#of course don't feel pressured to do the thingy if you don't want to!
heramiart · 6 months
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag up to that many people. Tagged by @enigmacatinspace Thank you! <3 I didn't see it earlier wtf tumblr- ;;
Hysteria - Muse
Enemy - Imagine Dragons, J.I.D.
Radio GaGa - Queen
Atlas Falls - Shinedown
May It Be - Enya
Incomplete - Backstreet Boys
Another Day In Paradise - Phil Collins
Run Boy Run - Woodkid
Teksański - Hey
tagging: ... @rondoel @zeestars @artmek ;u;
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honeyhotteok · 8 months
Hi hi hi!! How are you?!?!?
Hope you're all well
Sorry even I was busy with high school😔
Just a Lil suggestion thingy for your writing ~
I was wondering how 'bout~
Reaction of Lookism & HTF characters to reader forgetting to kiss them in established relationship - like reader is an independent working person even before they met each other, and in all the hectic schedule of their work, they just forget?
It's alright if you don't want to, don't feel pressured❣️
It's just a random thought ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃
hi!! sorry this is soo late lol work beating my ass as usual🥹 i hope school's been more chill for you lately/that you get a break soon!! i included your fave then ended up picking some more non j high boys for this since my last hcs were for the j high boys😌 and i don't write for htf on here at the moment and wasn't planning to but..maybe i'll add a lil bonus at the end lol. ty for the suggestion!🫶
Lookism boys reacting to S/O forgetting their goodbye kiss before work
(Johan, Jake, Samuel)
Johan Seong
would lowkey SULK like there's no tomorrow. would not bring it up first though
but he tries to tough out it out, like the babygirl turned malewife-in-training he is
when you get home, tries to get a kiss by holding Miru up to you next to his face, pouting
but the both of them just get a head pat from you
ends up grumbling about how that's not what he wanted but whatever
leaving you confused but you quickly pick up on what he wants, having become perceptive after all these years of being with him that your boyfriend is not forthcoming with wanting affection
a blushing mess and pretends to hate it when you finally shower him with kisses
Jake Kim
notices pretty soon after you leave the house that you hadn't kissed him this morning, or yesterday either now that he thinks about it
barely pays attention during his Big Deal meetings, just sitting there furrowing his brow, trying to figure out whether he’s done something to make you mad at him
was the omelette he cooked for breakfast that bad?? he was just trying to expand his cooking repertoire beyond just instant ramen...
texts you that he'll get dinner for the both of you tonight, then buys takeaway from your favorite restaurant and also stops to get your favorite snacks before coming home
it's when you get home and trudge your tired body to him to give him a hug that he realizes it wasn't because you were mad at him after all
grins when you finally plant a big kiss on him while enjoying your fave meal after a long day of work
Samuel Seo
is unbothered, mostly. He has his own work to attend to anyway.
but as his day goes on, starts to feel unsettled but has no idea why??
this mf ends up being even more prickly than usual at work
gets home even later than you do tonight, and you nonchalantly give him a kiss before getting ready for bed
feels his ears turning red as his mood immediately improves and he finally realizes why he's felt off all day
well since you're here anyway, he'll steal another kiss from you now for tomorrow. or five
+ bonus: HTF - Taehoon Seong
this little shit would nip it in the bud real quick
catches up to you fast with his long ass legs after you rush out the door without kissing him goodbye, yelling "HEY!"
"you forgot something, dumbass" "???"
after planting a kiss on you, smirks and shoves you "hurry up now, you're gonna be late"
and you of course smack him with your bag as revenge for shoving you and smile at your boyfriend while running off as he curses at you
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pixelartparker · 3 months
i know youve done a lot of ace attorney but.,, could you do a herlock sholmes (from tgaa)? no pressure though!!
Of course I can do that! Oh my goodness though his goggle thingys took foreverrrr lmao.
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I hope you like it :)
Suggestions, tips, and requests are welcome!!! I don't do any NSFW but I'll create for any fandom. Feel free to use this for something if you want. A like, reblog, or follow if you do would be appreciated!
~ Parker
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onecantsimply · 4 months
If you're currently accepting requests, I would like a somewhat angsty fluff with MReader arriving in Valhalla many years after Jack's death.
They of course become their prime age, but they're like much physically older than Jack now, and he probably wouldn't recognize them at first cuz of how much they've aged compared to them. ((Like mid 50s and very handsome lol or some-))
They also have a nasty disfiguration on half of their face and missing leg, which made them more unrecognizable, but eventually Jack sees a fea features that resembled their beloved and finally recognizes them.
After that, you can decide how Jack would react and what they would do after recognizing his long awaited husband.
In the form of a request this is my half assed apology about the two angst thingies earlier lol-
Jack was in a rather cozy building, fixing up something to eat. Suddenly, he heard the door creak open, making him faintly stop.
(... I don't believe anyone should be in my afterlife. -Jack)
He looked back whilst he dried his hands. There, he saw an older looking man step into the building. His back was turned, but Jack felt something familiar about this man. "... Something smells good." The man spoke.
