#our writing partner isn't super in the know about the details of our DID
system-of-a-feather · 9 months
(physical abuse tw)
Me: I think the best / greatest thing about [Character] is that he really has gone through so much shit, SO much fucking shit, SO much objectively horrible and traumatic shit and done SO much objectively horrible and traumatic shit, but he NEVER sees it as an actual trauma because it is just his normal. It just makes him look and say and talk about the most fucked up shit in the most EERIELY calm and casual manner that its so....
Writing Partner: ?
Me: I know you know a bit about XIV / Johnny in my brain and this is making me realize a thing.
(cut to XIV semi-regularly; who is actually like 1/6th introjected from said mentioned character above)
XIV: HONESTLY I know its disordered as shit and I totally support everyone else in the system's opinion cause I know theirs is probably more healthy and "normal" but like, I honestly don't really hate or even dislike our dad. Like I'd even go to say I like and appreciate him, cause like yeah he's physically abusive and has a history of picking fights with us, but like... honestly? It gave me the drive, passion, and joy for combat and getting the shit I want and need and taking charge of situations. Like, dude will ACTUALLY fight me 1v1 and I literally don't know anyone else who will literally fight me 1v1, so like... I really genuinely can't hate him lol. Like if he ever wants to get physical I am MORE than excited cause its honestly fun. So like I GET parts being uneasy or being mad at him for that cause I KNOW how it SHOULD be perceived but like.... He's pretty cool in my books.
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Hi Cas! How are you? I am in LOVE with your microfics!!! I never knew I needed Jegulus until I started reading your Jegulus, and I believe I have a new obsession to add to the list. I was wondering if you could give me advice on something. No pressure!
So my best friend has just started writing poetry, and I wanted to know how to show my support in the best way. She sends me her poems before posting them, and I feel like I always give kinda generic responses. I mean, I don't think i should offer constructive criticism (should I? It feels rude and I don't want to discourage her) and I always tell her that I love her writing and then quote the parts I liked. I just feel like it isn't enough. I mean, English isn't our first language and she's a bit insecure about her writing, so I feel really honoured that she shares it with me first, you know?
I want her to know that I'm extremely proud of her, but i don't know how? Help? Neither of us are great at saying the emotional stuff, but I thought I should make a gesture, so I encouraged her to make a tumblr blog. It didn't really work out for her, and looking back at it, I feel like it was a misguided show of support.
Was there something you appreciated from your partner/friends when you first started writing? Maybe something they did for you? I feel like I'm overthinking this, and she would definitely call me an idiot if she read this, but its important to me that she knows I care.
Anyway, I hope you have a great day! Sending you lots of love! Give Minnie a forehead smooch! ♡♡
PS: Ik this ask isn't as important/serious, but I don't know any other writers irl. please don't feel super obligated to respond or anything!
Wait this is so absolutely sweet. What's her blog, I'll follow her?
Yes, don't give constructive criticism unless it's requested. But I think you're doing exactly the right thing! My favorite comments (if I had to pick, I literally love them ALL) are the ones that pick a specific part and go into detail about it. It makes me feel special because if I really liked that part, it's a little dopamine boost that someone else liked it, and if I was unsure about it, it's a nice reminder that it WAS good. Also I love comments about what emotions I made people feel or how they can relate to what I wrote. Eliciting emotions from readers is an amazing feeling, and it's amazing to hear about. Last, ask about her writing. Like, be proactive, you know? When people ask me to read something I literally want to screech and giggle because 'whaaaat? you want to read what I wrooooote?' It's an amazing feeling.
I hope that helps!
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aita-blorbos · 8 months
Am I The Asshole for not telling my QPP that I (sort of) came back from the dead?
My Queer Platonic Partner (4595 M), who I'll call F, and I (~300k M) got together in the late eleventh century, and we've basically been married since the sixteenth century. (Not legally, obviously, but we lived together and pooled our finances and all that.)
While doing some spy work in France during WWII (on behalf of the Allies) I got another future vision showing me getting killed by this cult of weird supernatural obsessed rich people, and I could tell it would happen sometime in the next year or so. Now, there are ways to shift small details of the stuff I see in my future visions, but I'm pretty sure trying to change anything too major would break the fabric of spacetime, if you could even manage to make a change in the first place, so I accepted pretty quickly that my demise was inevitable and started making preparations (writing a will, etc.)
Obviously after all this time I know F pretty well, and he tends to struggle dealing with grief; most of his friends are other immortals and he only really interacts with mortals professionally. I also know there would be absolutely no way he would just accept the fact that my death is inevitable, and would end up spending the next however-long-I-had-left trying to find a solution and would probably really beat himself up about it when he failed.
On top of that, telling other people too much about my visions tends to lead to bad stuff happening (like an immortal cult leader/dictator from my home dimension, who we'll call C, massacring 60+ planets, attempting to take over Earth multiple times, and basically turning his kid into a living weapon), so I don't tend to tell people about them, a boundary which F knows about and usually respects.
So basically, I didn't tell F what I saw. I got kidnapped, he tried to rescue me but was a bit too late, I bled out after getting stabbed by a magic sword, etc., etc. Now, when people of my species die, we get reincarnated. We're reborn in an entirely new body, and with our memories suppressed, we grow into entirely new people with entirely new experiences. You keep your magic powers and basically stop aging around 20, but that's about it. It's a bit different for humans for slightly complicated deific political reasons, I think? F knows this because I told him about it at some point.
After I died, the wife (? F) of one of F's old friends showed up and told me she was Death and that C was gonna try to invade Earth again at some point in the future and my help would be needed, so she was willing to let me sort of... stick around in my reincarnation (now 78 NB)'s brain. So obviously I agreed.
My reincarnation, E, was born somewhere in the US shortly after I died. For context, F and I previously lived in the UK. I hung back for most of E's childhood because I wanted to let them live their own life, but I did help them out a few times with bullies and shitty teachers and stuff. (They're queer and neurodivergent and grew up in the 50s, so they didn't exactly have the best childhood).
There wasn't exactly a whole lot I could do to contact F when E was younger, and even when they got older, there still wasn't much I could do without fucking up their life, so basically I spent several decades only showing up when E was asleep or everyone involved was super high, so even E didn't know I existed.
Sometime around the early 80s E started getting into superhero stuff, which isn't really my cup of tea, so I ended up sorta taking a nap for a few decades. I woke up in the mid 2010s to find out that F and E had apparently become friends? Again, I don't want to mess up either of their lives, and it seemed to me like F had moved on, so I continued hiding.
Recently, C started trying to invade earth again, so I started sneaking out at night to try to stop them with the help of R (18 NB/M?), the literal only other person who knew I existed. (He accidentally ran into me getting a late night snack while breaking into E's house for prank reasons. It's a long story.) We ended up running into some other people, including F's dad (4622 F), so eventually a total of like, 4 people knew about my existence. None of them knew I was me, as in F's dead ex QPP/E's past life. Fortunately, I was able to convince everyone not to tell E or F about me.
Fast forward to a couple months ago, C launched a full scale attack on the city where basically everyone involved in this mess lives. I won't go into too many details, but during the attack E ended up getting hit with a "sleeping spell" which basically just knocked them out, leaving me in control of the body by default. My fighting style is pretty different than E's, so F recognized me almost immediately.
We ended up getting into a pretty big argument about me not telling him I was still around, during which I ended up finding out that after I died he basically lost all faith in humanity and tried to destroy the world a couple times, and he basically admitted he still wasn't over my death, but he was also really pissed at me for not telling him that I was still around. I tried to explain but F still insisted I should have told him. We're both fairly stubborn and quick to anger, so the argument ended up getting a bit out of hand, and now we aren't talking to one another. I understand why he's angry, but I still feel like I didn't have any other choice.
Am I The Asshole?
(Side Note: E is now aware I exist and is trying to act as a mediator. They understand my reasoning for not outright telling them, and had a pretty good laugh over all the signs of my existence that they missed, but F is still pissed on their behalf about me not telling them.)
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Interlude - Friendly Advice
Part 5 of Weaving Constellations, a Gale x Tav fic, continued from here. Part 6 here
(A/N: This one is a bit longer, and Gale isn't even in this chapter! I figured that almost all the companions would clock that something is weird about Lyra dating her patron, so they're all going to be curious. Please please please ask me about the significance of what they all bring up to her/take note of it yourself! It is important and I was super proud of it. Also this was quite the exercise in writing different character voices - each character has a distinct way of speaking after all. I hope I did them all justice!)
“Well at least I know why you turned me down. Even a perfect mortal body cannot compare to the sordid delights of the fey, I hear,” Astarion needles Lyra later in the evening, “I do hope you will regale me with the dirty details. I’ve always wondered what sex with an archfey is like.”
Lyra scrunches up her face as if to fight off the rising heat in her cheeks. “I honestly cannot tell if you’re being sincere or not.” She smirks in challenge, “If you’re just trying to get a rise out of me, I could tell you some stories that might even make you speechless.”
“Me? Insincere?” Astarion puts on an exaggerated affect of astonishment. “I have no idea where you would have gotten the idea.” There’s a moment where he seems to be calculating his next words in his head. “I am wondering though… is the whole contract thing part of the kink? The possessive ‘no one can touch you but me’ sort of dynamic they write about in those cheap smut novels? I’ve never seen the appeal, personally.”
“Our romantic relationship isn’t part of the contract at all. I’m not bound to him that way.”
There’s the slightest bit of relaxation in the curve of Astarion’s mouth, which quickly turns into a sly smirk. “So you’re saying you’re available? You’ve wounded me with your rejection all over again.”
“I don’t need a contract to stay loyal to my lover,” Lyra smiles in return, sliding back into their easy banter. “You’re not nearly as tempting as you think you are.”
Astarion laughs, “I will have you know I am a consummate lover. It’s a shame you had to miss out, darling.”
Lyra laughs and shakes her head. “Keep talking like that and I won’t share the wine I snagged from that abandoned apothecary.”
“Alright alright, you have silenced my silver tongue. Give it here, and I was serious. I want all the details.”
The next day, Lyra’s magic has returned. She can feel it, but Midnight is still silent, perhaps another layer to her punishment. She focuses her energies into getting out of camp and exploring -  they have just taken out some phase spiders when Wyll mentions off-handed: “You know, Lyra, your magic really does look different from mine; it stands out in the low light here. I’ve been curious how fey pacts differ from fiends. Perhaps you’d share what details you are permitted?”
