#ok the black polo i like it
racewinnerlandonorris · 8 months
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Lando Norris being interviewed at the Ryder Cup
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daddyricsdoll · 4 months
False God ✭ Max Verstappen
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Summary: Being lost spiritually isn't something you can brag about, but finding a new belief in someone is. From that alluring man in the F1 paddock to finding out he's the Max Verstappen didn't effect you as much as discovering his lips are your new religion even if it's a false god.
Warnings: The use of y/n!! (I used it 2-3 times), unprotected sex (what else could you expect from me?), teasing, reader is a virgin, mirror sex, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, creampie, praise, and use of names (good girl), also overstimulation and dacyphilia. I don't know if taking a photo of a naked person counts as a warning or spoiler, I guess it's both.
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: Based off of this request. I would also like to thank @mrsevansxstanxobrien for saving me by giving me a perfect storyline for this. 🧡 And also all everyone who waited for this. I feel like adding more at the end, maybe a part two.
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Never would I have ever thought I’d wear this dress. But I’ve been lost, and these girls are helping me become found. I’m not used to the material leaving my shoulders exposed and ending before my knees. Some of my family wouldn’t approve, but I feel… pretty. I would’ve worried that my place in heaven might slowly crumble but now, I don’t know. 
I feel so happy and people are looking at me. In my little white dress, the one that hugs my torso and sways around my thighs, loose straps hung above my shoulders. 
This feels like heaven. Being in a place I’ve never heard of with my friends as they pull me to different small buildings. “Come on!! We have to find any driver we can. If you see one, tell me!” Lissie smiles, eyes shooting everywhere just like my other two friends.
“I don’t know what any of the drivers look like.” I say my words with worry but chuckles lacing them. 
“If you see a good looking guy with people around him, then tell me.” I laugh hearing others agree. 
“Oh specifically if they wear red or orange- Ferrari and McLaren drivers, oh even Mercedes which is black.”
“Ok… I’ll try.” Feeling uncertain about this whole thing but I nod. Walking through the paddock and turning my head at every man that would emit a good thought into my head. They looked at me too and I prayed to god hoping it weren't for the wrong reasons. 
My friends quickly spotted a driver and we all got photos and signatures, his name was Charles last I recall and now I understand one of the reasons he has so many fans. He signed my paddock pass in record time and then sent us a remarkable smile. 
We had to leave him and those dimples to jog the other way for drivers who had just finished FP2, meeting so many as my friends explained to me the whole purpose of this. 
Some drivers walked in pairs making it all the more easier for us to capture a second with them. 
I was getting one of my friends' hats signed by a driver called George when my eyes left his hand, looking into the crowd all around us. Somehow locking eyes with a stranger, he then looked me up and down a small smirk on his face.
And I could only do the same, my eyes travelled down his body, his jeans that hugged his thick thighs and red bull polo tight around his shoulders then hanging around the rest of his torso. I became flushed and looked away for a second to gain composure but when I looked back he wasn’t there. It was like he was a dream. 
“Y/n, you good?” Lissie asked, checking in on me as I hadn’t realised they started walking again. “Oh, um yeah I got distracted. So who else do we have to find?” 
“Great question, so I heard that Max is around here somewhere, he might be gone but still keep an eye out for him. And Alex, I love him with my whole heart but our telepathy isn’t telling me where he is.” We both laugh and it feels so good, the afternoon soon reaching the evening. She checks her watch and then looks back at me. “Oh, we have 3 hours until dinner so we can go back to the hotel, do things there, eat, party and then we’ll be back here tomorrow. Sounds good?” I couldn’t say no to that plan so we ended up going back to the hotel. 
20 minutes of swimming in the empty hotel pool turned into nearly 2 hours and now we were running a little behind schedule. We rushed to get ready, but oh didn’t we still look good. “We’re gonna meet the other girls there.” Lissie tells me as we get seated in the back of a taxi, adjusting her makeup. I nod, turning my head to look out of the window, I hold the cross around my neck fiddling with it whenever I get too deep into my thoughts. 
I cast eyes on many people today but that one guy, from the way he looked at me with a light smirk to the smallest tingling feeling he sent through my body. It was as if he tried to make out my whole personality in one glance, if only I could’ve done the same. 
The scenario plays in my head multiple times, each time I react in a different way– my default ways of a smile or being a whole different person by sending him a smirk, or calling him over. 
I know I shouldn’t worry about that, if worried is a word close to what I’m experiencing. But my thoughts make the ride shorter and we both hop out of the car, wearing outfits suitable for a restaurant and a dirty club right after. We stood just outside the restaurant waiting for Leah and Milan.
Taxi’s drove past and dropped people off, each one we looked into searching for those two girls. Then suddenly a car made an abrupt stop in front of us. The windows were tinted and it limited our vision inside of the car. Just until the door opened and a partially familiar figure started getting out of the car.
His face came into view and so many emotions ran through me in that second that Lissies scream was the only thing that brought me back. “It’s Max Verstappen! Oh my god! Can I get a photo or a signature or anything?!” She rushes toward him, searching her bag and finding a pen. I was still in shock, he is Max Verstappen? 
Next thing I know he’s standing in front of me. “Would you like a photo or signature?” He asks me so kindly, making me wonder if he was the guy whose eyes roamed my body then smirked at me like he knew exactly how I’d react. 
“I-um sure. Well I don’t really have anything to sign.” And then a piece of paper is passed to me from Lissie. “Oh, thanks.” I grab it and hold it out to Max, watching as he stares at my face long enough to memorise every inch. He looks away to sign my paper, taking longer than I would’ve thought, but when he gives me that smirk from earlier everything leaves my mind. He then starts walking away, getting interrupted by other fans.
Each step he took further away I wanted to say something even more, call him back, talk to him. But why and what for?
My eyes look down at the paper, his signature, but I see some of the pen ink on the other side, flipping the paper over my breath hitches at what’s written. “Be a good girl” I read, my eyes then following an arrow that points to his number. I lightly squeezed my legs together and tried to force the pink off my cheeks. I couldn’t help but stare at it in disbelief before quickly folding it and shoving it into my bag. “You good?” Lissie asks me.
“Yeah, just surprised.” 
“I know, that was really unexpected but luckily we all got something from Max. I got a photo with him as well he looked so fucking good in that suit.”
She was right, he did look so good and that feeling he made me feel, oh it was stronger than before but a small fire between my legs also grew. I just hoped it wasn’t lust, especially for a man I just learnt the name of. ✭
The next morning we were back in the paddock, me being the only one not partially hungover by the drug of alcohol. We started walking past the red bull hospitality, my eyes flickering over to the door praying to see that one man. But my prayer wasn’t answered as FP3 started and I only saw him on a big screen. 
Once FP3 finished we stayed in McLaren hospitality for a little while longer waiting to catch a glimpse of the two stars with the fastest lap times. And to our luck both of the Mclaren drivers walked in, but they weren’t the only ones, Max Verstappen walked beside Lando in his dark blue drivers suit. I ran up to them with my friends, letting them congratulate the drivers as I stood back. Not noticing one of the drivers leave until a feather touch of a hand was on my back. “You didn’t call or text me. And I thought you were gonna be my good girl.”
I took a deep breath, somehow knowing exactly whose voice it was. 
“It’s gonna take more than that. But tell me… what do you really want?” My voice firmer and somehow trying to gain confidence like his, soon feeling even more flustered when I hear his chuckle beside me. “What do I want? Oh honey, I want you.” My lips part, trying to control my breathing through my mouth. His finger comes beneath my chin and my head is lifted to the side to face him. His fingers trickle down my chin and throat, reaching the cross that sits barely above my cleavage. 
“What’s this?”
“It’s um…” I became lost for words, knowing exactly what I would’ve said but I can’t say it to him. He deserves so much more.
“I’m not into this stuff, gods and everything. They don’t really do much for you, but you give them everything.” I shake my head lightly, trying to show my disagreement but not make him want to leave me. 
“Oh? My good girl doesn’t believe me?” The fake surprise on his face teases me. “Would your god let me touch you? Would he let me make you cry from my dick?” Max brings his face closer to mine, just enough for his breath to touch my ear. His large hands run down my arms and he grabs a hold of my phone. 
“Unlock it.” He commands me, crystal blue eyes hypnotising me. And without a question, I unlocked it.
“Now you have no excuse to not call me.” He shows me his number in which he just typed into my contacts, calling it to watch his phone start ringing. “Now I have yours.” He saves my number, looking back up at me. “Now won’t you tell me your name?” 
“Why? You’ll only call me your good girl.” My lips move faster than my mind. Not recognising my own words. 
“My good girl, trying to be someone you’re not. Now, tell. Me. Your. Name.”
“Y/n.” I say watching a pleased smile on his perfect lips. And then just like last night he leaves me there, standing thinking about something bigger than the whole world—him. ✭
Up came the race day, the one in which the whole place was filled, park passes, hospitality and grandstands. We came in earlier than usual after the girls all somehow noticed the end of me and Max's last interaction. Going crazy and asking if there’s something between us, what his hands feel like, if I’m his new wag and will I see him after this all. 
I thought about that last question longer. I don’t know if god brought us together or maybe he’s something here for something else, but I don’t usually enjoy having no clue what’s going on, so I plan on finding out. 
We find a seat in hospitality and when I finally gain the courage to send Max a text I see that he’s beat me to it. 
‘You’re not my good girl anymore’
‘Why don’t you come to redbull and I’ll show you what you really are’
I become flushed at his words, squeezing my legs together. Checking the time he sent the message I curse at myself for not seeing it earlier. We have nearly half an hour left until the race and all the drivers are with their teams. I couldn’t possibly go now, so I blame myself for not being able to touch his skin or hear his voice before the race.
So instead I send him a text, replying to the ones he had sent.
‘How about you win the race and I’ll be your good girl’
It barely takes a minute for the message to turn from delivered to read. He starts typing then stops, typing again then stopping. He teases me with that for what feels like hours, until I finally receive something. 
‘Be ready, once I’m done you won’t be able to say your name.’
I was speechless, leaving his message on read, letting him know he already stole all the words from me. I turn my phone off, watching the last few pre race interviews before I see Max walk past behind a crowd of people. A tiny smirk on his face, I smile knowing it was for me. 
My emotions throughout the whole race were a rollercoaster. Watching a crash between 3 drivers had me praying they were all ok and that it would never come across Max. There were battles all over the circuit, Max managing to never be a part of any as he led the race. I was surprised at how fast the race went by, from complaining about the length of them to now letting the time run right past.
My friends pulled me away once the race ended, telling me we had to watch the podium. And I was glad I let them take me. I watched max from below, majestic being the word to explain him. He wore his suit and sweat trickled on him, hair swept to the side like always. His eyes so soft I couldn’t imagine he was the same man that threatened to make me cry from his dick. I’m not complaining but he looked so content, so happy with himself and he never had needed God's validation. 
Everything in my head seems to become blurry, Max’s smile the only thing still keeping me here. I manage to find his eyes, remembering the blue of it from the first time. His lips change and I’m certain I see his signature smirk, just for me. 
When both of the national anthems finish they start spraying champagne, becoming my queue to escape to the red bull hospitality. I didn’t have any clue where to go so I waited for him outside the building. 
His teammate Checo walked past me, giving me a smile like I was any fan and then a crowd of people were making their way here. All following the man himself, Max Verstappen. He sees me standing there, that one smirk arises on his face before he whispers something to the woman beside him, probably his assistant or something, because once they reach me she smiles and then takes me to his driver's room as Max finishes with all the fans.
I take in the surroundings, the room being small but big enough to fit the things he needs. A decent sized bathroom and a mirror being the door of his cupboard filled with redbull polos, which seem to be the only thing he wears. 
“You going through my stuff, doll?” I turn at the noise, seeing Max walk into the room and start unzipping his racing suit.
“No, you left me in a room alone, what else am I to do?”
He chuckles and walks closer to me, his suit now hanging around his waist. He comes closer, nearly caging me into the wall with his body. A few strands of his hair fell and now hang between the two of us. I have nowhere to go, not like I’d ever want to leave, but it’s not like he’d let me. 
“I won.” He breathes out.
“And now I’m your good girl.” Max shakes his head, chuckling as his arm rests on the wall above my head.
“You’re not a good girl… but I’m gonna make you one.” He moves his head closer to mine, nearly touching my skin with his lips but he doesn’t make contact. Teasing me by going along my face and down my neck. So close I can feel his breath, but he never touches me. Trailing across my collar bone as I try to ease my breathing.
I lightly arch my back, bringing my chest closer to him, trying to force the contact. But then he stops. He grabs my pendant, the one of a cross. 
“You’ve been worshipping the same man for years, would it bring you to hell to worship another? Let’s say… me.” 
I don’t have time for a reaction as he smashes his lips into mine, taking my breath away. His hands cup either side of my face, holding me in place as he kisses my lips in a way no other person has before. My body writhes against the wall, having no clue what to do but touch him. Try and touch him in a way no person ever has and ever will. 
That my religion is his lips.
I lean into his touch when his hand reaches up my shirt, not touching my breasts yet, but caressing the skin of my back and waist. Max groans into my mouth, lighting a fuse between my legs that I tried to keep out. 
My nails dig into his shoulders, fireproof still tight along his body. I can’t control my body, wanting to feel every inch of him against and inside me. 
“If you wanna be a good girl, then you can wait.” I whine at his words when his lips leave me. My chest still arched and body screamed with need. “I don’t want you to move.” He tells me, eyes a darker shade and voice commanding. I nod my head quickly, hoping the faster I am, he will be. “So needy.” Max chuckles almost as if he’s teasing me of wanting him so much. 
He starts closing the gap between us, standing directly in front of me and looking down because of our heights. I grow accustomed to the heat his body spreads and the pink of his post-race cheeks. Falling for his looks before his touch steals my attention. His fingers slide down the side zip of my short skirt, pulling it down my legs until it reaches the floor. He pushes my legs apart with his foot and my pussy pulses with anticipation. 
I observe him as his fingers don’t go close to where I need him, instead doing the job of taking my top off of me. I lift my arms up to help him, feeling the cool air of the room brush against my body. 
“Take the rest off.” He tells me, standing back to watch my whole body. Eyes skimming me from top to bottom. My skin turned hot, a mix of emotions making me react in different ways. I nod, slowly taking my clothes off. Smiling to myself when I see Max brush a hand against the bulge in his suit. 
Once my panties and bra lay on the floor Max finally comes back. Hands gliding down my arms and then intertwining with my fingers. He guides each of my arms above my head, giving him full access to my body. Making me more vulnerable than I’ve ever been. 
The pads of his thumbs barely touch my nipples, forcing a whine out of my mouth and my chest to press into him. He pulls away immediately, draining his contact from me. And then he comes again, sliding his fingers over my nipples and I have to force myself to stay still.
Max’s fingers tickle down my bare body, he goes between my cleavage and caresses my breasts with the light touch of his finger tips. Soon going over my stomach and my lower abdomen. He delays the contact to my core and starts tracing my hip bones with each hand, slipping to my backside as he cups my ass with his hands.
“Fuck.” He mutters. Moving his hands from my backside to start lightly touching my thighs. Max advances to the inside of my thighs, spreading my legs a little wider, making it easier for his eyes and fingers. My lips parted long ago and breathing became uneven. Suspense ran through my veins as I felt the heat from his fingers approach my core. 
I was certain my arousal was close to dripping on his fingers, and then he finally touched me. Not as firm as I wanted, but his fingers still make contact. Teasing my clit as his eyes are on me, watching as my bottom lip is drawn between my teeth. 
The feeling was so new to me, I had never been touched by a man like this. Do I regret it, not really, because that would mean Max wouldn’t be the first. 
A loud moan rips the silence of the room, the filthy sound leaving my mouth. His middle finger runs between my folds and I flinch at the feeling, letting the moan leave my mouth freely watching as Max smiles. 
My climax surely builds up from his teasing strokes.
I then lose the feeling of his fingers, a cry leaving my mouth. “Be my good girl and show me how you make yourself cum.”
“I thought you were gonna make me a good girl. But I guess you’re not as good as I thought.” I slide my hand down my body, going down the trail between my legs. My eyes firm on Max as many emotions run across his face. I touch my clit and be sure to moan louder and longer than when Max touched me. My eyes were closed that I didn’t see as Max made his way closer, but his loud steps were enough. 
My hand his forces off my body and held above my head. Max’s other hand now occupying the job he told me to do myself. He doesn’t take his time now. Thrusting two digits inside of me with force. “I’ll make you cum. Give me a number.”
“Three.” I whine out between each of his thrusts, focusing on the harsh face he gives me.
“Fuck, making it so easy for me. I already made you cum once.” He chuckles at the confusion on my face. Pulling his fingers out of me and showing me my cum that moves down them. I moan at the sight, then once again as he shoves them in his mouth. My eyes stuck on his tongue as he circles each finger. When he pulls them out of his mouth a string of saliva is hanging from his fingertip. I watch as he brings his digits closer to my lips, telling me to open my mouth to get a taste of him. 
Max slides his fingers out of my mouth and drags it down my body. 
“Let’s do something new” Max says as he goes on his knees. Kneeling in front of me and making my pussy throb. He doesn’t say anymore words as he forces my legs on his shoulders. I clench my pussy as his breath brushes against it in such a way it’s a drug. 
The words slow, leisurely and gentle out of his mind as he starts eating me out. Like a starved man and I’m a whole dinner. The sensation of his flat tongue against such a sensitive part of me makes me crazy. My fingers diving into his perfect hair to ruin it. 
