#oh so we all didn’t find it funny and silly
waitimcomingtoo · 8 months
Wasn’t Me
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Synopsis: when Vision accidentally phases through your wall and catches you and Peter in the act, you try to stop it from spreading to everyone in the tower before Tony gets home
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“Wait, this isn’t the kitchen.” Vision said as he accidentally phased through the bedroom wall. You and Peter froze at the sound of a third voice and slowly looked up. Every time you snuck off to have some private time with each other, you made sure to lock the door. But despite all your best efforts to keep your relationship a secret, neither of you accounted for Vision coming through the wall. Especially not when you were right in the middle of….something.
“Oh. Hello.” Vision said and gave you and Peter a polite wave. The act he had caught you did not seem to phase him at all while you and Peter were horrified.
“AHHHH.” You and Peter screamed at the same time. You rolled off of Peter and landed right on the floor while Peter grabbed a pillow and placed it over his lap.
“Forgive me for intruding, but I am looking for the kitchen.” She said to meet her in the kitchen.” Vision asked politely.
“Well you’re not gonna find it here!” You exclaimed as you threw your shirt back on.
“Dude! Get out! ” Peter shouted as he hastily tried to zip his pants.
“Oh, sorry, am I interrupting something?” Vision genuinely asked.
“YES!” You screamed like it was obvious.
“My apologies. I bid you both a good day.” Vision nodded curtly and disappeared back the way he came. You and Peter stayed in silence for a while as you processed what had happened.
“Do you think he saw us?” Peter asked to break the silence. You sat up from under him and gave him a look.
“Do I think he saw us?” You repeated slowly.
“Well do you?” Peter asked as you climbed back onto the bed.
“Are you kidding me? Of course he saw! The straw was already in the coconut. There’s no way he didn’t realize what was going on.”
“Maybe he thought we were just wrestling?” Peter shrugged weakly.
“Uh huh. Wresting with your dick out. Just like WWE.” You said sarcastically.
“Damn it. He definitely saw us. Do you think he’ll tell anyone?” Peter worried.
“He better not. My dad will kill you. And then vaporize your corpse. And then set the ashes on fire. And then blow them into a shrimp cocktail.”
“But I’m allergic to shellfish.”
“Exactly.” You whispered.
“Oh shit.” Peter gulped. “We need to go find Vision and make sure he doesn’t tell anyone.”
“Let’s go. He’s probably charging or in a bowl of rice or something.” You said and lead Peter out of the room. You went into the kitchen and found Vision at the breakfast table.
“Hey Vision.” Peter smiled awkwardly as you stood beside him.
“Hello, Peter.” Vision said politely.
“So, about the little snafu from before. We just want to make sure you don’t tell anybody about what you saw.”
“Yeah. Because it wasn’t what it looked like.” You added.
“Oh, no? It looked like the two do you were engaging in sexually explicit activity.” Vision replied. You and Peter exchanged a panicked look and tried to think of a way out of this.
“It looked like that, yes, but that’s not what we were doing.” Peter lied as you nodded along.
“Hm. That’s funny. I can detect heart rates and both of you appear to be lying.” Vision said with genuine curiosity.
“We’re not lying, silly.” You forced a laugh. “My heart is racing because I haven’t had any food yet but I drank a bunch of coffee.”
“You know women and their pumpkin spice lattes.” Peter added, earning himself a jab in the side.
“Watch it.” You said through a smile.
“And my heart just beats fast because I have the heart rate of a spider.” Peter added. “No lying here.”
“Oh, I see. But if you two weren’t engaging in sexual activity, what were you doing?” Vision questioned.
“Uhhh…” Peter scratched his head and tried to think of something.
“Peter was just choking on a pretzel and I was getting it out of his throat.” You jumped in.
“With your tongue?” Vision asked.
“Yes?” Peter said weakly.
“With your shirts off?”
“It’s a new technique.” You deadpanned.
“I’m not aware of this technique. Can you demonstrate on me?” Vision asked you.
“Absolutely not.” Peter snapped and stepped between you and Vision. Vision looked at Peter in confusion and you had to jump in again.
“Because it didn’t work.” You explained. “He still choked.”
“He seems fine to me. Although, I am detecting some slight discomfort in the abdomen.” Vision said as he looked Peter up and down.
“I have a tummy ache.” Peter admitted and patted his stomach.
“Would you like me to conduct a physical exam?” Vision asked and held up both his hands.
“No. I probably just have to fart.”
“Oh my God.” You groaned and rubbed your eyes.
“So are we cool? You’re not gonna tell anyone what you saw?” Peter asked Vision.
“We are cool. I will not be telling anyone what I didn’t see.” Vision confirmed.
“Okay. Good.” You sighed in relief.
“Except for Wanda.” He added. “Because I already told her. I tell her everything. I love her quite dearly.”
“Oh my God.” You groaned even louder.
“What did you tell her you saw?” Peter asked him.
“Just you were engaging in-“
“It wasn’t sexual activity!” You exclaimed. “He was choking and I was saving his life.”
“Then why was his penis out?” Vision asked Peter.
“Because…it…was… cold.” Peter said slowly, hating himself with every word.
“Oh my God. Both of you need to stop.” You stated. “Do you think Wanda going to tell anyone about what you thought you saw but didn’t actually see?”
“I’m not sure.” Vision replied. “You’ll have to ask her.”
“Fine. We can ask her.” You sighed and pulled Peter by the hand and brought him to where Wanda was reading on the balcony.
“I don’t want to. She’s scary.” Peter whispered to you.
“We have to talk to her and find out what she knows before she tells my dad.” You whispered back.
“I can whisper too.” Wanda whispered as she suddenly appeared behind the two of you. You both screamed and jumped apart as she laughed. You grabbed Peters hand and ran away, brushing past Natasha as you went.
“They’re a little odd, aren’t they?” Natasha chuckled as she watched you run by.
“They are.” Wanda agreed. “You know, Vision caught them doing it before.”
“What? No way.”
“Yeah. He said he accidentally phased through Peters bedroom wall and caught them.”
“Oh God. Yuck. New fear unlocked. That’s hilarious though.” Natasha laughed at the thought.
“What’s hilarious?” Steve asked as he came into the room.
“Vision caught Y/n and Peter doing it.” Natasha told him.
“What?” Steve laughed. “No way.”
“That’s what I said!” Natasha laughed.
“Honestly, I kinda figured they were doing it. They are the only two in the tower around that age. And lord knows Peter is hornier than an…animal with horns.” Steve said weakly when he couldn’t think of an animal.
“Rhino?” Wanda asked.
“I was thinking Triceratops.” Steve admitted.
“Wait, isn’t there a rule again dating on the team?” Nat asked. “At least, that’s what Tony tells me and Bruce every time we make eye contact.”
“If he had a problem with that, he’s definitely gonna have a rule against one of us dating his daughter. Especially Peter.”
“I thought Peter was a nice boy, no?” Wanda asked.
“He is.” Steve nodded. “But all Tony will see is that he’s a boy who Vision caught with his daughter. He’s gonna blow Peter into a million pieces.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s what Vision walked in on.” Wanda mumbled. From across the room, you and Peter were peeking out from behind a wall to watch them all talk.
“This is bad. They’re all laughing and saying our names.” Peter whispered to you.
“Do you think Wanda told?”
“I don’t know. What if she made them all see it with her mind powers?”
“Why would she do that?”
“Because she’s evil and not to be trusted!” Peter whispered harshly.
“We just need to talk to her and find out what she knows. Maybe she didn’t even believe Vision.”
“Do we have to?” Peter whined. “What if she enters my mind palace?”
“She wouldn’t find much.” You mumbled.
“What was that?”
“Nothing, sweetie.” You patted his cheek and pulled him out from behind the wall. Natasha and Steve had left at that point and Wanda had gone back to her book.
“Hey, Wanda.” You said with an awkward wave.
“Oh. Hello. I haven’t seen you two in forever. What have you been up to?” Wanda said sarcastically.
“Not much. Same soup, just reheated. You know the vibes. So, uh, we just wanted to talk to you about something. Something Vision might have said.” You began.
“Oh. You mean you two swallowing each other alive in Peters room?” Wanda asked. You and Peter exchanged a look and Peter let out a loud gulp.
“Vision doesn’t know what he saw.” You told her.
“Vision is made from the highest form of artificial intelligence. He knows everything.”
“Okay.” You said mockingly. “But he doesn’t know in this specific situation.”
“He’s programmed to access a situation down to every last detail in case there is a threat of danger. And it seemed the only threat of danger in Peters room that day was running out of oxygen. Or maybe a broken pelvis.”
“I’m flattered but I’m not that good.” Peter said humbly.
“He’s right. He isn’t.” You nodded in agreement.
“What was that?” Peter asked you.
“We just want to make sure whatever Vision told you about what he thinks he saw isn’t going to be told to anyone else.” You said to Wanda.
“Now hold on.” Peter tried to go back to what he had heard.
“Secrets safe with me.” Wanda smiled and zipped her lips.
“And me.” Bruce said from behind you. You and Peter whipped around and saw Bruce staring at you while eating a bowl of cereal.
“What?! Were you in here the whole time?” Peter asked.
“Yeah. Wanda, you are funny. How come I never noticed that?” Bruce chuckled.
“I’m not sure.” Wanda shrugged. “You tell me.”
“God damn it. Are either of you going to tell anyone what Vision saw?” You asked and pointed at Wanda and Bruce.
“I thought Vision didn’t see anything?” Wanda smirked.
“Right. Is anyone going to tell my dad about what Vision thinks he saw but definitely didn’t see?” You asked with a hopeful smile.
“Maybe? I don’t understand the question. Can you reword it? Or maybe write it down so I can see it?” Bruce asked.
“Oh my God.” You groaned. “I thought you were the smart one.”
“Ouch. Can you tell your girlfriend to stop being mean to me?” Bruce asked Peter.
“I’m not his girlfriend because we weren’t engaging in sexual activity because we’re not dating. Everyone got that?” You asked angrily.
“Got it.” Wanda nodded.
“No, sorry. Still confused. So you are dating but Vision didn’t catch you guys doing it?” Bruce asked so genuinely that you wanted to scream.
“No, he definitely did.” Wanda snorted. You looked at her in betrayal and she smiled apologetically.
“Oh. Now I get it. You guys are dating and Vision did catch you having sex.” Bruch realized. “But what are we not telling Tony?”
“No one is telling Mr. Stark anything. Everyone just keep your mouth shut about the activities, which may or may not have been sexual in nature, that Vision allegedly walked in on. Okay?” Peter exclaimed.
“My lips are sealed.” Wanda assured you. “Well, now they are. Because I already told Steve and Nat. But that was before you asked me not to tell anyone.”
“Oh my God. Find. Can we trust you?” You asked Bruce.
“I’m not gonna rat. Don’t worry.”
“Thank you.” Peter nodded. “You’re dismissed.”
“I don’t take orders from you.” Bruce snapped and walked away.
“Jesus Christ.” Peter whispered and felt genuinely offended by the tone. You took his hand and brought him away from Wanda to regroup.
“We need to get ahead of this before anyone else finds out we’re secretly dating.” You told him.
“You guys are secretly dating?” Sam asked as he came into the hallway, making you both jump.
“Damn it!” Peter shouted and hit the wall.
“Oh great. Captain fucking America knows now.” You grumbled.
“Since when are you two a thing?” Sam laughed and looked between you and Peter.
“Two months.” You admitted.
“Two months? And Tony still doesn’t know?”
“Do you think Peter would be alive right now if my dad knew?” You asked and gestured to Peter.
“That’s a joke, right?” Peter laughed nervously.
“I guess not.” Sam shrugged.
“Are you gonna tell my dad?” You asked him.
“No.” Sam replied.
“Cool. Thanks.” You sighed in relief.
“But only if-“
“Mother fucker.” You exclaimed now that there was a new obstacle.
“Only if you promise to never bring up that one time with the TV.” Sam continued.
“You mean when you got caught-“
“Zip it.” Sam cut you off. “Or I’ll tell Daddy Warbucks about your affair with Little Orphan Annie here.”
“This whole conversation has been wildly emasculating.” Peter mumbled.
“I never saw anything.” You told Sam.
“Good.” He nodded. “Then we have a deal.”
You went to shake hands when your phone started to ring. You looked at Peter curiously and pulled it out of your pocket.
“Hang on. Hello?”
“Hey short stack. I’m landing in 20 minutes. I can see that most of the team is in the tower today so I thought we could all have a nice, family dinner in the dining room. How does that sound?” Tony asked you through the phone.
“The entire team? In the dinning room? For dinner? Tonight?” You asked as panic grew in your chest.
“Are you playing a one man game of Clue? Just let everyone know, will you?” Tony asked.
“Sure, daddy. No problem.” You laughed nervously and looked at Peter with wide eyes.
“Thanks, peach. See you soon.” Tony said before having up.
“Shit balls.” You whispered once you were off the phone.
“Was that super good news?” Peter asked hopefully.
“My dad wants the whole team in the dinning room for family dinner.” You said and held your breath for his reaction.
“Son of a…” Peter started to shout and then quieted down, “shart mama.”
“I know. It’s bad.”
“This has gotten so out of hand. I’ve never taken this many L’s in a row. I don’t know if I can take anymore. My body is shutting down. I haven’t peed all day.” Peter said as he paced back and forth.
“Keep it together.” You said as you gripped his shoulders.
“Oh no. This is going to be so awkward.” Sam laughed at your misfortune.
“Why? Because everyone knows we’re secretly dating except for Mr. Stark and they also know Mr. Stark will kill them for knowing and not telling him right away so tonight will be a long, uncomfortable game of who tells him first?” Peter asked all in one breath.
“Yes, that’s exactly why.” Sam nodded and looked at Peter strangely.
“I don’t want to go.” Peter whispered and turned to you.
“We all have to go.” You told him. “He’ll get sus if we’re not all there.”
“But what if your dad kills me?” Peter whined.
“Then I’ll wait at least three months before getting a new boyfriend.” You smiled sweetly and patted his chest.
“You can do that but I’ll just haunt him and kill him in his sleep.” Peter smiled back.
“Oh my God. Come on. We have to go get ready for dinner.” You said and pulled Peter to your room.
30 minutes later, everyone was seated in the dining room with Tony at the head of the table. You and Peter nervously peered through the doorway to see what the set up was.
“What’s our plan?” Peter asked you.
“Sit far away from each other and diverge the conversation every time my dad gets close to happening upon the truth.”
“Okay. How hard can that be? We never get together for family dinner. They’ll all be talking so much that you and I won’t even come up.”
You and Peter took your seats at the table with you next to your dad and Peter further away. You made eye contact with Peter and nodded to let him know that you were in this together. Everyone stayed dead silent as the food was passed around and Tony was quick to notice.
“Why is everyone so quiet? Did Sam leave porn on the big TV again?” Tony asked as he chewed his food. You gulped and looked at Peter in a panic. You had been wrong about everyone talking and keeping the attention away from you. Instead, everyone was silent and tense since they didn’t want to be the one to let Tony know what Vision had seen.
“That was one time.” Sam defended.
“But how could we ever forget?” Tony teased him.
“I just wanted to watch Mama Mia. My eyes were burned.” Bucky said as he shut his eyes to keep out the memory.
“Let it go.” Sam said flatly.
“I don’t remember that.” You said robotically. Sam gave you a discreet thumbs up across the table.
“What? You were the one that found it.” Tony reminded you.
“Doesn’t ring a bell. I think you’re all remembering incorrectly.” You said with no much stiffness it sounded like you were reading from a prompter. Tony looked around the table and everyone avoided eye contact with him. They mindlessly pushed their food around their plates to look busy so that Tony wouldn’t ask them anything.
“Why is everyone acting weird?” Tony asked.
“What? We’re not. You’re being weird, dad.” You forced a laugh and patted Tony’s arm.
“Right.” Tony said skeptically. “So, Pete the treat. Any romantic interests at school?”
Everyone turned to stare at Peter, who was in the middle of taking a sip from his glass. Peter started choking on his water for a long time. No one made any effort to help Peter so he just sat there choking for an uncomfortably long period of time. Everyone stayed silent as he Peter coughed, turned red, and clapped his chest to try and get the water out. When he was finally done, he was crying and bright red.
“What?” Peter asked horsely.
“Peter doesn’t want to talk about girls, dad.” You laughed nervously. Everyone exchanged looks while also sneaking glances at you and Peter.
“He does with me. Come on. My dad never bothered with this stuff and I want to break the cycle. Tell me about your love life.” Tony insisted and playfully patted the table. You shot daggers at Peter and everyone turned to look at him. Peter felt sweat dripping down his forehead and smiled nervously.
“There’s no one, Mr. Stark. No girls.”
“I don’t buy that for a second. I can see the hormones brewing in your eyes. You’re sweating just at the thought of her. I know there’s a girl.”
“Maybe.” Peter squeaked out.
“See? I knew it. Tell me about her. She cute?” Tony asked. Peter looked at you for a brief second and quickly looked away.
“Yeah, yeah. She’s gorgeous. Really pretty.”
“She’s all right.” Sam shrugged, making everyone stifle a laugh as your jaw dropped.
“Fuck did you just say?” Peter snapped.
“I was kidding. Damn.” Sam held up his hands in defense.
“Damn, indeed.” Tony laughed. “Way to stand up for your girl, kid. She’s a lucky lady.”
“Thank you, sir.” Peter said and hoped that was the end of the conversation.
“You really are a good kid, Peter. I don’t tell you enough. I was just saying this to Pepper the other day, but if anyone is ever brave enough to try and date my daughter, I hope they’re like you.” Tony said sincerely. This time, you started choking as everyone murmured with amusement.
“Really?” Peter asked hopefully. He looked at you but you didn’t dare make eye contact.
“Yeah. Sure, you’re pretty annoying and way too eager at times, but you’re a good kid. You’re responsible, you care about other people, and you know how to get a decent haircut.” Tony continued.
“So you’d give Peter your blessing? If he and I ever wanted to date?” You asked skeptically.
“Absolutely not.” Tom said immediately.
“What?” Your face dropped. “But you just said-“
“I said I hope the person you date is like Peter.” Tony specified. “But Peter would never be allowed to date you.”
“Why not?” Peter asked and you shot him a look. Everyone else kept their heads down and turned away from Tony so he wouldn’t suspect anything.
“Not that I care. Psh. Peter is lame. I would never date Peter. Haha. But yeah, why not?” You asked your dad.
“Because he’s a superhero. And no daughter of mine is dating a superhero.”
“But you’re a superhero.” You pointed out. “And mom married you.”
“I know. That’s why I’d never allow you to go down the same path. I’ve missed hundreds dates, thousands of calls, and a million important moments because I was off being a superhero. I was saving the world but I was hurting the person I love most in the process. I don’t want that life for you. If Peter was an average guy off the street, I’d be thrilled to know you were dating him. But Peter isn’t average.”
“I know that.” You replied, starting to get annoyed now that your dad was trying to tell you that you couldn’t do something. You were already doing it, but he didn’t need to know that. He needed to know that he couldn’t make your choices for you.
“Ayo. Yeah she does.” Sam snorted. Everyone gasped and looked at him, making him freeze. You and Peter stared daggers at Sam who smiled sheepishly.
“You little bitch.” You mouthed across the table at him. Tom noticed the way everyone reacted and grew suspicious. He looked at you and noticed you weren’t making eye contact. He then looked at Peter, who looked like he was about to pass out.
“What was that?” Tony asked Sam.
“Nothing.” Sam scoffed and went back to eating.
“Samuel. Tell me what you just said.” Tony said with an eerily calm smile.
“I don’t want to.” Sam whispered.
