#but then again i am sleep deprived from playing mass effect 2 for the first time
incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 months
ERIDAN: i lovve you…
FEFERI: Swordfis)( slas)( to the c)(est. And you’re on fire.
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captainadwen · 2 years
my investment in genshin this time around has been much much shorter lived than expected
this is just a sleep-deprived 5 am rant bc i cannot sleep
i mean, part of it might be spoilers but also the lack of building up to plot that I missed (since my friend played some of the story while using my account as an alt). the issue is that i dont care enough about inazuma’s plot to look it up and see what happened. like ive met ei. i did her second quest. i know enough about raiden shogun to guess. i dont give a single fuck about kujo sara so watching her short-lived fallout from ideology is frankly unappealing. kokomi i liked only bc of a fancomic and the in-game version is much more disappointing. i still forget gorou exists. doing kazuha’s quest is frankly wasting the time i spend alive. i think there’s other characters in inazuma but i keep forgetting who they are so it’s like, whatever
why are itto and shinobu the only two characters from inazuma i actually like???
it is just impossible for me to be invested in inazuma story, and the same issue is happening in sumeru. sumeru the problem is a mix of spoilers but also that i am SO DONE with the traveler having three personality traits
1. i single-handedly saved countries. pay my allies no mind. isn’t it great i owned the jade chamber and that the anemo god is still awol and whatever the fuck went down in inazuma?
2. busybody
3. omg, sUCH a HERo
i really hate it!!!
every time i think im getting invested the focus shifts from characters and their interactions (i thought!!! little sick rich lady and body guard pyro lady and dancer hydro lady had a nice thing going on!!!) back to the traveler and their bullshit quest to go see the dendro archon (for what???? honestly if the writers REALLY cared about the story the motivation would stop being flimsy-ass lets travel teyvat uhuhuh and more ‘that dainsleif fellow is my closest link to finding my awol sibling and if i cannot find my sibling or the god that yeeted us here then by GOLLY i will track dainsleif and other khaen’riah survivors/relics across teyvat until i find one of them again)
(which like!!! could work really well for inazuma and sumeru bc 1. vision stopping might be sus enough for traveler to suspect abyss involvement. but also they got hit really bad by the cataclysm and 2. i havent done the quest yet but there’s a huge-ass ruin guard??? just lying around??? also the irminsul tree links whatnot)
i really hate that there’s no motivation to travel around and i hate the boastful traveler and i hate paimon’s screechy voice (i went back to see clips of mond and her voice is SO MUCH LESS SCREECHY) and i really, really fucking despise the grinding
why does every new character need a specific artifact. why do we have to grind so much. if i want to use any of my cast of characters i have to grind the fuck out of them first or they die in three seconds or do nothing. heaven forbid your character scale off anything but attack or hp with how rare things like energy recharge are. like
i thought it was just that i disliked fighting games. im kinda bad at them. and i dont like genshin fighting. i keep wanting to play a ton of rpgs (assasin’s creed, mass effect), but i get tired thinking about fighting. but then i realized, im like 40+ runs in on hades and still going strong. and that game is pure combat.
i just hate games where the combat feels meaningless
at least in hades i know each run brings me slowly closer to escaping the underworld. in genshin after grinding for a full hour (a bit longer than a long slow run in hades) i’ll be lucky if i got anything of use. maybe if you just fight bosses for ascension materials. otherwise get fucked
it just exhausts me and not even puzzles or exploration can make me not feel tired at the idea of playing (And god, i hate the aranara quest run around collecting seeds things.... it could be worse but it could also just be lile. a puzzle instead of dash dash dash con)
anyway i think imma take another break, probably shorter since genshin is what i play when i am bored simply bc its there and easy and i can quit after 5 mins with zero progress lost. a realization brough to you by the realization i was only logging in to get primos for nahida, who i have not met and whom spoilers did not endear me to (also she’s a kid character and except for klee i universally am extremely indifferent to them), whom i was told is “ultra good” for fighting and spiral. and who i’d still have to build up. on the off chance i win 50/50
yeah, no
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A Sleep-Deprived Journey of Batarians in Halfway Home
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(or: the adventures of me in “Everything is problematic and I want to cry”) (also I have lost count and I am not consistent in anything regarding these updates please bear with me)
I haven’t slept and I am exhausted, as in, globally. So of course I decided it would be the perfect time to write something about the daunting, complex and delicate process of weaving the batarian narrative in Halfway Home.
