#originally intended this for the 14th
oleanteri · 1 year
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Let's hang out! 🌼
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shane-west · 2 months
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During the course of the day, the Titanic was sent numerous warnings about the iceberg from other vessels, the first warning sent from the Caronia at 9.00am. A total of five warnings were sent . On the same day the first scheduled lifeboat drill was cancelled by Captain Edward Smith without explanation - meaning that the crew were unrehearsed in what to do when the time came. At 5.50pm Titanic changes course from south west to due west. This was originally planned to occur at 5.30pm but was delayed to allow Titanic to travel further south in an attempt to avoid the ice region reported by the Baltic. This change should have directed the Titanic into an area of the gulf stream that would be free of icebergs; in any normal year this would be the case, but 1912 was not a normal year for ice – cold water had pushed the warm gulf stream further south – and the change in direction actually put the ship on a collision course with the iceberg.
At 9.40pm Senior Wireless Operator Jack Phillips receives the fifth and final ice warning, from the SS Mesaba, warning of a “great number” of large icebergs and field ice just 15 miles ahead of the Titanic. Because the message was not prefixed with MSG – the signifier that the communique was intended for the captain – Phillips treated it as non-urgent, failed to pass the message on, and returned to the busy task of sending passengers’ personal telegrams.
At 11.39pm The iceberg lies just 1,000 yards ahead, but the moonless conditions mean the lookouts cannot see it. 30 seconds later and Frederick Fleet spots the iceberg, calling the bridge to proclaim, “Iceberg, right ahead!”, but it is too late to avoid a collision. At 11.40pm Titanic hits the iceberg, hitting the starboard bow. Many passengers and crew sleep through the collision whilst many others – including lookout man Fleet – assume the ship has survived a glancing blow and is undamaged.
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artist-ellen · 4 days
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Tada! Peasant Aurora! Or... Briar Rose at this point.
Sleeping Beauty is set in the 14th century. Not only is it the origin for the original fairytale but Prince Phillip has a rather iconic line in the Disney film explicitly stating that it is the 14th century.
This outfit has a two layer dress. One is the actual dress and the other is a surcoat that isn't just fashionable for the time but also serves it's intended purpose of protecting the dress underneath. The 14th century is the beginning of more form-fitting dress tailoring, so details like the lacing on the sleeves and tighter fit are important for defining the era's fashion. She should be wearing an apron and a veil or wimple but it is artistic license? (And there are some historic evidence of loose hair illustrated in this time so if anyone could get away with it, it would be a peasant girl who has never met anyone outside of her caretakers?)
Either way, Aurora's movie palette really works for this kind of homespun outfit with nods to her royal (purple) heritage. I went the extra step as well and added ribbons in the colours of her future wardrobe.
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /
(I'm reposting these in 2024 because apparently tumblr lost them, and this lets me work on longer series that I can save up to pose more regularly)
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howtofightwrite · 22 days
Are horned helmets actually a thing? How would a fantasy race that has horns... compesate for them?
Only in the sense that people do make them for various reasons. There are ceremonial and ornamental horned helmets dating back into the bronze age. There's a famous example that was gifted to Henry the VIII in the 1500s.
As I said, some were made for religious ceremonies. Usually for priests of horned deities (there's a bunch of these.) In these cases it could be made from either metal or actual animal horns. I'm not familiar with much beyond that in these cases because archaeology and anthropology are a little outside my area of expertise. I'm not aware of any religions that still use horned helmets, but it really wouldn't surprise me if it pops up from time to time. I'd also categorize head gear with attached antlers in the same range here. It wouldn't surprise me if it exists, or existed, but, I'm not aware of any examples.
We have depictions of horned helmets from knights at tourney in the 14th century. (And at least one surviving example.) This is probably legitimate. At least, in so far as that the knights may have worn horned helmets to show off. Though, this head gear wasn't something that a knight would wear onto the battlefield.
The modern image of the horned helmet (and the association with Vikings) has a lot more to do with Wagner's The Ring Cycle, and particularly stage performances of that opera. (It's not technically original to that, but the horned Viking was a 19th century German invention.) This also the source for a lot of novelty hats and helmets that you can readily obtain today.
The problem with horned helmets on the battlefield is that it gives your opponent something to grab in a tight melee. And letting someone get control of your head in a fight is a very bad thing. This is made worse with a helmet, where the foe could easily unseat the headgear, potentially blinding the wearer long enough to kill them.
There are historical examples of horned helmets intended for use on the battlefield. The Japanese are probably the easiest example to reference. However, in these cases, the horned helmets were worn, specifically, by officers, and communicated their authority to their soldiers, so they could more effectively issue orders. Somewhat obviously, that's not someone you're going to see in the meat grinder of the front lines. (Also, in most cases, these horns were oriented vertically, and were probably too small to grip. The surviving knight's helm, mentioned above, also featured vertically mounted horns.)
Similarly, if you had examples of horned cavalry helms (particularly vertically mounted horns) used by late medieval or even early modern cavalry, that wouldn't surprise me. Especially if that was part of their parade dress. While it's not horns, the winged hussars come to mind as another example of absurd ornamentation on cavalry, and they continued operating until the late 18th century.
Now, as for a fantasy race, I could see grabbing their horns being a very, very, bad idea. This is somewhat informed by the fact that the first example that comes to mind is the minotaur, where grabbing their horns is probably a pretty good way to ensure you're going to get a horn run through your chest. Ultimately though, it becomes a bit like grabbing someone's hair. You've just committed a limb to limiting their head's range of motion, while leaving both of their arms unfettered. On the battlefield, that sounds like a great way to get stabbed in the armpit and die.
So, they are real in the sense that they existed (and still exist), but their actual use in warfare was extremely limited due to practical considerations. That said, people have thought they looked cool for thousands of years, and they're around. Though the Viking helmet is a complete fabrication by 19th century Germans trying to make the Vikings look cooler.
