#paradise!inosuke au
queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Paradise!Inosuke AU: Terayori
Name: Terayori 
Kanji: 寺賴
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Height: 6’6” (198 cm)
Affiliation: Eternal Paradise Faith
Occupation: Priest, Farmer, Monk (formerly)
Base of Operations: Paradise Faith Cult
Status: Alive
Relatives: Sawako (Wife), Suika (Oldest Daughter), Momochi (Second Oldest Daughter), Yuzuki (Third Oldest Daughter), Koringo (Fourth Oldest Daughter), Nashine (Fifth Oldest Daughter), Chiharu (Sixth Oldest Daughter), Hasume (Youngest Daughter), Kanta (Son)
Appearance: Terayori is a tall, muscular, bald man with dark orange eyes. He wears a pair of round library frame glasses. For causal wear, he wears a standard gray kimono and zori. When he’s working in the temple and monastery, he wears a white button-up, black pants, and white tabi. He wears a pair of settas whenever he’s outside. When working in the field, he wears a dark blue samue and a pair of warazori. For formal events, he wears a dark blue iromontsuki haori hakama.
Personality: Terayori is a highly dedicated man who deeply worships Buddha and Douma, along with his family, as he hears the voice of Gods and Buddha. He is willing to lay down his life if it means to serve Douma’s interests. While he is friendly to his fellow cult members and people seeking refuge, the same can’t be said for certain outsiders, especially if they bare the kanji “滅” on their clothes as there was an incident where someone wearing the kanji tried to attack Douma years ago. Terayori is also a loving husband to his wife and father to his children. 
History: Terayori was born in the Paradise Faith Cult, where his family has lived in the village since its very beginning. As a child, he was sent to the monastery in order to be a high ranking priest of the cult, like his ancestors. When he was eighteen years old, he saw Douma taking in a young woman named Kotoha. Terayori noticed how Douma became attached to her as time passed. He was then promoted to priesthood and the first thing he has done was to be the chief assistant for Douma for the latter’s wedding with Kotoha. He also had the honor to be the third person to hold an infant named after the mountain boar. From this, he felt tremendous honor and grateful that Douma has chosen his family to be closer to the temple. He met his wife, Sawako, when they were children after she and her mother escaped from her abusive father. Years later, they got married and have seven daughters together, along with a son on the way. They encourage their daughters to be more involved with the temple, especially with the Young Deva. Sawako has become close friends with Kotoha. 
Enhanced Accuracy
Enhanced Durability 
Enhanced Endurance
Enhanced Speed & Reflexes
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Strength
Indomitable Will
Tactical Intellect
Fighting Style: Kama Proficiency
Terayori is an expert of wiedling dual kamas. He can easily use his kamas to attack his opponents and evade their attacks. He can carry his weapons freely as they can be considered to be farming tools. He would usually target the torso, arms, and legs of his opponents. 
Equipment: Dual Kamas
Kimetsu Academy: Terayori Yasuda is a lawyer for the infamous scam artist Douma. He is the best defense attorney in Japan. Whenever Douma got caught, he always contacted Terayori and said nothing, knowing that his lawyer will be able to take care of it. He also has seven daughters and one son with his wife, shocking many people. 
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kingdimitrx · 1 year
I really love your mermaid AU! I'm quite obssesed with it myself at the moment, so your doodles made my days! I'd love to know the story behind every character, but I feel like it would be too much to ask for :// Can I get some context for Muzan and Douma? If you don't mind, of course!
Ah! I’m so glad you like it, haha!! Do not say it’s too much to ask, if that’s what you’d like, send more asks and I’ll explain anyone! Since this ask, however, is just about those two, I’ll include just them here! I have context written out for everyone. I would love to give information on the AU as a whole, such as the setting, how my mermaids work, etc! But for now, we’ll start here. Context under the cut!
I… Wrote out a lot more for Douma than I did Muzan. (Sorry, my beloved Muzan-sama.)
Muzan: Captain Muzan Kibutsuji is a feared pirate captain among the high seas, a human man bent on finding the the Blue Spider Lily — a legendary flower said to hold the power to heal any illness, including Muzan’s own. The legend says that the Lily only grows on the Earth of one specific island, and Muzan is bent on finding it among other goals, killing anyone and everyone who ever gets in the way of his plans. He is such a feared man that even speaking his last name feels like a curse to other humans. Secretly, however, Muzan is actually a siren, one who left the waters and fled to the life of a human after a fated encounter with a certain sun-themed mermaid who cost him his left eye. The people among his crew include (but are not limited to), Michikatsu, Hantengu and the clones (who are their own people), Enmu, Kaigaku, and Nakime, among others. Douma: Captain Douma Hashibira is a seemingly human pirate. He’s a charming and very friendly man, with a crew full of people all dedicated to him for one reason or another. He’s neutral towards the mermaids, and actually seems to dislike humans more than he does like them! He would prefer not to resort to violence, but Douma can and will kill and mermaid or human if he deems it necessary. He weapon of choose is a pistol (he’s a near perfect shot), but he also bears two golden fans on him that he’s much more proficient with. His ship is called the Eternal Paradise.
Douma’s crew is very similar to his cult.
In his early life, he was born a mermaid to human parents, which shocked everyone. No one knew why they had given birth to merfolk - it must have been a gift from the Gods.
From there, a cult and religion and temple was created in Douma’s name, the temple itself just looked a little differently to accommodate Douma being aquatic.
When Douma was around fifteen, he figured out that he could turn into a human. (He had been bored, and was testing his body.) He then began to learn how to live life as both a human and a mermaid, and eventually, he left the cult altogether.
His followers came after him, and together, he and the rest of the cult formed a sort of crew. The only reason Douma left in the first place was because of his curiosity about the outside world, and along the way, and he became a well-known pirate captain.
Also, he’s a carnivorous mermaid. He feeds on his crew. In this AU, the whole Kotoha thing still pretty much happened, but without the “Douma killed her” part.
Kotoha fled from her violent husband and mother in law with baby Inosuke, and ended up running into Douma. Douma shot the people threatening right them and there, in front of her, and then abandoned the bodies and took her to his ship, which she went to willingly. She lived with him, as a pirate, until Inosuke was a year and a half.
Kotoha and Douma were very much romantically involved, and even though they never married, Douma uses her last name. Douma Hashibira. However, Kotoha mysteriously went missing one night, and Douma never fucking saw her again. He doesn’t know if she died, if she left, if she was taken, nothing. He had Inosuke, but no Kotoha.
From there, he raised her son! Inosuke is still on the ship with him, and calls him dad. Hisato and Hana (OCs) are like cousins to him.
(Secret! Kotoha is actually still alive, and out in the open ocean! She was lured overboard by a siren, and was then drowned. She ended up becoming a mermaid herself—there’s a process there, however, she lost all memories of herself and her life in the process. She lives like a sea animal. Maybe one day, she’ll return…)
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
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An alternate universe where Inosuke was raised at the Paradise Faith mansion. When he found out the truth about Douma, he vowed to take him down.
Guided by Yoriichi's spirit, Inosuke assimilated Sun Breathing into his own style, and eventually slayed the demon... at a very high price.
He later joined the Slayer Corps, and dedicates himself to only one goal: eradicate every last demon, all the way to the top.
[[ As developed in a series of theads with @fallesto ♥ ]]
Inosuke lived a blissful childhood. He had everything he could ever dream of: warm meals twice a day, a soft futon to sleep in, a large forest to explore outside the mansion's walls, and the unconditional love of his beloved mother... yet something felt wrong.
He could never trust the master of the mansion. Inosuke's unsatiable curiosity, and firm trust in his instincts, led him to observe one of the "ceremonies" from the confines of the ceiling. What awaited him below was beyond any horrors a 10-year-old could possible fathom.
He narrowly escaped the demon's attention. His outings in the forest became more and more frequent, especially after he ran into a strange child. Having never met another child his age, Inosuke quickly bonded with the distant boy.
When he eventually confessed everything to his best friend, Inosuke was offered a chance to beat the monster. It would be an arduous, risky path, but Inosuke chose it nonetheless. For years, he would spend his days training and training, and sometimes not return home for the night.
He followed his friend to a distant village, where he was able to gather a special blade. The blade fated to cut the monster's neck.
When the fateful night finally arrived, Inosuke was ready. Or so he believed. Cornered, Douma destroyed everything he had ever built, and murdered every last inhabitant of the mansion. 248 deaths weren't enough, and so he devoured Kotoha alive, before her son's very eyes.
The blinding rage and grief painted a peculiar mark onto Inosuke's traits. It was only there for a few seconds, allowing him to slice the demon's neck. A single demon's life, against those of 249 innocents.
Inosuke scrambled away from the ruins of the mansion, and contemplated putting an end to it all. It would be months before he resurfaced from the depths of his grief, picking up the blade again so he could dedicate his life to another impossible goal.
[[ tba: as I don't want to simply copy/paste Sun Breathing/Hinokami Kagura, I'll try to implement some of Inosuke's wilder side into Sun Breathing-based attacks. And perhaps come up with a new name for it – what's a wilder version of the Sun?? help I am bad at names!!]]
His full design is also tba!!
