#oohhh how could i forget them!
gojoidyll · 3 months
Imagine taking Katheryne's place for the day in Liyue, and when the traveler comes by for a new commission they are surprised to see you. You, on the other hand, aren't surprised to see them as you expected for them to come by. However, what you didn't expect was to see someone who doesn't belong.
He was clad in expensive looking attire, the contrast of blues and whites matching perfectly with his pale complexion and long silver hair. His eyes were mesmerizing too. They reminded you much of your dear friend Zhongli's eyes despite the major difference in color.
"Oh, y/n, we didn't expect to see you here today! Where's Katheryne?"
"Hello Paimon, Traveler, Katheryne is out for the day and a new commission popped up asking for anyone who was free to take her place. The mora is good, so I decided to take up the job since I don't have anything else to do."
"Oohhh, that makes sense," Paimon answered.
You smiled before directing your attention to their tall friend, "may I ask who this is?"
"This Neuvillette," Paimon introduced with an air of arrogance in her voice, "he's the chief justice of Fontaine! Pretty cool, huh?"
You bowed to Neuvillette, "it's nice to meet you sir."
"No, the pleasure is mine... your name is y/n, correct? The traveler and Paimon talk a lot about you. They were actually saying how they wanted me to meet you at some point."
Before you could say anything, you felt a tug on your sleeve, "miss y/n, your shift is over."
Nodding you turn back to the three before you, "well, as you can tell, since I'm done working for the day, why don't I tag along? That is, if it's alright."
Meeting Neuvillette was definitely interesting. He was both kind and courteous. A true gentleman. Not to mention that you quite like how he spoke to you. His voice was nice, smooth, and definitely easy on the ears. And just as he liked talking about Fontaine, he also liked listening to you.
Most of the time when you hung out with the traveler and Paimon, Paimon was usually the one who dominated the conversation (not that you minded, you weren't much of a talker to begin with), so being the center of attention in a conversation for once definitely made you nervous. Especially when such a handsome and refined man was giving such a attention.
And later you would fail to notice how Paimon and the traveler would give each other a high-five before leaving both you and Neuvillette to talk amongst yourselves. Neuvillette noticed, however, but decided to not say anything.
"You know Miss y/n," Neuvillette started but you gently cut him off, "y/n is fine."
"Y/n," he amended with a smile, "I've actually been quite the fan of yours for some time. And truthfully, it was I who asked the traveler to meet you."
As it turns out, you were actually a performer of sorts. Your voice was something that everyone could admire for hours on end. But at some point you decided to take a break. The life of an adventurer too good to pass up. (You did promise yourself to sing again someday, but for now, you were on a ... vacation of sorts.)
"You- you're a fan of mine?"
"Yes, I always enjoyed your performances when you would grace Fontaine with your voice. And when I heard you had went on break, I honestly thought I wouldn't be able to hear you again."
Your face felt hot all of sudden, it wasn't everyday that such a gorgeous man showered you in such praises. You felt him grab your hand as he stopped walking to look at you.
"Y/n, I-"
"Am i interrupting something?"
You looked to see who it was and immediately broke out into a bright smile, "Mr. Zhongli!"
You gently let go of Neuvillette's hand before walking up to your friend to give him a hug, "I haven't seen you in awhile! Where on Teyvat have you been?"
"Just traveling my dear, nothing to worry about."
As you pulled away to introduce Zhongli to Neuvillette, you didn't notice how the air got thicker and the area more tense than what it was.
Oh, and did I forget to mention that you didn't know that Zhongli is actually the geo Archon? Yeah...
Having two dragons fight over you is quite nice, though.
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pinkpicket · 2 years
What is the best and worst quality of your future spouse? A TAROT READING
Okay uglies im back with another reading. Hope u enjoy.
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Pile 1
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Best quality: constantly on the road traveling so ver adventurous and spontaneous. Like u know how some people never settle somewhere? Ya they're that it's like they left their hometown and ever since they never stopped. Tbh im getting vibes of being on tour like someone sorta famous ( idk if u know the song ride by lana del rey but it beautifully captures the life of ur future spouse but in a more negative light so no worries the song doesn't exactly show how they feel emotionally) so verrry wild and untamable
Worst quality: someone overly emotional that tend to ignore all the red flags just for the sake of love so very naive. It could also mean not being emotionally stable like overly emotional but also not emotionally available. It's a very weird combo.
Pile 2
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Best quality: they're very happy with what they have, it might not be the best possible and most beautiful thing in the world but they're very happy with it. So it's like whatever or whoever im stuck with im very happy with even tho others might not seem it as worthy. They truly seem like someone that's very grateful for everything they have I actually can hear them say " so what if u r not the most beautiful person to them? So what if we're not filthy rich or extra fucking happy?? I love you that's all that matters. Our thing might be little and forgetful to others but to me it's all i ever wanted. You're all i ever wanted and I don't care if there's better people out there bc at the end of the day you are all i want" wow okay listen I'll be honest with you, out of all the piles only urs is true love. Unconditional love. That's one fucking loyal spouse let me tell you. And they'll be very fucking proud of the way u r and won't ask you to change a thing about urself bc what u r is already perfect to them. Truly beautiful.
Worst quality: honestly their wosrst quality is not something they can ever control it's like life loves to fuck with this person and that's actually the reason they learned to appreciate and love little things. They weren't just born grateful no they learned to be grateful. So it's almost like life ever game them the chance to ever truly bloom to their full potential almost like setback after setback. They were never given once in a lifetime chance. They're also kinda shy which makes sense for someone that's not used to be in the light or the centre of attention. Honestly this makes me so sad bc none of this was ever their fault, they were a victim of circumstance.
You really got the longest reading lmaooo.
Pile 3
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Ohhh lot's of air energy.
Best quality: they're veryyy humble and down to earth. U would never see them bragging even they are the most successful person. Truly a rare quality to have nowadays.
Worst quality: ok shit um soo... they might not always have the best intentions like they do certain good deeds just to get something in return. They're not exactly the knight with the shining armor that does everything to save the princess just out of the goodness of his heart, rather im-going-to-save-the-princess-bc-the-king-wil-give-me-something-in-return type of knight.
Pile 4
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Best quality: they're the winner lmaoo and everyone is either jealous of them or they wanna be them. They're constantly celebrated for their achievements and they know their fucking worth too. They're proud of themselves.
Worst quality: oohhh we got the master planner. See now that can be a good thing but in this case it's not. U might be wondering why? Well... they don't care they'll play dirty if it means for them to win. They would sit their asses down and have a whole plan to ruin someone's life just so they can celebrate another win for 5 min. Very dangerous so don't fuvk with them unless u wanna get fucked over.
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riddle-me-ri · 9 months
Ok I have ideas...