Because, of course, I have to be like that.
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I’d say the “batarian subplot”, as I call it, is the biggest subplot of Halfway Home, and one of the more intricately connected. It is present in some capacity from the first chapter to the last, and it’s the story of three things:
the long, muted fall of an entire civilization (as in the games, so I’m not really counting it as spoiler?)
the narrative on said long, muted fall from the perspective of an outsider (namely Shlee, hi Shlee) shifting gradually as the picture gets more precise and nuanced
Khocress Kam’gestar and his fight against the entropy; to secure a new cultural identity and a new home for his gang, and the batarian people at large (and the ideological turmoil it causes him, hi Khocress)
This subplot is also extremely linked to the political subplots (mostly the growing human influence and its clashes with turian powers), the Omega subplot and who gets to rule that damn upside down edgy space rock. And the main plot as well, of course.
So. Batarians.
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Honestly sometimes I wonder what the hell I was thinking trying to go deep in the intricacies of that culture and its horrifying course throughout the games. Because… So beware! the Spice, but batarians, as a “planet of hat” culture (which they very much are in the games)… is kind of not great to begin with? And I don’t mean “not great” diegetically to the Mass Effect world, because yes they are very much not great in-world: they are slavers, with a caste system, pirates, racists and dismissive of other species, involved in “human” trade, sort of sexists, the species by far the most associated with sexual assault canonically, thrive in gangs, terrorists, want to aggressively impose their culture on the civilized other species and ain’t that preposterous… Yeah, so what I mean is that batarians, as a concept, are not exactly… Woke(TM), if I may. While kind of hard to pinpoint as a shortcut to one singular culture, they evoke a narrative that isn’t new but remains vague enough to be used as a “conversation starter” without being too outrageous. Basically batarians, when compared to the expected demographic of the game (which I assume is “western” whatever that means), embody All Of The Bad Tropes coming hot out of the “non-white” hat of cultural shortcuts, except up-played to 11. Wow, I know, what a take right.
I don’t think it has been done out of malice at all. I think the goal, with batarians, was to create a species you could freely hate and shoot (and do a tiny genocide on) without feeling too bad about it. And creating guilt-free antagonists is kind of normal when you’re making a shooter game, especially one like Mass Effect that does everything it can for the player to feel empowered and right (and it evokes this feeling masterfully, which is crazy hard to do). The antagonism between batarians and humans create tension every time Shepard crosses path with one of them, especially if the player went the Colonist route. That’s actually pretty cool to maintain, and the contained aggressiveness with every Omega interaction in Mass Effect 2 makes for interesting momentum (and makes me sort of wish we had some greater batarian antagonist, because there was potential, videogame-wise). And Mass Effect 3 finally paints a little more nuance on this species as a group of people who lost everything (though it kind of paints it with its “congratulation you played yourself” light that we also have with asaris after the Reaper attack –really not a fan, but hey, self-righteousness feels deserved after 150+ hours poured in an RPG series, so good for Shepard I guess).
But yes, culture bias is unfortunate, so invoking racist stereotypes can be a shorthand to achieve diplomatic antagonism pretty fast with our human protagonist, even if unknowingly and with the best intentions in mind.
But now I’m stuck with this too, am I not.
So I got stuck with a lot of decisions from the trilogy since several years ago, the worst offender still and always the Cerberus plot on Omega, which I will never not whine about. But for some reason, I never fought the batarian characterization, and I tried to roll with it and go underneath what that characterization means. What such a culture would be about. Also: after thousands of years of cohabitation (they made contact 40 years after the Council was formed by salarians and asaris, which dates them as crazy old), how they have been reflected back and shaped by other cultures too. Why this crazy long time period had been shoved under the carpet in their characterization, their presence not even mentioned for several major wars, why krogans, while still quite vengeful as a whole, are apparently more deserving of progressive empathy (at least in the way it’s shown) than batarians enslaved by their own kind and unable to leave their propaganda-fueled homeworld on the verge of economic collapse. There is a lot to unpack, a lot under the surface, and I get a sense of disconnect between the simplicity of their portrayal and the complexity of their reality in this world. I guess this is what drove me to them, in part.
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So the task was to lay down the story of their fall. Cool.
