#no promises for the timing on that but i legitimately have nothing better to do so lol hopefully ep 2 will happen soon!
wonusite · 2 years
Virgin Killer
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❝ You can’t stand the clear line the cute nerd in your calculus class always draws between you two. However, you’re determined to show him that there’s a fine line between love and hate. And if you happen to get him to cross that line, even better. ❞
pairing: joshua hong x reader
warnings: cheerleader!reader, nerd!shua, virgin!shua, he’s kinda cold in this but is lowkey still a soft boi, drinking, teasing, jealousy, reader has a little bit of a corruption kink, loss of virginity, oral sex (f and m receiving), unprotected sex, riding, multiple creampies, overstimulation
read part two
a/n: huge shout out to hoe nonny for being the mastermind behind this fic! minors dni!!
You’re not sure how it happened.
It’s not like Joshua Hong was nice to you. Hell, he didn’t even act civilly towards you half the time. And yet, none of that matters to you. He’s just so cute and kind (to other people) and smart that you can’t help but be attracted to him. Deep down, you’re aware that what you feel is starting to go beyond that of a crush, but your carnal desire is enough to make you disregard the potential consequences of your feelings.
Nothing matters more to you than having that cute little nerd in the way you want.
“What do you mean he’s not coming?” You frown at Jeonghan.
Your friend rolls his eyes. “I don’t know what you were expecting. You know he doesn’t like you.”
“But you promised you would convince him to go!” You stomp your foot petulantly. “You said it would be my birthday gift.”
“I’ll just get you that perfume you’ve been wanting instead.”
You try not to let it bother you, but it’s hard not to. Most people take a liking to you, and yeah, it’s not realistic to expect everyone to like you. But you can’t help the jarring disappointment that eats away at you whenever you think about how much Josh dislikes you. What bothers you the most is that he has no legitimate reason to treat you how he does. All you’ve ever been is nice to him.
It’s pathetic of you to still chase after him despite his blatant disinterest and cold attitude, but you don’t care. You’ve never wanted anything or anyone as badly as you want Joshua Hong.
The very next day, you go to the library with the intent to convince him to go to your party. You know he’ll be at his usual table in the corner of the library, studying diligently like he always does. Josh always sticks to his routine—one of the many traits you love about him. A warm feeling consumes your chest when you find him in the exact spot he’s always at.
“Josh!” You call quietly, smiling brightly when he lifts his head.
Ignoring the way he rolls his eyes, you walk over to him, feeling more determined than ever. He doesn’t look up even as you sit next to him. It’s frustrating yet endearing all at the same time.
“What are you working on?” You peer over him curiously.
“Science stuff.” He says curtly. “Things you wouldn’t know about.”
You ignore his dig and let out a gentle hum. “You’re right. Molecular biology doesn’t really interest me. Data structures are more my thing.”
When he snaps his head up at you in shock, you smirk at him. “Sorry. I guess that’s something you wouldn’t know about.”
In all the time he’s known you, he never knew your major. All he knew was that you were on a cheer scholarship. Honestly, he assumed that you were majoring in something that required no real effort. Josh quickly manages to stifle his curiosity and goes back to his research.
“You’re always studying.” You point out, not wanting to waste any more time. “It’s okay to take a break once in a while.”
Joshua presses his lips together before letting out an irritated sigh. “Unlike you, I can’t rely on looking pretty to get through college. I don’t have time for breaks.”
Your smile doesn’t falter at his words, and it amazes Josh how you never take his biting comments personally. In fact, you somehow take his slight as a compliment. “So, you think I’m pretty?”
Despite you not being the type of girl he likes, Josh can’t deny that you’re very attractive. But that doesn’t mean he wants you for himself.
His lack of response doesn't faze you, as usual. “And I seriously doubt that you don’t have time for a break. All the other biochem majors do. They’re all coming to my party this weekend. You should too.”
He ignores the fact that you’ve invited practically all of his friends. “No, thanks.”
Joshua keeps his focus on studying, and as sexy as he looks, it’s also a bit maddening. How can he not want to party with you when everyone on campus was dying for the opportunity? You weren’t vain, but you knew the affect you had on most people. Plus your parties were nothing short of legendary.
“Why don’t you want to come?” You ask him. An unconscious pout brings down the edges of your lips. “I really want you to be there.”
“We’re not friends.” He reminds you. “Why would I go to your party?”
Vaguely, you think it’s sick that you don’t feel deterred by his coldness. If anything, you only feel more determined to ensnare him and make him yours. Only yours.
“Do you not want to come because it’s my party?” You wonder as you scoot closer to him. A smirk lift your lips when he tenses at the close proximity. “Or is it because you just don’t know how to have fun?”
Josh grits his teeth, but doesn’t answer.
It makes you smirk because you can tell he’s on the verge of snapping. Maybe to the point where he’ll fuck you stupid in the library’s bathroom.