He toys with my clit and slides his tongue inside of me. 
It hadn’t taken long until I was reaching my release. Pulling at his hair with force and whining so loud I’m sure people outside could hear. But that only made it more thrilling. 
“So quick. But I’m not done.” Max says against my pussy before going back in. Bringing me to surprise. He licks and sucks all my cum, fingers coming back to ram inside of me as his tongue toys with my swollen clit. 
He made tears come to my eyes and a moan mixed with a whine to leave my mouth as I came another time. Even more sensitive.
Max helps me get off his shoulders before standing up to peel every piece of fabric off his body. Once my eyes laid on his skin I could truly say the suit doesn’t give him justice. 
My mouth watered at the sight of his cock. Making me question how easily he would fit. 
“Come here.” Max demands. And I do, walking up to him just for him to tell me to get on my knees. I grow nervous as his dick now sits in front of my face and as I’m about to grab it  Max tells me to do something completely different. 
“Go on your hands and knees. And face the mirror.” I quickly do it, seeing myself in the thin mirror. I look further up to observe Max. He grabs my hips, lifting them up so they're in line with his. 
I hold my breath as he brings his dick to my entrance. Circling it with his tip and watching me through the mirror. He distracts me with his signature smirk and then rams inside of me. Bottoming out immediately. My mouth opens in an ‘o’ shape as he takes my breath away with his dick. Pulling out and then thrusting back in with more power. His skin slapping against mine and tip viciously hitting my g-spot. 
Max leans forward and grabs my hair in a makeshift ponytail, forcing my head up. “I want you to watch as I fuck all the words out of your mouth.” 
My vision blurred by the tears, but I make out our figures. My tears fall as Max drives his dick into me once again. 
“That’s it. Cry over my dick. So. Fucking. Good.” He grits between his teeth at each thrust. I look at myself, being utterly ruined by a man I met a couple of days ago. He keeps my head up, not daring to let my eyes leave the mirror. His bottom lip is between his teeth and eyebrows furrowed as he keeps in his moans. Letting mine fill the room instead. 
I can barely hold up my body as I get closer to my climax. Clenching around Max multiple times before I finally release. 
A string of unholy sounds escape my mouth and it’s as if they set off Max, ultimately allowing me to hear him moan just as I had done before. 
Max twitches inside of me before he releases. Swearing in dutch before calling me a good fucking girl. His cum fills and distracts me as he pulls out. Demanding me to stay there.
I expect to see him walk out with a cloth, but instead his phone. He angles the camera right behind me, capturing his cum that drips out of me and both our faces in the mirror.
My face holds confusion and he sees it, keeping a straight face.
“People usually have photos of their gods, something to look at when they worship it. And this is mine.”
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stevebabey · 2 months
"Alright, here we go!" The bartender announces, leaning up to place the drinks on the bar.
"That's one whiskey, neat—" He says, sliding the lowball cocktail glass with amber liquid in front of Eddie.
"—And one Whammin' Slammin' Booty-Bangin' Pina Colada."
He places the extravagant cocktail in front of Steve. It's decorated to the nines with a straw, an umbrella, a piece of pineapple, and a little bit of tinsel on a toothpick. A whole party decoration in a drink.
"You guys have a good night." The bartender says warmly, already moving down the bar to tend to other customers.
Eddie stares down at the whiskey in the glass before him and pouts a little. Beside him and watching his boyfriend closely, Steve rolls his eyes.
"Oh, quit being dramatic," Steve says, sliding the cocktail across the bar so it's in front of Eddie, who had ordered it. He steals the glass of whiskey back at the same time.
"It happens every time."
"It happens most times."
"That isn't much better!" Eddie protests, even as he leans down and takes a long sip from the straw while they both get to their feet and leave the bar. Steve's hunting for a table they can snag, his eyes narrowed in focus. Eddie follows him blindly, his cocktail cupped in both hands.
"I'm serious, Steve! What is it about this adorable face—" He says, gesturing to himself, barely letting go of the straw to talk. It doesn't seem to faze him that Steve doesn't even glance back. "—Says I don't want to enjoy a Whammin' Bammin' Big Booty Colada?"
Steve comes to a stop, pausing his search for a moment to look back at Eddie. His expression seems unimpressed on the surface but Eddie can see his lips twitching up at the corners.
"We've had this conversation too many times, babe." He sighs halfheartedly and takes a quick sip of his own whiskey, eyes casting back out across the bar. "You have scary dog energy, you know this. You specifically dress like this on purpose."
Eddie picks up the pineapple wedged on the edge of his glass and bites into it, sending it down with another sip of his cocktail as Steve leads them further into the back of the bar. He finally spots a spare empty table.
"C'mon, I think I found one." Steve urges, one hand snaking back to make sure Eddie's following.
"Is it a crime to wish to not fall victim to stereotypes?" Eddie prattles on, following Steve duly by slipping his hand into Steve's outstretched one. His cocktail wobbles precariously as he takes another gulp.
"Like when that waitress gave me your awful black coffee! And you got my delicious delicacy that I paid extra hard-earned money for..."
i like to think that when steve and eddie go out, people always lean into their assumptions and are like hmm ok preppy boy with the polo? oh he gets the fruity cocktail! and eddie is always like >:( i don't want this expensive puddle of piss gimme the bonanza supreme cocktail pls. like excuse me i paid for that.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 months
7x05 promo meta
Thank you 911 for dropping those stills - its save you all from my terrible quality screen shots!
This was supposed to be a costume meta, and it is, but things rather got away from me so its got a bit of a mishmash of spec and the like in it! its probably incoherent but my brain is whirring!
Ok first things first - Firehouse!
Soooo whenever we've had firehouse scenes before between Buck and Eddie, the one not in uniform is the one receiving advice - Buck after he found out about Daniel, Eddie during the Black out etc. So I expect this scene to play to a similar theme.
The green jacket for Buck is an interesting one for me, green is all about growth - especially this shade of green. I think this scene will be the first time Buck and Eddie see one another in person - Buck perhaps re-apologising to Eddie, clearing the air, Eddie offering buck some advice (i don't know exactly what advice, but perhaps along the lines of not bottling things up and talking to him etc!).
The fact its a broadcloth jacket harks back to his shirt jacket from Eddies breakdown - that one was very red, so there's no direct connection to the meaning of that jacket from a colour theory perspective, but there is a wider theme connecting to the broadcloth - broadcloth is a fabric that was historically used for military uniforms (it still is) so the use of broadcloth has this element of going to war - unlike the red jacket that signalled danger and Buck going to 'war' to both get to Eddie and to then help him in the aftermath, this one is more likely to be a war related to Bucks 'bad behaviour' from the basketball game and I think and with the green of the jacket meaning growth, I expect this scene to show them on a more even footing - one where the one doesn't need to go to war for the other, because the 'war' is over, this is the aftermath now and Buck has grown (in the same way that Eddie was in green during and after his breakdown - he grew from that moment)
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Date night - for Buck and Tommy
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Firstly I want to mention the fact that Check theory is in overdrive for this scene - the check is literally everywhere - floor, tablecloths, walls, windows, the guy sat to the side of Tommy. Something is clearly going to happen that is going to lead to some sort of chaos. My money is on Check shirt guy suddenly becoming ill and interupting both dates (call back to Buck choking on bread would be chefs kiss imo as that was Bucks first proper date!!).
I originally thought his was the same shirt Buck wore when he was trying to donate sperm - however, turns out it isn't it isn't, this is a knit bowling shirt while the one from the sperm donation storyline was a knit polo (no buttons all the way down the front). I do think the remarkable similarity between the two shirts is relevant though. because Buck trying to donate sperm, was Buck trying to start a new life, but it was a false start when he was wearing the similar shirt (because the power was out at the clinic) and he is essentially doing the same thing here - he's on his first 'date with a dude' and is starting a new life as a bisexual man - only it seems he's probably going to try and hide it from Eddie - thus a false start in the same way his first attempt to donate sperm was. thing is, Buck was successful in making his donation in the end, so even if he has a couple of false start in this episode, he'll be successful in the end (see the end of this meta for the reason why!!)
Tommy is in brown (possibly a dark olive green, but it looks more brown to me at this moment in time!). Brown is of course one of Eddies staple colours, so we are continuing with the Tommy Being costumes as a version of Eddie!
But Brown is a colour of stability and strength - its solid ground. It's showing us that Tommy is completely comfortable in his sexuality (whatever denomination of queer he is as we don't know at this point!). Its also a colour of safety support and protection (its why many police and military uniforms around the world are brown - meant to invest a sense of protection - a reflection of what that job is supposed to be!). for me thats playing on the idea that Tommy is going to protect and support Buck on this date - Buck not wanting to come out to Eddie in that moment and Tommy supporting that and protecting Bucks right to chose when and how he gets to come out to the people in his life (and I adore him for that!) is my guess on why he's wearing brown here.
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Eddie and Marisol's date night
(as an aside - Bucks face in the still below is hilarious!!)
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I already mentioned the pink handbag in my 7x04 meta, but now we also have a pink skirt to add into the mix and its a ditsy print of two shades of pink, which not only further supports my pink and innocence theory about this season, but it also plays into how both Shannon and Ana were costumes as well - in lots of pink and in ditzy prints!!! Marisol (who doesn't even have a last name) is not long for the world of 911 - if it doesn't end in this episode, its gonna be over very very soon! She is going to essentially be an innocent bystander in whatever the hell is going to go down at this date night fun house we're about to see, whether her seemingly naive personality (well what little personality she seems to have!) plays into things as well, we'll have to wait and see!
The other aspect of this outfit that is making me laugh is the fact that the skirt is giving me 1980's/early 1990's teen vibes (not to out myself as old but trust me I had some just like this back then and I wouldn't be caught dead in it now as a grown woman!!) and the baby pink handbag looks like something an 8 year old would have to play dress up with - its all very childish and immature - naive one could say, and its suggesting to me that we're going to see some pretty childish behaviour from her at some point in this episode (we'll have to wait and see if I'm right!). The other aspect oof this childish style we're seeing on her plays into Eddies narrative of looking for magic and trying to recreate what he had with Shannon. Its for me one of the reasons why i think we have s2 Eddies hair back, especially this greased back version in this scene - its a nod to his s2 arc when he tried to recreate the magic with Shannon. Eddies journey is about learning that he cannot recapture or recreate that magic he had when he was young - that the love of youth - in all its innocence is not something that is sustainable or actually what he wants in the present. for me, him figuring this out is an important part of his wider un-repression arc and will allow him to move forward and learn that he needs to build a relationship on a stronger foundation that magic and innocence. That (ghost of a) second chance with Shannon ended up as a literal car crash (sorry to be blunt but it was a metaphor back then too!) so my feeling is that this is going to go the same way - and end in a figurative (at least) car crash.
As for the chain necklace! you can read my 6x15 metas for a fuller run down this one is the most comprehensive one (and theres some stuff lurking on other meta posts as well) but essentially every single one of Buck or Eddies girlfriends have worn a chain necklace (there is also a bracelet too, which I think Marisol wore in 7x01 but her scene was so blink and you'll miss it that I can't get a good still to be sure!) of this style - I never did get to writing the full meta on the chain necklaces I intended - the season 6 finale rather deflated my enthusiasm to do so, but I can talk about it here so, things worked out I guess!
Chains are a representation of incarceration, or of holding something back. they are a huge symbol of slavery and are used in derogatory terms when used to talk about relationships (the old ball and chain etc). This is why we see them on all the women connected to either Buck or Eddie, and never on any of the other female characters in the show - these women are essentially holding Buck and Eddie back, they are chains to be broken free of.
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Then we have Eddie in his white shirt! There are a couple of reasons I am completely in love with this choice! firstly is the most obvious, it paints things very black and white for Eddie and Marisol - they are opposites! In this context, the wardrobe department are deliberately creating that opposition between them - and in combo with that pink bag and skirt - things aren't going to end well for them.
Black is a colour that sucks light and colour from things (yes there is the concept of the little black dress etc for dating but thats more about timeless elegance and Marisol is not wearing a black dress!) that absorbs everything around it - you can see in the picture below how the black of her top is absorbing the colour while Eddies white shirt is bouncing it around and glowing with the red - its especially obvious on her sleeve which is partially sheer and partially matt - the sheer parts are picking up the light, making the black non sheer parts still look black.
The other reasons I am living for the Eddie in a white shirt of it all is the fact that it really highlights that red lighting - this use of red - in this setting at that moment - when it doesn't appear to be anywhere else in the scene and certainly not around Buck and Tommy - can only mean danger and anger. Its telling us that Eddie is not happy - jealous definitely (that look is one of jealousy!) its also hinting at underlying anger though. My thoughts on this is that its playing into Eddie having to face up to his feelings for Buck - that he understands them, and perhaps feels like he missed his shot
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The other reason I'm obsessed with the choice to put Eddie in a white shirt is this ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Because yes that is Eddie in white and Buck in dark blue, and yes that is the only other time we've seen Eddie in white in the entire show (excepting white shorts in fight club and even they fit the theme we're seeing here). Seeing them in the same colour ways here is very much giving Buck and Eddie divorce era 3.0 (fight club/lawsuit was 1.0 and the one above was 2.0) vibes.
Having dinner with Buck (or in the same space as Buck) and his current partner and the blue and white (and green that Tommy is wearing which matches the green that Taylor was wearing) is definitely a choice. This scene in season 5 was essentially a Buck and Eddie break up - 'move on Buck, I have' - we all know how that spiral ended - with Eddie digging in with his leaving the 118 and excluding himself from the firefam and Buck cheating on Taylor and asking her to move in with him.
thing is Eddie has form for doing dumb things when he feels under stress or pressure (asking Shannon to marry him again, fight club after her death and Buck suing the firehouse, leaving the 118 and not getting the help he needed until he had a major breakdown to name 3!)- so if we saw some kind of parallel to this scene - (this is especially in light of Eddie talking to Bobby about the job in this episode) where Eddie doubles down on a poor decision (don't know what but I'm currently speculating that its maybe asking Marisol to move in with him way way too soon - when he doesn't know her - hello episode title) in the same way Buck did with Taylor (because he is faced with the fact he could've had a chance with Buck after-all and is emotionally cheating on Marisol) and it plays into
I'm not saying we're going to be getting rid of Marisol in 7x05 (unfortunately) but I am saying the writing is on the wall for that relationship - there are too many costuming signs on both Eddie and Marisol for it not to be headed in the direction of ending. My guess from what I'm seeing with these costumes and that lighting, is that 'Ghost of a second chance' is when it will come to a head - it plays into the theming of Shannon redux and car crashes, learning from past mistakes before you repeat them.
And finally we're at Bucks loft!
Not saying this is at the end of the episode - I have zero idea where its going to land - every time I see a new still from it I'm more confused and decide its going to be at a different point of the episode!
Anyway, thats not important! Eddie is in his Buck 'date night' shirt - the one he wears when he has serious talks with Buck in the loft. thing that is different this time, is the fact he's in jeans rather than the green trousers he's worn on every other occasion. Something about that is making me feel like, while this scene is likely to be similar in that its going to be a serious talk, and I'm sure from the way it looks in the stills we're going to see Eddie reassuring Buck as we have in previous scenes, I think we might find this one is going to give us Buck and Eddie on a more even footing that we've seen before.
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I'm fascinated that the Christopher watch is not visible in the above still, but it's very visible in the below one, and in the other stills we've got. We don't often see it hidden under eddies sleeves - we usually see it more like we can see it in the date night stills - visible with the shirt slightly tucked underneath. haven't figured out if its going to be significant or not yet - I need to see the scene!
We do have to talk about the looks they are giving each other here though - especially Buck!!! because I mean!!!! its kind of giving me don't keep things from me again vibes!!
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I am very much loving that they put Buck in this jumper though! it is the one from the sperm donor storyline - when Buck tells Eddie, Hen and Chim he is 'responsible for creating new life.' I love this specific parallel because there is the play on the fact that Buck is now living a new life - that he's figured something out about himself - that he's creatinga new life forhimself - one where he is bisexual, and openly so (as we know he's going to tell people in this episode and hell he might be telling Eddie in this scene!). the other thing is that this light blue colour, throughout season 6 became a real representation of Buck journey of self discovery - all the way back to Lev at the happiness convention and his year of yes, right through to post Lightning strike Buck who was trying to wrestle with his death and his rebirth - the light blue here really ties all of this together beautifully
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Right thats All at this point - I'm sure my brain will conjure up other things once i've hit post, but for right now - I'm off to bed!!
@theladyyavilee @mistmarauder @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @bewilderedbuckley @spotsandsocks @bewitchedbewilderedbisexual@rogerzsteven @wanderingwomanwondering @oneawkwardcookie @leothil @copyninjabuckley @shammers86 @crazyfangirlallert @missmagooglie @katyobsesses @radiation-run @gayandbifiremenofmine @bi-moonlight @crazyaboutotps @princesschez75 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @sherlocking-out-loud @satashiiwrites @lover-of-mine @yramesoruniverse @extasiswings @favouritealias @pop-kam
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dejwrites · 2 years
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❪ ♡ ❫ ─── babymaking, n.kento
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♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — (synopsis): nanami wants another lil bundle of joy.
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — warning ! husband!nanami, was written with black reader in mind, female reader, female anatomy, established relationship (reader and nanami are married), oral (f.receiving), pet names (baby), cute couple banter, profanity, missionary position, breeding kink, like nanami goes feral in this, one thing on his mind and that's giving you another mini him, reader and nanami have a daughter named yu (yes she's named after yu haibara ok), this could be turned into a full fic on ao3 idk yet, pls don't steal panel cause i colored it myself lol lol, a very late nanami one shot for his birthday, like i wrote this on black people time so sorry nanami, wc: 2.6k, minors dni !!