This blog is supported through Patreon. Patrons get access to new posts three days early, and direct access to us through Discord. If you’re already a Patron, thank you. If you’d like to support us, please consider becoming a Patron.
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larkingame · 2 months
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hello all! been a moment since we last discussed some things, so I'm coming online to discuss the progress of Larkin's development and make a few announcements :)
over the last ten months, larkin has gone through a lot of changes, some of which I've documented here--but most of it I've kept pretty private. I realized that over the few short years I've been developing the game, I sort of grew an unhealthy dependence on my presence within the 'interactive fiction' community that I really, really needed to take a step back from and break, all in order to ensure that I could enjoy working on what originally started out as a passion project for me.
since july of last year, I've completely reshaped and rewritten how larkin exists as a project, shifted it's genre and started collaborating with a few others to ensure it can be of the highest quality it can possibly be. uptop, i'd like to mention @tapeworrmart who's taken on the immense task of putting together most of the game art for me, @khiita and @ann1a-1 who have both taken on the roles of my editors (and also sounding boards for when I am being absolutely insane) and my production manager phillip, who without his assistance, larkin would barely exist. with that, let's do a progress report. the intended demo of larkin, or what i've taken to calling 'episode one' (yes, i said, 'episode,' more on that in a minute) has stretched to just over 200k words worth of content. it stretches all the way from the earliest versions of larkin's original prologue, to the end of the original chapter two. so far, we've completed 3 out of the intended 20 character portraits, as well as some more art that's slowly been in development.
now, on to the announcements. probably the biggest, and the one I am most ashamed of is--due to the fact that I've been slammed with graduate school work and some other external factors, Larkin as it currently exists is not the best that I think it can be. I'm deeply sorry for this, but I want to ensure that you all are getting the highest quality game you could get from me--and right now, I know it's just not that. Which is why I am unfortunately, pushing the release of the demo back until Friday, June 14th, 2024. Patrons will be granted access to the most recent edit of the demo two weeks earlier on Friday, May 31st 2024. In the meantime, I will be working day and night (quite literally) to get what I'm dropping on you up to par and something that I'm happy with.
To make up for this disappointment, I'm planning on repopulating the blog with a lot of content over the coming months, rewriting new versions of old asks, posting art and short stories.
Next on the agenda and also an equally important announcement. I'm changing the rating of Larkin to Mature or 18+ As I've been writing these past few months, working through a lot of themes and figuring out the story I want to tell, I've found that I think the change in rating is entirely necessary. While I don't think I've ever had that big of a minor fanbase--I think that this is just what I am most comfortable doing. There has consistently grown a little bit more of gore, and trauma exploration, which is the main reason for this change in rating, but, this does allow for the inclusion of something that I've been toying with since the intial release of the game. There is going to be explicit sex scenes in this new version of Larkin--all of which, you the player are able to opt out of, or completely avoid if that's something you want--but I just thought a little announcement would be warranted. This does not mean however, I am comfortable with answering thoroughly explicit asks or getting unsolicited sexual messages. The goal is to keep this game blog mainly tame.
Please respect this boundary of mine.
Third thing to be announced. I've also changed the format in which Larkin will be released. Rather than around the twenty-five chapters in one of a series of 'Books'/'Games', Larkin will be released episodically over four 'seasons' with eight-ten episodes of around 200k-250k words each (though, this is just an early estimate--they could grow longer, as I'm basing this purely off the demo/Episode One)
Finally and a little bit of a fun note: there are now twelve romance options throughout larkin, five male, three female, one non-binary and three gender-selectable. With those upcoming asks, you'll hear more about each in the coming days :)
With all that being said, I wanted to lastly thank all of you for supporting me over the years and putting faith and your interest in this project. truly, the support of all of you means the world to me and I can't wait to share more of larkin with you all.
thank you 💖
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October 26th is Dimìtrovden/Mitrovden (Димитровден), or the Orthodox feast day of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki. (Bulgarian: Свети Димитър Солунски) He is a 3rd-4th century Christian saint and great martyr (великомъченик) from the city of Thessaloniki in Greece, of which he is the patron saint.
Hagiographies refer to St. Demetrius as a young man of a senatorial family, who became proconsul and was tasked with persecuting Christians in the at the time still pagan Roman Empire. However, being himself Christian, he instead protected them, for which the emperor had him jailed. He was later speared to death as punishment for the defeat of the gladiator Lyaeus at the hands of Demetrius' disciple, Nestor. This marked the beginning of his veneration by Christians in the area, which grew in the following centuries, as he was said to guard the city against raiders.
Albeit not one originally, during the Middle Ages St. Demetrius came to be revered as a warrior saint, and iconography portrays him riding on a red horse, running a spear through various enemies — often Lyaeus, but also whoever was locally perceived as an enemy. In Greek icons, this is sometimes the Bulgarian tsar Kaloyan, while in Bulgarian ones — the Byzantine emperor Basil II The Bulgarslayer, or later on, a Turk. St. Demetrius is also associated with the founding of the Second Bulgarian Tsardom, specifically the uprising of the brothers Petăr and Asen, which broke out on Oct. 26th, 1185. The St. Demetrius church in Veliko Tărnovo (pictured above) was built in commemoration the event, and served as a coronation site of Asen dynasty tsars, who claimed him as their patron.
Traditionally, Dimitrovden marks the end of the seasonal transition from fall to winter, a period which begins on Oct. 14th with Petkovden. Bulgarian folk mythology casts the saints George and Demetrius in the role of twin brothers, whose respective holidays split the year into its warm and cold halves. The latter, elder of the two, ushers in the cold and darkness, as he rides in on his red horse and the winter's first snowflakes sprinkle down onto the earth from his beard. As St. George's opposite and counterpart, he takes on the qualities of a chthonic deity, and thus has connotations to death and the Beyond — under his patronage the so-called Dimitrovska Zadushnica takes place on the Saturday prior to Dimitrovden, one of several such holidays where food is given out in honor of deceased ancestors. Perhaps this is also why, in addition to St. George, folk imagination places him as a brother to Archangel Michael and nephew to St. Paraskeva/Petka.