That voice. What was so familiar about it? Was it someone he killed before? Was it someone he knew that he forgot? There was an odd pressure that wanted him to remember so badly... and yet, he could never put his finger on it.
"Ah, excuse me, Sir." The man stopped. He then looked back. Jack's eyes faintly widened once he saw the burn scar on one half of their face. "... Jack?" The man called out. He began to walk towards the silver haired man, the wooden peg on his leg softly tapping against the floor. The closer he got, the more weak Jack could feel his legs becoming.
How could he forget? His own lover from so long ago...
"Jack?" The man held his hand out to the other. "Are you alright?"
Jack never wasted any time, immediately embracing the man in front of him. This seemed to make his eyes widen faintly. But yet, they immediately went back to normal as he smiled faintly. "I'm home." He spoke, gently hugging the silver haired man back. "What happened-?" After a second, he pulled away to trace the burn scars over (Y/n)'s face. "I got blasted in the face." He smirked faintly. "I look good, don't I?" He questioned. Jack softly sighed. He then chuckled faintly. "I suppose you really weren't the type to worry about things such as this..." The man pulled (Y/n) into a soft kiss, finally getting what he's wanted for so long. After a small while, the pair pulled away. "... Do you mind helping me with the food?" Jack questioned. "I just died. Seriously?" (Y/n) chuckled. "I have your favorite getting prepared right now. Do you truly wish to miss it?" The silver haired male arched an eyebrow before (Y/n) walked towards the ingredients. "I wouldn't miss this for the whole world." The man spoke.
Jack took the chance to analyze his own husband and his figure. He was surely more different than before. And yet, Jack knew fully well that he acted the exact same as when he were younger.
"You know..." The man smiled faintly. "You look like Sir Pimon." (Y/n) stopped. He then looked back at Jack. "... You're gonna get it. I'm not that old." The male snorted. "And just how old are you, then?" He questioned. (Y/n) held up a finger to protest, only to stop to think. "... Around... 50...?" He looked to the side to think more as Jack snorted. "You're older than me." The silver haired man spoke. "Crazy, right?" The pair started to cut and prepare the ingredients together.
Something seemed so much better about the house now.
At least Jack knew he finally had his husband again.
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YOU. *grabs you by the collar of your shirt* HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME FEEL BAD FOR CALLING BRAHMS BRAHMSY? MAKE UP FOR IT THIS INSTANT (if you want to no pressure I'm just being a goofy silly idiot love youuu <3)
Okay, with that out of the way... Please, make a continuation of the calling the slashers corny pet names thingy, especifically for Brahms. I just want to comfort him so bad 😭 It doesn't have to be anything too elaborated if you don't feel like it! I'll be happy with a paragraph of reader comforting Brahms after he thinks they are leaving him. Make it a fluffy, please! 🥺
Again, no pressure! Thank you for reading :D💗
Why of course <3
Comforting Brahmsey (Continuation of the Calling Brahms a cheesy nickname headcanon)
Brahms is actually shivering a little as he presses himself against your side, his arm wrapped around you so tightly it is almost painful.
You carefully reach up and wipe the thick, dark curls out of his face.
You know well enough that anything concerning Greta, his past nanny, is a very touchy subject for him. And that everyone, from his parents to her, abandoned him.
"Brahms… I swear I will never leave you. Not in a million years."
"That's what Greta said, too", he replies bitterly.
You half-turn to him and cup his face in both your hands. His eyes stare at you from behind the porcelain mask. "Then tell me what I can do to show you how serious I am."
He is quiet for a long time, fidgeting with the collar of your shirt. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"
"Of course, love."
That evening, you find yourself in your bed, with Brahms' head resting against your shoulder. He is half asleep, his arms wrapped around your waist. You hum the softest, most soothing song you know while you play with his hair. Soon, his breathing evens out.
It is amazing. He is very much a grown man, and still somehow manages to make himself look small and vulnerable in situations like this.
You press his precious goodnight kiss against his temple and turn off the light on the bedside table. "Good night, love. Don't worry, I will be right here when you wake up."
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archived-yiptsu · 7 months
Error's Guilt
Summary: Error still isn't over what happened to Blue.
Quick lil half an hour thingy because I could NOT sleep without writing it . It's like 700 words long so pretty short but whatever I'll make the concept into a full fic eventually >:3
Error watched him, his body shaking as he struggled to get the words to come out of his mouth. He was hyperventilating, he knew that at least.
Blueberror was building a snowman with Ink on one of Snowdin's many paths, and Error.. Well, he was bent down behind the nearby sentry station, hiding as he desperately tried to calm his breathing.
He hadn't expected this to be so difficult. So.. Impossible. All he'd wanted was to try to say hello to Blueberror, after so much time had passed since the accident he figured that it would be an easy task, but he was wrong. He wasn't as over it as he thought he was, his stomach could barely handle seeing the skeleton laughing and gently hitting Ink's shoulder.
Error turned away from the scene and dug his fingers into the sentry station's wood, trying to get ahold of himself. He killed people, he could tear Universes apart with practically zero effort, he could deal with the entirety of the Multiverse being against him.. just.. just not Blueberror.