That evening Lyra summons her copy of the pact with Wyll. He seems rather surprised that she has one available, and scans through it with a careful eye. “I have not had many opportunities to look over my own contract, but even I can tell the legal language is quite different. Where fiends seek to close every available loophole in strenuous detail, archfey, or yours at least, are annoyingly vague. It could serve as a boon just as easily as a hidden dagger.”
Lyra laughs. “Oh, he talks like that, too. I can never be entirely sure what he’s saying half the time. There is a comfort that he never lies, but I’ve never been able to keep up with him.”
“Is that not difficult? Perhaps I’m an old-fashioned romantic, but there has always been something about truly understanding your partner that has appealed to me. The love that blossoms from that depth of seeing each other at your best and worst.”
Lyra’s smile is strained just slightly. “There’s beauty in mystery, too. And… I cannot truly fault him when I have never been skilled at reading people. We’re very different, and that’s the beauty of it.”
Wyll purses his lips and tilts his head, as if giving Lyra that point. “Regardless, should you ever need to leave this pact, I do believe I could help.”
She shakes her head. “I appreciate it Wyll, but it’s not like that.”
He holds his hands up. “I know, I know, but I would be remiss if I did not offer my aid, just in case.”
“Hey, Twinkles, what are the Fey Wilds like?” Karlach asks as they trudge through the mud of the swamp, avoiding redcaps who seem to think they are sheep. “Much as I appreciate the change in scenery from Avernus… they’ve got to be better than this.”
“I’m sure it is. I’ve certainly read of the wonders of the fey wilds… but I’ve never actually been.” Lyra responds, hopping over a rotten log.
“What? You’re dating an archfey and you’ve never been to the fey wilds? What’s up with that?” 
“Well, Midnight came to me on my plane. I’ve certainly wanted to, but it’s… never been the right time.”
“I mean, the Fey Wilds aren’t really friendly to mortals. I’d understand if you’d rather avoid it. Think your fey lover will move to the Sword Coast for you?”
Lyra scoffs. “Certainly not. He’d hate it here. Long term is… difficult to think about, what with him being immortal, but time flows differently for the fey. Hopefully he’ll bring me over before I lose my youthful good looks.”
Karlach pulls Lyra in for a sideways hug. “Come on, after this is all over, I’ll take you to see your boyfriend. I get to see the wonders of the universe, you get to have a little visit, and then I bring you back safe and sound to Sword Coast soil! Win-win!”
“We would have to find a portal first.”
“Just no deals with a hag. We’ve had enough of that lot.”
Lyra is reading at camp when a blade is tossed at her feet. “I wish to spar, ready your stance,” Lae’zel commands, standing above her.
“I’m not really the weapons type…” Lyra hedges, leaving the blade on the ground for now. Sure, she’ll use a crossbow or her staff in a pinch, but she much prefers her magic.
“That is precisely why you must train. Pick it up.”
Her tone brokers no argument, so Lyra marks her page and picks up the sword. “I’ll make a terrible sparring partner. Wouldn’t you rather go to Karlach?”
“To instruct is to sharpen one’s own knowledge. Widen your stance.”
Lyra does as asked, and Lae’zel kicks her legs to adjust her position further. “And… why me?”
“Wyll has honed his skills with a blade, despite the pact he holds, because he knows he must be able to rely on his own strength. Chk, you have left your left flank completely exposed, ready your blade at the defensive.”
“So this is because I’m a warlock,” Lyra guesses. Or perhaps because she went without her powers for a day. She hates that Lae’zel is right. She was useless until her punishment was up. “Just because I’m not athletic, it doesn’t mean I’m weak.”
Lae’zel tests Lyra’s blocking. “On the contrary, your will is strong, and your wit sharp. It is clear you possess innate power within. It is no wonder your patron seeks to keep it on a leash.” Another strike, Lyra stumbles back from the weight behind it. “You lack the musculature to beat an opponent in a strength match. Adapt and move with their attacks instead to weaken the blow.” Another one, and Lyra attempts to put the advice into practice. The blow doesn’t send the same shockwaves through her arms.
“Your body is not nearly as disciplined as your mind. Again.” Lyra stands her ground, frustrated by the exercise she very much did not ask for, then takes an opportunity to swing on the offensive. Lae’zel sends her blade flying out of her hands and into the dirt. “Perhaps I spoke too soon, and your mind lacks discipline as well.”
“What the fuck, Lae’zel? You come over here to swing a sword at me and insult me the whole time?”
“Chk. Those were not insults, ishtik. They were warnings. Your emotions cloud your judgment, your loyalty to a patron that would leave you powerless. You are not. Behave as such.”
Lae’zel decides that has been enough training apparently, and goes to sharpen her blades. Lyra sits back down, stunned and unsure if she should be angry or flattered.
“Seems like your love affair is the talk of the camp," Shadowheart remarks not long after Lae'zel’s sparring. “Even Lae'zel has taken an interest in your love life." 
Now that Shadowheart mentions it, it does seem that the others have taken more interest in her pact since her confession. “I've no idea why, when Gale made love to the goddess of magic. One would think that would be more interesting to gossip about.”
“Yes but he's not anymore. Usually patrons couldn't care less for their warlocks, except for how a warlock serves them. Now we may have to contend with a very angry Archfey should you come to harm.”
“I'm sure he would understand," the false words sound hollow even to Lyra. But more importantly, she wonders if he would mourn her. Surely he would, but after what he said about mortals…
"Call me curious, but I don't really see what you get out of the arrangement.”
Lyra furrows her brow and tilts her head. "What do you mean?”
"Well obviously he gets a pretty human to bring him shiny magical trinkets, that much is clear. But…if you're so in love, if you don't need a pact to be together, why have the pact at all?”
Lyra fiddles with the hem of her blouse. “Well, he grants me magic power, but I suppose that does not count in your eyes?”
Shadowheart waves that off. "You were already studying magic, you would have had that anyway.”
"It’s… complicated.”
Shadowheart purses her lips, giving Lyra a once-over. “Yes, I suppose it is…” She turns away from Lyra to look up at the sky, a companionable silence stretching between them for a moment. “Far be it from me to pry into someone’s past, but did you even want to get into a pact with him? When you stole the artifact?”
Lyra debates for a moment if she should tell the truth. Evading the question would be answer enough, and she does not want to lie to a friend. “...no. I did not realize how fey pacts worked. Once I got that artifact for him, that was a trade, and such a thing is binding with the fey. I had to enter into one or risk losing him forever. I couldn’t let that happen. I loved him.”
“Past tense?”
“You said you loved him.”
“I do. I love him. Present tense.”
Shadowheart arches a brow, as if skeptical of Lyra’s answer. “Alright. Slip of the tongue then.”
Lyra sighs and looks up to the stars with her. They have always been a comfort.
“I’ve always loved the night, as long as I can remember… which admittedly isn’t much.”
“Me too. The lights in Baldur’s Gate wash out the dark. You can really see the stars out here.”
“I cannot tell what came first, my love for Lady Shar, or my love of the night. I like to think it’s the latter, that I was always destined for her.”
“It’s how I feel about Midnight. He looks as if he was taken from a tapestry of stars themselves. My love of the stars, of the cosmos, of magic… it was always leading me to him. We were meant for each other.”
“Or perhaps we’re both a little too caught up on destiny.”
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versutusdea · 3 months
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hello everyone! my name is fey (23, est), and i’m currently looking to pick up some more writing partners interested in avatar: the last airbender. i typically prefer to write on discord, though i could be persuaded to try other platforms as well. i posted a much more informal ad about a week ago, however i’m brainrotting heavily at the moment and have decided to take myself a bit more seriously this time! below the cut, you’ll find more information in regards to my rules, things i’m looking for, etc. ☆
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01. first and foremost, i will only write with those who are older than 20 years of age. this is for my own comfort, and its a boundary that is very much set in stone!
02. i don’t generally prefer to write smut-centered threads. if that’s all you’re interested in doing, then we’re probably not the best match! it’s certainly not something i’m averse to writing every once in a while and if appropriate, but i do not write smut for the sake of writing smut. i’d much rather prefer to focus on character development and world building!
03. communication is greatly important to me. i’ve had too many instances in the past where partners both long and short–term have ghosted me completely out of the blue despite their apparent interest in what we’re creating, and it honestly doesn’t feel great. if you feel that something isn’t working, or if you’re just not into what we’re writing anymore, tell me! i promise that i’m very approachable, and my goal is always to create a safe environment where we can freely express our thoughts, ideas, and opinions.
04. within that same vein, i do ask that if my partners are going to be away for extended periods of time with little to no activity, they let me know. i understand that stuff happens, but if at all possible, do let me know if you’ll be away for longer than 2 weeks. you don’t need to tell me why, obviously, it’s just good to know when to expect inactivity (otherwise i might assume that i am, in fact, being ghosted). i always do my best to offer all my writing partners this same courtesy!
05. please understand that i am currently in college full time, and am not always able to be as active as i’d like. again, i’ve had people in the past straight up remove and/or block me if they felt i’m wasn't replying to things fast enough with absolutely no communication otherwise. i do try to be around as much as possible, but sometimes life gets in the way! i always strive to be as informative as possible if there are instances where i’m not going to be around as frequently. if you’re expecting 2-3 thread replies weekly, i’m probably not the person for you.
06. i looooove chatting with my partners about our plots! like, i will be sending loads of headcanons, pinterest boards, playlists, etc. i get really super enthusiastic about the characters i’m writing, and i’m equally as invested in those my partners are writing as well! it might take me a bit to warm up to you and gauge just how annoying i'm allowed to be, but we'll get there, i swear. if you’d prefer not to talk much ooc for whatever reason, do let me know, and i’ll absolutely lay off the gas.
07. i am doubling / mumu friendly. though it isn't necessary, i've always felt that the more, the merrier! it’s just important to remember that with my busy schedule, more threads may mean that it takes me a bit longer to reply. i’m always making an effort to give every character equal attention, and never want anyone feeling neglected. this does not mean i will not double up, of course, especially if that’s your preference! i just don’t want to set any unrealistic expectations.
08. at this time, i’m mostly interested in writing things that take place within the canon universe and am not looking for au threads. however, i’m not the kind of person who needs to write everything exactly as it’s happened in canon. like... they already did that, so why would i? i’m no stranger to tweaking details of the canon as we see fit, nor do i feel that my portrayal of most characters follows the canon 100% of the time anyway. i still like to keep things so that they’re more or less grounded in realism, but then again, this world isn’t real, sooo...! certain characters from the story lack depth, and developing that myself is one of my favorite things!