But with a material so deeply flawed to begin with, it’s very hard to do right. Calling it up right now: I am bound to mess up somehow, because this very narrative is so connoted. I don’t know if there is a name for the trope of the Fatally Flawed Culture, the Unsavable Morally Doomed Civilization, but as much as I dance around the idea that the problem is not with what their culture had become but with the system that put them in that position in the first place, the slip is so very easy to make, especially given their proto-fascist ways. Also how easy it is to shove in some taste of White Savior, even without meaning to, even actively fighting against it, especially when the POV isn’t part of said culture (though Shlee doesn’t save anyone, barely his own ass, and mess up quite incredibly every time he attempts to meddle with a culture he believes really hard he understands and belongs to, honestly). Also, well. Batarian culture is flawed, it is part of their characterization, and washing them off as pure and unproblematic wouldn’t be very helpful either, nor would it be interesting. Victimization is as dehumanizing as blind antagonism. And then, and that comes with how the games sets them up in the narrative: their story is a downward spiral by essence. And this display of tragedy is kind of used, in the games, as a way to get the player to feel that maybe they deserve a little empathy after all. In a story that flips the switch to put the spotlight on their perspective and still maintains the systemic horror of their narrative arc, how do you avoid trauma porn, miserabilism?
I don’t have a perfect solution, obviously. One of my attempts is to multi-facet this whole situation as much as possible, with as much batarian faces as I can fit them in, but then you don’t want to bloat the story either, and then you contrast the pain with anger, and the anger can be horrifying, and another problematic problem in itself (I’m going to dubious places involving some batarian characters, and it’s kind of overwhelming, and also necessary but also kind of a never ending swarm of questions and double guesses, but welp ain’t no way I’m not getting canceled over something in this puddle of hot mess). Hope too, of course, but again, keep the message clear, don’t bloat the story. But hope, still. Somewhere.
All of that convoluted, sleep-deprived post served only to deliver this message: batarians are a mess to get right. They come packaged as a mess, are a mess to work through, and I have very little hope for them not to still be a mess at the end of the road. I will try. They deserve as much.
Who said writing fanfiction was easy again.
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jerseydeanne · 6 years
(**JD, this is the one I meant to send. So sorry I keep messing up. I’m just really sleep-deprived. Xoxo, Roseberry)
There was a reason I sent an extremely long post detailing what it is like to lose a patient from a physician’s point-of-view. If there was one thing that bothered me while I followed the coverage of this “relationship,” it was the fact that a woman who has long passed is kept from finding her peace. The incessant need by the media to drag Harry’s mother into this mess combined with the level of conspiracy surrounding that tragic day is not only disrespectful to her and her surviving family members, but also to the entire medical community.
From what I’ve noticed, many have wondered why Harry’s mother was not immediately transported to a nearby hospital. Indeed, it was the delay that birthed numerous conspiracy theories; but that delay had nothing to do with who she was; it had everything to do with French emergency medical system. The French system is unlike any in Anglo-Saxon countries, because its units are staffed with a physician, a nurse, and/or an EMT. In Anglo-Saxon countries, such team NEVER includes physicians unless it’s a mass scale emergency; doctors are simply too “valuable” to be dispatched for ONE patient when they can be seeing many in the ER; so it’s the EMTs or the paramedics that arrive on the scene. Indeed, the very reason the patients HAVE to be transported to the hospital as quickly as possible is BECAUSE these first responders are not doctors; I’m not saying this in any way, shape, or form to dismiss the hard work that all the first responders do; they play a vital role in stabilizing the patients on the scene, and I respect them greatly; but like I said in my previous submission, the buck stops with the doctors. That’s why ensuring that the physicians examine the patients as soon as possible is a key component in any emergency service; but because Franco-German model includes a physician as a team member, there is no need to transport the patient–ANY patient–to the hospital as quickly as they do in Anglo-Saxon countries. The physicians who are staffed for theses services are not doctors-in-training like I am. They’re attending-level physicians we’re talking about. While there have been general practitioners sent to the scene for minor emergencies, it’s highly skilled specialists who are sent for car accidents serious as the one Harry’s mother was involved in. Because the physicians are on the scene, they don’t have to shout instructions over the phone or delay any urgent treatment until the patients arrive at the hospital. They can do everything on the scene, and theoretically speaking, the patients have a better chance of survival this way.
