#one of those characters that totally came from nowhere and became a fan favorite for me
uraniumglassgirl · 2 years
yesterday i found volume 16 of jjk at walmart and dear lord that was so engaging to read even though ive seen it before physical manga is fucking awesome
EDIT: the geto on the cover is also very sexy and i want to fuck him.
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telaraneas · 3 years
I’m sending you an analysis ask!! My ask is… Dave! What I always wonder about dave is how he became such a fan favorite among the young fanbase all those years ago. I feel like my original reading of Dave has been heavily influenced by the fandom activity surrounding him at the time (he was the 2012 hs fandom’s #1 sadboy). As a relative latecomer to the fandom, what were your reactions to Dave? And how do you feel today’s fans view him?
yeah i remember he was a big fan favorite, because this was one of the things you knew if you just EXISTED in tumblr around 2012, even if you knew nothing about homestuck you jsut saw a billion fanarts of that one kid with the sunglasses. but really, "relatively latecomer" relative nothing, i am a brand new baby fan latest of latecomers and i will happily give you my Dave Experience
i can't speak for how other modern fans view him, but for me personally, honestly i have to say i think i really didn't Get Him until late act6; which isn't to say he wasn't an interesting character before then, but that almost everything interesting about him went over my head on the first read.
i think my issue was partly that i was taking his facade mostly at face value and that i didn't really get WHERE his angst was coming from in the ocassions it popped up. like.. it's not that i bought into the idea that he's this cool ironic guy who doesnt afraid of anything, but i guess mostly his typing style and sense of humor were a bit too true-to-life for what the kind of person who thinks "ironic enjoyment of shitty things, too cool to actually care about anything, troll the shit out of anyone who engages with you honestly" is peak comedy actually speaks like, which made him kind of an unpleasant presence to me at the beginning; knowing he was definitely using that irony to cover up something didn't really help, because that's just universally true of basically everyone who's Like That, and that doesnt make them any less insufferable
the thing about dave strider is that he actually keeps up the disaffected cool kid act for a looooong time, and with so much going on and so many characters and stories to think about, i never spared him as much thought as i could have... until act6 happened, and dave was revealed to be a massive dork, and that SERIOUSLY changed my understanding of him as a character. like it's really hilarious how much his early arc persona totally falls apart when you take away the comfort of text-based communication. the addition of body language and the loss of the fractions of a second to formulate answers REALLY change his dialogue and how he reads as a character in ways that are subtle but were kind of shocking to me when i was reading it
like, for example i never had the patience for his long random tangents in chatlogs because i got the feeling he was doing them because he was just that sure that whatever he was on was THAT witty and funny, or alternatively, NOT that witty or funny, which is why he went on those tangents to be ~ironic~ or whatever, and tbh i have adhd and not enough patience to sit and read his diatribes
eeexcept, late comic dave recontextualizes the HELL out of this by revealing that no, HE KINDA REALLY DOES JUST GO ON TANGENTS FOR NO REASON 100% GENUINELY AND ITS NOT A CALCULATED PSEUDO-IRONIC THING AT ALL which makes his lenghty rambling read VERY differently
that sort of stuff. like, i was fully prepared for the irony to be a cover for someone who does genuinely care about things- but i was NOT prepared for the CONCEPT OF IRONY ITSELF to be basically the only thing about his demeanor that wasn't mostly genuine, whether dave himself realized it or not. dave has been a riot on rereads, hes like a totally different character with hindsight
on the topic of Dave Angst in specific, i have to admit- the whole thing is actually VERY subdued before late act6 unless you're actually looking for it and paying attention to dave as a character; and while i imagine this was a given for many readers at the time, who already liked him as a character and were reading and thinking about each update as it came out, to me as someone blitzing through the comic at a stage where things were starting to get complex, i COMPLETELY missed major moments that inform his problems, philosophy, worldview, fears, and general arc
because of this, a lot of the major moments where dave is actually OBVIOUSLY distressed or upset, left me mostly asking "hold on, what??? where did this come from, what is this about?????". to be fair, even back then i was pretty sure that there WAS something there that must have been set up earlier and i just missed it, but it was still kind of a confusing read. some specific examples: dave getting upset at terezi after the coinflip godtier timeline splitting debacle, his whole disjointed speech about the reluctant hero thing in the first meenah walkaround, his entire conversation with grimbark jade where he just states he's not time traveling again. those moments totally blindsided me on my first read
another moment that completely blindsided me, but which i actually Got on the first read regardless, was the long-awaited striderchat. i did not AT ALL expect the direction that went, but it did a fantastic job at recontextualizing what i had initially just accepted without question as a comically exaggerated videogamey home situation (not that much of a stretch when the final member of the party was raised by a dog in the middle of nowhere), into a traumatic enviroment that informs a lot of WHY dave is the way he is and why he used to think and approach the world the way that he did
other than that, theres a lot of Dave Angst i am still only just untangling on the reread because his anxieties sometimes stem from really esoteric ideas that i couldn't wrap my head around when i was busy trying to keep track of the billion plot threads of act5 which i was reading as fast as possible lol. but like, just earlier today i had the realization that dave's fear of death manifests MUCH more strongly in fear over being responsible over alt versions of him dying, than it does when his actual life is being directly threathened. dave would be susceptible to dumb thought experiments along the line of pascal's mugging, is what i'm saying, much more so than he would be to getting actually mugged.
tldr dave is an interesting character and i like him very much now, but boy did i not Get Him until recently
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themattress · 3 years
My Top 15 Favorite Gotham Characters
Plus one Honorable Mention.
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Honorable Mention: Silver St. Cloud - She's an honorable mention because of how tragically the show wasted her. Silver was a standout character in 2A's “Rise of the Villains” arc, as we see all the layers peeled back from whimsical, kind-hearted, well-mannered young socialite to cruel, manipulative, cold-blooded agent of an evil religious cult to vulnerable, scared and remorseful girl in way over her head who forges a real emotional connection with Bruce. However, despite all the rich potential for her to develop even further as a character, she was never seen again after the 2A finale. 
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15. Tabitha Galavan - While as a character she's the very definition of a second-stringer, Tabitha is an interesting case study in what happens when a single ember of innocence is still left burning within the darkest of souls. Raised in the evil Order of St. Dumas and kept firmly under her older brother's thumb, Tabitha is certainly no angel, being the sort of person who will fatally stab an innocent old woman in the back and feel no remorse. But the desire to care and be cared for is still very strong in her, and we see it manifest many times: with Silver, and with Selina, and with Barbara, and of course with Butch. Unfortunately for Tabitha, she is also a case study in how this doesn't guarantee that such a person will receive a happy ending, as she is unable to avoid karmic justice.
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14. Butch Gilzean - I didn't really care about Butch initially, since he didn't seem like anything more than Fish Mooney's affably evil muscle. After he became brainwashed into obeying the Penguin's every command, he gradually became more interesting and sympathetic, and by the time he got romantically involved with Tabitha I had become so accustomed to him and his perversely likable sort of villainy that I couldn't imagine the show without him. But maybe the show would have been better off without him after his death in the Season 3 finale, as the immediate retcon afterward of his real name being Cyrus Gold and his resurrection as Solomon Grundy in Season 4 was just nonsense, especially when he ends up just as dead in the Season 4 finale as he was in the Season 3 finale, so what was even the point? Sometimes, dead is better, and I’m sure Butch would agree.
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13. Harvey Bullock - For much of Season 1 it felt like the writers were trying to play Harvey Bullock too seriously, and I think that was a mistake because the character always benefits from being played more broadly, and lord knows that Donal Logue can do that very well. Thankfully, that's exactly how he started to be played more often from Season 2 and onward, with whatever serious arcs he did receive such as in Season 4 benefiting from him being so much more likable as a result. I'd rather watch him on screen than Jim Gordon any day.
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12. Leslie Thompkins - While initially kind of bland, Leslie "Lee" Thompkins is a character that grew on me overtime. I felt really sorry for her throughout Seasons 2 and 3 as Jim Gordon proved to be the worst love interest ever, bringing her no end of pain, and then in Seasons 4 and 5 she used that pain and anger to shape herself into a total badass anti-heroine who was still all about helping those in need but now was open to using less than moral means to accomplish this. She's a character who finished the show stronger than she'd ever been, and her and Barbara becoming bros is everything I never knew I needed.
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11. Sofia Falcone - Sometimes, a sharp and devious mind is all it takes for someone to be a great villain, and damn did Sofia ever put hers to good use. In the comics, this was a forgettable character who was just an obvious thug in design and demeanor, but Gotham's version is terrifying in how petite and pretty and kind and charitable and all around attractive in every way she is...the perfect way to manipulate others and conceal that on the inside she's beyond just a thug; she's a raging, ruthless, vindictive, amoral sociopath who only cares about herself. And kudos to Crystal Reed, whose performance sold the character perfectly. The only real downside to Sofia is that the writers clearly were forced to write her out earlier than anticipated, and her abrupt exit from the show is nowhere close to being as satisfying as the build-up to her gaining power within the city would lead you to believe.
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10. Ra's Al Ghul - As wonderful as Sofia was, there was never any question as to whom Season 4's most formidable villain was: the same villain who is the series' ultimate Big Bad, Ra's Al Ghul. Beyond the phenomenally perfect casting of Alexander Siddig, who is hands down the most comics-accurate portrayal of the character in live-action to date, Ra's benefits from the series positioning him as the final answer to the long-running "who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne?" mystery and totally being able to convince viewers that most of this series' events were according to his plans due to the self-assured, in-control and borderline omnipotent way the Demon's Head carries himself. No-one in Gotham City is left unchanged by his machinations, least of all his chosen "heir" Bruce Wayne. 
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9. Hugo Strange - The Big Bad of 2B's "Wrath of the Villains" arc is in the running for the show's most despicable villain. Professor Hugo Strange is a brilliant psychologist and scientist, but he is utterly devoid of a conscience and will do anything to achieve his twisted aspirations, from ruining peoples' lives with his experiments to bringing people back from the dead to personally ordering the death of those he considers to be friends. What makes Strange enjoyable in spite of his depravity is B.D Wong's performance: he looks absolutely perfect as a younger version of Hugo Strange and his voice seems to be channeling Corey Burton's Christopher Lee-inspired take from Batman: Arkham City.  He's a much stronger villain than 2A's Theo Galavan, and tellingly got to return in every following season.
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8. Edward Nygma - I really wish I could place Ed higher on this list, since the Riddler is one of my favorite Batman villains and Cory Michael Smith is perfect in the role. But sadly, he's the subject of some really weak writing throughout the show that holds him back from breaching my personal Top 5. Whether it be the constant Nice Guy(TM) hounding of Kristen Kringle, the bizarre Two Face-esque split personality angle, the ungodly stupid Isabella plot device and subsequent clashing with the Penguin because of it, his needless romance with Lee that didn't make sense for either of their characters (which wasn't helped by the fact that it happened at a time where he kept on getting made a fool of in a way that undermined how menacing he was just a season ago), and being used as an obvious red herring in the Haven explosion mystery...he really deserved better material, and it's lucky that Smith makes him so enjoyable to watch since it would otherwise drag him down much further.
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7. Jerome Valeska - Cameron Monaghan's performance as Jerome single-handedly forced the Gotham producers' hands when it came to their original plans (or lack thereof) for the Joker in their series, as right off the bat he managed to perfectly capture the same maniacal energy that the likes of Mark Hamill and Heath Ledger did, meaning fans would accept no-one else in the role. While Jerome ends up being more of a test run for the actual Joker - the Beta Joker, so to speak - he still is one of the most frightening and malevolent characters in the show's entire run, spreading chaos for chaos' sake and causing pain to others just because he finds it hilarious, and doing it all in the most theatrical way possible.  
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6. Jeremiah Valeska - Yes, I agree that this character's whole basis - Jerome's secret twin brother who actually becomes the Joker - and how he was introduced is unbelievably stupid writing; in hindsight it would have made more sense to just find a way to transition Jerome into this kind of characterization as part of a continued evolution toward becoming the Joker. But we're stuck with Jeremiah, and as it stands he is a much worthier Joker than Jerome was. I don't really like the Joker whenever he's written to have no motivation beyond "random crime and chaos because LOL crazy!!!" - the best Jokers always have a reason for doing what they do, it's just that it's always a twisted reason that holds no basis in reality and just serves as an excuse for the Joker to spread pain and chaos across Gotham City and match wits with Batman. (Ex: Heath Ledger's Joker may say he has no plans and just "does things" as a manipulation tactic, but in reality he does make plans and does have the tangible objective of proving his nihilistic, anarchistic worldview to everyone; Batman in particular.)
Jeremiah's penchant for intricate planning combined with the psychotic objectives that lie behind his plans is what makes him more believable as the Joker compared to Jerome, and it really felt like the show's stakes rose to an entirely new, darker than ever before level when he stepped up to the plate at the end of Season 4. I also love his development: being in denial about his own insanity and likeness to his brother until his personal obsession with Bruce overpowers that and causes him to willingly give into the madness so that he can be a worthy enough foil for Bruce as Gotham's Dark Knight, since that gives his miserable life a sense of purpose. Add to this Cameron Monaghan still pulling off that Joker energy flawlessly and you have a Joker that can stand beside Nicholson, Ledger and Phoenix's portrayals.
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5. Barbara Kean - This one really took me by surprise. I knew going into the show that Barbara was considered a poorly written, irritating obstructive love interest to Gordon in Season 1, but that she got Rescued From the Scrappy Heap in the following seasons. What I didn't know was the way that rescuing happened - she goes crazy and becomes a surprise villain in the Season 1 finale, and from then on out she is freaking nuts in the most hilariously over-the-top way, with Erin Richards chewing the scenery for all it's worth. Barbara is so entertaining throughout the various guises and positions she goes through across the series, not to mention a complete badass who you just can't help but respect for being true to herself even if she's an awful human being. Her redemption arc in Season 5 was a beautiful way to bring her journey full-circle, and I don't begrudge her the happy ending she got at all.
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4. Alfred Pennyworth - We're all used to Alfred the butler, but Gotham got me accustomed to Alfred the soldier. Sean Pertwee is thoroughly convincing in the role of the hard-assed, frequently grumpy or moody yet caring, loyal and dependable Alfred, whose relationship with young Bruce Wayne is perfectly depicted. The only time I didn't care for him was during 2A, where he was cruel and unfair toward Selina because she killed his treacherous war-time buddy who almost murdered him and was planning on doing harm to Bruce. Thankfully, from the midseason finale and onward he managed to redeem himself, regaining his status as one of the show's best-depicted characters and maintaining it all the way to the end.
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3. Bruce Wayne - This character was always going to live or die based on what child actor was playing him, and by God did David Mazouz nail it in his performance. Even putting the dead parents and destiny as Batman aside, Bruce Wayne is clearly not a "normal" kid, being raised in the lap of luxury and privileged to the point of extreme naïveté, with an overly formal way of speaking hammering in his distance from the rest of Gotham City. Watching him grow stronger and smarter and more worldly and responsible as the series progressed was always a pleasure, and he naturally made a far more compelling protagonist than Jim Gordon did, with the show ending on the shot that it does making it even more clear that this was primarily his story all along; just one elongated origin story for the goddamn Batman.
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2. Selina Kyle - For quite a while in Season 1, the teenage girl who would be Catwoman spent a lot of time just slinking around the fringes of the story and accomplishing little of value. But once she finally met Bruce, Selina's character really took off, and she ended up becoming my second all-time favorite character in the show. Aside from the strong writing and character development, much is also owed to Camren Bicondova, who is utterly charming in her depiction of the cynical, sharp-tongued, street-smart thief with a heart of gold, and she is even able to make her rushed final transition into Catwoman in Season 5 believable. And kudos to Lili Simmons who plays her in the final episode, she is perfectly convincing as an adult version of Selina, looking and sounding just as I expect Bicondova to in a few years. 
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1. Oswald Cobblepot - OK, this is probably an unoriginal choice, but I can't help it - Oswald Cobblepot, aka the Penguin, is the one character on this show who just did no wrong as far as I'm concerned (as a character, I mean, he obviously did a lot wrong morally!) In addition to being the role Robin Lord Taylor was born to play, there is a consistency in the writing of his character and in the quality of his development that I think is unmatched by anyone else in the cast. Aside from that one blip in the Isabella plotline of Season 3 that I credit as more of a blemish on Ed than I do Oswald, he was always a fully three-dimensional character who acted and reacted believably, and he always stayed firmly on the line between being a heinous, ruthless, murderous criminal chiefly seeking power and a tragic, sympathetic, even funny and likable person chiefly seeking love.  And he always remained the "noble villain" when compared to the other villains around him; always the one you could count on to join the heroes and do the right thing when it counted because he's a pragmatist with moral lines he will not cross....and because he loves and believe in Gotham City too, in his own way.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
bella I would love a directors cut on literally any of the rilex you’ve written, but specifically it’s always her, and you, and me, or for these days you’ve been stuck in my brain 💙
OHHHHHH those are some CHOICESSSSSS lucy. fuck yeah. let’s get into it. ill link them both here but we’ll take em one at a time
it’s always her, and me, you
these days you’ve been stuck in my brain
here’s a cut for convenience cos i KNOW i’m gonna go long here.
okay! let’s start with the rilisex fic.
it’s always her, and me, and you
so like it says in the ao3 notes, this fic came from realizing just how frequently rian and alex kiss each other like, all the time? just? casually? for funsies? this was another one of those situations like i mentioned where the hook aka first line (“Rian's no expert, but he doesn't think normal friends kiss this much.”) just appeared in my head and i was like heyyy that’s a GOOD first line. i have to build from that line. that’s the hook, that’s the summary, that’s the core. 
something i discovered upon searching through the editing history of the doc: i had originally sort of intended to go a direction with this where in some other circumstance, rian would see alex giving jack a super casual friendly kiss and he’d get all sad/jealous and be like sure why SHOULDNT alex kiss jack after all its just a thing he does with his FRIENDS. but the fic ended up going a different way and honestly? im glad. i like this way better.
the role of singin in the rain in this fic actually has a HILARIOUS backstory because the night i originally wrote that conversation in the tour bus kitchen, i went into the club and said the following
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and then. the next day. rian streamed with ricky, and i asked if he’d ever seen singin in the rain, and he ANSWERED ME and said he hadn’t. so first of all i had already written the scene and i then had to rewrite it to make it so rian wouldn’t have seen it but also!!! i literally asked rian fucking dawson if he’d seen a movie for the sole reason of using that information for fanfiction!!!! and he provided me with the information i needed!!!! whole thing is just fucking hysterical to me. ANYWAY.