But with Farrel!Penguin 👀👀
And maybe with a plus size female reader but if not that's ok!
I hope you get a lot of fun asks with the meme 🙂.
a/n: oohhh this is a solid set-up! I can absolutely do that for you! Btw, this is based on prompts created by the lovely @finniestoncrane here! I'm always taking requests, especially for these so if anyone is interested, don't hesitate to send them my way. There's so many good ones!!
Content Warning: explicit sexual content, piv intercourse, fingering, making out, and swearing.
Word Count: 1.4 k
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Reevesverse/Farrell Penguin x Plus-Sized F!Reader - Just a Kiss
You weren’t entirely sure how you managed to find yourself in this situation. 
Everything had happened so fast, like someone pressed the fast forward button during the night. 
Until Oswald put his hands on you. 
Then time stood still. 
His round pudgy, yet calloused hand on top of your knee with his thumb casually drawing circles. 
You hummed warmly at the motion. Not shying away from the attention at all. 
You craved it actually. 
The two of you have been sending each other bedroom eyes from across the way for awhile. It’s why you mostly kept coming back to The Iceberg Lounge…just hoping that maybe one night, you two could finally act on the tension you’ve manifested. 
And it looked like tonight was going to be the night.
“Tell me gorgeous,” Oswald started, “where do you think we’re heading tonight?” 
You giggled before taking a sip of your drink. “Well…I won’t lie. I’m tipsy enough to admit that I have dirty ideas, not enough to act on them, though.” 
Oz snickered, his gold tooth glistened for a moment. “I appreciate the honesty.” as if to reward you, his hand glided over to the inner side of your knee. His hand slowly tracing up to your plump thighs. “But I wouldn’t want you to get too tipsy sweetheart, see…I want you to remember this.”
You slowly spread your legs, despite the seams at the end of your short tight dress straining into your skin in protest. You wanted to make sure his hand had room to get to where you both wanted it to go. 
“Drunk or sober I don’t think I could forget someone like you, Mr. Cobblepot.” 
“Sweetheart, please…I insist you call me Oz.”
“Okay…Ozzie…” You purred before your breath hitched as Oz dug his fingers into your thigh. “I think I can get used to that.” 
“I think I can get used to you, gorgeous.” Oswald leaned his face closer to yours. You could smell the alcohol on his breath and his lips were centimeters from your skin. 
He whispered in your ear. “One more thing, just how much would it cost to spend a night with a pretty thing like you?” 
It felt like every pore of your skin was set aflame. His hand and his lips were so painstakingly close to where you wanted them to be. 
You smiled softly as you turned your head to face him. “For you, Ozzie, just a kiss.” 
Oswald barely let you take a breath before smashing his lips hungrily onto yours. One of your arms went around his neck, trying to pull him closer to you. While your other hand was urging his hand under your dress to get to your soaked core. 
As your tongue began dancing with his, tasting the warm whiskey blended smoothly with the spice of nicotine. 
Your hand finally got his hand to pull your panties to the side so he could finally swipe his fingers up and down between your swollen lips, spreading your juices. 
Oswald slowly pulled back from your lips, a thick string of saliva connected both of your bottom lips. When you licked across your lip to break the string, he bit his lip. 
You breathlessly cried his name when his fingers finally entered you. Your hand clinging onto his wrist like a vice. 
When you arched your back, Oswald took the opportunity to unzip your dress. 
He unceremoniously shucked the front of your dress down. His mouth watered at the sight of your large perky breasts. Oswald’s lips immediately latched on to one of your nipples and he began sucking and nipping at the bud. 
His fingers have sped up now, vigorously thrusting in and out with ease from your wetness. Whenever his thumb rubbed circles against your clit, your eyes would roll back.
“O-Ozzie…shit…” You panted, speechless, no room for a single thought in your brain except for the pleasure he was giving you. 
Your one free hand that was still around his neck you used to pull his head away from your chest, before pulling him in for another searing hot kiss. 
Your legs drew closer together, suffocating his hand and yours, as the knot in your gut tightened more. 
You didn’t want this to end so quickly, not yet, not like this. 
You moaned his name against his lips, which made him pull back and thankfully slow down his fingers. 
“What is it, sweetheart?” He slurred, drunk on you.
“Gonna…gonna…don’t want to…want you, need you.” You hoped he could understand because you weren’t sure you were capable of full sentences just yet. 
Thankfully, he understood even thought it meant he had to pull his hands away from you. He got up off the couch for a moment and began unbuckling his belt. 
“Make yourself comfortable sweetheart, whichever way you want me.” 
Not thinking twice about it, you braced both of your hands against the arm rest, slightly leaning most of your upper body weight into it. You arched your back which made your voluptuous ass stick out invitingly. 
An invitation Oswald was more than happy to accept as he got behind you. His hands crawled back up your legs. He wrapped both of his fingers on each side of the waistband of your panties. 
You gasped when you heard the undeniable sound of fabric being ripped. 
Oswald chuckled, before leaning his body directly over yours. “Don’t worry,” he whispered in your ear, as he rolled up the lower half of your dress.
You could feel the head of his cock gently poke at your slit. “I’ll getcha some new ones.” 
Oswald dug his head into your neck, peppering sweet wet kisses all along your neck and shoulder. 
A sweet gesture to soften the swift penetration of his cock into you. 
You gasped his name, the motion practically knocking the wind out of you. He was so thick you weren’t sure you could get all of him in. However, Oswald was determined, and little by little with each thrust he finally bottomed out in you. 
“Shit…so tight…fuckin’ perfect for me.” Oswald groaned before he began a steady pace. 
Your breasts bounced relentlessly against the top of your stomach from his pounding. Your knuckles turned white at the chokehold you had on the armrest. You could feel the pins and needles of numbness start to take over your legs from holding both your weight and his. 
Oswald held steadfastly to the folds of your skin, driving you into him when he pushed back in. One of his hands moved to knead one of your bouncing tits and the other made another journey down to your pussy. 
“Oz…OZ!” Your moans shrivled into silent cries as you felt his deliciousy thick fingers rub more circles into your clit. 
The smacking of sweaty skin and his dick meeting your soaked pussy; mixed with your panted moans and his primal groans created a cacophany of passion in the office. You couldn’t even make out the thumping of the bass from the club below. 
You could make out the thumping in your heart and the tension tightening in your gut. Your walls tightened around Ozzie, causing him to curse. 
“Damn–” he panted. “You’re gonna make me cum, and I’m gonna give you everything I have.” 
You nodded like a bobble head. “Yes, yes, please, Ozzie…want it…want you…” 
Oswald picked up his pace drastically, his cock never fully pulling out, just enough to leave the head in before thrusting harshly and quickly back inside. His fingers on your clit dug harder and faster into you. 
