view focused on Cloud ere it shot towards you at your words. Why the hell were you so nervous? Was it fear that he would deny that he had fun? Or that he saw you the way you didn’t want Jungkook to see you? Like a psychotic exhibitionist for example. He didn’t say a word, waiting for you to start whatever you wanted to say. Inhaling deeply you collected the right choice of words. “I’m sorry about last time, Jungkook. Seriously! I just thought you had fun, maybe even feeling the same way I do. Not romantically and so on, more like”, you looked for a good word, “the thrilling feeling of an adventure. But I guess you don’t see it the same way I do.”
Jungkook listened to you, eyes sliding over your face, the apologize in your orbs sincere. It was silent a moment, except for the roaring storm outside. Tensed you waited for him to respond, but he just sat there, his dark eyes unfathomable as he looked at you.
“Please, Jungkook. I really was sure you wanted it as much as I did. Just don’t leave me hanging like this”, you said, eyes locking with his.
“Y/n..”, it was nothing but a whiff. His hands reaching for his glasses to put them down on the coffee table, rubbing some remains of water out his eyes.
“Come on. Tell me if you thought about it as dirty and wrong or whatever you were feeling about it. But don’t ignore me, please”, you knew how desperate you had to sound, but it was the truths. Jungkook was a nice guy, his personality golden and if you had hurt him with your actions you wanted to make it better. “I didn’t want to offend you.”
Jungkook just stared at you, not believing you seriously thought that he was offended about what actually happened, not thinking about your choice of words afterwards. It was time to sort the things out.
“Listen”, he began to speak wherefore you straightened your back, stressed what might be his next words. “I was comfortable with what we did inside the pool. Even though it felt strange to do it in front of everyone of my friends, but it’s not what you did. But what you said after I finished for you.”
You heard pain through his angry voice. Confused you tried to reconstruct the event, the missing puzzle of the scene coming back as you went through the day again. How dumb were you? I wasn’t how you treated him whereas you two were so intimate but after it. It seemed to be exciting to make such naughty actions, but the words you told him afterwards were the problem. Never had you even thought about offending him with those faked words.
“Oh god, Jungkook, I’m sorry. Why haven’t you told me that I insulted you with my words? You seriously had to draw the line as I said it to you”, you said, hands dropping down to his thighs in an attempt of guilt. “Don’t ever ignore me again, but open your mouth if I do something you despise, got it?”
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed to your hands, the moment you laid them on his clothed thighs giving him goosebumps.
“Yes, it was offending and seriously did you really think it was disgusting? Because you reacted not as if you thought of it as that”, Jungkook said, his voice trailing of from being angry to hurt even more by now.
“God, no!”, you escalated. “Who would think of someone so unbelievably hot as you as gross? I said it as part of the game, but no frigging way was that serious. You have to believe me, Jungkook. I would never, not in my life, think that anything I do to you or you do is sick. It’s the opposite. You turn me on with everything you do. Even now through my fear and tension am I aroused by looking at you, thinking of you how god damn sexy you are. You won’t believe me if I said I make myself come every night picturing you in front of me like you were in the pool..”, you stopped yourself. You definitely went overboard with that confession, but you were in a hast to make it clear to the boy that you slipped your secret.
Jungkook’s chocolate dark eyes widened, the candle to lightened as you went downstairs flickering inside his pupils. You were sure to see relief and.. arousal?
“You get off while thinking about..me?”, his voice was a whisper, not believing your words and as your cheeks flushed you were content that it was more than a ‘yes’ could ever mean. “W-why?”
Perplexed your eyes shot towards his, your hands squeezing the boy’s thighs at his word. Didn’t he see what a perfectly, undoubtedly hot guy he was? You bet girl stand in queue to get a taste of his toned body and those round, innocent doe eyes.
“You are crazy”, you said, shaking your head while laughing. “Are you blind or just unaware?”
Jungkook bit down on his lower lip, his view flying over your body, shortly and fast, but you noticed anyway. “I’m too shy.”
You scoffed, clapping your hands together which made Cloud jump up. “Sorry, Cloud”, you said, sliding further to Jungkook who waited for you patiently to say something. His eyes ran wild through the room as you closed the distance. “I don’t say this to make up for my hurtful words last time”, you declared, kneeling on the couch only a few centimetres away from his tall body. The thunderstorm outside your house was loud, rain clashing against the facade, but thanks to the dark haired boy with the round glasses your mind was distracted enough to blend every other noise out of your head, except for his breathing which slowly started to rise with every centimetre you slid nearer to him.
“You are with metres of separation the hottest living guy I ever touched and saw my entire life, Jungkook. How can you not see how all girls want your attention? At the party I had to shut up over a dozen of girls who were chatting on how to get you!”, you told him and this was the dark truths. He was yours. Not a bitch had the right to get in your way and that you made clearer than glass to every girl who snickered and told someone how attractive and cute Jungkook was. Yours. The end. No discussion accepted.
Jungkook’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down at your words, the tightness not getting unnoticed as you looked down at his crotch. What had made him that turned on? Not your words right?
“I-I’m sorry”, he tried to hide his erection, but you grabbed his wrists, your gaze locking with his.
