#not throwing the chair at Lucy of course
emptyjunior · 19 days
I would like Lucy to be revived and the ratgrinders reformed for one sole purpose, and that is so Kristen can see a tall lesbian and (jokingly, light heartedly) flirt with her and Lucy would laugh it off and then Kipperlilly would expand to the size of the sun with blind rage.
Kristen with linecook deli guy energy of just rizzing up any pretty girl in their peripheral: Hey beautiful!
Lucy, friendly and of course not taking it seriously: haha stop.
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koolades-world · 3 months
Ok ok ok hear me out because this is gonna be so cute
All the brothers but Lucifer turning into babies/toddlers and it’s just the most adorable thing ever
Mammon is clinging to his older brother like he’s his life support(if Lucifer puts him down he cries) 🥺
Omg I’m gonna cry thinking about this
Ok so back to the original thing I was gonna say
Can you do headcanons / a fanfic of MC helping Lucifer deal with his now baby brothers and actually has a knack for it
Like they’re rocking them to sleep, helping feed them, playing with them, etc
MC also obviously takes pictures of Lucifer taking care of his brothers too and it’s the absolute cutest thing you’ve ever seen
The brother’s ages also depend on how old they actually are, so mammon is like 4, Levi is maybe 3, Satan is 2, Asmo is 1, and of course the twins are like a few months old
Belphie and Beel cannot be separated or they will start crying
OMG asmo saying his first words / taking his first steps
I’m actually gonna cry this is so cute
I can totally see Satan insisting he doesn’t wanna be near Lucifer but the moment Lucifer isn’t within his sights he starts throwing a tantrum because he does indeed want to be near him
(Can we also get his reaction to MC humming Belphie and Beel to sleep)
hi!! AWWW this is literally so cute!!!!
parent mc and luci <333
decided to do hcs and a drabble since this is just so so so adorable. i could totally be talked into writing more of this concept haha
please enjoy!
Mc and Lucifer take care of his brothers as babies
I've already decided this was def solomon's fault, just like most other shenanigans
lucifer was at home with his brothers, and you happened to be with diavolo, helping him with a redecoration project at the palace
he could hear his brother yelling in the living room, but suddenly, it all stopped. at first he wasn’t too alarmed, but as the silence persisted, he decided to get up and check it out since his older brother instincts began to kick in
solomon actually met him at his door, word vomited, and almost vanished on him. lucifer managed to catch him by the collar and made him repeat himself
when he finally explained what happened, lucifer almost dropped him out of shock and called you up because he needed major help
once you arrived, you were less upset than lucifer
while he was stressed already, you couldn't help but coo at how adorable they all were
mammon and levi were arguing about something you couldn't understand, satan was occupied with a pillow with tassels on the couch, asmo was playing with the ends of solomon's cape, and the twins were fast asleep
luci fully expects you to back out, and is prepared to deal with them on his own, but is surprised when you scoop up asmo and began playing with him
after that, he learns what a wizz you were with kids
when they had a problem, you were on top of it
the two of you took turns changing diapers and things like that but he was surprised on just how much you were able to handle on your own
his brothers also adored you and were always competing for you attention and showing you all of their things
anything you did, they would want to do too, which was both cute and useful
in the meantime, solomon was supposedly trying to find a reversal spell or potion of some kind, but lucifer didn't really believe him
a few times, you had visitors. luci only allowed diavolo, barbatos, luke, simeon, and solomon into the house. luke had lots of fun and helped you take care of the brothers, while lucifer and simeon talked and did other chores
over this time, luci learnt a lot about you, and grew to appreciate you evermore
"Mammon! Levi! Time for dinner. Come sit down please." You set out four plates of vegetables, pasta, and chicken nuggets for the older brothers. Asmo and Satan were already in their chairs, waiting for food to be served. While they ate, you and Lucifer would feed the twins from a bottle. You'd fallen into a routine and learnt exactly how each of the boys liked everything done.
The two, who were running around the dinner table, settled into their chairs beside each other, and began to eat. Granted, they were arguing the entire time, but as long as they ate their food, you could care less. The arguing became background noise quickly enough.
Once they were mostly finished eating, Lucifer took them upstairs to get ready for bed, while you handled the twins. To make things easier, the two of you decided to let them all sleep in Lucifer's bed. At first, you had wanted to keep Beel and Belphie in a crib in his office, so the others didn't wake them up, but they couldn't rest there for more than an hour or so without waking up and bawling their eyes out.
As Lucifer got his younger brothers into their pajamas for bed, they all began to act as they had every night when he did that routine with them nightly, such as beginning to get restless and whining about bedtime. As he did, and while he humored them, he remembered how thankful he was for you and how he wouldn't be able to do any of this without a child expert like you.
It took him a while, but eventually, he had them to bed, and while it took a little longer, you had the twins to bed temporarily, to give the two of you time to get ready for bed.
"Mc." Lucifer greeted you as you walked into the room with a nod.
"Hey! Everything all good?" You slid into the seat next to him and began eating the plate of food he had set out for you.
"Yes. They're all asleep but I had to promise Mammon cartoons tomorrow morning. Expect to be woken up early." He chuckled a little.
"Ahh, that's alright. Could be worse. Besides, you love him." You smiled at Lucifer. He had finished eating, and was just relaxing, and enjoying the silence. As you continued to talk to him, he sat and stared at you. After a while, you realize he hadn't said much of anything. "What's wrong? Something on my face?" You wiped your face with a napkin.
"No, no. I just wanted to tell you thank you." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Even if this is the rest of out lives, I wouldn't mind, as long as you're here." Lucifer had never said something so sweet so randomly to you.
"Luci! You're too kind. Thank you too." You threw your arms around him. You were thankful for him too, and while you didn't exactly know how to put it in words, you tried your best to put all your feelings into that hug.
Once the two of you were done there and ready for bed, you got the twins and joined his other brothers in bed. You were able to drift to sleep with a baby on your arms and with the thoughts of Lucifer's true affections for you.
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f10werfae · 1 year
Sugar Sweet Thong
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Wife!Reader
warning: After Y/n gets a new thong, away up in his cabin where no one can touch her but him, her wild man of a husband can’t keep his hands off her (Major Dom Henry)
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
requests are open/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form
“Baby, how did your little gift exchange thing go today? n’ what’s behind your beautiful body?”Henry asked watching his girl creep in through the front door, a clearly visible Victoria Secret bag in her hands. “It went well” She said shortly, her act falling once Henry patted his knees, beckoning her to sit on his beefy thighs; a strong arm curling around her waist. “Well what’d ya get sugar? C’mon n’ let me see, even brought more firewood in so we can snuggle in close tonight”
He growled nuzzling his nose against her cheek, his lips pressing a sloppy kiss onto her jaw. “We actually did something a little different this year, w-we did a thong exchange, so we all-“
“So you all bought each other thongs huh? Go on baby, show me your pretty new lace on for me to play with” Henry leant back in the arm chair, Y/n easily cuddling back with him, instantly missing his body heat. Henry’s arm around her waist softly stroked her stomach, his fingers teasing the rim of her underwear
“But that’s embarrassing! I can just hold it up for youu” Y/n whined shoving her face in his neck, the smell of pinewood and cologne filling her nose, his chequered over-shirt unbuttoned to reveal a tight white shirt.
A year ago Henry took a trip to the closest town for new tools, his eyes immediately caught onto the sweet little thing working in her grandparent’s candy shop. Dressed in a lavender dress she always greeted him with a smile, clinging onto his burly arms every time they walked about town, gaining a few stares as people thought ‘How could such a grumpy thing get that light?’
Of course once Henry convinced her to elope, it only made sense that she moved out with him to his isolated luxurious cabin out on the slopes. Their wedding consisted of just her family, Henry’s being nowhere in site but that didn’t bother any of them, frankly Y/n’s parents were just glad she was finally married despite her still being in her early 20s; for a man in his 30s like Henry to want their daughter’s hand in marriage, that was a gift.
“You’re my wife, if anythin the lace is the frame for my pretty picture. Now go get the damn thong on” Henry said more dominantly slapping Y/n’s ass causing her to squeal and giggle to their shared bedroom.
Pulling the thong up her thighs, Y/n couldn’t help but feel confident at the sight of the new lace on her body, when her friend’s words came back to her. “Come on Y/n, think of it as a present for both you and your grumpy ol’ man” Lucy giggled handing Y/n the bag.
Putting on one of Henry’s plaid shirts over her, she walked back out to the armchair in front of the log fire, wearing nothing underneath but her new thong. “Well?” Henry asked taking another swig of beer, throwing his cap onto the floor.
Y/n shyly pulled up the shirt revealing it to her husband, causing him to sit up and lean forward, his nose hitting her mound. “Sugar, you decorated my flower with another pretty flower, how thoughtful of you” He said looking up at her before taking his tongue and striping a lick up her thinly covered pussy.
“W-what are you doing Hen?” Y/n asked threading her fingers through his messy curls, his, “Kissing my pretty pussy” Henry growled placing kisses all over, finally setting one on her clit, causing his woman to slightly jolt in his hold. Henry leant back, unbuckling the belt she had recently gotten him for Christmas, his jeans falling to just his knees.
“Sit on my lap baby, get comfortable with your man, tell me about your day, wan’ hear all about it” Nodding Y/n sat back on his lap, the only thing between her pussy and his thick cock, being her lace thong. He wrapped one arm around her waist, the other starting to slowly rub her clit through the lace as she talked.
“W-we went to starbucks, oh fuck, and- and then”
“Language baby” Henry growled slapping her pussy out of nowhere, before going back to slowly playing with her nub, his other arm making sure she doesn’t wiggle away from him.
“T-then we went back to Grace’s and we did the thong- thong exchange” Y/n gasped feeling Henry’s cock slide between her thighs, his red head bumping her clit every single time, just like he wanted. “That’s it baby, keep talking to me” Henry urged, his fingers going into his mouth and going back onto her clit, his other hand groping onto her right breast as she clawed onto his arms.
“Can’t do it, feels too good bear” Y/n breathed out leaning her head back onto his shoulder, his lips instantly landing onto her cheek, her head turning to give him a small kiss on the lips. “Got you all dumbed up on my cock, right honey? Can’t think when i’m all up on you, you drive me crazy” He growled fixing her up tighter against him, both his hands now going to her waist for his next move.
“Can’t imagine what woulda happened if I didn’t marry ya and bring you up here with me, you ever going to keep my pussy away from me?” Henry taunted pushing her body up and down, his cock sliding up and down her pussy lips which were now visible with the soaked lace.
“N-no. is’ your pussy baby, can have it whenever you want” Y/n moaned, her eyes going to the back of her head, knowing damn well that his words were enough to make her cum then and there. “Want you inside me Hen”
“Nuh-uh honey, maybe tomorrow, m’tired tonight. You understand right? Was busy working for us day n’ night” Henry said smirking knowing damn well his bank accounts were big enough to supply them another 10 lifetimes, but his baby didn’t need to know that, and she wouldn’t.
“Y-you’re right Hen, m’sorry, love you so much” Y/n whimpered feeling tears prick her eyes, her head turning coaxing out Henry’s tongue with her own, their rapid movements causing their kiss to turn wet and messy real quick. Filthy just like they both liked it. “I love you too baby. I’m going to cum on top of your pussy, that okay sugar?” He asked in her ear, her voice now rasped and broken as she screamed for him to do so. His cock painting the lilac lace white with his cum, Y/n’s eyes starting to lid close from exhaustion
“Can I at least keep this pair?” Y/n shuddered feeling her husband peel the sticky fabric down her thighs, watching as he threw it to somewhere in the living room, her eyes basically love hearts as she watched him attend to her. Kissing her nose, giving her a massive drink of water, bringing her back onto his lap this time with a soft blanket.
“You know the rules sugar, no underwear indoors” Henry whispered watching their log fire, his arms clasped around her waist as she resumed her story of her day, her nails softly playing with the wedding bands on their fingers. “Then I saw Stephanie’s new baby, n’ I was thinking can we have one?”
Henry woke up from his daydream to see Y/n looking up at him cutely, a sweet sugar like smile on her face, “Course baby, i’ll give you anything you want”
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @stormcloudss @keiva1000 @spencerreidat4am @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @hp-hogwartsexpress @lastwandastan @fdl305 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @aerangi @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @sparklemarysunshine @oliviah-25 @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mansaaay @princess-paramour @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @mysticfalls01 @kebabgirl67 @athena-roy @tinyelfperson @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @beck07990 @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke
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hellsslibrary · 1 year
ahem ahem sorry, valentine is day has already passed ofc BUT the card with lucifer and the choice at the end where you could kneel in front of him... can you continue this situation? as you like, but i would add praise and maybe luci is more sensitive (after a combination of sweets and tea, as in the story) . tysm if you do!! 🥴
♡If your upper lip is morning and your lower lip is night, then I'll be somewhere in between♡
DNI: Minors.
