#off the top of my head the only ones i can think of are like. the macra terror and the forsaken
“Oh my god, Robin.” Steve is whispering into the mouth piece of his desk phone, begging she can hear him. Because he’s not going to be removing his hovering hand from over his mouth, while he groans into the phone, risking being overheard.
“What?” She sounds exasperated but not annoyed.
“You know the new guy? The one starting in IT today?”
“Yeah?” He can hear her clicking the ballpoint pen he thought he hid last week.
“He is so hot, and I need your help finding out if he plays for our team.”
“Your team, Steve. If he played for my team, this would be a different conversation. Why can’t you figure it out yourself?”
“Because Mike was the one that brought him by and you know how Mike feels about me. I’m pretty sure he told Eddie I was an asshole or something because he barely made eye contact. I don’t want to come on too strong and then I make it worse if he’s straight.” Steve glances over his cube wall to ensure no one’s listening. “Please, do this for me and I’ll buy you tacos for lunch.”
“Fine, oh speak of the devil. Here they come.” Steve hears her chair squeak. “I’ll call you back.”
They hang up and Steve leans in his chair trying to peer down the aisle and see if he can watch the interaction. Robin’s desk isn’t quite down the line so he can only see the top of Mike and Eddie’s head. Neither of their skulls are giving anything away so he sighs and accepts he’ll have to wait for Robin’s call.
After a painstaking 7 minutes Steve’s phone rings. He grabs it immediately and grunts an acknowledgment.
Steve’s stomach drops because that’s not Robin’s voice. “Sorry, this is Steve.”
“Hey, um, it’s Eddie. We just met.”
“Yeah,” Steve’s voice lilts up. “What’s up?”
“Oh, Robin said you had a question about something.” Of course she did.
“Uh, did she mention what it was about?” He’s going to murder her.
“No,” he sounds annoyed.
Think quick. “I was…do you play softball? I’m on a league and we’re always looking for new players.”
“No?” He’s probably wondering why he had Robin ask him to call. “Not really a sports guy.”
“Oh, yeah ok. That makes sense.” Steve rubs the back of his neck scrambling for conversation.
“Why does that make sense?”
Shit. “No, I just noticed your rings and nail polish. I can never keep polish on my nails during the season. Gets chipped too easily.” Eddie hums some kind of acknowledgment that Steve can’t interpret. “You’re probably in a band or something, way cooler than softball.” Steve sighs and needs to get out of this shit show of a conversation stat.
“I play guitar,” Eddie states simply.
“See? Yeah, so much cooler than softball. I never learned how to play anything. Wanted to, thought it would get me more chicks in high school.” Steve realizes what that sounds like and rushes to add. “Or anyone now.”
“Yeah, ok. Was there something computer related you needed help with?”
Steve wants to jump off the fifth floor of this building because why is he such a disaster at this? “Sorry, no. You’re probably busy. It was nice meeting you.”
“Yeah, you too, man.”
“Bye,” Eddie doesn’t respond and Steve drops the receiver down like he wants the floor to open up and swallow him whole.
“Well that was embarrassing.” Steve whips around to see Robin hovering behind him. “I set you up an easy hit and that’s what you do with it?” She has her right hand on her hip and her left hanging on the edge of his cube wall.
“You sabotaged me.” He points his finger at her then pushes himself to his feet. He needs more coffee.
“I did nothing of the sort.” She follows close behind as he weaves through the maze toward the break room.
“Yes you did. I asked you to find out and keep me away from the entire thing. You didn’t even send me a courtesy Slack message. This does not equal tacos.”
“Not fair!” She whines as he pushes the door open with his shoulder.
“It’s only fair since you didn’t do anything. I was the one who looked like an idiot fumbling to come up with something to say to the guy because my best friend refused to find out if he’s queer on her own.”
Robin’s eyes are wide and she’s not speaking which slightly terrifies Steve. He turns around to see the man of the hour pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Hmm,” Eddie tuts, then leans against the counter with a level of nonchalance that shouldn’t be doing something for Steve. “That explains that. Glad I won’t be obsessing the rest of the day about what in the world the hot guy was going on about.”
Eddie’s eyes flick up to Steve and when Steve sees the corner of Eddie’s mouth tick up he can’t help it when a blush spreads across his cheeks. Steve thinks he hears Robin back out of the room but he’s not going to turn around to verify.
“My band has a show this Friday. You should come.” He says while pushing his body away from the counter and stalking toward Steve.
“Yeah,” Steve watches the man move closer.
“I’ll email you the info.” Eddie stops a foot in front of Steve, much too close for casual, and it sends a rush of butterflies through his gut. “Harrington, right?”
“Uh huh.”
“Cool,” Eddie puts his hands on Steve’s shoulder and gives it a squeeze as he steps past. “Oh and it’s too bad you don’t paint your nails more. I bet your fingers look pretty wrapped around…that bat.” Steve feels the weight of the pause and so does his dick if the twitch it gives means anything. “See ya later, man.”
When Eddie disappears through the doorway and Steve’s alone he exhales loudly just before Robin’s pushing her way back into the break room.
“Wanna split the carne asada plate?”
“Yes!” She fist bumps into the air. “Knew it.”
“Also, how does manicures at lunch tomorrow sound?” She cocks her head at him. “He thinks my fingers would look good painted when holding-“
“Don’t!” She interrupts.
“A baseball bat,” he says innocently.
“Uh huh,” she narrows her eyes. “As long as you’re driving, I’m game.”
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wileys-russo · 2 days
found out today that mary is a junior black belt in judo.. fic request where she insists she can protect you (cocky af) and does show up when needed (you can think of a situation) but later there's something dumb like a spider and mary freaks out.
reader takes the mick out of her and her black belt status.
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itsy bitsy spider II m.earps
"only me darling!" you looked up from the stir fry you were almost finished as keys jingled and the door popped open, the thud of your girlfriends bag hitting the wall followed by a quiet string of swear words making you smile and shake your head.
"you know babe the wall doesn't move, its still there every single time you come home and bump into it." you teased, glancing at her with a smile over your shoulder as she joined you in the kitchen.
"and do you know love that your jokes still aren't funny, every single time you tell them." mary teased back, pecking your lips sweetly and tapping at your ass with a wink as you smacked her across the back of the head with the spatula in your hand.
"ow! baby." mary gasped in shock, rubbing at her head with wide eyes. "reflexes like a cat earps, hands off the merchandise unless you're invited to touch." you winked, flicking off the stovetop and moving the wok off the heat.
"how was judo?" you questioned, hearing her rummage through the fridge before it closed with a gentle thump and you heard the sound of her chugging water.
"good! i'm bloody exhausted though, they paired me up with the new trainer for sparring and he did not go easy." mary exhaled as she finished the entire bottle of water.
"you are actually a mad woman mary. do you know any other professional footballers who choose to do another sport with a load of intense training alongside football?" you tutted, never having been overly fond of the girls favourite pastime.
but you knew judo made her happy and acted as a form of self care and stress relief for the keeper, though not one you ever pretended to understand or enjoy forever worried she'd hurt herself.
"no, which is why i know i'd beat them all in a fight." your girlfriend grinned cockily with a wink making you roll your eyes as you dished up. "here, refuel karate kid." you handed her a bowl as she kissed your cheek appreciatively.
"karate is very different from judo its-" though at your raised eyebrow your girlfriend stopped her little rant. "have i told you i love you?" she smiled charmingly instead as you hummed. "mm not in the last five minutes you've been home, better pick your act up." you sat down and looked to her expectantly.
"mary!" you scoffed when she remained silent, kicking at her as she sat beside you on the lounge and sent you a cheeky smile knowing exactly how to wind you up.
"come here stroppy." you hurried to place your bowl down beside hers on the coffee table as she grabbed at you, pulling you to sit on top of her.
"i love you i love you i love you i love you-" she repeated over and over as she showered your face with kisses, your scowl melting easily into a lovesick smile. "better?" mary beamed, kissing you properly with a loud mwah and a wiggle of her eyebrows making you laugh.
"yes. now shut up and eat your dinner."
"baby come to bed, please! i'm tired and i want a cuddle." you groaned halfheartedly, unable to hold back your laugh as mary insisted on showing you a new move she learned today she'd spent a while perfecting.
"look babe i promise this is much more impressive when there's an actual person being flipped and not just my verbal description. promise! consider me your personal security guard, i can always protect you." mary assured as you shook your head.
"mary my love for the hundredth time i believe you, in fact i have never questioned that. now come to bed!" you laughed and made grabby hands which of course were ignored. "oh i know! you can help me demo, then you'll really understand." mary perked up as your eyes widened.
"absolutely not. mary-mary!" you squealed as before you could blink you were yanked from the warm safe cocoon of your duvet and your feet hit the carpeted floor of your bedroom.
"right. so as i was saying-" you continued to protest and it continued to fall on deaf ears as she just talked over you, walking you through the move as she grabbed your hands and swiftly turned you around.
"-and then you drop the shoulder, twist the wrist and flip!" you grunted as suddenly you were upside down momentarily before your back hit the mattress and you blinked in shock.
"see! way more impressive." your girlfriends cheshire like grin appeared above you as she jumped on top of you, legs either side of your hips. "do not manhandle me like that again i am not a crash test dummy!" you warned, pushing at her shoulders and flipping your positions.
"thought you didn't mind being tossed around baby." mary smirked, hands on your hips and pulling you down properly on top of her. "don't distract me with sexy talk earps. i. am. not. your. judo. partner!" you smacked her repeatedly with a pillow as she held her hands up to try and shield herself.
"i know...you're much better looking." "mary!"
you awoke several hours later to a scream, bolting upright in bed and clutching at empty sheets where your girlfriend had once been soundly asleep beside you, heart racing at her absence.
scrambling to your feet and cursing under your breath you looked around for a weapon, grabbing the first thing you could which was the bedside lamp, yanking the chord from the wall as you took a shaky breath.
but hearing mary yell out your name again you frowned, all but kicking open the bedroom door and brandishing the lamp around, swinging it as if to hit an invisible attacker with every step until finally you rounded the corner into the kitchen.
"what happened? whose hurt? was there a break in? do they have a weapon? did they steal anything?" you started to fire off question after question, alarmed greatly by the way the taller girls face was white as a sheet and she shook like a leaf, clearly panicking.
"kill it!" was all mary barked out shaking her head as you frowned. "kill who? all i've got is a lamp!" your own head darted around anxiously, taking in the seemingly empty house around you. "that! chuck the flaming lamp at it then we can get a new one!" mary demanded as you stepped closer and followed her outstretched finger.
"mary alexandra earps." you started slowly, placing the lamp down on the counter slowly. "please do not tell me you just woke me up screaming the house down at 3:42am...for that." you deadpanned, hands on hips and glaring her right in the face.
"baby less talking. more smacking or stabbing or burning or swatting-just kill it!" mary ordered again, backing away even further until she hit the counter behind her.
"mary. i thought we were being robbed!" you snapped, exhaling and rubbing your temples with your fingers, your half awake pre panicked state causing a headache to come on. "well he's hardly on the lease is he!" mary snapped back with a huff.
the 'he' in general was an itsy bitsy black spider, barely the size of a two pound coin, huddled just above the top of the fridge minding his own business.
"jesus christ mary you're literally a black belt in judo and you can't kill a tiny weeny spider?" you mocked sarcastically, rolling your eyes and turning to rummage around beneath the sink for the fly swatter.
"it's huge! and hurry, and its got those evil beady little eyes that are just following me around and-" you tuned your girlfriend out at that point, grabbing the fly swatter and within seconds all that was left was a small black smear which you promptly on your tippy toes wiped with a tissue and dumped in the bin.
"well now that seemed a bit harsh, you could have relocated it babe." mary chimed in, though at the very slow way you turned to face her, bags under your eyes which were narrowed into a murderous glare she paled once more.
"sorry, thank you darling. i love you, so so so so much!" mary tried again with a smile as you only hummed, flicking off the kitchen light engulfing her into darkness and stomping back off to the bedroom.
when mary joined you a few minutes later your face was illuminated by the soft glow of your phone screen. "what are you doing?" your girlfriend asked gently, rounding the bed to her side, still cautious of how you might be upset with her.
"opening all my online dating profiles back up, but adding in my bio that you need to be able to kill bugs to date me." you replied nonchalantly, the goalkeeper shooting up bolt straight beside you. "you're what!?" she asked in disbelief, scoffing as words failed to come to her making you chuckle with a small smile.
"not really, idiot." you nudged her as she sighed deeply with relief, laying back down in bed and knowing she deserved that after the wake up call.
"what are you really doing?" she asked curiously, head rolling onto your pillow as she squinted at your screen you made no move to hide from her.
"editing your wikipedia page to say you're a black belt in judo whose terrified of itsy bitsy tiny little spiders." you replied honestly this time, mary humming with a nod as she settled back into bed, eyes closing momentarily before they slammed open again.
"oh well thats a relief i thought that-wait you're what!?"
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linamromero · 1 day
𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐚/𝐧: 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭. 𝐥𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐚 𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 - 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑.
it happened again.
the team won the la liga for the season again. It was even better because your girlfriend alexia made her comeback after being out for nearly 10 months from a nasty knee injury.
you and alexia were celebrating on the way back to the changing room, clinging on to the trophy her hand on one handle and yours on the other, "nosotras somos las campeonas!”
"mi amiga!" patri sang the next lyric so she played the queen song on the speaker.
alexia pulled your body close to hers swaying to the music, you buried your face into her neck placing light kisses every once in a while, "amor!”
"sí?" you hummed sending vibrations through her body.
"i don't want to stay out late tonight, we can celebrate at home." alexia whispered stroking your hair.
"how would you like to celebrate at home?" you smirked playing dumb.
"i think you know." she murmured in your ear.
"venga lovebirds, have a beer!” mapi handed you both a bottle of estrella from her cubby.
"valé valé valé!" alexia put her hands up before taking her sweaty match shirt off.
you could help but stare a little too long before taking your own shirt off. the team sang and danced for a while before you decide to go home and get dressed up to go to manuelas.
you both got into alexia’s car and managed to get out of the car park before being swarmed by fans. the both of you took photos and signed items before leaving the premises.
once you got home, alexia went straight upstairs into your shared bedroom changing for a shower, “y/n cariño are you showering with me?”
"sí claro, stupid question bonita but we can't be long i promised patri i would pick her and piña up." you called up stair well.
you rushed into the master bedroom taking your shorts and sports bra off as you were eager to get to alexia. she was in the shower facing the wall you thought she looked good from behind. her ass is incredible.
you opened the glass shower door, she didn't even turn around so you approached her holding her hips, grabbing her bum lightly, "hola bonita." she greeted you.
you hummed in response kissing over her neck and across her left shoulder, you brought her arm up kissing all the way down her arm and down her hand to her index finger. alexia tilted your chin up to look at her in the eyes, bringing you close to her face connecting her lips with yours.
no words were shared, just through actions.
you managed to wash each other without getting too carried away, "can you pass me my towel amor?"
the midfielder wrapped a towel around you and her own around herself walking back into the master bedroom. you decided to dry and straighten your hair, leaving your natural freckles to sprawl themselves across your face only applying a little bit of mascara.
finally you decided to wear some caramel dress trousers and a white vest top paired with your dior high tops, gold rolex, cartier bangle and chunky rings.
your girlfriend decided on a black crop top with extra ties and a matching black ruched skirt. she left her hair looking wet pushed back out of her face, alexia put light eyeshadow on with lashes and a red lip, "what jewellery shall i wear?"
"definitely gold so maybe your hoops and the gold rolex i got you." you suggested, which she agreed putting them on.
"and my shoes?"
"your red jordans 100%." you implied.
"you have such good taste, i know i can count on you." alexia smiled kissing your lips lightly.