Dimitrovden is the true end to the year's agrarian cycle — the harvest now over, it's time to put the farm tools away, make sure the animals have shelter and firewood is stocked up. It's also when farmhands and other labourers' contracts expire and they get rehired for the year ahead, which is why the day is also known as Razpust (Разпуст). As with other big holidays, a community-wide celebratory feast is held, and the customary ritual meal (or kurban) is mutton. The biggest ram is chosen, a pair of gold-painted apples are placed onto its horns and those present bow before it, after which it's slaughtered and cooked, and receives a priest's blessing before being served. Festivities are accompanied by music and horo (group dancing), which again has an intended matchmaking function. Namesakes of the saint celebrate the occasion, too — but they're traditionally served a chicken or rooster dish, according to gender. Other foods for Dimitrovden include corn, seasonal fruit and derived dishes, such as apple pita, pestil (a type of plum dessert), rachel (pumpkin syrup), etc.
Another activity which traditionally ends on Dimitrovden is construction work — a new house is supposed to have been completed by then, and the homeowners celebrate by throwing their own feast with a kurban, and inviting friends and relatives to witness the house being blessed by the master mason and the priest. The feast day has therefore been adopted as a career holiday of builders and masons.
The day's connection to the mysterious and otherworldly has inspired various beliefs and rituals of prognostic or divinatory nature, and anything from the weather and moon phases, to the behaviour of farm animals is observed carefully and used to make future predictions. Characteristic is the custom, known as polazvane (полазване), wherein members of the household make note of the first person to visit them, to physically cross the threshold into their home, and interpret them as a portent of things to come. Also, according to old treasure hunting legends, Dimitrovden is when "the sky opens" and buried gold emits a blue-ish flame just above ground.
Dimitrovden is part of the group of holidays, based around the idea of transition and liminality; between fall and winter, between the world of the living and of the dead. The Christian and pre-Christian symbolism intertwine, the martyr death of the saint mirrors the "death" of nature as the earth is covered in snow and daytime engulfed by darkness. And crucially — for a people whose perception of time follows nature's cycles — the coming of winter brings not only a period of calm and rest, but the promise of spring and renewal.
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skyrimfuckery · 4 months
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Oh hey guess what you wouldn't believe it but it's true! A new outfit made within a year? No way!
Yes way. I had the concept sketch lying around since last summer. Originally, the design was intended for Fadiyyeh, the redguard showcasing my Dragonstar armor. I wanted it to be a more Indian inspired witchy dress with more colours, decorative stitching, and jewelry everywhere. But her story was told and the Dragonstar armor project kinda drained me. So I decided to turn it into somewhat of an elegant gothic dress with coarse medieval armor parts! You know I can't resist adding historical armor to everything I make.
So here it is. A black brocade dress with a mix of 14th and 15th century armor (I did my research) and modern(ish) jewelry and boots. The gauntlets sport fake nails for extra goth. All in all, a pretty good mid-late game dress for a mage up to no good!
In hindsight, I should have added more lace pretty much everywhere, as the design is pretty simple at this point. Then again, that allows for more customization with accessories from other mods, in a similar vein to the Brigandine set. Texture wise, though, the dress is a bit boring. It's just the single fabric texture. But it works, I guess, and all the other parts look amazing so it evens out. This outfit was also my first venue into baking normal maps from high poly models instead of manually painting them. I think it turned out especially nicely on the boots and the gauntlets. I hope you think so too.
The armor is female only. It has no quest. As much as I want to give my items a place in the world, it seemed like an effort spent in vain. Plus, I had no ideas I liked for this dress. It's just something people wear now, I guess. The skirt on the dress will be physics enabled. I'm also experimenting with that now, spooky stuff.
This dress will be released on the Nexus somewhere next week. I have the weight painting and BHUNP sliders done, so all that's left is the inventory models, the crafting recipes, and tweaking the physics.
Oh yeah. I moved to SE because of data loss somewhere last May. This means this outfit will be SE only. I still have the mesh without physics, so technically I could make an LE conversion. Will that be worth it? If literally one person asks me in DMs I will do it, bet.
I already got plenty ideas for my next project. I'll have to focus on other things after this, but I'll make sure to keep you guys updated. I'm kinda thinking of remaking the Squire's plate...
Till the next one!
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mcyt-summer-of-yuri · 2 months
Hello all!! With the event nearly upon us, I figured it was about time (finally) to post a sort of FaQ for the event! So buckle up, everyone, this post is gonna be a bit of a long one.
What is the event timeline?
March 14th - March 28th: Mod applications
April 21st - May 4th: Signup period
April 21st: Discord opens
May 5th - May 18th: Assignments sent out
May 19th - June 29th: Gift making period
June 9th - June 29th: Pinch-hits period
June 30th - July 13th: First gift posting period
June 30th - July 20th: Second gift posting period
August 31st: Treat posting deadline
Is there an age limit to the event?
Since this event is run through Tumblr and an event Discord, the age limit to join will be 13 if you wish to join the Discord, but if you will only be participating via Tumblr, there will be no age minimum in place. To create/receive any NSFW gifts, on the other hand, the age limit will be 18 and we ask that your gift be censored when posted on Tumblr if it is a visual art medium (though if you wish to DM your giftee with an uncensored version, go right ahead!).
What is definitely not allowed?
• Themes of incest (canonical or in relation to headcanons specified in sign-ups)
• Themes of pedophilia (referring to ships containing minors, such as Child/Adult, Teen/Adult, Child/Child, or Teen/Child pairings, with an exception to platonic or romantic pairings consisting of only characters between the ages of 14 to 17 for Teen/Teen relationships)
• Themes of underage drinking/drug use (consumption of substances by characters under the age of 18)
• Themes of abuse (physical/mental/sexual harm inflicted on a character or mutually between multiple characters involved)
• Usage of slurs (words used in a derogatory fashion against a character in regards to aspects of who or what they are)
• Lack of consent (while dubious consent may be allowed if requested in your sign up, a lack of consent entirely will not be tolerated)
• AI generated art (this applies to fanart generated by AI, fanfic created using chat bots, and anything else along these lines)
What are the gift requirements?
