#oh and adding a bit of sparkles ✨
lanasblood · 1 year
you don’t understand how happy and giggly I get when you reblog my silly little fics and say so many kind words!!! I don’t deserve you </3 I’m happy my amateur writing can make you fussy inside xP I hope I continue to improve!! sending you lots and lots of kisses and hugs and everything nice! <🦢3 ilysm
amateur who? amateur where??
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awwww thank you for this sweet message!! it truly warms my heart to know my words make you happy. honestly you deserve all the praise 🫂💗 ILYSM toooo (i’m keeping all these hugs and kisses btw :p)
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xxladyballadxx · 1 year
Date Night
TF: ROTB Mirage X (human) reader
☁️ ✨Fluff✨☁️
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A very special day has arrived where you go on a lovely date with your awesome goofy alien robot boyfriend Mirage. Planning to watch the gleaming stars of wonders up in the dark sky is going to be such a wonderful time for you and . Once you threw on your (f/c) mini dress and a bit of makeup, you slipped your flats on and stepped outside your home where Mirage awaits you. His blue energetic eyes widened when he held his head down to look at you. “Wow, (Y/n), you look…” Mirage motioned his eyes upwards and downwards, gazing upon you admiringly, “You look beautiful.” 
Your cheeks swirled into a warm heated red colour, “Thank you, Mirage.” 
Mirage smiled as he transformed into a Porsche 911 car, he flipped open the car door wide for you, “Shall we go, my lady?” 
“Let’s go.” you entered inside the car form of Mirage, seating at the front where the wheel is. Mirage closed the front door afterwards and drove off down the road while you settled down to relax, letting your alien robot do the driving as always. 
The two of you finally arrived at the destination. An edge of the cliff, a great spot to watch the stars. As soon as you exited the car, Mirage transformed back to his robotic form. “Amazing view..” you set your (e/c) eyes on the  stratosphere that is filled with stars sparkling out of it. 
Mirage sat onto the rocky ground, carefully not to sit too close towards the edge of the cliff otherwise he would end up falling down. You climbed on top of him to sit yourself down onto his lap. 
“Oh how I love to watch stars at night..” You spoke in a soft manner, your eyes being shone on by the stars of heavens. It begins to get cold as the beautiful night goes on, Mirage cuddles you with his gigantic robotic hands around you, being extra careful not to crush you to death. 
“A beautiful night, isn’t it?” Mirage set his glowing blue eyes on the dark sky, watching the stars shooting in different directions. Those stars somehow reminded him of his home planet Cybertron. He wishes to take you one day but would be too risky and Optimus would never allow it. 
“Yeah it is, our own heaven of dreams.” your voice dropped in a soft, soothing manner. You leaned your head back to Mirage’s chest while holding his big hand with your small adorable hand. 
 “A happy place where we can just be ourselves.” Mirage added, shining a smile of joy across his face. You carefully climbed up to his charming face to peck a kiss to his silver lips. “I love you so much, Mirage.” you warmed his machine heart with your loving words. You couldn’t tell if he was blushing or not. Robots can hardly blush since they’re alien robots from outer space. “I love you too, my little spark.” Mirage replied, stroking your hair softly with his robotic finger. 
You cuddled his face with your arms planted on it, feeling the heat of warmth floating over you and your whole body is no longer feeling shivery. You swept back down to sit on his lap once again after cuddling his adorable face for a bit. 
A goofy robotic alien and a sweet human girl spend the rest of the evening watching the stars together. Talking, flirting, complimenting each other and making out a drawing from the gorgeous midnight sky, connecting each little sparkle to see what they came up with. 
You wish this beautiful moment with Mirage would never end…
(A/n) - Damn, I never knew I would write this and I am shockingly in love with an alien robot. Mirage is such a goofball and I love that guy sm! :'') I've watched the new Tranformers movie on Friday with a good friend of mine and it turned out to be quite good. Some people may disagree with me on this but it is surprisingly much better then the previous Transformers movies. Just saying. Anyway, this may look shite but I hope you all like it.
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Nelson,Murdock,Page and Toadstool Showtime Au
Chapter 1 - let the show begin ✨✨✨✨✨🟣🟣🟣
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It's so fancy!" Foggy almost stunned that he was shaking his brother and best friend with emotion
"Fancy, indeed!" Toad added. He turned to the Toad guards. "Take the princess' luggage to her room, and Matt,Foggy and Karen 's too." Karen handed his suitcase to one of the guards and they took off to the hotel. "Princess, I'm gonna go get us the tickets. Why don't you guys go check the lobby with Lady Karen and Masters Matt and Foggy? It shouldn't be long."
"Okay, thanks, Toad," Peach said to Toad and she and your new friend Karen went on ahead to take a look around the big lobby.
So Karen why is Matt using a cane and sunglasses at night???!!
Well, Matt is blind because he suffered an accident with chemicals that, in addition to blinding him, gave him super advanced senses.
Wow, I'm impressed and also these things we have make us special and not the other way around and he reminds me of someone very insistent who faced several challenges but never gave up!!!
Is someone you like? says Karen smiling and curious, very interested. Perhaps!! says Peach blushing. But I see that you can't stop looking lovingly at Matt, you like him, don't you? says Peach throwing back at her friend with a little bit of girlish fun and curiosity and Karen blushes very ruby ​​red and says smiling "Well we had some challenges and it's quite complicated but there's something about him that I can't resist and that makes me love him even more!"
the two blondes smile…
In the main lobby there are four entrances to four different auditoriums. Each one has a particular symbol at the top of the entrance. There is a sword, a kunai knife, a cowboy hat and a chef's toque.
While they looked around, Matt,Foggy,Karen and Peach decided to talk to some of the Theets in the lobby. Karen spoke to a Theet that is observing the poster of a western stage play.
"Wow!" The Theet exclaimed at the poster, and then it spotted Karen and Foggy. "Oh, hello! You here to watch the Western stage play?" Foggy was about to answer when the Theet suddenly interjected. "The Sparkla in this play is SO good! Their Sparkle is unreal!"
"'Sparkla?'" Matt who was after Foggy repeated the word the Theet used.
"Sparklas are our top stars in this theater," The Theet replied. "They have that extra pizazz! They breathe life onto the stage!"
"Ah, gee!" Matt and Foggy replied in union. "That's really swell!"
Foggy jumped in saying this like an overly excited 7 year old and while Matt gave a comforting big brother hug and Karen and Peach tried not to laugh.
Peach with Karen approached a Theet that is standing next to the sword auditorium entrance. "Excuse me, but is the sword-fighting play coming up soon?" She asked the Theet.
"Oh, yes!" The Theet answered. "We'll be ushering you and your party into the swordfighter play momentarily, but for now I must ask you to be a little more patient, okay?"
"Very well," Peach replied sweetly, not wanting to be rude.
Karen was looking forward to this play because her mother told her about the swordfight in this play and Karen, admired since she was little, wanted to be one so she could fight and change the world!!! But for now you will have to wait.
Mario and Peach bumped into each other, and they wanted to head upstairs, but an usher Theet blocked their way. "I'm sorry, but thie upstairs is closed for the time being. No one is allowed entry beyond this point."
"Aw, nuts!" Peach reacted negatively.
He could have been more friendly and even in magical worlds there are people with thick guards!!! Karen replied by agreeing with her friend
"Oh, well," Matt added. "We'll just have to wait and enjoy the plays on this floor. I'd really like to take a look at the western play."
"Yeah," Peach agreed. "And I can't wait to watch the Swordfighter play. That one's one of my favorites!"
"I'm glad you like the swordfighter play, madam," one of the Theets said to Peach. "I'm here to watch it, too, but the truth is, it is every Theet's dream to perform someday too."
“My mother also talked about this since I was little, telling her experience and stories about this place and that even she acted and performed here and my dream was to be a swordfighter or a detective and perform here on these legendary stages, but over time I found it impossible. since her death, my brother's death and after my father and I fought and grew apart and I feel like I stopped believing that this was possible and it was just a figment of my head but seeing this piece that is my favorite makes me feel that emotion again and that she is here with me” Karen says remembering and her emotions flowing
This moved everyone and Matt and Foggy were already blowing their noses and Peach wiped her tears and hugged Karen who was crying and then was replied
"Yeah, I would love to perform in a play someday," Peach said, but then she became sullen, "but being a princess is too much for me to do something about it."
"Don't worry, Peach," Mario said comfortingly. "You'll be a great Sparkla someday."
"Awww!" Peach reacted sweetly and she gave her Foggy a peck on the cheek. "Mwah!"
Foggy blushed at being kissed on the cheek.
"Little brother, you are winning hearts, you and the princess are so cute!!!" says Matt laughing and playing with Foggy smiling, dizzy and red.
"Princess Peach!" Toad called out. "I've got the tickets!"