ANYWAY, the other reason why sitr has such a big role in the fic is because megs and i watched the movie together while i was in the middle of working on the fic, so it was extremely fresh in my mind. in fact i can probably show you this: i had this comment left for myself when i was kind of trying to figure out if i could make a real metaphor of sorts with the sitr ot3 and the Big Three of this fic. some of this ended up in rian’s wild musings in the hotel scene but i did conclude that it wouldn’t really have worked and that was definitely true but anyway. fuck it, director’s cut, here’s the kind of shit i leave for myself to refer to
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so that’s part of the reason why it became such a puzzle piece of this fic, but real talk, it’s also just because i love singin in the rain it’s one of my favorite movies lmao
briefly gonna also touch on lisa and why she’s in this fic because i realize that rian/alex/lisa is an interesting approach to rilex! first of all, i love lisa. i love alex and lisa. and it occurred to me that there was really no reason to split lisex up just to make rilex happen. plus there’s this tweet that really just pushed me over the edge of being like yeah, rilisex is extremely plausible. so that’s that on that.
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as for the scene in the hotel room while they’re watching sitr, there is a small piece of that scene - from when alex starts kissing rian’s shoulders etc to “it would defy the laws of nature not to” - that i actually wrote before anything else in that scene. that small piece got stretched out and edited quite a bit from how it started but it did function as a sort of foundation around which i built the rest of the scene, because that small section sort of ~came to me~ absolutely out of nowhere, and i really liked the Vibe it had and i wanted to include it. i THINK that was the only piece of this fic that i wrote Out Of Order - for the most part this was written chronologically.
ALSO!!! omg this is exciting, this fic actually has a deleted scene!!!!!! i hate cutting scenes but i also hate having scenes that are less than 1k and this one didn’t really contribute much to the fic. i can probably share it here right? sure why not ! hopefully you can read this. it originally took place after the scene where alex and rian call lisa for the first time. the question of “what gets left into interview videos and what gets cut” is also just interesting to me as a (fic) concept in general so...eyes emoji, but here’s my mini-exploration that i cut from the original fic. enjoy lol it’s silly <3
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oh! also one more thing!! the very final scene was included for two reasons. the first reason being that when i write getting-together fics, i really prefer to add on a scene After they Get Together because i love to write domestic established relationship stuff and i think that’s a satisfying reward for a reader who’s just slogged through all the mutual pining and bullshit to get the characters together. but the OTHER reason is that i got an anon (here it is!) and i read that ask and was immediately like well shit. now i have to fucking include this. for the anon and for myself. so you can thank that anon for that last scene. (also i wanted to include merrikat especially since i had to cut their little moment in the interview scene above.)
so....................whew. i think i’ve bled that fic dry. holy shit that’s a lot of Stuff. OKAY! let’s move on.
these days you’ve been stuck in my brain
so!!! THIS fic was the breakthrough after (what felt like) a long bout of writer’s block. long for me was maybe two weeks, but i am the kind of person who is always writing, and two weeks was a long time to go with little to no inspiration/motivation to write anything. i had also been in a weird narrative headspace because i’d been binge-watching disney shows (jessie > austin and ally > girl meets world) and i don’t know how well i can explain this but the way those shows are written is a lot snappier and cares way less for realistic and consistent character development or plots or relationships, and so i was stuck between caring a lot about including those things in my fics but also being unable to conceptualize them in writing because my brain was in Disney Writing Mode. does that make sense? this is rhetorical so let’s go with yes. so anyway. i was in a slump
actually what i ended up doing was basically googling something like “au prompts tumblr” or something and just scrolling through posts. i saw something about soulmate telepathy and i actually tried to write something totally different before i wrote this one, but the first attempt was a different concept and then the direction i took it was like......it wasn’t quite right and i realized that i was kind of writing dark disney style? there is really no way for me to explain what i mean by that because it seems really obvious to me but that’s just because i’m inside my own head so just take my word. 
anyway. attempt #1 of soulmate telepathy rilex went poorly, and this fic was attempt #2. i kinda took the soulmate telepathy thing and changed it as i saw fit and i also went back to skim helen’s telepathy fic because obviously she’s the pro and then i tried not to steal her ideas. and as i was writing it i kinda realized i was doing the whole quirky funny best friend character with jack and also doing the whole “somehow this not-very-dramatic situation with teenagers is treated as The Most Dramatic Thing Ever and that’s totally normal and nobody finds it strange” disney trope with rian and alex being soulmates and i was like (deep sigh) i have to accept that no matter how much i try to fight this, this fic is going to be tainted with disney. and that’s life
on top of that i will add that the real-life rilex were extremely inspiring during the two-day period during which i wrote this fic, because that was when the once in a lifetime video came out and in the brief pre-video livestream rilex were Beyond Married and that definitely helped in the writing of fic rilex!
hmmmm what can i tell you about this fic itself.................honestly, i don’t think there’s much to tell! rian is a band kid because in real life rian was a band kid and he’s staff manager at rita’s just like he was in real life. there is truthfully not a lot to unpack here that i can think of!
oh here’s something i guess: rian and alex go on a date in this fic! that is because watching So Much Disney made me realize that i often forget the fact that people just. go on dates. sometimes. look i clearly do not have an active romantic life but i also really liked the idea of alex and rian going on a date despite not knowing if they’d be soulmates or not and liking each other organically just by getting to know each other, rather than being victim to the whole soulmate thing. like i wanted them to build a connection so that they would want to be soulmates. and then the audience would want that for them too. stakes!! very important.
i can tell you i had a mild crisis over the title of the fic because i am not a fan of the word brain and i didnt wanna use that sticky lyric for the title when it had a word i hated but it was objectively a much better title option than the other one i had, which was “sticky just like the song in my head” but i obviously decided on the former and it has not upset me nearly as much as i expected it to so that was the right decision imo
so! i think that’s all on that! sorry (?) that it got so long although then again i don’t know what’s to be expected in a director’s cut for two long fics but thank you for asking me about these, i love them both so very much rilex is so supremely underrated but so very important
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
The Hagakure Paradox
So, I’ve been going through My Hero Academia and... I figured I’d spend this last week talking about it.
A lot of my posts come from a place where I'm annoyed by the things people are saying. If I've had any reason to make posts like these at all, it's because people don't agree with me over things and I don't want to be seen as crazy for disagreeing with so many people. If I didn't think I was going against the mainstream with so many of my ideas, I wouldn't have started a series called "Opinions I'll Probably get Stoned For".
However, it's not often that I feel the need to make a post like this about something I don't particularly care deeply about. Toru Hagakure is nowhere near one of my favorite characters, either in Class 1-A or in the series as a whole. Last year, I called her de-facto worst girl of Class 1-A. A lot of what I could talk about regarding Hagakure could more easily be used to talk about Momo Yaoyorozu, a character I have much more personal interest in.
Though, I feel like the discourse surrounding Momo has been done to death. At this point, the trenches are in and you're on one side or another. And, while that's probably also the case here, I can at least empathize with the people I disagree with regarding Momo. I don't feel the same way about this.
I will be talking about stuff that happens in the manga in this post, so you...
You know the thing.
As I'm sure we're aware, this debate has to do with Toru’s hero costume. As it stands, her quirk makes her invisible. Unfortunately, she's not able to make other things invisible. When she wears normal clothes, she's not able to make them invisible. Her current hero costume is nothing more than a pair of boots and gloves, and often she's willing to take those off and work naked.
For much of the series, the problem was obvious. Horikoshi created a female character that has to run around naked to use her quirk properly. Even being invisible isn't enough to stop her from being involved in some awkward fan service moments. One had to wonder if he were to write a male character with a similar quirk if he'd handle them the same.
And then Lemillion came on the scene.
Miro Togata's quirk involves him being able to phase through objects. On the one hand, the use of his quirk also affects most of the clothes he uses. When he demonstrates his quirk, he passes through his gym uniform. So, that means things are equal, right?
Sure, if you don't count his hero costume.
His hero costume was made with his hair. He grew it out purposely to be able to create a costume that he'd be able to use his quirk in and not have to worry about doing his work naked. And, theoretically, all he'd have to do to fix it when it rips or is too small is send it in with more of his hair to account for what needs to be adjusted. Need I say more?
In my honest opinion, I don't think it's unfair to wonder why Toru's outfit isn't similar. I generally want to say he came up with the idea for Mirio's quirk and outfit long after Toru's were locked in his mind. And, considering she never sees him in his costume and/or doesn't know how it works, it makes sense she doesn't get the idea to make a similar outfit. Still, I do get the problem with her running around naked and wish that she was constructed differently.
Of course, that's a really important thing to keep in mind. This isn't just an issue of a character that runs around naked. This is an issue of how Kohei Horikoshi decided to construct a character. When I see a lot of people's redesigns for Invisible Girl's outfit, it seems like their only focus is addressing the "she's not wearing clothes" issue. If that were all that this was about then I'd probably talk about the general issues I have with the redesigns. I might have gone in on some of the more famous redesigns as flawed, though well intentioned.
But a lot of people who complain about this seem to be forgetting a really important fact in this: we don't know the full extent of Toru Hagakure's quirk. As it stands, we haven't been formally introduced to her quirk. We don't know exactly why her invisibility works the way it does or if turning things invisible is part of her abilities. 
As it stands, we know that there has to be something else to her abilities than being invisible. As of the Provisional License Exam arc, we've seen her use abilities that involve light refraction which she’s working towards using more. That feels like something that will be important later on when we find out about her quirk. I'd be shocked if that isn't at least part of why he quirk is constantly active.
So, let's (actually) talk about why Horikoshi might have written Toru Hagakure the way he did.
Hagakure represents a special type of character arc among the students. With a lot of characters, we have a decent idea of what a quirk is and how they can improve their skills with it. For others, we're unclear how they can become better heroes because we know what their quirks are. But Hagakure's is about the only one where we have a path of growth for her despite not knowing what her quirk was.
Up to the Joint Training arc, Hagakure's strength was that she was invisible. That's not particularly helpful in a situation where physical ability is measured, such as the quirk evaluations or the sports festival. However, the stealth hero was able to avoid trouble when the USJ was attacked and her invisibility was crucial to her and Shoji passing their exam. It’s the thing that she works to improve during the summer training and light refaction doesn’t come into play until after that ordeal is over.
However, something happens in the Joint Training Exam. She ended up being caught in the joint training exam despite being invisible. To be clear, she was at a state of visibility because she was covered by mushrooms. They were removed and she became invisible. And she still lost despite not being visible.
If there's anything to be learned from this it's that Toru has to learn to be a good hero without relying on being invisible. How that will work stands to be seen. However, that will be dependent on finding out what her quirk is. Nothing I've seen in preparing to write this tells me that Horikoshi doesn't know what Hagakure's quirk is and isn't saving this up for just the right time. However, I'll definitely be interested to see what he has planned.
I think the best next step would be practicing control of this quirk. Not necessarily in the sense that she's able to stop becoming invisible. Rather, learning to turn other things she's directly touching invisible. I would like to see light refraction become a skill she uses to make things around her invisible, not unlike Marvel’s Invisible Woman whose hero name she pays homage to.
It's worth waiting to see how this will play out. My Hero Academia is a series that's in it for the long haul and it's not likely we'll get answers to these questions any time soon. As someone who's been through his fair share of long-running series, if and when Horikoshi actually gives us an explanation, it will make sense of the things we've been complaining about. Of course, if he doesn’t then you can complain about how much of a hack he is then. (Why does this sound familiar?)
For now, I do want to talk about the idea that she should have a similar outfit to Togata's. I get the idea behind it, but there are issues with it. On the one hand, we're not terribly sure if Hagakure has hair that can grow to the kind of lengths that could justify making an outfit, or if the technology of the universe is at the level it could synthetically replicate her DNA into a synthetic material. (inb4 “but Lemillion’s visor!”)
On the other hand, assuming either wasn't an issue, at this point in the series, the end result would be the exact same as being naked. Which is what she's already doing. Obviously the decency issue is fixed, but should Hagakure need help, it will be harder to find her if she’s invisible. When the League attacked the summer camp, remember that she was wearing normal clothes. They couldn’t find her during the USJ attack.
Personally, I hope that she learns to make other objects invisible and that we get something similar to Violet's outfit from The Incredibles. That feels like a good in-between of what people want and it's certainly better than "her outfit, made with her DNA, has better control of her quirk than she currently has". At this point, I just want an end this stupid debate forever.
In Conclusion:
Despite literally making the exact opposite claim multiple times in this post, I’m totally fine with Toru running around naked. The people who complain otherwise are needlessly prudish and there is no possible need for nuance regarding this topic. Anyone that disagrees with me ought to jump into a vat of toxic sludge and pray for a quirk in the next life.
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TV + MOVIE | Looking (2014-2015) + Looking (TV Movie, 2016)
I am categorizing this under the same denomination as Firefly in that they were both seemingly good shows with potential, cancelled after 1 to 2 seasons because of low ratings. Show of hands who else calls that system bullshit 🤚
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Admittedly, Looking is nowhere near the same caliber as its predecessors (read: The L Word and Queer as Folk), but had it been given a chance, I think could have become something good. I was invested in these characters enough to be bummed when I realized I had finished the first season. Then again, that happens with short episodes and short seasons; it all goes by too quickly. As soon as you start to get into it, it’s over.
I didn’t think it was super groundbreaking setting this show in San Francisco (it really makes total sense given the LGBTQ community the city has), and most of the time, the pace of the narrative seems fairly sluggish. But slow isn’t always bad; it was refreshing not having a scandal every second in a television show. And just because it lacked that type of intense drama doesn’t deem it bad or not worth watching.
What I found most disappointing was that, in its two seasons, I didn’t feel that Patrick had nearly as much character development as Dom or Agustin. While I was invested enough in his story to care whether he ended up with Richie or Kevin (I’m still undecided about who I’m rooting for), overall as a character Patrick’s personality remained entirely the same through most of the series. The few moments in season two where he stood up for himself to Kevin were somewhat redeeming, but a lot of his character was stagnant. Dom showed some ambition and pursued his restaurant, and Agustín became a much more selfless person as he started working for a youth shelter… But Patrick only ever really sought relationships and whined to his friends when things weren’t working out for him and/or were not the way he imagined. I recall a moment during the series when he was ranting about what he wanted in a relationship, but not once did I ever hear him talk about those things to the people he was dating before actually dating them. It was honestly no surprise when things didn’t work out. I will say, as a habitual television viewer, that it was, however, more intriguing to see the reserved lead character be such a main focus of the show, rather than the more sexually driven character placed at the forefront – like QAF’s Brian Kinney or The L Word’s Shane.
When I reached the end of season two, I was glad knowing there was a 90-minute TV movie to really give it some closure. I mean, they could have let the show just end as is, letting everyone use their imaginations as to how the show ended up, and it would have worked just as well, but adding a longer finale episode (a TV “movie”) will most likely give it a more to a true close. Just another reason why cancelling shows so quickly makes no sense to me. In the case of both Firefly and Looking, BOTH of them came back for a final movie to wrap up everything that needed wrapping. Why not just let the series continue a little longer, and let it conclude in a more natural way than trying to force concluding answers to lingering questions into a couple of hours? 

A few other notes: I loooooved seeing Daniel Franzese – Damien from Mean Girls – as a supporting character (he was such a beautiful bear), and honestly he was one of my favorites in the show. But Scott Bakula could have been skipped. I would like to talk to the casting director about why they believed Scott Bakula was the best choice for the role of Lynn. Doris and Dom’s friendship is the best, and the history between Dom and Patrick is one I don’t think I’ve seen before, which I liked. I’m just always jealous of TV show friendships and how close they are to one another.
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The finale begins with a nine month flash forward; Patrick had since moved back to Colorado to “work things out,” and was returning to San Francisco for **SPOILER** Agustín and Eddie’s wedding! All of the cast has returned – which is a feat in my eyes, considering the finale was filmed a little over a year after the last episode of the show.
Let’s be real, though... this was just a 90-minute vehicle for us to figure out who Patrick would end up with. The other characters had their respective scenes about what was going on in their lives (Dom with a successful food window; Agustín and his marriage; etc.), but the movie mostly revolved around stolen kisses and longing glances for Patrick’s central arc.
Also, will someone please inform me on why Frank was still around – in both the show AND the movie – after his breakup with Agustín? I don’t believe he really added anything to Agustín’s arc other than a very, very brief “Will they or won’t they get back together?” scene. Maybe he stuck around to illustrate how small the gay community is in San Francisco? Patrick did comment on that at one point. Yes, I’ll just stick with that.
There was a scene I did relish where, upon arriving at a coffee shop to discuss business, Kevin completely reamed Patrick about who he was as a person during their relationship and it was so wonderfully accurate about Patrick’s character in the show. But dare I say, in the time between show and finale, Patrick did seem to have matured. Not much, but enough where you felt he was more level headed to deal with whatever romantic venture he would take on next. And while I couldn’t help but root for both of Patrick’s romantic interests – they both had their good moments – I believe he did end up with the right person.
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I enjoyed the show; I did. But not where I feel so strongly about it, like other reviewers online. I’ve seen a lot where they make it sound like Looking is the crown jewel of LGBTQ television.