Every limb in your body tightened just before the knot in your belly began unraveling. Leaving your body in a delectable tingly heap of nerves. 
As you came, Oswald continued to thrust faster and harder, especially as your walls constricted around his cock tighter. It didn’t take long before he too met his peak. Stuffing you up to the brim with his heavy load.
After taking a moment to catch your breath, Oswald reluctantly pulled out of you and slowly lifted himself off of you.
However, before he could get up, you immediately pulled him back down on top of you, resting his head on your chest. 
Oswald smiled as he lifted his head up just slightly to meet your eyes with his. 
He kissed the top of your chest and collarbone, before stopping at your neck. 
“I got one more question for you, gorgeous.” 
You hummed in response, as you began lazily rubbing your hand up and down his back. 
“What’s it gonna cost to get you to stay with me?” 
You guffawed breathlessly, before smiling at him. “You already know what my price is.” 
You pinched his chin in between your index finger and thumb before dragging his face closer to yours. 
“Just a kiss.” 
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triocat · 2 years
Serial designation H/ Harper!
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Here’s my Murder Drone Oc, H! Also known as Harper!
He was with N, V, and J on their trip to Cropper 9. When the worker drones made the bunker H offered to become an spy so he could find a way to let them in and find the easiest way hunt them all. They agreed to the plan and made a homemade disguise to trick the workers and gave him a new name of “Harper”
Which somehow worked.
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But as “Harper” spends more time with the worker drones, the more he didn’t want to leave. He liked the calm and peaceful atmosphere of the colony and grew to like the workers. He would actually forget that he was a murder drone and even joined the school and the WDF.
N, V, and J just assumed that he died, so it was a surprise for everyone when he was spotted amongst the crowd of workers and even protecting them. When they called him out for being a murder drone, he was like “What are you talking about, I am a worker- Oohhh… Sh*t. I just remembered.”
After that reveal, he sorta just stayed the same but he gets more involved with anything that revolves around mysterious events. He also helps Uzi and N when it comes to the layout of the colony and how to reach them just in case they need to check specific areas.
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bambiraptorx · 4 months
oohhh bts for minor interference?
I honestly dont trust that I remember nearly as much of my fics as I'd like to lol. That being said, I think that chapter 8 in general is one of the points that I really like because it's more or less the point where Draxum's attitude towards the turtles starts changing. Specifically, this part:
“Why are you here, anyway?  It’s almost one in the morning.  We both should be asleep.”
Leo fishes another pickle out of the jar he’s cradling and shrugs.  “We’re out of food at home.”  Out of pickles, he means.  He'd checked the fridge and the cabinets looking for snacks while trying to distract himself from his most recent nightmare.  Not a pickle jar in sight.  He wonders what it would be like to turn a hundred.  That’s a lot of candles to put on one cake, maybe he could have two or three?
Draxum’s face does something weird at Leo’s remark, like he isn’t sure how to process it.  Why would—ugh, he better not be assuming that Leo’s actually serious about not having food.  That was a joke.  Splinter’s always made sure they have more than enough of everything, even if he does forget what food nobody likes sometimes.  (None of them like bell peppers anymore, Dad.  That collective fixation food lost all its appeal ages ago.)
Leo rolls his eyes and takes a bite of his pickle.  “I’m joking, Peepaw.  We can feed ourselves, okay?”
For Leo, his comment about not having food at home was a joke that fell flat. For Draxum, it implied a lot more, especially given that Leo tried to leave almost immediately after. At this point, Draxum starts to wonder what their lives are like outside of training, which culminates in him deciding to get food for them, just in case.
It's the first action he takes that's genuinely done with their interests in mind, even if 'getting the turtles food in case they don't have enough at home' is something that also happens to serve his interests too. (After all, getting the turtles more comfortable around him and/or indebted to him does serve the goal he had at this point in the fic of getting the turtles trained and serviceable as the super soldiers he made them to be.)
There's also a few other important things that happen in chapter eight, like Draxum realizing that Leo is scared of his vines, and realizing that Leo is 'comfortable' enough around him to not bring a weapon when he came to Draxum's house. Which the audience doesn't get to see, but those are big realizations for Draxum. He doesn't actually want the turtles to be uncomfortable around him because he needs them to trust him enough to die for them, but he realizes at this point that he needs to do more to get that trust. So he does start working toward that, albeit slowly because the turtles are still very good at getting on his nerves and he lowkey doesn't like them all that much at this point lmao.
It's not the point where he stops thinking of them as weapons, not by a long shot (that still technically hasn't happened in the fic but it's kind of a spread out realization anyway). But it is the point where he starts thinking of them as more than *just* weapons.
And of course for Leo's side of things, this is the chapter when he starts seeing Draxum as slightly less of a villain. So there's a lot going on in general lol.
ask game thingy
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sburbian-sage · 2 days
…Tr|ckster beds… They're |n the Glitch FAQ… | don't remember |f |… …| went tr|ckster mode… One t|me… But was there a bed…? | don't th|nk so… …| don't really remember how |t happened, or what happened after… and the comedown was agon|z|ng… My head hurt so bad… …Oohhh | remember be|ng so embarrassed… What d|d | do then…? …Yes… …| th|nk | remember my coplayer say|ng… that |t was so fun… ...And |t was… For a b|t… | could f|nally stop worry|ng… | wasn't shy… For the very f|rst t|me… …| told them all how | really felt… | thought | was solv|ng everyth|ng, that they would f|nally understand what they meant to me… But then they sa|d… Someth|ng… And | just went w|th |t... | d|dn't understand that we would regret |t later… … … … …| th|nk that | don't want to remember anyth|ng more… Sorry… |t's better to forget…
Oh yeah, that thing. Thank you for jogging my memory again, very ominous person who may or may not have been assaulted.
Either way, advice to the guy running for his life, the story this person just shared sounds horrifying as fuck, and when I hear "candy" I think "Saccharine Doppleganger". I'm not sure if this connection is ironclad, but don't let those things touch you. If you can, strafe them and blow up that bed. Whack it with a hammer if you don't have any explosives handy (why do you not have explosives handy?).
Assuming you and everyone else survives this intact, please waterboard the guy who purposefully attempted to make a Trickster Bed. Then ask them if they knew what they were doing. Their answer determines how many more times you do this (more if they knew? more if it was an accident? you decide! viewer engagement). If this sounds harsh, you can just have them fill out this form.
