#ok but this dog and cat relationship these two
happypotato48 · 4 hours
Wandee Goodday EP 5 Unhinged Tangant Thoughts
Finally it's brainrot saturgay. we're back with a dumb homo, himbo bisexual, the cutest domestic hubbies in existence, tired acesexual eyebrows, and dr. 666 himself (i still can fix him!)
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Well well well if it isn't the look of a dumb whore who is in too deep with this fake relationship. Dee i know you already imagine a nice big house with 2.5 kids, 2 dogs and 1 cat future with this man... oh wait that's me nvm then.
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i bet Yak also remembers how many HJs, BJs, and all the other Js he received.
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Oh hi baby i've missed you so much. now save these morons from themselves with the power of poorly made sextumes.
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You took too long, now your candy's gone, that's what happened!
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He's so happy how well his sextumes are received. Ahhhhhhh! he so cute! i can't, i RAK him so much, this eyebrows is my everything.
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I will be joining @lurkingshan in the recovery ward of saint framboise, hospital for the gays and the gals. and i'm expect many more will be joining us soon. for this scene is a mass casualty incident.
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Why are you both still has thoes things on your heads. my first instinct in this kind of situation is probably to get rid of the very noticible kinky headband on my head. forking amatures.
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Kawaii Dick!! i name him dick-kun.
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Karma sure is a funny bitch. her comedic timing is impeccable.
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God bless this mess.
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Ok this show finally made me cave in and bought that tacky elapant pants that i used to associated with foreign tourists. turn out they are very comfy. man, i shouldn't let white people dictated my fashion sense. live and learn i guess.
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Speaking of fashion sense. this look is definitely not working for you Yak.
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Can you blame him! i too would be this cray if i have someone as hot as Yei as my bf.
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My money is on a loan shark. i will forgive you for this one lie, Oye.
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I have to remind myself sometime that i was not like other kids. cause i definitely would be bored out of my mind with this kind of stuff as a kid.
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Two dick jokes in a row. NICE!
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I can still fix him! no really i can i just need the right tools.
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I love that even though i saw these two fucked each other nasty before. the anticipation of them kissing is still very much present.
This is a nice intermediate ep, not a lot happened but we get to spent more time with Yak and Dee growing their 100% not fake Boyfriendship. they had both met each others close families, very involved in each other lives. and emotionally supported each other. they're good together and they started to realized that. the many looks of Dee "oh shit" is already gave me all the angsts. and from the preview shit totally gonna hits the fan next ep and i can't wait for someone (hopefully Ai Phi Ter) to get punch.
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adamsrcnan · 2 months
OKAY OKAY here we goooo an annoyingly long-ish post about all my thoughts on The Sunshine Court
Spoilers Spoilers Spoilersss you've been warned
First things first it is so interesting to see Nora writing from not one but TWO new people's perspective. Jean's perspective is just devastating being inside his head is heartbreaking the constant fear and panic and how much of his energy is used on just pushing down every memory of what was done to him. His coping mechanisms are terrifying and i truly do hope by the end of book 2 he has a healthier way of dealing with it bc baby boy stop hurting yourself :( Every sentence was so painful to read. But also his resilience the entire time to get through it no matter what, god i fucking love him!!! He is a fighter.
Jeremy's perspective is sooooo refreshing. He is such a little sweetheart i could cry. The fact that he sends hand written letters and he's so caring and genuine but he can also be so stern. When he dropped that "i asked you a question" to Lucas fkehdjdfjdh OK SIR. I'M SAT. His relationship with the family butler is so endearing as well i need more background on that for sure! My only one criticism is that he didn't have enough pov chapters and i'm hoping we'll learn more in the second book of course because there's still so much about him and his (dysfunctional? toxic?) family dynamic that we don't know yet but also i'm greedy and i wanna know EVEYTHING about him !!!
Kevin and Jean are so just tragic it actually breaks my fucking heart like "you didn't have to slit my throat on the way out" JEAN??? and "promise me you won't try again. I can't lose you." KEVIN??? And the fact that Jean to this day is still keeping that promise. Also Jean's obvious but secret long term crush on Kevin the way it's subtly dropped every time Jean has to stamp down on his desire's and "temptations" GOD PLEASE I CAN'T STAND IT
Neil and Jean oh my God like where do i even start?? The guilt Jean feels at what happened to Neil in the Nest and him finally calling him by his name after Riko's death and telling him his game was good. And Neil seriously needs to give himself more credit for how much of a caring person he is because the way he indirectly told Jean that he thinks he is worth saving and didn't even hesitate before asking Stuart to send someone after That Guy after what Jean told him. Neil Josten the man that you are!!!
Jean's little sister Elodie what a beautiful name. Them being so close and him reading to her. The way he found out about her death jolted me differently. It was so awful and i'm so sorry Jean didn't get to see her grow up and meet her again.
Renee and Jean oh my god. Jean thinking she's beautiful (bitch me toooo) And the whole right person wrong time ugh i can't stand it. Him wearing her necklace all the time, enough that Jeremy always notices it. And unabashedly stealing her picture from the foxes lounge. Like he did not give a fuck. He said this one is mine. One good reason to stay alive being rainbows i'm gonna FKSJSKDHDH. Theirs would be such a soft love.
Speaking of soft loves Laila and Cat are EVERYTHINGGGG. God they are so cute with their little domestic life and their rich gay boy son who crashes on their couch with his cardboard cut out dog. That whole friendship dynamic is beautiful. Their fierce protectiveness and care over Jean as well and the patience they have with him even after the little kitchen incident. When Cat took Jean out for a drive on her motorcycle god that was such a heart warming moment and Jean helping them cook as well and becoming the girls' little sous chef it's so cute so endearing !!!
Jeremy being the one who told Jean that Riko was dead i don't even know what to begin with THAT like hhhhhhh. The way they're both stupidly attracted to each other but won't/can't do anything about it. THE WHOLE "say yes Jeremy" SCENE WTF WAS THATTT I WAS GOING INSANEEEE. Both of them having to stop mid sentence when they catch the other looking FINE as hell. Jean being so obvious that even Lucas picks up on the way he looks at Jeremy. Jeremy being there to ground Jean in a Moment and helping him come down from it. Grabbing his face and telling him he's okay. Moving into the room with him to make him feel more comfortable !! The way Jean grabs Jeremy's chin (boiiiii). Jeremy constantly reminding Jean that he is NOT A RAVEN ANYMORE no matter how many times he has to say it. Jeremy saying he'll wait as long as it takes until Jean speaks to him. JEREMY GIVING HIM A HUG AND JEAN CLUTCHING DESPERATELY TO HIS SHIRT FUUCUFHDHSJHSSUHDH and then the "will you help me?" And the "Anything you need" AND THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE A CERAMICS CLASS TOGETHER?!?!?!!!! i can't i can't i can't i caaan'ttt
There's so much more to say but i'm gonna leave it at this for now because i need to go re-read it again and take my time with it this time round but i really could not have asked for anything better Nora truly outdid herself here !!! I'm forever grateful she blessed us with this after so long.
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mncxbe · 9 months
Can I request Dazai, Ranpo and Chuuya with a s/o that’s never been in a fully healthy and loving relationship so they sometimes get confused or shocked by the bare minimum? Like if they say they care about their consent for anything they’re like “Wait you what?- you do? Fr?” Or if they say smth they can do they go “Wait I’m allowed to do that?”
Totally not self projecting
sure dear omg this is lowkey so sweet. hope you like it♡♡
// also tysm for 400 followers hihi♡♡ love you all
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊, 𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒑𝒐, 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡/ light angst maybe?
he probably figures it out during the first weeks of the relationship
asks lots of rethorical questions and lowkey pushes you into telling him all about it (he just needs to know) but he doesn't actually force you to tell
"Bella, you know I'd never do or say such things to you. Your exes just weren't real men, aight? Didn't know how to handle a beauty like you" (he thinks he's a smooth talker fr)
super kind to you overall; he'll pay attention not to be toxic to you
"Wanna play a game, bella?" Dazai cooed, curling on the couch next to you.
You carefully set down the cup of honeyed tea you were drinking and scooted closer to him, a wide smile stretching your lips.
"Sure. What do you have in mind."
"How about a game to get to know each other better? We ask questions and the other one answers. I'll even let you go first my sweet." he said with a wink.
"Um... ok?" you said reluctantly "Cats or dogs?"
"Cats. If you could eat anything right now, what would it be?" he asked playfully.
"Hm... probably figs. Figs would be nice"
This little game of yours went on for around twenty minutes until your boyfriend finally decided to ask you a more serious question.
"What's the worst relationship you've ever had?"
Although he asked that question in a lighthearted tone, there was a hint of urgency to it. Seeing the blank expression on your face, Dazai added:
"It's been weighing on my mind for a while now."
"Well... I gotta say all my exes were kinda shitty. I've never actually been in a healthy relationship and the worst part is that I didn't even know they were unhealthy at that time." A light chuckle rolled off your lips as you reached for your cup and took a small sip. "You see, I didn't wanna tell you about this. I assumes it would be a burden"
Dazai's eyes softened upon hearing your statement. "Bella" he began, taking your hand in his "Nothing that you do or say will ever be a burden to me."
"Alright then" you replied with a sheepish smile "Then I guess I could tell you"
And then you did. You told him everything you've been through: your first ex who never let you go out of the house without him because he thought you'd cheat on him, your second who always made you cook dinner for him because "that's what a real woman would do" and the last one, who constantly brought his friends over although he knew how shitty they were with you. As he listened to you tell your story, his thumb gently brushed over the soft skin on back of your hand. It did hurt to hear what you've been through, but what pained him most was the fact that you didn't think he'd understand and accept your trauma.
When you were finally done talking, a deep silence fell between the two of you.
"You know I'd never treat you like that?" he eventually said.
You gave a small nod "I know. I just... I guess I'm not used to healthy relationships."
Dazai's arm snaked over your shoulders as he pulled you in a gentle hug; your head coming to rest on his chest. He simply placed a chaste kiss on the crown of your head.
"In that case I'm honoured to be the one to teach you what love should be like"
he probably knows from the start
it was the little things: the ways you'd always ask him if you're allowed to do certain things, the fact that you were always so aware of all his moods and actions
so yea, he figured it out
doesn't force you to talk about your exes tho, he'll wait for you to open up or ask you casually
so supportive fr; reassures you that he'll never do something like that
"Y/N you deserve the best really. And lucky for you I'm the best"
protect him at all costs fr♡
Your boyfriend's ultra deduction was something that never ceased to amaze you; but still you didn't expect him to catch on so fast on the fact that you have never been treated right in a relationship before.
When he finally called you out on it all you could do was look him dead in the eyes; your fingers fumbling with a loose string on the cuffs of your hoodie.
"So?" he asked again, pouting.
"Yea, you're right. I've never had a healthy relationship"
"I knew it!" he exclaimed but immediately regained his composure when he realised this wasn't something he should be happy about.
"Look, sugar. I won't force you to tell me anything about it but just know that I'm not like them."
"I know Ranpo my sweet but-"
"Nuh uh" he interrupted, pressing his index fingers against your lips to shush you "Let me finish. First off, you're allowed to go out with your friends whenever you want to. Just text me from time to time so I know you're safe. Second off, please tell me if I'm ever crossing your boundaries. And third stop apologising for every single thing you do, ok? It's not a good habit"
"I know I'm sorry but-"
Ranpo raised a brow and smiled lightly "What did I just say love?"
You took a deep breath in and returned the smile "No apologies, noted." After a minute of silence you eventually spoke again, this time with more confidence "Thank you dear. For being so patient and understanding with me. Maybe one day I'll tell you about my exes, I want you to know. But I don't wanna let the past affect us."
"And it doesn't, my sweet. Did you forget?" he giggled, flashing you his signature smirk. "I'm the best boyfriend ever. Nothing could ever determine me to see you as less than perfect."
You suddenly leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips; the saccharine gesture taking him by surprise.
"I'm so happy I'm with you Ranpo. You make me happy." you beamed and the detective felt his heart melting. His entire body felt like pudding, a soft, mushy mess. This was the effect you always had on him.
Your boyfriend hugged your waist and burried his head in your chest as your fingers combed through his dark locks.
"I'll do my best to be worthy of you" you said after a while.