He hadn't meant to leave him in the Anti-Void for so long, he hadn't.
The sound of the laughter between the pair getting louder made him clamp his eyes shut, feeling the tears well up as he fought not to teleport away. No. He was there, and he was determined to at least speak to him.
Despite everything, that was still Blueberry.
"Shit.." he hissed to himself, his body letting off a slight hum as it began to glitch out at his stress.
Reluctantly, he took a deep breath and opened his eyes. It was okay, he would be okay and nothing would go wrong. Blueberror would forgive him, he would understand. He'd always been forgiving, caring, he'd always been there in Error's time of need no matter what.
Error threw his head back, letting out a slight wince of pain as it accidentally hit one of the station's poles.
"What was that?"
Error froze at the question, the familiar glitchy voice causing his entire body to tense. He'd heard it, of course he had.
"What was what?" The Creator responded.
"Huh? You didn't hear?" Blueberror asked with a small scoff. There was a small pause as Ink only responded with a hum of sorts before Blueberror continued, "It sounded like someone got hurt.."
Error didn't want to turn around. He knew he was visible, the small sliver of the top of his black skull over the station standing out from the snowy backdrop. He didn't want to be seen as a creep or a stalker, not by Blue.
He urged his body to move, internal panic setting in as he couldn't. Why?! Why wouldn't it just cooperate with him?! He fought to keep the bile in his throat as his breathing quickened, the tears falling from his eye sockets again as his vision remained locked on what was in front of him. Nothing. It was nothing, but he couldn't bear to look at anything else.
He heard the sound of footsteps, then the sound of Blueberror saying something, then the sound of two pairs of footsteps. They were looking for him.
He couldn't do this.
His magic sparked as a portal opened beneath him and he fell through, the familiar sound of Ink's voice yelling something as he did.
He landed on the bean bag, almost immediately clamping his hand over his mouth to keep the vomit down from the sudden pressure on his midsection. His vision was blurry, his Soul practically beating out of his chest.
What made him think that would ever possibly be a good idea?!
He rolled onto the floor involuntarily, no longer having the energy needed to move his body as he wanted. What was wrong with him? It was just a simple "hello", it's not even like they had to have a full conversation with each other! A simple "hello", a "how are you" and then a "goodbye", even a child could do that!
'I don't think he did it..'
'Hey, we don't know that!'
"Pfft, of course we do.'
He tried his hardest to block out the voices, the stupid voices. They played as much a part in Blue's demise as he did, if not more so.
He pulled his scarf over his face, letting out a muffled scream as he curled into a ball and sobbed.
Maybe he'd be able to talk to him another time.
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weenwrites · 10 months
I think your requests are open?
I was just wondering if you could write a short thingy (I think it's called a scenario, the one that isn't written in "point" format) about a gn human reader and tfp Starscream.
I'm thinking they're at least friends in this, like they're basically almost together romantically but just haven't said it. It'd be comfort, reader has just lost a (unspecified) pet they've had for quite a few years and they don't know what to do because they're too sad/shocked but they instinctively contact Starscream for help/support.
Mine just passed from old age and since I live alone I found her, I'm just in need of some comfort (please don't feel pressured I'm doing fine now I just wanted to give context ❤️)
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Pet Death
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Summary - Starscream comforts you after your pet passes away. Characters - Starscream Content - Hurt & Comfort Category - Scenarios Trigger Warnings - Animal Death Mention
✎ A/N: I'm really sorry to hear that happened to you. I'm sorry if this fic is short, I wasn't exactly sure how to write it, what direction to take it, and I didn't want to make it too specific. Still, I hope it's comforting in some way.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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"Incoming Transmission From Y/N L/N" was what a notification in the corner of his HUD read. He didn't let the call ring a second time before answering, and instantly he was met with muffled sniveling.
"Starscream," they begin—their voice sounds quiet and frail, "do you have a moment to talk?"
"What... What is it?" He was almost hesitant to ask, his voice hushed to a low and quiet sound. It wasn't quite a whisper, but it wasn't too audible to any passerby who passed him in the halls.
"(Pet's name) passed away. I found them dead, and... I just need to talk to someone, right now."
"I am terribly, sorry to hear of your loss," he said after a long pause. "...I am not exactly sure how to comfort you, but if there is anything that you need, I am here for you."
"You don't have to do anything big, but keeping me company would be enough."
"Of course, take your time to mourn. I will be here for as long as I can."
"Thanks, Starscream."
For a moment, neither of them had said a thing, they sat in silence for a while until Y/N spoke again. Time seemed to fly by from then on, and as the two of them spoke, countless little anecdotes about their pet—spanning from the beginning of their time together till the end—were retold over the phone until their tears had long since dried. All the while, Starscream merely sat and listened contently, of course asking the occasional question and laughing at parts he found humorous from time to time.
"Surely that isn't true..." He responded to a story they had just finished telling.
"Nope, it legitimately happened." A faint smile tugs on their lips at the recollection, "at first I didn't believe it myself, but sure enough they did."
