#rammstein fic richard kruspe
viking-writing · 5 months
I'm planning on getting the first fic in my Rammstein AU fic series done in 2024! Hopefully before the end of January as that is Rammsteins 30th anniversary-month (Or so I've been told?) but 2024 is their anniversary year anyway so I'll be done long before the end of this year with the first fic in the series! 😁
@marimayscarlett you need to help me with some of the german so you get to read all the chapters before everyone else! ^^
Here is a sneak peak on some of my OC's.
I've actually found at least one of them on "thispersondoesnotexist.com" and it was surreal how the looks matched so perfectly with how I visioned him in my head. Especially considering how the page just makes random AI persons every single time you refresh. I even ended up finding TWO pictures of him (the two fake men look nearly identical and it was beyond perfect for how I visioned him!)
I'll save the "realistic pictures" for some other time. Instead enjoy some piccrew avatars I made of some of my OC's (with some added facts. Warning; this is a long read so if you don't bother you can just look at the avatars instead)
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Name: Cornelia Francesca (II/the 2nd.). However she prefers to only go by "Cornelia" or "Nelia" for short.
Gender: Cis woman
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: That depends on what you lay in the meaning "nationality" (She is mostly German by blood but she was born and grew up in France.)
Facial features: Very pale skin (her veins are mostly visible) and her face is heartshaped. She considers her chin to be "too long and sharp-pointed" and with her big dark- blue, doll-like eyes and blonde curly locks she is often underrestimated or "sweet-talked". Her brows are Blonde/white/nearly "invisible", and her upper lip is slightly bigger than her lower lip, which sometimes could be mistaken for a "frowning pout". Furthermore her lips has no cupids bow. Lastly she "wishes she could have had freckles or beauty marks" as she "finds such to be very unique and beautiful."
Body type: She is tall and has an Hour glass figure. She is naturally heavy chested while her waist is small both by birth and "by the aid of corsets."
Piercings and tattoos: None. Trying to pierce a hole into her would "be a waste of time."
Diet: Vegetarian (mostly). She doesn't mind eating eggs or drinking milk as long as its from trusted farms.
Musical taste: Her taste in music is vast and consist of any genre, from any decade. She doesn't have any favorite band or artist in particular as she doesn't like to place any artist or band "up on a pedestal" as they are "all to be considered talented and should therefore all be equally appreciated".
Fashion sense: Anything from disorted jeans to long ruffled lace skirts. Her most "outraged/scandalous" fashion statement are probably the times when she likes to adjust/modify her corsets so they would fit over jeans and t-shirts. However she doesn't like bold prints or too strong colors, except deep blue or deep red. She wish she could have earrings but as already mentioned: piercing her ears would be a waste of time. She likes wearing necklaces that are simple and not too flashy: anything from simple stone pendants to single colored heavy laced chokers though as for pearls, she has "always found them too mature looking."
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Name: Bas (He thinks his mother gave him way too many names, so he prefers to only use the first one.)
Gender: Cis man
Pronouns: He/Him (but he won't correct you if you say they/them.)
Sexuality: Asexual & Aromantic He thinks Romance is ok in movies and books...but "in real life he is good with having family and friends!"
Nationality: The Republic of the Congo.
Skin color: Black "and beautiful" as he would usually say.
Facial features: A rounded face. Bald head he lost his hair due to "some hair...disease?" He doesn't remember what it was called, and "he doesn't really care. Without hair it's easier for him to get ready in the morning and then he can have plenty of time to do fun things!". His nose is wide and short with wide nostrils. He really likes his nose, and the rest of his face! His facial hair is usually scruffy or cleaned shaved. He "tried to grow a moustache, once....and it turned out all patchy so he never wants to do it again!". He has black/dark brown puppy- eyes which according to him means he can "get whatever he wants? No he is probably too old for that trick!" . His eyes have dark circles and a few wrinkles under them but he knows that "in his age being tired is a cool lifestyle, so the dark circles are matching great!".
Body Type: A little on the heavier side with a little portruding tummy, which is alright! He is "exactly how he wants to be and no one can tell him otherwise!"
Piercings and tattoos: Both of his ear lobes are pierced with a metal/silvery earring. He wish he could get tattoos but thinks he "probably wouldn't tolerate that much pain over such a long period of time."
