#or do scarification pieces on each other
zethsnex · 4 months
Okay enough it's enough, now you need to tell me more about the vampire au that you are creating.
I guess I can share some stuff bout this crazy AU.
• Dream’s a Hunter (for anything and everything).
• SBI are a coven, Mumza’s the matriarch, Phil her right hand and Wil, Tommy and Techno are her ‘children’.
• Neapolitan trio are not blood related, they’re ‘blood brothers’ though (Mumza gave her blood to the three of them for their transformation).
• Scarification for SBI’s coven mark, oh yeah.
• Dream got a job from the town’s mayor to kill a monster that had been terrorizing the town, which the citizens started to call “Blood God”.
• Said “Blood God” turns out to be a vampire (we know it’s Techno, it’s obvious for us), and so when Dream encounters him, it stops being a hunt and starts a battle for their life’s.
• It ends as a tie, but the contract is still up and Dream searches for Techno again. This becomes a usual for both.
• It’s just by mere coincidence that they start to talk while they fight, starting with sarcastic comments, then the closest thing they can give as a “compliment” to each other’s skills, and ending up talking about anything in their mind during, and after their fights.
• Their fights turn from the purpose of killing to simple spars. They get to know more about the other.
• Dream decides it’s useless to pretend anymore and gets Techno to agree to leave the townsfolk alone. To prove the mayor the monster was gone, he brought a piece of clothing and some jewels from the vampire, covered in blood. The mayor accepted this as enough proof and gave the reward, dismissing him soon after.
• Dream got to meet the Mors Corvi (SBI’s coven’s name), Techno introduced him and prevented any kind of misunderstanding his family could have.
• They know Dream tried to kill Techno, and how it suddenly turned into friendly spars, they don’t know all the details, but they’re happy for Techno.
• Mumza offers a place for both of them to stay, remaining inside of her territory but just far enough to get privacy from the townsfolk.
• “Omg they were roommates.”
• Techno likes to get what he wants whenever he wants, so when that stops happening, he gets pissed and if it’s bad enough, he’ll go on a hunger strike.
• This only makes things annoying for Dream, who has to work with a stubborn vampire and the hunting instincts that go haywire for the lack of food.
• If a vampire goes long without food, they can get aggressive, but they’re mostly conscious of what’s happening and what are they doing. If it goes longer than a couple of days, the vampire will turn feral, nothing gets through them as the need to satisfy their hunger is the only thing that occupies their mind. If it goes longer than this, the vampire turns docile, no strength in their system as it tries to keep as much energy as possible, they’re very docile in these conditions and it’s hard for them to understand things that happen around them.
• Most of the times, Dream gets Techno to drop his tantrums and come back to his senses in the first stage, some other times Techno goes feral and Dream has to tie him up, it can be fun for him to do that (more if the vampire got pissy because he’d been wrong (Techno’s a brat, I don’t care bout ooc, this is such a crack AU JAJDJS)).
• There’s been a couple of times Techno has gone too long without food, some were because he didn’t want to eat and one time he couldn’t eat. All of those times, Dream had been able to help him go back to normal.
For the moment that’s what I’ve got planned, not really thinking of making this one an Ao3 work (already got too many), so it’ll stay as these notes with story and drawings.
If you guys want to ask these two questions, feel free to do it (SBI may answer too ☕️)
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sorrowfultales · 5 months
I don't know half the words on your list because Ezra and I share an INT score, but gimme something about "Triumvirate" because that one I do know and it grabbed my attention immediatelly 👀
Oh boy... Triumvirate... Not only is it my first Bg3 wip, it's also my first try at writing some more fucked up shit. I mean, it's a story about Gortash, his wife (@boghags ' beautiful OC) and my Dark Urge, so some darker stuff is to be expected.
So far, the piece I wrote for Triumvirate has:
Adultery (the tamest so far lol)
Blood licking (erotically)
It's very much a joint project, we have ideas on what we want to do and where our individual pieces fit in the timeline of this AU. So far we are just "fuck it we bhaal" and I have no idea if it will eventually dwell into game events.
The dynamic goes like this:
Gortash and Ianira are married but they don't love each other.
Gortash desires and is in love with Anathema.
Ianira loves Anathema.
Anathema is in love with both but in deep denial and filled with catholic bhaalist guilt.
Ianira knows Anathema has feelings for Gortash
Gortash is a blind idiot who projects his lack of feelings towards Ia on Anathema
This is a vast oversimplified version of the mess, but I'll be damned if they aren't the messiest polycule in all of Faerun.
I don't have anything but the published chapter written in the doc, but have this little thing I sent to my friend once when we were discussing their dynamic:
"Anathema is my equal, you are just my wife."
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findswoman · 4 months
Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by @jedi-valjean. Thanks so much!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 115.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
For the most part just Star Wars (various flavors thereof), but I have a very few Tolkien things too.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Cards against Monotony; or, The Best Rainy Lothal Day Ever (47)
Sixth Time’s the Charm (40)
Beautiful, Inexactly (32)
The Song, the Sea, and the Mand’alor (29)
“I saw the wolf…” (28)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! I want to let my commenters know how appreciated they are! And it’s fun to meet new readers and writers.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have a good number of stories with angsty endings, but the angstiest to date may be Opus Sixty-Six, in which two OC non-Human musicians captured by the Empire are forced to perform for the Emperor but resist by playing a different piece of music from what he ordered, based on what happens to the two performers at the end (not going to spoil it).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have a good number of stories with happy endings, too! A lot of them involve OCs, but one that involves an happy ending for an EC following from particularly angsty source material is The Rains of Scarif, in which #JynErsoLives.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Thankfully this has never happened to me, at least not to my knowledge.
9. Do you write smut?
Nooo. I gave it a very, very tentative try a long time ago, but it was a complete and utter no-go.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven’t yet, but maybe sometime I’ll try!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, at least not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Between the Porch and the Altar was translated into French by Yahiko: Entre le portique et l’autel. It was a prize that he offered for TheForce.net Fanfic’s Fanfic Awards one year, and it’s definitely one of the most unique ways I’ve ever had a fic recognized!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Just a few times, and the results are posted on the TheForce.net forums rather than AO3: Cupcakes for a Cupcake (with Ewok Poet) and Dinner at the Hungry Hutt (with Chyntuck). But I also had aikisenshi (TheRynJedi) contribute part of chapter 22 of Shaman, Traveler, Oracle.
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
I am of course partial to those that involve OCs of mine, but in terms of established characters, perhaps Kanera, and perhaps the Frog Lady and Frog Gent? I don’t tend to think in terms of ships most of the time, though (but have nothing against those who do).
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I used to say this about The Book of Gand, but it may not actually be in that category anymore! Actually, currently nothing is in that category for me right now, but that could certainly change.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Setting descriptions! OC creation! Whimsical humor! Economy of expression! Worldbuilding! Anything involving alien cultures/traditions/ceremonial/etc.!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action and battle scenes! Political intrigue! Characters double- and triple-crossing each other! Overly long sentences with too many clauses! Too many em dashes! Too many sentences/clauses that begin with “and” or “then”! (Linking sentences/thoughts together in general!)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In terms of in-universe languages, when this happens within my stories I try to signal it in some other way. In terms of real-life languages: oof, I don’t know if I’m the right woman for that job, but I have immense respect people who are able to write stories in languages other than their mother tongue.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars. One sticks with what works, I guess!
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Ah, I hate this question so much. 😁 I love them all, don’t you know! But I would say that I have a very specific soft spot for the 20K+ fics I’ve somehow managed to write: The Book of Gand and Shaman, Traveler, Oracle, just because I’m so proud of myself for managing to get through them (or, in the case of BOG, the component stories thereof, all of which are in excess of 15K words and three out of four of which are in excess of 20K).
Anyone I know (or don’t know) who is a writer who happens to see this. 🙂
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Star Wars Feels: Rogue One edition
My partner and I decided last year that after Andor finished, we’d watch Rogue One and then the Original Trilogy movies. The holiday period meant we had to hold that thought, but we started it tonight. For the next four weeks, we’ll be watching them on Saturday evenings. 
Tonight was Rogue One. I watched this for the first time a few years ago and it still holds up so well. I love it to pieces, which is a highly unusual thing for me to say about a movie where all the main characters die by the end of it! 
SO MANY feels.
This is my second watch. It means I can pay more attention to the different layers instead of getting swamped by them.
Cassian and Jyn, from Jedha onwards, lean into each other - they pick up each other's lines and support each other's actions. It's why Cassian's (almost) betrayal on Eadu hurts so much for both of them. I love them both so much. The way they start apart, with walls up, then slowly (and then very quickly) the walls crumble, until suddenly: “I’m not used to people sticking around...” and “Welcome home.” Before of course, the finish: “Your father would be proud.”
And the family these two build around them along the way. 
Bodhi. Bodhi, Bodhi, Bodhi. The way he grows in confidence across the film but especially from Yavin IV onwards (it started at Eadu but Cassian's betrayal meant there was a setback, effectively). I love him.
Baze and Chirrut are another gorgeous pair, and I love how well matched they are. The cynic and the dreamer. The protector and the believer. Totally bad arse. A love story, whether you read them as romantic or besties, brothers or QPPs. 
I love all of them.
Also, the roles of Guerra and Mothma and Bail Organa and the politics and all of that - it’s so good. My partner wants a Saw Guerra TV series now. I agree. He’s such a complicated, tragic character. 
My favourite Mothma moment is the little smile she gives when told the Rogue One team are on Scarif. And my favourite Bail moment is of course the one where he talks of going back to Alderaan (noooooooooo) and he’ll send a messenger to his old friend - “I’d trust her with my life.”
Moving on. 
