#overheating tw
salembutnotthecat · 4 months
Novemetober (Rescheduled) | Day Nineteen
@monthofsick | day nineteen: sick in more ways than one
while scrolling through my blog, it appeared this fic got deleted from my page. I may have done it on accident or the hellsite may have had it for dinner.
regardless, i saved it offsite. so i went back into my notes, made a few edits, and figured i could reupload it here for this prompt.
i hope to get away from novak for a bit, but we’ll see how that goes.
If you would like to send a fic requests to help (or to get more novak content), PLEASE PLEASE DO SO!! Im begging for asks at this point lol.
tw for overheating, emeto, dizziness, migraine mention, fever
alt cw for novak’s daighter (4) being a little present toward the end*
*this is not a kink thing for me so i do not feel bad about it, but i know some people dont like that lol
The summer sun hung high in the sky as Novak stepped onto the practice field with the rest of the Mavericks for preseason training.
The air was thick with the promise of a sweltering day, and the temperature had climbed well into the upper 80s, with possibilities of maybe even reaching the 90s by the end of the day.
The team, accustomed to the usually mild climate, hesitated but eventually decided to train outside until it became unbearable. After all, it would be good practice if they ever played a game in a hot city.
Novak wasn’t exactly accustomed to heat, but usually the heat didn’t bother him. Granted, he was more used to the mid-80s and below, but surely this wouldn’t be too much more overwhelming. After all, it was only a few degrees.
He’s not so sure about that a few drills in. The sun is beating on the field, Novak can feel the heat prickling his skin.
As he’s getting ready to run through some passing drills, an unexpected wave of dizziness made him stop abruptly. The heat bore down on him like an invisible weight, and he feared based on how dizzy he suddenly felt, and the general poor condition of his stomach at any given moment, nausea would follow.
As soon as the mere thought hit him, he took an elastic off his wrist, tying back his sweat soaked ash blond hair.
Landon noticed immediately. Novak only ever seemed to tie up his hair if he wasn’t feeling well. Something about overstimulation, Landon remembered being told.
"You okay, Novak?" he asked, concern etched across his face.
"Yeah, just hot as hell. I'll be fine," Novak replied, attempting to brush off the worry.
Henry chimed in, seeming to agree, “Man, it's getting pretty brutal out here. We should've trained indoors."
As the team continued their drills, the heat intensified, and Novak's condition worsened. The nausea became unbearable, and he couldn't shake the dizziness.
Novak's steps became unsteady. Nausea churned in his stomach. He felt dizzy, or like he was going to pass out.
Well, maybe pass out. But he would definitely puke first. He could already taste the acid in his throat as he anxiously reached up by his neck and started fidgeting with his locket.
Landon’s hand is on him. Novak realizes Landon said something to him. Or maybe was trying to say something. But Novak didn’t catch it.
“God, you’re burning,” Landon commented. That Novak heard. Landon tried to say something else, but Novak didn’t catch that.
Novak’s stomach lurched, as if to accentuate his suffering. This heat was miserable and every part of him was feeling it now.
“Hang on,” Novak said.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, Novak lifted his helmet with one hand, trying to find relief from the oppressive heat. Beads of sweat dripped down his face, his skin uncomfortably warm to the touch. The world around him seemed to blur as he fought against the waves of dizziness.
"Shit, Novak, you sure you're good?" Landon's voice cut through the haze, concern evident in his tone as he caught up with the struggling linebacker.
Novak mumbled a response, his words lost in the oppressive heat. Landon leaned in, trying to catch what Novak was saying.
“What did you say..?” Landon asked, “I’m sorry I couldn’t-“
It was sudden. A split second, but to Novak it felt like an eternity. Novak's stomach revolted violently. Novak clutched his helmet tightly with one hand, trying to keep control, and trying to keep it away from his face, just for now. The other hand stayed clasped around the locket.
"Oh shit, you're going to be sick," Landon exclaimed, helping Novak pull off his helmet, holding it, before quickly taking a step back, a mix of worry and realization on his face.
At that moment, Novak succumbed to the overpowering nausea. He doubled over, emptying the contents of his stomach onto the grass. He heaved, hard, purging what he ate for breakfast and everything he drank leading to this moment.
Landon stayed back as Novak threw up again. He was trying to be mindful of Novak’s boundaries.