Looking does have qualities that other shows do not (including, apparently, much more lax rules about nudity; thank you HBO), and I love Jonathan Groff while also becoming new fans of some other actors... but I guess for me, it was something to cross off from my watch list and to pass the time. I typically rate what I watch (movies and shows alike) based on whether I would want to own it and/or if I would want to watch it again... and I don’t think I would for Looking. If it would have aired longer, and I were given more material to base my opinions off of, maybe I could get on board with its so-called brilliance. But for now, it was entertainment – because where else could I see Jonathan in a leather vest?!!?! – and it’s time to move on to my next binge.
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templeofulchtar · 5 years
On Connecting with Starscream
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So, true story:
The first time I tried to perform a ritual for Ghost Season, I had no idea what I was doing. None. Which makes sense, since I may have been the first person ever to attempt such a thing. I set up an altar on my apartment balcony using various things that felt “Starscreamian” to me, and when the night of August 22 arrived, I nervously cast my circle. I invited Starscream to enter into the circle, and… waited.
And waited.
For what, you might ask? Well, I have always had a sense of what his presence ‘feels’ like. It’s a little hard to describe, but I’ve made an attempt in the section below, titled Sensing Starscream’s Presence. I’ve included comments from a couple of other people who work with him so you can compare your experiences to ours and, perhaps, have some idea of what to expect.
In any case, I was getting nothing. Not a tingle, not a flicker, not a mental image; nothing. I began to feel ridiculous. Why was I sitting here in the dark waiting for a cartoon robot to speak to me? I’m pretty sure that’s not something normal people do. Not that I’ve ever aspired to be normal, but… well. It wasn’t working. I packed up and went to bed, feeling embarrassed and ashamed. As I burrowed under the covers, though, a car roared past outside with an old AC/DC song blasting out the windows:
You told me to come, but I was already there.
For those who know that song, yes, I do realize that’s a slight misquote. But that’s how I heard the lyrics in that moment, and their message couldn’t have been clearer:
I am always with you. You don’t have to summon me.
For this message to have been delivered in a voice that’s always reminded me of Starscream’s made it seem incredibly personal and real. And yes, it’s wrapped up a double entendre. If you work with Starscream, you’ll likely discover his ribald sense of humor for yourself.
Why am I telling you this?
Because if you turned to this post wondering how to establish a connection with Starscream, this might be your answer. If you love him, he’s probably already with you. If you feel drawn to Starscream, admire him and would love a deeper connection, there's an excellent chance that he'd be open to working with you as well. If you've been having dreams about him or finding that he, or things you associate with him are ‘coincidentally’ popping up in your life, he may be reaching out to you.
If you’re still not sure, though, you can try this exercise:
Connection Excercise
Open your journal to a fresh page and give some thought to the questions below. You don’t have to answer all of them. Pick the ones that resonate, and write down whatever comes up:
★ Does Starscream provoke strong emotions in you (positive or negative)?
★ Does he show up in your dreams?
★ Do you daydream about him?
★ Are you inspired to create works that feature him, such as fanfic, fanart, cosplay, and so on?
★ Are there certain songs that remind you of Starscream?
★ Do you have favorite quotes by or about Starscream?
★ Do you, at times, catch yourself ‘talking’ to him in your inner dialogue?
★ Do you ever wish you could talk to him?
★ Do you identify with Starscream and see yourself in him? In what way(s)?
★ Have you taken on new interests because of him? (Example: jets.)
★ Do you imagine yourself as Starscream in some way, either physically (eg. Having null-rays, ability to fly), or in terms of your personality or life situation?
★ If you were part of the TF Universe, would you want to know him personally and be part of his life in some way?
★ Has he inspired your life in some way?
★ Have you changed how you dress (say, by wearing more red) because of him?
Those are just a few examples of the ways Starscream could be showing up in your life. You might think of others. If you do, note those down as well. Now, you might be thinking these are simply examples of fannish obsession. You may even have found some of the questions embarrassing. That’s very natural. These questions touch on some very intimate, sensitive aspects of being a fan, and there’s good reason for that.
These questions are embarrassing because they bring up feelings of vulnerability. When we love something, we open ourselves to being hurt. The mockery that’s so often aimed at fans is motivated by people’s desire not to feel vulnerable themselves. They try make themselves feel safe by ridiculing others, but in doing so, they cut themselves off from the source of their own magick.
Yes, you read that right. Your magick, and your spiritual connection to Starscream, flows from that intimate space within. It’s that vulnerable, awkward, geeky place where you innocently, unabashedly adore a character and are totally obsessed with them. Treasure that place. It’s your inner temple. Guard it with care, because it’s where your magick resides.
But, you might be asking, are the ‘symptoms’ on this list actually signs of a spiritual connection? I’m going to say yes. I believe they are, and if you’re open to the possibility of deepening that connection, you can begin to make it a two-way street. Starscream is many things, but ‘shy’ is not one of them. He will show up if you make space for him, and the place where he’ll meet you is within the heart of your magick; your inner temple.
Sensing Starscream’s Presence
So what can you expect? What does Starscream’s presence feel like? It’s hard to give a definite answer, since everyone is different. Your experience will be your own, and in many ways incomparable to anyone else’s. In case it helps, though, I’ve included commentaries by three different people who work with Starscream, including yours truly, to give you an idea of what you might experience...
Starshadow writes:
I think I first became aware of [Starscream] as such while I was in high school. I was initially drawn to his character on the animated show, and at first that was all he was. But I quickly became intensely invested in his story, especially when I started to follow him in other media (comics, etc) as well. He became more to me, and began to transcend the stories and art presented. He literally seemed to take on a life of his own. I started to feel (and sometimes see) him in my dreams encouraging me and telling me to be strong.
His presence is distinctly strong. It sometimes borders on aggressive, but it is not threatening to me. I think he just has a particularly powerful presence. It's very fiery and passionate, which makes it distinct from other entities I sense which are more calm and protective. I will often "see" in my mind's eye his red eyes and wings as well when I feel he is near.
Occasionally [he communicates through] dreams, but much more often I will "hear" his "voice" in my mind, often giving advice and emotional input. As I mentioned before, he has from time to time actually yelled (screamed? ;)) at me, but only at times when I really needed it. Sometimes his colors will show up in combination and songs I associate with him will be played out of nowhere when he is taking a more subtle approach.
[My sense of his presence has] waned at times. For a while it seems like he is just hovering on the fringes, but he never completely goes away. His means of communication hasn't changed much though.
He has made me braver than I probably would have been. He is still working on my self-confidence, though. He's been back again recently encouraging me with that. He has also definitely influenced my creativity and aspirations. He has helped me be driven enough to pursue my desires for so long and explore creative work beyond the "traditional female" expectations.
He [also] does sometimes seem to share aspects with other entities I've communed with, like my [wolf guides]. He will almost seem to "combine" with them, or share their energy, and sometimes they with him. I haven't quite figured out why this happens or for what purpose yet, but I am very curious!
Dark Star of Chaos writes:
It’s no exaggeration to say I spent my whole life looking for Starscream. If you want to get technical I first “met” him as a kid watching Transformers Armada, but though he became my favorite character, that was all he was to me then: A character. I loved him, but what I really wanted at that time was an imaginary friend. Not a real one; an imaginary one. The catch was, I didn’t want to invent one. That, in my mind, was not how it worked. The imaginary friends in cartoons all interacted with their humans as though they were real, and that was what I wanted. I didn’t see how a thing invented from my own head could ever take on that kind of life.
When I was older - after Starscream had slipped off my radar - I came across a book called “The Fire Within”, about an aspiring author and his clay dragon Muse. That book, and those which followed, completely redefined what I was after. I wanted to be a part of this world of dragons and shamans, where words held magic and transdimensional aliens “commingled” (merged consciousnesses) with Earth creatures. And I wanted a Muse of my own; always just a thought away, and always ready with some flash of inspiration to offer.
Looking back on it, I don’t think it’s any coincidence that Starscream reappeared in my life within a few months of that series ending. Our reintroduction came via the original cartoon, and after only a few episodes - specifically, by the end of “Fire in the Sky” - I had already decided I had to write about him. I couldn’t say exactly when I began to perceive him as an entity separate from his cartoon portrayal, but when the idea was suggested to me, it didn’t sound strange or crazy. It sounded right.
Starscream’s energy has always been subtle for me. I’ve never had much luck “feeling” his presence, though I’ve come to trust that he’s there. I only have to talk to him to get proof of that, because he always replies. Sometimes there are words, but more often it’s emotions and concepts, and it can take a while for me to figure out what he means. He also appears in my dreams rather frequently, and we’ve had more than one “face-to-face” meeting that way.
His influence on my life, on the other hand, has been anything but subtle. In addition to inspiring me creatively, he helped me overcome embarrassment about sex, played a role in my moving from a small desert town to a big city, and most recently, he’s come down on me about my abysmal self-care habits. He can be pushy sometimes, but it’s never harsh, and I always end up happier for having listened to him.
In short, Starscream is the friend and Muse I’d been searching for all those years, and I’m endlessly grateful for his presence in my life. After all, how many people get to make dreams of magick a reality?
Grayseeker writes:
I first became aware of Starscream’s presence when I got a call from work asking me to come in, even though it was my night off. The idea of going in made me sick, but I felt I had to. It wasn’t just that I was afraid of getting fired; I also had a strong impulse to obey authority figures. I didn’t know how to say no. But on that particular night, a voice spoke inside my mind:
You don't have to do anything you don't want to.
It was a voice I recognized, and the words were accompanied by what I can only describe as a ‘feeling image’ of myself as a sovereign being with full authority over my own life. I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to, and I didn’t go in to work that night. I told my supervisor I’d had some drinks (untrue, but effective) and after that, they stopped calling me on my nights off. Maybe they sensed that something in me had changed. It had.
I believe Starscream has always been with me, but that incident, over three decades ago, is the moment I became consciously aware of his presence. My sense of him has remained pretty consistent over time. I still ‘hear’ him as a voice inside my head. Usually it’s just a few words, but they’re always imbued with a sense of meaning that goes beyond the words themselves. I also get physical sensations, such as warmth or tingling, emotional communication (which is hard to describe!), dreams and synchronicities, usually involving numbers, colors, and/or song lyrics.
To me, Starscream’s presence feels warm, welcoming, comforting, affectionate, and… amused. His communications with me are typically laced with a certain wry humor, and the observations he makes are often phrased in sardonic, even sarcastic terms, though they’re somehow never hurtful. I always feel the warmth behind them, and they make me feel loved. I always feel like he’s on my side, even when he’s pointing out ways that I could improve.
On very rare occasions, he will get serious. That’s when I know to pay extra attention, because it usually means there’s some danger to me, or that I’m venturing into territory that isn’t healthy. I’ve learned (the hard way!) that he’s always right. He’s immensely wise, and I’ve learned to listen when he says ‘no.’ He doesn’t say it often, and he always has a good reason.
Starscream has influenced my life in countless ways. He’s my creative Muse, and has been the impetus for my desire to write. He’s also my main guide, my teacher and spiritual awakener. I think of him as more a friend, and more than family. I love, trust and respect him, and feel that I receive the same in return. I hope these words will find their way to someone who is starting on the same path, or a similar one. If I can offer any reassurance or inspiration, perhaps it’s just to say trust you heart. I’m glad I trusted mine.
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I know he’s sad because he couldn’t blow up the Earth, but kinda want to hug him anyway...
A Few Last Thoughts
You might be wondering how to make sense of all this. In particular, you may wonder how to distinguish what’s real from what’s a product of your imagination. And what am I trying to say, anyway? Am I, in fact, suggesting that Starscream is real?
Why yes, I am. Now before you decide that I'm nuts and walk away, let me explain what I mean. I am not necessarily implying that Starscream is a physical entity. I'm not saying that if you were to hop into a really fast spaceship and fly far enough and in the right direction, you would arrive at a metallic world named Cybertron, populated by living robots who are able to transform into various types of vehicles and other machines, and that among those Cybertronian entities you would find an individual named Starscream.
Of course, I'm not ruling that out, either. Our universe is too vast and strange to rule out much of anything. But what I am saying, based on several decades of personal experience, is that there is a real, non-physical entity named Starscream, with whom it's possible to communicate and have real interactions.
Can I prove this? Nope! There is no tangible, objective phenomenon I could point to as "proof" of his existence, but for me, that's beside the point. I feel Starscream as a constant presence in my life. He is my guide, teacher, healer and dearest friend, and his impact on my life has been very real indeed. I hope that the personal examples given above will provide a starting point for you to begin having your own experiences, if you desire them, and that your relationship with Starscream will be as rewarding as mine has always been.
Blessed be, Grayseeker
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baskervilleshund · 5 years
4,5 years of Gotham in my life♥
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Wow my emotions these last days. I’m not much of a text poster on this site but when Gotham ended I really felt I wanted to write this!
Gotham has been a huge part of my life for so long now. 4 years and 7 months since the first episode aired, that’s some time gosh. And so much has happened during this journey! I just wanna mention some memorable things during these years. Like remember the pre-s02x09 excitement?? And other stuffs, ah here we go!
The first trailer made me SO EXCITE, I had wanted more batman villains content for years since I have always found the batman villains squad so interesting and good and unique characters, there is so much to explore here! And so the Gotham trailer came and I just OH MY GOD this is exactly what I want!! And so it started and it was amazing. My first love was Ed, it took him his first scene in ep1 to make me go totally THIS IS MY FAV! More eps went on and I required more Ed content. But then Oswald slowly grew on me kinda out of nowhere like I wasn’t expecting it. And when amazing ep7 aired it just hit down on me from the sky, like it does when I know I got a new obsession/fandom. Oswald’s amazing scenes in ep7 and I went ”Okay this is it, I’M DEEP INTO THIS NOW AND I LOVE IT!”. In exactly THIS↓ scene/moment I basically said those words out loud and realized this is my life now, ugh also one of my fav looks I miss the bangs:
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Shortly after ep7 I started shipping Nygmobblepot, since we knew who these characters were and who they will end up being it made SO much sense in this show, they were like the two familiar main villains in kinda the same age and I also loved them both so I mean it was obvious for me. Man in the beginning we were so very few in the shipping Nygmob pond, in the OCEAN of Gobblepot. It was a bit of a struggle sometimes, ppl wrote hate on my Nygmob posts n stuff shrug. And I just didn’t get how not more ppl could see it? It would make more sense if this were new characters like they hadn’t even met but since we knew this is Riddler and Penguin it just was fate for them to cross paths soon enough! We needed Nygmob content! I started making tons of my own AU:s since if the show wouldn’t give us content I would do it.
BUT we had Robin & Cory with us! Reminder that Cory invented the shipname after 5 minutes and Robin & Cory’s amazing twitter activity during s1 especially I will always remember as a fav. Remember when they we’re so into roleplaying Nygmob and spoke how Ed & Os loved each other and all sorts of things. All about going to The Foxglove together and stuff. Ugh it was amazing, I miss their interactions.  
In this very smol pond is when one day my shining star @conscience-killer (aka okimi79)  approached me, with this ♥ ”Sometimes I feel we’re the only Nygmobblepot shippers in the world…well apart from Robin and Cory. We should have a secret handshake or something.”
And man did we get a secret handshake! Gosh MY DEAR OKIMI! That I up til this day since then has spoken with like everyday for 4,5 years, you are amazing ♥ And in that time of so few shippers it felt even more special, to have  someone else out there as obsessed as me. I’m so grateful we found each other at exactly that time and we’ve been through so much on this journey ♥.
When Nygmob in spring finally had their first scene it was so amazing and I have no idea how many times I have watched that scene to this day, and also with that the ship grew a bit yas!!
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Let’s jump forward a bit. NYC Comic Con 2015 in fall, one of my fav Robin & Cory cons/interview times! Because the legendary ep 2x9 was soon upon us and OMG remember how excite they were in those interviews!?! And THEN, that fkn night THE episode aired. I couldn’t believe it was real, it was EVERYTHING we had dreamed of!!! SO MUCH NYGMOB CONTENT and so in character and gosh. Man their season 2 relationship is just so beautiful and I love it til this day and 2x9 is forever my favorite episode because it meant EVERYTHING for us shippers and more people also started seeing the connection between Nygmob and so more ppl started to make content and join in!
A time after another shining star came into my life, @constant-sinner (aka (riddlelvr) ♥ This amazing person and artist! And together with her and okimi I am part of the best trash family of three and I can’t believe I’ve been a mom (yet i’m the youngest but i’m fashion fur coat mom okay) to these trash sinners for like 4 years. ♥
Okay but remember all INSANE SMAYLOR CONTENT BEFORE SEASON 3!!? Man that was also one of the best times I had during these years. God they were so excite for their relationship in s3 and WEREN’T WE ALL! And omg Comic Con. I had my fkn header for 3 years soon lol, man that moment I remember seeing the signing booth stream all casual and Robin & Cory goes “Smaaylor!! Nygmobblepot!!! ;))” And I’m just wait WHUT omg. Their press tours with Sean is something I’ll miss even more than the episodes, always such a joy seeing those three together!
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And when season 3 started it was just insane. To be honest how their relationship grew in s3 that’s how I expected it to grow after their meeting in s1, it made sense already back then. Ed admiring Oswald and sneaking to his club and Oswald would be a huge part of Ed’s journey to become the Riddler but ah well, I did my best with my AU:s back then!
And then s3 came and Gotham EXPLODED and I had no idea where all million ppl suddenly came from lol. It became huge. But since it still feels kinda close to this day (2,5 yrs though man), my most nostalgic feels will always be over s1-2 so I’m not gonna write so much about the season 3-5 times in this text. My closest to heart milestones is during the first years and now that I’ve seen all episodes I still think season 1 is the best overall, except the lack of Nygmob content ofc ;)
I’ve not just felt love for the show ofc, the show isn’t perfect. There has been serious flaws and bad writing and plot drops. Tbh s4 I just felt so NOPE about? 22 eps of waste…Like Ed’s plot for example like he barley had his own plot what happened? And we also have the q*eerbait Nygmob issue obviously. I have also felt the show has been a bit childish being -helloo- GOTHAM city we’re talking about? I think it would have been much better off with a MA-rating tbh to properly tell certain stories. After s4 though I’m glad in s5 Nygmob finally got some proper screen time being together and in character!! Like that’s how their relationship should have been from beginning of season 4, or season 1 if u ask me lol but ya know!