“Don't”, you whispered, your thumbs tracing over his wrists to make him relax. “Be honest, Jungkook”, you said, voice now steady and serious to underline the situation and your next words. “Do you want us to..sleep with each other?” Words too nice for what you really wanted.
His eyes got darker, the light of the candle turning his face into soft shades, orbs filling with uneasiness and lust at the same time ere he nodded.
“Say it, Jungkook”, you demanded.
“I want us to..fuck”, he responded shyly, the word 'fuck’ only a whiff.
Your heart started to race. How could this evening turn around so much? First you nearly shit your pants, Jungkook and Cloud staying with you ere you confronted him with his strange behaviour. And now he was horny only by telling him how attractive you found him, good, maybe it was the confession that you masturbated to his appearance, but here he was, flushed cheeks, hands fidgeting and eyes running wild around your candlelight illuminated living room.
“Would you let me play with you? With your body, to be more precise”, you asked, your fingers tardily tracing up to his arms which were covered in goosebumps. His skin was burning and you hoped he would let you touch him further, but this time with some conditions. “Tell me.”
He followed your movements, mouth slightly agape. “Do you like me?”
It was a question you weren’t prepared for. Did you? Like in love, no. But you wanted him.
“I’ll be honest with you. I don’t want a relationship right now, but I want you. More than anything”, you sighed, letting the words out as gentle as you could, but the expression on his face was unreadable. Jungkook only nodded again, contemplating about your words ere he answered you to your relief.
“I want you, too”, his voice was a little reserved, but ere you could say anything he leaned forward, his warm lips pressing down on yours. Not so delicately as you thought he would kiss, more possessive as if your words switched something in his mind.
You let him have his share of dominance. He moved his lips on yours, heavily and you tasted the same sweetness as you did before on the porch, this time without eating a chocolate cake, but his lips tasted as sweet as if he had. Such taste didn’t come from the mini cake, but from Jungkook himself. And he tasted to delicious, you could get diabetes just by kissing him some more, like getting addicted to sweets. Despite his sweetness was his kiss not as tender. You let him be, he should be relaxed for what you wanted to do, so you leaned in, kissed him back ere you felt his hands cup your face to deepen the movement of his mouth on yours.
“W..wai”, you mumbled, or you tried to mumble, but he only pressed harder, your breath starting to hitch and god, you wanted him so fucking much, but you also wanted to play some more. “Wait, Jungkook.”
A frustrated gruff escaped the panting boy as he separated his face from yours, his pink mouth hanging above your own.
“You have to tell me when to stop, okay? If I say something too harsh or you feel any kind of discomfort, got it? I already told you, I love to use your body for my own pleasure, Jungkook, and I want you to obey me. It’s not that you can fuck me, but I fuck you.” You grazed his lips shortly with your own. “And you have to earn rewards from me. I won’t strip my clothes off because you want it to, but you have to do whatever I say. My conditions are clear. I give as much as you are submissive and do what I say.”
“But, can I sleep with you?”, he asked, his eyes never leaving your lips as you spoke to him.
“Earn it, Jungkook”, you said, the serious tune of your voice still present as long as he hadn’t agreed or denied what you wanted and was ready to offer him.
“I will make you senseless by the time I’m allowed to”, he said quietly, his eyes shooting up and you felt how his words turned you on.
“What will you do? Say it, Jungkookie”, it was time. He agreed. Your heartbeat was fast, now it was time to start playing for real. All fronts clear which were important to discuss, toys and so on would come later. And so did testing his limits.
“If I sleep with you, I will do it properly”, he responded shyly, but you only shook your head. Not the answer you wanted to hear.
“Another try”, you said, hands rubbing over his biceps up to his neck where your fingers tapped the nape of his neck whereas the other stroked over to his abs.
“I-I will fuck you senseless, y/n”, his words were weak, shyness spreading through the room, but his answer was enough for now.
“Can’t wait for it, Jungkookie. I bet you can do it after we trained you for that”, you smiled at him, suggestively biting your bottom lip. “How about we start our 'training’ today? And if you’re a nice boy you can ask me something in return.”
A hasty nod followed. He was eager getting started you felt it as your hands slid down onto his crotch, his cock fully erect by now. You didn’t know what else, despite his looks, made you crazy about him, but he drove your mind wild. A blur inside your head whenever you looked at his cute face with those big brown eyes.
“Strip off your clothes, Jungkookie”, you purred close to his ear, the hair on his arms standing high again. Oh, you could kill just to get a glance at fully naked Jungkook on your couch, his cock so ready for you to sit down, but your wouldn’t. Yet.
Jungkook stood up, his shirt laying on the ground the moment he straightened his back and what you saw let your jaw drop to the bottom. His back screamed 'BOYFRIEND’. Broad shoulders, toned muscles lining his back and you could see the outline of his backbone you wanted to slide down with your fingers. And so you did. With racing heart you got behind him, near his body as he faced the darkness. The candle flickered while you stepped forward to lay your hands on his broad shoulders, the boy flinching at your sudden touch.