There will be a few options for what kind of gift you can make, as well as the option to DM a mod either here or on the discord once it opens if your preferred gift type is not listed or if you would like to make your giftee an extra gift of a non-listed art type. The options and their requirements are listed as such!!
Art - clean sketch with lineart minimum (or whatever point of the process this would be in your art style if lineart is not applicable)
Writing - 1,000 word count minimum (if you intend to write multiple chapters, you must have at least 2/3 of your total story written by posting period and the first chapter must be no less than 800 words long)
Playlist - 2hr length minimum
Moodboards/Stimboards - minimum of 2 boards equaling out to 18 elements
Webweave - at least 1 board containing 10 elements
Video Edit - at least 45 seconds in length
Poem - 100 word count minimum (or multiple shorter poems with a total of no less than 100 words)
Other Original Content (DM a mod on the Tumblr or once the Discord opens for more information on alternative gift suggestions such as cosplay videos, original songs, animations, or other such ideas)
What are the included fandoms?
What are the Included Fandoms?:
For the sake of this event you will be given a list of fandoms to choose from in your sign up form to determine which series' you are willing to create/receive a gift about as well as listed characters in each series (with a section to include unlisted characters, though those will be taken as optional rather than required for the sake of matching you with a potential gifter) The selected series are listed (in no specific order) below!!
Life Series/Traffic Life SMP
Empires SMP
Witchcraft SMP
Rats SMP
Pirates SMP
Outsiders SMP
One Life SMP
X Life SMP
AfterLife SMP
New Life SMP
Minecraft Diaries
What counts as "yuri"?
For the purposes of this event, we will not be accepting genderbends or trans headcanons of canonically cis male characters. Yuri would include any pairing or character who would be eligible to fit into either the Sapphic or Trixic umbrellas.
What if I just don't have the time?
Well, if you're worried about not being available during the creation period but still want to participate, you're more than welcome to sign on as a beta reader (not just for looking over/helping out with fics!) or a pinch hitter/bench warmer!! Beta readers are anyone who would like to help someone out in the creation of their gift, such as glancing it over for any errors, brainstorming ideas, or other helpful things!! A pinch hitter (also known sometimes as a bench warmer) is someone who steps up in the event that someone who was signed up previously decides that - for whatever reason - they would be unable to finish the gift on time, and it is given to someone else to make on a more time-crunched schedule!! Both of these roles are very helpful and valuable to have in an event like this, so if you aren't sure about joining the event as a primary member, keep in mind these roles may also be options for you! Beta readers will be a Discord-only role, but pinch hitter roles will be available to anyone interested on both Discord and Tumblr, just be sure to respond quickly or someone else may take the offered hit before you!
Is this a Tumblr-only event?
Yes and no. While the event is run on Tumblr, you don't have to only post your gift here during the posting period! Edits may be posted to YouTube/Tiktok, fics/poems may be posted to Ao3/Wattpad/ffdn, playlists can be uploaded to Spotify/YouTube, wherever else you would normally post your content!! The only thing asked of you is that you don't post any spoilers before the posting period begins. No "here's an update on an edit/fanart I'm making for a gift exchange" videos/screenshots or the like, no posting poetry/fic snippets, and keep any playlists made on Spotify privated, for example!! You'll be DMed on Discord with your assignment if you join the Discord, and DMed your assignment on Tumblr if you don't! No stress either way.
Is joining the Discord required?
You don't have to join the discord to participate if you don't want/are unable to!! The discord is just a hub for those participating to talk about things and interact with one another, but if you aren't able/don't want to join for whatever reason, that's perfectly okay! There will be a deadline countdown every so often on the Tumblr, and on the Discord as well, so those not in the server will stay in the loop on that front!! If you don't plan on joining the Discord, just mark that down in your sign up sheet and everything will be just fine.
Will there be an Ao3 collection?
There will be a collection you're free to add your gifts to if you so wish, but it will be moderated so only those with given access can approve it into the collection during the posting period! If you'd like to add a fic, fanart, series of poems, or whatever else to the collection, feel free to do so and it'll stay anonymous until the posting period begins!!
Finally, who are the mods?
Our lovely moderators are hard at work making sure this event can stay on track! Everyone give them a round of applause!!
@rutellingmeashrimpfriedthisrice (event runner)
@daisy-bugs @aliteral-ghost @feyscape @sexyinaratkindaway @kaije224 @blocky-tides @queercode-my-minecraft @muriers
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cherrypikkins · 8 months
Here is my contribution for today's prompt for @fe-oc-week! Oct 9 - Introductions. I'll be posting about my fe3h oc, Kitt Burgess, as well as some related lore.
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Kitt Burgess (they/them) Date of Birth: 14th of the Ethereal Moon (12/14) Place of Birth: Annwen, a village in the southern Oghma Mountains, Adrestia Height: 159cm/168cm Affiliation: Church of Seiros Crest: None (?) Strengths: Axes, Riding, Flying Weaknesses: Faith, Heavy Armor Budding Talent: Reason
Personal Ability: Demonic Resonance - Bonus to critical hit when within the attack range of a monster.
Interests: Wilderness survival, monster hunting Likes: The outdoors, superstition and fortune-telling, peculiar tasting foods Dislikes: Fighting against people, church politics, insect swarms, bland tasting foods
Click the read more for more lore :3 !
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Kitt Burgess, Ward of the Church - Part I Kitt is a mysterious orphan who was taken in by the Church of Seiros at the behest of Seteth and Flayn. Though they are enrolled as a student at Garreg Mach, they have yet to officially join a house. Prior to arriving at the monastery, they lived in a remote village deep within the southern Oghma Mountains. Today, that area is but a burnt ruin, infested with Demonic Beasts.