“Tell me or I will shove your wings so far up your ass-“
“I said she knows Peter isn’t average.” Sam admitted before Tony could finish his sentence. You buried your face in your hands while Peter chewed off all of his fingernails.
“What does that mean?” Tony asked and turned to you.
“I can confirm that as well.” Vision raised his finger as he spoke up. You and Peter looked at Vision in betrayal while everyone else stayed silent.
“Oh my God.” You whispered and rubbed your face.
“What? What’s the big red giant talking about?” Tony asked you again, sounding angry this time. Before you had a chance to think of something, Vision spoke up.
“I’m talking about how I accidentally caught them fornicating earlier today, sir. Also, am I required to be here? I can’t actually eat food.” Vision said politely. Everyone was dead silent as Tony processed what he was hearing. No one dared to look up from their plates or even move a muscle.
“You know what? Vision is right. We should actually all leave. And never return. Bye!” You said and got up from the table. Tony grabbed the back of your shirt and made you sit back down.
“Nobody move.” He said in a low voice. Silence fell over the table again as Tony slowly looked to Peter. That’s when he noticed that Peter had passed out and had his limp head in his dinner plate.
“Wake the son of a bitch up.” Tony ordered. Wanda lifted Peters head by his hair and a green bean stuck to his cheek and forehead.
“Peter?” Tony asked, but Peter didn’t wake up. Wanda shook him, then took his pulse to see if he was even alive.
“He’s unresponsive.” She reported.
“Jesus Christ.” You groaned to yourself as you watched Wanda and Steve try to wake Peter up.
“He peed his pants.” Steve announced, making you groan even louder.
“PETER!” Tony shouted as he banged on the table. Peter woke up and looked around in confusion. Tony slowly stood up and leaned over the table while staring daggers at Peter.
“Somebody tell me what’s going on.” Tony demanded. No one said anything, so you bit the bullet and stood up as well.
“Dad, Peter and I are dating. Vision caught us before and the whole team found out about it. That’s what’s going on, okay? Please, don’t kill my boyfriend.”
“What?” Tony asked as he slumped back in his seat. You couldn’t tell if he was angry or upset, but it was definitely not good.
“Sam was watching porn on the big screen!” You blurted and pointed to Sam.
“You said you didn’t see anything!” Sam pointed back at you.
“That was before you didn’t hold up your end of the deal!” You shouted.
“Shut up, both of you. Are you kidding me right now? You’re dating Peter Parker?” Tony asked in a calmer voice.
“Yes, daddy. I am. I have been for two months. We didn’t tell you because we knew you’d be mad and we just wanted some time together before you forced us apart. I wouldn’t normally lie to you like this but I knew you’d never allow us to be together and I love him. I just needed to love him for as long as I could before the world knew. I’m sorry. Please, don’t be mad at me.” You said as you took your dads hands. Tony stared at you for a long time and finally, put his hand on your cheek.
“I could never be mad at you, princess.” Tony said kindly. You smiled in surprise as Peter let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m gonna turn Peter inside out, though.” Tony said sweetly before lunging at Peter. He punched Peter right in the throat, making Peter collapse to the ground. You rushed to Peters side as Tony shook out his hand.
“Dad! You can’t hit him that hard. He’s only 5’8. He could’ve died.” You yelled at Tony as you pulled Peters head into your lap.
“That didn’t even hurt.” Peter wheezed out as he clutched his throat. Tony wound up to hit Peter again, but stopped when he saw something that surprised him. He watched Peter reached up and touch your face as he whispered to you that everything was going to be all right. He thought he had just been punched in the throat and was awaiting the punishment of a lifetime, his priority was to comfort you when you were upset. Tony then knelt down beside Peter and helped him sit up.
“I’m sorry, kid. I should not have hit you. It was a slight overreaction.” Tony sincerely apologized.
“Slight?” Peter croaked out.
“I just wasn’t expecting to come home to this news. But if it’s been two months and my daughter says she’s this in love, maybe I was wrong. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as I thought.”
“Mr. Stark, I know it’s probably hard to think about your daughter dating someone with a life as unpredictable as ours, but I don’t put anything above her. If I’m out on patrol, chances are, she’s hanging out on a rooftop with a walkie talkie telling me where to go. If I have to miss a date to take care of something, I take her with me. She’s my partner in all of this. I don’t leave her waiting around for a text back all night. She comes first.”
“Actually, “Vision began, “when I entered your room, it seemed as though Peter was going-“
“Do not finish that sentence, jumbo tampon.” You cut him off.
“You can trust me, Mr. Stark. You can trust us.” Peter said as he wrapped an arm around you. Tony looked between the two of you for a while but didn’t say anything.
“Please, daddy.” You whispered. Tony finally caved and smiled softly.
“Okay. You’ve convinced me. I’m not gonna kill Peter. You have my blessing, underoos.” Tony said as he helped Peter off the floor.
“Really? You’re not gonna force us apart?” You asked hopefully as you wrapped your arm around Peters.
“I’m not.” Tony confirmed. “You’re old enough to make your own decisions. But if he breaks your heart, he’s getting turned inside out. At least for a day. I cannot compromise on that.”
“Deal!” You clapped your hands before hugging your dad.
“Hold up, do I get a say in that deal?” Peter questioned.
“Don’t push your luck, kid. After what Vision walked in on you doing with Tony’s kid, you’re lucky to be alive right now.” Bruce said as he patted Peter on the back. Tony frowned as he pulled out of the hug.
“Hold on, what exactly did Vision walk in on?” Tony asked. Peter motioned for everyone to keep their mouths shut as Tony looked around the room. When no one answered him, he looked at you expectingly.
“So.” You laughed nervously. “Dessert, anyone?”
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @peterbenjiparker @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr @loudthoughts-softspoken
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
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midorisplash · 2 months
“Can I sleep in here?”
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo × Reader
Summary: You're spending the night with the triplets and your bestie Nick makes you sleep on the couch. You don’t like it very much... so you'll find somewhere else to sleep.
Warnings: Making out, mentions of commit issues, handjob, cum eating.
A/n: cracking my knuckles with this one, first time writing in so long but I was horny.
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“Chris.” You opened his door with a knock standing at the door frame. “Hm?” He groaned twisting under his sheets his head pushed into his pillows. “Chris.” You spoke again. “Can I sleep in here?” He groaned loudly and turned onto his back sitting up on his elbows. “Hm? Why?” He mumbled his voice deep and raspy. “Cause the couch is uncomfortable, and it’s dark and lonely out there.” You spoke honestly. You saw, only from the moon lighting up his bedroom a grin spread across his face. “Just sleep with Nick.” “No, he always takes all the covers from me.” You spoke rolling your eyes and walking into the room closing the door behind you. “You won’t even know I’m here. Please.”
Chris groaned and finally nodded watching as you quickly walked over crawling into bed next to him. “You’re lucky I don’t like sleeping alone and Matt didn’t want me in his room tonight.” He spoke letting his body plop onto the bed his hands coming up to rub his tired face. “Why not?” You spoke. “Cause he’s yapping about some alone time.” He huffed folding his arms. “He’s like alone all the time, how more alone can you get.” You nodded at his words. “Why do you always wanna sleep with one of them anyway?” He sighed and looked at you. “Cause I get lonely, just how you felt.” You smiled looking back at him. “Well, was good I came in here then. We needed each other's company.” He nodded and smiled at you before it quickly dropped, he blinked looking back at the ceiling.
You noticed that reaction and frowned. “What was that for?” You spoke softly. “Nothing. It's stupid.” He smiled and chuckled to himself. “That just felt too intimate..” “It’s literally wasn’t at all.” You giggled. “Yeah it was you were like ‘I’m lonely’ and I was like me too, and then we kissed that’s basically what happened.” Chris spoke. You laughed quietly nudging his arm. “It's not funny, that's what happened..” He smiled. You rolled your eyes taking a breath. “You wish. What’s so bad about it being an intimate moment between us? The thought of that's so bad you had to look away in disgust?” “Cause it didn’t feel friend intimate it felt partner intimate. And I didn't look away in that way I was just nervous.” He grumbled the last party looking back to you.
“Oh, so partner intimates not okay between us?” You whispered looking back at him. “I- I mean… I didn’t say that…Yeah, it’s cool.” He muttered clearing his throat. “Umm, so you wanna start heading to bed?” You smiled at how fast he changed the subject, you could tell he had gotten nervous and shy from the silly conversation. You wished you could see his face better the moon wasn't light enough to show you how red you knew his face was, but you could see how almost puppy-like his eyes looked. So vulnerable that small moment enough to make him look and feel that way. As his friend you knew too well about his committ issues so that explained why he was getting so shy from it feeling so intimate. “I'm not that sleepy now, I wanna keep talking If that's okay.” You spoke sitting up enough you could look down at him. “You okay Chris?” "Y-yeah I’m fine..” He spoke softly.
You had always wanted to do something with Chris but because of your relationship with him and his brothers and of course his issues, you knew it probably would never happen. But in this moment you couldn’t help but ask a simple question. The worst he could say was no. “Can I kiss you?” He blinked but to your surprise nodded pretty quickly. You smiled and looked down at his lips letting your eyes fall close as you leaned down your lips connecting with his. He kissed back trying to keep up with the pace of your movements as you licked and bit at his lip. He moaned quietly and sat up so the kiss could deepen bringing a hand to rest on your waist.
You both sat fully up Chris's back resting against his headboard your hand trailing down his chest to the hem of his pajamas. He pulled away his lips wet and puffy from all your bitting. “D-do you wanna do more? It’s up to you.” Chris whispered trying to catch his breath quietly. You smiled and nodded looking down to where your hand was resting, further down his dick creating a tight tint in his pants. Chris felt embarrassed you saw him like this and couldn’t help but turn his head away from you wanting to hide his face. You looked at him bringing your hand up to his chin to make him look at you. “Pull your pants down.” “Okay.” Chris nodded taking a deep breath and holding it bringing his hand down and lifting his hips pulling his pajamas down just enough that his hard dick sprung out from his lack of underwear.
Chris let out his breath feeling it hitch just from the way you looked at it his body starting to tremble. You placed your hand to rest on his lower stomach using your index finger to rub in a small circle down to his groin. His hips twitched up erupting a chuckle from you, looking at his face. He had his eyebrows knitted together his lip tucked under his teeth he looked so ready for any simulation of his painfully hard dick. “C-come on.” He whispered and finally looked at your eyes. You smiled looking back at him. “I can tell you haven’t been touched in a while.” You spoke bringing your hand up to your mouth spitting in it. Chris nodded watching your hand closely holding his breath as you brought it back down to his dick finally granting him some relief of wrapping your warm hand around his erection.
He let go of the breath he was holding his head falling back onto the headboard, his eyes fluttering close. “Fuck.” He moaned thrusting up a bit. You slowly started to move your hand up and down his shaft looking at him to watch his face contort. With his pre cum and your spit it made your hand glide with ease rubbing over the head of his cock making his dick twitch each time. “Look at me.” You whispered. He tried to keep his head up and his eyes open to look at you biting at his lip to suppress his most pitiful moans.
You smiled and brought your free hand behind his neck starting to scratch his head rubbing at his scalp. “Ugh…Oh my god.” He whimpered grabbing your neck gently and pulling you back into a kiss that quickly became heated. You kept a steady pace of his leaky dick making sure to rub at his slit with every other pump. Chris groaned into the kiss his hand flying to the base of his dick holding it tightly. It was so embarrassing. He didn’t want you to think of him as a sex-less loser but that’s sorta what he was. Just from a few minutes of you jerking him off, he felt his stomach gain that familiar knot daring to break at any moment. His dick twitched in your fist and his legs twisted around the bed he couldn’t help but pull away from the kiss to look at your hand working his dick. “I’m gonna cum..” He whimpered putting his hand to his side to keep himself from grabbing your hand and making you stop. The overwhelming feeling of his orgasm about to rush over him making him whine and whimper without any care who would hear. You giggled and looked at his face taking in exactly how he looked. Sp fucked out, and he hasn't even came. “Go ahead, Chris, I want you to cum.” You whispered scratching the back of his head before gripping it roughly.
“Agh fuck! Fuck me… I’m cumming!” He whined his eyes closing tightly as the knot in his stomach finally ripped apart hard his orgasm rushing through him. He thrusted up his cum spurting onto his chest and oozing onto your hand. You looked down to watch and gasped with a giggle. You didn’t stop your hand jerking him off till he rode out his orgasm shaking and wresting around his bed.
You gave him a couple more pumps then let go of his hair and dick holding your hand out in front of you. He brought his hand to his lower stomach rubbing at it in hopes to calm his shaking body down. He panted hard and loud turning his head to look at you. “T-that..that was so fast. I’m sorry.” He spoke. “Don’t apologize. I’m glad I could help you cum like that, lonely boy.” You smiled bringing your hand to your face and looking at it a moment before sliding your finger into your mouth and tasting his cum.
He watched you in amazement a smile forming on his face. “Did you seriously just do that?” He spoke raising an eyebrow. “What about it, I wanted to taste you.” You smiled back sucking on your other finger. Chris rolled his eyes slightly taking a breath before speaking. “You’re amazing.” He spoke leaning in a kiss you again.
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enwoso · 13 days
Hi, I love your writing! I was wondering if you could write a fic where Rooney and Russo are recording there new podcast and they mention a funny story to do with you. With Alessia x reader pairing. You can make the story up but I thought it would be funny
THIRD WHEEL — alessia russo
sorry to whoever requested this as it’s took me so long to actually finish it, but it’s finally here!
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"hello! and welcome back to the tooney and russo show with me y/n l/n, and before you all ask don't worry i'm not stealing vic's job she's just poorly" you said down the microphone, getting yourself comfy in the big chair opposite the couch that alessia and ella were sat on.
"thank god we only have to put up with you for one episode!" ella says rolling her eyes playfully as you gasp, the two bursting into laughter.
"anyways i'm here with two of football most famous friends, alessia russo and ella toone!" you cheered as the two opposite you clapped as well as the people behind the cameras.
"are we the most famous friends?" ella turns asking alessia who shrugs, you clearing your throat to get the brunettes attention back.
"they've just written that on the script to boost your ego" you smile quickly before looking back down to the ipad as the ella starts laughing as does less.
“i’m not lying it’s on here!” you hold the ipad up in there direction showing them, “you really know how to make someone feel good about themselves don’t you, y/n!” ella jokes as you nod you head.
“it’s my speciality — ask lessi i do it on the daily for her!” you say winking jokingly towards less who shakes her head at your silliness.
“whatever helps you sleep at night love” alessia sighs, not wanting to disagree with you knowing the ramble you would go into.
"anyways before we get sidetracked anymore, the fans want to know a bit more about your routine when playing, asking if you find it hard to sleep before a big game?" you read out the question that was on the ipad in front of you.
"speaking on behalf of all three of us here, but we all sleep like babies!" ella says as you and alessia nod in agreement humming.
"yeah what's the saying, can sleep on a camels back" alessia blurts out making you make a confused face, as you mouthed a what to ella who shook her head also having no idea what the blonde had just said.
"that's not a saying babe, you've just made that up!"
"i have not, search it up!” the blonde defended her self as you still looked at her with a confused face trying to understand what she meant from her try at an inspirational message.
“um yeah moving on.. i sleep good all the time to be fair. but do either of you remember the night before the euro final?” you asked them both, ella nodding while less say shaking her head.
“oh yeah, i remember that night. do you not?” ella agreeing with you as she directed the last part of her sentence the blonde sat next to her, who shook her head while mumbling a no into the mic in front of her.
“so obviously we was staying in this really nice hotel, the tottenham hot spur hotel it was i think, and everyone was asleep and um in the night the automatic blinds kept coming up” ella explained as you nodded along.
“i never even noticed to be honest, but i remember you complaining about it in the morning” alessia pointed over to you.
“yeah and i only noticed them because you’d took all the blankets from me and i’d woke up freezing, and then-“ you began as the blonde across you cut you off with a gasp as her mouth went wide open.
“you say this all the time, but i don’t hog the covers!” the blonde said in a defensive tone, ella watching with a smirk on her face at the bickering between the two of you an occasional giggle coming from her.
“how would you know if you do or don’t? your asleep less?” ella commented as you hummed your eyes going wide, “exactly!”
“and then the stupid blinds kept me awake and then less had her alarm set for dead early and she didn’t even wake up — honestly worst night sleep i’ve ever had.” you grumbled carrying on with your small story as alessia mumbled into her mic about you being overly dramatic.
“oh i hate alarms me, i’m the type who had to wake straight up as soon as it goes off” ella says as you hum, “cause once you start snoozing, it’s game over”
“lessi is the worst for snoozing”
the podcast carry’s one as you talk along with the two girls, about random things that start a different conversation until you get up to the fan questions section of the pod.
“so we are up to when you guys at home get to know ella and lessi more off the pitch as they answer your questions where nothing is off limits, i’m excited for this bit” you smile down the camera before smirking to the two girls as they look at each other scared. you continuing to scroll through the ipad.
“first one is weirdest thing your both scared of?” you say giggling to yourself knowing what both of their answers are going to be.
“probably bananas” ella says pulling a face of disgust as you ask why. “i dunno, i just really don’t like them.
“um turkeys or just birds in general” alessia shrugs as your mind takes you back to the world cup of when there was loads of them there.
“there definitely both weird, the next one is directly for you lessi — this fan has said: alessia your half italian but can you actually speak it” you say reading the comment word for word off the ipad, looking up to see the blondes blank face as you begin to laugh along with ella.
“well i can understand it, i tried to learn how to speak it and i can speak a few words..” less trails off her words getting quieter and quieter with each one she spoke.
you raised your eyebrows humming in amusement, “yep and by tried you mean one duolingo lesson?”
“pretty hard to try and learn it when you have someone distracting you every five seconds wanting attention!” alessia argued, taking a sip of her water which was next to her.
“sorry for showing and giving my girlfriend some love?” you scoffed jokingly as you placed your hands in the air in defence. “next time i won’t bother” you added sassily.
the blonde pouting, mumbling along the lines of that you know that she loves giving you her attention you humming at her response, the blonde holding her hands up in an attempt at a heart with her fingers getting a small smile from you.
as ella dry retched down the mic, “do you have to do the lovey dovey stuff every where we go!”
“okay this is a good one, who’s the better driver” you ask, putting the ipad to the other side.
“well i think we can both agree who it’s not-“ alessia smirked pointed between her and ella who nodded in agreement knowing what the blonde was going to say.
“you- do you not…” alessia began before you cut her off, “hang on the question wasn’t to include me, and i know the story your gonna tell and it’s gonna be completely wrong but carry on” you sulked, sinking further in the chair you were sat in opposite the two best friends.
“no so you were in a really tight parking spot, which can i add i told you not to park in-“ alessia began to tell the story in between laughs as tooney listened intently, you sat across from them with a frown on your face.
“—and there was this bollard to the right of the car and i told you that you were gonna hit it if you carried on but you were adamant you weren’t gonna hit it. and of course who was right cause then the back of your car ended up with a massive dent in the back along with scratches along the side”
“yeah but in my defense right, since i did move slightly the way you told me to and if i hadn’t i definitely would have missed it” you defended yourself as alessia rose her eyebrows not totally convinced.
“is this the day you came to england camp sulking?” ella asked as alessia nodded her head slowly in response for you, you not wanting to admit it.
“and now i’m banned from driving lessi’s car-“ your frown deepened.
“i mean i’m not surprised!”
“and that’s all we have time for today, before i get outed anymore!” you perked up once again, the two girls straightening themselves up as you looked down the central camera.
“like you haven’t been outing us for the whole ep love” alessia commented as you waved your hand at what she said.
“thanks for joining me, less and tooney as i third wheeled-“ you began again but got cut off by ella. “no i was, as always!”