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katara ( !! )
ty lee
i will not write things like incest, age gaps (nor will i age up characters if there would otherwise be an age gap), etc. i'm mostly interested in writing as katara at the moment, but i listed other options as well! again, i'm open to doubling. ships can be mxf, mxm, or fxf. i’m open to most ideas, so feel free to suggest whatever’s on your mind and i’ll let you know if it’s something i’d be into trying! also, our pairings don’t have to be romantic! i loooove writing platonic stuff as much as i do romantic. currently, i'd prefer to do strictly cc x cc pairings. depending on the themes of the plot, i ask that characters be aged up to be 18+.
if this sounds like something you’d be interested in, leave a like on this post and i’ll reach out to you as soon as i’m able! please do not dm me first, as this will make it more difficult for me to keep track of everything.
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lostinbooks14 · 6 months
Guys- I need help.
So I'm writing this book with a friend of mine. She's super excited about it...but the thing is...she hardly ever has ideas. It's a very complicated plot and I've had to make up 90% of it. She says "the ideas will come" but so far, only like 10 have come. And even then I have to be the one to add them to the plotline in a way that makes sense because she makes the most illogical ideas that would just complicate the plot even further and will not connect and will leave plot holes. And I feel like the biggest bossypants in the world when I point that out to her.
And she keeps forgetting everything we decided about the characters and the plot- even her own ideas. But I thought, that's fine, she loves writing (I've never actually read any of her stories) so she'll make up for it once we start.
But she just sent me the draft... and... she forgot to do it in third person. We're writing the POVs of 5 characters so we decided a few months ago to do it in third person to not confuse the readers, since it's usually find hard to remember which character is 'I' in the first few chapters- and the character's names. But now she's written in first person.
And her writing style is so unnatural. The character sees her best friend and goes, "A and I met when his parents moved into our neighborhood from Australia. Our dads were business partners -his dad makes electronics and my dad sells them, at least that's what I was told. One time A's babysitter was sick and my mom insisted on taking care of him while the dads discussed "important" matters. We both instantly clicked because we had similar interests like oh! Video games! Ever since that day, we had been inseparable. With him, It's always easy to open up and be really honest because I know he would understand whatever I was going through and having a friend like him beside me was a comforting feeling." Yes, that's what she wrote. I mean who sees someone and immediately thinks of their long past and how amazing they are. It ruins all the suspense. A (dw that's not his real name. I cut it out.) and this girl's friendsip is the main friendship in the series and the dynamic we decided on will definetely get the readers rooting for them- that's why they should be kept in suspense, wondering "when did they meet?", "how did they meet?" Etc. Etc. It's not fun when it gets handed to them on a silver platter. Frankly, it sounds like a documentary.
Her descriptions are really bland and boring and even the conversations sound very typical. Like, as soon as she mentions going home and playing video games, A immediately yells "oh im so gonna beat you!" and she's like "you bet your butt you won't!" Which is the typical interaction between gamers in most books. But A's personality is NOT competitive. It's one of the first things we decided about him. He's meek and lets people walk all over him. Plus he's very quiet and insecure and tries to hide that he does geeky stuff like play video games and fiddle with machines and chemicals. Yelling about video games in the middle of a crowded school hallway is not smtn a bully victim usually does. And the girl also really cares for A. She is very competitive with most people, but her main good quality is loyalty. She's the type of girl who wouldn't bat an eye at a rando kid being bullied, but goes full mama bear mode if its someone she cares about (she becomes better later). She'd lose (reluctantly sure) if it meant boosting A's self confidence.
The characters are all just so amazing and i feel like she isn't doing them justice!
I haven't mentioned these worries to her, because I've already been telling her off for forgetting super important details about the plot and the characters... and I don't want to act like the boss cause we are supposed to be co-authors...so....
Please tell me what to do
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Gang of Secrets!
I'm very late today at writing this because life ;-; You know it's a bigger episode when they start off with a problem. Ladybug doesn't want to detransform so she's desperate to find reasons to remain Ladybug. I love how the entire time, Chat Noir knows something's wrong and wants to get her to talk about what it is, but she just tries to pretend she's fine. If anything, Chat Noir would probably be the best person to talk to considering everything he's dealt with too both with Kagami and his responsibility as Chat! She could mention that she was seeing someone but they broke up because of her secret, and she could tell him how much being the Guardian's having an affect on her. All perfectly well and good without exposing any identities or things like that with questions for details asked. Instead she puts up a front with him and pretends she's okay in front of him and it's just so sad. :/ I understand why she doesn't, probably because she doesn't want him to know how much she's struggling. But ugh my heart hurts for her. Chat: I know where we can go where we won't have to talk! Ladybug: Yes, take me there Chat! *in the theater* Ladybug: You lead me into a trap. I MEAN HE'S NOT WRONG THOUGH! Not many places you can go where it's okay or encouraged to not talk without there being an awkward silence. But that cracked me UP. Also that casual attempt to wrap his arm around her lolol still hasn't give up, I see. I also find it simultaneously hilarious and extremely depressing that Ladybug's ranting like that in the theater because of a romance movie. When your heart is broken, that's probably the last thing you want to be doing. And Chat Noir yanking her down asking that she be quiet 😂 Literally just rants her entire love life out for everyone including Chat to hear in that theater. CHAT NOIR, YOU BETTER BE LISTENING BECAUSE SHE'S TALKING ABOUT ADRIEN HERE "She takes a long time to tell him and stutters and blah blah blah" lol sound familiar, sunshine? If anything please have him recall this later and be like, wait, didn't Ladybug say girls stutter around a guy when she likes him? BAM. Then he's off on his path towards Marinette. I can dream. Ladybug: And how do you know if he loves her? IMPOSSIBLE. Adrien: No, Marinette couldn't possibly be in love with me. *eyetwitch* But at the end of the day. This is Marinette ranting to Adrien about how she had to give up on Adrien and then couldn't make things work with Luka because of her secret. Ooof. And poor Chat having to apologize for everyone because Ladybug's disturbing them XDD THE GIRL SAVES EVERYBODY'S LIVES PRACTICALLY EVERY DAY AND THEY'RE PISSED SHE'S RUINING A MOVIE THEY CAN JUST REWATCH? 😂 She's clearly having a hard time right now, c'mon people! Chat can tell she has a broken heart. This boy is so sweet. He wants her to at least admit that and talk about it so she can feel better but you know, Ladybug's stubborn. I WANT TO GO SWIMMING LET'S GO SWIMMING CHAT, WOO HOOOOOO! Ladybug acting like Chat to hide her pain just like how Chat acts like Chat to hide his pain. YOU KNOW WHAT, IT'S FINE. :') It doesn't matter how much pain she's dealing with, those pictures mean too much to her to remove them. x3 Thanks Juleka for showing us how sad Luka is now, that's very helpful. Marinette's been going into the bathroom at school to cry, and then had planned stupid looking glasses to hide her tears so people wouldn't have to know she's cried because wearing a ridiculous pair of glasses that's embarrassing is better than being asked what's wrong. Because the pain I feel for her wasn't already enough. Ugh I adore Trixx. Trixx being the voice of reason when Tikki's not there, trying to help and letting her know that Tikki may need to rest too when she's so upset it doesn't cross her mind. And the tears in her eyes when she apologizes to Tikki for not thinking of her like she should. ;-; SO MUCH PAIN. OH DANG Alya was literally a second away from seeing a detransforming Marinette lol But she did say DETRANSFORMATION or well in the English dub it'll be "Spots
off" I love Rose, she's really sweet. and considerate But she also shouldn't be touching things in others rooms like that. I never liked it when my friends went around my room touching stuff. Also didn't help that a couple of them stole from me... but it's just not a cool thing to do. Would've probably ended up much better had she not had to desperately hide an exposed Miracle Box. But then we wouldn't have had what happens so it's all good c: Marinette saying she doesn't want to be friends with the girls anymore
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It hit Alya deep. Everyone else is like *le gasp* but her eyes all shrunken like that, you can tell it really got to her hard.