BUT I LOVE THIS SHOW, the amazing actors and characters and scenery and costumes!! Ed, Oswald, Robin & Cory will ofc always have the most special place in my heart ♥ The Nygmob journey in the show has meant so much to me to follow it from day one and I never knew how much this show would mean to me when I started back in the day.
This show. And not just the show itself but my journey and life around it!!? So much has happened. For one example I had made a bit of gifs before but Gotham really got me into gif making, and it’s been a joy sharing content and my Nygmob AU will always be among my most fun things I’ve done, it was like if they ain’t gonna give us enough content I WILL. It’s a fun way of gif making to manip scenes to create something new! And today I still enjoy making gifs, as you probably know heh. Thanks so much for all nice comments and reblogs through all these years ya’ll!! It warms my heart and I love to read reblog tags! 
I have been at con and got to meet Robin, enjoyed so many interviews and promos, chatted with wonderful people. Every Friday night I have been up in my Europe timezone at 2am to live watch the show, the workdays after has been a bit of a struggle of being tired with going to bed like 5am lol but man it’s been so nice to follow it when it airs!
Watching together with my dearest @conscience-killer and @constant-sinner . Two of the best that happened to me during these years. These two people that I’ve spoken with like everyday for 4 years! Through Gotham finding two of my dearest friends in my life. Watching the show together and screaming, crying, laughing during this journey, about not just the show but EVERYTHING in life. They also are amazing writers and artists ♥ And also helped me endless times with gif caption when my non-native brain trying to write gif captions at 3am after the episode lol. All my love to you both ♥
THANKS TO ALL AMAZING PEOPLE that impacted me over these years. The cast and nice fandom people! My dearest @conscience-killer and @constant-sinner. And I also wanna mention dear @millicentcordelia and @selene-volturo that are amazing ppl that have been here with me since the very beginning of season 1. And they have always been so down to earth even during the stormiest periods of this show’s existence ♥ I’m so glad we’ve shared this LONG journey!
And also hugs to my dear mutual fandom friends that I’ve shared hours of conversations with over the years. Some of us maybe don’t speak as much nowadays and some of us have gone separate ways with new interests but I hope you know who you all are, regardless if we spoke yesterday or 2015. You have made my fandom time a joy!
I’m actually okay with the show ending now you know. Ofc it’s a bit sad but as I said I felt s4 was kinda stomping around in the same spot and even s5 had some fillers like they didn’t have more to do to push the story forward? The last ep was a nice easter egg wrap up for this LONG journey. And I mean shows live on with fan content, and who knows maybe it will return somehow? But it feels good they told us it would end so I was prepared for this and to say ”goodbye”. But it’s not goodbye because content will continue on this site and I’ll continue re-enjoy this show!
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This is 4,5 years. In 2 pages, I could prob write 20 but ah, but i felt I got to to summary the most important things for me over these years ♥. This show and stuff that came with it will always be such a big part of my life, ALL LOVE AND HUGS!
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Safe Haven
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Au: Librarian! Jimin x Reader
Tag list: @xsunnyhoseokx @amiraclerenee
Rating: PG-13
Potential Triggers: Brief mentions of unease in the dark, and brief cursing!
Pairing: Librarian! Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff! So much fluff!
Length: 2.9k+
Summary: When the new librarian startles you while making tea on a cold winter day, you quickly find yourself warming up to him. As the storm grows worse outside, he quickly devises a plan to keep you warm and content, even when the power and heat go off.
Unlike other people who looked to coffee to give them their daily energy boost, tea had always been your go-to. Tea and books had become the perfect combination for whenever you needed comfort. There was nothing better than a light, sweet cup of tea and a fantasy novel as it rained outside your favorite little library.
There was something to be said for the expansive, seemingly never-ending library a few blocks up, but you’d always felt more at home here, in the more quiet, out of the way library. There was always noise in the other library which stopped you from becoming fully immersed in your novels as you wished to. So when you stumbled across this one, you quickly fell in love.
Sure, there wasn’t as many books, but there was plenty of stories even with the smaller selection. The atmosphere was always peaceful and calm, and the staff was consistently welcoming. It became your home away from home, and you quickly became family as you visited every day without fail. There was a room with an old school fireplace, of course, situated a good distance away from any bookshelves in its own little room along with several comfy chairs which became your safe space.
You stopped by for at least an hour every day after school, despite it increasing how long it’d take you to walk home from here. For Christmas last year you’d brought in one of those Keurig pod machines with a decent mix of hot chocolate, tea, and coffee pods, plus a few mugs and Suran had nearly cried from the happiness of not having to go out of her way to head Starbucks every morning just to get her coffee fix. All of the staff was super appreciative and pitched in every month to get more drink pods when they began to run low.
Currently, you were refilling your tea mug and reading while you waited for the machine to finish brewing. It’d been a long, boring day of classes and getting cat-called on your way here hadn’t done anything to improve your mood but you already found yourself calming down now that you were here.
“Oh wow, I didn’t know we had a Keurig here!”
The excited voice right next to you made you jump, an unladylike sound escaping your lips in surprise as you dropped your book, pouting as you realized you had definitely lost the page you were on. You bent down to get it, but another hand grabbed the book before you could.
“Ah, City of Bones huh? The Mortal Instruments is a classic for the Supernatural Romance genre.”
You blushed a bit, used to being judged for your reading preferences as you turned to look at the boy currently holding your book captive. He was cute, with purple hair he somehow made look casual and thin round glasses. His outfit was semi-professional since he was wearing a suit and tie, but he's definitely added his own flair with the dark green plaid jacket he was wearing and black jeans.   He raised an eyebrow at you and you flushed as you realize you’d been staring at him like an idiot while he waited for you to respond to his statement.
“Y-Yeah I totally agree. I love the series, this is actually my second read through since Cassandra Clare just released the next trilogy. I just want to make sure I’ve got all the characters and lore set straight in my head before I start the next series.” You rambled a bit out of embarrassment and turned to tend to your tea as the Keurig beeped.
“That’s right, I totally forgot A Queen of Air and Darkness dropped recently! I’ll need to pick that up. Anyway, the name’s Park Jimin. I’m guessing you're the girl that likes her tea more sugar than tea that my new coworkers have been telling me about?” He joked as he watched you stir a good amount into your cup before picking it up and turning to face him again, leaning on the table and taking your book from his hands as he offered it with your free hand.
A fond smirk tugged onto your lips as you laughed slightly. “Hey don’t knock it till you try it Jimin. Your coworkers only drink their coffee black to match their bitterness over my bomb ass tea.” You introduced yourself as well as he gave the most adorable giggle at your playful retort. “Well, we’re in the same boat then cutie. I’m a fan of sweet tea too.”
You looked over at Namjoon as he walked over to get his daily 8 cups of coffee a day. “You both are crazy, black coffee is the best. Your tounges are just defective. Anyway, rookie stop flirting with our favorite bookworm and get over here and help me restock these books. You can talk to her some other time, she’s here every day.” He said after he finished brewing his coffee, smirking at the blush that lit up the younger man’s face.
You rolled your eyes, lightly shoving Namjoon’s arm. “Good job Joon, you broke the poor boy.  Go easy on him, it’s his first day.” Namjoon chuckled, slinging his arm around the shorter boys shoulder as he steered him towards the book cart they would be dealing with. Jimin came to his senses a few seconds later calling back to you over his shoulder. “I’ll talk to you later if you’re still here!”
You shook your head with a wistful smile and took a sip of your tea as you headed back into your secluded room, the fireplace crackling peacefully as you made yourself comfortable and prepared to read the afternoon away. You set a quick alarm on your phone to remind you it was time to go home and were lost in the fantasy world of your book mere minutes later.
Sometime later you jumped as someone startled you by placing a hand on your shoulder out of nowhere, but sighed in relief as you realized it was just Jimin, a silly grin on his face. “You’re a jumpy one aren’t you?” He teased a bit, taking his hand off your shoulder. You bookmarked your page and turned to him fully. “Only when I’m reading. I tend to get lost in the world. Anyway, how’d book sorting with Namjoon go?” His nose crinkled as he pouted. “It was fine, he’s just a little bossy. It’s going to take some getting used to.” He admitted. You stifled a laugh at that, knowing very well how intimidating Namjoon could be if he had to after being here for so long.
“Don’t worry. He may seem like kind of a stuck up jerk, but he’s actually really sweet. He’s only so particular about books because he loves them so much. This library is his life, ya know? He built it from the ground up, so it’s very important to him.” You explained as Jimin’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really? I had no idea.” He mumbled. You looked down at your alarm as it suddenly blared and quickly turned it off, smiling apologetically at Jimin as you gathered your book and schoolbag, taking the now empty teacup to wash it before you left.
“Sorry, that’s my cue to go home now.”
You headed to the door with the boy in tow and he snorted, looking at you like you were nuts. “No way. You’re gonna freeze to death out there! Did you even bring a hat and gloves?” He asked in a scolding tone, making you roll your eyes. “No, it wasn’t that bad out earlier, why would I have?” You asked as you headed to the tea station, washing your cup before drying it and placing it neatly back on the rack. “Maybe so you were prepared for the huge snowstorm that’s currently going on out there?” He sasses back, motioning to one of the large windows.
A quick glance confirmed your fear. Much as you hated to admit it, he was right. The wind was howling and no doubt ice cold and the snow would be flying right in your face from the speed. You couldn’t walk home in that storm.  “But the library’s going to close soon!” You mumbled worriedly, causing Jimin to perk up. He got an idea and headed over to the front desk where Suran was currently working and leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially. “Hey, can I stay here after closing with her? She walks home and I can’t in good conscience let her go out there without a hat, gloves or even a proper coat.”
Suran looked at you for a moment before she sighed and nodded, reluctantly. “...Fine. But only because I know her so well and trust her. Thank God Namjoon had to leave early today. Here’s the key.” She took out the key from her desk drawer and handed it to Jimin. “Make sure to lock up when you leave, and you’re on cleaning duty this weekend to make this up to me.” Jimin smiled victoriously and nodded. “Deal! Thank you so much Suran, I owe you!” She nodded with an amused smile and stretched, getting ready to head out herself as she put on her coat.
Jimin walked back over to you and you looked up from texting your family you’d be home late because of the storm. The smile on his face made you wary and you questioned him. “...What’s with the ear to ear grin Park? You’re kinda creeping me out here.” He smirked and let a key dangle from his fingertips. “I’ve got the keys, so we can stay here until the snow dies down and I can walk you home!” He said smugly, looking awfully proud of himself. The gesture was incredibly sweet and you found yourself smiling back at him.
“Thank you so much, that’s perfect! I can’t believe you pulled that off!” You chirped happily, and Jimin felt his heart warm at the innocent glee in your eyes.
Jimin all but purred at your praise and puffed up. “Never underestimate Park Jimin! I can charm anyone if it means keeping you safe and warm!” He said, pulling a superhero pose and making your happy giggle fill the air again. He was just thankful that he could convince you to wait it out, scared you were going to go out and risk getting sick.
As it turned out, the storm had no intent on slowing down and in fact only got worse as time passed much to your irritation. “Why is Jack Frost being such a dick? For the supposed Guardian of Fun he sure is sucking at his job…” You pouted but your grumbling only made Jimin’s eyes light up. “You know Rise of the Guardians? That’s my favorite movie!” He exclaimed making you smirk at him. “Somehow I don’t doubt that.”
Your light banter was cut short as the power suddenly went out, making you gasp as you were plunged into darkness, save for the small light from the fireplace. Besides that light glow, however, it was totally pitch black thanks to the winter months making the sky darken at a much earlier hour. Thanks to both of your phones dying an hour or so ago, and Namjoon’s hyper-fear of the books catching fire making sure no candles ever made their way into the library, any other sources of light were nonexistent.
“Welp. That’s what you get for provoking him.”
“Ow!” Jimin huffed as you thwacked him playfully for his comment, though there was a fond, if nervous, smile on your face nonetheless. He gently took hold of your arm after faintly making out your form and moved closer to the fire with you, feeling you begin to shiver as the heat was turned off along with the power. “Stay here.” He whispered to you quietly, moving to release you and leave you in front of the fireplace momentarily. “Where are you going?” He could detect the slight undercurrent of uneasiness and worry in your voice, and knelt down again, observing the way the flames made shadows dance across your face. He reached out and gently cup your face in his palm, keeping it there when you didn’t pull away, and instead leaned into his touch.
He looked into your eyes and whispered again, as if speaking any louder would awaken some great beast hidden within the shadows. “I’m just going to go get some blankets for us babygirl. Be good, and stay warm in front of the fire. I promise I’ll be right back. Okay?” He held out his pinky after pulling away from your face and you intertwined yours with his after a moment’s hesitance. He brought his thumb to his lips making your cheeks color at the intimate feeling of it all as you followed his lead and did the same. He gave you a cheeky grin. “There. Now it’s sealed with a kiss. I have to come back or you get to break my pinky.” You shook your head in disbelief of his antics but it had helped alleviate much of your unease, and you were thankful for that.
“Okay. But hurry back doofus. It’s not as warm without you next to me.” The confession slipped out from between your lips without thinking and you flushed in embarrassment but Jimin’s smile only widened before he got up and exited the room to go further into the darkness of the library.
It had only been a few minutes, but you were starting to get fidgety. Just as you were debating getting up to go and look for him, a blanket suddenly covered your head, making you squeal in surprise, much to Jimin’s amusement. “Did ya miss me princess?” He teased as he made himself comfortable once again beside you, cuddling underneath the blanket and gently pulling you into his side. You blushed, and probably would’ve pushed him away in any other circumstances, but he was just so warm and comfortable. You nuzzled closer into him and sighed in content and he aww’ed at you making you give him the finger.
He snickered, and you felt his body shake with his laughter. It wasn’t long before you were nodding off, the heat exuding from both the fireplace and Jimin getting to you as your eyes began to close. Jimin had been rambling on about something his friend Jungkook had done, but when he looked down and saw you sleeping peacefully against his shoulder, his eyes softened and he sighed in utter contentment. He slowly moved to lay down, gently positioning you so you were laying more comfortably against his chest, and placing the pillow he snagged from one of the chairs underneath his head.
He observed your sleeping form for a moment, clearly contemplating something, before he gingerly kissed your cheek. He couldn’t help it, you just looked so cute like this! Cheeks burning, he made himself comfortable and made sure you were fully covered by the blanket before closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep himself.
Namjoon walked into the library the next morning bright and early after getting a call from the power company that he should go and check that everything was working alright. He’d always been a night owl, but thankfully the second cup of black coffee in his hand was giving him enough energy to be somewhat alert. So, when he went to open the library door and found it unlocked a flash of panic went through him as he rushed inside, careful to be quiet in case an intruder was still around.
He crept around the all too familiar library and found himself confused as not a single book seemed out of place. As he made his way towards the secluded room, he quickly relaxed at the sight before him, stifling the groan he wanted to let out as he saw you sleeping peacefully on Jimin’s chest, while said boy held you close to him protectively.
He couldn’t resist taking out his phone and snagging a few pictures. Perfect blackmail material for Jimin. Revenge would be sweet. Almost as sweet as the way you made your tea. The idea that suddenly hit him made him grin wickedly. He checked everything was working, locked the doors and then left, leaving you two to sleep a little longer.
It was 2 weeks later when Jimin and you were officially dating that Namjoon struck. You were chatting casually with your new boyfriend about where to go for your planned date that night as you made your cup of tea as you usually did. As you went to grab the sugar, you found it filled not with sugar, but with coffee. You sighed, figuring someone had made a mistake, and opened the plastic container usually filled with the sweet spice, ready to fix it as you had in the past only to look down to and flush bright red in embarrassment at the post-it note on top of the coffee. Curious at your sudden lack of response and blush, Jimin looked your shoulder to read it as well.
‘In case your wondering, this is how bitter I was when I found you sleeping here overnight with the doors unlocked. Enjoy your tea without sugar for a little as punishment~ :)’
Namjoon snickered behind his own mug of coffee at your reaction, though he quickly swallowed as Jimin whirled, and quickly spotted him. Uh oh.
“You’re the one who posted the photo in the library group chat! I’m gonna kill you!”
Namjoon quickly ducked out of there, all while hiding a smug grin behind his mug.
Worth it.
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empressaryastark · 5 years
old meta. 2014? for all 3 people obsessed with in series book Braavos like me.
city in progress
Braavos Post-ADWD
“Braavos was a city made for secrets, a city of fogs and masks and whispers”.
           When it comes to the ASoIaF universe, I find that most fans tend to focus most of their attention on the politics and plotlines that occur specifically in Westeros. Given that Westeros is where the series begins and will likely end, I think that inclination is natural. However, I also think it is imperceptive to ignore the future of Essos and its impact on the series after the contienent became the backdrop for many PoVs after ASoS. The view that Essos politics doesn’t matter and won’t affect the Westerosi plots is not only false, but it will limit readers that wish to make predictions for the outcome of the series. So, in an effort to raise more discussion on my favorite ASoIaF city and Essos by extension, this post is my attempt to explore the possibilities for the city in The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring while also putting my thoughts and totally definitely **slightly** cracky theories about the city into words.
While Braavos did not make a proper debut in the series until Arya arrived in AFFC, the free city has had a presence since AGoT. From Daenerys’ sentimental musings on the lost home of her childhood in her first chapter to Syrio Forel’s account of how he became the first sword of Braavos, the city has lingered in the background of the series, waiting to emerge as a power. Of course, the city always existed as a powerful state in the general ASoIaF universe, but it did not have much visible influence within the politics of Westeros until AFFC and ADWD. There are only a few cities in A Song of Ice and Fire that are given so much life, so much detail, and so much character and world significance within the series. King’s Landing, Meereen, and Braavos are those three. Like Meereen and King’s Landing, Braavos will surely have strong impacts on the rest of the series based on what happens post-ADWD and specifically in TWoW.