Current status
It has been a year since that night. Inosuke had quickly climbed through the ranks, although he hasn't quite reached the Hashira rank. He has little interest in the Corps' politics, and only cares about the stronger demons he will be tasked to fight, if he were to become a Hashira.
Inosuke has a target drawn over his skin – literally. Douma offered him a wonderful parting gift in the shape of scars, marking him as a target for demons to eradicate. Inosuke fully intend to use that to his favor, putting the scar on full display to bait demons.
He does his very best to act unpleasant, as a way to shield himself from making any bonds. After all, you can't lose what you don't have. You can't feel grief if you have no one to grieve over.
You can find the posts relating to this AU under the tag : “ #in the raging sunlight / sunbreather!au "
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swimmingferret · 5 months
Idea Iron And Ice Au(or just an au in general) where Kotoha managed to escape with Inosuke. How much will that change?
Does that mean Kotoha decides to just live feral on the mountain with wild hogs and her kid? Because after her abusive husband and inlaws, and then unintentionally being part of a cult run by a demon, I could see Kotoha being put off being around humans anymore. Kanao would be more withdrawn without her little brother around, but at least Paradise Faith would have less things to complain about with him gone because he's no longer terrorizing them.
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anomaly-hivemind · 2 years
Sweater Holders// Tanjiro x Inosuke
Chapter Two, Bonus Chapter
Warnings: Aged-Up Characters, Alternate Universe Angst, Bottom!Inosuke, Breeding, College!Au, Cuddles, Douma, Fluff, Gae, Himbos, MDNI, Mental Comfort, Mutual Pining, Potential Gore, Top!Tanjiro, Virgin, Biting, Body Worship, Bottom, Eventual Smut, Friends to Lovers, if you know you know, Inotan, Teacher!Muzan, Slowburn, Smut, Tanjiro'S BigAssForehead, Top
Chapter Three
This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory, From Now On (the one from twilight breaking dawn part one)
Tanjiro opened up the thread of messages between Inosuke and himself. They had spent quite some time throughout the week texting back and forth about small things to make conversation. 
Tanjiro leaned back against his headboard as he reflected on the previous conversations while waiting for Inosuke to respond. He marveled at how Inosuke could consistently talk to someone every day and still get their name wrong. His phone vibrated softly in his hand. The notification displayed at the top of his screen. It was from Inosuke.
Inosuke: Yo Monjiro help me with my english 
Tanjiro: How do you get my name wrong in the text too?
Inosuke: Are you gonna help me or not
Tanjiro: Yeah, sure. When do you need help?
Inosuke: how about now
Tanjiro: Send me your address then.
Inosuke: XXX, Blank-berry Circle, Chiba prefecture
Tanjiro: Ok, I’m heading over right now. See you in a few.
Tanjiro got up to find more presentable clothes and headed to Inosuke’s place. He skimmed through his neatly hung clothes for something to throw on. 
What’s the weather even like? He thought, simultaneously taking out his phone to check the weather.
“Fifteen degrees (Celcius), huh. I guess it’ll be a bit chilly.” Tanjiro said to himself.``Guess I’ll wear a sweater.” Tanjiro pulled out a light green Nike sweatshirt, a tight-knit, thin forest green long-sleeve shirt, and light wash jeans.
 Tanjiro grabbed his wallet and keys before making his way to the door and slipped on a pair of black converses.
“Zenitsu, I’m heading out!” Tanjiro called out.
"How long are you gonna be out for?" Zenitsu asked, sitting up on his bed.
"I don't know an hour or so, maybe longer, why? " Tanjiro shrugged his shoulders slightly.
"No reason, just wondering," Zenitsu said, quite suspicious. 
"Ok…" Tanjiro would have questioned him a little more but be trusted that Zenitsu wouldn't do anything stupid. 
“Have fun doing whatever you're going to do” Zenitsu waved Tanjiro off and watched him leave the door. 
The walk would have been silent if it weren't for the passing cars on the busy roads and the even more active bustling people. Tanjiro makes his way to his nearest train station so he can help Inosuke with English. 
The train was always full of people, those coming and going who had to make their daily commute. Tanjiro joined the crowd of people stepping swiftly through the sliding doors. He walked to one of the less populated corners, stood by the hanging handles, and watched the rest of the passersby shovel into the train cart.
He decided to text Inosuke that he was nearby and would be there shortly. It wouldn't take long after the train made its complete stop. The walk was just short of ten minutes before he reached the large classy decorative house. He checked the address to avoid any awkward encounters with a stranger. Tanjiro quickly texted Inosuke to verify that it was the correct house, although the nameplate said Shabana, which he knew was not Inosuke’s surname.
After getting confirmation that his location was correct, he gave the door a confident knock and waited for an answer on the other side. He wondered if Inosuke was the only one home; or if his family would be there. A part of him wanted to avoid any uncomfortable conversations due to someone misunderstanding why he came over. 
With his thoughts cut short, the door abruptly opened, and he was met with a comfy-looking Inosuke. He swings the door open before walking away, giving Tanjiro a better view inside his home; with the door more ajar, he could see the inside of the house much more clearly, but he also got a better look at Inosuke’s entire outfit. 
Inosuke wore blue, yellow, and white color block sweatpants, which sat loosely on his hips, a muscle t-shirt with overly large arm holes that showed his sides, and a small hairpin that held the middle part of his hair up. 
 “What are you waiting for? Stop staring at me!” Inosuke closed the door, locked it, and then started walking down the hallway. Turning to see if Tanjiro was following, Tanjiro took the hint, placed his shoes on the floor near the door, and followed Inosuke through the large house.
As they walked down the halls, several different things caught Tanjiro’s eyes; many photos lined the walls, most of a man with platinum hair and a black-haired woman whom Tanjiro assumed were his parents, although they looked pretty young. 
The hall opened up into a large foyer. A rounded staircase split off into two that were lined against the walls. Between the stairs was a large shelf stuffed to the gills with shining medals, trophies, and pictures.
Tanjiro stopped and looked inside the case. The top shelf had medals for gymnastics with pictures of a young girl and a boy. There were different medals on each row, but all were first place.
Not trying to get lost in the house due to not keeping up, he starts walking after Inosuke; after a few short steps, they make it to a door. 
When they walk inside, they are greeted with a sizable bedroom. Tanjiro looked around at the room and its contents. Rich navy blue painted the walls, excluding one wall with a mural of an anime character covering it.
The bed sat in the middle of the room against a far wall; the grey covers were strewn messily, half falling off the bed. In front of a window was an L-shaped desk with three monitors and manga scattered across it. 
Inosuke gestured to a wooden kotatsu table in the middle of the room. Tanjiro sat down, slipping his legs under to be greeted by the heater's warmth. 
“What do you want to start with first?” Tanjiro observed the stuff on the table.
“How about this one?” Inosuke grabbed a cyan book with the cover font plaster onto it. They flip to one of the pages with some scattered sticky notes. 
  “Alright.” Tanjiro looked over the content of the page; he thought that seeing what Inosuke could already do would help him get a better understanding of what he needed assistants on.
The page notes were on translations of complex English grammar, from kanji to English words or short phrases. He picked out random words and wrote them on separate paper; he placed each on a line by itself for spacing. When he finished rewriting the words, he flipped the paper to face Inosuke.
“Could you write the words you know on this paper in a sentence” 
“Sure.” Inosuke went down the list of words, putting them each in an English phrase or sentence until he got to the last word. He looked up with a confused face with a slight mix of embarrassed expressions.
“Is this one tripping you up?” Tanjiro looked down at the word ‘phenomenal’ in Kanji and English side by side.  
“I know the word! I just don’t know how to put it in a sentence.” Inosuke’s words showed that he was slightly defensive in his words, and Tanjiro thought his reaction was quite cute in a way.   
“By the looks of it, you got everything right-”
“Of course, I got them right,” Inosuke said proudly.
“I'll just tell you this; let me think for a moment.” Tanjiro placed his elbows on the table and held his hands together. He wanted to create a sentence that would help the word stick. That’s when he thought up; it was sure to give the word a lasting impression.
“You are a phenomenal person,” Tanjiro said with a certain smugness, even with his innocent smile. Inosuke's ears began to heat up a little and became a subtle pink. Tanjiro lets out a small laugh and grabs more paper to examine. 
Tanjiro quickly scanned the papers before putting them down and looking back at Inosuke.
“So, is this your homework?” Tanjiro inquired
“No, this is an extra-credit assignment.” 
“Just curious so I know what we're working with. Where are your grades at right now?”
Inosuke looked away as he thought; his eyebrows furrowed with frustration before he inevitably let out a sigh and took out his phone.
“‘Scuse me?”
“That’s my grade in English right now, a fifty-six,”
Tajiro’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open slightly. A fifty-six, he couldn’t believe it. This had to be some sort of joke, but from the expression on Inosuke’s face, he could tell he was dead serious. 
“I’m being serious.”
“Did he read my mind?” 
“No. You just have an expressive face.”
“What! wait, really,”
“Yes, and You said that last part out loud,” Inosuke said, making a deadpan face.
“Wow, if you need me to come over more to help you study, I'll be glad too.” Tanjiro was going to help in the best way he could. It was the right thing to do.
“Yeah, that would help, thanks.” Inosuke gives a subtle smile with how kind a simple gesture could be. 