I love the score. I adore it. The music is just -!!
The real genius of Rogue One is that (whether by accident or on purpose) it hasn’t forgotten its roots. This Tumblr post explains what I mean by that. This affects the pacing, the way scenes are cut together, the different POVs of each battle, and more. It works so well. 
Quoting that Tumblr post: 
There’s a moment some time during the third act when every viewer realizes, “Oh wow, this is actually how things are going down. I suddenly know how this movie is going to end, and yet I can’t believe they’re really doing this.  Are they really going to let a Star Wars movie end like this?”
You know, basically from when they shut the gate, that it's now a suicide mission; the plan changes from "retrieve plans" to "send plans", and their chances of survival are not good. 
(There have been powerful moments in the battle before this, of course - for example, the feeling of visible joy on Blue Leader and the Rogue One ground team's faces when BL comes to the rescue of some is just -!!)
But this sense of inevitability persists throughout the rest of the film with a growing dread, disbelief, and awe. 
There's the struggle to send the plans, with the main character sacrifices falling, and the moment of terrible triumph where Admiral Raddus's plan sends the shield gate open - but almost immediately, it's swamped by the overwhelming sense of the oncoming storm - the music turning dark, and ominous, and sombre. 
And the last 2-5 minutes of the film still punch me right in the gut.
Those last five minutes are a real case study in "on and on until every chance is spent" - the race against time, the awesome (terrible) power of the Death Star, followed by the terror of Vader. 
And then.  AND THEN. 
"Your highness... what's this they've brought us?"
It destroys me. 
That’s the theme of Star Wars, you see: that there is hope, and light, even in the most unlikely places. If we choose to act on it. 
I can’t wait for next Saturday and A New Hope. 
Luckily this is also coming at a time when I’m getting my mojo back about the Seize the Light fic - I’m hoping that watching the films continue to help with that. 
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songbirdtales · 9 months
Just before the Nautoloid (SFW)
Author's Note:
Hi! I'm the author. This is the first of a series of Baldur's Gate 3 fan fiction I'm writing about my OC version of Tav. This series will consist of both SFW and NSFW fics and some scenes will be based on, use dialog and direction from, or reference scenes in the game. I'll be tagging everything as best I can to be mindful of content warnings. This is going to be very queer, and very spicy, and it will have a lot of Astarion in it. I apologize in advance for the depravity and second hand trauma from this OC. This is just a hobby for me but I hope some people find these entertaining. Sam
The tavern calmed in the dead of night as a somber tune echoed into the streets. The sound of lute playing wasn’t new, but this was far from their typical, high energy rabble. At a table near the center of the room, a Tiefling bard played their instrument.
Their dark stone grey complexion could made one think they had Drow in them. Long rose gold hair pulled back into a messy bun was all that brought warmth to their coloring, loose pieces framing their face parted by frayed horns that started near their skin tone and turned black at the tips. A thick splatter of dark freckles ran across their nose and cheeks from one heavily pierced pointed ear to the other. Black sclera framed fay fire eyes that seemed to glow in the lowlight as their gaze stayed locked on their instrument.
The Tiefling was androgynous in a way that confused most, certain aspects of their outward appearance contradicted by typical standards. Ritual scarification framed their lips and chin as well as their brow, white tattoos lining their lower lids and contrasted both their black winged eyeliner and their eyes themselves. There was a softness to their facial structure that made most call them ‘Miss’, but their lack of chest and baritone voice made just as many reverse course as soon as they spoke. They had been accused many times of being deceptive, but the androgyny was entirely honest. The bard had done a great deal to make themself true. The hum of rhythmic plucking repeated as the bard let their jaw slack to sing.
“Tav the Songbird,” The sound of their own name pulled the Tiefling from their focus and the playing stopped, Tav’s mouth still hanging open. Devil fangs hung in plain view as they stared at the gaunt human that approached them. He looked familiar, they’d seen him around when they’d kept worse company. They didn’t need to know more than that to be sure he was trouble they didn’t want.
“The one and only.” Tav rose their plucking hand, twirling it in a flourish for dramatic effect. “Sorry, I’m not taking requests at the moment.”
“Not here for the music, though, could use to play something a little more chipper. Thought there was a funeral going on in here.” The man’s laugh made Tav’s expression sour.
“Then what do you want?” The performance was over and Tav was now glaring at the man. He looked frail, as if he hadn’t eaten regularly in a number of years. The curse of poverty. Tav knew it well.
“You remember Saber, yeah? He’d like to see you.”
“Barely." They lied. "If this 'Saber' wants to invite me to see him he could have sent a letter.” There was a smooth flow to their words, yet they bit off the end of their final words, like sharpened arrowheads now pointed at his throat, ready to fly.
The human began to sweat, his eyes struggling to stay on the bard as his body language became withdrawn. The burning of their hellion eyes scared him, and it was smart of him to be afraid. “Th-this isn’t an invitation.”
“Funny, last I checked, I don’t work for him.” Tav’s tone was void of amusement, each word fluid string of words like the pull of a violin bow now cut like a razor. “So if he wants to see me, for whatever reason, he can do it like every other stranger. Otherwise I have no interest in hearing from him again.” Their eyes narrowed at the human. “Do you understand?”
The human messenger was sweating profusely now, his eyes on the ground as he nodded. A soft “Y-yes,” croaked from his throat in response.
“Good,” Their voice softened only ever so slightly before it hardened once more. “Now go, before I make you.”
He didn’t need any more convincing. The human quickly turned tail and ran. A minor inconvenience to an otherwise mediocre night. Tav finished their drink and took a chunk of bread for the road before settling with the bar and left.
Tav was drunk, their balance unstable as they wandered down the road. The Tiefling steadily broke apart the bread and ate it as they walked, lute on their back, and pockets filled with many things, but not a single gold. “At least I broke even.” They sighed under their breath.
They’d only closed their eyes for a second when a strange sound came from overhead. It was like a breathy explosion, as if something had just vanished from existence, or materialized.
Tav didn’t even get a chance to look up before the nautiloid ship plucked them from the street. The next thing they remembered was the tadpole.
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we can't make any promises now, can we?
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Fandom: Rogue One (Star Wars)
Characters: Jyn Erso x Cassian Andor
Rating: T
Summary: Jyn and Cassian change into their disguises on Scarif and compare scars.
Word Count: 707
ao3 | ff.net | wattpad
“Oh, you’re probably looking for a manifest?” Bodhi asked.
“That would be helpful,” the Imperial officer said, slightly impatient.
“It’s just down here.”
Jyn and Cassian listened to the sounds of a struggle and soon found themselves in a small closet with the dead officer and deck technician. Cassian knelt and began unbuttoning the officer’s suit.
“Why do you get to be the officer?” Jyn asked, pulling the helmet off of the technician and beginning to work at taking off his armoured chest piece.
“I have more experience,” Cassian said. “And the suit will fit me better.” Then he looked over at her and realized she had been joking. He sighed and shook his head.
Soon the two corpses on the floor were half-naked, clothes piled beside them. Jyn took off her vest and gloves, and began to pull her shirt over her head. Cassian made a small surprised sound and quickly turned around, nearly stumbling over the leg of the dead officer.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jyn said, rolling her eyes. “We don’t have time for modesty.”
Cassian sighed but didn’t turn all the way back around, just enough so he had the space to start to undress.
As Jyn took off her boots, she lost her balance and fell into Cassian’s bare back. He grabbed her arm to help her regain her footing.
“Sorry,” she mumbled, trying not to elbow him in the small space. “Thanks.”
“No problem.”
“Where’d you get the scar?” Jyn asked, undoing her belt.
“Which one?” he asked.
“The one on your back,” she said, turning and running her finger down the jagged line right below his ribs. “That one.”
He flinched away slightly from her touch. “Got stabbed.”
“In the back?” Jyn said. “That explains a lot.”
Cassian shook his head and smiled to himself. “What about you?”
“Well, I’ve never been stabbed in the back,” she said. “Never been stabbed at all actually.”
He leaned against the wall to take off his boots. “Chest, right side,” he said.
She looked down. The scar peeked out from under her bra. “Got shot,” she said. “Friendly fire, actually. When I was training with Saw.”
“He shot you?”
“One of the other trainees shot me,” she said, then made a face. “Angan Bani.” She shook her head. “He was a bit of an arrogant prick. With terrible aim.”
Cassian chuckled.
Jyn sighed. “He’s probably dead now.”
He looked over at her. “The life expectancy of a rebel isn’t very long,” he said. “Everyone who gets involved knows that.”
One of Cassian’s socks got stuck in his boot as he took it off and Jyn turned just in time to see the pink lightning-shaped scars that arced from his sole up his calf.
“Oh!” she exclaimed. “Where’d you get those?”
“Prison,” he said, pulling his sock back on.
“When we’re done with all this,” she said, pulling on the jumpsuit. “You’re gonna have to tell me more than just got stabbed and prison.”
“When we’re done with all this,” he said. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to hear.”
When she zipped up the suit, the collar got folded inside. Cassian reached out and adjusted it, fingers gentle against her neck. They were standing so close together, just looking at each other, and for a moment, he wanted to kiss her. But he didn’t. He would save that, he thought, for when they had succeeded. Besides, the last thing they needed was to be distracted. So he just smiled at her and turned to put on the officer’s uniform.
Jyn looked at him for a moment. She felt like she should say something here but couldn’t come up with the right words. It could wait, she supposed, until later. They could show each other all their scars and she could figure out what she wanted to say.
Cassian helped her clip the armoured chest piece over the jumpsuit. Jyn straightened his crooked hat with a grin. She sobered quickly as Cassian reached for the door handle. He looked at her one last time, in this space of relative peace and refuge, slightly removed from what was to come. Then he opened the door and they stepped out into the main part of the ship.
