#nurse ren
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Drew this in the middle of a snowstorm!!! Thank u for all of the support!!
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daily-linkclick · 11 months
could we get the trio having game night? i’m partial to monopoly or jenga because they invite the most chaos but i think qiao ling would be a ruthless headbands player (alternatively they would play operation but lg is cavity sam)
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daily link click: 7/27/23
giant jenga while recovering
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hazy2k · 1 year
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nurse doom from the hit webcomic sparklecare hospital
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tinfoilsoldiers · 8 months
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i love nurse stimpy
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juu-8chi · 2 months
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butchdykekondraki · 4 months
if clef was a shark he wouldnt be a great white btw idgaf what everyone else says. shes so shortfin mako coded to me
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nurseguillermo · 10 months
WHERE: Post Office WHO: Bowie (@bowiebardot)
Mo rubbed the back of his neck before adjusting his grip on the few rags he'd found in a supply closet. "Hey this was all I could find, least let people clean up any minor stuff they got from the hail," he said setting them down on one of the counters. "I know Nate is trying to get people calm and settled, think we're all gonna be stuck sleeping on the floor though."
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ghostbeam · 1 year
Rewatching nana……
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luvkuvi · 1 month
34 – invisible string !
What's so good about him ?!
Scaramouche x reader smau series
synopsis — Your ex boyfriend kuni is in a band called 5wirl and they're pretty well known considering him and his bandmates are still in college but you still hated his guts on how he ended things with you back then in highschool the day before graduation. So whats the best course of action in this situation? make a hate account of him of course. 
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In the dimly lit bar, the air hung heavy with the mingling scents of alcohol and cigarette smoke. The low murmur of conversations ebbed and flowed like a distant tide, punctuated by the clinking of glasses and the occasional burst of laughter. 
Amidst the crowd, a lone figure slumped on a barstool, his shoulders hunched and his gaze vacant. Scaramouche, drinking away his problems with his tousled hair and bloodshot eyes, nursed his whiskey with a grim determination. Each sip burned like fire as it traveled down his throat, yet he welcomed the sensation, craving its numbing embrace. 
"Stupid stupid stupid..." He slammed his shot glass, scaramouche was never a heavy drinker even though he was surprised at how much alcohol he had consumed. He began to replay memories in his mind mostly memories with y/n, he didn't know if it was the alcohol making him think these but he felt himself losing it in this self-pity party he made for himself 
As the night wore on, Scara's movements became increasingly unsteady, his speech slurred and disjointed. He waved off concerned looks from the bartender and fellow patrons with his signature scowl, insisting that he was fine, that he could handle his liquor. But the truth was evident in the glassy emptiness of his eyes, betraying a soul drowning in sorrow and regret. 
With each drink, Scaramouche sought solace in the swirling depths of alcohol, hoping to drown out the memories that haunted him, if only for a fleeting moment. "This isn't working" he muttered to himself standing up to use the bathroom before driving around to clear his thoughts, he wasn't sure himself. 
As Scaramouche made his way through the crowded bar, his mind consumed by the urgent need to find the bathroom and leave, he suddenly collided with someone, nearly spilling the drink the other person had in the process. Looking up, he froze in disbelief as he found himself face to face with the reason why he was there in the first place 
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise before a cold mask of indifference settled over their features. "Scaramouche," they said, their voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. 
"Y/n..," he replied, his voice catching in his throat. Memories of their tumultuous relationship flooded his mind, and he struggled to find the right words to say. 
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Notes: what ef i leave w this cliffhanger(this is the first time they've met in 3 ish years)
Taglist ! (Open): @sakiimeo @sagegreenthinks @evsolostheuniverse @mizokowashere @mechanicalbeat1  @bananasquash @wolfe02 @msameikanevaeh @yukiipc @magica-ren @r0ttenhearts @vvyeislazzy @yuumaofc   @darthvada @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @yoyo-yui @thenightsflower   @lazy-sanns @sukunasrealgf @danhenglovebot @sketcheeee  @featuredtofu @mine-lu @karma-gisa @amyena @onmywaytoteyvat @fujimoribaby @eliqusgenma   @buubbbbly   @reekapeeka @elernity @kunikissr @miko1ly @feverish-dove @pomeiu @kascar-chronicle @otomegame-oneshots @kiokiee @swivy123
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k9wa · 7 months
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⠀ — it’s easier to nurse your wounds in silence with a furrowed brow.