And Ranpo only nodded, smiling against your chest. His slender fingers found yours and loosely intertwined with them "You already are, sugar."
"What? What do you mean if I let you go out with your friends tonight?"
he's so confused fr; doesn't understand why you ask such questions
such a sweet boy fr
at first he doesn't realise why you're so moved by every small thing he does, but after you tell him about your past relationships... oof
you know he's gonna threaten to kill those guys🫡
he's even more gentle with you now and reassures you that you're worthy of a good man (he's talking about himself hehe) and that he'll treat you well♡
literally the definition of "You can wear whatever you want. I can fight."
It was around 8:30 p.m when you heard the door open, announcing the arrival of your partner; you quickly discarded the fluffy blanket you were wrapped in and tip-toed to the hallway.
"Chuu. Let me tell you what happened today you won't believe it!" you said excitedly as you turned the corner and... you stopped dead in your tracks.
There he was; Chuuya Nakahara, your beloved boyfriend, holding a bouquet in his arms. Honeysuckles, milesii irises and golden daylilies perfectly wrapped in a coffee coloured craft paper with drawings of the Eiffel tower and French bistors. 'La vie est belle', it read.
"Hey honey. Sorry I'm so late tonight but I stopped to get this for you." he said casually as he handed you the flowers.
You took the bouquet from his hands and held it to your chest, breathing in the sweet, fresh scent of the blossoms. Chuuya must've noticed the disdained look on your face for he came closer to you, gently placing an arm on your shoulder.
"My love are you ok? Do you not like the flowers or..."
Suddenly you burst into tears, a wide smile rising to your lips. "No Chuu I love them. I love them so much thank you I just-" you stammered, choking on your tears. "I just never got flowers before."
Chuya's heart sank upon hearing your words, a wave of sadness washing over him. "My sweet love." he began, his calloused hands gingerly cupping your tear stained cheeks. "You deserve all the flowers in the world."
His words only made you cry harder. Both of you were smiling, gazing into each others' eyes; from time to time Chuuya wiped away a pearly tear that streamed down your face with his thumb. Between you the flowers were getting squished but neither of you could care less.
"You're a silly girl, you know? Crying over something like this." he said playfully, trying to lighten up the mood.
"Oh shut it" you replied in the same tone as you kissed him on the cheek.
Your boyfriend took the flowers from your arms and carefully placed them on the counter before pulling you in a tight hug; he breathed in your scent and God, you were even sweeter than the blossoms.
"You know I'll give you everything you want and more darling." he said in a hushed voice, causing you to sob quietly.
He let you cry for a while, whispering sweet nothings and caressing your hair until you finally calmed down.
"I'm sorry Chuu. That was embarassing" you chuckled lightly but your boyfriend didn't miss the hint of guilt in your voice.
"Not at all, silly." he said, pullng away. "I know we've talked about this before, the way your past relationships impact our own and I wanna remind you that it's ok if you react like this. To be honest you're cute when you get so worked up over my little gifts"
"Hey don't tease me" you cried out, wiping away the last tear from your reddened cheeks. "Or I'll cry again"
"Now we can't have that, can we?" he replied as he slid an arm around your waist. "Let's put those flowers in a vase and get you a glass of water. I think you need it love."
A smile rose to your lips as you looked at him, chest swelling with love and pride "Yea. I think I do, love."
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You're Not Cute
Pedro Pascal x Reader
Summary: i saw a fucking tiktok of pedro reciting shakespeare and i will never forgive him for not letting me lie on his lap while he strokes my hair and recites said shakespeare to me. i thought you were a feminist pedrito?! i trusted you pepe. fuck you (me).
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, actor/actress!reader, reader has hair im sorry if ur bald T_T and whipped for pedro and reading this, established but not public relationship (shhh it'll make sense), pedro go to jail party, crack fic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: we all know pedro pascal watches his edits, but i wonder if he's ever... read fics of himself 💀💀💀💀 hi papi! if you're reading this first of all why second of all i love you the tiktok in question that has me at gunpoint tumblr. look at this gif. this is your man??? this is OUR man? fuck off. ALSO I HAVENT PROOFREAD THIS COS I GOT CHORES BYE Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak @sunfairyy @djarinsstuff @mooniesyubi @pedropascalgirly @mmmmandoz
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My eyes dart from my reflection on the mirror to the grinning man who popped up from behind me. I turn to him just as he begins wiggling his brows. I make a face him as he narrows his eyes and snaps his fingers while trotting over to me, "looking good, mi amor," he rolls his tongue to mimic a purr and gestures like a cat, "RRRRRRRRRRR."
I roll my eyes at him as I chuckle, turning back to my reflection, "hands off Pedro."
He gasps in offence, raising his hands, "I haven't even touched you yet!"
I lean in to more clearly see the dark blue line I was drawing by my eyes, "ok then," I shrug, "sorry for assuming."
Pedro tilts his head and waves his hands, "apology accepted--" he moves forward until he was close enough to snake his arms around me, "--in form of touching you."
I huff at his shenanigans but do not fight him off. In fact, I lean into his back hug and rest my head against him as we both look at our reflections in the mirror. I motion to my face amidst my scrutiny, "is the eyeliner too much?"
"Nope," he kisses my temple then retorts rather seriously, "it's yas slay."
I make a face.
His serious expression only lasts two seconds before he explodes into laughter. I release a huff as I bring my hand to my face while he thoroughly enjoys his own stupidity. I release one airy chuckle before giving myself a final once over, deciding I looked well put together enough. He inhales deeply to catch his breath then sighs against me, "you smell soooo good."
"It's called a shower," I moved to elbow him off, "you should try it sometime."
I grunt as I struggle against him. I hiss when I feel his mouth on me, "PEDRO!"
He pulls back, all after managing to leave a wet bite on my neck.
Pedro recoils and raises his hands in defeat. I punch him on the chest before wiping his mark.
He sighs, "it's kinda hard to shower by yourself, ya know. I need some help. Also!" he points, "you're dirty now, you got a little," he motions to his neck, "dribble on you-"
"PEDRO PLEASE," I pinch my fingers together, "my interview is in like, ten minutes," I point at him and scold, "contain yourself. Stay in your room."
I begin to storm off and he watches, moaning like a baby, "you mean our ro-"
I feel him follow after me. I snap, "STAY IN YOUR ROOM!" halting in my tracks. I push him back as I grab the door knob. He gives me a puppy dog frown. I give him one last point before closing the door behind me on my way out, "stay here."
Alas. I was in the living room, with a laptop set up in front of me as I did my online interview. I was glad that my Pedrito followed my orders and stayed in the bedroom for the entire duration. Not long now before it ends.
I smile to the interviewers as they begin to wrap up our short segment. I, along with he two hosts from a live news channel, laugh at the closing remarks. Suddenly, I find myself looking out to my side when I see an incoming Pedro just about to pass by.
He was stretching as he walked. He looked like he managed a brief power nap.
Oh fucking shit, he's going to the bathroom. And he's going to pass behind me to get there.
"Now, do you want to invite your fans to watch your film?" the male host asks.
"Uhhh," I trial off, as I turn to my side, rather un-inconspicuously. Pedro was soooooooo close now.
I panic as I turn between my camera and my impeding doom, "uhhh."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Aint no way he was about to pass behind me and expose us like this.
If I say his name, they're going to know it's him, but if I don't they're going to ask who I'm talking to anyway, but if I ignore him, he's going to pass and reveal himself. FUCKKKKK-
And in the split second of panic, I burst out the secret fourth option, and quite possibly the worst one, "FUCK!"
Yeah. Everyone stops.
Cue, my string of panicked apologize, "shit, I'm- fuck, SORRY SORRY SORRY!"
I catch Pedro, just as he realized what he has just done, or what he was about to do, rather.
"Sorry," I cover my hands on my face, "Sorry I-"
The interviewers laugh at me as I recuperate.
I sigh, turning to my side, "it's- there's a ghost that lives in my house."
"Oh, wow, you live in a haunted house?" the female host chuckles, "how thrilling."
"Yeah," I turn back to my camera, "it's quite stressful."
The interviewers chuckle as I regain composure and wave at my camera, "anyway, the ghost in my house says go watch the film with your loved ones, with family, friends, and your house ghosts too. We all worked very hard on the film, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed working on it."
"Right!" Pedro agrees off camera, making me tense in my seat. He adds rather weakly as we make quick eye contact, "right."
The male host laughs, "wow, your ghost is really excited about this film."
"The ghost is going to get evicted soon. I'm calling an exorcist." I force a smile.
Finally, we say our goodbyes and I immediately shut my computer before any other fiasco happens.
"Sorry!" Pedro says immediately once he drops to his knees next to me, "I had booger brain. I woke up from a nap."
I look down at his messy hair and remorseful face. He grabs onto my legs and continuously apologizes to me.
I roll my eyes at him and tilt his head up at me as I grab him by his dark hair, "apology with tears."
He pouts, "I'm really, really sorry, baby. My booger brain..."
I release my grip on him and he immediately sits down next to me and pulls me into him. He continuously apologizes and I lean into his touch, beginning to feel bad for how genuinely remorseful he was. Just a little. He's kinda cute when he's pathetic like this.
"Pedro it's fine," I say, turning to him, pecking his lips repeatedly, "nothing happened. The hosts played it off too, which was really nice of them."
I crawl onto his lap and embrace him. He sighs and embraces me back. I nuzzle my face into his neck and murmur, "weren't you going to the bathroom?"
"Hmm? No, I was going to make a sandwich."
I snort, "of course you were."
I pull my head back and we look at each other. Pedro rubs my back. An idea springs into mind. I smile deviously, "I have decided that your apology will be in a form of Shakespeare."
When I shift off him to lie on the sofa and prop my head on his thigh, he looks down at me with furrowed brows. He brings his hands to his chest, "is the genuineness of my remorse not sufficient enough for you?"
"No, Don John," I sigh, "hark to me. From the top. Much Ado About Nothing."
Pedro chuckles airily before gathering my hair and pulling it back so that he could comb through it with his fingers. He sighs, and I turn to him as he scrunches his face, "I don't fucking remember."
"Do the, 'I must be sad when I...' like, feel like it, or some shit."
Pedro throws his head back and laughs. He sucks in a sharp breath, "like," he says with his exaggerated LA accent, "I have to be sad when I feel like I need to be sad."
"Exactly! Do that part," I giggle.
He continues, "I also will totally not smile at your lame jokes," he purses his lips and makes a face.
"Wait, that's what that means?"
Pedro nods at me, "yeah that's what that means."
"I thought that meant, like, I'll cry when I want to and smile when I want to."
"Well," he caresses my cheek, "you're not too far off."
I wave my hands, "ok, ok, now do the rest, and do it properly this time."
He playfully growls at me, "well, it's kinda hard to do Shakespeare when this cute lil thing is distracting me."
"Do better then."
"I'd rather do you."
"What? You started it!"
I roll my eyes make a zipper motion to my mouth.
Pedro clears his throat. He mumbles some lines to himself to jog his memory, "... sleep when I am drowsy and tend on no man’s business," he states in an exaggerated manner, "laugh when I am merry and claw no man in his humor."
I hold in a laugh as he raises his hands in dramatics.
"And then," Pedro calls, "Conrad says something but I can't remember what he says."
"Pedro!" I whine.
"What?! I can't recite something I forgot, now can I?" he replies, busying himself with brushing my hair again.
I cross my arms, "boomer."
"Yeah, but I'm your boomer," he says pinches my nose. I wrangle against his actions and sequentially sit up.
Before I could retaliate, a phone rings across the room. It takes a second for me to realize it was I that received a phone call. I go ahead and answer upon seeing it was from my manager.
"What have you done?!"
I pull my head back at her tone, "uh... hello to you too. What do you-"
"Are you aware you have a mirror behind your sofa?" she says.
I make a face. What does that-
I freeze, expression dropping as I turn to Pedro and slowly then to the mirror behind my sofa. There's a mirror behind my sofa. I have a fucking mirror behind my sofa.
My manager hums at my silence, "so, you want to make a statement with the ghost in your house before people catch on, or-"
I sigh as my manager begins to run down the possible things we could do. Pedro looks at me in concern as I wipe my face in frustration.
"Yeah, okay, okay. Let me call back in a minute. Bye."
Once I hang up, Pedro shifts on his spot and raises his brows at me.
