#op doflamingo imagine
gatorbites-imagines · 6 months
idk if your requests are open and I don't have a plot like some of your other anons but how do you feel about Doflamingo being a bit obsessed over someone solely because they are much shorter than him but can throw him around like a toy doll😶‍🌫️
Donquixote Doflamingo x shorter male reader
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Exams are over! writing time!
Doflamingo is one of my favourite One Piece characters of all time, so I got excited about this request hehe.
I imagine Reader is a powerful person on their own, since I can’t see Doffy being in a real relationship with anybody who isn’t powerful.
It’s definitely not hard to be shorter than Doffy, since that guy is 10 feet tall. So, you would just have to be less than 10 feet for him to tease you about it.
In this situation, you would be normal human sized, that means you go to about Doffys hip in height, meaning he always has to leer down at you, and your neck is gonna ache from having to look up at him at all times.
Expect his grin to be even more shiteating than normal when he looks down at you, especially if he actually sees you as a romantic partner and not just someone hes gonna use to further his goals.
Hes always gonna make comments about your height, and chuckle that laugh of his. If he actually likes you, I can also imagine Doffy dropping his feather coat on top of you, just to see how it completely covers you from head to toe.
Expect to be picked up and put in his lap when he sits down, and if you start complaining or snapping at him for it, Doffy would just find it more entertaining and go out of his way to pull you into his lap even more.
Theres definitely been more and one meeting between his subordinates and himself, where you’ve been posted up on his knee, looking like a grumpy cat as one of his large hands keeps you in place.
Doflamingo is already a very possessive and obsessive person in general, in my opinion, so if you are romantic partners, he will be very overbearing. You being smaller than him, only makes him worse.
You are gonna be embarrassed when he pops a squat to look you in the eyes, grinning bigger than normal when you glare at him at how clearly he’s humiliating you.
Expect to be grabbed by him and moved around as he pleases, just scooping you up with his large hands or with his strings, lugging you around like a doll or toy. He would probably give you a nickname like that too, calling you his doll, as he picks out clothes for you for the day.
Only he is allowed to bully you (lovingly) about your height. If anybody else tries to pull the same moves he pulls around you, his grin becomes tense and the veins on his forehead bulge, but that’s just him if anybody acts too interested in you in general, or flirts with you. If anybody flirts with you, they better count their days.
You better know how to hold your breath for longer periods of time, since he kisses like he is gonna devour you whole. And with you being smaller than him, his tongue would probably gag you up and close off your airways for a while until he’s had his fill.
Makes you climb him like a mountainside if you want a kiss, if he’s feeling like a tease. Just stands up straight and chuckles as you grab onto his coat or shirt to climb him like a tree. Calls you his squirrel, because of that.
He uses your huge size difference when he’s mad at you too, lifting you or grabbing you, forcing you to look at him if you aren’t, or forcing you to stay if you try to leave. Would probably also use it as an intimidation tactic, since we all know Doffy isn’t a good person.
Dating Doffy can never be healthy, but if you have a spine of steel, or if your as twisted as he is, there would probably be no problem. You can use his height against him, denying him kisses or your attention, but it only works for a short while, since he’s just gonna lug you around as he pleases or use his strings to get what he wants.
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moonbaby26 · 3 months
Their Favorite Parts
*crossposted to AO3 here*
Prompt: One Piece men and the parts of your body that they fixate on most. 
Reader Type: GN!Reader
Characters: Doflamingo, Kuzan/Aokiji, Crocodile, Smoker, Buggy, Mihawk, Shanks, Law
Warnings: language, references to sex, penetration, oral, and foreplay
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He actually can be gentle with you. But you’ve found that level of care is always only a precursor to something else that he wants. And in the end, he can’t ever let you back to sleep until he’s been inside at least one of your holes and fully spent himself within it. 
Whether this wretched man is pounding between your thighs, or probing you with those long fingers, or dampening you with that equally obscene tongue…he wants to be as deep inside of you as he can possibly be. 
He loves you most when you’re trembling, thighs spread beneath him. Or on your knees looking up as your eyes water with your mouth full of his length. He’ll tell you what a good pet you are even as you plead or choke. 
But it’s as if you were made perfectly for him. He’ll never feel this with another lover. You’re his favorite until he destroys it all. And even then, he may just pull you from the ash to start with you again. Because he would sincerely miss you in his next empire.
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He loves to sleep with his head on your chest. He can hear your heartbeat then and know that you’re still really there. That this isn’t all some terrible illusion, as much as he still feels he doesn’t deserve you and can’t keep you. 
His life has been too complicated. All the way from a respected, yet conflicted marine to whatever the hell people are calling him these days. But you never seem to judge him. You still believe in him, even now. He doesn’t understand your loyalty, but he loves you for it. 
And when the two of you are awake and intimate, he’ll be behind you, hands holding your warm chest as his fingers massage it. The way you lean back into him as your chill bumps form is so trusting. You know that he could freeze your heart in an instant if he chose to. But of course he never would. He wants this to last forever. He needs you at his side.
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Sir Crocodile/Hips
He is certain you do it on purpose by now. The way your ever tight clothing forms around your body. It feels like a specific challenge you’ve made against him. As if you are daring his eyes not to follow you across the room as your hips sway while you walk. 
You’re his favorite assassin already. Though perhaps he can take some blame for letting this favoritism start to go to your head. And yet, even when he plans to punish you, he finds himself enjoying it too much. It’s hard to keep you humble when he’s still moaning your name as he fucks you over the top of his desk. 
With his one hand he grabs into that fleshy hip, riding you to his release as his hook stays warningly against the side of your face. But while you smirk against that curved metal as he finally cums, he knows you haven’t learned your lesson at all. Yet he also realizes that there are still years of this game to come. You’re too efficient to get rid of you anytime soon.
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It was the first thing he ever noticed about you. Just how pouty your lips could look, even as you argued and bitched at him on the battlefield. You cursed him through those lips, always lamenting that he made your shared marine ship smell like an ashtray. 
And by the time he’d found his way into your bunk one night, those same lips were about the only thing he would put his cigars down for. He’d wanted to kiss you for so long. By the time you finally let him, he never wanted to lose that high again. 