“Relax”, you whispered, fingers softly roaming over his upper back, slowly down to his spine to the hem of his sweatpants and up again. His skin reacted directly with a huge amount of goosebumps, the boys breath stuck in his throat as long as you peppered his skin with your warm touches. As you finished the excursion you turned him around, looking up into his face which was too high for you to reach, so you pulled it down, pressing your lips on his briefly.
“You’re not finished”, you said, sitting back down to watch the 'show’ of him getting undressed. Blushed cheeks and a nervous view traced through the room, everywhere but on your face. His shyness made you grin wherefore you coughed slightly to get his attention on your face. “Look at me while you strip that pants off.”
Gulping the dark haired boy obeyed, his dark eyes which reflected the soft light of the burning candle locked with yours, the tension laying beneath his lust filled orbs. You smirked, cocking your brows up as he didn’t move and while you tilted your head and were about to speak up, his hands moved down. His thumbs glided under the hem of the sweatpants, a bit shaking while he pushed them down hastily, not a spurt of joy in his motion, sadly. You wanted him to make it lascivious, seducing you with his being, but it wasn’t the right time, not yet. Body athletic, trained to perfect proportion he stood there, eyes narrowed to the ground again, leaving yours for just a speck of a second before it shot up again. Good Boy.
“Sit down, Jungkookie”, you invited him to you, a hand tapping on the space next to your own. With heavy steps he followed, his thick length leading the way. You noticed the darker hue on his cheeks, making you bite your lower lip. He still was so innocent and unaware of what he did to your own body, because you felt the signature tightening of your core as Jungkook stood on your porch, wet to the bone, his thatch leaving drops on his now dry, naked shoulders.
You had to find a way for the attractive guy to chill and leave the tension which cramped his limbs. Therefore you leaned your side against the rest of the couch, gaze focused on Jungkook who tried to hold yours, failing as his orbs wandered up and down your body, a silent wish speaking out of his view. He wanted you to strip your clothes as well, but that wasn’t the plan for the night, but a bit of a relaxation you could give him anyway.
“What do you want from me, Jungkookie? And be precise”, your voice was a quiet whisper, tune hidden with so much meaning and promises letting the the boy inhale loudly.
Stuttering he fidgeted in his position, trying to conceal his erection as to why you slapped his hands away. You shook your head, eyes telling him to try and he wasn’t getting anything, so you held his wrists softly, not allowing him to hide or touch himself.
“Answer me!”, impatience laced your voice, making it sharper for him to notice how serious you were.
“I..”, he began, chewing on his bottom lip, the perfectly situated mole underneath showing. “I really want to see you, too, y/n..” His voice was meek, so quiet you had to listen closely to understand him.
“And I wanted you to be precise, Jungkookie. No specific request, not getting me, got it?”
Jungkook’s eyes got wider, if that’s possible, as he looked at you, his lips getting darker by the minute as he violently bit down on them, a sign how fucking nervous he really was just to tell you what he wanted. And this he would have to tell you, too ere he could put his cock inside.
“I want to see your breasts, so bad. After the time you showed more skin inside the pool, I really wanted to touch them, fondle them and make you moan with that. So please, y/n, show me y-your breasts”, he whined a little while speaking as you leaned forward massaging the soft flesh of his stomach, his abs twitching under your palm as your hand slid lower. “P-please..”
Inside you cheered, lust filling your body at the state of his voice, his reactions to such short touches worth every minute you spent with him. You definitely were horny now wherefore you started to grant his wish, sliding further away from Jungkook to tug at your shirt. Slowly, making him shift in his seat you pulled on your tight t-shirt until it let your bare breasts spring free. Nipples red and erect from your turned on state you stood up to step in front of Jungkook who watched your naked torso out of even bigger eyes, doubt and lust filling them.
“You’re so beautiful, y/n”, Jungkook’s voice was laced with awe and excitement while you did what you had planned from the beginning you laid your eyes on him the first time.
“Will you let me do anything, Jungkookie?”, you spoke softly as you leaned down, hands tracing over his thick, solid thighs up to his cock which you grabbed in your hand to squeeze it. Jungkook reacted immediately, head shot forward, doe eyes watching your motion while a small hiss escaped his lips. He felt utterly different from the time you touched him inside the water. So thick, pulsating and hot under your palm, the skin softly as you saw a vein lining from his shaft up to his tip. Your mouth watered and you had to resist the urge to get on your knees and taste him, because he looked too delicious and tempting. You bet he tasted sweet, chocolate like his personality and lips, his cum the icing with some saltiness to intensify the sweetness. Gulping you bumped him hard, pressing down with some force as to why Jungkook started to moan your name quietly, the sounds he repressed the last time.
As abruptly as you started you let him go, a disappointed sound leaving his open mouth. “How often do I have to tell you to fucking answer me? Touch yourself then”, your voice was ice cold, heat repressed even though you wanted to suck him dry right there.
“No! Y/n, I-I’m sorry”, his voice showed the desperation he felt. “Do whatever you want with me.”
“Mhm”, you faked scorn, eyebrows pulled up high. “Better respond right away, the chances decreasing my good Jungkookie.”