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oh-nostalgiaa · 1 year
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Hello, @asteroiideae, it's me, your R1 Crew Secret Santa! It's been a pleasure writing for you, although I had to take a big chunk of time to recover from a fun lil illness and this isn't nearly as long as I would have liked it to be!
The prompt was pretty much to write whatever my heart desired (a fun AU) and I was inspired by @carr-crashh-heartss-archive's lovely pirate au waves & the both of us, so have a sequel of sorts! I wish I could've sent snippets along the way but that would have ruined the pirate aspect! I really hope you like it and happy holidays to you. <3
You can find this fic on A03.
come back with the waves
The sea sometimes called to Captain Cassian Andor.
But he no longer heeded that call. Could no longer return to the man he had once been when sailing had been the very blood running through his veins. Decades worth of hard work and egregious injuries had taken their toll and against his better judgment, he had been forced to retire.
The same brutal battle that had seen a cannonball strike throw Cassian from the crow's nest to the deck below, breaking him into a thousand metaphorical pieces, his crew - Jyn and Bodhi and Chirrut and Baze and Kay and others they had picked up along the way - emerged victorious, the supposedly unbeatable, unsinkable Death Star sinking beneath the blue, blue waves, taking her villainous Captain Krennic with it.
They should have been celebrating the new beginning they (and every pirate ship from Scarif to Naboo) were being given now that other pirate hunters were going on the run - or would, if they knew what was good for them) but instead they were mourning their dead and quietly praying that their brave captain would pull through.
First Mate Kay deferred to Jyn, who ordered the Rising Hope to Takodana, where Cassian could receive the best medical care possible in the shortest amount of time. To Maz, who always knew what to do.
Even so, Cassian's condition had been touch and go for quite some time, and nobody knew whether his broken bones would heal correctly or at all, if he would walk, if he would wake a fraction of the man he had been before. The main crew stayed behind to watch over their captain, the others released to other ships, to new pursuits, to return home if they so chose. But there was no question for Jyn and Kay and Bodhi and Chirrut and Baze - they were going to stay until their Captain woke, they were going to stay at least until they knew he would recover.
So they sat with him and read to him, told stories and reminisced, prayed over him and sang to him, pleaded with him to just wake up, sat with each other in the reassurance that this was not all in vain. And the day that he finally opened his eyes was a day full of tears and cheering and thanking whatever deities that watched over pirates like them for allowing him to come back.
Cassian's recovery, however, was long and painful and not without its fair share of setbacks and complications. He fought tooth and nail to learn to walk again, and while he depended heavily upon a cane to get him places, was able to see Chirrut and Baze off to Jedha, where they planned on housing and teaching children orphaned by the piracy wars. And by the time Bodhi set off as navigator to intrepid young explorer Luke Skywalker, Cassian could walk without it (for short distances), only curling an arm around Jyn to keep himself steady.
Still, six years post-injury, Cassian still felt aches and pains deep in his bones when the weather dipped low, could foretell the brewing of a storm off the coast well before it ever reached land. Oh, he heard the call of the wild waves, but he could no longer answer in the ways he used to. He could dip his toes in from time to time, on the good days when his ever-present pain was minimal. He could walk along the beach on the calmest days when the wind wasn't whipping hard enough to make him unsteady on his feet.
He could sit on a blanket and teach their four year old daughter everything he knew, show her the wonders of the treasures the sea sent to them from time to time in the form of shells and stones and washed up driftwood. They would watch for whales and dolphins to breach the water's surface, imitate the barking of the seals, the calls of the seabirds soaring overhead, study crabs and snails and starfish and whatever else they might find on their shore adventures.
And on the clearest nights - if the weather allowed - they would all lay out under the blanket of the night sky and watch for shooting stars, Cassian teaching Asta how to look for constellations, telling her what they were meant to signify, but also making her eyes light up with wonder when he shared the myths surrounding them. He was slightly more restrained when regaling Asta with tales from their days at sea, but that didn't much matter, she knew enough and was bright enough with a vivid enough imagination to fill in the gaps.
Cassian certainly couldn't move with as much grace as he once did, but when Asta begged for him to swordfight her, he always obliged. Asta, Queen of the Pirates, always won easily, giggling madly at the way her silly papa crumpled to the ground and dramatically begged her for mercy. And for all his fears about not having the capacity to be a good father, when he glanced up at his wife and her gently rounding belly, he was reassured that despite his faults and the inevitable ups and downs they faced, he was doing just fine.
They were doing just fine.
With Kay living nearby ( "Someone's got to watch over the pair of you, and I'm the best man for the job") and letters coming in on a fairly regular basis from Bodhi and Chirrut and Baze, it was almost as though the little family they had cobbled together was still as strong as ever
Maybe it wasn't exactly the life Cassian had ever imagined having for himself - or even living long enough to have - but he wasn't sure that he would change a moment of it. Not the loss or the heartache or the pain. All of it, everything, was just leading him to where he was always meant to be. No longer fighting to see the next day, but living fully and loving with his whole heart.
With Jyn and Asta and their baby on the way.
Safe and happy.
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visualjyushi · 1 year
body mods list: mika + the oddballs edition!
* reference for my shu/mika-focused tattoo artist/piercer enstars au
i have terrible memory so this list is for my reference, but i figured i'd post it w/ some notes if anyone was interested in my thought processes <3 feel free to ask me abt any of them bc i am very (coughs) passionate abt body mods if it wasn't obvious. if ppl like this, i may make other posts for other characters that appear in the au.
he has 13 piercings and rei did most of them! shu has obviously done most of his tattoos but he has some done by the other members of the shop!
piercings: paired nostrils, septum, right eyebrow, navel, snake bites, tongue, two sets on his earlobes, and a secret 13th piercing (will be revealed at some point in the fic hehe)
note on paired nostrils: they were his first facial piercings! when he first got these done, he got an amber gem in one and a lapis in the other to help him feel better abt his eyes
note on snake bites: he always wears rings in his lip piercings bc studs feel weird in his mouth (me when I’m projecting)
butterfly tattoo on the left of his neck - done by leo!
butterfly on his abdomen; placed so his navel piercing looks like the body of the butterfly! - also done by leo!
tattoo over his top surgery scars: monster-like mouth with spiky teeth across his chest - bc he so would have a creepy tattoo, this was also his first tattoo by shu!
acanthe-inspired half sleeve of flowers on his right arm
shu’s flash designs sprinkled across his arms: winged votive monument, antique teddy bear, porcelain marionette doll
pink/purple gummy bear tattoo - by chiaki! in a blank spot on his arm in between shu's works
she has a lot of ear piercings! she was wataru’s first client when they were under their piercing apprenticeship and many of their first attempts at ear piercings were done on her! she also has many tattoos, almost completely covered in them, but she is careful abt preserving the life of them on her skin, usually always keeping them hidden from the sun.
20 piercings across both ears: 8 starting from her lobes up to her helix (cartilage) on each ear, a rook on both sides, daith on left side, and tragus on the right!
she also gets another piercing that is revealed later on in the fic...
sternum tattoo of roses - done by kuro!
mademoiselle tattoo on her upper right arm - bc I must always reference madonee somewhere in my aus hehe
big back piece of a biblically accurate angel - done by leo!
valkyrie (as in the figures in norse mythology!) piece on her left thigh - she tattooed this on herself! since shu is trans fem in this au, I thought it would be perfect for her to have a powerful feminine symbol tattooed on her, and what better choice than to also reference her unit name!
silly little minimalistic croissant on her inner right ankle - a tattoo she got when she was out drunk with the oddballs one night in her early 20s
two sleeves of ornamental designs that include hearts, flowers, and lacey details - this style of tattoo gives off a more feminine vibe due to its intricacy, which i felt was perfect for trans fem shu. the decorative style also reminds me of the architecture in old churches and museums so it felt very shu-like to me! also blends into a frame around her madonee tattoo
i wanted to give him some more intense mods, like *scarification, since he is one of the characters that has been in the industry the longest! and i think rei has a complicated relationship with gender in like a neurodivergent way, feeling very masc but more like a creature rather than a human (me wanting to keep the vampire thing he got going on in canon), so i wanted his mods to convey this! i also hc he's had many piercings in the past but he's retired a lot of them, so he doesn't have too many anymore.
