#oc fusion x y/n
yandereloveraw · 2 months
Jealous Archeye pinning you against a wall: He won't touch you like I do. He won't love you like I would. He doesn't know your body. He won't do you right. He won't love you like I would. It's okay to want me, 'cause I want you. ♡
❤️‍🔥💚 Like I Would [Troyboi Remix] - ZAYN
[Song belongs to ZAYN]
[Antisepticeye belongs to Sean McLoughlin aka Jacksepticeye]
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On My Mama Pt 2
Shuri x Fem Reader, Fem Reader x OC
I'm new to the tag list and tagging so bare with me if I left anyone out just let me know and I'll add it in.
Tags: @mixedfandxms @shurislover @sweetalittleselfish-honey @desswright29
Side note: I had an idea for a fic with Jada Kingdom Reader (looks) and Shuri, maybe ShuRiri. I'm Jamaican so you know seh big tunes ah guh run. 💥 reader could be an aspiring model trying to break into music and she meets Shuri or Shuriri at an event and they decide to produce her music wanting to do a fusion between Jamaican, African and American music. And a whole lotta smut and messy, toxic shit in between. 😮‍💨
I be in the section dolo, baby, oh
You chose to go to the club on a Friday night, you'd been ducking Riri and Shuri for days. Expensive gifts were delivered daily, Beautiful flower arrangements, your favorite foods. Things you wanted but had no clue as to how they knew that.
Some girl you barely knew invited out out with her group of friends. You weren't very interested at first as you knew girls were catty and competitive by nature and you weren't interested in having to be on the defense all night. You'd done the trying to be a girl's girl before and it never worked out. Girls tended to be weird and you had no time nor energy for the bullshit.
Making acquaintances was the goal. You couldn't spend all your time in college doing nothing but doing work and keeping your head in the books. You wanted some fun, some irresponsibility. You were tired of being a 'good girl' someone that was a people pleaser. You had no people to please any longer. Your mother was a cheating whore and your father the star of your eyes was gone.
Your look + Outfit (with a more subtle eye look)
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The club was lit. You noticed many POC students from campus. Which wasn't surprising as this club was marketed towards POC's on the low. Owned by a black couple, and ran with POC staff. It was a safe space for POC's to have fun without fear of harm.
"Y/n, I'm a little miffed. I invited you out and you out here making us all look bad." Gina says, her eyes narrowing at you playfully.
"Girl hush, she couldn't do normal if she tried. Even in casual wear with no makeup she looks hot." Nina giggles, greeting you with a hug.
"I'd kill for your looks and figure..." Gina pouts. You laugh at her. "No wonder your mom's a model. You need to follow in her footsteps, all that damn beauty."
"I'm good. Beauty and Brains is the goal. I'd rather be known for being pretty and a genius rather than pretty and an airhead hoe." You shrug and the girls look between each other in shock. "My mother isn't my favorite person so you'll never hear a compliment out of my mouth about her so it's better to not bring her up."
"Noted..." Gina muttered, clearing her throat. You could practically hear the silent judgment.
"Let's go get some drinks." Nina suggests, leading the way to the bar.
"I want a margarita." Gina calls to one of the bartenders. A pretty tall caramel skinned girl with highlighted curls and a bright smile.
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"Make that two." Nina agrees.
"I'll have whatever you think is best." You say, watching the girl eye you seductively.
"Coming right up, gorgeous." You bite your lip as she looks you over as she makes the drinks. The look she was giving you had you weak in the knees already.
"Oooh..." Gina giggles, bumping your shoulder. "She feeling you..."
"Here ya'll go." She places each drink down, before handing yours to you. "This one's new, I'm sure it tastes just as good as you look."
You fight the urge to break out in a cheesy smile. Her fingers grazing yours as you take the glass. You down the drink, eyes widening at the sweet yet potent taste that slid down your throat. You felt slightly hot as she smirked at you.
"Ok... I'll have what she's having!" Nina says, wide eyed. The bartender laughs but nods.
"Lord Ha'Mercy I'm too gay for this." Nina fans herself. You smile a genuine smile. Something you hadn't done in a very long time.
"What's your name ?" The bartender asks, as she passes Nina her drink and a hands you a refill.
"Why should I tell you?" You raise a brow, while nibbling on your bottom lip.
"Ok, Smiley it is." She licks her lip and you internally fan girl. "You have such a beautiful smile."
You're making me forget my past
"I'm Jess by the way." She adds.
"Ok, Jess by the way. Thanks for the drinks." You say, your tone playful. You grab a $20 and slide it towards her before heading to the dance floor. You wanted to let loose and have fun, and a small part of you wanted to show off for her.
You let your body sway to the beat, your head slightly tilted back as you gyrates your hips to the beat. As you danced your mind went to Shuri, the lyrics swirling in your head. Your eyes snapped open wanting to remove her from your mind.
You'd been trying to stop thinking about her. You couldn't help your attraction to her, she did something to you but you refused to go there. She was the cause of your family's downfall. She'd been with your mother. It was disgusting to even be thinking about her after that.
Your eyes locked with Jess and you put every effort into seducing her. Something that wasn't so hard since she seemed interested in you. You needed Shuri the fuck out of your head and Jess seemed like the perfect way to do that.
You were sure fucking with Riri would work two fold. Take your mind off Shuri and fuck her over at the same time. Yet you couldn't stand the fact that Riri was friends with the girl. She was bright and from what you'd heard she was by all accounts a morally good person.
The two being friends made no sense to you. How could you trust someone so messy and chaotic unless you had that in you as well? Maybe Riri was better at hiding her dirt and kept it on the low. Regardless you weren't interested in finding out.
As the song finished and you went to make your way back to the bar a familiar face stopped in front of you. She looked bothered, and you couldn't find a fuck to give.
"I see you've gotten my gifts." Riri eyes your body in the outfit she's sent you. You wore it hoping she'd see you in it because you wanted to prove a point to the duo one you knew would be relayed if the other wasn't present.
"And I see you weren't listening." You deadpan. "But if you'd like to send me stuff who am I to stop you? It's giving fan behavior, and I find that very amusing."
"Oh, so you got jokes?" Riri cracks up. She steps closer, her body almost touching yours. "You can continue acting like you don't want me but we both know you secretly like my attention. You like being chased and that's fine. Just know once you get caught, you'll have to beg for my attention."
