#not the full quote i know
franken-loser · 3 months
Me talking to my uterus:
Cursed be the day, abhorred devil, in which you first saw light! You have made me wretched beyond expression. You have left me no power to consider whether I am just to you, or not. Begone!
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torsamors · 10 months
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Patrick and Pete throughout the years
"I remember looking at Pete and Patrick and telling Pete, “You're the luckiest guy in the world because you found this guy." Patrick laughed. Then I turned to Patrick and said the same thing to him. They fit together so perfectly. Pete listens to electronic music and pop. He DJs. Patrick likes old soul and classic R&B. The fact that Patrick found this guy with this vision; Pete had everything for the band laid out in his mind. And the fact that Pete found a guy who can sing like that and take his lyrics and work with them - which is an art unto itself. It's really the combination of those two that really creates the sound and the songs. They're just really lucky they found each other."
- Bob McLynn
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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It's the 2 month anniversary of this blog! Here's all the main MTXT couples to celebrate.
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ljsarts · 1 year
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"If I was so dead, where was my funeral?! Where’s my headstone?"
I'm haunted by both these quotes and the idea of what would have happened had Timothy Goose found Ylfa after she'd well ...
Quote is by Kristin Chang
now available as a print
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ink-the-artist · 5 months
holy shit I did NOT realize how popular my "I will remove my teeth, for I want to remain kind despite my anger" quote is. I just googled it for fun to see what would come up, a bunch of people are quoting it not knowing who its from, an artist called Kuma made an album titled that, so bizzare
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nonbinary-corvid · 6 months
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Unhinged pinterest conversation with someone who is not in the hannibal Fandom. I think I nailed my hannibal impression.
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
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veerbles · 3 months
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"He doesn't say goodbye. He just lets go."
goodbye at dawn.
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raplinenthusiasts · 1 year
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BTS x The Office
for @cordiallyfuturedwight 🫂
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so about the header that proceeded today's statement:
Viability as agent: Low
Viability as subject: None
Viability as catalyst: Medium
i didn't know what to think of this part of the entry at first, but the longer the statement went on... was the institute in this universe trying to manufacture avatars?
the dice can't do anything without someone to use them, they can't be an "agent" by themselves, but might be capable of manipulation, so in that aspect their viability is "low."
the dice could be a "subject" in the sense that they could use further studying, but the statement itself was a very thorough investigation of their workings, so in that aspect their viability is "none."
the dice seem to influence their holder to roll them, or at least find more victims to roll them, and could therefore be described as a "catalyst" for someone's becoming. but, as seen in the statement, their owner can give the dice to someone else (albeit not without consequences), so in that aspect their viability is only "medium."
so what about the line following all this, what does "Recommend referral to Catalytics for Enrichment applicability assessment" mean? if we go by this interpretation, i'd say it could mean the institute wanted to find a way to make the dice even more potent as an artifact, maybe even remove that pesky ability for their owner to reject them.
imho all of this this brings a whole new level of context to the events of episode seven, of unknown violent agents going after an influx of objects that seemed straight out of artifact storage. was that the nature of the titular "magnus protocol" first mentioned in episode four, the one that involved the starkwall group? containing or destroying potential artifacts before the institute could get their hands on them?
it also makes their "gifted kids program," and sam's link to it as one of the kids being studied, all the more horrifying to think about. was it not just avatars in general they were after, but child avatars specifically? no wonder gertrude got so defensive over the possibility of sam and celia dragging gerry back into the institute's business last episode, we all picked up on her clearly knowing more than she's letting on but now we might know the shape of that information a bit better.
and one final bit of food for thought... this statement had a lot of familiar themes, didn't it? free will or the illusion of it, gambling and not-so-random chance, the statement giver being done in by one final hit from what feels like a bit of an addition... all hallmarks of a certain mother of puppets. doesn't it seem fitting that "chester" would use this kind of statement to warn sam about what harm pursuing the magnus institute could bring to him, considering the one his voice might draw from? and doesn't it seem so painfully ironic that his warning seems to have only driven sam further into that web?
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magnusbae · 9 months
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“ I have suffered the atrocity of sunsets. Scorched to the root. ” –Sylvia Plath
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captainhysunstuff · 2 months
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Light comes up with a brilliant plan to avoid their "bad ending" during the rain scene (inspired by/stolen from the Steven Universe episode "Fusion Cuisine": scene link). Light's final quote is also from "Giant Woman~".
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wwxsflutesolo · 10 months
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"Chuuya. Come to your senses. Our fate will not end in a place like this. Because you and I are destined to—"
@/kedreeva// ernest hemingway - the old man and the sea// death cab for cutie - summer years// unknown// unknown// lidia yuknavitch - the chronology of water: a memoir// richard siken - saying your names// taylor swift - gorgeous// unknown// victor hugo - les miserables// jeanette winterson - lighthousekeeping// sylvia Plath - lady lazarus// margaret atwood - power politics// tory adkisson - Anecdote of the Pig//richard siken - planet of love, wishbone// ethel cain - hard times// margaret atwood - variations on the word love
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im-not-a-l0ser · 4 months
Ethan, to Lex: I just think Max Jagerman is a bad influence on Hannah.
Max w/ Hannah: You saw another fuckin thing? I'll fight it, where the fuck is it
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wifiwuxians · 1 year
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Alone, he carried two swords— Shuanghua and Fuxue— and two souls— Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing. And thus, he walked a different path.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 months
ERIDAN: i lovve you…
FEFERI: Swordfis)( slas)( to the c)(est. And you’re on fire.
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