#outcast au
theturretmarshmallow · 2 months
Second, the Outcast Au, Character study
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Name: The Second Coming
Aliases: Orange, Sec, Second, Rey, The Little Artist (Street name)
Age: 10
Is aware of her powers
Has a Vira Band made by TLD under her jacket
Loves to steal Chosen's jackets
Loves drawing and graffiti
Was outcasted from [Redacted] after an incident
has two bracelets for her friends, one for those who are alive and another for the dead
Her hair is naturally grey as she was one of the sticks that was created when Victim was fighting Alan
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anotsomysticalnight · 2 years
(Someone  needs to stop me from making Encanto AUs 👀)
AU in which Bruno raises Mirabel from infancy, and they live outside of Encanto.
And maybe they didn’t have much of a choice in the matter 😶
A new Madrigal has been born.
Julieta and Agustin's third born, a healthy baby girl.
But irreversible mistakes were made, and now she is here.
And all she has is Bruno.
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wabbyhazzy · 4 months
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Short quick story of Cain for my Hazbin AU
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astrobei · 5 months
in my heart of hearts mike wheeler is absolutely an athena kid but i also have to offer up a concept that i think has extreme comedic and dramatic potential aka: repressed gay teenager mike showing up at camp half blood unsure of who his godly parent is and feeling insecure about not having powers and one day when he’s making not-so-secret heart eyes at his best friend and son of apollo will byers is when a bunch of glowing floating hearts show up above his head. and that’s how mike gets claimed by none other than aphrodite, the goddess of love and sexuality, and is in full denial about it for three days because he thinks it’s some kind of sick and twisted JOKE
(on aphrodite’s end, she’s upset mike is throwing away the gift of true love and keeps trying to trick him out of repression by making more and more improbable and hilarious gifts appear when he and will are hanging out. mike hands will a book and it turns into a box of chocolates and he has to fling it away like a frisbee before will sees it. they’re having lunch and romantic music starts playing. she gives mike the same blessing she used to claim piper and will can’t even look in his direction for a full day because he starts blushing so hard. fifty bouquets of flowers show up at the apollo cabin’s doorstep with a note that says love, mike and by the end of it, mike isn’t even repressed and unsure about his sexuality anymore — he’s just trying to not throw himself into the bonfire out of sheer embarrassment)
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wbye-arts · 30 days
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Lenore’s a nerd modern au!
alts under the cut
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blowjob-horseguy · 3 months
In all the mermaid aus I can find for steddie people make steve the mermaid and thats just not what I was expecting. Because does the image of long curly brown hair floating like seaweed in the water halo-ing a jet black gnarly tail not deeply intrigue you?
Pale webbed hands that are just a little too soft to be human covered in the found jewelry of fallen ships, holding a jagged shell to the neck of land baron's son turned sailor Steve?? I did not think I was the only one who saw this vision.
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an-inspired-eternity · 2 months
guys have i mentioned the reason hoc meiko dresses so drastically un-theaterly is because shes supposed to be nagi and thus is the vocaloid in their sekai most closely tied to an
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glass-noodle · 8 months
Au where Kamski is a merman too.
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AU where everyone’s a merperson!!!!
(Kamski still has a weird, creepy fascination with Connor, unfortunately for him)
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miusato · 2 months
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This is why I shouldn't be near any media because I will find a way to put my ship into different clothes and possibly in different au 😤😤😤
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akitheasteroid · 5 months
The Outcasts
Smg34 story :D
What the basic premise of this is
Next chapter
Chapter 1:
SMG4 was cleaning up the final parts of his castle getting ready for a hang out party that he was planning for all of his friends to attend. He invited them all last night and they all seemed happy to attend. He had all kinds of games, his Mario daycare that he originally built for the failed Christmas Party, and a snack table that really only had bags of chips on it. The party was going to begin soon so SMG4 did one final check and then burst open his doors expecting all of his friends to be waiting outside.
“WELCOME IN-” SMG4 paused midway through his sentence when he realized that no one was outside the castle. He looked all over, there wasn’t a single person in sight. Of course, not everyone was going to be there at once but usually there would be at least one person waiting. Did they forget? Did he tell them the wrong time? SMG4 checked the time on his phone, it was 4:15PM, he told them all the party was at 4, yet he was 6 minutes later and no one. Could they all just be running late? SMG4 decided he’d head over to their places, just to double check that they all knew.