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — you can also read this on ao3
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YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THE TALK ABOUT ANOTHER KID WAS COMING. The way he would talk about Yu’s old baby stuff and the importance of hand-me-downs just in case you two would have another bundle of joy. Or the fact that he and your five-year-old daughter Yu would get lost in the department store, just for you to find them in the baby section. Nanami also was becoming very handsy towards you. Outside looking in, anyone would assume that it just was a loving husband showing his wife love. But Nanami was like a hormonal teenager that had just hit puberty. His kisses were deeper, which leads to a makeout session (cue your daughter clearing her throat when she enters the room). Gosh, you couldn’t forget the twinkle in Nanami’s eye as he and you attended a friend’s baby shower as you two watched them open gifts for their child.
Here you were, stumbling and sharing an intense kiss as you entered the home you shared. Hands grasping for each other as you shared kisses that caused your lips to be swollen and for the once lip gloss you were wearing to now be smudged across your lips. You pulled away, breathless and shocked. “Another kid?” You questioned. You just wanted assurance that this is what the blonde-haired man wanted.
“Another kid.” He repeated to you as one of his hands cupped your face while the other was placed on your belly as if it already was a child growing inside of you.
Even if you two weren’t trying for a kid at the moment, you still knew that the pink sundress you wore to the baby shower—hugged your body perfectly was something to always gain your husband’s attention. During the time at the baby shower, Nanami always made it his goal to touch you. From his hand taking comfort on your thighs as you were sitting and socializing to grabbing your hand as you move around your friend’s backyard where the baby shower was set up at. You adored that Nanami couldn’t get enough of your body. He cherished every part of you from the imperfections that you felt insecure about to the striking beauty that had him staring at you with a goofy grin when you weren’t looking. 
You stared up at him searching for any problems in his eyes. Searching for anything that would cause you yourself to back out, but you didn’t find anything. He truly wanted another kid. He wanted your daughter to have a sibling.
His lips begin to kiss your jawline, the kisses went from soft to excited. “Please let me fuck a baby in you [Y/N],” Nanami mumbled against your golden skin. 
“Okay.” was the only thing that escaped your mouth before Nanami threw you over his shoulder to take you to your bedroom. A giggle bounced from the back of your throat at each step he took. You never saw the man so serious about something other than work, but here he was on the mission to make sure he get you pregnant.
When your back felt the fluffiness of your shared bed, it was a wonderful sight to see your husband standing above you. His fingers combed through his hair as he tugged off the pastel pink polo shirt he was wearing. Fingertips tracing down his toned chest as you watched intensely. His chest was toned as could be as if he was sculpted by a Greek god himself. His hands finally traveled down to the waistband of the pants he wore before he’s unbuttoning them. You could see the band to his grey Calvin Klein briefs and the tent in his crotch area. Your skin felt hot feeling Nanami grab a hold of your ankle to drag you closer to the edge of the bed. He brought your ankle up to his mouth, peppering the inside of it with soft kisses. The scent of you lingered up his nostrils and he could only bask in the familiar scent he has smelt for years now. 
“You said you were going to fuck a baby in me, what are you waiting for? You asked with innocence dripping off your tongue. You glanced up at your lust-filled husband through your eyelash while letting your pearly whites graze at your plump lower lip. 
Nanami only let a hum pass by his lips before he’s stepping closer in between your legs after dropping the one he once was kissing upon. His hands danced up the sundress you wore. The heat of the moment only turned you on more causing dampness in the panties you were wearing. The silence from Nanami scared you. Not in a fearful type of way, but you knew that when he didn’t say many words during intercourse, he would be focused on one thing. That thing is to make sure you feel good from head to toe. 
His fingers grasped at the thin fabric of your panties before he’s slowly taking them down your thighs. He soon discarded you of the sundress you were wearing. The crisp air and Nanami’s touch caused goosebumps to adorn your skin quickly. The look he gave you caused your heart to quicken. When he saw your bare body, he always looked at you as if he was falling in love all over again. The gaze was a complete panty soaker for you, it caused you to want him, even more, when you guys made love. 
“It’s not fair that I’m the only one naked here.” You said as your hand reached out to grab a hold of your husband. You lightly brushed against his abs just so you could get a feel of him similar to what he was doing. But he soon pushes your hand away before kneeling in between your thighs. 
His firm grasp upon your thighs before tugging you closer to his face caused a soft gasp to come out of you. He tugged your dress up so that it was around your waist. Your lower half was completely exposed as your heart was thumping against your chest waiting for the next move Nanami was going to make. The growing anticipation caused you to shiver under Nanam’s touch before feeling his soft kitten licks upon your folds. 
You relaxed under his touch with each soaked lick upon your puffy lips. Your head fell back into the fluffiness of your bed as Nanami was in between your thighs. The pornographic sound of him in between your plush thighs. Each delicate suck on your clit and any rough moan Nanami let out while eating you out pushed you further on the edge. Your teeth nibbled at your lower lip holding back a moan before you once felt Nanami tug you closer to his handsome face. Your thighs vibrated when you felt the flat of his tongue traced along the entrance of your pussy. “Gosh, Kento.” You sighed happily at the way he was in between your thighs. 
As if you cooing his name was the green light, you let out a sudden gasp when you felt his fingers push themselves inside you. The wet squelching noise of him gliding his fingers inward and outward at a beautiful pace instantly caused you to moan. Your back arched off the bed before you felt Nanami’s free hand push back down before he dove right back in between your thighs. As his slim digits curled inside you, his tongue brushes against your clit in a teasing manner. His brown eyes glanced at your fucked out expression while your fingers grasped at the sheets below your naked body. His nose rubs at your soft skin with each flick of his tongue. Your orgasm was nearing and the way his tongue was moving was only pushing you further from being a cumming mess.
With Nanami’s slender fingers inside you, while his tongue flickered at your tongue, you could feel the wetness below you that stained your sheets. Your orgasm was screaming to come out as you attempted to run away from Nanami’s explicit touch. He only pulled you back and pinned you down to continue what he was doing (uninterrupted this time).Your slick coating his middle and index finger with each curl inside of you. As soon as you met his brown eyes, the fierce feeling in the pit of your stomach burst. Your head fell back in complete bliss as you sob for Nanami. 
You were seeing stars with each delicate whimper that you let out. Your fingers intertwined in Nanami’s blonde hair while your hips bucked through the passionate orgasm you were experiencing. Nanami’s mouth still lapped up every droplet of your wetness as if he was a starving man. The pad of his thumb rubbed comforting circles on your thighs—it was a kind gesture to help soothe the electrifying feeling of your orgasm being pushed upon you so soon. He removed his mouth from your pussy with a pop. The addicting taste of you on his tongue while his lips dragged hunger-filled kisses on the inside your thighs before he’s standing up fully. 
If you looked closely you could point out that his bulge indicating how hard he was grew. You quickly gained your composure as you backed yourself further on the bed, your legs quivering with each movement. But you still ached for more. You could hear Nanami tugging off the remaining clothes that were blocking you from seeing his naked body that you’ve seen so many times. 
When the time came for you and Nanami to finally intertwine with each other, you felt so many emotions hit you at once. The feeling of love with the way he caressed your thighs with soothing circles as he lined himself up to your entrance. You felt hopeful that after this you would have the satisfaction to carry yet another bundle of joy that you were so proud of to be raised with such a wonderful man. Your nails dug into his forearm as your lips gasped apart with each shove of Nanam’s hips. The intense feeling of his cock stretching you out bit by bit only caused you to choke up a whimper. 
Nanami stared down at you with worry in his eyes. His brown-colored eyes look into yours before he’s crashing his lips upon your gasping ones, “I got you, baby, just relax.” He mumbles against your lips. “I always got you.” 
His easeful tone and even more comforting words caused your body to relax. Soon your body relaxed and felt like you were on cloud night. The astonishing feeling of Nanami’s hips bucking forward caused your eyes to lolly in the back of your head. Breaking apart from the kiss to moan out his name like a sweet tune playing on a Sunday morning. Once Nanami heard his name fall off your tongue, it was as if a light switch was turned on. His hips pushed forward quicker. His hands quickly spread your thighs apart even further just so the tip of his cock could hit that spot that caused your pedicured toes to curl. 
“Fuck—you feel so good,” Nanami uttered through breathy groans. Slow and sensual strokes were always the start of Nanami making you feel good before he turned into a madman that drove you insane. 
He took the enjoyment of having you whine out for more like a desperate cat in heat and soon giving you just that until you’re begging for him to let you cum under his strong body.  His lips dragged kisses upon your neck as you felt his thrusts become quicker. The sound of the bed's wooden headboard was attempting to overpower the pornographic sound of skin slapping against each other. Your eyes fluttered open to glance up to see Nanami hovering over you. The beautiful sight of seeing the way his teeth chafed upon his lower lip holding back a moan and his cheeks stained red due to the pleasurable sensation of the way your cunt wrapped around him. He was so handsome in a state like this. 
Nanami’s hand reached above to grasp at the headboard, not particularly stopping it from knocking against the wall—but to help himself move at a rhythmic pace. He felt your legs snake around his waist completely trapping in the trace of being balls deep inside of you. It was as if you sense that he was about to cum. His body felt hot instantly as beads of sweat decorated his forehead. The salty droplets caused some of his blond hair to stamp upon his forehead. His hand grasped the headboard as he only stuttered out sweet nothings and praise about you. 
Something along the lines of, you look so beautiful y/n or you’ll look so gorgeous pregnant with his child. You couldn’t tell due to your constant moaning. The sensational feeling of your orgasm slowly tugging you further and further towards the light. Your legs locked around Nanami’s waist so tightly that you were sure he could feel the heel of your foot tap at his bottom with each thrust. As your orgasm came upon you, the one hand that was holding upon the headboard intertwined with yours completely entrapping you upon his thrusts through your orgasm. 
“Nanami!” You snarled out his name. Fingernails digging into his skin wanting to feel his body some more even though you two were around practically insufferable with each other.
“Shit—I’m so close sweetheart. Just hold on a lil longer.” Nanami breathed out as he was nearly going insane with the way your pussy quivered around him. 
It didn’t long before Nanami was releasing himself with a quickness. Whiny moans and stuttered words were the only things you could hear from your husband. Your fingers intertwined with each other’s as you could feel Nanami’s cum inside you, a feeling you’ve felt many times before even when you weren’t trying for a baby. Your mouth gaped open before Nanami enclosed the breathy moans that you let out with a passionate kiss. The taste of him imprinted your tongue as you brought him closer basking in the moment of feeling him inside of you. The warm feeling of his cum being inside you caused you to moan in the kiss as you felt yourself flutter around his cock. Both of you cumming at the same time, making it a perfect opportunity to relish the perfect moment you two shared. 
When the both of you were tugging out the temporary feeling of your sweet ecstasy, Nanami plopped down next to you. Your legs felt numb, you felt stuffed and you could feel the love bites Nanami placed upon your shoulder. Your eyes barely were open as you lay on your back. Completely dazed and possibly still dickmatized from the feeling of Nanami being inside of you. Nanami’s cum inside of you as you hoped you two did got the job done to give Yu another sibling. You could feel Nanami's head in the crook of your neck, his lips kissing at the small trail of bite marks he left on your body which caused you to close your eyes in complete bliss.
“Hopefully, the first time was it.” You would mumble and could hear Nanami chuckle. 
“If you remember, with Yu it took the fourth time and it was at my job Christmas party,” Nanami answered, gaining a groan from you.
“Seriously?” You questioned. 
“Seriously. I remember because I had to cover your mouth with my hand to muffle your moans.” Nanami pointed out as his fingers were tracing little shapes on your naked skin. 
You didn’t recall Nanami fucking you four times to conceive Yu. Perhaps it was due to him fucking you senseless a few minutes ago that caused your brain to go fuzzy.
“Three more times to go,” Nanami smirked as he once again kissed your skin.
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TAGS — @eiflawriting @shamelesshoefairy @idyllicbby @stunnababyyabyyy @drugzforyou @lobotomy-lover @marokinnku @jazzyangel242 @dassmyname @bubs-world @todorokiskitten @whoatherenelly @sftbunnyy @yooniluvbot444 @jademari @caribbeanwifey19 @anajah @tonaken @dazaisfavgf @httphaitani @salimcity @heartsfrommars @allukanezuko @cheesymcgeesneeze @lawscorazon @poohbea @koucaine @maydayaisha
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writinghotchner · 4 months
ok i know this is kinda weird request butttttt Aaron Hotchner x reader where aaron is meeting readers father for the first time and the father kinda threatens aaron and is not happy with their relationship and then aaron gets kind of insecure and reader comforts him
listen, i keep saying there's no such thing as a weird request with me!!
and thank you for requesting! 🩷
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pairing: hotch x fem!reader rating: e warnings: reader has a brief panic attack, angry reader!dad, yelling, swear words, hotch being insecure and a cute idiot all rolled into one
"okay," aaron says, blowing out a breath. "how does this look?"
you turn from your spot in the ensuite bathroom where you're sitting perched on the counter as you do your make up. "you look good, babe. as always." you shoot him a scrunched up nose smile at him and he rolls his eyes playfully at you. he's wearing dark blue jeans and a collared black polo shirt, nothing too fancy - something he would usually wear when he takes you to dinner. he nervously fidgets with his watch as he paces the bedroom.
you finish the final touches on your make up and slide off the counter to look at yourself from a distance in the mirror. your going to your father's house for dinner so he can meet aaron, so you don't have to look perfect, but it is the first time you're seeing your dad in about two years, so you kinda wanna look presentable. you turn your body to make sure you don't have a water or make up stain on your black dress.
"i've never seen you so anxious before," you tell him. he looks at you with wide eyes. "i'm fine." you huff a laugh through your nose. you might not be a profiler like him, but you can definitely tell when he's not acting like his normal self. and he's definitely not acting like his calm and collected normal self.
you walk over to him and place the palms of your hands on his chest. "he's going to love you." you smooth your hands up and fix his collar and then bounce up on your toes to kiss him on the lips.
he doesn't say anything to that, instead he just walks into the closet to put his shoes on. after a few minutes he reappears. "okay. how are you not nervous?"
you grin at him as you slide past him to get into the closet for your own shoes, and he quickly stops you with an arm across your stomach.
"you haven't seen the guy in nearly two years, and i know things didn't end...well...between you. are you sure you're going to be okay?" he uses his arm to pull you towards him so that you're standing in front of him. he lets his hand fall to the back of your hip and squeezes.
"i'll be okay. he insists everything is fine and forgiven, so i have to trust that. thank you for asking though."
he sucks in a deep breath through his nose and then leans down to meet your lips in a soft kiss.
it isn't until your sitting in the car right outside of your father's house that you actually start to feel a little nervous. the anxiety is slowly simmering in your stomach and you can feel the heat of it rising up into your chest. you suck in a deep breath, close your eyes and will it all away. everything will be fine.
you catch aaron studying you out of your peripheral vision, but thankfully he doesn't ask if you're okay, because if he did...in that moment, you probably would have told him to take you home.
instead he turns to fully look at you, waiting for you to take the lead. when you don't, he lets himself out of the car and walks over to the passenger side and opens it, offering his hand to you.
you take it and stand, smoothing out any wrinkles in your dress. he closes the door behind you as he looks up to the house.
"we can get back in the car and go, honey. he'll never know-"
and as if on que, your father opens the front door and waves to you both. you both crack a fake smile and wave back. "ah, you weren't quick enough." he says in a whisper. you laugh.
it hasn't even been ten minutes inside the house with your father when you angrily slam the dining room chair you'd just been sitting in back under the table.
"you have NO fucking right, dad-"
"i have EVERY fucking right-"
your face is hot, your lungs feel like they're going to combust and you'd probably cry if the rage taking over your body wasn't holding every other emotion hostage.
aaron has an arm around you stomach holding you back. he's trying to talk over the yelling but you have no idea what he's saying, despite the fact that he's directly behind you.
"ENOUGH!" aaron booms. it startles you back into his chest and he grips you a little tighter. both you and your father fall silent.
"it was very kind of you to invite us for dinner," you hear him start, his voice is strong and firm - you can tell he's beyond upset. "and i'm sorry for whatever feelings you have about our relationship. but we're adults, sir, and i love your daughter and i'm not going to just leave her because you can't get past that i'm older than her."
the older man rolls his eyes and throws a glass salt shaker at the wall, barely missing both of your bodies. "get the fuck out of my house."
and so you do. you both hurriedly take off, aaron right behind you as you fling the front door open so hard you think for a split second it might actually fall off the hinges.
you clamor into the car and immediately drop your head into your lap, the monster anxiety attack that was simmering before you even got here now reaching the surface and boiling over. you hear aaron get in on the driver side, his hand immediately finding its way to your back rubbing soothing circles. he doesn't start the car even though he wants to drive as fast as possible out of here, but he needs to make sure you're okay before he can even think about navigating a motor vehicle.
"breathe, honey. it's okay. it's over and done with. we're going to go home and figure it out." his voice is low and soothing and makes you cry more.
you sober after a moment, tears still sitting in your eyes but don't spill over. you sniffle, clear your throat and shake your head, as if your body is an emotional etch-a-sketch that you're trying to clear. you huff out an angry sigh and put your seat belt on. "i'm okay, lets just go."
its only when you walk through the front door of your apartment that you realize just how exhausted you are. the inevitable crash of crying hitting you hard. you toe your heels off at the door, not even bothering to pick them up and carry them with you back to the closet. neither of you say anything as you both make your way back to the bedroom and undress. it's not even 8 pm and you're ready to sleep for the next 3 days.
once you're in bed, you immediately crawl into aaron's waiting arms. you lay half on him on your stomach, your leg thrown in between his and rest your head on his shoulder. he's shirtless and warm and you snuggle and sigh into his neck as you finally try to process the events of the evening.