!!Warnings: blowjob, fingering (Luci accepts), praise (both ways), hair pulling, cum inside the mouth and swallowing sperm, overstimulation, admiration for Luci's body, cheesy flirting, MC instead of [Your name], master kink.
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{ —Are you pretending to submit to me? Not that I'm complaining. }
He blushes after these words, exhaling convulsively while you rest your head on the inside of his thigh and look at him in confusion.
"Luci, you've been acting weird ever since we entered the house. Is everything okay?" - you stroke his opposite thigh.
"The combination of this tea and that chocolate, apparently, really causes strange sensations, [MC]... "
He sighs again, taking off his coat and carefully hanging it on the back of the sofa. His cheeks are burning with a bright crimson light, his breathing is absolutely knocked down, and his mouth is slightly open. His hand, slightly trembling, lies on the top of your head and strokes your hair.
"Are you excited, Lucifer?" he sighs with displeasure, but nods, leaning back on the sofa.
"Make me feel good, [MC], please..." - he jerks his hips slightly in your direction and his boner touches your nose.
"[MC]?" you say in a mocking tone, holding his hips in place.
He exhales convulsively and looks at you with the most impatient and dissatisfied expression on his face, but says:
"Please... Master, make me feel good."
"Well, that's it. You can be a good boy... When you're in the mood for it, of course,"- you whisper, moving to his crotch.
Your hands expertly unbutton his belt, and then snap the button on his trousers. Your teeth cling to the metal zipper and you feel him moaning over you in surprise, but quietly. You look up and look into his red, lust-filled eyes. His outer wrist rests on his lips, covering them. And you see how his neck twitches when he swallows, when you slowly slide the zipper of his trousers over his erection.
You pull down his trousers, and then his boxers to his feet, and then completely removing them and handing them to Lucifer, because you know perfectly well that he will be unhappy if you throw clothes somewhere. He carefully folds it and puts it on the next chair so that this stack, if anything, does not interfere with you.
You're humming, looking at his penis in front of you, a very thin trickle of precum is already flowing down it. You giggle, lovingly kissing his head, feeling him twitch from it.
"Please don't tease... I want you to suck me off, master, please. I want to be in your mouth, " - he whispers, moving his hips forward.
And you finally get to work. You lick the strip from his head to his base, slide your tongue back up, licking his head and putting it in your mouth. A groan of satisfaction is heard from above. You decide not to stop and take more, until about the moment when his cock began to rest against the back of your throat.
"Ye— yes, that's it, mgm, very good... Ah, damn, Master. Please don't stop, " - he mutters, to which you chuckle, causing a fleeting vibration along his excited penis, causing a stronger warmth in the bottom of his stomach.
You continue to suck almost all of his cock, trying to satisfy his need for release as much as possible. You choke when you feel your hair being pulled and you meet his pubis with your nose. Your bewildered gaze rises to him while he looks at you and only by one look can you tell that he is accidentally.
But a predatory grin blooms on your lips, from which he swallows. You tear yourself away from his penis, which makes him whine, but does not say anything, then spit on your fingers, move his body slightly down, which makes him squeal, and then again take his slightly salty, preculate penis into your mouth.
You trace the edge of his hole with your finger, lightly pressing on it in order to hit him. He whines and his feet rest on your shoulders and press your head closer. So are his hands clutching your hair. You giggle and stick your finger into it, it emits a deep, hoarse and surprisingly loud moan. He wasn't too vocal, but now...
"Please, master, more, f-fuck, more... I ,ah, want more, " - he whispers, while his head is lying on the back of the sofa, and rare tears are running down his cheeks.
You feel him twitching and start moving faster along his trunk, and also add two more fingers. An even stranger moan comes out of his mouth. He has never been so vocal before that it seems strange to you. You feel your cock pulling the fabric of your trousers tighter and tighter.
"I'm going to cum, please..! Don't stop, I beg you! It's so good that I'm ready to die. "
You seriously wonder if it was definitely not an aphrodisiac or something like it. He's so cute now, although he's very rarely, if ever, like that. But you try to nod as well as possible to let him cum.
A loud "Thank you!" escapes from his lips. and after a few thrusts in his ass and on his dick, he cums in your mouth with a loud moan. You also move your fingers slightly to help him survive an orgasm while you swallow his sperm, trying not to spill any drops.
And then with a loud pop you tear yourself away from his penis and take out your hand, looking at his beautiful figure. His chest heaves with each of his quick breaths and exhalations, a thread of saliva flows down his chin, as well as several streams of tears, and his hair, the ones you see, is absolutely disheveled.
"Hey, Luci..." he slowly looks down at you as you stroke his inner thigh. "If your left foot is north and your right foot is west, I'd like to go northwest. "
He blinks a few times and then chuckles, hitting you lightly on the head.
"If your upper lip is morning and your lower lip is night, then I'll be somewhere in between. " - you both laugh, but then you lower his legs from your shoulders and get to your feet.
You tower over him, and then bend down, placing one of your hands next to his head.
"Well, since we have time for a chessy flirtation, which I started, then I'll finish. " - he looks at you in confusion, but there is a flicker of interest in his eyes. - "Of course I'm not an elevator, but you can go down and up on me. "
He emits a quiet "Oh...", pulling you by the shirt, throwing you on your back on the sofa and sat on your lap, unbuckling your belt.
"Then I'll ride the elevator until morning, until I completely run out and Mr. Elevator squeezes all the juices out of me. "
You laugh, which makes him blush slightly, realizing how stupid and childish he looked right now, but not that you mind. You're going to squeeze all the juice out of him, just like he wants, right?
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Alright everyone, buckle up. My Susan post talks about what happens to her after the story unfolds.
But what about the rest of the Pevensies?
Today, Lucy. ________________________________________
Lucy misses Narnia with every breath she takes.
England holds no magic, nothing as exasperating as the call of the fauns, the thrill of battle, the lightness that comes when she drinks too much meade.
Lucy comes back to an England in the middle of a war, is told to put up and shut up. Gone are the country days; Lucy is prepared for a normal life. And she manages. Mostly.
Because despite the quick wit and the inner light, that has only grown stronger, England can make little sense of the girl. A girl much wilder than the rest of them, much more polite.
Lucy takes to boarding school like a fish takes to dry land. No teacher ever sees the girl watching the board, and yet she never misses a word. Other girls do not understand her, this girl that only speaks in riddles and never wears shoes when it isn't mandatory.
Lucy, full of Aslan's words and eager to make something of herself, tries, really tries, to be friends with her schoolmates.
But her maturity goes far beyond being ahead on the school material. Her sense of morals and silver tongue do not allow for the backstabbing, gossiping girls that every boarding school has to cast her out, but she doesn't really belong, neither.
Everyone knows Lucy always listens. Few stay in her company long enough to figure out she also understands. No 13 year old girl should know that much about the war economy. Or about anything, really.
She's wild. Her books are full of drawings, her speech contains figures of speech no one has ever heard.
At school they take self-defense lessons one day -the war could come to England, after all- and Lucy cleaves a wooden block clean in two.
Her partner doesn't even see her move her leg.
Lucy always lifts her finger when drinking tea, has never broken a promise. She sits straight up in her chair, doesn't make a single error when she speaks. She doesn't get into fights with other girls, no matter how hard they try. It is impossible to outmanouver her verbally.
Everyone wonders if her brothers taught her to curse along with the debate training she has obvioulsy had.
Well-behaved isn't the word; Lucy is peculiar.
The only one who gets it, aside from Susan, is her dancing instructor. The man had taught royalty, ages ago. He moves four times the pace with her as he does with the rest of the class. There is an elegance to her, once you get used to the wandering eyes and the bare feet.
Lucy moves like a hurricane on legs. He teaches her tango, ballroom. Soon he has nothing to offer but better instructors. Lucy never misses a step. When dancing, her eyes are blazing. She is a district champion before the age of 14; on course to be a world champion before 18.
The old man does tell stories, however. Of when he was a young man, when he taught the queen. Lucy only feels alive then.
She moves through the years normally. In time, girls come to respect her maturity, learn not to ask who taught her how to ride horses and dance and throw knives. Lucy is always positive, rarely without a smile. She's not diplomatic like her sister. People come to her nonetheless. It feels impossible to remain somber in her presence. Yet she stays ahead of her peers. She isn't mature earlier, but rather just more.
Like she's lived another life.
The boys take notice, too. She has an inner light that shines very brightly, seems to believe in and embody magic. They try to woo her during gala's and dancing competitions, making bets among themselves who can get her to dance. Rarely do they succeed; Lucy sees through them almost instantly. Only when true and without ulterior motive does she accept invitations for dinner, drinks or dancing. And not without reason; a kiss from her is a nightcap unlike anything else.
Lucy's and the Pevensies' personal history becomes somewhat of an urban legend. Everyone has a theory, no one ever knows. One of the girls gets the bright idea to steal Lucy's diary from her room when she is away, but the stories are in a language none of them can read.
The next day, the girl doesn't show up. She's suddely gotten acne so bad she needs to take medication for it. Lucy's diary remains untouched for the rest of her years in the boarding school.
She has strange friends. Old professors, middleaged women, younger acquitances. They are all wild and like her. Among themselves they speak a language no one understands. Everyone thinks it must be an As(l)ian one.
The bond with her sister deteriorates over the years; at the end of her time there they are not close like they were at the beginning. Every girl in her dorm has a crush on one of the Pevensie brothers, however. They visit often, seem taller than they should.
Lucy smiles and dances and flirts and lives. But she is the one that misses magic the most. She sees the looks, feels the distance. She is the sun, but while everyone feels her warmth, none come too close.
When the spectre appears to warn them of problems in Narnia she finally feels like herself again. A queen of old, called on for aid. She jumps at the chance. She finds the rings, gets on the train.
When it crashes, she is thinking of Narnia.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
hello my love <3 can i request fluff with lockwood where y/n is sick and she also has injury on her hand (something like lucy's maybe?) and when lockwood wants to clean it she's not happyy about that 'cause she only wants to sleep and he's like "i'm your fully qualified doctor, remember? you have to listen to me, love", btw i absolutely adore your stories, keep writing cause you're amazingg, mwah <3
a/n: of course!!! domestic lockwood is the best in my humble opinion. and im so glad you like my stuff so much, love you my dear <3 also taking this as an opportunity to apologise for the terrible titles for most of my fics i spend ages thinking but can never think of something good lmao
warnings: minor injury detail gn reader
Perfect - Anthony Lockwood
The library is the warmest room in the house, and by far your favourite, so it's no surprise when Lockwood finds you there, curled up on your designated armchair close to dozing. He smiles at you as he steps in, carrying a tray of something or other that he places down on the little coffee table before sitting in his armchair.
There's something about him today that makes you want to laugh. Maybe it's the way he's been mothering you all day because you're ill. Maybe it's the lack of Anthony Lockwood professionalism he has today, what with his crinkled hoodie and pink fluffy socks - aren't those the ones George has been looking for? He's so unlike his usual self today, but also inadvertently just like himself. A walking anomaly.
"How are you feeling now?" he asks quietly, as if your ears may explode if he speaks too loud. "Any better?"
"No better than I did seven minutes ago," you say with a laugh. "Lockwood, you don't have to keep a constant eye on me. You've got things to do."
"One of which being to take care of you," he says. "Which reminds me, are you finally going to let me take a look at that cut on your arm? It needs cleaning."
"I trust you with my life, but I do not trust you with the first aid kit. You'll shove half a tube of Germaline on it. Besides, I want to go to sleep, and here is cosier than my room."
He gives you a look, but it's halfhearted. "You can sleep once I've cleaned it. I've brought you some of your favourite biscuits and a brew in return."
You lift your head from where it had laid on your arms. "Doesn't sound like a very fair trade for you."
"Ah, I'll cope."
"Well, it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm sure it's healed amazingly and then I'll be back to my wonderful self in no time."
"I'm not leaving until I've at least taken a look at it. Then after that, you can have your tea and go to sleep." His grin is dazzling then. It's the kind he always uses when he's trying to get his way. "I'm your fully qualified doctor, remember? You've got to listen to me."
If you could be bothered, you could push for him to leave you in peace, but your head feels like it's full of water and you want to go to sleep. So, begrudgingly, you shift so that your arm hangs over the armrest of your chair.
The gentleness of Lockwood's hands as he takes your arm and slowly, carefully peels off the plaster you haphazardly placed on shocks you. His fingers are soft, holding your arm as if it's a delicate thing that could break at any moment.