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dollfacefantasy · 6 months
Playing to Win
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pairing: stepdad!leon kennedy x fem!reader
summary: your new stepdad isn't much older than you, yet he has the audacity to ask you to call him daddy?
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, dubcon, daddy kink, humiliation kink, spanking, praise/degradation
word count: 4.3k
a/n: i got a little silly hehe. this is technically my first commission. if you’re interested, check out my ko-fi. as always i appreciate the support, smoochies.
this is my first commission written for my beloved @nexysworld. without her, this would never have come about. she's a great writer and such a sweet person. you all should go check out her blog if you haven't already.
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“You want me to call you what?” you ask incredulously as you stare down the man standing across from you.
“You heard me,” Leon says with no sense of teasing in his voice.
You laugh in his face, a cruel, unabashed laugh. You could not believe his audacity to ask you to call him daddy. 
Technically, he was your new stepfather, but it was comical to you to even acknowledge him as such. He was right around your age, only a couple years difference, no way in hell were you going to call him daddy.
You had been open with your mother about your displeasure over Leon’s presence in your life. You called her a cradle robber and a cougar but to no avail. She continued her relationship with him; a young, bright eyed, rookie cop who always thought he knew best.
He wasn’t the problem so much. Sure, he was kind of annoying, but he was also pretty cute. He was funny, and if these were any other circumstances, you could see yourself and him getting along great, even being friends. Generally, he was nice to you, maybe a little over friendly if you were being honest. It always seemed like he knew something you didn’t, but you assumed that was just his nature.
“You’re funny, Leon,” you taunt, “Seriously, good joke.”
“It’s not a joke,” he corrects you and folds his arms over his chest, “Now that I’m taking a more serious role in your life, I expect you to show me some respect.”
“Oh, you do?” you laugh, “Leon-”
“Daddy,” he corrects.
You almost can’t speak, stunned to silence by the nerve of him. Was he doing this to annoy you? Was it supposed to be funny? Because there’s absolutely no way he could be serious about this.
“We are almost the same age. You realize this, yes?” you ask, enunciating the words slowly to get your point across, “I’m not calling you anything but your actual name. And maybe not even that cause you’re pissing me off, and I don’t wanna talk to you.”
“All this attitude, sweetheart, and for what?” he says as approaches you, “I’m not asking you to run a marathon for me. All I want is to be addressed properly.”
You scowl at the pet name. He brings a hand to your face, stroking your cheek with his knuckles before you swat it away.
“What is your problem, Leon?” you say angrily and shove him away, “Is this some fucked up fetish of yours? Like it’s not pathetic enough you’re fucking a divorced woman twice your age, right? You have to feel in control of me too to get it up?”
You laugh at him again when he responds with a glare. Rolling your eyes, you walk closer to him and get in his face.
“Aw, did I hurt daddy’s feelings?” you mock in the sweetest tone you could manage, giving him puppy dog eyes and putting emphasis on the title he was so obsessed with, “I’m so sorry daddy. Please don’t be mad at me.”
You’re about to laugh again before Leon spins you around so you quick the motion nearly gives you whiplash. Your back is flush against his chest, and even though you were teasing, your little performance clearly had some effect as you could feel his dick, now half hard, against your ass. It causes a small flash of heat in your belly that you try to pretend didn’t happen.
“Listen up, I’m not going to tell you again, baby. You do what I’m asking you, or we’re going to find another way to get it through your pretty little head,” he says.
His grip was firm. Despite his usual officer friendly persona, he could obviously be serious when he wanted to be. It didn’t shock you. You knew he was fit and could be intense. You’d caught him working out with his shirt off, sweat dripping down his muscular back while ‘Kim’ by Eminem blasted in his airpods. You tried to deny it, but it had left you feeling a little hot under the collar for the next few days.
You squirm in his hold, but he keeps your wrists pinned to your lower back. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do, send me to my room? Ground me?” you say as you try to wriggle away.
“Oh no, we’re past that. You want to be a brat, I’ll handle you like one. I’ll put you over my knee and smack that cute ass until it’s raw, and you understand who’s in charge around here,” he says.
“You’re gonna spank me?” you shriek. You thrash harder in absolute shock. “No way! Are you fucking crazy? My mother will kick your ass.”
“Your mother isn’t here, babe. I’ll do whatever the hell I want,” he says. His fingers only tighten on you, digging into your flesh. An arm loops around your waist and starts pulling you over to the sofa. “Maybe she’ll be grateful that someone’s finally trying to teach you some manners.”
Even though you knew he was in shape, he was much stronger than you thought. He sits down on the sofa and folds you across his lap with no real effort. You’re secure there too, unable to get to your feet or away from him. You still try though, flailing your limbs about and bucking your hips.
“There, there. Let’s calm down, honey,” he coos, now clearly taunting you. He rubs the swell of your ass over the tight dress you were wearing. “Just tell Daddy you’re sorry, baby. I’m not a bad guy. I’m willing to hear you out.”
You don’t even respond. You pound your fists against his leg while kicking your feet.
“Poor baby. There’s no reason to throw a tantrum,” he says in the most condescending voice you’d ever heard. He gives you a light warning tap on the ass. “Just tell me what I want to hear, and Daddy will make it all better, give you all the kisses you need until you’re back to being a good girl.”
He was driving you fucking wild. Your body was taut with anger while your mind ran wild with frustration, not only at him, but at yourself. You could feel your panties getting sticky with arousal as he spoke down to you.
“Shut up, Leon!” you say and continue struggling.
His hand comes down again, cracking a little harder against the supple flesh of your ass. You suck a sharp breath in. It didn’t hurt yet, but it stung. Anymore force behind the swing of his palm and you knew he could fulfill his threats of marking up your ass.
“You wanna try that again, princess?” he says, “I’ll give you one more chance.”
“No! I’m not calling you Daddy you sick fucker! I-”
A loud slap echoes through the room. That was the smack you were scared of. So hard you could feel the burn beneath your skin. There was absolutely no doubt about his strength now. He lands another two, one on each cheek, drawing whimpers from your throat.
“Watch your mouth,” he says, “I’m sick of the whining and the back talk. I’ve given you more than enough chances to fix your behavior. I’m done playing nice with you.”
In a quick motion, he yanks your skirt up to bunch it at the small of your back. You squeal out “Leon!” but it makes no difference. Again, you attempt to wriggle away. All it does though is give him a view of your ass wiggling around in those cute panties you wore. The ones he had seen peeking over the waist of your jeans.
He lays more lashes to your skin in rapid succession. You wriggle slightly and involuntarily whine. Your ‘stepfather’ felt no guilt though. Partially because it was all part of the plan, partially because he could see the light purple fabric between your thighs darkening with arousal. Plus, the pathetic noises spilling from your mouth only made him want to work harder, rip more sweet cries from you. He continues cracking his solid hand against your bottom, sending ripples through the soft flesh. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment, your eyes start to water, and your bottom lip juts out into a quivering pout.
“Oh, look at that sweet face,” he coos, taking a break from spanking you to stroke your cheek, “I know it hurts, baby. But it can all stop once you decide to stop being a stubborn little brat.”
He punctuates his statement with another swat. Your body jolts forward at the contact, head falling forward to hang in shame. You hate yourself for playing into it, but you can’t stop the automatic response that exits you in a humiliating whimper.
“I’m not a brat.”
“Oh you’re not? Could’ve fooled me,” he responds. He cracks his hand against your cheeks a few more times before giving you a break and rubbing the sore skin.
“I’m not. You’re just… you’re just mean.”
The words tumble from you in a pitiful cry, physically hurting you to say something so pathetic. To show such weakness when he was being such a prick. You shut your eyes, and a warm tear falls down your face. That only made you feel worse, making you want to cry more. A vicious cycle you couldn’t break out of when all your mind could think of was your stinging flesh and his patronizing voice.
“I’m being mean to you? Aw baby, after all the things you said, you think I’m the mean one?” he mocks.
“I-I’m sorry,” you whimper out without really thinking about it.
“I don’t need you to be sorry, sweetheart. You know what I want,” he says.
What’s supposed to be a groan comes out as a frustrated whine. You shake your head weakly and open your eyes again. His fingers slip beneath your chin to lift your face to look at him.
“Just say it. Say it and it will all be over. We can get on to helping you feel better,” he says.
The pain radiating from your ass, now glowing red, was almost enough to make you give in on the spot. But you could hear it in his voice. He was so fucking smug, having so much fun watching you cry and shift around in discomfort. You couldn’t just let him win.
So you shake your head defiantly, sniffling as your watery eyes connect with his in a stare. You immediately regret your decision because the amused glint that forms his eyes lets you know that he enjoys the resistance more than your submission. The corners of his lips tick upwards into a slight smile. Now it’s his turn to shake his head and mockingly tut at you before swinging his forearm and blasting your sore flesh with the heel of his palm.
You cry out, the noise strangled with despair. Your teeth dig into your bottom lip to restrain the louder sobs that were bubbling in your throat.
“Just give in, sweetheart. There’s no need to act tough for me. Do what I know you want to, and say the word,” he orders, his words coming out low and slow.
You know you should, but god, you don’t want to. It’s like your most basic instincts don’t want you to either. You have to think through it, force your tongue to conjure the word and expel it from your lips.
“I’m sorry… Daddy,” you whimper. A couple more tears leak from your eyes. The humiliation that mounts in your chest is like nothing you’ve ever felt before. But as the heat rises to your cheeks and clouds your mind, making you feel dizzy, you feel a deeper sense of heat spreading out in your lower belly. And it only gets worse when he starts in on you again.
“Oh, that’s my girl. Such a good girl when you want to be. I knew you could do it,” he coos, “Say it again for me, baby. Least you can do after being so cruel.”
At this point, you figure you’d already said it once, so what’s one more time. You say it again if for no other reason than to stop his harsh blows from raining down on your sensitive skin.
“I’m so sorry, Daddy,” you cry.
“That’s right. I know you are, honey. I know you don’t mean that stuff. You just wanted some attention, right? Wanted some time with Daddy all to yourself,” he says as his hand comes up and starts stroking your hair.
You weakly shake your head. You weren’t acting up because of that. He was being an asshole. That’s why you were acting up. Or were you even acting up? Your reaction was justified, wasn’t it? All the attention on you mixed with the shame boiling in your head makes it hard to think through this stuff.
“Oh, are you shy? Don’t wanna tell the truth?” he coos with a cruel chuckle. One of his hands rubs your aching ass while the other trails up and down your thigh soothingly. The latter hand slowly creeps to the junction of your legs. “I know that’s what it is, doll. I can feel it.”
As he says that, you feel fingers petting the damp fabric that conceals your cunt. You take a sharp breath to which his chuckle grows into a short laugh. He presses his fingers against the cloth, and you can tell immediately that even his movements are done in a way to mess with you. His digits drag against your panties, not giving you the pressure you need on your clit. You squirm awkwardly in an effort to find a better angle and not feel the soaked garment cling to your folds.
“Feeling a little impatient?” he teases.
You nod, any remaining shreds of dignity you have slowly being peeled away. You just couldn’t resist. The potential pleasure that’s just out of reach. The heat of his thick cock against your hip. His voice, like soft velvet slipping over your mind.
“Well honey, show me you can ask nicely, and I’ll be happy to help you out. Won’t even make you wait, we can get right to what you really want,” he says. His tone sounds slightly more genuine here.
“Pretty please, Daddy,” you force out. Your eyes cast down in shame as if you’re studying the pattern of the living room carpet.
“Pretty please what, babydoll?” he says, the teasing returning for a moment.
“Pretty please… fuck me,” you squeak.
He smirks, his victory written all over his face.
“Woah, listen to the mouth on you,” he tuts, “Normally, I wouldn’t let that kind of language fly, sweetheart, but I think you’ve had enough punishment for one day.”
His hands squeeze your waist and flip you over on his lap. He wipes away your tears with his thumb and presses a kiss to your forehead, that stupid smug expression on his face the entire time.
The next move is guiding your body onto the couch. You whimper as your back meets the cool leather. He pays that no mind and instead lifts your hips and tugs your skirt and panties off in one motion. You notice in your peripheral that he takes a souvenir, shoving the light purple underwear in his pocket.
After giving your ass a firm squeeze, his hands drift up and pull your shirt off. His eyes fixate on your tits, his soft hands coming to cup them and flick his fingers over your nipples which were beginning to perk up.
“No bra? I guess I should’ve expected that from you,” he chuckles as he continues fondling your soft breasts. The touch relieves some of the building pressure, the weight in your chest just begging to be squeezed and massaged. He watches the pliable flesh move beneath his fingers before giving your nipples a quick pinch and moving to undress himself.
He doesn’t waste any time, his clothing pooled on the floor in mere moments. He gets on top of you. Large hands hook behind your knees, angling your hips upward. Your legs come to rest on his shoulders as he grabs his cock and swipes the tip through the slick that had collected between your thighs.
“So fucking wet, I didn’t even need to warm you up,” he grunts as he pushes the tip in.
You bite your lip, unable to stop the whine it brings out of you. He exhales with amusement, and his free hand goes to your face to rub your cheek. It was only the tip so far, but you couldn’t even deny how good it felt. And while he moves with a purpose, he draws out this first thrust as long as possible. He inches it in, going as slow as he can. The pleasure he gets just from watching you squirm with desperation is clear in the way he looks down at you.
“There we go. Just what you need. Daddy filling you up. Gonna make you a good girl from now on,” he coos and drags his thumb over your bottom lip. 
Without even thinking, you open your mouth and flatten your tongue against the digit before wrapping your lips around it. You suck on it gently, softly moaning as your saliva coats his thumb.
At this point, it’s physically impossible for him to look more pleased with himself. Honestly, it seemed like he took more enjoyment from watching you slip farther into his grasp than he did from the feeling of your cunt pulsing around him.
Once he’s all the way in, completely buried in your warm, wet embrace, the hand that had been guiding his cock slides up. He gently thumbs your clit, grinning as your sweet mewls become the slightest bit louder.
He begins dragging himself in and out, savoring the feeling of your walls gripping him, sucking him in. It seems you only clamp down harder as he plays with your pretty little bundle of nerves. He keeps toying with it as his hips work back and forth.
Your eyes flutter, becoming half-lidded with the smooth stream of pleasure flowing through you. You whimper and whine while still sucking on his thumb. He started to repeatedly tease pulling it out before pushing it all the way in, nearly gagging you.
“So precious, aren’t you?” he whispers, leaning forward.
Your thighs are now pressed to your chest. His cock so deep it reaches places you didn’t even know about. He picks up the pace a bit, balls smacking against you with each move. To your dismay, he removes his thumb from your mouth, dragging it down and smearing spit down your chin. Your disappointment is only momentary as he’s quick to capture your lips in a searing kiss. 
His soft lips move against your wet ones while he continues pumping deep. Your head swims with the pleasure he provides. Everything becomes a soft warm haze as he toys with your clit and stretches you out. The gentle kisses combine with the tender feeling of his warm skin sliding against yours.
“Gonna have to do this every time you get bratty, baby. Keep you dumb on my cock, exactly where you should be, making sure you don’t get outta line,” he grunts, eyes closing as a wave of pleasure hits him, “This all you needed, just some time with Daddy.”
You nod lazily, all hopes of keeping a resistant exterior up gone out the window. “More kisses, Daddy,” you mumble as you connect your lips in a messy kiss.
He chuckles at the lack of resistance left in you. He returns your nod and indulges you. His tongue slips into your mouth, meeting your own as you make out.
It’s all so good. You can’t get enough. Everything is him right now. It’s all for him. You know you’re getting close and so does he. He can feel the way your pussy rhythmically constricts around him. It’s working him closer too, but he can’t let it end yet. Not before he gets to the final step.
His movements become strategic. You’re teetering on the edge, getting enough pleasure to keep you whining and clutching at him, but not enough for that final push to heaven. Just one more stroke in the right wave, and you know you could get there.
While your head continues to fog up from his efforts, he pulls away from kissing you. He nestles his head in between yours and the couch cushion.
“You know, honey, now that we’re seeing eye to eye, I think I should let you in on something,” he whispers, hot breath fanning across your ear.
“Mmm, what?” you ask. You were only half paying attention, too caught up in the heat of the moment.
“I’ve had my eye on you for a while, sweet thing,” he rasps.
“Really?” you ask, unsure why he was bringing this up but choosing to go along with it in your dreamy state. He had been dating your mom for a while, so maybe he had this little infatuation for longer than you thought.
“Mhm, earlier than I think you know,” he says with a nip to your earlobe.
“That’s nice,” you murmur and nuzzle your face against his hair, breathing in his scent.
“Aren’t you curious when? When was the first time I saw your pretty face? The first time I wanted to slide into this tight pussy?” he murmurs.
“When?” you ask. You tried to feign interest, but fuck, you really just wanted to cum.
“I remember it, clear as day. It was at a party, you remember that guy from high school who had the 3D tv in his basement. It was at his house. You were down there, looking so fucking cute, talking to some douchebag. And I heard you talking to him. About Fortnite,” he says.
You just nod and moan. You honestly didn’t even remember that he went to your high school, but you didn’t really care at the moment. It still felt so good, him drilling in and out of you. You just couldn’t help but wonder why he thought now was the time to bring this up.
“You told that guy your gamer tag. But I realized I also remembered that name. I had played a match with you before. You beat me, stole my victory royale,” he says with a soft laugh.
“Umm… ok,” you reply, totally lost and not just because your mind was all cloudy from being railed into the couch.
“Tell me, honey: do you remember the name rookiepillz?” he asks.
“No?” you say. Was this really the time for this conversation? That was all you could think. But before you could voice your complaint his hand starts rubbing your clit again with even more pressure than before. All words in your throat tangle up into a string of whimpers.
“You should. I sent you a message after that game. Told you ‘I’m gonna fuck you and your mom sweaty,’” he says with a particularly hard thrust, “Well, look at us now.”
You listen, absolutely lost, until the dots start connecting. You turn your head to look at him, not believing this was real. You did remember that message. It made you and your friends giggle for the next hour, created an inside joke for the next few years.
“No way,” you say. You try to keep your voice even, but despite his insane words, his cock was still hitting just right, “Rookie- fuck! Rookiepillz?”
He puts in a couple of those strokes that hit just right, brushed all your sweet spots, filled you up the perfect amount. All the while his thumb rubs your clit in tiny, quick circles. You couldn’t hold on. A sharp cry leaves you as you gush around his cock. You grip the couch for support as your body rolls with the rush.
“Yes way, sweetheart. Rookiepillz,” he grunts.
When most of the high has finished and you’re starting to come down, you open your eyes and look up at him with disbelief. He’s grinning, so satisfied that he’s gotten the last laugh.
“Wha- you’re… you’re fucking insane… literally why would you remember that? And why would you take it so seriously? It’s Fortnite!” you moan, still feeling the aftershocks of your release.
“I play the long game, baby, and I play to win,” he moans as a strained expression washes over his face. He snaps his hips a few more times before slamming in all the way with one final thrust. “This is my ultimate victory royale.”
With that, he empties himself inside you, hot cum flooding your cunt. You whimper yet again. It still felt good even if you just found out his motivation behind all of this was borderline psychotic.
He pumps in and out a few more times before pulling out. His chest puffs with deep breaths on top of yours. Both of you lay together in silence for a few moments. What had just happened? You could barely even comprehend it. Instead of driving yourself as crazy as he is by dwelling on it, you shove him off of you. You get up and start putting on your clothes again.
“You’re fucking crazy,” you say.
He laughs and sits up on the couch. “Don’t act like you didn’t have fun, baby,” he says while stretching, “You were such a good girl for your daddy.”
Your eyes widen and cheeks burn with embarrassment at his teasing. God, why had you ever said that? Now that you weren’t all worked up, you just wanted to go back in time and kick your own ass for even thinking of giving in.