Novak vomited again. This time he was more hunched over. Landon could only watch as Novak’s knees buckled and he fell to the ground.
Novak felt so wildly sick. He threw up again, that wave more abundant. He hated that this happened. Part of him thought he heard another player puke too.
“Landon, go deal with Dominic, okay?” Its Jayden. Dominic must have also thrown up.
Jayden knew things that Landon didn’t when it came to Novak being sick. When it came to Novak vomiting. So, Jayden seemed to think the swap was better.
As Novak stood back up, albeit quite shakily, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Jayden offered a sympathetic look.
"Alright, man, let's get you inside, the whole team at that,” Jayden said "This heat's no joke today."
Novak nodded weakly, the remnants of nausea still lingering.
“I think I want to have Daphne look at you,” Jayden said, “That looks like a lot of vomit.”
Novak nodded. Novak still felt too hot, too nauseous. Jayden took him to Doctor Collins’ office.
“Hey, Daphne,” Jayden said, “Heat’s kind of killing Novak the hardest here.”
Novak felt like he was going to be sick again. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t function.
Dr. Collins immediately looked concerned. "Bring him in, let me take a look."
Landon ushered Novak into the office, where the air conditioning provided a welcome reprieve from the outdoor furnace.
Novak, feeling the cool air on his flushed skin, still couldn't shake the persistent nausea. He felt dizzy, shaky, and ready to once more start vomiting.
"Sit down, Novak," Dr. Collins instructed. She probably saw it on his face.
Novak nodded weakly, settling into the chair, his helmet still clutched in his hand.
He felt a sense of relief sitting in the air-conditioned room, but the nausea continued to churn within him.
Dr. Collins assessed Novak's condition. "How are you feeling, Novak?"
The linebacker attempted to speak, but the words caught in his throat. Instead, he doubled over, emptying the contents of his stomach into a nearby trash bin, the sounds echoing in the small office.
Dr. Collins, unfazed by the turn of events, continued her examination, her focus on ensuring Novak's well-being.
After a thorough assessment once Novak was done puking, Dr. Collins sighed, "Novak, I think it's best if you go home and rest. The heat has clearly taken a toll on you. Stay hydrated, and let your body recover."
Novak, feeling drained and defeated, nodded in agreement.
Novak stumbled back into the living room from the bathroom, his face pale and beads of sweat lining his forehead.
The few hours at home hadn't brought the relief he hoped for, and the persistent nausea clung to him like a stubborn shadow.
Marina looked up from where she was seated in the chair diagonal to the couch, concern etched on her face.
Novak sat back down on the couch, leaning back against it. He felt horrible. His stomach was a mess. Everything felt bad.
"Is it wrong you ask how you are feeling, sweetheart?" Marina asked, reaching out to touch Novak's forehead. “Goodness, your skin is still so warm. It’s like a stovetop.”
Novak winced at the touch, "Do you want the truth or..?”
Marina rolled her eyes, “The truth, słoneczko.”
Novak sighed, “Honestly… still like… really sick to my stomach? I don’t really know why though, mamoń."
Marina's worry deepened, pulling her hand away from his face. “You're running a fever, Novak. This isn't just from the heat. I’d think by now you’d be cooled down."
Novak sighed, sinking more into the couch, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
Elya, his four-year-old daughter, played with her toys on the floor, oblivious to her father's discomfort.
"I thought I could tough it out," Novak admitted, his voice strained. "But it's not getting any better."
Marina fetched a damp cloth and placed it on Novak's forehead, a feeble attempt to offer some relief. "You need to rest, sweetheart. Let your body recover. Maybe we can call Willow, get her opinion?"
Elya, sensing something amiss, looked up from her toys. "Daddy, why are you sick?"
Novak managed a weak smile, "Just a little under the weather, princess. It’s really hot outside, you know. Daddy will be fine."
The answer seemed to satisfy Elya. But not so much Marina.
"You've been vomiting for hours, Novak,” Marina said, “That’s not normal. Even for you.”
Novak shook his head, "Mom, it's just the heat. I'll be fine."
But as he spoke, another wave of nausea hit him, and he froze in place for a moment.
Swallowing back acid, he tried to piece together if he could make it back to the bathroom or…
“Are you going to be sick again?” Marina asked, crossing her arms.