"Really? How amusing." He chuckles, "I can see why a creature such as your pet one was of great value to you."
For a moment, Y/N hesitates to respond, "Yeah they... They meant a lot to me."
"I could tell with the way you seemed delighted to recount the time you spent together," he adds, "and I know for certain that they will be dearly missed."
"They will... I'll never forget them."
"... And about the rest of the story..." He begins again after a time, "what then?"
"You seem genuinely invested in it," they remark.
"Well it's certainly piqued my interest."
"Alright then... Here's how the rest of it goes..."
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bookshelfdreams · 2 years
Hi, what do you think about 38. for Ed and Stede?
Wish you a nice autumnly afternoon!
I think 🥰🥰💕💕💕💞💞💞💞🥰🥰 (srsly you picked something i'm weak for w surgical precision)
(also hope you don't find second person, lack of capitalization and overuse of italics too off-putting)
(if so, sory)
38. Treasuring a small gift/word of praise the other gave
the first thing he gives you
(no, not the first thing he gives you, the first thing he shares, that's something else, immaterial, a secret, here look I think you might like that, I think this might make you happy, I think you are someone who finds joy in such things are you not?) (yes. yes you are)
anyway. the first thing he gives you is the cravat.
not wide enough to cover your palm, black like the sky between the stars, soft and - flowy, like water, like oil, like it should part around your fingers and drip from your hand as you lift it.
you resist the urge to rub it against your face and instead loop it around your neck, once, twice, tie a know that rests in the hollow between your collar bones, and the whole day you feel its pressure against your throat, a whisper of touch
and laying on the couch for a brief moment you think you will die like this, wrapped in silks and fine linens, and it's not the burial shroud you thought you would get but you maybe wouldn't mind it either.
(you don't die. you come up with a plan, like you always do, and you teach him to breathe fire (that's new). the spanish warship is hardly more than a slight irregularity in the darkness, but you know when they divert their course, feel it in your bones, in your lungs, deep in the core of you. the exhilaration of having done it, having beat them (again! hah, of course, again, that's what you do, you're fucking Blackbeard) fills you to your fingertips, dizzy and bubbly, and twice as good for how certain you were this was the end.)
you don't ask him if you can keep it. you don't even think to, if you're honest, you're a pirate and he's an amusement, you don't need to ask.
he takes the bundle of clothes you hand him, folded as neatly as you care to, and he looks at it, looks up at you,
and you know he sees the cravat still looped around your neck, sees how you stuffed the ends under the collar of your shirt, and he smiles
he says thank you
and that's that.
he makes you tea.
proper tea, tea that's much more than just leaves steeped in hot water. there's a whole table set, with a white cloth, and flowers, and so many fucking dishes, teeny tiny sandwiches cut in perfect squares and triangles, slices of fluffy cake, filled with fruits.
it's all so dainty and posh and ridiculous, but you kind of love it, actually, kind of think it's awesome. you take a teacup and examine it, the delicate handle and thin walls, golden-rimmed and painted, and yeah, you get to use that because you're having tea with someone who really knows this shit, fancy as fuck.
he pours you tea, hesitates, his hand hovering over the sugar bowl.
i'm afraid i don't know how you take it
give it here, you say, and he slides the bowl over. that's maybe not proper etiquette, but he smiles, like he knows you just want to use all this fancy shit, and sits back. it should feel patronizing, maybe, but doesn't; more like he's delighted to have something to share with you, something he can show you.
there's a tiny pair of silver tongs meant to fish out sugar cubes with and you just start dropping them in your tea, one after the other, and watch them dissolve, make a tiny heap of crystals at the bottom of your cup.
you stop after the seventh, but still pour in a bit of milk from the tiny little can thingy. he's been watching you attentively, and when you look up and catch him, he blushes, a little.
sorry, he says, i don't mean to stare. i just want to remember how you like it.
the tea tastes like syrup and makes your mouth feel kind of sticky. it's a little gross, but the next time he hands you a hot cup of tea, you still tell him it's perfect.
it is.
he never stops giving you things. just handing you stuff, showing (not never showing off), sharing. it's always here look at this, and oh you might like this.
when your hands linger over the purple suit he says great choice, this will look gorgeous on you, casual as anything.
when he sees you trying to untangle your hair, stiffened by the salty wind, he hands you a small vial of oil, for the ends, they get so dry in this air, don't they, ed?
oh this is a fun one! when he pulls a book from the shelves and then proceeds to read the most insane story you have ever heard, about a gaggle of knights cutting some poor bloke's arm off and then killing his mum who lives at the bottom of a lake for some reason.
like - you don't even know how it makes you feel. just that it's nice, laying sprawled on the couch, your feet up on the cushions, and he never tells you to take your boots off (you wouldn't, of course, you're fucking Blackbeard, you keep your shoes on if you want to).
it's not even about the things. you're a legend; you have more riches than you care to count. it's not that you couldn't have creamy soap and nice oils for your hair and porcelain that's almost translucent. if you wanted to, you could have anything you can possibly imagine.