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This entire exchange right here. Alya's glance at her in the first picture is piercing, like I can feel that OOF feeling in my chest when I see it. The new music dramatizes it so well that a lot of people probably didn't pay attention to it the first time around. Can we just appreciate how these animators got all these emotions so right and did such a good job animating everything for us? And those that work on the music too? Everything's so spot on. Marinette's red-rimmed eyes is so well done. "No, it can't end like this!" Awww Alix getting super upset too x3 I honestly think Alix could be the next one.... you know what I mean BUT I'll wait until the end to talk about it. Trixx pulling a Plagg and rescuing Marinette! x3 I seriously love Trixx, I really do. I know the other Kwami's got mad, but if he hadn't done that it would've been disaster, probably. And the episode wouldn't have ended how it did! And Plagg knowing it was Trixx who caused the Eiffel Tower to be all weird xD Why do I get the feeling the relationship between Trixx and Plagg would be like that of Chat Noir and Rena Rouge? And I want to point out, we got 7 whole seconds of Adrien again! Aren't we lucky? The last time we got so little of Adrien in an episode was when we had his parallel episode Lies. I don't think that'll happen this time but I do hope it means more Adrien later on. Ladybug: They're after Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chat Noir: Okay but remember everybody likes her (so don't go thinking she's a bad person for causing their akumatizations) Yes, I read between the lines. Ladybug being able to get through to Lady Wifi and have her deakumatize herself was absolutely amazing! I know Chloe was the first to fight off being akumatized but once you're akumatized it's obviously extremely hard to break. That says a lot about Alya. "Because you're an incredible friend, Ladybug." One, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Two, did you notice the little jerk of her head, gesturing to Ladybug like that when she said it?? It's the little details guys that make this so good. 😍 "Chat Noir, nooooo!" Guys, we got our tiny little Marichat scene! It's not actually real, but still! (okay but why do I also get this really weird feeling like something like this may end up being real later?) Alya giving Ladybug that hug 😭 Marinette has such good, supportive friends. I love them all. x.x YES THANK YOU. Alya's finally realizing there are more things going on with her than just boys. One of the things that's always irked me since Chameleon is that any issue Marinette has, be it with Lila or otherwise, she always assumes it has to do with Adrien. Of course, at the time she didn't know she was Ladybug but she should've still listened and realized there's something else up. But now she finally is noticing and I love how she was going to respect her regardless and not push. Pushing has always been one of Alya's characteristics, but she knew whatever it was was something too big and serious to push her on. "Marinette, I'm your best friend, and I always will be." 😭😭😭 This episode brought me so close to tears so many times. Marinette admitting she's keeping secrets, lying to everyone. Admitting that that's why she draws a line between her and Adrien, and why her and Luka didn't work out. Alya saying however heavy it is, they'll carry it together (MY HEART) And then Marinette saying "If I tell you, things between us will never be the same. It's going to destroy everything, change it all." It sounds like this girl is thinking about Chat Blanc and oop there's the sound of my heart breaking again. So much paaaain. "Je suis Ladybug." YESSSSSSS Why they had to leave it off on a cliffhanger But YESSSSSSS First, the expressions she had flash on her face, the gasp 😮, then the expression like she's trying to get her mind to process. Then if you notice, Marinette gives a little nod, as if letting her know that it's true. Then the way her eyebrows furrow and pulls her into the hug as she understands all that she has on her shoulders as that music plays. I'm getting
emotional just writing this. 😭 This episode is just so amazingly good in so many ways, I don't think I can actually cover it all. I'm very impressed. I've loved nearly every episode this show has put out, even those that a lot of people seem to hate. But this one, I don't see how this could actually be hated if you're trying to think of everything that happened from Marinette's point of view, her thoughts, feelings, struggles, depression. I will say, personally I hoped Chat Noir would learn who Ladybug is first. He's been such a good partner, very thoughtful, always putting his life on the line. He's also been dealing with a lot of the same struggles. I felt like he deserved to know first. However, this isn't about who deserves what, it's about what Marinette needs. It's not that she doesn't want to tell him who she is! Don't misunderstand. There are many times throughout the past 3 seasons where she wants to or regrets not being able to. But now, Chat Blanc's in her mind. She knows what could happen if she tells him with Hawk Moth still there, so she can't do it. So instead, she tries to pretend in front of him that she's fine even though talking to him about everything would help and fix so much. In her mind, that's not an option. I just hope that when he finds out she told someone else first, he doesn't think that she doesn't trust him enough to tell him. Next I thought maybe Alix. That way it'd be more understandable to Chat that she'd know, after all future Bunnyx clearly knows and said to Ladybug that she chose her because she's capable of keeping secrets (notice how Alya said that to Ladybug in the alley? I bet Alix will find out in the near future. Maybe not this season, but she'll find out.) But that's for another time. But now Alya knows! Her best friend, the one to have her back and will no doubt have it even more so now! Watch out, Lila. Alya doesn't hold back so I can imagine how vicious she could be to her (and I can't wait). And that brings up a very interesting thought. Alya will realize Adrien has been the only one to have her back in Lila situations. Why would he do that, hmm? When everyone else was so sure Lila's an angel and Marinette must be bad for saying anything negative about her. Journalist Alya, incoming! There's also the matters of Alya bringing up Marinette's feelings for Chat Noir because duh, everybody can see how much she loves him! There are even photos of them kissing, one of which happened in front of Alya's own eyes! Though affected by an akuma, they all know that kiss didn't happen because of it. And of course, Alya has brought up twice in the show so far that Adrien and Chat Noir could be the same person. And last time Alya said that neither of them could be Ladybug and Chat Noir. Except, she's now found out that Marinette is Ladybug. So maybe Adrien could after all be Chat Noir. I look forward to seeing how their new dynamic is. I wonder how this affects their relationship with the other girls. And I'm most curious about how Nino and Adrien may react to this change. I thought during Truth and Lies both that their best friends were going to find out about their breakups. Gang of Secrets was Alya finding out. Even though I feel like another parallel episode is just wishful thinking, I can't help but think it may be a possibility. Nino and the boys are going to wonder what's up with Adrien too. They're going to wonder why he's not with Kagami anymore so suddenly. So what if i the end, Chat Noir ends up telling Nino? I could see it, if this takes place shortly after Gang of Secrets, where she tells Chat that she's confided her identity in a very close friend and somehow they agree that he can tell someone too that he trusts to make it fair. It'd be an amazing way to exercise Ladybug's trust in Chat Noir too. Then we'd have both Alya and Nino in on it, keeping their best friend's secrets for them without knowing about the other one. Oh that'd be so beautiful! And also let them keep their Miraculouses too after the charms are given to them and Alya has the ability to break
free after being akumatized. I adore Rena and Carapace so much I'd be ecstatic if they kept them. 😭 Anyway, so much potential can come out of this episode and I honestly cannot wait until episode 4!!
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Ninjago the Island!!! 🏝🏝🏝
So, gotta be honest... this is not a Blind reaction thing, I actually watched it in French first so I know most of the stuff already 😅 It's entertaining, it got great animation, but nothing more than that in my opinion 🤷‍♀️
Still there is stuff I liked or I want to point out, and finally I'm seeing the English version so I can actually understand what the HECK they are saying 🤩
Alright, nothing else to say, here we go!
I haven't actually seen anything Clutch Powers related before Ninjago, is he always like this? I love that he is a jerk honestly, just wondering 😂
Press F for respect for intern Dwaine (at least he seems to like being... used?)
Clutch: It's just a bunch of rocks! It's not alive!
Totem: I'm about to end this man's whole career
Wait, Misako is part of the explorers club? ... that would have come in handy in season 11 to get the scroll of Forbitten Spinjitzu from the club instead of begging uncle Powers for it... *sighs* I don't mind plot holes in Ninjago like most fans I think, but if you wanna make Misako relevant again at least pay attention to the details 😅
Wow, after the end of season 13 I would've thought Wu was going to go through a midlife crisis, not Misako 😂😂
Oww, everytime I hear I get 😢 Bless your soul Kirby, always in our hearts 🖤🖤🖤
Well hello Brian
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Always nice to see you 😊
Twitchy Tim must have been pretty interesting to voice 🤔 I like him enough, he's fun and all, maybe not at the level of the characters we got last season
Okay, the place is called the STORM belt, there are LIGHTNINGS, and the sand of the beach is BLUE. Are we gonna address any of these similarities to our Bluebell here or not? 😅
Wait, Tim was giving a hot air balloon tour, does that mean other people where with him? What of them? Are they dead? Did he let them die on the island?... am I reading too much into this? Probably 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Alright, the part of the boats? SO COOL 🤩🤩 I literally can't say anything bad about the animation at this point
Why did they think leaving Kai, Jay and Cole on one boat was going to be a good idea 😂 Also Zane just randomly doing sick tricks on his vehicle, love that nindroid
I'm guessing Nya is keeping her water abilities for her season 🤷‍♀️
Yep, yep, this is why the creators try to keep Pixal out of the adventures, with her everything is way too cool and easy to access to 😎😎
Twitchy Tim: There are statues that become alive!!
Lloyd:... so it's a season 2 stone army ripoff, we've seen worse
It's a cute episode overall 👍
So Twitchy Tim has temporarily taken over Jay's role of spazzing out and complain about worse case scenarios... in another occasion they might have bonded over this, maybe 😂
Okay, survival position? MOOD
Why am I not surprised that Jay was the one that named him Zippy? 💙 Also HE'S SO CUTE 💕💕💕 Love how in every adventure, we always get very different types of dragon in this show 👌 I'm a simple person, I see a dragon... 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Oh-oh, it's the "Lloyd's done with this crap"'s face
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This means serious business... am I that used to LEGO characters that this way of crossing arms on the chest looks almost normal to me? 😅
Soooo, Master of the Mountain clearly gave Cole too much development... because now he got demoted to "the one who is always hungry" 🤦‍♀️ I'm all for Cole's endearing love for cakes, which is super relatable, but if you're gonna push it on his fun side, at least be coherent 🙃
Is it just me or it feels like the writing of this special was made by someone different from the one of season 13? Like, it's not bad, just less engaging and witty. For now. Maybe I'm being premature 🤷‍♀️
New way of nerfing powers, we got... weird, sucking power totem thingies... OKAY
My gosh I really can't say anything about the animation, look at that! It's all cinematic with such a light! YES!! 🤩
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So they at least addressed that lightning isn't a Jay's thing only anymore 😅
Alright, Jay having a mental breakdown because of a bridge because it always breaks, that's the Bluebell I know and love 😂😂 Nya telling him to keep moving was cute too 💙❤💙❤
Okay, I'm sorry but this really bothers me, what kind of lightning can instantly knock out the MASTER OF LIGHTNING??? Like, my gosh, really??? I hope they give us an explanation, like it's some sort of special lightning, because this really doesn't sit right with me. Jay is lightning proof, we've seen it in Skybound, we've seen it in Sons of Garmadon, I DON'T BELIEVE HE WOULD JUST BE KNOCKED OUT LIKE THAT 😡😡😡
Soooooo, storm amulet? Being one with the lightning? Is that the reason why Jay got to be the sacrifice? 😅
Alright, I am kinda looking forward for this one, what did Bluebell actually say or do to get him into trouble this time 😂😂
Oh, he just... introduced himself... well that was underwhelming
Bring ooooon Lloyd Grills 💪
Okay I did like the little speech, definitely resonates with how Lloyd survived this long even though everything wanted him to give up, even his father... I'M NOT CRYING YOU'RE CRYING 😭
Jay out there making the real questions 😂
Awwww Edna used to call him gift of Jay? I can totally see it, so cute 💙💙 Makes even more sense if Libber actually left Jay at the Walkers' door...
Pff, Jay made the connection I would've done honestly 🤷‍♀️ Like, him being the master of lightning really didn't give these dudes any impression or inspiration? Any cool idea, full Road of El Dorado style? 🙃🙃
Lloyd out there abusing of the animation budget 💚💚💚
Somehow these ninja never actual sneak in, it's always a huge mess everyone knows about beforehand 😂 It's familiar though, I'm used to it and happy with it 👍
I might not be the biggest Misako fan, but you know what I am a fan of?
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Dang it uncle Powers, you just got here to make a mess did you 😅
Not the first person of the fandom to say this, but Jay looks absolutely lovely with that flower crown 🌺🌺🌺
Oh poor greenie
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Lloyd just has the worst luck 😓
Jay: Why would I be the gift?
Kai: Yeah who would want Jay?