“What? No…” Novak forced out, “Just… dizzy.”
“You always get dizzy before-“
Novak nodded, hastily reaching for the trash bin Marina brought in the living room in case this happened.
“I’m calling Willow,” Marina said, getting up off the couch and grabbing her phone.
"Mom, I just need some rest," Novak insisted when it was over, after finally coughing up mere saliva. Which, to him, was a good sign at least.
“Don’t care,” Marina said, “You won’t get checked out yourself. I’m having her come to check you out.”
“Mamoń, Willow’s a lesbian,” Novak said, chuckling softly, “She won’t be checking me out.”
“Novak Aleksander Daskalov,” Marina said, “That is not what I meant and you know it.”
“What’s a leban?” Elya asked, her curiosity unaffected by the very bad state her dad was in.
Novak wanted to laugh.
“I’ll tell you when I feel better, okay?” Novak said.
Elya nodded. A little too excitedly for Novak’s taste. But he found it quite endearing regardless.
As the call connected, Willow answered on the other end. Marina quickly explained Novak's symptoms and the ongoing distress.
"Willow, it's Marina. Novak's not doing well,” Marina said, “He was overheated at practice, but he’s been home for six hours and he’s still vomiting and feels warm to the touch.”
“Hm,” Willow hummed on the other side of the line, “Could be a stomach flu, I’ve seen a few cases this week.”
“That’s what I thought,” Marina said, “Naturally he wasn’t listening.”
Willow giggled softly, “Sounds like Novak. I’m finishing my shift soon. I'll come over and take a look at him when I get off."
Marina hung up, returning to Novak's side. "Willow is on her way.”
As the evening sun cast long shadows, Willow arrived at Novak's home. Marina greeted her at the door with a mixture of relief and concern etched on her face.
"Willow, thank you for coming. He's in the living room," Marina said, leading the way.
Willow entered to find Novak laying on the couch, a damp cloth on his forehead, covering his eyes. Elya was sitting nearby, watching her father with a worried expression.
“When did the headache start?” Willow asked. No introduction. No greeting. Just right into it.
Novak groaned, “Like an hour ago…. Well, it’s been hurting since practice but it got more migraine level in the last hour…”
"Besides the headache, how are you feeling?" Willow asked.
Novak managed a weak smile, taking the rag off his head and forcing himself to sit up, “Not great. Dizzy, nauseous. Just all-around miserable."
The change in position made the room spin worse, Novak grabbed the back of the couch.
“Emphasis on dizzy…” Novak admitted.
Willow went to work, checking Novak's vital signs and asking detailed questions about his symptoms. Marina filled her in on the events leading up to his current state, emphasizing the persistent vomiting.
Willow, maintaining her professional composure, finished her assessments. "Your temperature is elevated, and your blood pressure is a bit low. Combine that with the vomiting, and it seems like you've got a stomach virus on top of being overheated. Dehydration might be playing a role too."
Novak nodded, grateful for the clarity. "Do I need to go to the hospital?"
"I don't think it's severe enough for hospitalization at this point, but we need to address the dehydration," Willow explained, reaching in her bag, “Hey Marina, can you grab a bottle of water?”
Marina nodded, going into the kitchen and grabbing one. Willow pulled out an electrolyte solution, mixing it in the water once Marina handed it over.
“Drink that, and…” Willow dug in her bag, pulling out four more, setting them on the coffee table, “There’s some extras. Also plain water is good, the solution is just to help rehydrate you faster. If you puke it back up, make up a new round.”
Novak took a few sips, feeling the cool liquid providing a welcome relief. Willow continued.
“Rest is crucial, and you should continue to hydrate.” Willow said, “If the vomiting persists or if you can't keep fluids down, we might need to consider hospitalization."
Marina, hearing the diagnosis, visibly relaxed. "Thank you, Willow. We appreciate your help."
As Willow provided Novak with instructions for medication and hydration, Elya approached her father with a stuffed animal in hand. "Daddy, this will make you feel better."
Novak chuckled weakly, taking the stuffed animal from his daughter. "Thank you, princess. It's already helping."
Willow smiled at the heartwarming exchange between Novak and his daughter. "A little extra comfort is always good for healing."
After ensuring Novak had a plan for the next few days, Willow prepared to leave. Marina walked her to the door, expressing her gratitude once again.