"Your head being big clearly fits you, Williams." You say her name with malice.
"And that's not the only thing big." You can tell by her tone exactly what she's talking about but you choose not to acknowledge it.
"Well have a good rest of your night." You dismiss her before stepping around her and heading back towards the bar. You see that Nina and Gina are gone. You look around to see them with the other people they were supposed to meet up.
"So Riri's your thing?" Jess says, settling back in front of you.
"Your type." She clarifies, her eyes sparkling. She had the prettiest eyes you'd seen.
"I think the only type you need to worry about is yourself." You flirt. She raises a brow.
"What do you say to heading home with me?" You get straight to the point, watching as she grins.
"Oh you go for what you want, huh?" She seems impressed. You simply stare at her. "We can head out right now."
She walks over to some guy and they talk for a bit before she gathers her things from under the bar and motions for you to follow her. She leads the way to her car, a black Camry with blue and black interior. Her rims are even blue and her windows tinted.
The next morning you're woken by Jess with her skillful tongue and you take pleasure in the fact that you're loud. She'd put you to work the whole night, and you'd returned the favor showing her exactly how much you appreciated her attention.
You sighed as you piled your straight hair into a messy bun and pulled on a oversized t-shirt and walked her to your dorm door. You yawned as you let her out and thanked her for coming over. You made a note to text her for another session as she was definitely a generous and thoughtful lover.
As you watched her leave and was about to close your door you watched in victory as Riri walked towards her dorm room. She'd left at some point in the early hours of the morning, slamming her door. You knew she was jealous and that thought sent chills of satisfaction throughout your body.
"Good morning, Williams." You said, smirking as she clenched her jaw. "Sorry about the noise. I'll try to be quieter next time."
And with that you closed the door with an enthusiastic kick. The message you'd sent very clear. Little did you know, you'd just started a war. One you wouldn't win.
Your day was starting to turn to shit as your RA left your dorm. Angry was an understatement. You knew someway somehow your current predicament was curtesy of Riri. You couldn't prove it but you knew it was her.
You'd been reported for having an off campus visitor spend the night. A violation that meant you lost your dorm. You were pissed. You'd already made your dorm home. Decorated it how you wanted and even saged it to clear any bad energy out. Clearly it hadn't worked.
You were being moved to another building where you'd have two roommates. The only upside being you had a room and there weren't many rules. You just hated the fact you had to share a space with people you barely knew in closer and smaller quarters.
It took you the whole day and the help of the sisters Nina and Gina. Once you'd moved into the new apartment, you noticed the apartment was huge. You looked around, steering clear of the other bedrooms not wanting to invade anyone's private spaces.
The apartment was styled nicely. By the door was a shoe rack with dope sneakers, expensive heels and slides. You could tell whoever your roommates were they came from money.
You were so exhausted you knocked out on the sofa watching some old show.
A loud sound and a cuss woke you up. As your eyes adjusted to the dark you could barely make out two figures.
"Hello?" You called out, you knew you locked the door so the two had to be your roommate. The light was switched on and you instantly jumped up, anger building in you.
"Are you fucking serious!?!?!?!" You bellow.
"Told you she'd be happy to see us." Riri wiggled her brows, bumping Shuri.
"Y...you..." You couldn't find the words to express what you were feeling.
"Chill ma, we just thought you'd like some company." Riri grins, heading for the kitchen.
"Stop antagonizing her, Ri." Shuri speaks up, her demeanor is different. You glare at the duo.
"Fuck you look so good when you're pissed." Riri chuckles, grabbing a water and taking a sip. "Adorable really."
Realizing there wasn't much you could do, you swallowed down all the things you wanted to say and headed for your room. You slammed it, locking it behind you.
They didn't know what they'd started but you were damn sure going to finish it. You started scheming.
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fiveapocalypse · 2 years
Random TUA writer ask game I’m making up.
A: what was your least favorite TUA fic to write
B: give us an explanation of your favorite scene you have yet to write
C: which character is most difficult to write
D: which character is your favorite to write
E: which season do you like writing in (before S1, S1, S2, or S3? Or maybe you make up your own season?)
F: favorite headcanons
G: least favorite headcanons
H: favorite AU’s to write in the TUA universe
I: least favorite AU’s in the TUA universe
J: OOC or In character? (Do you tend to stick to in character things or do you write them how you think they’d act?)
K: Do you have a TUA oc? (If so, how many? Which one do you like the most? Who are they? Explain!
L: Which powers do you like expanding on in your writing?
M: do you write from the comic or the show universe?
N: do you like writing crossovers and fusions with this show? Why or why not?
O: do you like following canon or do you enjoy doing your own thing?
P: how many times have you rewritten an idea?
Q: which TUA authors are your inspirations? (Fanfic obvi)
R: Do you check the wikis when you write? Why or why not?
S: What was your first TUA fic and what’s your recent one? What are they about? Did you rewrite one or the other? Delete one or the other? Why or why not?
T: Do you read TUA fanfic as often as you write them?
U: How many hours or days or whatever do you spend on a single draft?
V: Have you ever published a chapter out of order?
W: Have you ever published an incomplete chapter?
X: Do you make fics based off of songs?
Y: do you make fics based off of other shows?
Z: last one! Which fic of yours has the most kudos and can you link it?
:) I hope you like this ask game, TUA writers in the fandom!