⠀ OR
⠀ — you get your ass beat bad enough for blade to be affectionate.
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⚠︎ mentions & descriptions of injuries, blood, comfort, gn reader, awkward blade save me, self indulgent && finally out of the drafts.
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“what happened to you?”
blade inquired, tone teetering on teasing as you trudged into your shared bedroom, head hung low as you walked on heavy, unstable legs. it looked as if someone had slipped iron into the soles of your shoes.
blade barely heard the muttered response you slur out as a bloodied hand reached out to hold the wall for support. he was on his feet in front of you in seconds, hands lightly finding their way to your waist to help hold you up straight. blade had to restrain himself from lifting you up by your underarms and shaking an explanation out of you once he noticed the smeared red hand print you left behind.
his voice was quieter the second time around, bending at the knees a small bit so he could finally meet your cloudy eyes. it grabs your attention well enough, you finally looked up enough for him to see the scratches on your face alongside the sharp, clean cut going from your brow bone to cheek bone. he felt his palms sweat.
blade wasted no time in scooping you up and placing you down on your bed. he would worry of the blood soiled sheets after you were taken care of.
he pushed your hair behind your ears, giving him a final clear glimpse of your wounded face. despite his indifferent expression, stoic and blank as always, he nearly hissed.
you whine weakly and groan in pain as blade lifts your shirt up over your head, checking your torso for any more wounds. there was another sharp slash across the left of your ribcage, but it was— thankfully— rather shallow. a perfect example of you getting out of the way of someone’s sharpened steel at the very last second.
ren retrieved a wet cloth, dampened with cold water that he didn’t possess the patience to allow to warm up before sticking the fabric under the faucet. he cleaned the dried blood off your skin, actions precise and unimaginably gentle as he watched it flake and smudge away with the water.
you’re silent, one eye stuck shut as a result of your injury and the other fluttering in an attempt to stay open as you tiredly gaze up at him through your lashes. once you were finally relieved of the dirt and sweat sticking to you, ren moved to start wrapping thick, taught bandages where they were needed.
he didn’t pry right away, you were hurting. blade was no stranger to pain and the way it left a blinding fog over your senses, stripping you of any capabilities and leaving you with nothing but dreadful awareness of how terrible your bones ache and your flesh burns.
but truly, with each circle of the roll of cloth around your torso, went more fuel onto the flame of violence and vengeance deep inside blade’s gut, the fiery anger quickly overwhelming his consideration.
“what happened to you?”
ren repeated as he taped off the covering on your ribs. his tone was less taunting the second time around. he gets up from his knees and sits on the bed beside you, tilting your head up by your chin to assess the wound to your eye.
“doesn’t matter, believe it or not i won.” you replied lazily, good eye slowly making its way over his hardened features. his high cheekbones, sharp brow bone, his chiselled jaw. blade has half a mind to scoff.
“that’s not what i asked.” he grew more stern, lightly tugging your eyelid open to check if your cornea had withstood any damage.
ren listened as you half-heartedly recalled the events to him. a group of mara struck had stumbled upon you on your way back from a meeting with elio and kafka. you made your way out, but the injuries sustained were from when you had forgotten you often have to knock the mara struck down twice before they actually stay down. a silly slip up on your part.
blade finished wrapping a bandage around your eye and placing a few smaller ones on your scratches by the time you finished your explanation. his speed and familiarity with a roll of gauze made you question just how often he had done this to himself.
he didn’t respond as he grabbed you a clean shirt, picking up any garbage and tossing it out silently as he threw the soiled cloth in an empty cleaning bucket. you were curled up on the bed and fighting sleep when he returned just a minute later.