The Iron Bank, the Faceless Men, Braavosi Politics, Dragons, and Westeros
                              Braavos is, in many ways, the city that connects Essos and Westeros. Placed along the northern western portion of Essos, Braavos is the closest free city to Westeros. As a result, Braavos does a good deal of trade with Westeros and they possess more political clout with the continent than most other cities in Essos. Commerce between the Iron Throne and the Iron Bank has a long history that goes back to the days of Targaryen rule. Yet, this long relationship has not made the Iron Bank any more forgiving of the Iron Throne’s debt problems since, as the Braavosi say, the Iron Bank will have its due. Cersei refuses to pay up on the crowns debts and rudely sends off the Iron Bank envoy sent to her in AFFC. These decisions are what led to the schism in relations between the Iron Bank and Lannister-Baratheon crown. However, the clash was long coming since even Tyrion turned the bank away when they first came hounding after their money in ACoK. The continued respect and refusal to make payments were catastrophically bad decisions made by those in power in King’s Landing. In contrast to this behavior, The World of Ice and Fire states that Iron Bank envoys are traditionally treated with great respect as almost equals by even kings. Thus, the War of the Five Kings, the legacy of Robert’s massive debts, and Lannister greed and pride ultimately forced the Braavosi banking institution to become an unlikely ally for Stannis Baratheon and the Night’s Watch. The soured relations between the Iron Bank and the Iron Throne is unexpected turn of luck for Stannis Baratheon. Stannis’ hard up kingdom and quest for the Iron Throne suddenly gets bank rolled by the wealthiest, most ruthless group of loan sharks in the world. Of course this contract literally written in Stannis’ blood is a gamble, but it’s one that may work in his favor. As Jon Snow notes, “When princes failed to repay the Iron Bank, new princes sprang up from nowhere and took their thrones.” By all accounts, the Iron Bank is not only the wealthiest bank in that universe, but it is also the most powerful. With the loss of this powerful ally, the Lannisters have severely weakened their already tenuous hold on the Iron Throne. This choice by the Iron Bank is a calculated strike against the Lannisters, as is their decision to call in every loan in Westeros. More ominously, the Iron Bank is rumored to send assassins, presumably the Faceless Men, after their debtors according to TWoIaF. Of course, that does not necessarily mean that the Iron Bank will employ assassins to kill Tommen or Cersei. So far as the readers know, they have only decided to go with backing Stannis’ claim by funding his war efforts in addition to setting up an economic conflict as the result of their loan ban. Certainly, the loan ban has been effective in the wake of Aegon Targaryen’s arrival. The Iron Throne on the orders of Kevan and Cersei, in fear of the rebellions that may be incited by raising taxes, send Harys Swyft to the city as an envoy to mend relations with the bank and bring money back to the city. Though the outcome of this decision has yet to come, I think “Mercy” hints at future conflict between the Iron Throne’s representative and the Iron Bank. The question that remains is where the Iron Bank will place their bets if Stannis Baratheon is dead as he is reported to be by the end of ADWD. Now, I personally don’t have a definitive opinion on whether Stannis is or isn’t dead. But for the sake of theorizing on the Iron Bank and their political maneuvers in Westeros, I will assume that he is dead or soon to be dead. In those cases, I imagine the bank will take up the causes of Daenerys Targaryen or Aegon Targaryen.
                              However, the Iron Bank is not the only powerful, secretive institution of Braavos. The Faceless Men, rumored partners in crime with the Iron Bank, seem to be an essential part of Braavosi culture. Indeed, the House of Black and White exists openly in Braavos, and all the Braavosi who have been met with “valar morghulis” usually respond immediately with “valar dohaeris.” In Braavos, the slave past of Old Valyria remain a vivid part of the city’s cultural conscious. This cultural inheritance informs their respect and fear of the Faceless Men (FM), an order with their origins in the slave mines of Old Valyria. Even though the order of the FM is a mystery to most of the world outside of Braavos according to The World of Ice and Fire, readers have received portions of their origins and practices from Arya’s PoV. But given Arya’s status as a guest, and eventual acolyte, in the institution, I think it is safe to assume that Arya has not been fully informed of all the order’s inner workings. At least, she seems distant from the proceedings that take place among the full FM in the HoBaW in ADWD. Although she is still low ranking in the FM’s hierarchy, Arya has gathered a good deal of knowledge about the order so far. But I there is far more to learn about the FM in the next novels, specifically the nature of their relationship with the Iron Bank, the Sealord of Braavos, and dragons.
                              One shouldn’t forget general politics apart from the Iron Bank when taking the city into consideration. So far, the series has yet to produce a Braavosi politician that is actually active in the story. This makes sense considering the fact that Arya has been our eyes in Braavos. Seeing as she’s only assumed the identities of young girls low on the social hierarchy of Braavos, Arya has yet to see many prestigious parts of that city including both the Iron Bank and the Sealord’s Palace. Despite those limitations, Arya has been privy to some of Braavos’ politics. During her time as Cat of the Canals and Blind Beth, Arya was asked to return to the House of Black and White with the demand that she tell the Kindly Man three things she learned. Though some of what she learned was seemingly inconsequential, there are some standout details about the political climate of the city. One example can be found in ADWD when Arya tells the Kindly Man that the current Sealord of Braavos, Ferrago Antaryon, is ill to the point of death and his expected successor is Tormo Fregar. The Kindly Man responds by telling Arya that her piece of news was not new information and a new sealord will be chosen if Antaryon dies. In response, Arya thinks, “When he is dead, there will be a choosing, and the knives will come out. That was the way of it in Braavos. In Westeros, a dead king was followed by his eldest son, but the Braavosi had no kings.” With this plot point, GRRM introduces the prospect of an upcoming election for a new Sealord of Braavos. However, there is little information on how the process takes place. In The World of Ice and Fire, it is stated that the Sealord of Braavos is “chosen by the city’s magisters and keyholders from amongst the citizenry by a process as convoluted as it is arcane.” I have a hunch that the limited information about the sealord election process is an intentional omission on GRRM’s part by using the excuse of mystery. My assumption is only furthered by the fact that GRRM uses this excuse to provide very little information on the Faceless Men in the Braavos section of TWoIaF as well. Although the exact details of the election process are currently shrouded in mystery and complication, it can be understood from Arya’s thoughts that the election of a new sealord is known to bring considerable tension and danger to the city’s political climate. Moreover, the politics of the series are becoming more visible figures in Arya’s PoV. In “Mercy,” there were a total of five keyholders present for the performance of The Bloody Hand. While all that information may seem unimportant in a casual reading, I think that the steady and subtle inclusion of the city’s political developments is intentionally done by GRRM in order bring the politics of Essos and Westeros to a convergence.
                              Post-ASoS, the land of Essos was no longer restricted to Daenerys’ PoV. Tyrion Lannister, Arya Stark, Victarion Greyjoy, Quentyn Martell, Barristan Selmy, Samwell Tarly, and Jon Connington all spend some, if not most of their PoVs chapters in the continent for various reasons that have some effect on the politics of Essos and Westeros.
To briefly (edit: I looked over my list and my eyes determined that this was a lie lol) go over the causes and effects of these eastern excursions, I’ll make a short list since I’m mainly concerned with Braavos in this post.
·         Tyrion’s escape at the end of ASoS leads to Cersei’s rise to power and all the political fiascos that follow. The fact that Varys is forced to hide him on a death threat from Jaime also sends Varys into hiding while shipping Tyrion off to Essos where becomes entangled in the plot to put Daenerys to Aegon Targaryen, the alleged son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell, on the Iron Throne. His involvement is cut short by an ill-timed trip to a brothel where he is abducted by the exiled knight, Jorah Mormont. After many more misfortunes, the two are sold into slavery. With exceptional cunning and good luck, Tyrion and his friends are able to escape the confines of their dead slave master’s camp and land spots in Ben Plumm’s mercenary company, the Second Sons. As of TWoW’s released chapters, Tyrion is attempting to not only survivie the battle of Meereen, but bring forth a victory for Daenerys’ cause. It has been hinted by show and GRRM that Tyrion and Daenerys will join forces in some fashion.
·         By the end of AFFC, Victarion Greyojy is sent by his brother, Euron, on a mission to bring Daenerys from Meereen so she can marry Euron and help him conquer Westeros. Victarion accepts the mission, but he intends to marry Daenerys himself and steal the throne from his brother. This mission is resumed by the end of ADWD where Victarion becomes involved with a red priest named Moqorro. He is involved in the battle of Meereen.
·         Barristan came to Essos storyline before the other Westerosi PoVs aside from Dany. His goal was to get Dany back to her throne in Westeros, but he ultimately has to hold together her crumbling occupation of Meereen in her absence. He’s involved in the battle of Meereen. He makes an agreement with the Tattered Prince to take over Pentos.
·         Quentyn Martell, with a little help from his friends, journeys his way to Daenerys on the orders of his father so that they can fulfill a marriage contract (more on that contract…) and conquer Westeros together. Quentyn fails to convince Dany, tries to steal her dragons, and is burned to death. This death will likely have negative impacts on Dornish/Targaryen relations if Arianne’s feelings in her TWoW sample chapter are any indication.
·         Samwell Tarly made a brief stop in Braavos on his way to the Citadel. During his time there and on the ocean with Maester Aemon, he learns of Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons, the prince that was promised prophecy, and meets Quhuru Mo. Mo takes him to Oldtown, where is able to inform Maester Marwyn about all he’s learned. Maester Marwyn is determined to get to Daenerys before other parts of the Citadel can influence her.
·         Jon Connington, the exiled lord of Griffin’s Roost, spent time with the Golden Company before he was enlisted by Varys and Illyrio to be Aegon’s guardian. He returned to Westeros with Aegon and their host by the end of ADWD. By Arianne’s TWoW chapter, Jon has contacted the Dornish with the intentions of creating an alliance by confirming Aegon as Doran’s nephew.
                              In all of these plotlines, the east and west cross paths in order to create some shift in the politics of the regions whether they intend to or not. Specifically, each storyline is influenced in some way by Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons. Yet, the one major PoV taking place in Essos has not made a firm connection with Daenerys and her dragons. So far, Arya Stark’s PoV and the city of Braavos have been conspicuously absent of any influence from Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons. This is contrast to other major Essos spots like Pentos, Volantis, and Slavery’s Bay. Considering Daenerys’ substantial following and notoriety or widespread esteem depending on who one asks in Essos, it should follow that her reputation would be a special topic in Braavos, the city built on slave rebellion. In fact, Daenerys’ reputation has even reached Westeros as evident by the mummer’s plays in King’s Landing and the word of Dany and her dragons in the Citadel from the prologue. With all those points in mind, I feel like it is suspicious that she’s not a bigger topic in the city of Braavos. Of course, Arya has heard a few mentions of the dragons while in Braavos, but they were brief.
 Here’s where I go into Speculation Mode:
                              I think that the absence of Daenerys’ influence in Braavos is going to be short-lived. Sooner than later, Daenerys will have to go back if she wants to move forward if I may loosely use Quaithe’s words. And if Daenerys should go in a reverse of her journey to move forward to her destiny, that means she will have to arrive at her first home in Essos before she lands on Westerosi land. That home is Braavos. Now, I am aware of theories that Daenerys has confused the location of her childhood home with Willem Darry based on the trees quote in “Mercy.” However, I do not believe that she is confused about her early in Braavos. Yes, the presence of lemon trees in Braavosi is strange, but it’s no stranger than the rest of all that is fantastic in A Song of Ice and Fire. If Sealord’s Palace can support tree life in official maps of the city, I’d wager to say that a wealthy man like Willem Darry could afford a luxury garden. Also, I think the marriage pact made by Oberyn and Willem in Braavos, and witnessed by the Sealord of Braavos, tends to give credence to Dany’s assertion that she and Viserys lived with Darry in Braavos. Now, there is much that is suspicious about the pact. Namely, why would the Sealord of Braavos get involved with a pact between House Martell and House Targaryen after Robert Baratheon took the throne? Did they wish to seek favor with the Targaryens and the Martells? Was this Sealord the current Sealord or a predecessor? Given what little information is supplied about the inner workings of Braavos’ politics, it’s anyone’s guesses on these questions. Indeed, they may remain unanswered if Ferrago Antaryon dies soon as expected and Tormo Fregar takes his office. Once he takes office, an event apparently already anticipated by the common people of Braavos, the most likely turn of events include Fregar taking a stance on Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons. Braavos is a wealthy city known for hard anti-slavery policies in addition to possessing an extraordinarily impressive and powerful naval military. I find it hard to believe that Daenerys and Tyrion (two characters who have expressed desires to see the city) won’t find the city a considerable ally, by choice or force on the city’s part.
                              And what does the future of the city hold for Arya Stark? As I said, there’s far more to learn. Arya’s only ventured around the outskirts of the city, homes to tourists and the poor. Eventually, she will have to break out of her usual haunts and explore the parts of the city that she was almost destined to discover---the Iron Bank, the Sealord’s Palace, and the Moon Pool. So far, Arya is the only major PoV residing in Braavos. While others may speculate on her TWoW arc taking her to other places, I am firm in my belief that she will remain in the city. As a disciple of Syrio Forel, Arya is probably going to be lured to the Moon Pool and the Sealord’s Palace based on Syrio’s tale of the Sealord’s Palace and the prospect of water dancing in the famous, magical Moon Pool seems like it would be too good for Arya to pass up. Since the Iron Bank is apparently so connected to the Faceless Men, I think the chances of her getting involved with the institution in some fashion are high. The fact that she’s carrying around an iron key in “Mercy” for no discernable reason is a hint that she’s either been given or stolen a key from the powerful keyholders of Braavos aka Iron Bank officials.
           I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the keyholders, the sealord, election voting areas, the iron bank, and the iron key are all mentioned in “Mercy.” Those inclusions are all a set up for the rest of the Braavosi narrative that will be tied with Arya’s PoV. How one will affect the other remains to be seen, but they will impact other characters and how the rest of the series turns out. So far, Arya’s actions will likely cause further strife between King’s Landing and the Iron Bank.  She could also meddle with the Justin Massey’s Iron Bank envoy on behalf of Stannis Baratheon, the upcoming Sealord election, the Hardhome refugees, or the Faceless Men’s objectives. On that note, I do wonder how the Faceless Men will impact the story. If Jaqen is working on behalf of the group at the Citadel, what is his end goal? To destroy the dragons? To the control the dragons? To destroy the means of destroying dragons? The answer to the Jaqen question is uncertain at the moment, but seeing as the Faceless Men don’t take kindly to dragons as legacies of their slave past, I don’t think they want the dragons to live.  The desires of the Faceless Men could put them at odds or in unity with how the Iron Bank and the Sealord’s Palace wishes to deal with their future of their city and how they deal with the dragons and Westeros.
           After hundreds of years in solitude, I can’t imagine how the major institutions of Braavos are not tied with each other. The survival of the city relied on building a community of trust within the shroud of secrecy. But what happens to the city once crisis falls when the world of the series realizes the apocalyptic peril from the beyond the Wall? The Faceless Men are an order with their own god and set of doctrine to follow, the Iron Bank is an absolutely ruthless institution, and the Braavosi government is one of volatile politics. These institutions can easily conflict with each other once the world’s dangers present themselves. And from there they may act on their own intentions. Eventually the city and especially the major characters involved will have to follow in that Braavosi tradition of unmasking secrets.
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sp00kymulderr · 6 years
dO THEM ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL /EVIL LAUGH (??)/ uhm from the "let's talk about" post úwù 💗 I'm sorry I'm making you write so much but i really wanna know!!! ILYSM
There is a lot here, I’m apparently feeling very chatty tonight so sorry about some of the long ramble-y answers again:
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
Itwas 2005, and 15 year old me had dragged my dad and brother to thecinema to see a movie that looked really interesting to me – itfeatured several badass women in the main cast at a time when Iwasn’t seeing much with actually strong, well written femalecharacters in. So I had to see this, and it was sci-fi which my wholefamily enjoys, so off we went to watch it. At the beginning, therewas a filmed intro of Joss Whedon talking about the movie and aboutthe TV series it came from, which I knew nothing about and thatworried me. But then the film started and I swear my heart stoppedfor a moment, I fell so deeply in love with the setting, thecharacters, the cast. The film was Serenity, and it started a lot forme
2: Talk about your first kiss.
Myfirst kiss wasn’t special like I wish it had been. I was about 14and it was with my best friend at the time, a guy who I had nofeelings towards whatsoever. I regret the kiss a lot, and the kissesthat followed. I wish I hadn’t felt pressured in to it the way Idid.
3: Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.
Idon’t really get intense feelings for people that often, especiallynot now I’m older. There was a guy when I was in secondary schoolthough, who I genuinely thought I loved (I didn’t). It was veryunrequited and took over my life for too long, and was a catalyst tothe depression I later suffered with.
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.
Partof me regrets going to uni, but then I think about all theexperiences I had at uni and I would never have had those, or madethose friends, or enjoyed myself that much anywhere else. I can’tthink of much that I really really regret, I tend to think thingsthrough a lot before I do them.
5: Talk about the best birthday you’ve had.
Iam the queen of good birthdays, istg! I ALWAYS go on holiday for mybirthday, have ever since I was young, so I have so many good ones.But I think it has to be between going to New York for my 21stor Berlin for my 23rd (my favourite place in the wholeworld), or this past birthday which I spent on my own in New Zealandand got to go to Hobbiton for the first time!
6: Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had.
Ihave genuinely not had a bad birthday yet. This year would’ve beensad if I hadn’t gone to Hobbiton, as I was completely on my own forthe first birthday ever.
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.
I’ma total mess of insecurities tbh. I wouldn’t know where to start.