SMG4 decided he’d start at one of the peoples houses who usually came to everything, his best friend Mario. He knocked on the Italians door, “Mario! It’s SMG4, did you forget about the party today!?” No response. Usually, Luigi would open the door right away, though Luigi is usually in some strange place or being bullied by Mario. He knocked again, this time harder, “MARIO! LUIGI! HELLO?!” Dead silent. SMG4 was beginning to wonder if they were even home until he heard a crash from inside of the home, then the familiar Italian babblings. Hearing that they were inside he kicked down the front door to Mario and Luigi’s house. Mario and Luigi were standing there arguing with each other when they noticed that their door had been broken down and that SMG4 was standing in front of them confused. “What are you guys doing? Why were you ignoring me at the door?” Mario and Luigi stared at 4 with harsh looks on their faces, SMG4 noticed their glares, “What? What did I do?” Four said confused. “Oh you didn’t do anything at all.” Luigi responded in a slightly harsh tone. SMG4 found it weird that Luigi would responded like that but he chose to gloss over it, “Anyway, how come you guys never showed up to my party today? I told everyone about it yesterday.” “We have better things to do then go to a silly party for no reason.” Mario responded extremely cruel. SMG4 was hurt by his statement, “Dude, what’s up with you right now?!” SMG4 yelled. Mario responded“Nothing just get out of my house SMG4!” Mario then pushed SMG4 out of the where the door would be. “And pay to fix the door!” Mario spat out turning away and walking away from his empty doorframe into his house.
SMG4 stood confused outside of the plumbers house. Why were they so cruel to him, Luigi especially? It was normal to be cruel sometimes, that’s what friends do after all, but it was always an obvious joke. He decided not to think about it and go to his other friends’ houses instead to see where they were.
House after house, he got similar responses from everyone, harsh and dry. Even Boopkins had a cruel response to being talked to by SMG4. SMG4 sluggishly walked home. Why was everyone so mean to him today?Did he mess something up?
He arrived back at the showgrounds, then sun was already beginning to set. He was about to enter his castle when he saw the inside lights of SMG3’s café still on. He realized he never did invite 3 to his party, he must have forgotten after telling all his other friends about it yesterday. It wasn’t a reliable thought, but maybe SMG3 would attend. He was the last person he could ask so what did he have to lose?
He opened the doors of the café to see no one in sight. “3! Are you in here?!” SMG4 yelled, the lights were on, so he must be in here. “SMG3!”He yelled again with still no response. SMG4 began to think 3 might have been hiding from him like Mario and Luigi were. He decided to yell one more time, he took a deep breath, “S-M-G-3!!” A loud thud could be heard behind the counter of the café“Ow!” A familiar voice said. SMG3 started to stand up from behind the counter rubbing his head. “SMG3!” SMG4 yelled again making 3 realize his presence. SMG3 yawned, and looked at SMG4, “Oh hey SMG4 what do you want?” SMG3 said drowsily. “Hey 3, wanna come over to my place for a cool hangout?” SMG4 asked nervously. SMG3 gave him a confused expression, “What? Why?” SMG4 took a deep breath ready to tell him everything since he wasn’t acting out of the ordinary.
“Yesterday I invited everyone over to a party but when it was time for the party everyone kept on rejecting me and acting strangely harsh and it’s really weird and I spent a really long time setting the whole thing up and you’re the last person I could ask so I would heavily appreciate it if you come to the party tonight.” SMG4 spat out. SMG3 took a second to try to process everything, he was used to 4 spitting out random nonsense. SMG3 realized what 4 said about his friends. “Wait you too?” SMG4 gave him a confused look, “You too what?” “I mean, everyone’s been unusually cruel to you today too?” SMG3 stared at him seriously. “Yeah, wait, it’s been happening to you all day as well?” SMG4 asked. “Yep, the entire day, no one even visited the shop today, and when I left to go shopping with Eggdog everyone I spoke to was unnecessarily cruel.” SMG3 shared. “Do you have any idea why everyone’s acting up today?” SMG4 asked.
“No idea, I didn’t even explode anyone today! The only nice one is Eggdog!” SMG3 crouched down from behind the counter and scooped up Eggdog.