ren didn’t know what to say, exactly. the mara that had attacked you were good and dead, so he didn’t have to go after them and dirty his own hands once more as a “precaution” (he would not allow any being that harmed you in such a way keep it’s life—) yet he was never one for comfort. even after all the years he’d spent with you.
re-learning the humanizing emotions that had been cast from his soul once it was ripped and forced back into his body was proving to take more time than one might expect.
blade, after standing with your back to him almost awkwardly for a few moments, took a seat beside you again and placed his chin down on your shoulder. his thumb mindlessly moves to rub circles on your hip.
it’d be a lie to say seeing you hurt didn’t scare him. scare? terrify? shake him up? the synonyms weren’t relevant. blade continued to try and convince himself there was truly a difference between them.
being immortal had led him to forget what the limits of the human body might exactly be. he was surprised his brow didn’t furrow at the thought of your lesions being fatal as he cleaned and wrapped them.
you are everything. you are the last thing blade is able to call his own. you are the only thing blade truly feels he belongs to, and vice versa. you are everything.
“be more careful next time.” ren said quietly, lips against the skin of your arm as he kissed your shoulder. “please.”
you rolled over slowly, careful not to lay on your freshly cut side and pulled his hand up to your mouth, placing a kiss to his knuckles.
“i will. thank you.” you’re too tired for a witty response. blade nodded. he didn’t believe you, years of being left behind and the amount of bloodshed he’d witnessed did not allow him.
“get some sleep.”
he stood, shoulders straight and nearly tense as he walked away and picked up his weapon leaned against the wall. running through some of the drills his late master taught him was ought to lift the stress— the reminder that despite your strength you were but a fragile human— from his back. he did that often when he was beginning to feel overwhelmed or over-frustrated. it was routine, it was the same, it made sense to him.
“i love you.” you mumbled against your pillow, eyes already closed as sleep quickly consumed you.
“as do i.” blade said quietly, slipping outside.
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juanarc-thethird · 5 days
What if Jaune is King?
I saw a video and thought it would be great for this. --------------
At Beacon Academy.
Weiss is a little stressed today.
Weiss: *Walking out of the infirmary* Drat, how can I get sick so easily?
She missed a day of school because of a little flu. Well that's what she says. Her team said she looked like a zombie. So they put her in the school infirmary until she gets better. She was the only way to make sure she rested. The academy nurse is very strict when it comes to health. So she missed a whole day of school. Now he is on his way to the cafeteria to have his breakfast before class.
Weiss: *She enters the cafeteria* Good morn- What the hell?!
In the middle of the cafeteria was a throne made of books and other school supplies. And sitting on it is Jaune, with his crown made of paper and a scepter made very poorly with a broomstick and pieces of metal from who knows where.
In front of him was Nora, Ren and Pyrrha. Nora was to his left, she was dressed in armor made of kitchen utensils. Ren was dressed in a somewhat elegant robe and glasses, while holding a notebook. Pyrrha was jagged on one of the edges of the throne. She was dressed in a red dress with gold details.
Jaune: Ren, what's next on my agenda?
Ren: Your majesty, you have breakfast with the headmaster and leaders of Vale in one hour.
Jaune: Excellent.
Weiss: What the hell is going on?
Yang: Hey Weiss!
Weiss turns to look at Yang and is surprised to see her dressed as a jester.
Weiss: What are you wearing?
Yang: Oh this? It's my royal jester uniform.
Weiss: Ok, but why are you wearing that? And why is Jaune treated like a king?
Yang: Well… a lot of things happened while you were sick.
Weiss: I was sick for one day!!
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draculaxias · 18 days
#Parent! Zoya
hcs of how Zoya would be as a parent ♡
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Once you have given birth Zoya can’t help but get emotional at the sight of her baby, your baby. It’s hard to imagine how someone like her could bring a such a pure, innocent thing to the world.