"Oh, goody!" Peach exclaimed, and she took Karen's hand again. "Come on, Karen,Matt and Foggy!!! Let's go get the tickets and watch our first play together as Best Friends !"
Peach,Foggy,Matt and Karen head for Toad, and he gave tickets to them. "Here you go," said Toad. "Here's your tickets. Did you notice how crowded it is here? It must mean that the shows here are really great!"
"They should be," Foggy replied. "One of those Theets said that the western show is out of this world!
"Suddenly a trumpet is heard.
"Oooh!" Peach exclaimed excitedly. "It sounds like our play is about to begin! It's the swordfighter one! Oooh! My favorite! Come on, let's go! We should head to our seats!"
Suddenly the lights in the theater went out and everyone stifled a loud gasp. A few seconds later, a woman's chuckling can be heard. The chuckling sounds very ghastly and ghostly.
"What-a on Earth is-a going on-a here?" Matt asked.
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"I don't know," Peach responded, sounding terrified.
Smoke started rising in the lobby and several spotlights made appearance as the woman's chuckling can still be heard. It is getting louder.
"We have an announcement for everyone gathered here today," the woman's ghostly voice rang out.
Peach gasped. She's worried that she might get captured again.
Suddenly, a purple and black portal appeared at the center of the lobby. Out of the portal comes a really scary-looking enchantress of some sorts.
"It is time for..." The enchantress began. "a performance of TERRIFYING proportions! Featuring yours truly, Grape, and my crew the Sour Bunch!"
Matt gets between Peach and Grape. "Okay, listen, lady! I don't know who you are, but if you think you can come and scare these Theets and kidnap my girl and my friend princess, you've got another thing coming!"
"Pfft! Oh, please!" Grape scoffed. "I didn't come here for your girlfriend or The Princess Toadstool , Daredevil!!!" Matt,Foggy and Karen gasped. This Grape is new to them and yet she knows the red devil's name and the Matt's secret . "I came here for you! You are to be a character in my play as the loser who failed to save the Sparkle Theater!"
And with that, Grape zapped Matt with her beam of magic and the blind attorney (avocado) suddenly turned into a marionette puppet. Peach and Karen screamed in total horror, and so did Toad and Foggy.
"MAAAAATTTTTTTYYYYY!!!" Karen screamed.
Before Peach,Karen and Foggy can do something, Grape created a strong windy vortex that made everyone stay till. Peach's crown flew off of her head and it is spinning around in a tornado.
Toad grabbed the crown, but the winds blew him out of the Sparkle Theater along with a couple of Theets. Peach was left defenseless.
"Oh, no!" Peach gasped and she turned to see Grape playing with Mario.
"Sorry to spoil your night, Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom," Grape said to the mushroom princess. "But your part in this is over. Please, be a good princess and wait here while your New Friend Blind does his thing. Ha Ha Ha!"
Grape chortled loudly and heartily, and she went through the portal with the puppet Matt in tow. Peach,Karen and Foggy watched helplessly as the portal suddenly closed.
When Peach saw the portal close, tears started jerking from her eyes. She cannot believe this is actually happening.
"No..." Karen cried, and she placed her gloved hands over her mouth. "No! Matt!"
Peach began to sob. She wished she never came to the Sparkle Theater with Matt,Foggy and Karen at all, and now he is gone and so is her Toads and her crown. Princess Peach is having the worst time of her life.
Foggy, who was crying over the loss of his older brother, hugs Karen and Peach.
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And outside, the Sparkle Theater was swallowed by the magic of Grape, which assimilated the theater's former appearance and beauty into a purple umbrella covered in nightmares and terrible things.
And so this chapter ends my friends, I hope you enjoyed it, don't worry there will be more as this is just the beginning of this adventure and the show, don't forget to like, reblog, comment and follow me as this helps me and enjoy watching the news and other things from my blog
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 1 year
Ur Best Friend
Letitia Wright x Black Fem
Authors Note:Most likely un edited
Warning: a little smut
Inspired by: The music video a little bit
Summary: Sense the last meet,you and tish wants to clear things .
Taglist: @tuesdaylovesu(Wifey Fr) @lunax0654 @locoforshuri @letitias-fav @shuri-my-love @shuriislut @niaalove @adeola-the-explorer @atssukoo @2k7-sparkles @yvxmpire
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Part 1 Part 2:No Funny Business Part 3 Part 4
ㅤㅤ✷ ࣭ ࣪ ˖ ☞ ࣭ ࣪ ᩠ ֗ ✦ ࣭ ࣪ ˖
Y/n’s Pov
It had been a week since the last time you saw tish. You didn’t want to admit it but you only thought about her. You where hoping not to hear from her anytime soon because who knows what they could lead to.
You where on the couch scrolling on the couch. Naven was watching some basketball but you where getting ready to go in the bedroom or go out . You where tired of him talking about the game .
You get a message from a unknown number.
Unknown:We need to talk
you read the message over and over trying to figure out who sent it .
You: Who are you ?
Unknown:It’s me tish
You: How did you get my number
You: Of course he did
✨🖤👓Tish👓🖤✨:Can we talk
You: where texting 💬
✨🖤👓Tish👓🖤✨:I mean in person
You:…No funny business
✨🖤👓Tish👓🖤✨:I can’t make any promises
You got up from the couch and you got your keys and purse. You where already dressed you where planning to go out but you changed your mind and didn’t feel like changing.
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(Outfit idea you can imagine whatever)
You:Send the addy
You where nervous on how this talk with tish would go. You where scared on what would happen.What if the same thing happened again.
Once you made it to tish place you knocked on the door. Tish opens the door in shorts and a sports bra . Her eyes look you up and and down . She moves out of the door frame so you can get in .
“So you wanted to talk” you ask as you look around looking for somewhere to sit . “Yeah yeah “ she says nervously and she fidgets with hands .”What did you want to talk about” You ask as you sit on the couch.”I wanted to talk about what happens last week” your eyes go widen “Oh yeah that…” I say slowly fading out
“I can’t stop think about it about us “ tish says as she walks to me . “I hate to Admit but you have a hold on me “ I say looking at her walk to me. Tish now is front of your face. Her hand makes its way to holding my face while brushing my lips. “Oh how your lips where so soft “ she says as she closes her eyes . I grab her face “oh how your tongue slipped its way in” I say as I grab her face.
I show a small smirk on my face while we just start to stare at each other.We where waiting for one person to make the first move .
Tish pushes me on the couch more so I’m laying down.”Guess you whore the first to make a move” You say as you smirk.” Guess so” .She starts to kiss you ,her lips where soft yet firm . You knew this would be bad if you ever got caught.
The kiss went from your mouth down to your neck. You wanted to resist many times but you couldn’t it’s like you body was craving her.Sad part is you never felt like this with naven not ever .
One hand made it up your skirt while the other made its way to my chest .you look at your legs and feet to see your boots where still on and you skirt was almost off. You move your legs slightly so your boots would come off.
You begin to let out soft Moans feeling fingers in your body.You feel the start of an arch. She had you just like she wanted under her control.
“Can I cum please” you ask having a shake in your voice. “I didn’t hear you say it” she says annoyed . “Can I please cum tish “ you ask saying shakily. “Of course doll “ she says with a smirk. She begins to go faster in the in and out motion.
You where now on top of tish in a way. She was layed down and your ass was practically on her boxers . You gave her small kisses all the way to her chest .
You being a top didn’t last so long . She started leaving marks all on your breast until your stomach . You felt her tongue make its way to your clit.Let’s just say she was godly with that tongue.
She begin to finger your start with 1.Making its way to 2 you could handle 2 but you worried and wimpred when it got too 3. She went in a face pace and never stopped not even for a breather
You where tired and she was worn out . That was probably the best sex you had in a minute. You took a shower at her place sleeping in one of her oversized clothes. You slept in her bed it was comfortable way comfortable than the couch at that .
The Next Day
Y/n’s Pov
You wake up realizing where you were, You were at tishs place you remembered last night and you showed a smile. You make your way to the bathroom to see your neck covered in hickys,damn. You try to find your purse hoping to cover it with make up .
You hear tish move around “Y/n babe where you go” she says in her morning voice . You hear her start to look around to find you . “I’m in the bathroom “ you say kinda easing your voice. Tish stands by the door frame . “Covering the up huh” she asks as she watches you do your makeup.”That wasn’t supposed to happen we were supposed to just talk” you say as you blind it out.
“You couldn’t say it was bad though “ she says as she shows a smile with a smirk . “Probably the best I have had in a while” you say knowing you had hipped her ego.” You can say I’m the best if the best” she says with a smile. She starts to walk behind you hugging you from behind.She starts to give you more Hickys.” You trying to get me caught stop “ you say as you kiss her forehead.
