#oc's piccrew
viking-writing · 5 months
I'm planning on getting the first fic in my Rammstein AU fic series done in 2024! Hopefully before the end of January as that is Rammsteins 30th anniversary-month (Or so I've been told?) but 2024 is their anniversary year anyway so I'll be done long before the end of this year with the first fic in the series! 😁
@marimayscarlett you need to help me with some of the german so you get to read all the chapters before everyone else! ^^
Here is a sneak peak on some of my OC's.
I've actually found at least one of them on "thispersondoesnotexist.com" and it was surreal how the looks matched so perfectly with how I visioned him in my head. Especially considering how the page just makes random AI persons every single time you refresh. I even ended up finding TWO pictures of him (the two fake men look nearly identical and it was beyond perfect for how I visioned him!)
I'll save the "realistic pictures" for some other time. Instead enjoy some piccrew avatars I made of some of my OC's (with some added facts. Warning; this is a long read so if you don't bother you can just look at the avatars instead)
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Name: Cornelia Francesca (II/the 2nd.). However she prefers to only go by "Cornelia" or "Nelia" for short.
Gender: Cis woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: That depends on what you lay in the meaning "nationality" (She is mostly German by blood but she was born and grew up in France.)
Facial features: Very pale skin (her veins are mostly visible) and her face is heartshaped. She considers her chin to be "too long and sharp-pointed" and with her big dark- blue, doll-like eyes and blonde curly locks she is often underrestimated or "sweet-talked". Her brows are Blonde/white/nearly "invisible", and her upper lip is slightly bigger than her lower lip, which sometimes could be mistaken for a "frowning pout". Furthermore her lips has no cupids bow. Lastly she "wishes she could have had freckles or beauty marks" as she "finds such to be very unique and beautiful."
Body type: She is tall and has an Hour glass figure. She is naturally heavy chested while her waist is small both by birth and "by the aid of corsets."
Piercings and tattoos: None. Trying to pierce a hole into her would "be a waste of time."
Diet: Vegetarian (mostly). She doesn't mind eating eggs or drinking milk as long as its from trusted farms.
Musical taste: Her taste in music is vast and consist of any genre, from any decade. She doesn't have any favorite band or artist in particular as she doesn't like to place any artist or band "up on a pedestal" as they are "all to be considered talented and should therefore all be equally appreciated".
Fashion sense: Anything from disorted jeans to long ruffled lace skirts. Her most "outraged/scandalous" fashion statement are probably the times when she likes to adjust/modify her corsets so they would fit over jeans and t-shirts. However she doesn't like bold prints or too strong colors, except deep blue or deep red. She wish she could have earrings but as already mentioned: piercing her ears would be a waste of time. She likes wearing necklaces that are simple and not too flashy: anything from simple stone pendants to single colored heavy laced chokers though as for pearls, she has "always found them too mature looking."
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Name: Bas (He thinks his mother gave him way too many names, so he prefers to only use the first one.)
Gender: Cis man
Pronouns: He/Him (but he won't correct you if you say they/them.)
Sexuality: Asexual & Aromantic He thinks Romance is ok in movies and books...but "in real life he is good with having family and friends!"
Nationality: The Republic of the Congo.
Skin color: Black "and beautiful" as he would usually say.
Facial features: A rounded face. Bald head he lost his hair due to "some hair...disease?" He doesn't remember what it was called, and "he doesn't really care. Without hair it's easier for him to get ready in the morning and then he can have plenty of time to do fun things!". His nose is wide and short with wide nostrils. He really likes his nose, and the rest of his face! His facial hair is usually scruffy or cleaned shaved. He "tried to grow a moustache, once....and it turned out all patchy so he never wants to do it again!". He has black/dark brown puppy- eyes which according to him means he can "get whatever he wants? No he is probably too old for that trick!" . His eyes have dark circles and a few wrinkles under them but he knows that "in his age being tired is a cool lifestyle, so the dark circles are matching great!".
Body Type: A little on the heavier side with a little portruding tummy, which is alright! He is "exactly how he wants to be and no one can tell him otherwise!"