He takes a minute to just look at the gash on your forearm. It's no longer than your index finger, cutting diagonally across halfway up, and it's still oozing some blood. The plaster is covered in it, and he deftly throws it into the bin before taking his little first aid kit from the tray he brought in. Its original purpose was for you to use it on him whenever he got banged up on cases, which was more often than not, but there's something strangely special about him using it on you now. It makes you feel a little giddy.
"You got this from a glass door, right?"
You're acutely aware of his touch as he shifts his grip so as to clean the cut. "Yeah. George knocked me into it by accident. I'm surprised this is all I got out of it."
His reply comes in the form of a quiet hum. As he cautiously cleans the wound, you watch as his brows furrow a little with concentration, creasing a little line between them, and his top lip twitches a little bit. A little quirk, you've noticed, when he's particularly invested in something. Usually, it's the latest gossip rag, in which he always loses sight of the real world, but now it's you. A small flutter arises in your chest.
He wipes over a small part of the gash, and you suck in a sharp breath. The sound makes him falter, the wipe hovering an inch above your skin as he looks up at you.
For a moment, then, you forget about the pain. Through his thick lashes, his eyes are brimmed with worry and apologies, but after insistence that you're fine, he continues to clean the fresh blood away.
"Let me put the cream on the plaster," you murmur. "You'll put way too much on."
He smiles. "Who's the qualified doctor here?"
"In all honesty, Skull is probably better at this kind of thing than you are."
"I'll pretend I didn't hear that."
But, even still, he passes you the tube of Germaline and a long plaster. A moment later, you pass it back, and with delicate hands, he places it over the gash. It stings a little, and you hiss at the sudden cold, but the feelings are gone before the minute is even over.
"Perfect," he says with a soft, private smile. "All sorted."
His hand lingers, still holding your arm, and you suddenly feel more awake than ever. It's as if the tiredness has just melted away into the cushions of the armchair and down into the floor with only his touch, and you yearn for him to not let go. To stay exactly where he is.
And, as if having read your mind, he does.
If someone were to walk in, the scene would be strange. You, curled up in your seat with your arm hanging over the armrest, head resting on your own shoulder, and Lockwood, holding your arm as if it's some valuable thing, and simply looking at you with those expressive eyes of his.
"How do you feel?" he asks. His voice is a little breathy.
You're trying not to focus on the feeling of his fingers slipping down your arm until they almost - almost - slot in between yours. You shift slightly so that your head is in a position that isn't causing a crick in your neck, and it only grants a better view of him. His dark hair glowing bronze in the firelight, the ever so faint freckles on his nose, the dip in the left corner of his lip that insinuates another smile.
"A little better." The words almost catch in your throat when his fingers curl around yours just so. They don't hold yours, but they're so, so close. You can feel his pulse - or is that yours beating wildly out of control? "Do you have any paracetamol?"
He takes a second to realise what you've just said, and his hand leaves yours as he rakes about in the first aid kit for the painkillers. Out of pure mothering ability, he pops two out of the packet and hands them to you along with your mug of tea. Not the nicest thing to swallow them down with, but it'll do.
"You need to be more careful on cases," Lockwood says.
"Tell that to George. He's the one who bumped into me." Then, you shrug. "I suppose I shouldn't have gone when I've got the worst head cold I've had in yonks."
A breathy laugh escapes his lips, and you notice how he's looking down at your hand.
It's a bold move, completely unlike you, but you reach for his hand, looping your fingers through his. His hand is warm and, yes, that's definitely your erratic pulse.
It takes a lot to catch Lockwood off guard, but that does the trick. For a moment, it's like he can't decide whether or not to look at your linked hands or at you, and you laugh at the sight of it.
"This is wholly inappropriate," he jokes. "Doctors and patients shouldn't do anything remotely like this."
You must be out of your mind entirely because you lean over and press a kiss to his knuckles. "What about that?"
The expression on his face reminds you of when the TV signal has gotten busted, and the four-person-army of Lockwood and Co, plus a glowing and crude Skull, are sitting around it angrily waiting for it to stop buffering. When the picture freezes, glitches a little bit, and buffers for even longer. You can almost see the buttons and wires in his mind, struggling to compute what you just did.
That's not to say you aren't the complete same. Truthfully, you shocked yourself with the kiss, and you sit here now, staring at the spot where your lips touched his skin.
You're ill, you remind yourself. Maybe he'll pass it off as delusion.
"Would you mind if I weren't your doctor for a little?"
Frowning a little, confused, you say, "No...?"
You've never seen a person move as fast as Lockwood does then. Before you know it, he's leaning over your entwined hands and his lips are brushing yours so softly, giving you room to move if it's something you don't want. But you do. You want it more than anything.
Everything seems to melt away at the moment you press your lips firmly onto his. The library, the fireplace filled with dancing orange flames, your horrible cold, the sting of anti-septic cream on your fresh cut. You're aware only of his lips on yours, his fingers twisted in yours, the warmth of his hand. Every nerve in your body feels as though it's about to combust. Your heart is practically beating through your chest. God, your hands are awfully sweaty.
Only a moment later, he pulls away, but his face stays so close to yours that you can feel his breath on your cheek.
You want to say something romantic, maybe something smart or snarky like you usually would, but all you can think of is, "You're going to get a cold now."
"It's just as well we have Skull, then, huh?" His laugh is soft and airy, and you could catch it between your lips if you so wished. "I'm sure I'll be fine."
His gaze flickers between your eyes and lips, and you're positive that if he weren't holding your hand right now, you'd implode in a burst of sparks and fireworks.
"Well, if you're so sure -"
Knowing where the sentence is going, he presses his lips to yours once more, and it's perfect.
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ghostlystyles · 1 year
anthony lockwood x gn!reader
lockwood is really just a lovesick teenager
request: Could you do a Lockwood X reader where they are getting ready for the gala at Fittes and Lockwood sees reader in the dress for the first time?
tessa’s notes: this was the fic that i didn’t save properly when i was nearly done, but it turned out alright so we vibe
warnings: honestly just pure fluff + lucy and reader are close friends :D, comment if i missed any <3
word count: 0,9k
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—“OKAY, LUCE, WHAT do you think of this?” you asked, turning around to face the girl who was reading a book on her bed. “That definitely looks like you’re going to a funeral,” she replied. You turned back around to look in the mirror and sighed frustratedly, “well, considering what we’re about to do, I might be in a few days. I agree, though, it looked fine in the shop but this is terrible.”
“Well, you have one more, don’t you? Try that on,” Lucy suggested, looking up from her book. “Good call, give me a second,” you spoke, walking back to your wardrobe and pulling out the other dress. It was a red silk dress that reached your ankles and the woman in the shop had specifically told you it would look great on you, so you had high hopes.
You slipped into it and turned around to face Lucy again. “What about this?” you questioned as you twirled around. “Oh my god. You look so good!” Lucy gasped, throwing her book to the side and jumping off the bed. You looked in the mirror and tugged on the dress to get it in place. Lucy was right, you looked undeniably beautiful. “Yeah, this is definitely better than the funeral dress.”
“Can I do your makeup now? Please?” Lucy asked, as she held up her basket of makeup products. “As long as you don’t stab out my eyes or make me look like a total idiot, sure, go ahead,” you replied, sitting down at Lucy’s desk chair and she got to work. She put some eyeliner on you, stuck a line of gems alongside it and finished it off with a bit of highlighter and a tinted lip balm. “There. You look so pretty.”
“Wow, Luce! I’m impressed, thank you!” you exclaimed happily, as you tilted your face to look in the mirror from a different angle. “You’re welcome,” Lucy said in a singsong voice, while you grabbed the stuff you needed to do your hair. “Are you nervous?” asked Lucy. “‘Course I am. We’re stealing this extremely rare book from Fittes’s library, which, knowing us, may very well get us killed, and we’re supposed to act ‘casual’ around the other people, of which I’m sure there are going to be lots. Also, those people are going to treat us as a couple, because why else would two people go to a ridiculously fancy gala together? So yes, I am a tad nervous,” you ranted quickly.
“Yeah, all of those are very valid. But why does it bother you so much that people are gonna treat you like a couple on a date?”
“Well, it’s not a date, is it? Do you know how hard it is to act like and be treated like a couple with someone who you have genuine feelings for but aren’t actually dating?”
“I think you’re allowed to treat it like a date. At least a little bit. He asked you to go with him, no? He could’ve asked me or George, but he asked you.”
“Luce, that was literally a 1 out of 3. I was probably the best option for the occasion or whatever.”
“No, N/N, he already called me an asset and I think he still feels guilty for that. He wouldn’t do something like that again.”
“Okay, fair enough, but still. Just because I could hypothetically treat it like a date, doesn’t mean he is. It’s bloody embarrassing if it’s one-sided.”
“Y/N!” Lockwood called from downstairs, “are you almost done? I’m pretty sure our taxi is gonna be here in a few minutes!”
“Yeah, just a second!” you responded, as you took one final glance at yourself in the mirror. “Do I pass as a posh person who genuinely has business being at the Fittes gala?” you questioned. “Definitely. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were rich and probably a part of Penelope Fittes’s inner circle without a doubt,” Lucy reassured you. “Okay, great. Well, wish me luck, then,” Lucy gave you a quick hug and you then walked downstairs.
Lockwood was waiting for you by the front door and he looked star-struck when you descended the stairs. “Wow, Y/N— you look—”
“Stunning? Gorgeous? Charming?” you joked and Lockwood laughed softly. “Dazzling, honestly,” he finished his sentence, making you feel warm and fuzzy inside. “Why, thank you. You look very pretty yourself,” you replied with a smile. “I really wish I could kiss you right now,” Lockwood whispered. Your stomach flipped upside down and you did a double take. “Did you just say what I think you said?” you questioned with your eyes wide open, “because if you did, I really wish the same.”
Lockwood wasted no more time and he grabbed your face between his hands, pulling you close. He placed his lips onto yours into a soft kiss which made your insides completely melt. You pulled apart far too quickly for your liking and you both broke out into a huge grin. “Hey, that’s half your worries gone! Now all you have to do is steal the book, it’s gonna be a breeze!” Lucy yelled from halfway up the stairs. “Okay, Luce, that is enough stalker behaviour for today. We’re leaving,” Lockwood deadpanned, as he entwined his fingers with yours and dashed out the door. “Good luck, lovebirds!” you heard Lucy laugh before pulling the front door shut.
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tyrramint · 4 months
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Happy Lockwood & Co. Big Bang!!! :D I had the absolute pleasure of collaborating with @The_Dreamer_Half_Alive (on Ao3 :) on her fic for the @lockwoodandcobigbang2023 event; set post TEG, it’s truly so lovely and heartwarming, and I had so much fun doing a piece for it! We very much hope you enjoy :)
Link to the fic!!!! (the horror of the night melt away) under the warm glow of survival of the day
(Closeups below the cut :D) (because I ended up making it too wide to be easily seen in full lol) (plus ~artistic commentary~)
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Okay, so I tried to put a bunch of little easter eggs from the fic and just in general in here, so if you’re interested:
Alright, to start off, I was generally very inspired by them getting a record player; I thought it was very sweet, and I loved the idea of them finally getting to relax and hang out in the library (the lack of chairs, I know; I couldn’t figure out how to put them in without blocking people lol) and locklyle dancing, with the record player on in the background, so that’s what I took as the basis of the scene!!
We had discussed that the characters were kind of a combo of both show and book versions, so I tried to add a smattering and hints of both when doing their designs!
The record is, of course, an Ella Fitzgerald record as mentioned in the fic (the record drawn is her Souvenir Album)
Holly is wearing her engagement ring, and wearing shades of pink and cream because that’s what she wears at her wedding (although shifted in hue to better match the color scheme of the piece lol)
Everyone (minus Flo) of course has their white strands of hair (which is *always* one of my favorite details to draw)
Lucy and George bake in the fic, but I think I had just read the Christmas mini story when I was doing my thumbnail for this, so Kipps ended up being the one bringing in baked goods; however, the baking mitts are orange and monogrammed with George's initials because I couldn't let that slip by, could I?
I wasn't quite sure what to put Flo in, because in the books she never takes off her boots or puffer jacket, but I wanted to throw in some sign that she was living at 35 Portland Row and becoming closer to all of them, (and her close relationship with George,) so I let her keep the boots, but traded the puffer jacket in for one of George's plaid shirts :)
The chess game also made it in because of the Christmas short story, lol
Lucy's blue star jacket!! When I read the fic, I was planning from the start to have her wearing the jacket, so of course it made it in :) I wasn't really sure what style it should be, though, so I ended up with kind of an odd mishmash of designs, but I think it turned out working alright!