Once you where done you removed Tish from your waist . You go to the Living Room to find your clothes everywhere.Your bra got on the lamp Yiur underwear was on the arm chair your boots on the ground you skirt was on the table your top was on the tv your coat was on the ground.”We must’ve had good fun “ you say as you look around . You get your main clothes and out them on
After you get dressed you get your purse and phone to make your way to your house.you drove only thinking about her .
you made it home to see naven on the game . “Where were you” he asks looking you up and down . “With my friend “ you say as make your way to the bathroom ready to take a shower.
You get ready for your shower and start to have your concert . You didn’t care about anything during this. Except for one thing
Your boyfriend looking at your body up and down to see the hickys . “I can explain “ you say as you become hesitant.How where you going to explain hickys . Now the time was to take a long shower
“Can you or are you just saying that so I can believe you “ he says becoming cold against you.You got your self in a wild ride
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a-sexy-asexual-658 · 2 years
The Twin Sister (Part 8)
"Hey," Bianna said as she opened the gates of Everglem to let us in. "You made it."
"Yeah." Sophie managed a half smile which I just ignored and walked right in dragging her. I went on to lean against a tree as I observed them and their conversation.
Somewhere in the distance, a cricket chirped. Yeah, it was quiet and tense.
Sophie pulled on the sleeves of her pale yellow tunic, glad Bianna was also dressed casually—though Bianna's turquoise tunic had pink beaded flowers embroidered around the edges and a pink satin sash. "So, what are we going to do?"
Bianna stared at the ground as she shrugged.
Okay. . . .
"Is your family around?"
Bianna's eyes narrowed. "I knew you'd ask that." Oh drama!
"I know you like my brother."
"Please. It's pretty obvious."
"He's my friend." Sure, sis, sure. I smirked but was then pulled by Sophie as she started to walk away dragging me with her. "This was a bad idea."
Bianna grabbed her arm to stop us from walking away. "Wait. I'm sorry. It's just . . . girls always use me to get to my brother. I guess I sort of expect it."
Sophie just looked at her. Wait—then why was she friendly with me? "that's not what I'm doing—and you invited me over, remember?"
"I know.' Bianna stared at her hands, wringing her fingers so tight it looked painful, anyway so that's why she was acting weird. "Can we maybe start over?" She said interrupting my thoughts and both still ignoring me being there.
Sophie bit her lip. "I guess we can try."
Bianna exhaled, seeming relieved. "Good." Her eyes lit up, cute, but the glint I know that glint, I didn't have time to shudder before she spoke. "I know. We can give each other makeovers. I have all the serums to change our hair color, and we can try on some of my mom's gowns."
That's when I slowly and carefully removed Sophie's hand and tried to sneak away. Makeovers? Yeah, no thanks. Unfortunately, Bianna grabbed my arm, knowing I would try to leave when makeovers were mentioned. Fortunately, my second favorite best friend *cough* I mean second best friend came and saved me.
"Makeovers?' Keefe scoffed behind them. "You girls sure know how to have fun. Maybe you can braid each other's hair and giggle about boys while you're at it. I expected better from you, (Y/N)." I glared at him.
"Excuse me, bastard, don't talk to me like your my disappointed dad, and does the death grip on my arm seriously make you believe it's voluntary on my part," I said and he shrugged.
"What are you guys doing here?" Bianna asked, shooting Fitz a pointed look.
"We came to see if you guys want to play base quest," Keefe answered for him.
"What's base quest?"
"What's base quest!?" Me and Sophie said at the same time, her questioning plainly while I was suddenly right in Keefe's face with sparkle eyes and a love-struck smile. How did I suddenly get in his face when I was originally like ten feet away, ✨magic✨. What? A prankster never reveal's their secrets.
"Only the most awesome game ever. I call Foster for my team," Keefe announced.
Jealousy flared in Bianna's eyes as Keefe wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I felt my stomach drop. She liked him, didn't she. It wasn't a question. A small part of my brain tried to reason and comfort me by saying she was jealous because he was touching me but I shut it down. Sadness filled my eyes but I covered it up immediately with a grin. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. "How about we play boys against girls?" I said shoving Keefe off me harshly when he gave me a concerned look. He couldn't have noticed, unless..... was he an empath?
Fitz explained the rules. One team guarded its base while the other team launched a raid. If the questers made it to the base without getting tagged, they won.
"Light leaping isn't allowed, but special abilities can be used," Fitz added, looking right at Sophie and me like he was saying it for our benefit.
"That's not fair. We don't have . . ." Bianna's voice trailed off when Fitz shot her a warning look. Ass. "Fine. But you guys have to quest first."
Me and Bianna went to search the grounds as Sophie stayed back as a sentry, it was a good idea. The athletic ones hunt and the . . . . Sophie guards. Plus she can track the boys and tell me where they are, something about telepathy and stuff, yeah not important.
Me and Bianna were hunting for the boys I was looking on the ground looking for tracks and other stuff. Bianna was looking at me on the ground doing actual tracking, which she giggled at and called cute. "Bianna it's not cute, it's professional," I said but she ignored me. Suddenly I felt Sophie's voice fill my head, I jumped. I will never get used to that.
'They're near the lake.' I started making my way near the lake and found them there making their way to the tree. Bianna came next to me and as she passed by her hand brushed against the back of mine and a light pink dusted across my cheeks but I shook my head and continued on. We sneaked up behind them at the last second, we jumped letting out war cries and landed on them. I landed on Fitz and he fell to the floor with a squeal, he twisted under me so I was sitting on his front. My legs were left across his chest my knees on either side of him my sitting against his belly. He was about to say something when I good a mischievous idea. I put my hands on his cheeks and leaned down bringing his face forward up. I heard gasps and gags around me and Fitz had wide eyes and was frozen. When we were only an inch apart my pink lips twisted into a smirk.
"Ass." and I slammed his head onto the ground and stood up.
"Ooow!" He whined getting up. "What was that for!?" He yelled at me. I shrugged unbothered.
"You're an ass," I said as Keefe burst out laughing and Bianna was suppressing giggles while Sophie only had a relieved look on her face. I walked over to her and gave her a hug.
"Y'know I wouldn't actually do that to you right?" I said with a smile.
"Yeah, I know." She said and we heard claps.
"Break it up, foster twins, break it up now," Keefe said and we all started to talk with me trying— and failing— to flirt with Bianna. Bianna and Sophie seemed to get closer as they talked and I kept jabbing at Fitz annoying him to no end.
"Do my eyes deceive me, or is that Sophie and (Y/N) Foster?" Alden asked behind us and I jumped, oh how I hate his voice and face and personality and face. Yes, I said that twice, I just really hate his face.
"We've missed you two around here," Della added, rushing over and wrapping me and Sophie up in her arms.
Sophie sank into the hug, but I tensed and then relaxed. I swear why do people give hugs without warning. I took a deep breath to clear my head and my nose crinkled. "Whoa, you smell like smoke. Is there a fire?"
Della glanced at Alden as she pulled out of the hug, backing a few steps away.
Alden cleared his throat. "Just something we're looking into. No reason to worry."
"'No reason to worry' my ass" I mocked him under my breath but was ignored.
"So, what are you guys up to?" Della asked.
"Getting stomped in base quest," Keefe grumbled. "You should've seen it—(Y/N) tagged us out like she knew where we were."
Alden glanced at Fitz—who gave the slightest nod—before he grinned at Keefe. "Sounds like someone's not happy about losing."
"I'd just like to know how she did it, but she insists on being all mysterious." Keefe narrowed his eyes at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. "also Sophie still hasn't explained how she almost slammed (Y/N) into the wall yesterday, also cool save how'd you twist your body like that? Anyway both are mysterious. Hmm, mysterious duo? Ehh I'll figure it out later." (taking suggestions, need them can't figure one out.) 
Sophie flushed, and I groaned when she turned to Alden. "Fitz said he was going to talk to you about that," she said quietly. "Any theories?"
"None that makes any sense," Alden admitted.
A second of silence passed. Then Della came to the rescue. "Besides, we girls never reveal our secrets. How else can we keep you boys on your toes? So, who's staying for dinner?" She glanced at me and Sophie.
"Sorry. I told Edaline we'd be home. Maybe next time." She flushed probably realizing we'd invited ourselves over.
But Biana smiled. "Sounds good."
"Do you need to use the Leap master?" Alden asked.
"No, Grady and Edaline gave us home crystals." She held up a long silver chain that hung to her waist. The crystal pendant only had a single facet, the path to Havenfield. They'd given us each one that morning, apologizing for not giving her one sooner.
We really felt like family. . . . . . note the sarcasm.
"Don't stay away too long this time," Alden told us. "We've missed you two around here."
"I've missed you guys too. I'll see you soon." Sophie said while I grinned flipping him off saying.