Nya: Huh, me?? 😡
Got some very good Jaya for this little special, can't complain 💙❤💙❤
I mean, not matter how big of a snake Wojira might turn out to be, we've already seen the biggest and the second biggest snake of all so 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Whoa, at last... IT WAS THE FIRST SPINJITZU MASTER THAT HAD SOMETHING HE SHOULD'VE TOLD WU A LONG TIME AGO!! 😱 Wu, you got pulled a Wu, how does it feel? 😂
Again, Jay freaking out, kinda my jam it's too funny 💙💙
Wow Kai way to be hominous offscreen 👏👏 I miss talking about my flame babe, this really isn't his time 🤷‍♀️
So when I first watched this I was genuinely, really excited about knowing the truth behind all this. It turned out very different from what I first thought, but at least in this case it's okay (besides I was pushing with the lightning meaning just to see Libber again 😅😅😅)
I feel like the guys get their powers stolen or blocked so much it takes them a minute to remember "Oh wait I can literally burn my way out" 🤷‍♀️
I... forgot that Misako knows how to fight 😅 She knows how to do spinjitzu too if I remember correctly...
Gotta love how they were all crazy worried about Jay, like, this is something that never changes through the show. They really care so so much for each other 💕💕💕
Ooohhhh, okay, so Wojira does seem to be the main villain of next season according to the story. I remember Tommy saying that we needed to have faith and this is probably why. The special was okay, nothing too much, and hopefully that too much we will see in Nya's season 😍😍😍
What the- pff, I didn't notice this the first time 😂
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At this point I can't tell if that one short with the chicken of the movie carried a hate or a love for chickens in the actual show 😂😂
Nice to see Jay standing up for himself at least for a little while 💪 Also Lloyd being "He's our trouble", aww family 💜
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Gotta give props to the voice actors, voicing an explanation while fighting must be pretty hard! WE ARE BLESSED WITH AN AMAZING CAST!!! 🤩🤩🤩
And there he is, our favorite jerk... shaved Ronin 😂 He does look a little weird, but it's fair, new animation and all. Not the weirdest until now 🤷‍♀️
I genuinely had to make a mental check to see where we are with Ronin now, like, he started as a villain, then a partner, he betrayed us, became an ally, he hunted the ninja, then joined them, that timeline was erased, he was around in SoG and... wow this man is chaotic 😂😂
Yaaaay, Twitchy's last minute redemption act! Lloyd is too good at motivational speeches 👏👏
A bit of Lava OTP/BrOTP
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Cause it's good for the heart ❤🖤❤🖤
Okay, Scooby doo reference, why not? Also honestly, I'm confident Ronin has seen A LOT of jails and prisons... probably won't stay behind bars for long 😅
Mammatus: sorry for imprisoning you and almost killing your friend
Kai: no biggie, that's how we make friends in this show
Alright the "And Clutch Powers" gag made me chuckle 😂 ... wait where is he- DANG IT UNCLE POWERS
Okay, this is the last time I say it I promise, but I mean. I MEAN
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Aaaaand sensei you jinxed it 😅 But you apparently awakened Nya's season so I'm gonna forgive you on this one 😉
There are a few little details that bothered me a little, and it wasn't as exciting as I maybe hoped it was going to be, but it was fine. Enjoyable still. These characters make me like the show, even when it got nothing too impactful 🤷‍♀️
But I got triggered about that lightning thing with Jay 😅 I guess I'll just fanfic whatever I had in mind...
Don't have to repeat myself about the animation *chef's kiss*
The writing was really less engaging, a little normal in a way? Idk just a feeling. Nice to see Ronin again though, I really like him. And nice to see Jay freaking out, I really like that too 😂
To be honest I wanted to put down my thoughts on this one because I REALLY wanna do the same with Nya's season 🤩🤩 I already know that Maya is gonna be there and I am so HAPPY already!!! 💙💙💙
So that's it from me! Thank you for reading me ranting, see you next season! 😊
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blueboltkatana · 3 years
GUrll ur so sexy... Like you're Hot. I don't care if you were bullied in school, you're sexy, they lied.
Also bitch I KNEW i related to you too much our ascendants are both in leo we're so hot.
Ok ok no now I'll stop complimenting and start with the roasting here we go:
So the sun is your sense of "self" it represents you on the more base level i guess you could say, like what most people think you're like is represented by your sun. With Sagittarius being your sun it means you're very energetic Especially for those things you are passionate about, you might have gone through a LOT of hobbies, only a few of them stuck around but you like to try things. You're curious about the way people's minds works, you wanna figure them out. If the conversations you have don't involve some form of psychoanalysis or philosophy you might loose interest. You are a Talker, maybe you talk very fast or you are often told to lower your voice but you don't do it on purpose you're just very very animated. You are kina volatile, in the sense that you value freedom in everything, love, work, hobbies. You have a huge rebellious streak and you kinda like testing your luck. Think adrenaline junkie. It's cliché but with this much Sagittarius in your chart you prob love traveling, like i said you will chase freedom because you associate it with happiness. If you find people that make you feel free then you feel happy. Rules don't go well with you. You don't really like being involved with fights per se but you LOVE debating, if you can beat a motherfucker with nothing but facts and logic you will and you will enjoy it.
Your way of flirting or making friends is "lowkey bullying" or my favourite "verbally throwing hands". If they shoot back you get heart eyes (my mars in sag agrees). You can be tactless as fuck tho. Like you will say some outrageous shit that MIGHT be funny if the timing is right or MIGHT make everyone in a 5 mile radius mad.
I NEED to talk about your moon in sag bc Babe, babe the moon tells us about our emotions and how we deal with them, how we express them and how they shape us. But BABE. Sagittarius moons are so bad at comforting people it's embarrassing, trying to make them think of smth else or do smth else to distract from the situation is NOT a good way to deal with your emotions... Avoiding your emotions like the plague is not gonna invent a vaccine... Saying "everything is fine :)" DOESN'T MAKE ANYTHING FINE PLEASE GO TO THERAPY. ok to give you some credit, you don't let shit bring you down, no matter what you always get up and that is a *strength* that i admire, but love you're burning the candle at both ends, especially if you get yourself in More problems by trying to distract yourself from One problem.
Also you've had a horsegirl phase or a dog obsession phase or both huh. AND your love language is sarcasm but the type that you will make someone laugh when you're insulting them. You're also hilarious irl you're prob the "funny friend" but with that scorpio mars and venus baby inside ur sad and dark as fuck ripp.
I also wanted to talk about your mercury in sag... Babe... Do you know what a brain to mouth filter IS?! do you recognize that word?!?! Cuz you have never used yours i think. Like you are hilarious but that's because you have dolphins in the head cavity baby. Not trying to say you're stupid, you're actually very smart and opinionated, probably have been told that you'd be a great lawyer or smth. But miss gurl please think before you speak for the love of god ur gonna make someone cry. Also ur mouth is foul. Have you ever spoken a sentence without a "fuck" or a "cunt" somewhere in there?! God bless.
Now for your scorpio Venus I'm just gonna say, more confirmation that ur Sexy as Fuck, scorpio venuses are just sexy, amazing partners, VERY passionate, whoever dates you will never forget you, for better or for worse you'll forever be on the back of their mind. You had a harsh emo phase huh, maybe loved some obscure shit like witchcraft or just love dressing all black like someone's mother died, i bet you wear silver jewelry a lot, maybe necklaces or rings or chockers. If this isn't how you dress now it was prob a major phase in your life. Or maybe you just love horror movies idk
Being as passionate as you are you don't take well to being mistreated or lied to, you might like to plot revenge and things like those, you wouldn't do anything... You actually prefer letting things go but you WILL make an elaborate scenario in your head at 3am or even as you stare right in the persons face.
With mars in scorpio you might be kinda passive aggressive, maybe you act like things don't really bother you but you throw a comment or two once in a while just to stir the pot bc you can't move on lmfao.
You are attracted to people that are introverts or generally just mysterious, like i said above the nature of the Sagittarius is to Learn and to Study. People that you can't immediately figure out intrigue you. All your crushes are either on geminis or water signs lmfao.
The best careers for you are the ones that allow you some freedom of either movement or expression and something that can keep your mind from flying away, something that keeps you intrigued, like research or writing. You're a very "all or nothing" person and it can sometimes scare people away, i advise you to work on compromising, being less stubborn and more open with your emotions and desires.
(part one bc I'm taking too long and I don't wanna keep you waiting so much) I'll reblog this with part 2
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Alright here we go part 2 of Roasting hella until she finds out I'm hiding in her walls.
I will skip over some planets that are Very slow moving and usually don't talk about you as an individual but refer to your generation as a whole.
I wanna focus on lilith for a sec bc worstie lilith talks about our fears, our more "darker" side that we hide from ourselves as well as the people that we love. Lilith in aries in the eleventh house tells me you might be afraid to take charge, you gravitate towards positions of leadership but you let go on the last second, almost afraid to have too much control, very often self sabotaging your own success. Your anger and you own ambition might scare you, you might be afraid of appearing too aggressive bc under your skin you have a deep rooted anger and rebellion that you wish to relieve but you can't find a good enough outlet, some things soothe it but you always feel like it never leaves. It might be related to some form of resentment that you never truly dealt with and now it sits uncomfortably with you and you just can't get over it and it bothers you. You might have been shy in groups as a child, maybe you talked a lot but it was always from a fear of the silence not always because you had something to say. The eleventh house is that of groups and friends and social awareness, technology and your hopes and wishes for the future, having lilith in this house talks about someone who had a hard time feeling comfortable around people OR someone who wasn't very accepted. You might have desperately wished for friends but have found it hard to find any. Or if you did, you deep down felt very alone. I would advise to learn to accept your anger and deal with it in healthy ways instead of brushing it off and repressing it.
The north node talks about what you need to focus more in your life for example in your case with Gemini in your North node you need to focus more on your communication letting go of anxiety and your relation with other people you need to become more interested in intellectual pursuit and growth. You need to let go off the need to always be right and look more at details instead of focusing on on the bigger picture all of the time. When your North node is is in Gemini then your South node is in Sagittarius which tells me that what you should focus less on is your pursuit of freedom and your rebellion. Be more aware of your words and use them with maturity.
Now let's have some fun with the ascendent in leo which we share and now i see why ur so relatable. The first house or the ascendant is that very superficial layer of our personality, it includes the way we carry ourselves, our style, the little habits or quirks we have. One thing about leo ascendants is that we have an obsession with our hair. Hair is important to us, some have huge hair that might remind you of a lions mane, others just have very unique style or color but we ALL are lowkey or highkey obsessed with it, either constantly touching it, pulling it, chewing on it, cutting it or dying it in unique ways you name it. You might have a rather large nose or cat like eyes.