The sapphire necklace, because, of course
I adore that Lockwood wears his pink socks throughout the entire show (well, most of the time they're the pink ones ;) so I wanted to include them (and then gave Lucy blue ones to match :)
The chipped blue mugs that Lockwood brings to Lucy for her tea after she wakes up from nightmares are on the bookshelf, and I couldn't find a way to directly include the Earl Grey tea they have, but I made the tea bag tags grey in honor of it
The green glow is the ghost lamp outside because if I can find a way to incorporate cool glows in my art, I will (and also on a more narrative-driven note, symbolizing the past danger they've been through and how some of it is definitely still present, but they have each other to heal with and finally be able to have some simple fun with, and are now curled up in the safety and comfort of 35 Portland Row :)
And finally, a big theme of the fic is them healing and building a happy life together, so I just wanted them to all be happy for once, and hence I put in my best efforts to draw them as such :)
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Happy Monday fandom :) I love these episodes for them. I know they’re not always a fan favorite but I adore them. Just for the Chenford content alone. The married moments, the touching, the sassy banter. What’s not to love? Just like I did for 3x07 I’ll just be analyzing their moments in this ep. Since they’re disconnected from rest of group for most part. Let's get going shall we?
4x16 Real Crime
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Sunshine x Grumpy at it's absolute finest kicking this episode off. Lucy is so jazzed to be back. Her little foot kick after she asks how they are? I cannot. She’s so cute. Tim is already over it from the moment his sexy ass hits that chair. It’s so friggin funny. Our king of expressions is on one in this ep. Tim judges Lucy the entire time with serious sass throw in. Their banter mode is on right away and never turns off. We start off with them asking Tim if he saw the last one? Of course he didn't...
Why would he? The only way he would watch it is if Lucy forced him to. haha Lucy rolling her eyes at his answer but with a hint of fondness. She loves her grumpy old man so much. The married train has officially left the station. All aboard. The ride is gonna be hilarious. Tim gets them back on track saying they were first responders to the scene. Tim notes how frustrating it was with all the cameras and coverage nobody saw anything. Nothing useful for the investigation. I mean that is ridiculous tbh. I'm with him on that one.
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Lucy tries to add colorful sound bites and Tim is judging her so damn hard. The amount of sass in that second gif. He was not about that line at all. Like who are you right now? Their mini fight in front of the interviewer I’m dying. ‘Why are you SO happy?’ 'I'm being colorful!' LMFAO Lucy defends why she’s doing this and Tim can’t believe it. The bickering in hushed tones is too funny. Like a true couple. Lucy imitating a wife scolding her husband while defending herself.
God I love these idiots sfm. Naturally this is the last thing Tim wants to be doing. The shake of his head above is one of many to come. We all know he would much rather be out on the streets than dealing with this circus. Lucy going the opposite direction. Wanting to get them as many segments as possible We all know the less he's in this the better for him. He barely wants to be in the amount he's in now. heh
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This next section is one of my faves. First off I love and commend Lucy’s confidence to just rap in public. I adore her so very much. She couldn’t be cuter in this episode if she tried. Of course she has a karaoke jam I adore her. She is more than happy to share this info. We’ve talked about Eric’s comedic timing. He is absolute gold in this.
His reactions from start to finish are what make this portion so amusing. Goes from 'Huh?' to 'WTF is happening?' It's so funny every time I watch it. Tim doesn't need to say anything. His facial expressions say it all. The sheer amount of judgement he is throwing her way is immense. This is the woman you’ve chosen to love Timothy LOL
Lucy is in her own world as she jams this out. Tim is next her with all the judgment he can muster. These moments are one of the many reasons why he loves her though. Just being 100 percent herself no shame in the game. We know it’s these types of goobery scenes that he actually enjoys from her. She looks so joyful and happy when she turns to sing at him. Then she see's his reaction.... Prompting the iconic line below that always makes me laugh.
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Tim’s confusion of her rapping is everything I have to say. I think she’s partly trying to impress him with her rapping skills. He doesn’t give her anything though. LOL They’re so cute I might burst. The marriage moment to end this scene is the best. ‘Can I be interviewed alone? ‘ LMFAO. She is already over his grumpy ass and I’m laughing so hard. Eric and Melissa play off each other so well. It’s a delight to watch them. They have so much chemistry just sitting next to one another. It''s unreal.
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We flit back to them talking about Aaron’s father’s musical partner. Tim delivers a ‘colorful’ sound bit of his own. Lucy is beaming with pride. So much so she has to say to make sure it's noted. Interrupting to heap on that praise. Then casually touches his arm. Not a short touch either. It's 4 seconds. Yes I counted heh She lingers. I love watching Tim get all fidgety and hot under the collar after she does this.
Wringing his hands to shake off the feelings washing over him. Trying not to have his feelings recorded for this documentary. Too late... It’s so cute because one he clearly got a little contact high off that touch. Two she just complimented him publicly with the proudest look on her face. He is riding high ha Look at her. That is proud wifey mode right there. Especially after he thanks her for the compliment.
She tries to put herself back in check but is brimming with giddiness. It's adorable. I cannot with these two. *heart clutch* Be more in love please. It's one of those 'Everyone knows but them moments.' He’s also just so cute when he says ‘Thanks..’ haha Oh my Timothy you are so out of your depth with this documentary. But so adorable I wanna squeeze you. Part me of thinks he was trying to get into this for Lucy. Impress her a little with his quote. Mission accomplished sir. Your girl was very proud. Love these idiots in love so much.
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Their chemistry is so palpable in these scenes. They're asked a question about the knife in Aaron's kitchen. Saying his DNA was all over the murder weapon. Well duh....Lucy slams the interviewer hard with some solid logic and sass. They're trying to implicate Aaron for having DNA all over the knife in his kitchen... Lucy absolutely destroys this guy's stupid question. Then starts to feel bad afterwards. Checks in with hubby and asks if that was too mean?
Lucy couldn't be cuter turning to her person for feedback. Her immediate reaction to do so getting me all in the feels. I adore him backing her like he does. She looks to him for reassurance and he gives it to her in spades. Saying no that it actually felt good. To be able to stick it to them a bit. You know he is proud of her for doing so. Instead of doing an evocative soundbite she knocked them down a peg. He didn't need to help her in the dept. But the support one? Nailed it.
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I love her proud and smug face when he says it was a dumb question. Careful Lucy your feelings are showing my love. Look at her in that first gif. She a ten but crap at hiding her feelings. The second gif is that same look she always gets when he compliments her. *sigh* I just love them. He backs her so fiercely here and Lucy is so ecstatic with his reply. It’s all over her face especially in the last one. That smug smile when he validates her is everything fo her. Basically saying my hubby says I'm right so that means I am haha
Tag team of smug righteousness and it’s amazing. He is oozing proudness in this moment for her. He followed it up with having her back and she’s a happy girl. Let’s not forget the gloriousness that is Tim’s biceps and forearms out on display. Mmm defending his girl and his arms are crossed? Pass the ice water imma need it. This man is deliciously fit and I too am a happy girl in this moment.
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The case leads them to a woman named Colette who was brought home to their apt that same night. She had a controlling BF that was never questioned. Cue back to Lucy and Tim. Lucy explaining how a group of internet sleuths found him. How they spent countless hours investigating Aaron’s case. Tim notes this group also pointed the finger at a lot of innocent people ruining their lives… Lucy comments some of the members went little too far.... That's putting it lightly. lol
It’s here the interviewer reveals a prominent poster named ‘truecrimejunkie.’ Implying it’s Lucy who posts under that name. The amount of sass Tim is throwing her way is hysterical. I'm laughing so very hard. Tim’s reaction is the best part of this whole scene. It’s the intense stare down he does. This episode has me laughing from beginning to end. The way he fully turns to her is hilarious. Making fun of his wife with just a look. Lucy stumbling around for words and coming up short.
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That moment when your husband finds out about your secret internet life LOL Lucy could not be more embarrassed. Stuttering trying to defend herself to Tim. It’s so funny. It finishes off with Tim’s ‘Seriously?’ Eric and Melissa are a god damn treasure. We are so lucky to have them. It's truly mind blowing the chemistry these two have just with their banter alone. What makes these episodes so very good with their segments. They are the best part with their back and forth. I love this episode for them. I defy you not to laugh or smile with this one.
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It comes out Aaron’s mom was in Paris the day Patrick was murdered. Lucy gets all hyped up when they ask what they thought of this? The true crime junkie in her coming out. Saying what a game changer it was. Tim brings her back down to earth with his reply. Lucy doing her cute ‘Well yeah…’
Tim shaking his head. Not at her but this whole documentary. He hates the feelings/people being exploited in this whole thing. Doesn’t sit well with him at all. Once again proving Tim is just a good man on the daily. Not trying to impress anyone with it. It's just who he is as person. His integrity deeply ingrained in him.
Unlike the clown. He's not even in this one but I had to point this out and take a shot. lol Also let's not ignore the GLORIOUS forearm/bicep porn here. My god it's a miracle his work shirt contains those guns of his. Bursting at the seams with muscled goodness. I’m here for it. He could bench press me any day. I'm available is all I'm saying...
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We cut back to Tim and Lucy talking about the case being closed. They have their killer finally. Aaron has been exonerated in the process. She starts on another ‘colorful’ bit and stops herself. Rubbing her tattoo feeling how wrong this is. The way she stops herself mid sentence knowing this. Tim jumping in saying ‘Feels gross doesn’t it?’ She agrees and says 'Yeah.'
Look at Lucy growing in this documentary at the end. No longer wanting to do 'colorful' sound bites to get them more time. Being much more focused on respecting those involved. Her ending statement is much better than her potential ‘juicy sound bite’ Look at our babies still growing. I love this episode. So nice to have after a clown fueled previous ep.
Side notes non-Chenford
Everyone is funny on these types of episodes. Always enjoy their bits. Especially Harper haha
Patrick’s dad coming to apologize to Aaron was a really nice way to close that chapter of his life. Was very sweet.
Thank you as always to those who like, comment and reblog. I appreciate you all more than you’ll ever know. See you all in 4x17 :)
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alexthefly · 4 months
Take My Hand
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This was supposed to be a @flashfictionfridayofficial , but I was a bit late and got my timezones mixed up, and then the word count went over and... well here it is anyway.
Or read it on AO3 here.
Also tagging @tagloveandthunderbirds 'cos ❤️
Fandom: Thunderbirds/Thunderbirds are Go
Word count: 1048
Warnings: feet/shoes
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“You ready to do this, Sweetheart?”
Lucy took her time smoothing down the front of her dress, purposely not looking at the empty dance floor yawning in front of her.
“Are you? You know dancing isn't exactly my forte; a first dance in front of all these people just seems like asking for trouble." She shuffled in her chair. "Are trampled feet covered by the wedding insurance?”
Jeff snickered. “I checked the policy just before I came over here. We’re all set.”
“Okay, if you’re sure. But I’m wearing heels, don't forget; it's going to be like Bambi on Ice out there.”
He shrugged. 
“Well I did suggest the hiking boots instead, but you shot me down; something about ‘the aesthetic’. Which looks stunning on you, by the way.” 
He stood back to better take her in, grinning appreciatively.
“Last time I make that mistake,” she muttered, waving away the compliment. “Given ‘the aesthetic’ is currently cutting off the circulation to my pinkie toe, respectfully ‘the aesthetic’ can go jump in a lake.”
She mentally cursed the salesperson who’d talked her into putting fashion ahead of comfort.
Concern flashed across Jeff’s handsome face. “Are they really hurting you, honey? We can get you other shoes.”
She smiled up at him reassuringly. “No really, I’m exaggerating …sort of. They just kinda pinch, that's all.”
If she was totally honest with herself, it wasn't even the salesperson’s fault, really. She’d been the one chasing a dream of being perfect and ladylike, even if it was only this once. Dammit, why was dressing up fancy so hard?!
Of course it didn't help that her new husband managed it so effortlessly. He was currently working ‘the aesthetic’ to within an inch of its life, cutting a very dashing figure in his elegant new grey suit and tie, dress shirt and shoes all perfectly matched and filled out perfectly.
Seriously, where did he get off being so good-looking? 
She’d just wanted to appear worthy of him, that’s all. Jeff Tracy: ace pilot, hometown hero, handsomest guy in the county and a genuinely good man to boot. He was the prince, and just once she’d wanted to feel like she could be his match - a princess - instead of some awkward, clutzy science nerd who’d somehow managed to win the husband lottery.
She sighed. Clearly that wasn't to be.
There was a pause, then without another word her very handsome husband - God, he really did look good in that suit - knelt down in front of her and took one of her feet gently in his hands. He examined the delicate and uncharacteristically high-heeled white shoe with utmost seriousness, before removing it and flinging it across the room.