"Yeah, I'll be sure to punch you next time." Walking into the light ignoring people's flabbergasted faces and Alden exclaiming.
"SEE!! She does flip me off, I told you!"
Today Bianna, Fitz, and Keefe sat at our table at lunch and I just spoke with Bianna most of the time, secretly trying to fix my messed-up outfit, I stayed up all night so I wasn't dressed that great. Why was I staying up all night you ask? Stinky. He had somehow gotten out of his tank and stank up the room, I stayed up all night cleaning and getting the stink out as Sophie took Iggy and slept in her room for the night.
Marella kept giving me side eyes of '" knew it' and 'I told you so' while I glared at her. The lunch period soon ended and we went to class, I had healing as my favorite subject that I would willingly go to every day. Anyway, it was just full of Elwin teaching me the differences between types of burn creams and stuff and ingredients. I was disgusted, you put yeti pee on a burn, eww!! Anyway, I ditched study hall because I planned to sneak into Dame Alina's office and pull a prank but she was there so I chose to wait.
Apparently, she didn't leave until a few hours after school and that sucks, but I was determined. I snuck in and started the prank that took a few hours to set up but at exactly midnight I heard voices in the hallway and ducked into a nearby closet. In walked Alden, Dame Alina, Sophie, and her telepathy mentor- Tiergan. I quickly took out my radio recorder, whatever was about to happen was going to be juicy if they were having a meeting at this time. They went on to talk about how Sophie broke a law blah blah blah and then punishments and stuff. Boring, nothing juicy yet. I was about to stop the recording when the juiciest juice of all was spilled.
"It's hardly a secret you tried to stop his wedding to Della," Tiergan said and a grin split across my face. Now that's not really blackmail but really good gossip and juice, wonder if Marella knows.
They went on to talk about punishments and stuff and when they were about to leave Sophie turned and stared at the closet I was in or, more precisely, where I was sitting.
"What's wrong Sophie?" Alden asked and I hoped for dear life I won't be caught. She sighed and it was the type of sigh that said 'we will have a long talk later, but for now I will cover for you, idiot'. Yea she sighs a lot because of me so I kinda know what every one of her sighs means.
"Nothing." Her mentor unfortunately didn't buy it and walked over to the closet I was crouched in and opened the door. It slowly opened and revealed me still crouched on the ground in my uniform.
"Hi?" I said and waved awkwardly and stood up walking out of the closet.
"How long have you been here?" Tiergan asked being the first to recover from the shock.
"Uh since Dame Alina left her office . . . . . . . at 5." They deadpanned.
"And why were you in my office so late?" Dame Alina asked from her position sitting on her chair and I only grinned my lazy grin.
"I think you know why and if you don't want anything to happen I suggest not getting up," I said and she paled and finally looked around her chair seeing all the wires and stuff connected to her chair. Alden ignored her and walked over to me with a stern face.
"(Y/N), you cannot tell anyone of what you heard here, your sister could face serious charges." I only gave a him weirded-out and disgusted face.
"Alden," I spat with venom lacing it like saying his name made me feel sick, which it did," Do you really think I would tell anyone something like this when it could hurt my sister severely? I may seem like a crack-headed idiot but I know how to keep a secret, after all, I've been keeping one to protect me and Sophie for 12 fucking years." I said shoving past him and grabbing Sophie using the home crystal around my neck to get home.
When we got to Havenfeild Grady and Edaline were still in bed and probably thought we were too. We snuck up the stairs and got ready for bed and went to sleep, of course, I fed our sweet little Stinky first though. Poor little thing had to wait so long. We both went to sleep in silence not wanting to talk about the events of tonight.
~The Next Day~
Well me and Sophie had detention the next day, obviously. Sophie because she broke a law - go girl! I'm clearly after 12 fucking years rubbing off on her- and me because of my prank. Apparently, they couldn't find a way for Alina to avoid the prank and she showed up at school or work for her with hot pink sparkly hair and crimson red eyes. She also had paper white skin, a total upgrade in my opinion, but not in hers because I'm still going to detention. If it makes it any better the whole school laughed, even the teachers!
Dex questioned where we were going but I ignored him and walked away, being grumpy because I wanted more sleep. Why does school start at 8 fucking am in the morning? And then the teachers have the AUDACITY to expect us to be up and chirpy, let alone want to learn! Insane, these people, insane. Even more than I am- and that's saying something! I just went straight to the corner and put my head down to take a nap, about five minutes later I felt a prodding at my side but ignored it. The poking got harsher and harsher until I shot my head up in frustration and was too late to dodge the finger coming for my face.
I met Keefe's stupid playful eyes as the finger took a 180 from aiming for my cheek to my nose. It touched my nose softly as he let out a soft 'boop' with a grin on his face. I glared nastily at him as I took his finger and dislocated it with my index finger and thumb. Elwin taught me this, it was supposed to force the finger back into place but I did the opposite move and it popped right out. Keefe let out a streak that caught the attention of the whole class as the teacher walked over.
"What's wrong?" He asked and Keefe still stunned and in pain - the little wimp even I can take a little dislocation, after all, I have in the past, don't read too much into that- and the teacher after confirming it was dislocated turned to me with an urgent and expectant stare. "You- you study under Elwin right? Can you put his finger back in place?" He asked and I morphed my face to look cute sad eyes and a pout. Everyone falls for it.
"I'm sorry sir! But Elwin hasn't taught me stuff like that yet, he said for now I should stick with how to identify injuries before curing them." I said with a tilt of my head and Keefe gave me a glare knowing I was lying because this was my signature way of getting away with what I wanted and succeeding. After all, everyone fell for it. The boys in the room either blushed, melted or both at my face and the teacher seemed to think I was telling the truth, I did though notice a few girls look away with red cheeks.
"Very well, Keefe you can walk yourself to the healing center yes?" The teacher said and Keefe huffed walking out with his bag to get his finger fixed. I then looked at Sophie who was sitting in the chair in front of me as I grinned when the teacher wasn't looking and she sighed shaking her head.
Anyway, the rest of the day was boring and the author was lazy (What it is true) so let's skip to tomorrow. Apparently, we had ballroom dancing for detention and Keefe tried to grab Sophie but the teacher quickly assigned her to some greasy-looking kid, then he tried to grab me but me not wanting to also get partnered with a greasy kid because of Lady Belva's jealous wrath quickly grabbed a random non-greasy looking boy.
The music started and soon we started to dance, unfortunately, since it was ballroom dancing the boys' hands were on my hips, and mine were on his shoulders while we got close to each other so that we were only a few inches apart. My head was turned down the whole time, making sure I don't step on him when He started to strike up a conversation.
"Uh- hi. My name is Jay, I'm guessing your (Y/N) Foster?" I nodded as I finally looked up into the boy's blue eyes. He had dazzling bright blue eyes that seemed to shine brighter than any star I had seen, but not to put him down, I've only ever seen like two stars and they weren't that bright. He also had seemingly dyed hair, blonde fading into red with splotches of a dark shade of something that I couldn't name and it all just looked so . . . .. . natural. He had pale brown skin. He was gorgeous. Hey, am I capable of having more than one crush? Actually, who cares! I most likely won't end up with any of my crushes so fuck it! (If only you knew darling, if only you knew)
"Uh- y-yes!" I said stuttering trying to gather my thoughts. I smiled and I blushed, we went on to talk completely forgetting we were dancing, only doing it mindlessly now. Once I made eye contact with Keefe and grinned at me with a suggestive wink glancing at Jay with wiggled brows. I rolled my eyes and looked away, but I checked his emotions for some reason and when I did I felt something weird, it felt like jealousy. I shrugged probably tuned into some other boy, after all, boys love me. If only girls did too.
We were interrupted by the bell and as I grabbed my things Jay walked up to me. "Hey, do you wanna sit with me at lunch tomorrow?" he asked and I felt myself beam, but then I remembered I still have detention.
"Sorry I still have detention, for the rest of the week," I said and he nodded, he then caught a mischievous glint in his eye and turned around. He yelled over the rushing kids to Lady Belva who was about to leave.
"Hey! Lady Belva! You're a pedophilic whore!!" He yelled and she gasped storming over in anger. Her whole face was red and it took everything in me not to laugh, I mean it was true though.
"Mr. Dickson! How dare you talk to a mentor like that!! Detention for a week!" She said and calmed herself down before she did anything, she seriously looked like she was about to hit him. As she walked away Jay grinned at me.
"Well, now you have company!" He said while he swung his bag over his shoulder.
"Actually, my sister was my company because she's here till midterms but oh well," I said and we shared a smile as we both walked out. We separated and I caught up with Keefe and Sophie. As Sophie saw me she pointed at Keefe.
"Did you know he was an empath!?" She asked or more like yelled.
"Yup," I said simply, popping the p.