"are you okay?" you ask him.
"i'm fine," he tells you. "i was just worried about you. that was pretty intense."
you hum, a tinge of guilt hitting you. you didn't exactly tell him your father was an angry man, always looking to belittle and control you. for some reason, you thought that after 2 years of not seeing him, maybe he wouldn't blow a gasket. lesson learned.
"i'm sorry," you say. "i thought he'd behave better with you there."
he doesn't say anything else and you have to stop the tears from coming again.
"do..." he clears his throat. "do you...does the age difference between us bother you?"
your head pops up off his chest so quickly. you stare him in the eyes, the street lamp outside the window lighting up the room enough to see his sad face.
"please don't let him get to you, baby. he's always been mean and controlling that way, and he only said that to get under my skin."
"well..." he sighs. "did it get under your skin?"
"have i ever done or said anything to indicate that i'm worried about our age difference?" you take his face in your right hand and make him face you. "aaron."
he shakes his head no. "okay. you're just letting him into your head. you're not even that much older than me. 32 and 45 is not that bad, i promise. it's not like i'm 19 and you're 60." he cracks a smile at that.
with his face still in your hand, you use it to guide his lips to yours and then you move to kiss all over his face, leaving loud wet kissing sounds as you go.
he laughs, craning his neck to get away from you. "okay, okayokayokay-"
"if anything about our relationship ever bothers me, you know i'll always talk to you about it. okay? i promise." you kiss him again.
he nods his head. "i know."
a moment of silence passes before you talk again.
"so... you wanna roleplay? can you be my hot older grey haired professor and i can be your bratty little student." you wiggle your eyebrows at him.
he groans your name laughing and pushes you off of him, you slide off his shirtless body in your own laughter.
"i do not have grey hair yet."
"you have a grey eyelash! you also have gre-"
you don't even get to finish your sentence because he's wacked you in the face with one of the extra pillows on the bed, still laughing and telling you to go to sleep.
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rafecameronsslxt · 1 year
I can't get the thought of Rafe making you touch yourself and the later assisting you and roughly fucking you all while Barry watches just😩
C'mon baby
Rafe Cameron x Reader
Minors DNI
Warnings: Smut, fingering, masturbating, p in v, rough Rafe, bruising, light dirty talk, and implied after care.
A/N: I'm not into Barry but like you never know…
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Rafe has been acting weirdly sweet, a sickening sweet like pink cotton confection made untouched at the carnival. As a dutiful boyfriend, he takes you out to your favorite restaurant by the ocean, platonic cuddles at the beach because they’d usually lead to sex, and sweet talking you to let his coke dealer watch you guys have sex at the end of the day in his bedroom. Despite Barry being good-looking and muscular, you were off-the-charts nervous, and your body was rigid to the touch.
   “Rafe, but,” You trail off after your boyfriend tells you Barry is halfway here. “C’mon baby, you’ll do great. Barry’s cool.” Rafe begins to pepper kisses from your jawline to your shoulder and then slowly rubs his thumbs over your shoulders, massaging you. You unwind in his hands, the tensity built up in your muscles, leaving with each benign knead. “He’s here.” Rafe leans down to kiss you delicately while you look at him through your lashes. The innocent look on your face makes him smile as he walks out of the room. Once he leaves, you quickly search Rafe’s drawers for an oversized shirt; finding a polo, you take off your bra but leave your panties on. 
   Their footsteps inch closer, and you position yourself on your knees to sit on your back legs with a seductive grin, watching them walk in; both of their eyes descend to your nipples, poking through the navy blue-white striped button-up. Rafe’s face contorts into pride, and Barry looks more than pleased, both already sporting a hard-on at the sight of your perfect perky tits. “Princess,” He says solemnly. Barry sits in the comfortable chair beside the bed, pushed to the wall, creating a little distance between you and him. That is precisely why Rafe liked this, Barry could watch, but he couldn’t touch you. Not to lay a finger on your pretty body just so your boyfriend could show off your beauty as long as you were ok with it. 
   Rafe moved onto the bed behind you, pushing your thighs open for Barry while Rafe sucked on your neck to leave purple spots. “Take off your panties to show him your pretty pussy.” He whispered against your ear, looking to Barry, who seemed to be waiting on you. You stop, sitting on your knees so you can spread your legs wide, giving Barry the ideal view of you slightly, lifting your hips, throwing your black panties on the floor near his feet, and showing off your flawless white teeth and then Rafe brings your hand to your mound. “Rub your clit, but start slow, hmm?” You nod, obliging, but first, massage your wetness to your clit and begin rubbing light circles that emit whimpers from your mouth. Next, Rafe brings his hands under your shirt to fully cup both breasts. Barry starts to palm himself through his jeans, watching your idle speed grow quicker until your jaw is slack and you're leaning on Rafe for support. “Finger yourself.” You ease your middle finger into your tightness, and you can only imagine Rafe’s cock splitting you open. You observe Barry while he unzips his pants and takes his lengthy cock out.
   The view of Barry stroking himself has you getting more aroused and thrusting two fingers in. Rafe is pinching your hard buds and raising the shirt over your boobs to display them, only adding to the sweat beading on your forehead and your hair sticking to your face. Your legs shake visibly, and you close your eyes until Rafe removes your hand and aggressively tugs his shirt over your head, tossing it on the floor. “Rafe.” You whine out, desperate to be touched again, to be whole. “She’s so fucking needy, huh, Barry?” He agrees with Rafe, and Barry’s eyes darken as he thrusts himself into his hand languidly. “So needy,” His voice wanders. 
   Rafe pushes your body to the bed so that your head hangs off enough to see an upside-down Barry masturbating, his mouth parted in a haze, looking into your eyes. Unexpectedly Rafe thrusts into you, causing a loud pornographic moan and the bed to creak with each drive of his dick. “Fuck Barry, it feels so good!” You cry out, your manicured fingers grasping Rafe’s shoulders, indenting your nails to his skin. You wrap your legs around Rafe’s waist, which creates a deep thrust bottoming out while Rafe’s big hands clasp your tits, almost hurting, but the snap of his hips against yours suffices the pain; Rafe unwraps your legs from his waist and flips you over so not that you're on top. You bring your hands down to his chest and start grinding on his dick, setting your own pace until Rafe bruisingly grabs your hips, stilling your movements and completely pounding into your cunt. Piercing yet pleasurable moans and grunts come from all three of you as Rafe slaps your ass to leave a red imprint and grabs your flesh roughly.
   Your eyes shut from overstimulation while you rub your clit weakly. Rafe grabs your chin, and you can faintly hear him say look at Barry. You do, but your vision is blurred, your inner muscles clamp around Rafe’s dick with each hit of your cervix, and tears stream down your face as every noise of Rafe and Barry plunges to white noise until your legs give out, falling onto Rafe’s chest, your own heaving up and down while you feel Rafe’s cum spurt into you. You lift your head to look at Barry, sweating, and his hand covered in his cum, some of it dripping down to his jeans. He leans back in relief but gets up and heads to the bathroom. 
   Before you get off your boyfriend, give him a chaste peck and cover yourself in the crumpled duvet, watching Rafe throw shorts on. Barry comes back out. “Thanks for the show, princess.” He says, walking out with Rafe, making your cheeks twist to red. 
   Rafe comes jogging into the room. “Mhm, I’ll draw us a bath. Are you ok, baby?” He asks with genuine concern. You expose your crimson and slightly bruised body to him. “Yes, but you better cuddle me all day tomorrow. No excuses. Your schedule will be cleared.” You say as he smiles at your silliness, but you're dead serious and lean up to kiss Rafe softly.
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rogueddie · 1 year
Steve has always loved his little Christmas town. The snow, the chill, the lights. The little elves are sweet too. Everyone in his town is just... lovely. He can't think of another word for it. They are simple lovely.
But Steve is... curious.
They are all told to stay in the town. They are all told about how bad the woods are. They are all told about those who would wonder in and never come out. Rumors of monsters and man eaters...
But Steve is curious. The stories only make him want to see what's inside even more. And the more he thinks about the woods, the adventure, the curiosity... the more dull his little town seems.
Christmas is lovely, Steve knows that. Steve loves that. But Steve is bored of that.
So, he goes into the woods.
For a while, they're just woods. Steve starts to wonder if the rumors are just that- rumors. He starts to wonder if the stories were made just so people wouldn't go looking for made-up things and get lost.
But, a few moments later, he comes across a clearing. It's just a big, round, empty space. There's twelve other paths, leading in different direction. They all look vaguely the same- though a couple do look bright, just like the path Steve just came down, and one looks dark.
The dark path stands out in stark contrast to the others. It makes Steves curiosity raise it's head once again.
The path is normal, at first. Just a little dark, shadowed. But the longer Steve stays on the path, the more macabre it gets.
The trees start losing their leaves, bare dark branches curling out into the path like clawed hands. The shadows seem to move, dancing around him with what looks like curiosity. The orange leaves on the floor get louder, more frail... more dead.
It feels like a shorter path. He reaches the end faster than he thought he would and when he does...
The town at the end of the path is as opposite of his little home town as he never could have imagined. The first thing he sees is a graveyard and, hiding behind a tree, a ghost dog floating by. There's cobwebs and dead flowers on the graves.
But, given the look of everything else, he suspects those things might be respectful here.
He creeps around the edge of the woods, until he reaches the buildings, which are easier to duck behind. He makes his way deeper into the town, slowly, trying to stay hidden.
He's not exactly surprised to be caught, but the throat being cleared behind him still makes him jump.
The person is about the same height as Steve, but that's where the similarities stop. The person has pale, near white skin. Dark eyes that look almost sunken, circled by black shadows. Their long, dark hair only makes them look more pale in contrast. The fact that it's moving, without any wind, adds to Steves intruige.
He's never seen an outfit like the one this person is wearing either. Almost completely black, only small amounts of blood red, greys and silver chains to contrast. The jeans he's wearing too have so many tears, but there's markings on the skin that peaks through.
"You look a little lost," they say with a smirk.
"Oh, uh, sort of? I'm not... from here."
"Obviously," they snort, eyeing him.
Steve looks down at himself and... yeah. A white polo with pastel stripes and pale blue jeans? "Right, yeah, sorry. It is pretty obvious."
"How did you get here, lamb?"
"The woods."
"You went into the woods?" Their eyes widen, leaning forward.
There's a quiet hiss, drawing Steves attention to the ends of his hair- to the snakes starting to raise their heads, turning their eyes to Steve.
"You- you have snakes for hair?"
"Yeah! They're lovely, you don't need to fear them."
Steve looks them over for a moment. Before raising a hand a little. "Could I... touch them?"
"Of course."
"Are they ok with that?"
They make a noise- a sort of low grumble. And, for a moment, Steve worries that he's said something to upset them. But they step forward, closer, the snakes curling forward into his raised hand. They curl around his hand, seeming to rub against him like a cat would.
The person is smiling.
"Thanks," Steve says, clearing his throat when his voice cracks, face flushing. "They're... very nice."
"You're scared of them," they say, but they're grinning, excited. "I'm Eddie, by the way. Local weird guy, even in this place."
"Steve," he gestures to himself. "I'm just, uh, the usual in my place."
"But you're... well. Anyway. You probably shouldn't stay too long. If little ol' me made you jump, this place might give you a heart attack."
"You're not that scary," Steve straightens up, defensive, frowning.
Eddie snorts, fingers brushing Steves cheek. "Anyone else around here would take that as an insult, Stevie."
"Oh... uh, sorry, I just-"
"No, don't worry. It's sweet." Eddie clears his throat, gently coaxing the snakes into letting go of Steves hand. "Come on, let's get you home."
It's easier to sneak back to the woods with Eddie. He often presses up behind Steve, blocking him from sight with his own body. It means they don't need to keep ducking behind cover every time.
But, by the time they reach the woods, Steve is... he's not sure how he's feeling. But he doesn't want to leave. Not yet.
Eddie gently pushes him into the woods, along the overgrown path, keeping a gentle hand on his lower back. He walks alongside him, probably making sure Steve does actually go back home.
"What if it's not safe?" Steve stops. He hopes he doesn't look as desperate as he feels. "Maybe... maybe it'd better if I stay here for a little bit. Until we're sure. Or something."
"Just one night! Like... it's better to be safe than sorry, right?"
"Steve. You don't need to worry. I'm gonna stay with you, ok?"
"But when-"
"I'm gonna stay with you."
Steve stares at him for a moment. "The whole way?"
"The whole way."
"Ok," Steve says quietly, continuing to walk, ducking his head to hide his smile when Eddie puts his hand on his back again.
Steve struggles to start making small talk but, thanks to Eddies unusual responses, he's easy to talk to. And it's not the same boring, repetitive stuff those in his home town would fall back on. Although, Eddie seems just as curious to hear Steves response to those, turning his questions back on him.
It feels like no time at all until they reach the clearing.
"Have you gone down any of the others?" Eddie asks, turning as he eyes all the different paths.
"Just yours." Steve glances at some of the others. "We could come back... check out the others?"
"Fuck yeah. You wanna try and check them all out? One a day? Wait, which is yours?"
Steve looks back to Eddies path, counting back. "This one."
"How much am I gonna stand out?"
"A lot... you don't have to come the whole way, you know?"
Eddie scoffs, bumping their shoulders. "Nah, I'm committed now. Plus... in all honesty? I kinda like the soft shit. Like, that's why I'm the weird one. Spooky and scary and dark is great! Don't get me wrong, I love creepy stuff. I love my snakes. But... sometimes a warm sweater or something clean, or light, or... soft... that's nice too."
"Yeah... yeah, I know what you mean."
"What, you like spooky and soft stuff?"
"Why do you think I went into the darkest path there is?"
"You just get more and more interesting..."
Steve is sure that the path home is shorter on the way back. He's not sure how, but he's sure that it is. He doesn't say so to Eddie, just makes a mental note of it.
Eddie is frozen at the edge of the woods, eyes wide and mouth open, looking around at everything.
"Uh," Steve clears his throat, bringing Eddies attention back to him. "Merry Christmas?"
"Is it like this all the time?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Oh, Stevie, it's so pretty." Eddie laughs, a little breathless. "I was so fucking right, holy shit."
"Right about what?"
"You are far too lovely to be the usual, even here."
part 2
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bellysoupset · 2 months
ok max request
i know you said he has a pretty sensitive stomach that gets irritated by a lot of things, so what about him overindulging on something that usually sits well, only for him to start feeling sick after (i also really enjoy burps 😳😳)
Here you go anon! Burpy Max with an upset stomach!
"Okay, I want all of you gremlins sitting down right now!" Max exclaimed, jokingly glaring at the one kid still standing, "that includes you, Elliot. Sit your ass down."
The eight year old boy blushed and hurried to sit down and Max rolled his eyes, just as he saw Vince walking to the bus, with a kid draped all over him.
"Bus rules," Max raised a hand to start listing, "everyone wears a seat belt, no standing when the bus is moving. This includes when it just stopped in a red light. No sticking your heads out of the windows-" honestly, he hated the fact the windows weren't sealed shut, that always gave him anxiety after watching Hereditary - "no eating smelly things in the bus. If anyone feels sick, please call me up before you barf everywhere and I'll go get you so we can work this out. Ah, and use your inside voices, will you?"
He was pretty sure only 5% of what he had just said filtered through the kids. In truth, Max's favorite age to teach was teenagers, who actually listened, just opted for not doing what he asked sometimes. All he had to do was convince the older kids he was someone worth of listening, while the younger ones... They simply, plainly, didn't hear a word he said.
"Alright," Max sighed, turning around as Vince entered the bus, "nice of you to join us, Monacelli."
"We had an emergency pee break," Vince ignored him, not bothered in the least as he buckled in the six year old that was clinging to him, "you finished with the rules?"
"Yeah, we can go."
They were going on a field trip for the next town's science museum. It wasn't a long trip, only about 1 hour to get there, then they'd have a tour and a lunch break and come back before sunset. Still, these type of trips always made Max uneasy because so many things could go wrong surrounded by tiny, curious kids.
He settled down on his seat in the front, next to Monacelli. The other teacher was wearing a short sleeved polo, straining against his chest, and a baseball cap on top of his mop of black curls.
"You want anything?" Vince asked, not raising his eyes from his phone. Max sneaked a glance at the screen. The man was checking football scores, that made sense. He looked the type.
"No, just bored out of my mind," Max shrugged, glancing past his shoulder as the bus started to move and there was a general squeal, the volume increasing considerably. Field trips were never quiet.
Vince shrugged, ignored him and Max sat correctly in his seat, grabbing a bag of chips in his backpack. He stuffed a handful in his mouth, before tipping the bag in Monacelli's direction to wordlessly ask if he wanted any.
"Pass, thanks," Vince said, "still not feeling a 100% after the stomach bug from hell that you gave me."
Max snorted, rolling his eyes, "it's been ten days, get over it."
"Like you got over it?" The other man needled him and Max wrinkled his nose. In truth the flu had taken him out of commission for 4 whole days and when he finally managed to come back to the school, he had to take on some extra hours since Vince was down for the count.