Jungkook whined, he hadn’t thought that you would seriously be that strict, he saw how hard your nipples were from your own arousal, so why waiting?
“Promise”, he whispered, hands getting closer to his lap as time went by. The naked boy was so ready, his cock twitching from time to time, showing you he had no control with your bare chest so near.
“Want to touch them?”, you asked watching how Jungkook’s gaze lay on your mounds, his mouth wide while the first part of his fingers reached his cock. “I bet your hands fit perfectly around them.”
A hasty nod, the dark hair jumping up and down. “So perfect, y/n. Please let me.”
You contemplated if you should let him, but shook your head a 'no’. “Better you watch as I touch them while you touch yourself, Jungkookie. It turns me on if you show me how you like to be touched. Show me what makes you go wild.”
The expression on his face told you he wasn’t so sure about that, but did it anyway. And as his first lazy stroke pulled the skin back and forth you saw how he started to enjoy his own touch. You held your promise so you knelt down between his bare legs without laying your hands on his skin although you really wanted to squeeze his solid flesh. Instead you straightened you back so he had the perfect view; you, kneeling in front of his cock, bare chest and started to stroke over them with both your hands. Jungkook liked his lips, you could see how much it turned his shy self in a hungry beast, his hand now enclosed around hi erection, movements getting faster as his other hand supported his body while he sat straight to see you fully. You on the other side switched from his lust filled eyes to his throbbing dick which was constantly bumped up and down and back. He was so eager as you began to fondle your own breasts, played with the soft skin around your hard nipples, stroked them before you started to take your red cherries between your index finger and thumbs, rolling them softly while small mewls fell from your wet lips.
“Y/n, you’re the sexiest girl I ever met”, brave Jungkook said, his eyes focused on the way you rolled your nipples between your digits. “Mewl again, p-please.”
Perplexed your gaze wandered form his crotch to his face, his eyes now laying on your lips which you pursed into a suggestive smile, showing him your teeth ere you wetted your bottom lip, knowing he followed your move. Then you pressed down on your nipples, feeling a tight pain which made you moan again, this time louder. The excited boy tuned in and let out a quiet, way darker moan and closed his eyes shut. His hand now furiously stroking his length and you were pretty content it was difficult to slow down when your 'crush’ was doing lewd noises. You felt him while your own juices dripped down your shorts, coating your panties with the glistering fluids of your libido.
“I like if you’re vocal, Jungkookie. Don’t hold back”, you commanded, voice traced with lust and you saw how he opened his orbs, diffidence the main feeling again.
“I-I’m not sure.”
“Do it, Jungkookie!”
With that the body leaned back, his hand squeezing his cock while the other slid down cupping his balls. Oh, the boy likes his balls fondled, you thought and loved the way he let his head lean against the rest, but his dark oculars still focused on your actions, biting his lower lip again. You thought that it had to be a darker hue by tomorrow. The view Jungkook presented you made your knees weak, your own arousal steadily growing until you panted only by watching him jerk his dick so close to your face. Massaging your breasts and pinching your red nipples didn’t help and you bet that if he touched you, you would explode right away wherefore you couldn’t wait to get off after he left in a few hours. The sticky panties getting pretty uncomfortable.
And then you heard it. A guttural sound filling the room, dark, hungry and so deep you flinched. Jungkook’s orbs lay on your chest, his fist squeezed so tight around his cock that his knuckles plopped up white. Slowly, careful not to spill his cum he stroked over his twitching dick, pre cum flooding out his tip – you really wanted to lick it away, but had no chance – and used as lubrication. Slick sounds mixed with his feral moans began to drone to your ears. That’s what got you going, finally. It was erotic music, a melody so lewd and arousing that you felt your libido flowing down your clenched pussy over your legs. Jungkook’s howls were the sound you had dreamt of, wishing every man had such a melodious voice, but only the dark haired boy was able to make your sober mind drunk with what fell from his red, swollen lips.
“Fuck”, a whiff of a word reached you. “I’m so close-ah.”
“Slow down then”, it was a command, weak as you were not able to tell him such a demand stricter, you were too aroused.
He did as you said, the slow circling around his shaft getting even tardier until slow motion lead his pace. Good boy. Jungkook listened so well if he was turned on and waited for your next command, breath stuck as you stood up from your position, fingers falling to your sides.
“Spread your legs further, Jungkookie.” Your previous plan should be the next step.
Lasciviously you swung your hips while you stepped closer until you stood between his spread wide thighs, your warm hands sliding up and down his thick legs, the skin so soft but solid under your touch. He tensed his muscles as the typical goosebumps formed on the surface of his skin from your skin on his. “If you moan always like this you will get so many rewards, Jungkookie. Your voice is worth everything.”
Jungkook nodded, confused what you planned next, his fingers tugging at his own balls, rolling them softly in his hands as he watched you, your chest even closer to his face that he had to swallow hard. Even harder though was his cock you almost touched, it looked to fucking good that yours eyes were drawn to his crotch. But that’s not what you had in mind. Therefore you resisted the urge to help him come and positioned yourself over his right thigh, your fingers now touching his hips as you sat down, never leaving his face. It said too much, represented his mind fully; lust, excitement, confusion and his signature shyness deep inside his brown oculars.