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
In2012, when I left uni and moved to London on my own, I started a blogcalled The Theatre Tourist where I wrote about two of my biggestpassions; theatre and travel. A year after I started it, I got myfirst invite to review a theatre production which I accepted havingnever written a review. Once I wrote it, I knew this was what Iwanted to be doing, I fell completely in love with it. And to thisday I still run that blog, I have a fair few readers and connectionswith theatre PR’S all around the world. Currently I’m writing atleast a review a month for New Zealand theatre but when I was back inLondon I was being invited to at least 4 a week every week. I am soproud of that blog.
9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.
Mytattoos. They make me feel better about myself because I find thembeautiful and they mean a lot to me.
10: Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had.
Thatbest friend I mentioned earlier. He accused me of all sorts andcaused so much stupid drama in my life. We had a massive argument inthe hallway at school once, I ended up in tears in the bathroom andwe stopped talking to each other. He was a massive fucking jerk andI’m glad he’s not in my life any more.
11: Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had.
Ihad a lot of great dreams just before I moved to New Zealand, aboutwhat a great time I was going to have out here, and they havedefinitely come true
12: Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had.
Istress dream quite a lot, the most recent one was losing my family ina natural disaster and it was awful.
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
Iwaited quite a while, so I was 18 when I lost it. It wasn’t perfectbut it was nice and with someone I liked at the time. It was, however, in a single bed which was AWFUL god. But other than that, there’s not much to talk about.
14: Talk about a vacation.
Whichone to choose though??? I love travelling and have been so lucky totravel a lot, I studied tourism and it’s always been a huge part ofmy life. That’s why I’m out here on this beautiful island in themiddle of nowhere right now.
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
Idon’t feel content a lot, but my first and subsequent 6 visits toBerlin have been the best I’ve ever felt in my whole life. Berlinis the one place I feel completely at home and know I belong.
16: Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to.
Idon’t go to a lot of parties! And the ones I went to when I wasyounger, I don’t remember a lot of them… I went to a really funfoam party in my first year of uni that I always remember fondly iffuzzily.
18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.
Whichone is elementary? Primary I think? Jesus, who remembers primaryschool? I don’t think much exciting happened when I was that young!
19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.
Waitwhat’s middle school if the next question is high school? Do theyhave a school between primary and secondary in America? I’mCONFUSED
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.
Ohall sorts of shit.
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.
Therewas this guy in college who I became pretty close friends with thenlater told me he really liked me. He was sweet but so not my type soI just said no and then he never spoke to me again lol
22: Talk about your worst fear.
Interms of an actual phobia, I’m really afraid of dogs. Which ispretty inconvenient, they make me panic.
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.
Ugh,I got drunk at a work party and asked out a guy from IT I had beeneyeing up and he turned me down which is fair enough I was a messback then. But then I had to see him at work all the time and it wasso embarrassing for me.
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
Justrecently I’ve been having a crisis about what I’m going to dowith my life once I get back to the UK next year, I want to get a jobI actually love as opposed to ending up in a shitty call centre jobhating my life again. But the other day my manager told me that shegenuinely believes I can do absolutely anything and be brilliant atit, and that just boosted my confidence so much.
26: Talk about things you do when you’re sick.
Iusually try and just get on with things and don’t admit I’m sickunless it’s really bad. I hate sitting still, I need to be doingsomething all the time even when ill.
31: Talk about what you think death is like.
Scary?Death scares me, I can’t lie. I try not to think about it.
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
TheatreRoyal Bath, I associate so many good memories with this building.When I was a kid and first expressed an interest in Shakespeare mymum used to sometimes take me to see plays there. I started a massivething in me and it’s always a place that makes me feel happy.
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
Iput on music. Loud. Usually Bowie, because I know he will make mefeel better, he always does.
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured.
Ireally hope this doesn’t tempt fate, but as of yet I’ve onlyexperienced self inflicted pain. Never broken a bone or sprainedanything. Uhm so probably my first tattoo but even then that was a good pain for the most part.
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.
Beinganxious. Seriously, if I could control my anxiety or make itdissapear things would be so different.
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.
Meand my dad share a fairly similar musical taste, and he was the onewho introduced me to all the musicians I love so deeply now.Specifically listening to Delilah by The Sensational Alex Harvey Bandmakes me think of him. With my mum, we both love Alice Cooper so anytime I hear him I think of her.
39: Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier.
Iwish I’d known earlier that there’s no shame in ‘sleeping around’.I felt ashamed for a long time about my sexual habits, and got shamedfor them. I know now that it’s all bullshit and me being in controlof my sexuality is a good thing.
Ialso wish someone had told me that you’re allowed to have stops andstarts in your career, for years after uni I tried so hard to followa career path that wasn’t working for me but I thought I would be afailure if I gave up, or if I ended up doing something that didn’trelate to my degree. Even though I still struggle with the idea of acareer, I at least do know now that I am allowed to do whatever thehell I want whether I studied for it or not.
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
In 2016 the West Endmusical Sunny Afternoon closed. By the time it closed I had seen it150 times, literally seeing it at the very least once a week for twowhole years. It changed me a lot – I became more confident, I madea group of the best friends I’ve ever had, I started a fan groupfor it and worked with the marketing team for the show on a socialmedia campaign. It was a HUGE part of my life. When the show closedit felt like the end of an era, I really didn’t know what I wasgoing to do without it. It meant so much to me. But now I have allthese great friends who still talk and hang out and I have two castsof actors whose careers I’ll be following for the rest of my life.
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kazekohitori · 4 years
This is a story I wrote in four parts for myself and my friends to help with the loss of our favorite character.
Please read CastielXStacie Chapters One and Two before reading this as they take place before CastielXAllanah part one.
CastielXAllanah Part One
Allanah sat outside the corner Starbucks, sipping her pumpkin spice coffee and perusing the Supernatural Edition of TV Guide magazine. Emma sat in her stroller happily nibbling away on a chocolate cake pop, much of which was on her face and hands rather than in her mouth. The warm layers of wool covering her head and body would not keep her from relishing the chocolatey goodness. The late autumn weather was steadily growing colder. It wouldn’t be long until the streets would be lined with snow and Christmas music would be playing in every store.
It had taken her three weeks to find a copy of the magazine, the tv schedule was almost obsolete; Supernatural had ended that Thursday. Allanah, just as her friends from the ‘Misha’s Angels’ group, had been upset with Castiel’s passing. Losing a loved one was always hard. Even if Castiel was just a character in a tv show, he was real to Allanah’s heart. She loved him. Fully and completely. If he could just be real.
She thought of her friend, Stacie, and how she had become a bit obsessed after Castiel’s death. She wondered if Stacie might have gone off the deep end. The last thing she had said to the group was, “I’ll find a way.” And the last thing she had said to Allanah was, “I need you to believe. Believe with everything you are.” Despite her attempts to contact her Stacie had been silent.
“The last scene I shot was really Castiel’s last scene,” Allanah read Misha Collins’ response in the article. “It was a goodbye for both the fictional character and for me. It was very intense—a lot of tears.” She suddenly felt as if there was a body uncomfortably close to her, almost as if someone was reading over her shoulder. Feeling irked by the audacity of a person to get this close during a worldwide pandemic Allanah was ready to spit fire. Head lifting to give the insensitive person a dirty look via reflection in the window, she instead saw the persons back was to her. Yes, he was disturbingly close, but he was paying no mind to her or Emma or, in truth, any one around her. Indeed, he looked confused. His head turned in all directions as though he had just become aware of his surroundings. The longer Allanah stared at the man’s reflection the more she started to see a resemblance to Misha, or, rather, Castiel.
She turned in her seat to get a better look just as he turned to face the coffee shop. Now she could see his face, those beautiful eyes that she would know anywhere, she was certain it was him. “Misha?” The quiet question slipped from her lips before she caught herself. What was he doing here? He had tweeted an hour earlier from his home in Washington. How was he here? And why was he dressed as Castiel? There was no Supernatural promotion or event going on anywhere near here.
His eyes fell on Allanah, only now noticing she was there, then to Emma, who mirrored his confused look. “No. You’ve confused me with someone else.” He continued to glance around.
Allanah couldn’t help but eye him, he was just so ‘Castiel-like’. Several thoughts came to mind to rationalize what she was witnessing.
One: this could be Misha’s way of mingling with the common people. But that would be impossibly stupid since he is most known for wearing this ensemble and therefore be easily recognized.
Two: this was some prank show stunt that Misha was taking part in. If so, how incredibly mean of him to do this to his fans after their loss.
Three: this was a doppelgänger and, if it was, Allanah should marry him quick before someone else snatched him up.
He interrupted her thoughts when he turned back to her and asked sternly, “Where am I?”
“Starbucks?” What could Misha, or this spot-on Misha-lookalike, be on? Drugs were the only answer to how he could be so lost. When he continued to squint at her in Castiel-like confusion, she continued, “Painesville?” She paused. “Ohio.”
“Oh.” He glanced around at the buildings again. “Thank you,” he turned to walk away.
“Wait,” Allanah surprised herself at the sudden cry. If it had been any other strange character on the street she would be happy to see the back of him. But this guy, he was just too Castiel like. If this was a prank, if this was Misha, heck, even if it wasn’t, she needed to know more. “Are you okay?” She stood, folding her arms and magazine closed across her chest.
The man stared at the magazine taking in the image of Jared, Jensen, Misha, and Alex. He gradually approached, stretching out his hand, “Wh...” he whispered almost inaudibly, “May I?”
Allanah glanced down and then handed him the magazine. She watched him flip through the pages not sure of what she was witnessing.
He lifted his head and looked around as if realizing something. “Thanks,” he said tersely, handing back the TV Guide and turning to walk away.
“Wait! No, you don’t get to do that.” She grabbed her coffee and purse, pushing Emma in her stroller after the guy. “Who are you? If this is some kind of prank I want to know.”
He rounded on her. His stare was ice cold and menacing. “If this is your way of torturing me, it’s sadly lacking.”
“I have killed my best friend hundreds of times. I have been pulled apart at the molecular level; more than once. I have been tortured by Lucifer, Naomi, Hannah and Malachi. If this is a twisted lead-in to the real torture, a way to lure me into a false sense of security, I won’t be fooled.”
Allanah gaped at him. “What the Hell are you talking about?”
He leaned in close. Allanah felt herself flush at the proximity and couldn’t decide if she was fearful or turned on. “Reveal your true form,” he growled.
“Seriously?” She took a step back, “TV show, dude.” She gestured around them, “This is reality. Planet Earth? Maybe you’d like to come back now?”
He straightened himself and squinted at her. Surely if this was the being of the Empty it would be reveling in it’s prize caught within the web. Could it be he was in an alternate universe? Had Chuck missed one?
Several moments passed before Allanah finally sighed. “Look, I want to help you, but you need to tell me what’s going on. Is this a prank or something?”
“Then why are you dressed like Castiel?”
He glanced down at his outfit unsure of how to respond.
“Are you on something? Do you need a hospital? Or a psychiatric ward?”
“No,” he rebounded, “I’m- I am Castiel.”
“Right,” Allanah sighed sarcastically, “And that’s why you appeared out of nowhere, as if you had been blasted through time and space, with that look of total confusion and no idea how you came to be.”
He nodded silently, intrigued by this woman’s capacity for understanding.
“Okay, Castiel,” she started, “What’s the last thing you remember?”
Before he could stop himself he blurted out, “Saying goodbye to Dean.”
“Uh-huh,” she sighed incredulously. “Then what?”
“Nothing. I was here.”
“Right, well, Castiel died weeks ago. Millions mourned his death.”
“Millions?” A look of genuine surprise crossed his features.
“He was a favorite of many fans. Many of whom would not appreciate this sick joke,” she gestured to his outfit.
“I’m confused.”
“This! Cosplaying and LARPing is one thing. Pretending is fine, but taking it this far? Enough already.”
Realization striking him he sighed, “what must I do to prove my identity?”
Allanah scoffed. “Really? God Almighty, you need help. I can’t believe I was willing- You are incredible, you know that?” She started to push the stroller away. “You want to prove it? How about a fucking miracle? Think you can pull that off?” At that second the display of books outside the bookstore to her left suddenly slid in front of the stroller, blocking her path. She attempted to maneuver around it only to have it move and block her once more.
Her heart stopped. She slowly turned to look over her shoulder. He stood gazing at her, waiting for her to move again. She turned back to the bookcase trying to regain her composure. Her brain became fuzzy with the actuality that this was Castiel. In the flesh. In this world. “How-” The word whispered before she could formed a proper sentence.
He approached her cautiously. “If this is an alternate universe, as I believe it to be, and it was missed by Chuck, then I’m going to need help. I need to find Sam and Dean.”
She turned to face him. Looking on him, knowing he was Castiel pulled at her heart. She threw her arms around him without thinking as tears welled up in her eyes, pulling him into a tight embrace.
Surprised by the sudden gesture Castiel stood still, unsure of how exactly to respond. There was something about this woman. Though they had never met before, this embrace was familiar. It felt as if he belonged there, as if he had always belonged there. His time with the Winchesters, his life in the other universe, his trials and tribulations, all of it seemed as if it had been a lucid and vivid dream. He felt as though he had woken from that dream, into this world with this woman who was his home. Overtaken by this burst of emotion he wrapped his arms around her waist and sank his head into her shoulder, breathing her in. As if he had traveled across the universe to be with her, he was finally home.
She loosened her hold on him and pulled away enough to look into his somber face. “I’m sorry, Castiel. For everything you’ve been through. I’m so sorry.” She cupped his cheek as she gazed into his eyes.
A small smile crept to his lips. It was strange to think that she could know everything about him and yet her eyes seemed to say she did. And all the pain he had suffered, all his loss, somehow seemed to dissolve in her embrace.
Allanah suddenly remembered that while she knew Castiel he knew nothing of her and quickly released him. Although, it almost seemed, a sadness crossed his features at the loss of contact. “Ahem,” she cleared her throat, “it will be difficult to find Sam and Dean as they don’t exist. But then again, neither should you. I’ll help in any way I can but...” she sighed, refocusing her attitude, “Where should we start?”
Gratitude filled Castiel’s features. “How about your name?”
Allanah smiled brightly, “Call me Lanah.”
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impossiblemonster · 7 years
My thoughts on the end of Teen Wolf
Well there you have it. Teen Wolf is finished it’s run forever. And while I’d like to say it finished on a high note, really, I’m feeling like it finished more like a college student cramming for their finals.
I started watching Teen Wolf just before Season 2 premiered. I literally binge-watched Season 1 in the span of a couple of nights and was addicted to the characters. I saw Sterek before I even knew it was a thing. I found Season 1 and 2 to be pretty well-written. I even enjoyed Season 3 despite a lot of criticism of Jeff Davis for killing off Boyd, Erica and Allison.
My problems with the show’s writing started in season 4 and honestly, I just stayed disappointed. The one show I used to watch while it aired, became something I streamed a few episodes at a time later on. It just didn’t do it for me anymore.
A lot of people were upset by the deaths we saw in season three; Boyd, Erica and Allison were tough pills to swallow. In my opinion, Boyd’s and Allison’s deaths at least furthered the plot and offered tremendous opportunities for character growth in the surviving members of the pack. Erica’s death was pointless, disappointing, and didn’t honor her character at all, but I suppose acted as realistic motivation to fight the alpha pack. By season four, we’d lost a ton of characters; Boyd, Erica, Jackson, Cora, Allison, Issac, Ethan, Aiden and Danny were all gone (and later, Derek just dropped off the face of the earth too). And Jeff Davis was scrambling for new material. I get it, actors and actresses grow out of parts and you have to find a way to write them out. Sometimes characters need to head in a certain direction. But 9 (10) characters?! From here on out, the writing was a complete disaster in my opinion. New characters were hastily introduced, while familiar characters wouldn’t appear for several episodes at a time. Relationships were developed out of nowhere and ended for no reason- versus the slow and steady developments of seasons past. Gaping plot holes were left. And the story lines were uninspiring and poorly constructed Overall the show felt distinctively and progressively sloppy from seasons 4-6.
This is where fandom did Teen Wolf a favor. Because the fandom was so large, a lot of people were jumping on board, even when the writing had taken a steep nose dive in terms of quality. In their own way (minus maybe Liam) each new character introduced seemed forced, almost as though they were bargain brands of various archetypes. From my perspective, newer members of the fandom grew attached to some of these characters, and were therefore more forgiving when it came to poor writing and characterization compared with seasons past.
Being a fan from earlier on in the show, I couldn’t help but feel like come season four, the writers simply didn’t bother to build on relationships from previous seasons, and this got to a point where the characters on the show began to exhibit the same apathy towards their fellow characters that the writers clearly had for them as a whole. To me, the characters just didn’t seem invested anymore, and this can be seen in the various clumsily strung together hook ups and break ups, friendships and shared experiences that were not fully explored or reflected upon later in the series. One can almost start watching in season four and see the show as something entirely new and different. Let me explain each of those points.
Full disclosure, I will always ship Sterek. There was a lot of unexplored potential there, and some of the best fics I’ve read in the fandom, feature this pairing as the central relationship. I think what was so captivating about it, was there was always a sense of what could have been happening off screen, and what many fans wanted to see on screen, but I digress, Davis never wanted to make this canon, but in order to keep fans, kept stringing many of us along with just enough to keep us wondering. But as the series progressed it seemed like Davis began to deliberately under-write the relationship, and in turn used this under-writing, to make half-assed relationships in its stead.
If I squinted hard enough, Malia and Stiles made sense having the shared experience of spending time in Eichen House. I don’t buy the whole kiss and make-up thing that happened at the end of the season after their fight. And then suddenly they… weren’t a thing anymore. And there was no awkward transition from relationship to friends as there would have been any other time. And don’t even get me started on Malia and Scott.
Lydia and Parrish should have happened, and yet the clear sexual tension and innuendo suddenly dropped off and went nowhere. So what was the point in the first place? Clearly this was a direction someone in the writer’s room wanted to go, but the powers that be (I’m looking at you Jeff) ended it in order to force Lydia and Stiles together by the series end.