it's just. it never really occurred to you that all these things are physical objects any one person might own, did it? lace and silks, things that only exist to be beautiful, these aren't for people like you.
except they are. except he places them in your hands, careful, but never cautious. like every beautiful thing in the world belongs to you.
like it's not even a question.
that turns out to be a lie.
when he first told you he'd give all of his riches away for a chance to be like you, you thought he was insane.
but now, you're standing in his cabin filled to the ceiling with his fancy shit, and you understand. what use is all this stuff, if you do not get to keep the one thing that matters? what's the point of soft fabrics and illustrated books and an insane amount of sugar in your tea? none of it ever was meant for you, you know that now, none of it meant he genuinely -
all this time, you have been playing dress-up. no matter how many things you surround yourself with, no matter what you showed and taught him, no matter how great you are at everything else, it never made you a person he could find worthy, did it? you're nothing but a plaything to him. a distraction. someone who indulged him in playing pirates, and when he realized that it wasn't a game, that there was real danger, he ran back to his own life of comfort.
which you should have known. should have anticipated. even fucking izzy betrayed you as soon as you let yourself slip.
turns out, fine things aren't for you. they're a liability. fall in love with some...thing and its absence will hurt you worse than any joy its presence could bring, you know that, you knew that and still -
you still -
it was stupid, that's what it was. reckless. wishful thinking.
no point in keeping all his garbage aboard.
you still keep the cravat. when the crew cleans out all the fancy shirts and nice suits, the shelves and cupboards, the trinkets and everything else, you keep it wrapped around your throat. not for safekeeping (tho no one would dare touch it there, the safest place in all the seven seas), and not as a reminder.
not as a token.
you tell yourself you forgot it's even there.
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spirit-of-anime · 1 year
Hi.....Do you mind if I ask you some random thing? I used to love shounen and shoujo manga equally....But ever since I found BL manga 3 years ago, my interest in shoujosei (especially het romance) decrese a lot, and what I search for is just the dynamic between mc (male) and male lead...I don't want to read mc (female) and male lead or mc (male) and female lead...And what I want to read mostly are just mlm or wlw stories....
What do you think is happening to me? Is it really weird?
Ah, I love this question ^^ But first : nothing weird is happening to you !! 😆
Of course, I think it's normal, and even healthy, to read non-straight romances. But you wonder why you've come to abandon the shojo you usuasly read, to the point of hardly read some anymore, and read only BL stories ?
It's really interesting. I'm kinda in the same situation as you, to the point that when a drama is recommended to me and I find out it's a straight story, I feel quite disgusted (or dispirited, let's say). Arghh, a straight thingy 😮‍💨
But, I can't know the reason for you ?
As for me, I just find gay love stories have more intensity ✨💖. That's all. But let me explain : to love someone of the same gender, you have to brave so many obstacles, even nowadays. You have to brave the pressure of society, the family ban, and sometimes your own will (for those who wanted to fit in). Because of that, gay love is so strong, it's definitely more captivating, and more moving than straight love. It's a powerful love, the one that lends wings and gives hope 🤗
And that makes me happy 😇 💖
(In any case, this applies to the BL I read, which are mainly kind, soft, and/or funny!)
Another reason is being gay or bi or lgbtq+, and you happen to find straight stories boring or at least not relatable 😁
But maybe all of this only applies to me ? I don't know, dear Anon, if you can see yourself in this ?
I'd be very curious to know why other people prefer to read BL !
(I'm so sorry for inevitable mistakes, english is not my native language 🙇‍♀️) (I'm also sorry to be talkative ^^')
(And thank you Anon for your question 💝!)
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commaclear · 2 years
Okok I'm finally back. I tried to write an anon a few days ago, but I got distracted and accidentally deleted it </3
So peer pressure, amirite folks?
No but seriously, holy shit.
Quackity and his little occult whatever club got Wilbur drunk do he'd do their weird ritual shit. Like. Obviously Wilbur was always going to go to the party, since he wants to feel normal. The rebellious nature of drinking underaged alongside the peer pressure from people he finds cool also ensured that he would definitely drink, plus him not knowing his limit when it comes to drinking and wanting to seem cool ensured he'd drink a lot.
So this whole thing was fucked from the start. And I don't think this whole thing was orchestrated by Quackity (at least not down to those very details), but due to him being blindsided by what he wanted desperately, he definitely took advantage. They didn't tell Wilbur shit about what the ritual would entail, and when he expressed discomfort at the idea of literally drinking a fucking innocent animal's blood, they pressured him into it because of what they wanted for themselves (which was mostly for Quackity's sake, but it's still selfish of them, even if it was for their friend). And even now that Wilbur has been noticeably upset, they still want to guilt him into sticking around because he is useful to them.
Karl and Sapnap don't take anything seriously. They were well-aware that Quackity was going to fucking murder a hamster AND that they were going to drink it's blood, but they were still being silly and cracking jokes. Karl literally watching Quackity get hurt, and still messing around even when Quackity says as much. And Sapnap chasing Wilbur around with the plush when we know Wilbur has been upset.