Piercings and tattoos: Both of his ear lobes are pierced with a metal/silvery earring. He wish he could get tattoos but thinks he "probably wouldn't tolerate that much pain over such a long period of time."
Diet: "Anything goes." He thinks "pasta is boring unless you add some mushroom, a hearty meat sauce and spinach." He thinks "seafood is alright. Shrimps are very good" but to him "nothing beats a well done burger and salty fries!" He thinks that chickens tastes good but that "the source material looks messed up when it runs around and has feathers on it." Basically he thinks all birds are scary and that they "should stay as far away from him as possible!"
Favorite type of music: Bas likes most music but claims that Opera "is the worst." He also thinks that lyrical Jazz that is "too upbeat" sounds "weird and too loud/too confusing." Slow, Classical or electronic music is wonderful if he "wants to relax." He doesn't really appreciate Reggea music too much although "Mark" (Markus) has tried his best to show him "the beauty of it." Soul music is ok, but can get a bit too "screamy/naggy" after a while...
Fashion sense: He loves to wear colorful t- shirts, matched up with a well used, black suit jacket or black, wool coat jacket. Nearly all of his shirts has mostly either vibrant colors or has a cool pattern on them. But it has to be a pattern that is "repetitive and isn't too overwelming". According to himself he "probably doesn't own a single pair of suit pants." In addition to the colorful t-shirts and hoodies; dark or standard colored jeans, comfy shorts and sweatpants is what he "prefers to live in, depending on the season." A hat, preferably a cap worn the "correct way and not backwards" is a "must to protect his head from being burned". He loves colorful hoodies and brown or red scarfs. He doesn't like to wear beanies, because he thinks it "makes him look like the stereotypical black burglar/rapper guy". As for jewelry he doesn't bother to wear any except for the wrist watch he got from his dad, and his standard black or silvery gray earrings. He thinks goldchains are "super corny and he wouldn't be caught dead or alive wearing one! Not even if someone paid him!" As for shoes; regular short laced up leather boots are "easy to wear and they go with anything". Either that or he likes to wear black sneakers, as white sneakers, according to him "would again make him look too much of a rapper guy or some kid trying to impress someone".
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Name: Markus E. Weiss and "please don't ever call him "Mark" or "Markie" or any other shortened nicknames as he doesn't appreciate that".
Gender: Male. He says he "doesn't understand the meaning or the need for the word cis. " He also says he "won't understand what 'being trans' means." Hopefully he can be thought otherwise.
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: West-German (the former GDR)
Skin color: White
Facial features: He thinks his face is pretty average and oval shaped, especially for "a man in his age". He has a slightly rounded, slightly pointed chin. His blue medium big, slightly down-turned eyes is for the most part behind a pair of silvery steel, squared shaped glasses. He has been told he has very "kind but sad looking eyes". His brown hair that has "gotten lighter with age", is sually sleeked back without any shaved sides. His hair tends to get very wavy the day after he has showered. His nose is slightly downturned with a slightly narrow- rounded tip and he thinks it looks "pretty average just like most of his face". He has pretty straight teeth except for one upper tooth off to the side that is a little shorter than the rest. His ears are a little portruding. His lips are thin, and it makes him look very mischeavious whenever he is lightly smiling.
Body type: "Asymmetrical" and he is "too embarrassed to tell you how/why". Although he believes he is "quite fit for a man of his age he "knows its only a question of time before he gets thinner or gets a belly/tummy just like most men his age if they don't regularly work out".
Piercings and tattoos: None. Because he thinks that "such things doesn't look right. Except for earrings", but for him earrings "belong in the past with his long hair and big sunglasses."
Diet: What he is being served, which is mostly vegetarian food now...unless "there is a special delivery that contains meat in it". He doesn't drink alcohol. He likes a good stew or "anything that is homemade with lots of love and tradition" but all in all he "isn't really picky on trying out new types of food".
Favorite type of music: He mostly listens to classic rock, or 80's rock, although "Soul and Reggea with a meaning has the sound that makes the world go around." He thinks Patti Smith, Pat Benatar and Annie Lennox are "very underrated." Some of his favorite artists includes Patti Smith, Queen, The Doors, David Bowie, The Ramones and The Rolling Stones. He "doesn't really care that much for hip hop, but they are talented in singing fast/rapping, but it just isn't what he would listen to".