*note: since this can look pretty gnarly when initially done, i do not recommend looking up images if ur squeamish! so quick crash course for those who don't know: it is basically the removal or branding of skin into a pattern or design. it's like the cousin of the tattoo! the skin is typically raised in these places once healed over, thus creating a scarred design on the body!
stretched labret - he has a 0 gauge black stone in the middle of his bottom lip!! (roughly the size of a dime)
stretched ears - decently big at about 1 inch or 25mm
also a couple helix piercings on both ears
little bat tattoo over his heart - meant to symbolize ritsu since he cares for his little bro so much!
both arms mostly covered up in black ink - cover up for some terrible tattoos he got/was forced to get when he was younger
dark lettering that wraps around the sides and front of his neck - a tattoo font that looks like intricate black ink line work at first glance but actually says "demon king"
tattoos outlining the skeleton of his hands
maybe some other tattoos but i haven't decided 100% yet
scarification: a cross on the right side of his face - bc rei's old hairstyle revealed this part of his face more, he wanted to get smth there, but now it often hides behind his bangs
split tongue - one of my personal faves for rei
he hears a piercing being named after a seashell and is like "wataru i have to get that!!!" wataru also did his ear piercings while under their apprenticeship with rei :) bc of sensory issues, i hc kanata would not want a lot of piercings. since he's very laid back, i do think he's the type to get piercings/tattoos just bc he thinks they're cool!
basic lobe piercings and conch piercings on both ears - w/ jewelry that look like sea shells!!
tokusatsu themed tattoo sleeve on his left arm - chiaki did this sleeve!!
fish gill rib tattoos - similarly to rei, i think kanata doesn't Really see himself as completely human either due to a complicated view of his own gender!
marine life themed tattoo sleeve on his right arm - just several colorful fishies and other creatures he likes!
little chibi cthulhu on his ankle - by izumi!
big octopus tattoo on his left hip - wraps around his thigh and torso bc it's so large
they love being symmetrical, so a lot of their piercings are in pairs! all in shiny white gold and/or blue-hued gems. rei also did a lot of their piercings which is how they met!! they're not as big on tattoos, bc they can't sit still for too long!!
piercings: angel bites, cheek piercings, surface anchors beside the eye on both sides (ref), basic lobe piercings, two helix piercings on each ear, navel, paired & centered eyebrow piercings
note on eyebrow piercings: i love the placement for these (i actually have these piercings) as they sort of resemble a clown look and wataru is my silly little clown!!
tattoo sleeve on left arm of flowers and doves - by shu ofc! and she complained every single time wataru moved even a single inch lol
he likes meaningful piercings! i write him as trans masc in this fic, so most of them are gender affirming in some way. also put a lot of magic theming into his tattoos!
piercings: stretched septum, septril, navel, tongue, nipples, small stretched earlobes, industrial on left ear, helix piercing on right ear
note on stretched septum: usually only wears a plug in this one, so it's not noticeable from the outside! this piercing symbolizes his journey being on hrt bc he got his septum pierced the day he started hormones <3
note on septril piercing: his jewelry top is a pentagram (ref) since this one can look a little confusing, here's a great vid by a very knowledgeable piercer explaining how it works!
nipple piercings - i hc that hrt made natsume a lot more comfortable in his body, so he decided to pierce his nipples instead of get top surgery! we love trans ppl reclaiming their comfort in their bodies in this house
font tattoo that says "sweet magic" below his navel
crescent moon tattoo behind right ear & star tattoo behind his left
trail of black sparkles and lime green smoke twisting around his right arm - this tattoo goes all the way down to his hands and some of his fingers
death tarot card tattoo on upper right arm - shu did this one :) ! this is also symbolic of his transition!
love potion tattoo on lower right arm
cyber sigil heart tattoo on lower back - I guess this is what the style is called, it looks kinda y2k inspired. sorry, I really wanted natsume to have a tramp stamp leave me alone.
also cyber sigil heart tattoos framing his knees - probably his most painful tattoos!
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
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Suri is a collective name for three groups of – Suri Chai, Timaga and Suri Baale – mainly living in Suri woreda, in southwestern Ethiopia. Suri is united names of three subgroups; (self-names), politically, territorially culturally the same but different languages. They all speaking "South East Surmic" languages within the Surmic language family, which includes Mursi,Mun, |Majang, and Me'en languages.
During special occasions, Suri people wear on their heads brightly colored flowers, and paint their faces and bodies. Due to the absence of mirrors, people paint each other. The paint is created by mixing leaves and flowers from various plants, crushed rock (white or red) and water.
The Suri pride themselves on their scars and how many they carry. Women perform decorative scarification by slicing their skin with a razor blade after lifting it with a thorn. After the skin is sliced the piece of skin left over is left to eventually scar. On the other hand, the men used to traditionally scar their bodies after they killed someone from an enemy group. Together with stick-duelling, such a custom, which is quite painful, is said by some observers to be a way of getting the younger Suri used to seeing blood and feeling pain.
Each household in the Suri village is managed by a married woman. The women prepare the food, take care of the children, and cultivate their own fields and gardens, and are allowed to use their profits however they wish. There are also age grades. Young men (Tegay) are the "warrior grade", not yet fully responsible adults. They are mainly responsible for herding and defending the cattle. Junior elders (Rora) are the dominant decision-making age-grade and entrance is gained in an initiation ritual that is held every 20 to 30 years. During this initiation the young men to be "promoted" are tried and tested by elders, and are sometimes whipped until they bleed. Decisions in the Suri community are made by men in an assembly. Women are not allowed to voice their opinions during these debates but are allowed to do so before or after the debates take place. These debates are closed and summed up by the community’s ritual chief (the komoru).
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stars-n-spice · 2 years
If you had to rank your top 5 favorite pieces of star wars media what would you rank them?? :D
Ooooh, okay, so I'm assuming you're asking like movies, shows, books, and comics that have to deal with Star Wars (if not, I'm sorry!) but it's going to be long, so here we go-
Also, I have to break this up into two parts because apparently there's a word limit (rip) so here's 1-3!
Rebels. Hands down. This is totally me being biased because I love found family, but I genuinely think it's one of the best pieces of Star Wars media out there. It's got diverse characters who have depth to them and interact so well with other characters or environments. The premise of the story (aka the building of the Rebellion) is honestly such a cool concept and it's neat to see characters from the Clone Wars and Original Trilogy (Mom, Obi, and Leia) show up as well. The Inquisitors are also ruthless and you've got Darth kriffing Vader as well! Also, there are fan favorites Thrawn and Maul, so who wouldn't enjoy this? Nearly all of the main characters go through arcs, we get to explore other planets that aren't Tatooine, and the last couple of seasons have KILLER soundtracks. Yes, maybe it was aimed for kids, but it's got so much to it,, from the fun, filler-ish episodes to the darker, soul-crushing episodes of the last season. It's just so wonderful, I love it so much.
Aftermath. This is another Rebels situation, where I'm being biased because of found family, but it's really good, trust me. Even if most of the main characters are humans, they're all so interesting and fun and I absolutely love how they interact with each other. This series also has the first canon gay and nonbinary character in Star Wars, so that was really cool! It also takes place after a time that hasn't been really explored in terms of movies and shows (aside from Mandalorian but that hardly counts) and it would've made for a great starting point for the sequels (more or less). There's also a lot of discussion about the Empire and how kriffed up it was and had a character in it who sees it in a way that others don't quite, so I thought those aspects were really interesting as well. I'd kill to see this adapted into a series one day, but I don't think anything could do the books justice.
Rogue One. I don't care if people call it "mid" or say that it's only cool because of the Scarif battle and Darth Vader on the cruiser, no, no, those people have no idea what they're talking about. As someone who is biracial, it was so GOOD to see such a diverse cast on the screen in Star Wars. I'm both Hispanic and Asian, so seeing Cassian, Baze, and Chirrut was so nice and even more so because they all had their accents and didn't change them for the film! Yes, it was unfortunate that they all died in the end (I cried like a big baby) but I understand why they did that. Also, K2SO is hands down one of my favorite droids. I'm a sucker for Ex-Imperials so I absolutely adore him and Bodhi. I think this film is pretty different from the other Star Wars films because it feels like a war movie and unlike the Original trilogy where you KNOW the good guys are going to win because they've got the 70s/80s simple plot vibe to them, this movie has you at the edge of your seat, and though you know they win in the end, you finally get to see all that they lost as well. Also, cinematography wise it is the best Star Wars film and you can't change my mind.
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nguyenphankien · 2 months
In recent years, social media platforms have emerged as a strong tool for self-expression, allowing people to demonstrate their distinct personalities and lives. Body alteration is a popular method of self-expression. Individuals are redefining beauty standards and challenging society conventions using means ranging from tattoos and piercings to more extreme changes such as scarification and body suspension. However, the rise of body alteration on social media has created additional issues, such as visible labor, aesthetic labor, the influence of aesthetic templates, and the resulting body image crises. In this piece, we will look at these challenges, supported by academic references, and provide potential solutions for navigating this changing world.
Visibility Labor: The concept of visible labor relates to the effort people put in to make their presence recognized on social media sites. Visibility work for body modification practitioners entails actively creating their online persona, sharing their journey, and interacting with their audience. This labor can be both emotionally and physically taxing, necessitating time, effort, and vulnerability. Van Dijck (2013) argues that visible labor is crucial for those seeking acknowledgment and validation in an increasingly crowded online arena.
Aesthetic Labor: Aesthetic labor, as defined by Warhurst and Nickson (2008), refers to the effort individuals expend in preserving and presenting a chosen aesthetic. In the field of body modification, this work includes not only physical changes, but also the continuing maintenance and documentation of these changes on social media. Individuals devote time and resources to creating and maintaining their ideal aesthetic, frequently motivated by a desire for social approval and appreciation.
Aesthetic Templates: The spread of body alteration on social media has led to the establishment of aesthetic templates. These templates serve as a set of preset norms or trends that people feel obligated to follow in order to obtain awareness and recognition. The urge to follow these templates may result in a homogeneity of body modification procedures, potentially eroding the individuality and distinctiveness that sparked the movement.
Body Image Crisis: While body modification on social media might be liberating for some, it can also exacerbate a body image issue. Constant exposure to a curated version of other people's transformed bodies might cause self-comparison and feelings of inadequacy in those who do not adhere to the prevalent aesthetic standards. This crises can lead to increased body dysmorphia, low self-esteem, and poor mental health outcomes (Perloff, 2014).
Solution: To address the issues raised by body modification on social media, it is critical to create an inclusive and supportive community that values diversity and challenges aesthetic norms. Content creators can help by demonstrating a variety of body changes, emphasizing the beauty of individuality, and encouraging body positivity. Platforms can also integrate anti-bullying mechanisms and give mental health assistance.