Though outwardly polite and accommodating, they are known to be elusive, especially when asked to speak about themselves and their past. They are reluctant to use their full strength in combat, yet show an unsettling sort of enthusiasm when fighting monsters. They harbor a mutual distrust towards various members of the Church of Seiros, due to the latter's politics and secret-keeping. However, they seem to like the Professor well-enough and view them as a calming presence. They have an interest in superstition and local folklore, especially with matters concerning fate. They spend much of their time exploring the wilderness, investigating any reports of monsters or other unusual activity.
Should they be recruited, they will gladly follow Byleth to the end in any of the four routes. Otherwise, they will remain with the Church of Seiros.
Carnwennan, The Illusory Blade A forgotten relic associated with Gwyn, the Unsung Hero. The history of its usage and origins are unknown to Fodlan at large, as it has been discovered only recently by the Church of Seiros. However, the nature of its very creation is suspected to be 'monstrous beyond comprehension'.
It has the shape of a short blade, though it has the ability to suppress its own relic powers and take on the appearance of an ordinary knife. This would be explain why it has been highly difficult to track throughout history. Its true form is yet unknown. How it ultimately came to be in the possession of one Kitt Burgess is a story that they refuse to tell.
Despite taking the shape of a knife, it can be equipped as a sword.
Requires the Crest of Gwyn/Sign of the Mist Dragon to properly wield.
Chance of inflicting Silence on each attack.
Exclusive Combat Art: Spectral Sword - Might increases based on user's Resistance. Effective against Dragon foes and Mage-type units
Canopus, The Blessed Axe A sacred axe crafted by Saint Macuil, at the commission of Saint Seiros. Its powers are intended to be awakened when wielded by someone bearing the Crest of Gwyn. Because the 'true' bearer of the Crest of Gwyn has been lost since ancient history, Saint Macuil required the assistance of Saint Cichol and Saint Cethleann in order to correctly calibrate the weapon.
During the war between Seiros and Nemesis, this weapon was presented to the warrior Gwyn, who wielded it in defense of Enbarr when it was under siege. Upon Gwyn's departure from the battlefield, it was returned to the Church of Seiros and was last noted as being in the custody of Saint Cichol. Its present location is a secret closely guarded by the inner circle of the Church.
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funishment-rhyme · 7 days
Chiaki Nanami, Who Sleeps Well After This
What if the AI Chiaki from Danganronpa 2 knew that the Future Foundation based her on a real girl? In fact, what if they gave AI Chiaki the same memories? What if she had trouble distinguishing her new "life" from her past? Or is there a dividing line at all? (A slight re-imagining of Danganronpa 2's canon.)
⭐ WORDS: ~1000 ⭐ TAGS...
CHARACTERS: Chiaki Nanami, Hajime Hinata, Usami, Makoto Naegi, Monokuma, Alter Ego, others mentioned
TROPES: canon rewrite, angst with a bittersweet ending
TIMELINE: Hope's Peak Academy Arc (DR2)
TRIGGERS: blood (mild)
MISC: second person POV (Chiaki is "you")
Your name is Chiaki Nanami. You were born on March 14th to two parents whose faces you cannot remember now, and you remained an only child for all eighteen of your short years. First you went to Yamaki High School, and then, on the same day you beat the original Ninja Gaiden, Hope’s Peak Academy scouted you as their Super High School Level Gamer. 
Hotel Mirai, soon after arriving at Jabberwock Island. You settle into one of the lobby chairs, sink against the cushion until your knees practically touch your chest, and try to throw yourself into Super Mario Galaxy on your Switch before—
“Hi—um, is this yours?”
That voice—his voice—lights up a part of your mind like the backbox of a pinball machine. After the carefully constructed bytes of your brain calculate the ideal way to respond, you force yourself to look up at this intruder, slack-jawed.
“Sorry. I guess I picked it up,” he tells you. “Not that I remember. Maybe you dropped it in all the, uh, commotion.”
He smiles uncertainly. You let your algorithms sort themselves out until you feel comfortable enough to examine the object in his palm.
A hairpin—shaped like the player’s ship from Galaga. It’s yours, but you don’t know why.
Your name is Chiaki Nanami, and you did indeed come online March 14th, but you had siblings. For one: a twin sister who looked nothing like you, because she was a rabbit. Also: an older brother who taught you how to talk and how to think. You arrived into a digital world of darkness and data and you had two dads, only one of whom was still living.
You take the pin and tuck it into your hair. 
He says: “I’m Hinata. Hajime Hinata.”
Inside of you, an engine, a beating heart of numbers and code, screams at you to answer. Politely, it demands, like a friend! And yet there is memory, too, physical memory, from the time before your birth: another Chiaki, burning with betrayal, gasping her last on the ground of a beautiful schoolmate’s torture chamber.
That Chiaki beats against the walls of your artificially intelligent script. She wants you to cry and wail and force Hinata to beg for forgiveness, and so you want that, too. 
This is not the tutorial level you had hoped for.
Your name is Chiaki Nanami, and you would have stood in line for a Playstation 5. Unfortunately, you are dead.
You can’t form your mouth around the words to answer this Hajime Hinata. It’s not that you don’t know how: your older brother gave you an instruction manual on humanity, and on blending in, before he loaded you into the Neo World Program. It’s not that you don’t remember who you are, either. 
Quite the opposite. It’s that your fingertips twitch with the rage of a girl you never met, but whose avenging angel you are supposed to be. It’s that you are something called Chiaki Nanami and Living Dad intended you to save the souls of fifteen students from Hope’s Peak Academy. It’s that you don’t want to do this, and you also want to do it, and you must, you must, you must.
Because your name is Chiaki Nanami, and you are the ghost of a murdered girl. A girl whose body was never found, but whose image became the secret face of a revolution no one wanted. A girl who might have looked at you in the computer and said: you’re like a Rotom. From Pokémon?
A girl who is you and who is not you.