“Shut up,” you grumble.
He stands up, still laughing and clearly on top of the world with his “victory.” You smooth out your outfit as he starts putting his own clothing back on. He holds up his belt and cracks it teasingly.
“Watch your mouth, there’s still time before your mother gets home. That sweet ass might not have enough marks,” he taunts.
You shoot him a glare before storming out of the room.
“Oh come on, babe. If you’re not into that, maybe we could play some Fortnite?” he calls.
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justkennadi · 24 days
Being plug!connie’s sneaky link🤫🤭
Plug!Connie x Fem/blk!reader
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Summary: just u ‘n connie sneakinnn around…
Cw: Some cussing, a lot of mentioning of being high, nsfw
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- Plug!Connie knew you since high school. You were friends with Armin and Eren who were friends with Sasha, Jean and him. He thought u were fine asf too but didn’t make a move on you until a while ago.
-You started trying out weed to take the stress off form college your first year and Plug!Connie was the only person you knew who had his hands on some. Y’all stayed together while he taught you how to inhale and all the basics of smoking. He honestly kept getting distracted by how good you looked in you biker shorts and crop top you wore that day.
- “You got a man’s yet mama?” He’d ask as you puffed out a bit of smoke, coughing a bit.
-“Uh, nah, *cough* why?” You’d ask looking at him. It could’ve been the weed but this man was starting to look real fine. You stared into his intense hazel eyes as he just smirked. “No reason…..” He’d trail off.
-And that was the start of it all. You started really getting to know him but once y’all got serious y’all decided to keep it secret.
-Now it’s been a year and honestly you both don’t know how none of y’all friends found out abt y’all?? (I mean Armin was very suspicious at this point but he didn’t have enough proof so he stayed quiet…)
- Plug!Connie would call you after he was done selling all this orders for the day and just sit in his car smoking a blunt as you rambled about your day and how much you missed him. You were in college but it was your 3rd yr so you didn’t have to stay on campus and had your own little loft apartment but you were still very busy all the time so y’all’s schedules didn’t really match up.
- “I miss uuu! I cant wait to see u this saturday.” You said laying on you bed.
- “I know mama. Me too.” Connie said blowing smoke out the window.
- Plug!Connie and you could only meet up about once or twice a week most of the time. And when y’all did…y’all had a mf ball🤭
- Onyankopon and Jean saw y’all at the mall once and swore they saw him holding your hand but Connie denied it.
- “Bro, we aren’t gonna laugh at you if y’all fuckin’ for real.” Jean said one day hanging out at Connie’s place.
- “Nah. I aint fuckin her. Ion even know what y’all are talkin’ bout anyways cause i wasn’t at no mall.” Connie said nonchalantly and focusing on the game he was playing.
-Plug!Connie regularly would take you on shopping sprees with all the extra money he had. He would buy you almost anything you’d want but y’all gotta be more careful from here on out now.
- He honestly didn’t care if anyone found y’all out in y’all friend circle by now but he definitely didn’t need his regulars finding out about y’all.
- Plug!Connie sometimes facetimed you if y’all missed your weekly meet up and he was feeling needy. “Come on ma, i wanna see u….” He’d say softly as his tatted hand stroked himself in his dim lit bedroom.
- It was pitch black in your room as it was 1:03am and you were half awake and did not feel like turning no lights on. But after a while of begging from Connie you turned your bedside lamp on anyways cause you were just as needy to see him. Y’all would be on the phone for hours on nights like this, missing each other deeply.
-Sometimes you wanted to break and tell your friends Mikasa or Sasha but you promised Connie you’d wait until he was ready to tell everyone too. Mikasa acted like already knew tho which fr threw you off sometimes. You’d casually mention Connie and she’d side eye you and smirk a little and you would just be like, “…What?” and she’d just say, “Oh, nothing.”
- Plug!Connie’s contact for you in his phone was - Princesa👸🏾 and for him you just had him as - 💋❤️
- When y’all finally had free time to meet up he’d pull up to your house and be in some silly disguise it was kinda funny. You’d walk out your apartment and get in and just laugh a bit.
- “Why you got sunglasses and a mustache on Con?”
- “…..Cause.”
- He’d do it mainly to see you laugh.
- Most of the time, especially after y’all got caught at the mall, y’all had to get smart and stop going to places like stores and parks where familiar faces would regularly be and could see y’all. Sometimes late at night tho y’all would go to a park and either walk around and talk or just smoke some blunts in silence.
- Sometimes y’all went to movies that started late like 11pm or midnight high as hell. Y’all would share a big bucket of popcorn and eat a lot of candy.
- Other times y’all would just hang out at each others place, most of the time Connie’s tho cause your place wasn’t too big.
-Y’all’s hang outs always concluded with a make out sesh and then the devils tango ofc.
-Plug!Connie would sit you in his lap while y’all was on the couch, stareing deep into your eyes with his slight tinted red ones. His hands would roam from your lower back to your ass and thighs just rubbing and squeezing the plushness. He’d admire you forever if you let him cause he truly loved you that much.
- Connie would slowly kiss you, your lipgloss getting onto his on lips in the process. “Mmm, this strawberry, ma?” He’d whisper while licking his lips and you would just nod and start to kiss him again before he said anything else.
- Sometimes y’all would stay on the couch as y’all did the deed but other times Connie would take you into his room so y’all didn’t stink up the living room in case he was gonna have guest over later.
-He loved doggy style the most, watching your ass meet his hips as he held your hips pulling you back over and over. Entranced and high, watching where y’all met as the slick, wet sounds and your addicting moans filled his ears.
- When y’all were done it was either time to eat or sleep. Sometimes when y’all met midday though Connie would just tell you to stay in his room if he was having people over or had to leave to handle business. You didn’t like when he would leave you there but he always came back within at least 3ish hours and he said it was, “For safety, ma.”
- It was rare y’all could spend a whole day together. Most of the time y’all met at night after either you or connie got off work.
- Plug!Connie always kissed you bye when you had to go in the mornings or when he dropped you off. He would hold your hand and stare into your eyes once more like he was never gonna see you again. He’d tell you, “I love you, princesa. Stay safe, i’ll see you later.”
- You didn’t know how much longer you could handle this sneaking around but lord did you love the mf thrill.
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(I’ve had this in my drafts since July last year😭😭 i don’t have anything to write lately so ig i’ll just be clearing out my drafts. I’m down with school so at least i have time to write anywaysss. Reminder that my requests are open too!)
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yikesmary · 1 year
BEDTIME ROUTINE — jeon wonwoo x reader
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summary: where you loved times like these with your boyfriend, wonwoo.
notes: book boyfriend wonwoo is back! i wrote this completely out of the blue so apologies for any mistakes. also this went into a direction i didn’t expect it to go to, but i love it so much. it might be my favorite fic i’ve written so far on this blog.
join my taglist!
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“You’re staring at me again,”
“Can you blame me? I have a beautiful man as my boyfriend,” you teased, enjoying the pink blush that was developing on Wonwoo’s cheeks.
“I’m not even doing anything, I’m just reading a book,” he told you.
“To look this good and still be doing something so simple is incredible!” You overexaggerated, throwing your hands in the air dramatically.
Wonwoo playfully rolled his eyes, but pulled you closer to him, your body practically glued to his. It was nighttime, and your usual bedtime routine consisted of Wonwoo either reading a book or playing a game on his phone and you went on your phone.
But there were moments when you and Wonwoo felt particularly clingy towards each other, and sometimes you found yourself falling asleep to Wonwoo’s voice as he read aloud the book he was reading while cuddled up to him. He didn’t mind whenever you fell asleep as he read, because he knows how much you loved his voice, so he takes it as a compliment.
“How’s the book so far?” You asked, resting your head on his chest, recognizing the book as the one you gifted to him on his birthday.
“It’s good, I’m glad I finally found the time to read it,” he smiled.
“I was worried whether or not it was a good book. I didn’t know whether or not you were going to like it,” you said.
“It could’ve been a book that had the same word printed on the pages hundreds of times and I’d still read it because you gave it to me,” Wonwoo said.
“Don’t be silly,”
“I’m serious! I keep everything you give to me,”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” You challenged.
“The bookmark you made me on our first date, I still use that. The letter you wrote me on our first anniversary, and the bracelet you made with Joshua for me while you were drunk,” he recounted.
“Really? You’ve kept all of those things?” You asked, and he nodded.
“We live together, how have I not seen these things in the house?”
“Because I hide them in places you’d never think to look,”
“Like where?”
“There’s a reason why I haven’t told you! It’s a secret,” he said, and you playfully rolled your eyes at him.
“It also helps that you’re small and there are places I can reach that you don’t,” he teased.
You gasped and said, “I would move if you weren’t so comfortable,”
As if to ensure you wouldn’t move, Wonwoo moved you even closer to him, if that was even possible. In the middle of the conversation, you didn’t realize that he closed the book and put it on the nightstand that was on his side of the bed.
Silence fell between you, neither finding a reason to say something. You just enjoyed the moment between the both of you while Wonwoo was fiddling with your fingers with his hand, in deep thought.
“Do you have anything from when we first started dating?”
“I do, but since you won’t show me yours so I won’t show mine,” you said, playfully twisting your head away from him.
“How about this, I’ll countdown to three and we both get the stuff from our hiding spots. That way we don’t reveal our locations,” Wonwoo negotiated.
“One... Two... Three!”
At the final number, the both of you tried leaving the bed, but because of how close you were cuddled together, the farthest you were able to go before falling was the floor of your bedroom. It wasn’t a far drop, but it was funny enough that both you and Wonwoo erupted in laughs and giggles.
You had struggled so much trying to get up with laughing and trying to detangle yourself from your boyfriend that by the time you had managed to stand, you were practically out of breath. But that didn’t deter you from your mission, so you tried moving to where you hid your stuff.
Spotting the box that was labeled with your name, you grabbed the box and dashed back into the room. Wonwoo would never look through something that had your name on it, since for the most part, neither of you felt the need to mark anything as your own since you guys knew whose belonging belonged with who. 
So, if it was labeled, there was a purpose and Wonwoo would never violate your privacy like that.
By the time you arrived in the bedroom, Wonwoo was already on the bed, his legs crossed and waiting patiently with his box. You got on the bed and sat right across from him in a similar position as you.
He moved back so you had enough room to put the box in front of you and that was when the both of you exchanged looks and then without saying anything, switched boxes.
You opened the box and were both happy and touched to see the exact items that he had described beforehand, with more things that weren’t mentioned and you didn’t realize he kept them.
When you looked at him, you saw that he looked a bit confused about the items, so you decided to refresh his memory. “That ticket was from we went to the aquarium together, the picture is when we went to that one petshop and you couldn’t stop playing with the cats,”
He smiled at you, remembering those moments. You were about to say something else before a tiny, brown, leather book caught your attention inside of Wonwoo’s box. You took it out and showed it to him asking, “What’s this?”
At the question, Wonwoo turned sheepish. Then he said, “When we first started dating, every time we went out somewhere to eat or drink, I’d write down what you ordered so the next time we went there, I could order for you. Eventually, I memorized everything so there wasn’t a need for a book,”
You felt like you were in school again, feeling like your middle school crush just confessed to you and love was everything at that age. Putting the stuff to the side, you moved to kiss him and your hands were on his shoulders.
When you pulled away, you decided that the kiss wasn’t enough so you peppered him with kisses on your face. “That was so thoughtful and sweet of you to do. I love you so much,” you said, placing one final kiss on his lips once more.
He was only able to smile like a lovesick fool in response, which he was.
You looked at the clock and were surprised to see how late it was. “We should go to bed, it’s late and we should’ve been asleep an hour ago,” you told him.
“Maybe we should make this a part of our nighttime routine,”
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taglist (crossed out means I wasn’t able to tag you): @belladaises @smileyneos @xuenihao @winterpaos @wonhuiful @minhui896 @baekhyunimochibbh @itsrachelsplace @x-alightinthedark @whywontyousetfree @minghaossv @coffeesandrains @slaveofmydreams @bmkgemz @dandycharmer @yoonzinoooo​
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wintersera · 5 months
countdown || winter x g!p reader
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notes: I KNOW MY ASS SHOULDVE PLANNED AHEAD, but anyways it’s out! i didn’t expect to write this much tbh but we move. reader is also an idol btw and an 02 liner
cw: g!p reader, switch!minjeong, switch!reader, exhibitionism, little bit of begging
wc: 3.9k
“have a very happy new years. everyone stay healthy and eat well. oh! and don’t forget to greet your friends and family a happy new years as well!”
that was it, the end of the new years event. all the cameras were turned off as you and your label mates wished the fans a happy new years. you, in the middle of the youngest and oldest of le sserafim, waved at the fans and blew them all a kiss before you were led by the hand of your leader, kim chaewon, to the bottom of the stage. but you couldn’t leave your fans without saying another goodbye. you let go of your leaders hand and ran back on to the stage throwing a heart sign to one of your favourite fansites before chaewon shouted at you to come back “okaayy okay, wait a second unnnie” laughing at your leader increasingly losing her patience.
“lee y/n, hurry up we need to go” her brows furrowed a little while eunchae pointed out the crease in chaewon’s brows. she cracked up way too much “hong eunchae, it really isn’t that funny” she didn’t say much after that, she just held onto yunjin’s shoulder in attempts to surpress the laughter “sorry unnie, you just looked a little silly”
once you had gotten changed out of your stage outfits and into your casual clothes, that being an oversized black hoodie and your pants that you wore almost everytime you went outside, the staff members called you towards them, making you sit down on their chair so they could get you out of the makeup. removing your stage makeup was a hassle, getting those coloured contacts weren’t for the weak, although you should be used to it by now. it took a long time to get everything off, including the extra accessories that were wrapped around you like crazy. but anyways, you finished up washing your face before sitting down to wait for the other members. since you were the first one to be done, and you tend to get bored easily, you wander around the halls looking for something to do, whether it be finding an idol friend of yours to record a silly video, or just to chat to one of the staff members, you needed to do something to cure your boredom.
by chance you saw kim minjeong, your girlfriend, aimlessly walking around the place much like you were doing. now was the perfect time to ask her to come see you after she had gotten out of her performance outfit.
you hadn’t seen minjeong in what felt like years, it was a few months and you saw eachother when she flew back to korea calm down. being so busy with her world tour and her two comebacks this year, you only managed to go on a few dates this year, and sometimes when she did have breaks, you were busy because of your tight schedule as well. since her groups comeback, ‘drama’, you didn't see her for a good two months. did it hurt? absolutely, you missed seeing her, missed her touch, her smile, her everything.
luckily she was here, approaching you actually… wait she walking here? snapping out of your little daydream, you realise that minjeong was right infront of you.
“what’s up with you? you look like a lost puppy”
“oh wait, hi jeongie” smiling wide at her, yeah you looked like a puppy in her eyes to be honest “i was about to ask you something you came at the right time because i was about to ask you a question” you say while playing with the hem of your hoodie “so… you know how we haven’t seen eachother in months right? i was just thinking about spending some time with you somewhere after you get changed”
“where exactly?” she asks with curiosity. not so much questioning you in a bad way, just curious of what you had planned. she tilts her head to the side, wanting to charm her way into you giving her an answer, it didn’t work, although she was very cute.
“you’re not tricking me with your little head tilt” chuckling as your face turns light pink “it’s a surprise you dummy. just text me when you’re done and i’ll come to your dressing room” she nodded her head and gave you a peck on the cheek before she walked away satisfied by seeing how bright your face got. you weren’t exactly discreet with your relationship anyways, people were shipping you before the two of you were dating, for some reason, which made it easier for you to carry out skinship whenever you’d meet up in public. meaning that small kisses on the cheek, hand holding and hugs meant that the fans thought you were queer baiting aggressively, oh they were so wrong.
“i’ll see you later loser”
a good twenty minutes go by and you were waiting outside of aespa’s changing room, phone in hand just in case minjeong called or texted. the stylists really took their sweet time trying to get minjeong out of the stage outfit she was wearing, i mean to be honest, it did look like her dress took time to put on, especially with those strings and stuff at the back, and the various other little things that were included in the fit. a couple more minutes and she comes outside, surprised that you were to her side when she opened the door “oh, hi. thought you we’re gonna wait outside the building”
“well, i thought it would be better to wait for you here. and also because it’s warm in here” you reply back to her.
minjeong wore this casual white skirt despite the weather being cold, it was a little too short as well, but it’s not like she cared about it anyways, she had a hoodie to wear as well so i guess she was fine, she also had these white leg warmers to keep her from shaking, although you didn’t understand how leg warmers could keep her toasty. she looked pretty, really really pretty that it made you think of a ton of inappropriate things, that could wait for later though “i’m gonna go ask your manager a question, i already got the green light from mine, and i’m hoping, HOPING, your manager agrees” you dramatically throw your hands in the air, looking up to the sky. minjeong just looks at you like you’re stupid, although she loves how playful and reactive you can get when it comes to her. she nods accordingly, allowing you to go into the changing rooms “stay here pleeaaseee”
“what for?” she throws another questioning look at you.
“a surprise, you’ll see” smiling at her cheekily. you knock at aespa’s door, they open and greet you with a ‘heyyy’ you close the door checking if minjeong was listening “minjeong step away from the door”
“aw mannnnn”
you spend a couple of minutes explaining the plan to minjeong’s manager, she agreed that it would be a good idea, and since aespa didn’t have anything scheduled for the next week, you could take minjeong out on a silly little birthday thing with the help of your manager. you came out successful, a smile on your face as you look at minjeong “come on, follow me babe” minjeong follows you eagerly, hand in hand as her manager bids you two a fun night, maybe she got the implications of to why you booked a night at a fancy hotel, well you hope she didn’t, that would be kinda…. strange, but besides the point, you walked to your waiting room for your manager.
“are you for real gonna take the managers car?”
“you know i can’t drive YET, and plus, if i get an uber that’s gonna cost me so much money, y’know they’re overpriced” your manager was sat there waiting for you and minjeong, crossed legged and everything “are you ready to go yet?” your manager asks “oh yeah, we’re ready” pushing herself off of the chair, your manager escorts the both of you two the company car.
after ten minutes of driving towards the hotel, it should’ve taken five but your manager got lost trying to navigate the car down a street. you don’t know how she ended up in that damn street, but google maps said otherwise, you finally end up at the reception desk waving goodbye to your manager that dropped you off “a hotel? and a really… pricey one?” again, questioning you.
“only the best for my favourite unnie~” you jokingly teased her, although you were younger by a year, she’d told you not to call her unnie after you had gotten closer, excluding the times you met on camera and during the times you met while you were still on the job and in public, of course.
“yes ma’am!” you chuckle.
“that’s not any better” hitting you lightly on the shoulder.
after speaking with the receptionist about your room, she gave you the keycard and gracefully pointed towards the elevators where the guy who carries peoples luggage smiled sweetly at you, even though you didn’t have big ass bags or anything, he offered to carry your handbags. you respectfully declined as you didn’t have much to carry anyways, but he kept insisting. besides the porter being too much of a nice guy, you ended up on the highest floor of the hotel, the fifth floor to be exact. not too high and not too low, just enough to see the sky clearly and just enough for people not being able to recognise you both when you step out into the balcony.
finally stepping into the room, minjeong was greeted with a small cake on top of the room's table that you bought from one of her favourite bakeries. written on it was ‘happy 23rd birthday minjeong’ accompanied by a small little smiley face next to the text that you personally drew on yourself. she noticed a few balloons in the corners and a few more decorations here and there.
“you did this? for me?” fighting back the urge to have this big loser grin on her face.
“like it?” worried that she wasn’t gonna enjoy something so sudden for her birthday. your hands reach the hem of your hoodie again, bunching the fabric up
“i-i do like it, i love it actually. why the expensive hotel though?