Fashion sense: He mostly wears his uniform. Sometimes he wears the black turtle neck without the gray uniform jacket, and pairs this with the gray or navy blue uniform pants or black suit pants. He "probably doesn't own more than one pair of jeans but he swears that velvet bell-bottom pants were everything when he was younger!" He likes to sleep in black or dark gray sweat pants paired with old washed out band t-shirts or single colored (dark blue, white, dark gray or black) long-sleeves. When he is at work he has a silver pocket watch attached to his suitjacket or fastened by the hip at the belt of his suit/uniform pants. He thinks its "practical that the watch can be attached to the belt if it becomes too hot to wear the uniform jacket".)
That was some of the characters , but I'm also adding a little bonus. Richard Z Kay in a fancy halloween costume/sexy vampire bat-costume! I swear this character is always so extra. It's funny how real-life Richard Kruspe is one of my least favorite Rammstein member, but in my fic series he is actually one of my favorite characters and I am going to defend him at any cost! I honestly wish he was real and that we could hang out not just "in my head/imagination".
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Name: Richard Zee Kay/ RZK/Richard Z. Kruspe/Richard Zven/Sven Kruspe Landers. (The list could be endless for a diva like him!)
Gender: male, bclaims that "sometimes he is a whole gender for himself that should NOT be messed with and always have his way or isn't "diva" considered a gender?"
Pronouns: He/him/"Katchen/Fab/Herr Fab/Frau Fab/Divalicious😘".
Sexuality: PAULsexual ❤ ("it's ok to be GAY"/fab-sexual)
Nationality: West Germany (former West-Berlin.)
Skin color: White or fake/real tan
Facial features: A very sharp jawline and a sharp chin, that he hates as it "looks way too masculine". He has ususally "neatly plucked brows". His eyes are big and blue but slightly downturned. His hair is naturally brown and thick/wavy but he used to have "awful blonde dreadlocks which wasn't his choice by the way". Nowadays (at the beginning of the story) he mostly keeps his hair short and dyes it black and "unlike your neighbour or your aunt he is a master colorist and knows EXACTLY what he is doing!" He has according to his husband Paul and his best friend Thalia a "charming, slightly boy-ish smile especially after he had his teeth properly cleaned and fixed". Another thing that Thalia and Paul has told him is that "his face is really expressive, especially when he disprooves/shows a disgust or confusion about something". He doesn't like his own nose as "it could have been a lot shorter" but his husband Paul has claimed that "that would probably make him look like Michael Jackson AFTER plastic surgery" so Richard slowly accepted the nose that "the universe gave him." He has thin lips, but according to him, his husband Paul "has never complained...if ya know what he means? 😉"
Body type: Richard "used to be a twink-teen in the 80's and early 90's (he was born in 1973 in my fic series) but has bulked up A LOT since then! 💪" He now (at the beginning of the story) has a strong v-shaped back with back-dimples something Paul seemingly "knows to take advantage of 😉" According to Paul, Richard's broad upper body is "both a turn on and an odd threat". Richard would now describe himself as "a friendly but bossy hunk with an ass that is bigger, more perfect and more plump than yours will ever be!". Further he claims that he "takes great pride in keeping his ass that way" and that "it's reserved for Paul H. Landers anygays so don't you even bother!". Richard describes his chest as "more amazing than whatever cleavage you will ever have." Further he says that "unfortunally he wasn't given a big dick that would match his big attitude", but he also tries to remind himself about how Paul always tells him that he "has a beautiful penis/Schwanz...just the way it is". In other words: Richard's below average dick size doesn't affect his self esteem "as much as it used to before he met Paul" and he claims "he owes this to his wonderful husband who loves him as him ❤".
Diet: "Anything goes as long as HE or any other professionally trained chef has prepared the food, because he used to be a chef before he became a hair stylist and master colorist". He claims that the reason for why he quit as a chef was "as much as he loved making food, it got too warm and stressful in the restaurant-kitchen and that just spiked his anxiety to the max!"). He prefers pasta or pizza and "didn't like soups at first but Paul convinced him and now he is hooked on all kinds of soups just as much as his husband!" He tries to eat as much proteins as he can "without chugging down on protein shakes, and actually if he can avoid having to drink those nasty shakes again and still get bulked up nicely, then that would be perfect!"
