#arrronia and her studying
arrronia · 3 months
University is such a crazy thing.
Honestly, I can’t get rid of a thought that I am an adult person and I have to do fucking HOMEWORK like a little schoolgirl. WTF? WTF?!
I can’t go for a walk, because I’m doing homework.
I can’t pay attention to my hobbies, because I need to do homework.
I have to wake up earlier, because I need to finish my homework.
I go out of town with family and friends and I am doing homework while others relax.
I am relaxing and I am being asked if I have finished my homework.
It feels so fucking humiliating watching people living their lives while I’m guess what… YES, DOING HOMEWORK.
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arrronia · 6 months
I entered the classroom and my student said “You’re so beautiful today!”🥹🥹🥹
And tomorrow it’s going to be our last offline lesson, next week is going to be online and then my teaching practice for this semester is over.
I got so attached to this class and I already feel heartbroken that I have to leave them soon😭
Everyone among them is so special, so unique, so interesting with all of their characters traits, with different attention during the lesson, with different interest to learning and they are all so cool!!!
I was scared and nervous at first, but not anymore. Definitely not anymore.
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arrronia · 2 months
I can’t believe A GAME helped me to focus on studying.
I usually have huge troubles with concentrating on what I don’t want to do.
But now it’s clear. I just need a man beside me who would look at me, breathe and say something like this from time to time.
Also it’s fun that Zayne (all cool and stylish) looks at me so seriously while I’m having a messy ponytail, sleepy eyes and moisturising mask on my face.
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arrronia · 4 days
Walking out of the class after my exam realising that I’m both pretty and smart is such a wonderful feeling🥰
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arrronia · 1 month
I don’t know if I tortured the documentation more or the documentation tortured me more, but that’s definitely not the torture I had in my mind😒
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arrronia · 2 months
The lesson has finished. The last lesson at this school. The last lesson with this class.
“Finally!” Says my family “You will get some rest.”
That’s true, I won’t have to create lesson plans till late night, wake up early to catch the bus that arrives once in 30 minutes. I won’t have to worry about my university teacher coming to my lessons and grading me for how I teach. That’s over.
But what do I feel? Emptiness I guess. Because i won’t be seeing these wonderful smart kids anymore. I won’t see that interest in their eyes when I switch the projector on. I won’t listen to their funny creative answers to my questions. I won’t be standing near the blackboard explaining grammar or leaning on the table, listening to their answers. I won’t smile and wave to them when I walk through the corridor during a break and see them doing the same. I won’t visit my groupmates’ lessons, talk about kids, teachers, programmes. We won’t gather near the coffee shop, discussing how our lessons went. That’s over.
This chapter in my life is over now. But I am so happy that I had a chance to experience it. Despite the fear I had in the beginning because I received the older class than I thought I could manage to work with. There was no reason to be scared. We cooperated perfectly.
Before I left the school their teacher hugged me, called me a little star and said that she hopes to see me again someday. I am so grateful that she was giving me freedom and letting me run the lesson the way I wanted.
It was a wonderful experience.
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arrronia · 2 months
Tomorrow my second teaching practice starts and I will have to run a lesson in a language I barely speak ahah
Wish me good luck, my students have B1 and I also have B1
I hope kids won’t be smarter than me:D
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arrronia · 1 year
Honestly, I wish I was writing posts about submissive and ticklish boys instead of writing monotonous texts about pros and cons of technologies:')
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arrronia · 6 months
I got it. I have cnc with my university.
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arrronia · 8 months
Are you speaking about what you feel?
Today we had a pretty interesting text to read during the lesson. It was about emotional literacy for boys.
Honestly, it breaks my heart that men still have to hide their feelings, still don’t know how to express them, or still don’t even know how to IDENTIFY and NAME what they feel… And all of that keeps happening just because someone said “You’re a man. You need to be tough. You have to deny your emotions.”
What are the results? Aggression, depression, isolation, troubles with communication, problems in relationships, feeling that no one understands you.
Guys, I want you to know:
Your feelings are important.
Speaking about what you feel doesn’t make you weak.
It’s important to talk about what bothers you. Especially to close people.
You don’t have to cope with it alone.
Close people are there to support you.
Read, understand and put your emotions into words🤍
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arrronia · 8 months
During a seminar in theoretical grammar my groupmate said that ChatGPT doesn’t perform the communicative function, because it doesn’t lead the conversations and doesn’t have its own mind and opinion.
I decided to say that communicative function can be more or less performed by Character.ai and told why and what it is.
And the teacher was like “Tell us about your experience with it”
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arrronia · 1 year
I feel like complaining again, but this time I want to put my face on one of his ticklish spots and grumble into it, while he laughs because my lips and breath tickle him. That would make my mood 100% better.
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arrronia · 4 days
Btw I had to analyze an abstract of a text during the exam. I don’t know who was choosing the stories for it, but it was weird to analyze some kind of porn writing in front of your teachers…
The amount of times I said the word “intimate” while answering is hard to count.
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arrronia · 9 months
Trying to prepare for the theoretical grammar seminar. And ughhhhhhhh!!!
What the hell marked member is??? What the hell unmarked member is??? What are you trying to tell me???
The only thing I know that unmarked member is what my future man has NOW, because we haven’t met each other yet and tHeRe iSn’T a tRaCe oF mY LiPsTick there YET!!!!!
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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arrronia · 2 months
All you have to know about women’s kindness
Today in the class we were talking about conflict resolving strategies. The photo below is a task for a discussion and they had to offer solutions.
The answers of my adorable kind girls (they are 13-14 y.o.):
The husband needs to work more and buy one more car.
The husband can go on foot.
The husband can sleep at work.
The husband can work from home.
The answer of the only boy in the class:
Get divorced.
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arrronia · 4 months
Me, lonely, never been married: *sadly drinking an energy drink and telling how not to get divorced during an English lesson*
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