"Thank you, Willow. Your help means a lot to us. I'll make sure he follows your advice."
Willow nodded, her caring demeanor evident. "Keep an eye on him, and don't hesitate to reach out if anything changes. If I don’t answer, call Vanessa, she could help too."
As Willow left, the living room settled into a quiet atmosphere. Novak, still feeling weakened by the illness, was once again laying on the couch. But this time, Elya nestled beside him, clutching her stuffed animal.
"Daddy, are you going to be okay?" Elya asked, her innocent eyes filled with concern.
Novak ruffled her hair gently, smiling. "I'll be just fine, sweetheart. Thanks to you and Grandma taking care of me."
Marina glanced at Novak with a motherly concern. "You heard Willow. Rest is crucial. Let your body heal."
Novak nodded, “Can you get my phone, mamoń, I’m going to call coach, tell him I can’t go tomorrow.”
Marina smiled, “That might be the most sensible thing you’ve said since you got home, słoneczko.”
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fours-writings · 6 months
thinking about… immortal y/n.. and virus riddled moon…
you take this job because honestly? why the hell not. looked cool on paper and paid well. since you weren’t about to go any time soon, you might as well get a good job while you’re at it.
you arrive late evenings. sun’s still out by now. you find him silly and decide to befriend him.
he’s a little concerned at how reckless you are— what with that one time a shelf fell on you and you ended up coming into work the next day seeming completely fine, and also the fact you tried to copy his signature dove into the ball pit and he swears you should’ve at least broken a few bones from that fall —but also likes how determined you are. most people are scared of him, purely because he’s an animatronic, and yet you keep on interacting with him without fail.
when night comes, the lights go out, and you have to go out on patrol, moon is there to join you.
he thinks you’re cocky. thinks you’re stupid for trying to be close with him. is scared he’ll hurt you like everyone else.
he also thinks you’re a dick, because you seem to antagonize him on purpose. you poke fun, argue with him, mock him, refuse to sleep… he can’t tell whether this is a breath of fresh air or another reason he’s starting to lose more control by the day.
meanwhile, you just think his reactions are amusing. it’s even better when you get that instinctive rush of fear when he threatens you.
moon keeps his distance. keeps a firm grip on his self control.
you don’t.
and so, inevitably, something bad happens.
another night, another patrol, and another round of banter. he didn’t know why whatever you said affected him so much, but he finds himself losing control. glitches and warnings blurring his vision.
before he realizes it, he’s stealthily coming up behind you… and suddenly, his hands are around your neck.
[continues below: CW for blood, gore, and decapitation]
you obviously jerked to tug away from him, your much smaller hands clawing at his. but all he does is grip harder.
you choke and squirm, but your attempts are futile. his claws automatically come out, digging into soft, vulnerable flesh.
to his surprise, it only takes a few more moments before your head comes clean off.
he doesn’t realize how your body doesn’t drop. how your blood is shockingly… not warm. how your hands reach upward toward your now-headless neck.
all he can pay attention to is the weight. of your head in his hands. your blood dripping down his casing.
the glitches recede, and all he can feel is an overwhelming sense of guilt.
not again. he didn’t mean to. he wasn’t paying attention.
not again.
“Can you give me my head back now?”
if he had a heart, he would’ve gotten a heart attack right then and there.
he optics flick down to your somehow still standing body, his hands beginning to shake.
“B—.. but I— you just…—“
“Mhm, yeah, just hand over my head already.”
despite how baffled and scared he is— at you, at his own actions, at this damn situation —he somehow musters up enough strength to carefully lower your head to you.
you aren’t careful as you take it back, turning it around to reveal your unamused expression. you grimace at the sight of him, covered in your own blood.
“Yeah, you might wanna wash that stuff off before it dries,” you say casually as you put your head back on your shoulders.
one moment, the blood is pouring from your mangled neck. the next, the wound is gone, nothing but the blood caking your form giving any hint there’s even been an injury in the first place.
“Stuff starts glowing all weird ‘n shit after a while,” you continue nonchalantly, “and by then it’s going to stain, so.. yeah, we’re probably gonna have to stop at a bathroom or something.”
you huff out a sigh as if annoyed by the inconvenience of being distracted from the patrol.
it was as if you didn’t even care about the fact he literally just took your head off.