Ranboo break 😗✌
So Ranboo sees dead people. Well, his parents anyway. Thanks to the party city looking-ass pendant amulet thingie, I sure don't see anything going wrong there. Anyways. Ranboo is understandably upset with Tubbo. They probably will continue to be upset with Tubbo for a while, y'know, since their parents are dead lmao. L. Since they were supposed to be besties and Tubbo didn't even try to tell him about all of this. Which, to Ranboo, is unfair. Especially since he suffered because Tubbo didn't tell him.
Ranboo break over 😗✌
Quackity is having second thoughts. And he feels awful for it, of course, because that's his mom. His mom is loyal to her religion, as old people tend to be. She seems to mean well, but she isn't trying to understand. She won't budge in her beliefs, even if it hurts her son.
"It's important to talk about your feelings" "I had a best friend. Her name was Maria, and she was very dear to me. There was even a time when I thought I might have feelings for her that were much more than friendship-" that's how she addressed her own feelings. She suppressed them for her beliefs. It's always strange to think about from an outsiders pov (tehe atheist here *twirls hair*), but to her, this truly was the best course of action. She wants the best for Quackity, and to her, praying is it. No, it doesn't excuse her homophobia, but it isn't as easy as "Welp. My son is gay. I guess god isn't real, and everything I believed my whole life was a lie." Hopefully, there's a happy ending for her and quackity, but it's looking bleak right now.
Karlnapity cares a lot about eachother. Karl says that Wilbur has been freaked out all day, and instead of worry for Wilbur, Q feels bad for Karl having to deal with him. They don't really care about Wilbur beyond his use for the club, as shown by them planning to guilt him into not leaving. And going back to the Karl and quackity booth thing, Karl wanted Quackity to talk to him, but he seemed to not know how to go about it in a serious way. That was him trying to show that he cared.
At least as far as we know anyway, maybe you finally made karl a puppy-kicker (or a hamster-killer) instead of a kicked puppy.
Also, how could Q do that to Ham (the hamster)? That was terrible, Quackity is terrible </3. He should have just sacrificed human tbh
Can I get an F for Ham?
-Wilbur Semi Defender anon (too lazy to spell check n shit, sorry if anything is unintelligible)
well I'm glad SOMEONE sees how manipulative that whole situation was! jfc I was starting to worry I was gonna have to write 'manipulator' on Quackity's forehead with sharpie /j
And don't worry about Ranboo...... don't even worry, I would never hurt him :)
Also no, the victimization of Karl has not stopped and will never stop <3
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fenimores-book-nook · 7 months
Day 5 of self care writing :)
~ November 20th, 2023 ~ Monday ~
Good evening, it is 9:45 pm, for me right now. Hey, look at that, I started with an actual greeting this time. I didn't do a self care writing over the weekend which felt kinda weird to not write one but I was busy for most of the weekend. So, I thought I should start off the week with one tonight. :)
First, I just gotta say...The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is one of the best but infuriating movies you will ever watch. I read the book beforehand, so I knew what was going to happen but, ya'll...reading it is one thing, but WATCHING it??? AHG. SO. GOOD. I don't wanna give away any spoilers, so just go read it and then go watch it. Okay? Okay.
I have two copies of the book (obviously) so I had an idea with one of them, have my friends that I saw it with sign it. :) We saw it opening night which is always fun, but a lot of people. It was amazing, though.
Over the weekend, I did some thrift shopping and went to one thrift store that's close to where I live. I think I've mentioned before how I love The Baby-Sitters Club graphic novels. I have just about all the ones that are out and have all the intention of continuing to collect them. ;) So at this thrift store, I saw there were the original books-a lot of them-on a shelf so I spent most of my time looking through them, debating on if I wanted to start collecting the originals too. But...there are like 132 books. So. That's a lot. BUT- I did end up getting four of them.
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And they were all less than a dollar. ;) Gotta love thrift store deals.
So I've been reading the graphic novels a lot lately, they're some of my favorite comfort books. <3
Kind of shooting everywhere here, but it's fine. Back to today, I had an appointment that I didn't love, so to cheer myself up, I got some iced tea and had book time at the library, which was the highlight of my day. :)
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Of course I'm gonna add a cute lil' photo.
I spent most of my day having a chill day, my Mondays are usually dedicated to that. ;) I just relaxed on the couch and watched Wizards of Waverly Place and also Songbirds and Snakes tik toks because I am obsessed. Until I had to leave for my community choir practice. Which I am not sure that I'll continue after our Christmas concert. But I have time to decide that. I've just found myself wanting to spend my Monday nights cozied up with a book or doing my self care writing instead of practice. ;)
Onto a mindful journaling thingy: I'm gonna use the same Night Journaling I've done before :)
How am I - Lessons I've learned - How to make the best of tomorrow - Gratitude - Affirmations
I'm okay, I think. I haven't felt like I'm going to a bad place since I did the other week, so that's good. I really think these self care writings are helping. :) I almost feel like I could say that I'm okay-good but there's blah and ack feelings that are interfering. But you know what? I can be okay-goodish.