It could be soft, it could be rough. Just like you and your ever changing moods. You acted like you hated him until your mouth was over his. Then you were thrusting against him soon enough and whimpering even as you both knew you couldn’t wake the rest of the ship. 
He always started and ended sex with you with those damned lips. And every time he knew curses would be flying from them again tomorrow, even if his name would also be moaning out through them just as passionately each night.
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His life was a circus. And not just in the literal way he would have preferred. Somehow every move he made garnered new success, but equal terror. He never knew what tomorrow would bring. As Cross Guild’s infamy grew, so did his reputation along with it. 
But his nerves were shot, and you could tell. When the others bullied him, you never added to it. He hadn’t a clue why you’d chosen him. But he wouldn’t take it for granted either as you’d come to sit in his lap, late at night in his room. You’d call him your captain, your emperor even, grinding that perfect ass into him as you tried to cheer him up. 
And it always worked. As he’d a bit too desperately slide your pants from you, you always humored him. Letting his hands massage and hold that enticing rear. If he wanted to spank you, you let him do that too. It was just so soft and…comforting? He might not admit it, but you were his only remaining stability in this place. If he lost you, that would have been his breaking point. But he trusted you too when you promised that you were in it for the long haul. He was already your pirate king.
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It was the way you’d looked at him that first time the two of you had ever crossed paths. You weren’t afraid of his history, even as you’d seen him kill a lesser swordsman right in front of you. 
By the time he got to know you better, he’d realized just how much he liked to gaze into those eyes. It was as if he could feel what you were thinking. And as your confidence grew, that ‘come hither’ look of yours became far more prominent as well. 
Just with a glance, he knew exactly when you were craving to have those physical needs sated. And he certainly respected that need, finding it rather quickly a mutual one as he’d often carry you to his bed. 
And even then as his hips would be pumping skillfully against your own, you’d be looking up at him in a haze of pleasure with those same beautiful eyes. A view for him alone, one he would cherish and protect forever more.
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It might have been a bit too crass on his part, that afternoon in the bar when he’d first noticed you from across the room. But his ship wouldn’t be in port for long. There wasn’t time to play this subtle. No, not at all as he’d whistled loudly, catcalling you while his crew had laughed. 
He’d gotten the full view as well when those same lovely legs had carried you right back up to the bar to tell him to go fuck himself. And the way he’d smiled at you just pissed you off even further of course. 
Your anger made you stay. And it was definitely a talent of his to inspire that, but he was persistent too. Soon enough you’d let him buy you a drink, and then a few more. By the time the two of you had been stumbling out of the bar, you were letting him know your room number at the nearby inn. You wanted to know if he was just all talk. He assured you that he was not.
And that night as he did get the privilege of those legs being wrapped around him as your bed creaked and shook in a marathon of lovemaking, he realized his crew probably could find more room on the ship. You had no ties to this town either. 
By morning he was more than pleased when you agreed to board. Beck had protested a little, just at the sudden impracticality of yet another mouth to feed. But Shanks knew you would fit in fine, all of you and those legs laying in his bunk warm beside him for years to come on your way through the New World.
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With an epithet like the Surgeon of Death, he of course knew better than most on the importance of dexterity and skill with the hands. Without his own, he felt that he would have been useless. 
But this appreciation for such talent had quickly extended to you once he’d finally given in. He’d ignored you for as long as he could, too logical in his understanding of how reckless it’d be to pursue a member of his own crew. But so many days and nights alone under the ocean’s surface had finally worn him down. 
The night on the Polar Tang when those skillful fingers of yours had finally been in his hair, and finally unbuttoning his pants soon after was one that had been so long coming. You’d gotten to see that other side of him then as he unraveled almost shamefully beneath your stroking and assurances. 
He’d taken care of everyone else for so long you told him, playing the part of their stoic leader. But you knew he was far from only that as your hands drew out all his pent up need. 
You promised him that he was safe with you. That you were with him until the end. And it was all true. The captain of the Heart Pirates would remain within your capable hands for as long as he desired to. And that desire would prove to be unbreakable.
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kaivenom · 24 days
One piece DILFs asking you to live with them... HCS
(obviously, we know they sure have better houses than us)
Characters: Mihawk, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Smoker, Shanks.
Dracule Mihawk
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Him living in a big island castle means that you already had many things on there and you spent many days with him on a row.
The other thing is that when you aren't on the castle, you both spent many time separated, due to his work and yours.
That times when he goes back to the castle and you aren't there and he has to ask you to come and wait days or even a couple of weeks to come, that's when he decides he needs you all the time.
You both were taking breakfast, he was reading a newspaper and you got up to heat your tea/coffe/milk.
"You should spent more time here."
"I already spend a lot of time here."
"Yeah, but i mean... all the time."
"Are you asking me to move in with you, permanently?"
"Kind of..."
He is a lonely, tough men, he really wants to come to the castle after his shichibukai job and find you, but leaving is rough exterior is difficult.
You got close to him and take out his newspaper, you give him a little kiss on the cheek and accept his offer.
Moving all your things from your village to his island was difficult and of course a little hard to explain to people, because you couldn't say you are dating that man.
But moving all your things was worthy, even when you already had a lot of your things there.
Sir Crocodile
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He is a bussiness men, a very dangerous one.
He likes to spoil you with gifts and affection and since he has a lot of berries, he buys you so much clothes that you both decided to keep them in his house, so you already had clothes and other things there.
He is a little control freak of HIS things, so he hires people to follow you and keep you safe, as he says.
That makes you upset, so you confront him on his office.
"Why there are so many people following me?"
"I told that idiots to be discreet, i will fire them."
"That doesn't matter, why?"
"Because i like to keep my inversions safe."
"That's what i am? well, inversions are kept on hidden lockers, so what are you going to do next... lock me?"
"Do you want to live with me?" you didn't know how to answer, "you are more than an inversion and i will have peace on mind if you sleep every night with me and my security alarm."
You thought about it for a moment and nodded slowly, every second the idea sounded better.
You spent the night in his house and when you were the next day preparing yourself to go get your things, all of them were already on the front door.
Apparently your powerful bussiness boyfriend had sent his staff to broke into your house and get all packed.