She will be hesitant to hold the baby, too afraid to hurt such a delicate thing but will built enough courage if you comfort her.
Ever since then Zoya has been holding your baby more than you! The only time she gives your baby back is when you have to nurse them; but she is the one who helps them sleep, change their diaper, change their clothes, which is a bunch of help— it lets you relax and focus more on your recovery.
Thanks to Zoya your child developed some fashion sense. It’s like a mini Zoya, your child even developed some of her traits! Which is .. cute but also a curse.
Like there was a time the baby was having a whole ass boxing match with one of their plushies in the crib.. No one knows what the plushie did to get your child angry but it happened.
Zoya is always carrying your child everywhere. Either on her hip or carrying them on her shoulders.
Most likely the cause of why your baby’s first word was “shit”
Once your child grows older and starts going to school she will definitely be the one packing their lunch.
Like it’s so adorable, she wakes up extra early just to prepare her baby’s lunch box and help them get ready and drop them off to school. It’s not only because she wants you to rest more but because it’s something that she genuinely enjoys doing— surprisingly.
Gets annoyed when parents, teachers, and kids (who want to cry-) stare at her when she’s waiting outside for her kid. They all think she is trying to kidnap a kid, but get surprised when her child runs up to her with a huge grin “MAMA!”
Deadass taught them how to fight to defend themselves… The other kids at school don’t even DARE say an insult..
Teases you about being the favorite parent.
Often talks to you about wanting more kids, she honestly never saw herself actually becoming a parent but ever since your first; she wants to raise more children with you.
By the way she loves your stretch marks, if you ever feel insecure because of them she is quick to changing your mind by kissing your whole entire body; telling you how gorgeous you are in her eyes and that your stretch marks are beautiful.
She loves you and your small (for now LMFAO) family so much. Zoya is willing to give you and your child(ren) all the things she didn’t get to have as a child; protection, love, care, everything.
Plays rock or metal music, she says it’s “The good stuff.”
Has alone days with the kid and they ho out somewhere, later coming back home with a smiling child holding a new toy.
Always the one checking for monsters under the bed, or reads them bedtime stories when you’re too tired.
Hugs you from behind randomly and rubs your stomach “We should have another one, you know?”
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marcmight · 1 year
God, Jaune and his interactions with the Paper-Pleasers have horrifying implications.
Imagine you find a strange, wounded creature in your village and, out of the kindness of your heart, help them and nurse them back to health. When the creature recovers, it's grateful and willing to help with the tasks around the village. It's odd-looking and large, but it's also strong and protective of it's newfound home, and soon enough your home thrives with the strange creature shielding them from any monsters that attack and accidents that may occur. It is Safe.
Then, one day, the village people realize something: the Creature grants them immortality. No one in the village can die. How wonderful, right? Except the Creature doesn't quite understand you, no matter how friendly or kind it is. It's not stopping you from aging, or from getting diseases, or anything else like that. The Creature stops Death, but nothing else.
Of course, this causes a multitude of problems in the village, but nothing can convince the Creature its doing anything wrong- it is Helping, after all! Soon enough, the village folk start rebelling against the Creature, but nothing stops it, and in fact believes that you and your friends are being quite silly. You cannot escape, as the Creature somehow knows when you try and claps restraints on you to stop you from trying again. You cannot die, as the Creature stops you from dying in the first place. All while still being kind, still thinking it is helpful.
Lately, the Creature has begun giving new names to your friends and family in the village. Your name is Ren now. You cannot escape. You cannot die. You are trapped. You are Safe.
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salemoleander · 1 year
"My teeth hurt," Martyn says.
He and Scott are on the deck, enjoying the morning sun before it has the chance to get humid; Scott is busy crafting sugarcane into paper while Martyn is (ostensibly) trying to carve a bowl.
"What, like- cavities? We've only been here for a few days, and I know you're eating the same fish and dried kelp as me." Scott pauses, holding a fresh sheaf of paper. "-and if you're not, and you've been holding sweets out on me, I'll be pissed."