“i thought it would be nice to celebrate elsewhere and um…” your face heated up at the thought of explaining why you exactly booked a hotel, specifically at night, and on her birthday “well… i haven’t seen you in so long, i missed you a lot and so, y’know, hotel room.. you and me… alone. i mean we don’t need to do anything, i-i just wanted to spend some time wi-“ minjeong cut you off, pressing her hand against your lips.
she giggles “thank you y/n, i’ve missed you a lot too. the whole tour and the comeback… it’s been like a few months since we haven’t seen each other, i’ll make it up to you” she leans in closer and closer. you weren’t even inside the room properly yet, both you and minjeong were still standing at the entrance. you wasted no time and dragged minjeong towards the bed, you sitting down on the edge while minjeong straddles your lap. her lips grazed against yours gently. the kiss was slow, steady and loving. minjeong’s small giggles as she presses her lips continuously on yours made your heart skip a few beats, god she was so cute. tiny little whimpers fell from her mouth as you relax into her touches. the feeling of your own body made minjeong moan, she loved feeling your curves, quite frankly she loved touching everywhere. from your neck, down to your collarbone, your arms, waist, hips, thighs, your entire body really.
the kiss gradually turned passionate, with minjeong grinding on your lower half while she deepens the kiss. her eyes opened, half lidded as she took your face in her hands and stared at your dazed expression. her lips parted again, smashing her lips onto yours as she kept rocking against your bulge “mmmngh… minjeong” you whined into her mouth, your bulge growing extremely hard and becoming undoubtedly uncomfortable against the fabric of your pants.
without even saying a word, minjeong gets off your lap, complaining to her that you miss her touch already, she laughs a little, the dissatisfied look on your face made her crack up knowing that she would clearly tend to your needs regardless. she knelt down at your legs, parting them open and slotting herself in between your thighs, face way too close to your crotch “jeongie?” you weakly call out for her.
“hm? what is it” jerking her head up while her hand reaches around to tease your cock.
“please” you whisper loud enough for her to hear you, but also quiet enough so that you wouldn’t get so embarrassed “i’m… feeling shy” that came as a surprise to minjeong, usually because you were the one making her feel embarrassed.
“hahah, cute. y/n we’ve done this so many times before, you’re so full of surprises today, aren't you” she says as she unzips your pants slowly. the adrenaline made your head feel fuzzy, after all it’s been months since you were intimate with her. your breath became shaky as she finally took your pants off, your hand covering your face as she fiddled with the elastic band of your briefs “relax y/n, i’ll make you feel good” finally pulling them down. your hard cock sprung up making minjeong exhale. she licked her lips hungrily, paying attention to how you were twitching without her even touching you.
“hurrryyy, minjeong i need you” your desperation was as clear as daylight. the way minjeong stared at you like a dumb puppy made you want to take her head and shove your cock so deep into her throat, but it was her birthday so you let her have control… for now. she acted dumb, asking how you wanted her, as if it wasn’t obvious enough. you pleaded, begged for her to use her mouth which you missed so much “jeongie, mouth… please” you whined. it didn’t help as she was having too much fun with teasing you, a smug smirk on her face, and if you weren’t on cloud nine already, you would’ve noticed a mischievous glint in her eye.
“hmmm, beg for it again. you sound so cute when you say please” she noted your uncharacteristic shyness and took advantage on it, laughing while she looks you straight in the eye. again, you covered your face, turning your head to look at the wall instead of her.
“don’t make me beg, anything but that. i’m embarrassed, please don’t make me beg” gripping onto the bed sheets when she moved her hand around your shaft “s-stop, i don’t wanna beg” you were the one to always tease her, karma, you guess. all that teasing you did finally came back to you, and now you were lost.
“but you want it don’t you?” yes, you did want it.
“p…please, want your mouth around my-” you caught yourself stuttering and slurring your words. the more you spoke, the faster minjeong stroked your cock “mmh, want it around m-my cock please” no words were exchanged afterwards. minjeong went straight to your cock, taking it all with ease. her tiny mouth was always so skilled when it came to pleasuring you. every single time that she sucked your dick, you were always so surprised that she could take your girthy length. seeing her mouth so full of you made you practically rock solid, even though you were pretty much as hard as you could get. she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pushed herself further, taking your dick all the way back to her throat, tip hitting it whenever she bobbed her head up and down. this caused you to grab her head with both of your hands, you let your head fall back all while she was suddenly very focused with swirling her tongue around your tip.
fuck, you wanted to fuck her mouth, hold her mid length hair into a ponytail and push your cock all the way in, chasing your own high and disregarding your girlfriends comfort, but you remembered that you wanted to let her do whatever. her endless switch up between fast to slow, to then slow to fast, and then fast to slow, made your head spin.
savouring the taste of your dick in her mouth, minjeong hummed in satisfaction, the low hum causing you to moan back in response. minjeong felt your thighs tensing, your hands tugging her head urging her to come closer, and your cock twitching inside of her mouth. you were oh so sensitive to the point where you couldn’t take the abrupt pace minjeong was going at “close- so close” you moaned out, careful that your voice wasn’t too loud just in case the people next to you could hear.
your breathing became irregular, sharp inhales and exhales as your legs begin to tremble “m..minjeong, gonna cum- i’m gonna cum” you sharply inhaled again before you called out minjeong’s name once more, cumming all in her mouth and holding her head still so that she could swallow it all.
minjeong gave you a few minutes to come down from your high. your legs were still shaky, but you managed to put your clothes back on before suggesting that you should go to the balcony to watch the fireworks. you left minjeong to it, taking pics of the cake while you wash up in the bathroom, which didn’t really take long. with new years in mind, you bought these cheap ass sparklers that you could possibly light up on the balcony. you weren’t too sure if you were allowed to use them, but it’s not like you were going to light it up inside of the actual hotel room. minjeong guided you excitedly to the balcony, hands intertwined and laughing like you were kids again.
“waaahh, the view from here is insane. i’m glad i booked this room in advance” taking in the fresh winters air “and the balcony is big enough for us to light this” you took out the sparklers from your bag with a childish grin on your face.
“awww cute, you bought sparklers as well” her eyes lighting up as she looks at the package “can we light them up now?”
“YES, yes we can- sorry i got excited” opening the sliding door to find the lighter you also packed, you came towards minjeong and asked her to hold the end of the sparkler, you did the same and lighted hers up first. minjeong took out her phone and recorded you lighting it up, her excited squeals being caught on video while you were in the back laughing as well. it was a sweet moment for the both of you, cherishing the last minutes of 2023 with each other.
the last spark, and then it went out. you both looked at eachother and went towards the railings, your shoulders touching each other as you both gaze at the skyline.
“i’m so glad i met you y/n, i can’t wait to spend another year with you. this time i hope we get a vacation or something, a few weeks off with you would be good enough for me”
“me too, i hope our schedules this year aren’t too heavy. i know hybe is like chill with us, but i don’t know about sm… oh well, i just hope we get to see each other more often”
[12:00am, the first of january 2024]
all of a sudden the bells chime, cheers from the people on the streets could be heard throughout the city, fireworks were being set off from every direction, painting the sky a beautiful colour. to see this with your lover was truly a blessing.
“minjeong…” you whisper again “happy birthday and a happy happy new years” you say sweetly before kissing her on the lips.
in all honesty, you still felt kind of horny. coming from behind minjeong to pull down her panties, the cold air hitting her inner thighs which made her jolt “w-wait, people can see us from up here” she said, swatting away your hands that were about to reach under her hoodie.
“no one’s gonna pay attention to us, everyone is focusing on celebrating new years. it’s only us” pressing your cock against her bare pussy. you unzip your pants again, letting it fall to the ground “plus it’s dark and we’re very high up, so no ones gonna notice our face either” you move aside her hair, pressing a kiss on her nape before you let your hands roam underneath her hoodie, and then under her bra.
“y… your hands are cold” her hands grabbing on tightly to the bars, attempting to stifle her moaning as you pinch and pull at her hardened nipples. ever so gently pushing your cock inside minjeongs already soaked pussy, you tease her asking if she got wet by sucking your cock. she reluctantly agrees by nodding her head
“go on, say that you got wet” that was karma for asking you to beg.
“i-i can’t, they’re gonna hear us” whispering under her breath while also attempting to keep her moans low. you reassure her that no one’s going to hear the two of you, it was just you and her alone in the moment and no one else “…fuck, fine… sucking your dick made me wet, you happy?” you moaned in response to that, smiling and saying “yes” while you slowly pumped in and out of her pussy.
you were clearly pussy drunk, your hips moved on their own, grinding your cock hard into her. minjeong felt warm and her pussy was tight, almost making you drool as you kept pushing in further and further. the sensation of minjeong clamping down on you made you almost moan too loud, catching yourself off guard you covered your hands just in case anyone heard you, ironic right.
i guess you could say the cold made minjeong even more needy, she wanted to keep you as close as possible, asking you to wrap your arms around her waist as you kept pounding into her tight pussy “y/n, y/n- keep going, feels amazing~” you assumed that you hit the spot that she loved oh so much, her moans becoming higher as you rammed harder.
“like this jeongie? mmgh.. you want me to fuck you like this, huh?” taking one hand out of her shirt to place it on top of one of her hands that were still gripping onto the steel metal bars.
“y/n- i’m close, so close… fuck me faster.. go faster” obeying her, you move as fast as you thought was needed, slightly bending her over. at this point you were getting too dizzy, knowing that you were also close to orgasming, you hold her waist, practically slamming her into your cock “oh god… about to— hnngh, cum” minjeong’s pussy throbbed and clenched around you so tightly that it made your eyes roll back, her legs spasming as she came around your cock, breathless as she called your name out weakly. you followed, grabbing her waist and pulling her in, not letting go so you can spill every last drop of semen inside of her.
“god… i’m… exhausted” you say between breaths. with new years over, and another plan to take minjeong out on a date when you wake up, you carry her back inside kissing her forehead “happy birthday again jeongie” smiling sweetly at her
“mmmm, thank you y/n”
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a/n: they at the cake as well don’t worryyy
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pixiesfz · 5 months
can u do reader x leah williamson where reader has a nightmare? xx
OFCOURSE I CAN! I’ve been having these weird dreams lately so I’m gonna play on that so this should be fun for me.
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plot: y/n keeps on having these series of dreams and Leah tries to help her out
warning: nightmares, mentions of stabbing and killing idk, I’m writing this on my phone.
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You woke away with a jolt as you caught your breath “again?” You whispered to yourself as you took in your surroundings.
You were at Leah’s and you hadn’t told her about your dreams yet but you thought they would go away if you were in her hands.
Maybe all those romance books you read were lies.
You took your time getting out of the bed, you didn’t want to wake up Leah and you tip toed your way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where you poured yourself a cup of water.
You sat on the couch with your now empty glass as you cuddled yourself. You could never sleep after a nightmare it was something you never grew out of.
But these nightmares lately weren’t very scary as such but you woke up so scared as if it was real.
“Y/n?” Leah’s voice filled the room as you looked behind to see your girlfriends blonde hair enter “I’m here” you said and you saw her walk into the room, her hair up but her bangs were fallen out, she looked beautiful and you smiled at the site.
“What you doing out here? She asked and you looked down “just had a weird dream is all” you shrugged “was it a nightmare?” she asked, now sitting down next to you.
“Sort of” you explained “but it’s just different” you said and she perked her head up “different how?” she asked and you shook your head “it doesn’t really matter it’s stupid anyways”
Leah put her hand on your hand which sat on your thigh “hey nothings stupid about a dream” she said and stroked your hand “well then it’s silly” you shrugged and she smiled “if the dream is big enough to take you out of my bed then it must be serious”
You smiled at her slightly dirty joke before leaning into her embrace and cuddling her side “can we talk about it in the morning?” You asked and she nodded “of course” she smiled and kissed your head “so you wanna sleep here?” her breath now fanning over your ear as you grew more comfortable on top of her.
You nodded with no words as your tiredness took over you and Leah smiled “okay”.
When you woke up you had to remind yourself of the night before and then you thought about the dream.
Leah deserved to know about it, you guys were getting serious and your sleepovers were slowly turning permanent.
“Leah?” You croaked out and she slid her hand through your strands of hair “yeah baby?” She asked “I’m ready to talk about the dream” you said and you felt her body nod.
“It starts out fine, I’m with you and the dogs and then I might be at work with the news crew and filming another weather show-“
You felt Leah softly laugh and you turned to her in a grin “don’t laugh this is my dream” you said and she nodded “sorry I still just find it funny that I bagged a weather girl” “shut up!”
“Okay then continue” Leah smiled and you sat on your elbows with Leah under you “like I said it starts early with me doing normal day things and then once I get home there’s always someone there with me, they have a mask on and their either trying to kill me or take something for me, at first it was scary but now I just wake up with my heart racing and shortness of breath almost as if-“
“You were in the dream” Leah finished for you and you nodded “yeah” you said and Leah smiled “I read something like this once” she said and you rolled your eyes “Leah buzzfeed does not mean actual facts” you laughed and she pointed at you “I actually learned this from a book actually.
“Oh yes your reading phase” you smiled and she now rolled her eyes “Like I was saying” she said and you smiled, looking up at your girlfriend “it could maybe be a warning”
“I’m going to be killed?” You asked and she crossed her head
“No, maybe you will get betrayed by someone that could explain the mask that this ‘person’ always has on that could resemble a person you are close with” you nodded at her words “or it couldn’t be” she said quickly.
“Or it could just be a vivid dream?” You asked and she nodded “some dreams just come for no reason” she explained “maybe your doing something in your daily life that you want to stop” she said “you did say they’re sometimes trying to take something”
“Yeah but” “No buts” she cut you off with a smile “If you have the dream again, wake me” she told you “but-“ “what did I just say about buts” and this time you laughed.
“Maybe he’s trying to take my house” you smiled and Leah smirked “What would you do if he took your house “Well I would stay with my girlfriend, she’s beautiful” you listed “she has these bangs that she complains about but I love and she also is the captain of the women’s England team how interesting-“
You were cut off with Leah’s lips on yours and you smiled into the kiss.
“Y/n” Leah said as she pulled away “yes?” You asked “Do you want to move in with me?” She smiled and your smirk grew “well of course” You said “but I would have to let my girlfriend know”
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dmwrites · 9 months
“Pearllllll, I’m bored.”
Gem all but draped herself over a nearby chair in Pearl’s living room, dislodging Olive the cat as she did so.
Pearl looked up at her from her notebook. “So I see. Tragic.” She looked back down at the pahe in front of her, underlined something.
“Pearrrrllll! I’m so bored!”
“You could go play a few rounds of decked out.” Pearl suggested, flipping a page.
“I already used all my shards for the week. And two of yours.” Gem complained, face-down in the seat, legs flailing out over the arm of the chair.
“You what?” Pearl looked up at her friend again, eyes wide.
“Nothing!” Gem coughed. “I just wanna annoy someone, cause some havoc.”
“Well you’re already succeeding at that.” Pearl muttered, putting her notebook to the side and looking at the mess of limbs that was Gem.
“Ugh. Impulse isn’t even around for me to bother, he’s too busy ‘hunting ghosts’ with Skizz and Scar and Grian. Why didn’t they invite me? I wish I could, like, haunt them or something. Possess one of their bodies and scare them.”
“Possession is easy.” Pearl said offhandedly.
“Pearlescentmoon! Do you know how to possess people?” Gem gasped, scrambling to a normal sitting position.
“Maybe…” Pearl giggled. “Who do you wanna possess?”
“Oh my god, Scar would be so funny to possess!” Gem said.
“I think we could manage that…” Pearl grinned, holding up a vial with a few bits of dark brown hair inside.
“How did you- actually, I don’t wanna know, I don’t want to have to go to court as a witness one day.” Gem said. “So, okay, how do we do this, then?”
Pearl pulled out a small, stained book from her bookshelf. “Leave it to me. Come back tonight.”
Gem and Pearl were sitting on Pearl’s floor in the dark, surrounded by candles. Gem was spooked already.
Pearl checked the time. “Alright, they should be there by now. You ready, Gem?”
“You still haven’t told me what we’re gonna do to put me inside of Scar.” Gem said.
“Simple. Drink this.” Pearl held out a bottle with a dull-looking potion sloshing around inside.
“What is this?” Gem took it and swirled it, frowning.
“Well, if you asked Scar when he downed the bottle I gave him earlier, it’s an energy drink. But it’s actually an awkward potion with a lock of your hair in it.”
“What? Ew!” Gem exclaimed.
“And you have the other, the one with Scar’s hair in it. If you want to possess Scar, that’s how you do it.” Pearl pointed at the bottle. “I’ll guard your body, as I’m sure Scar will be quite frightened to be so short.”
“Wait, he’s taking over my body? I don’t want him in me!”
Pearl snorted. “Ignoring that, what do you think happens to the other soul? It just hangs out? No, silly, it’s got to have a place to go. Scar’ll be fine, trust me. So, are we doing this or not?”
Gem took a deep breath. “This is insane. I should have just gone and killed Etho again. Whatever. Cheers, you weirdo.” She raised the bottle towards Pearl, and drank the entire potion down. For a moment, she and Pearl stared at each other. Then, darkness.
“Scar? You okay buddy?” Gem felt a cool hand on her face, gently slapping her awake.
Gem opened her eyes to find a dark haired man standing entirely too close to her face. His own face split into a grin.
“Scar’s alive, guys!”
“I knew he’d faint out of fear.” Grian’s voice came from a corner, not entirely hiding mild distain.
“Come on, man, let’s get you up.” Another voice, Impulse’s voice, came warmly from her other side, and Gem felt herself being picked up. She was set into a chair, and looked up at Impulse, Grian, and Skizzleman.
“Hi guys!” Gem said in her cheeriest voice.
Skizz screamed. Grian screamed louder and higher, clutching to Impulse’s arm. Impulse jumped backwards, falling on Grian, and they both hit the floor. Gem found the wheels of her chair and began moving around.
“Gem?” Impulse finally managed to stutter out, with Skizz and Grian hiding behind him. “Where’s Scar? And how are you… him?”
“Scar’s safe, don’t worry. Let’s go hunt some ghosts, boys!” Gem chirped, leading the way into the haunted house.
“Wha- Grian? Impulse? Rizzleman? Did I die? Hello?” Scar sat up, looking around the candle-strewn room in confusion. There was a movement in front of him, and a shadowy figure moved into the candlelight.
“Hello Scar. This is your own personal hell, where you have to pay for the sins of your shulker monsters.” Pearl said in a creepy voice.
“Nooooo!” Scar screamed. “I always knew it would end like this!”
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mondaymelon · 7 months
— 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 ♡
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໒꒱ || :feat~ albedo, kaeya, zhongli, childe, ayato, thoma, alhaitham, kaveh, wriothesley, neuvillette x gn!reader:
໒꒱ || notes: a new nation joins the mix !! please help there are too many what do i do when natlan appears?! ITS OKAY RAAAAH FLUFF FLUFF RAAHHH FLUFF CHILDE COMMITS MANSLAUGHTER AGAINST A FUCKING PUMPKIN RAHHHH @anonbinaryweirdo CHILDE IS BEING A SILLY ALL FOR YOU MWAH HApPY OLI DAY!!
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open!) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu, @achlysis, @swivy123, @solxima, @poweredbyghostadventures, @haliyamori
⤷ the seasons are changing, so let’s have some fun, shall we? ♡
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"Klee, don't run so fast..."
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ALBEDO sighed, yet his mouth curved upwards into a faint smile, one that could almost be mistaken as a laugh. Maybe it was. “Klee, if you’re going to run off like that, the Acting Grandmaster will certainly throw a fit about it.” There was little hope in soft threats against the child, but he had succeeded in capturing her attention, and she whipped around to look at the two of you, her bright beam dimming to a small pout.