"ale!" You groaned.
"you got your lipstick on me." she wiped your lips with her finger, "no kissing me all night."
"but y/n, that's gonna be so hard you look so good." alexia smirked.
“you’re just gonna have to behave."
"i will try my hardest ." alexia raised a brow grabbing her bag.
after the couple picked up patri and piña they drove to the open air restaurant, their head coach had invited the team out for a celebratory dinner.
of course they were the first of the players to arrive, alexia was always good with her timing, arriving first to everything.
"hola bona nit.” each of the greeted.
"sit, sit." he pointed at the rather long table.
you and alexia sat near the head of the table as the staff sat next to jonatan who was at the end with patri and piña sitting opposite you. once everyone arrived jonatan handed your girlfriend the trophy placing it in between you both.
"mi reina." You mumbled into alexia's ear, a smile appeared upon her lips.
"mi querida." she looked at you with loving eyes.
everyone had eaten and drinks were flowing, you were finishing third estrella whereas your girlfriend was finishing her fourth strawberry daiquiri. mapi danced over to the table with a large jug of sangria, "let's get this party started!"
you all cheered, mapi filling fresh wine glasses to the brim with the beverage. you placed your hand on alexia's bare thigh making her flinch at the coldness of your rings, "lo siento."
she brushed her thumb over your knuckle reassuring you that she was fine.
jonatan told everyone to grab a photo with the trophy in which you all did, "campeonas! campeonas !" cata and mapi started shouting dancing around with her flag that she bought with her.
eventually you all floated off to manuelas which you were looking forward to. As soon as you entered, you were stamped with a 'manuelas' tattoo and lots of stickers.
you got the love was playing a slowish song so you dragged your girlfriend to the dance floor slinging her arms around your neck. slowly dancing and singing the lyrics with your teammates.
she span her body around as antes de morirme started playing guiding your arms around her waist, you pulled her hips colliding them with yours. her skirt began to ride up as she grinded her backside into your crotch, “cariño."
she looked up at you with an innocent look on her face, "si mi amor?"
"i said behave." you bit your lip.
"i am not using my lips though am i?" alexia winked at you knowing that she was teasing you.
"bathroom. ahora." you grunted in her ear.
you got to the bathroom, other women were hooking up by the basins so alexia lead you into a cubical. you pushed her up against the door, exploring her exposed body in the limited space you had.
she returned the favour, flipping your body over onto the door, pulling your straps of your vest top down taking it off with your bra. alexia attached her lips to your neck, kissing and sucking at it moving down to your breasts, "ale."
she just looked at you innocently, "you want this right?"
you nodded in response and she set to work taking your nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it adding a light suction. At this point alexia's lipstick had smeared all over your body but you were too busy to care.
"ale! y/n!" a voice called from outside the cubicle, of course it was ana.
her voice pulled you out of the messy fog, "yes what?"
"if your gonna have sex, go home." she yelled as you quickly put your clothes on and opened the door.
“how did you know?" alexia furrowed her eyebrows.
"look at the state of y/n for a start!” your body was absolutely covered in alexia's lipstick.
"ah well i-."
"save it, just go home i've ordered you an uber and pick your car up in the morning." ana said leaving the bathroom.
"gracias ana!" you pulled a face as you left the club.
"we can continue this at home, mi reina." you smirked getting in the taxi.
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saeist · 12 hours
"so.. who here has a secret boyfriend we don't know about?" mina asks the first thing that came to mind not even a minute after this impromptu slumber party that's currently held in yaoyorozu's room
after a long week of training and pro hero studies, you lot decided to why not unwind by having a little sleepover at one of the girls' rooms. yaoyorozu was kind enough to volunteer to hold it in her room as she has never experienced sleepovers with others
you all looked at each other with curiosity. curious if anyone was actually in a committed relationship that the class didn't know about. not like it was their business or anything..
"what? nobody? that's kinda hard to believe.." hagakure comments, genuinely surprised since usually at this age where everyone is in high school, you're bound to get into relationships
"i mean it's like we have the time to mingle around since we're busy with training and on top of that, trying to keep afloat with our academics" tsuyu points out, a finger on her chin as she recalls if anyone actually had free time to spare amidst all the chaos your class has been through
hearing what tsuyu said, mina whines, dramatically flailing her arms around
"ugh i hate that what you said is true, tsuyu-chan.. but what about crushes! do you guys have a crush on anyone in class or anyone in ua?" mina continues to bombard everyone with questions related to romance. to you it almost feels targeted because you're not too sure if she knows something about you
"crushes?" uraraka trails off. all of a sudden she shakes her head vigorously.
"what's wrong uraraka-chan?" tsuyu asks, worried
"oh my god! are you crushing on someone?!" hagakure squeals, "you have someone in mind don't you!"
the girls (minus you, tsuyu and yaoyorozu) start to bombard her with questions
"is it midoriya?!"
"is it iida?!"
"it's nobody!" uraraka defends herself, shaking her hands around. mina pouts but drops the subject.
you didn't even realize that you were holding in your breath til jirou points it out
"what's with the sigh of relief, y/n?" jirou pokes your side jokingly.
wrong move on your part
suddenly there was a certain glint on mina's eyes. like you just walked into her trap
"you haven't said anything since we started talking about crushes, y/n-chan.. anyone in mind?" mina grins mischievously.
"no one" you say abruptly but it turns out your own body betrays you. you can literally feel the heat creeping up to your cheeks
"oh my god she's blushing! WHO! IS IT IN OUR CLASS OR CLASS B? WHO?! WE NEED TO KNOW" hagakure squeals in joy, suddenly clasping your hands together as she shakes you
"it's nobody you guys-"
"i've been meaning to ask, y/n-san.. if there's anything going on between you and bakugo-san" yaoyorozu speaks up for the first time tonight
mina and hagakure both scream in delight
"what makes you say that, yaomomo?" you ask, trying to calm your heartbeat at the mention of the boy you think you're seeing..
you and bakugo had a weird, for lack of better word, "relationship" going on at the moment. one would call it a situationship but you're still not 100% sure if it's even heading to that direction
it all started after the provisional license exams. the same night where he and deku had a brawl at ground beta. right after bakugo and deku got dismissed by aizawa, you bumped into him in the kitchen. obviously scared out of your wits that he was looking all beaten up, you brought him to the nearest bathroom to clean his cuts and bruises
since then you and him had found yourselves in this weird "relationship". sure, he's still the same bakugo you first met during the first day of classes. always brash and rowdy but when it was only the two of you.. he was.. a littler calmer than usual
to others, he was his usual explosive self but when it came to you, his tone would be a little softer. still, it's still rough around the edges but the subtle change is noticeable if you were a close friend of his
overtime, you and bakugo slowly became touchy with each other. there were lingering stares, lingering touches when you two were paired up to spar during training and what not
obviously with this sudden change of attitude towards you, the whole class noticed it. why were you getting treated differently by the king explosion god himself?
and before you even noticed it, you found yourself almost by his side at all times in the dorms. may it be in the kitchen where you're basically his second in command when he was in charge of cooking, in the lounge whenever everyone decides to have a little movie marathon or a little celebration, literally everywhere to the point everyone had made assumptions that you two have something going on
have you guys said anything about your little situation? no
have you guys shared a kiss? maybe
have you guys been caught holding hands? definitely. on multiple occasions
but nobody dared to question it. or else they would've been blown away by boom boom boy himself.
that is until, the girls found an opening which was tonight at yaoyorozu's room, in the middle of your slumber party
"i didn't mean to eavesdrop that one time but i overheard you giving him your notes when he was under house arrest for a few days" yaoyorozu sheepishly admits. she suddenly clasps her hands together and bows as she spews apologies for eavesdropping that one time
and like a domino effect, it seems like all the girls have noticed something about the two of you all along
"that reminds me! when we were practicing for the school festival, one time i saw bakugo teaching y/n how to play drums!" jirou quips
"did you guys notice the look on bakugo's face during the joint training with class 1-b when she got hit by gevaudan?! he was pissed!" uraraka adds
"don't think we didn't notice the look you have on your face whenever bakugo comes home from their remedial classes" hagakure teases
"god i've been dying to know! kirishima keeps telling me that he hears bakugo laughing to himself late at night at times now it's all clicking!" mina gushes
all this time you thought you and bakugo hid it well. then again it's like you two even had the chance to properly talk about whatever you two have going on
"so what do you have to say for yourself, y/n-chan? or cat got your tongue?" mina teases, nudging your shoulder
all the girls lean forward, awaiting for your answer
"... we're friends- yeah that's right! we're just friends you guys" you say awkwardly, scratching the back of your head as a nervous habit to top it all off
mina and hagakure don't buy it
"that's not very nice of you to deny your boyfriend like that" mina teases, poking you multiple times in hopes you break (you almost do)
not wanting to say anything else that could potentially jinx whatever you have going on with the blonde, you shrug. it might be a little embarrassing on your end to admit that you and the infamous bakugo katsuki were in a little dilemma you call a situationship
sensing that you weren't gonna budge anytime soon, mina moves on with the subject. talking about what quirks they wished they have from the class
you took this time to pull out your phone and send a little update to your.. friend
[9:24PM] you: so the girls asked me if i had a boyfriend.. [9:24PM] kitkats: and what did u say?? [9:25PM] you: i said no lol cus i dont have one [9:26PM] kitkats: ?? [9:26PM] kitkats: so am i just an arm accessory now or?
right before you were able to reply back, mina snatches your phone from your hands.
"no texting during the slumber party!" she yells, before taking a peek at who you're messaging
"give it back, mina!" you scream, trying to get your phone back to prevent her from reading what seems to be a new message from bakugo
"oh my god it's bakugo! wait let me send him a pic so he won't disturb our party" she squeals, taking a quick selfie of everyone with you looking all stressed out
"and.. sent!" she smiles proudly. after what seems like torture (it was only a few seconds) mina tosses your phone back to your hands before continuing on whatever you guys were talking about
not even a minute later, bakugo replies
[9:30PM] kitkats: raccoon eyes you better not set yn up with someone else when im literally right fuckin' here
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 2 days
Hiii I love your account! 🐇 with Rafe please and “You’re so annoying” and “you look pretty like this” if I can pick two hehe
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Omg thank you so much!! Of course you can pick two! I hope you like it! Thank you to my angel @babygorewhore for beta reading🖤🤭
This is for my 1.6k celebration🎀🖤
Warnings: Reader is Topper’s sister, enemies to fucking?, blow job, hair pulling, face fucking, cum swallowing, a lil bit of degradation. 18+MNDI!! W.k: 1.7k
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Rafe has been driving you nuts since, well, as long as you can remember, but he’s driving you especially insane today. All you wanted to do was lay by the pool with your fruity little drink and read your dirty romance novel. But no, apparently Rafe didn’t want you to have a moment of peace while you were home from college for the summer. Why your brother had to choose him as a best friend and then also choose to stick with it for this long is beyond you. So he was just always around and it seemed like lately you couldn’t escape him no matter what you did.
The minute they got to the house with beers you asked Topper if they’d fuck off and chill inside but Rafe insisted they hang out in the back.
“It’s nice out, and I just can’t pass up this view.” He smirks at you as he leans back in one of your mom’s plush patio chairs, his eyes drinking in your barely there bikini.
“Rafe, that’s my sister man, how many times do I have to tell you that she’s -“ Rafe cuts Topper off with a scoff and a roll of his eyes.
“She’s off limits, yeah, yeah, I know the fuckin’ drill Top.” That doesn’t stop him from glancing over at you every ten seconds. Sending you subtle little winks over Topper’s shoulder, practically fucking you with his eyes and you hate how much you like it. You can’t stand how much your body betrays you when it comes to Rafe fucking Cameron. He makes you want to rip your hair out, he’s arrogant, rude, and a classic spoiled preppy frat boy in every way. But that doesn’t change the fact that he’s so god damn sexy.
“The fact that you guys are being so fucking loud that I can hear you with my music on full blast is actually insane to me.” You slam your book shut as you dramatically pull your headphones off your head.
“Maybe you should stop being so fucking boring and come chill with us then.” Rafe blows out a hit as he holds the bong towards you. “Wanna hit?”
“You? Never.” You scoff, crossing your arm as you glare over at him.
“You think you’re reaaal clever, huh? I know you’re lying, you want me so bad.” Rafe snorts, setting the bong down on the table before leaning back in the chair with his arms behind his head and his legs spread. Fuck.
“You know what? I’m over this. Bye.” You shake your head as you grab your things, making sure to send Rafe a death glare on your way inside the house.
You’re inside for maybe five minutes when there’s a knock on your bedroom door.
“Fuck off, Top! I’m changing, I don’t wanna hear how sorry you are for how much of an asshole Rafe is for the millionth time!”
“Exactly how big of an asshole am I? Huh, princess?” The sound of Rafe’s voice on the other side of your door has you practically growling as you storm towards it and rip it open.
“You’re so annoying, Rafe, you know that!? You’re like a fucking fly or some shit, always buzzing around with no real thoughts in your head!!!” You glare up at him as your eyes meet his own, stomping your foot in frustration.
“You look pretty like this, ya know?” He rests his hand on the side of the door frame as he smirks down at you.
“Like fucking what, Cameron!?”
“All pissed off at me n’ shit.” He chuckles, leaning down further so his face is only a few inches from your own. His breath smells like weed and beer but his lips are so fucking kissable that it actually just pisses you off more. “I think you’re just mad because you wanna fuck me and you’re in denial about it.”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” You scoff and roll your eyes but you don’t even know if you believe yourself because you sound so full of shit.
“I mean, yeah. It also doesn’t hurt that you still have on that tiny little bikini…” He wets his lips with his tongue as his hand reaches out to cup your cheek. He drags his thumb across your glossy bottom lip before releasing it with a pop. “I don’t hear you denying it, baby.”
“I - You know what? Fuck it.” You practically lunge forward to lace your fingers into the material of his shirt using the grip to pull his mouth down to yours in a bruising kiss. He grips onto your hips, pulling you until you’re flush against him. He slips his tongue into your mouth and practically devours you before pulling away with a fucking smirk painted on his face.
“Fuckin’ knew it, knew you wanted me.” He bites his lip while he looks down at you like he won the fucking lottery.
“Shut up, don’t be a fuck boy about it or I’m not letting you anywhere near my pussy, Cameron.” You glare up at him with your lips set into that irritated little pout that makes him want to shove his cock between them.
“Your pussy? Shit, baby, you gonna let me fuck you? I’ve been wanting to wipe that bratty fuckin’ look off your face for years.”
“Yeah? Well maybe I wanna wipe that cocky fucking look off of yours.” You grab onto his hand, pulling him through the doorway, practically slamming it closed behind him. You push him up against it before dropping to your knees and making quick work of undoing his shorts.
“Shit, been fuckin’ dreaming about that pretty little mouth around my cock nonstop.” You pull his cock free and you can’t even hide the shocked look on your face at the sight of it. He was fucking huge. Long and thick and so fucking hard, god you can’t stand him.
“No wonder you’re so fucking arrogant, you would have a fucking monster cock.” You roll your eyes as you look up at him and you can tell by the look on his face that he’s about to say some smug bullshit so you grab onto his shaft and spit on it.
“Oh fuckkk, yeah, get it all fuckin’ wet.” He laces his fingers through your hair with a groan when you start to jerk him off. You pump him a few times before smirking up at him and taking him all the way down your throat in one motion. “God damn, baby, knew you had a mouth on you but shit.”
You pull almost all the way off of him, just sucking his tip as you swirl your tongue around it, flicking it along the slit. You work the rest of him with your spit slick palm as you look up at him. And god. He drives you insane in every fucking way. He looks so hot, you hate him for looking so hot. His mouth is hanging open as grunts and profanities leave it. Those ocean blue eyes keep rotating between boring down into your own and rolling in the back of his head, that stupid ass button up he’s wearing is riding up a little and showing a sliver of his waist and his shoulders fill it out so perfectly.