Martyn huffs a laugh, then grimaces when pain shoots up through his sinuses. Ambling over to the table, he half-sits, half-leans on the back of one of their deck chairs.
"Nah, same food as you. Man, I don't know what I did. TNT to the face carry over, d'you reckon?"
He grins, and Scott blanches. Well, shit.
"Alright, what's wrong with my mouth?" Martyn asks, stress rising when Scott doesn't answer. "I've still got teeth, right?"
Scott nods sharply. He wavers on an answer for a moment before sighing. "Yeah. You've just got some new ones, seems like."
The hard part of suddenly having shark teeth, Martyn quickly discovers, is that they are not particularly designed for beings with lips, and certainly not ones that talk.
He tells Scott this, nursing several sore spots on his lips and tongue.
"Have you considered talking less?"
"Oh, screw you."
Scott rolls his eyes, and they go back to sorting through chests in companionable silence. Waves gently lap against the edge of their island, while bamboo canes creak and shift. After a few minutes Scott says, "In the- last time. I remember being relieved, a bit, that even though Cleo and I chose each other-"
"Exactly the conversation I wanted to have," Martyn deadpans.
"Would you shut up? Honestly." Scott smiles, but his jaw flexes as he does and Martyn resolves to shut up and let him say this, whatever it is. At least for the next ten or fifteen seconds. Probably.
"Anyways. I was a tiny bit relieved that I was paired with Pearl, because she was human. And I'd seen how it was for BigB getting canine features and Joel getting whatever the hell from Etho, and you, y'know..."
"Eugh. Yeah." Scott looks through their fence-lattice walls and out to the water. "But Pearl didn't stay human."
Martyn raises an eyebrow. (For effect. If Scott is doing a dramatic monologue towards the ocean, Martyn at least gets to make faces, whether or not Scott sees him. Them's the rules.)
"She got kind of... wolf-y? Or more accurately, the game made her wolfy. Not like Ren, not nearly that elegant a combination."
Scott's voice is bitter, an edge to it that Martyn associates with fireworks going off too-close by. "I woke up one morning and my teeth were sharp and there were too many for my mouth. And it hurt, and the worst part was knowing this wouldn't be happening if we'd just done what the game wanted."
Blinking, Martyn says, "Oh." Brilliant. Nailed the response, there.
"I just wanted to tell you. That it might- those might be my fault, because it seems like whatever runs this game doesn't like me very much. There's a reason I set up alone out here."
Martyn- ignoring the ache from his jaw and the kernel of self-interest that tells him to get while the getting is good- scoffs. "None of that, thank you! I don't care if bloody Herobrine has it out for you, we're sticking together."
Relief washes over Scott's face. Martyn adds, "If whoever runs this circus thinks unlimited knives for teeth is a punishment, they're mad."
"Clearly! You were already enough of a menace." Released from whatever tension kept him still, Scott reaches over to flip another chest lid up and starts rifling through. "It's like trying to annoy Joel by giving him too many TNT minecarts."
Martyn snorts. "Right! Once my mouth gets the memo about where everything is now I'll be doing fine- probably better than I was before! A supernatural entity trying to tell me who I can be friends with? C'mon, nothing that stupid is busting the Mean Gills up."
He almost believes it.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 month
Ruby: Friends, I have an important Diagram I must show you!
Weiss: I would hope so!
Nora: Yeah, I'm missing out on Pancake time!
Pyrrha: Everyone, let's settle down and hear what Ruby has to say. Please go on.
Ruby: Okay; Here's my discovery!
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Weiss: ... Is that it?
Blake: Yeah, I mean, why show us this. Why not show Yang and Jaune?
Ruby: Because they're currently in the nurse's office because they mixed cleaning supplies.
WBNP: OOoooooh.
Ren: Hmm. I was worried that might happen.
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hiskillingjar · 11 months
'You're his pet now.'
Relationship: Ren Hana/Reader, Fox/Reader Rating: Explicit Contains: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Injury Recovery, Power Imbalance, Coercion Length: Multi-chaptered, 2600+ words
Summary: After surviving hell, how do you navigate your relationship with the Devil?