Anyway since the author is still lazy and she is using her parents lap top since she doesn't have one and has to hurry the fuck up so she can finish this before they get back from where ever the fuck they are, she didn't go because her father threw all her clothes in the washer and she had nothing to wear (Hey get out of my personal life!!!) let's hurry this up to the dreaded midterms, it just feels so wrong in my mouth.
I would usually skip but Sophie made an effort to escort me to all my classes. They wanted to pack all the tests in one day, because their all asswholes, so we had a busy day. I wrote an essay for history then Elwin, being the lovable easy going guy he is, just had had me brew a sting-reducing cream by myself and try to get it right. After I had empathy and the mentor just had me try to read the emotions of someone he had set up across the campus, yeah he went harder on me since I could read emotions without physical contact. Then after that, I just had to bottle a lightning storm.
Finally, it was lunch so we had a break, I sat down with my tray and just ate ignoring everything around me. Lunch went quickly- too quickly, I had named a bunch of stars in the universe then had channeling for phys. ed. Finally, it was alchemy, I walked in completely ignoring Lady Galvin, or as I call Lady Grumpypants. I walked over to the desk waving at her.
"Let's get this over with." She huffed, oh she was so done with me. Luckily because Sophie had read her mind she changed her test from the hardest thing to removing iron with ruckleberries.
I picked up one and looked at it, she taught me to squeeze them but what would happen if I just open them and rub them on the iron. So guess what I did. I popped it open. It released a stink that smelt of feet but I didn't care, I've smelt worse. I started rubbing the inside part on the iron and it worked. I finished in five minutes and only a few drops got on my skin, I walked up to Lady Galvin with a grin and handed her the key, and walked out. I heard her mumble 'that's not how you do it' under her breath as I left and I laughed.
"Well, that was brutal," Dex whined when we met up at the lockers later that day. He slammed his locker closed. "How'd it go for you?"
"Almost died, you think I do that for kicks?" I said with a grin. Now that I think about it I never grinned or smiled when with humans so my jaw hurts.
"Yes," Dex said with no hesitation, ha he knows me. Of course, I almost died for fun! Well not this time, tests aren't fun. Still hurts he said it with no hesitation let alone staring blankly at me too.
"Hmph!" I pouted as he and Sophie spoke. Anyway, let's end this here because I'm tired of narrating my life.
4287 words
I'M SO SORRY!!! I haven't updated for like a month!! I'm sorry, its just school and other things! Plus I mainly work on my wattpad account (in bio).
Well I hope you all survive school and drink water and eat food!! Or else I'll force (Y/N) to have Valin as a love interest.
Anyway goodbye fellow people who come to this website to dream about living a life we don't have and escape reality to the world of wear we can simp all we want shamelessly. 
Now to go do my homework, ugh.
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jaderimehardt · 1 year
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Hello! o/
I've been making moons with a new mold 🌙 (I mentioned in a previous post I bought some new molds) 😇
This one is my favorite out of the five I made 👆🏻. The black & white reminds me of yin & yang, + the purple, for that pop of color. The glitter for some added subtle sparkle ✨
Oh! Along with the new molds I bought, I also purchased a flower dehydrating... thing? Kit? So, the flowers you are seeing inside this pendant- and any future pendants, are actually from my garden, pressed and dried myself 😄
I'm hoping they are genuinely thoroughly dried. I followed the instructions 'to a T', and even let them sit out for two-weeks before using them, so they should be good.
With the kit, I could have used the flowers immediately after dehydrating them or waiting until I was ready to work on a project. But me being me, I chose to dry flowers literally the minute I got the kit from the mail, Lol 😅 (yeah I'm like this). By the time I got around to a resin project where it occurred to me 'Flowers would look great here!', so much time had already passed.
It's this kit here: https://a.co/d/1tfyCxo (if that link doesn't work, look up 'Aboofx Store' on Amazon or Aboofx Microwave Flower Press - US)
I learned about it through a YouTuber and thought I'd give it a shot. I'm truly impressed with it and though it may be a bit time consuming to put the flowers on the fabric and zap it several times, I LOVE the fact I can use my own flowers from my garden.
Okay, now that all of that is said~ lol 🙃. I ramble and go off on tangents constantly. Nothing new~
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Two more moons using flowers 🌙🌼. The left (or top) one has a larger white flower and it's more transparent than I wanted it to be. I guess that's just that particular flower? I did have the option to scoop it out but I just let it remain 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Playing with bubbles again~ 🫧.
The mold I was using has the moons ranging from full moon to crescent so I got this idea of making the thinnest crescent and smooshing that into the full moon, to create this type of ecliptic moon. But then ofc all rationality seems to fly out the window when glitter becomes involved and I cluttered the thing with copious amounts of snowflakes and everything else under the sun (or moon in this case)... in short, I should have used LESS glitter 🫠
I showed a couple people and they like it so it has me questioning my senses somewhat. When I think I do well on a piece they're like 'ehh...' and I'm like 'but~!' and then the opposite when I think I do bad on a piece. I'm over here like '......I screwed up here, and here, and there.' and they're like 'but I like it!'. I don't get it 😶
(I still need to create a proper lighting setup...... I keep saying it, but... 🙃🫠)
0 notes
firefly-in-darkness · 2 years
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Pairing → Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Characters → Captain Syverson
Warnings → Fluff. Pining.
Betas → @littlefreya & @princessmisery666 - thank you both as always for looking through my work and sharing your ideas // all mistakes are my own.
Prompts → Christmas Stockings for @winter2112rose Christmas Event
A/N → I guess this is a series now - if you'd like to be added to the tag list then drop me an ask ✨
PREVIOUSLY // A Captain’s Christmas Series List
Firefly’s Masterlist
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The storage depot was all hustle and bustle; frustrated teenagers sulking and rolling their eyes as their mothers showed them old photo albums. Babies screamed in their strollers while Dads wrestled with the large boxes that just happened to be at the very back of the containers.
Syverson dodged the runaway children and stepped over lost pieces of faux trees and broken ornaments in search of his unit. He was here for the exact same reason that everyone else was - collecting his Christmas decorations. He'd put them in the container a few years ago, knowing his tours were covering the festive period and if he was returning for a brief visit, it would be to his mother’s ranch.
But with his extended leave, and your shocked face to discover that he'd not hung a single decoration, Syverson made the decision to investigate whether his old items were still in good condition before purchasing anything new.
The key took a little bit of wriggling before the large padlock granted Syverson access. He opened the shutter slowly and was welcomed a similar way to his apartment, a cloud of dust and a musky almost damp scent.
All the boxes, though dust-covered, were intact and Syverson easily found the ones marked with 'Xmas stuff’ scrawled haphazardly on the side. A quick inspection of their contents meant he was loading them into his truck quicker than a teenager could groan about being bored.
The lounge floor became a chaotic collection of broken decorations and tangled lights as Syverson sifted through the boxes. Most items were still in usable condition and with only one box to go, Syverson was triumphant in how quickly he’d sorted it all and was ready to set up the festive apparel in his apartment, in hopes that you would see it and approve.
When he reached into the box, he discovered it was all the fabric type of decorations - a tree skirt and some napkins that he didn't remember buying. Probably something his mother insisted that he had. Syverson pulled out the final pieces, Christmas stockings.
His heart thumped rapidly at the sight of your embroidered initial, and the way the silver thread sparkled against the navy background, surrounded by silver stars. You hadn't moved in together before you broke up, but you had spent enough time in his apartment that you'd insisted on having a stocking each. Syverson couldn't say no to you then, and he sure as hell can't now.
As if fate was weaving its magic, his phone vibrated in his pocket, it was a text message from you; ‘Still free to take me to the Winter Wonderland Market tomorrow? Only if you still want to go?’
Yeah, he definitely couldn't say no to you, and then he had an idea, after all, it was you who had encouraged him to decorate the apartment.
‘Sure. But if I’m late, send a search party, it means the Christmas Decorations buried me alive. I’m gettin tangled in these damn lights and have no clue what goes with what. Help a man out?’
‘Oh, the big strong army man is having a bit of trouble? 😂 I'll be over in a bit.’
Syverson scoffed at your message but grinned all the same because you were coming over. You hadn’t been in his apartment since you separated, and this would be the first time you met somewhere in private.
It made his heart flutter.
Then he realised that his apartment wasn’t exactly the tidiest and set about clearing away the takeout containers and giving everywhere a wipe down.
The bedroom floor became somewhat of a dumping ground for non-Christmas related items, then Syverson realised that if you looked in here, you might think he was a slob so began putting things into the wardrobe and chests. The bed was already made and in pristine shape, but he couldn’t help but smooth out the edges, his nerves getting the best of him.
The buzzer sounded and he almost ran to press the intercom, allowing you into the building. He opened the front door, and there you were. As pretty as ever and your smile made his heart stutter while he let you into the apartment.