“Take this shit off.” Rafe uses the hand not in your hair to grab onto the top tie of your bikini top and pull the knot loose. “Fuck, fuckin’ knew you had perfect tits.”
You pull off of him with a pop, a string of drool still connected to your lips from his cock. When it breaks it drips down onto your chest between your tits and the sight makes his cock twitch in your hand.
“Yeah? Bet you wanna touch them sooo bad.” You mock pout at him as you bring your free hand up to fondle your tits.
“Don’t fuckin’ tease me, princess.” Rafe’s grip on your hair tightens and it causes you to let out a breathy moan. “Oh? You like it rough? Open your fuckin’ bratty little mouth.”
You stick your tongue out for him and he uses his grip on your hair to pull your head back down to his cock. He glides it across your tongue a few times, hitting the back of your throat, causing you to gag. You wrap your lips around his cock and swallow causing your throat to constrict around him. He starts to thrust into your mouth while you continue to practically swallow his cock, swirling your tongue while you finally take what he gives you.
“Yeah, that’s fuckin’ it, little brat, your mouth feels so fuckin’ good.” When you reach up to fondle his balls he throws his head back and his free hand flys to his hair, tugging at the strands almost as hard as he’s tugging on your own. “God damn, keep doing that - fuck - you’re gonna make me fuckin’ cum.”
“Yo Rafe, where you at!?” Topper’s voice travels up from downstairs and Rafe’s grip on your hair loosens as his thrusts abruptly stop. But you’re not having that, you start to bob your head up and down, giving his balls attention as you deep throat him.
“Baby - shit - I’m gonna cum down that slutty little throat, don’t stop.” You don’t, you suck him off like your life depends on it, drool dripping down his balls, down your chin, all over your tits. God, your tits, they’re bouncing so deliciously and you look so fucking hot with your mascara running down your eyes like that, it has his cock twitching in your mouth. His cum spurts down your throat and you swallow every drop. “That’s it, good girl, fuckin’ swallow that shit.”
“Where are you man? You better not be fucking with my sister again dude!” You hear Topper’s footsteps coming up the stairs and Rafe turns to lock the door.
“Yeaaah, it’s a little too late for that, Top.” Rafe chuckles as he grabs you by the hips and throws you on the bed causing you to giggle. “I suggest you fuck off if you don’t wanna hear her screaming my name though.”
“Goodbye, Topper!! Get away from my fucking door!!” You hear him scoff before his footsteps recede back down the stairs.
“Now, where were we?” Rafe smirks at you while he wraps his hand around your throat. “I’m gonna fuckin’ ruin you.”
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Aemond uncorks his bottled frustrations. You listen whilst combing his hair.
Aemond Targaryen x Reader | 700< | cw: implied targ sibs, implied marriage, gender neutral!reader, whiny!aemond, hurt/comfort-ish, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: my birthday gift for @pendragora 🫶🫶🫶 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE I HOPE YOU LIKE IT
Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @delicious-xx @deniixlovezelda @risefallrise @slavyanskiyahui @thebullship @sa3losa @lxdyred
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I groan and lift my head from my pillow. I squint at the darkness, reaching out for the lamp on the bedside.
"Go back to sleep."
"Aemond?" my voice croaks. I slowly sit up and light my lamp. From across the room, I see a long haired man changing out of his riding gear.
I hum and lean on the headboard, "how was it?"
He chucks his boots off with more force than necessary. He repeats, colder, "go back to sleep."
Needless to say I'm wide awake.
I huff and push my blanket off me. I stand and whimper at the feel of the cold floor on my bare feet. I pass looking for my slippers and simply walk towards Aemond.
He spots me by the time he's removed his tunic. He pinches the bridge of his nose and chastises me in High Valyrian.
I ignore him, and once I'm close enough, I grab his hips. I pull him towards me and undo his breeches, "and when have I ever listened to you?"
He watches as I unlace his ties. I get him pants and a shirt from his drawer, handing them to him. He begins to change. Just before I can ask him what's wrong, he tells me himself, "mother has ordered me not to join uncle in his travel."
I hum and cross my arms.
Aemond's shirt collar hangs by his shoulder. He secures his pants and scoffs, "it's not as though I was who made those plans."
"And well made plans they were, my love," I adjust his loose fitting shirt, "Lord Hightower will benefit greatly from it."
"Yes, I can-"
I push him towards the vanity.
He sits on the chair, "-only hope-"
I light the candles on the vanity.
"-the great Ser Gwayne Hightower will make good use of it."
I press my lips as I walk behind him.
He grabs the comb on the vanity top and hands it to me.
I take it from him, stroking his hair once before combing it.
Aemond crosses his arms, "mother thinks me a helpless boy with one eye."
I tilt my head and section his hair.
Aemond stares at me through the mirror. His face twists at the lack of response. He tightens his arms around himself and I finally catch the expression on his face.
I flatten my lips before kissing the crown of his head. I remove his eye patch and place it on the table. He looks at me with expectation. I clutch his cheek and comb his hair away from his face, "you know that's not true, Aemond."
He turns back to the mirror. He purses his lips and slumps on his seat.
"Has the queen ever decided on anything without reason?"
"She's afraid," he dismisses.
I knit my brows and comb my fingers through his silky hair before using the brush.
"She's afraid of Daemon."
I tuck his hair behind his ear.
"She should know not to show it." He looks up at me, "I am not. Him and his ride are no match for Vhagar and I."
I rest my hands on his shoulder momentarily.
"He would do well not to face me."
I circle behind his chair and continue brushing his tresses, "he would."
He straightens up and rests his hands on his lap, "Caraxes is no match for Vhagar. She is nearly twice the wyrm's size, and has seen the fires of the Conquest."
"Indeed, my love," I part his hair, placing the ones I've gone over to his chest.
He tilts his head, "a wise warrior would know when to pick his battles."
"A wise warrior would know when to pick his battles."
By the time I was finished with his hair, he too was finished and was no longer as tightly wound as when he'd arrived. I place the comb back on the vanity and he stands.
I look him once over with a soft smile. I swipe his chin with my thumb, "pretty."
He brings an arm around me, pulling me in to kiss my temple.
I press my hands on his chest and urge him back, "off to bed with you then. I'm exhausted."
"Mmm," he leans down and kisses my neck. He mutters in High Valyrian, "when have I ever listened to you?"
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ldrfanatic · 2 days
hi!!! could i please request prompts l17 & r20 for theo nott? 🤭
good ones never wait
theo nott x fem!hufflepuff!reader
L17 - His hands around a cold glass make me wanna know that body like it's mine
R20 - Only bought this dress so you could take it off
suggestive at the end but no smut!
theodore aurelius nott the man that you are 😌
nav slytherin boys masterlist
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your heart was pounding in your chest as you watched the scene unfold in front of you. theodore nott, your best friend, and also the man you were irreversibly in love with, had just finished the first quidditch practice of the season. despite his teammates insistence that you were only there to spy for your house team, theo had invited you to watch for some reason you had yet to figure out.
still, watching him wipe sweat, dirt, and god knows whatever else from his perfect face while he grinned with his mates did something to your insides. couldn’t your heart just be still for once?
after being friends with theo for nearly five years, you’d learned to tune out the butterflies for the most part. but crushing on theodore nott isn’t something that one just gets over. he’s the kind of guy that you’d spend your whole life helplessly in love with.
“sweet little puff. if you’re so infatuated, ask nott out.”
the voice of pansy parkinson in your ear made you jump.
after gathering yourself once more, you shrugged thoughtlessly at the idea. of course you’d like to think he’d say yes. but with theo there was no telling. he’d never had a girlfriend his entire time at hogwarts. in fact, now that you really thought about it, you couldn’t remember him ever even giving any of the numerous girls that asked him out a chance.
he was so well known for instant rejections that eventually even his most committed fan girls had simply given up.
you made a noise of disbelief in pansy’s direction.
“sure, and ruin a five year friendship with my best friend. no thanks.”
“no, you’d much rather wallow in your feelings and never say a word about it to anyone except me apparently.”
she stood up from next to you and held out a hand. a silent invitation.
“the worst he could say is no, y/n. and at least if he does, you can start moving on.”
you grasped her hand and allowed her to pull you up, but inside you knew that there was no moving on from theodore nott. he would always have a place in your heart. you’d resigned yourself to that a long time ago.
it was a stiff silence as the pair of you made your way to where the boys were all shoving each other and rolling around in the quidditch pitch. you watched with amusement as theo shoved mattheo’s face into the grass with a playful grip on his dark curls.
as he noticed your approach, he looked up from his entanglement with a broad smile. “y/n!”
his temporary distraction gave mattheo the few vital seconds he needed, and a few moments later, he’d wrapped his arms around the taller boy’s waist and maneuvered himself to pin him.
“too slow, aurelius. distracted by your little girlfriend like usual.”
whatever theo said next was drowned out by mattheo’s rather unmanly shriek as enzo wriggled free of blaise’s grasp and flung himself at mattheo’s head.
pansy leaned over to you.
“at least come to our little gathering tonight. nothing big, just slytherin house. and of course, our little badger.”
“where theo is, i am.”
there was a part of you that wished that statement could be untrue for at least once in your life. you weren’t typically much of a party person, but since you were nearly joined at the hip with the nott boy, where theo went, you followed. and vice versa.
after forcing him into countless bookstores with you, it was really only fair that you join him for the occasional night of uninterrupted revelry.
especially since so many bodies in one room meant that theo would be practically on top of you the entire time.
you tugged at the green sundress in hopes that it was straight. you’d only bought it because theo said it would look good on you when you’d gone shopping together this past summer. but you hadn’t had an occasion to wear it yet and figured tonight was as good a night as any. softly clearing your throat, you spoke the password and watched in amazement as a snake seemed to appear out of nowhere, slithering to form the door to the slytherin common room.
the moment you stepped foot inside, music thrummed through your body. after a quick scan of the room, you found your serpents as they lounged across some furniture in a corner. yet, upon approaching, you noticed theo’s absence.
“your boy is getting you a drink.”
draco nodded to the drink table where sure enough, theo was pouring up some sort of concoction. you softly excused yourself and started your way towards him.
theo’s friends watched on as the boy completely lit up when he saw you. mattheo felt a plan began to hatch.
enzo, who apparently recognized the look on mattheo’s face, immediately began to shake his head violently.
“no. whatever you’re thinking of doing, don’t.”
immediately, mattheo’s face twisted into a look equal parts disbelief and exasperation.
“oh come on, don’t tell me you aren’t tired of those two dancing circles around each other.” he took a swig of his drink and then stood dramatically. “we all know there’s only one way to fix this.”
midway through a rather animated conversation with theo, you felt a large hand in your own. out of the corner of your eye you could see mattheo with his signature smirk.
“don’t hog her all night, aurelius. c’mon sweetheart let’s dance.”
before you could reject him, the boy had dragged you onto the dance floor and was yanking you in various directions while “dancing” with you. of course, mattheo was respectful of you and theodore’s albeit odd relationship and simply held your hands while dancing with you.
still, he knew that it wouldn’t take much to rile up his friend when it came to you. and having you ripped away from him while he was in the middle of admiring you would be frustrating no doubt.
and thus, no longer than ten seconds into your dance, mattheo was ripped away from you by his collar and dragged off by a rather irritated theo.
well, anyways.
pansy grinned knowingly as you made your way back to where she and the others were sitting. she clearly knew something. you pulled her from the couch by her wrist and out of ear shot of the boys.
“what the hell pansy?”
“mattheo has a brilliant plan to get dear little theodore to confess his feelings for you.”
“oh yeah. brilliant.” you say sarcastically. “one problem though. theodore doesn’t have feelings for me.”
she rolled her eyes at you, then fixed you with a stare so intense you were suddenly reminded of why she was in slytherin.
“yes he does. honestly, you like him too right? cause it doesn’t really seem like it anymore.”
you blushed at the thoughts that entered your head. you really shouldn’t be thinking these things about your best friend but there you were.
“his hands around a cold glass make me wanna know that body like it’s mine.”
pansy wriggled her eyebrows suggestively at you.
“well then you better go get him before he blows a blood vessel in his neck.”
she motioned behind you lazily. when you turned, theo was standing a few feet away from you and sure enough was glaring intensely at a grinning mattheo on the couch, looking as though he may kill the boy any second now.
deciding that mattheo’s death would be annoying for everyone to deal with, you approached theo timidly. yet, when his gaze met yours, you felt at peace.
your muscles relaxed involuntarily under his stare, and the closer you got to him, the more your mind seemed to clear. every thought jumped soundlessly from your brain to make room for the only thing that mattered: theodore.
"why do you let him rile you up theo?"
“he knows all the right buttons to press.”
“just ignore him.”
the brunette shook his head.
“i can’t do that. not when it’s you.”
your mouth fell open at his confession. thoughts raced through your brain but none of them actually tumbled off your tongue.
“you don’t have to say anything, bella. it’s okay that you don’t feel the same, i just needed you to know.”
your arms snaked up to wrap around his neck. electricity surged through the air and a grin spread across your face as you pulled the boy into a kiss.
“you’re so cute when you’re all dumb.”
theo’s thick brows sunk in confusion.
“i only bought this dress so you could take it off.”
@moonlightreader649 @thatdammchickennugget @helendeath @fandom-life-12 @bouquetolegoflowers @maryvibess @nighttimemoonlover
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bagerfluff · 3 days
i love casper!! Can i request jealous casper because he met reader's ex or someone very close and felt insecure and stuff! Maybe drama with the ex still in love with reader and gets casper all heated up by saying things like "i can make him feel so good. Bet you can't compete. He moans so loud with me and he cums inside me sooo much."
Reader has no idea why casper is suddenly down/anxious and irritated
An: Hi, I hope you like this and have a good day/night/after noon. Don't forget to drink water :)
Jealous Of The Ex
Sub/Bottom Casper x Top/Dom Male Reader
Prompt - Jealous
Warnings - Fingering, unprotected sex, anal sex, praise, nicknames
I also want it noted while that there is smut it is not the main part of this fic, I recommend you read all of it. But if you want to get straight to the smut but go past the caution tape.
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“For the last time, stop calling me!”
You yelled into your phone. You pulled your phone away from your ear and ended the call. You groaned and placed your phone on your desk, ignoring the beeps.
“Everything okay sunshine?” Casper asked, he doesn’t think he’s seen you so angry. He’s been listening to you yell into your phone for the past hour.
“It’s just my ex, they won't leave me alone. I think they still like me”, you said. You walked over to your bed and flopped on it. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down.
Meanwhile Casper was thinking, he knew you had an ex, just not that they were like this. Casper felt angry at them, you obviously didn’t like them anymore, plus, they were making you stressed.
Casper heard your phone beep. Casper walked over to it, the screen lit up and Casper read the message. “Come on baby, I know you still love me”, it read, making Casper’s blood boil.
Casper turned the phone off, placing its screen down on the table. How dare they think you still like them, you loved Casper now, right? I mean, you said that you dated your ex for a few years before breaking up.
You’ve only known Casper for several months now. What if? Casper shook his head, no, he was being paranoid. Casper walked over to your bed and layed down next to you.
“It’s fine, they’ll stop”, Casper said. You sighed, “yeah you're right”, you said, turning your head to smile at Casper. Casper smiled back, yeah, you loved him.
Not your ex.
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Casper heard a knock at the door.
Which confused him, you were still at work and you didn’t tell Casper that anyone would be coming. Casper placed his book down and walked to the door.
“Yes”, Casper said as he opened it. “Yeah, is Y/n here?” The person asked, peeking behind Casper. “Do you know him?” Casper asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Yes, I’m his partner, but who are you?” The person asked. Casper felt hands grip his arms tighter. So this was your ex, Casper could see what you dumped them.