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theminiartblog · 1 year
OC Tag List
An A-Z near alphabetical list of almost all OCs featured on this blog. Will update periodically as the collection surely continues to grow. Bold = Titles
Aaron Ae Alice Academy AJ Moon Akuro (binch) Alle Graw Altea Amaryllis Angel Apollo Apple Blossom Ararat Edevane Artemis Ash Augustine Aurelia
Band of Misfits Bashful Bastion Batonette Beauty Beta Black Blackout Club, The Blank Blaze Blue Bon Bounty Trio Boy Verena Brando Buttercup
Caara Mellow Castello Cherry Blossom Chroma Cisza Clara Tin Con Creator, The Cynthia
Dahlia Dante Dawn Daya Dayton the Daycare Assistant DivideBetwixt Doc D’oro Dopey Dot Down Deep Dreamcatcher
Fang Fauna Faust Flower Children Foodies Frostheart Fugitwins Fukiko Fusion Meme
Gekido Ghost Vision Grumpy Golden
Happy Hana Hé Hel Howl Hush
Illyana Ivan the Eye Thief Ivy
Jason Jakob Jay Cardinal Jean Jotunn Josiah Julie
Karma Kalapana RPG Karma Fortuna Karo Kelpsie Kemuri Suu (Smokescream) Kennedy Keye Kidd Finnegan Klover Fortuna Kouhei Kymali
Lashawn Johnson Lifeline (@lifelinexblog) Lilium (Lily) Littol Alex Lucky Chance
Mara Marrion Magesty Mars Mary Mason McKnight Melody Merci Michelle Douglass Minds Intertwines (@mindsintertwines) Mint Chip MMM (Mini Mitsuru Morning) Momo
Nala Nega Newt Nero Nico Nina Noah Palm Null
Patty Panda (Pandemica) Pansy PB Pep Perris Palm Pho Phoboes Pieta Plaid Porcelin Prince Professor Palm Prumyse
Rai Gratin Roki Rose Tinted Glasses Roy Ruchi Rune
Sage Sam Scilla Setsuna Shift Shiseka Simon Sinne Sirius Skye Sleepy Sneezy Sora K. Stardew Farmers Stormspirit Super Awesome! (@superawesome-rp) Sunflare SquadDawgs
Tabby Crevan (Tabby) Takamura, Hiro Tama Go Tamp Down (@tampdown) Táng Taylor Trickster Triton True Sight Torent Torte Haire Toru T’wanda Twi and Lan Tyler
V4MP Venus Veran Vigil Viper
Weather Fighters Wesley White Wren
Yin Yuko Yumemi
Zephyrborn Zeta Bones
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sharperthewriter · 3 years
The 16th Annual Kim Possible Fannies Awards - Final Round Voting
Good evening, everyone! After two very tough rounds of voting, it all comes down to this: the third and final round of voting that will decide the winners of each of the 33 categories.
Here are the rules for voting. As the famous Mandalorian line goes, "this is the way."
* Authors can vote for yourself up to five times.
* You can only vote for one person/story per category. You cannot split your votes.
* You must include your regular username from whatever platform you use with your vote, or it will not count.
* Submit your vote in the same methods as the nominations, listed above.
* You may only vote ONCE. Anyone found cheating will have their votes disqualified.
* Your vote MUST be private. Any votes found to have been shared publicly will be disqualified.
* Your vote for the 16th Annual KP Fannies must be submitted by November 20, 2021 at 11:59 Central Time (USA).
How To Vote:
* Send a PM to the KP Fannies Committee FFnet account.
* Send an email to: [email protected]
* Send a PM to Sharper the Writer on his most-used platforms (FFnet, Tumblr, DeviantART, Twitter, Discord, and Reddit).
You can only send votes in ONE of these methods.
Without your username, your vote will not count.
Finalists List - 16th Annual KP Fannies Awards - Round 3 Voting
Best KP-Style Name
Gothicthundra - Carmella Sweets - Random Tales of Drakgo
bcbdrums - Admiral Cuddles - There's Christmas--and Christmas
BeatlesTributeMan - Chief Salvo - KP Sitch of College
K1G0 - Quinn Phy-Knight - And You and I
Slyrr - Grimm Probable - All Things Possible
Val Orr - Val Orr - No Time Like the Present
Best KP OC
Gothicthundra - Cleopatra - Random Tales of Drakgo
K1G0 - Captain Brooks - And You and I
split-n-splice - Priscilla Kimbley - The Company You Keep
Sharper the Writer - Mary Juana and Canna Abis - Stoppable Family Vacation
BeatlesTributeMan - Marty - KP Sitch of Summer CA Trip Sitch
WriterChic16 - The Duke - Possible for a Possible
Best Minor Character
Gothicthundra - Motor Ed - Random Tales of Drakgo
bcbdrums - Mama Lipsky - There's Christmas--and Christmas
K1G0 - Ann Possible - And You and I
split-n-splice - Midas - The Company You Keep
Sharper the Writer - Bonnie Rockwaller - Possible-y Utah
WriterChic16 - Britina - Possible for a Possible
Best Villain
Gothicthundra - Dr. Botox - Random Tales of Drakgo
K1G0 - Captain Brooks - And You and I
bcbdrums - Sangerson - Just Hold Me
split-n-splice - Priscilla Kimbley - The Company You Keep
MakeWolfStarGayAgain - Gemini - This Is Not A Death Fic
WriterChic16 - The Duke - Possible for a Possible
Best AU-Fusion
bcbdrums - Stone House, Forest of Oak
JStormRaider - Tara is the Girl Next Door
sammiesue - If You Could Read My Mind, Love
Gothicthundra - Witches and Demons
PurpleGirl761 - True Blue
Shthar - Aja
Best Crossover
PurpleGirl761 - Sky Blue, Ocean Blue - Steven Universe
writerChic16 - Crane Interference - Frasier
LJ58 - KP: Where No Man Has Gone - Tv xOvers
brycewade1013 - You and Me Against the World - Suite Life
JxstSaiyan - Family and Trust - Dragonball Z
MacMan - XPossible - X-Men
Best Alt-Other Canon Pair
Gothicthundra - Frugal Lucre/Adrena Lynn - Random Tales of Drakgo
DavidFalkalyn - Kim/Josh - Arts In the Park
JStormRaider - Ron/Tara - Tara is the Girl Next Door
NeoTyson - Ron/Tara - More than Just a Blonde
CrowJones - Ron/Bonnie - Hidden Affections
kmtdiccion - Ron/Bonnie - Winter's Lie
Best Kigo
K1G0 - And You and I
Lhyaran - Mission Possible
Beth of Liz - A Hero Would Never Fall For a Villain, Would They
EORaptor - In Brightest Day
Neo the Saiyan Angel - Finding Life in Dull Places
Supreme Distraction - Villainess' Intent
Best Drakgo
bcbdrums - Pandemic
split-n-splice - The Company You Keep
sammiesue - If You Could Read My Mind, Love
Eclipsing-Dreams - Lab Results
Baronesscmd - Arrivals