Diet: "Anything goes." He thinks "pasta is boring unless you add some mushroom, a hearty meat sauce and spinach." He thinks "seafood is alright. Shrimps are very good" but to him "nothing beats a well done burger and salty fries!" He thinks that chickens tastes good but that "the source material looks messed up when it runs around and has feathers on it." Basically he thinks all birds are scary and that they "should stay as far away from him as possible!"
Favorite type of music: Bas likes most music but claims that Opera "is the worst." He also thinks that lyrical Jazz that is "too upbeat" sounds "weird and too loud/too confusing." Slow, Classical or electronic music is wonderful if he "wants to relax." He doesn't really appreciate Reggea music too much although "Mark" (Markus) has tried his best to show him "the beauty of it." Soul music is ok, but can get a bit too "screamy/naggy" after a while...
Fashion sense: He loves to wear colorful t- shirts, matched up with a well used, black suit jacket or black, wool coat jacket. Nearly all of his shirts has mostly either vibrant colors or has a cool pattern on them. But it has to be a pattern that is "repetitive and isn't too overwelming". According to himself he "probably doesn't own a single pair of suit pants." In addition to the colorful t-shirts and hoodies; dark or standard colored jeans, comfy shorts and sweatpants is what he "prefers to live in, depending on the season." A hat, preferably a cap worn the "correct way and not backwards" is a "must to protect his head from being burned". He loves colorful hoodies and brown or red scarfs. He doesn't like to wear beanies, because he thinks it "makes him look like the stereotypical black burglar/rapper guy". As for jewelry he doesn't bother to wear any except for the wrist watch he got from his dad, and his standard black or silvery gray earrings. He thinks goldchains are "super corny and he wouldn't be caught dead or alive wearing one! Not even if someone paid him!" As for shoes; regular short laced up leather boots are "easy to wear and they go with anything". Either that or he likes to wear black sneakers, as white sneakers, according to him "would again make him look too much of a rapper guy or some kid trying to impress someone".
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Name: Markus E. Weiss and "please don't ever call him "Mark" or "Markie" or any other shortened nicknames as he doesn't appreciate that".
Gender: Male. He says he "doesn't understand the meaning or the need for the word cis. " He also says he "won't understand what 'being trans' means." Hopefully he can be thought otherwise.
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: West-German (the former GDR)
Skin color: White
Facial features: He thinks his face is pretty average and oval shaped, especially for "a man in his age". He has a slightly rounded, slightly pointed chin. His blue medium big, slightly down-turned eyes is for the most part behind a pair of silvery steel, squared shaped glasses. He has been told he has very "kind but sad looking eyes". His brown hair that has "gotten lighter with age", is sually sleeked back without any shaved sides. His hair tends to get very wavy the day after he has showered. His nose is slightly downturned with a slightly narrow- rounded tip and he thinks it looks "pretty average just like most of his face". He has pretty straight teeth except for one upper tooth off to the side that is a little shorter than the rest. His ears are a little portruding. His lips are thin, and it makes him look very mischeavious whenever he is lightly smiling.
Body type: "Asymmetrical" and he is "too embarrassed to tell you how/why". Although he believes he is "quite fit for a man of his age he "knows its only a question of time before he gets thinner or gets a belly/tummy just like most men his age if they don't regularly work out".
Piercings and tattoos: None. Because he thinks that "such things doesn't look right. Except for earrings", but for him earrings "belong in the past with his long hair and big sunglasses."
Diet: What he is being served, which is mostly vegetarian food now...unless "there is a special delivery that contains meat in it". He doesn't drink alcohol. He likes a good stew or "anything that is homemade with lots of love and tradition" but all in all he "isn't really picky on trying out new types of food".
Favorite type of music: He mostly listens to classic rock, or 80's rock, although "Soul and Reggea with a meaning has the sound that makes the world go around." He thinks Patti Smith, Pat Benatar and Annie Lennox are "very underrated." Some of his favorite artists includes Patti Smith, Queen, The Doors, David Bowie, The Ramones and The Rolling Stones. He "doesn't really care that much for hip hop, but they are talented in singing fast/rapping, but it just isn't what he would listen to".