Just hearing them speak made Casper want to punch them in their face. Plus, they were lying. Casper was your boyfriend, you were his and he was yours.
“No, I’m his boyfriend, now listen”, Casper said quietly, but angry.
“You’re just a ex who can’t get over him, I’m the one Y/n fucked last night, not you. I’m the one that got him moaning over me. I’m the one that made him cum inside me, you’re just an asshole”, Casper said through gritted teeth
The ex stared at Casper with wide eyes, “fine dude, whatever”, they turned on their heels and walked away. Casper slammed the door shut with a grunt.
Casper leaned against the door, who did they think they were. Who did they think they were? Casper did have to admit, they did look good.
You had dated them for years, you liked them, you fucked them. What if? What if they convinced you to go back with them? What if? Casper heard the door open.
Casper fell back but you caught him, “Whoa, you good Casp?” You asked, pushing him back up onto his feet. Casper furrowed his brows, walking away from you.
“You okay Casper?” You asked while taking off your shoes and jacket. Casper mumbled stuff to himself as you followed him. Casper turned around and sat on your bed, arms crossed and pout on his face.
“What's wrong?” You asked, worry evident on your face as you sat next to him. Casper turned his head away from you, he wasn’t mad anymore. He was more jealous.
You were the most important thing to Casper, he loved you more than anything. The thought of losing you scared Casper more than anything.
Casper hated it, Casper did all of this for you.
He ran away from everything he knew for you and then he might lose you. “Are you okay?” You asked Casper, noticing tears slowly running down his face. “I’m fine”, Casper said.
You turned to face Casper, “what happened?” You asked, grabbing Casper’s face in your hand and turning his face towards you. Casper stared at you before looking away and glaring.
“You’re ex visited, made me jealous”, Casper said. You sighed, “I’ll get a straining reorder on them I swear”, you mumbled. “But, you don’t have to be jealous. I love you, not them”, you said with a smile.
Casper calmed down, “yeah, I guess”, Casper said, though he was still a little jealous. Casper was a bit jealous about something else, about how you fucked them.
He knew you dated them before, but how they looked when Casper brought up the fucking. Casper was jealous of that. “You okay, you still look angry”, you said.
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You glanced down, noticed a boner in Casper’s pants.
“Oh, that’s what you're still jealous about”, you said with a smirk. Casper looked towards you, just to see you smirking. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll show you just how good you make me feel”, you pushed Casper onto his back.
You took off your shirt and opened your bedside draw, taking out a bottle of lube. Casper moved back on the bed, the smirk on his face matching your own.
You looked at Casper before nodding your head to his pants. Casper quickly removed his pants and boxes, revealing his half hard dick. You lifted one of Casper’s legs and lined up a lubed finger to his hole.
“Hmmm, yes”, Casper groaned as you slowly started to finger him. “You’re my boyfriend, my perfect fuck toy”, you said while adding another finger.
Casper moaned at the praise. You added another finger and sped up, your dick getting harder hearing Casper moan. Once you thought Casper was prepared enough you let his leg fall.
You grabbed the bottle of lube and squeezed some into your hand. “Look at this love, you made me feel like this”, you said. Casper leaned up on his arms, staring at your erect dick.
You didn’t remove your pants, just took your dick out. You didn’t have the patience to wait. Casper moaned and watched as you slid your dick into his hole.
“Ahhah~”, Casper moaned as you started moving slowly. “Do you feel me honey? Nobody can make me feel like this”, you said. Casper moaned again, “F-faster~, m-more~”, Casper groaned.
“As you wish”, you said before doing exactly what Casper wanted.
“Nnggee~, hmhmh~”, Casper moaned  as you sped up. You groaned and leaned down, trapping Casper’s head between your hands. “You heard me pretty boy, you do this”, you groaned into Casper's ear.
Casper moaned and bucked his hips forward. You moaned and sped when you felt Casper tighten around you. “C-cumming~”, Casper moaned as he came on his and your stomachs.
You groaned and leaned back up, thrusting faster as you chased your orgasm. “Ahaha~”, Casper moaned as you came inside of him. You pulled out and smiled at the sight of cum dripping out of Casper’s ass.
You leaned back down and kissed Casper on the forehead. “I love you, not anyone else”, you said. Casper smiled, wrapping his arms around your neck to pull you closer to him. “I love you too, more than anything”, Casper said.
You were his, and he was yours.
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dstryvampres · 12 hours
Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy
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Paring: Neil Lewis x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: smut, you have a cowboy kink :3
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“What do you think?” Neil says, strutting down the narrow hallway out of his office.
Looking up from the magazine you were mind-numbingly immersed in, mostly due to the weird jingling coming from where Neil was coming from, you were greeted with an oddly pleasant view. Neil, uncharacteristically, dressed up as a cowboy. Black cowboy hat, a pair of black loose fitting jeans to match, a light denim button up shirt tucked into his pants with a couple buttons undone at the top, a black bandana tied around his neck, and cowboy boots that edged on godawful. Somehow Neil’s outfit of the week wasn’t that bad, it was kind of attractive…
“Hello? Anyone in there,” Neil waves his hand infront of your face, you try to grab his wrist but he snatches his hand away before you can get a full grasp. “So?”
“I think it’s better than last Saturday’s Dracula costume, that’s for sure,” trying to sound as uninterested as you possibly can despite the fact that you were undeniably very into the cowboy thing.
“Oh, come on. I had you speechless for a good minute there,” Neil points out, before mimicking a one-man gun fight.
“It’s fine,” is all you give him.
Neil sighs dramatically and pouts. Walking over to the couch infront of the TV and flopping down onto it, his melodrama is almost good enough to make you pity him, but he’s pulled this trick one too many times for it to do the full damage he intended. Soon enough you're trying your best to flip through the magazine in your hands. Unlike last time, you can’t seem to find it as interesting as it was before you saw Neil. The cowboy outfit fit him a little too well. Amount of undone buttons showed off his collarbones so well, hat fit weirdly well ontop of his head, and his pants hugged his ass in a way that made you drool. Maybe your boss dressing up as a cowboy was a new awakening for you. God you really hope not.
“Welcome to Gumshoe!” Neil welcomes the customer, springing off the couch and fixing his hat, “We have a special deal on Westerns this week, if you want to look into that just let me or my lovely employee at the counter know.”
You smile at the customer, before your eyes start to drift over to Neil. How you were going to last a full day working here while he looked like that, you didn’t know. As he blabbed to the customer about whatever movie they could be looking for, you willed yourself to look anywhere else, to do anything else besides stare weirdly at your boss and give yourself a girl boner over his outfit. There’s always returns you can sort through and late calls you can make, is what you settle on.
Pulling out the box from under the counter you start to sort through the returns of the past couple of days absentmindedly. Despite trying your hardest not to stare at your boss and focus on your task, you can’t help it. As he stanters around the shop in those stupid black jeans, fixes the buttons on his shirt, even daring to pop another button open, you can feel the wetness in your pants increase by the minute. It’s embarrassing. You move over to the back corner to start storing the movies, hoping this new perspective with a noticeable lack of view of your employer will help calm you down, but it does nothing. Possibly making it worse, this lack of seeing the real Neil makes your imagination kick in. Oh, what he could do for you. Legs over his shoulders. Is he soft or rough? What would he say during it? Is it just the costume or has he always looked this good? There’s a tap on your shoulder and you whip your head around.
It’s Neil.
“Can you check out the customer? I’ll take this over, don’t worry.” A blush spreads over your cheeks, and you can only seem to nod offering a weak, guilty smile to him. Standing up on shaky legs you make your way over to the register trying to make as little contact with Neil as possible. Knowing that if you touch him you will moan.
Your face feels hot, likely flushed, so you check out the customer as fast as you can. Plan foiled by their lack of a loyalty card. Soon enough they are out the door and gone, but you could’ve sworn you input their address wrong.
“Is the A/C not working?” Neil had sneaked up on you, grasping your shoulder. You jump, causing him to let out a small laugh.
“Uh- Yeah, I think so? Why are you asking?”
You knew why he was asking, you were sweating profusely and were red in the face. Even leaving a sweaty hand mark on the register, and possibly the DVD the customer rented out. All fueled by the simple cowboy costume worn by the man behind you. Curse ‘Western week’ at Gumshoe Videos, and curse Neil and his need to dress up for every event the store held, no matter how miniscule. 
“You’re just very sweaty and red. Is there any other reason? Possibly got the hots for anyone,” Neil teased, poking your shoulder.
To anyone other than you, it would’ve been quite obvious that he wasn’t referring to himself and was, instead, referring to the customer who just left. After all, most of your more noticeable nerves showed up after their arrival. But your nerves paired with just how close Neil was to you lead to the disastrous reply.
“No! Of course not! And it’s definitely not you either.” Followed by nervous choppy laughter.
Neil was not laughing.
“I have to go stock shelves.”
Neil stands there for a couple seconds before following behind you, despite how you desperately try to lose him. The shop is small and cramped, losing anyone in here is close to impossible. Just getting down to work is the best option right now, you plop down beside a box full of DVDs and try to ignore your boss.
“Look. I’m not offended or thrown off by what you said, but are you serious?”
You look up at Neil, guilt and embarrassment coating your face.
“You are! What is it? My charms? My humour? My looks?”
You go back to stocking DVDs.
“Is it the cowboy outfit?”
You look back up in absolute horror. He’s grinning at this realisation, both amusement and disbelief smeared all over his cocky smile. 
“Well how would you like to ride a real cowboy?” Neil asks, he’s putting on a horrible southern accent that’s somehow made the outfit so much more attractive.
You stand up and crash your lips together. The kiss catches Neil off guard, stumbling back a step or two before he’s reciprocating at the same force as you. Getting eager you pull at the hair on his nape. He moans into your mouth. God it’s better than you thought it would sound. God, do you want to ride this cowboy.
“Hey,” Neil breaks away, breathing heavily, “Can we, uh, can we take this back to my office?”
You nod, basically pushing Neil back to his own office. Both of you are giggling the whole way there. Normally being so giddy over something like this would make you sick, but you’re hot and have a growing tingling in your lower stomach urging you onwards. Once the door is closed to his office your lips are back on his, hand tangling into his hair. Stumbling forwards into him until you hit his desk. His hands find your hips and he groans. Lips now start to kiss your neck. Kisses sloppy and open mouthed, bordering on bites. You’re so high on excitement about this it’s making you dizzy. Never have you ever thought that you would be so excited to sleep with your boss. What a uniform can do to a man is criminal.
Neil’s hands slowly move from your hips to your breasts. Squeezing them lightly once before groping harshly. Looking down you make eye contact with him, his eyes are so round and soft, pupils blown out wide, basically pleading to let him take off your shirt.
“Go ahead,” You sigh out, he’s rubbing your nipples through your shirt.
Quickly his hands move down to the hem of your shirt, and it’s off you and on the floor. Neil starts to move his kisses down to your collar bones and breasts. Groaning the whole way down, acting like he’s never been with anyone as beautiful as you. Truthfully, it’s unlikely that he has.
His hands unclasp your bra, sliding it down your arms and exposing your boobs. Nipples hard from the cold and from the excitement of this whole ordeal. You place your hands on Neil’s jaw dragging him back up into a kiss. It’s sloppy, his spit is all over your top lip. If this was anyone else it would’ve disgusted you, but, again, something about the whole cowboy costume made it so much hotter.
“God, you’re so hot,” Neil pants into your mouth, tweaking at your nipples. You moan in response.
He’s leading you over to the couch in his office. Pushing you onto the couch, you watch him completely unbutton his slutty denim shirt before joining you. Lips crashing into yours in the same frenzy as before. Your hands come to the waistband of his pants. Desperately trying to undo his buckle. You get it undone, and as a reward Neil undoes his pants. You feel his bulge press into your hip as you continue. You stroke him through his underwear, causing him to whimper, breaking away from the kiss and squeezing his eyes shut.
“Don’t do that baby, I’ll cum, please,” Neil begs. You giggle in response, but are immediately cut off when he latches his lips around your nipple. Flicking his tongue over your nipple. Fuck. You cup his cheek.
“Neil, take off my fucking pants already,” You hiss out.
He detaches his lips from your nipple, focusing instead on sliding your jeans off of your hips. You desperately want to shy away from Neil’s gaze when he starts to feel the wet patch on your underwear that is growing by the second, but it’s hard when he’s sitting between your legs. He shoves your panties down your legs and onto the floor.
Neil looks into your eyes as he traces the line of your cunt, playing with your clit, then shoving a finger into your cunt. You immediately moan out at the intrusion, earning you a smile from Neil.
“You’re so wet, baby,” he teases.
He adds in a second finger and your eyebrows furrow. His fingers are thick. Stretching you out so nice. Finding a steady pace Neil pushes his finger in and out of your cunt, eagerly watching as your cunt easily takes in his fingers. You grip at his hair, pulling him back into a kiss. Moaning into his mouth as he fucks you with his finger, consistently brushing against your sensitive spot. 
Neil removes his fingers from your cunt, wiping them off on the couch. He makes quick work of his boxer’s pulling them down and discarding them in the pile of clothes already on the floor. He lines his cock up with your cunt and slides into you, both of you groaning at the sensation. Neil stays still for a little bit, getting adjusted to how you feel.
“Fuck you’re so tight, and so warm, and wet. You’re so nice,” Neil babbles, placing his hands on your hips.
Slowly he starts rocking back and forth into you, letting out breathy moans the whole way through. 
“You can speed up,” You tell Neil, holding onto his bicep for support.
His hips start to speed up, until the sound of skin slapping against skin and the wet sounds of your cunt echo throughout the room. Neil keeps babbling out praises, ‘so good baby’s and ‘you’re so hot’s breaking the previously mentioned sounds, along with moaning from the both of you. Neil was a surprisingly good fuck. His cock was angled perfectly into your cunt, allowing him to hit deep into your cunt each time in a way that made you squeeze your eyes shut and throw your head back.
“Do you- fuck- do you want to ride this cowboy?” Neil asks through pants, you look up at him. A mix of amusement and horniness coats your brain.
“Yes.” Is all it takes for Neil to slip out of you and bring you on top of him, then line up his cock with your entrance once again and slip it in.
You bounce up and down on him, aided by both his hips bucking into yours and his hands on your hips.
“You’re so good at this, holy,” Neil says, before taking one of your nipples into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around the bud, you yelp out.
You can feel the coil in your stomach tighten, gripping tightly on Neil’s shoulders for stability. The mix of Neil’s cock pumping in and out of you and his tongue playing with your nipples was driving you insane.
“Neil, I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum for me, all over my cock, baby.”
You reach one of your hands down from Neil’s shoulders to your clit. Rubbing your clit in quick small circles as Neil watches you with hungry eyes. 
It all comes crashing into you at once as you chant ‘cumming’ as you slump into Neil’s shoulder. He follows quickly after you. Both of you stay still for a little bit, trying to recuperate from everything. Neil rubs small circles into your lower back before you slide off of his cock. 
“Thank you,” you mumble, not being able to look at Neil after that.
“Here,” Neil says, handing you your underwear.
You both get dressed in silence, before both exiting Neil’s office.
“You can go home early today if you want,” Neil coughs out.
You end up going home early after all, walking back to your car on shaky legs and being left to think about the events of today at your apartment.
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storiesofsvu · 2 days
Decadent Desires Ch 7
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, alcohol, smut.
Emily had called rather late; you hadn’t been expecting it but welcomed the phone call anyway. She thought the team was still going to be out on a case over the weekend but it turned out she’d be back in D.C for just enough time to meet up before having to take off for a conference in New York. She’d told you to meet her at The Salamander in the lounge, where she currently was sat at the bar nursing a Paloma. She felt a hand slid across her upper back and was happy when she glanced up to see you, a small smile gracing her cheeks.