Before the Neo World Program, Living Dad, there in cyber-purgatory, explained: Sometimes things might get uncomfortable on that island…because we had to put limitations on you and the Usami AI. I don’t really understand it, but…Alter Ego needed to turn off some switches in your code, I guess. To protect you and the others. 
You replied: Oh, like a level-cap.
Though you couldn’t see his face—only hear his voice, view his keystrokes—he seemed pleased with this answer. If you think too hard on what happened to her—to you—before, it’ll hurt. Just sort-of hold it in your heart for now. But you’ll have Usami whenever you need help. You’re not alone, Chiaki Nanami.
A gaggle of your classmates barge into the hotel, so you turn your attention to them instead.
You never do officially introduce yourself to Hajime Hinata for the second time.
Anyway, that would be a lie, and one of Living Dad’s binds on you—besides the inability to act on your hate and fury and despair—is that you can’t lie. 
The truth is this: you’re not Chiaki Nanami. You’re just made from her spare parts. Electric necromancy. A reissued console, valueless.
In the worst way possible, the Neo World Program starts to fail. A long side-story, an unnecessary DLC. For better or worse, you find yourself by Hinata’s side daily, as your classmates’ avatars despawn into blood and…nothingness. The grief sinks to the bottom of your heart and you hold it there, as Living Dad wanted.
Hinata, too, grieves. When he’s preoccupied with his thoughts, you look up at him, wondering if he’ll watch you die again.
You’re not Chiaki Nanami. You’re half-finished, a mold of backslashes in your older brother’s metaphorical hands. He knew a lot, but not what an ideal friend might look like—which is what Living Dad required of you. In that digital world of darkness and data, they both called out for help.
A chorus responded, from everywhere and nowhere: Chiaki Nanami, Chiaki Nanami, it’s Chiaki, it’s Chiaki, love that girl, miss her, need her, if she, if we, if they. Familiar voices. Young ones. Harmonious.
If you’re spare parts, you’re stitched with love, you’re filled with devotion, you’re held together with the grieving memory of fifteen terrorists you admired.
Fifteen friends.
As it happens, Hinata does watch you die again. Before that, however, in a virus of a courtroom, your sister holds her bunny paws to her heart and asks you: “I wonder where you got your personality from?”
You say: “Maybe our dad and our big brother…don’t you think?”
And it’s a little true. Living Dad and Alter Ego definitely blessed you with patience, bravery, and quick wit. A golden triforce all for you, a newborn executable named Chiaki Nanami. Mostly, though—
You’re her. You’re not her. You want to break your classmates for what they allowed to happen to the outside Chiaki, and now to you, the so-called traitor. But you won’t. It would be—self-harm. Damage over time. Drop one hit point, turn after turn. It would be—betrayal, a betrayal of their love, and you won’t let anyone get hurt like that again. Not here.
Monokuma grabs your hair, pulls you down, drags you and your sister bleeding along the courtroom floor. Before he does, though, you see yourself reflected in five sets of eyes, the remainder of Class 77B. Strangely, you’re not afraid. You see that they’re remade, just as they remade you. You are and were good enough for them: not a sequel, but a reboot. They're good enough for you.
You are Chiaki Nanami, and you are Chiaki Nanami, and after all is said and done, you sleep well.
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Historically inspired darknut! This drawing was intended to just be a quick little doodle as a bit of a brain reset while working on a fierce deity drawing but it ended up being a lot more complex to render than I expected, even still there's some details I didn't include that I'd like to so I'll likely come back to this one at some point. For the design I wanted to incorporate elements from all iterations of darknuts. Most of the armor is inspired by twilight princess's depiction though I included the cape as a nod to the original legend of zelda as well as the knight's crest from windwaker which I adapted into a 14th century inspired plaque belt! Both the sword and the helmet I went my own route for, the sword being inspired by both the Dacian Falx as well as some of the two handed falchions depicted in the Maciejowskie Bible, overall going for a spiky "bad guy" look (or to @phoenix-arts7 's eye a cheese knife XD, can't unsee that). The helmet is based on a European "frogmouth" jousting helmet which though not being particularly practical for foot combat gives a really cool and intimidating dehumanizing effect that I always felt darknut designs were trying to achieve! Hope y'all enjoy!
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ica1 · 11 months
Hello Hello! I hope your day is going great and you’re having a great Valentine’s Day if it’s already the 14th where you are! I’m new to the blog, so I’m excited to see what content you have!^_^
Would it be possible for me to request a Jouno x reader where the reader is Tecchou’s twin? Like they have the same eating habits, same triangles below their eyes, basically identical when there isn’t a crisis/mission, but the reader has logic close to Dazai’s level when work does come up
Reader during a meeting: (glances at Tecchou and sweatdrops) *how are we related…?* they say as if they weren’t drinking coffee and soy sauce five minutes earlier
Feel free to ignore the request. It’s your blog, you write what you find inspiration from and make sure you’re taking care of yourself!
Author's Note: Hello I know it has been a while since I posted something original but life has been a lot and I wasn't able to get around to do or finish some of these until now but I'm here now and I will be updating my rules for requests as well as who you can request with some characters from other fandoms. Also thanks for the request!
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Jouno x Reader
Request or Not
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
Warnings?: None
- Well this is fun...
- So as Tecchou's twin looking the same and having similar habits is only natural
- Although no one anticipated the extent of how similar you two would be when you and Tecchou first first joined the Hunting Dogs
- It was like you guys were the clone of each other
- Now Jouno already is constantly annoyed by Tecchou
- Imagine having to deal with double?
- His worst nightmare honestly
- Which begs the question of what is the difference?
-What sets you apart from Tecchou that caught Jouno's eye?
- The answer is...
- Missions
- Unlike Tecchou who sticks to his aloof personality no matter what
- Your logic seems to skyrocket during important meetings and missions
- Which makes you the strategist and the main problem solver in most important meetings and missions
- Which also makes you question how you Tecchou are related sometimes...