“Ever had a girl which was aroused by looking at your thighs?”, you asked him teasingly, pinging his sides playful ere you stood up again, getting rid of those annoying shorts which felt wrong for your next actions. “I guarantee that every female human on this planet is jealous about what I will do now, Jungkookie.”
“W-what?”, was all he said, too distracted by your newly exposed skin. The panties revealed not as much as a thong, but shaped your ass rounder and showed enough from your soft flesh that Jungkook had to lick his lips to wet the dryness. The dark thatch narrowed he tried to get as much in his view as possible, the urge to touch you, stroke over your skin was too much he had to lean back again, the hand on his cock not moving, afraid he might spurt out his seeds on his stomach immediately.
“You heard me, Jungkookie. Your thighs cloud my mind”, you said aloud again waking him from his heavy breathing trance. His bare, toned chest which was slightly tanned rose high and fast with every breath he took. The boy’s cock throbbing, pre cum pooling white on his tip as well as sweat flowing in small, salty droplets over his chest. Your fingers traced them, feeling the heat radiating from his skin under your fingertips. Oh, he was close and your were content that your future actions would make him come faster than he liked.
You positioned yourself on his thigh again, knee near his crotch while your hands lay flat on his muscular chest. Licking your lips you leaned into him to get better access with your own clothed folds on his thighs. Your bundle of nerves was tensed as you started to rub yourself on his leg, Jungkook’s eyes shot wide with disbelief.
“Y-y/n..”, it was one of his darker moans, goosebumps forming on your skin this time. “You drive me insane.. I come right away if you start to move..” He whined, his cock twitching with every word as he looked at your body on his, hips pressing down his muscles to feel friction on your clit. It made you mewl to which Jungkook growled again.
“Then stop touching yourself if you’re afraid to come. I don’t like to say this, but you won’t last a minute in my tight pussy if you struggle even now.” Wrong. But you wanted to tease him, challenge him with your sharp words and it worked. The boy glanced at you perplexed, turning into determination that you were utterly wrong in your accusation.
“Try me”, he mumbled, a form of courage you didn’t now he had in him. You smirked, you would challenge him, maybe it was the first step now, but he would beg if you finished all sorts of things you imagined to do with him.
Then you began. Holding onto his chest and shoulder you started to roll your hips down his thigh, feeling the much needed touch on your clit which was burning from the lack of attention even though you were so turned on that you had the feeling you would come if you seriously started to move onto him. But that wasn’t part of the idea. The thing you wanted to achieve with thigh riding was that Jungkook got more confidence, saw you the way you saw him and maybe even came without further touches which was the ultimate turn on of you.
“You feel so solid under me, Jungkookie. Your thighs are perfect to ride them!”, you cheered him on, eyes staring down onto his erection as you jumped up and down his leg, breasts dangerously close to his pleasure contoured face, his cheeks flushed, sweat running down his face, his dark hair clinging onto his skin. Blissfulness was the main feeling you made out of his dark eyes, lips agape again as he watched you, his orbs following your motions in awe.
“I can’t hold back any longer, y/n”, Jungkook whimpered, the sentence stretched out into a moan. “You’re too damn hot – fuck – for me..”
A grin turned the edges of your lips upwards, the tightening lust in your core starting to loosen and you had to be careful not to spill the peas right away. Your hips pressed down his thigh, clit twitching as it was ready to release you out of your libido built cage. But your mind wasn’t. First Jungkook, maybe some other time you.
“Am I turning you on that much with a little action? Is touching you like this too much?”, your voice mocked him, grin vanished as you cocked your eyebrows up, movements stopping – it looked part of your attitude, but honestly you had to stop or your stimulation got the upper hand.
“You’re torturing me, y/n..”, he whined again, weakly this time. Jungkook looked ashamed, his eyes laying on his crotch. “One stroke and I spill my cum.”
Your mouth watered at the thought, it was tempting to reach down and see if he told the truth, but instead you grabbed his hands which tugged at his balls ere you started to circle on his thigh again. Your juices flowed over onto his skin moments ago, but now you were spreading them all over his tones leg, the boy’s breath stuck as he heard what you were doing. Jungkook couldn’t hold back anymore. You were too much for him and so you moaned, breasts bouncing heavier, a show extra for the dark haired boy who wanted to come so bad.
“You won’t come until I say so, got it? My saying, Jungkookie”, you reminded him, tilting your head as a new mewl fell from your open lips to which Jungkook’s cock throbbed even more. It had to hurt wherefore he touched his balls a few minutes ago. “Or you have to beg.”
With that you pressed down again, clit on fire, but you had training in holding back. It wasn’t the right time, not today. Therefore you let his wrists go, gripping down onto the spot in front of you, centimetres away from his crotch next to your fingers. Your hips dug deeper, and with every new roll the boy’s eyes closed shut. Stretched moans ringing in your ears you smiled, he was such a good boy for you and the perfect new company, but too proud to beg you what you would change if you played with him some more.