Donquixote Doflamingo
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He doesn't ask you, he informs you.
You had a really good night with him, there was a moment when he got jealous over a dude but after that everything was perfect.
When you both ended your night things, you decided to back to your house since you had to work early tomorrow.
You open the door and find that all your things were gone, you thought someone broke in, you were almost crying and were about to call Doflamingo (since he is the king of Dressrosa he is the better person to call)
Then a large figure appeared behind you.
"Hi little thing." your breath paused from the shock.
"Why are you here? You have something to do with these?"
"Of course, you really thought someone could break in my girl's house? do you think i would let you go home without my supervision?, you underestimate my possesiviness towards you."
"And why? you are mad because of that guy on the bar? that's why all my things are gone?"
"Partly yes, your things are not gone, they are on my palace," his arms lifted you from the ground, "seeing that stupid man made me realize that i need to keep a better eye on you... that's why this isn't your house anymore, so lets go home."
Even if you wanted, you couldn't say no, you don't know how are you going to adapt to these new change but you have no option.
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He is a marine, which means he is a very traditional man (on my perspective), under his rough marine reputation, he want's to do things right with you.
All marine officers have a big house provided by the goverment, he has a estable job, paid vacations and all the requirements to be a good choice partner to live with.
So after thinknig all of that, he decides to make a plan to ask you out.
He makes dinner for you both, not anything fancy, he is a direct man and he doesn't want you to think he is going to propose to you... yet.
The dinner was in his house, and was one of the best dates you both have, even if he couldn't cook the meal right.
"So, i was thinking... i am a man with a stable job, a high rank, a good salary, a good house."
"Are you going to propose?" you couldn't believe it, it felt like it was to soon.
"No, if i wanted to kneel with a ring i would have taken you to the best restaurant i could, like the Baratie or things like that."
"Who would have thought you are such a romantic man."
"I am not."
"Clearly, then what?"
"I am trying to ask you to move in with me."
"We both are marines, i have the same privileges as you."
"Yeah, but i am one rank higher than you, which makes me the one who would ask you to move in." he looks so proud about it.
"Fine, but what we do with my house?"
"We do the paperwork and we should receive a contribution for it and maybe we can't take our next vacations together to a nice island."
"You never take vacations, you love your job more than me."
"Believe me, if this happens, then we will take vacations together."
"Okey, then you should help me to move in, come on." you were already getting up to start moving, the excitement was making you not see things clear."
"I think we can do that tomorrow, now i want you to stay here." he took your hand and sat you on his lap.
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He is pretty fast to ask you in and well, moving in has two meanings: joining his crew and moving to his quarters.
The first one is really fast because he is a pirate and doesn't spent to much time on a village.
After trying to delay as much as possible his leaving while he thinks about asking you or not, he decides to give it a shot.
"(Y/N)-chan, do you want to live a big pirate life?" he says while passing his arm around your shoulders with a big smile, he looks like he is trying to recruit you to a cult.
You accept and now you are a part of the crew, you have your own quarter on the ship and you like being with the crew.
After a couple of months, you start getting involved with your captains, you were worried about what your crewmates would think about it.
He is worried too, he knows that everything is all fun and with no strings while you both have your different spaces. He knows once you moved permanently to the captain quarter, it would be official and irreversible.
That situation lasted a couple of weeks more till he couldn't wait anymore.
"Hey, sit down," he was waiting for you with a cup of sake, "i konw we've been doing things."
"If that's what you want to call it, then i am dissapointed."
"I mean, this isn't official to the rest of the crew and the world, even if it is to me," he interviewed his fand to yours, making you see you are important to him, "and i don't know if you are ready to take the next step, cause if you do, you will be known as "Akagami Shank's partner," he makes a dramatic pose, before going back to his serious face, "i want you to move to my quarters, if you want to be publicy known as..."
"Yes, i want, even with your stupid snores and your cold feet, i would like to sleep next to you every day."
"Ahhhh, how great it's to hear that... i don't know what i have done if you said no." he gave you a kiss got back to his dramatic being again.
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zolawffy · 4 months
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Walk em like a dog— OR, walking like a dog??
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Walk em like a dog:
These MEN obey YOUUU!!!
1. Luffy.
If you look at luffy a certain way, his first thought is that you’re making a silly face or joking. So he makes one back. Now his behavior is corrected once you didn’t react to his funny faces.
2. Sanji
If you look at sanji, for acting up in public, he’ll immediately fix his behavior as soon as he catches that serious look on your face.
3. Buggy
If you look at buggy a certain way, oh this man will be terrified and he wont hesitate to fix that behavior of his.
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1. Crocodile
He will look at you, and just in a snap of a finger, your sat. Your behaving. Dont play with crocodile.. yall know better.. yall know this man is crazy.
2. Doffy
Hes gonna give you that warning look, ONCE. Just fix it i beg you. Or he will use his strings and you wont like it one bit.
3. ACE.
Ace can do both sooo yall might just be playing the staring game, looking at each other.. until someone gives in.
4. Sabo
He’s gonna look at you and warn you to correct your behavior. And YOU WILL!!
5. Law
Do i even need to explain this one? Law dont play that. So u better listen.
6. Zoro
Zoro is a meaaanie so no warnings. He just gonna watch u and see how long this goes on. He’ll deal with it later..
7. Shanks
Shanks can do both, you have to glance at him in public when hes drunk, loud, and obnoxious. So he’ll try to help it. But when hes not drunk.. errrrrrm dont try it.
8. Mihawk.
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portgasdbru · 2 months
❀ my one piece masterlist ❀
sleeping with them (pt 1). - ace, zoro, law
sleeping with them (pt 2). - sanji, sabo, luffy - coming soon
dad!one piece men (pt 1)
dad!one piece men (pt 2)
i. - law, zoro, ace, sabo
ultraviolence - series
donquixote doflamingo
sir crocodile
eustass kid
crazy girl - series
donquixote doflamingo
falling in love with him - series
roronoa zoro
portgas d. ace - coming soon
interlinked - series
usopp - coming soon
being their daughter
you have a child with him
straw hat pirates group chat
white beard pirates group chat
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alexa-fika · 1 month
Could I ask for some fluff dadflamingo? Maybe his daugher forces him to join tea parties.