“…how..?” moon finally mutters out, reaching toward you.
you actually roll your eyes at this, eyes flickering down toward the bloody mess on the floor.
“Your guess is as good as mine, pal,” you say, already turning to start walking toward the nearest bathroom or maybe supply closet.
he scrambled to follow, still shaking as he tries to ignore the feeling of blood covering him.
“W-Why aren’t you..?” the rest of his question hangs in the empty air.
why aren’t you mad i killed you.
you paused, then turned to him again.
you looked bored, but there was at least the smallest hint of pity in your eyes.
“You’ve acting weird lately,” you hummed, turning back to continue walking, “don’t blame you for it. At least I finally know what your limit is now.”
there’s something about the way you shrug at the end of your words that tugs at his wires.
anger. guilt. excitement.
the feelings all pool in his circuits, swirling and mixing into an explosive cocktail.
he looks down at his hands.
he recognizes the sight.
but it feels different for a multitude of reasons now.
he doesn’t want to believe whatever just happened. he wants to think the virus is tricking him, making him believe you somehow survived. that this is some sort of sick fantasy to help him cope with the fact he just killed his counterpart’s best friend.
he’s pulled from his thoughts by the feeling of your hand wrapping around his wrist. he wants to pull away, but he just can’t.
for the first time, he notices how cold you are. not that you’re freezing, but you’re definitely not warm enough for the average human. enough to keep you moving, but not enough that you feel alive.
“Moon, come on,” you say impatiently, tugging at his wrist, “we need to clean, like, everything up before someone else comes around and sees.”
against his better judgment, his cleaning protocols perk up at the mention.
he wants so badly to resist. to ask more questions. to wrap his own hand around your arm just to test if this magic worked with more than just your fragile neck.
he lets you pull him along, silent and confused. the nearest supply closet isn’t too far. neither is the bathroom. he wonders which you’ll go for first
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selectivechaos · 1 year
just because my aac device is a phone, doesn't mean it is any less crucial that i have it with me.
just because you understand what it is like to have your phone die. and understand that you've lost access to important text and call communication, as well as photos, bank stuff, social media etc, does NOT mean you get to say you know what it's like when my phone dies.
yeah, your phone has emotional and functional significance to you,
🌹but this is my fucking voice.
“glued to his phone” “so much screen time” "get off your phone and have a real conversation for once"
🌹this is my voice.
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praizeice · 1 month
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U wanna 🎲
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missygoesmeow · 1 year
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full sketch of this - i have so many wips lmao
this a scene from this fic.
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seiwas · 4 months
this is tmi but my period is kicking my ass rn
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ragingtwilight · 7 months
ok i got a lil too confident, felt like i was gonna die last night lol
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superbattrash · 1 year
hahahahahaha just had so much overwhelming anxiety that I had to sit down on the floor and reread my own fics to calm down
What do you even do to be less anxious?? I can’t remember anymore and my “distract yourself” coping only works for like twenty minutes at a time
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warlordfelwinter · 10 months
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talk about a scene and a half
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yellobb · 6 months
At one point in my life I would like to try getting drunk when I’m with safe people, but this is the second time I’ve made myself unbelievably nauseous after two drinks, so I don’t know if that’s in the cards
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halo-lll-odst · 1 year
^^^MAJOR SOUND WARNING^^^ ultrakill is a good game that is not broken at all
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danafeelingsick · 2 years
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍᴇᴛᴏʙᴇʀ 2022
ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ ʟɪsᴛ | AO3 ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ | ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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ᴅᴀʏ 22: Stranded and sick
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 900~
hiii i wanna request the “sick and stranded” prompt for tighnari and cyno but tighnari being the sickie and getting a heatstroke in the desert 😞
ᴀ/ɴ have i mentioned i am very far behind on the sumeru storyline? because i am, and i haven't even met cyno yet. so this a bit of a mess, no plot, just vibes.
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Tighnari truly detested the desert.
Each step on his heavy boots dragged a mountain of sand along, the sensation was foreign to him, agonizing. Walking a meter seemed to take hours, and at this point, he couldn't tell how far he had gone. Turning back wasn't an option, the hills upon hills of golden sand merged into an open labyrinth of erased footsteps.
He was lost.