Time ticked on as they progressed through the assignment; Inosuke slowly started to gain some understanding of his English work.
“Inosuke, you really didn’t need that much help. Why are you failing?” 
“Well, I'm fluent in English; I just can’t read it,” Inosuke said, leaning back against his hands.
“Yeah, I learned from this American cartoon, The Amazing World of Gumball.” 
Before Tanjiro could respond, Inosuke's stomach let out a loud grumble.
“I think it's time for a snack break, don't you?
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”
The boys pull themselves from under the warmth of the table and head off to the kitchen.
“All I got is this, but we can share it if you don't mind?”
“Did you make this?” “No, I don't mind at all.'' He looks down at the nicely curated bento box: the box was filled with Tempura, octo dogs, omurice, and regular rice, which was topped off nicely with a pickled plum. 
“No, my mom made it because she can’t trust me not to burn the house down.”
“Can you not cook?”
“I can make things that go in the microwave.” He places the bento box into the microwave.
“Really…” Tanjiro gave Inosuke a side look.
“Don't judge me; no one taught me how… BESIDES, can you cook?”
“Yes. I cook very often, but maybe I could also teach you how to cook when I come to help  you study.” Tanjiro shrugged.
“Yeah, that would be cool.”
Inosuke turned back to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water, absentmindedly passing them to Tanjiro; he then took two pairs of chopsticks from the drawer.
“Here,” Inosuke said, offering up the chopsticks to Tanjiro. Tanjiro’s fingers ghosted over Inosuke’s; he felt like a jolt of lightning zipped through his fingers.
 A blush came to Tanjiro’s face as he looked away. Why the hell do I feel this way? I hardly know him! Tanjiro thought. 
Inosuke, unphased, grabbed a bottle from Tanjiros arm’s and started back towards his room. Tanjiro followed suit, shaking his head as if it would make his flushed face return to normal faster.
 Inosuke and Tanjiro both took a seat across from each other at the kotatsu table. They thank the meal and start to eat parts of the food from the box in the middle of the table while they have light conversations about school and random stuff as they eat. 
“This food tastes great, by the way.” Tanjiro let out a short hum as he savored the meal.
“I’ll be sure to tell my mom you like it.” Inosuke shoved food into his face as he talked. Inosuke smiled happily as he ate, grains of rice stuck to the sides of his face. 
Cute. Tanijro thought. 
“You might want to slow down; I don't want you to choke.” 
“I've never choked on any other time I’ve eaten, so why would I now?”
“Accidents can happen at any time.”
“Is that a threat!” Inosuke placed a hand on his chest and tried to keep a straight face.
Tanjiro laughed good-spiritedly. “No, Inosuke. It’s more of a warning. But if you do, don't worry; I'm CPR certified.” 
Inosuke let out a small chuckle and glanced at the clock on his wall. It was getting around the time his mother would be heading home. A voice rang throughout the house as if she had read his mind.
“Inosuke! I’m home.”
After hearing Inosuke’s mother, a quick knock hit his bedroom door before opening. Both of the boys eyed the door as Mrs. Hashibira as she leaned her upper body in the doorway.
“Oh, I didn't realize you had a guest over.” She gave Tanjiro a warm smile.
“Hello, It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Hashibira; I’m Tanjiro Kamado. Thank you for having me,” Tanjiro said, bowing to her.
“ A pleasure to meet you as well, Kamado, and you can just call me Kotoha.” She smiled before turning to Inosuke.
“Well, I’m going to get started on dinner; you’re free to join us, Tanjiro; we're having pork cutlets.”     
“I’d love to stay if that's fine with you, Inosuke.” 
“Sure. Can we have tempura too, Mom?” 
“We can’t have tempura with every single meal.” 
“Whatever,” Inosuke huffed disappointedly, holding his head in his hand.
“I’ll be done making dinner by the time your father gets home. You two have fun… but not too much.” Mrs. Hashibira winked and walked out of the room, closing the door before anyone could respond to her. 
 Tanjiro stared at the door for a moment before looking at Inosuke and then the door again, wondering if he heard Mrs.Hashibira correctly. He shook it off when he noticed Inosuke walking to his bed.
“Wanna get back to studying then.” Tanjiro looked back at the half-finished paperwork that was pushed to the side.
“Absolutely not.” Inosuke looked up at Tanjiro from his comfy position on his bed.  
“If you don't finish it now, it's not going to get done at all.” 
“We can work on it the next time you come over.”
“Fine, but I won't let you get out of it next time.” Tanjiro looked around the room. Ring to find something for a discussion topic to ease the feeling of awkwardness in the room.
His mind traveled back to the trophy case he saw by the stairs. Earlier, when walking by, the picture piqued his curiosity. The boy had to be Inosuke, but who was the girl, his sister perhaps?
“Hey Inosuke, who’s that in the picture with you in the trop-“ Tanjiro’s train of thought came to a sudden halt as he looked up at Inosuke, who was in a pose resembling when a cat is bathing themselves. “Um… Inosuke, what are you doing?”
“Stretching, duh…”
“So, what type of dance do you specialize in?”
“Hip Hop, but lately, my instructor Tengen has me branding back into Ballet, which is what I started with.”
 “You must be pretty good; when’d you start dancing?”
“Um… about maybe nine or ten years ago. It was around the same time I quit gymnastics.”
Tanjiro steadily kept asking questions, he and Inosuke growing ever closer with every answer. Inosuke’s heart beating slightly faster as Tanjiro stared at him with innocent curiosity. He had never had someone actually want to listen to him, so it was a new feeling altogether.
A warm smile inches its way onto Inosuke’s face, “Hey Kampachiro, you wanna watch anime?”
“Sure,” Tanjiro answered; without a second thought, Inosuke flipped on the TV and scrolled through different programs before stopping.
The cheery theme of Kamisama kiss started playing, filling the room with soft music.
“You know I didn’t expect you to watch romance anime.”
“It’s funny as hell, and you don’t have to worry about the main character getting their ass kicked every episode,” Inosuke grinned.
Time ticked on as they sat in comfortable silence aside from the tv and an occasional remark from one of the two boys.
 “Dinner is ready,” they both hear in the distance, and they pause the anime and head out to the dining area. Inosuke and Tanjiro are greeted with Mrs.Hashibira and Douma setting up the table.
“Please have a seat, Kamado.” 
“Thank you for having me.” 
“It’s no problem; Inosuke never brings any friends home, so it is a pleasure to have you here,” Kotoha smiled. 
“It's because he has no friends.” Tanjiro looked in the direction of the voice while Inosuke just groaned. It was a girl with long white hair and a tall man with black, green-tipped hair behind her.
“ Well, neither do you; Instagram followers don’t count,” Inosuke replied. Ume scoffed and simply crossed to the other side of the table.
They all thanked the food and began to eat the food. 
 “The food tastes great, Mrs.Hashibira,” Tanjiro let out a short hum of approval at the meal.
 “Oh, thank you.” she swings her hand back and forth as she speaks.
“So Tanjiro, where'd you meet Inosuke? Are you in one of his classes?” Douma asked, his iridescent eyes landing on Tanjiro. 
A slight feeling of anxiety washed over Tanjiro as he quickly cleared his throat.
“ No, sir, we met at the banquet for the opening of the crescent echelon hospital.”
“Really now, I remember you now. You’re Muzan’s pupil, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, sir. I’m Tanjiro; it's nice to meet you .”
“It’s nice to meet you as well. I'm Douma. Muzan was bragging about you not too long ago but don’t tell him I told you, or He’ll be cross with me,” Douma smiled. 
“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me,” Tanjiro jokes.
  After talking more and getting to know everyone better, the conversation seemed to flow naturally as they ate. 
After the meal, Tanjiro offered to help clean up but was refused, seeing as he was a guest in their home.
“Well, it’s getting late, and I should get going, thank you for your hospitality Douma and Ms. Kotoha. See you later, Inosuke.” Tanjiro said, bowing to Inosukes parents before waving to him.
“See ya later, Gonpachiro,” Inosuke said before walking away.
“He’s such a sweet boy. I think he’ll be a good influence on Inosuke,” Kotoha smiled, resting her head against Douma’s chest.
“Or Inosuke will be a bad influence on him; either way, it’s sure to be entertaining.” Douma laughed.
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@tsukkiakarii​​​​ inquired: [ ESCORT ]: after the conflict is resolved, the sender escorts the receiver away from the building to get some fresh air and a break from the scene of the argument. (main verse koku and demon au kotoha after koku wrecks a slayer pls uwu)
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Direct Conflict—No Longer Accepting
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A demon slayer so close to the temple… That deeply concerned Kotoha. Their way of life was calm and peaceful, and it wasn’t like they were actively hunting people—well, she wasn’t, at least—but rather just allowing these sinful humans to partake in paradise. It also concerned her that any demon slayer made it past Inosuke…or at the very least went unnoticed by him. All she wanted was to pick some flowers with Kokushibo, but they were attacked by a couple of demon slayers. Kokushibo made quick work of them before Kotoha could really even react, but it was still startling.
