#not to mention I’m in high school
constarlations · 24 days
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🍊 Big Sis Nemona 🍊
my favorite Unovan/Latina Pokémon trainer ever created
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the-crimson · 9 months
Aight thoughts on todays bbh lore cuz we got A LOT. Just stay with me through my nerding about trees it’ll be worth it XD
We pretty much got 100% confirmation that he is intentionally hurting Baghera and Forever and that he thinks of himself as expendable. What fascinates me the most is when Bad asked Foolish this
“Is there anything wrong with burning the forest to save the trees?”
At first glance you might think YES if u burn the forest then there won’t be any trees??!! However it is a custom on fire risk zones to create controlled fires that burn up brush and dead trees so that the risk of a natural and far more devastating fire is reduced. Additionally, if a fungus infects a forest, burning the infected trees may be the only way to prevent the spread to the rest of the forest.
On top of that, there is a specific type of tree species that requires fires in order to reproduce. These are often Pine trees that drop pinecones. Pinecones hold seeds inside them that only germinate when immense heat is applied to them: the heat of a forest fire. When they are within these temperatures, the seeds germinate and the pine cones pop, scattering the seeds on the forest floor. These trees adapted to form a symbiotic relationship with fire one of if not the most destructive natural forces on the earth.
Do you know one of the trees that has developed this adaption? Redwoods.
Do you know which tree bbh brought up when giving Jaiden a PINECONE gift for her birthday today? A Redwood.
I’m like actually going insane. This can’t be a coincidence right????? I’m not going crazy right???
The whole reason I noticed this scene is because I live near the redwood forests in California and I know all about the way these trees depend on fires for their survival. It’s something that’s always fascinated me. That’s when I assume Bad was going to ask foolish the above question before Jaiden and Teana cut their conversation short while they were talking on the Titian . He literally had these specific trees on his mind when he was going to ask about burning down the forest.
Let me tell you another thing about Redwood trees. They are ancient. They are massive. They are sturdy. Natural fires are a common phenomenon here and a majority of the redwoods survive with barely a scratch, maybe an inch or two of its outer bark scorched. Nothing it won’t grow past in a year or two when these trees easily live for 500+ years.
(Side note, if there is one place in America you should visit it’s the redwood forests of California. It is literally like entering a portal to another world. These trees are 10-15 ft in diameter easily and you can just feel how ancient the forests are. It’s one of my all time favorite places to go)
So, in the situation Bad is proposing, burning the forest to save the trees, he is actively thinking about Redwoods in this hypothetical. Not only trees that are extremely resistant to fire but trees that depend on fire to survive. That completely changes the way he is approaching this question.
In his hypothetical, the forest will burn. The animals will die. The brush and non redwoods will turn to ash. The land will be scarred and the trees themselves may look dead, branchless and black. But. But. A season will pass and new branches will peel through the charcoal. Seeds deep in the soil will surge forth as the soil is fed nutrients from the ash. Animals will return. Pinecones will shed their fertilized seeds to give birth to a new generation of trees. And by next year, the forest will look just as vibrant as it had before the fire. Trees may bear the scars of the flames but life continues and it continues and it continues always.
I might actually be going crazy bbh makes me crazy cc!bbh makes me crazy I’m losing my mind
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stuckinapril · 4 months
I’ve always loved medicine bc it’s the perfect intersection of science and humanity—the two things I value above all else in this world. Truly adored it since I was in the cradle. But now I’m thinking about how so much of my journey to neurosurgery will have to involve KILLING my feelings essentially bc how do you survive otherwise
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montymollusk · 5 months
“kids are so stupid these days, the ipad babies are ruining the world, ten year olds skip school and goes to sephora—“ do you have any idea what it’s been like to go to american public school within the last 15 years? can you blame a child for not wanting to spend 8 hours a day in a place where their safety and autonomy aren’t just not considered, but are blatantly denied?
mass shootings every day. funding being cut. school lunches— which were already the bare minimum in terms of nutrition— being removed. those alone would give anyone trauma, but even without those things the power structures inside of the average public school are designed to wring the individuality out of a child. (and that’s not even mentioning the way that neurodivergent kids are left out to dry by the school system, or how any marginalized kid can be tortured by their peers with no repercussions!) it’s designed to be miserable, and yet somehow people are surprised that kids don’t want to be there.
sandy hook happened in 2012, and nothing changed. uvalde ten years later, and still nothing. kids were forced back into overcrowded, unsanitary classrooms while covid was still killing thousands every day— most after having missed critical social development during lockdown, which there was no support for recovering from. children are being forced to see politicians debate the “ethics” of feeding them, letting them express their gender identity, allowing them to access accurate information about history as if their futures are just hypothetical. along with that is the social media boom, where marginalized people can create communities like never before, and those same kids are realizing that the systems they’ve been shoved into are broken. they’re being showed how awful the situation really is, and still completely powerless to change anything.