To sum up, body modification on social media has become an effective tool for self-expression and identity development. However, it is critical to recognize the complexities and limitations related with this occurrence. Visibility and aesthetic labor are inextricably linked in the search of recognition and acceptance, but aesthetic templates and the resulting body image problem can perpetuate damaging beauty standards. By fostering diversity, inclusivity, and body positivity, we can foster a more supportive workplace that recognizes each individual's unique beauty.
van Dijck, J 2013, The Culture of Connectivity: A Critical History of Social Media, Online, Oxford University Press, New York, viewed 24 March 2024, https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199970773.001.0001
Warhurst, C & Nickson, D 2009, Who’s Got the Look?’ Emotional, Aesthetic and Sexualized Labour in Interactive Services, 3rd edn, vol. 17 (2), European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, pp. 185–203.
M.Perloff, R 2014, Social Media Effects on Young Women’s Body Image Concerns: Theoretical Perspectives and an Agenda for Research, vol. 71, Sex Role, pp. 363–377, viewed 24 March 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-014-0384-6
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wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Coffee Arabica Seeds (Arabian Coffea Seeds) B5 Coffea Arabica is easy to grow indoors, makes a very attractive houseplant and if it likes you well enough, it will even rewards you with flowers and berries!
Coffea Arabica is mostly known under the common name Arabian coffee, Brazilian coffee, or Kofi coffee and belongs to the Rubiaceae family, and originated in Ethiopia. Coffea Arabica is easy to grow indoors, makes a very attractive houseplant and if it likes you well enough, it will even rewards you with flowers and berries! It is a terrific conversation piece! Arabica represents approximately 90 percent of the world's coffee production. The Arabica plant is an evergreen, typically large upright bush, or a small tree that can reach a height up to 20 feet or 3-5 ft in container.
On plantations, it is kept at a height of about 2-3 m (6 ft) to facilitate harvesting. After planting, the Arabica trees produce their first crop in three years, and will be bearing fully at 7-8 years old. The Arabica plant can successfully produce fruits for about 40 years. Primary, non-renewable branches grow from the trunk at an average distance of 15 cm. The Arabica plants have taproots that are not very deep. The bright green oval leaves are opposite, shiny on top and glossy dark on the underside. The branches carry bouquets of 5-10 small white flowers, in axillaries clusters, opening simultaneously during spring and summer. The white flowers have 5 petals with an odoriferous fragrance that spreads over the plantations. After 7-9 months, the flowers give way to the oval-elliptic coffee cherries, yellow to crimson when ripe and black up on drying, with two beans side-by-side. Each tree can produce 8-10 pounds of coffee a year, depending on climate conditions and other factors. Hardiness Zones : 9-11 (-5c/25f, 4c/40f). The Arabica prefers partial shade, and likes a moist rich soil. The plant needs protection from frost.
Give the roots room to grow. They tolerate a wide range of pH. but optimal pH has been suggested as 4.5-7.0. The type of soil is not too important but good drainage is a must. This plant likes high humidity, so if in dry conditions, give it an occasional misting. When it is grown indoor, place it close to a bright window.
Count:~ 5 Label No Common name Arabian Coffea Family No Genus No Species Coffea arabica Cultivar No Therapeutic uses No Germination Plant indoors before the last frost. Coffee seeds do not need a cold period to germinate. As soon as you receive them, they should be soaked in water for 24 to 48 hours. Then, plant the seeds at 3/4" depth in a deep pot, using a rich, moist, well draining soil mix. Peat moss in the potting mix will help provide acid conditions. Keep the seedlings at 30C and provide bottom heat. The soil should be kept on the moist side, but never soggy and in filtered sunlight. The seeds need air circulation, so do not cover them with plastic. Raise the seedlings in shade for 6-12 months, and then harden them off to sun. Germination should occur in about 60 days, but it can take longer. Be patient!
Food Coffee plants will produce fruit without any fertilizing whatsoever, but for best results and maximum yield, they should be fed every 2 weeks from March to October, and then monthly from November through February. Use a soluble, all purpose (10-10-10) fertilizer. Pruning may involve simple pinching to produce a bushier plant, or you may go as far as cutting it way back.... Right down to where only two branches near the bottom are left on it! Scarification / Stratification No
How To Sprout Coffee Seeds Once you have your seeds, soak them in water for 24 hours, drain, and then sow in damp sand or wet vermiculite, or put the seed between moist coffee sacks. After you germinate coffee tree seeds, remove them from the medium. Place the seed flat side down in a hole made in loam soil with a high humus content to which rotted manure, bone meal or dried blood can be added. You can also try a lightweight, porous soil. Don’t press the soil down. Place ½ inch (1 cm.) of mulched grass atop to conserve moisture but remove it when the seed has germinated. Water seeds daily but not too much, just moist. Once your seeds have germinated, the plant can either be left or transplanted in a porous, low pH soil with a high nitrogen content. Orchid fertilizer may be used sparingly on the coffee plant to maintain the low pH and add minerals. Place the plant indoors under artificial lighting. Water once a week and allow to drain, and again during the week with fertilizer. Keep the soil moist and well drained.
Once spring begins, water the plant well to shock it into bloom. Oh, and then you still aren’t done. Once the cherries mature, you can harvest, pulp, ferment, dry roast and then ah, finally enjoy a nice cup of drip. It takes some painstaking effort to mimic tropical high altitude conditions where coffee bean trees thrive, but well worth the effort, even if you don’t get the finest quality java out of your tree. There’s always the corner coffee shop. http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/coffee-arabica-seeds-arabian-coffea-seeds-b5
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kyberphilosopher · 3 years
The Mantis crew decides to take a well deserved break.  Word Count: 2422
Warning(s): straight fluff, short Requested: yep This can be read for a female, male, non binary, or any other reader.
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Eunoia is the shortest English word containing all five main vowel graphemes. It comes from the Greek word εὔνοια, meaning "well mind" or "beautiful thinking”. It is also a rarely used medical term referring to a state of normal mental health. In rhetoric, eunoia is the goodwill a speaker cultivates between himself and his audience, a condition of receptivity. In book eight of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle uses the term to refer to the kind and benevolent feelings of goodwill a spouse has which form the basis for the ethical foundation of human life.
* ✭ ˚ ・゚ ✧ *・゚ * ✭˚・゚ ✧* ・  *
Cal is actually not as observant as people think he is. You know because you’ve been leaning against his doorway, watching him, for about two minutes now and he hasn’t noticed a thing. 
Maybe if you were in his position you’d be the same. That seems about right. He’s hunched over his desk with the lamp on bright, tinkering with something that you can only assume is for BD-1. He’s probably lost in thought. Maybe he’s dreaming of better days. Or maybe he’s just trying to figure out which wires and bolts connect to which. There’s no way to be certain from your position. He’s the mechanic, you are not. 
So why have you been watching the redhead from his doorway for three minutes now? A simple answer. He is your friend, and you enjoy his company. Even when he’s not giving you attention, completely unaware to your presence in moments like this one, lost in his own world, it’s his warmth that really counts. Cal is such a relaxing bout of fresh air compared to everything else in the galaxy, in your life. It’s like being at a great party, but whether you enjoy it or not, stepping outside and tasting the air and the smell of something wonderful. Even if you had a day full of talking to people and had become burned out, talking to Cal would have been no problem at all. Maybe in a way that makes him your favorite person. 
Yeah, maybe. 
BD-1 jumps onto Cal’s desk. His head looks at the boys hands, cocking about as if observing. Then he meets your gaze, only to find a smile. One index finger raises to your lips, prompting the little droid to stay quiet about this, before you turn away and head towards the main part of the ship. 
“Where’s Cal?” Greez gruffs upon seeing you. He’s shaking spice onto a steaming brown plate, which puts a pep in your step. Greez’s cooking always makes life better. 
“In his room,” you answer. You turn from the doorway to the counter, where something hot does cause stringy, swirly puffs of air to waft upwards from a large metal container. With your back to Greez, you pull a plate for yourself and begin hulling it full of food. Some sort of rice or grain?  
“Hmph, that reminds me,” the Latero begins mid-chew. “Me and Cere was talking about taking a vacation.”
“Vacation?” you scrunch your eyebrows and put the lid back on the container. “Where to?”
“The beach maybe?”
You scoff as you turn around and lean on the counter. One hand holds the plate while the other uses your index finger to prod at the mush. It smells alluring. The individual pieces of it stick to your skin. They burn and sting, but it’s so small it doesn’t bring much of a reaction. “I don’t know a lot of beaches.”
“Well, ya know,” Greez shrugs. “Just a thought.”
* ✭ ˚ ・゚ ✧ *・゚ * ✭˚・゚ ✧* ・  *
It was more than just a thought. Six days later, the Mantis touches down on Scarif. But first there’s the issue of landing. 
“Watch that tree,” you point, leaning over Cal’s shoulder as he co-pilots beside Greez. A second later, the ship gives a great rock and the palm tree crunches beneath it. “You weren’t watching the tree.”
“Sorry,” Cal offers sheepishly. 
“What?” Greez says. He’s the one in main control of the ship. He’d never let Cal take over the whole thing. “What he do?”
“Ran over a tree,” you snort. 
“Cal!” Cere scolds, turning around in her chair. 
“I said I was sorry!” Cal defends. 
“I’m telling the wookies what you did,” you whisper.
“Don’t,” Cal whispers back, though it’s still desperate. 
The Mantis parks itself in a field of tropical emerald on the cuff of a beach. The sand is white, the waves cyan and royal blue and sloshing. There’s several beaches on the planet. All of which are very beautiful. Would be a true shame if anything were to ever happen to Scarif. It’s so different compared to so many other planets in the galaxy- not occupied by Imperial forces or scumbags. 
Greez waves everybody off. Cere exits first. Cal is ahead of you, but he steps to the side and rather gentlemanly insists, “You first.”