“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting.” You greeted, slipping onto the stool beside her.
“Oh don’t worry about it.” She waved you off, “it was sheer luck you were even still awake at this hour.”
You laughed softly, thanking the bartender for your drink before you took a sip and turned back to her, “it’s not that late. Last I checked I didn’t have a curfew.”
“I only hope I didn’t drag you out of bed and all the way downtown.”
“Even if I was, it won’t be for nothing.” There was a sparkle in your eye as you glanced at her that made her body tingle, “besides, you actually pulled me out of a hyper focus worm hole of work. I should be thanking you.”
“Work?” She grimaced, “on a Saturday?”
“Yeah.” You let out a sigh, “there’s a rally coming up on Tuesday we need to be cracking down for, Heather’s got a couple of bills she wants to push through to congress and we’ve got a big thing down in Iowa coming up. I’ve been up to my eyeballs in research and proposals.”
“You did at least pause for dinner, right?”
“Course.” You laughed softly, “nothing a pizza delivery can’t fix.”
“Good.” She took a larger sip of her drink this time, “because unfortunately I don’t think I have time for food.”
“Just a drink is more than acceptable.” You took a sip of yours, “not to mention I think I’m more interested in what comes after the drink.”
“You and me both.” She laughed back.
“We can take these upstairs, yes?” You tapped your glass and the bartender nodded, “perfect. Thank you.” You dropped a twenty down on the bar top and slid off your stool, your free hand wrapping around Emily’s wrist, “lead the way.”
The suite was gorgeous, French doors leading out to the balcony with a stunning view of the Potomac River. Emily stepped out of her shoes and you followed suit, your purse finding a home on one of the small tables as you continued to sip on your drink.
“It’s nice.” You commented, glancing around as Emily moved further into the room, flicking the television on to a soft jazz music channel.
“Ehh… I think I like the Waldorf better.”
“The food selection was excellent.” You replied, stalling as marble flooring caught your eye and you detoured into the bathroom, “have you seen this shower?!”
“No.” She called back, wandering towards your voice, “I only came up to drop my bag off.”
“Talk about stunning.” You glanced over your shoulder to her with a wicked grin and she felt that familiar heat start to pulse within her.
“You’re not wrong there.” Her hands found your hips, squeezing softly as her lips brushed against the bare skin of your neck, “you have an idea?”
“I have plenty of ideas.” You replied, your eyes sweeping through the room before placing your drink down on the basin.
The shower was huge, floor to ceiling glass walls encasing it, a waterfall head built into the ceiling and a large bench built against one of the smaller glass walls. You started to realize that you definitely didn’t need the bed at this point in the evening, Emily’s hands sneaking under the hem of your shirt, nails tickling across your skin.
“I do always like a nice steamy shower after a long plane ride.” She murmured, her lips continuing to dance along the column of your neck.
“You were in Richmond.” You laughed, “that’s a fifty five minute flight. And you’ve got the bonus of your own jet, flying commercial is the nightmare.”
“Yeah?” She nipped at your neck this time, “and when was the last time you flew commercial?”
“Fair point.” Chuckling, you turned in her arms, letting her remove your shirt before she captured your lips in a kiss.
Emily cautiously backed you toward the shower, blindly reaching in to turn on the water while her lips continued to dance against yours. The two of you took the time while the water reached the perfect temperature to adjust the light in the room to a warm glow, the pile of discarded clothing on the floor growing until you were both naked and Emily was tugging her hair up before dragging you into the shower.
Water streamed over both of you, warming your cooled skin as Emily’s hand’s ghosted up your sides, cupping under your tits before her thumbs brushed over your nipples, flicking gently at them before she groped at your chest. Her tongue sunk into your mouth, rolling with ease against your own as one of your arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to you as your back hit the wall of the shower. You couldn’t help but let out a little moan into the kiss, your back arching into her touch and she chuckled, nipping at your lip when she broke the kiss. Her lips traced across your jaw before she found your neck again, pressing messy kisses into it as she continued to toy with your chest, listening to the way your breathing was picking up and your pants were beginning to come out as whines. She made a home in the crook of your neck, sucking at your supple skin and it was your turn to pinch at her nipples. She groaned into your skin, teeth sinking in a little bit harder this time in retaliation as her skin began to prickle in the best way.
Your hand cupped her chin, redirecting her lips to yours as your hands sunk down her body and she was quick to follow your lead, her hands mimicking your movements on your own body. Your fingers began to slowly rub her clit, randomizing a pattern of when you’d press harder until she let out a gasp, her body jumping toward you and your lips curved up into a grin. Emily’s hips rocked toward your touch, her pussy pulsing as it ached for more and she figured the fastest way to get it was to not hold back or tease you too long. Her hand easily found its way between your legs, the heel of it pressing on your clit as her fingers slid back and forth through your folds. You let out a breathy sigh at the sensation, your eyes fluttering shut as you copied the movement, your fingertips barely dipping into her dripping pussy, coaxing out her juices. All you needed was another small groan escaping Emily’s lips and you sunk two fingers into her, her pussy fluttering around you while her forehead dropped to your shoulder.
You started lazily pumping your fingers, matching the pace that she was rocking her hips down toward your touch, her fingers quickly sinking into your cunt and you moaned, your head dropping back against the wall. You began to match each other’s rhythms, fucking the other with ease, fingers beginning to curl on random thrusts. Pleasure began to build within you, your cunt tight around Emily’s fingers while her lips brushed over your shoulder, her breath hot on your skin as she started to pant. Her free hand pinched at your chin, pulling you back into a breathless kiss as her fingers sped up. You whined against her lips, your free hand groping at her ass as the two of you continued to rock in tandem to chase your peaks. Emily’s fingers curled again and you broke the kiss with a gasp.
“Oh god.. right there.”
“Mmm…” She replied with a smirk, thought it was one that quickly vanished as her lips parted, letting out a moan when the heel of your hand pressed against her clit, jolting her body toward you. “Fuck!”
She could already feel herself clenching down around your fingers, each thrust of your hand pressing harder against her clit as you picked up the pace. Her body was burning and it certainly wasn’t from the water, her thighs slick with her juices. She began to falter in her movements, unable to keep up the rigorous pace of fucking you but in return you were able to focus, fingers fucking faster into her wet cunt. Twisting and curling with each push, your free hand coming up to toy with her chest, pinching at her nipples, your mouth latching onto her neck, sucking and kissing at her tender skin.
“Don’t stop.” She moaned, her thighs starting to quiver, threatening to slam shut around your wrist as your fingers continued to disappear into her. Her head fell back, lips parted as her chest heaved and she leant against the wall for support, unable to focus on anything but the pleasure shaking though her. Her hand slipped from between your legs and came to land between her own, quickly rubbing at her clit while you continued to fuck her, pinning her to the wall. It only took a moment before she was letting out a loud swear, her body trembling while her orgasm shot through her. “Oh fuck!”
You slowly slipped your fingers out of her pussy, a cocky grin on your lips as you thought you’d wiped her out, only for her to take a single breath before pouncing on you. Emily’s lips were back on yours and you were pinned to the wall with her fingers deep in your cunt before you could even blink. Her hands moved with skill, picking up right where they left off and you were putty in a matter of seconds, your words reduced to whimpers and moans while your pussy fluttered around her. Fingers curling right where you wanted them, your thighs shook, body grinding down onto her hand.
“Please…” you whined, “oh god please.”
“Come for me princess.” She husked into your ear, nipping at the lobe and you were crying out, pussy juices dripping down her hand, your body shivering with pleasure.
“Fuck..” you muttered, your eyes slowly opening as you felt her pull her fingers from you. It was your turn to catch her by surprise when you caught her wrist in your hand, pulling her fingers to your lips to suck them clean of your juices.
“Fuck indeed.” She chuckled, “here I was thinking I’d get a taste of that delicious pussy again.”
“I think it’s about time I return that favour.” You replied with a smirk, “don’t you think?” Your hands grasped her hips and she was quick to move one of them, placing it back on your own body between your legs.
“As long as you keep touching yourself.” She prompted, “you’re so pretty when you come, I want to see it again.”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, sinking down so your mouth was level with her cunt.
Both of your hands soothed up her thighs, spreading her legs wider for you, lifting one of them off the ground, pinning it to the wall. After a quick glance up at her you leant forward, your tongue making a broad strip through her pussy, flicking at her clit.
“Fuck.” She muttered, her head falling back against the wall and once you were sure she was stable you moved your hand from her skin to back between your legs, lazily rubbing at your swollen clit.
Your mouth wrapped around her pussy, sucking her lower lips into yours, tongue tracing patterns through her folds, nose nudging at her clit. It only took a second or two of your mouth moving on her cunt for Emily’s hands to tangle into your hair, holding you close to her needy pussy. As her body relaxed into the wall her leg draped over your shoulder, pulling you deeper in between her legs.
“Christ you’re good at that.” She murmured, a little gasp escaping her lips when your tongue flicked her clit.
Your tongue slid through her folds again, groaning over the taste of her, sucking as much of her juices into your mouth as you could. The tip of your tongue sunk into her pussy, massaging the best you could as her hips rocked toward yours and she let out a little whine. You surged upwards, blowing cool air onto her clit before your lips wrapped around it and she let out a low groan.
The hand you hand between your own legs sunk lower, thrusting two fingers into your dripping pussy as your free hand ghosted up Emily’s thigh and slipped inside her. As you sucked on her clit, tongue drawing patterns against it your did your best to match the pace you were fingering her with the speed you were riding your own fingers. Face buried in her cunt you hadn’t realized she’d managed to open her eyes, gazing down at you between her legs, little whines and moans vibrating against her pussy as you ate her out, fingers curling in both of your pussy’s at the same time.
“Fuck you look so pretty like this.” She panted out and your eyes cracked open, lips curving up into a grin as you looked up at her, tongue not daring to leave her body, you’d never be able to get enough of her taste.
“Mmm?” You gave a particularly powerful flick of your tongue, your lips brushing against her as you spoke, “yeah? You like it when I eat your pussy?”
Your lips wrapped back around her clit right as your fingers curled into her g-spot and she was at a complete loss for words as her head dropped back again with a louder swear. You could feel her pussy clenching down around your fingers, her body trembling, clit throbbing between your lips and you knew she was close. You groaned loudly when your fingers hit the pulsing spot inside your pussy and Emily’s fingers clenched tighter into your hair, a dribble of her juices leaking down your wrist.
“Fuck I’m close.”
Your fingers fucked faster into her, working your dominant hand with ease in tandem with your tongue, Emily’s pants getting closer together and heavier above you. Any attempt at stringing words together was now reduced to incoherent mumbles and swears before she cried out, her back arching off the wall, clinging to you to keep upright. The hand between your legs quickly returned to her thigh, pressing her back into the wall and keeping her spread open while you fucked her through her orgasm, eagerly lapping up the stickiness smeared between her legs.
The fingers tangled in your hair loosened, a hand softly stroking down your cheek as her leg gently dropped from the wall as she was finally steady on her feet again. You pressed a kiss to her inner thigh as you rose back to your own feet, slowly backing toward the small bench, your hands ghosting across your own skin, fingers sneaking between your legs.
“Such a sweet tasting pussy.” You murmured, “that’s enough to keep me going all week.” You sat down on the bench, spreading your legs wide for her, “but I do believe you wanted to see me get off again.”
“Mmhmm.” She nodded, her eyes darkening as your fingers spread your pussy lips wide for her.
You were throbbing around nothing, practically begging to be filled so you wasted absolutely no time, three fingers sinking into your waiting cunt. Your head dropped back with a moan, your other hand pinching at your tits, rolling your nipples between your thumb and forefinger before gliding down to your clit. You fucked yourself fast, squelching sounds coming from your pussy as the whimpers leaving your lips got louder with each thrust of your hand, the pressure on your clit getting harder with each circle. The taste of Emily still so apparent on your lips and your tongue more than enough to drive you wild, combined with the feeling of her eyes on you. She wanted to memorize every inch of your body but could barely pull her gaze away from your pussy, eyes flicking upwards every time you made a particularly interesting noise. It didn’t take very long before your thighs were shaking and your second orgasm was shooting through you, your chest heaving. Your eyes flickered open, catching Emily’s gaze as you pulled your fingers from your dripping cunt and sucked them between your lips, mixing the taste of yourself with hers on your tongue.
“Jesus Christ.” She muttered with a wicked grin and a small shriek left your lips as she nearly pounced on you.
The bench was the perfect height and size that Emily was able to cage you into it with one leg while the other one remained on the floor. She managed to angle it just right that her throbbing clit was pressed directly against yours and you let out a moan at the sensation, still so sensitive. Her tongue delved into your mouth, massaging yours as she moaned over the combined taste of your juices. Her hips rolled hard and fast into you, your hands clutching at her ass, grinding her body down onto you with each thrust.
“Fuck…” you groaned and she nipped at your lip, “gon’ make me come again.”
She knew she wasn’t that far off either, pressing her pussy harder against yours as one of her hands began to play with your tits again. “Let me see you baby.”
A little bit more of Emily’s coaxing praise was all you needed to come a third time and the feeling and sight of your body shaking underneath her was enough for her orgasm to wash through her.
Her face fell into the crook of your neck as your hands soothed up and down her back while she caught her breath. She kissed the side of your neck softly, a hand ghosting up your side before she tilted your head toward her, watching you for a moment before you gave her a small nod to indicate that you were more than completely alright. Standing from the bench she helped you up, guiding both of you until you were properly under the stream of water, adjusting the temperature again to make sure it wasn’t running cold so you could wash off.
You wrapped yourself in a ridiculously soft and cozy robe, leaving Emily some privacy in the bathroom while you meandered through the suite. You grabbed a bottle of water from the mini bar before scooping up the remote and flicking through the channels to find something to watch.
Emily came out a bit later, ruffling a smaller towel through her hair as she approached the bed and you glanced up at her with a curiously raised brow.
“You’re dressed?”
“I can’t stay, my flight leaves at six a.m.”
“So you’re just gonna leave me looking like your everyday call girl.” You teased and she huffed, rolling her eyes with a grin on her face as she dropped the towel onto the other bed.
“A common call girl doesn’t get a hotel room like this.”
“Fair point.”
“And I expect to see a charge for breakfast on the room bill.” She practically scolded, “if Heather’s working you to the bone you need to make sure you’re eating.”
“She’ll make it up to me.” You shrugged, taking a sip of water, giggling at the near glare Emily shot you, “but yes, I will take full advantage of the amenities before heading out.”
“Good girl.” She pinched your chin affectionately before scooping up her phone, “I’m in New York until Thursday, I’ll call you when I get back?”
“I’ve got a banquet on Friday and a fundraiser running all weekend but my schedule next week looks clear.”
“Perfect.” She grinned, “I was hoping to check out the Willard.”
“Just ticking off one luxury hotel at a time, I see how it is.” You smirked and she laughed, leaning in to kiss your cheek before she slipped her coat back on.
“Get some rest princess.”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @blackbird-brewster @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @honeyycatt @trauma-factory @lisqueen @mrs-prentiss @whitewinewithice @d33pd3sire-blog
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carmenized-onions · 10 hours
Carved In. | Secondary Invoice
logline; Carmen begins to realize, that before you were Tony to him, you were a lot of other things, to a lot of people.