- As if you didn't drink coffee with soy sauce and strawberries with shichimi spice right before the meeting started
- This spike in logic during meetings/missions is what peaked Jouno's interest and what made him want to get to know you more
- After a while of getting to know each other the both of you started developing feelings for each other
- and boom confession happens and relationship officially starts
- Interesting and unexpected to the rest of your colleagues but accepted nonetheless
- You both weren't exactly open about it so they found out on their own
- Tecchou was fine with it when he found out like...
- "Congratulations on your relationship [Name]."
- "Thanks Tecchou."
- But as soon as he talks to Jouno...
- "Break their heart and there will be consequences." Tecchou threatened
- "Tecchou please..." You sighed
- "Relax I don't intend on it." Jouno said unphased
- Jouno tries to encourage that you eat things that aren't color coordinated because he is somewhat concerned
- While you don't stop eating color coordinated things you do eat some things that aren't color coordinated much to Jouno's relief
You and Jouno were walking back to base after a mission of information gathering. Thanks to your plan the target who you gathered intel from didn't suspect that they were playing into your hands. Meanwhile Jouno was scanning the perimeter to make sure your conversation with the target went smoothly.
"I feel like eating something."
"Sure what would you like, my treat."
"Curry and strawberries with shichimi spice."
"You're going to eat something that isn't color coordinated?" Jouno sounded a little surprised
"I like the curry you got me the other day besides I'm still eating strawberries with shichimi spice so there isn't that much of a difference."
"I know but it's just surprising. Was the curry really that good?"
"I thought so."
"Well then let's stop by to eat at the same restaurant then. After all I don't believe there is any need to rush."
"Right then, it's settled."
You both went to the restaurant, ordered, and ate your food. Having a nice conversation you were both now walking back to base.
"I should try to convince Tecchou to try the curry sometime." You said thinking out loud
"Good luck with that."
"I honestly don't know how we're related sometimes." You sighed
"As if you don't drink coffee with soy sauce every day or sit down and watch ants for hours." Jouno said with a laugh
"Ants are a perfect model of leadership and loyalty, there is a lot I can learn from observing their behavior." You stated matter-of-factly
"Right, right, I remember."
"Wanna watch a movie after work?"
"Sure, my place sound ok?" Jouno asked
"Yes sounds perfect."
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blvdcharms · 5 months
Art Raffle 2024 (200 Followers!)
Before I get into detail about the raffle, I just want to take the time and say THANK YOU for all the support I've received since day one on Tumblr. You all mean a lot to me, and I'm eternally grateful for your interest in my work as I continue my hobby. <3
Anyways, I'll stop stalling... ON TO THE RAFFLE
You have to be a Tumblr follower! Followers after the milestone are also welcome ^^
To submit an entry to the raffle, you have to leave a comment under this post saying "RAFFLE TIME!"
It's just that simple!
The winner will get a full body render of a character of their choice. This can be an OC of yours or someone else's character at the discretion that you received permission from the character's owner. The winner may also have the option to add a simple background if desired. <3
I originally intended for the raffle to have 2 winners instead of 1, but, because I reached 200 watchers on DeviantArt around the same time, I'm hosting two separate raffles on each platform where each will have one winner! With that being said, if you want to double the chances of winning the art raffle, feel free to visit my DA page here. Be sure to visit my recent journal to enter!
Again, thank you all for the love and support the past few years. Have a good day/night. ;)
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HIDDEN PATHS: A Celebration of the Smaller Tolkien Canons
Hello, and welcome to Hidden Paths, a fortnight-long event dedicated to the celebration of smaller Tolkien canons!
We all know and love the tales of Tolkien's Middle-earth, but the Professor's creative and academic endeavours didn't stop there.  However, fanworks for smaller Tolkien canons (such as Farmer Giles of Ham, Mr. Bliss, Leaf by Niggle and more) are much rarer than works inspired by their Middle-earth counterparts.  This event was created to be a low-pressure, low-commitment opportunity to explore those lesser known works, and create and share fanworks based on them.
Define “smaller Tolkien fandoms”. 
Basically, any Tolkien canon or text (including academic works and translations) that is not explicitly set in Middle-earth and is not based on The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, or The Silmarillion and closely related histories.  This includes, but is not limited to:
Beowulf/Sellic Spell
Farmer Giles of Ham
The Fall of Arthur
The Father Christmas Letters
Finn and Hengest
The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son
The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun
Leaf by Niggle
The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún
Mr. Bliss
The Notion Club Papers
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Sir Orfeo
Songs for the Philologists
Smith of Wootton Major
The Story of Kullervo
Tolkien (2019 film)
Tolkien's essays, poems, letters and non-ME artwork
We also accept fanworks based on The Adventures of Tom Bombadil (because it collects a number of poems that were not originally intended as part of the Middle-earth canon) and The Book of Lost Tales (because it differs so significantly from later versions of the legendarium), and/or centring characters or concepts that only appear in extremely early drafts of The Lord of the Rings (e.g. Trotter).  
We know that this leaves a bit of a grey area, but ultimately, we will trust and accept the judgement of fanwork creators.  Act in good faith, and assume that others have done the same. 
How does it work? 
At the start of the event (14th February) the mod will post seven optional prompts to inspire you.  There will be a thematic prompt, a character-based prompt, a setting-based prompt, a text prompt, a visual prompt, an audio prompt, and a wildcard prompt.  A second batch of prompts will be posted on the 21st. 
If you like the prompts, then use any or all of them to create and share a fanwork based on one or more small Tolkien canons.  If they don't speak to you, then please feel free to do your own thing – the prompts are there to spark creativity, not impede it! 
What types of fanworks do you accept? 
Anything you like.  Fic, poetry, meta, art, edits, vids, podfic, craft, cosplay, rec lists, playlists, compositions, interviews with fellow fans...it's all good. 
Are there any minimum requirements? 
No, none.  Want to write a six-word story?  Be our guest. 
Are crossovers permitted? 
Yes!  We accept crossovers with the Middle-earth canons, and with non-Tolkien fandoms.  We only ask that one of the smaller Tolkien canons plays a significant role in your fanwork. 