You hum and move past him. The Scarif air hits your face with a warm breeze. It smells of salt and water and some kind of flower. The horizon goes orange and pink and salmon with the setting sun. It is... serene. It nearly knocks you off your feet. It takes his voice to realize Cal is beside you at the bottom of the ramp. 
“Woah,” he offers simply, in as much awe as yourself. 
“Woah,” you repeat in agreement. It’s still for a second. “Come on. Let’s join them. Or else I’ll have to cast a Jedi mind trick on you.” Your fingers wiggle up and down by Cal’s face for dramatic effect. 
Cal rolls his eyes. “Shut up,” he utters with a push on your elbow, urging you forward into the sand. 
Okay, so maybe you like Cal more than just a friend. But who can blame you? Things had been feeling different between you two lately. You’d always gotten along pretty smoothly. You made up for skills that Cal seemed to lack himself, and his abilities- human and nonhuman- never ceased to amaze you. He was a friend. And then, when you tended to the stab wound he’d gotten from Vader, there was a moment where you held each others eyes. After that, the joking became more constant. The little touches on the shoulders and elbows and forehead taps happened more often. And you started watching him from his doorway sometimes and... and at some point you just caught feelings. 
Cal Kestis seemed to feel the same, but who could really say? No use poking that bear right now. 
The sand is soft, even beneath your boots. Cere stands in front of the water, just breathing in the air. The light breeze makes her vest ripple. It’s tempting to just join her. 
“Gotta say,” you hear a familiar voice say from your left and below. “We picked a nice place.”
“Maybe we should stay a while,” you joke, though you secretly hope for it, to Greez. 
“Yeah,” Greez rolls his eyes. “Until this moron gets us into trouble again!”
Cal perks up. “What did I do?”
“Anybody who can lift things with their mind is gonna attract some attention, kid. You just brought it on us.”
“So true,” you jump on with a smirk to Cal. 
“Alright,” Cal turns away towards the beach. You position yourself so you’re closer to him, and Greez takes the opportunity to waddle away further ahead to waves.
“Sorry for bursting your bubble, Cal,” you continue with a smug grin. “Maybe in the next life, don’t be born with force powers? Just a suggestion.”
“You think you’re so funny,” Cal tells you, though he’s smiling too. His pale green eyes spare a glance at you, thick lashes dancing on his boyish face. 
Your knees bend until you collapse on your bottom in the sand. It’s so soft, it doesn’t even resist your weight. It makes way for you easily, like a blanket. “I do.”
Cal joins you in the sand quickly enough. You’re both face to face, the wind in your hair and the water at your side. It crashes every few seconds, but it’s peaceful. Some kind of bird flies overhead, and butterflies are in the forested area behind you. The light of the sunset illuminates Cal’s hair more than usual. The brightest points of his eyes are highlighted. 
“He loves you,” you offer. 
“You think so?”
“I am one hundred percent certain... Just don’t touch the ship.”
Cal raises his hands as if surrendering. “Understood. Hands off.”
You turn your head to the water. Greez and Cere are standing ahead, most likely having a conversation of their own. The tide carries so much of the stress your shoulders hold away from you. Everything with the holocron, the empire- it was ridiculous what living in hiding could do to a person. It’s hard to imagine how Cal did it for so long. How painful that must’ve been for him. How painful it is to imagine him in pain. 
“How’s your stomach?” you decide to ask at last. 
Cal tilts his head for a second. “Better.”
“Perfect?” you raise your knees to your chest and rest your arms on them. 
Just then, a little whirring noise pulls both of your attentions away. BD-1 bounds down the ramp of the ship, twirling around in observance as if excited. “Hey, BD,” Cal greets. “I know, buddy. I know.” The droid places itself in Cal’s lap, still looking around at the change in scenery. 
“We’ve never been able to do this before,” you tell him. “I mean, I wasn’t here for the whole adventure. But I was here after and before and... and just... we’ve never done this.”
Cal is quiet. “I haven’t either.”
You look at him. 
“Taken a break. I guess time on Bracca was the closest thing.”
You smile softly. “I’m sure it was really nice.”
Cal rolls his eyes along with his head, though the corner of his chapped pink lips turn upwards. “As nice as it could be with the Empire.”
“That’s pretty nice.”
Cal and you huff a humorous puff of air in unison. 
“What were you doing before the Mantis?” Cal suddenly asked. 
“Oh,” you roll your eyes and wave your hand. “Not important. Don’t even worry about it.”
“Come on!” Cal shifts. 
“I’m serious!” you defend. “It’s boring stuff. You wouldn’t want to hear about it. Not as interesting as the force.”
“Well anything related to you is interesting,” Cal says casually, one of his palms lifting in the air for effect as he shifts again. 
Well that makes your face feel hot. Anything related to you is interesting. How often do people get to hear that? And how casually it comes out of Cal’s mouth, the shrug of his shoulders that you tie so easily to him, that’s how you know it’s honest. Not only have you heard something intimate that not many people will in their whole lives, but it was also heartfelt. 
“Yeah,” you mutter, though it sounds distant and far away as you watch Cal’s eyes. He doesn’t seem to mind. Then you snap back to reality. “This is gonna be good.”
Cal watches you pop to life, standing up entirely and running towards the water. BD-1 perks up as well to watch you just in time to see your much bigger form nearly knock the Latero over. And, much to Cal’s surprise, the little droid jumps from his lap and bounds after you. The red head decides he’s next to follow. 
“BD-1,” he rasps, also nearly pushing Greez to the ground. “Don’t touch the water!”
But it’s too late. However, nothing happens. BD-1 stands in the shallow waves, unelectrocuted and unbroken. He doesn’t spark a bit, only cocking his head in wonder at his friend. 
“Think fast!” a voice calls. 
A splash of warm and salty water slaps against Cal’s face. He cringes, turning his shoulders away on impact with a little gasp that makes his throat burn. “Hey!”
Another splash. 
Cal turns to you. You’re standing with your hands on either side of yourself, open and matching your smug and proud face. Your boots are still on, which can’t be comfortable given that they’re now submerged in water. BD-1 is on the back of your shoulders- something Cal thought was only between him and the droid. Apparently not. 
“What’s wrong, Cal? Can’t handle the current?”
Cal stills himself. Then he bends down himself and flicks water upwards. 
“Hey! No!”
He does it once more. 
So you too repeat your original actions and begin forcing salty liquid up into the air in Cal’s direction as well. BD-1 grips onto your collar for stability while you both go to town, careful to not open your mouths too wide and taste the saltiness. 
“Be careful you two!” Cere calls from the shore. Neither Cal nor yourself heed her words, continuing on in disrupting the tide. 
“They’re fine,” Greez assures with the wave of one of his many arms. 
“Are you sure about that?” Cere responds with a hand on her hip as she watches you tackle the Jedi to the sandy terrain below the shallow water. 
“Completely fine.”
You push both of Cal’s shoulders down jokingly, careful not to subdue his head under the water. He cranes his neck to keep it above the waves. Through his soft lashes, Cal can just see your smiling, evil intentioned face with BD-1 on your shoulder gazing at him. 
Honestly, it feels just how it did last week- the last time you had watched Cal in his room. Gazing at him, admiring him. Just now you get to touch him, relax with him, splash water at him, even. You wish you could capture this moment if not forever, then for a while, and Cal wishes the same. 
* ✭ ˚ ・゚ ✧ *・゚ * ✭˚・゚ ✧* ・  *
Sorry it’s short. Idk if it’s my best work certainly but I haven’t written for Cal or Star Wars in a while. But I didn’t kill the reader in this fic or have someone sick or in danger! So it might be my first ever straight fluff? I don’t know. But what a good character to do it with. I’m glad to give Cal a break. And i hope the requester enjoys. 
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🌌 fanfiction masterlist 🌌
Phoenix Leader: Hera deals with the loss of many fellow Rebels after the an hour or two after the end of Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Episode 7: Wings of the Master, with the help of a certain Jedi.
Look At Me: Set the night of Season 3, Episode 3: The Holocrons of Fate. Kanan has finally returned from his self-imposed exile, but he and Hera aren’t where they were before Malachor happened. But when a trauma-induced nightmare strikes, Hera can’t just leave him alone, even though tension between them still runs high.
✨Kanera Week 2021 ✨
Moonbeam: A Masterpiece: - Sabine Wren adds a little something to Hera Syndulla's new A-Wing. Hera and Kanan's reactions differ greatly. Prompt: Trouble.
More Than Ever Before: Kanan and Hera are making it official. (Hint: Kanera marriage!) Prompt: Connection.
It Would Be You: Kanan and Hera's relationship deepens to a new level as they enjoy a night together on the Ghost. Set in between Season 1 and Season 2. Prompt: Ultimate OTP moment.
It’s Been a Long, Long Time: Hera and her crew join the Battle of Exegol...which leads to an unexpected yet welcome reunion. Prompt: Reunion.
Shenanigans With Spectre Seven: Jacen Syndulla is running for his life. Prompt: Found family.
Longing to Linger Til’ Dawn: Kanan and Hera recently admitted to having feelings for each other. Okay...Hera was the only one who really needed to. They've been so busy, though, that Kanan's starting to be frustrated by the fact that she's constantly working. Prompt: Song Lyrics.
Moons of Rion | Part One: Kanan Jarrus has finally reopened himself to the Force, but this comes with unintended consequences. These consequences concern Hera Syndulla, and she desperately wants to help him...if he'll only let her. Prompt: Free Day.
Moons of Rion | Part Two: Kanan and Hera meet up with a mysterious contact, who seems strangely nervous about something…(featuring an OC!!)