Interrupted Parties (Doflamingo x daughter!reader)
A/ I was running empty in this one so I just did a small drabble on it but I hope you get to enjoy it regardless, mostly got stuck since I din’t know hot to find that fluff balance but also that mostly in character type of thing?
Divider’s by @/saradika
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“Young Master, there is a re-
Señor Pink pauses, taking in the scene before him as his captain dressed himself in an outfit not far from his as he held a much too small teacup between his thumb and pointer finger as he sat at a much too small table.
Next to him sat an array of dolls brought to life by strings as they themselves moved along, with a teddy bear filling each cup with tea, including the one hanging by his Captain’s fingers. Across from Doflamingo sat his daughter, a huge smile on her face as she laughed while passing some snacks to the stuffed toy next to her
Doflamingo’s head turns slightly to the side, taking in his subordinate
“What is it?”
“Uh, well…” he muttered looking at the two
“It can wait, young Master,” he dismissed as he left the two alone
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There we goo, @cosmocup1d Buggy is up next was thinking of also making reader a wolf hybrid? (not a furry) just someone with sold ears and tails type of thing, also im so sorry for the wait, but im putting in the work lately so we be putting a dent in them requests
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sasanyaustala · 3 months
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A bunch of young dofuwanis
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snzhrchy · 6 months
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doflamingo donquixote x afab!reader
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synopsis; mingo lovess to use you !!
notes; took an old hyoga draft and changed rhe name lmaolmao i cant believe i posted a doffy fic BEFORE law eventho i fw law more .. enjoy bffs !!!!
warnings !! 18+ MINORS DNI ; penetrative — piv sex ; dom!doffy , mean!doffy ; usage of pet names ?? belly bulge ; monster cock doffy is real TP ME
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'doll, are you sleepy?' doflamingo asked, malice laced in his voice as he thrusted harshly into you. he knew your mind was barely comprehending anything anymore but he couldn't help him himself--after all, you looked so pretty on his bed with your face flushed, mouth slightly open with trails of saliva leaking out of it.
you'd come to him earlier that night for no apparent reason but to just see him which is what lead you to your current predicament. you weren’t sure if you regretted this or not.
you knew doflamingo didn't care about you at all. you wouldn't even be surprised to believe if he considered you as merely his stress reliever but it’s still better than nothing right? after all, you’d been infatuated with him for quite some time now and at least he was giving you some type of attention—you were terribly grateful for it.
‘doll?’ he asked again tiredly, obviously unsatisfied with the silence you were giving him--he heard nothing from you but breathy moans and the occassional times you'd mumble his name.
his hands found their way to your lower abdomen where a visible bulge was formed due to his actions. this realisation caused his usual smile to form on his face, saying he was proud was merely an understatement.
‘don’t get tired now, darling. we’re far from over…’
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merbear25 · 1 month
Separating fantasy from reality
Kid, Doflamingo, Caesar
After so much time pining for someone who could hold their interest, they were just about to lose hope before you drew them in. There were ways you drew them in that no one else could hold a candle to. When the ideal partner they longed for started being reflected in your actions, there was nothing holding them back.
CW: SFW but slightly suggestive, gn!reader
Kid: He’d always been attracted to fierce partners. There was something about a sassy personality being backed up by fiery actions which set everything in their path ablaze that made something in him snap—like putty in their hands. He never admitted what exactly twisted him in knots, but he needed someone who could give him some push back, not someone he would walk all over.
You always knew how to stand your ground, never being the one to back down from a fight or argument. Talking back was one of the most favorable parts of your personality. At least in his eyes it was magnificent—such a passion that burned everything in their path did wonders for his libido. Before he knew it, you were on his mind more often than he’d like to own up to.
You were never the type to allow yourself to be bested, and despite knowing this, he laid into you, further escalating the situation. Tensions were rising, the heat between the two of you growing hotter and hotter, until your brash behavior finally sunk in; you were gorgeous. All the fits of rage pouring out of you only enhanced his desire for you. Finally exchanging his lingering gaze, you two embraced the flames of passion with a searing kiss.
Doflamingo: Having so much power over others was something he thoroughly enjoyed, yet there were times he craved a bit of a chase. He could have anyone he wanted, yet it got tiring after some time. Where was the challenge in that? What kind of pleasure could he get from those who so easily threw themselves at him? He craved someone who had a bite to their words, someone who he’d enjoy breaking.
Usually the work you did was fabulous, going off without a hitch even. Today, however, the cards weren’t in your favor: you slipped up not just once, but a few times, and there was a lesson for you to be taught. He didn’t want to waste time in showing you what would happen if you so carelessly messed up again, so calling you back to his office was the obvious decision.
While he was reprimanding you for the minor mistakes, you risked giving him some lip. A wide grin stretched across his face when he realized he’d finally found the one to break this dry spell. You were just the right amount of scared and willing for him: the way your eyes held onto your spite, but your body squirmed under his touch made you that much more delectable, pushing him with this overwhelming need to punish you properly.
Caesar: Being surrounded by the goons who mindlessly obeyed each of his whims was growing dull. Such pawns served no real purpose other than to fulfill whatever experiment he could throw them into. He wanted someone to add some spark to his life, someone with spunk and wit to distract him from the lifeless bodies walking his halls. That’s why he found you so captivating. Observing you was such a thrill for him. Each bit of you calling out for him to explore.
Testing the boundaries here and there, you willingly gave him the titillating exchanges he’d been craving. With a mind such as yours in his presence, his interest in you heightened. The attention you gave him was never enough—always leaving him yearning for more. You quickly engulfed each of his wandering thoughts. Did you have any idea how charming you were?
You were sharing another one of your theories, leaving him absolutely spellbound. With the flattery you threw his way making his heart pound, you were truly seen as something special to him. The sinking feeling of finding that special person to hold on to brought on an attachment he’d never felt before. “Someone like you can never leave me.” He accidentally let his thoughts slip out, but it made no difference. You adored him just as much as he did you, right?
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nicorobinmywife · 1 year
Doflamingo simping for you.
Male Reader x Doffy.
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Summary: you are a straw hat pirate and you have to deal with Doflamingo simping for you. Male Reader.