“So, what’s the problem, Captain?” You gave him a cheeky wink.
He shook his head and rolled his eyes, leading you to the lounge, “You don’t want to know how long I’ve spent on sorting this crap out.”
You removed your jacket, placing it on the back of the couch, you studied the array of colours overflowing from the boxes. Syverson leant against the door frame and just watched as you flitted around the lounge and pulled out various pieces to inspect them.
Hands on your hips, you turned around to him, “I think you best grab the takeout menus because we could be here all night.”
Syverson chuckled and headed towards the kitchen, opening the drawers in search of the leaflets but couldn’t find them.
“In the second drawer on the right.” You called through.
And you were right, there they were. After all this time, you still knew this place and he felt a surge of love for you. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to stay away from you any longer, he needed to know if you felt the same but right now, he’d enjoy this moment with you.
Syverson wasn’t scared of your rejection, but more about history repeating itself. He was still in the army, you were still here in this town, making a life for yourself. Both of you were older, and a little bit wiser, so maybe it could work out better this time around. But were you willing to take that risk, like he was?
Maybe, later, when you’ve finished decorating, he’ll be able to tell you how he feels.
Within an hour of your arrival, you’d untangled the lights and were now sitting cross-legged on the rug, pulling out the decorations for the tree. He caught your pause as you looked around the room and began laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Syverson frowned at you from his spot on the floor, holding a silver reindeer in each hand.
Your laughter died down enough to get your words out, “Where’s the tree Sy?”
Syverson’s face dropped and then he started to chuckle, setting you off again and falling backwards. He shook his head with fondness at your dramatic rolling on the floor and the tears that streamed down your face.
You finally sat up and spluttered, “Guess we’re going Christmas tree shopping then?”
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A Captain's Christmas Tag list
@littlefreya @sillyrabbit81 @eldarwen333
Everything Tag List
@foxyjwls007 @griscka75 @impala1967dwinchester @justagirlinafandomworld @miraclesoflove @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @old-enough-to-know-better73 @queenoftheunderdark @supraveng @thefridgeismybestie @valsworldofcreativity @wiccanmetallicrose @wonder-cole @princessmisery666 @rainbowkisses31 @little-diable
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i-am-baechu · 3 years
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Title: Oh, Oh It’s Magic | ♞ | | ♚ | | ♛ | 
Paring: Jung Hoseok x reader
Genre: Witch au, Soulmate au, Little bit of Angst, Romance, and Fluff 
Summary: A bookstore that is known for its fast services is the new location for Bts to film for their ad. The sneaky owner helps the staff but creates confusion throughout the store as the lights keeps moving on their own. But one thing Hoseok knows for sure is that he feels something magical with her. 
Warnings: A few cuss words and indication of sexual acts
Author’s note: Inspired by Queendom by Red Velvet and Black Magic by Little Mix ✨☁️
Y/N L/N opened the door slowly not wanting to alert her manager, Wendy, that she was once again late. Whoever decided to have the store open at seven in the morning was an idiot but she would never call herself that outloud. She looked through each of the bookshelves and nodded her head when she saw no one was there. She took her phone out to text her roommate that she made it safe and sound but a cough made her drop her phone. 
“Late again, Y/N.” 
She let out an awkward chuckle and picked up her phone, “I mean, I’m late to you. I think I’m on time.” 
“The clock says otherwise.”
“Not if I turn back the time, then I would’ve been early.” 
Wendy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, “There was a reason why I wanted you to be here early today.” 
“All ears, my favorite manager.” 
“A boy group is coming down today to film something.” 
This caused her to tilt her head and put her phone in her pocket with curiosity written on her face, “Oh, they're filming something? What are they filming exactly?” 
“Oh...That would’ve been a smart thing to ask.” 
She stared at her manager with a raised eyebrow and shook her head, “You didn’t ask questions about complete strangers being in our bookstore?” 
“I just saw how many zeros were on the check and agreed to whatever they wanted.” 
“You know, that makes sense. I can’t stay mad at you.” 
Y/N walked towards the back room but before she could open the door, Wendy told her to wait. She turned around with a stomp of her foot and stared at her manager with arms crossed “What did I do? It’s only seven thirty.” 
“That's the problem, you haven’t done anything yet. Don’t mess with them. Their mortals.”
“Ohhh, mortals, you say.” 
She put her hands up when she heard the threatening tone from her manger, “Okay, I won’t do anything,” 
She saw her manager nod her head and walk away with relief in her posture. She smirked and looked down at her phone, “I won’t do anything in front of you.” 
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Later that morning, Y/N was sitting at the front desk watching the staff struggle putting up the lights on the book shelves. She furrowed her eyebrows with worry and looked around to see if Wendy was around before she made their lives easier. She put her hand in her cardigan pocket and snapped her fingers. In a flash, the wires were pinned along the tops of the bookshelves and the lights were positioned the way they wanted it. The workers looked at each other with wide eyes and got off the ladders slowly but in a panic. They both stared at the lights with confusion but chose to walk away pretending nothing happened. 
She let out a chuckle as she went back to her phone when she felt a flick on her forehead. She looked up to see Wendy staring down at her with a glare, “What did I say?” 
“I only wanted to help them...”
“Then get up and help them.”
“Is Wendy here? The boys are here and we need to discuss some things.” 
Wendy looked down at her with a glare and sigh, “Come on they're here and you should be there too. It’s your store too.” 
The two went towards the front and saw the group of seven men staring at them with polite smiles. Y/N went down the row but stopped when she already felt eyes staring back at her. He had light brown hair that had bangs that touched his eyelids, bright brown eyes with a sparkle in them, and his smile made her smile. 
“These are the owners, Son Wendy and L/N Y/n.” 
They waved at them gently as Y/N didn’t take her eyes off of the man in front of her. She gently waved at them but she was really only waving at him. “This is Bts and we're filming an ad, thank you for letting us use your store.” 
Y/N leaned towards Wendy to whisper in her ear as the group of men turned towards each other to discuss something, “Who’s Bts?” 
“They're a famous boy group, Y/N. Thought you would know that.” 
“I’m sorry I was too focused on schooling to know anything else but spells and potions.” 
When they turned back towards them, Y/N went back to her spot and put the smile she had on before back on her face. “This is Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and lastly Jeon Jungkook.” 
She smiled when she heard his name and looked straight at him, “I’m Y/N L/N and I’m happy that your guys are here.” 
She winked at him with a smirk as he let out a small cough with reddish checks. She waved at them one last time and walked back to the front desk with Wendy. Leaving the boy group to stare at Hoseok who was staring at her back.
“She was something else right, Hoseok?” 
“Yeah...she was.” 
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The next day is when they started filming for whatever ad it was for but Y/N wasn’t listening. She was too focused on Hoseok, there was something about him that made her feel at home and it was strange or it could be him in a button up shirt that made her feel that. They’ve only been here for an hour and already Y/N used her magic to make sure everything goes well for the staff and for the boys. So far, Wendy hasn’t noticed which means less yelling for her to hear. 
She walked towards the front to put a book back for Wendy when she saw Hoseok alone drinking what she assumed to be coffee. She looked around to make sure no one was around her as she put the book down on the display and twirled her finger to make the books next to him fall. He jumped at the sudden sound and saw Y/N covering her mouth. He flushed at the sudden interaction and let out a deep groan to himself. She walked towards him with her hands behind her back and her head tilted, “Did those books scare you?” 
“No, wh-why would books scare me?” 
“I mean those are horror books that fell.” 
He looked down and saw they were children books making him roll his eyes and looked back at her, “I guess it was my fault. I shouldn’t be leaning against the table in the first place.” 
She raised her eyebrow at this as she saw him standing away from the table before she made the books fall. She let a smile escape as she went to stand next to him, “Sometimes things just fall to get attention from whoever or a certain person.” 
He looked at her with confusion as he brought his drink up, “What does that mean?” 
“You're the dancer, right?”  
He raised his eyebrow at her changing the subject but nodded his head, “I wish I can dance. I have the worst dance moves anyone has ever seen.” 
“I doubt that.”
“Oh, why?”
He scratched the back of his neck and looked away from her, “How long have you guys had the store?” 
“About three years now.”
“Wow, that’s really-”
“Hoseok your next!!” 
He let out a deep sigh and gave her an apologetic look, “I’m sorry. That’s my cue to leave.”
“Why are you sorry? It’s your job.” 
“I wanted to spend more time with you but I gotta go.” 
She watched him leave him with a smile on her face as she pushed back her hair. Wendy appeared next to her with a smirk on her face, “I saw that.” 
“Good. Did you finish the garden with your parents?” 
“You know how Boisboia Woods is, always random pixies appearing. I finished half of it but I had to come back.” 
“I don’t trust you.” 