[!!!] series history, this is the eighth; First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh
Spotify Playlist, if you like to listen while you read. I listen to it when I write :) Constantly gettin’ added to. Link was broken last week, spoofy fixed it, we ball.
portion; 4.6k
possible allergies; uhhhh, carmy pov this time, so a bit of a warped and screwed perception of self and the people around him, yknow. Some Italian shit is said, I do not fucking speak Italian, I cross-referenced to the best of my abilities if I fucked up, my BAD.
pairing; Carmen ‘Carmy’ Berzatto & Fem Reader
i really like this one, feel like i'm reentering the groove now. hopefully you do too, and if you do, you better pop an essay in my inbox mf
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It has been three weeks since Carmen met you in a freezer.
Six days since you were at his apartment. Ish.
Roughly forty-three weeks since the worst day of his life. Doesn’t feel like it.
There are five days, until the third or fourth worst day of Carmen Anthony Berzatto’s life.
But today is Monday, and he doesn’t know what’s coming yet. Though, he feels it, in the air, like static thrumming before lightning inevitably strikes him. But he doesn’t know what it is, where it’s coming from, or how to stop it.
He doesn’t need to, right now, because he’s very comfortable with you in his arms. So why are you ruining it right now—
“I gotta take this, Carm—” He’s holding you down. “If it’s an emergency they’ll call back.” And will continue to do so.
“Baby, they’ve called like four times.”
“These aren’t your business hours.”
“Sweetheart, I don’t have business hours. That’s kind of my whole thing.” He knows that. He knows that better than anyone that you’re on call. But, on-call for him. Selfish, he knows. And also, not correct, you’re a business. He doesn’t super care, right now, though.
You manage to wiggle your arm just that extra inch to grab your ringing phone off the bedside table. He’s grumbling as you pick up the call, face in the crook of your neck.
“Chicago’s Kindest, fixers and co— How can I help ya?”
It’s nice, to see another new side of you, the business side, despite the fact that he didn’t really want to see it, right now. It’s so early. It’s six thirty, you’re supposed to be doing puzzles with him and then forcing him to go back to bed. This is wildly unfair. The man speaking to you with the thick and panicked Italian accent over the phone is doing this on purpose, to spite him specifically, Carmen knows this for a fact.
“Oh fuck, yeah that’s not good. You’re okay though, right? Like no one hurt?”
He hopes they’re okay. If only so it’s one less thing for you to take care of, for whoever this is. He wonders if this guy called saying his sister was giving birth, if you’d rush over, first thing. You probably would, you’re you. That’s what you do. He shouldn’t think like this, but for some reason, this phone call is making him feel wildly un-special.
“Mhm. Well, that’s good, at least.” You nod, a pensive look on your face. Carmen stares at you, not that far from your face, you break character to stick your tongue out at him. Adorable. In the literal sense. Nothing short of adored.
“Yeah, I can come take a look at it, I have a feeling what it might be. Not a hazard, don’t worry.” No… This is a nightmare, this is his personal hell… Tell your dad to come out of retirement this one time, please. Arthritis is probably fake anyways, his hands seize during prep all the time and it’s fine—
You hang up, putting your phone down somewhere on the pillow, it will inevitably get lost into the ether despite being right next to you. You look down to Carmen, who’s laying half on top of you. He is… Displeased, certainly. His hold does not ease up.
“Diner’s flat-top broke.”
“They specialize in breakfast.”
You laugh, throwing your head back. “You would be so mad if your fixer delayed your whole breakfast rush just so she could spend a few more moments with the hot guy in her bed.”
He’s honoured, that you’d be willing to give him the adjective hot. “I would be so mad if my fixer had a hot guy in her bed.”
This flusters you, immediately, so you just push his face away with the palm of your hand, forcing him away. He kisses the palm of your hand upon contact. Too sweet.
“Shut up, you’ll come with me, I’ll get you breakfast there.” This is more a punishment than the gift you think it is. If someone other than him needs to be the one to make you breakfast, then at least let it be one of his cooks doing so.
“Them and what stove?”
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How many versions of your work uniform do you have? Navy cargo pants, again, and a navy sweater this time. Perfectly fitted, Chicago’s Kindest logo embroidered into the top left, bright white, nearly glittering. A large flannel tied around your waist with all the same patches from your jumpsuit on it. Also all the same oil stains, virtually. It was your dad’s version of the patch shtick, you explain. Most of your jackets seem to be from your dad. Plus Carmen’s. Of which you don over your sweater in the Chicago winter weather. He’s trying to not look as happy as he is about this.
According to the overview you gave him in the car, this is your second favourite place in the area. Second favourite diner, to The Beef. Now that it’s The Bear, this place might take first place in your list of favourite trashy food spots. La Mattina Dopo. The Morning After. Carm wants to make a joke about this, but debates whether or not that’d be creepy for so long that the moment passes.
Carmen’s shocked he hasn’t been here before, it’s extremely up his alley. Literally. It’s like, two blocks down his alley.
There’s a big light up sign for Italian ice, and a burly older Italian man, up front, waiting for you. Carmen stands behind you, holding your tools, because he refused to let you. He’s a gentleman, alright? His mom didn’t teach him much, but he got that part down pat.
This fellow restaurant owner practically shrieks in relief, upon just seeing you. Groaning, “Oh, grazie a Dio, cazzo...” It’s clear this isn’t your first job here. And now that Carm’s seen the logo of the diner, on their obnoxious neon sign, he can match it to one of the patches on your flannel.
The man’s hands dwarves your hand, when he shakes it, hugging your hand with both of his. He’s deeply thankful that you’re just here, before you’ve even fixed anything.
You were right, Carmen thinks, you always are, but you’re especially right right now. Getting fucked by broken equipment is a nightmare, getting fucked during a rush? And it’s fucking rush hour breakfast? Fuck breakfast.
Carm can imagine, and also see in real time, how much ease you bring to every space you ever enter, with your stupid little logo on your stupid twenty-million pairs of clothes with it. God, you’re perfect.
“Sit, sit, sit, sit!” You’re grabbing your bags from Carmen as soon as you step inside the greasy spoon. You trade your tools from his arms with his jacket from yours. Shooing him off as you rush to the back of house. “I’ll be so quick. You won’t even miss me.” Not possible.
Carmen picks the farthest back booth in the corner, by the window. These leather seats are the least worn in, the sun comes in but not so much that it’s blinding, it’s objectively the best booth. He fiddles with his fingers, tracing his own tattoos. The place is relatively empty, since they’ve got a sign on their window saying ‘Griddle’s Fucked, BRB’. Classy.
He watches you through the serving hatch, working in the back. Good grief, you are so pretty when you work. It’s disrespectful, he needs to see you as the working woman you are, but it’s kind of impossible. You make it impossible. The golden hour of sunrise is hitting you just right. God, why do you have to be here and not at home right now?
“Can I get you a cup, Jack?” Jack? You’re Tony. Well, not really. But you’re Tony. Who’s this guy think he is, calling you nicknames Carm’s never had the honour of hearing, that you’ve probably had years before knowing him?
God, Tony is a new name for you. That’s weird. That’s so weird. It's one of many.
“At least some ice, c’mon, it’s boilin’ here.” It’s true. Sweater was a bad call. But it’s so cute.
“Ah, I’m good f’now, but ‘tuh—” You nod to Carmen through the window, grinning when you catch him staring. He’s finally honoured rather than nervous about this. “—Can you get Boss a coffee? He takes it…” You lean through the hatch, calling to him. “Uh, Carmy, how do you take it? Black?”
He takes it how you make it, lavender and maple syrup. Black coffee, no milk, but foam on top. Dried lavender, lined down the middle of the foam as garnish. It’s the best coffee he’s ever had in his life. Better than any bodega he ever stopped at in New York, better than anything anyone handed off to him at the French Laundry, better than Luca. That’s how he takes it.
“Black, yeah.”
He can’t tell if he likes when you call him boss. He thinks he does. That might be problematic. He's too distracted by the thought to notice you flinching when you realize where he's sitting.
You nod, smiling big, then turn back to the owner. What’s this guy’s name, even? “Black, for ‘em. Big fuckin’ thing of black cherry for him too, we’ll split it.”
How’d you know he likes black cherry? Lucky guess? Is it just your favourite, coincidentally? Probably.
The man claps your back, “Anythin’ for you, cara.” He calls out your order— Or is it Carmen’s order? —To a nearby bus boy.
If this man wasn’t old enough to be your father, and is clearly just acting like a father figure, Carmen would probably maybe a little a lot be freaking out. But you’re fine, so he’s fine. You duck down where Carmen can’t see you, presumably to the ‘Fucked Griddle’.
“So, what I was thinking it might be is—” Carmen has to strain his ears to hear you from this distance as you stop projecting your voice for him, but he manages just fine. “So— Basically, the fire wasn’t the problem, it was the sprinklers. They flooded the inside wiring here, which, they’re insulated so that’s fine but—”
Is this what he sounds like when he explains a dish to you? The mechanics of things was never really his forte. If it works, it works, and you make something with it. And hey, even if he was stuck, he has you to know for him, now. You know the wiring, the plumbing, the everything. Carmen has no fucking idea what you’re talking about, but he likes that you’re talking.
“Yeah, so see here?” And you’re willing to teach? Aye, Marone... “That’s what’s fucked, your thermocouple. It’s like, essentially a temp sensor. Makes sure shit’s cold when it needs to be cold and hot when it needs to be hot. If it’s broken, whole thing won’t turn on.”
“And is broken?” Says the man squatting down next to you. Carmen can’t see you nodding, rubbing your hand over your face, tiredly. “It’s broken.”
“You fix?”
“I would. Or I will, but—” You stand up, ah, like the sun, you have once more risen for Carmen to see through the hatch. “It’s like, the one fuckin’ part I don’t keep stocked up on. I’ll have to call in an order, I know a guy, I uh…” You kiss your teeth. “I can probably get this done by like, Wednesday, at earliest?”
The man next to you groans painfully, Carmen can feel it, in his bones. Flat top broken for two fucking days? And it was because of a fire? Or no— Not a fire— The fucking sprinklers? He’s getting punished for safety? Surely there is no Just God. But the man nor Carmen can be mad, looking at your guilt-ridden face. Most repairmen would be lying through their teeth, right now, but both men can tell, this really is the one part you don’t keep stock of, and you really do have connections— You’ve got your phone out, and you’re texting a million different people asking for help. They’re all just not nearly as giving as you are. It is impossible to be mad at someone trying to help this hard.
The bus boy finally comes up to Carmen’s booth, “Black coffee and black cherry for the man.” The way he says the man, is like, the verbal form of wiggling eyebrows. Your man, is what he means by that. Carmen likes that idea. Your man. The one you brought to tag along with you on a job. He’s your man, to these people, at least.
“Thanks.” He nods, the bus boy smiles and walks off. The black cherry Italian ice is big, as you requested. Definitely dished out in a bowl meant for a two-person sundae, two spoons already in it, for his convenience. He doesn’t dare touch it without you. He takes a sip of his coffee.
It’s fine. It’s just fine. Well, maybe it’s great. It could quite frankly be the best cup of joe in the entirety of Chicago and Carmen wouldn’t give a fuck. You didn’t make it. Therefore, it’s just fine. He’d take your hot chocolate with the shitty pre-packaged mix over the best cup of coffee, any day.
More notably, to Carm, is when he puts the cup back down on the saucer, he notices it for the first time. Your name. Shoddily carved into the table. He seems to have inadvertently stumbled upon a relic of you. Was your name carved in at The Beef’s old tables? Has he gotten rid of you, before, without realizing?
You rush back to Carmen, after sorting some things out with the Head. You speak hastily as you speed towards him, tucking your phone in your pocket. “I’m gonna be right back, doll, I just gotta give ‘em my hot plate, thank God I was lazy and left it in my trunk all week.”
Getting called doll is a decent salve to the fact that—“Oh, you just give that out to everyone?” He’s joking, but he’s not. Un-special.
It’s selfish, but he wishes that extra 10% you give out unabashedly was reserved for him. You roll your eyes, messing with his hair, and give him a kiss on the top of his head. This is an acceptable answer, but once again, you go above and beyond.
“They need something to tithe them over ‘til one of their line cooks gets back with a rented out flat-top. And I said I’d get you fuckin’ breakfast, didn’t I? They need to cook it somehow.” You grin, he has no come back for this, you’re perfect. “They make good fuckin’ smash burgers, here. With the perfect over medium egg. You’re gonna love it.”
“…M'sure I will.” He’d do it better. He could do it so much better.
Why did every thought in his head just get so tantrically sexual, Jesus Christ. La Mattina Di, more like. Relax!
“This you?” Carmen coughs, quickly. He doesn’t need to have cover, you’re not a psychic— Probably— and yet he still feels flush about it. He points to your name, carved into the table. You blink, looking at it. You swallow and nod. He cannot tell which emotion comes first, joyful nostalgia or trepidation. But he knows they both come.
“My name,” You nod. “But not my handiwork… Mikey did it.” Oh.
“Oh.” He doesn’t know how to react, and to you, that comes off as just simply unreadable.
“Yeah,” You nod, smile returning, though it’s sheepish. Hesitant. You pat his shoulder, already half-stepping away from him. “It’s a funny story, I’ll tell you about it in a sec, just gonna get that hot plate, Bear.”
You walk off, quickly, heading out to your car parked on the side of the street. He could watch you through the window, instead, he opts to stare at the carving his brother did.
Forgive the man, he’s a bit dense when it comes to these things, or maybe he just has selective hearing— But. Whenever you had talked about Mikey, he took it in the way everyone talked about Mikey. Everyone was friends with Mikey. That’s just how he made people feel. Everyone loved him, he made any person in the room feel like the light of his fucking life; it’s a talent you have in common, with the dead man.
So, it really hadn’t occurred to him, until this very moment, staring at the shaky lettering, that not only was Michael Berzatto your best friend, you were his, too. He let you in. Mikey’s name isn’t carved in here, he didn’t do a fuckin’ ‘Besties’ or both your names in a heart— And for some reason, that makes this feel worse. Mikey didn’t do this as a show of affection or to make you feel like the center of his universe, he carved your name in this table because he wanted to. And that is more tender than any fucking ‘BFF’ tag could be. For his brother, at least.
Carmen can’t tell who he’s jealous of, right now. It’s definitely both, but he’s not sure which one is the more predominant. On one hand, he didn’t get to be friends with his brother the way you did, apparently. You got to know a side of his brother that he simply will never get to know, at least not first hand. And that’s fucking gutting. But it’s also in no way your fault.
On the other hand, Mikey got to know you. Got to watch you quit being a paramedic, maybe console you about it, even. Got to drink your cups, before Carmen did— Hell, you probably tested recipes on him. Carmen knows their coffee machine is fucked, you absolutely had a shit ton of practice with it in order to make anything brilliant let alone edible.
Mikey got to have you, got to go to diners with you, carve names in booths with you, neg you for not smoking with him, probably give you his jacket on cold nights, come in for late night fixes— For years before Carmen got to even meet you. And you knew Mikey, when’d you say? Two? Three years ago? Give or take? After that Christmas, probably. After he went to New York. After he and Mikey just… Fully stopped talking. You said it yourself, you knew Mikey when he wasn’t letting people know him.
Carmen is so new to your life, but his life isn’t new to you at all. You’ve been in his universe, forever. You’ve been friends with Syd since you were kids, on the same block. You’ve been friends with The Beef before he was. You know Uncle Jimmy. Fuck, you were even friends with fucking Richie, during his worst era. And actually, matter of fact, who cares about Jack— What the fuck does Chippy mean?
The first time Carm heard it was while Sugar was in fucking labour, he didn’t have time to ask. Why’s Richie got a personalized nickname for you? Of all people? Why do these aspects make him feel nauseous? They shouldn’t. They really shouldn’t. It’s a blessing, it’s like, probably what it feels like for people with normal families, when your girlfriend gets along with your parents.
But it doesn’t feel good, right now. It feels hollow. Like he missed out, on getting to experience so much with you. With his brother. With The Beef. He should’ve been here. He wants the old nicknames, he wants the claimed booth, he wants the permanence. He wants to be your man. He wants to have been your man. If he had been, for the past three years, you would probably be talking about moving in together, by now.