Doffy wants to kill all the strawhats pirates except his precious Y/N.
he invited (ordered) you a thousand times to join him but you declined.
Doffy wonders why he doesn't just use his strings and kidnap you as he usually would, it would be so easy, but he doesn't want you to be mad at him.
he gets jealous asf when he thinks about how you spend your days with Luffy, Zoro and Sanji.
Your crewmates become extra protective, they don't want Doffy to take you away from them, he's still an enemy after all.
even the donquixote family are shocked by Doffy simping for someone, they noticed how weird he acts around you.
when you have to fight Doffy he teases you a lot, he really flirts with you in the middle of battle.
his eyes don't turn into hearts, but Doffy definitely does his signature sadistic smile when he sees you.
just like Luffy, you are too innocent to notice when someone has a crush on you, Doffy is just a weird guy in your opinion.
Doffy loves to send fancy gifts to his beloved y/n.
Doffy has connections all over the world so he always knows where you are and how to find you.
Doffy doesn't have nightmares anymore, now he dreams of you by his side, watching the world burn.
whoever is the unlucky marine guard who hurts you in front of Doffy will suffer the consequences. (let's just pray for their poor souls)
no matter how much you reject him or hurt his ego, Doffy will never get tired of trying to please his beloved y/n.
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kbondoxxxxav · 2 months
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despicable me 5
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gatorbites-imagines · 3 months
Can I request doflamingo x male reader who has back pain? (Reader is a young adult)
Donquixote Doflamingo x Male reader
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I live in denial that Doffy wouldn’t be a good romantic partner, lalala I cant hear canon at all, I’m covering my ears and burying my head in the sand.
I live for secretly soft Doffy.
Doflamingo is a cruel and sadistic individual, so no one questions or is surprised when you guys start dating, even with the big age difference. With Doffy being 41 and you being somewhere around the younger side of 25.
In public I can’t see Doffy showing any weakness, which by extension also means he doesn’t show you any affection, aside from maybe pulling you into his lap and teasing you in little mean ways.
Also Doffy being, well, Doffy, he would definitely notice your back pain before you ever told him. Maybe he notices it when he’s pulling you to sit in his lap and he sees you grimace, or when he’s got his large hand resting on your back and he feels how you subconsciously lean away from his palm.
He wouldn’t say anything, at least in public, and even for a while in private. Its only if it becomes chronic backpain or gets bad enough that it would pose a threat to your safety that I can see him saying anything.
Other than that, I could see him acting in small ways that would make it easier for you. Like picking out an outfit he just must see you in, and that outfit just happens to put less strain on your back, or be tight in the right areas to lessen the pain.
Or when he’s sitting and doing paperwork in his office, just the two of you. He regularly has you in his lap, its just part of the dynamic, so you don’t question it. But hed be absentmindedly rubbing your back, and maybe pressing his knuckles into the hurting area, or massaging it with his thumb.
You also find pain medication in your things, bet it in the grand bathroom you two share, or on the bedside table. Hes probably also snuck a bottle of pills into your pocket, just in case.
It also wouldn’t be strange to start finding things that could help with the back pain, like a hot water bottle, different oils or ointments, or even a book on ways to stretch and do yoga to lessen body pains tucked into your personal bookshelf.
You would immediately know it was Doffy doing it, and when you thank him for it or just smile at him, he would act like he has no idea what you are talking about. He does appreciate the extra kisses, when you guys are in private.
If your backpains are common or constant, I could also see him subtly massaging you more thoroughly. Like when you guys are cuddling and you are laying on top of him, Doffy would be rubbing and massaging up your spine and down your legs.
It doesn’t happen without him making little comments, that you know he doesn’t fully mean. Like him making some kind of jab about him being much older than you, but you are the one with back pain.
Doffy probably also finds some way to use his strings to help you out in some subtle ways, like him grabbing stuff for you so you wont strain your back further, or him wrapping strings around your torso to give you a squeeze and maybe help loosen the pain up a bit.
You always make sure to thank him obviously. Mainly because you can tell he gets a little bashful or flushed. Not that anybody else would be able to tell, since he always just looks like himself.
But you can tell from the way his wide grin softens just a smidge, or how his brow twitches. Your biggest achievement is still after completely showering him in kisses, after he found some way to make the backpain disappear for a while, where you get a very light flush to his cheeks, and he has to turn his head away to clear his throat.
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what they´re into
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✢ characters: Donquixote Brothers + Law
✢ warnings: nsfw, various kinks (read at your own advise)
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Donquixote Doflamingo
Domination: It´s not surprising that Doflaming sees himself as something higher than most, born with a certain privilege in regard to others. Combine this with his difficult childhood and the constant fight for recognition of his status by others, and you have the perfect superiority complex. Expectedly this results in his need to dominate his partners to no avail. There will be times he´ll let them take the lead, but not without a guiding grip, always making sure he pulls all the strings in the end.
Bondage: As the inheritor of the Ito Ito no Mi it´s a natural for Doffy to see his enemies bound up in front of him. Unsurprisingly this habit would lead to him developing a liking, to see them on his lover as well, forcing them into whatever position he wants them.
Power Play: You can´t convince me that this guy doesn’t´ get off from having the upper hand over his lover, all tied up for him oh so perfectly snug in his endless strings, making them moan and wince in pleasure or pain as he wishes. This thought alone can keep this guy going on for hours.
Sadism/Masochism: Doffy loves to inflict pain on others. It doesn´t matter if they’re his enemy or lover. Will gladly spank or hit you. If you´re up for it, that is, because different to the fate that awaits most of his enemies, Doffy will have mercy on you when you say so. He´s not a monster after all, right?
Cockwarming: As the king of Dressrosa, Doflamingo has many appointments to attend to. Nevertheless, he´s not one to neglect his duties as your lover. Which is why you´ll end up on his lap from time to time during a meeting, his large cock stuffed deep inside you, keeping you locked in place with a firm and reprimanding grip on your hips, as not to alert the other meeting members. He has to keep up an image after all.
Size Difference: I think this one just comes naturally with his size. He is over 7 feet tall after all, making most if not all of his partners smaller than him. Prepare for the worst if you still can take him whole. This man won´t let go of you.