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“Are you alright..??” Kotoha asked with evident concern in her expression once the two reached the temple once more. She didn’t doubt Kokushibo’s ability to fight in any way—she was a far better fighter than Kotoha will ever be—but she was still worried. Kokushibo was quite far into her pregnancy, so she shouldn’t be fighting like this. If anything, she should be in bedrest. This couldn’t be good for her daughters.
“I-I’m sorry I wasn’t any help…” And she did feel bad, terrible even. Was she really so useless that she couldn’t help fend off an attacker..?? She became a demon to better protect and care for her son, but how could she do that when she was still this weak.?? “You should go lay down, Koku-chan.” And they didn’t even get to bring back any of the flowers they picked… What a wasted night.
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i-bring-crack · 3 years
Greetings temporarily sane mortals who wish to escape reality.
I have an AU idea. Well, its more of a what if to another what if... bc i wrote this before--
"Kotoha jumped off the fucking cliff before Douma could even see where she went" AU.
-Since douma had been playing around with her like some twisted hide and seek game, while Kotoha was too wrapped up in fear to notice the cliff in front of her(she was looking behind her).
-So she coldly passed out after hitting her head on a rock, (big ouch) and is carried by the river instead.
-Douma doesn't find them and didn't even think about the jump off the river so he goes back to the paradise cult.
-Morning comes and Kotoha has survived with Inosuke on his arms.
-She is pretty much defenseless considering her wound and the fact that she jumped to a waterfall.  But not to worry as she found a cave in the woods, that had a boar family in it.
-At first she's scared but then the boar doesn't act hostile when she walks in(she's not the smartest tool in the shed we've all known that) the cave so she simply sets herself and Inosuke to rest on the other side of the boars.
-While she recovers, Inosuke began to grow fond of the baby boars and then after a month, the mama boar too.
-Half a year has passed and Kotoha has come to naturally love the forest as well as all of the animals, as if she was meant to be here.
-But that happiness gets destroyed as a demon appears on the woods, and then another, and another, and kotoha can't deal with living in the same fear she did whilst running away from douma.
-So she tries to run away from the forest with the boars first. But the boars don't want to leave.
-Kotoha with no other choice and only wishing to protect Inosuke, goes back to the city.
-But her mind dreads and she is one day found by the cult members who wishes to take her back to Douma.
-She and Inosuke instantly run away from the village, going back to the forest instead, keeping her conflicted as to what she could do.
-After a long week of thinking and going back to the cave, she finds the mother boar killed by what seemed to be a wild animal. All whilst taking care of the kids behind her.
-From then on she realizes, or she tells herself what her job is to do as a mother. Protect her children until death.
-So Kotoha begins to train, from learning the demon's weaknesses, to getting herself stronger, to laying out demon traps and even gathering survival skills(that last one came with a cost of poison and diarrhea sometimes, on the bright side, she got poison immunity.)
-Anyways on Inosuke’s 3rd birthday (She's like 21-22 at this point) she has already taken down enough demons on the mountain to be considered a slayer and be found by Kagaya(11 at this point), who has noticed her skills and set her to a cultivator.
-Kotoha takes a year to learn from said cultivator about breaths(she was already strong after training for more than a year, all she needed to get was to practice the sword).
-Another year passes by and she luckily meets a lower moon(6).
-That same year at 24, she is branded with the Wind Hashira title.
Bonus: For light hearted- ness
-When Kotoha went to the final selection, she found that all of the soon to be slayers were below her age, and most of them, kids. So her mother instincs kicked in automatically, pulling all of them to safety when they had almost died while she hunted all of the demon's, including none other than the hand demon.
-Kotoha became a hashira at the same time with Gyomei, though she had more experience than the ladder even though he had more strenght, which was great since the two could learn from each other while sparring.
-Kotoha wears the mother boar's head, and takes care of her boar babies too.
-In canon, Kotoha was said to be a great singer, so in this fic she is hellishly good at imitating both human noises and animal ones that it helps her confuse the demons. Also she like to sing lullabies.
-Kotoha is very cold towards others who aren't children, especially when it come to men, she will naturally distrust them, but after a while (and by while I mean 5+ years of knowing each other) she will come to somewhat trust them, though she is still only going to be nice to children, the closer they are Inosuke’s age, the more friendlier she will be towards them.
-Also Kotoha likes to adopt, especially those whose families had been killed by demons. By 27 she already had Zenitsu and Kanao, Genya (prob the tokito twins too) under her wing.
-She might have taken other hashiras under her wing too.
-The first tsuguko of hers being Makomo who she saved in the final selection.
-After that Makomo trained her two tsuguko's Sabito and Giyuu.
-Kotoha's second tsuguko was Masachika who was trained severely until he almost died(poor boy), and then Sanemi(who was trained twice as hard) who she went on to be very fond of considering his rough childhood being almost the same as hers, and because she was already taking care of Genya to know he had a rough life.
-After Masachika and Sanemi received the title of Hashiras, Kotoha had more free time to spent with her other children.
-Which literally made almost no difference since she always took her kids on missions (kept them in ins when she was out fighting. demons, and after she became a hashira, she just had others like her tsugukos or the kakushi take care of them.)
-This was an advantage to those who trained under her (tokitos and Inosuke) so they could gain experience by watching.
-She did her job as a mother until the very end like the boar mom.
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sorceriii · 3 years
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For more Info on Douma go: HERE and HERE
Name: Douma Alias: The Father Age: ??? (~3,000) Species: Curse (Formed through Religious Trauma/Cults/Corruption through Religion) Height: 7′0″ Affiliation: Eternal Paradise cult (Leader)
Personality: (Snagged from KNY wiki) Doma is outwardly friendly, possessing an approachable and charismatic air and described to talk and act in a calm and carefree manner by Kanae Kocho. However, it is soon revealed that Doma has psychopathic tendencies, adopting sick beliefs and habits like ruthlessly and happily murdering and devouring his cult's followers and young women under the belief that he is is saving them from their suffering by letting them "live" inside his body. Under his carefree and unassuming demeanor, Doma is a cold and calculating individual that possesses extremely keen intellect. Though, his high intelligence may be the reason why he looks down on humans, genuinely believing that they are pathetic and stupid, to the point where he cried out of pity for them. His condescending attitude towards humans was also showcased when he was decapitated by the combined efforts of Shinobu Kocho, Inosuke Hashibira and Kanao Tsuyuri, where he felt insulted to be killed by individuals which he thought lowly off.It is later revealed that Doma is clinically apathetic, being completely emotionless. Doma himself admitted that the concept of emotion was completely foreign to him, even as a human. Aware that this is abnormal, Doma compensated his empty "heart" with lies, learning to fake his emotions enough to deceive all but the most keen observers. His apathy could be tied to his psychopathy, or even be the source of it. This is shown when his mother murdered his father and then proceeded to kill herself all while being observed by Doma when he was a child; Doma didn't show any sign of grief or shock, but instead complained that their blood made the room stuffy. In spite of his apathy, Doma has a disturbing habit of primarily eating young women, as evident by most of his cult followers being women. One exception to this was Inosuke's mother, Kotoha Hashibira, who Doma didn't want to kill and instead wanted to keep by his side until she died of natural causes, though he eventually killed her when she tried to escape. Despite his cheery, happy demeanour, once Kanao insulted his inability to feel real emotions, Doma dropped his kindly facade and directly attempted to kill her. The reason for this unique behavioral trait is still currently unclear, though it is implied that the reason is because women provide more nutritional value for demons as they can nurture babies. In addition to his incapability to feel emotions, Doma also possesses masochistic pain tolerance, comparable to congenital analgesia. He had been shown to have several disturbing habits such as sticking his finger into his skull, puncturing a hole straight through his temples, and then fondling and fiddling with his brain in order to stimulate his memories from his long life with a completely serene expression in his face. During his interactions with fellow Upper Ranks, Akaza, he showed no negative reactions to his fellow member delivering two fatal blows to his head, in fact, he considered this to be their form of personal "greeting" between two "best friends." Doma has even implied that he actually enjoys these physical abuses as seen when he morbidly asked Muzan with excitement on what type of extreme self harm he should inflict on himself as punishment for his failure, and again expressed delight upon the severe pain he felt at Shinobu Kocho's numerous attempts to poison him to death and even cheerfully expresses his delight on the feelings and sensations of the poison destroying his body and how he might actually grow to "like" it. Despite leading a cult, Doma is a nihilistic atheist who staunchly believes that gods, Buddhas, and the afterlife does not exist. He believed that after death there is nothing and that people who "could not accept something so simple" are naive and dumb. However, after his death, he accepted that he is wrong and that Heaven and Hell actually do exist. Doma also displayed what arguably is his first true emotion, love, when he proclaimed his love for Shinobu after finding her cute.