The forest ranger, in all his wisdom, hadn't a clue why he was in the middle of the desert, but his legs ached as if he had been walking for days on end. It was hopeless to even try to remember, the heat was gradually cooking his brain into a fine mushy paste incapable of any cohesive thought.
Tighnari blinked slowly, a pinching ache sprouting on the side of his skull. His mouth was so unbearably dry he could crack his tongue if he tried, but just thinking of it brought a shuddering wave of nausea washing over him.
It was disgustingly hot. His clothes were drenched in sweat as if he had just walked under the rain, but he could feel it leaking from his every pore. He was dehydrated, the searing winds drying out till the last drop of moisture in his body, and the last bits remained in his stomach, creeping closer to his gullet.
He couldn't help but think of the dried specimens he would analyze when he used to study, and the haunting cracking sound they emitted under his skilled pliers. It was in his head but still resounded to his sharp fox ears, making it feel like someone was scraping at the walls of his skull.
There was one vague memory, however, still simmering in the back of his head. The faint contour of a certain man, calling out to him, his silhouette like an imposing jackal standing atop a hill. He was hallucinating, for sure.
“C-Cyno…?”, he slurred the man's name, but it was immediately silenced by the biting winds as it made it out of his mouth.
Just saying his name took a lot out of him. The heat ate at the nape of his neck. He was dizzy and so unbearably nauseous it only took breathing incorrectly for him to suddenly choke on his own stomach contents. And it happened before he could even notice it.
One moment Tighnari was raising a foot and planting it to the soil, taking another step, in the other he was lurching forward, a bright wave of regurgitated food forming an arch in front of him before plummeting to the dry sand.
He stared in disbelief, eyes widening when he realized what had just happened. He was going to die, he concluded as he dropped to his knees and hands, vomit effortlessly spewing out of him in voluminous waves. He barely retched, barely coughed as his stomach just poured out of his seamlessly, completely liquified.
Tighnari tried to cling to whatever semblance of consciousness he still had. His gloved hands burned against the scorching sand, but no matter how much his body screamed for him to move, he could only shiver as the temperature peaked and suddenly dropped.
Stars burst behind his eyes as more hot vomit spewed out of him and the starving desert ate it up, forming an odd-colored puddle that disappeared as soon as it appeared. And still, knowing it was killing him, he couldn't stop vomiting until he was thoroughly empty.
Tighnari must've lost consciousness in between bouts of sickness because when he came to, he was lying face-first into the sand. The grains dug into his skin like the desert itself was trying to claim him, to digest him slowly under the sun. He must've been bleeding from it, because under his cheek was a moist slimy mixture, sinking his head into it.
The hungry jackal would come to claim his cadaver after the merciless heat was done with it. But he didn't expect his hands to be so gentle, or his touch to disperse like cold water over his skin.
“Tighnari”, or his voice to sound so… familiar. “Tighnari!”
Tighnari parted his lips to respond, but all that came was a gurgling choked sound. He was drowning in the middle of the desert, sand and wind washing over his body, sweeping gently into obscurity.
The sun peered into his eyelids as he was suddenly lifted, his gaze forced open as he landed with a wheeze on a firm yet comfortable surface. The warmth irradiating for it was alive, the shift of hardened muscles, the rush of blood, the softness of his breath. He was being rescued.
All he could see was sand once again, and the flowing white drapes of a wanderer, bear feet trudging along the golden blankets of the desert. Tighnari tried to speak, any word he could muster, but all that made out of him was a miserable gurgle that brought up another stream of bright vomit soaking into his rescuer's tanned skin.
“You are safe”, he promised, barely acknowledging what had just happened.
“Cy… no…”, the forest ranger tried to speak, but his voice was non-existent by that point.
Had the man always been there, or he had materialized out of sand and wind right before his eyes? Tighnari didn't know, and for once he didn't care to know. If it meant dying in his arms, under the uncaring heat of the desert, he wouldn't mind.