This ascendent is full of life and light, very funny, light hearted and luxurious, you want to live that good life and i don't blame you. A negative aspect is that we come of as intimidating to others. ALL of my friends AND my ex have at some point told me I was intimidating to them. It makes us prone to overcompensating for it later in life so maybe now you're super outgoing and extroverted and you approach people first and try to be super friendly. Also you're an attention whore (affectionate) with a flare for the dramatics, very flamboyant, you basically fill the room with personality, it attracts attention and you love it. You're what people would call a "sunny" person.
You're hella competitive (get it lol) and you LOVE fighting your way to the top and crushing the competition. You're probably a weirdo that low key likes school. Not the way it's run or the teachers or whatever, but the "idea" of school. If you could just learn all your life you absolutely would.
Second house in virgo. The 2nd house is the house of money, work, income, daily routines, values, material possessions, habits, work ethic ect being in virgo it means you can have an extremely good work ethic, you put a lot of thought in planning and mapping your work, you might get overly critical on your work though and often undermine your own success and efforts because they didn't fit your impossible standards. You can be very organized in your work, you want things to be a certain way and if they don't follow your plan you will Make them. Its a good position for virgo but yoh need to be aware of not overworking by trying to do Everything on your own. Let others help you, and let people in your work do their own things don't try to help if not asked to because you will overwork yourself.
The third house is that of the mind, thinking, communication, siblings, interests and early education, in your case it is in Libra which means that you're early education might not have been very stable or it was a period of time that you look back with a lot of fondness but not much substance. You are a good talker but you get lost when it comes to details, you are indecisive when it comes to settling on an opinion on something if you don't have All the facts first, you always want to be right. You are pretty open minded and easy to talk to but you might have the bad habit of rambling off topic. You change interests constantly and you prob like to talk about others, you wanna know the tea if it kills you. You prob had a crush on a childhood best friend or on a hot neighbor. Your relationship with your siblings might be pretty good, friendly, no particular resentment or anything like that, you might be the one that everyone treats a little better, people let you get away with things more often, you might be the one that takes 2 hours in the bathroom lol.
Oof fourth house in scorpio babe how are the mommy issues? 😬 How is your relationship with your femininity? Having trouble with keeping secrets? So the fourth house is the one responsible for your home roots, your family, self-care, emotions, your mother, women and your femininity and having Scorpio here tells me that you might have very strong ties to your family, but they weren't healthy or emotionally supportive. You have grown with people that might have undermined your emotions, people that didn't teach you to set healthy boundaries and maybe even manipulators and gaslighters. You might have been the type to put your foot down a lot a home, assuming a very dominant role as well as the defender. You're very private about your family life and don't want to let people too close.
Ah i just noticed u have like 3 planets in this house including ur Sun and Moon, babe this house is what you need to focus on when you go to therapy. This almost secretive, guarded approach to understanding your own emotions is very prominent in how you see yourself, how you feel and with Pluto there, how you change. I could say the biggest changes in your life have happened in these areas and they have left the biggest impacts on you. Yes you are passionate and protective but don't let bad feelings marinate forever, address them and then move on from them because they're just weighting you down.
Fifth house in sag, also the house of your mercury. This house represents Love, romance, creativity, self expression, joy and childlike spirit. It tells me the way you express your creativity is through words which makes sense since you're a great writer, but not only, the way you express Love is also through your words, expression and free thoughts are your way you tell your loved ones how much you mean to them, think poetry, long rants, music recommendations bc of specific song lyrics, you have been writing form childhood and it's one of the ways you express your view on beauty as well, to you love is freedom and freedom is expression.
Capricorn in the sixth house paired with both uranus and neptune being in it tells me there is something about your knees, joints, bones or teeth in particular that stands out when it comes to your health, maybe you tend to break your teeth, maybe you like chewing on crunchy foods, maybe your joints crack a lot, idk but I'd drink my milk if i was you, take care of your joints and bones. Also for you, being emotionally unwell often translates to being Physically unwell as well, so be mindful of your emotions because they do affect you physically. You need to keep hydrated also and your health plan needs structure for it to work bc that neptune makes everything very chaotic and uranus constantly makes you bored and wanting to spice things up. Take care of your emotional needs just as much as you would with your physical ones. And for the love of jesus be CAREFUL with alcohol or smoking because that neptune in ur health house could mean serious trouble if you let it become an addiction, don't push it.
Aquarius in the seventh house of relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners ect means you are untraditionally traditional. That makes sense in my head let me explain. Aquarius is a sign that seeks individualism desperately, it likes to feel like a special person, impossible to understand. Yet always feels comfortable in the structure of traditional and safe paths. So for example you might marry someone in a way that is not traditional but at the end of the day you wish for your marriage to have a stability you would feel safe falling into. Also it says ur gay. Air signs in the relationship house says ur gay i Make the rules.
Pisces is in the eighth house of sex, intimacy, shared finances, inheritance, taxes, loans, property, mystery, partner's resources. This tells me you fuck with feeling lmfao. Or you simply make your love life something "special", a connection that only you and ur person can share, it's what makes you an amazing lover and an unforgettable one as well. But as amazing as you are at creating a otherworldly atmosphere, ur just as shit at setting boundaries and saying something when you don't like something. You don't like to see things that you love ending and a failed relationship makes you blame yourself too much, you have the tendency to stay in situations where you are being mistreated but you tell yourself It's on you.
A recurring theme I'm seeing is some weakness when it comes to liars or manipulators in your life. So either you irrationally fear people are lying to you because you "lie" to them about yourself or a lot of people in your childhood might have used lying or gaslighting as a way to keep you under control. I would advise to try not to overthink and become paranoid, people love you and they believe in you and they aren't deceiving you, they don't secretly mean something different from what they have said. Listen to your intuition about people sure, but don't confuse it with anxiety.
With lilith and aries in the 9th house of travel and higher education and religion I'm gonna assume you might have religious trauma. Religion might have been a way that people used to try and control you, if not religion then some form of system or government law. Being queer i completely understand the sentiment but in your case it's take a step further because you Value the ideals of this house so much, with lilith here, it's like at som point in your life you were finally awakened to how much injustice there was in the world ant that has made you very inclined to take action, you cannot stand unjust government or non tolerating religions. You might have felt crushed under an unjust system and it took you a lot of will and conviction to find your individuality and build yourself how you wanted once you were free.
Your midheaven in taurus tells me you are one that will achieve any goals you set your mind to. It might take you time, you might procrastinate around it, but at the end of the day, you will do it and you will do it well and it will be rewarding. If your father isn't a Taurus then he was a stable figure in your life, very much a rock for better or for worse. In your career life people will see you as very competent, very down to earth and helpful but you know you just procrastinated till the last second possible and stayed up all night do finish your work... You will seek careers that you believe will guarantee you stable income and a comfortable life. You might indulge in luxury from time to time because you think in order to get the position you want at work you need to look the part. Ultimately it's your sheer stubbornness and spite that gets you all the way up to the top of the food chain.
The eleventh house of groups, friendships, humanitarianism, and social awareness is in your case in gemini. It tells me you value friendship extremely and you surround yourself with a diverse cast of friends, you couldn't mix your different friend groups if you tried and you have tried. You have the habit of being too friendly to everyone which makes you end up with more friends than you know what to do with. You are approachable but people can get the impression that you are putting up a show or a facade and your emotions arent genuine, it's not always the case but you need to be more truthful and assertive, put some boundaries and don't let people get away with shit you don't like. Your public persona is very well liked, seen as fun and bright and smart and overall a joy to be around.
Now that last placement... 12th house cancer, i have the same placement and babe I'm sorry for all the shit you have been through. You deserve the freedom to be unhappy and to express that unhappiness in healthy ways. You deserve to be given unconditional love and support no matter how many mistakes you say you have made no matter how overly pessimistic you are about yourself it doesn't matter you're amazing and i love you and you deserve the world.
With jupiter the planet of expansion in the 12th house of endings, spirituality, solitude and karma?! Gurl i did say u were a cult leader but i didn't think it was astrologically backed up rippp. But it also says you might have a hard time getting the motivation to finish things, you might take a long time to finish a project. This house placements also tells me you're amazing at writing emotional ass fantasy stories which by now we have confirmed, but if you have like, an original idea for a book don't hesitate to get it started babe bc u have a very promising placement for that. Don't get too dragged into a sad whirlpool of emotions and daydreams but bring your creative ideas to life and you'll be fine.
This is all I'm doing today and i think it's enough lol. I'm posting this I'm sorry to my followers for the long ass post I'll tag it so you can filter it. This was a whole psycho-astrological analysis of our favourite writer Hellspawn1975. I have wanted to study her like a new lizard species for a while and i finally got the chance thank you hella for the opportunity.
Final words to @hella1975 i hate you and I'll fuck ur mom tomorrow, gn babe <3
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dansenfans · 4 years
From Dansen fans admin.
This is a collaborative reaction to some (not all as we would be here forever and a day trying to write it down) of our problems with the current storylines on Supergirl. Before we get into that, a word on who helps run the account. We are a varied set of users, but all recognize the importance of Dansen, but also Brainia as representation that not only helps other LGBTQ people - it undoubtedly has saved a life somewhere simply because someone sees themselves represented onscreen. Do not think for a second this is an exaggeration or untrue. The representation is that important and needed. LGBTQ representation is far more than just having a character on TV. It gives those who are marginalized a voice. It gives that child growing up in a hostile environment simply for being LGBTQ hope that their life can be okay. That they aren't a freak. Or they have sinned.
We are from within the LGBTQ community, white, POC and from the heterosexual community (as an ally). So these comments are from a diverse set of people. We all love different characters and even multi-ship in some cases. What we all have in common is a love of Dansen.
What we all also have in common is our absolute horror in not only how the current LGBTQ characters are being used, but how relationships are suffering for it. 
Even away from Dansen we are finding the current overall arc of the story extremely difficult, because there is now such a disconnect from characters and friendships.
Let's tackle the LGBTQ and Dansen problem first. 
William has as much presence as a tree stump. There is something called the potted plant test, and that basically means, if a character can be replaced by a potted plant in scenes and not be missed, they don't need to be there. William is that plotted plant. So many of his scenes could easily have been done by Nia (who is a journalist after all) or Kelly (who we still don't know if she knows Kara is Supergirl, which under the circumstances is utterly laughable).