DarkOnesRoses - Heightened Emotions
Best Kim/Ron
SuperReneyyy - Snippets of Forever
SimplyShelbs16 - A World of Fragile Things
Gothicthundra - Come In
Sharper the Writer - Possible-y Utah
F86Sabre53 - This Is Our Year College
BeatlesTributeMan - KP Sitch of Summer: The Wedding
Best Comedy
bcbdrums - The Cocoro of Rococo
split-n-splice - Practice Makes Perfect
Whitem - Even Naked Mole Rats Believe In Santa
Eclipsing-Dreams - A Precise Hand
MakeWolfStarGayAgain - All the Words
Sharper the Writer - Stoppable Family Vacation
Best Romance
Super Reneyyy - Snippets of Forever
bcbdrums - Brighter Than the Moon
K1G0 - And You and I
Gothicthundra - Random Tales of Drakgo
sammiesue - If You Could Read My Mind, Love
split-n-splice - The Company You Keep
Best Friendship
bcbdrums - They Sing Your Heart's Desire
Gothicthundra - Random Tales of Drakgo
sammiesue - The SheGhost In My Lair
split-n-splice - Sick Day
Shthar - What's In a Name
GoForDrakgo - Friends
Best Action-Adventure
bcbdrums - Mad Angry, Mad Crazy
Gothicthundra - Random Tales of Drakgo
Hotrod2001 - KP Rides Again
split-n-splice - The Company You Keep
BearSent - Storm Chaser
General Quin - Lotus War: The Bloom of War
Best Drama
Gothicthundra - Random Tales of Drakgo
split-n-Splice - The Company You Keep
NeoTyson - Ron Stoppable: Emotion Sickness Remix
Sentinel103 - The Hunter Book 2
Mahler Avatar - Beyond the Stars
SammieFlute - Glow in the Storm
Most Unlikely-Unique Story
bcbdrums - Stone House, Forest of Oak
sammiesue - The SheGhost In My Lair
split-n-splice - The F Word
Gothicthundra - Witches and Demons
Campy - Cheerleader on the Edge of Forever
Eclipsing-Dreams - A Precise Hand
Best One-Shot (K-T)
bcbdrums - Depths
Gothicthundra - Bloodlines
split-n-splice - Thunder
Whitem - Momentary Passings
Eclipsing Dreams - Lab Results
WriterChic16 - A Dream and A Nightmare
Best Short Story (K-T)
SimplyShelbs16 - A World of Fragile Things
bcbdrums - Still Beautiful
Gothicthundra - Blind Spot
sammisue - Drakgo OneShots
split-n-splice – Fly-In
Eclipsing-Dreams - Relief
Best Medium-Sized Story (K-T)
bcbdrums – Adrift
Gothicthundra - Bloodlines
sammisue - If You Could Read My Mind, Love
MakeWolfStarGayAgain - As Time Goes By
DarkOnesRoses – Heightened Emotions
Eclipsing-Dreams – Lab Results
Best Novel-Sized Story (K-T)
bcbdrums - There's Christmas--and Christmas
Gothicthundra - Random Tales of Drakgo
split-n-splice - The Company You Keep
MrDrP - What's the Alma Mater
Mahler Avatar - Beyond the Stars
JStormRaider7 - Tara is the Girl Next Door
Best Series
SimplyShelbs16 - Center Will Not Hold
bcbdrums - The Little Ones
sammisue - The SheGhost In My Lair
split-n-splice - The Company You Keep
BeatlesTributeMan - KP Sitch of Summer
F86Sabre53 - This Is Our Year
Best M-Rated One-Shot
Gothicthundra - Save on Time
split-n-splice - Morning Glory
bcbdrums - Just Hold Me
NeoTyson - Club Banana Shopping
Eddy13 - Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Bathe
Kakerot Badrockson - Stoppable The Drama
Best M-Rated Short Story
Denaith - In Your Arms
Gothicthundra - Save On Time
Sewrtyuiop - Shattered Illusions
split-n-splice - Love Burns
UniqueBooks - Ron Stoppable: Change
Best M-Rated Medium-Sized Story
bcbdrums – Just Hold Me
Lhyaran - Mission Possible
Campy - Cri De Guerre
Chaotic Harlequin - One Last Chance
NeoTyson - The New Fearless Ferret
RedWolfBlack - End of the Road
Best M-Rated Novel-Sized Story
SuperReneyyy - Snippets of Forever
K1G0 - And You and I
DismalOrc29177 - My Kind of Hero
Hotrod2001 - KP Rides Again
Sharper the Writer - Stoppable Family Vacation
Beth of Liz - A Hero Would Never Fall For a Villain, Would They?
Best Young Writer
Best New Writer
Best Single Line
"Too many emotions swirled within her at the kind insistence of his voice, the gentle authority in his eyes, and the tender way he held her hands as if they were glass and might break. Her lips trembled and she didn't know what to do as everything inside her seemed to collapse under a tsunami wave of passions, both good and ill." (from Ch. 8 of "Pandemic," by bcbdrums)
"The moon, a friend of hers in nights of solitude, could not repair the cracks within her broken heart that continued to grow as she vividly imagined the rich relationships maintained by her brothers—relationships that she once held within her feeble hands, but let slip as her own selfishness tore her away from those she loved the most." (from Ch. 4 of "If You Could Read My Mind, Love," by sammisue)
Kim knew even before alarms began to flare and emergency lights flickered on scarlet from every socket that [the button] must have been a self-destruct mechanism. It was just that kind of day." (from "True Blue," by Purplegirl761)
"It appears that you have again taken up a course of study that I at least, had hoped that you had abandoned years ago." Yori said, her face a blank mask hiding any real emotions. It was only the tone of her voice that let Ron know her true feelings. Subtle to any that didn't know her well, loud as a thunder clap to those that did.
He remained silent as he waited for her to continue.
"The art of being stupid. One of the more advanced classes." (from "Past and Present V2," by Levi2000a)
"Well, let's get you to the cannon and blast you into space, cos your coffee is rank, Lady," Quinn said and the look in her eyes told Betty that the girl was only half-joking. (from "And You and I," by K1G0)
Traci dribbled confidently with her left hand, easily protecting the ball from Kim's feints at a steal. Nothing seemed to be about to happen when without warning Beth took three quick steps back to a spot well behind the three-point line. Before Crystal could react Traci dealt a perfect no-look bounce pass to the diminutive girl, who let fly a two-handed set shot right off a circa 1950 Minneapolis Lakers highlight reel that kissed the backboard and swished through the hoop. The crowd cheered.