What do you consider a significant role? 
We don't.  The event is intended to be low commitment and low stress for both participants and the moderator, and we trust that people will act in good faith.  We are not going to police fanworks or apply an arbitrary definition of “significant” - we leave that up to the creator to decide. 
Does actor RPF count? 
For the purposes of this event, no it doesn't, unless you are also drawing on elements from a smaller canon (e.g. Liv Tyler encountering the Shadow-Bride).
Where do I post my fanworks? 
We have an AO3 collection, but you may post your fanworks anywhere you like.  We'd appreciate a link back to our Dreamwidth or Tumblr page, though, to spread the word about the event! 
Are there any restrictions on rating or content? 
Nope.  Tag and warn appropriately, as you normally would, but make whatever your heart desires. 
Can I post fanworks that were inspired by or created for another event, or created prior to the event's inception? 
Yes!  The goal is to celebrate and increase content for the smaller Tolkien fandoms.  Please feel free to share your creations and add them to the collection, regardless of whether they were created specifically for this event. 
I want to take part but I don't know anything about the smaller canons.  Help!?
Tolkien Gateway has helpfully collated a list of Tolkien's writings, and some of the articles reproduce or link to the actual text.  This is a great place to start browsing, and to find out more about a text before you invest in your own copy.
Have a look at fanworks for some of the smaller canons and see what appeals.  Innumerable Stars and TRSB both have several works for the smaller canons in their collections, and many of them can be understood with no prior knowledge of the source material.
Lists of characters appearing in the various texts and canons can also be a useful jumping off point - like this one for The Book of Lost Tales.
Many of the smaller canons are just that - small!  If you can get hold of a copy from your local library, book store or from a fellow fan, they are generally quick to read and digest.
If anyone has any other ideas and resources for folks wanting to dip a toe into the smaller canons, please get in touch so they can be added to this list. 
When does the event run? 
Officially, February 14th-28th.  Unofficially, as long as you like; the prompts will stay up and the AO3 collection won't close.
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squaretable-sims · 6 months
A directory of all my uploaded Sims 2 Creations (correct as of 14th December 2023)
Hi Everyone, Over the past 2 or so years I've become quite the prolific creator. I thought it was time to compile a list of all my resources I have made publicly available on ModTheSims, my SimFileShare, and on MediaFire. In Total I have 16 downloads - 3 bodyshop items (technically more but they are either incompatible or part of sets), 3 hoods plus one Subhood Conversions, 5 lot sets, 2 Names Mods (one Serious, one Less-so), and 3 SC4 terrains. I intend to update this list as I upload more items, now I have everything in one place I might be tempted to dig some stuff out of old game saves (looking at you, lots and those clothing recolours i made). Enjoy! :D
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Bodyshop (3):
Alien Eyes Defaults: (MTS Forum Thread) (MediaFire)
Camotard for Tank Grunt: (Tumblr) (SFS)
Blue and Purple Alien Skins (Tumblr) (SFS)
Hoods and Subhoods (4):
TheNeonPlumb's Belladonna Cove with Townies as a Subhood (Tumblr) (SFS)
Caldera Lessaules - The Missing Sims Custom Stealth Hood (Tumblr) (MediaFire)
Veng Motlhbe' - Alien Strangetown (Tumblr) (SFS)
Willow Creek 4t2 (Original Post) (Latest Post) (Original Post) (SFS)
Lots (5):
13A Dead End Drive + Olive's Garden (as separate lots) (Tumblr Post) (MediaFire)
Apartments at 190 Main Street (Tumblr Post) (SFS)
Bar GAY (Tumblr) (SFS)
Not the Topic (Teen Hangout) (SFS Only)
City Terrace Place, Parade Gardens, and Parqueau Point (Tumblr Post) (SFS)
Names Mods (2):
Alien/Sci Fi: (MTS)
Knut Futa: (Tumblr) (MediaFire)
Terrains (3):
Wanmami Island for TS2: (MTS)
CrystalSegundo: (MTS)
Bluewater Overlook: (Tumblr Post) (SFS)
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
In law, it has been a maxim that bad facts make bad law. Every lawyer knows that. That is why the government will seek the worst case to expand the law and apply it to others. This legal maxim is certainly not new. All of those who go to law school are never taught that this maxim was, according to my research, first stated by Julius Caesar in 63BC during the trial of the Cataline Conspiracy, which was the alleged scheme to over through the government no so different from the allegations against Trump in the January 6th event they have called an “INSURRECTION” to desperately try to apply the 14th Amendment that was written concerning the American Civil War.
In 63 BC, Julius Caesar delivered a speech to the Roman Senate where they had to protect him from corrupt senators like Cicero. This alleged conspiracy was led by the patrician Catiline, whom Cicero set out to prosecute because he was of the opposition. The allegation was that he intended to overthrow the Roman government. Cicero did his best to deny Catline every right a Roman would have in a legal constitutional sense. Cicero whipped up the mob, demanding their execution against the law. When the Roman Senate convened, Cicero stood up and asked what should be done to them, and his co-conspirators shouted out death.
The historian Sallust recorded the incident and tells us that Gaius Julius Caesar stood up and explained that Roman law forbids the execution of Roman citizens even for heinous crimes. He argued that executing the conspirators would thus require the creation of a radical and dangerous precedent in and of itself that would really overthrow the legal foundation of the government. Caesar argued:
“Whatever befalls these prisoners will be well deserved; but you, Fathers of the Senate, are called upon to consider how your action will affect other criminals. All bad precedents have originated in cases which were good; but when the control of the government falls into the hands of men who are incompetent or bad, your new precedent is transferred from those who well deserve and merit such punishment to the undeserving and blameless.”
I have explained that we have entered very dangerous times. Most historians have concluded that the entire conspiracy was invented by Cicero for his own political advantage. The fact did not add up to any true plot that would have even been remotely successful. They were summarily executed after a fierce senate debate without any constitutional rights on December 5th merely on the fake evidence of Cicero.
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