I don’t know what it was like to be in that ambulance that night, but as I illustrated in my previous post, I do know what it’s like to be in an ambulance with a patient who was a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a sister. The physician who was treating Harry’s mother did his best that night, I can assure you that. He wasn’t delaying her transport to hasten her passing, he was trying to keep her alive so that she can see her family again. It was not fair for the media to attack the physician when he had no reason to go to the hospital quickly like others do in Anglo-Saxon countries; he’s skilled enough to manage the situation on his own, has a nurse assisting him, and the necessary medical equipment loaded on the ambulance. In fact, the doctor on the scene had the responsibility to ensure that he stabilized her to best of his abilities before transporting her to another hospital; after all, as I highlighted in my previous post, it’s extremely difficult to work in a moving vehicle. It would have been irresponsible of a physician of his caliber to choose to transport her immediately without proper assessment and management.
The reason I decided to emphasize the physician’s role in the death of Harry’s mother was this: the conspiracy theories that his family must have somehow caused his mother’s passing only holds true if the physician on the scene played a role. Like I wrote in one of my previous posts, there are people who escape unscathed from a car crash that injured the rest of the passengers; and vice versa. There are never guarantees that such unstable “plan” would work unless a physician on the scene took measures to ensure its success–and this is what I find so disconcerting. With multiple reports confirming Harry’s mother’s initial conditions at the scene, then coupling that with the emphasis on the time it took for her to be transported to the hospital in the report insinuates an unspeakable act–no, a sickening crime–on the doctor’s part. I understand that not every doctor is a saint; I’m fully aware that some doctors DO commit some of the most heinous crimes; I get that. But if that doctor on the scene really played a role in the death of Harry’s mother, why would he have allowed such misleading time frame to occur in the first place? The number of ways doctors can end a patient’s life are endless; but I can think of two very quick ways off the top of my head that he could have utilized in that circumstance; and Harry’s mother would have been pronounced dead on the spot; none would have been wiser; not even autopsy would have been able to pick up the very easy method I can think of right now–and I’m not even that smart. So why would a skilled physician compromise himself with such delay if he were involved in such a deed? I’ll give you the answer: it’s because he wasn’t. Like I said, the reason for the delay in her transport was because he was trying to keep her alive; he was TREATING her–not killing her; and without a physician playing a role, how is it possible to assume that Harry’s family would have been able to assassinate his mother with such an unpredictable event?
Instead of practicing investigative journalism, too many in the media have resorted to salacious gossip to maintain subscriptions. In doing so, many journalists and even some members of the public have failed to realize the detrimental effects of such gossip on young children’s psyche and their relationship with the surviving family members. I don’t know if Harry was ever tempted to believe such a tale; but I wouldn’t blame him if he were; and if he ever did, I can’t imagine the psychological torment he went through: I can’t imagine how many times he must have tossed and turned in his bed; I can’t imagine the thought that must have ran through his mind when he met his family; I can’t imagine the ambivalence and the confusion he experienced; I can’t imagine how suffocating it must have been to feel bound by the very people who may be responsible for his mother’s death; and the keyword here is “may be.” The state of such uncertainty leads to enormous amount of frustration; the frustration finds its outlet through a delinquent behavior; such misbehavior is followed by a reprimand, which fosters that resentment. It’s a vicious cycle; and the source of it all was the media’s sickening speculations.
If I saw legitimacy in the conspiracy theories, I wouldn’t have bothered to submit this post. I would have slept instead. Just because I’m empathetic to Harry’s possible psychological plight doesn’t mean I’m someone to mollycoddle a fully-grown man. The reason I sent this submission was for something else. Until now, I refrained from articulating the likelihood that Harry’s current predicament stems not from the possibility he’s not over his mother’s death, but from the resentment toward his family. I’m not stating that he’s with Ms. Markle voluntarily to spite his family; I’m simply trying to say that the series of events leading up to this moment is likely to have originated from that deeply-rooted resentment sourced in an untrue, malicious tale.
No one can force Harry to let go of that resentment. Nor can anyone force him to accept his mother’s death. But I will say this: if the life of Harry’s mother had a purpose, her death had a purpose as well. I may not know all of God’s purposes, but I can think of few:
1. By dying in a car crash without a seatbelt, she ensured many others practiced wearing seatbelts. There may be a single mother out there whose life has been saved by remembering to put on her seatbelts because Harry’s mother died. Harry and his brother may have lost their mother, but that woman’s children would have been orphaned had she not put on a seatbelt then died in a subsequent car crash. The single mother aside, countless others were reminded of the importance of seatbelts by her death. Her death prevented others from losing their loved ones.
