#not a kink-related post
arrronia · 8 months
Are you speaking about what you feel?
Today we had a pretty interesting text to read during the lesson. It was about emotional literacy for boys.
Honestly, it breaks my heart that men still have to hide their feelings, still don’t know how to express them, or still don’t even know how to IDENTIFY and NAME what they feel… And all of that keeps happening just because someone said “You’re a man. You need to be tough. You have to deny your emotions.”
What are the results? Aggression, depression, isolation, troubles with communication, problems in relationships, feeling that no one understands you.
Guys, I want you to know:
Your feelings are important.
Speaking about what you feel doesn’t make you weak.
It’s important to talk about what bothers you. Especially to close people.
You don’t have to cope with it alone.
Close people are there to support you.
Read, understand and put your emotions into words🤍
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beaft · 10 months
fascinated by tumblr's new trend of placing a Mature label on every single post that acknowledges, however obliquely, the existence of sex and sex byproducts
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profoundlyyvanilla · 3 months
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sinitimacy · 2 months
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loubella77 · 9 months
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Really tho 💅
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thatmemeguy89 · 5 months
Can relate
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nametakensff · 6 months
Very niche and specific scenario but currently thinking of a snzfucker couple where A regularly writes snzfics and makes sure to run them by their partner B before sharing them online, to check the grammar and just to make sure it's looking good. B is happy to do so, loves the way A writes and their fics always tick every box for them. Eventually, A writes their most explicit and kinky fic yet and B is out of their mind horny in minutes. They read through the fic and try to focus purely on any potential, necessary edits but keep having to take breaks to make themself cum. When they admit this to A later in the day, A is delighted. It then becomes a sort of routine that when B is reading over A's new fics, A will go down on them to really enhance the experience
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u5an5 · 7 months
Am I the only one that every time I get myself into new fandom I just sigh, knowing fully well that I just got next 20+ x reader, y/n, x Oc!whateverthefuck or just any form of self insert tags to blacklist?
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puppygirlgirldick · 4 months
for the purposes of reading porn, i am now considering myself a trans girl who somehow has a cervix and a womb. if people can't be arsed to write smut without referencing wombs and cervixes and making specific note of somebody having both a vagina and an asshole or write shit like "all three holes" then i am just gonna get high enough to forget that i ain't got that kinda equipment.
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This is my first time writing in an ask box so please forgive me if I did anything wrong but the thing you just posted Ajdkskdk. I never considered this kink, a lot of scenes involving ignoring a sub are not particularly my thing, plus not into to public stuff lol, but the little blurb you wrote Luci/Dia/Barb/You IS MY THING. I wondering how Barb would behave in both situations yk? Dia is pretty obvious in my opinion, entranced by the quality of this jewel/he’s boastful about the treasure he’s captured but what would barb do?
If Dia is playing ruler he will most likely point out whatever Dia hasn’t noticed or talked about, “My Lord, he’s (it’s?) complexion is rather unique, not many have quite as pale of skin as it”
But what about when they are bring Luci back to you? Is he boastful as well? Is he still just serving his lord with knowledge? What’s happening?
Well, firstly, I'm honored that you broke your "no asking" streak to come into my inbox! Secondly, you didn't do anything wrong! I love it when people send me asks about my ideas! Or sending me asks about their own!
I, too, don't really vibe with scenes that ignore the sub. I mean, I don't hate the concept, I think it can be a nice addition to a fic, but I don't go seeking it out.
I'm glad you like my post! I think Barb would kinda be a coy instigator in those scenes. For example, if you just made Lucifer cum he'll ask if that's it, it's only capable of cumming once. If Diavolo is a kid on Christmas day excitedly admiring his new toy, Barbatos is a collector examining a product.
That's not to say he's cold. He's still very gentle and praises Lucifer. (I really like your line, "My lord, it's complexison is very unique," Barbs would absolutely say that). He just wants to push Lucifer a little more and see how far you can push him. He also notices the little things that Diavolo might have looked over, like how Lucifer's cock twitches after he cums.