Abilities: Biological Absorption: Doma briefly displayed the ability to absorb human bodies through physical contact. He mostly uses this ability as a faster alternative of consuming humans during battle. Extrasensory Perception: Doma possesses extraordinary sensory abilities which allow him to detect things outside the normal range of perception, as shown when he could perceive attacks even from places he is not looking at, allowing him to nullify the effectiveness of sneak attacks. Immense Durability: Doma has an exceptionally durable body.  Immense Speed & Reflexes: Doma possesses inhuman movement speed and reflexes. Immense Regeneration: Doma possesses one of the most advanced and powerful regenerative healing factors in existence. Reactive Adaptation: he is able to break down and render all of the various poison mixtures injected into him useless, immediately developing antibodies to her poison without much trouble. Keen Intellect: Doma is exceptionally intelligent, which he displayed on multiple occasions. Unlimited Stamina & Endurance: Doma possesses absolute and infinite stamina and vitality, never tiring and always remaining in optimal physical and mental condition all the time as well as being able to endure waves of onslaught as if it were nothing. Apathy: Doma is clinically apathetic, being completely incapable of feeling human emotion. Doma covers his emotionlessness with a carefree and friendly facade that was able to trick all but the most keen observers. Tessenjutsu: Doma is incredibly skilled in Tessenjutsu as shown during his battles against sorcerers. With his exceptional proficiency in Tessenjutsu, Doma could make use of techniques that require him to perform eight to nine fan attacks in the blink of an eye and generate huge gusts of air with them. Furthermore, Doma's Tessenjutsu incorporates his cryokinetic curse technique which enhances its range and lethality, making his fighting style a great blend of offense and defense.
CURSE TECHNIQUE- Frozen Lotus (Doma's Curse technique grants him extremely powerful cryokinesis. He can generate ice and frost from his flesh and blood and can spawn it anywhere in his vicinity, as well as manipulating it at will, allowing him to unleash incredibly potent ice techniques. On top of that, the ice created are extremely lethal to those that inhale it, causing the cells of the victim's lungs to die and rendering them unable to breathe very quickly. His ice and frost has also been noted to be extremely cold, as shown when the air around Doma's frost was cold enough to make lungs feel as if they were about to burst and nearly freeze a body and surroundings just by coming into contact with it. Doma is also quite proficient in his Technique, being capable of creating constructs out of the ice he generates, including but not limited to frost lotuses, stalagmites, clouds of icy air and even miniature ice clones of himself capable of unleashing the same techniques as Doma himself. In combat, Doma usually incorporates his cryokinetic abilities with his Tessenjutsu, enhancing his fan attacks with ice and frost. Doma prefers to use his technique to create frost lotuses and crystal-like shards made of ice.) DOMAIN EXPANSION- Barren Hanging Garden (Douma’s domain takes the form of a traditional Japanese lily garden and shrine- allowing him to use his technique to an even greater level with various types of ice- including living ice sculptors. The more active his domain is, the colder it gets and the temperature drops FAST.)
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sun-daddy-yoriichi · 4 years
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Yoriichi Tsugikuni
Yoriichi with a Hamon Teacher (Headcanons)
Autumn Leaves (Prompt #12) [Yoriichi x F!Reader]
Love Triangle between Yoriichi, Muzan, and S/O (Headcanons)
Yoriichi with an affectionate S/O (Headcanons)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni General Headcanons
Yoriichi Kimetsu Gakuen Headcanons
Yoriichi falling in love with a stable boy (Headcanons)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni Night Routine (Headcanons) [Kimetsu Gakuen AU]
Kyoujuro Rengoku
If Kyoujuro Survived the Infinity Train (Headcanons)
Kyoujuro with a Hamon Teacher (Headcanons)
All Good Things Must Come to an End [Kyoujuro x Reader]
“Just leave. I don’t want to see you right now.” [Kyoujuro x Reader] [Angst Prompt #2]
“ You said you'd always be there for me, so...why weren't you there?” / “I thought you were different.” [Kyoujuro x Reader] [Angst Prompts #17 & #24]
Kyoujuro with a S/O that can’t say ‘I love you’ (Headcanons)
Chamomile [Kyoujuro x Reader]
“You’re warm.” (ILY Prompts #12) [Kyoujuro x Reader] [Kimetsu Gakuen AU]
Giyuu Tomioka
Mortal Downfall [Giyuu x F!Reader]
Giyuu with an affectionate S/O (Headcanons)
Giyuu with a daughter that is turned into a demon (Headcanons)
Giyuu with a twin sister who is the opposite of him (Headcanons)
Pinpricks [Giyuu x F!Reader]
Giyuu and S/O after he loses an arm (Headcanons)
“I can’t make it.” [Giyuu x Reader] [Angst Prompt #11]
Giyuu owning a dog that loves him (Headcanons)
“I’ll do it for you.” (ILY Prompts #48) [Giyuu x Reader]
Giyuu and his S/O after the Final Battle (Headcanons)
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Sanemi with a daughter who joins the Demon Slayer Corps (Headcanons)
Sanemi with a S/O who can’t say ‘I love you’ (Headcanons)
Sanemi with a S/O who is insecure about stretch marks (Headcanons)
“You can do it.” (ILY Prompts #94) [Sanemi x Reader] [Kimetsu Gakuen AU]
Sanemi Shinazugawa cuddling Headcanons
Muichiro Tokito
Muichiro with a S/O who is Obanai's younger sister (Headcanons)
Muichiro and Yuichiro Kimestu Gakuen Shenanigans (Headcanons) [Kimetsu Gakuen AU]
Muichiro with a younger sister who gets catcalled (Headcanons) [Kimetsu Gakuen AU]
Muichiro and Yuichiro with a younger sister (Headcanons)
“You can tell me anything / You’re important, too.” (ILY Prompts #86 & #90) [Muichiro x Reader]
Kanae Koucho
Peach Blossoms, Lavender [Kanae x F!Reader]
Shinobu Koucho
“I don’t want to lose you, too / You won’t die, not on my watch!” [Shinobu x Reader] [Angst Prompts #6 & 12]
Obanai Iguro
General Relationship Headcanons
Obanai with a S/O who is Uzui's adopted daughter (Headcanons)
Butterfly Kisses [Obanai x F!Reader]
Muzan Kibutsuji
Muzan with a clingy and short, introverted S/O (Headcanons)
Love Triangle between Yoriichi, Muzan, and S/O (Headcanons)
Muzan with a S/O who almost dies (Headcanons)
How Captivating [Muzan x F!Reader]
Tanjirou Kamado
Tanjirou with an insecure S/O (Headcanons)
Tanjirou with a S/O who is the Princess of Wolves (Headcanons)
Tanjirou with a strong S/O (Headcanons)
Girl Time with Nezuko (Headcanons)
Peach Blossoms and Roses (Prompt #9) [Tanjirou x F!Reader]
Tanjirou with a cold-hearted S/O (Headcanons)
Thunderstorms (Prompt #24) [Tanjirou x F!Reader]
Slow Dance [Tanjirou x F!Reader]
Moonlight Sparkling Off the Ocean (Prompt #11) [Tanjirou x F!Reader]
Sing Me to Sleep [Tanjirou x F!Reader]
Tanjirou with an affectionate S/O (Headcanons)
“Did it ever occur to you that you’re hurting me, too?!” [Tanjirou x F!Reader] [Angst Prompt #14]
“I feel like an idiot for believing anything you said to me...” [Tanjirou x Reader] [Angst Prompt #3]
Tanjirou with a S/O who can’t say ‘I love you’ (Headcanons)
Inosuke Hashibira
Inosuke with an insecure S/O (Headcanons)
Tender Love and Care (Headcanons)
Inosuke with a S/O who is the Princess of Wolves (Headcanons)
Inosuke with a strong S/O (Headcanons)
Of Blood and Ice [Inosuke x Reader]
Inosuke ignoring his S/O (Headcanons)
Inosuke with a S/O who is insecure about stretch marks (Headcanons)
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Zenitsu with an insecure S/O (Headcanons)
Zenitsu with a S/O who is the Princess of Wolves (Headcanons)
Zenitsu with a strong S/O (Headcanons)
Sunflowers at Dawn (Prompt #3) [Zenitsu x F!Reader]
Zenitsu with a cold-hearted S/O (Headcanons)
Hotaru Haganezuka
Inner Damascus [Haganezuka x F!Reader]
Nezuko Kamado
Nezuko with a cold-hearted S/O (Headcanons)
Trouble in Paradise [Nezuko x F!Reader]
Michikatsu experiencing love at first sight for the first time (Headcanons)
Kokushibou crosses paths with his abandoned child (Headcanons)
Kokushibou being turned back into a human (Headcanons)
Douma with a Pillar S/O (Headcanons)
Douma with a Kitsune S/O (Headcanons)
Douma with a S/O that doesn't show much emotion (Headcanons)
Douma with a S/O who was taken by Demon Slayers (Headcanons)
Douma with a demon-kitsune S/O who takes him to the sea (Headcanons)
Douma with a sweet human S/O (Headcanons)
Akaza with a demon S/O who resembles a moth (Headcanons)
Kaigaku in the Kimetsu Gakuen AU (Headcanons)
Soft & Stern Relationship Headcanons
Tojurou, Sumihiko, and Aoba General Headcanons
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junnie133 · 4 years
KnY kinda modern AU.
So I already posted this on Tumblr some time ago, on other blog that never appeared anywhere I searched so I’ll just post it here. Enjoy!
“I guess your face makes sense now…”
Hashibara Inosuke was what everyone knew as a trouble maker, a punk. Zenitsu used to think that his friend came from a family of criminals, a wanted father, with wanted siblings and a mother that left them when he was small (his dramatic side always got the worst of him), but the picture he saved inside his wallet proved him wrong. The photo showed three people: a beautiful woman, a beautiful man and a beautiful baby. The woman and the baby were obviously related, mother and son, the both of them sharing the same green eyes and raven blue hair, however, the man besides them was completely different, with bright blonde hair and rainbow-colored eyes- wait what?