Fashion sense: He mostly wears his uniform. Sometimes he wears the black turtle neck without the gray uniform jacket, and pairs this with the gray or navy blue uniform pants or black suit pants. He "probably doesn't own more than one pair of jeans but he swears that velvet bell-bottom pants were everything when he was younger!" He likes to sleep in black or dark gray sweat pants paired with old washed out band t-shirts or single colored (dark blue, white, dark gray or black) long-sleeves. When he is at work he has a silver pocket watch attached to his suitjacket or fastened by the hip at the belt of his suit/uniform pants. He thinks its "practical that the watch can be attached to the belt if it becomes too hot to wear the uniform jacket".)
That was some of the characters , but I'm also adding a little bonus. Richard Z Kay in a fancy halloween costume/sexy vampire bat-costume! I swear this character is always so extra. It's funny how real-life Richard Kruspe is one of my least favorite Rammstein member, but in my fic series he is actually one of my favorite characters and I am going to defend him at any cost! I honestly wish he was real and that we could hang out not just "in my head/imagination".
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Name: Richard Zee Kay/ RZK/Richard Z. Kruspe/Richard Zven/Sven Kruspe Landers. (The list could be endless for a diva like him!)
Gender: male, bclaims that "sometimes he is a whole gender for himself that should NOT be messed with and always have his way or isn't "diva" considered a gender?"
Pronouns: He/him/"Katchen/Fab/Herr Fab/Frau Fab/Divalicious😘".
Sexuality: PAULsexual ❤ ("it's ok to be GAY"/fab-sexual)
Nationality: West Germany (former West-Berlin.)
Skin color: White or fake/real tan
Facial features: A very sharp jawline and a sharp chin, that he hates as it "looks way too masculine". He has ususally "neatly plucked brows". His eyes are big and blue but slightly downturned. His hair is naturally brown and thick/wavy but he used to have "awful blonde dreadlocks which wasn't his choice by the way". Nowadays (at the beginning of the story) he mostly keeps his hair short and dyes it black and "unlike your neighbour or your aunt he is a master colorist and knows EXACTLY what he is doing!" He has according to his husband Paul and his best friend Thalia a "charming, slightly boy-ish smile especially after he had his teeth properly cleaned and fixed". Another thing that Thalia and Paul has told him is that "his face is really expressive, especially when he disprooves/shows a disgust or confusion about something". He doesn't like his own nose as "it could have been a lot shorter" but his husband Paul has claimed that "that would probably make him look like Michael Jackson AFTER plastic surgery" so Richard slowly accepted the nose that "the universe gave him." He has thin lips, but according to him, his husband Paul "has never complained...if ya know what he means? 😉"
Body type: Richard "used to be a twink-teen in the 80's and early 90's (he was born in 1973 in my fic series) but has bulked up A LOT since then! 💪" He now (at the beginning of the story) has a strong v-shaped back with back-dimples something Paul seemingly "knows to take advantage of 😉" According to Paul, Richard's broad upper body is "both a turn on and an odd threat". Richard would now describe himself as "a friendly but bossy hunk with an ass that is bigger, more perfect and more plump than yours will ever be!". Further he claims that he "takes great pride in keeping his ass that way" and that "it's reserved for Paul H. Landers anygays so don't you even bother!". Richard describes his chest as "more amazing than whatever cleavage you will ever have." Further he says that "unfortunally he wasn't given a big dick that would match his big attitude", but he also tries to remind himself about how Paul always tells him that he "has a beautiful penis/Schwanz...just the way it is". In other words: Richard's below average dick size doesn't affect his self esteem "as much as it used to before he met Paul" and he claims "he owes this to his wonderful husband who loves him as him ❤".
Diet: "Anything goes as long as HE or any other professionally trained chef has prepared the food, because he used to be a chef before he became a hair stylist and master colorist". He claims that the reason for why he quit as a chef was "as much as he loved making food, it got too warm and stressful in the restaurant-kitchen and that just spiked his anxiety to the max!"). He prefers pasta or pizza and "didn't like soups at first but Paul convinced him and now he is hooked on all kinds of soups just as much as his husband!" He tries to eat as much proteins as he can "without chugging down on protein shakes, and actually if he can avoid having to drink those nasty shakes again and still get bulked up nicely, then that would be perfect!"