I purse my lips, "they could see you in the mirror, Pedro."
He knits his brows, "see me in the mirror?"
I raise my brows at him.
He tries to piece it together, "see me in the... OH."
"Yeah, oh. My manager already spoke to yours, and they want to know what we want to do before people start making memes about your ugly face in my fucking mirror."
Pedro gives a guilty look. He throws his arm on the backrest and drops his head on his shoulder, "I... could change my name on Instagram to 'Ghost'."
I roll my eyes, "not fucking helping, Pedro."
"NO! But I'm serious, I-"
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eruminx · 1 year
what the adult trio needs to be fulfilled in a relationship
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hisoka needs...
- sex, excitement, and attention LMAO
- bro needs a round daily, he cant remember a day in his life where he hasn't came at least once
- except for maybe infancy and young childhood
- he's too horny for his own good
- needs to be your number one priority
- whether ur his number one doesn't matter
- you need to be ready to give him attention whenever he wants it
- unless he was trying to get a reaction out of you, he wouldn't ignore you because he understands the desire for attention
- but expect him to ghost you every now and then
- that doesn't mean he's not watching you, because he totally is
- he picked up a few trick from illumi lol
- and it's almost never personal
- buttttt, if you manage to trick him into opening up the ghosting and obsessive stalking would become more frequent
- he'd want to know more of your weaknesses than you know of his
- in a way, he does like to feel weak, only because it turns him on though
- if you manage to keep him excited and hold his attention for long enough, he'll get attached
- he'll be your dog LOL
- surprisingly loyal if the relationship is serious and you guys have known each other for multiple years
- simply because he knows he can count on you
- but he's not sexually monogamous, and doesn't super care if you are
- only allows one night stands tho
- would kill the person if they tried to continue anything
- and would bring you their head
- like when your cat kills a bird and then brings it to you cuz it's so proud of itself
- that's just his way of showing u how much he loves u LMFAO
illumi needs...
- control, submission, and patience
- he's a total control freak. classic manipulator shit too
- uses text book manipulation when you disagree with him so if you catch on it's not really a problem
- lacks a lot of understanding of emotional needs and empathy so you need to be patient and explain everything to him
- or else he'll be like "why are you crying? your grandma died? that isn't something worth crying over."
- he never ghosts you
- ignores you only if he's really really pissed
- you must always be in a close radius, you're never out of his sight
- of course he requires all your attention, you are his number one and he expects to be your number one
- you go on missions with him, and if you don't it's because you're at the Zoldyck mansion or smth
- you are always in his grasp
- youre his doll, ok?
- if you guys aren't married yet, he doesn't think you two are are "dating" he just thinks you guys are engaged with no ring yet
- is 100% monogamous, and if you aren't he will make you be monogamous
- will kill anyone who looks at you in a way he doesn't like so it's not like u have an option
- yes he loves his family but he loves you a little more
- if you were somehow able to convince him to run away with you he would come along
- deep down he just wants love and if you love him that's all he really needs
- luckily he's not very socially knowledgeable
- it would be very time consuming, not impossible, but it would take a great amount of effort (esp with kikyo smh)
- doesn't really like physical touch at first but trust me that man needs a hug.
chrollo needs....
- commitment, intelligence, and a fairytale love
- would never admit it sober
- but he's a total hopeless romantic
- he just desires for a true connection
- like one where you guys are literally meant for each other and no one else
- someone perfect for him
- one where you understand each other well, you don't even need to communicate you just get each other
- he does need communication as well
- he's gone his whole life feeling like everything is temporary, and he just wants something that is forever
- wants to grow old together
- needs your 100% commitment
- doesn't ghost you exactly, but he does disappear for periods of time
- he'll tell you that it's a work trip but won't specify, even if you already know about the phantom troupe
- he'll be gone from two weeks anywhere to five months.
- but would never leave you hanging
- he'd send you stuff and text you everyday
- wants you to devote yourself to him
- at first he'll make you think he's devoted himself to you, but eventually he will come around and start to be more serious after a year or two passes
- bro doesn't want to be talking to a wall
- so you actually need to be capable of conversation and complicated discussion
- would form a book club
- by that i mean it's just you two and you read the same book to be able to discuss it passionately
- he is very passionate in many ways
- also you are to stay out of troupe business no matter what
thank you for reading and supporting me :) - eru
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comfortless · 3 months
sylly (like silly yk yk) what are your könig hcs? 🌹
SYLLY?! i…. Ok…. fair warning this is a little long… all that i do is think about this guy someone get him out of my head.
tread carefully reading this! there is a lot of sensitive content here: mental health stuff, abuse, mentions of sex and pornographic material, suicidal ideation, etc etc.
Generic, silly headcanons:
He prefers coffee (black) over tea, but he does have a bit of a sweet tooth (will never resist caramel if it’s presented to him). Honestly, he’s pretty self-reliant when it comes to food, too. On lazy days, he makes enough to where a takeout bill is hardly a concern, but for the most part he cooks! Not a chef by any means, but nothing he ever makes is bad!
Definitely wants a big, loving family, the polar opposite of what he had growing up as an only child in a far less than perfect household. Not a dealbreaker, but he does yearn for all of the love that he’s missed out on and then some.
Not big on video games, but… I do think he is absolutely spending every lonely leave playing Elder Scrolls. Would be so easy to convince to go larping or to a renfaire. I see everyone’s car/bike guy headcanons and I raise you… obsessed with fantasy König. He loves history and myth!! Why not combine the two and see him in chainmail.
The scent & kink posts. But to add… he’s an affectionate biter. (,: Knows the correct places to do so that won’t cause damage or hurt too terribly much. Likes to sniff you just as well! The embodiment of the “merge souls with me” post; in love, he just wants to feel you any way that he can and have some part of you lingering on him, even if it’s just a stray hair or your scent clinging to his shirt or pillowcase.
Cheating is never on this guy’s mind when he’s in a relationship. If he’s found a lady not running for the hills the second she catches sight of him, that’s his one and only. Sure, he may find himself attracted to someone else at some point or other during the duration of a relationship, but he’s devoted and disciplined! There’s never the fear of anyone coming in between he and his lover. He’ll spoil you with gifts, clingy to a point it’s overbearing, always giving you the utmost care… but is not opposed to bullying you into being a submissive, trembling mess either. He’s balanced!
Adores animals. Like any of them. There’s a special place in his heart for cats, but having a constant companion that he can take on hikes like a large dog would be ideal. Would definitely consider owning a tarantula or a snake, too. ^^ He isn’t scared of anything, let alone a creature that most are misinformed about… (he projects a little..). He would treat them just as well as anyone would treat a more “normal” pet. Understanding if you wouldn’t want to hold a giant arachnid (they’re delicate and you squirming over it would make him a bit protective over the poor thing. ): ), but it would mean a lot to him if you were more accepting.
König would not be a pretty sight (to most people) the majority of the time… I doubt that he takes care of himself past training his body and his allotted one-two minute military showers. His character description describes what is rumored to be under his mask as scary. Let him have his buzzcut, and scars, and teeth or old wounds a little too fucked up to fix! Unconventionally attractive is still attractive! (i think his ‘face reveal’ is actually so cute…)
Lots of sporadic little thoughts, but… Ambidextrous, can not ride a bike, whistles/hums to fill lapses of silence, flexes his fingers/cracks his knuckles when he’s nervous, definitely snores (loudly), brushes his teeth like 3-4 times a day (when he can) because he eats so much, not a picky eater at all, thinks it’s cute if you’re affectionately a little grossed out by him from time to time, absolutely the kind of person that thinks fuel and fire smell good, fluent in English and German but certainly knows many words and phrases from other languages.
Kind of clumsy. Overthinks the way his body looks to the point where sometimes his movements are a little stiff. Overestimates how tall a door frame may be if he’s distracted in the presence of others, hits his head and plays it off like he didn’t even notice. He’s (obviously) highly confident on the field, but in regular circumstances it’s totally reversed.
Though. Yeah. Sometimes this does translate onto the field. Can’t stay in one place for too long, once knocked an enemy soldier out by barreling into him. He’s a quick shot, skillful with any weapon that falls into his hands, but his focus can get a little skewed.
He collects some things. Nothing exactly pricy, but antique knives, coins, and a pocket watch or two. And he isn’t the most apt at putting things together in an appealing way… The first time you’re allowed into his house it looks like he’s robbed some vintage hunting shop/is planning something nefarious with the way he’s just got a few daggers strewn about his kitchen table. Just push them to the side, it’s fine! (His favorite is certainly one with a handle carved from a stag’s antler.)
Definitely takes a physical approach to bad feelings. @melancholic-thing mentioned to me that he bites himself when he’s feeling dejected or frustrated and yeah. (All of Ghost’s hcs for him are factually correct.) Not going to punch a hole through the wall but may aggressively slam a door or raise his voice before he can catch himself.
I have many thoughts about König’s childhood/early adulthood. Like, too many. But to summarize…
I think that everyone experiences bullying to an extent but what would make it so bad that it managed to make its way into the scraps that we do have of him? What made him so fundamentally unlikable to his peers? /: With my König I’ve settled on it being a blend of neurodivergency and a nightmare home life and alienation from his peers.
Height is predominantly viewed as a good trait. I don’t think it was necessarily his appearance at all that got him picked on so heavily (albeit… I do think that he would have had some scars, crooked teeth, regular facial bruising or cuts from scraps with other children/his father). Perhaps not the most conventionally attractive guy around, but normally viewed as a solid 5/10, just average. The kind of person who you wouldn’t remember from just a face alone.
His personality was always memorable though.
Whilst the other children/teenagers were interested in the regular trends, sports, whatever was shown on the television or heard on the radio at the time, I think he probably would have had a great interest in escapism!!
Comics, books, researching history and geography, etc, anything that could keep him from thinking of where he was/what other people viewed him as. He had a lot of strange things to say: odd facts (like the kind of person to tell you the longest word in the dictionary because he thinks it’s cool, “um actually—“ to correct something, monologuing about some bug you’ve just squashed and how it was not just a pest but very useful in nature, borderline concerning reactions to being shunned (feigned threats of violence that he would laugh off, things he’s probably heard from media and his own parents), over explaining himself for the simplest of misunderstandings, and… quoting his Oma’s very old-fashioned turns of phrase (think of little Kö regularly saying “Du gehst mir tierisch auf den Keks.” when he’s annoyed whereas the others say things far less dated like “Du gehst mir auf den Sack.”)
With him being difficult to relate to and having the most uncanny things slip out of his mouth, others probably did view him as a bit of a freak. He didn’t particularly stand up for himself often either apart from a few fights (and would never hit a girl). He would stay quiet, pretend to focus on his studies or whatever else was before him while the other children jeered and taunted. Regularly a target for fake confessions and offers to hang out outside of school, too.
König did have crushes, did have people he thought were cool and wanted to befriend, but after the third time of showing up someplace that he had to walk to on his own to find that no one had actually wanted to spend their time with him, he gave up.
I don’t think he had a good relationship with his parents or much of anyone. Seriously, leaving for the military at seventeen sets off a ton of alarm bells! He left the week of his Oma’s passing, because what else was there for him — no girlfriend, no prospects, hardly a relationship with his mother or father.
His father was your standard shit parent— womanizing, loud, physically abusive towards König. “Bonding” activities with him always had a heavy lean towards violence: hunting and arguing that usually resulted in fist fighting his own son seemed to be his favorites. A small man with an equally small ego— he probably would have boasted about his affairs to König, exposed him to pornography as a way of making sure his son wasn’t anything other than straight (which: never stopped his curiosity). He would never hold back from telling König that he would never in a million years find a girl willing to put up with his supposed stupidity and shortcomings. Generally just viewed his own son as utterly worthless if not for use as a punching bag.
In turn, König always loathed him, would dread hearing the bastard just walking around the house because he knew he would always find something to bicker with his wife or son over. Nothing that they ever did would be deemed correct, and his social anxiety initially developed from his dealings with him.
His mother was withdrawn, emotionally neglectful. König was just… there to her; another mouth to feed, another person begging for the attention she would have rather spared on herself.