2. She ensured that Harry and his brother would have an unbreakable bond between them. To many, it would seem fair that children are to bury their parents. We’re all mortals, after all, and Harry and his brother would have buried their mother at some point in their lives; but who’s to say their brotherly bond would have been as strong if she were still alive? This is not to suggest that his mother was a source of conflict between the two brothers. I’m merely suggesting that sharing such painful loss ensured that the brothers would forge a strong bond. We bury our parents, and our children will bury us. It’s our siblings who stay with us through the hardships and joys of life. In her death, she ensured that Harry would always have his brother by his side.
3. By losing her, Harry was taught that the most important things in life can’t be bought. We’re all taught this lesson from young age, but it’s not an easy concept to grasp if you have everything at your disposal from young age. Learning this lesson means Harry was likely kept from using people as a means to an end. In doing so, his soul is less tainted than it could have been.
4. Harry can empathize with others who’s been through the same pain. He doesn’t have to sit through his engagements, nodding away while he’s clueless as to why people in front of him are so distraught. His empathy stems from personal experience, and people who meet him will be able to receive that healing in understanding that there IS someone out there who’s been through it and CARES. He can spread God’s love through his understanding of pain now.
The list can go on, but the point in me making such list was to illustrate the fact that there is a silver lining in every cloud. Harry has a great gift. He wouldn’t be under such attack if he weren’t. The Devil always recognizes your talent far before you realize it yourself. This chapter in Harry’s life was meant to bring him closer to God. If God had no purpose for him, Harry wouldn’t even be breathing right now, let alone alive. God loves Harry, just like he loves everyone reading on here and beyond. He will make sure Harry will rise above this pain, and use the lessons he’s learned for His glory.
-Roseberrycupcakes (RCC)
Thank you roseberrycupcakes
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
Male Menopause Is a Thing. What to Do About It
Male menopause is a real thing, and the medical term for it is andropause. According to the Mayo Clinic, the term “Male Menopause” has been used to describe decreasing testosterone levels related to aging. See this article from Mark back in 2018.
One of the symptoms of male menopause can be erectile dysfunction (ED). Although for younger men, you can have ED without male menopause. ED can destroy a man’s confidence not just in the bedroom but in the larger picture of his life by causing depression, stress, moodiness and anger all things that peak performers do not want to associate with. But for men aged 35-64 these things can sneak up on us, fast.
We are all so busy “performing.” Being a Dad, a good husband, business owner, a hard worker, friend, trying to get your workouts squeezed into an already hectic week. In many cases, this usually leads to a pattern of not not getting enough sleep because of late night emails for work after having put the kids to bed, up early the next day to get right back at your hard charging life, with too little exercise and not enough Primal Nutrition. Which leaves you with high stress. Stress leads to high cortisol (more about cortisol below).
Maybe you had a little too much wine at dinner … it happens. Your wife or lover wants to “play” and so do you, but no response. Once, certainly is nothing to worry about but the definition of ED is “is the recurrent or persistent inability to attain and/or maintain an erection in order for satisfactory sexual performance.” So, what to do?
First, let’s look closer at the leading causes.
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Possible Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
In order to eliminate the frustration of ED we must first understand what may be causing it.
Too Little Sleep
Research from Mathew Walker’s book “Why We Sleep” point to the necessity of 7 plus hours of sleep per night. Of all the healthy things we can do to at the very least preserve our hormones, sleep is number one! According to Walker in his book, “If you have hopes of reproductive success, fitness or prowess, you would do well to get a full night’s sleep every night.” In fact as far as Testosterone is concerned, Walker cites a study done at the University of Chicago where a group of lean healthy young males in their mid 20’s were limited to 5 hours of sleep for one week. After the sleep deprivation for a week, “sample hormone levels circulating in the blood of the participants showed a marked drop in testosterone.The size of the hormone blunting effect was so large that it effectively ages a man by ten to fifteen years in terms of testosterone virility.” WOW is all I can say!
Too Much Stress
It’s a vicious cycle. Lack of adequate sleep, stress from family and work, financial stress, all of this leads to worry. Worry leads to high cortisol levels. Cortisol is also known as “the stress hormone” and chronically high levels can lead to irritability, moodiness and depression. The results of all that stress is hormones out of whack, especially testosterone, thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones. In other words, cortisol is part of the “fight or flight” mechanism that is built into all of us. When it is ON all the time, that will disrupt our hormonal levels which may lead to ED.