Exhibitionism: Even though Doffy has a certain pride to uphold as King, the thought of railing you on his throne and the possibility of someone of his dear family entering the room unannounced makes him stupidly hard. He already has his cock inside you during meetings, so why not spice things up even more?
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Donquixote Rosinante
Switch: This man is the personification of a tall giant. And as much as he loves to take the lead and show you his love with all the strength he can muster, he´ll also gladly let you take the lead, showing him who he belongs to.
Body Worshiping: Will worship your body, telling you constantly how much he loves every single part while peppering kisses all over you. Don´t ask him to stop with this, because it´ll spur him on, even more, to show you how beautiful you are to him.
Impregnation: Though he would never tell you directly, Rosinante loves the idea of knocking you up for good. He´s totally ashamed about it himself, living the dangerous life he has as a double agent, but after caring for Law and seeing you two interact so happily, he can´t get the thought of expanding your little family some more out of his head.
Lactation: This binds straight to his Impregnation kink. If he knocks you up for good, he´ll literally be at your side 24/7, always trying his best to protect and help you. Due to this, he´ll notice the changes of your body attentively, especially you´re growing breasts, giving them some pretty obvious side glances, the more time passes on, but always reprimanding himself for his dirty thoughts. The first time you´ll leak, there will be no hiding, though, because he´ll be rock hard, trying his best not to latch onto them. If you´ll let him though…oh boy. This man will be in heaven.
Size Difference: Like his brother, Rosi is a big guy, making him taller than most potential partners. He´s absolutely into it though, gladly hoisting you up on his muscular arms either in an act of pure affection or while railing you into the next wall. Loves seeing you take him whole, but if you can´t he´ll praise you nonetheless for how well you take him for your size.
Humiliation: You can´t convince me that he wouldn´t get off if you teased him about his clumsiness. He can´t tell exactly, why, but hearing you slyly commenting on his habit of slipping up and being a total lost cause without you, brings some very deep hidden urges out of him.
Outdoor: As the user of the Nagi Nagi no Mi, he loves to use his power to close off all space from his and his lover's most passionate moments. Inside as well as outside, that is. And if he´s honest, he´ll probably favor the latter, not because of the danger of getting caught, but the absolute trust you lay in him and his ability to extinguish all noises you two make while getting it on.
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Trafalgar D. Law
Medical Play: As a doctor, this one comes naturally with Law. He´d always been the weird kid, so this kink was never one he felt too awkward about, though he absolutely understands if you´re not up for it. Will think that it´s a shame though because he would love to fuck you on his operation table or even use his Ope Ope no Mi on you, to bring you a completely new level of pleasure.
Sensory Deprivation: Loves seeing his partner blindfolded or deprived of their senses in some other way, relishing in the way they´re other senses are keener than before. If he trusts his partner a lot, he also doesn´t mind being deprived of them himself, letting himself loose for once in his life
Role Play: Another perk that comes with him being a doctor. If you´re not up for some doctor games though, he´ll gladly engage in other Role Play that involves authority positions with you.
Electrostimulation: Developed this kink after he developed Counter Shock as an Attack. Would love to send low electric shocks through his partner if they get something out of it, trying to look, at how much they could handle.
Shibari: Loves to tie him and his partner up prettily in red silky velvet ropes. He´s very good with his hands (he sews his own clothes after all), making him bind even the most difficult knots with ease.
Body Decorations: This guy is covered in tattoos and piercings, so I can´t see why he wouldn´t like them on his partner. Will appreciate them accordingly if they´re done properly. If you compliment him on his own, he´ll be very happy but totally embarrassed, just retorting a muffled “Shut up”. So be prepared.
Handcuffs: Doesn´t matter if they´re on his partner or himself and you can´t convive me otherwise. (I mean, did you see handcuffed Law on Wano?!)  
Brat Taming: We all know our dear doctor has an awfully bratty attitude. If you´re up for it, he´ll challenge you to tame it. He´s quite a mouthful at the beginning, but I assure you, that he´ll be a moaning mess at the time you´re done with him
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Hey, I have a request!
~I really liked the way you do all your HC’s!~
~I was wondering if you can do a HC for Doffy, Law, Luffy(optional), and Zoro.~
Scenario: when their s/o says it’s to small.(nsfw)
~I understand if you don’t want too~
(I’m 19yrs old btw)
oh shit... in the best way possible, I have never, NEVER, and I mean not ever, have written lemon, smut, NSFW, or porn in general. this is literally my first ever time writing anything explicit, or at least past touching a boob, in the 10 years I have been writing... for the love of all things adult, I'm sorry if this is bad and awkward. I've never even had my own first kiss and i'll be 21 in a few months. so like, shout out to smut authors, I've learned everything from you.
OP Characters x GN!Reader
Characters: Law, Luffy, Zoro, Doflamingo Scenario: When their S/O says it’s too small. (NSFW) T.W.: NSFW, smut. Mirror sex, minor belly bulge, improper use of Devil Fruit, minor size kink, rough sex, some name calling ("pretty", "whore"), sadistic character. W.C.: ~450-500 each. Minors / Ageless blogs, please, DO NOT INTERACT. Reblogs are greatly appreciated! Please ignore all spelling errors.
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"Surgeon of Death" Trafalgar Law
Law knows he’s not small. He might be a little thin, but he’s tall with his cock being proportional to his body. He knows the rate of a human body's growth and its limits. After curing himself of Amber Lead and his body finally growing at a passive/normal rate, he didn’t realize his body had grown so much until a pair of pants felt too tight in areas they never had before. 
His cock, alone, is long. A little thin like the rest of him, but curved in a way it hits areas inside of you your fingers don’t. It fills you enough you don’t care or need anything else. His bulbous head knocking against the spot that made you see stars, and while you screamed and cried under him, you don’t care about anything other than the pain and pleasure. 
The first time you tell him it’s too small, he proves to you it’s not by bending your legs behind your head and making you take him over and over without being allowed to cum. The second time you do, he shoves you to your knees and makes you choke on his cock, forcing you to swallow his cum. The third time you tease him, saying it’s too small, Law forces you to look in the mirror at where you two are connected, and where the bulge of his cock sits heavy inside of you. 