Piercings/tattoos: He "used to rock a belly button after he first started dating Paul but it rejected, and yes he is still upset by that." As for jewelry he first "shared one of Paul's silvery or black earrings and thought it was cute that they could wear one, each, until Paul began to nag on him to get it back for the sake of symmetry". Which "gave him the push to save money for another hole in the 2nd ear and finally buy his own earrings". Other than that he has been thinking about "getting a tongue piercing or a brow piercing" and although Paul seems to be "very supportive of the tongue piercing, he thinks Richard first needs to decide an actual SHAPE of his brow before he gets it pierced so sadly it never happened". As for tattoos, Richard doesn't have any but he claims that for a short time he "dead-seriously wanted to have 'Property of Paul L.' or 'Property of Heiko' (Paul's birth name.)" tattooed above his ass, but "Paul talked him out of it". He has also thought about getting a tattoo of a guitar on his wrist or shoulder that would "symbolize that his husband used to be a punk guitarist in a band in the 80's and early 90's". Another tattoo that Richard is still considering is "cool, diagonally aligned black stars on both of his hips."
Favorite type of music: "Paul's moans, laughter and guitar riffs🥰"... KISS. Scorpions. Firehouse "just to mention a few". He says he "loves to listen to any brutal Death Metal song, anything by Nine Inch Nails, Feeling B, Depeche Mode, The Ramones, The Sex Pistols or Danzig whenever he is jogging or lifting weights." He claims to have "always been a fan of 80's and 90's synth pop, goth, and punk and swears that his favorite punk band now is Feeling B" which was Paul's former band who disbanded sometime in the early 90's, but with a last concert in the early 00's. Some other of Richard's favorite bands/artists includes Sisters of Mercy. The Mission. London After Midnight. The Lords of The Church. Death. The Misfits. The Clash.Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Tool. Slayer. Kreator. DIO. Lamb of God. Accept. White Snake. Nazareth. Meshugga... but "the list could go on and on but it's mostly guys with deep and kinda depressive voices.. " After he started dating Paul, Richard got into David Bowie and the industrial metal band Hindenburg" (although in your universe/the real world, they are known as Rammstein) while Thalia got him into liking Eisbrecher and darker techno.
Fashion sense: "The best!💋" according to himself; no matter what Paul, Thalia or anyone else tells him.
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marimayscarlett · 5 months
I love the interactions between Olli and Richard though rare! But when I get to see videos, it warms my heart!
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Hi 👋
Oh let me tell you, I love those two dearly. When they meet on stage, their interaction always seems so genuine, spontaneous and heartfelt. I really enjoy seeing these two interact and honestly, Olichard is such an underrated ship, but I sail on it into the sunset to no end 😤✋🏼 (crying regularly that there are only a few fanfics about them). Anyway, here are some of my favourite moments of them being cute/goofy/very cool together:
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Feeling groovy I guess ✨ [source]
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Absolute cat behaviour 😽🐈 [source]
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I don't even know what this is, 'string instrument mating dance' maybe (at least I hope so) [source]
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No entry into the cryptid area for the chicken man >:( [source]
Two more cute (including one hands-on moment 😌) moments:
In conclusion: I love them 🖤
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thegothicviking · 1 month
Context: years ago I "made this" scenario/mini fic (?) all from scratch! (yes I did type all the color and font changes every time and I didn't copy or paste anything although I should have as this took me a solid 3-5 hours to make!😑)
Glad I screenshotted it or I probably would have never found it again! Anygays..here is:
4 of the Rammstein boys if they were in early 00's chat rooms!
Enjoy this shit show ❤:
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nichtaufgewacht · 11 months
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Wir sind die Könige, chapter 15.
Read it here on ao3. 🖤
It’s been a year. I know! But the muses came back I guess, so enjoy!
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myrammmortal · 1 month
Chapter 20, another day of being a walking clothesrack
AN: I sed I dnoty ker wut u fink! stof pflamin ok prepz!1 fangz 2 raven 4 da help!1 oh yah btw ill be un vacation in transilvania 4 da nex 3 dayz so dnot expect updatz.
All day I wondered what the surprise was. Meanwhile, I pot on a blak ledder hotpants, a blak corset with urple lace stuff all over it, an black gothic compact boots. Die Woodys were gong 2 do the concert again, since Volxemort had taken over the last one. I slit my wrists while I moshed 2 MCR in my bedroom all night, feeling excited. Suddenly someone knocked on the door while I was trying on sum black clothes and moshing to Fang u 4 da Venom. I gut all mad and turned it of, but sacredly I hopped inside dat it was Richard so we could do it again.