Okay, now he needs to pivot back to carnal thoughts because this is so much crazier. Objectively, you would make a good roommate, though, and that should probably be said—
You’re back. You’ve handed off the dual burner to the kitchen, put your orders in, and you’re back, sliding into the booth with him. You’ve already grabbed your spoon from the bowl. 
“I ordered for you; that okay?” You ask before unceremoniously shoving the spoon full of black cherry Italian ice in your mouth. Carmen nods, picking up his own spoon. He misses the fact that you usually share utensils, since you’re always trying something. But he’ll survive.
“Black cherry’s my go-to.” He mumbles, sorbet in his mouth. When’s the last time he’s had a food he considers a favourite? It’s always new, not nostalgia.
“I know.”
“You know?” Carmen squints. Your nonchalant expression changes, realizing that he’s not in this memory.
“Ah. Mikey.” You lean back in your booth, realizing. You nod to the bowl. “Uh, black cherry is also my favourite. And uhm, he’d— I’d order it, and he’d go ‘Aye, that’s Carmy’s’,” You do your best impression, you and Carmen cannot help but chuckle. “And I’d go sure man, and he’d do that a solid— Every fucking time I ordered black cherry.”
You laugh, it’s practically an inside joke for you, only you, at this point. Carmen’s stuck wondering how many things you just inherently know about him. Is that why you’re so good with him? Or are you just like that? It’s probably both. It’s definitely both.
“So, just hard to forget, out of repetition at this point.”
But also, Mikey paid attention to that stuff? Retained it? Told people, about him? About his favourites?
Carmy smiles, “Y’know any other favourites, of mine?”
You think on it for a second, taking another spoonful of ice, eyes looking up to nowhere. “You’d never be so pretentious to ask someone their brand, but you smoke Red 100s.”
So good. You’re so good. “Yeah, yeah I do.”
You grin, overjoyed to be right, so good— You knock on the top of your head. “Like a steel trap, this memory.”
The silence collects between you two, comfortably. And then, Carmen taps his knuckles on your name on the table. You jump, not flinching, just remembering, ironic. “Oh! Right!”
You trace the letters with your free hand, eating sorbet with the other. “So, Mikey and I typically eat—Ate, here a lot, practically own this booth, and I’d made some joke about claiming it as ours, making like, a plaque to put above it. And he said we don’t need no fancy-shmancy plaque; we can just mark it.”
You grab one of the butter knives from the caddy on the table. “He picked up one of these, as a joke, initially, but then I said that there’s no way you can carve into wood with a fuckin’ butter knife— And this, of course, incensed him— Practically a double dog dare, to him.”
You’re good at daring people without daring people. Or at least, Berzatto men.
“And so, he was like, oh yeah? And proceeded to carve my name in—Painstakingly slowly, obviously, in—” You do air quotes, “‘My honour and shame’, for being so wrong.”
Carmen smiles, slightly, because that seems like probably the appropriate reaction to have. He takes a long time swallowing the black cherry ice, so he doesn’t have to speak. Is he bothered, by this story? He thinks he’s bothered, by this story. He’s jealous of both of you. He’s infinitely jealous of both of you, and insult to injury, you and Mikey are so… Similar.
Sugar said it best. The air. The temperature. You control it, you make it so easy for him to be bold, be wanting, and express that. Like Mikey did, though, not in the same way, obviously. Mikey did it through pissing him off. But— You both make it possible for him to feel like he’s above water.
The similarity between you—Carmen imagines in these few brief seconds before it’s his turn to talk again— must’ve brought you closer together. Closer than Carmen could be, to you, ever. He’s too sharp, jagged, compared to Mikey. He will never be able to fill the gap where his brother was.
Hold on.
Is he just filling a gap, for you?
It’s his turn to talk. “Fuckin’ sounds like ‘em. Didn’t do his own name, though?”
You shake your head, thank God, you didn’t see this play out on his face, “It was objectively hard to carve with a butter knife, he was determined to get me down and after that it really didn’t matter. We would’ve been there all fuckin’ day.”
The bus boy soon arrives with your orders. Smash burger with cheese and a fried egg for Carmy, B-E-C on sourdough for you— “Your usual, Jack.”
“What’s with Jack?” Carm asks, once the waiter walks off.
“Oh, it’s like, classic nickname for me— M’Dad calls me Jack, work calls me Jack, it’s cause of, uh, Jack of All Trades, master of none— All that. It’s corny, but it stuck.”
“But I like Tony,” You add, shrugging, “It’s a cute change.”
Carm nods to the owner in the back, that he still doesn’t know the name of. “What's boss' name, by the way?” You laugh suddenly, shaking your head.
“You're gonna laugh.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Know why?”
Carmen tilts his head, a genuine smile crawling up his face. You speak at once.
“His name’s Tony.” “His name’s Tony?”
You nod emphatically, giggling. God, you make things fun. You make 8 am breakfast fun. He could seriously make a better smash burger, though, you need to be taught better standards. You also need to be taught NYT Connections as you do it for the first time over breakfast together. You’re kind of getting better. Carmy does have to give you hints, but he prefers it that way, prefers to be needed by you for a change. The idea of being a seat warmer completely leaves his mind, for now.
The meal is comped, despite both of your reservations about it. You assure Tony that you’ll be back on Wednesday to fix his flat-top first thing that morning. Everyone knows you mean that.
Carmen could more than easily walk to The Bear, but you drive him so you can squeeze in that little extra time together before you’ve gotta do… Tasks or whatever it is you do. Very important things, he imagines. Please don’t have a shift at Eden’s tonight, he’ll explode.
When you park in the back, his head is between wanting to kiss you and wanting to leave as soon as possible in fear of saying the wrong thing or learning the wrong thing. You come to his rescue without realizing; you kiss his cheek.
“Have a good day at work, call me if you need anythin’, and if you don’t, still call me. Please.”
“You can come in, for a bit— f’you want.” Carve your name into your favourite booth, maybe. Well, you shouldn't, The Bear is supposed to be classy, but maybe on the underside? Only you and him would know it's there.
You turn from Carm to look at the back of The Bear. You seem… Uneasy? Trepidatious? You’re not scared, he doesn’t think, but he’s also never seen you scared, he thinks, so he’s not sure he’d know what that looks like.
“I’m uh, I’m okay, I got some stuff I need to get done but ‘tuh—” You thrum your fingers against the steering wheel, hesitating, biting your lip. Clearly there’s something you want, Carmy just has no earthly idea what it could be. Name it. Name anything. He’ll give you anything.
“Can you— Can you, uh— tell Richie I said hi?”
Richie? Fucking Richie? Not Syd? Fuck, he’d even take Tina, here. Richie? You want him to say hi for you to Richie?
“Yeah, yeah I can do that—Uhm—” Carmen puts his pointer finger over his mouth, he’ll let this go, for now, but there’s another sticking point that he can’t. He opens the door with one hand, but turns his body to face you. He points at you. “Can you uhm— Like, uh— Next time—”
No, it’s not on you actually, he decides. You look confused, when Carm waves it off, “Uh, Nevermind.”
“What’s up, Carm?” You're cute when you're worried.
“Nothin’, nothin’s up. I— Hm.”
He curls his hand in the air into a fist, he leans forward in his seat, and takes a soft hold of your chin, quick kiss before immediately rushing out of the car, words just as hurried. He does not want to give you a minute to question it.
“I’ll call you after work, cara mia.”
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It's hard to imagine a Chicago accent saying Cara Mia but I did feel like it was appropriate to say so--
If it wasn't clear, because most things I say aren't, he didn't love another Italian Restaurant Owner calling you Cara. But also, it's not like he can tell you to tell people to stop saying Cara. That's weird. And also not on you. But he can claim it for himself.
Uhhhh anything of note to say on this one, hmm. OH RIGHT. Yeah that was fuckin' crazy with the whole Mikey spiral eh? It's fun writing Carm's perspective, because he's always just going insane. Me core.
Sewing the seeds of a terrible Friday hahahahahahhahahahahaha
And he finally questioned Chippy! Not out loud but at least internally-- And what's up with you feeling weird and wanting to say hi to Richie??? What are YOU up to??!?!?!?!
Breakfast was cute though. Always is. Is it too late to rename this series the breakfast club? I am joking. Please do not start calling this series the breakfast club.
Anyways, as always, please leave me a gigantic essay of thoughts somewhere I can read them and have a wondaful rest of ya day baby. Have no clue when the next chapter will come out your guess is as good as mine motherfucker.
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ayyy-pee · 3 days
hii lexi!!! hope you’re doing well :)) would you be interested in writing a suguru first date kinda thing? i thought it might be cute ^_^ (also i love your pfp!! it looks so good!)
AHHH THANK YOU NONNIE! <3 I'm so late, but I imagine Suguru would be exactly like this for a first date when he's really into reader lmaooo it's short but i'm trying to flex my brain with little drabbles. i appreciate you sending this request in! i hope you like it! <3
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Discord 18+ - Twitter
Pairing: Suguru Geto x Female Reader
Warnings: Cutiepie sweetie face nervous Suguru Geto!, downbad Suguru, Gojo being an annoying shithead, fluff and cuteness <3
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It's so hot here.
Is it hot in here?
Has to be. Or else Suguru wouldn't be sweating so much. He can’t even hold his drink, the damn glass keeps slipping from his hands.
Maybe it’s the lights making his palms so moist?
Are the lights too bright? Too hot?
Was this restaurant the right choice? If it’s making him this uncomfortable, surely you’ll be uncomfortable, too.
Maybe he should have chosen another place. Do you even like Italian? Fuck, he should have asked you before making a reservation. What if you’re allergic to…pasta or like…tomatoes? He didn’t even think about that. Maybe it's not too late to change plans.
The soft buzz in Suguru’s pocket pulls him from his scrambled thoughts, and he takes his phone out to see a text sitting at the top of his notifications.
Beauty: Pulling up now. See you soon :) <3
Fuck! It's too late to change plans!
Okay. Okay, this is fine. It will be fine! He’s got this. What’s there to be nervous about? Nothing, because Suguru doesn’t get nervous. He asked you out, anyway. Not the other way around! There’s no reason he should be reduced to this clammy, sticky mess he’s become. 
And yet, it seems that’s all Suguru ever is when he’s in your presence. Although, it’s only been one other time.
It's been an entire week since Suguru first laid eyes on you coming down the aisle at his best friend's wedding. You would have thought he was the one getting married, the way his face grew red watching you smile, so stunning in that gown the bride had picked for you. The way his heart practically tried to punch its way through his ribcage when you’d graced him with a glance, aiming your beauty right at him. How you watched, teary eyed as your very best friend married his very best friend and it’s so insane of him, he knows. But Suguru thought he could see himself in this exact position one day…with you. And he didn’t even know your name.
It's so cliche, truly; a groomsman and a bridesmaid getting together at a wedding? It’s a romcom waiting to happen, but Suguru couldn't help himself.
You were the epitome of beauty. Your eyes, your lips, your smile, everything about you. They were all things Suguru could not get out of his head after you'd danced with him at the reception. With that cheesy love ballad playing way too loudly, you slipped perfectly into his embrace, like the missing piece of a puzzle, and he had to get to know you.
"Fuck your honeymoon," he'd told Satoru, rolling his eyes as his best friend panned his camera across the beautiful powdery sands of Turks and Caicos. “Can you ask your wife for her number?”
“Hmm…” Satoru flipped the phone back around and Suguru could see him pretending to think about it, tapping his chin just to irritate Suguru. “Beg me.”
“...Excuse me?”
That stupid grin on that long limbed bastard’s face. If Suguru could, he’d reach through the phone and smack it right off of him. Why would he beg for your number? He’d get connected with you some other way. Suguru is not a beggar. Nothing in this world could make him open his mouth and plead for something.
“Then I’m not asking. Good luck finding her! Gorgeous girl. Hope she doesn’t find someone else because there were quite a few people asking about her at the wedding…”
Suguru knows what he’s doing. And he fixes his friend with a deadpan stare as he says, “Nice try. Not begging.” 
And Satoru chuckles. “Okay! See you in three weeks!” He sings on the other end.
And so Suguru…begged for your number. Not his proudest moment, but as he sees you slip through the doors of the restaurant, grinning and waving excitedly when you spot him…well, it makes every bit of groveling worth it. He just saw you exactly one week ago. A full 7 days. 168 hours. 10,080 minutes. And you look just as breathtaking, if possible.
This feeling is familiar, the heat radiating from his cheeks and the intense pounding of his heart and this sensation to get on his knees before you and offer you the world.
“Hi,” you greet him, out of breath as you approach.
Suguru stands quickly, stealthily wiping his damp palms on his pants. And it’s a little awkward at first, but you hug him, slipping into his hold like you just…belong there. It’s driving him insane, the way you just seem to fit him so perfectly.
You take your seat on the other side of the booth, all smiles and god, if it doesn’t send Suguru spiraling. You’re just so cute. You almost seem as excited to be here with him as he is to be here with you.
“I meant to get your number at the wedding, but honestly, I was just too nervous to ask.” You confess, giggling, a bubbly and airy sound that makes Suguru want to hear it more, maybe set it as his ringtone then piss Satoru off so he’ll blow his phone up. Then Suguru can hear it over and over. 
He chuckles, smoothing his hands over his pants again, trying his damndest to stop the sweating. “Yeah?”
You nod, picking up the menu and gracing him with a sweet, shy smile before hiding behind the sheet of paper. “Yeah, so I’m really happy you called.”
Suguru’s heart races and he can’t help the goofy grin that’s now formed on his lips as he picks up his menu. “Me too.”
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jakesangel · 11 hours
flirting w jake ꣑୧
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tw / suggestive ? just massive flirting n curses ><
jake IS a cockney bastard. he enjoys teasing you and seeing your reaction to him all flustered. your is his pretty pretty girl and his ego gets so bigger when he sees such beauty have such reactions just from his words.
everytime you'd get ready if font of him, he will tell you pretty words. but if he is in the mood, he will tease you. as you finish your makeup, and him being a good boyfriend by not interrupting you, is finally when he would come closer to you, leaving the door frame. my pretty girl, he would say coming behind you, hand on your waist. you'd think he would lean in to kiss your neck but he would come closer to your ear and whisper you're so breath taking baby as he would pull you close to him and so mine hmm. if he sees your reaction well according to his standards, he would go further into making you a shy mess, you like me whispering in your ear, don't you angel, finally kissing your ear, smirking in it. look in the mirror pretty girl, i want you to see how beautiful you are right now, he would add as you shy away. when you can finally look into the mirror, you will see jake's eyes already on yours, looking at you as if you're a his prey. his head would then go further into your neck and continue, look what you do to me, kiss, so fucking pretty for me, kiss, fuck you're so divine would be whispered as his kisses are scattered on your shoulders, nap n neck. when he's done kissing all the skin he can, he would finally go back to look at you, head on your shoulder, do you like what you see ? hed ask, his voice filled of desire, and as you nod, he would then turn you around, his hands on your lower back under your top, good girl, he'd whisper right above your lips, before diving in.
he also enjoys flirting claiming you in a group of setting. he would be looking at you, from afar not even caring to socialize, and seeing you so so pretty in front of others lowkey makes him jealous and needs to show off his pretty girl. he wouldn't mind coming over to you, and talk in his soft voice reserved for you, you're so pretty baby, did i tell you that today ?, as his hand would go on your lower back, his thumb robbing your skin. obviously, the both of you always get weird looks but as everyone knows how jake gets when he is with you, the atmosphere remains light. tho this is exactly what he is going for, he wants people to know that you, the most beautiful girl, is his and his only. he wouldn't back away even if you tell him that this isn't the time. can't i tell my pretty girl that she looks irresistible today ? he would answer you completely ignoring your protest and the circle leaving one by one, making you mad. come on baby, don't be mad. you're to pretty for that and they're not worth it, hmm ? he would grin as he comes in front of you, both of his hands on your waist. or you can keep looking at me that way, you look hot. and if you do stay mad, he would flirt but in a funny way, trying to break in your front, baby ? you look kinda ill, you must be lacking of vitamin ME, he'd say as he lowers himself to your height. no ? you're still mad ? alright then baby, but you're the one who asked for it, he'd warn you right before kissing you deeply, in the middle of the room, for the eyes of everyone to see. he wouldn't let you back away, holding on the side of your face, you're shy now ? it's your fault no ? i just wanted your attention but you wouldn't give it to me so i had to take it, no ?