There is also something in the screenwriting industry that is writing 101, and by all accounts (according to a screenwriter a couple of us know, and no they aren't in the Supergirl fandom, SM or watch Supergirl), “Show us, don’t tell us why this relationship or friendship should work," is what you should have at the forefront of anything you write.
In other words, if fans are being told, or characters get continually told by those around them why they should be in a relationship, it isn't working.
The premise is pretty simple. You outline you want your character to have a love interest. You indicate who that LI might be. You get casting sorted, have chemistry reads. Consider the way in how they get together to fit the bigger narrative. What you don't do is tie it down that this is the way you have to go, regardless of what the story calls for. If after a few episodes, the chemistry onscreen between a character and someone completely different to the LI you had in mind is so obvious, so powerful, you adjust. You don't try to force the original LI into that scenario. If you then have to justify that LI (in Supergirl's case by having those around continually tell her she should go for a date with William, when she looks nothing but awkward and the chemistry is flat), then you fail on this basic writing point. If you ignore what a lot of fans, media and casual observers see elsewhere, you fail at the job of being a good storyteller. 
Supergirl has done both.
Ah but now we head into that territory of Supercorp. Look, we don't ask that people like Supercorp. This truly isn't about that. We aren't a Supercorp account. What it is about is the groundswell of fans who have increasingly seen a crackling connection between Kara and Lena, who had either of these characters been male, would've had them together by now. There are so many direct parallels to other couples, not just on Supergirl but elsewhere (particularly Clois, which fans have plenty of examples about if you look).
But this season, Supergirl took it a step further. The romantic coding that went on in 5a, that had direct parallels to the canon couple (Dansen) on the show to bait fans into watching (and yes it was queerbaiting if they didn't intend to make it romantic because that is exactly what queerbaiting is, and Supergirl has queerbaited now in the worst ways possible) is inexcusable. When you have media outlets, blogs, even non Supergirl fans see this and talk about it (each of us here has someone who isn't a Supergirl fan, but knowing there is a lesbian couple on the show assume Kara and Lena are that couple if they've caught sight of clips) then you have a problem, even if you don't acknowledge it. 
The latest hypocrisy of all this is how some fans have tripped over themselves to say how lovely, how romantic it was of William to remember Kara's coffee order, yet scream down other fans who said the same thing as Kara not only got Lena her favourite coffee and food - she flew across the world to achieve that, at a time Kara fully believed the friendship was fixed. To have fans called delusional for it is preposterous. You cannot do that. You simply can't, and this is a prime reason so many fans get angry and upset. 
Aside from that, the overtones of why William did the coffee run, it was actually more on the creepy side than friendship side. He even acknowledged his behaviour, with the coffee, the texts and the compliments was overstepping and not respecting Kara by his actions. Some say that's self awareness and bravo. We all argue it is borderline abusive.  If your self awareness is such you know your behavior is wrong, and you do nothing to stop or correct that behavior and carry on, then those are nothing more than platitudes. There are examples of people who have been triggered by 5.14 and Williams' actions, and citing why that has occurred as IPV survivors. Melissa is a IPV survivor and if others have been affected by this, we truly worry Melissa has been too, although we sincerely hope that isn't the case. Is that what you want as a fan, even if it is only a possibility with Melissa? Because we definitely don't. No fan should have been triggered from a character like that.
The 100th episode basically turned around and told Kara that she and Lena's destiny was so entwined, that they couldn't live without each other, or they would die for the other. Platonic or not, that is soulmate status. As for best friends? Those of us who are married are all married to our best friend. So many people, whether gay, straight, everywhere in between, say a spouse is their best friend. For anyone saying a best friend doesn't mean they're in love with that person is the worst take, as most of the time the best friend is the partner or spouse. William has barely been in the friend zone, let alone best friend zone. 
As for how William is impacting on the LGBTQ and current cast, there is no doubt he is in an extremely negative way. To the degree that Dansen has suffered significantly. Sure we had an emotional scene in 5.07, but we are now at 5.14, so a further 7 episodes in, and we barely have minutes worth of Dansen onscreen time. Last episode was less than a full minute total Dansen time and that's the best it's been in weeks.
Less than a minute! It was approximately 45 seconds for the first scene. 7 seconds (yes you read that correctly 7 seconds) on the second scene.
So this means that while we got nice character development beginning in S4, and to some degree early in 5a, we have had nothing on any note in regards Dansen all season, or Kelly throughout the entire season so far.
This means that we got invested in these characters, we were promised it would develop as S5 went on, to have this thrown at us as the best they can do? Any intimacy has been pretty much nonexistent, (we had more from Sanvers), and we get told that what they have given us we should be grateful for. No-one deserves that sort of disdain as fans. Yet we get told by others that Kara deserves a relationship with William? Save us the hypocrisy. 
No-one here is saying Kara doesn't deserve a relationship, but at the expense of others? Lead of the show or not, that is an awful take. Particularly when we have a fundamental relationship with her and Lena, even if it isn't romantic. 
If you cannot find balance as a writer to incorporate all of these things, then you aren't doing a good job of it at all. Azie in particular has been given the shittest end of the stick possible. Chyler hasn't faired much better. It is making Dansen now appear forced and lacking depth, and that's even allowing for the build up they gave us in S4. Kelly is a Black Lesbian, is highly educated, has (by all accounts) a loving solid relationship with another woman. All aspects we should be highlighting and applauding. Instead, here we are having to write at length some of what is so wrong for us.
Moving on to another area that was problematic. To have Alex discuss technical details as Kelly arrived in regard her work at Obsidian North, but to hear Kara say to Kelly, "She has never said words like that." 
Now this line could have been in jest, but it didn't feel like that, and considering Alex has a PhD in bioengineering, Alex is also an expert in alien physiology, and has used this knowledge in multiple D.E.O. operations. Alex was able to successfully create Blue Kryptonite to incapacitate Bizarro and working with Maxwell Lord, synthesized a cure for Red Kryptonite. She is also an accomplished neuroscientist and xenobiologist. Alex herself stated she could've had a promising medical career as a researcher had she not decided to work at the D.E.O. instead - and now you are saying Alex would never use that kind of language? Come on! That's so unrealistic it would be laughable if it wasn't so awful.
If you are a show who claims to be at the forefront of LGBTQ representation, who claim to be about female empowerment, you are giving us neither of those things. Someone else wrote this (taken with permission from Buddha in disguise on Tumblr).
"It seems we shouldn't ask for justification as to why William is on the show, but when we say the LGBTQ characters are being sidelined, that it doesn't matter one jot how diverse a cast can be; if said cast are not being given credible storylines or screentime, and if we say as much, we have to continually justify why that is the case. We get told to take what we are given. To insist on better, is oppressing the straight characters on the show, often said by CIS men (in some cases CIS women have argued the same). This isn't oppressing anyone, but asking that if we get given relationships, given characters we want to invest in, they get the storylines to accomplish that. Supergirl is failing the LGBTQ audience so badly at the moment. So many have the same complaints it is ludicrous to suggest this is just one section of a fandom or trolls."
The show is floundering. Winn got a more complete arc and closure in two episodes than anyone else so far on the show this season. We might have had 3 or 4 great episodes out of 14 of the 20 so far this season. The rest have been mediocre at best, with no obvious cohesive plot or storytelling. 
It is crazy that a Superhero show, that effectively has the freedom to pull in ideas from multiple sources with unique interesting takes that allows, has made it so boring, so full of drudgery that people are starting to turn off in droves. A fandom boycott isn't enough for such poor ratings on some episodes. Having moments in an episode that are good, possibly great, when the rest around it is so poor is destined to fail. 5.14 was another example of that. The moments that were good were enjoyable but the rest was so bad, it is harder to enjoy those good points. To even remember them.
Batwoman and Legends of Tomorrow have both done this far better of late (even if Legends have been a bit problematic with Zari), and the POC and the LGBTQ side of the stories have primarily been handled well. Batwoman in particular has just done an amazing storyline with Sophie Moore. The interesting thing is, a lot of people found Sophie hard to like to begin with. Many thought Kate Kane was better off without her. What changed all that was they gave Sophie an in depth, credible backstory and the chemistry between them grew organically. Fans could see the connection and increasingly yearned for it. They have also just tackled homophobia in families, particularly for POC. All without taking away from other essential elements of the storytelling. Supergirl take note; this is how you write a show that is integrated without hurting either the POC & LGBTQ characters or CIS straight characters. 
Now let's just broach the disconnect with characters and friendships. 
Because of the fracturing of friendships and relationships has been so extreme (virtually every one has lost all or most of what we had in previous seasons), we have lost core elements of the show. Of course the most obvious is Kara and Lena, but it extends far beyond that.
Alex and Brainy. Brainy and Lena. Brainy and Nia (Brainia is groundbreaking representation for transgender people to show they too can have relationships, but no, we can't even have that). Kelly and Kara (early S5 suggested Kara and Kelly were close enough friends now to talk about presents for Alex). Alex and Lena. 
Alex, Lena and Kara, which in the last two seasons have been the powerhouse behind them defeating whatever was going on around them as a team, but still allowing Kara to shine as the Superhero.
All these intricate relationships have gone. Instead we are faced with pairings that feel uncomfortable and awkward as a viewer, so the crux of what made Supergirl work has been lost. We are suddenly expected to be able to feel emphatic and understand completely unheard of pairings when we know nothing about them under those circumstances. Strangely enough, the one new pairing they have achieved this with is Andrea and Lena, because we got a fully fleshed out background, that also helped explain some of Lena's behavior today. The rest feels chaotic, and so far into the season that feeling of chaos should be going the other way. Instead it's increasing.
As we wrote this, the latest media outlet to highlight some of the problems the last episode faced came out.
It might not be a big article or have any real depth, but when The Radio Times wades in, you are beginning to lose serious credibility in media circles. The Radio Times is not some 2 bit media blog that you can laugh off or blame a fandom for.
5.15 promises to have better LGBTQ content, and is tackling a subject that Nicole herself became involved in with the writers. This gives us higher hope it is a better episode overall. We also know Kelly and Alex work together with J'onn, and while it would be great to see them partner up onscreen, we would actually really like just softer Dansen at home moments. We hope it incorporates both, but honestly the way this season has gone we aren't holding out much hope on that.