We need our inflammation response. When you slice your finger on a kitchen knife and you see a red ring around the cut, that’s acute inflammation.
Systemic chronic inflammation is the kind that causes problems. Caused by, you guessed it! Vegetable oils cooked under high heat, refined carbs, stress and not enough sleep. Chronic inflammation will not only hurt your sex life but long term, is a leading cause of dementia. These killer culprits lead to insulin sensitivity and inflammation and thus fat gain and yup, hormone distress again.
Not Enough Exercise
According to a report out of Harvard Medical School, “There is no specific exercise program for men looking to reduce the risk of ED. But a well-rounded exercise program that includes just half an hour of physical activity on all or most days of the week delivers solid health benefits.”1
Although the above statement is true, call this less science more anecdotal but it’s my observation that men need to lift heavy objects every now and then. Lean muscle mass is healthy, fat mass is not. Obesity is a leading cause of low testosterone while pumping iron raises it. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder or gym junkie but you do need to lift some weights, carry some heavy objects, climb a rope, do some body weight push-ups, pull ups, sit ups or simply join a CrossFit class for two times per week. The reason, blood flow.
Promising Approaches to Erectile Dysfunction
Ok, now that we know some of the leading causes of ED let’s dive into fixing it, the natural way without having to reach for the little blue pill.
Step 1: Improve your sleep.
Tips to improve your sleep:
Keep you bedroom between 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit
Eye mask to sleep
Room darkening shades
Cover all lights in room with electrical tape (you know those little red and green lights that your laptop or LED TV have)
Phone face down or on airplane mode or off
CBD with Melatonin
Ear plugs to block noise
Blue light blocking glasses if looking at a device before bed
Step 2: Lower Stress
Tips to to Lower Stress:
Meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, stillness or yoga are all wonderful ways to relieve stress. The best part is you don’t have to take up large amounts of more time with traveling to a yoga class for an hour and a half class and then drive back to the office home thus taking up a total of two hours of your precious time. I recommend this site and thus you can do yoga right from home or even the office. The best part, you get to choose how much time you have. Often, i will select the 10 minute session, that’s all you need to lower that blood pressure and get blood circulating again.
One other tip, I highly recommend the book “Stillness is the Key” by Ryan Holiday.
Step 3: Eat more grass fed beef, wild caught fish, organic vegetables
It’s not as hard as you think. You are already here at Mark’s Daily Apple so you have already taken the first step!! Next, if you haven’t already is to dive into the Primal Blueprint Laws. Eating primally provides your body with the building blocks it needs to create and balance hormones.
Step 4: Eliminate Inflammatory foods
Eating in a way that minimizes inflammation will help get roadblocks out of the way. Take massive action and throw out any and all inflammatory foods from your cupboard. Going Primal and eliminating industrial seed oils (like corn, soy and sunflower) will help a lot! Replace them with avocado and olive oil.
Guard your health because well, your bedroom time and your life may depend on it. Eat more whole foods, and learn, study and live Primal. Have a sweet tooth? No problem, you can still have dessert! Just choose healthy ingredients. For example, here is my go-to almost daily after dinner dessert:
One cup organic berries
One Primal Dark Chocolate Almond Collagen Fuel Bar cut up
Organic Cinnamon, ginger, or whatever spices you like to sprinkle on
Organic vanilla unsweetened almond milk
An occasional teaspoon of organic honey
Step 5: Lower Inflammation
How to support a healthy inflammation response
Cold shower of ice plunge. Doesn’t sound like fun? Well, start out with just 10 seconds at the end of your shower and work your way up from there.
Infrared sauna
Daily moderate exercise
Research supplements such as Curcumin and CBD
Step 6: Get Moving!
Although I advocate for pumping iron, at the end of the day just move! Take up whatever form of exercise you like whether it be swimming, biking, hiking or tennis but get moving, get that blood circulation in high gear and oh, get out in the sun a little! That Vitamin D is also good for raising your testosterone. https://ift.tt/2Y37x6f
Lastly, as a bonus here are a few herbs and other “hacks” as they say in the biohacking community that may help with libido issues:
Maca Root
Ashwaganda (included in the Adaptogenic Calm formula)
Tong Kat Ali
Horny Goat Weed
Foods high in nitric oxide, arginine and citrulline such as arugula, beets pistachios and watermelon
Peptides, particularly PT-141. or if you want an erection while also getting a tan, Melanotan 2.