Piercings/tattoos: He "used to rock a belly button after he first started dating Paul but it rejected, and yes he is still upset by that." As for jewelry he first "shared one of Paul's silvery or black earrings and thought it was cute that they could wear one, each, until Paul began to nag on him to get it back for the sake of symmetry". Which "gave him the push to save money for another hole in the 2nd ear and finally buy his own earrings". Other than that he has been thinking about "getting a tongue piercing or a brow piercing" and although Paul seems to be "very supportive of the tongue piercing, he thinks Richard first needs to decide an actual SHAPE of his brow before he gets it pierced so sadly it never happened". As for tattoos, Richard doesn't have any but he claims that for a short time he "dead-seriously wanted to have 'Property of Paul L.' or 'Property of Heiko' (Paul's birth name.)" tattooed above his ass, but "Paul talked him out of it". He has also thought about getting a tattoo of a guitar on his wrist or shoulder that would "symbolize that his husband used to be a punk guitarist in a band in the 80's and early 90's". Another tattoo that Richard is still considering is "cool, diagonally aligned black stars on both of his hips."
Favorite type of music: "Paul's moans, laughter and guitar riffs🥰"... KISS. Scorpions. Firehouse "just to mention a few". He says he "loves to listen to any brutal Death Metal song, anything by Nine Inch Nails, Feeling B, Depeche Mode, The Ramones, The Sex Pistols or Danzig whenever he is jogging or lifting weights." He claims to have "always been a fan of 80's and 90's synth pop, goth, and punk and swears that his favorite punk band now is Feeling B" which was Paul's former band who disbanded sometime in the early 90's, but with a last concert in the early 00's. Some other of Richard's favorite bands/artists includes Sisters of Mercy. The Mission. London After Midnight. The Lords of The Church. Death. The Misfits. The Clash.Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Tool. Slayer. Kreator. DIO. Lamb of God. Accept. White Snake. Nazareth. Meshugga... but "the list could go on and on but it's mostly guys with deep and kinda depressive voices.. " After he started dating Paul, Richard got into David Bowie and the industrial metal band Hindenburg" (although in your universe/the real world, they are known as Rammstein) while Thalia got him into liking Eisbrecher and darker techno.
Fashion sense: "The best!💋" according to himself; no matter what Paul, Thalia or anyone else tells him.
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etheries1015 · 5 months
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@hanafubukki @masquerade-of-misery @dreamofjoys
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Ok, here's a fantasy game because I want to feel nostalgy (there was a period of time, when my dream №1 was becoming an elf)
So, here we go
1) take this quiz
2) make your own character, based on the result, using this piccrew (the character can look whatever you want)
3) repost with your quiz result and your character. Don't forget to tag somebody
Feel free to take part even if you weren't tagged :3
I'll go first
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I'll tag: @sparrows-my-abhorred
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chaoticconstellation · 5 months
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Silly Little Clown Piccrew!!!
No Pressure Tagging:
@paddooo @napo-con-fritas @faroresson @lokis-sword @jankwritten @brayinghorses @detectivehole
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stardewin-it · 26 days
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I was inspired by the last FHJY episode to make a new FHSona ...
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Anybody do pic crews?? I just found this one and it’s too cute!!
I ended up doing one of my OCs Kiyanna and Kayko and (of course) one of Homura and Madoka🥲💕
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angellongtail · 3 months
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Another LMK OC? From me? More likely than you think!
I love how she came out! She's based off The Last Unicorn song. She's so pretty I love them!
So far she's a demigirl with a taste for adventure!
Technically I edited the picrew version of her to get that good of a result but they both look completely different so I think I'm fine..
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I FOUND A CUTE PICREW (From left to right Green and Peace, Saz and Julie, Cosma and Greeter)
Picrew here!