I, [insert handle here], deeply apologize for my behavior. It all started when I [randomly ran into/read about and purposefully sought out] [innately sketchy or dangerous-seeming feature]. For reasons [actively malicious/so stupid they border on the homocidal/that I don't even know nor could any Seer or Sage on the replayernet ever figure out why if they all collaborated to figure out this mystery], I decided to [describe stupid course of events here]. This resulted in [describe physical, psychological, and existential harm and other consequences here]. I am [insert favored level of ableism here], and in the interest of atoning for my actions and learning from my behavior, I have accepted the punishment decided upon by all affected players, which is [describe abjectly humiliating trial here]. Despite being in the body of a [insert physical age here], I am a grown-ass [insert cognitive age here], and even though I have survived [insert number here] sessions and therefore [am a SBOOB/should know better], that doesn't mean I can uwu my way out of doing the equivalent of arriving to the session's in-person meeting/Squiddles Marathon, looking everyone in the eye, and setting off a canister of nerve gas in some guy's living room. GOSH, YOU GUYS. I MEAN GEEZE.
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kavaeroexe · 2 years
Can u do one for incubus Obi-wan. The reader(she) works at one of those witchy store and you know finds an old book with an old language and accidentally summoning him. Please if u want😊
need to remember this, sorry for too late responding Anonn :(
 witchcraft lowly thing.
Incubus!Obi-wan x Reader
summary : “so.. I just need to say the word like.. the name of an incubus, I demand you to exist upon my wish!!!”
warning: typos, bad grammar, incubus content.
attention! please do not try to repost my works, I only post my works on Tumblr, if anyone see someone stole my works please inform me through the comments, tag me in the works, or message me!
It’s fun to know that even though you’re not a favorite child in your family, but your grandmother loves you the most
every time Grandmother tells you about her experience being a witch and the fantasy story, you wish that you could be like your grandmother as well. the moment she said she got an old bookstore for magic, your eyes shine like a diamond, and it shines even brighter when she said you could have it if you’re done with your school and university.
now you got the whole bookstore, you thank your grandmother a lot, as you spin around the moment you enter the store, looking at every crystal, magic stuff, old books that you always have been dreaming to have, now it’s all yours!! oohhh how curiosity really brought you to heaven, you can’t even think how long you’re going to take to try all of the magic written in the books of your grandma’s store!!!
you spend the first week cleaning the store, tidying it up so it could be clean and easy for you to use and enjoy the stuff there, the second week you start to decorate and try to read some light books, and now, the third week, you try to read more specific and interesting books
you can’t hold yourself to do some practicing on the fourth week, so the sneaky you, try to do it this week
silly of you, stupid of you, but oh come on! how long do you need to wait-!? it’s already all yours, no one can stop you!!
“So.. I just need to put this in here, here, and there... alrighty all done!” you claim yourself, putting both of your hands on your hips and posing proudly of your works, now you’re very excited because today what you’re going to do is...
Calling a Succubus! or.. also an Incubus.. 
but since you love something new, you don’t care whether it’s a succubus or an incubus, anything it is, as long as you can summon and at least talk to them in peace before they finally return to their own realm, it’s already a big achievement, the point is to summon!
now it’s time! you’re so nervous yet so excited, it’s something new to you, and you always face something new like this, so it’s normal but you love the feeling every time you do feel it. you spell the magic word, focusing your mind and trying to bring a nice aura to your surroundings. You close your eyes and didn’t dare to open them to see what’s happening after you do the ritual based on the book you read before.
took some time for you to check if there was a footstep, breathing, or heat around you to make sure that you really are summoning something, but you gave up trying to do everything but open your eyes, so you end up opening it anyway.
how surprised of you to find a man in black robes, with black and big wings, tail waging around him, and also a pair of horns appeared on his head, his face is beautiful, stunning and looks so seducing (Bcs that’s how their face work lmao). oh and don’t forget his upper body showing a little, showing a peak of his six-pack body, which makes your jaw drop but you quickly shake your head and start to make a little conversation but you’re too nervous because it’s your first time calling a demon..
“Oh- er hello- it’s a pleasure to see a man- I mean a demon or a devil? a-anyways nice to meet you, I’m S/o, nice to meet you- oh I already said that didn’t I?” you try to say it in the most casual way, THE MOST CASUAL WAY, yeah you’re trying so. it’s okay
“So innocent...”
is the first thing he said to you, innocent, does he mean by how you startled and nervous to greet him? or how your desire to summon him only to talk casually to him?
“Cute of you.”
It’s the second thing he said, the more he talked the more you were confused by his words like an innocent duck trying to process the thing in their brain.
now you slowly walk closer to him, erasing the distance between both of you, so you could see his face closer, you’re too curious, you mean he looks harmless, plus he compliments you
“Approach me so easily, aren’t you scared of demons?”
“mhm not really, but if you hurt me, I might start to feel scared of demons, so please don’t hurt me.”
“Pff how cute you are huh? Don’t worry you’ll be safe with me, want to make a contract little one?’
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desolateice · 11 months
For the prompt one- Just gonna throw random words like I did for Phoom and you pick whichever 😂!
Holding,Searching ,Dinner,Sun,Cloudy
[insert prompt here] — you post a prompt, and i’ll write three sentences based on that prompt, set in the same time/setting as my current project.
So.....I thought oohhh all of these might work for one scene so let me try and work my way towards that, then realized it'd take too long, so instead I took them each as a prompt for a later spot in the story. So enjoy some maybe upcoming umibudo things. Because apparently today is mermaid time. This is also kinda long because I did all of them 🤣so I'm going to put it under a read more. I also got a bit lost in research 🤣.
Johnny's lungs were burning, his chest tight. He felt like he should've been used to holding his breath. But he was panicking trying to find his way out. Searching
Kumiko always said that his fishbrain would cause trouble, and he'd known he'd forget shit, that he'd want to pull Johnny in too deep, but forgetting the tide or how quickly it could change terrified him. One minuted Johnny had been beside him, like a gift from the sea, and the next he was gone, whisked away as the cave filled up. He kept diving deeper and deeper swimming against the current, searching frantically. Dinner
Johnny sat looking at the food sat out for them. It was too much food, and Chozen looked stunned himself. Adan champuru, grilled ishigaki beef, kamaboko, wild boar champuru, swordfish steak and more desserts that Johnny refused to look at because it was all too much.
Chozen stretched out on the sand, scales glittering in the sunlight. His tail fin stretched the way a cat might stretch their toes. He cracked an eye open from his nap, saw Johnny looking before grinning and faster than a snake strike, pulling Johnny down next to him. Cloudy
Chozen had been eyeing the clouds all day, monitoring where they were and keeping track of where they were, but he didn't run like others for cover when the downpour hit, enjoying the shudder of delight as his skin shifted, like a ripple all the way to his toes of scales. Johnny yelped beside him in surprise and Chozen took his hand, hurrying through the streets, there'd be no hiking or swimming today, no sight seeing, just one place to go and spend the day. Johnny followed, shivering at the blast of air conditioning as Chozen unlocked the door and followed him.