“Tell me again, dear, tell me this isn’t the cock you come begging for every night.” With his chest pressed against your back and a large hand holding your head straight, you were forced to watch his cock, a bulge goring and disappearing with every thrust. Your apologies fell on deaf ears as he makes you cum dry again. Running a hand through your hair, he pulled it slightly. “I said tell me. Who’s cock makes you cum? Who’s cock do you beg for?” His other hand pulled your leg open and he thumbed the softness of your thigh.
“You, Law! Your cock is the one I love!” Your slurred words and mind could barely string words together. He chuckles and nips at your ear, the hand holding your head straight by your hair, he made you follow his other hand up to your stomach and thumb at the finally still bulge. “I love it lots and lots! It’s perfect!”
“‘Perfect’? Weren’t you just saying it’s too small for you? That you need something bigger?”
“No! No, no, no! I only need you! I promise!” 
He rewards your honesty by pressing down against the bulge and letting you cum once again before pulling away from the mirror and onto the bed. 
Monkey D. "Strawhat" Luffy
Sex with Luffy is based purely on instinct and its playfulness. Certain things might go over his head, but he’s quick to catch what get’s thrown at him. 
At this time, with your body flush against him, chest to chest, he presses an ear to your chest and listened to your gasps and cries. He loved the way your wiggle and thrust back up to meet him, but he also loves the way he can hear your heartbeat in your chest and the warmth of your skin. By this time, the adrenaline in his blood was wearing thin and he was getting hungry, but you ran a hand through his inky locks and pulled him from the thought. 
“Luffy? Cap’in? Can you do it again? Just one more time? It’s too small…” 
Luffy knew you were teasing him, with your words being all bark and no bite. But he liked to bite, and Luffy would bite back hard. He removed a hand from your hip and brought his thumb to his mouth. Biting down, he blew a small bubble of air into himself and giggled at the drunk expression that came over your face. 
The first time you insulted his pride, he wondered if you were serious. After you told him you were teasing and trying to make him a little angry, he asked why and you had to explain your size kink and authority kink. The Captain made sure to teach you responsibility for antagonizing a King. At first, it was just to make his fingers bigger and scratch the itch inside of you, then it was his hand to hold you down. Now it was his cock buried deep in your core. 
With his cock, several inches bigger and thicker, thrusting deeper and full inside of you, he wondered if you would insult him again. He could make any and every part of him the size of a giant after all. You could feel the stretch of him tearing you apart, but it always felt so good. His cock thickened and filled you, leaving you silently gasping. Luffy giggled at your drunken face, “Big enough?”
You nodded and were forced to swallow the next scream when he started to move again. Feeling the curve of his cock drag against your gummy walls, Luffy let the air in his body move and thicken certain areas more. Your fingers pulled at his locks and lovingly caressed his hair. “I love it, Captain. Love it so much, love all you do for me.” 
Luffy isn’t one for being patient, instead of waiting any longer than he has to, he jackrabbits himself inside and out. Feeling you whine and cry against him gives him enough energy to keep going. 
"Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zoro
Zoro knows the size of his body and works out to keep it that way. He enjoys and loves feeling strong and useful to the crew, knowing he can protect them against all threats. He loves the way you watch him, but he hates the way the chef watches you. The way how you laugh off all of his interest leaves an ugly taste in his mouth. You slink up next to the man and lean against him, it’s enough to refresh him. 
You look pretty to him, wrapped in his arms, safe and sound. “Aren’t they a little small today?” You poke at his arm, then his chest, run your fingers down his abs, and quickly move your hand to grab his cock over his clothes. You move away to follow after someone else. It isn’t until later at night that he can treat you well. You, however, with your face shoved into the pillow and tear tracks spilling your cheeks, look just as pretty as earlier. 
“‘Too small’? ‘Too small’? Tell me again, who’s cock fucks you stupid like this? Who’s cock makes you cum like a whore every night? Who’s cock do you love deep inside?” He punctures every word with a thrust and feels the way your body clenched around him. 
“You! Fuck- you, you! Your cock! Your cock!” You babble against the plush material and turn to look at him over your shoulder. He’s flushed and sweaty, the same look after working out. You bite your lip to keep anything other embarrassing words from spilling. 
“That’s right, that’s right.” He pulls one of your arms behind your back and leans forward, trapping you under his body. “My pretty thing. The one I can fuck over and over again, make you cry for me.” He brings his free hand to your thigh, and forces his free thumb next to his cock inside of you, stretching you to the point of desperation. “Maybe I am a little small for you. Maybe I need to get you a toy, something big enough to make you feel like the whore you want to be, huh?”
“Ah! Fuck, please, no toy, Zoro, just you!”
“Now you want to be sweet? But you were so mean earlier,” Zoro takes a moment to remind you of what you did, “You touched all on me, in front of everyone, and said I was small. You should be lucky that no one saw or heard you. Ahh, but maybe you wanted that. Did you?” He lets go of your hand and thinks about fitting another finger inside of you. “I think you did. Did you want another cock in you?”
“No, No! Don’t need anyone but you!” You shake and cry and scream as his cock and thumbs force you open, splitting and filling you to completion. 
Donquixote Doflamingo “Joker”
Doflamingo knows he’s huge, a good few feet taller than almost everyone. On one hand, he loves watching people squirm under his gaze and the people who try to fight him, only to lose. But on the other, and while he loves being big, it makes it hard to fuck you without proper care and preparation. Oh, but does he know how to make up for it. 
Sadistic… One hell of a sadistic bastard. He’ll play with your body, but he won’t let you cum, instead, he’ll watch the way you squirm and beg for it from his thrown. He’ll leave you on the floor, waiting for him to order you to touch him. He won’t even use his own fingers, instead using his Devil Fruit to wrap threads around your hands, he’ll force you to finger yourself open and use the little toys the gifts you, bouncing and riding them, begging for him. 
You can complain that your fingers aren’t enough and the toys don’t fit like he does, but you can only watch the way his hand runs up and down his cock, and listen as he coos at you. You babble and drool, thinking about how big he is, how much he’ll stretch you full, but he doesn’t let you move from the toys just yet. 