“But Jean isn’t here! That means I can boom everything and she won’t put me in solitary confinement, right?” She gazed up fiercely at the two of you, her bold ruby eyes sparkling with daring excitement. The three of you had decided to take a little excursion to a nearby pumpkin farm at Jean’s insistence, saying that you especially had been overworking yourself with the new influx of tasks to do and that now they had stabilized, she could manage them for a day or two. She had been a little suspicious about it though, beaming the entire time and occasionally laughing at moments that weren’t remotely amusing. Her distracted gaze also kept glancing at Lisa, who had been shelving books with a devious smile. Just what is up with those two? You blamed it on the lack of sleep.
“Although…” she tilted her head, looking very thoughtful for a brief moment. “I’ll let you decide!” She ran over to you, clinging to your clothes with sparkling eyes. “What do you want to do? Just today, Spark Knight Klee will let you lead the adventure, ‘kay?” She was bouncing on her feet now, her expectant gaze a little too earnest.
“Klee, let’s be respectful…”
“Eh?? But… I want to be nice to your sweetheart!!” Klee pouted, cheeks flushed.
“S-Sweetheart…” Your mouth dropped open as the tiny girl let out a little ‘ah!’
“Oh no, I forgot I wasn’t supposed to tell you that! Shoot, Kaeya is going to be sooo mad!! Shhh, you didn’t hear anything, okay?? He definitely didn’t tell me that Albedo liked liked you, so please don’t snitch!” Klee held her hands over her mouth, looking rather apologetic as her round eyes threatened to burst into tears. Albedo sounded like he was choking.
“K-Klee, why don’t you go over and look at the pumpkins for a while? I’ll let you take home the biggest one you can find…” Albedo was clearly startled, his smooth speech interrupted with a stutter. As the girl eagerly dashed away towards the fields, he let out a long sigh. “I’m very sorry about that, it seems the Cavalry Captain has been saying some strange things to my little sister.”
You shook your head with a smile. “No, don’t be. It’ll be funny later on as we look back on it, although…” Your voice trailed off as what Klee had said flashed through your mind. In a voice barely above a whisper, you glanced up at him, “Is it true? Do you… feel that way for me?”
His breath caught in his throat, and he did not speak until three beats later. “I didn’t want you to find out this way, but now that it’s come to this…” He cleared his throat, returning his averted gaze to stare at you, his brilliant teal eyes meeting yours. Every movement of his lips entranced you, and you could feel the way your cheeks grew warm as his words slowly sunk in.
And it was true, he meant it. His body was living, breathing proof, even if his life wasn’t meant to exist in the first place. That was okay. He was okay with it all. If he could have you, then the origin of his life didn’t matter. At the very least, his existence could be filled with your warmth.
“I wish to be your partner.” ♡
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“Hm, this should be fun~”
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KAEYA appeared amused as he hummed with delight. The reason? Something a wine-lover like him was sure to enjoy - a winery tour, not Diluc’s, to ensure the maximum happiness of both brothers. The wind lightly breezed by, rustling the warm colored leaves that resemble tongues of fire. All around you, people trailed after the tour in front of the group, aimlessly chattering amongst themselves or dutifully nodding to whatever information the guide was saying at the moment. Did it really matter? In all honesty, you knew that Kaeya had come for the sole purpose of wine, and now that the two of you were here, nothing else really mattered. He glanced at you with a beam. “C’mon, what’s with the grouchy face? Don’t you think this will be fun?” Without much of a warning at all, he grabbed at your face, pinching and stretching your cheeks while he quietly laughed to himself.
“Hey, shtop-” You manage to wrench out of his grasp, rubbing your aching cheeks with a pointed glare directed towards the male. “You know I’m not a good drinker. I’ll pass out and then you’ll have to go through the trouble of carrying me all the way back…”
Kaeya blinks, then laughs. “Hey, it's only a winery tour, who said anything about actually drinking the wine?” He chuckles into his fist, tilting his head with a swift motion. “Although, I suppose it can’t really be helped…”
“Exactly. So if you see me drinking a little too much, you better tell me, alright?” You stared him down in the eye, a failed attempt at looking the slightest bit intimidating. “I don’t want to be all intoxicated and babbling all my secrets out for the world to hear. That’d be utterly mortifying.” Just the thought of you made a shiver course through your body, a detail Kaeya’s diligent gaze didn’t miss.
He let out a cheeky laugh. “Ah, I don’t know, wouldn’t that be funny to look back on later?” The two of you were walking side-by-side on the stone-pebbled path, and he skillfully swept your hand into his, fingers intertwined in a motion so fluid it almost felt like the two of you had done this in your past lives as well. “You know, you’re really cute when you’re drunk.”
Your mouth falls slightly ajar at his bold words, whipping your head to the people around you just in case they heard. They didn’t, and continued blabbering about the most useless things in the world - the ripeness of apples, the types of long grass that was near the fields, all that significant information that one typically could do without. “Kaeya!” Your voice is panicked as you whisper shout at him, eyes wide. You know your face is red, you can feel it, and it’s something that’s too easy to spot with an eye as trained as his. “Don’t say that kind of stuff in public! Besides, it’s not even true!”
Kaeya pouted like a little child, fake crocodile tears threatening to spill from his eyes despite his voice giving away his clear amusement. “Awww, but love, why not? Is it such a crime for me to profess my love to you in the great outdoors?”
“Ugh…” You sighed, turning away in an attempt to hide your flushed cheeks. “Kaeya, you know what you-”
Too late. He had grabbed onto your chin with a grin, carefully examining just how red he was able to make you.
“Haha, you don’t even have to drink wine, love. Your face is already red enough just from my presence!” ♡
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“Be careful. It’s hot.”
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ZHONGLI passes the cup to you with a soft smile on his lips, one that makes his amber eyes glow with warmth. “If I had known you liked tea, I would’ve brewed you some more often.” He holds his own teacup with a gloved hand, seeming indifferent to the heat he had just warned you about. “It’s a fine day, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is.” You took a sip of tea, reveling in its rich flavors that danced across your tongue. “A hot drink like this is a good way to spend it.” Zhongli’s smile was one of fondness as he nodded to your words. “On days like these, you can find solace in a book by the windowsill and a drink in your hand… Although I’d like to learn more about you. How do you like to spend your time?” You glanced up from the fluid in the cup and locked eyes with his gilded ones instead. 
“Are you curious?” You answered with a nod, and the male let out a low chuckle. “Honestly, while I’m knowledgeable in a few areas, how to pass time isn’t exactly one of them. If you asked me about Liyue’s traditions and legends, however…” He paused as he swirled the cup’s contents. “I could likely go for weeks on end.”
That was the kind of man he was. Stoic, yet warm-hearted, and with a surprisingly in-depth view on Liyue’s history and culture. Where he learned all of this, you had yet to figure out, but his presence in and of itself was something soothing you couldn’t quite describe. At times, you feared his tranquil way of speaking had been inflicted upon you, but that wasn’t a bad thing in the slightest. The way he spoke was like verses in a poem, well thought out, wise, experienced, and with gliding tones like the reddening leaves on the wind. The way he was able to move even the most cynical crowds with the sway and caring truth in his words was but one of the things you admired about the man. Someone like Zhongli must've been a person who had received the favor of Morax, considering how well-versed he was. It wouldn’t be a shock if it were true.
You smiled, propping up your chin on your elbow. “Then, amuse me.”
He shook his head gently, almost in a reprimanding manner. “I’d rather see you to your residency before the sky turns dark. It’d be a shame if I were to take up all hours of your day.”
The words flew from your mouth before you even had the chance to consider them. “Who said I wouldn’t want that?” With a panicked gaze, you watched as Zhongli’s expression shifted into a startled one. For once, the stone-firm man seemed to have been given the slightest of shoves. 
It was a moment before he responded. “Saying such things…”
“They are the truth.”
“...Very well, then shall I tell you a story?” Now, his eyes glittered with a distant, deep sadness that had appeared in the short instant of silence. You nodded your head, and he continued onwards, his words forming one great melody, one intertwined with a knowledge that transcended the earth yet persisted with a harmony of tightly knit feelings that you could never begin to unravel. “One about the god of contracts, and the god of dust, a very, very long time ago. Did you know how far Morax’s love went for the goddess? He held her with much reverence in his heart, yet one day, she flowed through his fingers like the dust she was. He was never able to tell her the truth that lay in his heart, and fell into a deep sorrow.”
He fell silent, and you cocked your head. “Then… Then what happened?”
Zhongli’s somber face brightened as he smiled at you, his shining umber gaze one that held something clearly important. “That…”
“His heart has healed, with the help of someone dear.” ♡
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"Against a pumpkin? Hah, that'll be an easy duel!"
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CHILDE’s arms are raised, hefting up a… weedwhacker? How’d he get his hands on that?? From what you heard, it was a newly designed kind of weapon, though for some reason used to cut grass, of all things, that had been recently shipped from Fontaine to various influential people around the globe for its first use. Apparently, Childe qualified as one of those people. That, or he had just beaten up someone who had, then plucked it from his grasp. Either way, it was certainly not a welcome sight. You just barely managed to wrench it out of his hands, though with grudging certainty you can tell that it’s only possible with him going easy on you. He laughed again, his shoulders raised in triumph. “C’mon, just let me at him!”
“‘He’ is a pumpkin, Childe. You are challenging an inanimate fruit to a duel.” You deadpanned at the sight, making sure to place the weapon far, far away from his reach. “We came here with a job to do, let’s not forget that. These are going to be important Halloween decorations around the harbor and Jade Chamber, remember? Lady Ningguang commissioned us… or rather, me, herself, and I’m not about to present her with a gouged out collection of gutted and ravaged pumpkins.”
The male pouted, visibly upset. “But. It was looking at me strangely! That thing clearly is itching for a fight, and all I’m doing is giving it one it deserves!”
Yet another cause for a long sigh. You could feel your willpower slip away with your exhale. “Childe, it’s not looking at you. Those were the guidelines I drew with ink. Please, for once, cooperate with me.”
He pauses, then his eyes twinkle, and you know with reluctant confidence that he’s thought up something stupid. Surprise, surprise! You receive your big, fat, green checkmark as soon as he opens his mouth to speak, his lips raised in a mischievous smile. “Only if you give me a kiss~” 
It was better to agree now, then change the promise afterwards. You nodded exasperatedly, “Alright, alright, now let’s-”
“Ah ah ah!” Childe tutted, raising his fingers to your lips to shush you. “Sorry, but I only receive upfront payment~!”
You resisted the urge to slap him in his painfully handsome face. His features were so perfect it hurt, with his deep ocean eyes and freckles dotting his skin like stars in the night sky. “Come here.” Instantly, he perks up, and you can just imagine him with dog ears and a wagging tail, a sight that almost makes you like him. “Mmmmwah.” You plant a kiss directly on his cheek, only leaving your lips on his skin for a brief moment before pulling away, trying to hide the growing red on your face. “There.”
“Wh- Ah, no fair, you can’t do it on the cheek!” Once Childe snaps out of his initial ecstasy, there of course comes the complaints. “Do it again, do it again!”
“You never specified where. Now get to carving.” It’s hard not to laugh when you see the growing, childish frown that crosses his expression.
“C’mon, kiss me just one more time?” ♡
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“Are you enjoying the view?”
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AYATO’s eyes twinkle with amusement, his light hair swaying gently in the cooling breeze. The wind had grown chillier in the weeks prior, but you had luckily dressed enough for the occasion, and the warmth of his and yours intertwined fingers was far enough sufficient to dispel any chills far, far away. 
“Mhm. It’s beautiful.” You weren’t lying, the courtyard garden the male had invited you to view was certainly a marvel to behold, the warmly tinted leaves dangling like fiery ornaments from the great wooden branches, yet at the moment your eyes could only linger on the light smile that graced the man’s lips. The corners of his mouth tugged upwards, a soft expression that made the colors around you seem all the more vivid. His lashes fluttered close, then blinked back open, his seas of violet underneath a breathtaking wonder more than anything else in this world. And the beauty mark the archons themselves had painted with such delicacy, just beside his eye.
Simply put, Ayato was a man of majesty.
Your man of majesty. 
It still astonished you how someone like him had chosen you, out of all people. The way your heart beat faster and words grew hastier when he was near was something you found impossible to deny.
“You say that, but continue gazing at me all the while.” He lets out a low chuckle, speaking nonchalantly. “There’s no need to needlessly flatter me like those Inazuman officials, who are always ever so desperate to gain my attention.”
“Ayato, that’s not my intention!” You pout in protest, jokingly offended that he had dared compare you to such foolishness. “Besides, it’s in no way ‘needless’! Your beauty must certainly be admired, or it’d be a waste of that pretty face of yours!”
His eyes widen a fraction as he stares at you with a slightly dumbstruck expression, that is, until he breaks into an uncharacteristically loud bout of laughter, one gloved hand over his mouth failing to mask his beam behind it.
“Ah-Ahahaha!” Ayato smiles into his fist, grinning to himself. This was what he loved about you, apart from everything. Your laugh, your smile, the abrupt way that broke apart from his somber lifestyle, all of it. “Beloved, sometimes I wonder how you’re able to come up with such things.”
“Why are you laughing? What I said was true.”
“Just like that, right there.” His smile only widens as his eyes twinkle at the sight of you.
“You're not finding this funny, are you??” You squint up at him accusingly, frowning. Ayato locks his gaze with yours, his lilac eyes against yours a captivating sensation.
“Funny? No, I could never. Beloved, you’re the most endearing of them all.” ♡
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“Now mix it together…mhm, just like that.”
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THOMA has a firm grip on your wrist, aiding your motions as you gently stir the fluffy batter. He’s standing behind you, his taller stature the slightest intimidating - that is, if you didn’t know Thoma at all. He’s one of the sweetest people you’ve met, especially in an originally hostile Inazuman environment. His spring green eyes sparkle as he releases his fingers, slowly taking the bowl from your grip. “Okay, I think it’s ready now!” He’s excited, and you can tell by the way the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiles. “Let me just adjust the fire, put it in, and then we can wait until it’s over. It should only take 10 minutes or so with this fancy new furnace Master Ayato installed the other day…”
He rambled onwards, skillfully multitasking spreading the batter on the pan, adding more fodder to the fire, and checking its temperature, all while still talking. Another fact about Thoma - he had much to say about people he admired. Although it was rather awkward to admit, it seemed that you were one of those, as Ayaka told you with a sheepish smile on her face how Thoma had chattered all about you while briefly cleaning her room. Well, not awkward, per se. It was a feeling that was hard to put a label on, just one that made you feel warm inside. Oh… was it because of his pyro vision? Perhaps that was why your face felt so hot at the moment, listening to him talk in his smooth voice and seeing the genuine interest in his gaze. “You’re pretty.” It hasn’t even struck you that you’ve said those words out loud until you realize that he’s stopped talking, and is now staring at you instead with round eyes and a mouth slightly ajar… that, and the growing red on his cheeks. 
“I-I…?” Thoma can’t even speak with how hard he’s stammering, like something out of a cartoon, and his face is completely flushed, to the point where you think he might be feverish instead of embarrassed. “Wh-Why are you saying things like that, all of a sudden…” He coughed into his fist stiffly, readjusting his posture and taking his oven gloves off. “Besides, between the two of us, no, out of all of Teyvat, you’re the prettiest.”
Maybe he hasn’t realized that he’s said those words out loud either, because his gaze is casted to the floor that’s going to burn from how hard he’s staring at it.
“You heard me, right?” Oh, it seems you were incorrect, he had meant for you to hear it. Is that why your heart was beating so fast?
“You’re the prettiest one.” ♡
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"You didn’t have to come.”
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ALHAITHAM’s sharp gaze is locked onto you as he gently holds his hands in yours - per your request. His skin is cool to the touch, just like the chilling air that’s causing his hair to ruffle. “I’m here on official business, so I’ll be here awhile. Are you certain you don’t want to head back home?”
“And listen to a sleepless Kaveh rant about building structures for the next four hours?” You scoffed playfully, leaning into his frame with a smile. “No thanks. Spending that time with you is absolutely the better option of the two.”
Al Haitham’s brows furrowed the slightest bit, and he turned his head away with a brief exhale. “If that’s what you want.” He’s acting with a mask of indifference, but you know him well, well enough to discern that he’s not being truthful to himself. There’s the slightest lean in his posture, how his eyes are just a little softer, and how his voice isn’t as stony as it should be - telltale signs that he was hoping for your presence in his long work shift. Whilst the blonde architect you knew complained day and night about the two of you’s shared roommate, he wasn’t unbearable at all… although, perhaps it was unfair to compare the two. After all… you thought with a faint smile. We’re lovers.
The ashen-haired male turned to you upon seeing the change in your expression. “Is something amusing?”
“Nothing, Haitham,” you replied, beaming innocently. “You’re just very handsome, is all.” The Haitham you knew was right here, at this moment. The way his eyes widened a fraction and the way his lips twitched, the way his cheeks remained pale but you knew his ears were painted rose under his headphones. It was a person the people around him who only yearned for his attention and status could never dream of seeing. A Haitham that was for you only. 
“...What has you saying those kinds of things? I’ve already told you not to mess around, and here we are.” Al Haitham sarcastically sighs, and you know its a fake. The negligible hesitance in his usually quick-witted response has his words trailing a half-second behind, a detrimental mistake enough to determine his flusteredness. Reading Al Haitham is like a game, where the answer key is provided to onl you.
“You looked like you wanted to hear it.” You smile sheepishly, clinging tighter onto his sleeve. He’s not radiating warmth by any means, but the faint heat that rises from his body is satisfactory enough for you to feel warm. 
“Hopeless.” He says, yet doesn’t move to pry you off his arm. “Utterly hopeless.”
In his gaze is a hidden secret that his mouth wouldn't dare speak.
He was the hopeless one. The fool hopelessly in love with you. ♡
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"Don't be scared, I'm right next to you!!"
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KAVEH certainly looked the part of a fearless boyfriend, with the way he’s clinging to your body and shaking like a leaf. It’s no secret that he’s utterly terrified, but you’ll let him live his fantasy that he’s fooling you, at the very least. The flickering bravery in his eyes had long disappeared the moment you stepped foot into the haunted castle, a surprising suggestion coming from his roommate Al Haitham, of all people. You had heard the rumors, and heard more than a couple mouthfuls of curses directed towards him on nights where Kaveh stumbled into your place, completely wasted and reeking of booze. It was only now, with begrudging admittance, that you could confirm their truth. To tell the architect of this “romantic” and “couple-bonding” journey through a new Sumerian attraction was all it took for Kaveh to completely jump on the idea. “H-Hey, stop walking so fast, I can’t keep up…!” The blonde looked quite pitiful, holding onto your shirt with tears pooling at his eyes as he struggled to keep up with your average-paced speed. “H-Haha, you must be terrified, to be running like this…!” His awkward laugh was quickly strangled into a high-pitched screech as a person dressed in ghosty blues and greens dropped down from the ceiling and dangled there ominously with a cackle.
Moments like these made you question how you had even become acquainted with him in the first place. 
“C-C’mon, let’s run, I-I’ll protect you!!” Despite his outward appearance being disheveled as could be, with his usual properly groomed hair strewn and sticking up all over the place and his sleeves bunching up near his elbows, he managed to wrestle his way behind you while sprinting away, so at the bare minimum, if they caught you, he would be the one to fall to their claws first.
Ah, perhaps this was why. The ever steadfast desire of his to make sure you, at least, were safe. That astounding selflessness that remained apparent even through the tears that clouded his wavering gaze. You resisted the urge to laugh as your dash slowed to a brisk pace, and instead pressed against Kaveh’s side with a smile.