“Wut de fucking hell r u doing!” I shouted angrily. It was Loopin! “R u gonna cum rape me or what.” I yelled. I was allowed to say dat because Till had told us all 2 be careful around hem and Flake since he was a pedo.
“No, actshelly (geddit, hell) kan I plz burrow sum condemns.” he growld angrily.
“Yah, so u can fuk ur six-yr-old gurlfriend, huh?” I shouted sarkastikally.
“Fuker.” He said, gong away.
Well anyway, I put on some black eyesharow, black eyeliner, and some black lipstick and white foundation. Then I went. Den I gasped…………………………………………………………….Flake and Loopin were in da middle of da empty hall, doin it, and Dobby was watching!1
“Oh my god you ludacris idiot!” they both shooted angrily when they saw me. Dobby ran away crying. Dey got up, though. Normally I wood have ben turned on (I luv cing guyz do it) but both of them were fuking preps. (btw snake is movd 2 griffindoor now)
“WTF is that why u wanted condoms?” I asked sadistically. (c I speld dat)
“Only you wouldn’t give them to me!” Lumpkin shouted angrily.
“Well you shoulda told me.” I replayed.
“You dimwit!.” Flake began 2 shoot angrily. And then………I took out my black camera and took a pic of them. U could see that they were naked and everything.
“Well xcuse me!” they both shouted angrily. “What was dat al about?”
“It wuz to blackmail u.” I snarked. “So now next time you see me doing it with my boyfriend you cant fuking rat me out or I’ll show dis to Till. So fuck off, u bastards!” I started to run. They chased me but I threw my wound at them and dey tripped over it. Well anyway, I went outside and there was Vampire, looking extremely fucking hot.
“WTF where’d Richard?” I asked him.
“Oh he’s bein a fucking bastard. He told me he wouldn’t cum.” Vampire said shaking his hed. “U wanna cum with me? 2 the concert?”
Then….. he showed me his flying car. I gasped. It was a black car. He said his dogfather Serious Blak had given it 2 him. The license plate on the front sed MCR666 on it. The one on da back said ‘ENOBY’ on it.
……….I gasped.
We flew to the concert hall. Die Woodys were there, playing.
Vampire and I began 2 make out, moshing to the muzik. I gapsed, looking at da band.
I almost had an orgasim. Pascal was so fucking hot! He begin 2 sing ‘Fichtl's lied’ and his sexah beautiful voice began 2 fill the hall. ……….And den, I heard some crrying. I turned and saw Richard, cryin in a corner.
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sushler · 2 years
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"Schneider shamefacedly bowed his head apologetically and tried to look Zven in the eye.
"Hey, listen to me," he looked up at him, his expression miserable, "I'm sorry I forced you do that... I just... you're my friend and it's so bad to see you like this."
Richard grabbed the blanket he'd covered himself with.” - Asylum (Chapter 4 by my Rammstein story)
I published this story on 8 September 2022. If you are interested there is a link click here :)
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fluffywigglesworth · 2 years
Holy shit!!! 🥵🥵🥵❤️‍🔥
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Oostende 2022-08-04
Collection of really nice pics at FB account Rammstein.nl some of my faves
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undyingghoul · 1 year
I'll Calm Your Storm
Pairing: Richard Kruspe x Paul Landers Warnings: Anxiety attack Summary: Richard would never admit it to anyone besides his boyfriend Paul, but sometimes before a big event, he’d get anxiety attacks. Sometimes they were smaller and sometimes they were bigger. In most cases, they were just minor anxiety attacks that would go away quickly, but he wasn’t as lucky at other times. This time happened to be one where he was very unlucky. Notes: My first fic for Rammstein... A little nervous but I've got good hopes! I hope it's enjoyable