A sentence and he was freed from the pressure of his tightening balls. You leaned down, licking a stripe from his neck to his ear the saltiness of his sweat on your tongue while biting softly on his earlobe. “Come for me, Jungkookie. Show me how much you got. I want to hear you again”, you purred quietly before you sat straight again, circling your hips for some nice friction, not as violently as before but enough for a bit pleasure.
“F-fuck”, Jungkook moaned again, voice deep as his hand reached down to his pulsating cock, the tip slightly swollen and red, same nuance as his lips which he had violated to obviously from his lust. “Y-y/n..ah..”
Feral his body twitched, muscles starting to tense, making you cry out as your bundle of nerves was pressed hard, shaking you. Jungkook’s abs flexed, his hand stroking mercilessly over his dick, the pre cum lubricant again ere you heard a loud sound coming out his chest and white spurts landed high on his torso. The first streak over his abs up to his nipple, the next two smaller, landing onto his stomach while a few droplets flowed down his fingers. The knuckles turned outwards, white as he squeeze the last remaining drops out his cock, his breath uneven, hitched with every rising of his bare, toned chest. Flexing muscles were too much wherefore you stood up, panting like hell.
“Eager and willing, just as I like my boys”, you smirked down on the panting mess under you, hair sticking to his forehead, cheeks pink from exhaustion and release drawing lines down his tanned upper body. You were more than ready to jump on his still erect cock, making this event pleasurable for you, too. But it wasn’t that easy for you, so your body dropped down next to the heavy breathing guy who just had one of his best orgasms, you were pretty sure the best.
“Fuck, I’m beat”, he growled, arms hanging to his sides, no strength left in his tired bones. Jungkook’s eyes closed as he evened out his panting decreasing the heavy rising of his chest to a normal state after minutes went by. Neither he nor you said a word, enjoying the silence.
Silence! The storm seemed to be over, soft rain pattering outside the house and on the roof, a calming sound after the huge thunderstorm raging just an hour ago. You hadn’t even noticed that the riot was over as you and Jungkook did some naughty actions inside, by candle light, not that romantic though. Your face turned upwards seeing that Jungkook’s dark orbs lay on you, not on your almost naked body, but on your face, a small, unfathomable smile on his swollen, dark lips.
“Thanks for the company, Jungkook”, you said, voice just a whiff, the own exhaustion leaking out of your voice. “I didn’t expect you to stand on my porch to be honest.”
Jungkook’s smile deepened to his signature bunny one, his teeth pearly even in the flickering light of the nearly burned down candle. Why did your heartbeat increase? You shook your head slightly, narrowing your own eyes to your lower body. He was irresistible, his smile killing your confidence around him.
“No problem. I’m glad that we made up, y/n”, his voice was a deep whisper which caused the hair on your neck to get up. Okay, it should be enough for now, your mind a blur.
“Me, too”, you also whispered, head slowly rising again to meet his gaze.
If it weren’t Jungkook you would’ve thrown yourself on him. His brown eyes, so dark reflected the soft light, mouth agape, bottom lip so plump from chewing on it, his face looking as if he just had the best sex in his whole life while the white release glistered in the flickering flames. A knot formed inside your throat, taking your breath away as you focused on the boy next to you. His toned, perfectly shaped body the capstone which turned your head into a wild mess.
You cleared your throat while standing up to get something Jungkook could wipe off the cum with. “I get you something”, was all you said, rushing through the darkness of the corridor. Violently you tried to kick the upcoming thoughts out of your head. Toy, nothing more!
A cloth in your hand you walked back to your dark haired neighbour and new toy who sat in front of the couch, his dog cuddled at his feet. Fuck. You had totally forgotten the small, white dog! Ashamed you ran your free hand through your hair. Pets shouldn’t witness the intimate moments of their owners! Never!
“Here”, you handed him the cloth. “Is Cloud okay? I mean, we didn’t give him any attention though..”
“He’s fine, laid behind the couch the whole time”, Jungkook wiped off the remaining, dried up cum. It was so sexy how he collected his own pleasure, abs flexing under the cold wetness. You bit down your lower lip again, unlike Jungkook you were totally turned on even now.
Relieved you stepped closer, crouching down to stroke over the small fluffy ball at his owner’s feet. As always he felt silky under your fingers and you smiled happily. Then you snatched your t-shirt, pulled it over your head and so did you with the shorts. Jungkook copied you and in a few seconds you both sat on the couch again.
“Everything’s fine now? I mean, after last time you were such an asshole. Ignoring me and so on”, you giggled, nudging his arm. Too much, y/n, you reprimanded yourself.
“All good. I tell you if something’s up”, he assured you, arms crossed over his clothed chest ere he looked out the door of the terrace. “Seems like the other houses are already with power again”, he said wondering why yours didn’t work. “Let me check the junction box for a second.”
As he left you curled up, pulling the blanket over your body, tiredness making its way inside your bones. You closed your eyes and behind them darkness turned into light. Perplexed you opened them again to see Jungkook coming back up into the living room, a proud grin spread on his lips.
“Tell me that I’m the best”, he moved his long legs to you, lifting up Cloud and standing there ready to leave. “Guess as the power’s back I can leave you alone again”, his voice showed signs of disappointment while he scratched his neck.