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
there are some thing in this list that are not even funny asking bc I think we all just agree, there’s not even arguments haha so I’ll have your thoughts on 29, 38 and 58 🙃🙃
hiiii friend :DD thank you so much for this ask 💕 and yessss, i completely agree, actually. even just when i was doing a quick read-through of the list before reblogging it this morning, i was like, "oohhh, some of these are just so easy and so perfect for piarles 🫶" so let's get right into them!
29. Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
LMAOOOO, oh, i love that question. and i do feel like there's a very obvious answer - charles, clearly. i mean, this is the guy who fully once ran away from a tiny, tiny monkey 😭 but then again... pierre can be such a dumbass babygirl too. i feel like he'd be the one who pretends to have it totally together, "no i'm not scared at all," but in reality, the opposite is true. so put these idiots in a lift together, and they'd BOTH just be completely freaking out - charles probably more externally, and pierre internally. (i also like this idea, because it kiiind of lines up with the canon we know that neither of them are actually entirely comfortable/happy with flying, despite doing it very often for their jobs. let's assume lifts are the same story.) anyways pierre would probably suggest snogging as a distraction. this would, as you can imagine, probably be very effective. 🤭
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
*giggling behind hand* well, well, well. what a question. charles is blushing, i'm sure.
in my headcanon, charles is the slightly more experimental one between the two of them. he strikes me as the sort who would learn about a new thing and want to try it, at least once. (and as long as it's within reason/SSC etc etc.) with that said, though -- i do think they very much bring out the worst (or best, depending how you look at it) in each other. it's that whole thing about the complete trust in each other and feeling of safety when they're with each other. since that trust is there, i feel like they'd both be willing to a) communicate very frankly about what they're interested in and b) try things out together. it'd probably be an awkward conversation the first few times, but eventually it would become a lot more like "i think this would be hot, do you want to--" "YEAH." xD
as for the "who's more vanilla" part of the question... well. i cannot in full honesty answer with either of them, because to me, they're both kinky little fucks. i mean, come on. look at me with a straight face and tell me that pierre likes it more vanilla than charles. please. this is the man who pUbLicLy said his favourite sex position is doggy style. (oh, and what an insane day that was.) ANYWAY. you can't convince me that charles is entirely vanilla either, because oh my god... the way he holds his own hands above his head sometimes (see: his winter training vlog)... he is just begging to be held down. truly.
(so yeah, my answer is: they're BOTH kinky freaks. and, as ever, i love them for it and think they're very sexy for it, actually 😌)
58. Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?
welllll... there's only one real answer to this one, isn't there? 🤭 pierre, my beloved little bitch. of course it's him. my proof? ESTEBAN. (yes, yes, they have the "french connection" now - suspiciously fruity, that, but anyway - never forget the infamous cannes photo cropping incident. ahhh, the bitchiness. spectacular.) the point is, i think it's pretty clear that pierre can most definitely hold a grudge for a very, very long time, and be petty as all fuck about it. HOWEVER. i do think charles is, as in many other ways, an exception for him. my proof for this? styria 2021. oh, man. i could talk about styria 2021 for such a long time, but the most important part is: charles crashed into pierre. pierre was, understandably, angry. pierre could have held a grudge and let their friendship fall apart because of it (à la pierresteban) but he didn't. he listened to charles, and forgave him afterwards. there are probably not a lot of people he would've done that for, but he did it for charles, and and and --
i'm getting completely distracted, but. STYRIA 2021. god. to try and focus again, though: yes, i do believe that pierre would be the more likely to hold a grudge after an argument. again, though, he would probably forgive charles pretty quickly as soon as charles apologised. also? i don't think arguing is something they do, very often - or, at least, not seriously. playfully, sure. but actual, antagonistic arguments, or full-blown fights? pierre and charles have both said in interviews that they almost never fight, so. cheers to that! 🥂
(obligatory otp asks)
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gnfmoon · 1 year
George wore a chain before, it was larrays lol
oohhh yeah i had a whole brainrot about that how could i forget. this new chain is different tho he's never worn this one before so dnf bought them to match until proven innocent
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winteringdream · 2 years
O1. let's go to the beach !
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SYNOPSIS ; being part of a big friend group has its perks. as summer nears, you find yourself living the ultimate summer dream. but, catching feelings for one of your best friends makes your summer more complicated than it should be
WARNINGS : swearing
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You groan loudly when you hear the alarm go off. Who had agreed to take the train at seven in the morning?
Your suitcase and bag, all packed and nicely placed in the corner, made you sigh of relief. At least you were smart enough to pack your bags the night before.
It had been a pain to try and convince your parents to let you go on the trip, so them bringing you to the train station would never happen.
Luckily, Jungwon's parents are as kind as he is, and let you and Hikaru go with them.
"I'm leaving, mom." You slightly nudge her.
"Have fun~" She whispers, cautious of how early it is . She hands you a bottle of water. "Don't forget to call."
Your phone lights up several times. Twitter notifications flood your lockscreen.
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The three of you are officially running late and Hikaru is aggresively tweeting the friends.
"Sometimes I really want to give Riki a punch in the stomach", Hikaru grumbles, as she continues tapping her screen.
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The car comes to a stop and Jungwon runs to get the luggage. The three of you are a mess, and try to move as fast as a human possibly can to avoid missing the train.
It's a matter of pure luck that all twelve of you got on the train to Busan. ( this isn't a reference!! they're not going to die )
Jungwon plops down in the seat next to you. You look at Hikaru and Riki who are sitting opposite of the two of you.
"If you say another word about my height I will punch you in the stomach." Hikaru and Riki bicker about their height all the time. Riki, who is younger than Hikaru, is almost twice her size.
"If I end up with your snoring ass I will literally sleep outside. "
"You're the one who snores the loudest. Why do you think we don't do sleepovers anymore?"
It wasn't because of Riki's snoring, but Hikaru liked to lie about the reason why.
"If I knew you were going to attack me first thing in the morning I wouldn't have brought snacks for you."
"Wait what, no wait. Hikaru, I didn't mean to make fun of your short legs. I really like your height, I swear. You're like this little-eh - duck!"
You and Jungwon burst out in laughter.
The laughing fit turned into Jungwon and you softly slapping eachother because of Hikaru's facial expressions.
"Jungwon stop looking at Y/n like that!" Sunghoon shouts from another seat. You turn around, confused.
"Shut up, Sunghoon! You can't even see me!"
"Yeah but Riki can~"
"Oohhh! Jungwonn" Several others tease the boy.
You could see his cheeks growing visibly more red. As soon as you see your phone light up you know this was not going to be forgotten quickly..