“H-huh?” His voice was airy, out of breath, startled. Kaveh glanced at you, crimson eyes round and expectant. “What’s wrong…?”
“I’m scared.” Lying through your teeth was guilt-inducing, but the brightening beam on Kaveh’s newfound flushed expression just about swept it all away. “Let me hold you like this, o-okay?” You even added a stutter for an extra effect, which just about drove the arrow through his poor heart. Where was your oscar? You held onto his hand fearfully, staring up at him.
Kaveh, all of a sudden, seemed to have been invigorated like someone had pumped adrenaline directly into his system, that is, an energy called “l-o-v-e!” “A-Ahem! If-If that’s the case, very well! Stay behind me, and I’ll protect you! Ahahaha! No demons would dare even set foot near my… elemental powers!” 
“Oh, thank you Kaveh…” If he noticed the evident sarcasm in your voice, he pretended not to, and there wasn’t a single change in his dumbstruck expression.
“No need to thank me! If I were unable to shield you, what use of a lover would I be?” ♡
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"Look what I got...! It's for you."
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WRIOTHESLEY’s eyes sparkled as he presented a glossy red apple for your viewing, its smooth, unblemished exterior being handled with the most delicate touches in direct contrast to the silver studded gloves he usually wore. “Here, c’mon, try a- Ahem.” He cleared his throat, carefully straightening his posture. “Please take it.” 
It always amazed you how his dignity still tried to uphold somewhat of a “professional” view on this entire situation. Puzzling, indeed. Perhaps he was just paranoid that he’d be seen so giddy like this and be absolutely clowned on once word got around and he went back to work at the Fortress of Meropide. The prisoners must be harsh to control on a daily basis, considering how on more than a couple separate occasions the man would come home with cuts and bleeding knuckles, to which you’d scold him (gently) for a good half hour while bandaging them up. His personality shifts were nothing but unusual.
“If you insist? Thank you.” You took the apples from his hand, fingers brushing. It was a light contact, yet Wriothesley flinched all the same, able to contain the red on his cheeks but not the dusting of it on the tips of his ears. Lucky him, it was more or less covered by his white streaked hair anyways. He could only hope and pray that you didn’t catch the sight.
Spoiler alert: you did. His fingers were warm, despite him being a cryo user. Not unpleasantly warm, like a sweaty hand that makes you feel all gross inside, but a pleasant version of it, one that makes you want to pepper kisses all over his pretty face for just existing within your realm of life.
You had to hold back on indulging in those thoughts, however, as the currently posing as stoic Wriothesley was gazing into the distance with a dramatic expression. Ooh, should you compliment him? Perhaps he’d invent a new shade of red, then! It’d be a sight to see. As silly as the idea was, you didn’t exactly what to tease him right now, not when you could taste the crisp sweetness of the apple he had picked for you on your tongue.
A smile flitted across your face and he took notice of that, giving you a small smile of his own. “Is it good? Let me have a bite. Aahh~” He leaned forward, and opened his mouth, which slowly closed in the silence that ensued. It was hard not to laugh at how sheepish he looked, rubbing the back of his head with a silly grin that escaped his usual patrolling of expressions. Who would’ve thought that a man who worked at a prison day in and day out would be so into… cheesy things? No matter, it made your heart race all the same. 
Wriothesley had expected the crunch of an apple, if he was lucky and you didn’t leave him hanging in your confusion. What he hadn’t expected was the sweet taste of your lips against his, your warmth blending with his own, your arms around his shoulders and his around your waist. It’s warm, hot. Yes, he felt like he was burning, from the inside out, from every touch of your fingers to every movement of your mouth. Sweet.
“So? How is it?” You pulled away, wiping your mouth with a cheeky smile that made him want to kiss you again.
So he did.
“Sweet. Impossibly sweet, yet nowhere near sweeter than you.” ♡
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"Do you feel warmer if I hold you like this?"
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NEUVILLETTE has found his arms wrapped around your smaller frame before he can even come to his senses. Yes, that’s right… the two of you had decided to go on a brief outing, with promises that you’d show him more of the outside world and that he’d, in turn, accompany you on this little adventure. Except… the two of you hadn’t accounted for the weather to be this chilly, and while there was no rain, as there was never when the two of you were together, the sun’s stale light wasn’t sufficient enough to warm your frozen body. You said you were fine and that the two of you should just stop by the next sightseeing point in the trip, but his gaze is certainly nothing to laugh at. In an instant, you’re in his arms, and he finds you in his. You’re shaking, quivering, and he’s fucking upset at himself that he didn’t do anything sooner.
“Y-Yes, it’s warm now… thank you.” Your shaking has evidently subsided, and now you lean against his chest, rising and falling with every heave of his chest. With how close you are, body pressed together with his, can you hear his heartbeat? It’s loud in his own ears, and he’s paranoid you’ll hear it - the rise and fall of the water on the ocean shores, the choppy, erratic waves on a midnight black sea. He’s afraid you’ll hear his jumbled symphony and leave him before he can say what he wants to say to you the most.
Oh, but does he even mean it? He wished he could provide the question forever poisoning his thoughts with an answer, but no matter how much he inquires of his all-knowing archon, no matter how much he judges the cases of the land, no matter how much… he still can’t find a solution that will resolve his quaky heart. It’s a problem that lies in him, that’s something that’s at the very least certain. It cannot possibly be with you, you who is as bright as the sun and whose warmth is that of a clear summer day. A beautiful disposition that is unmatched with his gloomy one. Still, he’ll yearn for you until he makes sense of it. Neuvillette cannot bear himself not to try. He will make the scale just, so that the two of you may…
“Neuvi?” The call of your name for him snatches his wandering attention in an instant. He gazes down at your figure, wrapped into his coat tightly. “Are you okay? You’ve been looking distant for a while now.” The concern in your eyes lessens the concern in his heart, and he smiles softly at your words.
“Yes, I’m alright. If you want, should we stay like this the entire trip?”
“W-What?? No, I couldn’t possibly…!!”
Verdict complete. He’ll wait. Wait until the days pass and bring the months with it, he’ll watch the leaves sink to the ocean floor and he’ll wait for his heart to decide.
Oh, if only he could know the verdict of yours.
“If it’s for you, know that I’d be more than willing.” ♡
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(a/n) this reached the fucking image limit and i had to get rid of the dividers. i am so upset
anyways gotta love how they're all so romantic and childe is just like: mmm... murder... pumpkin... mmm.. screw chiscara and zhongchi . childe x pumpkin ftw (this is a joke) eek wrio feels so ooc im goinng to sob
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stxrrwritess · 8 months
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‘need some help?’
jax (the amazing digital circus) x reader smut
warnings : masturbation, hate fucking, porn w little to no plot, penis in vagina sex, reader is afab, slight degradation (use of slut & whore), creampie, probably ooc
words : 1,177
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Ever since appearing in this god forsaken circus, you and Jax have had constant back and forth bickering. It’s not to say you hated him, hate is a strong word. But, he definitely knew how to push your buttons and you couldn’t help but want to rip his head off sometimes.
You were in the main hall of the circus, talking to Ragatha while wandering around. You two had become pretty close since you got trapped in the circus. As you were walking, you were suddenly tripped over, falling flat onto your face. You looked up to see who the culprit was. Of course, it was Jax. Your face grew red with anger and embarrassment, as you picked yourself off the ground and dusted yourself off. “Oh, heya, toots. Didn’t see ya there, was jus’ stretchin’ my leg.” He grinned that shit eating grin, chuckling. You pointed an accusatory finger at him, as you spoke through gritted teeth, “You did that on purpose, asshole.” Before you could get another word in, Ragatha placed her hand on your shoulder, an indication that it wasn’t worth the fight. You sighed, and Jax walked off smugly. “Ugh. What a dick.” You grumbled under your breath, huffing as you crossed your arms. Ragatha seemed way too nonchalant with what had just happened, laughing softly. “Oh, come on Y/N. We all know you have a thing for him. Why don’t you just get it over with and tell him?” She asked, cocking a brow. You were gobsmacked. You? Like him? You batted your hand dismissively, a soft ‘psh’ sound escaping your mouth. “As if, Rags. You have to be kidding me. You couldn’t pay me to have any sort of feeling for him other than complete and utter dislike.”
What a lie.
Later that night, or rather, later (you couldn’t really tell the time in the digital circus. It was always a clash between both times.) You were in your room. You couldn’t help but think about what had happened earlier, and how Ragatha seemed to see right through your façade. All of the other residents were in the main hall, ‘eating’ a feast that Bubble had prepared after one of Caine’s silly adventures, and you had decided to sit this one out. Despite not even being allowed to curse in the digital circus, you wanted to experiment. You had made sure your door was locked, and slyly slinked your hand into your panties. Huh. The devs must be some sort of pervs, because you definitely felt something. You slid a finger into your heat, gasping softly at this oh so familiar feeling you hadn’t felt since getting stuck here. You began pumping your finger in and out, before adding a second. You were getting close to the edge, when you heard the doorknob of your door jiggle.
Jax had assumed you were with everyone else in the main hall, and thought it’d be funny to play a little prank on you. He jiggled your door open with one of his many keys, only to find you inside with your blanket loosely thrown over you, your eyes wide as you tried to wipe your slick into the covers. “Jax? What the fuck? What are you doing here?” You asked, your voice shaky as you panted slightly. “I-Uh, I thought you were with everyone else.” He stammered a little, feeling caught off guard to have walked in on you. He didn’t even know doing.. that was possible here. Guess you’d proven him wrong. You glared at him, wondering why he hadn’t left yet. He did the complete opposite, taking a step into your room and closing the door behind him, placing a hand on his hip. He chuckled dryly, looking you up and down as his grin grew wider. “You seriously gettin’ off in here while everyone else eats? What a whore.” He snickered, as he sauntered over to your bed. It’d be a lie to say the degradation didn’t make slick ooze down your naked thighs. “Need some help?”
“F-Fuck, Jax!” You whined breathily underneath him. Jax had you bent over, one hand supporting your waist up and the other tangled in your hair. His dick (that he just realised he’d had) slammed into you at a rough pace, and he leaned down to whisper into your ear. “Ah, ah, ah, don’t want your friends to hear you being stuffed full of the guy you pretend to hate, do you?” He moved one of his hands to cover your drool covered mouth with a laugh. You were barely able to form coherent thoughts, as a string of censored curses fell out of your mouth and soft gasps. You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, before he suddenly pulled out. You were about to protest, before he flipped you over onto your back. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder and shoved himself back into you, this new angle doing wonders, hitting all the right spots inside of you. “Fuck, s’too much!” You felt tears prick in your eyes as he kept jackhammering into you like an animal in heat, his dick hitting much deeper now. “Take it, slut. That’s right, milk my cock.” He grunted, as he continued fucking into you, his pace staggering slightly. He leaned down, latching his lips onto your neck as he began to mark you. You knew everyone would see it tomorrow, but that was the least of your worries at this point. “You’re such a little whore , y’know that? Pretendin’ ya hate me, but I know ya were thinkin’ bout me when ya were in here gettin’ yerself off. Admit it.” His voice was strained as he panted into your ear. You could barely form the words, all that as coming out was, “Y-Yes, I was, j-just don’t stop!” You begged, your hands finding his back, scratching him slightly as you tried to hold on. He took that too literally, as he picked up his pace once more. “C-Close. I’m close, Jax.” You moaned into his ear, before coming undone around him. He kept thrusting in and out, fucking you through your orgasm until he came inside you. He stopped, as he rode out his own climax, filling you up in the process. He had his head in the crook of your neck, and you could feel his hot breath on your skin as he finished. “Haah, fuck, toots, didn’t take ya for a slut.” He said with a slight laugh, before pulling out of you and laying next to you on the bed. “Soo.. Still hate me?” He snickered, and you gave him a little too hard of a nudge to the stomach. “Shut the fuck up. Don’t push your luck before I kick you out.” You grumbled, but cuddled up against him all the same. “Fine. I was gonna offer to help you out more often, but guess not.” He teased, as he put an arm around you.
Maybe you two didn’t hate each other that much after all.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
a/n : first smut fic i’ve ever written ! apologies if it was lowkey bad i just felt goofy . i’ll probably start getting more active on here but don’t hold me to that bcs i always forget i even have a tumblr page LOL
anyways hope you enjoyed 💥
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eveledoze · 2 months
spoilers for ep7 ! things about N and Uzi i wanted to point out 2/?
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I like that he smiled at Nori's words, as if he himself met his old friend. but in reality it's not that cool. he seemed familiar to her, so did she see him before? again thoughts that it was he who killed her body huh (while her heart remained alive)
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Nori turned out to be not as silly and playful as we all thought (which is sad a lil bit), but on the other hand she is quite a badass and confident woman. and it makes me wonder more about what she saw in Khan... but hey, despite some time apart she calls him hunk! i hope that if she is reunited with him, she will find a new body for herself, since it will be awkward to meet only the heart of your wife-
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hearing N say Khan's name, Nori becomes tense. what kind of friends does my daughter have huh
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after Nori tells a little story, N acts sweet and friendly as always, clapping for her, and Nori throws a rock at him, telling him to stop. i love how much she looks like her daughter, she does things to make N stop doing stupid things btw it’s funny that she, being a small body, chained him, such a big one, to the wall with a pickaxe for safety
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when she asks who is the host of the solver at the moment, N smiles slightly, saying "Uzi", despite the fact that the situation is tense
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ok, I didn’t understand this moment right away, but now I understand. "which one (Doll or Uzi) tried to eat us right now?" he realizes that it is none of them
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he says in such a joyful tone “she will fall when she finds out that I met her mother” :з but then Nori pinned him to the wall again, forcing him to remain silent about it. it's funny how she openly admits that she is the cause of all the nightmares in Uzi's life, so she thinks that if Uzi finds out she is alive, it will cause problems. N says in a decisive tone that he doesn't want to keep secrets from Uzi anymore, since he has already seen what this can lead to - a loss of trust. the moment from ep2 when he wanted to touch her shoulder, but she backed away, and when just recently he went to her, but she stepped back. seeing your loved one afraid of you and losing trust in you is a very painful thing
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she presses the cross on him so hard that cracks appear on the ground, she is really serious
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N promises, after which she looks a little surprised and as if grateful, but then she realizes that there will be some kind of catch
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and she's not wrong. he got out of this situation so that he didn’t have to lie to Uzi and keep everything secret. Nori rolls her eye, realizing that it couldn’t have been otherwise and this guy wouldn’t be convinced and yeah she said THE LIINEEE
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wild N oh........that's something I think Nori told N that there is a way to weaken the solver so that it does not cause problems. and since he guessed that Tessa knew about this, now her pressure for N to choose the universe and not the little drone sounds strange. if it is possible to weaken/ get rid of/ heal of the solver, then why kill Uzi? and Tessa had a clear desire to get rid of the Uzi. in essence, she gave him free rein, saying that he will make the choice, but at the same time she said that he would have to choose the universe
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after which he cuts off her head, with an X on his visor. it was intense. the robot disobeyed his boss and a good friend. not fully understanding who the person you knew for a long time was. did you make the right choice
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he immediately woke up from shock when he saw Uzi's hand on the cross and started helping her get up. his voice sounds pitiful, worried, but at the same time joyful, since he saw her again after what happened. N's voice trembles a little, but he still sounds sincere. he doesn't want to scare her off again
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oh yeah and now that line is heartbreaking- he extends his hand to her, he needs her and emphasizes the word "you"
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when watching the teaser his "together?..." at the end of the phrase sounded uncertain, pleading, as if he wasn’t sure that she would agree to solve everything together. but now, watching it, I hear in his “together?” hope and joy, as if he understands that it is with her that he can overcome everything and figure things out, and he is glad that he was able to find her and she did not reject him. at the words "to figure things out.." he sounds uncertain, lost and a little sad, but then he sees her placing her hand in his. his cross disappears and at the same time he blushes. she was able to calm him down from shock simply by touching his hand.
i know that before this I made a post “if a character blushes it doesn’t mean they're in love” and I’m a little embarrassed, but damn.. it really looks like that in here, right? we know that Uzi was the first one who started to fall in love with him and after some time he started to develop feelings for her. and at this point he may have accepted it
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and should I mention that they immediately lace their fingers together, whereas the last time they held hands it was very awkward for them?
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and then he smiles
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Phone Fun
Pairing  ::  Tangerine x  fem!Reader
Warnings  ::     18+ Content, SMUT/NSFW, Phone sex, Masturbation(F&M)
Word Count  ::  1310
Summary  ::  Tangerine’s been gone for a while and you each miss each other a lot
A/N  ::  I KNOW I’VE BEEN GONE FOR LIKE EVER BUT we should have all accepted by now this is the type of person I am. I am sorry. Please forgive me for my laziness.
It’s not funny like at all how quickly I became a slut for this man. I even bought the book Bullet Train so I could get more of him. I also might make a small/mini series for him bc I think it’s hilarious if he dated someone who had no clue he was an assassin.
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Tangerine is a professional. He does his job by the book(at least to the best of his abilities, given his line of work), quick and easy. He isn't the type to make mistakes or take risks. With that being said, he does everything he can to keep his work life and private life completely separate, even if that means lying to the person he loves most.
You hadn’t the slightest clue as to who he actually was. Everything you knew about him was an intricately fabricated lie of a life he created for you to believe. For starters, he told you his name was Gordon, and Lemon’s was Thomas. Lemon was happy he used names from Thomas The Tank Engine but would’ve preferred they had gone by Donald and Douglas since they’re brothers. Then, he told you he and Lemon both worked for a private security service firm that worked high-profile jobs. With this lie, you never questioned when he traveled to foreign countries for various periods of time. However, this also led you to presume he worked somewhat normal hours.
On more than one occasion, you called Tangerine while he was in the middle of work, and being the worry-wort he was when it came to you, he immediately answered after scrambling to find a decently quiet place to talk to you. Luckily, the calls were never because anything had happened to you or you somehow magically learned about the double-life he led and now wished to cut all ties with the contract-killer. Typically it was because you simply missed him and walked to talk to him for a bit, making sure he was okay.
Lemon always thought a simple text would have sufficed rather than a call. When he told Tangerine to tell you so, he received a menacing glare in response. After that, he completely threw out the thought of convincing him to tell you the truth.
Today’s call was not normal though.
“God am I glad you called.” Tangerine sat down on his bed, glad Lemon was out grabbing food so he could have a private chat.
You were able to hear clearly through the phone his exhaustion. “Was it rough today?”
He let out a deep sigh, earning a small chuckle. “You have no idea love.”
“You’ll be home soon, right?”
“Yeah, in two days.”
“I miss you so much.”
He was gone for nearly a month, jobs booked back-to-back. Before this, the longest he had been away was barely under two weeks.
Tangerine was looking forward to engulfing you in a large hug and pressing his lips against you in a passionate kiss. You never admitted it, but you became quite needy whenever he was gone. He never had any complaints since the sex when he got when he came back was always amazing. He couldn’t wait to toss you onto the bed, though he doubted if you two would make it to your room before you started your fun.
“This is gonna sound silly but…” You were hesitating. He was sure you had that shy smile you always put on when you were embarrassed right now. “I’m only wearing one of your button-ups right now.”
Only. That word rang in his head like a bell. “Oh really?”
Even though you knew he was returning soon, you were still incredibly lonely. Without thinking you grabbed one of his shirts and immediately a small smile formed due to the familiar scent that lingered. He didn’t use harsh over-bearing cologne that had multiple ingredients mixed creating a headache of a smell. Rather, he used a simple citrus herbal mix. Hints of orange and lemon hid under a woodsy scent with a slight spice.
Then, a slightly devious plan formed in your head, leading you to this very moment.
“Mhm.” You bit your lip, trying not to smile even though he couldn’t see you.