“Your dad is the leader of the Eternal Paradise cult?!” Zenitsu shrieked, getting curious glances to their way as Tanjiro tried to calm him
“Tch! That wacko is not my dad!” Inosuke said.
“Then why is he with you in a family picture?!”
“Damn if I know! I found this on Domuma’s things and I just took it!”
“Did you rob the leader of Eternal Paradise?!”
“Is not robbing if I’m in the picture, asshole!”
“Why did you even do that?!”
“Gopanchiro has one on his wallet! I wanted one too!”
“Why do you have a picture of Inosuke’s weird family?!” he asked Tanjiro, who looked lost and desperate to make them stop their argument.
“I don’t have any pics of Inosuke’s family…” he answered, taking his wallet out and opening it up “I think he means something like this”
Tanjiro’s wallet had a little picture inside a transparent pocket, it was him and his siblings hugging their sick father, his mother giggling behind them. In another transparent pocket was another pic, a photo of them three and Nezuko in front of Ubuyashiki’s Dojo, everyone smiling and hugging Tanjiro.
“Aww, Tanjiro you do really love us… having that photo in your wallet… ” sobbed Zenitsu while hugging his friend “But that’s another topic! Why do you know Douma of the Eternal Paradise?!”
Inosuke scratched inside his ear with his pinky finger, answering nonchalantly “I don’t know, he kinda just hangs out with mom when he doesn’t have nothing else to do”
“Can you believe this man Tanjiro?” he asked tiredly 
“I’m sorry Zenitsu, I don’t even know what Eternal Paradise is...”
“What?! Do you live up the mountains or something?!” Tanjiro opened his mouth to talk but he interrupted “Forget it, don’t say anything” 
The school’s bell rang loudly, indicating their lunch break was over. Zenitsu got up with a sigh and left the classroom to do his prefect’s duties. Why was he friends with these weirdos? The answer came in as a tiny, cute girl with bright pink eyes and black hair, staring at him innocently while nibbling piece of bread
“Good morning Zenitsu-kun”
His heartbeat rhythm sky soared. His face adopted a reddish tone over his cheeks and he suddenly forgot about everything else.
“Nezuko-chan~! Good morning!” he greeted, his voice adopting a sickenly sweet ring on it “How can this humble prefect help you today~?”
“Can you please give this to my nii-san?” she asked, calm as ever, while giving him a bento box, neatly wrapped with a green and black checkered pattern cloth “He forgot it this morning”
“Of course Nezuko-chan~!” he took the bento on his hands “But the lunch break is already over, and he can’t eat inside the classroom…” he said, realizing he still had his prefect’s duties. That would explain why Tanjiro hadn't taken out his lunch that morning, and why Inosuke shared with him when he arrived. He thought they were doing cheesy couple things, maybe that’s why he was in a bad mood earlier…
(He needed a girlfriend)   
“Can you overlook it just this time?” she asked sweetly, worry clear on her eyes, doing a small pout with his mouth.
The effect was instantaneous.
“Everything for you, Nezuko-chan~!”
“Thank you so much Zenitsu-kun!” she exclaimed, happily kissing the other’s cheek and leaving quickly “I have to go class, thank you again!”
And she was out.
And so was Zenitsu.
Later, at History class with Rengoku-sensei, Zenitsu gave the bento to his friend, sighing dreamily.
“My bento! Thank you so much, Zenitsu!” he whispered as the blonde handed him the box secretly “But… I can’t eat here…”
“I’ll turn a blind eye for now” he smiled.
“You are so kind Zenitsu” Tanjiro said “How can I thank you?”
Zenitsu’s gaze turned even happier, face red and from his mouth came out a dreamy sigh.
“In the future, give us your blessing, Tanjiro~” he answered, receiving a odd look from his friend
The future smiled brightly to Zenitsu Agatsuma for the first time in his life.
For now at least.
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Paradise!Inosuke AU: Shinomi
Name: Shinomi
Kanji: 凌舞
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5’4” (163 cm)
Affiliation: Eternal Paradise Faith
Occupation: Dancer, Event Planner, Musician, Yoga instructor, Geisha
Base of Operations: Paradise Faith Cult
Status: Alive
Relatives: Daimon (Younger Brother)
Appearance: Shinomi is a beautiful young woman with long black hair and amber eyes. For casual wear, she wears an orange komon kimono with a yellow obi. When she’s working in the temple and monastery, she wears a white button-up dress. To greet new members in the women’s sanctuary or important guests, she wears a coral tsukesage with yellow lotuses patterns and a yellow obi. For performances, Shinomi puts her hair in a geisha shimada and puts on oshiroi makeup on her face and neck. She wears a blood red Hikizuri kimono, having kosode sleeves, with golden lotus designs on the lower half. For formal events, she wears a kuromontsuki kimono. Whenever she goes to a major city, she wears a light green houmongi that has patterns of pink peonies and a light gray obi.
Personality: Shinomi is a tendency to be melodramatic while making exaggerated expression, much to the annoyance to Daimon. She tends to get “carry away” when she’s doing her performances as she can get really into character. She is very interested with Western art and music as she is amazed by surrealism art, ballet, and jazz. She can be flirtatious whenever there’s a male outsider, likely stemming that she wants to go to the city more often. However, Shinomi can get protective of her young brother as he is not as strong as her and more vulnerable to danger.
History: Shinomi and her brother, Daimon, were raised by their grandparents due to their parents abandoned them when they were very young. Their grandparents then died of a disease when Shinomi was eight years old. The siblings had to sneak into the Eternal Paradise to get food, where they were found by Terayori. The siblings were raised by a couple. She was trained by the nuns to help the women in the sanctuary, such as helping them recover from abuse and violence. She also makes sure that the women are safe and well care for. Along with the other nuns, she start doing yoga for the sanctuary, eventually become an instructor. When she was thirteen, she was chosen to be the village’s geisha and help with ceremonies. She often plays the shamisen, ko-tsuzumi, fue, and koto, along with dancing and singing, for ceremonies. She often encourages Daimon to be more active and social as he can’t study forever. When Inosuke left the village, Shinomi got more interested with Tokyo as she learns about the modern Japanese and Western arts. She hopes that one day, she would travel or have a job in there since Inosuke’s departure has become an inspiration.
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Flexibility
Enhanced Speed & Reflexes
Enhanced Stamina 
Enhanced Strength
Musical Expertise
Fighting Style: Tessenjutsu
Shinomi’s fighting style is the most similar to Douma’s as she uses her open fans to slash her opponents
Equipment: Iron War Fans
Kimetsu Academy: Shinomi Tachibana is a graduate of Kimetsu Academy and currently attends an arts university where it has a performing art major. She is the older sister of Daimon. While she often performs traditional Japanese dance, music, and theatre, she also plays modern music from both Japanese and Western cultures. She often goes to the Kamado bakery and ponders about traveling to Europe and getting a boyfriend. Shinomi would always tell her brother to loosen up a bit to make more friends.
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wisteriamoons · 5 years
Pinky Promise
So I see a lot of au’s where Kotoha lives, but stays with Douma and never sees the carnage he causes. 
So, this oneshot kinda explores what would happen if Kotoha escaped unscathed that night. If she had stayed on the road, running till daybreak. Unknowingly missing the human village, instead running even further to a specific house.
What if, Kotoha Hashibira, became a Demon Slayer?
Words: 1821
Through all the abuse and manipulation, from the deepest parts of her memory, she knows she’ll never forget one thing. What had occurred on April 22nd. 
The delivery lasted hours, but through the pain and tears, she won’t remember it as a bad thing.
No, not even close. 
She’ll remember it as the day it changed her. 
At a mere seventeen banking on eighteen girl, she had married young, desperate for a family. Her family had been killed by what the locals thought was a bear, and Kotoha Hashibira found herself all alone.
She made one error, unfortunately, and that was marrying too quickly. Too fast. The man seemed so perfect and loving, and while his mother was stern and icy, he seemed wonderful.
That quickly changed, however.
She found it hopeless to escape, not finding a way to run. But nine months into the marriage, she gave birth. She cried tears of joy, finding her son to have little to no attributes from his father.
“Inosuke,” she whispered. “My little Inosuke.”
He gave her a reason to keep going, to stay hopeful and face the horrors of the day with a brave face.
And then she remembers the night she did escape. 
With only the clothes on her back, she had managed to wrap Inosuke’s favorite blanket around him. The night was treacherous, winter just settling in and snow caking the ground like powder. But no matter how cold it got, no matter how tired she was, she kept running with her one-month-old son in her arms.
She remembered hearing about a paradise, a place where you could escape to when you had nowhere else.
That was her other error. 
Douma was a wonderful host. She saw the magic he performed personally, as he healed her from her partial blindness, her scars, everything she had accumulated. He called her beautiful. He treated her like a goddess.
She stayed.
She didn’t realize how much of a trophy Douma saw her as. And as she sang, took care of her son, sat side-by-side with Douma, made people happy. She didn’t know the real horrors of the cult she had found herself in. She only had unconfirmed suspicions filtered out by her own bias. People were disappearing, but Douma said they left for brighter pastures. Why would she have any reason to not believe him, when he took her and her son in from the cold?