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48528574
You were supposed to be dead. That much you knew.
The second you woke up, the only thing that you could initially register was just how much your body hurt. It felt like you had been hit by a truck or trampled by a crowd or a pack of animals.
The next thing you registered, when you lurched forward and let out a long, pained groan, almost doubling up on yourself as your bandaged abdomen started to ache and twist, was that you were leaning up on a bed.
You weren’t on a thin mattress on the ground, nor were you in your cell or the dreaded 'filming room’. 
You were on a normal bed, in a normal room.
Well, maybe not normal. 
It looked a little like a hospital room, albeit a fancy one, when you blinked your heavy eye(s), peering around. A private suite with beige walls and tasteful decorations adorning them, pine furniture, a bedside table for get-well-soon cards and flowers. Your sheets were white and crisp and clean, and when you moved your arm, you could see a needle was pressed and taped inside, providing you with a drip feed. You could also feel a tube in your nose when you reached up to touch your face.
When you moved your other arm, though, you found it bound down to the side of the hospital bed. But the bindings were loose and made of expensive leather and fur that felt soft and soothing against your skin that had been rubbed raw by chains and metal. 
Emphasising that they were there to restrain you, but not to hurt you.
When you gave the cuffs another tug, a thick chain rattled against the metal and an intense pain shot across your left shoulder, making you take in a reflexive hiss and squeeze your eye(s) shut. 
The marred socket was still irritating and itchy, despite how well (you guessed) it was healing from the thick wadding that now covered it, covering half your face.
“You’re awake.”
You flinched at the sudden and familiar sound of...Fox, sitting on the other side of the room next to the closest window. He balanced an espresso cup on his knee and his legs crossed tight, sparing barely a glance at you as he looked out at the view outside. 
It was nighttime. How long has he been waiting for you to wake up?
"Hope you've been enjoying your little nap." He continued, his tone dry but lighthearted like he was talking to a neighbour or a colleague, as he took a quick sip from his cup, keeping his eyes on the night skyline outside. A city. "I can see the nurses have taken good care of you."
"Fox?" You mumbled warily as you sat up a little more on your best, pressing your free hand to your abdomen, trying to soothe the pain as the cuffs were pulled taught and tight against your other wrist. "Where...where am I?"
"Now that's a good question," He said with a thoughtful hum, finally looking over at you with more interest, one of his thick brows raising and wrinkling his forehead in a subtle way (a handsome way). 
He looked good, all things considered. He looked normal. 
He was dressed nicely, in a high-neck sweater and a well-pressed grey suit, his hair combed back and his ears standing high to attention. He looked like a man who had just walked straight out of a business meeting, handsome, in control, and a little intimidating to those that opposed him. 
You had to wonder how many other businessmen made their livings in snuff porn, though. 
Probably a few.
"How about you tell me how much you remember?" He then asked around the rim of the espresso cup as he took another sip, his tail swishing to and fro behind him.
Your brow furrowed pensively as you tried to remember...well, anything. 
You remembered the auction, the haze of colours, the bickering voices debating your worth, the burning stamp of red and blue (the occasional flicker of green) inside your lids. You remembered the announcer, his cheerful voice, and you remembered begging him to take you instead, to spare you from whatever these...people had planned for you. 
You remembered the cameras and the screens, the haze of white imprinted that had still soaked into your vision. You remembered the heckling from an unseen audience that cheered and begged for your blood, your suffering. 
You remembered the twisting ache of chains and bondage. You remembered your eye (or lack thereof), you remembered the demeaning costumes, you remembered the pain. You remembered the cell you were kept in and you remembered being so drugged up on painkillers most of the time, you could barely remember your name.
But you didn't remember why your abdomen was throbbing with agony or why every inch of your body was aching, and you didn't remember how you got here, or why you were still even alive.
Fox looked at your face, a light smile growing across his own (dimpling his deep smile lines and the markings on his cheeks) at the sight of your confusion and uncertainty.