Always work with a qualified medical professional when choosing supplements and health regimens. 
Tthanks for reading everyone. I hope this helps and at a minimum opens your eyes to addressing bedroom woes through healthy lifestyle choices and perhaps reducing your reliance on pharmaceuticals while still remaining in poor habits. You can do it! You are a Champ!
About Peter Montpelier, Health Coach/Longevity Expert at Team Appollon LLC
I am the co-founder and lead health coach of Team Appollon ( teamappollon.com) a peak performance and health company. I help people lose weight, build strength and create energy in their life to do the things that they love. Sign up for my free weekly health newsletter here.
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The post Male Menopause Is a Thing. What to Do About It appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Male Menopause Is a Thing. What to Do About It published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Male Menopause Is a Thing. What to Do About It
Male menopause is a real thing, and the medical term for it is andropause. According to the Mayo Clinic, the term “Male Menopause” has been used to describe decreasing testosterone levels related to aging. See this article from Mark back in 2018.
One of the symptoms of male menopause can be erectile dysfunction (ED). Although for younger men, you can have ED without male menopause. ED can destroy a man’s confidence not just in the bedroom but in the larger picture of his life by causing depression, stress, moodiness and anger all things that peak performers do not want to associate with. But for men aged 35-64 these things can sneak up on us, fast.
We are all so busy “performing.” Being a Dad, a good husband, business owner, a hard worker, friend, trying to get your workouts squeezed into an already hectic week. In many cases, this usually leads to a pattern of not not getting enough sleep because of late night emails for work after having put the kids to bed, up early the next day to get right back at your hard charging life, with too little exercise and not enough Primal Nutrition. Which leaves you with high stress. Stress leads to high cortisol (more about cortisol below).
Maybe you had a little too much wine at dinner … it happens. Your wife or lover wants to “play” and so do you, but no response. Once, certainly is nothing to worry about but the definition of ED is “is the recurrent or persistent inability to attain and/or maintain an erection in order for satisfactory sexual performance.” So, what to do?
First, let’s look closer at the leading causes.
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Possible Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
In order to eliminate the frustration of ED we must first understand what may be causing it.
Too Little Sleep
Research from Mathew Walker’s book “Why We Sleep” point to the necessity of 7 plus hours of sleep per night. Of all the healthy things we can do to at the very least preserve our hormones, sleep is number one! According to Walker in his book, “If you have hopes of reproductive success, fitness or prowess, you would do well to get a full night’s sleep every night.” In fact as far as Testosterone is concerned, Walker cites a study done at the University of Chicago where a group of lean healthy young males in their mid 20’s were limited to 5 hours of sleep for one week. After the sleep deprivation for a week, “sample hormone levels circulating in the blood of the participants showed a marked drop in testosterone.The size of the hormone blunting effect was so large that it effectively ages a man by ten to fifteen years in terms of testosterone virility.” WOW is all I can say!
Too Much Stress
It’s a vicious cycle. Lack of adequate sleep, stress from family and work, financial stress, all of this leads to worry. Worry leads to high cortisol levels. Cortisol is also known as “the stress hormone” and chronically high levels can lead to irritability, moodiness and depression. The results of all that stress is hormones out of whack, especially testosterone, thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones. In other words, cortisol is part of the “fight or flight” mechanism that is built into all of us. When it is ON all the time, that will disrupt our hormonal levels which may lead to ED.
We need our inflammation response. When you slice your finger on a kitchen knife and you see a red ring around the cut, that’s acute inflammation.
Systemic chronic inflammation is the kind that causes problems. Caused by, you guessed it! Vegetable oils cooked under high heat, refined carbs, stress and not enough sleep. Chronic inflammation will not only hurt your sex life but long term, is a leading cause of dementia. These killer culprits lead to insulin sensitivity and inflammation and thus fat gain and yup, hormone distress again.