“Tch, if you go off on your own again…”
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thinking about iterators who want to destroy themselves
not out of the desire to ascend, but simple frustration, or guilt, or some other raw emotion, driving them to what feels like madness
their taboos prevent them from doing any substantial damage, but they try nonetheless
shutting off water conduits, allowing slag to build up and parts to overheat. provoking their own inspectors with false danger signals to make their can attack itself. running too many redundant processes at once, but not increasing their water intake to keep up
they feel it in their whole structure, burning and piercing pains radiating through the vast body that isn't quite theirs. it hurts, but it's what they want. whether they understand why, who knows
and afterward?
there's nothing to repair them. the damage is already done. a conflux chamber that corrupts data more often than usual, a power rail that can't deliver as much as it once did, neurons whose storage has noticeably diminished. the aftermath builds up with every time they break
and they can do nothing about it.
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technologyvoid · 7 months
Hot soapy water and recently injured skin do NOT mix, good to know
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quaranmine · 1 year
playing doctor on myself this morning with google and losing my mind just a bit
i keep. over the course of the last two years at least. randomly getting these blotchy red rashes on my torso. they don't itch or hurt, they aren't raised, and they seem completely random. i cannot figure it out or any link between it appearing. It will typically last several hours. they do not go on my face, neck, or limbs, just the torso. i don't think theyre like dangerous??? because i assume that if they were i would have some adverse reaction like pain, fever, swelling, etc. so that is why i have not been overly concerned with it. but it is baffling me. now sometimes in the past i have gotten extremely itchy for no reason on my torso, so maybe that's a factor, but the itchiness does not always coincide with the rash. for example, today there is none.
the thing i'm interested in today though, is if it's some sort of drug allergy rash. because it always looks exactly like the rash i got last year when i took paxlovid for my covid infection. the doctor told me that's a common (harmless) reaction. i've looked it up and it looks most like a morbilliform drug reaction which are very common. so, if morbilliform drug reactions look and behave like that, i had that reaction to taking a drug, and a doctor told me it was a reaction to the drug then....
...it stands to reason that my experiencing this off and on for 2-3 years might ALSO be a similiar reaction? i just can't figure out the common thread.
one of my meds is implicated as a cause for this type of rash, and has studies/journal articles on it causing this. EXCEPT. um, it happens when you are first introduced to taking it??? and like dude i've been taking this particular medication since 2016 probably. i'm sure anything is possible (like developing new sensitivies) but nothing i have read is about reactions popping up YEARS after the fact, just within 1-3 weeks of starting it. i saw a study done on someone who developed the rash after taking the medicine, but 5 days after first taking it. i saw another study/journal article that was written as a diagnostic aid that literally excluded any drugs you'd been on for a few months as not the cause. so??? idk. my other medicine does not seem to be implicated in this, as when i looked it up i didn't really get anything.
i'm no biochemist or whatever but i can't seem to find any similarities between my med and paxlovid? like ok, we've established that either the nirmatrelvir or ritonavir that is in paxlovid likely caused it. that's what the doctor said. he said my reaction was a common one to one of the drugs in that mixture, which lines up with everything i have read. but afaik these drugs arent like....similiar to the one i have been taking...it isnt like "oh these are the same drug class so maybe your issue is with them"....
the other (relevant) drug implicated in these types of reactions are NSAIDS. now this could be something. i did take ibuprofen yesterday, and woke up with the reaction. is that it? i'm going to start logging it every time it happens to see if it ever coincides with me recently taking ibuprofen. BUT LIKE. i take ibuprofen pretty frequently, mostly for headaches. this reaction might only happen once every two or three months. i feel like if i were getting a reaction from ibuprofen it would happen every time, not just once in a blue moon?
so why am i experiencing it today???? i'm not wearing any clothing made from atypical materials. i havent used any new shower products. i havent tried any new medicines for a while. i havent eaten anything i don't normally have. none, except for the paxlovid rash, coincide with me being sick so i doubt it's viral.
if it IS a mobilliform drug reaction, it still seems atypical because a) i havent started anything new b) it goes away within a few hours, not days/weeks c) it isn't always itchy
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paradoxesofgalaxies · 2 years
The heat for the house is a gas stove in the living room. As such, it has to be pretty warm in the living room to keep the house heated. Also, it's old and finicky and I am unable to adjust the settings bc my fingers are too hypermobile. So I'm kinda just stuck with whatever temperature it's at.
Which really fucking sucks when it's warmer than usual outside the house is overly warm and since my autonomic system is a piece of shit and can't regulate temperature I'm outside in flip flops and a tank top trying to cool off and hoping I won't immediately start overheating when I go inside
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