Richard would never admit it to anyone besides his boyfriend Paul, but sometimes before a big event, he’d get anxiety attacks. Sometimes they were smaller and sometimes they were bigger. In most cases, they were just minor anxiety attacks that would go away quickly, but he wasn’t as lucky at other times. This time happened to be one where he was very unlucky. It was ten minutes before they went on stage to perform their biggest concert yet and Richard was a mess. He was pacing back and forth in his dressing room, tears streaming down his face as he hyperventilated. His entire body shook and his hands which had once been struggling to find someplace to rest finally fisted into his hair. His legs gave out from beneath him and he fell to the ground in a crumpled heap, a small cry leaving him as he hit the ground hard. Richard’s arms dropped and wrapped around his body as tight as they could, trying his best to comfort himself. When there was a knock at the door he glanced at the clock on the wall to check the time. Taking note that there were still seven minutes until showtime he looked back at the door and tried his best to pull himself together. “C-Come in,” He forced out, trying his best to sound like he wasn’t having what could’ve been his worst anxiety attack yet. “Richard- Good god… Are you okay?” Richard forced himself to look Paul in the eyes and immediately spiraled again. Paul was quick to shut the door behind him and come sit a few feet away from Richard, catching his boyfriend when he fell into him. “Sonnenschein…” Paul whispered gently, holding Richard close to him and rubbing his back gently. Richard started to calm down very slowly but Paul knew he had to get him to calm down faster. “Meine liebe, can you count from ten to one, please? I’ll count with you as well,” Paul asked gently and Richard sniffled a bit before nodding. Richard slowly started to count down from ten with Paul and in between each number Paul would give Richard a kiss on the cheek or a kiss on his forehead. Paul loved hearing the small laughs the kisses drew from his boyfriend and kept doing it all the way down to one where he pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.
Richard sighed heavily and went limp in Paul’s hold. “Any better, Reesh?” Paul asked softly, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Yeah, definitely much better but I can still feel a little bit of anxiety in my stomach,” Richard answered, watching Paul do something on his phone until he heard soft music playing. “We’ve got roughly five minutes until showtime Richard, that’s enough time for one of your comfort songs,” Paul said and held Richard even closer to him. The two of them spent those five minutes on the floor cuddled close and listening to the song Paul was playing on his phone. Richard smiled and tilted his head up to give Paul a kiss on the cheek and then his lips. Paul laughed quietly and returned both kisses just as the song ended and a knock echoed through the room. “Let’s go, show time!” A stage crew member said from the other side and Paul pressed a big kiss to the top of Richard’s head. Paul helped Richard up and set his phone on the charger next to Richard’s before being enveloped by a tight hug from the lead guitarist. “Thank you, Paul…” Richard mumbled. Paul hugged him back just as tight and smiled. “Of course Richard, you know I’ll always be here to calm your storms,” He replied before letting go of Richard and taking his hand in his. “Now, we’ve got a show to go perform. Let’s give it our all and our best!” Paul cheered as he pulled Richard out of the room and towards the stage while Richard laughed and followed behind his boyfriend.
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killingbill · 11 months
morgan, 26, content creator (gif maker, fic writer. currently taking fanfiction commissions)
main fandoms & character specialties under the cut, though others can be requested. (will write oc's & self inserts, nsfw is a specialty of mine. prices & specifications will be discussed in private. specialties are only muses i'm best at writing, not an end-all-be-all. any character can be requested.)
Ghost (BC, The Band Ghost), any ship or pairing / oc's & self inserts included.
Specialties Include:
Papa Emeritus III Papa Emeritus II** Papa Emeritus IV** Omega Ghoul** Swiss Ghoul** Rain Ghoul Dewdrop Ghoul Mountain Ghoul Zephyr Ghoul Mist Ghoulette (would / could write anyone from the fandom on request)
Five Nights at Freddy's (Games/Novels) any ship or pairing / oc's & self inserts included.
Specialties Include William Afton **** Vanessa A/Vanny **** Michael Afton Ballora Springtrap *** Glitchtrap *** Scraptrap Henry Emily *** The Mangle ** Glamrock Freddy Roxanne Wolf The Daycare Attendant Lolbit
Rammstein (band) any ship or pairing / oc's & self inserts included.