Moons of Rion | Part Three: Kanan, Hera, and Nakoa have a meeting in the common room…which might lead to somebody “doing some backstory”, to quote Eugene Fitzherbert.
Moons of Rion | Part Four: Kanan does backstory at last.
Moons of Rion | Finale: Kanan and Hera are unceremoniously awakened to an unexpected message.
Please Come Home for Life Day: Kanan Jarrus desperately wants his wife to spend Life Day with him and the rest of their family. Will she or won’t she? (If you know my writing, you probably know the answer to this.)
Space Married?: (Chapters Posted: 3/?)
Takes place three months after my Moons of Rion series! Kanan and Hera’s newest mission: pose as a married couple on a popular honeymoon destination to uncover what might be a looming Imperial plot. But neither of them could have ever expected where the mission ends up going…
Hera Syndulla Was Fine. : The Battle of Scarif affects General Syndulla in many ways; some good, some...undesired. She keeps claiming to be fine, but her crewmates on the Ghost think otherwise.
The Most Chaotic Family on Earth: (Chapters Posted: 2/?) The Ghost Crew + DisneyWorld = absolute chaos. But it's fun absolute chaos. Kanan has the idea to take a family vacation, and the expected shenanakins ensue. And maybe some unexpected ones. Prompt idea sent by LadyWren7!
Anakin’s New Apprentice: (Chapters Posted: 1/?) Months ago, Ahsoka Tano left the Jedi Order, leaving her beloved master heartbroken at what feels like the loss of his only sister. The months haven't healed the ache, and nothing has come along to fill the void that Ahsoka's absence leaves behind within him. Well. Nothing has come along until now.
Spectre 01 to Spectre 02: (Chapters Posted: 4/4) After the destruction of the TIE Defender Factory, Hera gives daily reports on a frequency that she knows she'll never hear a reply from, a hopeful, desperate piece of her heart aching every time her expectations are proved right.
Here is one of those daily reports.
More coming soon!
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Kalluzeb- To Have a Home
@icecream-dino47 asked: “Can you do a one shot of Kallus and Zeb from Star Wars rebels?” 
My loves <3 thanks so much for requesting!
All requests are open!
“Last mission,” Zeb declares, sliding into the seat next to Kallus. The other man looks up at him, a quizzical eyebrow raised.
“Not quite,” Kallus frowns. “We still have that business in the Outer Rim Hera wanted us to do.”
“Right,” Zeb says, buckling his seat in preparation for takeoff. Kallus beings the launch sequence, reaching towards the controls. “Close enough,” Zeb shrugs, scratching the back of his neck. “We pack up, after this one, anyways.”
“That should be easy,” Kallus says absentmindedly, lifting the landing gear. “All my things are fairly consolidated.”
Zeb snorts. “Tell that to the inside of my cabin.”
“Your cabin, is it now? I seem to remember you grabbing my rucksack and telling me that “my space is your space, Alex-””
“Well, I meant you could have a drawer, not sort everything on the ship by color. Including my kriffing underw-”
“Alright, boys, are you ready? You’ve been cleared for takeoff.” Hera’s words cut through their bickering, the comms interrupting Zeb’s lament.
“Ready for takeoff, General,” Kallus says, disregarding Zeb’s snort at the title.
“Make us proud,” Hera says, a smile in her voice. She doesn’t protest at Kallus’ insistence on formality, though it’s unusual at this point. Over the years, “Captain” and “General” had simply become “Hera,” but perhaps she is sharing the sense of finality that’s overtaken Kallus. “See you soon.”
The feed cuts out, and Kallus guides the ship off the ground and into the air. 
“So, Commander,” Zeb teases, leaning back in his seat, “what are the results of your search?”
Alexsandr remains silent while they leave the atmosphere, but Zeb allows him the time to consider his answer.
“Insignificant,” he declares finally, punching in the hyperspace coordinates. “Given that you already seem to have someplace in mind and I cannot find a single system that would satisfy us both.”
He punctuates his sentence by pushing the throttle, sending the shuttle into hyperspace. Zeb waits for his partner to elaborate, but instead, Alexsandr shifts, reaching behind him for his cane. Zeb stands, passing Kallus the intricately carved piece of wood, then offers his hand to Kallus. Minding his bad leg, Kallus raises slowly, then accepts Zeb’s arm. Together, they make their way towards the back of the ship.
They settle in next to each other, enjoying the quieted hum of the engine and the moment of peace, away from everyone else in the Rebellion. Hera had agreed to give them a smaller diplomatic mission, as it was one of the few things standing between the men and their retirement. Kallus was well-suited to it, having given up fighting after Endor (and the worsening pain in his bad leg), and was elected to accompany him for protection, in the unlikely event of high tensions and blasterfire.
“You think I have someplace in mind,” Zeb says. It’s not a question, and Kallus takes his hand before answering.
“I think you would have a better idea of home than I ever would.”
Zeb gives a surprised laugh. “I’ve lived on a ship most of my life, at this point.” He sighs, turning to look at Alexsandr. “My ideas of family and home have changed, Kal. Since Lasan… it’s been the Spectres and the Ghost, for me.” Zeb admits, placing his arm between his head and the wall and leaning back. “I never needed anything else.” He nudges Kallus with his free elbow. “‘Till you came along and changed all that.”
Kallus grins at him, a glint of humor sparkling in his eyes. But then, it disappears as quickly as it came, and his features harden and sober. Zeb’s nagging feeling returns, and he wraps an arm around his beloved, drawing him even closer. Kallus relaxes into the embrace, and his eyes close. Zeb waits another moment, and Kallus takes a deep inhale before opening his eyes.
“I’ve never really had a home,” Kallus says suddenly, straightening. “Not since I was very young.” He looks at Zeb briefly, almost sheepish. “I’ve just floated around from Imperial base to base, going wherever I needed.”
“You’ve had the Ghost,” Zeb says pointed, and Kallus nods. “Like me.”
“Even that was hardly permanent. It was… it is home, but it seemed so… temporary. Hera would need it somewhere, and we’d stay at wherever the Rebellion needed us. I never expected to spend the remainder of my life on Hera’s ship, at any rate.”
“So where did you expect to end up?”
Kallus laughs- it’s something closer to a scoff, and Zeb’s heart slows at the bitter sound.
“I don’t know.” There’s no small amount of frustration behind the words, but Zeb knows it’s not aimed at him. “I didn’t- I didn’t expect anything.” He swallows, hard, and when he speaks again, his voice is quiet, nearly timid. “I didn’t expect to be here. Alive, I mean.
“I never expected to live this long,” Kallus breathes, glancing at Zeb. His partner goes very still beside him, but Alexsandr continues after Zeb squeezes his hand. “With the Empire- I never expected to go to war. I never expected to be anything other than Agent Kallus, ISB. I planned to die as one of them, on some mission, or alone after a lifetime of obeying their cause. Even when my allegiance changed-” Kallus shakes his head. “Even then, I could never see a life of peace, after the Empire. I was confident that the Rebels would win-” Kallus’ voice trembles, and Zeb thinks of all the nights Alexsandr stayed awake, too anxious to sleep as he poured over mission reports. Zeb remembers how, after Scarif and Yavin, his partner barely ate or slept, fraught with nerves even after the Death Star blew, how Alexsandr never explicitly stated his belief that the Rebellion would succeed until the first night of victory on Endor.
“Right,” Zeb says, shifting closer to his partner. Alex inhales slowly.
“I simply didn’t think I would be a part of it. Not that I wouldn’t survive, even, I just- no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t picture it. I couldn’t see myself on the other side.”
“But you did,” Zeb says, a little gruffly. Kallus nods wordlessly and rests his head on Zeb’s shoulder.
“I did.”
“And now you have a family.”
“I do, Garazeb.” The lingering sorrow on Kallus’ face melts when Zeb smiles down at him. Zeb cups Alexsandr’s jaw, then leans in for a kiss, chaste but lingering. When they part, a low chuckle escapes Zeb- a light blush has spread across the man’s cheeks. Alexsandr rolls his eyes, knowing the observation his partner has just made, then ducks his head, nestling into Zeb’s shoulder. Zeb wraps his arms around his beloved, and there they stay for a long while.
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fallen420 · 3 years
Rebel Spy - Chapter 15: The  Goodbye
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warning: mandalorian spoilers 
One of the imperial pilots holds a blaster to the doctor that we saw on the hologram head. We need him alive because of what he knows. Seeing this I join Din in their cockpit.
“Stay back rebel scum,” says the one holding the blaster. Din and I both hold up our blasters higher.
“Easy, pal. Okay?” says the other imp. “I’m not with him. We can work something out-” before he can even finish his thought he’s getting shot in the head by the other guy.
“Alright drop the blaster,” I say
“No, no you listen to me. This is a top-tier target of the New Republic. This is a clone engineer. And if they find out that he’s dead because of you, you’re gonna wish you never left Alderaan.”
“How do you know that?”
“I see who you are, you’re Aurora Janren. Rebel Spy. Rebel Commander. Everyone in the galaxy knows who you are. You wanna know what else I saw? I saw your planet destroyed. I was on the death star.”
“What a coincidence so was I.” Din looks at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the imp.
He laughs, “Oh that’s right I remember. You and your friend were. We should have killed you both when we had the chance but destroying your plant was a small price to pay to rid the galaxy of terrorism.” Hearing enough of him calling my family and friends terrorist I aim my blaster and shoot him in the head.
The doctor holds the side of his head. His ear probably hurts from being too close to the blast. I turn to walk out but Din grabs my arm. “Why didn’t you tell me? You said you were on a rebel base when it happened.”
“I didn’t know how to explain at the time that Darth Vader and captured me and my friend and decided to blow up our home planet to get us to talk. It's not something I like to remember.” I pull my arm out of his grip and I go back to Bobas ship.