"Do you remember anything?" He asked with a light chuckle after a few long moments, his ears flattening just a little on top of his head as he tilted his head. "Or is it all a blur?" He tutted softly with a shake of his head as his ears pointed again. “Poor dear. What’s gotten you so… lost?” 
His voice turned a touch condescending and mocking as he spoke those last few words, a subtle tone of amusement and pleasure behind them which made your aching stomach twist.
"Why am I still alive?" You said softly as you leaned up more, sitting up against the recline of the bed. "Why are we in a normal hospital? Why am I not in my cell?"
He was quiet for a moment, taking another drink from his cup, savouring the taste with an indulgent roll of his shoulders as he ran his tongue over his fangs in a slow and considered way. He then lowered the cup back down to his knee, with a light clatter of porcelain. 
"You really don't remember, hm?" He said dryly, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, his gaze golden and glittering with cruel amusement . You shook your head. "Well, what do you remember last? The auction, perhaps?"
"Uh…yeah, yeah, I remember that just fine." You said, a frown tightening the lines of your face (you wouldn't be surprised if you had more, you felt like you had aged decades). "I remember asking...begging, really, for you to take me instead of selling me to the others." You grimaced as you felt a sudden flare of pain in your shoulder, reaching up to idly knead at it and finding a thick swath of bandages stuck to your skin which spanned across your shoulder and down your bank. "It was...kind of a dumb choice, in hindsight."
"Well, that's one way of describing it." He continued, breathing out a short (practised) chuckle through his nose as a sharp smirk spread across his features, his fangs hooking over his lips the more he spoke. "But, and maybe I’m biased…I'd say it was probably the right choice." He then said, standing to his feet and pacing to the side of your bed, one hand in his pocket, his clawed thumb hooked around the fabric. "Wouldn't you agree?"
You weren’t too sure if you should agree or not, but he’d gotten you to a hospital and made sure you weren’t dead. What was the point in getting on his nerves now?
"I guess," You said with a shrug (despite your throbbing shoulder), letting your unrestrained arm drop back down to your side. The needle was starting to throb too, like you needed any more pain. "I'm alive, that's true...though I still don't really know why." You leaned back further against the hospital bed (the best you could), letting your head loll back on the cushions and considering him as he stepped closer. "You were going to kill me. I was sure of it."
"And yet, here you are!" He stood at the side of your bed, a wide and playful grin on my face as he set his coffee cup on the bedside table. “You’re alive, you’re healing, you're even relatively healthy, if your nurses are to be trusted. How lucky are you!”
Well, he was certainly right about that. Regardless of how much pain you were in, regardless of how much your body was throbbing and struggling just to keep you upright, you were healing. 
He was making sure you were healing. 
You swallowed hard, wondering why he was so determined for you to heal.
"I'm not going to.” He then said with a considered sigh. “Kill you, that is." You could see a little twinkle of mirth in his golden eyes as his head tilted again, his tail swishing behind him as he looked down on you. "What do you think that means, then? What does that mean to you?" He then asked, his voice playful and almost teasing, like he was telling you a good joke.
"I don't really know," You said, giving your cuff a little tug as you looked up at him with your good eye. “I…really don’t.”
"Well, since you’re so lost,” He grinned, his smile sharp and threatening (though you’re not sure he intended it that way). “Let me enlighten you." He perched himself on the side of your bed, resting a hand on your knee (underneath your blankets), the wide grin not leaving his face as he looked at you intently, his eyes bright and hungry . "It means… I like you too much to kill you. " 
You took in a sharp gasp, your eye(s) widening in shock once he assured you of the thing you were so scared of, so unsure of, (so secretly wanting of).
"Is that a good enough reason for you?" He then said softly. 
You could feel his warm breath across the side of your neck as he leaned a little closer to you, looking at you intently, his voice dripping, oozing with playful teasing. The touch on your knee tightened just a little.