“Well,” SMG4 started, “since you seem like you won’t be busy for the rest of the night how about we just hang out at my place? I have a bunch of stuff that we can both do, just us! Since, you know, everyone else is having a fit today.” SMG4 gave him a smile. SMG3 was hesitant, he looked at 4, who was giving him desperate puppy eyes. SMG3 sighed, some fun with his rival and friend couldn’t hurt. “Fine, I’ll go to your lonely party. BUT ONLY ‘CAUSE I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO DO!” SMG4 lit up and grabbed 3’s wrist. “Let’s go then!” SMG4 quickly dragged SMG3 with Eggdog over to the castle.
SMG4 still excited let go of SMG3 once they got past the front doors of the castle. He stood in front of 3 and introduced everything inside of the castle like he would’ve if everyone attended. “Welcome everyone to the most ultimate party ever! Over here we have the Mario daycare, card games, digital games, a snack table, a place to leave your pet with my pet BeggSMG4, and more!” SMG4’s excitement made 3 give a warm smile and tiny giggle towards 4. SMG4 saw this and he felt his face go red, confused on how he was reacting, he quickly tried to shake it off.
“Alright come on 3! You can go leave EggDog with Beeg so we can mess around!” SMG3 set Eggdog down to go find Beeg SMG4. “Hey SMG4! I bet I could beat you in Pong!” SMG3 said competitively. “In your dreams 3!” SMG4 responded with the same fun competitiveness.
Next Chapter
( @lizaluvsthis [im not sure if you want to be @ ed but you seemed interested so-])
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lilacartsmadsion · 26 days
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And just like that I also finished this.
Took me a while.
But hey continuing onwards with this comic.
Also some good old sweet LOOOORRREEE
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pilot-boi · 8 months
Wait that anon has something... What does Zwei do when he sees Jaune?
Absolutely adores him
Dog to dog communication
Honestly Zwei is legit very confused at first. He’s like “Dad? Not dad? Yellow sister but not her?? What?” Jaune doesn’t smell like family but he clearly is. It’s all very confusing for the poor corgi
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oftenlyshitposting · 8 months
i know some of us think vampire shin is great, but have we considered outcast, unwillingly-turned vampire sabine who hated what she had become?
plus! with shin's whole wolf imagery, i raise you recently-turned, power hungry not because she's a megalomaniac but because she's powerless her whole life werewolf shin.
vampire sabine who came from a long, powerful, and legendary line of a vampire clan. vampire sabine who was born a human, which cemented her outcast's image because her mother married her human dad and she was conceived before his dad was turned in an attempt to save him from his genetic illness.
sabine, who was turned unwillingly to a vampire because her mother wants to save her from the illness that already began manifesting in her from such a young age. sabine, who unlike her vampire-born half-brother tristan, is always disregarded by her whole clan since she was a child.
sabine wren, who grew up hating who and what she is because she didn't ask to be born human and turned vampire. meeting a rogue, recently-turned werewolf shin hati.
shin, who was found by a rogue werewolf baylan in a cold forest, bleeding out to near death in a wolf trap. shin, who was willingly turned by baylan's werewolf bite and was powerful enough to survive the transformation; immediately adopted by baylan and trained to master her new power.
werewolf shin who quickly grew to be as powerful as baylan, a rogue werewolf alpha, and had to watch him die at the hands of human hunters because she was too late to save him. shin, who slowly grew to be so vengeful of everyone and the world; humans, vampires, and even other werewolves.
shin and sabine met purely out of luck, starting out as powerful supernaturals who are seething with so much hate and anger, to reluctant partners because they are both outcasts, to shin teaching and showing sabine that she is more than what she is.
to sabine slowly loving herself, while shin falls in love with sabine without her even realising it.
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westwindyone · 2 months
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him and hroar battling to the death every night (they're neighbors)
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gearbroth · 1 year
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[concept-dump] Space-au - (main(?) Antagonist) Skal, enemy of sun and mentor to iron
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nix-tea · 7 months
I still have no idea how this three froggies from different shows could meet each other. But I like to draw them so much that I can't help but create an AU with them. ~
I'm thinking of calling it "Outcast, Assassin and Bard". What a nice company!
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