Richard Kruspe ** Christoph Schneider** Till Lindemann Paul Landers** Oliver Riedel Flake Lorenz Star Trek TOS / VOY
B'elanna Torres
Spock / mirror Spock
Captain Kirk
Nyota Uhura
Seven Of Nine
Captain Janeway
Leonard Bones Mccoy
Romulan Commander/Liviana Charvanek
other main / experienced fandoms: supernatural, rick and morty, game of thrones/asoiaf, lord of the rings/the hobbit, fortnite (game), saw franchise, scream franchise, rob zombie extended universe, marvel, dc comics, mcu, dceu, spider-verse, the matrix eu, john wick, the munsters, the Addams family, mario brothers franchise, resident evil films, tank girl, archie comics, blossom 666, riverdale, the vampire diaries (novels and tv show), gravity falls, thrawn trilogy (star wars), and more.
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
Richard with a belly button piercing wawawawa
Anon you can't just throw things like that in my direction and expect me to function properly for the rest of the day
Just imagine a little silver belly button on that squishy tummy, maybe peaking through his chicken coat uuuughgg
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I need to lie down now for a while and have some alone time
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magistralucis · 2 years
Nocturne [Rammstein Fanfiction]
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Scholle, he whispers, and an eyelash-outline flickers.
The troubled recording process of Mutter has starved Richard of human affections, as well as his ability to speak about them. Till helps him out.
This is a quiet piece, short enough for an afternoon read. Safe for work.
Richard/Till, mostly Till POV. Set around late May 2000. My thanks to @moonwaves-ao3​, who requested this piece.
[Published 24/04/2022 - AO3 link here.]
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nichtaufgewacht · 11 months
Irgendwer mich liebt, chapter 22
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Read it here on ao3. 🖤
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myrammmortal · 2 months
Chapter 8, do you know what is going on? Because I'm very confused
Everyone in the class stared at me and then Richard came into the room even though he was naked and started begging me to take him back.
“Paul Dementia Troglodyte Shadow Landers, it’s not what you think!” Richard screamed sadly.
My friend Frau Schneider smiled at me understatedly. She flipped her hair and opened her blue eyes. She had pale white skin that she was wearing flawless makeup on. Hermione was kidnapped when she was born. Her real parents are vampires and one of them is a witch but Voldemort killed her mother and her father committed suicide because he was depressed about it. She still has nightmares about it and she is very haunted and depressed. It also turns out her real last name is Smith and not Granger. (Since she has converted to Satanism she is in Slytherin now not Griffindoor. )
“What is it that you desire, you ridiculous dimwit!” Flake demeaned angrily in his cold voice but I ignored him.
“Vampire, I can’t believe you cheated on me with Richard!” I shouted at him.
Everyone gasped.
I don’t know why Paul Darkness Dementia Raven Face Landers was so mad at me. I had went out with Vampire (I’m bi and so is Paul Edgelord Dementia Raven Face Landers) for a while but then he broke my heart. He dumped me because he liked Britney, a stupid preppy fucker. We were just good friends now. He had gone through horrible problems, and now he was gothic. (Haha, like I would hang out with a prep.)
“But I’m not going out with Richard anymore!” said Vampire.
“Yeah fucking right! Fuck off, you bastard!” I screamed. I ran out of the room and into the parking lot where I had lost my virility to Richard and then I started to bust into tears. 
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laguera25 · 3 years
I've toyed off and on for years with the idea of writing a story in which Richard's lady love used a wheelchair, but I've never done it because you wouldn't believe how nasty and cruel people can get about fictional characters enthusiastically tapping crippled ass; I can only how many orders of magnitude worse it might be in RPF, and I don't need the headache and the nasty messages reminding me that physically-disabled people are as sexually desirable as crotch rot.
But! But just think of the possibilities! Yeah, sex and love and all that, and Richard could happily have his multiple partner jamboree because there is just some sex Lady Love cannot have or isn't down with and she sees no reason for him not to get it elsewhere as long as he's ride or die for her and doesn't let their discarded clothing block her route to where she needs to go. So, yeah, romance, whooo! But also:
-If Richard went for a wheelchair Venus, you just know that boy would make himself an expert on the subject like he did with the stock market after it nearly wiped him out. He'd read books and talk to experts and scrutinize every building he went into to be sure his lady could get into it and move around with dignity.
And if she couldn't? Hoooo, you just know he wouldn't let that fly without kicking up dirt. He'd be tearing managers up one side and down the other in that pissy, nasally voice he gets when he's mad, and he would happily make a scene. Loudly and demonstratively. He'd be on the news nearly every week dragging some restaurant or venue for filth and complaining about accessibility issues.