Lucy felt her face burst into flames as a roomful of eyes turned towards them.
“What? Doesn't that feel better?”
In all fairness it absolutely did. She wiggled her newly-released toes appreciatively even as she fought the urge to hide underneath the table.
“You can't just go throwing shoes around. You’re making a scene.”
He stopped and looked at her, ignoring the rest of the room, then slowly and deliberately reached out and took hold of her other foot.
“I want to enjoy a dance with my beautiful new wife, and if these admittedly pretty little shoes are getting in the way of that…” 
The second shoe flew over his shoulder, just missing a nearby waiter.
“...then they’ve gotta go.”
The room was hushed; everyone was looking at them. Part of her wanted to run and hide in the coatroom until they’d all gone, but he was holding her gaze, keeping her steady. 
“I don't want anything getting between me and the most amazing, beautiful, perfect person I ever saw, ever again.”
He rose gracefully to his feet and held out his hand to her.
“So how about it? May I have this dance?”
It was late spring and the cicadas were singing. Airbase staff were bustling all around, knocking into her, sending papers flying everywhere. She knelt down to pick them up, and suddenly there was a hand in front of her.
“Can I give you a hand, Miss?”
It was fall, and the trees around them were every shade of red. They’d talked about everything and nothing, walking side by side, until he stopped and reached out to her.
“Would it be alright if I held your hand?”
It was winter and the snow was falling softly. His ice skates made long swooshing noises on the ice around her, while hers clacked noisily as she tried and failed to keep her footing. Another swoosh and then he was there in front of her, hand extended.
“Okay, so not my best idea. How about we go get a hot chocolate instead? My treat?”
It was the last days of summer, and the clear water of the lake lapped at her toes. She’d never felt so happy in her life. A perfect day. Beside her she felt him shift nervously, and then he was holding his hand out, a little red box in it, one knee on the ground.
“I’ve got a question I wanna ask…”
Her head flooded with the memories of a hundred moments, small and huge, all of them important. A hundred images of him offering his hand, and at last she understood.
He'd reached out for her.
She was the one. And she was worthy, just as she was.
Smiling, she accepted the offered hand.
“Of course you may, Mr Tracy.”
He grinned and bowed. “Why thankyou, Mrs Tracy.”
She rose and he led her, barefoot and spotlit, to the dance floor without a care in the world. Keeping her hand in his, he wrapped his other arm around her waist, enveloping her like a delicate, precious treasure, safe and protected. Their eyes met and he beamed at her like his face was made of actual sunshine.
She grinned back at him.
“You’re sure about that wedding insurance now? Last chance.”
“Don’t you worry about my toes, darlin’. Just keep a hold of me and we’ll do fine.”
And with that the band struck up an old favourite, and hand-in-hand they danced the night away.
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you.
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mrsgreenworld · 2 months
Chenford are one of my top ships and I love reading fanfics about them. But for some reason I've never really written for them, save for one work. So it's time to give it another go. Especially after that gut-wrenching breakup.
Just to be clear: I'm not picking any sides, I love Lucy, I love Tim. I understand Tim but I also understand and empathize with Lucy.
I don't own the show or the characters, they all belong to The Rookie writers, producers and the production company. This is only fanfiction.
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Of Love And Efforts
All Lucy remembers is being thrown back against the wall by a wave of explosion. She remembers the heat, the smell of fire and smoke, the taste of her own blood, the sound of shattered windows and screams. Then everything fades to black.
And when she finally comes to, the first thing she hears is a steady beeping of the heart monitor. She smells the distinctive sterile air of hospital and feels someone's iron grip on her hand.
It takes some effort to finally open her eyes. She shifts to look at a person holding on to her hand like it's a lifeline and the movement causes Lucy's whole body to ache. She groans and immediately there's a face in her line of vision. Such a familiar and dear face but a face Lucy'd rather not see right now.
"Hey! Easy there!" he whispers.
Lucy looks at him and her heart squeezes painfully in her chest at how wrecked he looks. Eyes bloodshed with bags under them, scruff like a shadow over his face, wrinkles that are suddenly deeper and hair with more grey in it than ever before.
Lucy has to squash love and empathy that are basically reflective when it comes to Tim. Because Tim doesn't have the same love and empathy for her and for Lucy to move on she has to think of herself first. And the fact that Tim's here doesn't change that. He's here because of course he cares, Lucy knows that. But it was too easy for him to just walk away and he came back running only when Lucy almost got blown up. Seems like too high a price to pay to have someone at your side.
That's why Lucy snatches her hand from Tim's and asks in a dejected voice:
"What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean? How can I not be here? You almost died!"
"Yeah but that's none of your concern anymore".
"Don't do this! Why are you doing this?"
"Sounds familiar. I think that's exactly what I asked" Lucy throws in Tim's face.
He lands on a hospital chair heavily.
"It's not about you. You have to know that. It's me. But this doesn't change the fact that I'll always come running if anything happens to you. Because I love you. This will never change" Tim looks at her pleadingly and with all sincerity in the world.
But Lucy just cannot deal with him, not right now.
"This is not how you love someone. So you can shove whatever feelings you have and get the hell out of here".
Tim just looks at her for a moment with tears in his eyes. Then he nods quietly and gets up.
"Take care of yourself. Please" are his last words before he leaves.
Lucy falls back on a hospital pillow and lets out a long breath. She knows she's done the right thing, protected her boundaries. Then why does her chest feel like it's on fire?
"Because you still love him too" her mind whispers.
And she really does. Probably always will. But Tim made his choice and it wasn't her and them. In the end, it was him who thought they weren't worth the effort.
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icee133 · 2 months
Sorry!! Just realized I set the auto post to the wrong day -_- It took me way too long to notice this part wasn't posted. Better late than never I suppose. On that note here's Part 8 of the Marionette series! Hope you guys enjoy this one. Sorry for any writing errors.
If you would like to be added to taglist let me know!
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The Marionette
Masterlist, Part 8 🤍
Word count for this part: 2431. Enjoy!👻👻
A new overlord has manifested in hell seemingly overnight. One that overpowered many if not all of the current overlords in all the right ways. Will this overlord use her powers for good to help the members of the hotel? Will she fall in love with a man and end up in a loving gentle relationship? Or will she get her heart broken and turn against them all, burning each bridge she meticulously made. 
The Marionette is a heart wrenching fic with many turns you won't see coming. Stay tuned for each of the episodes as they are released.
Nette made her way back to Lucifer’s apple-shaped office trying to slow her breathing down, feeling her heightened anxiety about everything she was about to have to tell him. She knew he wouldn’t be upset at her- at least she hoped he wouldn’t be. But honestly she thinks he might be since she didn’t throw out the first man as soon as she found out about him. Though she had wanted to, but truthfully she holds no grudge against him other than the fact her boys had almost died to an exorcist. Charlie on the other hand has every reason to hold a grudge against him, and yet…she didn’t. She looked at him seeing what he was going through and allowed him into the hotel. Took him under her wing and cared for him, cleaned his wounds even. The heart this girl has is something Nette finds herself admiring more and more as each day goes on. Truly an angelic heart if she had ever seen one.
As Nette approached the door she could hear Lucifer inside talking to himself. He seemed a bit off? If that was a good way to put it. She could hear his rapid speech and panicked tone through the door. She smiled lightly thinking ‘what could possibly have him stressed out now’ while laughing quietly to herself. She knocked on the door lightly to alert him of her arrival. She heard a quick ‘coming!’ from the other side waiting a sec before the door swung open. She quickly gave the Angel in front of her a once over from head to toe. He had his coat and hat placed meticulously back onto his form. Though she couldn’t help but feel he was a bit overdressed considering when she had spoken to him last he was wearing neither of them. However, when she walked into the room she saw there was a table in the center of the room with flowers, and candles in the center. She placed the plates down onto the table, setting the tray off to the side before looking back at him. She lightly chuckled then saying “you know this isn’t a formal business dinner, right? Just a dinner between friends. No need to be so nervous Luci” seeing him looking around at everything but her. “Ah r-right of course…yes Dinner” He stumbled over his words a bit before settling on “Dinner between friends. I suppose I overdid it a bit. It’s been awhile since I’ve had anyone join me for a meal. I was worried what exactly I should do for… well this situation.” ‘It’s alright Luci no worries everything looks absolutely stunning thank you. but if I had to make one complaint… I do feel a tad bit under dressed at the moment Mr full suit.” Lucifer laughed slightly “well we can’t have that” proceeding to take off his coat and hat once again placing them on the side table out of the way.
Lucifer pulled out Nette’s chair allowing her to sit comfortably before sliding her back into place at the table. “My what a gentleman” she chuckled. Watching as Lucifer’s cheeks turned a light yellow color as he went to his side of the table to take a seat. “I brought a bottle of wine from the bar but I’m not sure if you were wanting to drink, as unfortunately I have another topic I have to discuss with you, but I’d rather wait till we were finished with dinner as I do believe it to possibly be well…uncomfortable” Lucifer looked at her before saying “well if you think it to be so, then I suppose it’s best to wait a bit. And best to not drink beforehand as there is a possibility it might be needed after” he joked lightly. “For this I guarantee it will be needed after” They both began eating the meal Nette had prepared engaging in small talk about the angel’s duties and the hotel staff. As well as, venturing into stories about Charlie and how razzle and dazzle came to be created. After all Nette was a bit curious about the 2 dragon creatures as they seemed to be different from the rest of hell creatures.
The meal went amazing. Afterwards Nette and Lucifer both found themselves sitting on the couch in his office laughing about the story Lucifer was telling about how ducks came to be created in Eden when Nette remembered the touchy subject she had to tell him about. “Speaking of Eden…” Nette paused slightly. “I hate to sour the mood but, I suppose we should get into the unfortunate discussion that I have to tell you.” “Nonsense, give me a sec I’ll open the wine” Lucifer said while standing up walking over to the side table where Nette had left the bottle earlier. He quickly opened it and poured a glass for himself and her before returning, handing it to Nette. He sat down on the other side of the couch facing her taking a small sip before saying “Great choice of wine. Well go on let’s get this uncomfortable topic over with” Nette watched the way he had placed himself seemingly a lot more comfortable with her presence as he was leaning backwards with one leg bent on the couch while the other was hanging over the edge. “Right, well I’m not sure how to tell you this. I was thinking the entire time I was making dinner, then again after I spoke with Angel, and even the entire walk up here. After all that the only thing I could think of was to just be honest and upfront with you about it. Either way I feel you're not going to like it, but…” Nette said taking a small sip then placed her glass down on the table before continuing “I need you to promise me you won’t freak out.” Lucifer smirked “Freak out? Nette, I'm an Angel.” Nette rolled her eyes slightly “I’m aware you handsomely prideful man, but I need this promise okay?” She said hoping he would understand there was a reason. “Of course, I promise I won’t freak out. Devil’s honor” Lucifer said holding 2 fingers upwards smiling at her. Nette chuckled lightly at his devil's honor joke, sighing she continued “Charlie took in a new sinner…..” she started “Okay?” Lucifer said carefully, slightly pushing her to tell him why this was different from the other ones she had taken in. “It’s… well… He’s a sinner, but he um.” Lucifer set his glass down before leaning into her slightly “Nette it’s okay just tell me I promised I wouldn’t freak out” Nette’s anxiety was through to roof at this point. She thought to herself ‘fuck it’ before saying “Adam is a fallen Angel, or I guess a sinner in this case since he isn’t heaven born I guess he isn’t fallen.” The room fell deathly silent after Nette finished her sentence. You could hear a pin drop, the only sound being both of their breathing. Or wait no Lucifer’s breathing Nette realized she was holding her breath.