"She'll sink that from Denver if the wind's with her," Traci told an astonished Kim. "You cheerleaders are goin' down like cheerleaders in a raunchy direct-to-video teen sex comedy." (from Ch. 2 of "Cri De Guerre," by Campy)
Neb Award
Kimmunity Achievement Award
Best Reviewer
Best Story of 2020
MrDrP - What's the Alma Mater
K1G0 - And You and I
bcbdrums - Pandemic
SuperReneyyy - Snippets of Forever
split-n-splice - The Company You Keep
sammisue - If You Could Read My Mind, Love
MakeWolfStarGayAgain - As Time Goes By
JStormRaider7 - Tara Is the Girl Next Door
Best Writer of 2020
Good luck to all the nominees!
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spoon-writes · 4 years
Ends of the Earth | Chapter 2
Fandom: The Mandalorian
Pairing: Mando x OC
Read on FFN or AO3
Summary: When Sinead's husband is ripped from her, she escapes the Hutt Empire and goes on a quest to find him. Since being a runaway slave in the Outer Rim isn't exactly easy, she makes the Mandalorian an offer he can't refuse and soon they travel across the galaxy, looking for her missing husband.
Chapter index
Chapter 2 - The Deal
“There we were, cruising over Utapau, waiting for orders from those kriffin’ bastards. The boys were gettin’ restless, but I say to them, I say, you lads have been beggin’ me for a break for months, and now you turn tetchy for a little downtime? I told ‘em just kick back ‘n relax, n’ rake in the creds while the client figured out what to do ‘bout us.”
Sinead rested her elbows on the bar top, watching the Zabrak slam back the remainder of her mug, slamming it on the table. “And did you?”
“Kiff no. Those rhukis tried to stiff us until we caught ‘em, that is. They went on sayin’ that on account of ‘em not needing us after all, they shouldn’t ‘ave to pay us.”
“Can’t imagine that went over well with the boys.”
The Zabrak barked out a laugh and slammed her fist on the bar between them hard enough to make the crockery rattle. “The lads don’t like it much when clients don’t keep their promises. As I see it, we was just getting some justice.”
“Balance in the galaxy, and all that,” Sinead said, filling up the Zabrak’s mug with a frothy green concoction.
“Knew you’d get it.” The Zabrak grinned, flashing a row of yellowing teeth filed to a point.
It was late at night, or as late as it could be on a space station that used artificial light all hours of the day. The star it orbited hung almost dead in the vacuum, a white dwarf, gone before the first sentients even started dreaming about space travel. Its cold light did nothing to warm up the planets left circling it.
Sinead had been on the space station for almost a month. Not long after gaining her freedom, she’d discovered that while convictions were all well and good, it wouldn’t keep her from starving, and she’d found herself working in one of the two cantinas aboard the station. This one was less frequented, which suited Sinead just fine. Sometimes, when a big starship docked, the place would flood with spacers, but curiously they rarely came back.
“What’s next for you and your boys?”
“Eh, some rich fella from the Core wants us to lug his cargo halfway ‘cross the galaxy. All perfectly legal, of course.”
“Of course. I’m sure all your other stories were perfectly legal too, right?”
“That’s right.” The Zabrak tapped her nose. “You’re a smart one.”
Sinead winked at the captain, before cleaning up the bar and discarding the empty bowls in the kitchen.
When she came back, the Zabrak got up and tossed a couple of credits on the table. “Thanks for listening to an old spacer’s stories,” she said. “Really warms a girl’s hearts.”
“My pleasure. You’re quite the storyteller, you know that?”
The Zabrak barked out a laugh and reached over to slap Sinead on the shoulder. “Always knew I picked the wrong line of work.” She grabbed the rifle that leaned against the bar. “See ya around, kid.”
The Zabrak left, her long coat swinging behind her, and Sinead was left to her own devices. Two Niktos were the only patrons left in the bar and they sat together at a small table, heads bent low over their meals, and only muttering a few words between bites.
The station was originally a scientific vessel, orbiting the very star it was surveying. Sometimes before the fall of the Empire, the scientists left and not soon after enterprising spacers moved in, turning the station into a decent halfway point between nowhere and nothing.
Once Sinead grew adequately bored staring into thin air, she grabbed a broom from a cupboard and started sweeping. The maintenance droid was down something that happened surprisingly often in a place frequented by mechanics and pilots.
Five years she’d been free. Five years and every clue, every lead on Kyen fizzed out before she had the chance to grab it. The last one in a long line of disappointments ended with her nearly getting caught by a band of privateers, and now it hovered just out of reach.
She wondered if she had made a mistake breaking away from the rebels. Their attack on the Imps saved her life, but fear of retaliation made her split as fast as she could, although a few months later, that wasn’t a concern anymore; the Empire shattered, and whatever was left was too preoccupied picking up the pieces. That left the Hutts, but as far as she knew, they thought she was dead, and she wanted to keep it that way. Now she just hovered in place, waiting for a new opportunity to-
The door swished open, and a cold blast of air hit her. She turned around to face the new patron.
His armor glinted in the harsh light.
Bounty hunter.
Her body reacted without input from her brain. She swung the broom at his head.
The Mandalorian ducked, and the broom sailed over his head; as it came around again, he grabbed it and wrenched it out of Sinead's hands, and it clattered on the ground.
The Niktos jumped up so quickly that their chairs fell backward, blasters pointed at the Mandalorian, with his own blaster trained at them.
Reason clawed its way through the fog of fear.  "Are you a bounty hunter?" Her voice sounded loud in the tense room.
The Mandalorian cocked his head to the side and looked from Sinead to the Niktos. "Not right now." His voice was hoarse and sounded exhausted, but that could just be the voice modulator.
Sinead took a step back and sent a look over her shoulder at the Niktos, begging them to stand down. They shared a look, yellow teeth bared but lowered their blasters slowly.
She looked back at the Mandalorian, his blaster aimed directly at her. "I'm sorry about that," she said, giving him a weak smile. "We've had some problems with bounty hunters."
The Mandalorian kept staring at her, or rather, she assumed he kept staring at her, as his helmet gave absolutely no indication. Eventually, he lowered his blaster, but kept it at hand, presumably in case she started swinging the broom again.
He looked like he was about to leave when the bundle tucked safely into the crook of his arm started moving, and a small green hand appeared from between two folds.
Sinead watched in wonder as some fabric was pushed to the side, and two big, dark eyes looked out at the world.
The Mandalorian sighed and finally returned his blaster to its holster. "You got any food?"