She wasn’t a bad mother and she did try, but the product of dealing with his father’s nonsense + letting her own mental illness go unchecked (as in, his father controlled the family financially and why would he let her blow through their funds to see a therapist and “lose her lucidity with pills and ridiculous talks”). There were some days when she would be feeling more like herself and take König along with her for walks through the park where she would try to ask him about his life, about school, and… he would end up spilling his guts to her only for her to return to silence. Still, those were his favorite days. His fondest memory was picking a flower for her on one of those walks, one that she kept pressed and later framed.
There were never family dinners, no movie nights, no day trips or vacations. The most blissful of days were spent in the comfort of his room where he could keep the door locked and muffle the sounds of his parents arguing with loud music.
So, König did not have much of a safe space within his own home, but he had his Oma and her cluttered little house. She had books and plenty of food, even a cat, too. Though she was like his mother, stern and withdrawn, she would at least sit with him and tell him stories of her own life. She would at least tell him “Ich lieb dich, Käferchen!” in her quiet voice, stroke his head where he would sit with his nose buried in a book beside her. She would show him her dusty antiques, her old photographs, and in turn taught him to be a proper man by making him tend to what needed to be done around her house. And the garden. He loved his Oma’s garden, full of orchids, petunias, and tomatoes she would mash up to make him goulash or tomatensalat!
With Austria’s leading religion being Catholicism, I do think his Oma would have dragged him with her to service plenty, too. Not that he ever particularly enjoyed it… just zoned out with a plastic soldier in his pocket to fidget with or some trading card he spent the money he earned doing chores for her on. He’s never considered himself religious, thought himself to be bound for Hell no matter what, even if most of the time he felt that he was already there.
You take a puppy that’s been beaten down his entire life, but still remains eager and throw him in a barrack with people more horrible than any bully he’s ever had, though…? He starts taking his father’s advice more and more then. He wouldn’t harm anyone that he didn’t view as deserving of it, but it didn’t need to go that far that often, anyway. König is aware of the space he takes up by then, aware that all of his training has made him more broad and sturdy, and those playground fights are nothing compared to what he’s capable of now.
He gets his callsign from a quip about him owning nothing. His barrack is empty, devoid of pictures or any sentimental belongings. He rarely checks his phone, there might be the occasional missed call from a spam number, what is there to even see? He has no social media presence, every leave is spent in a shitty apartment only a days travel from his hometown, and he is utterly silent when the other soldiers invite him out for drinks. So yes, he’s a king. The king of absolutely nothing.
One of these rowdy boys does eventually coax him into talking to a woman. He loses his virginity in a disgusting bar bathroom, where he asks her after the two minutes he’s spent inside of her if it means anything to her at all. She laughs, washes herself in the sink and calms him down, but doesn’t give him her number or anything more than her first name.
He’s starved for love, utterly miserable without it, but doesn’t have much of a desire to seek it out, either. He’s seen how people are, how they treat him. But time and time again he will grapple onto any thread that may lead him to a pinhole of hope when it’s offered to him. For the most part, he has his hand and a perpetually almost-empty bottle of lotion.
And it’s not much of a surprise that König has contemplated suicide more times than he can count. It has never culminated in any way, only fearing that he would disappoint his men, even further disappoint his parents, maybe even a small part of him still believes in a Hell; that maybe with enough vigilantism on his part he’ll earn his way to a pleasant afterlife, one he teeters on the separation of believing in and not.
He doesn’t think about his mental health, always haunted by his father’s words, thinking that assuredly it would make him weak if he were to seek help for something like his own thoughts. So he overexerts himself during workouts, bottles everything other than rage and love inside: no one is going to see him cry, not ever again after being laughed at for him hundreds of times during school where he sat being called an “ugly giant” a “daydreaming freak” and an “idiot” near daily where silent tears did escape, only spurring further laughter.
Though I do not write him with these things in mind for every au, there are always subtle hints scattered about. ^^ I could probably prattle on forever about him, but I will leave you with this for now…
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munsonsprincess11111 · 5 months
Our loves simple
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: Nancy and Jonathan are sat at the hellfire lunch table arguing. You and Eddie come walking over completely oblivious to what's going on. But that's when the gang work out after dating for as along as you 2 have they've never seen you fight.
"OH well you could pretend to care."
"I do care Jonathan god what is wrong eith you today."
The 2 fight like cat and dog hellfire watching the argument unfold. They then see you and Eddie come through the cafeteria doors. Your in Eddie's back laughing looking like your holding on for dear life as Eddie approaches the hellfire table.
"And we have arrived at your destination your highness." Eddie says letting you slip off his back. You were complaining about your shoes hurting your feet so Eddie told u to get in his back while in the halls. You kiss his cheek and sit next to him. When Eddie sits he pulls your chair next to him. Opening his lunch box snd putting his arm around your shoulder.
"What are they fighting about?" Eddie askes the table as he offers u a grape. Everyone shrugs not to sure themselves. Eddie nods putting his attention back on you.
"Eddie y/n when was the last time u had an argument?" Jonathan askes ignoring Nancy. She looks pissed.
"I dunno 3 months ago?" Eddie replies not sure himself. Jonathan looks at Nancy. The 2 had been fighting a lot recently. Only small things they'd make up in minutes but still a lot. "We've never seen Eddie and y/n fight." Gareth states from thr end of the table.
"That's cause our arguments are either screaming matches or one of us cry." Eddie says smirking.
"And we just don't fight. Last time we had an argument was because some guy tried to slop me his number. I rejected him but someone was still pissed." You finally speak up then eating one of Eddie's grapes.
"Now that was a screaming match. And you won." Eddie shrugs stating.
Everyone at the table looks at Jonathan and Nancy who are arguing over Jonathan's test score as he claimed Nancy didn't care. The pair looked at eachother and mumbled an apology.
"Wait a guy slipped you his number?" Gareth askes. You nod not wanting to talk about it. Remembering how pissed Eddie was. Eddie then sits back crossing his arms over his chest no linger having an arm around you.
"Look its no big deal it was ages ago I rejected him and were fine now OK?" You say with a huff.
"Right all of you fuckers stop it. We're not gonna fight. It was ages ago leave it or it'll be you lot ill be fighting with got it Mike." Eddie says leaning forward looking at Mike who try to continue bringing it up. He nods looking at his food.
Eddie slouches back then putting a hand on your shoulder and pulling you back in your chair so your next to him wrapping an arm around you reassuringly kissing your head. You melt into his touch knowing everything's fine. Your hands join and rest on Eddie's thigh.
"Remind me why we keep sitting with these prices instead of in the woods or my van." Eddie whispers to you kissing your head. You giggle and look at him. You look at him like he's the inly person in the world and he melts. He kisses your lips softly and smiles.
"Jonathan say sorry to Nancy properly for staring a petty argument." Eddie says looking back to your friends.
"M sorry Nancy for starting a petty argument. I love you n i won't do it again." Jonathan says looking at Nancy.
"Nance your turn" You say putting your head on Eddie's shoulder.
"I'm sorry Jonathan for not acting like I care I'm very proud of you you did awesome." She says smiling at him shyly.
Jonathan hugs Nancy and she hugs him back. "Cool right now can we have a normal fucking lunch with no arguments and no one getting in my relationship business?" Eddie askes looking at everyone at the table
Everyone agrees. Just as things settle Jason carver approaches with two of his minion friends. "Sup freaks." HE says smirking.
"Fuck sake one day. One day I will have a normal lunch. Hi Jason what will it be today? Cheap insults that I manage to make you shrivel up into a ball too? Or one of us throwing a fist which results in me running ad your minions chase me down?" Eddie says clearly pissed off
He keeps his arm over your shoulder letting go of your hand running it over his face. "You really like that y/n there are plenty of guys who like u in this school. Ditch the freak look at him." Jason says pointing at Eddie who's staring at him.
You turn your head and look at Eddie. "Your hot just saying." You say to eddie so Jason and his friends can hear. Eddie looks down at you smirking kissing your head. "Jason fuck off. No one here's interested in u or your small cock." You say sitting up straighter.
The boy looks stunned by your words. "Fucking freaks. All of ya." Jason mumbles. Before anyone knows it Eddie's up walking over to Jason. But he's running off with his friends before Eddie reaches him.
"Funny thought he wanted to have a chat." Eddie says stood where Jason once was. He looks over at you. "I fucking love you ya weirdo." HE says walking back around to you.
"I love you too ya freak." You say as he sits next to you. "Your words wound me sweet thing thought you loved me." HE says placing a hand over his heart.
"Fuckung he'll Eddie that nickname isn't sticking we've been over this." You smile saying while rolling your eyes.
"And like I said your sweet and my favourite thing. It's sticking" he mumbles eating another grape.
"NIT getting into this." You laugh and gwt up kissing Eddie's head walking off.
"Don't leave me with them. Babe please." HE calls behind u. Eddie then gets up grabbing his tin box running over to you. Wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and spinning. The table watch as you take Eddie's lunch box off him and he crouches for you to get on his back. Before he's walking goofing eith you in his back you laughing and screaming.
There's one word to describe how Eddie feels about you. Love. There's one word to describe how you feel about Eddie. Love. And it will be like that forever.
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wjehfshs · 10 months
Keegan and Logan relationship HCs both fluffy and smutty bc I’m on a kick for them rn (seperate)
Tumblr media
This is gonna contain NSFW, also don’t ask me why I put hello kitty as the GIF I just felt like it
I think everyone can agree this man’s cuddly
I saw someone hc (I can’t remember who) that he bites affectionately
Like will just bite your shoulder or smth
Also he rides a motorcycle (he’s better at driving it than a car, thankfully), and he loves to take you on rides at night for a date
First getting with him you probably had to confess, look he’s not insecure or anxious it’s just that he didn’t pick up on you liking him as well
Kinda just stood there after you asked him out like “😦”
“Kid stop messin’ with me it’s not funny”
“I’m not messing with you Keegan”
“Oh… Oh!” Got all excited internally but tried to keep that stoic demeanour
First time cuddling with him (which was probably right after you confessed) he lay on top of you, putting his full weight on you (if safe to do so ofc), and basically just melted, almost fell asleep if you didn’t have to get up to use the bathroom
Anytime before he has to go on a mission he’s extra cuddly, basically glued to you
And if you work day or night he’s devastated
Part of him wants to convince you to quit your job so he can have you all to himself when he’s home and he also makes very good money, but if you genuinely like your job/career. He’s supporting you 110% and won’t say anything
Will have you on his lap as he plays games or watches TV with you
If you also play games even better, sometimes he lets you win just to see you happy
But if you naturally beat him at a game where we didn’t let you win he’s all pouty and shit
Still can’t help but let his heart skip a beat when he sees you all excited, even if you’re rubbing your win in his face
If you have a cat, the cat and him are standoffish at first, kinda fighting for your attention but now they can’t be separated
Spends like a good 2 hours saying good bye to the cat before he is deployed
Falls asleep with it on his chest
If you have a dog he’s all over it immediately, treats it like it’s his childhood dog or smth
You catch him cuddling with the dog while watching TV, sometimes even falls asleep while watching and the dog just sits there with a smile on its face
Probably prefers big dogs but doesn’t mind either way
After he gets home from a mission no matter how long he was away, he’s hugging you, kissing you, and lifting you up in his arms in the middle of the airport like you haven’t seen each other in 5 years, doesn’t care if people are staring at all
If you get embarrassed he may tone it down a bit but he just can’t help himself
If you two get married/have a traditional wedding, he’s so impatient, just wants to kiss you
When he’s told he can he just wraps you in a bear hug and kisses you, he’s just so happy that he gets to be with you
If you don’t want to get married/don’t want a traditional wedding he’s also totally fine with that
Doesn’t care if you’re married or not, doesn’t care if the wedding is traditional or not he’s just so happy to be with you
You two don’t make out for very long when you do because he’s also impatient in that area, can’t control himself sometimes he gets so worked up
He’s into some very kinky stuff (only with consent and very long talks from you two)
He also likes biting in the bedroom, if you aren’t ok with it he won’t draw blood or hurt you two bad but if you give him the ok, or even better want it, he’s having a field day
When he’s away he lives for phone sex with you
When domming he’s rough (unless you ask him not too or you’re more vanilla), but if either of you are having a bad day or smth he’s soft and very vanilla
When he’s having a bad day tho he prefers to sub, I think he’s pretty quiet when subbing, not for any particular reason, just is
Covers his mouth when subbing because even when being dommed he loves to hear you moan
Not above being pegged/anal
I’ve mentioned this in a couple of past posts but I fully believe that Keegan is a tit man
Doesn’t matter if they’re big, small, uneven, different sizes, covered in stretch marks, have hair, fake, or on a man HE. LOVES. TITS.