I learned that peace really can be achieved in a simple-type of life. I don't have to be doing something absolutely amazing or even know what I want to do. I can just be living and doing the things I enjoy doing. Like these writings, other kinds of writing, reading a lot, talking about books through here or with others who share the same love for them, just relaxing and watching a show I like, and so much more. I can feel peace through that and that's something I need to focus on more.
I can look at going to work tomorrow as something to look forward to: I have something different to do during the day AND I can make myself a really good, free coffee. ;) I can set time aside to do things I've been wanting to do too.
I'm so grateful for my realization, honestly. My answer to what I learned. I didn't really realize that until I was answering that question. And it's just something really beautiful to realize, I think. :)
I have plenty of time to do things I've been wanting to do but not necessarily need to do. I don't need to pressure or force myself to do them; I can just do them when it feels like a good time to. My own timeline is the only one that should matter to me. Everyone goes at their own pace.
I think that'll bring day five's self care writing to a close! Hopefully these kinds of writings can inspire you and feel proud of how far you've come. :)
Until the next one,
Thalia <3
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captaincryolicious · 2 years
Hi! How are you? I hope you're doing well! 2 things:
Just saw your Childe drawing and yes, definitely continue it! It looks so good! I didn't know you were also so good at drawing :O. Of course no pressure if you don't want to, but I know it'll look amazing in the end!
I love how you wrote "His scars"! I like the way you showed Xiao receiving comfort, and even if it doesn't take all the pain away, it makes it easier for him to bear. I hope you don't end up taking it down, but again, no pressure, do what you feel most comfortable doing.
I hope you have a great day and remember to take care of yourself! - nightingale anon
hello! i'm doing pretty good, i hope you are too :)
i'm actually drawing quite often, i just hardly ever share it since i'm hardly ever satisfied with the outcome. i'm kinds glad with how the childe thingy turned out so far so i might give it a shot hehe.
wanting to comfort xiao is literally my 24/7 mood. i just want to hug him so badly and tell him everything is going to okay </3 i'm actually happy to hear that you enjoyed his scars since i had many doubts about it :")
i hope you'll have a great day as well!
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writingwitharlo · 2 years
Hii, could you do G, I, K from the Alphabet thingy for Nick and Charlie?
Btw I LOVE your heartstopper fics they're so cute💖
Tickle HC Alphabet Ask
of course! love how all of these have been exclusively for heartstopper <3
G: Gentle | How do they react to gentle tickles?
I think Charlie actually finds them comforting/relaxing, especially since he struggles so much with his body, so receiving gentle tickles from nick just feels comfortable and reassuring
Nick is a mess, like a full on giggly, flustered mess. Light tickles can be relaxing but only in certain areas (like his arms/shoulders or lower back) and with the right amount of pressure. Anything outside of that and he's a goner. like it does feel kinda amazing but his brain and nerves are too overworked for him to actually enjoy it fully. but the way he feels after, all prickly and warm, is the best feeling. also, don't even get me started on gentle morning tickles.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
Nick would be able to hold himself together surprisingly well, his tickle endurance is pretty high or at least he can bounce back pretty quickly. Charlie however would be blabbing out all secrets if someone merely looks at a bad spot. If they're the ones executing the tickle interrogation though, I think Nick would be playing the long game. He'd just persistently keep up the same level of tickles, switching up spots every now and again. Meanwhile Charlie uses the element of surprise and keeping the interrogatee on their toes by switching things up at a pretty good pace.
K: Killer Move | As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
This one is so hard!!
I think Nick's special skill is the fact that he's generally the strongest in their friend group, so he's easily able to get any one of them pinned. The realisation of being trapped under an excitable golden retriever ler can really mess with the mind. of course nick is never so cruel as to take full advantage of that
i'm gonna say that charlie's special skill is being super stealthy when he wants to be, not getting noticed, fading into the background, but also popping up out of nowhere. lucky for Nick, he can barely take his eyes off of him on a good day, otherwise he would have already been subject to countless surprise tickle attacks
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thatgothsamurai · 3 years
Hello it's me with more art questions!!! No pressure to answer but I was wondering how you capture the likeness of faces so well (e.g. for zzs and wkx), they really look like the actors!! Do you do a lot of sketches so you can draw them from imagination afterwards or do you use lots of refs? Any advice appreciated I love your art sm <3
oh hello again! of course it's super okay!!
uh actually I often got this question but I'm not really sure how to answer.. If you're asking if I use refs or not, I do both!! Buuuuut, not using refs is for my lazy hours hoho (and can't guarantee if it'll come out good..)