Sinead tore her eyes away from the little creature. "Uh, yes. There’s yvum soup on the boiler."
"One bowl then." He sat down at the table nearest the door, keeping his back against the wall where he could see the entire room.
The Niktos sat back down, but their food remained untouched as they looked warily at the Mandalorian, whispering among themselves.
Sparing one last look at the little creature, Sinead went into the tiny kitchen attached to the cantina and filled a bowl with yvum soup, a gelatinous substance made from boiling the hell out of whatever meat was available. Thick and brown, it looked like mud and smelled like it too, but the few people brave enough to frequent the cantina weren’t the kind to complain.
When Sinead returned to the Mandalorian, he had removed the little creature from its cocoon and placed it on his lap so its little green head could see over the table.
Sinead left the bowl in the middle of the table, and the Mandalorian pulled it toward him. It didn’t take long for the child to start slurping down soup.
"Thank you," the Mandalorian grunted and tossed a couple of credits on the table.
That surprised her a bit as most cantina patrons didn't seem to know basic manners if it hit them with a broom.
Sinead was putting the credits away in a strongbox beneath the counter when she heard the kid coo softly. Looking over the rim of the counter, she saw it sit up in the Mandalorian’s lap. It looked like nothing she'd ever seen before, so small and soft in the Mandalorian's arms. Its floppy ears lifted curiously whenever the old station made a sound.
Grabbing the broom from the floor, Sinead started sweeping again as an excuse to get a better look at the odd pair. The little one's eyes followed her movements around the room as it slurped the remaining soup. It looked young and old at the same time; its head was covered in fine white hair.
The Niktos left, staring at the Mandalorian as they walked out, and he looked right back, his body shifting slightly, ready to spring into action.
When it became clear that Sinead couldn't continue sweeping a clean floor, she moved to the counter and grabbed the lockbox to count out the credits for her shift.
The kid slowed down eating and was looking around the room with curious eyes. Sinead burned to ask what species it was, but it was clear that its guardian wasn't in a talkative mood.
He said he wasn't a bounty hunter right now. Could he become one again for the right price? She’d met a Mandalorian once, a long time ago, and it was clear they were capable warriors. Plus, she had an ace up her sleeve.
Besides, she was curious about the little green guy.
Sinead's shift ended just as the Mandalorian was about to leave. She watched as he swaddled the child and left the cantina, moving surprisingly quiet for a guy in heavy armor. She waited until he was out of sight before hurrying after him, keeping close to the wall.
The space station was as dead as it was going to get with only a few ships docked. The Niktos were sitting around what looked like an unholy fusion between a Y-wing and a B-73. Sinead's steps sounded loud in the relative quiet.
The Mandalorian disappeared through the door leading to the docking bay.
She slipped through the door and almost collided with the Mandalorian, who stood tall and intimidating, the lighting behind him making him look like a shadow.
"Why are you following me?"
It took Sinead a second to find her voice. "You said you were a bounty hunter, right?"
His voice modulator rustled when he sighed. "I'm not after anyone in the station if that's what you're worried about."
"I'm not," Sinead said. "I want to hire you."
"I want to hire you."
The Mandalorian paused, then shook his head and started walking. "Not interested."
Sinead hurried to keep up with him. "I can pay you."
"I'm not with the Guild."
"Wonderful, I'm not asking the Guild, I'm asking you."
"And my answer is no. Stop following me."
They were close to what Sinead assumed was the Mandalorian’s ship. She didn’t recognize the model, but it looked old. It had definitely seen better days.
Sinead bit her lower lip and jumped in front of the Mandalorian, forcing him to stop.
"Move." The command came out harsh and uncompromising.
She moved, and the Mandalorian passed her, his cloak fluttering behind him. She watched as he neared the ship, and she rubbed her jaw as thoughts fell over themselves to get to the forefront of her mind.
She took a chance.
"Does the Nau'orar mean anything to you?"
He stopped in his tracks, his shoulders tensing as the seconds passed by.
"How do you know about that?" He turned to look at her.
"Maybe we should take this somewhere more private."
... ... ... ... ...
Since there were no proper seats in the ship, except for the bunk, which seemed like a bad choice for prefect strangers, Sinead was left standing awkwardly near the bay door.
The Mandalorian stood by a small cot that looked so out of place on the ship. He'd put the child down to sleep, but the little guy evidently knew something was happening because he stayed wide awake, looking from one human to the other.
Sinead resisted running a hand through her hair. The Mandalorian stood unmoving, watching her.
"I need you to find a man who-"
"How do you know about the Nau'orar?"
Straight to the point, then.
Sinead paused and gave the Mandalorian a searching look. Maybe this was a huge mistake.
With a sigh, she produced a small holoprojector from her pocket and threw it to him.
He caught it and turned it on. A blurred hologram of the whip appeared above it, turning slowly on its axis. Even with a cheap holoprojector, the whip looked beautiful.
"I acquired it some years ago-"
"How did you get it?"
Sinead’s jaw clenched, and it took everything in her not to snap at him. Still, she figured that the truth might speed things along. The Mandalorians and the Empire were hardly friends.
"I stole it from the Empire five years ago. The details aren't important, what is, is that I have it in my possession, in a safe place. It's yours if you help me find someone."
"It belongs to the Mandalorians."
Sinead shrugged. "Look, I agree with you, and I would've given it back to its rightful owners if it didn't happen to be an excellent bargaining chip." She gave him a small smile, hoping that he wasn't about to throw her off the ship.
On the bunk, the kid cooed softly, and Sinead smiled at it.
The Mandalorian looked at the hologram for a long moment, his hands clenching and releasing. At last, he sighed deeply. "Who do I need to find?"
"His name is Kyen Beck. He was a slave on Sriluur until they moved him off-world, possibly to a facility on Siskeen.”
The Mandalorian cocked his head to the side. "It's a long way to go for a maybe."
Sinead ignored him. "This isn't a Guild job. I have no puck or fob, or whatever it is they use, but if you do this, the whip is yours."
The Mandalorian still didn't seem convinced. "He's a runaway slave?"
For one dizzying moment, Sinead’s chest felt too tight to breathe.
"He's my husband."
The Mandalorian stiffened and looked away, down at the child who watched their conversation in fascinated silence. He sighed deeply. "I'll look for him, but I can't make any promises."
Sinead let out a deep breath, her knees going weak with relief. Finally, she was doing something.