“What?.” She heard Lucifer say after what felt like an eternity of silence. “Adam is alive and is now a sinner” she hesitantly repeated looking down at her lap as she was nervous to look at the man sitting across from her. “You said Charlie took in a sinner, is?” “Yes” Nette quickly answered. She felt the room get hotter almost instantly. She hesitantly looked up, meeting Lucifer’s red eyes. She quickly realized he was in his demon form. A form she had never seen him use, one she had hoped she wouldn’t see. Red eyes, horns with a burning flame, wings, and his tail swinging menacingly behind him. “My daughter took in the man who killed her friend, wrecked the hotel, almost killed her, injured the staff, and is responsible for the extermination of every single human soul they have gotten rid of down here.” Nette could hear an almost growl-like sound coming from behind his voice. One that she had to admit was strangely hot, yet insanely intimidating as well. (Wait- what? No this man could very well end your fucking life right now. Wait, it's Lucifer he wouldn’t hurt you. stop thinking stupid shit and speak woman before he actually does kill you fucking idiot.) “Yes” she found herself barely squeaking out this one word. Cursing herself for agreeing to put herself in this very situation. Lucifer stood up seemingly seething with an unkept rage. Nette quickly grabbed his arm before he could step away from the couch silently thanking she had sat on the side closest to the door. He snapped his head looking directly at her. His eyes burning into her own with what felt like almost a sense of… hurt? Behind them. “You promised” she said quietly. Scared she would say the wrong thing and make it worse. Lucifer sighed quietly to himself before returning to his normal form and taking a seat beside her. “Is she okay?” He asked the overlord sitting next to him. “Yes, Vaggie was with her the last time I checked.” “Why?” Lucifer asked, looking across the room. “Why?… she said when she found him she wanted to leave him there to rot. To let him waste away like he deserved to for everything he had done to the people down here, but she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t allow herself to leave him there. She also said he is one of the only ones who has been able to see the winners who got into heaven, and also see the sinners who ended up here. She thinks he would be useful in redeeming sinners. Though I don’t think he would even be willing to help.” Nette said carefully while looking at Lucifer. She could tell he was still upset but felt a little better knowing it was Charlie who had made the decision.
“Her heart of gold is going to get her hurt one of these times” Nette heard Lucifer whisper, though it didn’t feel like it was something she should have heard so she stayed quiet just looking at him stare at the wall across the room.“I…think it’s a decent idea to ask for his help, but it does put us in a rather hard place. If heaven finds out a winner fell, more so the first man. Things will get extremely ugly and who knows what they will do.” She couldn’t help but also voice her concerns on the matter. Knowing what she did about heaven, she was worried about what laid ahead of them now that this happened. Lucifer turned his body facing her before saying “you weren’t joking about needing a drink after that.” She saw him reach for his glass drinking what was remaining in it before setting it down again. He turned back to face her directly “I’m sorry” Nette stared at him confused as to why he was apologizing to her. “What for Lucifer?” “Breaking the promise.” He whispered to her. She quickly grabbed his hands “it’s okay I know it was not something that was able to be prepared for. And it was definitely not something that could have been predicted.” “Still I broke a promise I made with you” she could tell he was very upset about this. Though Nette found herself unsure as to why he was. She was a bit upset at herself for underestimating the care he had for his daughter. The level of stress this topic would bring him was not something she had calculated in. That was her fault not his. “Lucifer, it's okay. It’s your daughter, I understand your need to protect her. After all, I think I would react the same way had it been one of my boys. So no need to apologize. Okay?” “Okay” he replied hesitantly. She knew he would still be upset about it for a while longer but decided it was for the best to let it go. She turned to grab her glass wanting to move on from this topic entirely. Feeling even worse about her souring the good mood from earlier as the tension sat in the air was still quite thick.
“You can still call me Luci, you know.” Nette froze. “Ah you… sorry I didn’t ask before using a nickname for you.” “It’s okay, I quite like it.” Lucifer said, smiling at her. “Oh…so I can give you another one?” She teased “Like what Nette?” Gosh she really enjoyed hearing her name fall from his lips. (Nette what the fuck now is not the time for that) “Since you like ducks so much how about duckie? Ooh or what about goose? Nah geese are mean you're definitely not mean enough for that. Waddles? No too weird, that's like describing a thing, not a nickname.” Lucifer was smiling watching her ramble while thinking hard about a nickname for him. “Does that mean I can give you one too?” He found himself asking. “Of course your majesty whatever you wish.” Nette giggled. “Though Nette is already a nickname I’d love to hear what you come up with though” “What about… bunny?” Nette turned bright red at that. “Bunny?” She asked “why bunny?” “Your demon form is a rabbit is it not?” Lucifer smirked at her. “How…” Nette tried to ask “How do I know? I know a lot of things bunny. A lot” Nette was bright red at this point. Something about the way he says that word makes her want him to say it more. (Oh my gosh stop it) “well I suppose I don’t mind that, but I’m definitely calling you duckie now.” Nette said feeling oddly competitive about this. “Works for me bunny” she could hear the smirk dripping off his voice. Like pride itself crawling off his vocal cords and into the air as he spoke. “Duckie” she said trying to stand her ground. Knowing she has no chance against this man. None at all. “Yes bunny?” He replied. “Can’t even let me have the last word huh duckie?” “Nope, sin of pride remember bunny” Both of them felt the tension in the air from the previous discussion lighten a bit. As the night went on they addressed each other by only their new animal nicknames, refusing to be the first to back down in this nickname war. Though neither of them truly minded it at all. In fact they both quite enjoyed their new nicknames, though they wouldn’t admit it to the other one.
@popamolly @preciousbabypeter @amberforest08
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manderleyfire · 6 months
'panem lost a poet panem lost a standup comedian' lmaoooooooo what are your favorite Coriolanus’ unhinged quotes from tbosas?? I cackled so much during that rather dark book, I feel embarrassed, lol
He had to think of just the right way to break the news. But what would that be? 'I love you deeply, but I love officers’ school more?' That wasn’t going to go over well.
Did you tell your best friend his crush was a cannibal? Never a rule book when you needed one.
Coriolanus winced slightly. TWO biking mishaps in the same twelve-hour period seemed more than coincidental.
This entrance was for the poor people, Coriolanus thought. Or perhaps not poor. The word PLEBEIAN came to mind. (those history classes did nothing for him)
Snow lands on top and ALL THAT. He knew he should be elated at this turn of events and jumping up and down inside while p r e s e n t i n g a modest, pleased front. But what he really felt was jEaLoUs.
The i m p o s s i b i l i t y of being a Snowflake in this postwar world.
And here he was in his uniform, clutching a rose like some lovestruck schoolboy, hoping she would — what? Like him? Trust him? Not kill him on sight?
Good-bye, Lucy Gray, we hardly knew you (biiiiiiitch 🔪)
So now that loudmouth Arachne was a defender of a righteous and just land. Yes, she laid down her life taunting her tribute with a sandwich, thought Coriolanus. Maybe her gravestone could read, “Casualty of cheap laughs.”
Coriolanus did not want to spend the next twenty years listening to them *mockingjays* serenade the local executions.
What was he doing but dressing her up to be a pretty corpse? Perhaps she could strangle someone with the scarf, or stab them with the pin?
The LAST TIME Sejanus had lost his appetite, he’d lost his sanity as well.
Who were all these PeOpLe hanging around on a weekday at the zoo? Didn’t they have jobs? Shouldn’t the children be in chool? No wonder the country was such a mess.
What an ugly place, he thought dully as the train chugged its way through District 9. It didn’t look fit for human habitation.
Coriolanus gave the camera a thumbs-up when they cut for his reaction. He could not believe THIS was his life.
How much bread had they wasted with this nonsense? Oh, no, he starved to death! Somebody get the bread!
CORIOLANUS SNOW, MORE LONER THAN LOVER (whatta slogan for his presidential campaign)
How awful, Coriolanus thought. To have YOU be the first person in the world a baby sees *about dr. gaul*
Why would evil incarnate help his girlfriend?
In rhetoric class, she’d once attributed his inability to decipher the deeper meaning of a poem to the fact that he was too self-absorbed. The irony, coming from Livia, of all people! But actions spoke louder than words. Coriolanus to the rescue, Livia to the nearest exit.
“Of course I liked it, but I’m more open-minded than most" (hahahaha)
Then came confusion. If she had saved his life, he owed her, what? A sandwich and two cookies? That was how he was repaying her. For his life. Which apparently he held quite cheaply.
Oh, a ghost story. Ugh. Boo. So ridiculous.
Ma? Was Coriolanus’s place about to be uSuRpEd by someone who referred to his mother as “Ma”? The cabbage and posca threatened to make a reappearance.
several people took the pained look on Coriolanus’s face as sorrow at Arachne’s death, when ironically he felt like killing her all over again.
“That was some good-bye.” Coriolanus just shrugged. “What can I say? I’m irresistible.”
Poor Sejanus. Poor sensitive, foolish, dead Sejanus. (GUNSHOT 💀💀💀)
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emotionalcadaver · 2 months
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Part 2: Does the Devil Have a Heart
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x OC
Summary: Tommy learns about Lucy's past.
Word Count: 4,265
Notes: Warnings for references to sexual assault and suicide.
Masterlists: Main • Series • Fic
Previous Part • Next Part
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Chapter 2: Longing for Her Soul
Tommy closed the door to his office, muffling the usual clatter and voices from the betting shop. Sitting down behind the desk, he eyed the file that Skudboat had handed him that morning, lighting a cigarette. 
Skudboat had looked a little pale when he’d silently held out the packet of information collected from the background checks done on Lucy. But when Tommy had inquired about the look, he’d just shook his head, and mumbled that he would understand once he read it. 
Leaning back in his chair, cigarette in one hand, he pulled the file into his lap, flipping it open to the front page and beginning to read. 
Her full name was Lucy Josephine Winters. She was born to a Romani woman and a devout Catholic man. She was the oldest of five, and the only girl. She was born in and spent most of her childhood in Birmingham, until her family moved to London when she was a teenager. She would often spend summers with her Romani relatives in the mountains, where she would work the fairs and her cousins would teach her all sorts of bad habits, from brawling to shooting to knife throwing. From the time she was little, she showed a particularly deep love for animals, especially horses.     
Tommy raised an eyebrow at the mention of Romani ancestry. Would make sense why she was so good with the horses, then. It was in her blood. 
He flipped to the next page.
She was good at school, despite having an extensive disciplinary record; often getting detention or beatings from the nuns at the Catholic schools she attended for questioning scripture or misbehaving. 
Tommy caught himself smiling a little at that.
She displayed a talent for learning different languages from a young age, and there was a letter tucked between the two pages of the file that had been written by one of her teachers, detailing that Lucy was talented enough that, despite being a girl, she had a real shot of becoming a translator professionally.
His brows pinched, wondering how someone with such good prospects had found her way into the bowels of Birmingham.
Eyes reading quickly across the page, he soon found his answer. 
Her father was a bastard. And even that was being quite generous in Tommy’s opinion. He’d squandered Lucy’s desires to pursue any further education or career opportunities. Despite her easily being the smartest of his children. He insisted that she was to find a husband as soon as possible. And yet, when she did express some interest in a Romani boy she met during a summer spent with her cousins, her father rejected the idea that she marry him, instead insisting on her marrying someone rich and with a high status in society. The Romani boy soon went on to marry someone else, and the heartbreak that caused was seemingly finally enough for Lucy’s mother to step in, insisting that her husband give their daughter some time before forcing potential suitors onto her. 
Tommy swallowed, a sudden burn of something he realized to be jealousy seering like acid in his throat. Or maybe he’s just been chain smoking too much over the course of the day. 
Yes, certainly that had to be it. There was no way he was jealous of a boy he’d never met, and certainly not over the affections of a woman he hadn’t even ever spoken to.  
He shook his head, putting the cigarette out in the ashtray on the desk, and returned to reading. 
After her father and four brothers were sent to France, Lucy took up work as a stable girl. By all accounts, it was actually a rather happy, uneventful time in her life. With her father no longer breathing down her neck, she was actually able to relax and enjoy her life a little. Her brothers didn’t fare as well. The youngest was killed in combat, and another committed suicide in front of Lucy shortly after returning home. The one closest to her in age–Theodore–lost an eye, and her father returned with a permanently disabled leg. 
Tommy frowned, scratching at his nose, a sudden feeling of foreboding squeezing in his gut. He turned the page. 
After returning, Lucy’s father informed her that he had arranged a marriage for her with a man he had met and served with in France. His name was Matthew Sutton; a wealthy man a few years older than Lucy who had connections with the Italian gangs in London. 
The report had no real details as to what Lucy’s initial reaction to being informed of the betrothal was, but based off of everything Tommy had read about this willful, spunky little woman, he doubted that she took it well. But the report did detail how her father had twisted her arm on the matter, forcing her to meet with Matthew on several occasions. She was not impressed, and eventually flat-out rejected the engagement.
Again, Tommy had to push down a smile, ignoring the bloom of pride that had welled up in his chest. 
He paused, frowning, trying to figure out just where the hell that thought had come from.
But then his eyes dropped to the next paragraph on the page, and his blood went cold, hand tightening unconsciously where it was settled around the corner of the file.
Matthew had not taken Lucy’s rejection well. The details of what came next were vague, but there was enough there to piece together what had happened. 
On a stormy night, armed with pocket knives, Matthew and his friends cornered Lucy in an alley near her home. And there, in the dark, her screams muffled by the roar of the rain and thunder, they’d carved into her with their blades, punched and kicked her until she was black and blue nearly everywhere, and then gang raped her in the most vicious, agonizing ways imaginable.   