"You...you like me?" You murmured quietly, so quiet that you were sure that only the two of you could hear it.
"Oh, darling ," He crooned softly as his grin eased just a touch into a smirk, his other hand reaching up to your chin to gently direct your gaze to his own, his eyes softening with fondness and...indisputable lust. "I adore you."
You swallowed a little tightly as he got closer to you, so close you could see the dimples of his smile lines, the creases around and under his eyes, and the freckles that dotted his cheeks.
You weren’t especially surprised by his admission. 
It did make sense, in hindsight, in some twisted kind of way. 
He had been quite sweet to you during the streams despite everything, taking the time to praise you when you behaved, to tend to your wounds, to assure you of his intentions and to make sure you were okay after all was said and done.
Maybe he did like you.
That didn't stop you from feeling nervous, though.
"And more than that..." He continued, his tail swaying just a little more (maybe it was even wagging…did foxes wag their tails?) “I want to keep playing with you , I want to make you beg for more, I want to own you." He leaned in a little bit closer, whispering in your ear softly, your faces inches apart as his soft, unruly hairs wisped against your cheek "I want to make you mine...and I always get what I want."
You were sure of that.
There were a few moments of heavy quiet, his breathing slow as he pulled away from you just a touch, enough that you could see his face, the soft flush to his cheeks, the mischievous, almost boy-ish twinkle in his eyes.
"So, what would your response be to that, then?" He whispered softly, his breath warm against your neck. "Do you want to be mine?"
"I mean…do I have much of a choice?" You asked quietly, though the warmth of his voice against your skin was…kind of nice and enough to make you shiver with a subdued rendition of pleasure.
"Not really, no," He said with a chuckle and a shake of his head, his expression fond and patient, almost like he had expected you to ask a question like that. "Either you become mine, or..." 
You swallowed again. 
He took another quiet moment to consider your expression, your stiff posture, the nervousness in your eyes, as if he was waiting for an answer, before he let out another little chuckle, shrugging his shoulders as he let go of your chin and gave you two light taps on the cheek.
You flinched, your face absolutely burning at the condescending little gesture. “Think about it!” He said easily, casually, like he was negotiating a business deal and not coercing you into a never-ending dynamic of ownership and servitude. He smiled and stood to his feet, letting go of your knee and giving his blazer a little tug to fix it into place. “You have plenty of time to, after all. And who knows?” He held his arms out in a wide gesture of casual friendliness. “You might come to like the idea!”
You didn’t say anything. Your cheeks were still blazing from the light taps.
“Well, get some rest, sweetie,” He then said, letting his arms drop to his sides with a quirked grin, showing you his fangs (again, you weren't sure if the threatening gesture was entirely on purpose). “I want you strong and healthy, after all! I’ll see you later.”
“Wait!” You said quickly, sitting forward and forcing the cuff on your wrist to pull tightly, almost digging into your skin as your arm was jerked back painfully. “Y-You’re going to leave me here? All on my own?”
“Mmhmm,” He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets and raising his brows at the quickness of your question, as if he was surprised that this was what you were concerned about. “There’s work to be done, after all. But I’ll visit you again soon, and your nurses will take great care of you.”
You sat back against the bed with a soft sound of defeat, looking down at your lap.
“Right, okay…” You murmured, fiddling with your fingers (the best you could with the cuff so tight). “...How soon?”
You flinched again when Fox let out a string of barking laughs, real and loud and authentic , his shoulders shaking with amusement and his tail wagging as he did his best to cover his amusement with his hands.
“Oh! Oh my, oh darling,” He said through his giggles, leaning towards you again, his hands on the bed and his smiling face near yours. “That is absolutely precious, it really is! You’re so needy already,” He grinned then and pressed his nose into your hair, like a quick affectionate nuzzle. It’s almost a kiss and it almost makes your heart race. “And oh-so-sweet. We’re going to have such a good time together, I can already tell.” 
You didn’t say anything, but your flushing face said more than enough for him.
“Rest up. And try not to miss me too much, okay?~ ❤”
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