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Tag list: @the-void-writes @aether-wasteland-s @theprissythumbelina @vacantgodling @kk7-rbs @winterandwords @nanashi23 @jezifster (uhhhh I think that's the peeps that'd want to see this)
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and i got neighbors, they’re more like strangers. we could be friends.
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i just need a way
out of my head
There was an absence of noise. Or at least there was an absence of a specific noise. In the distance, cars could be heard driving by every other moment, and the critters of the night could be heard skittering about in the bushes. The wind was low and the night was cold, but there was an absence of noise that roused him into wakefulness. There was an absence of a certain stench as well. An absence of a certain oily, uncomfortable energy.
Under his back, he could feel the gravel sinking into his skin, jagged edges leaving small pricks in his skin. He sat up, eyes opening slowly, dust falling from out of his hair. It took some effort, but after sitting up, it seemed the remainder of his strength began to trickle back to him. There was nothing recognizable near him. The road, crowded on either side with dark businesses, warehouses and mechanic shops with English names gave him a small idea of where he was, but not enough information. The road itself, worn down and desolate stretched in only two directions from what he could see. He stood up, dusted himself off, and with all the energy he could muster, began to walk in what he hoped was the most promising direction.
Within the time it took for his senses to return, there was barely any thought he could hold on to to explain his current predicament. His memories were foggy, whimsy strings he could barely grasp before they eroded into nothingness over and over. Underneath his skin he felt brittle and dry. He could only walk on and he could only see what was right in front of him. He could only hear what was near to him. He could only understand what was in front of him.
He walked for what must have been 5 miles before proof of civilization became something he could not only hear but see. There was a gas station in his line of sight. He stepped inside. The brightness bothered his dull eyes, but not nearly as much as they would had they been active. Inside there stood a short, stout man behind the counter, hair balding and glistening under the yellow lights as he scrolled on his phone. A couple of people walked around inside, none noteworthy he surmised, scouring the aisles only glancing at him once before moving on. No recognition, no curiosity in any of their eyes. He checked his pockets and was grateful to know his belonging were still on him. As he moved to the farthest side of the store, he bumped into someone, much shorter than his eye line was expecting, as he turned the corner. She looked at him, eyes widening in surprise and then recognition before she moved along, pardoning herself with an impersonal smile.
Feeling a bit suspicious he trailed her movements as she continued on her way. With a juice in her hand she eyed the snack cakes, eyelashes fluttering as she searched for her goods and then moved on to the next one. He went up to the counter, grimacing as he caught a glimpse of the cashier’s mysteriously stained orange shirt, prepared to pay for his own drink as he kept the darker skinned girl in his peripheral.
“Card or cash?”
The English was expected, but it still took a moment for his brain to kick into gear. He gave the man behind the counter his card, hoping it would work internationally. When the man returned it with an obvious amount of annoyance he only sighed and looked through his wallet for any dollars he might have.
“I’ll help you now ma’am.”
The same woman from before eased ahead of him a bit reluctant as she handed her stuff to the cashier, all candy and cakes and that one peach flavored juice. She eyed him has he rummaged through all his coins, staring approvingly for some reason.
“Do you know who I am?” He couldn’t help but to ask right then and there.
She blinked dark eyes at him. “Of course, it’s a really good cosplay.”
Her short sentence didn’t make any sense to him. “Cosplay?”
She hummed as she grabbed her bag from the bald man, “Or costume I guess since it’s Halloween?”
“It’s Halloween?” He was relieved that whatever happened to him hadn’t caused him to be unconscious for days, although if he was in America, it was probably already several hours into November in Tokyo.
“Who do you thinking I’m cosplaying?” He asked absentmindedly as he calculated how long ago the events in Shibuya must have happened, “do you have the time?”
She pulled out her phone, and from his extreme height advantage, he could see the time before she even told him. But not only the time, but the date as well, which showed as 9:27 pm October 31st, 2023. Five years in the future somehow. His brain was short circuited, the letters floating around in his head uncomprehending. And only more so when she answers his previous question.
“Gojo Satoru.”
“Gojo?” He truly didn’t understand anything. A novel experience.
She squinted those dark eyes at him again, nervousness creeping into her expression. “Have a goodnight,” she decided to end the interactions there.