I’m sorry to all you Stydia shippers out there, but I will never buy them as any more than really close friends. To me, it was clear when Stiles grew out of the puppy love/infatuation stage of his relationship with Lydia. They matured together and seemed to get to a place where they loved each other as friends and had their own separate relationships. Bringing them together felt clumsy and unbelievable– especially since their other existing relationships/budding relationships just seemed to dissolve without reason.
In terms of friendships, I’ve always found the response to loss shockingly cavalier. Just one example of this was when Stiles accidentally killed Donovan. He was totally shaken by this and there is no doubt it changed his character– and yet there are very few mentions about what he did while inhabited by the Nogitsune, and his actions and friendships continue on almost as though that period in his life never occurred, versus a disproportionate amount of angst over Donovan’s death. Next, very rarely do any of the characters grieve the loss of Erica, Boyd or Allison, and nobody ever seems to mention Isaac, Jackson, Danny, Derek, the twins anyone who isn’t around much anymore, in any detail. Yet these characters were important in previous seasons.
Finally there are the shared events and experiences the characters have gone through together. When in previous seasons this was drawn on to a degree, one of the weaknesses of post-season three Teen Wolf (I’d even give it season four) is that this past isn’t drawn on seemingly at all (or in all of the wrong ways) to bolster character growth OR drive the plot. It’s like nothing in the past mattered, and that has really weakened the characters in the show, and has ultimately led to what I consider a failure on the writer’s end.
Sure, the show brought back some fan favorites at the end, but everything seemed slapped together and contrived. There was closure, and yet it felt… artificial.
The good news is, as bittersweet as the series ending forever is, I’m kind of stoked. I have a million ideas buzzing around in my head in terms of fic ideas (including a total rewrite of things post season 3) and I know I can’t be the only writer who is relieved that they no longer have to worry about screwing up canon. Anything I’m working on now, I’m finishing, and I hope there are many other creators in the same boat that will see this fandom continue to thrive long after the show.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Sons of Anarchy: 10 Times The Show Broke Our Hearts | ScreenRant
Sons of Anarchy always knows how to tug at the heartstrings. Over the course of six seasons, this show depicting a biker gang’s fall from grace took fans down the dark lifestyle of belonging to a motorcycle gang. The show, for the most part, was hardcore entertainment. But, every once in a while, creator and writer Kurt Sutter would write a line or direct a scene that made us want to dramatically fall to the ground and shake our fists in anger.  There was no shortage of sadness. Even when the situation wasn’t necessarily sad, the character had usually gone through something that made you feel all the feelings for them at that very moment. These 10 moments and more are what made this show one of the best series on cable TV.
10 Jax Forcing Wendy To Do Substances
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Jax was a fan favorite but he could be just as ruthless as Clay at times. One of those times was when he felt like Wendy was in a position to gain visitation with their son Abel. Wendy was an addict who had gotten clean, stayed clean and even got a job as a drug counselor. Jax saw her prospering and swept it right out from under her. He had her shot up with substances and essentially left her for dead. Was he trying to overdose her? No, he just wanted her to look unfit, and guess what? It worked.
9 Opie’s Sacrifice
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Opie, Jax, and a few others ended up in jail for the one-millionth time in we don’t know how long. It should have just been another stint in jail. Maybe a little downtime and getting a few things done. It turned out to be much worse than expected.
RELATED: Sons Of Anarchy: The 5 Worst Things Tig Trager Ever Did (& 5 That Made Him A Hero)
Opie offered himself up as a sacrifice for the club. Damon Pope required one death of a club member because of the deaths that took place on the highway in an earlier episode. Jax was going to be the one to die but Opie jumps in and takes his place. He is viciously beaten to death while the jailed gang members and, of course, the heartbroken fans look on 
8 Tara’s Death
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Tara’s death was unforgettable and totally uncalled for. If anyone should have survived this show it should have been Tara. she was basically innocent in all of this. All she really did was fall in love with the wrong man. Jealous Gemma couldn’t stand the idea of Tara being both number one in Jax’s life and her grandkid’s lives, so she killed her.
RELATED: 10 Sons Of Anarchy Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words
A lot more transpired between the two but the root of the problem was Gemma seeing herself being replaced by Tara. She feared her instead of embracing her and it drove her to murder. 
7 Jax’s Farewell To The Kids
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Fans of the show knew that as Jax was saying goodbye to his boys that we all knew would never see him again. He knew the only way to leave the gang was to sacrifice himself. He gave up custody of the boys to Wendy and Nero. This heartfelt goodbye would choke anyone up. Knowing that once you say goodbye you will never see your kids again. This may sound selfish but what it actually is is the ultimate sacrifice. There was no way that he was going to be able to just leave peacefully especially with all the crap that the club had gotten themselves into over the years. 
6 Juice’s Breakdown
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It seems as though Juice’s breakdown and betrayal came out of nowhere. One day it was a small thing, next thing you know he’s working for the enemy and screwing the club over every which way. Granted he was forced to do it and watching him do it was heartbreaking. Watching Juice being forced to betray his club and do some pretty ruthless things was cringeworthy.
RELATED: Sons Of Anarchy: 5 Times Clay Was The Show's Biggest Villain (& 5 Times He Was The Hero)
He was no longer the juice that we grew to know over the course of 6 seasons. He essentially turned to poison. When the club found out what he did it was even more unbearable. 
5 Clay & Gemma’s Awful Fight
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Who can forget when Clay lost his mind and beat the life out of Gemma. Well almost. She was beaten so badly she was bruised for several episodes. Normally TV shows forget about the continuity and through TV magic bruises are healed and life is anew, but SOA  said: “Nope, no way”. Not only was Gemma bruised up and battered, but the fight was also hard to watch. Gemma is a tough woman but watching Clay strike blow after blow was gut-wrenching. We keep waiting for Gemma to hit back and rise above him and it never happens. It was the lowest point we see her at. 
4 Otto
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Otto was doing life in prison so for him, life was already over. All he wanted was his woman taken care of and loyalty from his club. So many bad things happened to Otto that was heartbreaking in the past. So watching bad things happen to him each season was messed up. Lost an eye, wife gets murdered, he gets abused in jail, he bit off his own tongue.
RELATED: Sons Of Anarchy: 6 SAMCRO Members Who Were Completely Devoted To The Club (& 4 Who Were Sellouts)
A lot of gut-wrenching things. We can’t name just one incident. Otto is in a category of his own he lived an died that way. He may have had a minor role but it was effective.
3 Jax's Death
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Jax’s death was problematic. It meant that there was no way we were ever going to experience the greatness that was Jax again. His death hit hard but only because he was essentially forced to kill himself. If he had any other options and he wasn’t so heartbroken by Tara’s death we could totally see a spinoff of him revamping the club and trying to make it the way his father wanted it. But let's be honest, that wouldn't be much of a spin-off. While hs death was messed up on many levels, it was necessary. One last screw you for the fans to mull over. 
2 Half Sack’s Death
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Half Sack only last 2 seasons. During the time he was on the show he quickly became a fan favorite. He was a prospect for the club and wanted nothing more than to prove he belongs there with Jax and the boys. His death came while he as trying to save Tara and Abel from an intruder trying to hurt them. This death broke out hearts because Half Sack was just a great person. He was a bit of comic relief, he served in the army, he was dedicated and always looking out for the crew. The truth is, he would have made a great member and trusted ally to Jax. 
1 John Teller’s memoir
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Once fans got to know more about John Teller and hear more from his memoir there was an instant connection. We saw the future he wanted to go in with the club, we saw how much uniting all the bier gangs in Charming, California meant to him. The memoir was sad and depressing. It was one of those stories that you knew was going to go wrong no matter what. What makes it most heartbreaking is that Jax got a hold of it and really tried to make it work but someone should have told him that SAMCRO had too many haters and selfish members for this dream to ever come to light.
NEXT: 10 Best Sons Of Anarchy Episodes, Ranked
source https://screenrant.com/sons-of-anarchy-times-broke-hearts/
0 notes
oxourry · 7 years
OnS 57 Survey - Results
At 558 responses, the Owari no Seraph chapter 57 survey has come to a close. 
I will say that since this was my first time doing this, I knew it wouldn’t come without errors. It wasn’t until like 50 responses in that I realized I could have worded things better, not included so much leeway in some questions, left more write in options, and also included a couple more important questions. If I ever do one of these again I’ll have learned from this time.
There were two questions that took in opinions from respondents and in total all of those totaled up to about 600. Obviously, I couldn’t add every single one here, but I tried to include as many as I could to give you all an idea of the current mindset of the fandom at the moment. Things get pretty lengthy so this will be all under a read more.
Also, I know I shouldn’t have to say it, but sometimes this fandom can be demonically soul sucking, so don’t start any of that fandom wank bullshit because there are opinions here that you don’t agree with. We’re all mature enough to rant about it in private. Thank you.
Anyways, let’s start.
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Though it was close, it seems the 18-24 age group are the majority in this side of the fandom. Not only that, adding up the other numbers (It should be noted that there was 1 person that responded with 35+, unfortunately, it seems like there’s barely even a tiny line to acknowledge it) minors happen to be the minority in the fandom if even by a small percent.
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The graph speaks for itself, though it really does make me wish I could survey the SQ readers in Japan. Would the Male-Female results be flipped?
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Among the 86 write ins, Instagram was the most popular with 30 respondents using it as a primary OnS social media platform. Amino and VK were the follow ups with 8 respondents.
I find this one very important. It shows the reaches of the survey doesn’t exactly speak for a diverse portion of the western fandom. Overall, I think it sticks in this little Tumblr niche of ours.
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2 (0.4%) respondents began with the Light Novels. 3 (0.5%) respondents began with the Anime and Light Novels. 4 (0.7%) respondents began with the Manga and Light Novels. 15 (2.7%) respondents began the series with all three.
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27 (4.8%) respondents have been following OnS for 4+ years (My condolences).
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The two below ‘For the art’ and above ‘Other’ say ‘Someone recommended it’ and ‘Seeing posts about it on social media’
Here are a handful of responses from those that chose Other
Soundtrack by Sawano Hiroyuki
I was interested in knowing how would an anime based in Nagoya turned out (I lived in Nagoya for a year)
Found it under "new anime" section and just tried it
I found on mangapark and just checked out of curiosity
I'm a slut for anything Kagami writes. Especially MokuAri.
Played Tales of Zestiria, saw Seraph in the title of OnS, watched it
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The option above ‘For the plot’ states ‘I’m not caught up’ and the two options below ‘For the art’ state ‘For a specific plot point/mystery’ and ‘For the fandom discussions/fanart/fanfics/fanvids/memes’.
While a majority of respondents originally got into the series for the plot, it seems like sticking around for a character and ship barely managed to become the new top reason.
A couple of write in responses
because I am a fandom grandma-- I fell in love with it and can't get her lazy ass out
I don´t really know anymore... I´m too deep into and it´s just a part of my life right now
Moving from the demographic questions, this next section was based off of character and ship preferences
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Originally, I had omitted the ‘both’ option, but the person I had do a run through of the survey at first claimed she couldn’t pick between them. Given the disparity in the vampire and humans here, my guess is that the vampires really do have audience favorability when it comes down to it.
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Shinoa’s squad takes a majority of the audience’s interest with the Sanguinem vampires falling in at nearly half as much. 
Some of the write ins
Honestly, they're all interesting, there are so much we don't know and it really is intriguing.
Hyakuya kids, I refuse to believe that a group that meet for a few months is more important than another group that you knew for years
The Hiiragi Family
Specific characters from each(Yuu, Mika, Guren, Shinya, Ferid, Krul, etc.)
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Mika, Yuu, and Shinya hold the crowns for being the most popular in our end of the fandom. Shinoa and Krul trail behind in fourth and fifth place.
Akane was the most popular write in, having 2 of the 9 write ins go to her.
A few other write ins
Is Mika's happiness a character because I can't wait for them to return
Yoichi's right cheek
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Kureto, Mahiru No Yo, and Guren happen to be the least favorites with Ferid in fourth place and Saito and Shinoa tying for fifth after a considerable percent gap.
Tenri had 9 write ins of the 27.
Other answers given were
At certain times, the main character(s) will start to become annoying.
Kagami Takaya
Everyone else that's not Yoichi's right cheek or Mikaela Hyakuya
Mahiru and Mitsuba's weirdly drawn boobs
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Mika, Shinya, and Yuu take the lead for most physically attractive with Guren and Crowley following in fourth and fifth.
Gekkoin was the most frequent write in with 4 of the 13 write in responses going to him.
Other write ins included
Everyone's gorgeous tbh
Kureto's eyebrows
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An overwhelming majority of the fandom happen to be shippers or at least have a ship they have some positive feelings for. Only 25 (4.5%) of respondents don’t ship anything.
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Yuichiro/Mikaela, Guren/Shinya, and Shinoa/Mitsuba take the top three spots.
There were a few popular write ins.
Mikaela/Yoichi (15), Kureto/Guren (8), Kureto/Aoi (8), Krul/Ferid (5), Kureto/Shinya (5), and Lacus/Rene (5)
The next section covered Chapter 57 and general feelings about plot points and the manga.
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Though it’s kind of close, majority of respondents seem to have a midway satisfaction with the manga at the moment. There’s a definite lean to the optimistic side of things.
After this, I then asked if respondents could give a more detailed explanation for their answer. I received 346 responses and while I can’t put them all on here, here are a handful of opinions.
This story is still a baby bird, so I'm being patient with it. Besides, monthly manga always feel slower
After the time skip everything became rushed, characters just numbly move from plot twist to plot twist repeating the same "what should we do" conversation every time they get any new info. Characters make worrying statements that the framing shows as positive and people and character motivation driving plot points are resolved and thrown out like they were nothing.
I honestly disagree with those who are just ranting and raging about the last chapters, every (and I have to make an emphasis on this, EVERY) story needs some developement and that may take time, you can't just rush things and expect that complex aspects of the story will be explained in the most simple and stupid way just to go back to the action as soon as possible. I'm okay with knowing more about the story and the characters and get more details to think by myself of what could happen in the future chapters
The story feels like it's been spinning its wheels since the Shinoa squad teamed up with Ferid and Crowley. I actually liked the newest chapter quite a bit since it made some definite progress on the plot, but most of the other chapters don't seem to move things along enough for how many pages they have.
I'm excited we're finally get some plot development with Shikama being the first progenitor, though I feel like some things, like the three-month time skip was unnecessary and created a halt in the story.
Although not perfect, which is why I only gave a 4, I do feel like things are progressing smoothly and we continue to see interesting plot developments as the stories moves on.
I can't say I'm a fan of the direction Kagami is taking, but at least the plot is moving forward.
Generally I like how it is going, I just hope they have a good explanation for Shikama Doji being with Kureto and Shinoa at the same time. I'm excited about how everything will play out and I think they are on a good way.
Reading this manga is like drinking a margarita that you know is spiked with laxatives to be fucking honest
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Majority of respondents didn’t expect Shikama Doji to be the First Progenitor while 34 (6.1%) totally saw it coming. Overall, I think the plot reveal caught most people by surprise.
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This question was a bit divided. 58 (10.4%) of respondents wish the First Progenitor was someone else.
Among the write in responses we have:
I'm kind of wondering why he is so weak as a demon (e.g. Yuu is a lot stronger than Shinoa, but maybe that is their own strength?) I hope it will get explained
I wanted it to be like Dracula
I'm okay with it, but I also wish it was Yu
I'm not sure. While it was pretty obvious to me it still came out of nowhere, there weren't much hints at all, I just thought it was them via process of elimination, no one else gave off a vibe of being the First Progenitor. So I think it wasn't well developed at all, it's kind of like Scrappy-Doo being the villain of the first movie, except it makes sense in that case considering his history as a character both in the series' plot and in the fandom, and the reveal was better handled.
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This question was hilariously split among everyone’s opinions on what Kagami has planned for this part of the plot. It makes me a bit eager to see what’ll happen to see which faction will be right lol
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Half of the respondents would love for Yuichiro to just chill out with the next majority hoping Yuu is successful in reviving the deceased and the world doesn’t get harmed from it.
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Most respondents don’t believe Shikama Doji will be the ultimate Big Bad. There will either be someone working alongside him or above him. Maybe God? We’ll see.
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Majority don’t believe Shinoa will ever be at odds with her squad, though 20 (3.6%) respondents think she will be.
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Although a hefty portion aren’t too confident in guessing what Kagami has planned, majority believe Shinoa will unlock the power Mahiru No Yo spoke about by having a desire to protect her squad.
Of the 27 write ins for this portion, some respondents believed this:
She will realize her feelings for Yuichiro, but I don't think it will go as far as having sex or a sexual encounter
One of the 7 sins that is not necessarily lust that awaken some strong desire inside her. Envy.
as seen before, probably killing one of her brothers
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Over half of the respondents hope to see the power of family pull through with Shinoa getting the full power of her demon though over a quarter of people hope that she never unlocks that power. 18 (3.2%) of respondents do hope she has sex or a sexual encounter with Yuichiro to awaken her demon.
A few of the 31 write ins:
Something unexpected and cool
By having sex with Mitsuba
By pure wish and strong will
I hope she doesn't because I don't want to see her become her sister. I want to see her grow powerful without the aid of a demon.
Recognising her feelings for Yuu.
Through a sexual encounter with Crowley
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While most people believe she is a set antagonist, a significant portion of people aren’t too sure.
Here are some of the write in responses:
Enemy of my enemy type of ally
I believe she was used by saito
Yes but not of her own accord. Seeing that she's mostly demon now.
Part of it, but not the mastermind behind everything
No, Mahiru no Yo is probably just a puppet trying to rebel
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Majority don’t believe him to be an antaognist in the bigger picture of things, though a considerable fraction aren’t too sure.
He's just... weird. I don't trust him nor his intentions.
He's like the middle man-ish.