Tommy stared down at the file, mouth half open, entire body rigid with horror. His stomach turned, and for a moment he genuinely thought he might be sick.    
This poor fucking girl…
His eyes, of their own accord, darted further down the page, needing to know what had happened after. 
It was there that the details became even hazier. It was unclear what exactly they’d done to her once they were finished. But Tommy could only assume that they thought she was dead and left her laying there, bleeding and barely alive in the alley. 
He squinted at the page, unable to shake the feeling that there was a remaining piece of important information missing there. 
Lucy was eventually picked up by some members of the Jewish gang ran by Alfie Solomons. Alarm bells had gone off in Tommy’s head earlier, when he’d read that in her teenage years she’d been friendly with the boy would become the Mad Baker of Camden Town, but Alfie was a good deal older than her, and it seemed that after he was sent off to war that they lost touch. It was unlikely she was a spy for him. 
Alfie had gotten a man who used to be an army medic to crudely stitch up and treat the worst of her injuries, but she was unable to stay there for more than a day or two. Relations between the Jews and the Italians in London were teetering dangerously on the precipice of war, and Alfie could not risk harboring her from Matthew when he was so closely tied in with Sabini. She was forced to return home.
Upon learning that she was alive, Matthew informed Lucy’s father that she’d given herself to him and his friends willingly. And he threatened to tell everyone and destroy her and her family’s reputation unless she married him. When he heard Matthew’s lies, Lucy’s father beat her.  
“Fucking hell…” Tommy growled out before he could stop himself. Flicking back to the front of the file, he picked up the picture of Lucy’s father tucked in there, along with all the other photos of her and her family members. He committed the face to memory. 
If he ever came face to face with Victor Winters, he would shoot him in his fucking devout, rotted head. 
Despite her father locking her in the home until the wedding, Lucy managed to escape with the help of Theordore. The details were unclear as to how exactly she actually got to Birmingham, though it seemed to have taken a combination of walking and stowing away inside vans heading to the city.
That was where the file ended. 
Tommy stared down at the packet still balanced in his lap, hand smoothing out across the white pages. He looked up, unable to take looking at the words detailing the brutality this woman had been forced to face any longer.  
It was a fucking miracle that she was even alive. 
Fingers drumming on the paper, he frowned. She was smart, and strong. The horses liked her, so that meant she was alright. And she was resilient as all hell, to still be standing after everything that had happened to her. 
Raising a hand to his face, he unconsciously ran his fingers across his lips, thinking hard. 
Someone as smart and versatile as that…she would be wasted as only a stable girl. 
But there would be costs to taking her on. Potential conflict with the Italians, for one. And if Matthew or Victor decided to come looking for her…
But he already knew before even properly considering it that he would never be able to hand her over to them. Not after what he’d just read. Not after seeing the still healing marks that they’d left on her. 
Sitting up in his chair, he turned the file back to the photos, spreading them each carefully onto the desk. His hand lingered on the photo of Lucy. Her hair was longer in the picture, instead of the blunt bob she was currently sporting. It made her look a lot more like her mother. His thumb swiped delicately along the very edge of the photograph, staring into the wide eyes looking back at him. There was something lighter in her face in the photo; something that was no longer there, in the expression of the Lucy he had seen riding Wraith in the yard.   
He set her photo aside, away from the others, instead focusing on committing the faces of Matthew and the friends who had attacked her to memory. 
If any of them stepped into Small Heath, he would have their heads mounted on spikes. 
Confident that he would be able to easily pick them out if any of them showed up, he leaned back in his chair, plucking up the photograph of Lucy, staring at it again. 
Those eyes, wide and glimmering with bright intelligence and humor, hidden beneath which he could see nothing but endless sorrow, stared back at him in quiet understanding. 
He dropped his head back against his chair, eyes slipping shut with a groan. He shook his head, wondering what the hell was wrong with him. He must be going soft.
But the decision was already made. 
∗ ∗ ∗
Lucy pushed a lock of red hair back behind her ear, bending at the waist to dump the bucket of water she was carrying into the horse’s trough. She must have bought some clothes that were actually in her size, because the white button-down shirt she was garbed in today was fitted much more snugly than the oversized one she’d been in when Tommy first saw her. And paired with her better-fitting trousers, he was able to more clearly make out the shape of her body; strong and leanly muscled, particularly in the arms and thighs, but also curvy. There was a defined dip in her waist before her hips flared out, thighs thick and strong. And her chest, while not overly large, was certainly noticeable. 
He yanked his gaze away at the realization that he was staring, stomach clenching in disgust at himself for practically ogling her. Especially after everything she’d already been through.
“Who’s a good boy?” 
His eyes darted back to her, struck with the knowledge that he hadn’t actually heard her speak before. Her voice was soft and low. Quiet. And distinctly Birmingham. She was rubbing Wraith’s nose, smiling as the horse attempted to nuzzle her. Stretching up onto her toes, she gave him a gentle kiss between the eyes, whispering to him in a voice too quiet for Tommy to hear. 
He stood silently in the doorway to the stables, watching her for only a moment more, then quickly stepped away before she could spot him looking at her.       
Moving hurriedly, he set out to find Charlie, shaking his head in an attempt to clear it, still trying to puzzle out what exactly was wrong with him. 
Maybe she’d put a curse on him or something. 
He found Charlie at work cleaning some old, assorted automobile parts. When he spotted Tommy approaching him he started, standing and wiping grease from his hands onto his trousers. 
“Tommy? What are you doing here? I didn’t know we were meeting today.”
Pulling his cigarette from his lips, Tommy spoke quickly, before he could change his mind. “You can let Lucy help in the moving of contraband and other Blinders activities.”
Charlie’s eyes grew wide as dinner plates, jaw falling slack.
“And I’m adding an increase to her wages. I’ll have it come through earnings from the company, so don’t worry about it coming out of your pocket.”
Charlie gaped at him. “What?”
Tommy checked his watch, not willing to explain himself. “I have a meeting to get to. I just wanted to tell you so you could start her on the other work as soon as possible.” 
“Tommy, are you feeling alright–?”
“I’m fine. I have to get going. Just tell her, yeah?” 
He didn’t wait for a response, spinning on his heel and making his way to the exit of the yard before Charlie could bombard him with questions.
∗ ∗ ∗
There was little excitement at the family meeting. Just a general report of earnings and a couple minor points of business that needed addressing.
“Right, that’s it. You all can go,” Arthur dismissed everyone with a wave of his hand. Tommy adjusted his positioning where he was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, nodding in assertion when a couple of their kin looked to him instead for confirmation of Arthur’s words. 
“Charlie,” he said softly, as his siblings and cousins started to file out of the kitchen and back into the betting shop. His uncle hesitated where he was heading towards the front door, cap clutched in his hands. 
Reaching into his pocket, Tommy pulled out a sealed envelope, double-checking the address on it before handing it off to Charlie. “Have Lucy post this.”
Charlie looked down at the envelope. “I can drop it at the post on my way back to the yard–”
“No. Have Lucy do it.”  
“Who’s this?” Polly asked, pouring herself a fresh cup of tea from the kettle on the stove. The smoke from her black, clove cigarette rose steadily up into the air. She spun around to face them, dark eyes narrowed. “Who are you talking about?”
“It’s just…” Charlie began.
“No one,” Tommy interrupted sternly. He didn’t want Polly getting involved until he was absolutely sure of what he was doing. He already knew what she would say, anyway: that they couldn’t trust strangers. That they should just leave the woman to fend for herself. That she wasn’t their problem. At her clenched jaw, he tried to soften his tone, so as to not cause a row. “Don’t worry about it.”
From the resentful look Polly shot him, he was pretty sure it didn’t work. Her heels clicked particularly loudly, as if to let him know just how much she hated being kept out of the loop, as she stomped from the kitchen with her tea and into the betting shop. Tommy rubbed at his eyes tiredly, a headache building behind them. 
He loved his aunt. Really. But oftentime these days he caught himself desperately wishing that she would just trust me. Even if only a little bit. 
“Just give the letter to Lucy and tell her to post it, alright?”
Charlie was examining him shrewdly. “What are you testing her for, Tom?”
Tommy shot him a wary, irritable look, not particularly appreciating the constant questions he seemed to be sending his way too, these days. “Just do it, Charlie, eh?”
He shouldered his way past him before he could press the subject any further. 
∗ ∗ ∗
She posted the letter, just like he’d asked. It had gotten to his associate in London without a hitch, and, as requested in the contents of the letter, he had written back to Tommy that there were no problems in receiving it; the seal had been unbroken, and the contents untampered with. 
He still made an effort to walk around her whenever he went to the yard, avoiding speaking to her at all costs. But he watched her. 
Charlie was right, she was a hard worker. She got up early and went to bed late. Her work in the stables was meticulous and flawless, and it took only a few moments of observing Charlie and Curly’s methods in other various work around the yard for her to pick up on it. She didn’t talk a lot, but that was alright. The horses adored her, and she kept her lips sealed about the questionable things she saw going on in the yard. And she didn’t ask too many questions. 
He’d likely have to teach her quite a good deal, if he did indeed choose her for what he currently had in mind, but based on what he’d seen of her work ethic in the yard, she would put her all into it. And she learned fast.  
“Where’s Lucy?” he asked, eyes scanning over the yard, searching for what had become the familiar shock of bright red hair against the gray landscape. She hadn’t been in the stables when he’d first arrived and swung in to say hello to Wraith, or in the warehouse he and Charlie had just walked through. He didn’t see her anywhere. 
Charlie cringed. “In the kitchen with Curly. She tore some of her stitches this morning. He’s redoing them for her.”
“Is she alright?”
Charlie raised an eyebrow, both thankfully chose not to comment on the uncharacteristic display of concern. “She’s fine. Just twisted wrong while carrying a heavy box.”
“Tell her to take it easy for a day or two if she needs to,” at the smirk dancing across Charlie’s face, Tommy bristled. “What?”
“Nothing,” Charlie just shook his head. “There’s something else: she told me that she was down at a pub last night after work, and that she overheard two of the ladies there gossiping that their husbands are planning to attempt to rob the betting shop tomorrow.”
Rotating his cigarette thoughtfully between his fingers, Tommy felt his eyes slide of their own accord towards the house that contained the kitchen and living quarters. Interesting.
“She know their names?”
“Baker and Finks. She wasn’t entirely sure if they weren’t just drunk and saying things they didn’t really mean…but she thought we ought to know.”
“Right. I’ll put precautions in place. Just in case they do decide to try something,” try as he might, he couldn’t pull his eyes away from that specific little building, within Lucy was likely getting jammed over and over again by a needle clutched between Curly’s fingers. 
If she kept carrying on like this, they were going to have to give her another raise. 
The next day, two men by the name of Baker and Finks attempted to rob the betting shop, but were stopped by the additional Blinders Tommy had ordered posted there for the day. 
And that night, Tommy lay awake in his bed, staring up at the ceiling, and thought about the value of loyalty.  
∗ ∗ ∗
He liked watching her with the horses. It was in those moments that she seemed lighter. More at peace. And she was very good with them. 
And he liked the color of her hair: such a deep, unique shade of red that he had never seen before. It looked different, depending on the light. Sometimes it was as rich and dark as blood. Other times it was as bright and as warm as a flourishing fire. He’d long ago given up on trying to tell himself that he didn’t find her beautiful.
But she was also broken. No matter how strong she appeared to be, Tommy could see it in her eyes. The desolation and sorrow there was enough to make him want to take her into his arms, and hold her as tight as he could.
One night, while walking home, he passed the windows of a pub, glancing in innocently as he walked by, and spotted her head of shorn red hair. She was seated in a booth by a window, three other women sitting with her. The women were laughing heartily, and while Lucy smiled with them, it was more restrained, not fully meeting her eyes. Even from watching outside on the curb, Tommy could tell that the emotional closeness enjoyed by the other women at the table was not shared with Lucy. There was an invisible barrier, preventing her from fully relaxing with or relating to them.  
We are the same. The thought invaded his mind, and would not let him rest. No longer could he pretend that the thing pulling him towards her was just simple physical attraction or curiosity. The emptiness that he saw in his own eyes everytime he looked into the mirror was reflected in her own. 
He’d started to think that they were far more alike than he could ever have imagined.
∗ ∗ ∗
“Lucy’s injuries are almost healed,” Charlie announced one morning, after Tommy got back from taking Wraith for a ride, returning outside after guiding the stallion into his stall in the stables.
Tommy hummed thoughtfully, choosing his next words carefully. Not that it particularly mattered. No matter what he said, his uncle was likely to give him shit about it for the foreseeable future. “If she wanted to stay…even after she’s healed…I suppose that would be alright.”