“And what are you doing right now?”
“What do you think I’m doing?”
“I think you’re waiting in bed for me to come fuck you.” The sudden drop in tone shot a tingle down your spine, the warmth between your thighs growing.
“Have you started touching yourself?”
“Not yet.”
“Why not?”
“Because I wanted to tease you.”
A dark laugh left his lips. “You know I don’t enjoy being teased love.”
Whenever you made the reckless decision to tease him, he would often end up turning the tables and turned you into a moaning mess. Sometimes you did it on accident, other times it was on purpose because you loved how worked up he’d get.
You let out a soft hum, starting by massaging your breasts. “Don’t worry, I’ll go nice and slow so you know everything I’m doing.” You pinched your nipples, rolling them between your fingers.
You always knew how to turn him on. It was truly a gift you had. Hearing your small satisfied hums, he began to grow hard and found himself palming the bulge in his pants that was forming.
One of your hands traveled downwards to start rubbing your wet folds. “Hnng...” You imagined he was here with you, taking care of your needs. You rubbed a small circle around your clit, doing your best to enjoy the moment instead of speedily making yourself cum.
Hearing a small zip and fabric moving, you knew he was doing the same. He began stroking his length, remembering the tightness of your cunt.
You were growing wetter by the second, so when you moved your other hand down to insert a finger a soft sucking sound of the mess you were creating was now heard. This caused his dick to twitch, eager to be wrapped around you.
You stopped rubbing your clit momentarily to stick in a second finger and begin pumping, hoping the wet sounds would excite him. Precum began beading at the top of his cock so he used it to help lubricate his shaft. Going at a pace that matched yours, his grip was tight but paled in comparison to your cunt.
Both of you could hear the other’s desperation in your moans. You each wanted to touch one another so badly but had to suffice with the situation at hand.
Deciding you needed more friction, you pulled your fingers out and sat up.
“What are you doing now, love?”
Shamelessly you replied, “I’m going to ride your pillow darling.”
“Fuck.” His balls tightened.
As your hips began rocking back and forth on his pillow, he began to thrust up in the air, each of you pretending you were riding him now.
Growing closer, you started rubbing your clit again, your fingers moving much harsher than before. He was also getting ready to cum, so he quickly threw off his vest and unbuttoned his shirt so that way they wouldn’t get ruined.
Your paced hips grew sloppy and your panting much louder. His groaning was becoming deeper, pumping and thrusting as if he was fucking.
The heat building in your stomach was begging to be released. You stopped moving, straddling the pillow with your hand between your legs. Your hand moved quickly across your clit until the tingling sensation finally broke. Your entire body tensed up, continuing to press firmly against the sensitive nub while your pussy clenched to release.
With his own muscles tense, hearing your cry of pleasure his cock twitched again, finally ready to cum. His tight sack finally contracted, releasing hot shots of cum that landed right on his abdomen. He released his hold, his cock continuing to jump as his entire load came out.
The only thing that could be heard now were the small breaths you were each taking to compose yourselves.
“Well this was fun,” You said while flopping onto your back.
“Fun, but not as good as the real deal.”
“Two more days until then.”
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xxblairexxss · 11 months
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x reader
Theme : Fluff
In which you asked your boyfriend to try your cooking but ended up giving him a trauma.
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“Charles! Can you come here for a second?”
You gave the soup one final stir before turning the stove to a medium heat. You could hear your boyfriend’s steps as he made his way to you. Charles had always been so excited to try your cooking. Whenever you called him while you were in the kitchen, he knew it had something to do with the food. Sometimes he would give it a compliment before he even tasted it, claiming that you could never make anything tastes bad.
“It smells so good, baby!”
“You should try it first! I’m not sure about this one.” You lifted a spoonful of the potato leek soup up to your lips to cool it down before feeding it to Charles.
“You are a good cook, baby. Everything you make tastes good.”
“Stop with the compliment! Taste it first.”
Unknown to him, you had actually dissolved an amount of salt in the spoonful of soup before you fed him. You couldn’t even swallow the soup when you gave it a taste earlier so surely, Charles would spit it out in an instant too, right? Unless if he wanted to be a good boyfriend.
“Is it still hot?”
“No, I cooled it down already.” You saw Charles opened his mouth and consumed the soup with no second thoughts.
You could see him trying so hard to control his facial expression but few of the attempts went down the drain as you saw his brows furrowed when he turned his face away.
“Did it taste really bad….?”
Charles remained silent but his face was still contorted, looking as if he was in a great affliction as he immediately went to get himself a glass of water and gurgled on it before chugging it down.
“How rude?! Did you really have to do that?”
“Do what?”
“That! You freaking gurgled the water! Did you think I would miss that?”
He placed the mug away and wiped on his mouth before shrugging his shoulders at you. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Oh, you liar!”
“Have you tasted it?” He cocked his brow in a jaunty way and pointed at the soup.
“Yeah, obviously I tasted it first.”
“And you didn’t feel like you have to wash your throat?”
“No, it was fine to me.”
“Are we talking about the same dish?”
You rolled your eyes to his question and dipped the ladle into the pot to fill up your spoon with the soup and swallowed it.
“Wait, you gonna die!” Charles stepped closer and was going to pull the spoon away before you could taste it but you were faster.
“You sure love to overreact, silly!”
“How are you fine?!” He cried out when your face didn’t contorted in the same way he did.
“Because it tasted fine to me! Here, give it another taste.” You used the ladle to refill the spoon and handed it to him but he stepped away. Not in disgust but in fear.
You were going to laugh at his reaction because it was so adorable but you hold it in and scowled at him defiantly. “Charles Leclerc. Why are you acting as if I’m poisoning you?”
“No, I’m not. I’m just…full.”
“All of sudden?” You bursted out laughing but he didn’t find it funny so he was just looking at you in disbelief.
“I don’t think it’s funny, baby. It tasted like something I have never tasted before. I don’t think anyone can messed up their cooking to that extend even with eyes at the back of their head. I’m not joking.” He took the spoon away from you so you could stop shoving it in his mouth.
“I’m sorry, honey. It was the salt!” You cackled with laughter and pinched on his cheek.
“It was the what?”
“The salt! I put tons of it on purpose to see how far you would go to take care of my feelings. Turned out you didn’t even care.” You jutted out your lower lips and punched him on his chest.
“Ow!” Charles winced and took your hand in his to plant a kiss on your palm. “I’m sorry, baby. I tried to control my expression but I could feel myself getting light-headed and I thought I was gonna faint so I lost control of my body.”
“Excuses, excuses.” You playfully sticked your tongue out at him and gave his chest another punch.
“It was the truth!”
“Give it another taste, honey! No more salt this time I promise.”
“No, I’ll pass. I think you might just gave me a trauma.”
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chosoguapo · 6 months
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𝒥𝒥𝒦 𝑀𝐸𝒩 𝒲𝐼𝒯𝐻 𝒮𝒜𝒩𝑅𝐼𝒪 𝒢𝐼𝑅𝐿𝐹𝑅𝐼𝐸𝒩𝒟𝒮 x black fems! ⤷ content: just a lot of fluff really and some suggestive stuff but nothing descriptive. itadori & megumi are aged up to 18 (to seem more exclusive since i think you can imagine them like this at anytime), but it’s all for fluff reasons. Merry Christmas ❤️💚🤍
signed mumu . . . just fun hdcs with our favorite jjk men, some suggestive content, but nothing overly descriptive. any kind of support is appreciated buns <3 @hoori @ifuckslasherz @scarfac3 @sukuette @pekejs @yeagersex | banner credit to @cafekitsune
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itadori with a hello kitty girlfriend
❤︎ we saw this coming, what can i say two main characters belong together. you both enjoy being out all the time, whether that’s just spending time with each or friends. just being out and about with each other.
❤︎ a lot of times people like to think itadori doesn’t have a girlfriend when he mentions he does have one. the way he goes on and on to brag about you to his closest friends. you’d think you’re some fictional character from a game, but no you are his and only his!
megumi with a pochacco girlfriend
❤︎ there is never a dull moment between the two of you. as you both can make the smallest things into a competition between each other. let anyone simply ask “who’s better at ___?” you both are jumping at the opportunity to beat the others ass.
❤︎ the way you two ended up together is a mystery to yourself, but also so funny. your brother was a delinquent that often got into arguments with other students. just this one time he decided to bother megumi which didn’t end well for him. of course you went to go stand up for your brother and cuss out the jackass you put his hands on your family. but let’s just say…. you got completely distracted and ended up bonding with the guy? you overheard him talking about one of your favorite special interests and couldn’t help but join in. it’s rare that you find someone else who deeply loves something like you.
nanami with a melody girlfriend
❤︎ nanami with his melody girlfriend are such a odd but complimenting couple. the both of you have an understanding, you love being the “traditional girlfriend” while he loves being a “traditional boyfriend.” basically he provides for you while you spend his money on all your precious desires (he prefers it this way).
❤︎ often you find yourself on top of nanami almost every night. often you find yourself having silly little nightmares from recent horror movies you’ve watched, but nanami is always there to comfort you. he hovers over, without letting you feel any of his weight. “here take melody” he tucks her into you and kiss you on the head before cuddling up with you.
geto with batz a maru girlfriend
❤︎ oh boy! two people who look like absolute meanies but care so deeply for the ones who know them best. relationship consists of you two constantly picking on each other or just plain embarrassing the other.
❤︎ geto’s most fondest memory with you is when you both first met for a blind date. it was at a bar that is now only but a block away from where you both call home. he remembers you getting so drunk that you couldn’t even properly write your signature that night. geto had never seen someone show how genuine they are with their real personality, jokes, and being loud as hell. he loved that you didn’t feel the need to hide yourself for others benefit.
gojo with a cinnamoroll girlfriend
❤︎ you know how everyone loves the girlfriend that speaks for their boyfriend when the waiter gets his food wrong? well that’s the dynamic you and gojo have, but he’s the one who speaks up for you.
❤︎ sometimes you find that a lot of your cinnamoroll plushies are missing and that because of no one other than you boyfriend. gojo enjoys taking them and putting them in his office to dress them up as a mini version of him. “doesn’t he look way better with my shades on” he proudly displays cinnamoroll with a mini version of the outfit he has on.
sukuna with a kuromi girlfriend
❤︎ naturally sukuna would gravitate towards a kuromi girl. someone that’s just as rebellious and mischievous as him, but also girly at the same time.
❤︎ sukuna loves getting reactions out of you. something like hiding your favorite plushie. can get you so heated and he loves seeing that side of you come out. when you come to him to ask where he placed it, he always pretends he has no clue as to what you’re chatting about. “oh, you’re talking about that black and purple plushies of yours right?” “yes!” “ i don’t recall ever seeing it love” he says with a wink.
choso with a mocha girlfriend
❤︎ you two are the perfect example of a pink aesthetic girlfriend with a black aesthetic boyfriend. do people constantly question you both being together because of your different aesthetics? yes, but doesn’t choso give them a death stare for it? absolutely yes!
❤︎ choso is too shy to admit it to you but he loves cuddling you or just being able to touch you in anyway you allow him to. he prefers to sleep in your room filled up to the brim with pink and he cherishes every second of it.
toji with a choco cat girlfriend
❤︎ a mischievous and carrying boyfriend with the laid back girlfriend that’s friendly. dare i say that how toji acts with you is like a golden retriever but in a black cat form. he’s does all the carrying and doting things regular boyfriends do, but he always had to remind you who he is at heart. which is a childish man with a fat cock!
❤︎ toji knows how self-conscious you get when going to the gym. not because of the curves you possess, but because you feel like you’re doing the workouts completely wrong. which is why he always has to be your hype man at the gym. while your taking pictures for your social media hes right behind you slapping your ass. “beautiful just beautiful” he says as he slaps your ass again and leaving a kiss on your cheek.
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harlowcomehome · 8 months
Lies and football games:
Based off @velvetstreets anon.
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Jack covered your eyes with his large hands, as he guided you to his jeep.
“Do you trust me?”
“Eyelashes babe! Be careful!” You tried prying his hands off of you, but there was no budge.
“That's why I’m not using a blindfold” he laughed. “Promise to keep your eyes closed until we get there?”
“Mmm, how long is the drive?”
“Baby!” He groaned with a hint of laughter in his voice. “Twenty minutes!”
“I’m going to fall asleep!” You continued to complain the entire way there, Jack didn’t mind it, he found it funny and cute.
“We are here, but don’t open your eyes yet” he leaned over to kiss your cheek, startling you slightly as he got out of the car to meet you on your side.
“Don’t you dare let me fall Jackman!” You said half joking but nervous.
“Never” he smiled as he held you tight, guiding you to the hot air balloon.
You felt the warmth of the fire and started to get nervous wondering what he was up to.
“Can I open my eyes now?”
“Oh yeah! Sorry!” He laughed to himself realizing he had never told you to open them.
You backed up a little, looking up at the balloon itself. “We get to go inside the basket?”
“Yup!” He smiled as the instructor helped the two of you inside, Jack let you go first so he could help hoist you up if you needed it.
As the sound of the fire filling the balloon was behind you, you couldn’t help but smile ear to ear.
“You always go all out” You leaned into him as the two of you took in the scenery around you. He was pressed against your back, holding you as the breeze made you shiver.
“You’re not afraid of heights, are you? This would probably be the worst time to ask” Jack laughed and you felt his chest and stomach bounce against your back.
“I’ve never been in a situation to find out. I guess I just won’t look down” you giggled.
As the ride was coming to a close, Jack whispered in your ear “Happy six-month anniversary baby.”
You turned to him, wide-eyed as the look of shock overcame you.
“You remembered?”
“I was waiting for you to say something all day! I knew you had it written in your planner” he teased, poking your side and making you laugh.
“You’re very sneaky Harlow” You leaned in to kiss him, thanking the hot air balloon pilot before walking back to the jeep.
Today marked your seven-month anniversary with Jack, you knew that wasn’t really a thing and the reason why he went all out for six months was because it was half of a year but you couldn’t help yourself.
Jack's schedule was a lot harder to work around than your own so the element of surprise was harder and near impossible to do.
“Hey, baby?” You approached him as he sat at one of the many workstations he set up in your apartment.
“Mhm?” He was barely listening trying to figure out something in his head.
“So on Saturday don’t make any plans okay?”
“I won’t” he mumbled, scribbling something down and giving you a small smile. The vein in his neck was protruding so you knew he was overwhelmed with work. You gave him a quick kiss to calm him down.
“You staying here this weekend?”
“Of course” he smiled as you shut the door.
Friday night, you overheard Jack and Urban discussing a football game, you had only assumed they were talking about Monday night football. You weren’t into football much but you were trying to keep up with the days it was on TV.
“I can’t wait for tomorrow babe” You kissed Jack's nose while the two of you were getting into bed.
“Yeah, same!” Jack had no idea what you were referring to and was hoping he’d get some sort of clarity soon.
“I told her to be here at like four, that way we can start the private class in the evening and then have dinner after!”
Jack realized now that he had agreed to something blindly the other night, regretting his decision knowing he wanted nothing more than to go to the game.
“What kind of class is it again? I forgot babe.”
“Art silly! We’re making clay sculptures!” You giggled, as you shut the lights off.
He was internally screaming, he had forgot about this plan and wasn’t sure how to break the news.
It was five in the morning when you were awoken by the sound of Jack coughing in the bathroom.
He had a nightmare and used it as an opportunity to wake up and set the scene.
You woke up, shuffling to the bathroom as you lightly knocked on the door.
“Baby? You okay?”
Jack sniffled “Yeah baby, I woke up feeling super congested.” He tried to disguise his voice as he spoke to you through the door.
“Do you need to sleep it off?”
“I don’t want to get you sick sweetheart. I should probably go stay at my place.”
“It’s that bad? Baby! Stay here! Let me take care of you today.” You hated knowing he didn’t feel well and hoped he’d let you take care of him.
“Maybe I should just sleep some more” he came out of the bathroom, his curls a mess as his pajama pants hung loosely off his hips.
You checked his forehead with your hand. “You’re not warm. Maybe it’s just the weather.” You guided him back to bed, being the big spoon for once.
When you woke up for the day you realized the bed was empty. You called out his name, but the house was silent in return.
You checked your phone and saw a message from Jack.
Baby 💙: I’m going to go home. I’m starting to feel worse and don’t want you to catch my cold.
You text him back letting him know you were awake and going to get some things done around the house.
Meanwhile, Jack was at Urbans house talking to the guys.
“You should’ve just been honest about it” Urban laughed knowing damn well that this wasn’t going to play out how Jack hoped.
“Just block her from watching your stories and I’ll keep it low key!”
“You are aware you’re a celebrity right? You’re going to be all over the TV.” Copelan laughed.
“Just make sure she can’t see your stories! She doesn’t even watch football!” Jack rolled his eyes.
As the night went on, you decided to go to the grocery store. You wanted to make Jack soup, the last few times he had been sick he raved about it and you wanted to surprise him.
It wasn’t until you were at the store that you realized there were fans decked out in football jerseys and face paint.
You walked the aisles, curious about the football game tonight. You quickly googled and realized that Louisville was playing Notre Dame tonight.
Your gut now told you Jack was lying about being sick so he could go but you tried to give him the benefit of the doubt knowing he did actually sound sick this morning.
You went home, starting the soup and calling Jack in the process.
“Hello?” Jack sniffled, followed by a weak cough.
“Baby, were you sleeping?”
“Yeah, babe. I’m sorry, is everything okay?”
“Yeah baby, I was just checking on you. Go back to sleep, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The phone call ended and you felt guilty for thinking he’d lie, continuing to make the soup before turning on the TV for background noise.
Jack on the other hand released the breath he was holding as his friends laughed and shook their heads at him.
While the soup boiled you sat on the couch, flipping through channels until you landed on the football game.
“I guess I’ll watch this” you giggled, knowing Jack would be so proud. You had been trying to get into football for him.
It wasn’t until the third quarter when the soup was done that you saw Jack in the background of a crowd. He was trying to blend in, but Copelans' tattoos made it kind of hard to miss them.
“Oh fuck no” you groaned, having the sudden urge to pack the soup up and go to Jack's place. You had a key, so it wouldn’t be like you were just showing up.
You snapped a photo of the TV screen for proof.
You then put the soup in a container, got dressed, and drove to his apartment. Hiding your car in his parking garage, you slammed the door shut and made your way to his place.
You set the soup down on the coffee table in front of you and turned the TV on, noticing that the game was ending and he’d be home within the next hour or so. You waited in his living room, thinking of everything you wanted to say to him.
When Jack got home, his friends came with him. The group laughed and cheered about the win.
You could hear them coming and turned off all the lights. When the door unlocked you were sat in the middle of the living room with the soup in your lap and a death stare that could intimidate anyone.
Jack turned on the lights and immediately saw you standing there. He knew you were upset by the look on your face.
“Fuck” Jack whispered and the group grew silent as the door shut behind them.
“Are you feeling much better baby?” You said in a condescending tone. “Are you still sick? I spent the evening making you this.” You hurled the container into his stomach, storming out of the apartment.
Jack handed his nearest friend the container, chasing you down the hall.
“Baby” he whispered trying not to disturb any of his neighbors. You couldn’t hear him over your anger.
“Baby! Please!” He whispered, almost in a yell.
You turned around, stopping in the middle of the hallway.
“You have me fucked up! You knew that I had something planned for us! Why wouldn’t you just tell me the truth?”
“Baby, I can explain. Just come back to the apartment” he looked around, worried a neighbor was watching.
“No, have fun with your buddies. I’m going home.” You stomped down the hallway, livid and unable to find the words.
“I’m sorry!”
You couldn’t hear him over your thoughts and frustration.
Jack watched as you walked away knowing he had a lot of making up to do, and not exactly sure where to start.
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