“You know that Mia stays over at yours, right?”, you asked him, not wanting him to leave yet. “She has plans with Taehyung.” With wiggling eyebrows you made clear what you meant with 'plans’.
“For real? Not again!”, he was annoyed just thinking about them starting their bizarre games who can scream louder, forgetting that there was another person living in that house.
“Then stay over”, you shrugged your shoulders, enough space was given and blankets you had plenty. “Could watch some TV if you want. Also do I want to cuddle with Cloud.”
Jungkook was lost in his thoughts. Here he sat, on your couch, wrapped in one of the blankets you had handed him before you snuggled up to Cloud next to his tall body. You decided to watch some late night TV shows and after an hour he hadn’t heard any sound from you anymore. Jungkook realized you were deep asleep, the white dog cuddling up to you.
It all happened too fast tonight. He had no chance to confront you, but your answer was glass clear.
’I don’t want a relationship right now, but I want you’
Now it was his choice. Was sex – it wasn’t even sex as in feeling you – enough? Or was there more behind your stone wall you built around yourself? Of course, he had an explosion of an orgasm, but what got him going weren’t the words you said, but you.
A small sound fell from your lips and Jungkook had to repress a chuckle.
Ah, fuck it!, he thought, you were worth it. If it was just playing with him, okay. If it turned out having the best highs he had ever had, even better. Then so it should be. He braced himself for your new ideas or crazy plans and as his heart beat faster he was content that his secret would never be allowed to see the surface. It would ruin the time you spent together.
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Imagine if Jenny hadn't sent for Laoghaire when Jamie and Claire return in Voyager and Jamie had the chance to tell Claire about Laoghaire. Willie, too. Maybe in a place special to them both on the Lallybroch land.
Truth and Love - Part One (of Four)
Claire woke to find it still dark. Jamie and Ian were sitting by their campfire talking quietly but casting large shadows on the rock face behind them as they gesticulated wildly in the course of their discussion. Claire blinked and tried to decide who was doing the scolding and who was being scolded; from what little of their tone she could pick up, that was all she could tell for certain.
She rolled over and grabbed the edges of her cloak tight about her. She was both looking forward to and dreading arriving at Lallybroch. A proper bed and some time to enjoy it with Jamie were what she hoped most to find upon their arrival. They needed some time to talk through what they wanted for their future now that there were the two of them once more.
It took Claire a moment to decide whether they were yet to go to bed or simply up before the dawn. No, she would have noticed Jamie join her so they hadn’t slept yet.
Jamie cut Ian off when he saw Claire approaching.
“Ye’re no having trouble sleeping, are ye?” he asked with concern.
“It’s certainly easier when I have you there next to me,” she teased with a tired smile.
His face relaxed and he smiled back, rolling his eyes briefly as he glanced down and saw Ian watching them.
“I’ll come back with ye, Sassenach. It’s late and we’ll be wantin’ to get an early start.”
“Good night again, Ian,” Claire said with a smile for her nephew.
“Sleep well, Auntie Claire,” he smiled and nodded. “Uncle Jamie,” he added with a significant look to the man in question that Claire couldn’t possibly miss.
They crossed the clearing to where Jamie had erected their small shelter from a crevice in the rock face using a blanket for a third wall and dried moss, leaves, and grass to cushion the ground under his cloak. Claire pulled her cloak off again and lay down leaving room for Jamie beside her. He hesitated before taking a seat and leaning against the rock.
“Is… something wrong?” Claire asked rolling over to face him and putting a hand on his knee. “What were you talking about with Ian?”
“I thought he should go ahead to Lallybroch,” Jamie answered with a shrug, “let them know we’re on our way.”
“You want him to face Jenny and Ian without you there to run interference?” Claire asked.
“He wants them to treat him like the man he nearly is so I told him he needs to face his responsibilities and that means facin’ his parents and havin’ it out with them, no hiding and letting me… what was it ye called it? Run interference?” Jamie smiled and shifted his shoulders awkwardly against the hard rock. His hand covered Claire’s on his leg, a finger playing with her ring. “The lad… he told me––and rightly so––that I ought not to lecture him… when… when there’s something I’m needing to tell you.”
Claire stiffened and her heart began to pound but Jamie held her hand tight in his own.
“What… what do you need to tell me?”
“First… I need ye to know that I meant what I said before,” Jamie began, his voice dropping low. “I want ye, Claire. As much now as I ever did before––more even. But I’ll understand if… if what I say now changes how ye feel towards me. I dinna want to take ye to Lallybroch if… well…”
“Jamie… you’re scaring me,” Claire confessed.
“We said we wouldna talk of… when I told ye I’d not lived these twenty years as a monk––”
“I don’t need to hear about other women, Jamie.” There was warning and fear in her voice but Jamie’s fingers rubbed circles into her palm and it helped to keep her calm.
“There’s only three in those twenty years and wi’ two it was naught but a single night,” he said quickly. “I would be more than happy to pretend they didna happen… the Lord knows they didna make me miss ye or yearn for ye any less… rather the opposite, in fact,” he rambled. “But… I need ye to listen because I need ye to understand.” He looked to her, imploring and terrified.