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TAGLIST : @hiqhkey
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axolotl-thing2 · 1 year
that a lot of turtles
this a page sample of charter 1 the fic I'm writing the rest is going to be on my AO3 when it is finished it's not even true to the real one yet, this is a non-edited version of it there still a lot of detail that I need to work out on this so for now here is the creator of the Au is @haro0o <-------
and also @idiotreblogger I didn't forget to tag you too so you can read it I want some criticism on this to see where I can make it better!
“RAPH! WATCH OUT!” What happened, who were they, where am I, why is it so cold Who am I?
It was a cold night in new york the sky was cloudy. Winter was coming soon but under the clouded sky, was raph on patrol watching the streets for any suspicious activity. it‘s was 9:40am in 3 hours and 20 minutes it was going to be Exactly 2 years since the krang invasion happened He was complicating whether or not he should continue on patrol since no one on that day really left their homes except to mourn lost ones and to visit their graves. Checking the alleys to the rooftops he was tired he was on the rooftops checking the streets from up high he decided to Head back home since there was no activity at all and to be there with his family during that day. He pressed a button on his watch
“Donnie come in Donnie come in I know your awake” “Hello my dear brother what can I do for you” “I just wanted to know if You guys wanted some pizza” “Yes Of course how can we turn down perfectly good pizza” “Ok then see you at that home” “You got the money right” “Yup” “ ill send you some more just in case, see how you're terrible at keeping money safe” “Ok ok, long should I wait for the money” “Any moment noooowwww then”
And just like that a blue portal opened up in the sky he opened up my hand and then came the money.
“There some extra because Mikey and Leo ‘just friends’ are here today ” “Oohhh really and is ‘where just rivals/enemy/frenemy/It's complicated there too” “Aaaahhhhhh nnnooooo” “Just tell me what you guys want or send me a list or something” “Ok let me ask, ill send you a list in a minute ” “Señor Hueso right” “yep”
He sat on the rooftop edge looking at the people going on with their night you can still see the destruction caused by the krang. Something else happened that day people started recognizing us as heroes the “unknown hero of new york” or “the one at wore orange red purple and blue ” Ever since then many people have been trying to catch us in the act of saving New York. There are many fan pages about us now Sometimes they do get the occasional photo but April or Donnie deals with that quickly but they can never get a good photo. and the worst part about it is that the government is trying to get on our tails they see us as a threat to the world I mean I can't really blame them we were intended for war purposes to wipe out the human. But Donnie tries to delete any files that they have on us and even wipes our traces of us. But also they will never suspect if we were right under the city and hopefully they don't find the hidden city anytime soon.
Ah, that must be the li-… ⇱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ 1 pineapple pizza 3 Pepperoni pizza 2 Extra pepperonis 2 Cheese pizza 1 Stuffed crust 2 Salad Beards sticks And 9 sodas ______ ⇲ I climbed off the building as quietly and quickly as I could making sure I did not disturb the people in the building. Off to Señor Hueso Now where is that wall it should be rrrrrrriiiight here Ha! There we go
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intherainbowfactory · 2 years
Rainbow Factory: Escape Chapter (?#/??)
The three Cutie Mark Crusaders had more to worry about at the moment, however. Well, not so much a worry, more like an enemy: the pink prancing pony Diamond Tiara and her grayscale gilded goon Silver Spoon.
They walked slowly over to the three friends with malicious smiles, not saying anything. They just stood there behind Scootaloo menacingly, sniggering with the force of a thousand attention-seekers trying to get the attention of the CMC or unnerve them in some amusing way. The dastardly duo really wanted the little fillies to be afraid of them or angry at them, so they could laugh at them. And in a way, it kind of worked, since the tricky trio took lessons (“Except for me!” Scootaloo would have declared in a better situation, “I’m not doing any more studying unless it’s for a cutie mark!”) in trying to appear as if they didn’t care about any bullies anyhow.
They waited for a bit, the yellow and white foals sharing some carrot chunks, the orange one glowering at the table, before Diamond Tiara got bored.
“Well,” she gave a nominally innocent smirk and said in a sing-song pitch, “if it isn’t Apple Blue…” She and her crony took their places behind and to the left of Bloom, who was staring placidly at the two while still munching on her carrot sticks. 
“... Stinky Belle…” Sweetie merely turned her nose up at that dreadfully common remark. 
“... and Scootaway…!”
“Hey! Don’t call me that!”
Apple Bloom facehoofed and Sweetie Belle started taking stock of how to save this situation. Diamond Tiara shared an electrified look with Silver Spoon. “Well, at least one of you has some spark,” she snarked.
“Now y’all just bein’ ridiculous. Ah mean ah get yore tryin’ ta make fun of me for growing a blue goldurn apple, and ah will say this prim goober over here does smell like huckleberries (“Hey!”) from gettin’ them all over the place,” Apple Bloom conceded, “but Scootaway? What the hay’s that s’posed to even signify?”
Sweetie Belle took up the mantle. “Yeah! Get some new material already!”
As it happened, Diamond Tiara had briefly given some thought to retiring as a bully in her age since she was, as Sweetie Belle so succinctly said, running out of material. The whole thing was getting old, as well. However! She would have given away thousands of bits before she would admit to that, and she never simply gave anypony a bit. Besides, she was afr- concerned that her frie- associate Silver Spoon would think less of her for changing her ways. Oh, and don’t worry. These details will be important later.
Bringing events back to the present, Diamond Tiara grew angry, and you did not get a princess angry. She threw her ornate tiara on the ground. Silver Spoon thought, “Aw, snap!”
“It means, ya bumpkin, that she’s going to go into the pegasus device!” Diamond Tiara finished with fury and glee.
“What?” Everypony there was a bit confused by that. Apple Bloom was thinking about flying machines. Sweetie Belle was thinking of the industrial pegasus military complex. Silver Spoon was trying to justify her friend’s strange sentence to herself. As for Scootaloo, she was kinda expecting a crack at her small-ish normal wings, so this new information was a bit of a blindside, though it did make her curious. They all instantly forgot that Tiara called Scoots “Scootaway”, along with forgetting to ask about the origin of the name.
“Oohhh.” Diamond Tiara graced the three with her poise as she turned up her nose and upturned a hoof for Silver Spoon to give her back the diamond tiara. Shocked back to reality, Silver Spoon went about the duty with a smug look on her face, and Diamond regally replaced her royal wear.
… Scootaloo was starting to notice subtle changes in the air, in the atmosphere. It was a bit too sickly sweet, or maybe too corny. It changed so quickly. Hadn’t only a few moments passed since…?
Meh. Musta been because I ate that blue apple.