No, he's probably doing everything to contradict Saito, who is trying to contradict Shikama Douji.
I think Ferid is simply doing what Saito manipulates him into doing, by doing the opposite of what he THINKS Saito wants.
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Though it’s close, most people aren’t too sure where Saito stands in the end.
I think Saito works for Shikamadouji but intends to betray them
A victim-turned-villain who's familiar with the antagonists' plan and so participated in it
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Majority are hoping to see the Michaela factor get more attention in the narrative with the seraph gene falling behind in second place. 
Yoichi getting revenge for his sister
Asuramaru's and Krul's backstory and relationship
The Hiiragi family
The downfall of the JIDA
Explaining what the hell is going on with Guren. He's already with the main characters anyways, might as well give an explanation.
And lastly, I had asked for closping opinions on chapter 57 and Owari no Seraph as a whole before ending the survey. I received around 250 responses. While I can’t post all, here are a handful.
As a whole, I wished that we saw more representations of the characters' mindsets on the current situations. Their minds have to be pretty messsed up after all the things that have happened, but we only see how the characters act so impulsively in the moment and only hear their current thoughts that we don't get to know what they think of the consequences and impacts of their decisions. It may be because of my intense liking for Tokyo Ghoul, but I would really like to see the impact of the many things going on. I think it will help us understand characters like Yuuichirou, Mikaela, Guren, Shinoa, and tons of other characters better.
There is so much potential in the world Kagami has attempted to build, so much that can be explored in this series. There are some really incredible characters if they get the proper treatment. I really hope it doesn't get ruined or that Kagami doesn't take the easy way out with cheap/bad plot devices (such as Shinoa awakening her demon by having sex with someone, especially Yuuichirou, because that's cheap and boring and so unbelievably unoriginal). I adore this series so much, so I hope it gets the development it deserves.
I have faith for a solid story, even if I don't personally agree with every plot point.
Kind of surprising, but overall I think it's okay as long as it's written well and everything ties together in the end. This new reveal could add a bunch of new plot points which might be odd because I think there's a lot of other things the writers need to explain or get into. I guess I'm just trying to think positively about what this could add or mean for future chapters.
Thanks to OnS, I've been able to find a niche I thoroughly enjoy spending many hours enjoying fanfics, shippings, discussions and fangirling over some of the characters.The Anime is Ok, but I absolutely adore the Manga
I want Crowley's thicc in my thrussy 
Needs consistent characterization as opposed to 'whatever mood the situation requires' as it's been doing, if it can pull that off then I think OnS would be able to flow better even if the plot development is slow
If we don't see Shinya's bare chest or dick by the end of this manga, what was the fucking point? @ Kagami 
I think the author worries too much on hitting various shonen tropes, and also making a commercial product. The manga would probably improve if it changed magazines to something less mainstream and less shonen focused.  
If Mika dies by the end of this manga, I will rip my asshole inside out
kagami why
Again, thank you for particpating in the survey! I will definitely do it again at some point if I can and hopefully I’ll be able to give more in depth analyses from the questions provided. Hope you have fun interpreting this stuff as you will lol
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tuckinpodcast-blog · 7 years
SOURCES: listed at end of transcript
NOTES: I deeply apologize for my Don Corleone and Cary Grant impressions.
Hi, I'm Jack, and this is Tuck In, We're Rolling: Queer Hollywood Stories, and this week, we're going to be talking about Marlon Brando and the way he helped to reshape Hollywood masculinity. This is kind of a three part episode, I think. This week we're talking about Brando, and next week we're talking about James Dean, and the week after that is going to be about Monty Clift. All three of them really sort of started this reshaping process of the way men behaved in Hollywood, and we're going to look at each of them in turn.
So, I debated how personal I wanted to get in the telling of this story. You know, this isn't a podcast about me, it's a podcast about queer Hollywood history. But the stories I'm telling, from back last week to the next two weeks, are going to be stories that mean a lot to me. They're about things that have shaped me, personally. I could sit here and give you a very impersonal account of some of the things that Brando did and a list of movies that he acted in, but even the blandest of filmographies would still be painted because I'm the one telling it, and I think that six episodes in, you folks can tell that I'm not very good at staying objective or impersonal.
Without going on a five minute long spiel about myself, sufficed to say that Brando is another actor who I've been interested in since I was a teenager. He was maybe the first or second person that had me thinking, “Do I want to be this man, or just be with him?” Specifically, I'm talking about him in A Streetcar Named Desire. It was another one we had to watch in school, and it was probably one of the first times that I was like, “Oh, thank God, I thought this black and white movie was going to suck, but it totally doesn't.” This is kind of the first time that I was exposed to classic Hollywood film that I can actually remember – It's a Wonderful Life and Gone With The Wind not withstanding, because one is on television every damn year and is unavoidable, and I absolutely hate the other one. So basically, Cary Grant and Marlon Brando are the two actors that have been with me more or less throughout my formative years.
But, I've gone all the way off topic. Basically, the long and the short of that is: the next few episodes are very dear and personal to me, and I apologize in advance if that clouds or colors my judgment or storytelling.
So, a little background information about Brando, in case the only thing you know about him is how to do a Don Corleone voice and say, “I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.” He was born on April 3, 1924 in Omaha, Nebraska into a family that had a sort of weird, wandering vibe to it. They were all really into Eastern medicine, very big into Civil Rights and Native rights. His mother was an alcoholic for many years until she dried out and started some AA chapters, and he and his father never really got along. He had two older sisters, Jocelyn – who's a pretty famous actress in her own right – and Frances. They moved around a lot, from Omaha to Chicago and eventually to Santa Ana, California. He went to Shattuck Military Academy in Minnesota, but eventually dropped out – after the school board tried to expel him and then his fellow students rallied to let him stay, of course. Eventually, he followed his sisters to New York to try his hand at acting, and came under the tutelage of Stella Adler, where he learned the Method. He officially made it onto Broadway in 1944, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Now, Brando maybe wasn't the first person to employ the so-called “Method”, but I think he's certainly one of the most famous examples of it. For those of you not familiar with it, basically the point of the Method is to bring yourself into the role you're supposed to play. The very first tenet is “don't act – behave.” So when Brando would get a role, he would very notoriously and sometimes contentiously rewrite entire pages of dialogue. In On The Waterfront, he's almost entirely responsible for the “contender” speech that the movie is famous for. You know, he added his own touches to every role he got – he was very well-versed in makeup and costuming, and had a direct hand in Stanley's look in Streetcar, working closely with the costume director to make the look of a working-class good ol' boy perfect. I think that's part of why his appeal is so widespread, honestly. Every time Brando was on screen or on the stage, it feels like he's bringing a little more of himself to light, bringing a little more of his personality to the forefront, so people feel like they know him – even when they had no idea who he was behind the mask of his characters. I really think this is when the general public started to maybe feel more like they knew their favorite actors, to sort of blur the lines between the character and the person.
I think Marlon Brando holds such a place in the hearts and minds of film fans for a lot of reasons. You know, it doesn't matter what people talk about – all the bad jokes about him letting himself go in his later years, to the stories about how difficult he was on-set, to some of the shitty things my new arch-nemesis David Thomson said about people who employed method acting – the fact remains that Brando became a legend. My friends and I have a way of judging the character of celebrities that I think is a pretty good tool to use: Have they, at any point, stuck up for minorities – be it the queer community, people of color, immigrants, Native people, you know, any marginalized group – not when it was convenient for them, but when it was actually a detriment to their career? You know, good deeds done for attention or notoriety aren't truly good deeds. Dolly Parton comes to mind – she's come out in favor of the LGBTQ community over and over, despite her conservative fan base getting in a snit about it. I'm also thinking of Liz Taylor, who used to open up her home to people in LA who were going through treatment for AIDS and HIV and had nowhere else to go and kept it as quiet as possible. And, of course, I'm thinking about Marlon Brando sending Sacheen Little Feather up to collect his award as an act of protest on behalf of the treatment of Native Americans in the film industry and by the American government. It was a publicity stunt, yeah, sure. But the thing that you won't hear about is that Brando had been getting arrested at protests demanding Native people be given their rights and their land for years. He once got arrested at a fish-in along with a group of Native people, and when the police wouldn't release the others when they released him, he went right back to the protest and got arrested again. I mean, he was one of a very scant handful of white people that were allowed to speak at Black Panther events.
So, you know, it's really interesting to me that people tried to say that Brando only used declining his Oscar as a stunt to get notoriety, when really he was using it as a last resort to call attention to an issue he had passionate about his entire life. And Brando really was a man of passion. I don't think there's a single thing he did half-assed. When he died, he left behind a massive library filled with books that he had written in the margins of, and crates of screenplays that he had edited and added his own dialogue to. The very first play he was in was about the Zionist cause in Israel, and he toured to raise money for the new country and to bring attention to what had happened during the Holocaust. You know, this is a really early example of Brando using his work as a platform to raise consciousness about social issues. He did a movie called The Young Lions with post-accident Montgomery Clift where he played a Nazi officer, because he wanted people to see it and realize that the people of Germany during World War Two were just ordinary citizens. He wanted people to understand the social impact here – could they, with one charismatic leader and some political propaganda, also be persuaded to lose their humanity and become monstrous? I think that movie is incredibly important, especially in today's political climate.
Brando was a fascinating and complex person. I learned most of this information from a book called Brando's Smile by Susan Mizruchi. I liked the book quite a bit, but I took a few issues with it. She mentions that Brando was a victim of “sexism” because people saw his pretty face and assumed that he was an idiot, and I think she meant to say “objectification”. She also refers to Native Americans throughout the book as “American Indians”, which I disagree with for obvious reasons. Brando, throughout his life, referred to Native Americans incorrectly, in his writings and in his impassioned pleas for justice on their behalf. I think, you know, maybe Mizruchi was just referring to Native Americans the way that Brando did for the sake of clarity and continuity, but I mean, in that case, why not just make a note of it or make mention of it elsewhere? Why not just, you know, say, “Oh, you know, Marlon Brando referred to Native Americans like this but I want to point out that it's not the respectful way to refer to them today and I'm not going to refer to them as anything but Native Americans, don't be confused.” But, you know, whatever. That's just my opinion.
The Mizruchi book also mentions briefly that Brando met James Dean once. Only once. Way back in my very first episode, I mentioned reading this. Mizruchi says Brando met with Dean and they had a conversation, and then when Dean died, Brando said it was such a shame because the boy had real talent. I've since found a few photos of Brando and Dean hanging around with each other that basically proves that, at least in this instance, Mizruchi is mistaken. There's a lot of speculation about who Brando went to bed with, with fingers pointed at Dean, Cary Grant, Montgomery Clift and John Gielgud as rumored lovers. The thing is that Brando openly admitted in a 1976 interview for his biography The Only Contender that he had some kind of homosexual experiences. He goes so far as say that he wasn't ashamed of it, and he thought it was funny that people thought he and Jack Nicholson were having an affair.
You heard it here, folks: Brando himself confirmed that he was queer. I mean, he had a lot of wives and a lot of lovers and a lot of kids – and I say again that he's a very passionate man. He's someone that really looked at life and was like “I'm going to make the absolute most of my time on this rock or die trying.” I'm saying definitively that Brando was one of us: queer as a three dollar bill. The issue that comes up with him isn't whether or not he was queer, but who he hooked up with. A lot of this information seems like it's … well. I hate to call anything false, but I will say that it sounds incredibly bloated beyond the scope of what the truth might have been. Despite the rumor that Brando had a weekend fling with Cary Grant, Grant is quoted as saying: “I have no rapport with the new idols of the screen, and that includes Marlon Brando and his style of Method acting. It certainly includes Montgomery Clift and that God-awful James Dean. Some producer should cast them all in the same movie and let them duke it out. When they've finished each other off, James Stewart, Spencer Tracy and I will return and start making real movies again like we used to.” Ouch, Archie. Ouch. Now, Cary Grant getting nasty with someone he was supposed to have had a relationship with doesn't surprise me – he was pretty terrible to Orry Kelly after their split, but this goes way beyond what we would normally see out of him. Ironically, he calls out the three people this and the next two episodes are dedicated to, and talks about two more people that were also rumored to be gay or bisexual. C'est la vie.
I'll talk a little more about the relationship that Brando supposedly had with James Dean in our next episode, but now that I've confirmed that Brando was queer, I wanted to talk a little bit about how he was instrumental in the reshaping of Hollywood masculinity. So, if we think about the kinds of roles that Brando played when he was younger – and I'm thinking specifically of Terry Malloy in On The Waterfront and Stanley Kowalski in Streetcar – he's playing these men that are vulnerable and moody. They're very much overgrown children. James Dean and Monty Clift played similar roles in their films – they're these sort of sheepish, complicated characters with a lot of emotion and nowhere to put it. They were lovers, but they weren't lovers like Clark Gable or Errol Flynn. They were on the fringes of society but not like Jimmy Cagney or Humphrey Bogart. Brando, Dean and Clift were part of this new wave of actors that came from the Midwest, betting all their hopes and dreams on being in the movies – but acting like they were too cool to care about whether or not they were famous. They played small town boys with big dreams, and they notoriously toyed with the press. Their sexuality was speculated on and about, and their appeal really was without limits.
If you think it sounds like I could be describing actors like James Franco, Ryan Gosling, Tom Hardy – or even, if we go back to before he was was a bloated abuser ruining my childhood in Harry Potter movies, Johnny Depp – then you're right. You know, I'm not James Franco's biggest fan – I had a friend back in New Haven who worked with some of the Yale Repertory dancers, and a few of them got to know him when he was attending Yale back in the aughts, and none of the stories I heard really endeared him to me – but I think, to me, he's just a weird harmless stoner who's trying really hard to cash in on being a weird harmless stoner for as long as he can. And, I'm not going to say the man can't act. But you can pretty much draw a straight line from Franco's pretentious comments about his art to the way that Brando used to torment interviewers. Gosling got turned into the “Hey, Girl” meme, and Tom Hardy's been dodging questions about his sexual history for as long as I've known who Tom Hardy is. I mean, Brando was quoted once as saying that he didn't think of being an actor as art or anything – he looked at it like a job. If that quote sounds familiar, it's because Ryan Gosling said almost the exact same thing a few years ago.
I'll be straight with you: when I read the article that compared Brando, Dean, and Clift's vulnerable masculinity to the likes of people like James Franco and Christian Bale, I almost threw up in my mouth, and I think it's because I look at contemporary actors like that, and I think to myself, “Christ, you know those guys get high off the smell of their own farts.” They just seem pretentious to me. And maybe one day I'll meet James Franco and we'll smoke a blunt together and he'll prove me wrong, but I also don't think I could look him in the eye knowing that he has to watch his own movies before he hooks up with someone. I digress. You know, I think it upset me at the gut level because of that, but when I posted up the article to my Facebook, my glorious friend Ricci pointed out that it seems kind of stupid to him that Clift and Dean have been dead for at least fifty years and Marlon Brando wasn't playing the moody, sensitive young man for at least as long, but we're still expected to trip over our own feet because Tom Hardy might have touched a dick once and James Franco sneers at the work that's provided him with millions of dollars and the kind of artistic freedom to openly mock a communist dictator. My buddy Ricci went on to say that these parallels didn't address the toxic parts of this “new” masculinity, and that it only allowed for certain emotions in certain spaces, made or expressed by certain kinds of men. This “Brando” masculinity really doesn't account for men of color, trans men, queer men. It's great that Brando got the ball rolling, right? But it seems like it's totally anachronistic and a little absurd that contemporary actors are still trying to hang onto that Streetcar, Rebel Without A Cause, From Here to Eternity nihilism in a leather jacket.  Yes, I think it's important that the ball got rolling, and fuck yes, I think Brando, Dean and Clift are important actors in the 20th century. But do I think it's necessarily healthy that there are still people basing their entire persona on them? No. It's performative masculinity at its peak, and performative masculinity – even the non-violent kind – is still toxic.
It's really important, I think, to look back at the characters in the films I mentioned – all played by method actors – and kind of inspect their character traits. Stanley Kowalski used sexual violence as a means to an end. Jim Stark ended up surrounded by dead bodies because of an innate desire to conform and also impress. Robert Prewitt ended up dead after an almost compulsive desire to prove himself turned fatal. And even the actors themselves are cautionary tales. Brando was the only one of the three who lived well into old age, as Dean died in that car wreck and Clift died from heart failure after a lifetime of alcohol and drug abuse. Maybe back in the day, these expressions of alternate masculinity were actually directly going against the grain and they were almost revolutionary. But today, the same kinds of shows of bravado and swagger are just tired. And maybe that's not James Franco's fault, you know? Maybe that's society and the media still expecting so little from famous men that they think masculinity stopped evolving when Marlon Brando moved away from playing moody young men and into more austere dramatic roles. But that's not really fair – nor is it realistic. Maybe if we expected more from contemporary actors than being flip about their sexuality and being self-deprecating about their careers, then we could start to move on from the “Brando effect” and onto something more constructive and beneficial for the world at large. James Franco, please sponsor my podcast.
Thank you for listening to Tuck In, We're Rolling: Queer Hollywood Stories. This episode was written, recorded, edited, and researched by me, Jack Segreto. Special thanks this week to Nessa for editing my script Ricci for adding invaluable commentary to the discourse. You can find a transcript of this episode and all our episodes, along with movie and book recommendations, fun facts and photos on our tumblr, tuckinpodcast.tumblr.com. You can also give us a like on Facebook at facebook.com/tuckinpodcast. We accept messages on both of those platforms, so please feel free to shoot us any suggestions for show topics and comments you might have. We put out new episodes every Wednesday, and you can listen to us on SoundCloud, iTunes and Google Play, so don't forget to rate and subscribe to us! We'll be back next week with an episode about James Dean and the power of legacy. See you next time!
Brando’s Smile, Susan L. Mizruchi (2014)
The Brando Effect
Hollywood Stars’ Meanest Remarks
Marlon Brando’s Homosexual Celebrity Affairs Revealed (this fucing title you guys)
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