Not Enough Exercise
According to a report out of Harvard Medical School, “There is no specific exercise program for men looking to reduce the risk of ED. But a well-rounded exercise program that includes just half an hour of physical activity on all or most days of the week delivers solid health benefits.”1
Although the above statement is true, call this less science more anecdotal but it’s my observation that men need to lift heavy objects every now and then. Lean muscle mass is healthy, fat mass is not. Obesity is a leading cause of low testosterone while pumping iron raises it. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder or gym junkie but you do need to lift some weights, carry some heavy objects, climb a rope, do some body weight push-ups, pull ups, sit ups or simply join a CrossFit class for two times per week. The reason, blood flow.
Promising Approaches to Erectile Dysfunction
Ok, now that we know some of the leading causes of ED let’s dive into fixing it, the natural way without having to reach for the little blue pill.
Step 1: Improve your sleep.
Tips to improve your sleep:
Keep you bedroom between 65-68 degrees Fahrenheit
Eye mask to sleep
Room darkening shades
Cover all lights in room with electrical tape (you know those little red and green lights that your laptop or LED TV have)
Phone face down or on airplane mode or off
CBD with Melatonin
Ear plugs to block noise
Blue light blocking glasses if looking at a device before bed
Step 2: Lower Stress
Tips to to Lower Stress:
Meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, stillness or yoga are all wonderful ways to relieve stress. The best part is you don’t have to take up large amounts of more time with traveling to a yoga class for an hour and a half class and then drive back to the office home thus taking up a total of two hours of your precious time. I recommend this site and thus you can do yoga right from home or even the office. The best part, you get to choose how much time you have. Often, i will select the 10 minute session, that’s all you need to lower that blood pressure and get blood circulating again.
One other tip, I highly recommend the book “Stillness is the Key” by Ryan Holiday.
Step 3: Eat more grass fed beef, wild caught fish, organic vegetables
It’s not as hard as you think. You are already here at Mark’s Daily Apple so you have already taken the first step!! Next, if you haven’t already is to dive into the Primal Blueprint Laws. Eating primally provides your body with the building blocks it needs to create and balance hormones.
Step 4: Eliminate Inflammatory foods
Eating in a way that minimizes inflammation will help get roadblocks out of the way. Take massive action and throw out any and all inflammatory foods from your cupboard. Going Primal and eliminating industrial seed oils (like corn, soy and sunflower) will help a lot! Replace them with avocado and olive oil.
Guard your health because well, your bedroom time and your life may depend on it. Eat more whole foods, and learn, study and live Primal. Have a sweet tooth? No problem, you can still have dessert! Just choose healthy ingredients. For example, here is my go-to almost daily after dinner dessert:
One cup organic berries
One Primal Dark Chocolate Almond Collagen Fuel Bar cut up
Organic Cinnamon, ginger, or whatever spices you like to sprinkle on
Organic vanilla unsweetened almond milk
An occasional teaspoon of organic honey
Step 5: Lower Inflammation
How to support a healthy inflammation response
Cold shower of ice plunge. Doesn’t sound like fun? Well, start out with just 10 seconds at the end of your shower and work your way up from there.
Infrared sauna
Daily moderate exercise
Research supplements such as Curcumin and CBD
Step 6: Get Moving!
Although I advocate for pumping iron, at the end of the day just move! Take up whatever form of exercise you like whether it be swimming, biking, hiking or tennis but get moving, get that blood circulation in high gear and oh, get out in the sun a little! That Vitamin D is also good for raising your testosterone. https://ift.tt/2Y37x6f
Lastly, as a bonus here are a few herbs and other “hacks” as they say in the biohacking community that may help with libido issues:
Maca Root
Ashwaganda (included in the Adaptogenic Calm formula)
Tong Kat Ali
Horny Goat Weed
Foods high in nitric oxide, arginine and citrulline such as arugula, beets pistachios and watermelon
Peptides, particularly PT-141. or if you want an erection while also getting a tan, Melanotan 2.
Always work with a qualified medical professional when choosing supplements and health regimens. 
Tthanks for reading everyone. I hope this helps and at a minimum opens your eyes to addressing bedroom woes through healthy lifestyle choices and perhaps reducing your reliance on pharmaceuticals while still remaining in poor habits. You can do it! You are a Champ!
About Peter Montpelier, Health Coach/Longevity Expert at Team Appollon LLC
I am the co-founder and lead health coach of Team Appollon ( teamappollon.com) a peak performance and health company. I help people lose weight, build strength and create energy in their life to do the things that they love. Sign up for my free weekly health newsletter here.
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The post Male Menopause Is a Thing. What to Do About It appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Male Menopause Is a Thing. What to Do About It published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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