“Well, of course you wouldn’t know! After all, you are just a runt of a pegasus (“Ugh! There it is!”). Allow me to explain in a way that you’ll be able to understand,” she proclaimed with the utmost sincerity. She was getting to be very good at jabbing people like that. “You see, when a worker at the Rainbow Factory finds a pegasus foal that won’t be able to fly -that’s you!- the foal gets kidnapped and sent to the Rainbow Factory, where they get made into rainbows!”
They were all dumbfounded. “Y-you mean?”
“Yep.” Tiara’s face was now grim. “They’re forced to run in giant hamster wheels to sweat out the rainbow droplets that go into rainbows. Forever!”
An unsuppressed shudder came around the table at that. Silver Spoon wasn’t looking so hot, either.
“W-well,” Apple Bloom started to regain her confidence, and her diction, “ah reckon that if they really were kidnapping foals, th’ parents would have to care, right?”
“Oh, trust me,” Silver Spoon put in with a dead look in her eyes, “they wouldn’t.”
“See! It makes total sense!” Diamond went to hoofbump Silver Spoon, but her friend didn’t reciprocate. “Sorry.”
“I don’t think you have any evidence about any of this.” Sweetie Belle was starting to get annoyed by all this. She just wanted to finish her sweet daisy sandwich and test out some more telekinesis.
“My father told me about this!” She neglected to mention that Filthy Rich had told her it was just a wild rumor.
The other ponies still weren’t convinced.
“Y’all still got nothin’ on why ya think Scoots is gonna be kidnapped in all this!”
“Oh yeah? Well,” she snorted, “I overheard Rainbow Dust saying that he would have to ‘lecture’ our teacher on the pegasus performance of one of her students. Now”, she took on an annoying tone and got up close and personal with Scoots, “I wonder who that could be?”
“G’wan!” Scoots just closed her eyes and crossed her hooves. “You can’t bother me! Rainbow Dust isn’t even in charge of my flight group! He wouldn’t know a thing, he couldn’t do a thing,” she concluded. But was that really the case?
“He would if he was gonna kidnap you~~!”
… Do these words even have any meaning? Scootaloo contemplated the syntax of the preceding sentences…
“Oh, get a room, you two!” Sweetie snapped. ”This is like a bad day at the Carousel Boutique…” she muttered. Apple Bloom nodded wisely, even though she didn’t get it.
“Why, what perfect wording! I was just going to insist that Scootaloo join us in listening in on the conversation between our teacher and her esteemed rainbow guest. She would do so, I am sure, were she not… chicken.”
Scootaloo saw red.
“Scoots! No!” Apple Bloom stood on her bench, but it was too late. The orange filly had to defend her pride.
“Let’s go! Right now!!!”
It was at that moment that clouds began to converge over Ponyville, a choreographed invasion on the day’s sky, drowning the bright yellow rays of sunlight in an ocean of unfeeling, unthinking gray.
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loveyougoodbi · 2 months
Australia unserious serious race overview
If you're new here i decided to do a short recap of each race after it's done on here, mostly for my own sake so I dont forget what happened in each race.
This recap will be less unserious since the results were 😐 not by my liking and I have serious topics to cover.
Bahrain part 1 Bahrain part 2 Jeddah part 1 Jedah part 2
Australia will be 1 part under a cut
1. Ferrari
Oohhh boy. Do I have thoughts.
Most of my thoughts are summed up in this post I made discussing how Charles not attacking was not due to team orders and how attacking would not have helped him. Now I'd rather move on from this since every time I think about who won I want to cry.
I am really pissed off today but not because of ferrari and team orders but because the one time charles is out of the front row in 8 races Max DNFs thus giving everyone else a chance. I know, I know I should want Charles to beat Max on track and that's probably what Charles wants also BUT it does not erase the fact that cs55 is so lucky with his front row starts that he is now 2/2 qualis he was better than Charles in the last 10 races that lead to Max/Red Bull having issues. What kind of luck do you have on your side? And can the rest of us get some?
On the positive side Charles is now closer in the championship to Max than any driver has been probably since Bahrain 2023 lol. And I will choose to look on the bright side and remember that after Singapore Charles obliterated Carlos in every single race and hope that this one sparks a similar fire in him. You got this Charlie.
2. Mclaren
They were good I guess. They had no one to fight with thanks to Mercedes. I feel like they had a slightly better race than the last 2. I will not talk about the team orders since they did undercut Lando with Oscar's strategy in the beginning. So I have.. no opinion on it. Especially since Oscar made a big mistake towards the end that everyone kinda overlooked with everything that happened after. He would not have been on the podium either way. He lost a lot of seconds there I dont remember how much but it was a lot. Lando would've overtaken for sure.
3. Aston Martin
Stroll had an amazing drive here 🙌. I like to hate on him sometimes but not today. Amazing quali amazing drive great points.
Alonsos move in the end? Extremely dangerous to do on a street track surrounded by walls. I'm happy he got the penalty (although I didn't expect 20 fucking seconds????? Idk what is happening with the penalties being so harsh this year but I like it)
4. Red Bull
Poor Maxie. We are so not used to seeing this that it felt like a fever dream. What the fuck happened? And on the race he was supposed to match his streak 😭. Anyway he'll live. At least now he gets to fight Charles (yes I'm delulu what about it)
Perez was invisible. Were RB slow here or is Perez just mid? Well I guess we'll never know (but we can take a wild guess). He could not pass the Mclarens? Really?
5. RB
YUKI TSUNODA THE MAN THAT YOU ARE!!!!!! I can not explain to you guys how happy I am with 6 points for Yuki jgjejxjwnd that's insane.
Daniel did ok I guess. He had a more difficult drive too but I only care about Yuki today. So so happy.
6. Haas
Did you guys see this drive by both Haases? Did you see what they did? They climbed the most out of everyone. Both in the points????? How did we get here? I don't know but I love it. Hulk is for some reason growing on me more and more. So is Kevin. Idk what happened. Double points for Haas. Who would've thought. Amazing. So excited for them.
7. Williams
James Vowles I'm in your walls. Men will do nothing but disappoint. Would Logan have done better than Alex? Probably not. Is it okay what they did to him? Absolutely not. And they didn't even manage to get a singular point. Disgusted disappointed and flabbergasted. Was it worth it James? Cos I don't think it was. Wasnit worth it for Alex to lose respect in Logans eyes? I don't think so either. And before someone goes but it wasn't Alex fault. If I was in Logans place I would lose respect for Alex for allowing this to happen I said what I said. I would never consider him on my side anymore if I ever did.
This coupled with Alex saying he'd rather have a teammate that's bad so he can get all the praise? Falling lower and lower. Not yet daniel-lando-carlos level of low, far from it, but still dissapointed in him.