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Wendy was off again to help her parents to get rid of the determined moles in their vegetable garden and the random pixies that kept showing up in their house. Y/N looked down at the list that Wendy left for her with annoyance. 
Make sure all the books in back are brought to the front 
Put the horror books that are on the stool, on the front desk 
Clean the potions that YOU dropped yesterday 
Organize the potions that YOU disorganized 
She folded the list and put it in her pants pocket letting out a small chuckle at Wendy’s demands. Hoseok texted her last night that they would be running late because of an early meeting with their manager or the CEO, she forgot to ask him which it was. She snapped her fingers and the books that needed to move started to fly all over the room. She swished her finger to make sure all the books went on the respected shelves. She honestly misses seeing Hoseok and hearing his laughter. Even though it’s been only three days, she knew she was attracted to him but she couldn’t pinpoint why. 
Just then she heard the front door open and all the books immediately dropped. She swallowed her spit and moved quickly to be in the backroom. Pretending she wasn’t there but Hoseok saw a glimpse of her hair. 
He raised his eyebrows and rubbed his eyes, Were those books floating just now or am I… He turned around to see Jimin looking down at his phone but he saw Jungkook looking around the store. If anyone saw it, it had to be him.
“Jungkook, did you see those books floating?”
The younger man tilted his head in confusion and looked down at the floor, “I just saw all the books fall off of the shelves.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes and shook his head, “No, they were floating and then they fell. I saw them.”
Before anyone could argue, Y/N came into view with a book in her hand, “Good morning, it was quiet this morning without you guys. Missed the commotion.”
Hoseok turned around in a flash and gave her an apologetic smile, “Sorry about that. Next time we’ll be here.”
“I would rather have you here alone with me but I guess I can manage.”
She winked at him and made her way back to the front desk as Hoseok moved his eyes to look her up and down. It wasn’t until Namjoon touched his shoulder and let out a chuckle, “oh, you got it bad.” 
Later that day, they were filming random shots of the books as the boys sat in the corner eating their lunch. Y/N walked towards the boys with her lunch in hand with a smile on her face and sat next to Jungkook, “Today is so boring. Nothing exciting is happening.”
She took out her sandwich and gave Jungkook a tilt, “Why would something exciting happen? You're just filming.”
Jin turned towards her and shook his head as he pointed at the bookshelves. “The staff said the shelves are special but I think it’s the lights getting to their brains.”
“Why would they think that?”
“They saw the lights move and they said all the wires were moved to the side after Namjoon fell yesterday but no one touched it. They said they were going to move it when filming was done but someone already did it.”
She bit her lip and nodded her head, Wendy’s going to kill me. I didn’t think no one would notice. Usually mortals are so deprived of their surroundings-
“Y/N, are you alright?”
She looked at Hoseok and nodded her head slowly and looked back down at her sandwich. Fuck… Hoseok looked back at her and looked at her with confusion, Since when did her eyes sparkle like that? 
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It's been a week since they’ve been filming and Hoseok has noticed strange things happening. They were small things but it didn’t go unnoticed by him but his band members didn’t notice anything. 
Hoseok walked back and forth in the living room as they all watched in confusion. Jungkook looked at Namjoon with confusion but the only answer he got was a shrug of the shoulders. He stopped moving and stood in the middle with furrowed eyebrows, “Did you guys really not see the books floating?” 
Jimin raised his eyebrow at this and shook his head, “Why would they be floating?” 
“Because they were!” 
Namjoon got up from the coach and rubbed his shoulders gently, “Did you get enough sleep? We’ve been busy all week and worked late yesterday, maybe you should take a nap.” 
“I swear I saw the books floating, the lights moving, books moving to different shelves, and my cold tea turning hot.” 
They all looked at each other and nodded their heads, “Okay, whatever you say.” 
He realizes that everytime something weird has happened Y/N  has always been around. Even though he enjoyed looking and talking to Y/N, he needs to know the truth. He entered the bookstore an hour before everyone was supposed to be and walked towards the back room with a determined look. He knocked on the door gently and heard movement in the room, “We're closed for today, we have special people coming for the next week!”
“Y/N, it’s me Hoseok.” 
“Ummm…Hold on a second!”
Hoseok started to look around the store with curiosity but his eyes landed on an opened book that was on the front desk. He slowly walked towards it and looked back at the door to make sure Y/N wasn’t coming out. He looked at the page with wide eyes, Witches Soulmates are felt the moment they look into each other's souls. The eyes of the witch shall have sparkles in them or the eye color completely changes when they look at their soulmates. Some witches even start to-
He heard footsteps getting closer and went back at the door with his arms crossed. When the door opened he gave her the best smile he could give but his focus was only on her eyes. He raised his eyebrow when he noticed that her eyes indeed had a sparkle (and not the sparkle from the light, legit sparkles. As if she had glitter in her eyes) and put it together.
“Hey, Hoseok. I wasn’t expecting anyone here yet.” 
“I just wanted to see you.”
She let out a small laugh and walked toward the bookshelves as she pulled some books off of the shelves, “You flatter me. I wish Wendy was here so she could do all this work, it gets annoying.”
Hoseok didn’t answer but stared down at his shoes with a frown, “Y/N…”
She looked back at him with worried eyes. She never heard this tone from him before and she was scared. She pressed the books against her chest and looked at him with fear in her eyes, “Hoseok, is everything alright?”
“You wouldn’t lie to me, right?”
She gave him a confused look and shook her head, “Why would I ever lie to you?”
“You can tell me anything, you know that right?”
“Hoseok, are you alright? Did one of the guys-”
“Never mind. Tell the guys I’ll be late today.” 
Before she could say anything, Hoseok walked past her without sparing her another look and she felt her chest hurt from this. She turned around to say his name but he was already gone. 
She heard a snap and saw Wendy looking at her with a smile but it dropped when she saw the hurt look on her friend's face, “What happened?”
“I’m-I’m not sure.”
“Hoseok was here and he was talking about if I would ever lie to him and if I would talk to him about anything-”
“Y/N, I think he saw this...”
She looked at the front desk with wide eyes, how could she be so stupid? She was reading up on the strange sparkles in her eyes and how she was worried she was sick but was met with the conclusion that Hoseok is her soulmate. She closed the book shut and bit her lip hard to stop herself from crying, “I didn’t know he was coming. If I did, I would’ve put it away. He probably hates me. I mean I would hate-”
“Y/N, how about you take the day off. We’ll talk about this later and I don’t want you working with this on your mind. It’s not good for your heart.” 
She nodded her head and took the book with a frown, “What happens if he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore?” 
“I’m sure he won’t. He probably needs time to figure things out. You don’t even know if he knows you're a witch but if he does, it's a lot to take in. He's a mortal, his whole life he was told that witches or any fantasy thing wasn’t true. Just wait and see.” 
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All Y/N did was wait. She sent texts to Hoseok for the next five months but she got nothing. She texted the other guys all the time and asked about him but nothing. She's rewatched the commercial so many times that Wendy put a charm on her laptop to be mute and she was too lazy to counter spell it. She still wasn’t sure if Hoseok knew she was a witch or not but him ignoring her was some sort of an answer. An answer she didn’t want. 
It was raining again this week and it was the third time that week. She told Wendy she was staying late, hoping he would show up but she knew he wouldn’t. She closed the store and put the blinds up on the windows as she started cleaning the store. She snapped her fingers and all the cleaning supplies came out to do their job. She started picking up books that were misplaced and putting them back in place but every once in a while she would look at the door with a hopeful stare.
When she was done, it was around midnight and once again she hoped for something that she knew wouldn’t happen. She shut off the lights and locked the door as she watched the rain come down hard. She knew she could have snapped her fingers to appear at her house but she thought the rain could give more comfort then Wendy at that moment. She started walking down the street when she heard her name with a familiar voice. She rolled her eyes at her thinking she heard his voice and continued her way. It wasn’t until someone grabbed her wrist making her turn around to see Hoseok breathing heavily with an umbrella. 
“Why would you walk in the rain without an umbrella? Are you trying to get sick?”
She stared at him with confused eyes and shook her head, “Why would you care?” 
He flinched at the words but he still held his concerned look, “I parked over there. I can drive you home.” 
She wanted to fight back but she decided against it because this was the first time in a while since she saw him and she would be lying to herself if she didn’t want to be with him. She went under the umbrella with him and refused to look up at him but she could feel his stare. He opened the door for her and she entered the car without giving him a look. She heard the car door close and she let out a deep sigh, Now what. 
When the other door closed, she watched him turn on the heater and turn down his music, making the whole car silent. The only sound was the rain and the heater, she didn’t know if she should let out a sigh or a cough. She was scared that he would ignore her or worse just walk away from her again after he came back for her. 
“I’m sorry.” 
She turned her head to look at his face with wide eyes, “What?” 