“Don’t you look so pretty for me? My personal toy.” He flicks his finger and makes you rise another inch only to drop you again, bringing forth another cry. “I love hearing you scream. Be louder for your King.” All you can do is comply, letting the strings force you to rise and fall, and babble at his words. Finally, after what felt like forever, Doflamingo forces you to stop bouncing and lean back, watching the toy bulge against the softness of your stomach. You keen at the stretch. “Don’t make that face. We don’t want you getting hurt now, do we? We have to make sure you can take all of me, after all.”
“But it’s not big enough. It’s not you.” It was the most coherent thing you could say despite the swimming feeling in your gut and burn in your legs. “I just want you. Pretty please?” The strings warped around your thighs slackened for a moment and you hoped he was finally giving you permission to come to him, but instead the strings tightened and the invisible force pulled you forwards off the toy and to him. 
Waving his hand, he pulls you to rise from the toy and walk to him. Letting you finally sink down his cock, he grips tightly to your neck and thigh as you scream. 
“Is this big enough for you, dear? That’s right… Cry for me.”
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cyborg-franky · 11 months
Worst People To Bring Home...
Based on a poll I did the other day.
It had two days left but ehhh 1 day isn't enough and 7 days is too much tbh.
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Well done Marco for being lowest on this. I am concern Sabo wasn't higher.
Under the cut is some of my FAVE tags/replies.
The age gap might be the first concern of your folks when you bring Doffy home, that and how much cleaning up after that big shedding feather coat will be needed.
You won’t even get to introduce him, he’ll be there with a big shit-eating grin with his arms wide going MOM DAD even though you have only been dating like a month.
Prepare for the most awkward time of your life when your folks ask about his family. 
Maybe get your folks some bulletproof vests in case something mildly offends Doffy at the dinner table, like your mom didn’t cook his steak how he liked.
Will sit there and go on about how much nicer the food is at all the fancy restaurants he can afford to take you.
Brings his own solid silver cutlery.
Offers NO help to your folks when cleaning up after.
Brought his own wine, wine that costs more than your car.
But brought the cheapest wine he could find as a dinner gift.
Laughs loudly and talks over your folks.
Will touch your ass in front of them.
Sheds pink feathers everywhere, and butts in conversations because he can’t wait for his turn, loving the sound of his own voice.
When asked why Doffy you just shrug and tell them how much he makes monthly and your parents sort of get it but don’t like it.
Ask you to blink twice if you want out of the relationship.
Does not take his huge clunky muddy boots off when he comes into the house, because there are too many straps and buckles and god knows what else.
He grunts in reply to things like a stroppy teenager when asked anything by your folks.
Goes to reapply his lipstick every so often and your dad asks if he always wears so much makeup and nail varnish.
0 Table manners. Is a wild mess when he doesn’t have Killer to reel him in.
If he does take off his shoes you have to deal with his bare feet and the smell.
Hands your mom a bunch of flowers that clearly were stolen from somewhere. 
It’s the thought that counts right?
Wears so many piercings that every airport security in the country fears him.
Enough spikes and bling to be an anti-theft device.
Will hit on your mom a little, something casual like ‘Man your mom's banging, what? I meant it as a compliment jeez’
Your parents are lowkey scared of him but try and be nice because he mentions how no one messes with you and he does seem to love and respect you.
Burps and laughs.
Alright! Your folks think look at this little guy, look at this little man with his straw hat and polite smile.
Sure he opens doors with all his might and leaves marks but he seems super friendly and shakes your dad's hand and gives your mom a hug.
You think it’s going well until actual dinner starts and Luffy starts telling stories of him and his brothers and all the dumb shit the three get up to and your parents start to think you are dating one of the three stoogies.
He also talks with his mouth open, eats off everyone's plates, and asks if you're done with that? And eats it before anyone has a chance to answer.
Eats loud, food flying everywhere in a flurry of grabby hands and loud billowing laughs at comments, he’s having a great time.
Your folks have no idea where this little string bean is putting it all.
Asking how you guys met and Luffy just says someone was bothering you and he punched them through a wall or something.
Info dumps about stuff, annoying your parents a little but… you could have brought worse home, right?
Your folks are EXCITED to meet your fancy smart doctor-surgeon boyfriend.
Imagine their horror when they see Law with his eye bags, scruffy hoody, and jeans, all his tattoos death on his hands. 
They exchange looks and definitely think he’s a doctor of something else and when you're alone in the kitchen ask if he is a dealer and or a stoner which you have to tell them it’s just sleep deprivation mixed with cheap energy drink.
When folks ask him about what it’s like to be a doctor he goes into too much detail about certain issues or surgeries that put everyone off of their food.
He’s also the fussy eater that people dread coming over to their house.
After folks went to lengths to make sure they got food he wanted he’d still reject it and end up eating a bowl of rice or cereal looking like he’s about to fall asleep any second.
Says creepy shit with a straight face or a smile.
Says things in inappropriate ways like ‘I can’t wait to be inside them and fix their heart’
But hey, at least he’s a doctor?
Zoro always seems to have a wave of intimidation wherever he goes and your parents are a little scared of him when you and Zoro rock up.
Though he’s polite enough, if not a bit quiet.
When asked things by folks he just gives one-word replies until he’s asked about booze then he’s all ears, he’ll drink all the good stuff but at least he’s talking now?
Oh great now he’s talking.
About swords.
His special interest which he goes into great detail about. Now your parents think he’s one of those nutjobs who are ready for the zombie apocalypse. 
Drinks and eats so much, talks about swords, gets out his phone and shows your dad each sword in his collection, twenty facts about them, and what their name is.
Falls asleep on the sofa after dinner and is impossible to move, guess Zoro just moved in with you guys.
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portgasdbru · 1 month
Dad!One Piece Men
how I think op men would name their children ft. mihawk, crocodile, killer, marco, izo, buggy, doflamingo, rosinante
part one with other characters.
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• Mihawk
Dracule Maeve
Dracule Pepa
Dracule Ziggy
• Crocodile
• Doflamingo
Donquixote Rocco
Donquixote Dolly
• Rosinante
Donquixote Sonny
• Buggy
• Killer
• Marco
• Izo
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