“Wait a minute,” he said as he trailed after her. Her apprehension was very obvious, but she tried to maintain a calm and polite facade. As to not scare her away when she had such a wealth of information he so badly needed, he stood far away from her as she lingered near the door to her truck. The two braids hanging in her face sway lightly in the wind as she pulled the oversized flannel further onto her shoulder. “I’m a bit confused. Why do you think I’m cosplaying Gojo Satoru?”
Her head is titled a bit in confusion. “It’s a really good one you know? I’ve only ever seen good one like yours on Japanese TikTok.”
The confusion was only deepened. “Do a lot of people cosplay me? I mean Gojo?” What he really wanted to ask is why? How? Since when?
She laughs lightly at his question. “I mean yeah. He’s a super popular, most beloved anime character at the moment.”
“What, do you just happen to look like him or something? There’s no way your hair is bone white like that from birth.”
He could only splutter offensively. “It is! Because I am Gojo Satoru!”
The woman puckered her lips, before she bit the bottom one, and then the top one then finally she tucked both of her plump lips into a line. He couldn’t tell if she was trying to not laugh at him or refrain from saying something offensive.
“Okay sir. Have a good night,”
“Wait wait wait!” He took two long steps towards her as she climbed into her truck, “I can prove it. And when I do, I need you to explain some things to me.”
As she started up the truck, she locked her doors and rolled her window down a bit, just enough so she could hear him.
“Okay, Satoru,” his eyebrow twitched a bit at how she said his name like she rehearsed it, “go ahead.”
“Can I have some of your juice first?”
The blank way she stared at him made him raise his hands defensively. “Come on! I think I’ve been knocked out in the middle of some mechanic park for like five years and I’m thirsty as hell.”
She scoffed before reaching down and pulling out an unopened bottle of water from her door. She handed it to him out the crack in the window and watched him warily. He would’ve preferred the sugary juice she just bought but understood why she wouldn’t hand it over. He gulped the entire bottle down greedily then balanced the empty bottle in the palm of his hand. She looked from his eyes, which were still a dull, plain blue, to the bottle in his hand, which as soon as she clapped her eyes on them compacted itself as if it’s been stepped on. Her mouth dropped open as it stretched into various states, crumpling into itself over and over.
“What the fuck.”
i’ll do anything
for a way out
of my head
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medtech-mara · 21 days
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Kiss maker
I was tagged by @streetkid-named-desire
I did Mara and her short king J I H Z Z Y. I love them soooo effin much it’s unreal!!!.
Tagging @dani-the-goblin @ghostoffuturespast @pozerjacket @wanderingaldecaldo @cinnamon-mey and if you want to do it too tag me to it! Also no pressure to anyone I tagged.
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Make an oc rn
The next person to reblog decides what character they replace
Here’s a piccrew
Tag your friends
I’ll start
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theautisticjedi · 3 months
This is Michael and my oc Nancy!
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How did he land a beautiful woman like Nancy? He doesn't know! And he's too scared to question it!
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commander-krios · 10 months
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I was tagged by @redreart to do this piccrew, thank you! I decided to make my newest OC, Astrea, from the visual novel, Andromeda Six. She looks adorable.
Tagging: @eluvisen (because this is all your fault), @aroserinosman, @spacebunshep and @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth
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medtech-mara · 16 days
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I was tagged by both @dani-the-goblin & @streetkid-named-desire . Thank you both so much for thinking of me.
I reward you with a Dr. Guerrero on a smoke break at blue remedies.
And a homicidal V3AH.
I’m tagging: @byberbunk2069 @wanderingaldecaldo @theviridianbunny @shivsghost no pressure as usual!
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espresso-ships · 23 days
(Ft. Nacho's hand)
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Found another template by the amazing @elena-illustration !!
I love how this one turned out 😍🥹
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ghostoffuturespast · 8 months
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Grandpa V is so... CUTE! Hanging out with Gabby the chicken and trying not to get pecked to death. (The chickens smell fear...)
Little Guy Maker
Thanks for the tag @seeker-of-truth!
Tagging - @luvwich @vox-monstera @fly-amanitaa @oranzuwu @quaddmgd
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