“I’m sorry for walking out and not returning any texts.” She didn’t know what to say so she nodded her head and the lack of response made Hoseok annoyed, “Wendy told me everything.” 
“What do you mean everything?” 
He scoffed at her and looked out his window, “You answer to that but not to me. She told me, you're a witch. You don’t need to lie anymore.” 
She gulped and looked down at her knees, “Hoseok, I couldn’t tell you.” 
“And why is that? This whole time you lied to me about something that made you who you are. How-”
“If I would’ve told you without being with you, my powers would’ve been taken away from me.” 
His heated glare didn’t leave her face as she looked away from him, “You could’ve still told me.” 
“We weren't together! Not like you want to be with me now.” 
“What's that supposed to mean? Because your a witch, you think I won’t-” 
She turned her head at him and his face softened when he saw tears welled up in her eyes, “Because I lied to you. I wouldn’t want to be with a liar either, so I understand.” 
He shook his head and grabbed her hand that was holding her knee tightly. He interlocked his hand with hers and looked into her eyes, “I’ve done things wrong too. We're both wrong but we can make it right. Plus, I know I'm your my soulmate.” 
Her face flushed and smiled at him, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”  
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Extended ending: 
Five years of dating and two years of marriage, Jung Y/N looks at herself in the mirror with a small smile. She tilted her head and looked at the small bruises on her neck with a roll of her eyes. She grabbed her foundation and started to hide the marks when she felt someone rub her shoulders, “Why are you covering them? You know how much I love seeing them.” 
She put down her foundation brush to look up at him with an annoyed look, “I don’t need the guy's comments today. I’m already feeling extra tired because of someone.” 
“You wanted it just as much as me, love.” 
She watched him leave the room and the smile on her face only grew. She got up from her chair and took a look in the mirror one last time. She put her hand on top of her growing belly and let out a content sigh. Hoseok walked back in and smiled at the view of his wife and felt butterflies. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around to put his hands on top of hers. He kissed the top of her head as she nuzzled her head into his chest. 
“I’m so excited to meet her.” 
“I’m excited to see her make things disappear.”
“Wait, she can do that? Y/N don’t walk away from me! How you know shes a witch! Y/N!”
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firefly-in-darkness · 2 years
The Middle
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Pairing → Captain Syverson x Female Reader
Characters → Captain Syverson
Summary → You and Sy managed to talk about the break up.
Warnings → Bit of angst, more fluff.
Betas → @littlefreya & @princessmisery666 - thank you both as always for looking through my work and sharing your ideas // all mistakes are my own.
Prompts → Present (Un)wrapping for @winter2112rose Christmas Event challenge...
A/N → Another one from your point of view. I hope you are enjoying this pair's story as much as I am with writing it - if you’d like to be added to the tag list then drop me an ask ✨
PREVIOUSLY // A Captain’s Christmas Series List
Firefly’s Masterlist
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The pair of you stared at the tree for longer than was necessary to check it over. You fiddled with a bauble and Sy adjusted the star at the top slightly but other than that, there wasn’t much else to change. The silver and blue decorations sparkled against the lights, and when Sy flicked off the main ones, it made the lounge cosy and warm.
“Perfect.” He beamed and your heart soared when you realised, he had been looking at you.
As you turned away from his intense gaze, you spotted the stockings that hadn’t been put on the mantelpiece and moved to pick them up.
“Wait, don’t-” Sy interrupted but you already had them in your hands.
You were confused until you spotted your name and your heart hammered in your chest. The ones from your first Christmas together. The material soft against your fingertips and you wondered why he’d kept it. As you lifted it from the floor you felt a small weight to it.
Syverson’s hand was on his hip, and he rubbed at his beard sheepishly, “Ahh hell, I was goin’ to wait ‘til tomorrow, but, as you can tell, it’s for you.”
You raised a brow and smirked, “Are you sure? Seemed like you were gonna tackle me for a second there.”
“Yeah, go on,” He gestured as your hand dived into the stocking.
Excitement bubbled in your stomach, but you couldn’t stop your hands from shaking as you pulled out the neatly decorated parcel. It had been gift-wrapped because you knew Sy and there was no way that he would have been able to get the corners so crisp, even with a box, or would add a bow either.
Without paying attention, you’d taken a seat on the couch, and hadn’t registered Sy staring at you intently while you delicately pulled the bow apart and tore the paper. Your clammy palms made it a little difficult but eventually, you revealed the velvet box. It was too big to be anything like a ring, and you didn’t even know why your thoughts immediately went therebecause it could have been earrings in a box of that size. But it wasn’t that size, it was wider and flatter, maybe a bracelet or necklace.
Instead of trying to guess, you steeled your nerves and flicked open the lid. Your breath caught at the chain that laid against a silk cushion, it was Sy’s dog tags. As you looked a little closer and traced the metal, you felt the scratch that disfigured his date of birth. It was the same ones he’d given you when he became Sergeant, a few months into your relationship.
Tears welled in your eyes, and you didn’t hear what Sy was saying because you were completely overwhelmed with the emotion. What did this mean? Was this his way of telling you that he had feelings for you? Did he want you to have them because he knew you loved them before?
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have.” Sy’s voice was small and pulled your attention to him
“What?” You frowned; the tears fell as you blinked.
He was by your side in an instant, his hands cupping your face, “Oh damn, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
You choked back the sob, “I’m not sad. I- I don’t- know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anythin’, I’m an idiot, I don’t know what I was thinkin’.” Sy shook his head and rubbed at his chin, his beard getting messier with each stroke.
You pulled his hand into yours, “Stop. Look at me.”
Sy obeyed, his jaw ticking, “Yeah darlin’?”
“Y’know, I didn’t want to give them back before.” You scoffed, “well at first I wanted to throw them into the river or blow them up when you left. But then I realised that it was pointless because you wouldn’t know how hurt I was and-”
“I’m sorry.” Sy interrupted
“I’m not finished,” You scolded with a smile, “That’s why I sent them to your post. Wherever the hell you went. I remembered how much you loved seeing them on me, having them around my neck, as if you owned me.”
Sy scowled at you and went to speak but you pressed a finger to his lips, and when he nodded for you to continue, you dropped your hand into your lap.
“You did Sy, you owned every part of me. We were young and in love. They were a reminder of how much I gave to you, you had my mind, body and soul,” You paused for a moment, reopening this wound was going to go really well for the both of you or it was going to be terrible and ruin the friendship that you’ve built, “I didn’t want you to have my heart because I no longer had yours.”
The feel of Sy’s hand that tipped your chin up to look at him made your heart race.
“You’ve always had my heart darlin’.” He whispered, “I don’t expect you to wear them. You can throw them in the river if you like?”
Laughter eased the tension in the room, the warmth of his body so close to you dried the tears. Was this really happening? Sy was confessing that he loved you, not directly but how else would he have said it. He had never been the type of guy to shout it from the rooftops at first, he treads carefully and waits for you. Waits for you to take that final step to meet him in the middle.
And you were ready to make that move, you edged closer to him until your faces were inches apart. Eyes flickered between one another and each other’s lips. The warm glow of the Christmas tree framed the moment as you finally met him in the middle with a kiss.
The kiss was soft, and light, with no pressure on either of you to take it any further but it was still filled with affection, and you didn’t want to pull away, but this couldn’t go any further. Not tonight at least. You weren’t ready for that step in this situation. You pulled back slightly, lips parting in hesitance but Sy’s nose rubbed against yours and his beard grazed against your cheek.
He rested his forehead against yours while his large hands held your head close. Your eyes remained shut while you regained your breath, and you tried to hold onto this moment. To hold on to the warmth flowing through veins and the thump in your heart at what could happen next.
“Stay the night,” Sy whispered, his lips glided over your own.
You opened your eyes and shook your head, “Not tonight. I should go home.”
“Sorry,” Sy’s face dropped, and he pulled away.
“No, don’t do that.” Your hand cupped his cheek and guided him back to look at you, giving him a small smile of reassurance, “I’ll see you tomorrow. We’ve got the trip to the market remember?”
You watched the tension fall from Sy’s shoulders and the sparkle return to his features. This man, a soldier, a hero was letting you back into his heart and you were so irrevocably in love with him, which made it so much harder for you to leave.
The cab ride back to your place was silent and you needed that time to think and get a good sleep before your adventure tomorrow because this was the start of something.
Tomorrow was going to be a new day, and you knew that it was going to be the best one yet.
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A Captain's Christmas Tag List
@sillyrabbit81 @eldarwen333 @little-brattyangel
Everything Tag List
@foxyjwls007 @impala1967dwinchester @justagirlinafandomworld @miraclesoflove @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @old-enough-to-know-better73 @queenoftheunderdark @supraveng @thefridgeismybestie @valsworldofcreativity @wiccanmetallicrose @wonder-cole @rainbowkisses31 @little-diable
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