Last of all. We have seen several people tout that the plot twist is William in fact becomes a villain. None of us like the idea that another POC becomes a villain, but if by seasons end it occurred and so explained his presence (as a tool or high up member for Leviathan for example,) then at least that would give us something solid. But again, to do all this at the expense of all other characters is not what you want to see. Nor do any of us wish to see another POC get killed off if this happens as is being suggested. We would all rather William just disappears back to London to The Times. 
The last thing any of us wanted was to be writing this, but collectively our patience has run out. Our disappointment is acute. 
While we try to avoid mistakes and edit this, none of us are writers so please forgive any glaring errors you find.
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caticornsrreal · 5 years
Fighting Dragons with You
After twelve years, I'm finally telling the internet why I love Taylor Swift🖤 
Hello, internet using world. I’d like to introduce myself to the few people who followed me. Hi! My name is Christa and I am a Taylor Swift fan with every fiber of my being. Full disclosure, this is a short novel so now is your chance to make an exit, but I hope you stay.
Taylor and my ridiculously furry cat, Lyle
(affectionately nicknamed “rent-free”), are the only two beings made of flesh and bone who have been consistent in my life for the last 12 years. With a close second being my son, Gauge, who just turned 10. I won’t get into the details (in this post) as to why that is, but let’s just say there were a lot of ups and downs growing up.
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The last 12 years have been an evolution for Taylor,
and subsequently, for me. At (dare I say it) 
38 years old, I’ve found that a lot of things happen in a decade. Like, A LOT. Now, I don’t feel 38. I guess I owe that to humor, singing, dancing, sarcasm, and launching a successful career that didn’t exist 15 years ago —something that has made me always push harder to set new goals and stay humble. But one thing I didn’t do over these last 12 years that I deeply regret was starting a fan page for Taylor. I mean, ESPECIALLY since I’m a professional travel blogger who makes her full time living from digital content!
There’s been a lot of momentum over the last 12 years
—demands which left me with little to no free time. But I can’t blame my absence from the Swiftie family entirely on that. In fact, I’d have to say, I blame much of it on fear.
of being misunderstood, fear of judgment or writing something lame. I’ve had over 2,000 articles published online and in print as well as countless social posts, but the thought of Taylor seeing something I wrote and thinking it’s totally weird (or cough, too long for the internet), well let’s just say I’d be less afraid of walking into a burning building.
of being called a fake because the financial demands as a single mom left me little money to spend on myself or Taylor merchandise, much less tickets to a show. I’ve always placed my son’s needs before mine.
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that I was too old to be a Taylor Swift fan. I mean, I was 26 when she hit the music scene and she was what, 16? I’ve been afraid. Afraid I would be rejected by other Swifties who really are the only people who understand this love we have for her  —which is basically like being rejected by your own people. Also, it’s super weird to be following teens/young adults on social, much less engaging with them.
Along with my fear, a perfect storm of entrepreneurial demands, single motherhood, failed relationships (one of which was a marriage), and family matters have served as a constant reminder that my dream of ever meeting Taylor takes residence on another planet. An actual trip to Mars seemed more attainable. 
I feel like there is a whole demographic of women, “Swiftie Moms” who echo my story,
having watched Taylor grow into the strong beautiful woman she's become. Women my age who love her from behind the wheel of their SUV, on the way to drop their kids off to school, on the way back from a milk run, in the dark hours of the mornings when they’re dancing in the kitchen with a full on hair bun singing into a coffee spoon. Unnoticed fans who haven’t had the time to dive head first into the Swiftie Universe. But here I am. After all the fear and all the years...
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So, why?
This is a hard one to answer. I guess you can say that after many years of challenges, judgment from others, and doing the complete opposite of what logic and reason said I should  —divorce, single motherhood, a second degree in my late twenties... risking it all to start a blog (which by the way in 2013 wasn’t even considered a side job much less a career), I kind of got to a point where I became
I had to be. I had this tiny living, breathing human being who was counting on me at the very least, to give him a life a notch above the shit show I had growing up. Not to mention parenting —which is basically wandless wizardry pulled directly from the asses of parents. It demands that your mini human grows up to be a better human than you.
Yeah, unpack that.
Take all your collective shit, figure it out, and then teach your mini to do it better —to BE better than you at love, kindness, respect for others (especially boys respecting girls), integrity, money, and to be fearless. All while giving them the comfort of knowing that you, mom, have it all figured out... even when that couldn't be farther from the truth.
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Top that with the pressures of working in the public eye
—which, while on a microscopic level compared to a full-on celebrity such as Taylor, is still very much a juggling act with none of the entourage to lighten the workload. Add to it the demands of working with national brands, and the unwavering ability for other bloggers to tear you down at any opportunity, or even worse, try to get close to you so they can raid your success like a Black Friday sale.
I found myself at the peak of my blogging career
but I was consumed by fear, AGAIN! Fear of shady AF bloggers and publicists, and so much to lose. And fear that now, thousands of people would have an opinion of me formed by jealous bloggers, and they didn’t even know who I really was. 
That’s when letting go of toxic people in my life became essential
—when, no matter who they were, or how I was tied to them, I had to realize that surrounding myself with the ones who lifted me took precedence over the ones who dragged me down. 
After all that..... I learned to give zero f***s about what people thought, or what they said behind my back. 
And I had to start caring about what made my heart happy, what made my family and friends smile, and what inspired me to do better. BE BETTER. Be the example of fearless, with the hope that I was lucky enough to stay that way. But I'm a vulnerable human made of heart and soul and sometimes people can still take the best from me.
I had to be fearless.
In August of 2017 when "Look What You Made Me Do” blessed my ears for the first time, I felt it pierce my skin and course through my veins. And to the very bones of this young 38-year-old Swiftie mom, I was shook AF! I sang, I danced and I drowned out the haters in the blogging world. She had a very clear message,
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She had zero f***s to give, Taylor broke the internet.
After watching the seemingly endless myriad of shade thrown at Taylor over the years, my heart erupted with happiness as her flawless first single from Reputation revealed one BADASS BITCH. And with every music video release of her new era, she became a mythical Goddess with bullshit evaporating superpowers. Like, I legit think she’s an actual unicorn. After all, she does ride a caticorn named Olivia.
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She got harder, she got smarter in the nick of time
One single post on my Facebook page praising her new era and new single she brought with it attracted a slew of hate speech, white people bashing, claims of Taylor ripping off Beyonce... I couldn’t believe the things I was reading from fellow bloggers. I even had a GLOBAL BRAND threaten my business relationship in their ambassador program because I stood up for Taylor and spoke out about the hate speech which was placed on my own personal Facebook page. But I stood by my words.
Over the following months into early 2018, and to the tune of, “This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things”, I, along with a slew of about 20 other bloggers, ended up taking down said global brand’s publicist who was using his budget and power to demean and sexually harass female bloggers (which would later reveal that blacklisting me was more about not buying into that bullshit rather than my voice on hate speech).
Zero f***s given to those haters.
Mythical Goddess with bullshit evaporating superpowers level officially achieved for Taylor, and even for me. Although I wouldn’t call myself a Goddess. That's all Tay. 🖤
She found love through the noise
And so did I. In November of 2017, I had approached the year anniversary of the greatest love I'd ever known. My last stop. And as the tracks played on, my heart was full. We both found happiness through a seemingly endless sea of anguish.
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Taylor is truly doing better than she ever was, and so am I.
Her resilience up against the media and the demands of the industry are perfectly fearless. And her decision to keep her beautifully growing relationship with Joe private is wise. I’ve spent the last year at home, which has been incredible. I’ve had a lot of time to think about what’s most important to me, what has shaped me into the mom, partner and entrepreneur that I am, and it all comes back to Taylor. That’s why it’s time for me to be fearless again and officially join the Swiftie universe.
I’ve spent 12 years fighting dragons with Taylor
and growing a canyon of respect and adoration for her charm, wit, business savvy, musical talent, feminism, compassion, tenacity, love for animals, and of course her lovely, lovely, words. I’ve raised my son from birth with her. There isn't a single day that is spent where Taylor doesn't exist in our lives. For 12 years straight.
That’s a long time to love someone who has no idea you exist.
I play her music videos and YouTube uploads just so I can feel like she’s with us. And so my son knows that she’s one of the finest examples of a human being in his lifetime. I use Taylor’s kindness to teach my son how to be considerate and give back to others while sharing her fearless story with him so she can be a positive role model in his life. Taylor has essentially been part of our family all along. 
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My son Gauge has a running joke that Taylor is the only person that can make me cry
(which happens more than I'm willing to admit). And it’s not because I’m weak, or on the verge of a mental breakdown (although I challenge you to try parenting, you might argue that), it’s because I truly love her like a best friend. When I see her happy it makes me happy, when I feel her sadness, it makes me sad. It’s visceral.
I don't believe the human connection is meant to be one-sided.
I feel in my heart, as weird as this may sound, that we will meet Taylor one day, even against all odds. Existing in the same lifetime as Taylor without at least trying to meet her doesn't feel right. I won't look at my son and teach him to let fear and doubt win, or that defying the odds is an impossible task.
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Over the years I’ve been a spectator to her outreach to fans. She’s invited them to sessions in her homes, sent them gifts, invited them backstage, surprised them in their homes, made hospital visits, and Lord knows what else she has up her sleeve. And it’s all been done with pure excitement and love for her Swifties. With each outreach she extends, tears of joy are shed for fellow Swifties, and a ray of hope inspires me.
So, I’m starting a personal blog
which tells a very personal story of all the dragons I’ve fought with Taylor over the years. From living in a car at 15 years old to getting invited to LA premieres for Walt Disney and Marvel films. And I'll have no apologies for the truths that will be told (but will change names for privacy). It will be very personal and some of it won’t be pretty. Because life isn’t always pretty.
Taylor is releasing another album this year... we hope,
and she’ll be on yet another tour in 2020. After 12 years I’m finally ready for it. I’ve given my son everything he could possibly want or need. I’ve bought him a beautiful home in Northern Georgia. He’s been able to travel the world and do things most adults haven’t even done. And I owe much of that to Taylor for giving me the strength to take major risks, the courage to face my demons, the balls to cut people out of my life who were toxic and the self-confidence to defy the odds and do things my way.
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2019 is our year to show @taylorswift how much we love her.
I’ll let the universe do the rest. Till then, I’ll be fighting dragons with her as I always have and writing my journal for her and anyone else who wants to read the memoirs of an OG Swiftie mom who keeps it real AF, full-on hair bun and all.
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