And that was not even touching the fact he had to win his seniors all over again. Thankfully the bug had been harsh enough and he had a cemented enough position that he didn't become an immediate meme among the students, but that didn't mean they were cool with him again.
Max sulked, sliding down his seat a little more and continuing to eat. The chips were bland, because he wouldn't risk trying salt&vinegar during a field trip, since those always upset his stomach, and soon enough he finished up the whole bag, muffling a burp against his fist and crumpling the plastic.
Next to him, he watched as Vince took a sandwich from his bag and bit on it. Of course it was in homemade bread and huge. Max glared at the sandwich for such a long time, that Vince frowned and held it up for him.
"You want a bite? Or are you gonna hold me upside down by the ankles for my lunch money?"
Fuck this guy entirely, Max thought, scoffing, "I never did that."
"No, you just shoved me so hard from the monkey bars that I broke my arm," Vince rolled his eyes, "and for no reason too."
"I'm sure I had some reason," Max mumbled under his breath, even though he knew he really didn't. Twelve year old him had been a demon, smack right in the middle of his parents divorce and trying to get everyone's attention through whatever means he could.
Vince rolled his eyes, taking another bite and getting up from his seat to check on the kids.
The other teacher sighed, sliding further down his seat and crossing his arms to his chest, pissed off. He really didn't like remembering how much of a prick he once was, it burned a hole in his stomach.
Talking about his stomach... He could feel it pressing against his jeans, bloating up. He was the king of bloating, easily looking pregnant over any meal, but really? Over bland chips?
Another airy burp forced up and he blew it out under his breath, massaging his chest and cursing softly. It was like his body was adamant on humiliating him in front of Monacelli.
"We're probably almost there already," Vince said, startling Max, and causing him to sit up correctly. The other man slid in the small space between the front of the bus and Max' legs, so he could sit on the empty seat near the window, "no kid is carsick, we should count our stars."
"Uhm," Max nodded, scratching at his beard nervously and muffling yet another burp. He fidgeted on his seat, trying to find a comfortable position, "so why did you come back to Doveport? People don't come back here."
Vince shrugged, making a silly face to a kid who was watching them from another seat, then keeping the lighthearted smile on as he answered, "my family is here. I wanted to be closer to them. Besides, I like the town."
"You like the town?" Max scoffed, then another burp snuck up, this one louder and bringing with it a hiccup that shook his whole body. Vince raised his eyebrows.
"You good?" he asked, not waiting for an answer to continue, "yeah, I like the people, I like the fact its peaceful."
"I'm-HIC!" The blonde let out a loud groan when another hicc-urp interrupted him, loud enough the kids sitting across the hallway from them started to giggle, "shit."
"Language," Vince said, seemingly out of habit, the corner of his mouth quirking up, "did you eat too much for your tummy, Daniels?"
Maybe he had a reason to break this guy's arm, Max thought darkly, glaring at him, "I'm fine," he stressed, wrapping an arm around his stomach and huffing as yet another hiccup shook him, "fu-duuuck."
He heard Vince chuckle at the switch of the insult, then a huge hand came to rest on his back, "maybe get up? It might help."
It wouldn't, Max already knew. Once he got the hiccup-burps, he was done for and it was really only a matter of time before his belly started churning and maybe nausea joined the mix later on. Still, just to get away from Vince, he got up and walked the hallway using the seats on each side of him as support to keep from wooblying.
Vaguely he thought they were setting up a terrible example, telling the kids to stay put and then walking all over.
He counted the children, just to have something to do, and then paused as the bus shook and his stomach flipped, going from unsettled to upset and sour. Max squinted, removing a hand from the seat in order to plant it on his belly and groaning as he could feel the bloat pushing against his t-shirt.
"Mr. Daniels?" a kid asked, confused as of why he had stopped right next to their seat. It was a little girl, with long box braids and dark skin, big brown eyes, "is your tummy sick?"
"I'm fine, Jess," he forced a smile at the kid, winking at her, "what are you drawing there?"
"The dinosaurs!" Jess perked up, holding her coloring page. It was a bit messy, but overall he thought it was pretty nice. A T-rex in the middle of the woods. They wouldn't be seeing any t-rexes today, but oh well.
"That's so cool," he grinned, crouching down and immediately regretting it when the movement caused another burp to rush up, this one followed by three hiccups in quick succession that he could do nothing about. Jess started to giggle at him and Max' cheeks turned red. He swallowed some air, forcing up a thick, low burp against his fist and she wrinkled her nose.
"Eeewww..." The little girl whined and he blushed even more, his whole face ablaze.
"Sorry, sorry-" he grabbed one of her crayons, "I think your t-rex is missing a hat. It's sunny outside, is it not?"
Happily diverted, the kid turned to her drawing and studied it, "maybe sunblock," she decided, "or a cap like Mr. Mo's?"
Who the fuck was Mr. Mo?
It took Max a second to realize the girl couldn't pronounce Monacelli and had settled for the second best thing. He snorted, "yeah, give him a baseball cap-"
"Her," Jess glared at him, "It's a girl t-rex, like in the movies."
"Ah... Yeah, then give her a cap," he squeezed the little girl's shoulder, then got up once more, the movement causing the bag of chips in his belly to churn a little harder and the push up a wet burp that he muffled with a hand. This one he could just taste the potatoes.
"Fuck," Max sighed, falling back on his seat up in the front and folding in half, pressing his forehead to the front wall that separated the common area of the bus from the driver's.
"What's up?" Vince looked up from his phone once more. Now he was texting someone.
"I think I'm gonna barf," Max groaned, keeping his voice low, "how much until we stop?"
"About twenty minutes," Vince dug through the cooler that was at his feet, with water bottles, juice boxes, bags, snack bars - "here," he handed him a water bottle, "are you carsick or did you really eat too much with just a measly bag of chips?"
"My gut is a bit of a bitch," Max sighed, closing his eyes, "temperamental as fuck. I thought I was in the clear with the bland chips, but..." he trailed off, making his point by muffling a sickly little burp against his hand and shuddering when vomit splashed the back of his throat. He swallowed in, "fuck my entire fucking life."
"Stop fucking swearing," Vince whispered to him, "you're gonna startle the kids. Twenty minutes, alright? Just take deep breaths and stop leaning forward like that, you're not helping yourself."
"You're such a snotty know-it-all," Max glared at him, as Vince planted a hand on his chest and pushed him against the seats, "what's up? You're a med school reject?"
Vince frowned, "you're such a prick. Are you hellbent on puking in front of every class you teach?"
Max' ears burned and he looked away from the man, taking a large gulp of water, "you're never gonna let that go?"
"Not for another month at least," Vince huffed and then pushed the window next to him wide open.
The rush of chill air helped a lot, but Max was not about to congratulate Vince for doing the barest minimum. He breathed out slowly through his mouth, sneaking a hand under his t-shirt and pressing on his belly. It was warm to the touch and gurgling non stop.
"How much more?"
"Nineteen minutes," Vince said and he could hear the man's amusement at his plight. Max groaned, staring at the ceiling as yet another hiccup hit him and made his ribs ache, his whole chest squeeze.
The water had been a mistake, as it rocketed up his throat, forcing him to gulp down.
"I really don't wanna be sick in front of them," Max whispered, allowing a glimpse of vulnerability to the other teacher. He knew at least with that Vince could sympathize, "just- Do something? Please."
There was a pause, then Vince squeezed his knee in an amiable way and pushed Max's legs out of the way as he got up once more. He clapped his hands loudly.
"Alright kids, each one of you know the bus song?" he exclaimed, his voice all cheery and Max groaned, scooting so he could occupy Vince's now empty seat next to the window and shoving his head out, so he could breathe.
Now with the noisy bus, he could burp openly, and a string of belches pushed up, intercalated with hiccups, rattling in his chest. He let out a groan and spat the saliva pooling in his mouth, but the burps helped, a little, the ache in his gut.
He lowered his head to the windowsill, listening as Vince continued to sing. They had ruined the peace and quiet and the bus was chaos, but at least Max knew not a soul was paying attention to him, as he let out a moan and squeezed his tummy, urging it to settle down.
Eventually the bus came to stop and Max removed his head from the window, wiping the cold sweat that was clinging to his upper lip and catching Vince's eye as the man shepherded the kids into a queue in front of the museum.
"Thanks," he whispered, passing him by once they were all outside, "uhm- You can handle them for another fifteen? I'm gonna go hurl, but then I can take 'em."
Vince's eyebrows jumped up, a sudden, startled chuckle slipping past his lips. He nodded, "Uh yeah- yeah, sure, go ahead-" then his attention slipped away as one of the boys tried to run ahead, "Elliot give me your hand!"
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heeeepot · 9 months
oneshot 💫
pairing: bf!heeseung x female!reader
includes: smut, fingering, oral (f receiving), angry sex?, overstimulation, dirty talk, unprotected sex (alwaysss use protection!) assertive heeseung — lmk if I missed anything!
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story begins under the cut ! minors, dni:)
After a long day of yelling at people who work for you, all you needed was your girlfriend.
Heeseung was tired, setting down the last file in the cabinet before locking it. Getting ready to go home, he thought about you. About how less the time you guys spend together is getting each day, and it was Heeseung's fault.
He found it difficult to make time for you with all the work coming in unexpectedly, and he understood why you would be so upset about it.
Letting out a sigh, he walked to his car, driving back to his home, it wasn't a house. It was a special girl, Y/n.
Heeseung and Y/n have been dating for 3 years now, but they've been friends for 9.
They went through everything together. Since they were in middle school, everyone knew they were going to end up together, they were too oblivious to even see how much chemistry they had growing up.
That was until they were 18 when they realized they were inlove, one was just braver to admit it. And it was not Heeseung.
That's where it all started, everything was perfect, literally perfect. Until they both started working.
They felt like an old married couple who hasn't had as much intimacy anymore. But, that didn't stop them from going on a couple dates and surprising eachother with gifts time to time.
And that was unfortunately not going to happen tonight. Heeseung had come home late, not being able to buy her a gift.
All these thoughts in his head came to an end when he parked the car. Using the keys to unlock the house, surprised to see you still awake.
"Babe? It's nearly 1 am, what's keeping you up?" Heeseung asked, with obvious exhaustion in his voice.
"That's the problem, Heeseung. It's nearly 1. Do you even know how late that is? What can happen to you out there at this time? Did you even know that I texted and called you numerous times? Heeseung we went over this, I'm getting tired." Voice nearly breaking, Y/n almost didn't hold herself together at the few last words that left her lips.
"Y/n, I'm sorry, please. I know you're tired baby and I'm sorry, I probably don't know how you feel but I know that I'm hurting you, I don't want that."
"Ok, Heeseung. 4th time you said that this week." Y/n said bitterly. She was tired with all the excuses that he had.
Walking off to their room, Heeseung follows her, handing out to her wrist.
"Babe let's talk about thi—" Heeseung was cut off, on the bed was a bunch of toys, Y/n's toys.
Y/n's instincts were to run to them and try to hide it. She knew it wouldn't help but what else was she supposed to do anyway?
"Y/n?" Heeseung's voice was suddenly stern.
"What is it now?"
"Were you— possibly using those while I was at work, baby?"
"Me? Those?" Y/n scoffed, she knew he was onto her but she just wanted to see how far she can go with this.
"Who else would use a vibrator and a dildo, baby?" Heeseung's voice is suddenly low, as if he liked it.
"Don't know, maybe your other bitch left it here." Y/n shrugged. This pissed Heeseung off, he was sensitive when it came to mentioning other girls, he only focused on you.
"Oh, yeah?"
"What do you want, Heeseung? Whatever it is, I won't do it for you." Y/n rolled her eyes, this wasn't attitude, she just wants more attention. (y/n just like me fr)
Y/n turned to enter their bathroom. She suddenly felt a force behind her, pushing her into the bathroom, and suddenly placed on the counter.
"What the fuck, Hee?" Y/n was surprised.
"Don't act like you don't want this, Y/n." Eyes dark, his hair falling in front them.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about, Hee." Y/n's abdomen was suddenly warm, it turned her on.
"Then I'll show you what I'm talking about." He says, unbuttoning his black polo shirt while his eyes are still locked to yours.
"H-Hee, what are you doing?" You were suddenly nervous, even though this is what you were always asking for.
"Strip." He commanded, Y/n was frozen, just looking down at his body.
"I said strip or I'll do it for you." Voice deep and low, his adam’s apple going up and down with each word that left his lips.
When Heeseung said that, you felt a little bratty. Like how you always were when it came to situations like these.
"Do it for me, baby." You leaned in, you left a kiss on his weak spot. Right under his ear, just above the collarbone. His groans were audible, hips coming closer to yours.
His hands flew to your waist which he starves for everyday. Grip getting tighter with each kiss that left him wanting more and more. Your kisses alone would make him cum, that’s how weak he is when it comes to you.
"You do me so well, Y/n." He whispered, biting his lip careful to not let out moans.
His hands traveling to your smooth thighs, squeezing them. This made you whimper into his neck.
"I love hearing you, baby." He says, squeezing your thighs more.
Your breasts were now against his bare chest, you wanted to lick every muscle he had.
"Tell me, baby. Who were those toys for?" He asked, now reaching for your ass.
"None of your business, Hee." You backed away from his neck, which now had small redish purple patches from your mouth.
"What's the attitude for?" He was getting irritated, he always found your attitude unnecessary.
"I don't see any attitude." You shrugged, getting off the counter then walking back to the room.
He then carried you over his shoulder, dropping you onto the bed, keeping both of your hands in one of his, holding it above your head.
"Heeseung!" You shrieked, struggling to get out from his grip. He was towering over you, crotch to crotch.
He ties your hands to the bed frame, leaving you helpless, and you liked it. You always liked when he was assertive.
He removes your shorts and underwear in one motion, spreading your legs open. He was met with your pussy, full of slick that he was ready to eat off you.
"Your pussy will always be my favorite late night dinner, baby." He says, his face coming closer to your core.
He licks from your hole to your clit, collecting your slick on the tip of his tongue.
"I missed your taste, I’ll call in sick for work anytime for this." He says going in for another lick.
"Fuck, Hee please be gentle." Your voice came out shaky.
"Can’t promise you that, baby." He starts eating you out full on. Sucking on your clit and fucking your hole with his tongue.
This left your legs shaking, your moans couldn't be held back from the immense pleasure you felt. You then feel him enter two long digits in you, he starts curling his fingers and it made you want his long and thick dick inside you.
"My God, baby. More please, give it to me." You moaned, tears swelling up from the overstimulation.
His tongue hitting your clit repeatedly, his fingers pumping deep inside you. Sucking on your clit, he groaned. The vibration was enough to make you cum all over his fingers.
He brought it up to his lips and licked them clean. You were catching your breath, looking at him as he cleaned his fingers with his tongue.
"I’m not done with you." He says, removing his pants and boxers, his dick springs up and hits his abs, you could never forget how big this man is.
He sticks his dick inside you, groaning and gripping on your legs, he puts it on his shoulders, putting you in his favorite position.
He thrusts without a word, your lewd sounds became louder with each thrust.
His eyes locked with your bouncing boobs which were still clothed. Oh how he missed seeing that sight.
"Fuck H-Heeseung! Feels so good baby." You managed to say.
"You wanna use your stupid little toys while I’m at work, huh baby?" He asks still thrusting his dick inside you with a pace.
“N-No. I’m sorry, please." Your eyes rolled back from the mix of pain and pleasure. You clenched on his dick.
It got a loud moan out of him.
"Your tight little cunt is gonna make me cum soon baby, so fucking good for me." He breathes out, his words adding more lube to his dick.
Within a few more thrusts, you knew you were close.
"Baby, gonna cum soon." You moaned, voice all messy from the motions.
"Cum for me, baby." Those words were enough to make you release, your body shook from the scene.
"That's a good girl, I'm cumming soon baby, keep it tight for me." Hips pounding into your abused cunt, you loved letting him own you.
"Fuck baby, am I not fucking you often anymore? How are you taking my dick in better each time?" His head throws back, showing the marks on his neck, hands on your hips.
He cums inside you, filling you till it was dripping out of your pussy. You moaned at his action, he fucks his cum into you.
"Heeseung! Enough, please!" You pleaded, you could only take so much.
Heeseung let out a small laugh, he loved when you suffered, and it was all because of him. He had you under his control.
He eventually stops, dick pulling out still glazed in your combined liquids.
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daddy-dins-girl · 2 months
Playdate - Chapter Seven
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Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
AO3 link
pairing: Marcus Pike x f! Reader x Dave York
Word Count: 5.2k
Notes: I am posting TWO new chapters back-to-back (7 & 8) as they take place at the same time but from multiple POV's. I'd recommend reading chapter 8 as soon as you can after this one, so its fresh in your brain ;)
Chapter Warnings (minor spoilers in the tags...): 18+ MDNI. Soft!Dave York (like, you can't even stand it. Soft Dave needs his own warning). Porn WITH plot (who gave me the right?). All the feelings (I'm sorry). Unprotected P in V. Creampie. Angst! (in MY porn story? who am I?). Infidelity-ish I guess, technically (look these are just 3 idiots in love who don't know what tf they're doing, okay?). Plus probably ever other tag from previous chapters... you know the drill by now for this series.
MASSIVE thank you for @janaispunk for beta'ing and being my sounding board. I really appreciate all your help!
Page dividers by the generous and talented @saradika-graphics
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You power nap through the rest of the afternoon and into the early evening, thanks to the blackout curtains drawn shut but mostly in large part due to the strenuous activities the three of you had gotten up to just before you’d passed out. You remember your eyes closing involuntarily as you lay half draped over Dave, Marcus snuggled into your back and his own breaths began to even out just as yours did.