The suspicions grew, no matter how much she thought otherwise. The feeling in her gut made her feel more uneasy as the days wore on.
The stench was pungent, nauseating, revolting.
She had awoken, taking Inosuke in her arms to look for the source. Perhaps someone hunted? Yes, yes, that had to be the--
“Oh, Kotoha, you weren’t supposed to see this,” Douma said smoothly, wiping the blood from his lips. Kotoha stood, heart palpitating, hyperventilation threatening to begin. On the ground was an acquaintance, the friendly Aki, dead in a puddle of her own blood. 
“You…” Kotoha breathes in, stomach churning. “You monster!”
“Kotoha, listen to me, my b--”
“I will have none of it! You spouted nothing but horrible lies! You planned to eat me! You planned to eat Inosuke! Fiend! You awful, awful man!”
Kotoha didn’t listen to what Douma had to say next. She ran once more, with only the clothes on her back. 
She had fallen for another man’s tricks again. Not only putting herself in danger, but Inosuke, too. Tears threatened to build. 
“I’m so sorry, Inosuke. I’m sorry mommy’s stupid! I always make mistakes, I always go the wrong way! Sorry, I’m so sorry… I’m your mother, I need to keep it together.”
Inosuke just babbled, only knowing his mother was upset, but not of the danger that followed behind. She ran and ran until day broke just behind the trees. She hadn’t realized she lost Douma hours ago.
“Please, pleasepleaseplease, I can’t lose my son,” Kotoha cries to herself, holding him closer to her chest. “I can’t die!”
The first house she saw she practically flung herself at it, banging at the gate with a terrified fist. 
“Please! Please, oh please let us in! Please! We’re being chased by a cannibal!” Kotoha wails, slamming her fist faster. “Please, open up!”
It was met with succession. 
An old woman opened the gate, and Kotoha ran inside, the woman closing the gate behind her. The old woman had long graying hair, soft blue eyes and a purple kimono.
“A cannibal?” the old woman questions as Kotoha dashes up the steps of the Japanese house.
“Ye-yes, I just saw him eat another with my own eyes, oh goodness please let us stay at least the night.”
The old woman took pity on her, and let her inside. 
“I’m sorry to tell you this, but that wasn’t a cannibal. You probably saw the workings of a demon.”
“A… a what?” Kotoha asks, panting as the adrenaline wears off. The woman guides her over into the kitchen, having her sit at the kotatsu. Kotoha refuses to put Inosuke down, so she keeps him close to her. The woman starts brewing some tea, placing the kettle over the fire. 
“A demon. You don’t know where you are, child?”
Kotoha shakes her head slowly. Inosuke snoozes in her arms.
“You’re in a Wisteria House. The crest you saw out front marks this place as a sanctuary for demon hunters, from the Demon Slayer Corps. I usually only provide to demon hunters, but considering you were being chased by a demon, I hold no problem taking you in for a while.”
Kotoha feels tears build up in her eyes, and she bows her head.
“Thank you so much. But, what is a demon?”
“A demon is someone that has been infected by a demon’s blood and turned into a blood-thirsty monster. They’re usually unintelligent, only looking for, well…”
Kotoha nods, sniffling. 
“This demon wasn’t unintelligent though.”
The old woman frowns.
“Oh my… I’m glad I let you in.”
The old woman doesn’t elaborate, which Kotoha is quite thankful for. All she wanted to focus on was Inosuke.
“If you only provide for free for demon hunters, then I’m willing to work here,” Kotoha speaks quietly. 
“Are you sure? It’s a lot of hard work, plus you have a babe.”
“I don’t want to be a burden. Inosuke is very well-behaved for a one month old, he’s so sweet to me.” Kotoha beams down at her son, kissing his forehead. The woman hums.
“Well, I’m Himari. What is your name, child?”
“Kotoha. Thank you again for taking us in.” Kotoha bows her head once more, which Himari replicates. 
For the next few weeks, Himari helped Kotoha settle in along with Inosuke. Kotoha had been right about one thing; Inosuke was surprisingly well-behaved for a baby. He slept through the night, never made a real fuss even when he was hungry or his diaper needed changing. He seemed to really love silk and velvet, the birds chirping in the morning, books, a boar plush his mother made, and hearing his mother sing their special song.
“Pinky promise, pinky promise, such small hands you have~”
It warms Himari’s heart, hearing her sing it when it was bedtime for Inosuke. The lyrics changed almost every night, but every word was meaningful.
Kotoha learned more of the Wisteria Houses, and Himari herself. Himari was going to turn sixty-three soon, but had the energy of a twenty-year-old. All her immediate family lived far away, but her extended family was large. So large, Wisteria Houses basically spanned the whole country. It was fascinating. 
About a month into Kotoha’s stay, a group of demon slayers led by the Flame Pillar came to stay at the Wisteria House. 
“Mr. Rengoku, may I ask you something?” Kotoha asks before bed. Shinjuro Rengoku gives the woman a curious look as he wipes his blade down with a cloth. “I’m curious as to what demon slaying is like, can you tell me about it?”
Shinjuro was surprised that she wanted to know in the first place. After all, she looked like a gentle nadeshiko; she even reminded him of his wife. But he answered her question anyway; if she wanted to know, he wasn’t going to discriminate against her for it. 
“It’s hard, you may have to leave home for months at a time, and there’s a large possibility you can die.”
“Then why did you join, Mr. Rengoku?”
Shinjuro pauses.
“My family goes generations back for Flame Breathing, but I also found it’d be worth it to save people and keep them from the dark.”
Kotoha listens intently, her usual kind face into more of an unreadable expression.
Shinjuro wouldn’t find out until years later why she asked. Himari found out immediately, after the group went to sleep.
“Himari, I want to learn how to be a demon slayer.”
The old woman nearly drops her pot of water, looking at Kotoha incredulously. 
“Koto-- why?”
Kotoha glares at the wood of the kotatsu.
“I’m sick and tired of being a defenseless woman who doesn’t know what she’s doing. I want to be able to protect my son and make a world where he doesn’t have to be scared to go out at night. I want to be stronger, I want to help people.”
Himari looks at Kotoha, her incredulous look fading.
“Are you sure, Kotoha? Demons are dangerous, I’ve especially heard the Final Selection is ruthless; you’re either alive or you’re dead when you come out.”
Kotoha gazes at the bassinet which holds a sleeping Inosuke.
“I’ll take my time. And I know it’ll be hard, much harder than anything I’ve faced. But it’ll be worth it.”
Himari stares silently at Kotoha, and then gives a weak smile.
“I know someone who can teach you, then. I’m willing to also help take care of Inosuke, too.”
Kotoha looks at Himari, smiling as tears stream down her eyes. 
“Thank you, Himari. Thank you so much.”
This is where it all began.
Kotoha stands outside of the Wisteria House, looking much different, more older. She now had the Demon Slayer Corps uniform on, a long blue haori with light yellow bell patterns decorating it. Every step she took, the actual bells sewn into a red bracelet on her left wrist tinkled softly. She opens the gate, a smile on her face. She’d be getting her Nichirin blade soon.
“Mama!” Inosuke cries. She had been gone for only a week, but for five year old Inosuke, it felt like forever. The small boy runs over to her, and she crouches as she hugs him close, stroking his hair. 
Himari watches from the porch, smiling proudly at the mother and son. 
“I told you I’d be back, my little dragonfly,” Kotoha laughs, kissing his forehead. “I pinky promised it, after all.”
This is where it all began.
For the Bell Pillar, Kotoha Hashibira. 
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saphirune · 5 years
in your roleswap kny au,, i,,is kotoha, inosukes mom, alive then if koyuki, akazas wife, is? idk if you know their names bc everyone forgets them but like,,, would that effect inosuke then in the au?