Will bury his head in them when cuddling and Will also occasionally cover them in hickeys
Also loves cumming all over them
If you don’t say otherwise, he’s all over them. You cannot detach this man from your boobs
If you’re insecure about them his mouth is not leaving them until you feel better
He would never admit this but he loves when you make him cum all over his clothes/in his pants
If you’re ok with it, he’ll do stuff like choking, spitting, specifically in your mouth/on your tongue, and the occasional ass slap (but remember consent is key guys)
He LOVES to eat you out, female genitalia or male genitalia he doesn’t care
Eye contact>>>
A bit of a dirty secret of his but he loves when you look away so he can hold your face and force you to look at him
Dirty talk dirty talk dirty talkkkkk
Oral fixation
He’s a bit of an anxious lover
Also less experienced than Keegan
He’s not clueless but you may have to guide him on some stuff
Very protective of you
Unlike Keegan, he can actually be trusted behind the wheel of a car
He prefers to show his love through acts of service
That’s not to say he doesn’t love any kind of affection giving or receiving
But there’s just something about being able to cook you breakfast while you’re asleep, taking care of you while you’re sick, and helping you pick out an outfit
Although I do have to admit he does also enjoy being taken care of
But he prefers to take care of you than be taken care of
Please cuddle this man likes he’s the most precious thing ever made, he needs it
He’s too embarrassed to admit it but he loved when you whisper and coo at him
And if you cuddle him while playing with his hair, this man is out COLD
But equally he loves when you fall asleep on top of him
I believe since he’s the youngest of the Walker family, he probably feels insecure about his strength so if you fall asleep wrapped in his arms it’ll make him feel big and strong
Cold days where you can cuddle with him>>>
His kisses are soft and calm
He was the one to confess, well kinda
Hesh did it for him
Hesh just kinda strolled up to you casually one day with Logan silently standing behind him
“Hey [name]! How are you? Cool cool. Anyways just letting you know Logan’s in love with you… bye!” And then he walks off leaving you and Logan alone
And it just went from there
Hesh wasn’t stupid, he knew you both liked each other but Logan wasn’t convinced
The only reason he let Hesh confess to you for him was because Hesh promised to treat him to a “sorry dinner” if he was wrong and you didn’t feel the same
Luckily Hesh was right
While Keegan is a biter, Logan is more of a licker
He won’t just randomly lick you like Keegan but he’ll probably kiss you somewhere and leave a little lick for shits and giggles
I do believe he’s selectively mute
So most of the time he doesn’t talk at all but I’m rare occasions he’ll whisper something to you and only you
Probably something like “baby I’m tired… can we go home?”
Or “I love you so so much”
It’s like a special treat just for you
He tries to take as many photos of you and the both of you together, prints it out, and takes the little photo with him on missions
Prefers to soft dom
But either way he will absolutely destroy your insides as he kisses all up and down your torso
If he’s subbing, please crush this man’s head in between your thighs
Doesn’t matter if they’re thick, thin, fatty, muscly, whatever please just crush him
He wants to suffocate between them
He would happily die in between your legs
Also gets whiny when subbing
Jerk this man off while he whines and begs, bucking his hips up into your hands
Not really as kinky as Keegan but loves being rough or you being rough on him
Doesn’t matter if you have a dick yourself or use a strap on, he wants to deep throat it
Will bend you in half when fucking you
Especially when he’s close
If he’s feeling mean one day he will manhandle you
Flipping you from position to position on the bed, basically throwing you around like a rag doll
Sometimes he’ll wear his mask while you two will do it
Aftercare with him is top tier tho, kisses, maybe a bath or shower, food if you’re hungry, water, maybe even a hot chocolate
As I said earlier he loves to take care of you
Prefers things clean but does like cumming on your face
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hals-homo-blog · 21 days
Giving Postal 2 Dude a Bath
P2 Bath Anon I hope you see this. I thought your idea was really cute and I wanted to do some nice hcs of my own for it q v q I really hope you see this. I see you, you are funny and nice and ily. (/pla)
HE’S FUCKIGN STINKY! The stink had CROSSED the line, and Reader needs that man warshed NNNNOWWWW‼️‼️
Really, it depends how close you two are, how deep into the relationship you are, etc :3c Earlier on? Good luck, he’s not gonna have anything to do with that. He’s still gonna be mostly closed off from having the previous relationship be So Very Shitty.
Later on, though? After you’ve been together a few years? After he trusts you and is more comfortable with you? I think he would begrudgingly allow it. He knows he reeks to high heaven and something needs to be done about it. Your nudging about it would push him over the edge to Just get it Over with.
You’ll have better luck if you propose the idea of bathing together as opposed to just you giving him a bath like a Stinky Dog :3c however Stinky and Dog-like he may be. You had better believe he’s gonna be naughty about it >:3c Thats prolly why he agreed in the first place. The water ain’t the only thing that’s gonna be steamy in there. >:3c
You would definitely have the best luck if he was stoned or drunk or otherwise altered. He’s already looking to feel good, hence being altered, and the nice hot water with your fingers massaging the shampoo into his scalp, giving him lots of attention, definitely fits the bill.
Ok, as for Not High and Not Sexy, he’s still hesitant about it, like the previous writer mentioned, he is a grown-ass man I can see it being like those classic cartoon cat-baths where he wedges his limbs against the tub so he doesn’t get wet.
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He very well may bite you, Anon. >:3c Don’t scrub too hard or let the soap get in his eyes (The sunglasses stay ON during bath time 😤) otherwise it’s a one way ticket to Chomp Town. I hope you had your rabies vaccination, pookie. <3
I think it would be a nice, intimate thing in the end, building trust, deepening the relationship, showing Dude that you’re different, this relationship is different and that this sort of vulnerability is ok.
Enjoy Clean Dude while he lasts, because you’re not coaxing him back in there for a loooong time. Dude is stinky, that is his natural state, he will soon return to it and bring balance back to the universe.
BONUS HEADCANON: From my good friend @spiderh0rse, if he’s Stinky and Doglike, HIT HIM WITH THE HOSE!!
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Somebody has drawn this meme with the Dude, right? Surely. Surely someone has, I feel like I’ve seen it lol.
Hhh I hope you enjoy!! I haven’t really done a headcanons thingy like this before, so I hope it came out ok.
I mean no disrespect to the writer who was originally given this prompt q v q I just thought there were a lot of funny and sweet story opportunities that were missed out on, and I wanted to explore them a bit. I apologize if my making this comes off as rude or mean 🙏 /gen
I do think the Dude is capable of tenderness and/or non-sexual intimacy, it just takes a lot, a LOT, more work to get there for the s/o, y/n, reader, etc.
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monster-disaster · 4 months
I wish I had some good ideas to help you spark your inspiration! 🥺 The only halfway decent idea I got is a Monster (preferably Goblin) with a cat that always escapes/sneaks off to the neighbor and thus plays matchmaker, despite both of them telling themselves they don't want a relationship atm. 😄 It's ok if you won't write it! 💗 Have a good day!
Hello! Thank you for the request! It was a cute idea! :D goblin x reader warnings: none
The first rays of the sun stretch across the city skyline, casting a golden glow over the streets and swiping away the darkness with ease. The buildings stand tall and proud under the gentle hue of the globe peeking out behind the horizon, their silhouettes cutting sharp against the brightening sky. Below, the streets are already coming to life. The chatter of the people on the sidewalks mixes with the constant sounds of the traffic. Cars weave in and out of lanes with tempered impatience, their headlights twinkling. Their honking punctuates the chilly morning air.
Ut's steps are heavy on the metal stairs. It rattles under his black boots as he makes his way down to your floor. The goblin's chest is already filled with annoyance. A silent snarl contorts his face.
Crouching down in front of your window, he stays still for a long second. His jeans are too tight for such a movement, but he doesn't care about it. His big eyes find you easily, standing at the counter and putting a disgusting amount of sugar into your coffee. Your hair is a mess, and you are still wearing your pajamas. An old shirt hides the curves of your body, but the shorts hug your ass tightly. Perfectly.
Ut has to force himself to knock on your window before you notice him. The sudden sound of his knuckles on the clean glass makes you jump. The mug almost falls from your hands as your head snaps his way. "Where is my cat?" He asks before you can do anything. His voice is muffled because of the closed window. He opens his palms questioningly. The golden rings glint on his long fingers as he waits for your answer. A frown pulls on your brows, and you purse your lips in annoyance. You can't believe this male. "What do you want?" You snap at him when you open your window. Your mug is still in your hand, warming your fingers. "Where is my cat?" He asks again, looking around your small kitchen from the fire escape. His big eyes scan your small space, searching for the animal. "How should I know?" You ask him. "He didn't come over this morning." Your attention turns to the untouched bowl on the counter, not far from the window. It's still filled with cat food. Ut groans. "I told you don't feed him." Your shrug. "He comes over even when I don't feed him." Yeah, the goblin has some doubts about it.
Silence settles between you two while traffic still filters through your window. A dog barks somehwere far. Its voice echoes off the buildings.
And slowly, panic finds its way into your chests.
"Where is he, Ut?" You ask him, eyes wide. "Where is our cat?" The male grunts. "My cat," he corrects you. His long ears twitch and flatten against the sides of his head. Turning his back to you, he looks down the alley below, searching for the familiar gray fur or any movement around the trash cans. Their foul smell fills his nostrils. "Go and look around on the streets," you tell him hurriedly. "I go over to the neighbors." He wants to snarl at you for ordering him but stays quiet instead. His cat is not capable of living on the streets. He is allergic and so fucking lazy. There is no way he chose the streets instead of eating at your house. "Fine," he grunts.
When you leave your apartment, you can still hear the metallic rattle of the fire escape as Ut runs down on it.
You are not sure how much time you spend going from door to door, disturbing your neighbors' morning and trying to hide your growing panic after every "I didn't see him" and "I'm sorry".
And Ut isn't doing better either, hurrying along the streets and snarling at people who look at him funnily. By the time he reaches the bottom of the fire escape, his phone is already in his hand, looking for the phone numbers of the nearby shelters.
"Ut!" Your voice comes from above him. When he looks up, you stand on the metal platform on your apartment's floor. You lean over the railing with a gray fluff in your arms. You are still in your pajamas with a mess of hair, but there is a huge smile on your face.
"Fuck," Ut grunts as the air leaves his lungs with relief. He runs up the stairs. His lean legs jump the steps easily until he stands in front of you, reaching out to get his cat from your secure hold. "Where did you find him?" He asks. His long fingers rake through the soft fur as the small animal snuggles under his jaw. You shrug. "When I got home, his bowl was empty, and he was asleep on my bed." "Of course," he hums. Lazy. When his happiness dies down, he starts to feel awkward. He is still on the fire escape with you. Even though his cat has spent most of his morning with you for at least three months now, he never talked to you more than a few sentences. His ears twitch. "Well," Ut says. "Thanks." You hum, amused. "Come over tonight," he adds. "What?" You ask, surprised. One of your eyebrows moves up. "As a thank you," he tells you, already moving to go up to his apartment. "For finding my cat." A slow smirk pulls on your lips as you watch him slowly disappear at the turn of the stairs. "Our cat," you correct him.
You hear him snarl.
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h-c-u · 1 year
No longer a secret pt 1
Summary: You're a reporter in a secret relationship with Toto, and he gives you some great advice.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x fem!reader
W/C: 3.3k
Rating: PG, age gap
TWs: none
A/N: This is written for that one specific friend that doesn't have Tumblr, but I guess if anyone finds it by the tags, you can read it too ;) 
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | List of tags | Playlist for the series
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- It's good to see you again Lewis! - you started your maybe 30th interview of the day. Even though you loved your job, you hated days like those with a passion. Not because they were intense, but because you preferred doing longer, more in-depth interviews, where you had the opportunity to get to know the other person better and dive deeper than "How do you feel about your placement?" or "What are your plans for the race?" because you knew that a diplomatic response for those type of questions was rehearsed and repeated dozens of times. But your network wanted you to tape those little snippets because your other interviews were so popular. Sure, more than once they had to be heavily edited per the request from the person interviewed, but you honestly didn't mind, because it was still good material, that you were proud of.