Soft lips pressed to your forehead and a light hand brushing over your hair causes you to stir some time later and you wake feeling rested, a satisfied smile playing at your lips as you rouse to consciousness.
“Hi Baby” you murmur into your pillow. You don’t even need to open your eyes to know it’s your husband.
He presses a kiss to your forehead once more and breathes out a whispered “I’m sorry” that makes whatever peacefulness you were reveling in vanish in an instant.
His words are enough to get your eyes to fully open. You stare up at him, brow furrowed in confusion as to what on earth he could possibly have to be sorry about and when your gaze sets on him he’s seated next to you on the side of the bed and looking far too overly dressed in tan khakis and a black polo shirt, the expression on his handsome features substantiating his remorse.
“Where are you going?” You ask, concern laced in your tone as you push yourself up into a seated position. Maybe you all are just going out for a late dinner or something and he was apologizing for having to wake you up from your nap for it, but the frown of his face quickly dispels that theory.
He lets out a sigh and hangs his head slightly. It’s then you notice his hair is wet so he must’ve just gotten out of the shower. “Something came up, at work. An emergency” he clarifies, gaze still fixed to the comforter he’s sitting on rather than looking at you. “Cab’s downstairs already.”
“You have to go?!” You ask, incredulous. Your voice raises maybe a little higher than you should’ve let it, but you were rightly shocked that your husband has to leave you now, on your birthday no less.
“Where are you going?” Dave’s voice immediately floods into the room and you look up to see him wandering into the bedroom, towel around his hips and another around his neck that he’s using to dry his hair.
He must’ve showered just after Marcus, you presume.
“Uh work. Last minute thing just… came up. I um, I’ll try not to be long” Marcus continues, turning back towards you for the last part.
“There’s no one else?” You try, sounding a little pouty, you know, but you really don’t want him to go.
He sighs, taking your hands in his and bringing them up to place a kiss to your knuckles before whispering another “I’m sorry” against them.
“But look why don’t you order dinner, or go downstairs for it even, just have it all billed back to the room and I’ll take care of it later, ok?”
“Ok…” you sigh, eyes cast downward. You feel silly for feeling so emotional, he’s literally spent the last 24 hours at your side giving you the best birthday you’ve ever had and you’re still near tears just because he has to leave you. Marcus has a very important job and you know these things come up from time to time. He’s been dragged away from anniversaries, birthdays, even your cousin's wedding on one occasion but it all came with the territory of being married to a senior Federal Agent and you knew that and had accepted it long ago so you just offer a small nod of your head, unable to bring yourself to look at him right now. You don’t want to make him feel more guilty than he likely already does by seeing the disappointment that’s surely written across your features.
Dave is oddly quiet, too. Still hanging back at the doorway leading into the bedroom you presume as you haven’t heard him moving around. With a sigh Marcus leans down and presses a kiss to the crown of your head and puts a comforting hand on your shoulder before pushing himself up and off the bed. “I’ll call” he promises. You nod again, forcing a smile to your lips as you finally raise your head to look up at him.
“Hurry back” you playfully scold, reaching a hand out to lightly smack his hip with the back of your hand and he chuckles.
“Happy Birthday Babe” he tells you once more before reaching for your hand and giving it a small squeeze. He sighs, settles his shoulders, drops your hand and finally turns away from you. You sit up in bed and watch as he crosses the room until he reaches the doorway where Dave is still standing there in a towel.
“I’ll um... Yeah, I’ll see ya” is all Marcus offers to him before brushing past him. A few seconds go by and you hear the front door of the room open and then click shut.
Well… now what?
“Are you um… are you hungry?” You ask Dave, suddenly feeling awkward as you bunch the sheet up a little higher under your armpits to ensure you stay covered up. “We could order something again, or even go down to the restaurant to eat if you wanna get out of this room” you shrug.
The room feels suddenly too small for the two of you. Like you shouldn’t be in such close proximity to each other without Marcus present (especially not in the state of undress you’re both in). It’s not that you feel uncomfortable around Dave, more like the opposite, and therein lies your problem. Dave makes you feel… a lot. But discomfort is not one of those feelings. The only thing uncomfortable about being around Dave is probably how comfortable you feel around him now. Like you could just walk across the room to him right now and throw your arms around his shoulders and kiss him like it’s a habit.
But you can’t. Of course you can’t. Marcus didn’t explicitly implore you not to, but he also didn’t outright give his blessing either. It feels wrong without Marcus here and you think both you and Dave can feel it, the way the energy shifted in the room the moment your husband stepped out of it. You have been alone with Dave before of course, but only once, and with your husband's enthusiastic permission. Insistence, even. Now there’s a sexual tension hanging in the air that makes this massive suite feel suffocating.
Finally after what feels like a moment dragged on far too long, Dave answers. “Should probably get going, right?” he shrugs his shoulders, voicing aloud what you’re both thinking.
You don’t want him to leave. Of course you don’t. But you both know he needs to.
“Yeah, right” your gaze is cast downwards again as your fingers pick at a loose thread in the soft sheet covering you. You suck in a breath, willing for no tears to fall to your cheeks as you begin to feel overwhelmed with loss, with what your evening had become versus what you had managed to conjure it up to be in your fantasies while you were falling asleep just hours earlier.
You had thoughts. A lot of thoughts. Especially after what had inspired earlier, you were ready and willing to experience a lot more of that and you’d told yourself you were going to be brave and honest and adult about it and tell them both exactly what you wanted, but now here you were about to be left alone in this hotel room. Maybe you’d just pack everything up and go home, text Marcus and let him know to meet you back there after work. You didn’t want to sit around this giant reminder of what you were missing out on tonight.
You remain seated in the bed, back against the headboard and arms wrapped around your legs that are bent at the knees in front of you, hugging yourself as Dave wanders around the bedroom getting dressed in fresh clothes and cleaning up all of his belongings, stuffing them back into his overnight bag. You glance at him occasionally as he busies himself packing, eventually moving out of the bedroom and throughout the rest of the suite to gather what’s left.
“Think that’s it” he sighs as he re-enters the bedroom a minute or so later and takes one final glance around to ensure he hasn’t forgotten anything.
“I’ll walk you out” you say, suddenly remembering your manners and Dave manages a small chuckle but ultimately holds up his hand in dismissal.
“Don’t need to get up on my account, I’ll see myself out”
You nod your head, a murmured “ok” leaving your lips as you wrap your arms back around your knees again.
Dave crosses the room over to your side, hesitation in his steps until he finally reaches you. He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead and then smiles softly as he pulls away. “Happy Birthday” he tells you. “Hope it was a good one” he adds with a playful wink and your lips instantly spread into a grin across your face, despite your less than happy mood.
“Best one yet” you promise him. It was the truth, after all.
“Goodnight” he finally says, after a long drawn out silence stretches between you and he turns on his heel, exiting the bedroom. A moment later you hear the main door exiting the room open and shut again and just like that, he’s gone, and you’re alone.
Your head falls back down to your knees and you gently shake it back and forth, willing yourself to be strong and not break down to tears like you want to. It was silly, really, but dammit if it didn’t hurt all the same.
With a huff into the empty room you decide you’re not just going to lie there feeling sorry for yourself all night. You’re going to get up, clean up and start packing to meet Marcus back at home like you had thought about earlier. It was too sad sitting in this gorgeous suite all alone, watching a clock or your phone waiting on your husband to return. You get up and throw on one of Marcus’ t-shirts and a fresh pair of panties, quickly use the bathroom and brush your teeth and then begin to wander about the room, picking up clothes and toiletries and any other of yours or Marcus’ belongings and start packing them into the small suitcase. Once everything is packed you take a look around the suite and realize what a disaster you’ve all made. Between dirty dishes, empty coffee cups, liquor and champagne bottles, and a haphazardly made bed, you decide to tidy up a bit as well before you leave. You know that’s Housekeeping's job but you don’t think you could live with yourself knowing you left a room in the state this one was in so you begin about tossing away trash, collecting empty bottles to line them up on the small counter top and fixing up the bed at least halfway decently. The “do not disturb” sign had been stationary on the outside of the suite door handle since your arrival last night so no cleaning staff had bothered to come by and you couldn’t in good conscience leave the room the way it was.
You stand in the middle of the living room and take a final glance around, satisfied with how you’re leaving things now and go to turn back to the bedroom to get dressed and collect your suitcase when there’s a sudden knock at the door. Your brow furrows at who it could be but you head over to pull it open away, thinking maybe your husband had decided to take the liberty to order dinner for you, rightfully assuming you would skip it all together had it been solely up to you.
You reach the door and pull it open, ready to let whoever is on the opposite side of the door know that you won’t be staying to eat but the words die on your tongue as it swings open and reveals what - or rather who - waits on the other side.
“Hi” you breathe, voice barely above a whisper.
“Hi” he murmurs back, eyes boring into yours.
With one large hand planted against the door frame, Dave looms over you as a dead silence stretches on between you. You know what he’s waiting for. He’s waiting for you to tell him to leave, that he shouldn’t be here. He still has his duffel in his other hand which means he didn’t even make it to his car. From the close proximity you can smell the alcohol on his breath, maybe he only made it as far as the hotel bar and convinced himself to turn right back around.
Either way, you know you just don’t have it in you to turn him away. He knows it, too. Despite not even knowing you very long, he’s always been able to read you like a book.
There’s always been a pull between the two of you, a magnetic attraction. But over the past couple of visits, and certainly over the last 24 hours, something has shifted. You’d felt it, and given the way Dave was looking at you now, you know he did too.
Dave is first to break the silence with a whispered “fuck” before he pushes his way fully inside. Duffel dropped to the floor just inside the entryway, his left arm wraps around your waist and lifts you easily as his other hastily slams the door shut before joining the other to secure you to his body. Your legs wrap around him and both his hands grab hold at your ass while yours wrap around his neck and your lips meet in a heated frenzy as Dave carries you further inside.
“Where?” Dave mumbles against your lips between kisses, halfway across the living room by now.
“Bed. Take me to bed” you answer easily. You don’t want a quick fuck on the couch or against a wall. There’s a yearning inside of you that can’t be fully satisfied unless you do this right. Dave hums his approval into your mouth, passing by the couch and into the next room until he reaches the foot of the bed and he stops to let you down, your body slowly sliding down his front until your bare feet hit the floor. Your arms remain around his neck, his at your waist and he looks down at you, forehead resting against yours, holding your gaze for several long seconds.
“Thought you left” you manage to say, voice barely above a whisper.
“Me too,” he admits. Your breaths mingle in the limited space between you, the temperature in the room suddenly stifling. Dave can feel the way your body slightly trembles in his arms, just as you can easily read the longing in his gaze. You want this. You both do.
“Tell me to go” he tries, voice so low and soft it’s barely discernible, his eyes falling shut and thumbs absently rubbing back and forth at your hips.
“Can’t” you answer simply. He knows it’s the truth.
“Then tell me to stay” he tries instead, eyes opening again to search yours, needing your consent, your affirmation that you feel this too, whatever is inside of him. He needs to know that you need him as much in this moment as he needs you. That you’re willing to cross this line with him.
You don’t answer him with words. You can’t. Instead you lower one arm down to take his hand into yours and you lead him around the bed, turning once you reach the head of it and dropping his hand to bring both of yours to the waistband of his jeans, slowly popping each one of the buttons of his 501’s until they’re fully open and you’re able to push the denim down his hips. He helps you free him from the confines of his jeans until they’re bunched at the floor and he quickly toes out of his shoes before kicking his pants the rest of the way off. His t-shirt goes next as he reaches behind him and drags it up and over his torso, quickly tossing it aside before both his hands come down to cradle your face and he stands before you in only his boxer briefs.
Words still unspoken, your hands come up to splay across his chest and give him a gentle guiding push. He follows your lead, sinking down onto the mattress and gets seated with his back against the headboard, bringing his legs up to stretch out in front of him as you carefully crawl on top of him, one knee bent on either side of his hips as you straddle his lap and then lower your forehead to rest against his, bringing a hand down to gently caress against his cheek.
Dave lets out a desperate little groan before pressing forward enough so he can capture your mouth. He kisses you slow and deep, moaning into you when your lips part and his tongue brushes yours. It’s not the bruising, desperate and rushed kisses you’re used to from Dave. It’s soft and romantic and decidedly intimate.
His right hand trails up your side under the oversized t-shirt and cups a bare breast before deft fingers begin to play with your nipple, gently pinching and rolling it between the pads of his fingers while your back arches into his touch, desperate for more. He takes the hint and pulls you back just enough so he can tug the t-shirt up and over your head, tossing it carelessly to the floor before pulling you closer once more. His mouth trails downwards, placing hot open-mouthed kisses to your jaw, down the column of your throat, your collarbone, and finally finding purchase on your other breast, mouthing over the pert bud before gently sucking it into his mouth.
You moan at his actions, hands coming to card through his hair, gently scraping his scalp with your fingernails.
“God you make me feel so good” you pant and he moans his appreciation for your praise into your heated flesh. “So good to me, baby.”
He continues to kiss and lick and suckle at your breasts, paying each one equal attention and his hand pleasuring whichever one his mouth isn’t currently fastened to and you arch further into him, head thrown back and allowing your hips to grind against his groin. He’s growing hard underneath you, you can feel him swell and begin to strain against the tight fabric of his underwear as you take your own pleasure from him, reveling in the friction created between your legs with each slow drag of his hardening length between your cotton covered core.
“God, fuck!” You whine, swearing you could come from this alone. Dave groans into your breasts, hands coming to take hold at your hips and help guide your movements to grind down further into him.
“You’re so goddamn beautiful” Dave lets out, breathless as you rock on top of him, your body on full display as you take out your pleasure on him with each downward press of your pelvis into his. “My perfect girl” he praises before surging upwards to capture your mouth with his once more, tongues entwining immediately into that all too familiar dance now as he wraps a strong arm around your waist and easily flips you both until you’re underneath him, his body weight gently pressing you deeper into the mattress as he kisses you until you’re both left breathless.
He’s cradled deliciously right between your legs as you lay on your back with your knees bent and raised in the air to accommodate him as he slowly continues to grind against you and before long it gets to be simultaneously too much, yet not enough and you reach down, desperately shoving at the soft material of his boxers to get them off. He laughs against your lips between kisses but quickly obliges your silent request, aiding you in pulling them all the way down before he can kick them away and then slowly he lowers himself down the length of your body, pausing to kiss and lick and nip at whatever piece of flesh he finds along his descent until he’s up on his elbows with his face hovering right above your core.
“Dave, fuck” you whine, hand instinctively reaching out to push through his hair.
Dave however seems intent on driving you to the brink of your sanity as he places a soft kiss to your still covered mound, then gently rubs his nose through the seam of your folds and finally sticks his tongue out to lap a few times at your panties, creating enough of a wet spot between his saliva and your own arousal that it nearly feels like there’s no barrier between you at all, your white panties surely transparent by now.
“Please, please, please.” It’s barely above a whisper. A pathetic whine, really, the way you beg for him. Need him.
He turns his head, placing little kisses at your thighs and hips until finally his hands go to the elastic waistband of your panties and he slowly peels them down your legs until you’re finally rid of them and he tosses them to the floor before crawling back up your body and capturing your lips in a searing kiss, swallowing down each one of your moans with his mouth.
“I need you” you confess, breathless and writhing under the solid weight of him.
Dave groans, pulling his lips away from your mouth to nuzzle into your throat instead where he voices his own desperation “need you too. Fuck I need you”.
You moan at his admission, reaching to grab for his face to bring it back to yours but he diverts slightly downwards, bringing the attention of his mouth back to your breasts. He takes one into his mouth while his right hand gropes the other, massaging and kneading the flesh under his large grasp before delicately taking your pebbled nipple between his fingers to pinch and tweak at it until you’re writhing into his touch all over again.
Dave always made sure to prepare you for him, but never had the two of you taken so much time for just foreplay and you feel like you’ve been on the edge of an orgasm for an eternity by now. You’re used to Dave taking you hard and fast but tonight he seems perfectly content on taking his time to unravel you until you’re nothing but putty in his hands, desperate for him to carve you out and mold you into his body however he sees fit.
Before long his free hand drifts down your side and goes between your legs and when he feels how absolutely soaked and ready you are he lets out a little growl of need and for a moment you’re certain the Dave you’re used to is about to take over. He’s going to toss you around until you’re in the position he wants and drive his cock into you so hard and fast that you forget your own name and can only scream out his.
But you wait, and it doesn’t happen. He continues to gently kiss, lick and play with your breasts while his other hand presses into your folds, slides down to plunge two fingers inside of you and raises his thumb to circle your clit. Your hands become lost in his hair, desperate for anything to hold onto as you grind yourself into his hand, panting, moaning and whispering little bits of praise at how well he takes care of you and Dave is absolutely eating it up. With every little adoration that slips past your lips he moans or whimpers into your skin, eager for your praise and eager to please you and it’s night and day to the Dave you’re used to that tells you to stay still and take what he has to give you.
A third finger joins the first two as he slowly strokes your walls, curling them at just the right spot deep inside of you that has you mewling and whimpering under his delicate touch. They drag in and out of your core at a slow but precise pace as he works you open, his mouth never faltering from pleasuring your breasts while his hand drives you to the brink of sanity. He knows your body well enough by now that he can sense when you’re getting close and he amps up his pace, fingers gliding in and out of your wet heat easily with renewed vigor as the lewd sounds of your gushing arousal coating his digits and slapping of skin against skin fills the small space of the bedroom.