We pick up Bo and Koska from a cantina. Bo tells us that the person she lost the darksaber to is Moff Gideon which is probably the reason she agreed to help us in the first place.
We make a plan to get onto the cruiser using the imperial ship we stole from the imps that the doctor was on. Bo, Koska, and Fennec will go in first taking out the stormtroopers and make they’re way to the cockpit while Din and I go find Grogu.
Din and I walk down the ramp of the ship. Both of us have our blasters out. Din also brought the spear that he got just in case we need it. We walk through the empty imperial cruiser. Well, it's not actually empty, it just feels like this is. The feeling is eerie.
We turn down a hallway. Hearing two stormtroopers make their way towards us Din grabs my wrist pulling us into a little corridor. The troopers run-pass without seeing us. Din squeezes my wrist before letting go and checking to see if the coast is clear. Once he’s sure it is we continue on our way to find the kid.
We turn down a hallway for what feels like the millionth time. But this time we see doors open.
“No, no!” Din yells as he puts the splicer into the control panel to close it. The doors start to close but then it stops as two hands grab the doors stopping them. These two hands belong to the same things that took the kid.
It pries the door opens and we are bet with its red eyes. It punches both Din. With him having the beskar protecting him he slides across the room and hits the wall without getting knocked out. Me having none of that when the thing tosses me off to the side and I hit the wall I almost instantly get knocked out.
I’m not sure how long I’m out for but it can’t be for long because Din is still fighting the thing and is very much losing. I feel my head throbbing and warmblood coming down the side of my face.
Din is on his knees tries backing away from the thing throwing charges at it. The more he backs away the closer he gets to me. Using everything I have, which is mostly adrenaline, I stand up grabbing the spear from Dins back and driving it into the thing’s neck. Sparks fly and I push it farther causing it to fall to the ground.
Din runs back to the control panel opening the hull door so the rest get sucked into space. He runs back to me taking the spear out of my hand. He wipes the blood still dripping down my face then gently holds the back of my head, “Are you okay cyar'ika?” he says almost frantic.
I take a deep breath, “I’ve been worse trust me. Let’s just find Grogu and get the hell out of here.” This he agrees and once again we run throw these halls.
Using the spear Din takes out the stormtrooper guarding the cell with ease. Using the splicer Din opens the door to the cell. Inside is Grogu sitting on the bench with little binders to prevent him from using the force and Gideon with the darksaber pointed right at the kid.
The kid coos when he sees us and raises his hands a little.
“Drop the blaster,” Gideon says, “Slowly.” He moves the saber closer to Grogu. Doing as he says we slowly put our blasters on the ground. I ignore the throbbing in my head as I do it. “Now kick them over to me.” Again we do as we are told. “Very nice.”
“Give me the kid.”
“The kid is just fine where he is.” Gideon waves the saber above his head, “Memorizing isn’t it? Used to belong to Bo-Katan. Yes, I know you’re traveling with Bo-Katan. A friendly piece of advice, assume that I know everything. Like the fact that your wrist launcher has fired its one and only salvo, and you,” he looks at me, “Seem to be suffering from a concussion.”
“Where is this going?” I ask annoyed.
“This is where it's going. I’m guessing that Bo-Katan and her boarding party have arrived at the bridge, seeking me or, more accurately, this. But I’m not there and I imagine that they’ve killed everyone on the bridge, being the murderous savages that they are. And know they’re being to panic because she wants this. Do you know why? Because it brings power. Whoever wields this sword has the right to lay claim to the Mandalorian throne.”
“You keep it,” Din says, “I just want the kid.”
“Very well,” Gideon retracts the saber, “I’ve already got what I want from him. His blood. All I wanted to study was his blood. This child is gifted and has properties that have the potential to bring order back to the galaxy. I see you two have a bond with him. Take him but you will leave my ship immediately and we will go our separate ways.
Din and I carefully walk to the kid as Gideon moves out of our way. Before Din can pick him up I hear the darksaber ignite. I duck knowing that that weapon will cut me in half with ease. The saber hits Din’s jetpack. Din starts to back out the door blocking all the hits Gideon gives him. They take their fight out into the hallway,
Already bent down I start to undo the binders on the kid’s cuffs, “Hey Grogu.” he coos and for a second I smile knowing he’s back with us. Once the binders are off I hold him close to me.
Once I get back out into the hallway Din has the spear to Gideon's neck who is now on the ground. “Put him in binders lets go.
When we get to the bridge everyone is there. Din tries to give the saber to Bo but she refuses. Since she lost it and didn’t win it back in a battle she can’t rightfully take it.
Din tries to argue with her about it but before she can Fennec detects something entering the ship but it doesn’t show any lifeforms.
“You’re about to face off with the dark troopers,” Gideon says, “You had your hands full with one. Let’s see how you do against a platoon.” We’ve gone through too much today to just give up now. I put the kid in the safest place possible we seal the blast doors and we get into position.
The dark troopers starting punching at the door. Each punch makes a bigger dent. I start to get nervous not having any idea how we are going to face them all. With every punch, I lose a little bit of hope that we will make it out of here alive. But when all hope is lost, I hear a ship jump out of hyperspace.
“An X-wing?” I say.
Bo tries to get the ship to identify itself. The pilot doesn’t say anything as it lands on the cruiser. But I do notice that the kid's ears perk up and something tells me that whoever is this is going to save our asses.
The punching stops and the air gets tense again.
“Why did they stop?” Fennec asks.
“A Jedi’s on board,” I say walking over to where Din is looking at the cameras I don’t bother explaining myself and I watch to see what happens.
Bo is also looking at the cameras on the other control panel, “She’s right. It’s a Jedi.” There’s only so many Jedi left and I met a few in my day so something tells me this one will be a friend. On the screens, we watch as the Jedi goes cut through the dark troopers with ease. The kid climbs up on the chair and watches with me and Din.
The Jedi makes its way through all of them and gets to our door. The kid whines and Din picks up him. Din and I walk to the front “Open the doors.” No one moves, “I said open the doors.”
“Are you crazy?” Fennec says.
Din sets the kid in the chair and opens the doors.
Everyone’s eyes are on the door as the Jedi walks into the room. I see his green lightsaber and his gloved hand and I know exactly who this is.
He takes off the dark hood revealing a face I feel as if I just saw him yesterday but also a lifetime ago.
“Luke?” I say almost in disbelief.
“Aurora,” he nods, “It’s good to see you again.”
I walk towards him giving him and hug and pulling away to say, “I haven’t seen you since Endor. Leia, how is she?”
Leia was my best friend on Alderaan. She grew up in the palace and I basically did with her. Her father was a huge part of the Rebellion making us become apart of it once we got old enough. We went on missions he sent us on together. Then when the ghost crew helped out me and Leia, I stayed with them feeling like I could do more but after everything on Lothal and the Battle of Scarif I got separated from them. Leia and I ended up getting the plans for the death star then we got captured by Vader. I met Luke when he helped to rescue us, we fought alongside each other all the way up until Endor. And now I’m here.
“She’s good. Really good.”
“I miss her.”
Luke nods before motioning towards Grogu, “I take it this is the one?” I go back to stand next to Din
“Yes, everywhere I go there seem to be Jedi.” No literally Din never even heard of the Jedi before meeting the kid but somehow I befriend three? What are the chances?
The kid looks up at Din and me.
“He doesn’t want to go with you.”
“He wants your permission,” Luke says, “He is strong with the force but talent without training is nothing. I will give my life to protect the child but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities.
Din picks up Grogu and walks back over to me, “Hey go on. That's who you belong with. He’s one of your kind. Aurora knows him you’ll be safe. We’ll see you again. I promise”
I hold on to Din’s arm trying my best to hold back my tears. Grogu holds his hand up to Din’s helmet wanting to see his dad’s face before we don’t see him for who knows how long.
Dins lifts his hand up to his helmet is he gonna take it off?
The helmet is gone and in front of me is the beautiful face of the man I love. The tears fall freely down my face not being able to hold any more emotions in.
My eyes start at his brown hair. The curly, fluffy, brown hair. I've run my hands through it in the dark but stars this is better.
His brown eyes met mine. There’s a little wrinkle in the corner of his eyes I had a feeling he had. I spot the nose I love and kissed so much. And the soft lips I see form a smile for the first time.
I hold my hand to his cheek. Touching it in the dark is one thing but seeing myself touch it is a whole different feeling.
I place a kiss on his lips then one on his nose, “So handsome,” I smile a teary smile.
Both of us turn our attention back on Grogu who is staring at us. I lean my head on Din’s shoulder as I watch as Din also reaches a hand to his chin like he’s checking to see if he’s real.
“Alright pal, it’s time to go.”
I brush the kid’s ear, “It’s okay he’s a good man, don’t be afraid.”
Din places Grogu on the floor but the kid holds on tight to Din's leg. Hearing beeps I look to see the blue and white astromech droid R2-D2. This droid and I have been through a lot together first meeting on Alderaan. Lots of stories I don’t need to get into right now.
The droid looks at me and beeps excitedly, I smile, “Hey Artoo.”
The kid being curious walks up to Artoo the charismatic droid beeps excitedly too and starts to move around. It's a cute sight to see. But the happiness I feel seeing old friends again comes to a stop when Luke picks up Grogu and I realize it's actually happening the kid is going away. Din and I completed the mission we found his people. Luckily it's someone I trust with my life considering the number of times he saves it but its hurts knowing I might never see the closest thing I’ll have to a son again.
“May the force be with you.”
I nod back at Luke. They turn around back into the elevator and with that, they’re gone.
taglist: @tortles​
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