- It's good to see you too, Y/n, good to see you too. - he gave you a huge smile. Lewis was very easy to interview, especially after the longer interview you had with him last year, after which you occasionally talked and exchanged small birthday gifts... He was always trying to steer from obvious questions, because he was just so tired of them, and you happily obliged.
- Congratulations on placing so well in the qualis, but I have something else to ask you. Before the race, we were talking about your dogs, Roscoe and Coco. - he smiled again.
- We did, those little rascals... - he laughed quietly, suspecting where your next question might head.
- If they were to race against the others drivers’ pets, where do you think they'd land? - the question was definitely unusual, but you could just tell that he loved it, especially when he started listing all the dogs, cats, and even a few birds, considering all their advantages and disadvantages, with you making a comment from time to time. Technically those segments you did were supposed to be around 2 minutes per driver, but you didn't want to stop the conversation that flew so naturally, especially when you were building on his arguments or completely disagreeing with them. You suspected that this one will go to the network's YouTube channel as a special, and based on how much Lewis enjoyed his rant and theories, you suspected that it might do even better than the main interviews from today. And it was obviously the first time he was asked that, so people, especially the younger generation, might be interested and start to comment with their own predictions, which meant engagement.
At first, you didn't even notice that the wind picked up and gave you goosebumps, because you were so deeply invested in the conversation. Only when suddenly a wall of rain hit both of you, you swore in your head, regretting your choice of dress for today. Fortunately, it didn't become see-through, but it did nothing to keep you warm in the rain, and Lewis didn't even realize that something was wrong. He was still in his driver's suit... And honestly, you didn't want to interrupt the interview just because of a tiny bit of water. Ok, a bit more than a "tiny" amount, but still, it's not like you were going to melt, so you continued the conversation with a pleasant smile on your face, but you couldn't help the shiver that came over you after two minutes of being completely soaked.
In the corner of your eye, you saw someone getting close to both of you, but you didn't look straight at them, because you were in the middle of asking a question. Only when the person stepped in front of the camera, you turned your head and froze for a second, when you saw Toto Wolff with a spare jacket and an umbrella. You continued asking the question while he gently put the Mercedes-branded jacket over your shoulders, and gave a giant umbrella to Lewis to hold over the two of you since your hand was already busy holding the microphone. Without saying anything he left the frame and walked away, leaving you to continue the interview.
You couldn't help but smile for the rest of the conversation, which could, fortunately, be understood as you genuinely enjoying Hamilton's company, when in fact you were grinning from ear to ear, because that cheeky bastard gave you his jacket, and now you were completely surrounded by his scent, which tuned out the smell of burned rubber and hot metal, even though it was much more subtle.
You spent around 10 more minutes conducting the interview until there was a natural end to your conversation. You congratulated him again on doing so well and wished him good luck for the main race.
- Where do you pull those questions from, Y/n...? - Lewis laughed after the camera stopped rolling. - I always feel like we've been talking for less than a minute, and then I look at the clock... - you joined him in laughter, finally able to put your arms through the sleeves of a jacket that was way too big for you. At the same time, you turned the mic off and took a quick look at the camera screen.
- Yeah, we have over 20 minutes of footage, you're super easy to talk to, and I wish everyone was as open as you. - you gave him a smile. - But at least you made the last interview of the day actually enjoyable, so thank you for that. - he laughed, still holding the umbrella over you, while you were quickly packing your part of the gear. Your camerawoman was doing her job as quickly as you, and only after about 3 minutes you were both packed, with all gear protected from the rain. - I have a ride back, see you tomorrow. - you lied smoothly, but she didn't question you, so you both just waved each other goodbye, and she left the track.
- Thank you for that... - you pointed at the umbrella Hamilton was holding. - But I think I should return it to the rightful owner. Do you know where I might find him this late? - the question slipped easily from your tongue, even though you knew very well where Toto was because he was always there after any type of race. Although it wasn't something a regular reporter would know, so you felt obligated to ask, not to rouse any suspicion.
- Sure, he's still in the pit going through all the raw data from today... - you nodded, acknowledging what he said.
- Even after everyone left...? - you faked your disbelief.
- Yeah, he's like that during the season, nothing else matters. I mean, he's always like that, laser-focused... But he should really get a life. - Lewis chuckled as if he was in on a joke you didn’t know of, but you just smiled politely.
- That sounds... admirable. The dedication. - you clarified.
- True, true... I can walk with you if you want.
- Oh, that's not necessary. I'm sure Roscoe and Coco miss you. - you both laughed, and he passed you the umbrella.
- Yeah... Well... Can't wait for our next interview.
- Lewis Hamilton, are you offering me an exclusive? - you joked, and he laughed again.
- Maybe, maybe... Have your people contact my people and we might set something up. - this time you laughed, while he was walking away. - Take care, Y/n! - he waved you goodbye and started walking in the direction of the exit, while you headed toward the pit, from where most of the people were heading away. Few of them recognized you and gave you a small nod or a polite greeting, but when you finally got to the Mercedes station, you could count people in sight on one hand. You saw Toto from quite far away, but he was completely focused on the two monitors in front of him.
Since there was nowhere to knock, you just crossed the threshold and folded the umbrella. You got closer to him, and he finally realized you were there. You noticed him glancing behind you, making sure there was no one in sight, and when you were near him, he pulled you closer by the sides of his own jacket and gave you a short but sweet kiss; even sitting down, he was a bit taller than you. Admittingly, you wore flats today, and the chair was high, but still...
- Mein Schatzi decided to visit me, how lovely... - you couldn't help but smile, and even though you wanted nothing more than to get closer to him, you took a step back, and leaned on the side of his desk, so from far away it looked like you were just talking.
- I was actually hoping to catch a ride with you... - he raised his eyebrow
- Did you change your mind, love...? - he asked, and you sighed heavily.
- It's... complicated. - you finally replied, and he lowered his hand and put it on the inside of your knee so the small point of contact between you was hidden by the desk, but it still gave you comfort.
- Oh...? - he looked at you from behind his glasses, wanting to hear more.
- I'm seriously thinking about quitting my job, and I think today was the final push I needed.
- That sounds serious... - his thumb started gently stroking your naked skin.
- It does, doesn't it... - it was more a statement than a question. - I mean... I enjoy being a reporter, meeting all those amazing people, but I feel like being this type of a reporter... - you gestured around you. - ...isn't for me. It's too quick and too repetitive. It's shallow... - you sighed again and rubbed your forehead with your fingers. - And I know neither the sport nor the drivers are shallow. They’re deep, complicated, and nuanced, and I feel like the media flattens them down and cuts it all into digestible bites. It's not something I enjoy being a part of. And even though I have over 15 people interested in an actual interview with me, the network has scheduled only two. In a month. And it's just... - you groaned instead of finishing the sentence.
- Frustrating...? - he asked, and you nodded.
- Extremely frustrating. Because even if I resigned today, I'd still have to work for them for a month, and gods know what they'll want me to do... And after that - it's not like any network is searching for a full-time interviewer or looking for someone to fill a spot in the schedule. - you sighed again, slumping your shoulders. - Sorry for dumping it all on you, especially right now. - you added a bit quieter. You didn't even plan on talking about it with him when you were walking over, but it just... spilled.
- Don't apologize, Schatzi. - he gave you a small smile. - It's your life and I'm honored that you have decided to share it with me. - he pulled you a bit closer by your thigh, and you went. - Do you just want to vent, or are you seeking advice? - he asked, finally taking off his headphones, roughing up his hair with his hand, and giving you his undivided attention. Now even from the outside, this didn't look like a regular conversation, but no one was around... You appreciated that he asked because most guys would have started spewing possible solutions without taking what you truly wanted under consideration. But in this case, you could really use some counsel...
- Advice... - you said, your tone heavy.
- I think you should quit and go independent. - he stopped for a moment, letting the words sink in. - You are the best in long format, deep interviews, you don't shy from rough topics, and you can easily steer a conversation in such a way, that the other person just feels comfortable, even with complicated questions. And you enjoy making this type of content the most, no? - he made sure, and you nodded. - So objectively, I see two paths for you. Path number one - you go to any streaming network with a proposition of your show, and if they'll be interested - you could start taping interviews, but they will most likely have to be at a certain length and there might be some censorship required. Path number two requires much more work, especially in the beginning - you go completely independent and put your interviews online. - he went quiet, allowing you to process what he said. You never thought about putting your interviews online... You would have to hire a crew, editors, and someone to take care of HR, and PR... And at first, there wouldn't be a lot of money in it, only from minor sponsors and ad revenues, since you weren't exactly fond of putting the content behind a paywall. So, did you have enough savings to actually invest in something like that? Because it would have to be at least 10 interviews to get it going, so 3-4 months of paychecks for 10-12 people. A quick calculation told you that... somehow you could. It would be rough, but with sponsors... Yeah, you might be able to pull it off.
- I see those gears turning. Did I say something right...? - he smiled, and you immediately did the same.
- You did. You said something very right... In fact... - you took your phone out of your bag - I'm quitting right now... - you wanted to unlock it, but his hand covered the screen and stopped you from doing that. You looked at him confused.
- I know you wouldn't take money from me, but is there a chance I can offer you my lawyer? - he asked, but that didn't clear things up. - You've mentioned that your network booked you only two interviews in a month, and that... doesn't seem right. I'm just saying, let him look over your contract and if there is something that would allow you to quit on the spot, he'll find it. But sending your resignation right now might complicate things... - you carefully considered his offer... You knew he was right, but you were still hesitant to accept any actual help from him because your hyper-independence convinced you that if you did, nothing else you would do in your carrier or life would be of any value, because you didn't get it on your own.
- I will meet with him... - you said eventually. - Thank you. - you added, and the smile that bloomed on his face melted something in you. You just couldn't be in a bad mood with him nearby.
- It's nothing. - you wanted to budge in, but he beat you to it. - For me. For me, it's nothing, Schatzi. Can I kiss you now...? - he asked and when you nodded, he pulled you into his lap, finally kissing you properly.
- What the...? - you heard the familiar voice behind you, and you looked in that direction horrified. You managed to keep your relationship secret without slip-ups for so long, that you honestly thought all the things you did to avoid getting caught became second nature, but evidently, you became too comfortable.
- Fuck… - the swear left your mouth before you even realized it was forming. It's not like Lewis would blab about what he saw to everyone, but your first reaction was still fear.
- So, is that like a thing with a capital T, or did it just happen because he didn't let you get soaked today...? - he asked, and you wanted nothing more than for the ground under you to open and swallow you whole. Preferably with the last five minutes of this timeline. You cautiously looked up, but Toto was giving you free hand in handling it. Personally, you knew that he wanted your relationship to go public because he wanted to show you off to the world, but he never insisted; he knew you weren't ready yet, and when it mattered - he was a very patient man.
- It's a thing with a capital T... - you finally answered on the exhale, and you could see Lewis getting nervous.
- Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, coooooool... - you honestly wanted to laugh. - It's a good thing then, that I didn't ask you on a date today. - he blurted out and as soon as the words left his mouth he was horrified. You saw that he wanted to start apologizing, but you beat him to it.
- Yeah, polyamory isn't for me, sorry... I'm more of an "all in" kinda gal. - you laughed, and the atmosphere relaxed a little.
- So how long has this been going on? - Lewis asked and you couldn't help but smile.
- Officially... Just over a year. But it took me more to actually wear her down. That sounds bad. - you couldn't blame him for sometimes not getting the message across exactly as he wanted, since he spoke fluently in six languages.
- I didn't want to start a relationship with someone this important as soon as I started doing interviews around the tracks, because I didn't want to be treated differently. And I wanted to avoid all the nasty rumors that I've slept my way to the best interviews. - you quickly jumped in to explain your situation in more detail.
- Well, anyone who would think that is an idiot and clearly has never seen any of your interviews. - he complimented your skills, and even though it technically was true, you still felt weird receiving compliments.
- Thank you, Lewis. - you gave him a soft smile.
- And honestly, it's impressive that you managed to keep it under wraps for so long. - he added. - Anyway, I came back because I realized I forgot my phone, I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds alone. - he laughed, zeroing in on his cell.