"Where was his last known location?"
Sinead wet her lips and swallowed. "I talked with someone who escaped from Sriluur two years ago, told me that he'd been shipped to Siskeen with some other slaves, but she doesn’t know exactly what happened."
"And you trust this information?"
"More or less."
The Mandalorian fell silent for some time. "You said she escaped two years ago. Why didn't you just go by yourself?"
"I'm not exactly welcome in Hutt space at the moment." She smiled bitterly. "I tried other bounty hunters, but they didn't really ... work out."¨
He was going to ask her if she used to be a slave. Would he take her back to the Hutt’s instead, taking the easy payment? While her bounty was void, she was sure whoever inherited Slezza’s throne would be glad to see her.
The Mandalorian, to Sinead’s surprise, nodded curtly and moved to the side, effectively ending the conversation. Sinead wasn't done, though.
"When do we leave?"
The Mandalorian froze. "When do we-"
"We leave? I'm coming with you."
"No, you're not. I work alone." He crossed his arms across his chest.
"Not this time. He's my husband."
"You can't-"
"I can read star charts, I can fly, I know how to fight-"
"A broom doesn't count."
Sinead huffed and narrowed her eyes. "There isn't much to go on. I know my husband, I know what he'd do, I know how he looks. Sooner or later, you're going to need me."
"No. Deal's off."
Shaking her head, Sinead took a deep breath and grit her teeth. "Fine." She started toward the door. "You're making a mistake. The Nau'orar does belong with the Mandalorians, but I can't force you."
The kid made a whining sound as the door opened, and its big floppy ears drooped down.
She had made it down the ramp when the Mandalorian appeared in the doorway.
"The ship leaves at 0700." He sounded unsure even as he said it.
Warmth radiated through Sinead's body and she felt weak in the knees. "0700. I'll be there."
The Mandalorian nodded curtly and started to raise the ramp.
"My name is Sinead, by the way," she yelled, just as the ramp closed.
Finally, after 5 years, she was doing something. She had a good feeling about this.
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thewriterwithnoplan · 5 years
Crystal Gem (Part 2 of Gem)
Summary: Sage Universe is the gem daughter of Steven Universe. But she’s also a League of Assassins member and partner in crime to Damian Wayne. Well, she is when she’s not stuck in gem form. Pairing: Older!Damian Wayne x Gem!OC (DC x Steven Universe) Word Count: 1341 Warnings: None.
Requested by @thehungrybum​
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It had taken a week for the Wayne's to get used to the odd gem girl who now lived within their midsts. Though perhaps used to, were not the right words. Rather it had taken them a week to stop their constant questioning. Damian had been more than a little upset that they hadn't left him alone about the gem for months but had stopped questioning Sage in only a week. Though the blood son could fully understand, Sage was more than a little intimidating.
But none of that quite explained why Damian had come home from school to this. Bruce, bloody nosed and trapped in a giant bubble. Jason groaning on the floor, a foot pressed firmly into his chest. Dick pressed against the wall by a shield and Tim held up by his throat. Weapons of every kind scattered across the floor.
"Where the hell are they?" Sage growled, eyes wild and gem glowing menacingly. "Answer me!"
Damian dropped his school bag and ran to the girl. Sage barely turned to look at him, a scowl etched into her brow. The ex-assassin pulled her away from his adopted brothers with a huff and turned her shoulders to face him. Something akin to panic flashed across the girl's face as she stared right at him. Damian murmured something too low for the others to hear and then all at once the magic bubbles and shields disappeared.
"Where are they?" The gem whispered in despair as she examined each of the batboys. "I came home and they were gone. Damian, they were gone. I promised to protect them and they- they're not where I left them."
"What are you talking about?" Jason yelled in frustration. "We have no idea what they are!"
"The crystal gems," Sage whimpered, clamping a hand over her mouth as she fell to her knees.
Damian perked up. The crystal gems? Sage never spoke about her family, not even to him. He'd asked time and time again, but the gems she kept in bubbles was one of her most guarded secrets. Once she'd mentioned them, something about corruption and a terrible war. Another time she had been half malfunctioning after a particularly bad training session and had admitted that her father had given up his life to bequeath the Pink Diamond gem to her. Damian had never dared ask again after she explained the horrors that her grandmother had caused and what her father had been through.
But if there was one thing that Damian Wayne knew about Sage Universe it was that she wouldn't let the bubbled gems out her sight. Just like he wouldn't let her out of his, they were family and that meant that the gems were Damian's family too. The others were standing now, brushing themselves off and advancing upon the pair of friends. It was then that Sage fell further out of the boy's grasp, collapsing fully on the ground.
"Here we are in the future," She whispered dully. "Here we are in the future and it's wrong. Just a second ago we were singing this song. And now they're gone, because of them. Happily, ever after there, we were."
The Bataclan stared confused at the pink girl as she laid both hands over the small star-shaped area around her gem. Damian stared down at his friend with a questioning look for a moment before it clicked. A distant memory from the dusty corners of his mind sprang to the forefront as if begging to be heard. But the memories didn't feel like his own, they didn't feel like the ones that Sage had shared with him when they fused. Perhaps it was a long-dormant memory from Sage's father or even her mother, both of which had once held the stone embedded in her navel. With the smallest of smiles and a sigh through his nose, Damian offered the girl his hand, "When has it ever been easy? Hasn't it always been hard to be us? When you go against the grain there's always somebody around you can't trust. That's why we've got to have each other. Why we'll figure this out, we must!"
Jason all but tripped over when the young assassin began singing along Sage's dreary tune. But something kept the boy from interrupting. Perhaps it was the same thing driving Damian to continue with his off-kilter singing. Even Tim and Dick were silent as they watched as if they too realized that whatever was happening was deeper than a simple song.
"Because we are the Crystal Gems. And we never give up." Damian clasped Sage's forearm heaving the hollow girl to her feet, "We never give up on our friends. As long as one of us is standing to brandish the star. We'll find a way to save the day. That's who we are!" "Here we are in the future. Here we are in the future and it's wrong," Sage pulled herself from the Wayne boy's grasp, motioning to the group of gaping men. "Look at them they're not even singing along. If I could've just stopped right there, we'd be; Totally fine. Totally us. Totally me!"