For a moment all she could hear was the pounding in her ears. She wanted to rip her hand away and curl into a ball against the rock, put her fingers into her ears and hum the way Brianna had done during thunderstorms as a child. But a flicker of curiosity caught in her belly and grew, threatening to twist her guts. She squeezed Jamie’s hand back to signal she was ready for him to continue.
“There was a lass in my time paroled in England… Her parents betrothed her to a man old enough to be her grandsire and she…” He shook his head at the memory. “She didna mean to be bedded by an old man––no for her first time.”
Claire bit her tongue so the retort “So you said you would help?” remained unsaid.
“I felt for her position but had no intention to take her for that reason,” Jamie insisted, the intensity of his meaning squeezing her fingers till the bones ground against each other. “She was the daughter of the man in charge of my parole… and she was a sly and conniving thing too. I wasna allowed letters except those that passed through her father and he was to read every one of them. Jenny and I found ways around it. But the lass got her hands on one and…” Jamie shook his head. “If it had only been me threatened by it, I’d no have done it. But it wasna just me her havin’ that letter put in danger; it was Jenny and Ian and their bairns… They… they were all I had left.”
Claire took a deep breath, her thumb rubbing soothingly against his fingers. Before she could assure him that he’d had no choice but to go along with what the young woman had wanted, he blurted, “I have a son by her. William, he’s called.”
At that, Claire did try to pull her hand away but Jamie reached out with his other hand to hold it in both of his, a pleading gesture. “It was the one night and I didn’t know until after she had died in childbed. Nearly everyone believes he’s her late husband’s and I never can claim him. But he’s… mine. The lass’ parents are raising him. When I was there… I could see him from time to time.”
“Nearly everyone…” Claire murmured quietly.
“I had to leave when the resemblance became too strong. I’ll… I’ll never be able to see him again… and he’ll never know. I… havena told anyone at Lallybroch about him––even Jenny and Ian.”
“Then… what were you and Ian talking about by the fire just now if it wasn’t…” she swallowed hard and forced the words out, “your son.”
Jamie bowed his head with obvious shame. His grip on her hand remained desperately, painfully tight as his fingers pressed into the back of her hand.
“Ye need to understand… losing you, Claire…” he made a sound almost like a laugh. “Ye ken what yer name is in the Gáidhlig? Sorcha. ‘Light.’ Losing ye, yer light was gone. I was stuck in a never ending dark of night. All I had left were the stars––Jenny, Ian, their bairns. At times they shone brighter, at times they were dim, but they were what light was left to me… until William. If yer light was the sun, he was moonlight, brighter than the stars.”
There was pride in his voice that cut at Claire. It was a pride she knew too well; the pride of seeing your child’s growth and accomplishments firsthand… the pride of knowing. It was the pride he should have had for Brianna. She knew he loved Brianna and would undoubtedly claim he was proud of her… but it would never ring at the same pitch.
“When I left Helwater and came back to Lallybroch… I’d neither sun nor moon and the stars… Ye did tell me once that we see their light for a time after they die and burn out, no? I came back and it was as though I couldna see their light anymore. The bairns were mostly grown or didna ken me so well as they once did. The tenants had less need of me… It wasna like comin’ home at all,” he admitted with dejection and pain in his voice.
Claire swallowed sensing a lump in her throat. It hurt to hear about William, to think about Brianna, but it hurt more in that moment to feel Jamie reliving his pain. What would she have done, how would she have survived without Brianna? Worse, to have had Brianna and then lost her in some way? She reached her free hand up and rested it atop his two.
“I… can only imagine… what Jenny thought of me then, how she feared for me bein’ alone as I was. She… she didna want me to be on my own, kent I needed someone to care for and to have care for me.”
Claire’s hands went cold and limp.
“Who?” she asked quietly. “She pushed you to marry someone else––that’s what you’re trying to tell me… you’ve remarried…”
Jamie’s inhalation sounded almost like a sob. He nodded.
Claire closed her eyes and focused on the clammy warmth of his hands and how they trembled holding her own. He was scared––terrified. But he was telling her. He could have––and arguably should have––told her sooner… but he was telling her. And hadn’t she herself said that she didn’t care if he was a bigamist or a traitor or a thief. A nervous part of her wanted to laugh; when they’d first wed, she had been the one with two living spouses, though one of hers had conveniently been living in another century. But she had kept that from him for several months, until the truth of it could be avoided no longer.
He hadn’t known she was coming back for him. She had interrupted his life, had consciously known it would be messy and awkward to try and fit the pieces of their lives back together. He had spoiled her with that week of not-knowing. She had let herself relax and think it would be easy after all.
“Do you… do you love her at––”
“No,” he interrupted quickly. “I never should ha’ married her. She was a widow wi’ two lasses and desperate for a man to provide for the three of them. It has helped––bein’ needed in that way, as a provider… But we werena happy and I didna stay wi’ Laoghaire moren’ a few months after we wed before goin’ on to Edinburgh.”
“Laoghaire?” Claire pulled her hands sharply from Jamie’s grasp. “Are you telling me the woman you married is Laoghaire MacKenzie?”
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