Charlie shot him a look like he’d half been expecting that answer. “Hm.”
“What?” Tommy sighed exhaustedly. Charlie shrugged. 
“Maybe you didn’t lose the entirety of your heart in France, after all.”
“She’s just useful, is all.”
He flung his cigarette irritably into the ground. “I have a meeting to get to.”
“If she’s going to be staying longer, you really should come introduce yourself to her. With how long she’s been around, and how often you come by here, it’s just bloody rude at this point that you haven’t,” when Tommy didn’t say anything, Charlie soldiered on. “She’s sweet.”
“Then all the better that I stay as far away from her as possible.”
Charlie let out a soft groan. “Tommy…”
“Just stop it, Charlie,” he snapped. But his uncle remained unperturbed. 
“You’ve been spending more and more time around here, as of late…”
“There are more things here that I need to keep an eye on.”
Charlie shot him a very unconvinced look at his weak defense. “...I’m just saying, she’s pretty, and nice…if you don’t make a move soon, someone else is likely to snatch her up.”
Tommy felt his shoulders go stiff at the suggestion, jaw clenching. “I’m not discussing this with you,” without so much as a goodbye, he whirled around and stomped away towards the exit, ignoring Charlie’s calls of his name. 
His mind roared and whirled with confliction. The implications of what Charlie had said had set his hair on end. He hadn’t even thought of anyone that way since Greta…
He came to a screeching halt, as his brain caught up with his rapidly firing thoughts, and the realization struck him like a brick to the face that he very much had been thinking of Lucy in that context recently. 
Jesus Christ, what the fuck was wrong with him? He had no business thinking or feeling that way when he hadn’t even spoken with the woman. The fondness he’d developed for her was completely unwarranted.  
But his mind kept replaying that moment when their eyes had first locked in the yard more times than he could count. Torturing himself with it.
Because as much as he longed for another taste of the deep, insistent understanding that had looked back at him within those big green eyes, he had soon come to the conclusion that despite how much she intrigued him, or how much potential she had, or the undeniable pull he felt towards her, he could not let himself get close to her. 
Yes, he had been testing her. Feeling out whether or not she would be suited to a more significant position in his organization. And she was. She most certainly was. But he had made the decision not to offer it to her.  
The darkness that seemed to follow him wherever he went was eternal and all encompassing. He would not allow it to hurt her. Even if that meant that he had to stay away from her forever. She would be better off without him.  
But still, he longed.  
He longed for her soul.  
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Simple The Rookie 5x08/5x09 rewrite to separate the end of Chris/Lucy and start of Chenford and get to see a little bit more into Tim and Lucy’s thought processes and feelings.
Everything is the same except the end scene of 5x08 is essentially moved to the end of 5x09, combined with that end scene and expanded, and instead at the end of 5x08 there’s a heart-to-heart between Lucy and Angela.
Of course the office scene where Tim gives Lucy break-up advise is also changed, but only slightly.
5x08 end scene:
“Hey, can I get your opinion on something?” Lucy asks as she approaches Angela’s desk.
“Of course.” Angela replies closing the file in front of her as Lucy pulls an empty chair over, “What’s up?”
“Uh,” Lucy stutters, “I’m actually not even sure where to start.”
“Is this about you buying a house with Chris?”
“How’d you know about that?”  Lucy asks, surprised.
“I have my sources,” Angela smirks, “So big step. How are you feeling?”
“That’s just it,” Lucy begins, “I don’t know what to feel. I mean I should be happy, excited. This is what I’ve always wanted. To meet a guy and fall in love, move in together and start a family, but…” Lucy trails off.
“…you didn’t fall in love,” Angela prods gently.
“No,” Lucy breathes, “I didn’t. I mean I wanted to. I tried really hard to convince myself that one day I would, but now, I just don’t think I’ll ever get there. When Chris started showing me houses I realized I just can’t picture that future. Not with him.”
Angela nods. “So did you come to me for break-up advice?”
“I- I guess I just wanted someone to tell me that it was okay to want to end it. I mean he’s a good guy, we get along well, have similar interests, want the same things in life. Am I crazy for not wanting to try and make it work anymore?” 
“You’re not crazy and you did try, but you can’t force yourself feel something you don’t and pretending otherwise just hurts everyone involved.”
Lucy nods, “It all sounds so simple when you say it.”
“Oh, love’s never simple,” Angela laughs, “in fact that’s how I know you and Chris never had it.”
Lucy raises her eyebrows, “Care to enlighten me?”
“The perfect partner doesn’t just fit into your life, they change it, and you, for the better. They challenge you and push you and make you a better person and they grow and change because of you. They are the person whose simple presence brings you happiness, comfort and excitement. The person who knows you better than you know yourself. The person you’d move heaven and earth for without a second thought. The person who can hurt you more deeply than anyone else. It’s not some formula where if somebody checks off enough boxes they become that person. They just are that person. Your person, wether you like it or not.” Angela stops then, noticing Lucy’s eyes glisten as they avoid hers.
“Hey, it’s ok, one day you’ll find that,” Angela says patting Lucy’s shoulder.
“What if I already have,” Lucy sniffs, “and I don’t know what to do about it.”
Angela follows Lucy’s gaze then and unsurprisingly finds herself looking at Tim across the bull pen.
She can’t help but smile as she turns back to Lucy. “Then you’ll figure it out. Just give yourself some time.”
Lucy just nods as she steals another glance at Tim.
“But first things first,” Angela smirks, “you need to break up with Chris.”
Lucy sighs throwing her head back, “I know. I just don’t want to hurt him anymore than I have to. After all, he almost died because of me, the least I can do is not completely break his heart. Ugh,” she sighs again, “It would be so much easier if I could just be the type of asshole who breaks up with people over text.”
Office scene:
“So have you decided to move in with Chris after all,” Tim asks Lucy as soon as Chris leaves the room.
“No, I’m trying to break-up with him,” Lucy whines.
“And how’s that going?” Tim teases.
“I’m in the planning stages. I’m just reviewing the literature.”
“Literature? Lucy a psychology journal is not going to tell you how to break up with Chris. I mean, uh, just ask him to your office and ask for his playbook. Quick and easy,” Tim offers.
“His playbill?” Lucy asks, confused.
“His playbook. When you get kicked off a team you have to turn in your playbook. It’s a metaphor.”
“No, it’s cruel. I’m… I’m gonna handle it my way.”
“If... If you're having second thoughts-” Tim asks tentatively, hoping he isn’t pressuring her into ending it with Chris when she doesn’t want to.
“No, I... I'm not,” Lucy replies.
“Good,” Tim smiles and Lucy’s more confident in her decision than ever.
5x09 end scene:
How's it going? Lucy asks, surprising Tim as he exits Mid-Wilshire’s front doors into the streetlight lit courtyard.
Tim sighs, “Survived my shift as watch commander, glad Grey will be returning tomorrow and I won’t have to do it again. What are you doing back?”
“Uh- Can we talk?” Lucy asks guiding Tim over to sit down in front of one of the flower beds.
When Tim just nods Lucy continues.
“I talked to Chris.” 
“How did it go?” 
“Uh, awful. Yeah. But it's done.”
“Honestly, I still don’t understand what took you so long. It clearly wasn’t working out. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just admit it. Was it guilt? Because of what Rosalind did to him?”
“Oh, like I’m the only one that stayed too long when things weren’t working. You dated a lifeguard. You don’t even like going to the beach.”
“This isn’t about me,” Tim interrupts, fuelled by the frustration that comes from unrequited feelings. Lucy tries to cut him off but he persists, “It’s not.”
“If it’s not about you then why do you care so much?” She spits back. He’s temporarily stunned into silence as he pulls back a bit and blinks to clear his head.
“You know why,” he finally offers and his tone has softened.
“I don’t actually,” Lucy rebuts “You continue to chastise me about staying in a dead-end relationship when you would still be in one too, if Ashley hadn’t pulled the plug for you.”
“You’re right,” Tim admits and Lucy’s fire starts to dissipate, “I stayed with Ashley far past when I knew it wasn’t going to work out, because it was easy and safe. But I wasn’t happy and when she ended it, instead of sadness I felt relief. And in that relief I found clarity. I didn’t want you to make my same mistakes. I wanted you to be braver than I was.” He pauses, waiting for Lucy to jump in but when she just continues to stare at him with big open eyes he continues.
“You asked me why I care. I care because I care about you. I want you to be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I thought you were happy with him, but then it became obvious you weren’t and you deserve to be happy, Lucy.” He knows he should stop before he says too much but every emotion he’s grappled with since that undercover kiss is now coursing through his veins, pushing him forward. “You deserve to find someone who truly makes you happy.”
“Are you saying that could be you?” Lucy asks tentatively.
“Is that crazy?” Tim asks, more vulnerable than she’d ever seen him.
Lucy shakes her head, “Not crazy,” she clarifies “but kind of terrifying, because if we do this and it doesn’t work I’ll have ruined the most important relationship in my life.”
Tim freezes then not quite believing what he is hearing. That she feels the same way. Yet, here she is not only confirming that he is the most important person in her life but also that them being together is a real option. They could choose that. Choose each other. Choose happiness.
Lucy must read his silence as hesitation because she starts to backtrack.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have,”
“You’re right,” he quickly interrupts.
“So we should just keep going the way we have been, right?,” Lucy proposes coyly, “It’s not worth the risk.”
“Unless it is?” Tim quickly offers. 
Lucy looks back at him questioning. He hesitates before clarifying. 
“I know it’s complicated, it could have ramifications not only on us personally but also professionally and we could come to regret it,” Tim explains, “but over the last few weeks I’ve realized that if we don’t at least try I’ll always wonder ‘what if?’”
“Are you trying to ask me something, Tim,” Lucy asks, voice laced with anticipation.
“I can’t remember,” Tim teases.
“Don’t make me hurt you,” Lucy replies quietly.
Tim pauses then, taking a couple deep breaths and allowing himself to really take her in, as he summons all his courage.
“Do you want to get dinner sometime,” he finally asks.
“Yes” she replies immediately and he can’t help but beam.
“Yeah?” He confirms. It stills seems too good to be true.
“Yeah,” she confirms. “I do.”
And they can’t help but stare at each other, broad smiles plastered to their faces as their hearts beat out of their chests.
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gwens-fiction · 1 month
Patagonia Penguins Snippet
While yes, a prequel for Tropical Storm, it also very much can stand on its own sooooo…Have a snippet I wrote when testing a couple of the characters!
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Regina stared at her captain before her, still processing what she had been told. Sure, there was a touch of grey to his black feathers, and his golden yellows were a little dulled. But retirement? Captain Liam wasn’t that old yet, not much more than a decade older than her.
"Regina? Did you hear me?"
She looked up, furrowing her brow. "I heard you, sir, but I can’t say I understand you."
Liam leaned back in his chair with a sigh, shaking his head. "I’m retiring so that I can spend more time with Belle and our chicks. As my current second in command, you’ll become the new captain in my place."
"But sir—“ She touched her flippers to her beak as she searched for the words she wanted to say. However, they wouldn’t come.
"Do you not want the position?"
"Of course I do, but are you sure this is the right time, sir?"
He sighed, looking softly at her with his gentle blue eyes. "There will never be a right time, Gina. I just know you are ready to take the helm, and my chicks are growing up quickly as it is. If I wasn’t confident you could handle it, I would have put it off, but I know I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my team."
With a sigh, Regina finally nodded. "It’ll be an honor, sir. You better keep in touch though. We're gonna miss you."
"Likewise. I want letters of all the non classified escapades you all go on. Keep me in the loop." He chuckled as he stood up. "I haven’t told the others yet, but I will tonight when they’re back."
"Of course. Just know you aren’t going anywhere until after Lucy throws you a retirement party."
"Ha! I wouldn’t dare leave without my last Lucy party. You and I both know she’d hunt me down and drag me back for it if I tried."
"She wouldn’t be alone in the ambush either….Neo's going to take this pretty hard, you know."
Liam nodded with a long sigh. "He’s been the nephew I never had, it’s going to be hard leaving him…Which is exactly why I wanted you to be my replacement. No one else knows this rookery better than one of us."
"We'll be a man down."
"For a while, yes…But I’m sure you’ll find a new recruit in no time, or much like Neo, they may find you instead." He smiled.
Regina looked away again, smoothing down her spotted feathers. Things wouldn’t be the same without Liam around, but after his parental leave months ago for their most recent egg, she should have seen this coming. He had always been the more parental type. It was admirable.
Even if it seemed impractical to her. After all, living the life they live, wouldn’t raising chicks near the unit be safer than leaving it? She highly doubted that their enemies got retirement notices of their nemesis or would even care?
That said, Liam had always strong instincts, so who was she to doubt them now?
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