"Even if it takes a thousand years to get them back, we will. They may not know who they are, but we do," Damian wasn't sure that the lyrics were perfectly relevant but he knew that what Sage needed to hear was written in those words. "Believe me, Sage I've known them longer. I've seen them get through worse and come back stronger. That's why I believe in them. And I believe in you!"
Something clicked and suddenly Damian knew. He pulled Sage's hands into his own, turning them up so that they could both see the small stars imprinted on her wrists. In all the time that Damian had known Sage, she had always kept them there, even after countless changes in her form. She always wore the stars proudly. "Because we are the Crystal Gems!"
He realized then.
"And we never give up."
This was not a simple performance.
"No, we never give up on our friends."
It was a summons.
"As long as one of us is standing to brandish the star."
A summons to the girl he knew and loved. "We'll find a way, to save the day."
A summons for the last Crystal Gem.
"That's who we are!" Sage looked up into shimmering green eyes. A silent conversation passed between the two, leaving the Bataclan in further bewilderment. How exactly did these two know each other? The family knew that she had been with him since the pair had been young, that the girl had been taken in by the League as an orphan. But what about the things that they didn't know? The pair seemed so closely interwoven that they communicated with lyrics and glances and movement.
Usually Sage was keenly aware of anyone watching as she broke out into song. Usually, her simply being in the vicinity - coupled with her powers - had people bursting into song too. But this one was far too personal as if her gem had taken a life of its own and decided that this song was for the Wayne boy and the Universe girl alone. A song for the last two Crystal Gems and them alone.
A grin curled along the girl's face as she held a hand up to Damian, that secret offer passing between them as he slipped a calloused palm across her own. Then they were spinning and weaving between one another, never faltering, always aware that the other was there. Ner' a care in the world. Damian gave a laugh, true and deep, that set the girl stumbling in surprise. He caught her by the waist, lifting her up just long enough to harmonize alongside her. "We'll find a way. To save the day. That's who we are!"
Y/N and Damian grinned at each other, expressions untamed and eyes wild. Then in a flash of light, they were gone. Leaving only Fusion/Name behind.
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yandereloveraw · 5 months
Vania [Vanilla and Anti's fusion] + playlist
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🔪 When You're Good To Mama - Queen Latifah
🧁 Bust Your Knee Caps - Pomplamoose [Yanderecore]
🔪 Talk - Salvatore Ganacci
🧁 Teeth - Lady Gaga
🔪 Jealousy - Marina & the Diamonds [Jealouscore]
🧁 Scream - Besomorph
🔪 Mz. Hyde - Halestorm
🧁 Sweet Tooth [Cover] - Chloe Moser
🔪 Cult Leader - KiNG MALA
🧁Get On Your Knees - Nicki Minaj
All songs belong to their creators
Picrew belongs to the creator
Antisepticeye belongs to Sean McLoughlin aka Jacksepticeye
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MT2Bf0
by Tasharii
By the time World War 2 reached America, Bucky had given up hope in finding his soulmate. It was the summer of 1938 and he just wanted to enjoy his final days in Brooklyn with Steve. Before the draft got him. Then he met her, and he knew he'd give anything not to say goodbye.
Nothing had changed for Y/N in a very long time. Her life at the Circus was bleak and lonely. The only time she felt alive was in the air during a performance. And she was ok with that. Then she met him and knew she'd give anything to be with him. There was just one problem. She was dead. This was her afterlife and how could something dead be with someone living?
Words: 3769, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Avengers Team (MCU), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader, James "Bucky" Barnes & Reader
Additional Tags: Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Reader-Insert, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmark AU, Halloween Fanfic, Bucky barnes x reader - Freeform, Bucky Barnes x OC, Reader Has Issues, Angst, Fluff, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Smut, Alternate Universe - Marvel Cinematic Universe Fusion, Tony didn't die, Natasha Didn't Die, Steve is still around, Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MT2Bf0
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yandereloveraw · 8 months
❤️‍🔥🔪Archeye (Anti & Archie fusion) playlist 🔪❤️‍🔥
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❤️‍🔥 Wicked Games - The Weeknd
🔪 Bark Like You Want It - Sir-Mix-A-Lot
❤️‍🔥 Okay - Chase Atlantic
🔪 A Little Piece Of Heaven - Avenged Sevenfold
❤️‍🔥 Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz
🔪 I Wanna Be Your Slave - Maneskin
❤️‍🔥 Monster - Willyecho
🔪 Fuck The World - Hollywood Undead
❤️‍🔥 LIKE I WOULD (Troyboi Remix) - ZAYN (Jealouscore)
🔪 Possessive - Chris Brown (Jealouscore)
Antisepticeye belongs to Sean McLoughlin aka Jacksepticeye
All songs belong to their creators
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yandereloveraw · 9 months
Drew Archeye (Antisepticeye and Archie's fusion) and Y/N in the fitting Hell scene from Avenged Sevenfold's "A Little Piece Of Heaven" music video. ^^
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(Some warnings for the music video if you haven't already seen it: It includes graphic imagery of murder, necrophilia/defiling of a corpse, and cannibalism.)
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yandereloveraw · 1 year
Velma, to Y/N: My heart is full and my door's always open. You can come anytime you want.♡
Lyrics from She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5
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yandereloveraw · 1 year
Vanee is one jealous girl 👀 I believe in hair down Vanee supremacy btw 😫 🙌
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Lyric is from Boyfriend by Dove Cameron
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yandereloveraw · 2 years
Alex's (Xavier and Archie's fusion) confession to Y/n
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The song is "When I Look Into Your Eyes" by khai dreams (Another song I love ^^)
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yandereloveraw · 1 year
Eclipse! Velma (Xavier and Vanilla's fusion) making good on her promise to marry you.
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"One day we'll have a pretty wedding, and I'll be your everything~"
Lyric from An Unhealthy Obsession by Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
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yandereloveraw · 2 years
Monty! Archie about Eclipse! Velma and Y/n: I can see what's happening.
Roxanne! Jasper: What?
Monty! Archie: And they don't have a clue!
Roxanne! Jasper: Who?
Monty! Archie: They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line. Our trio's down to two.
Roxanne! Jasper: Oh.
Monty! Archie, holding his clasped hands to his face and batting his eyelashes: The sweet caress of twilight~ There's magic everywhere~ And with all of this ~romantic atmosphere~ disasters in the air!
Lyrics from Can You Feel The Love Tonight from Disney's The Lion King
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