I always, always, always, use refs, esp when it's my first time drawing a character(for example), when I'm not familiar enough w/ their features. Maybe this is also a reason why I draw so slowly... But you see, lots of my drawings nowadays are screncap redraws (redraws heal souls, amen), and when you do it, it feels like automatically you wanted to copy the scene and polish it in ur style. (how to explain this part hjdgsjdg). Doing lots of redraws is also a practice time for me, and so sooner or later you'll be familiar with what you always draw! (in this case, the characters). If I wanted my drawing looks exactly like the actors (esp the realism one), there's no way I'd draw it only from imagination😭😭
And if you're asking for the technical thingy... I don't know how to answer this part...... I think.. the best to do is.. being..possessed????
no no, for me.. What I always do is trying to know and remember each person's unique features?? like the shape of their nose, lips, etc, or things that stand out? Also their face's proportion is also crucial, maybe
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yep, I think that's what I do when I draw them without ref but somehow still wanted them to look *a bit* like the actors..
I ended up talking too much..😭 And sorry if it doesn't make any sense gakslskdlasdjs and pardon my writing......... Hope it helps even just a little😭👉👈
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For the ask thingy: 2, 5, 11, 17, 22, 23, 34, 42, 57, 59, 60, 73, 85, 91, 93!
If you’re ok with that quantity of questions of course! No pressure!
whew, thank you!! this took me a little while to get through, but it was fun!
2. your age at the time of the revival?
i was twelve! but my parents were never into the show, and we didn't watch much tv anyway, so i didn't even know about doctor who until high school and i didn't actually watch it until it came to netflix when i was in college.
5. which dw character did you play on the playground?
i dressed up as the tardis for halloween one year and my partner dressed up as eleven. we looked very cute and i still have my blue onesie!
11. who is your doctor?
nine. unquestionably nine. i'm pretty sure i saw some episodes out of order—one with eleven first (which got me sort of tentatively interested), and then one with ten (which sparked some early-onset dt thirst), but when i finally decided to go back and start over with nine? that's when i fell in love with the show, and with the doctor, and with rose.
17. best multi-doctor story?
the one that exists in my head, lmao. no, but really, the fiftieth is the only one i've ever really sat down and watched and we all know how i feel about that...
22. favourite secondary companion?
does jack count? because i always love me some captain jack harkness. i'm so predictable. runner-up is c'rizz, though, again, i can't tell if he counts as secondary. i love my weird lil alien <3
23. least favourite companion?
it's a tie between clara and river. which bums me out, because i really do enjoy jenna coleman as an actress, and she's so lovely... just. neither of them are for me, alas.
34. best two-parter?
the impossible planet/the satan pit, absolutely top tier in terms of stakes, secondary casting, rose and the doctor dynamics, the introduction of the ood, the helmet kiss, the speech, the doctor opening up to a stranger as he descends into the pit... all of it's so good!!!!
42. favourite series?
series one my beloved <3
57. in your opinion, what makes a monster good?
this is such a hard question!! for me, monsters are at their best when they have the capacity to really take away your sense of self. possessions and body-snatchers really work for me. the gelth, the flood, the gas-mask people... i mean, it can obviously done in a silly way (see: the slitheen), but even that is just genuinely terrifying. for your body or some part of you to continue while your mind and memories are gone... and that taps into the sort of fundamental fear of the doctor themself, every time they regenerate. the pervasive threat of loss of identity is a core part of the show.
59. best dalek story?
dalek in series one. but then, robert shearman could write anything and i'd probably love it.
60. best one time villain/monster?
i'm a fan of the good old lupine wavelength haemovariform. so scary, and so sad.
73. favourite tardis design?
i am very, very partial to twelve's tardis. all the bookshelves... the sunken console area... the color palette... it's all very good.
85. monster you’d like to defeat/fight?
does the master count? i want to defeat them purely so they don't come back.
91. historical event would you like to see in dw?
i don't know about historical events, but i want the doctor to go back in time and kick margaret thatcher's ass so, so badly. nine being like, "did i not specifically mention the welfare state?" is exactly what i want to see.
93. who would you completely erase from the dw universe?
i mean... does it need saying?
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spoopy-fish-writes · 3 years
Spoopy dear, hope you won't mind me getting curious (and hope I'm not too late for this either). But I have some questions !
8) favorite genre to write
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Of course don't feel pressured to answer all of them ! If there is a question you're not comfortable with please skip :))
8) favorite genre to write
Angst because I like to suffer. Either that or tooth rotting fluff mixed with hints of angst
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
Dance around either in the living room or in the garden while listening to music and hope that no one sees me. The music makes me think of scenarios and I just need to see if my fingers are fast enough to type them out
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
Hope in desolation. The Comte angsty drabble thingie.
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
"What is this??? I need to rewrite it. What is happening? I'm- I just- no."
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
Human vital points and how long it takes a person to bleed out along side how much pain is caused and where causes the most and least pain to be harmed 😊
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
"They were so intriguing, so intelligent and still knowing so little; reaching impossible heights and still wanting to go further but there was a fear that lingered. A fear that one day they might go too far. However, fear holds only so much power over one's state of mind before it becomes no more than a passing memory. They feared to climb higher but climb higher they did, and eventually, they climbed too high. The air of the unknown became too thin for them to breath and they suffocated in their own greed, in their own thirst for power, their own thirst for more that they could grasp with their small hands, miniscule in comparison to that which they wanted to attain."
This ^ will forever and always be one of my favourite things to have written
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