I admit, when Reader is playing ruler and Diavolo and Barbs nrimg Lucifer to you, it's less "precious object kink" and more "wild demon that has been captured and played with by humans" kink. But I can mix those two together! In my mind how the scene plays out with Lucifer pretending to be a wild demon that human knights Diavolo and Barbatos caught, played with and tamed, and now brought to their ruler to show it off.
Lucifer is chained up and kneeling in front of your throne while Barbatos and Diavolo talk about how good of a toy Lucifer is. How beautifully it begs, how much it came cum, how being a demon means it can take a lot more than a human can, etc. Diavolo plays the part of the boastful guard, excitedly shoving his thick fingers into Lucifer's hole to show off how it begs. While Barbatos stands to the side and comments how willingly Lucifer obeys, and shows you by commanding Lucifer to kiss his shoes, which he does. Diavolo is a lot more physical with Lucifer while Barbatos is a lot more psychological. While Reader pretends to be uninterested, so Diavolo and Barbatos really have to ruin Lucifer to try and convince them.
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profoundlyyvanilla · 3 months
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Like how rude. Yes I know you think I’m pretty. I’m mad at you right now though how dare you.
There may be something the matter with me it’s fine
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loubella77 · 4 months
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romeopoem · 2 months
i know i’m a horny blog but i am also a person behind this account with a moral compass and i realized i never explicitly stated that i do not want any zionists following me under any circumstances. support a free palestine or fuck off idc
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pretty-pathetic-butch · 3 months
Gosh we've really been thinking about chain leashes and getting whipped by one
Kicked to the floor, arranged into position before we can even think, get told
"This is what happens to little bitches who try to run."
The sound of the metal links shifting as they rush through the air the only only warning I deserve before my back is lashed. After I'm bruised and bleeding they can back me onto my raw back, run the chain gently over my torso, my bare chest and remind me
"I'm going make sure you never forget this chain again"
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twistedtummies2 · 10 months
For Any Anthro-Lovers in the Audience Tonight...
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While most of my fanbase on Tumblr prefers anime bois (partially because that's the fanbase I've primarily worked to foster here), I know that - like me - there are some folks here who like more "furry-friendly" characters: anthros, ferals, and the like. And, since I also know a decent portion of my fanbase likes superheroes, figured I'd talk a bit about a show I recently rediscovered.
"Loonatics Unleashed" was a TV series made in the early 2000s. It was an (ill-advised, or at least not-perfectly-executed) attempt to bring the Looney Tunes characters into the "young and marketable TMNT-esque superhero" genre. The show focuses on a team of six anthro superheroes, all based on classic Looney Tunes characters (although they aren't the original characters themselves; similar to TW's cast that way). They go through the usual rounds of fighting monsters and supervillains and so on in a futuristic city, in-between bouts of slapstick shenanigans.
The show was not received well in its time (and it's pretty obvious why, to be quite honest), but it did and still does have a small but loyal fanbase. I remember liking the series as a kid, and I've recently been on a Looney Tunes kick (largely in light of this being the 100th Anniversary of WB, as well as Disney), and decided to revisit a few episodes.
Without going fully into my feelings about the show as a whole (which are...somewhat complicated), or the episodes I saw, I do want to say...I legitimately want to write a few stories in this universe, with these characters. More specifically, I think it would be fun to write for Slam (based on Taz) and the duo of Tech and Rev (based on Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner). The latter two I actually genuinely think are a REALLY fun pair: they're by far my favorite characters in the show. I ship them like you wouldn't believe, and I think a story or two focused on their relationship (with some voraciousness or hints at it included) could be a lot of fun. As for Slam...he's basically superhero Taz, and why THAT appeals to me should go without saying. It helps that both the Coyote and the Tasmanian Devil are two (admittedly fairly minor) crushes of mine, and I've actually wanted to write for them both for a while. This seems like a fun universe to try out with. I have a couple of ideas floating around in my noggin, but I'm always open to more. So if anybody has suggestions, let me know. :)
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