i did not forget about them i love when ppl ask about the side characters!!!! also yes she is alive as well!! you know how the butterfly estate is the recovery base...well douma’s eternal paradise cult is the equivalent to that and kotoha helps as a nurse there
also i want to say yes it does effect him!! so basically what i thought of so far is that kotoha is running away from demons and she drops inosuke to save him (like in canon) but before she is killed douma saves her...they try to look for inosuke but cannot find him ;; and then he ends up being raised by demons
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crownshattered-a · 3 years
Kotoha Hashibira
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=PREFACE= My main verse for Kotoha is an AU where she turned into a demon.!! However, I’m happy with a normal human lived au or just canon where she dies.!! Below will reflect her demon au, tho!! In most threads (unless there’s the potential for a ship ig) I will assume she has feelings for Douma, but whether they are returned or not is dependent on the thread. If you write Douma, I will NEVER force that ship on you!! In that case, she just largely respects him and thinks of him as a close friend (once again, if that feeling is returned is dependent on the thread and my partner).  TRIGGER WARNINGS: Cannibalism, abuse
=BASIC INFO= FULL NAME: Kotoha Hashibira NICKNAME(S)/ALIAS(ES): Kotoha PRONUNCIATION(S): Koh-toh-ha AGE: Appears to be 19, age isn’t defined (as a demon, she’s been alive for a while) GENDER: Female SPECIES: Demon BIRTH DATE: December 7th SEXUALITY: Bisexual (heavy male lean)
=PERSONALITY= PERSONALITY: soft, caring, gentle, motherly EMBODYING QUALITY/IDEA: A gentle mother who cares about her son more than anything LIKES: Inosuke, Douma, being with her loved ones, kind people DISLIKES: Rude people/demons, hunting, fighting FEARS: Losing her son (again.?) WEAKNESSES: She is very easily manipulative. Very sweet, but not the brightest STRENGTHS: Very caring and loyal to those she cares about SPECIAL/SIGNIFICANT BELONGINGS: N/A
=PHYSICAL AND HEALTH INFO= HEIGHT: 5′5″ WEIGHT: 135 lbs BODY TYPE: A very average body with a pretty face. Hourglass figure covered by her rather baggy dress JEWELRY: Simple earrings PIERCINGS/TATTOOS: N/A SCARS/DISTINGUISHING MARKS: maybe a few scars here and there from her abuse by Inosuke’s father
=RELATIONSHIP INFO= RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Verse dependent (usually, will say she’s with Douma unless my rp partner is a Douma, since i won’t force a ship on them~~) PARENTS: Unknown SIBLING(S): N/A – BEST FRIEND(S): Douma FRIENDS: Douma, maybe knows some of the moons? ACQUAINTANCES: Upper Moons (?) ASSISTANTS: Humans in the Eternal Paradise cult GUARDS: N/A ALLIES: Demonkind, MY Inosuke PETS/SPECIAL ANIMALS: N/A – ENEMIES: Demon Slayers MAIN ENEMY(IES): Anyone who wishes to hurt her family MOST HATED: Demon Slayers
=STORY INFO= STORIES THAT THIS CHARACTER APPEARS IN: Demon Slayer STATUS: Deceased (demon now) BACKSTORY: All Kotoha’s life, she had been pushed around. By her parents, by her friends, by her husband and mother-in-law. She was always abused and called stupid, even when Inosuke was born. However... she didn’t want that same life for her baby. So, she ran. She took Inosuke and ran until she reached the Eternal Paradise Cult. Instead of being eaten at the cult, Douma took her in and doted on her and her baby. This was the first time anyone had ever been nice to her, and so of course she respected Douma a whole lot. At the time she found him eating humans and would have ran from him, Douma was able to convince her that it’s alright. He told her that demons aren’t bad, and that he’s helping these people...of course, she believed him and agreed when he asked if she wanted to be a demon too. – PLACE OF BIRTH: A small village in rural Japan PAST LIVING QUARTERS: Her ex-husband’s home CURRENT AND FUTURE HOMES: The Eternal Paradise Cult – NATIVE LANGUAGE(S): Japanese LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Japanese
=TALENTS/OCCUPATION/EDUCATION= OCCUPATION/JOB: Unemployed  BOSS: N/A TALENTS: She doesn’t usually doubt what she’s told or ask questions, so maybe that’s a talent here? YEARS OF EDUCATION: No formal education LEVEL OF EDUCATION: N/A
=COMBAT= SKILLS/TECHNIQUES: She is very poor in combat, but will use a knife or her own claws to attack if needed SPECIAL POWERS: No blood art (may give her one in the future, but it wouldn’t be combat based) WEAPON(S) OF CHOICE: Her own nails, a knife STRENGTHS: Her willingness to defend her loved ones above herself WEAKNESSES: She is pretty weak physically and would lose a fight if her opponent was a demon slayer
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Paradise!Inosuke AU: Daimon
Name: Daimon
Kanji: 大門
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5’6” (168 cm) 
Affiliation: Eternal Paradise Faith
Occupation: Medic, Event Planner
Base of Operations: Paradise Faith Cult
Status: Alive
Relatives: Shinomi (Older Sister)
Appearance: Daimon is a slightly muscular teenage boy with short black hair and amber eyes. For casual wear, he wears a light and dark blue standard kimono. When he’s working in the temple and monastery, he wears a white button-up, black pants, and white tabi. He wears a pair of settas whenever he’s outside. For formal events, he wears an orange and yellow haori hakama.
Personality: Daimon is a serious, no-nonsense type of person. He treats things as if they were high-priority and make sure that they are in the highest standard. He tends to get annoyed by Shinomi’s melodramatic performance when she is not performing, though he cares deeply for her. Despite his claims of denial, he is jealous of Insouke’s friendship with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Nezuko, Kanao, and Genya as he feels that he might be getting replaced and that Inosuke will be corrupt by them. Daimon felt a sense of belonging in the cult as in early life, his parents abandoned them and his grandparents died. He is afraid of losing it. He is devoted to Douma as he enjoys the praises coming from the cult leader. This also made him afraid of disappointing him.
History: Daimon and his sister, Shinomi, were raised by their grandparents due to their parents abandoned them when they were very young. Their grandparents then died of a disease when Daimon was four years old. The siblings had to sneak into the Eternal Paradise to get food, where they were found by Terayori. The siblings were raised by a couple. Inosuke would soon befriend Daimon when the latter had to help several monks in the temple. The pair were best friends as Douma had Daimon to watch over Inosuke and make sure he does not do anything dangerous, especially when they are in the surrounding woods. He also helped his friend when it comes to studying scripture. He and his sister would often prepare the village for ceremonies, which always appear to be above and beyond. Along with the peers’ friendship, Daimon is held in high regard by Douma. Since Inosuke left the village, Daimon started working in the infirmary and learning more about the human anatomy.
Keen Intellect
Medical Expertise
Fighting Style: None
Equipment: None
Kimetsu Academy: Daimon Tachibana is a first year student from the Kabosu Class and a student tutor for middle schoolers. He is chosen to help Inosuke to adjust into society. He is also a member of the medical club. He gets annoyed by Tanjiro and Zenitsu, stating that their antics are highly disruptive.
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queenofcandynsoda · 2 years
Paradise!Inosuke: Kouga
Name: Kouga
Kanji: 鋼牙
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 5’1” (155 cm)
Affiliation: Eternal Paradise Faith
Occupation: Monk, Spy, Bodyguard
Base of Operations: Paradise Faith Cult
Status: Alive
Relatives: None
Appearance: Kouga is a short man with long black hair and green eyes. He has a lean yet toned frame. Whenever he travels for long periods of time, he puts on a sandogasa. For casual wear, he wears a brown and blue kimono. When he’s working in the temple and monastery, he wears a white button-up, black pants, and white tabi. He wears a pair of settas whenever he’s outside. Whenever he has to spy on some “heretics”, he wears a black ninja-like clothes with mesh around his upper arms. For formal events, he wears a dark green iromontsuki haori hakama.
Personality: Kouga is an abrasive and cold young man who often gives off a harsh impression, especially to those who are not a part of the cult. His words can be seen as belittling and insulting. He is not friendly to those who have the kanji “滅” on their clothes as there was an incident where someone wearing the kanji tried to attack Douma years ago. During fights, he shows no mercy towards his opponents and can be very brutal. Despite his harshness, Kouga is quiet and empathic to his community. He enjoys talking to Tetsue and her father, Koushi. He often helps out in the monastery and the village. Whenever Kotoha needs someone to talk to, it would be either Sawako or Kouga himself. He is devoted to Douma and his family as he made it his life mission to protect them from danger, though more for Kotoha and Inosuke via Douma’s request.
History: Kouga was abandoned at the village gate as a newborn by his mother as a form of mabiki. He was found by a cult member who was getting metal for farming tools. He was brought to Douma, who interprets the mabiki to be merciful as he believes that the mother was unable to kill the baby in a cruel way, she decided to leave the baby in the woods. The cult leader had Kouga to be raised in the monastery and be raised by the nuns and monks. When he was five years old, he saw Douma taking in a young woman named Kotoha. As Douma gets more attached to Kotoha, he had Kouga to train to be her bodyguard and spy for any “heretic” who would enter and cause trouble in the village. The child had trained for hours upon hours. Despite his small body, he was trained to do kusarigama and his movements are in a fluid and fast motion. He also self-taught stealth and feeling vibrations. Once he turned 14, he starts to work in the temple directly, mainly handling with shrines and artifacts. He also became a scholar as he handles all the scriptures and records. Once Inosuke started learning, he helps him study the scriptures, along with training for self-defense. He does not question the pictures in the shrine rooms.
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Durability 
Enhanced Endurance
Enhanced Flexibility
Enhanced Speed & Reflexes
Enhanced Stamina
Enhanced Stealth
Enhanced Strength
Indomitable Will
Tactical Intellect
Vibration Detection
Fighting Style: Kusarigamajutsu
Kouga fights with a kusarigma, which is a sickle with a long chain attached to it. He uses the sickle to fight opponents, climb up certain heights, block off attacks, and grip onto surfaces. For the chain part, he uses it to climb up and down from a ceiling, trap people, as a whip, and to strangle his opponents.
Equipment: Kusarigama (Chain on Sickle), Bo shuriken, Yoroi-dōshi Kimetsu Academy: Kouga Kobayashi is the librarian for the high school. He is extremely strict on noises and the borrowing of books. He always makes sure that all of the books in the library are in great condition and in order. He has a terrifying habit of watching over students from the ceiling whenever there’s a test taken.
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