8. Alpine
Woohoo can you believe they are not last on my list for once? They did something guys!!! The thing they did is they are not BOTH dead last. Only Este is. AND no one dnfed. Actually there is not much to celebrate. Next race I guess
9. Sauber
Idk what was in the air in Bahrain but Sauber are getting worse and worse. Zhou has completely disappeared. Bottas had another 1 min pit stop (what is it with bottas and put stops?????) And they were just... they were bad. This is starting to look very similar to last year and they gave me hope for .2 seconds for NOTHING!
10. Mercedes
Damn. Where do I start. So nice of Hamilton to park his car in solidarity of Max dnf ing. We love a supportive king. In all seriousness tho (because this is a serious race overview) Mercedes suck. The car sucks. First engine failure of the year and its their own car 3 races into the season. It's not looking good at all.
George oh my god. On one side it's funny bc this exact same thing happened in Singapore? That's insane? I'm ready to light some candles about how crazy it is. On another more important side, it was so so scary. The placement of his car was so dangerous. His radio was so devastating. I cant even imagine sitting there in the middle of the road and just waiting for a car to hit you at 300kmph without being able to do anything about apart for yell for a red flag and hope they listen. So traumatic. I hope he's okay mentally after this. I know these people are stronger than us and their relationship with death and fear is different than mine but this cannot be easy. God I have tears in my eyes just writing about it. Poor George 🥺
That's it. Thank you for reading. There is not conclusion to this I simply covered everything ND my thoughts on everyone 😌
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the-cat-chat · 5 months
December 2, 2023
Leo (2023)
Leo the Lizard has been stuck in the same Florida school for decades. When he learns he only has one year left to live, he plans to escape to freedom, but instead has to rescue his class from their horribly mean substitute teacher.
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JayBell: Adam Sandler movies are a bit hit or miss for me, but an animated movie is different from what I usually expect from him. And thankfully, this movie is funny, and cute at times, and heartfelt at other times.
There are some great bits of humor in the movie--the overprotective robot babysitter with a crush, the insane animations for the kindergartners, Leo juggling phones, the animals at the birthday party--just to name a few. Some of the songs work for me and some didn't, but they do add to the heartfelt nature of the movie and give it deeper meaning.
I like that all the kids have different issues, and while the movie couldn't go in depth with all of them, the movie tries to show as much time helping the kids as it can.
One thing that bothers me about the plot is that all the kids are preparing for the history fair and all the kids implied that they couldn't have done it without Leo and that's why they need to apologize. I'm a little confused how Leo helping them in their personal lives allowed them to win the big history fair prize. But that's just a little thing that didn't impact my overall enjoyment very much.
Rating: 6.5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I was equally excited and really hesitant about this movie for obvious reasons. Like I love Adam Sandler. I loved all his stuff as a kid. Just Go With It? Big Daddy? I had a doggg named after Little Nicky! ( Mom??? Concerned here??) But there’s been a for sure iffy time with Adam Sandler * cough cough I’m looking at you Jack and Jill cough cough* (I went to the theaters to see that 😱) soooooo class lizard voice by Adam Sandler??? I had my fingers crossed.
And thank god! It was really cute and sweet and fun. Adam Sandler’s lizard voice will live in my spinal column in an uncomfortable way until I die, sure, but I’m really glad we watched it. I didn’t even mind the singing! Character growth! (Not Too much anyway- there were some realllll weird songs tho- love the reverse psychology boo freaking hoo one). I also have no clue how they specifically tapped into memories I had as a kid- the L’Oréal kids shampoo bottle, the backpack stuffed so stuffed you have to crawl from school- and the good old Lysol can used for spraying desks. They put a lot of thought into everything and the characters and I was surprised. Alsoooo love how the turtle Squirtle becomes lime green jello over all the kids liking Leo- and all the kids giving Leo phones and then him being like a no good two timing rat when he’s on the phone with all of them.
But annnyways I do think it was very insightful into actual problems kids do deal with, and really awesome how it shows a different way of behaving, while attempting to explain the issue. The animation was a lillll freaky thooo. Oohhh my gawwd and how could I forget! I absolutely love how they animated the kindergartners to look like unhinged feral gerbils! That gives it 3 points alone.
Rating: 8/10 Lizardzzz 🦎
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chidoroki · 8 months
Tokyo Revengers S3EP3
aka: secret's out
Damn, I figured the handshake with Naoto would fail but I didn’t think Takemichi would try it again so soon after returned from the future. This is really looking like your last chance, boy.
I.. have a feeling Naoto did leave and Takemichi’s telling the whole story to someone else right now..
Hmm, I guess that could work. If he changes the past enough so that Naoto doesn’t end up dying by Kisaki in the future, then perhaps he can still time leap? Maybe?
Oohhh boy, it was Hina who heard all that though!
Aw c'mon, this scene with the two of them on the slide is so cute though. Sure she asks how old he really is and if he proposed to her in the future, but damn they’re so precious! Hina's even keeping the crazy reveal to herself too.
“Why would Mikey have so much trust in Izana Kurokawa?” Oh you know, family stuff, whether or leader realizes it yet or not.
Oh my god, Mikey’s bedhead is so chaotic it’s adorable.
Fuck, I just realized Emma had her hair tossed over her shoulder in a low ponytail.. that’s cursed! What a subtle hint to what’s to come aaahhh.
No way we get Draken doing Mikey’s hair for him.. these boys are the best.
Aww, not the mention of Baji. I miss that lad.
“Like I said, he’s my big brother, Izana Kurokawa.” You have wonderful timing in the conversation Emma.
“Hey, I’ve told you a hundred time before, Mikey. He’s your half brother, you know. My last name used to be Kurokawa and I had an older brother.” Our girl coming through with all the juicy backstory.
Still a whole lot we’re missing about Izana but there’s clearly some bad blood within this family.
Ah now I get it, the Toman uniforms resemble those of the old Black Dragon. Makes sense if Shinichiro original left his gang for Mikey to control. Guess he took some inspiration there.
“I will kill Kisaki and Izana. Even if we end up killing each other.” Some serious words there, Takemichi.
Chifuyu always being the best bot and supporting our determined and stubborn protag.
Oohhhh boy, Sanzu pulling up!
Right.. I always forget to refer to Yasuhiro as “Mucho” but in my defense this man has not been in focus all that much.. til now!
“That damn Izana, making more work for me.” Say hello to our traitor y’all. I'd be more surprised if the OP wasn't such a big red flag.
Goddamn, the dude kidnapped Inui and Koko too? Well, I can imagine why considering they were both Black Dragon up until very recently, but still. Doesn’t Koko show up with Tenjiku in the OP and ED alongside Mucho and Sanzu? I suppose we’re about to find out how that happens.
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