can you imagine having to go through all that and still pass your standardized fucking tests? my god, it’s a wonder that schools aren’t completely empty by now. we’re getting there though— i can’t count how many stories i’ve heard of kids dealing with truancy charges because of how many days of school they’ve “skipped” due to extreme anxiety or burnout. i’m one of them! i barely graduated in 2018, and the conditions were leagues better then!
people bitch about the “decline in intelligence” between generations, as if it’s the kids fault for the state of the world, as if this isn’t the inevitable conclusion for the public school system in this country. it feels deliberately ignorant— have you not watched the news recently? does it not evoke any empathy, does it not fill you with rage? how in the world could you pin the blame on kids here?
everyone says protect the children, and yet. fuckin sickening.
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whatsupspaceman · 1 month
made this specifically for the 90s 2000s kids. don’t ask me why i grouped them like this i simply was going on vibes
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talesfromthecrypts · 8 months
Dear friend, one of my favorite tropes is cult horror (as in horror centered around a cult, not cult classic films) do you have any recs now that Tuesday the 31st is around the corner? I know classic horror blog posted some recently but I'd seen a lot of em. [Sidebar, it never ceases to be funny to me that he and yourself are some of the most popular horror posters on this site while your names are. Trent and Brittany, some of the most stereotypical popular kids who don't like horror names there are lol]
I don’t remember what he posted so I might repeat some movies but here we go:
The Wicker Man (duh)
The Invitation (2015)
The Empty Man
The Void
The Endless
Satanic Panic
V/H/S/2 (Safe Haven segment)
The City of the Dead
All the Colors of the Dark
The Sacrament
Lord of Illusions
Kill List
Drive Angry
Red State
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brainbubblegum · 11 months
HEY YOU!!!! 🫵
Are you a Christian?✝️
Is your faith wavering, but you’re still latched onto your beliefs because if you don’t, you worry about the possibility of going to 🔥HELL🔥????
Do you worry obsessively about the end times and the pain dynamics of burning in a lake of fire for all eternity and how that would all work out, like if your soul would get used to it or if the fire would find a way to hurt more over time, like what is eternal torture even??? 🔥🐥🔥🍗🔥🪨🔥
Do you worry about questioning your faith for even a second, because you’re certain that the moment you did, the antichrist would reveal himself and everyone but you would be raptured????? 🙂😈
Do I have the book for you:
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robotwrangler · 3 months
28 year old men at uni can’t get enough of my approachable theythem swag
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averagemrfox · 5 months
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Sometimes I remember that these two (Tommy Siegel guitarist of my favorite band and Emily Axford one of my favorite live play dnd players) dated in college and laugh a little
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strawberrryangel · 6 months
self care is skipping dialogue in supernatural when the men say weird things ❤️
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szczylpierdolony · 2 days
oh and speaking of mata. first semester of uni i listened to szafir so much that to this day whenever i hear it i get transported back in time and it feels like being 19 and wearing a ln olive green chunky turtleneck and a long skirt with big flowers on it and the clear phonecase and red wired earphones and the weather being shit and feeing deeply out of place and lonely but also weirdly at peace with everything
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grayintogreen · 8 months
The jump scare when Liam said “make Orym’s mom Cherry Jones as a halfling” knocked six years off my life. Like DEEP FUCKING CUT LIAM. STAY OUT OF MY HOUSE.
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greenieart · 1 month
your LoD art made me remember how much I loved this series back when I was in high school. thanks for the lovely trip down memory lane, and your art is absolutely gorgeous
AWW THANKS SO MUCH!!! These books have been so much fun to read over the last several months and they’ve honestly single-handedly rekindled my own childhood love for reading and high fantasy. I’m happy to hear that you like my art and that my own enjoyment of this series has brought back good memories for you, I’m honored 💚
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bloodheartz · 2 months
I’m at the worst I’ve been mentally since I tried to kill myself. lol
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phantom-does-a-thing · 5 months
Nothing is interesting anymore. I don’t want to write, or play video games, doing other art is too much work and I have no inspiration. Watching YouTube is tedious at best because I have nothing interesting to watch after I finish the series I’m currently working through. I have no shows to watch on tv. I don’t want to listen to any of the podcasts I listen to. And even talking with friends is too much work and too much stress.
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kiwisandpearls · 2 months
your experiences are not universal, just because you were taught media literacy well in school does not mean everyone else around you was taught media literacy well or even at all. Just because you were taught media literacy well does not mean everyone around you was just shit at paying attention
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