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notes : jake ໒꒰ྀི  𖦹  ̫ 𖦹  ꒱ྀི১
@imaluckygirl @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @iikeustar @txnwvc @oopshee
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I posted a oneshot on my ao3 and forgot to post it here haha. Enjoy!
"Right, what has got you moping about?" Mary asks suddenly, snapping Sirius out of his daze. 
"Hm? Nothing, nothing, I'm fine," He says back vaguely. He's prepared to go back to staring into space, feeling a bit sorry for himself. Mary, however, isn't one to drop a topic. 
"You haven't talked my ear off about anything today, and it's weird, okay? What's going on?" 
"I-" He looks at her a little helplessly, but she just arches an eyebrow. Okay, so she isn't going to let this go. "I asked a guy out," He concedes with a sigh. 
"Okay, and?" 
"And he said no," Sirius adds, after an unimpressed look from Mary. 
"Sirius, I love you, and all, but you can't act like this every time someone doesn't want to go out with you. You'll be over it in a day or two, anyway!" Sirius just shakes his head, frustrated. He really doesn't think he will, not this time. 
Not with Remus. 
Yeah, he's had fleeting crushes, but Remus has been a constant. Somehow, he has stuck around, at the forefront of Sirius' mind, since fifth year. In two years, Sirius fell head over heels in love with his best friend. Well, more realised that he had never done anything but love him. 
So of course he's a little mortified that he brought Remus to the top of the astronomy tower and confessed everything, only for him to turn bright red and stutter a quick 'no'. Still, there's something else. Something that's nagging at him, that he's really hoping isn't just sadness induced delusion. 
"That's not it," Sirius says, half-truthful. "I don't think he rejected me because he doesn't like me." 
"Sirius..." She looks at him carefully, and Sirius knows he needs to elaborate. 
"Listen, I'm not stupid. I know what the signs are, and I'm sure there's something there. The amount of times we've almost kissed, I mean..." for a moment, his mind gets lost, having to blink harshly back to reality. "I- I can read him like a book, okay? There's something else going on. Some other reason why he said no. Some stupid, self-deprecating, endearing reason, and I need to know what it is." 
Mary just looks at him blankly for a second, before shrugging casually and leaning back against the sofa. 
"Ask him, then." 
"...yeah. Yeah, I think I will." 
Remus is revising. 
Well, trying to revise. 
No, he's staring at his book. 
It's not his fault, though! It's all Sirius'. Sirius and his stupidly perfect face, looking Remus in the eye and telling him that he loves him. Every single braincell in his head is taken up by picturing it again. Honestly, he doesn't know if it's daydreaming or torture. It doesn't really matter in the long run, it still has him pretending to flick through the pages of his History of Magic textbook, sitting up against a tree by the lake. 
He's so wrapped up in his thoughts that he doesn't even hear a person approach. He's blissfully oblivious to the presence of another person until a voice rings out. 
"Hey, Moony? Can we talk?" Sirius snaps him out of his daze. Almost immediately, he shoves his book aside, feeling a little like he's been caught thinking about him. Like Sirius can read his thoughts, or something. He cranes his neck slightly to look at the standing Sirius, and almost immediately feels guilty. He's shooting Remus a polite smile, but he can see the hurt that he's trying to cover up. 
"Huh? Yeah, yes, we can, yeah," Remus says quickly. Sirius wastes no time in dropping down opposite Remus, eyes meeting his. He isn't really sure what Sirius is going to say- 
"How do you feel about me?" He asks suddenly, watching Remus carefully. 
"What- what d'you mean?" Remus asks, confused. 
"I mean, did you really reject me because you don't have any feelings for me?" Involuntarily, Remus' eyes widen, shock rippling through him. He was hoping that they'd never have to talk about the whole... confession thing again. He's not even sure he can find the words, really. Instead, he focuses all of his energy into keeping his eyes on Sirius', not letting them fall to his mouth. "We never have to talk about this again if you don't, I promise," Sirius says quickly, almost reading Remus' mind. "I just- well, tell me you don't have feelings for me. Say the words." 
"I- I don't-" 
This is harder than Remus expected. 
He fights with himself for a few seconds, before just sighing. 
"I don't want to lie to you, Sirius," He says hopelessly, shrugging slightly. 
"So you do? You have feelings for me?" 
"Yes, Padfoot, I have feelings for you," Remus admits in a rush, feeling his face heat up. Sirius smiles triumphantly and, even now, that grin makes Remus' heart warm. A kindness weaves it's way into Sirius' features, concern etching into his eyes. 
"Why'd you say no, Moons? Was it- is it me? Whatever it is, I can work on it-" 
"No! No, it's not you, I swear!" Remus says hurriedly, his mind solely on reassuring Sirius. "It's me, it's all me, really." 
"Remus," Sirius says, with a tone so earnest that Remus feels compelled to stop and listen. "There's nothing about you that would change the way I feel, okay? Not a thing." 
He needs to stop saying everything Remus has wanted to hear. It's just making it all more painful. 
"What about the moon?" He says quickly, practically incoherently. 
"The moon? What-? Oh, Remus, you know I don't give a toss about your... furry little problem," He says calmly, glancing around for students as he speaks. 
"I quite literally turn into a monster every month, Sirius!" He exclaims quietly, desperately. Sirius isn't getting it. "You can't really hold onto any feelings. You might think you do, but you don't. You'll get over it, Sirius. I'm not doing that to either of us when it'll be over in a month, anyway." 
For a second, Sirius just stares at him. Christ, he's fucked it up, hasn't he? Sirius isn't even going to want to be his friend anymore- 
"I'm in love with you." 
"I think I've always loved you, really," Sirius adds with a breathy laugh. "And that's not in spite of anything. I don't love just one part of you. I love you. All of you. That's not going to change anytime soon. Especially not since I've known that for well over a year. You can tell me you're not good enough, but I disagree. You're everything, Rem. Merlin, I wish you could see that. I've known you for years. Your lycanthropy hasn't gotten in the way of how I feel; not once." 
"Not even-?" 
"Not once," Sirius emphasises, reaching out and grabbing Remus' hand. He squeezes it once, offering him a gentle smile. "You aren't going to change my mind. If I'm not changing yours, then I'll keep trying. Now that I know you have feelings for me, I'm not going to stop trying to make you see what I see." 
Sirius' other hand reaches out and presses against Remus' cheek. Honestly, Remus is dangerously close to tears. Too much is happening, making his head reel. He's not even sure what compels his next decision. 
All he knows is that he's leaning in and kissing Sirius. 
He hears a small, muffled noise of surprise escape Sirius, before he's kissing Remus back in earnest. It's... everything Remus could have imagined and more. Sirius' lips are soft against his, the hand that was sitting comfortably on Remus' cheek winds around and lands on the nape of his neck instead. Remus wishes that could be it. 
Instead, his brain decides to keep whirring, forcing him to pull away and talk again. 
"I'm going to die first. Shorter life span," He blurts out, instantly wincing at himself. Sirius just arches an eyebrow. 
"You're not dying tomorrow, right?" Remus shakes his head, confused. "Then it's a bit early to be thinking about dying," He says with a grin. Oh, Merlin, how it makes Remus' stomach swoop. "What else have you got? Hit me with it." Remus finally smiles properly. 
"Can't think of anything off the top of my head," He says calmly. 
"Okay, great! That means we're going to try, right?" Sirius asks gently, looking at Remus hopefully. 
"Yeah. Yeah, we're going to try." 
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sitp-recs · 1 day
Hi!!! I've been reading Faith Wood's new fic and it left me craving reading more "grffindors adopt draco". Do you have any recs about 8th year where harry & friends take draco under their wing out of pity/ necessity and learn to like him? Even better if it's because they realise draco is really odd and just as fucked up as everyone else by the war. Thanks!!!
Hi anon! Love this ask, I rarely follow WIPs but that new FW fic has been a really fun ride so far. Here are some fics off the top of my head:
Champion by shealwaysreads (T, 7k)
Harry thought his Eighth Year would be simple and easy. And it sort of is, though not in the ways he expected.
Slow Hands by eleventy7 (T, 10k)
Blood, shadows, and paper hearts. The Shadow hunts students, but Draco Malfoy most of all.
Find The Balance by lauren3210, Obliviate_Amores (M, 15k)
After Harry gives Draco his wand and goes back to using his own, they both start having trouble making them work. Finding out why is a lot simpler than fixing the problem.
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Reparo by amalin (E, 85k)
Voldemort's final defeat does not mean Harry Potter's troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances—and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it.
At Your Service by Faith Wood (E, 95k)
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There's only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved.
From Ashes by Caedes12 (E, 150k)
When Draco comes back for eighth year, he starts an unexpected friendship with Hermione Granger. Between his new friendship and his parents kicking him out of the house, Draco's life starts down a new path.
Things Worth Knowing by Femme and noeon (E, 164k)
After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He's hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems. Unfortunately for him, Potter appears to be one of those problems.
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unreleasedwrites · 2 days
may I request a fluff Gun x reader (him suddenly finding out his name was saved as "my big baby" in your phone and his reaction)? thank you ><
In Your Contacts
“Who do you think you’re calling a big baby?”
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summary:You decided to ring up your boyfriend’s phone despite him being fast asleep right beside you in bed. After a few rings, he finally wakes up annoyed. He reaches for his phone, only to see that it was you calling him. You explain why you called and even though he was being grouchy, he still said that it didn’t matter in the end as long as you compensated with affection. But before you two could go back to bed, Gun notices the recent call flashed on your screen which at first, he presumed that it came from you calling him earlier. But the name was throwing him off, “my big baby,” he had to do a double take and as you were about to turn the phone off. He stops you, solely to bring up that strange contact name.
character(s) included: Park Jonggun x fem!reader
cw: nicknames, fluff, reader and gun is sharing the same bed but are just sleeping, clingy
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unwrapped on: Tuesday Night, April 14 2024
wrapped up on: Friday Noon, May 31 2024
published on: Friday Noon, May 31 2024 (At around 12 Pm)
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You were wide awake at midnight and no matter what you resorted to, you couldn’t get yourself to fall asleep. Your long term boyfriend, Gun, was sound asleep right beside you. He wasn’t cuddling your nor was he even facing your direction, which high key offended you since you always count on the comfort and warmth of his body to put you to sleep.
So you decided to make it his problem too. After all, he did say that if anyone were to bother you, just call him at any time. Looks like it’s time to abuse that card then! You grabbed your phone from the nightstand on your side and unlocked it. You went over to your contacts and selected “my big baby” which was your secret nickname for Gun.
And then it started ringing, obnoxiously loud too. Gun wasn’t really a deep sleeper so he woke up within just a few seconds and picked up his phone that was on the nightstand at his side of the bed. He sat up and let himself gain some sort of consciousness, and then he looked down to his phone. Only to see that it was you who was calling him and he looked over to you with a confused look.
You pouted at him with crossed arms as the ringing went on, he was confused but decided he’ll bite.
He looked back at his phone and answered your call, and he acted as if you weren’t right beside him, “hi baby, its late. Why are you calling me?” He said with a sleepy voice. You muted his voice on your end so his voice wouldn’t echo, and you solely relied on what you heard from him, who was right beside you and even taking occasional glances at you. He also did the same thing so there really wasn’t any point in answering the call.
“I can’t sleep, and your sleeping is distant..” You complained as you rested your head on his bare shoulder, since he doesn’t wear a shirt to sleep or even most of the time.
“Ah. So let me just get this straight,” he scoffed, holding both of your cheeks with one hand and turned you to face him while he got impossibly closer to your face.
“You woke me up in the middle of the night, because you wanted my affection and some cuddles?” He added as his grasp on your cheeks only got tighter.
“Well..mm— yeah,” you muffled out.
He only stared at you with a stern face but eventually gave in and let go of your cheeks. You breathe out, “m’sorry..” with pleading eyes towards his tired, half opened eyes.
Gun only sighed, he ends the call and puts his phone away on the nightstand it was originally on.
“I’ll forgive you if I get to be the big spoon, oh and— you have to be facing me so I can see your adorable face.”
“Mmm.. But it’s hard to breathe in that position,” you replied.
“Then I guess we’re not cuddling tonight,” he said.
“Gunnnnn, pretty pleaseee can I just sleep on top of you?” You practically begged with pleading eyes and a tired pout.
“Only if I get to kiss you how much I want for the entire rest of the week, including tonight.” He said with a smirk spread across his face.
You hesitated, knowing how clingy Gun can be when he’s not busy. And since he’s got no work or agenda for the entire week and the next, you know that it’s gonna be a pretty annoying deal.
You stopped for a brief moment to think about this deal— an insanely clingy Gun who’s gonna kiss you nonstop just so you can cuddle with him for tonight, knowing damn well he will cuddle you at any time of the day even if you were to say no deal. Which didn’t sound too bad, after all, Gun’s kisses are to die for.
So after some thinking, you agreed and your boyfriend gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“Awh, my baby makes such good decisions.”
“Hmph! You’re a scammer, aren’t you?”
“Oh honey, of course not,” he laughed at your sudden interrogation and added, “but it offends me that you even had to think about it, I didn’t get a yes immediately.” He pouted at you while stroking your hair and you pouted back at him, to which he only kissed your forehead again.
“It’s late, we should get to cuddling and sleeping now.” Gun said as he looked at the time using your phone, almost one in the morning. But he noticed a little something about the call you guys just had which was very short. It didn’t show his name or a nickname he knows about, instead it showed “my big baby” on the list.
You yawned and looked over to Gun who was holding your phone with a confused look. “Babe-? Something wrong?” You asked.
“Yeah.” He said, somewhat amused but you could tell he was still confused.
“And that is—?” You asked hesitantly, because what could he have even found in your phone to have a reaction like that?
“This,” he replied as he showed you your phone and the contact of “my big baby” was showing with all his details. At first Gun wasn’t sure it was even him, but the details proved that it was. You rose a brow at what you were seeing until you realized that Gun doesn’t know about this little nickname.
“It’s you, my big babyy,” you teased him as you brushed your fingers over his features.
“Wha-?!” Gun was slightly in shock but was highly amused with your utmost confidence and teasing, to which he added, “Who do you think you’re calling a big baby?”
You only laughed in response.
“That’s not an answer sweetheart,” he said with an amused tone.
“Well, if you must know, mister… That’s my handsome boyfriend, what’s it to you?” You said playfully as he pulled you in closer.
“Is that so? He must be lucky then,” he said, playing into your little shenanigans.
“I like to think that i’m the lucky one.”
“You really are a sweetheart,” he said as he pulled you in for a kiss.
You laughed again while he put your phone away and pulled you on top of him. He sunk the both of you into the bed and kept giving you kisses on the forehead while stroking your hair. You two eventually fell asleep in the same relaxing, adorable position.
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notes: idk tbh but this is short n sweet hehe
- With or without proper credits, please don't try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs
Once again, I hope this isn't too bad for a request, and I'll be doing more characters in lookism so feel free to request!!
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