Before long, you finally cum on his fingers, back arching and a long drawn out moan releasing from the depths of your throat and Dave’s mouth climbs back up your body to swallow down the rest of your moans while his fingers continue their delightful torture below, working you through your orgasm as your walls pulse and contract around his thick fingers.
“Oh my god” you sigh, hands wrapping around Dave’s head as he buries his face in the side of yours and his hand finally leaves your sex to rest at your hip instead, giving you some reprieve. He shifts to lie on his side next to you now, pressing in close against your body while you lie on your back, body still trembling as you come back down from your high.
“You’re so beautiful” he murmurs, placing a soft kiss just below your ear while his thumb absently runs back and forth against your hip. “So perfect” another kiss, this time to the underside of your jaw and you turn on your side to face him. “So good to me” he concludes, pressing a kiss to your lips.
He’s being so sweet and attentive and incredibly affectionate and though you definitely like the harder, dominating side of Dave, there’s something about his softness that you’re finding just as addictive.
You’re well and truly fucked now. Literally, figuratively.
You try to ignore the way your heart swells as you lie here on your sides face to face, slowly kissing and exploring each other with your hands. Dave’s touch is slow and methodical, like he needs to map out every inch of you to commit to memory like he might never see it again and you arch into his touch every chance you get, desperate to feel more of him. It’s not long before your body is craving him again and with how you can feel him pressed against your belly, you know he needs you too. You roll on top of him and take his face in both hands, ensuring his eyes focus on you and they do, his hands stilling on either side of your hips.
“Make love to me. Please David”
The words barely get past your lips before Dave surges upward, mouth capturing yours in a desperate and heated kiss. His arms wrap around you and he flips you both so you’re underneath him again as his tongue invades the heat of your mouth, the wet muscle wrapping around yours as he seemingly puts every emotion he has into the passionate kiss.
Below you he’s gently lifting one of your legs up so it’s bent at the knee before his hand goes between his own legs to guide himself to line up at your entrance. It’s a slow press of his hips that pushes him inside of you and you both moan into each other's mouth once he enters you, filling you up so completely. He stills once he’s buried to the hilt and and pulls back from your mouth so his forehead rests against yours, your panting breaths mingling in the limited space between you.
Your name leaves his lips in a whisper and it nearly catches you off guard. You’re not even sure you’ve ever heard him say it before. He’s called you lots of names, sure, but never your own and a warmth spreads through your whole body at how it sounds coming from his lips like a forbidden secret meant only for your ears. Your hands go back to his face and pull him back in, your mouths melding together as he slowly begins to move.
“My god you’re fucking perfect” he breathes out as he pulls back just enough so that he can look into your eyes as he gently rocks his hips in and out of you and both your legs come up, locking your ankles together behind his back to keep him impossibly close as he ruts into you. “My perfect girl” he praises, eyes slipping shut as his forehead rests against yours and he focuses all his attention on how good you feel completely wrapped around him, consumed by him.
He fucks you slow and deep for what seems like an eternity, neither of you in any hurry to finish, just wanting to feel. Every slow drag of his cock against the wet heat of your walls sends a tingle down your spine that has your toes curling, ankles digging deeper into the soft and sweat-slicked flesh of his back. Eventually though the need for a release comes on strong and fast for you both and refuses to be ignored. Your legs wrap around his torso a little tighter, your hand in his hair gripping harder and his hot breaths against your neck getting more ragged as his hips pick up the pace.
“Close?” he asks between labored breaths into the shell of your ear and you nod against him.
“Mmmhmm, fuck I’m so close, please”
“C’mere” he breathes, turning onto his side and shifting you into the same position, lying on your right side with your back to his front. He lifts your left leg that rests on top of your right so he can slip in between them again and slide right back into your welcoming heat, both of you groaning in pleasure at how much deeper he can reach inside of you at this angle.
“Oh my god” you cry out when he begins to piston back and forth.
“Right there?” he breathes against the side of your face and you whimper unintelligibly, nodding your head before turning it back so you can capture his lips, allowing him to swallow down each of your moans.
The hand still hooked under your leg wanders slightly until it reaches its prize between your legs, deft fingers pressing down exactly how you need them to and rubbing small tight circles against your puffy, swollen clit and that’s all it takes. Within moments you’re falling apart, a wrecked sob leaving your throat as your arm that’s not currently underneath you comes up to wrap around Dave’s neck, securing him to you as you whimper, whine and moan into his mouth, your orgasm completely taking hold over you for several long seconds.
“Baby, I can’t, I’m - fuck” he groans, holding himself back with no small amount of effort from finishing. The way your walls clamp down around him as he feels your release coating him, your limbs entwined all around his own that tremble and pulse like his own second heartbeat.
“Let go, it’s ok” you manage between shaky breaths, neck still craned so your lips are just a whisper away from his. “Wanna feel you, please. Want you inside me. Fill me up, baby. Please”
The moment the last words leave your lips he pushes in deep one final time and lets go, a strangled groan leaving his lips as he empties inside of you, pulsing as he paints the inside of your walls with rope after rope of his warm spend.
“Oh my god, oh my god” he groans into your throat as he slowly begins moving his hips again, ensuring every last drop of his seed stays buried deep inside you.
“Mmm hmmm” you whine, a desperate little sob escaping you as he continues to fuck his cum into you. “David, baby, god don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop”. He lets out a low growl, fucking you through the aftershocks of both your orgasms for as long as he can manage, then gives one final deep push as far as he can possibly reach and stills for several long seconds until he’s forced to pull back and finally, regretfully, slips out of you.
“Baby,” he sighs, like he’s physically pained by pulling out of you, wishing he could stay there forever. He gently lowers your leg back down and his arms reach around underneath you to embrace you and he rolls you so you’re on top of him, neither of you concerned about your sweat slicked bodies or the sticky mess where his spent cock rests against your swollen sex.
“That was incredible” he confesses in a low whisper before planting a kiss to your temple, a strong arm coming up to wrap around your head and hold you close, afraid if he lets go you might just disappear.
In your post-orgasmic clarity you feel yourself begin to tense as you try to comprehend what exactly you just did and more importantly, what it means. Whatever that was, felt so different than every time before with Dave. You want to open your mouth to say something to him, to discuss what just happened and hopefully get some kind of gauge on what he’s feeling but your brain is a jumbled mess and the words don’t come in time before he’s gently rolling you off of him to get up.
He grabs for one of the discarded towels from earlier that you’d tossed over the back of the armchair in the room and brings it between your legs, gently wiping away any leftover mess that’s there before he bends down and places a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m going to take a shower” he tells you and you can do little more than nod your head. You wish you could form at least one coherent thought in your brain but they all escape you. You don’t even know where to begin, or what you even want to say. Or if you should be even having any sort of intimate conversation between the two of you without Marcus present.
None of it feels right, except for the part where it all feels right, and that alone terrifies you. You flip over onto your side and nestle into the pillows, willing for your brain to just shut down and provide you with a few minutes of solace. By some miracle, peace does come to you in the form of sleep, your body too spent and exhausted to stay awake a moment longer and you’re passed out before you even hear the shower stop running.
You don’t wake up to the snick of the hotel door closing shut after Dave gathered up every last piece of evidence of himself in the room and left without a word while you slept soundly, blissfully unaware that when his lips pressed against your forehead right before he walked out the door that it was the last time he intended on ever seeing you again. Either of you.
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biancadjarin · 1 year
🍸🍒Modern!Eddie x Waitress!Reader🍒🍺
Blurb featuring Modern!Bartender!Steve
It’s only a Thursday night but the bar is slammed. It’s your second day and the other waitress, your supposed “trainer”, is nowhere to be found. Probably out back smoking another cigarette. You’re juggling 6 tables and one particularly difficult woman just flagged you down.
“Is everything ok ma’am?” You ask politely. “No, this wine is way too sweet. I wanted something dry. Bring me the pinto grigio!” She says as she pushes the full glass towards you. You smile and turn, rolling your eyes as you approach Steve and Eddie at the bar. Eddie’s sitting on his usual stool, drinking a beer while he scrolls on his phone. You lean onto the sticky bar top and wait for Steve to finish shaking a martini to get his attention.
Eddie eyes your profile, your cute face looking overwhelmed and stressed. He’s never seen you before, he usually knows all the new waitresses here. Fuckin’ Harrington, he thinks, always tries to keep the cute ones for himself.
“Hey.” Eddie says over the loud music, leather covered shoulders angling towards you. His fingers tap around the neck of his beer bottle. You glance at him, one eye still on Steve.
“Hi. Look, I’m swamped, if you want another beer, you gotta ask your bartender.” “No, no, it’s not that. Just- are you ok? Do I need to grab a tray and help you out?” He asks jokingly. You crack a smile at that, and Eddie’s heart starts beating faster.
“Cause I’m serious, I’ll take over. Drinks probably won’t go to the right people and I’d end up spilling food but, hey, fuck it.” He says with a shrug as he gulps the last of his beer. You shake your head and laugh, “please, I think you’re better off right here. I’m fine…” your eyes stare into his for the first time and you swear you feel the ground get pulled out from under you. He’s criminally hot. Like sculpted by the gods hot. Long hair framing the perfect bone structure of his face, two dimples poked into his cheeks as he smiles back at you. His eyes are like warm cups of hot cocoa, sweet and comforting. His worn in Black Sabbath T shirt contradicts his new iPhone 14 shining back at him.
“I’m Eddie. I’m a friend of Steve’s.” He nods toward the floppy haired bartender. “Y/n.” You say as you reach out a hand to shake his. He grabs your hand but he doesn’t shake it. Instead, he just holds it for a second. His warm, guitar string scarred fingers encircling your soft, cold ones. You giggle nervously as the butterflies are shaken awake in your stomach.
Steve appears out of nowhere, “bruh these frat douchebags are going to be the death of me, I think my arm’s going to fall off if I shake another martini.” he says to you and Eddie. You smile your most saccharine smile, “hey Stevie. The woman on 22 doesn’t like this wine. Can I switch it out for a pinot?” He growls in annoyance, “that’s a 7 ounce pour, y/n. you think Tito is gonna be ok with me just pouring that down the drain?” He asks you, referring to the manager. He raises his eyebrows as he throws a towel over his shoulder.
You shrug, “I guess not…” you mumble. “It’s coming out of your tips. Go write it down on the spill sheet.” Steve snaps as he pours the pinot grigio. “Ok, I will. Sorry Steve.” You say as you take the wine and head back to your tables.
“What the hell, man? S’not her fault some bitch didn’t like the shitty wine in this place.” Eddie says as he tosses a peanut at Steve. “How else is she going to learn?” Steve says as he rests his palms on the bar top. “This isn’t a daycare, I’m not here to hold her hand through life.”
“She’s fucking new, Harrington, give her a break.” Eddie says. Steve opens his mouth to argue before being cut off by a guy in a polo. “‘Nother dirty martini, barkeep!” Steve nods at him before looking back at Eddie. “You want another beer?” Steve asks him before he goes back to deal with the group of Chad’s and Dylan’s. Eddie shakes his head as he throws a 20 on the bar, licking his lips and winking at Steve.
He looks around the bar to say goodbye to you but he doesn’t see you. Everyone seems content, drinking their overpriced cocktails, eating their greasy food. Even the woman with the wine seems happy. The other waitress is back but now you’re gone. He heads toward the back door to leave, passing the digital jukebox that the frat bros have taken over-trolling everyone with Nickelback on repeat, passing the bathrooms and the breakroom.
You come out of the breakroom wiping under your eyes, sparkles that were once in your inner corner now smeared down your cheeks. “Scuse me.” You say as you try to squeeze past Eddie. “Hey, hey.” He says, hand coming up to cradle your elbow. “You good?” His eyebrows crinkle in concern, eyes scanning your face. You nod and try to squeak out a “mhm.” but more tears are threatening to spill.
“Was it what Steve said? I told him he’s being too harsh on you. I’m gonna go tell him what a dick he is, making you cry.” He says as he starts to turn around. “No! Please, I appreciate it but it’ll just make it worse. I can’t mess up this job. I just need to do better.” You say, sniffling. “Really. It’s fine.”
Eddie sighs deeply, looking back over his shoulder before turning to face you again. “He needs to do better. You’re doing great.” Eddie says, fingers squeezing the exposed flesh of your arm. You smile, looking up at Eddie and admiring his features in the low light, an old beer neon sign casting shades of blue and red across his face. The tight hallway is made even tighter with boxes and extra chairs lining the walls. This close to Eddie you can smell the beer on his breath, the weed on his shirt and the Cherry Smoke by Tom Ford on his jacket. You smile, “Thanks..”
He nods softly, dimples returning as he matches your smile. His phone starts to vibrate, the opening notes of For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica ringing from it. He looks at it before silencing it and focusing back on you. “I gotta go but can I text you later? You can tell me all about why a sweet, beautiful girl like you needs a job at a shitty dive bar so bad.” He opens up a new iMessage and hands his phone to you. You type in your number and text “Eddie” to yourself.
He takes the phone back from you putting 🖤🍒 after your name. “If Harrington gives you anymore shit, you let me know, ok?” He says before leaning in to kiss your cheek. You smile and nod, all words leaving your brain. He laughs softly as he whispers how cute you are and he heads toward the door.
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my-soupy-brain · 11 months
trailing a single finger allllll the way down ted’s bare chest.
“you tryin’ to start somethin’, sugar?”
OK, so this is a true fantasy for us Sudsheads and Ted-lovers. I mean, that man's broad chest haunts our dreaaaaams. I'm here for this. Let's goooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader (f)
Warnings: Teasing and a taste of smut
You aren't gonna lie.
Seeing Ted with his shirt off, his head under your sink while he fixes a leaky valve, is not something you expected today.
But you're far from complaining.
You had just complained your faucet was leaking, and you needed to call someone to fix it, and Ted jumped up with an excited grin, apparently loving doing home repairs.
"I'll fix it for ya, darlin'! I'm good at this stuff," he says. "Show me where and I'll get started."
And that's how you ended up with your half-naked boyfriend under your sink.
Your kitchen is a little warm, and he's stuck under a small cubby with a wrench, grunting away as he unscrews the nuts and tries to find the reason for the leak.
Why is plumbing full of sexy words? Good lord.
"Darlin'? Can I get you to hold that flashlight in here? I'm havin' trouble seein'," he requests kindly. You're more than happy to be his handy assistant.
Watching his hands work and his biceps flex...purrrr...
In his AFC Richmond polos and visor, you can only imagine what that chest looks like, or what those arms look like. Seeing them flexed and sweaty under your sink is a whole new view of your new boyfriend.
"Almost...got it..." he mutters to himself. "Just gotta...screw this...a little...tighter..."
Oh, you're sweating now. God what you wouldn't give to straddle those strong, khakied thighs and go to town.
You watch his chest breathe up and down, one leg is bent and propped while he shimmies to reposition himself, bucking his hips upward a bit.
Oh for the love of... he's gotta know what he's doing right? Right?!
"Sweetheart, hand me that rag there," he requests, without moving his head from under the sink.
You do, and when he takes it, you take your chance to run your finger down his chest, through the smattering of masculine hair, and down his belly.
All metal clanging stops and he takes a big breath.
"You tryin' to start somethin' there, sugar?" he asks, smirking in a way you can't see.
He chuckles.
"Havin' me under your sink playin' Mr. Fix It must be workin' in my favor then," he jokes, his wrench going back to work.
"Oh, Teddy. You have no idea..."
He takes a breath, finishes his work, and sits up out of the cubby. His chest is heaving, his hands are black with grease and he uses the rag to wipe his fingers. Those biceps again... oh for fuck's sake...
"I think I fixed the problem, let's give it a try," he says, smiling wide and standing up to turn the sink on. Ducking his head under the cubby, he sees it free and clear of any leaks.
"Looks like we're in the clear, Belvedere!" he jokes and you can't help but smile at his rhyme. When he turns to you to lean against the sink, you rope your arms around his neck to kiss him.
You meant to give him a big wet, chaste, silly kiss on his lips but having his sweaty body pushed up against yours throws that plan out the window as you sneak your tongue against his lips and he moans when he meets you in return.
And THAT is how you ended up on the couch, with Ted Lasso's lips on yours, his hand up your shirt, his sweaty, gorgeous upper body stuck to yours.
"I'm gonna have to fix more stuff around here," he pulls away for a second to joke. "Got anything else that needs these magic hands?'
You take a breath.
"Ted, you have to realize what you're saying when you say it. So yeah, yeah. I have something those magic hands can work on. My damn body," you reply, laughing. He laughs with you, your noses bumping as you smile into another deep kiss.
Your own magic hands move below to unbuckle his belt, the room heating in a frenzy.
"Oh, sugar, you're drivin' me wild," he whispers into your ear, where his mustachioed lips tickle your neck and ear.
"I think...something needs fixing...in the bedroom," you coo to him, making him smile.
"I should probably take a look then," he answers, picking you up and placing you on the bed.
"Yeah, it's down here," you motion with your finger, bringing him back to you, his pants kicked away, and yours too.
"Let me take a look," he jokes, wiggling his eyebrows as he crawls down under the covers.
TA-DA! Let the imagination run wild with that, friends. Thanks for this prompt. I was like "how are we gonna get Ted shirtless" and now my brain is like "MAKE TED SHIRTLESS IN ALL THE THINGS" so here we are, shirtless Mr. Fix It.
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desswright29 · 2 months
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“They keep saying that I’m nothing like my father But, I'm the furthest thing from choir boys and altars If you cross me, I'm just like my father” “I am colder than Titanic water”
Pairing: Shuri/ Y/n / Riri
Contains: Dark, Angst, Tragedy, Murder, Cold hearted Shuri, Heart broken Shuri, Rider Riri, First love Reader.