- Lewis...? Could please not tell anyone? - you asked, even though you suspected you didn't need to. - I mean, beside Roscoe and Coco... - he chuckled and gave both of you a huge smile.
- Your secret is safe with us. Take care guys! - and with that, he was gone, and Toto couldn't help but laugh.
- That went... well. - you playfully slapped his chest, pretending to scold him. - Oh come on Schatzi, from everyone who could possibly walk in on us, he's the best option. - he defended his reaction, and you knew he was right. - But... - he started, and you almost immediately knew what he was going to say next. - Since you won't be around the track that much anymore... - he continued, and you chuckled.
- I know, I know... But please let's wait until my separation from the network will be officially announced, ok...? After that, you can tell the whole world what a lucky man you are. - you gently cupped his cheek and run your thumb over it.
- Then I'll better call my lawyer and set up a meeting for tomorrow morning... - he brought your hand to his lips and placed soft kisses on your palm and every fingertip.
- Does that mean, we can go...? - you asked. You knew that if you didn't, he would have most likely stayed here for at least another hour or two, but he just couldn't say no to you. You also understood that he still needed to work. - How about you'll take your laptop and do your thing while I'll cook dinner, hmmm? - you proposed a compromise. Usually, you were against working from home, but during race season this rule was suspended, because otherwise, you would only be able to see him for a couple of minutes a day, and that was definitely not enough. Plus, you knew what you signed up for - he needed someone who understood that the team was his life and that it wouldn't change for a while.
- Sounds perfect... - you finally got down from his lap, and started to take the jacket off, since it stopped raining outside. - Keep it, you need it more than I do. - he gave you a soft smile and started turning everything off. It didn't take long before you were leaving the pit, and you reached for his hand to place it on your waist. He looked down at you, but didn't say anything, just smiled... And you knew everything will be all right. 
Part 2
A/N 2: Please don't feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be much more appreciated :) Love, G.
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Could you maybe write some headcanons for how the demon brothers would feel about an MC who has a service dog for anxiety?
If you don't feel like writing it or it's too difficult that's completely okay too don't worry.
(I'm a service dog user myself so I just thought it would be nice.)
I hope you'll like these headcanons and that I got everything right! If there is anything I need to correct let me know.
Also sorry for taking so long, I needed to be finished with a fic for a collab first!
Demon brothers x gn!MC
Warning: Belphegor's part has spoilers for lesson 16!
MC with a service dog for anxiety
Since he is one of the people in charge of the exchange program he made sure to also prepare everything for your dog. Anything from food to all the way to paperwork so you two can go anywhere without being disturbed.
He is a dog person so he got a soft spot for your emotional support dog. The dog is probably more spoiled than you, at least until he starts to actually like you.
Since you are in need of your dog he won't bother it. He knows the dog has its job to do.
Is honestly relieved that you got someone other than his brothers to rely on, especially that being dragged to a different dimeons is not good for your mental health.
So not only does he need to take care of a human, but he needs to take care of their dog too now??
Before actually realizing that your dog is more than a simple pet he wanted to include it in one of his money making schemes. After you and Lucifer tell him off he actually gets it and backs off
He does a 180° with his attitude and is really glad that there is someone to be near you when he can't be there to protect you. Lowkey he and the dog have some kind of nonverbal agreement on how to help you with your anxiety.
Tries to spoil the dog and buy luxury items for it. You'll have to let him know what could distract your service dog or not. He honestly gets everything really fast.
Jealous that he can't take Henry with him the way you can do with your service dog...and looking at him he might need some service/therapy/emotional support animal outside of his fish.
He knows how bad anxiety can be, so he is both greatfull that you got some support and a bit jealous because of it too.
He is really chill with the dog, he even made a small spot where it can relax when you stay in his room.
He once saw Henry trying to get your service dog's attention and took it as a sign that both of your guy's friendship/relationship is made to last for a long time.
Tries to find animes where the protagonist has a service dog for anxiety so you could relate to more chatacters
He has only read about service/therapy/emotional supports animals so he was really curious of seeing one in real life.
Be prepared to be asked a ton of questions about your dog's training, routine, how it helps you manage your anxiety. He sees it as a way to both get to know you better and to learn something new.
Might use the way your service dog helps to convince Lucifer to let him get an emotional support cat for his anger. Lucifer, of course, denies his request.
Just because he is a cat person it doesn't mean he doesn't love other animals as well. He knew that service dogs go through some training to be able to adapt to different situation, but being dragged to hell might go out of what any service animal is prepared for. He will go out of his way to give him a bit of training and some protection spells.
He adores dogs. He had to be told that service animals are not the same thing as pets, so he can't go around playing and dressing up the poor dog.
He will pout about it for a bit before getting over it but that just means he can focus in spoiling you even more.
Lowkey educates the Devildom by accident about service animals due to how many Devilgram posts he makes about you and your dog.
A/N: ok but there is one event where Solomon talked with a fish and apparently the god damn fish had better working conditions than humans...so yeah, I guess animals are really treated with respect down there.
He will make sure that your service dog always look at its best. His resoning? Seeing him be so cute and soft will help you with your anxiety. He does make sure to not really separate it from you.
He was watched very closely at the begging by his brothers, so he wouldn't try to eat you or your dog. It didn't take long for things to settle and for him to start liking your service dog. Especially that he likes dogs.
He might or might not have tried some of your service dog's food...he felt really sorry and went to buy any and all snacks he could find. MC would probably have to remind him what their dog can and can't eat.
He sees the dog as part of the family and takes it upon himself to make sure that both you and your service dog are safe and sound.
If, by some chance, you have to be away from their service dog Beel will be the first one to volunteer to take care of him.
How the fuck did both you and your service dog sneak into the attic, more times than once?? The poor animal is acting uneasy the first time it sees Belphie.
Imagine if you decide to sneak into the attic alone for your visits and leave your service dog behind. Those would be the times when the dog is on high alert.
OK BUT imagine lesson 16. One moment the dog is with you and the other the dog is trying to understand how you suddenly got hurt and die...
If after the incident your anxiety gets worse, your service dog would put himself between you and Belphegor to try and distract you/put you at ease.
Outside of all the angst, Belphie is pretty chill with the dog. If he wants to cuddle with you he will even welcome your service dog in the cuddle pile. He is honestly relieved that you got some support system, especially after the whole lesson 16 affair..
Also a dog person, so he will be very fond of your service dog.
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imbadatwrighting · 1 year
Hi love, I was wondering if you could do the Yughi-oh boys realizing they’re in love with you and how they act in a relationship
Ofc I love this <3 I did kinda the full thing from meeting you to dating you but oh well 🤷‍♀️ also kinda cringy and I think Seto’s was a little short but oh well
Yu-gi-oh boys in love with their S/o
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Yugi Muto
How y’all met was wild-
Instead of the black cat and golden retriever trope you were more like a blunt angry bear and cute little golden retriever puppy trope
You met when you both were younger and became close friends
That’s when he got a crush on you but honestly it was relatively small
He would always try and be around you but eventually you started to see each other less and less
There was a particular reason for it
It just kind of happened that way
Now you two met again around season two which made Yugi ecstatic
Yami was cool with you relatively
Joey not so much-
The moment he fell in love with you though
Some random person tried to steal his deck from his belt so you chased after them and not only did you get his deck back but you beat the hell out of them and got them to apologize to Yugi
His heart bursted out of his heart after seeing how much you care about him
He was smitten
He was definitely not the one who asked you out
He got to scared every time he tried because he knew if you didn’t like him back you wouldn’t be super nice about it lmao
It was you who asked him out
But it wasn’t anything to fancy
You came up to Yugi at the end of school and offered to walk home with him
Which he said yes of course
When you finally got to his house you told asked him to go on a date with you
Bro almost bursted into tears
In a relationship he is the sweetest boy alive
He definitely has scary dog privileges
You come to every one of his duels because while you don’t play, you care about his interests
You always come with him on his little journeys with his friends
Then you were forced to play which you hated but won really easily even though you knew nothing
He likes physical touch with if you like it as well he’ll cuddle up to you at night and fall asleep
He always buys you food too
He is ok with the causal pda like holding hands but doesn’t want to attract attention so anything subtle he’s ok with
And quick pecks on the cheek
He tells you he loves you every night even if he doesn’t expect you to say it back
Bought matching necklaces for you to wear for Christmas
Expect him to make you breakfast whenever he can even though he is a terrible chef and you end up going to a cafe
He’ll stand up to anyone that’s rude to you and when they start to try and get physical you pretty much appear out of thin air and step in which he doesn’t like because he wants to stand up to your bullies
“Hey you don’t get to say anything about them!”
“Who the hell are you? Their plaything?”
“No! I’m their boyfriend! You don’t get to talk about them that way!”
“Why? You have a problem with it, punk?”
“He might not, but I do.”
“You don’t have to step in. I got this!”
“No, Yugi. I think I’m going to be dealing with them this time.”
“But I wanted to…”
“We’ll talk about this late babe.”
“Fine! Be nice! Love you!”
“Love you too, Yugi.”
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Yami Yugi
You two met pretty randomly
You came up to him while he was at the arcade with his friends and you kissed him
He heard a couple Oohs but he was more concerned on who you are and why you’re kissing him
Once you broke the kiss you just walked away leaving him baffled at the situation
He followed after you and demanded to know why you kissed him
He doesn’t know what he expected but the answer ‘it was a dare’ was not definitely not what he thought
It made him disappointed ngl
He let out a little oh and then let you walk away
He thought about you ever since that day
Then he met you again
He came up to you while you were sitting at a cafe reading a book and sat down right across from you
He expected you to remember him but alas you didn’t lmfao
But even though you didn’t remember him you still offered him food and didn’t insist on him leaving
Honestly it was a little concerning considering the fact you thought he was a stranger
Somehow through all of this you guys became friends
Whenever he is in Domino City and not on his little journeys he goes out to a cafe with you
He tries to do this every Saturday but it doesn’t always work out with both of your schedules
You and Yami had the slowest slow burn known to man
He didn’t realize he was in love with you for a while
Until he saw you kissing someone else
He was so confused at what he was feeling that he went back home and just sat oh his bed
He asked Yugi about it and he was the one that made Yami realize he was in love with you
He wasn’t a big fan of the feeling
He tried to avoid you as much a possible but that did last to long
You cornered him into an alleyway and made him explain his behavior
And while he tried to lie… he isn’t a good liar‏
When he was trying to play cool you kissed him and he quickly forgot about everything and kissed back
During the little make out session you asked him to date you causing him to stop
He told you about seeing you kiss someone else and didn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who likes someone else
Then you had to explain how the guy kissed you and it would never happen again because you had your eyes set on Yami since the first day you met him
He believed you and became your boyfriend
He is much more closed off and private about pretty much everything to do with you
His friends didn’t even know about you until Yugi told them how Yami is dating someone
He doesn’t say it out loud that he loves you or engage in to much physical affection but he does always bring and buy you stuff
Anything he sees that he think you’ll like he’ll buy
Unlike Yugi, when he makes you food he doesn’t mess it up
Honestly probably the best food you’ll ever have in your life
It’s usually for special occasions only
When you two do cuddle it’s mostly in bed with you both about to go to sleep and spooning each other with you as the big spoon and him as the little one
Every new place he goes to he brings something back for you if you don’t want to go along
He invites you to every one of his matches
He is very quiet and reserved speaking wise but you can usually tell what he’s thinking based off his body language
Will watch anything you want with you while eating popcorn and other unhealthy food
He also got you this really expensive ring for Christmas
“Yami… you shouldn’t have.”
“I wanted you to know how much you mean to me.”
“I know but this! This is so…”
“Lovely? I don’t understand do you not want it? I can get you another if you would like.”
“No Yami. It’s just so expensive looking I mean have you looked at me? It’ll be like a shining red ferrari in a haystack.”
“Do you not like it?”
“No. It’s gorgeous, but you’re going to be really disappointed with what I got you.”
“Anything you get me I will treasure with my life.”
“Thanks Yami, but just know it’s not a expensive ass ring.”
“I kind of already figured.”
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Joey Wheeler
This man fell for you the moment he met you… literally.