He'd drive the rest of the band bugshit insisting that the venues they played needed to be maximally-accessible, and when somebody inevitably asked why it mattered because Lady wasn't coming to most shows, Richard would snap that it's the fucking principle of the thing, goddammit, and stalk off like a Persian cat that just got sprayed in the face with water.
Most of the band isn't that fussed about it, frankly, but Till figures if it matters to Richard, then he's all-in, so why not? Paul, the chaos gremlin, is only too happy to help Richard with some 3am hotel-room reno when his lady can't fight through the bathroom door. Hell, yeah! Till would rather be fucking a lady of his own, but fine, he'll act as lookout. And Flake, who sees the principle more than most, will use his devious mind to cook up a diversion. Christoph can be prevailed upon to crash his cymbals to cover the noise.
Olli just wants to sleep.
When the hotel discovers the "damage" the next day and tries to bill the band, Richard digs in his fucking heels and says they shouldn't pay because he wouldn't have had to tear up the room if it had been accessible in the first place. And that's the argument he makes in court. Loudly.
All his fussing attracts attention, and soon the band is getting sacks of mail from disabled folks thanking them for bringing attention to the problem. More disabled fans come to the shows to show support, and the disabled seating sections have to get bigger and bigger. Richard is unbearably smug.
They lose the court case because "You should've asked for an accessible room," or "The minimal accommodations were reasonable, never mind that your lady couldn't pee."
Richard goes right on tearing up hotel rooms because fuck that. He's going to die on this hill. Eventually, the band just factors impromptu hotel demo and associated court fees into touring costs.
After this happens about twenty times, the scope of the problem becomes clear. Hotels, anxious to avoid impromptu renos of their own, begin to make changes. They offer more accessible rooms and fuller accommodations. Disabled tourism increases, and local governments, sensing money to be had, pass ordinances to increase accessibility. It's not long before national governments take up the issue.
All because one very opinionated German with a very large platform fell in love.
And when Richard ties the knot to fucking spite the goblins who sneer at his beloved(and for love) and spends much of the wedding prep complaining about the accessibility issues there, Till just sighs and takes a very long gulp of wine because here we go again.
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babypaulchen · 4 years
Oh, sorry, didn't even notice there were more lists beneath :P I meant Flake and Richard in "18. “I shouldn’t be in love with you.”", from the first one :3
OKAY SO I ended up changing the prompt a little bit, it became “I shouldn’t be so into you” instead!! aaand somehow, this fic became 7k words. 
AO3 link | Words: 6959 | Pairing: Richard/Flake | Era: Feeling B 
Enigmatic. Awkward. Blunt. Witty. Lazy. A joy to be around. Eager to fit in, sometimes intimidated to cross that gap. Struggling to be funny, feeling as if he falls flat but unaware of how charming his strange sense of humor really is. Quiet focus which shows dedication, and passion. A beautiful grin that lights up his face. Big ears, big eyes, bigger heart, and bad teeth that somehow look cute in their own way.
 All of these things that I find captivating about that weird kid that is not truly a kid, as he is in his early twenties, but has yet to grow into it. Like Paul. Maybe that’s why they have such chemistry—they’re practically inseparable. Mentally kids, physically adults. Perhaps, that’s why they’re still living together. They mesh well. These adult-kids. It’s not like I’m any more mature. In fact, I’m probably worse.
 I wonder what they’re up to right now… Stemming somewhere from jealousy, maybe. There has always been rumors among this small “community” that they’ve been an item for years now. I can understand why they’d be perceived that way. Flake always has this “giggliness” about him around Paul, and Paul is unashamed in his display of fondness, even if that fondness can be written off as masculine affection. During one of their wild parties, I had heard from some guy—I still don’t know his name to this day—that he saw them kissing at… Where was it again? Some place where this fucking guy just happened to see them. I have my lack of belief, but even then, it burrowed into my head somewhere that maybe while this guy hadn’t seen it, it’s still possible it could be going on. After all, these rumors start for a reason, don’t they?
 So, what if Paul and Flake are together in that way? A part of me wants to find out. But what would it mean if it were true? How would that affect me? Could I handle that?
And as I continue to ponder this, the greatest question of all revisits my thoughts: why, of all people, am I crushing on Flake?
Continued on AO3
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