A/N: I guess I’ve been what people call inspired. Not much going on in the Shuri fanfiction world right now so this is being written purely because the vision won’t let me go. Lol But those who read I hope you enjoy! Also it’s a series. Hopefully a short one.
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“I'll be your shotgun rider 'Til the day I die Smoke out the window flyin' Down the 405 I'll be your backseat baby, drivin' you crazy Anytime you like I'll be your shotgun rider 'Til the day I, 'til the day I die”
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“Sixteen carriages drivin' away While I watch them ride with my fears away To the summer sunset on a holy night On a long back road, all the tears I fight”
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His naked body thrashed under the grip of my fingers. I stare souless into his eyes wondering how long could he hold his breath before his death. Looking into the black holes he called eyes, there was only one word that could describe what I saw behind them. Tragedy…Years of my lives tragedies, my losses drowned beneath my grip. Bubbles flowed from his nose and lips, his eyes widened from what I could only guess was pure shock beneath the water. Slowly the urgency behind his movements stop. The oxygen bubbles seized by the water. My sleeves are submerged and bloody. I don’t care. A single tear of relief falls from my eye, and a slow smile spreads across my lips. It was over. The bloody trail of bodies left behind me, all for this one moment. I wanted to savour it. The sweet sweet taste of his death. 
  In an instant a shot rang out, a burning pain, taking over my body. My eyes widened as I let out a strangled gasp. And there you were, Thando Wam. Smiling at me. Innocent, ethereal, unscathed. You carressed my face, kissed my lips, told me it was going to be ok. 
“I’m sorry. I-I’m s-so sorry. S-Sthandwa.” I whispered. My body slides down the side of the claw foot tub as you reach for me. Ready to take me into your arms. Take me to safety. But there were so many people. Yelling, pointing there guns. I reach over to my right, grabbing my automatic Glock. I lift it, closing my eyes.
“I love you.” 
I fire. 
“HEY!” I awake gasping for air, my hand landing on my chest. My body jerked upward as I look around frantically. Confused. Heart racing. A strange man stood over me on the back of a bus, and I grip my trash bag filled with all the belongings I had in the world. “Yehlisa umoya (calm down), Young lady. We’re at your stop.” He says face upturned in concern. My breathing slows as I realize I was only dreaming. I nod, groggily wiping my face before grabbing my belongings, and standing to my feet stretching. Making my way off of the bus, i shoot a soft “thank you,” over my shoulder to the old man. As I step off onto the concrete, the doors close behind me and I take in the scenery, breathing in the fresh air. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the paper that held my lifeline. A simple address. And I began my journey.
 As I walk I feel the stares, as though I was some sort of alien. A mixture of disgust, or pity. I wore the standard release clothes they gave all the prisoners who couldn’t fit the ones they wore when they went in. Khakis and a Polo, white socks with slides, and I did the best I could with my hair. But, there’s only so much you can do with it in there. I’m sure I looked exactly like what I was. An ex-con. I couldn’t care less right now though. Right now I was leaning onto something I rarely allowed myself to. And that was hope. Hope that I would make it to this address, and all of the shame, and embarrassment would melt away. That I’d be excepted.
Finally,  I reach my destination, a nice apartment complex about five minutes away from the university. I stood frozen. Afraid of what awaited me there, as people walked by ogoling me. I took a deep breath and gave myself words of encouragement in my head and moved forward. Entering the building, I walk up three flights of stairs to the correct floor. Searching for the number 3112. I spot it to the left of me and stop in front. I shift on my feet working up the nerve to knock. Swallowing I lift my fist knocking three times. 
“Who is it?” I hear immediately. The sound of her voice sending me into a state of shock and once again I freeze. My heart dropping, and my eyes begining to water a bit. I could only stand there lost for words. I hear her footsteps approaching, and shuffling behind the door. I struggle with the thought of just turning away no way you would accept me this way. It was too late, I heard a gasp, right before the door swings open. There you stand. Even more beautiful than I remember, eyes wide, glistening with tears. 
“Shuri.” You whisper. Your eyes trailed my body. More than likely taken aback by the tattoo’s that lined my arms and neck. Your bottom lip began to quiver, and you allowed a tear to fall from your eye. “Shuri?” You say again. In disbelief.
“It’s me baby. I’m back.”
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avalil18 · 3 months
Then There Were Three
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Summery: moments throughout your pregnancy
Warnings: fluff, kissing
2 months along
I was in the kitchen making lunch when I heard joes footsteps walk along the hallway.
“How was your workout?”-you
He looks up at you and smiles.
“It was good!”- Joe
He was wearing some black shorts and a bengals compression shirt. His hair was growing out and was wet from sweating.
Joe came behind you and rubbed your belly.
“How are you feeling?”- Joe
“I’m feeling alright, still very tired.”- you
“Well I’m going to shower and when I’m done we can take a nap! How does that sound?”- joe
“Sounds amazing!”- you
He unwraps his arms from your stomach and kisses your hair before heading upstairs to shower.
After a 20 minutes you have already eaten and cleaned the kitchen and now sitting on the couch watching your phone.
Joe comes around the couch and sits down then puts his left arm on your thigh.
“Shower was good?”- you
You look up at him and he looks back at you.
You two talk for a while about joes workout and his upcoming games.
“I’m getting tired want to take a nap?”-you
“Yes!”- joe
You laugh and move into joes embrace. He lays down and you put your head on his chest and your left arm on his stomach tracing shapes on his lower abdomen. Joe puts his hand on your growing stomach and rubs it.
“I love what you have going on over here!”-joe
“Haha! You mean my stomach with your baby in it?”- you
“Yeah! It looks hot on you!”- joe
You both laugh
“Oh shut up burrow and go to sleep.”-you
“Fine! I love you!”- joe
“Love you more!”- you
“Not possible.”- joe
5 months along
“Joe, we got to get going!”- you
You and Joe are going to your nieces 5th birthday party at your brother’s house. You are so excited to see family and friends. You’re wearing your regular y/n outfit which consists of a black short sleeve bodysuit and Jean shorts with some cute sneakers. Joe was wearing black shorts and Nike polo shirt with his famous Cartier glasses.
Joe walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where you were packing your purse.
You look cute!-you
Thanks! You look hot!-joe
Joe came next to you and leaned against the kitchen counter.
“I see you pulled out the Cartier’s.”- you
“You know it!”- joe
“Haha! Alright let’s get going babe.”- you
You guys walk to out the house and into Joe’s big Porsche.
“What should we listen to?”-you
“Kid cudi!”-joe
“K!”- you
It only takes about 20 minutes to get to your brother’s place so not that long of a drive. Once pulled up into the driveway you stay in the car knowing Joe would get mad if you got out yourself.
“Thank you!”-you
“Of course babe!”-joe
You both lock hands and walk into the house. As you walk through the hallway there were pink and purple balloons everywhere and kids running around.
“Jeez! Look at all these kids.”-joe
“Haha! You know that’s going to be us soon right?”-you
“And I can’t wait baby.”-joe
You both laugh and make your way to your family. your parents and some cousins were all around one table laughing. Your mom quickly notices you and Joe and opens her arms for a hug.
“Hi mom!”-you
“Hey baby! So happy you are here! How are you feeling?”-your mom
“I feel ok. A little tired but I’m happy we came.”-you
“Good!” -Your mom
Your mom then goes and hugs Joe and ask how he is as you go to your dad and cousins to say hello.
“So Joe and y/n this is going to be you soon!”-your dad
You rub your belly and Joe puts his arm around your waist and squeezes you gently.
“I know! It’s crazy!”-you
“Yeah! We were talking about it on our way in.”-joe
You look up at Joe with so much love in your eyes and he looks down at you on his glasses and smiles.
“You guys are going to be great parents!”- your aunt
“Thank you!”-you and Joe
After a few hours the party ends and you say your goodbyes to the birthday girl and your family and head out.
7 months along
Pregnancy is hitting you like a brick. You are so tired and nauseous all the time. But for these last couple of days you haven’t felt so bad. So you decided to not ruin these next few days you have of feeling good and relaxed until the sickness kicks in again and you have to prepare your house for everything baby.
It’s Sunday night football in chilly Cincinnati and you are going to watch the game. You put on a black,long sleeve bodysuit and then your tights and jeans over it. You then go into the bathroom to put your makeup on and do your hair. Joe already left an hour ago to go to the stadium so you had the house all to yourself. This was probably one of the very last moments you have the house all to your self until the baby arrives. Joe decided to take a leave for the next couple of weeks until the playoff games so he can spend every single second with you and in the house getting everything set up for your baby boy. Once done on the bathroom you grab your long coat and head out the door.
You drive to the stadium with Robin and Jimmy. They ask you how you are feeling and you guys also talked about joe and the game. Once arrived at Paycor you guys head towards the tunnel to the field to see Joe warm up. As you get on the field you pull you wrap your coat around your bump because people still don’t know that you are pregnant but that’s all going to change because you and Joe decided to announce it tonight after the game. You rarely go onto the field to watch but Joe wanted to see you and that’s also how you are going to announce to the world that you are pregnant which is by taking pictures out on the field. You and Joe both decided that’s how you are going to announce the baby because football is a big part of your lives and this baby is now also going to be a big part so you decided to combine the two by taking a pic on the field with Joe and showing your bump. People were already speculating that you were pregnant so you just decided to post some pictures.
As you walk on to the field with joes parents Joe spots you and runs over. People go crazy! They are all screaming joes name and you still can’t believe that people do that.
“Hey baby!”- joe says hugging you
“Hi babe!”-you
Joe then moves one to hugs his parents and then right back to you.
“How are you feeling? Are you cold?”-joe
“Haha! Im fine joe. Im just happy to see you play and be here before you take off for a bit.”-you
“Ok good! Oh should we take those pictures?”-joe
“Oh yeah, we should!”-you
You had Robin your phone and she takes the cutest pictures ever! Joe is in his all white uniform with a big smile on his face with one arm around your waist and the other hand on your belly and you put one arm on his back and the other hand also on your belly with the biggest smile. She took a few more with you and Joe looking at each other laughing and smiling. You know Joe isn’t a big fan of PDA so for him to do this is really special and he also gave you a kiss in front of everyone! You and joes parents were both surprised but of course you kiss him back and wished him good luck and you and his parents then head up to the suit to watch the game.
The bengals won of course and you were so happy. You head down with joes family to the family area just outside and right out front of Paycor. As you see Joe he gives you a big hug and a kiss and your heart was so full knowing you have an amazing husband and baby boy on the way who parents love him so much already.
As you and Joe walk to the car Joe says something that made your heart even more full then it can be.
“I love you y/n and I’m so excited to be a dad and I know you will be the most amazing mom.”-joe
The end!
Authors note: so cute!! Just little moments that make your heart full!🤭
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mqole · 10 months
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hbjhkgvhj ok here are uh. some character designs i did abt a year ago
these are all based on the incredible @kayzero's fic zero win game, which is a rewrite of ztd with akane as the protagonist, and it has possibly THE BEST characterization of akane ive ever read- listen just. just go read it you will be enriched i promise.
im not putting an image description bc i dont know where to start (sorry!!) BUT ill put a bunch of character design notes below the cut for people who are insane like me <3333
ok first of all. i know when i sent these to kay the other day they said there were some details canon to zwg that i missed (akane's lil hoodie pocket, aoi wearing white to contrast junpei's black (which is SO inspired btw.)) so just. PRETEND those are there bc i forgor <3
i spent the most time on sigma, phi, akane, junpei and aoi just because they've had multiple iterations of designs. it was fun to take bits and pieces from each version of them, so thats why they get a feature page
you can see a lot of my little pink notes with criticisms of the ztd designs there. in general, i really dont like the ztd designs, they all feel unnaturally bland to me (although thats probably also the artstyle).
most people whove looked into the colour symbolism in zero escape are probably familiar with the whole red/blue thing: that is, theyre colours representing the morphogenetic field. akane and aoi are the most obvious examples of this. 'aka' means red, and 'ao' means blue. in the first nonary game, akane and clover wear red - the colour for transmitters - and aoi and light wear blue, the colour for recievers. in 999 proper, akane wears purple, to symbolise how she can recieve AND transmit, while junpei wears red and blue by themselves. you can do a whole analysis of these colours and i will not put it here thats a whole SEPERATE post
anyway! the actual designs!! i'll start with sigma. i wanted to reconcile his vlr design with zero ii's design, and initially i planned on giving him a coat, but it didnt really have a nice silhouette, so i ditched that idea. instead, i turned his jumpsuit from vlr into a polo shirt - much like what he has in ztd - and gave him some zero-y accessories: the white turtleneck, the belt and the gloves all come from zero's design. once id included the white turtleneck, making the pants white felt really logical. in character design, its generally best to limit the palette of colours as much as you can, so it was a good excuse to reuse a colour while also paying homage to his ztd design. i also cut his hair bc hes a scientist and he'd do that.
phi's design is a lot more like her vlr one than her ztd design. the blue coat was her hallmark accessory, and im shocked that they ditched it for ztd, so i gave it back - along with her boots and hair accessory. i kept her pants and glasses from ztd, as well as the way the bottom of her shirt is tucked into her pants. they just have a much nicer silhouette to me. between my first pass of colours and my second pass, phi's colours changed the most - i realised i had too many blue guys in the lineup, and wanted to make the colours stand out individually. so i leaned into phi's orange-ness. giving her hair accessory, pants and boots an orange hue instead of a blue one, as well as shifting her coat to a more teal colour really helped make those colours pop.
AKANE MY BESTIE!!!! her design was probably the one i had the most fun with. i basically just took her ztd design and purpled it. I did want to include some more details though - her neck scarf was in both her 999 AND vlr design, so it felt wrong not to include it. i also added some gold highlights to her design, just to complement the purple - her boots are also toned yellow, so it felt fitting. the cut of her sleeves, as well as her hair, felt really natural: i gave her the side ponytail from ztd, while letting more of her hair fall to the side to retain her silhouette from 999. i stole the sleeves wholesale from vlr akane, but can you blame me. look at that robe. its so pretty.
overall i have mixed feelings on ztd junpei as a character, but i think his darker turn is at the very least a fun direction to take him. I do like the jacket he has in his concept art. IT SURE WOULD BE NICE IF THE MODEL ALSO HAD A JACKET. his design went relatively unchanged overall, i basically just retoned his hair, gave him a button-up instead of a t-shirt, and puffered his jacket. the red and blue from his vest in 999 is reused here, but in darker, more muted tones. you can see in the corner of the drawing i played around with swapping the red and blue, but the red focus felt too edgy for junpei. the blue also pops really nicely against his dark clothes, so i kept it.
anyone who has spoken to me for more than ten seconds will know how insane i am about aoi kurashiki i mean come on my name is santa. i think a lot about his two designs: that of the first nonary game and in 999. in the first nonary game he wears a blue scarf, harkening to his role as a reciever, but in 999 he wears monochrome. my personal interpretation of this is that his 999 fit was him purposefully disguising his connection to the morphogenetic field. so post-999, since he doesnt have to worry about that, i gave him his blue back!!! his general fit is the same- his pants and shoes are artistry so obviously i kept those, and i ended up making the rest of his look black to contrast his 999 design. if i were to redesign him now wearing white, id probably go a different direction altogether. that third little drawing ive included has some test outfits for him, carlos, and maria, but i never really went anywhere with them. also i gave him dark roots to show his relation to akane a bit more. and also because i like projecting my roots always grow back SO fast
that brings us to the 4 characters introduced after vlr: carlos, mira, diana, and... maria??? yeah like i said go read zero win game. do it. maria is such a fun character. she was, coincidentally, ALSO the only character where i had to design someone from scratch. you can see i fiddled a little with colour palettes, trying to figure out how to give every character a unique look. diana and carlos' designs actually go almost unchanged here- i think dianas design in particular is actually pretty great, and works as a nice foil to luna in vlr. carlos is just kind of normal. he can have his silly polo shirt.
miras ztd design is. ugh ok look its FINE but i hate the boobie designs in zero escape because they always feel like they were designed seperately from the character. mira in zwg is still a sussy baka, but she's a lot more cordial- i enjoyed seeing her more as a snake lying in the grass. I ended up giving her green because its a fun colour to give characters who youre meant to distrust. SO MANY TIMES reading zwg i was like "oh maybe mira's chill - oh wait maybe shes not - oh wait maybe shes chill again" and i love her for that honestly. she still gets boobies because i love women but i gave her a fun little long sleeved corset top. the amount of skin she shows directly correlates to the amount you should trust her (i am only half joking.)
i wont talk about diana because honestly the only change i made was giving her a little blue strip at the bottom of her skirt, but i'll talk about maria and carlos together. carlos i kept as a little pink boy because i love him and i love pink and listen its my character design ill do what i want. maria in ztd AND in zwg experiences reverie syndrome, which is connected to the morphogenetic field. her and carlos' designs both incorporate red and blue again- (just realised diana also has red and blue. pretend that was intentional) -to show their connection to the field. yes yes i know its pink but listen its red enough. like aoi, i gave maria and carlos both different iterations of their designs. i'm less sold on carlos', but i did actually like the baggier, heavy designs for maria. with those ones she looks more depressed than she does wearing overalls, so im calling that a win. maria's was the design i was least satisfied with overall, but hey i did these like a year and a half ago and ive gotten much better since then soo.
if youve read this far this is once again a reminder to read zero win game by kayzero on ao3
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