It what gots your attention so he’s not really complaining
He honestly thought whenever you two would meet you were flirting with him but in reality you were being normal
He would always flirt back which you noticed but decided on not saying anything
While he had a ‘flirty’ relationship with you and like you he didn’t love you
Until you and him went to the arcade-
You were competing against him in one of the games and when you won you let out a deep laugh making him start to laugh as well
It made him realize how much he enjoys you and he wants to be with you forever
You’re the person that makes him happy after all
As soon as he realized that he asked you out which you replied with a short yes and told him you’re going to be at one of the shooting games
He honestly didn’t know if he should be happy or sad
I mean you said yes but then you acted like him asking you out wasn’t a big deal
When he confronted you on it probably more angry than he needed you just told him you knew he liked you and expected it
He got a little bit embarrassed over that
When you two start dating he’s really sweet and dresses to impress but as time goes on he becomes the type of boyfriend that will come into your home grab your chips and watch tv with you with his stained shirt and sweatpants
Not that your complaining
He always buys you gifts when he can but he’s kind of broke so there definitely a little bit trashy
He’s usually staying at your house at night and will sleep in holding onto you tight so when you wake up you can’t go anywhere
He’s a very cuddly person and always wants your arm wrapped around him whenever and wherever
He introduced you to his sister a moth or so after you two started dating and it was safe to say she loved you
Even if she didn’t understand you
He’s also nervous that you’ll leave him for someone else so he gets jealous really quickly
If you are involved in sports like football or soccer or wrestling he’ll be cheering you on from the sides yelling something like ‘WOOOOO IM DATING THE ONE IN WHITE YEAH BABE YOU GO’ ‘Joey they’re all in white…’ ‘YUGI SHUSH’
Whenever he’s dueling the thing that keeps him going is you
You and him go out to dinner whenever you guys can
You’re the one that pays for it though
He will honestly cheer you on if you decided to beat someone up
As long as you had a good reason
“Yeah Baby you got this!”
“Didn’t you say you were heading home Joey?”
“Don’t focus on that focus on those pedos!”
“Will do hun. Do you want to join me? Your getting very close.”
“No way in hell!”
“Ok then.”
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Seto Kaiba
He hated you when he first met you
You two got off to a bad start
He was working at a cafe when you came close and tripped spilling your coffee over him and his computer
You were dared by Mokuba even though you had no idea who either of them were
Since you were pretty much broke and couldn’t afford to pay for the stuff (which was over $7000) he just hired you instead
That honestly did not help
You just kept bugging him and asking him questions about the job
The only reason he didn’t fire you immediately is because he thought you were suffering while working for him (even though you were having a great time and he was the one suffering)
It was unexpected to fall in love with you
You were walking home when you saw a couple boys surrounding Mokuba
When you saw one of the boys hit him you stepped in scaring the kids off
You saw that Mokuba had a bruise forming on his check and his clothes were ripped
Since your house was so close you just took him home to get him fixed up and gave him some clothes that were to big for him so he ended up looking like Jesse Pinkman
You called Seto and when he answered he was a little agitated because Mokuba was no where to be found and he thought you would be asking about how to work the printer again
But when you told him how you had Mokuba all the agitation in his voice decimated
He let a soft that I you a hanged up only 5 minutes later he showed up at your door even though you never told him your address
When he saw you he just got this feeling that he couldn’t explain
It wasn’t until you asked him if he wanted to get coffee did he realize what he was feeling
He wouldn’t be surprised if he had hearts in his eyes for you
He told you he liked you a day later and you two started dating
The beginning of the relationship was a little awkward because of how little both of talk
It helped that you understood Seto’s schedule so you ok with him coming home really late in the night
He buys you a lot of things that you probably don’t need
You always watch over Mokuba instead of the guards when he can’t
When he does come home on time he always leaves super early in the morning
Whenever he comes home late he always climbs into bed with you
“Did I wake you? I’m sorry go back to bed.”
“It’s fine. I was waiting for you but I got tired.”
“I can see that.”
“Mokuba is asleep in the other room.”
“I’ll bring him home in the morning.”
“He can stay I don’t mind.”
“We’ll talk more about this in the morning.”
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hyperfixatedfandomer · 3 months
Which recoms do you think Spider bonded with the most? What would some of their interactions look like? Would Spider ever try to pry embarrassing information about Quaritch from them, would he ask about his mom, or just joke around?
Ok SO! (Keep in mind this is just for fun, I don’t believe recoms would behave like that in cannon)
Spider’a tier list of attachment to the recoms, in my opinion, would go like this;
Quaritch (family comes first🤗)
Lyle (second in command and the ‘uncle’)
Zdog (the mean older sister)
Ja (a worrywart of a personal medic)
Lopez (sassy squad-mate)
Prager (a listening ear)
Mansk (a comforting presence)
Additionally, I headcannon that none of the recoms knew Quaritch before he became colonel.
Spider obviously has the strongest bond with Miles, as he felt comfortable engaging with him not only in conversation but even in touch. Lyle comes second but, in my personal opinion, only because of close proximity to Quaritch. You might not agree but I believe Lyle is more ‘uptight’ than him in terms of behaviour. Miles is all about being a military dog, but he lets Spider’s attitude slide and never makes attempts at “keeping him in line”. If Wainfleet was in his place I don’t think Socorro would have gotten away with his stunts as easily.
Zdog, not sure why, always felt like a fun presence to me. Perhaps she’d be the type to pick on Spider like an older sibling would to their youngest. Perhaps she calls him things like “kitty cat” or “kitten” to get under his skin, as Spider hates being infantilised or being seen as less because of his natural height, but all she really does is say what all recoms are thinking. Spider is baby I’m afraid 😔
Ja, I imagine, is easier for Spider to be around in terms of interaction. I headcannon that Alexander used to be a paediatrician, but then joined the army because his line of work got too depressive. He advocates for Spider whenever any medical intervention is needed and ensures that he is not poked and prodded more than absolutely necessary. He knows how important it is to teenagers to have their own space, especially in circumstances as stressful as being a prisoner of war, so he will leave the kid to himself unless he reaches out.
Lopez is the fun sort much like Zdog, but has less of a patience for Spider’s audacity. They often get into arguments, but he does eventually offer to teach the kid Spanish so he could stay connected to his mother. That mostly mends their relationship.
I don’t have much on Prager tbh 😭 I think he’d just be a chill guy to tell a war story or two, and give Spider some support when he inevitably vents about his predicament.
Now, I know a lot of people consider Mansk to be part of Q’s, Lyle’s and Zdog’s gang and therefore closest to Spider, but I don’t think they’d have that good of a relationship. Spider is an active kid and responds best to being engaged with. Mansk is a soldier that chooses to simply do his job, so Socorro stays away from him…most of the time.
Additionally though, I believe the squad would eventually learn motions or tricks to keep Socorro calm in stressful situations. Ja, being the most educated one, got a habit of rubbing Spider’s back when he hyperventilates because the touch grounds him, so Miles eventually gets on that as well. Zdog’s back-rubs feel more like light scratching and Mansk prefers tapping to help ground the boy.
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
Tom Kaulitz/Gustav Schafer in a golden retriever x black cat type relationship
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Tom Kaulitz
•yk how people like to day “walk him like a dog”? Well that is exactly what happens with yall
•he actually follows you around everywhere, and he’ll pout if you tell him to stop following you
•he thinks you are so cool, he likes to tell everyone about how badass his gf is
•loves when you dress in a darker style, he thinks its hot😇
•if you’re being a little sassy he pinches your cheeks and baby talks you until you smile or laugh (he thinks he’s hilarious pls go alone with it)
•tells everyone that hes the tough on in the relationship but whines if you dont pay attention to him like??
•lowkey loves having these little competitions on who can dom who😭
•sometimes he lets you win on purposes so he can see you on top of him
•but he definitely puts up a good fight
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Gustav Schafer
•he doesn’t even realize how much he acts like a lost puppy around you
•but he holds your hand everywhere you go together, he’ll carry your stuff for you, he even tries to hand feed you 😭
•hes just a silly little guy what can i say
•he was definitely very intimidated when you first met
•but hes also highly attracted to you? He’s confused on weather he should be scared or turned on
•(hes both)
•can and will fall to his knees of you ask him to
•he gives off the biggest service dom/sub energy (yes i put both cuz i can see him doing both)
•calls you “pretty” as a nickname and its the cutest thing ever
•wants to see you in some black lingerie, you would just look so pretty 😇
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cartooemcanhis · 9 months
Bugbo hcs for my wacky dacky au
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🐜 He's this odd combination of an ant, a dock bug, and a cockroach.
🐜 Believe it or not, he used to have wings but they got ripped off in some kind of accident(Presumably the same one he got his antenna bent in), theres only a tiny bit of his wings still left
🐜 He does just want the best for his friends but he can come off as very passive agressive often
🐜 His friends and him all live together
🐜 The way he met his friends was..odd to say the least, he just randomly showed up one day and noone really questioned it
🐜 Never admits it but he probably goes out late at night to go like pilage random farmers crops just for the hell of it
🐜 He may look fluffy but trust me, don't touch the floof, it's like caterpillar hair, it WILL give you an itchy rash
🐜 Doesn't let Gerbo drink chocolate milk in the middle of the night because it's HIS chocolate milk
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🕷️Very silly fellow!
🕷️ Despite being a spider he cannot make webs :(
🕷️ He can climb walls and stuff though, he just doesn't do it often because he often gets stuck on ceilings
🕷️ Hoppo and him have this sibling like relationship where they do all sorts of wacky stuff together, The main two things being playing adopt me on Roblox and watching YouTube kids for hours on end
🕷️ He really really looks up to Bugbo
🕷️Big fan of chocolate milk but he's never allowed to have it 💔
🕷️Unlike Bugbo, Gerbo's fur is actually safe to touch and it's decently floofy.
🕷️He still secretly collects rocks for no rhyme or reason but that's ok
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Gradient Joe!
⚫ Starting off with a slightly cocnerning one,his Gradient is kinda like a parasitic non-sentient being, it's slowly taking over all of his body, don't worry though, it doesn't hurt him. (He also theoretically could spread his gradient to other people but hes never intentionally done that.yes, he has done it by accident before.)
⚫ Unlike what Bugbo says, he's probably just average intelligence lol
⚫Every part of his body that has gradient on it is oddly cold to the touch
⚫ Probably good at cooking but he can't eat so he doesn't bother to
⚫Has a very small crush on Bugbo but he knows that Bugbo won't ever like him back, but he's fine with that
⚫He's the one that pays the taxes in the house
⚫ uncomfortable around small children, it's unclear why
⚫ ABSOLUTELY locks his credit card up in a high security safe whenever he doesn't have it on him because he knows Hoppo will steal it and use it to buy 5839920202 shells worth of robux to waste on pet sim x on roblox
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🦗 the giggler
🦗 Ultimate ipad kid and yet somehow a girlboss and war criminal at once
🦗Uses internet slang when talking often
🦗Collects bones and other odd stuff and trinkets
🦗Scams so many kids on adopt me Roblox and on pet sim x
🦗 Absolutely slaying in the bug war, they're having fun somehow
🦗 Always off doing stuff
🦗 Physically cannot sit or stand still, always stimming in some way
🦗 Occasionally joins Bugbo on his late night "pilaging crops" outings
🦗He is a massive prankster, whenever it's April fools day you better lock your windows, doors, and chimneys, she is coming, they will show no mercy
🦗Can and will produce and spit acid at you if ur making xe angry or uncomfortable, they will then giggle at you and hope away
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🪰His backstory is fake as hell, every time he's asked about his past he'll make up a new backstory because he genuinely can't remember his actual backstory/past
🪰 Absolutely stims whenever he's explaining his devious plans (Yes, this includes his goofy rat looking tail wagging like a dog lol)
🪰Legit doesn't have a bed, he just sleeps on the floor of his evil lair like a cat lol
🪰Said lair used to be an old Swatter Inc building that got abandoned and he decided to live in
🪰All of his clothes are WAY too big for him since he's thin as a twig and flatter than a pancake
🪰Actually does use his hands and tail swatters as actual flyswatters (do not shake this man's hands they are nasty)
🪰His feet are flyswatters as well so whenever he doesn't have shoes on and he walks he makes funny af slapping sounds and waddles like a duck sorta
🪰 Litterally drinks bugspray, he just sprays it right in his mouth like a weirdo
🪰He's tried to kill Bugbo like 90 times now and every time he tries to Bugbo acts like he's never seen him ever in his life
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