“Come on.” You whine, hooking your hand on his arm. It actually surprises you that you feel a bit of muscle through his sweater. “It’ll be fun. You don’t always have to spend your time studying. There’s more to life than just school.”
The last part of your sentence finally triggers a reaction. Josh can handle you clinging to him for no apparent reason. He can even handle your constant teasing, but to have you imply that he’s a straight up lame is—
“Fine. I’ll go.”
He belatedly realizes you’ve gaslit him into doing what you wanted only after you direct your pleased grin at him. However, it’s so pretty that he can’t really be angry.
Josh actually smiles a little when you stick your pinky out at him. It’s stupid and childish. At least, that’s what he tries to tell himself as you’re looking at him with those alluring eyes of yours. He feels like he doesn’t have control of his own movements as he sticks out his hand to wrap his pinky around your smaller one.
“I promise.”
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It’s crazy for Josh to be doing this. He doesn’t even like you. You’re no friend of his, and you probably will never be. There’s no real explanation as to why he agreed to come (you manipulating him doesn’t really count because you’ve annoyed him more intensely in the past), but it doesn’t matter anymore. He’s here, and he has to see it through.
When he knocks on the door, he’s greeted by a large jock whose name he can’t remember. The guy squints at him like he’s trying to figure out how Josh even knew about the party. Typical. This was just another sign that he shouldn’t have shown up.
“Sorry, bro.” The jock says, not sounding sorry at all. “This is a private party. No invite, no—”
“Gyu!” A familiar voice calls, and Josh hates that the sound of it actually makes him feel relieved. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Josh is the guest of honor!”
He’s actually impressed at how easily you shove the giant football player out of the way. Your thrilled expression makes a strange feeling settle in the pit of his stomach. As always, you look incredible. The dress you’re wearing hugs your figure just right. It makes you look like every man’s fantasy. (Not his, though.)
“You came!” You squeal happily, throwing your arms around him.
The smell of your perfume invades his senses and makes his mind feel fuzzy. Just like in the library, he feels like he has no control over his actions as he wraps his arms around your waist and squeezes you against him.
“How is he the guest of honor if this is your birthday party?” Venom drips from Mingyu’s voice.
You pull back slightly and look over your shoulder with a glare. “He’s the guest of honor because I say he is.”
Your arms are still wrapped around Josh’s neck and his are still wrapped around your waist. Neither of you make a move to let go. Admittedly, part of him doesn’t because of the way you responded to your friend. He’s not sure why it made him feel good, but it did. That feeling doesn’t go away even when you unwrap yourself from him to grab his hand.
“Nice to meet you.” Josh smirks at Mingyu as he lets you drag him inside. A deep satisfaction settles in his gut when the jock glares at him.
Josh isn’t used to the attention he’s getting while you guide him through your crowded apartment. It’s new and uncomfortable for him. He’s gone through the majority of his college years unnoticed, and that’s how he liked it.
He notices that you don’t seem fazed by all the attention. It’s not exactly a surprise. As a pretty cheerleader, you’re popular—obviously. In fact, a lot of his own friends have mentioned that they’d do just about anything to date you. He can see that it’s the same for a lot of guys because more than half of them are glaring at him with pure jealousy.
It’s not like he’s a self-deprecating person, but he can’t help but wonder why you were so adamant on pursuing him. Clearly, there’s more than plenty of guys who were eager for your attention, but all you seemed to care about was spending your time with him.
He still can’t believe it.
“What do you like to drink?” You ask once you two enter the kitchen.
“Uh,” he stammers, not ready for the loss of warmth that he feels when you let go of his hand. “Just beer is fine.”
Josh isn’t a heavy drinker, but he feels the urge to get drunk quickly. He naively thinks it’ll help dissolve the nerves that have settled in the pit of his stomach. He’s wrong. The alcohol doesn’t help, especially not when you leave his side for a moment to say greet someone of your friends. You make him promise not to leave, and he reluctantly does.
“I didn’t think you’d actually come.”
Jeonghan is looking at him with a raised eyebrow and a sly smirk. Josh rolls his eyes and focuses on finishing the remainder of his beer. It only makes his friend’s teasing grin widen.
“I...” he lets out a defeated sigh. “Needed a break.”
Instead of teasing him, Jeonghan only hums. “Yeah? Are you sure it’s not because you finally fell for Y/N’s charms?”
“She’s not charming.” Joshua says as he goes to grab another drink.
Jeonghan raises his eyebrows at that. It’s the first time he’s heard anyone say anything of the sort. The strange part is that while Josh does sound sincere, there’s something about his demeanor that says otherwise. Interesting.
“Really? I thought she would be especially charming to you with all that science shit she talks about. Do you—?”
“What do you mean?” Josh cuts him off. “She’s into science?”
His friend looks at him like he’s crazy. “Um, yeah. She’s majoring in computer science.”
Josh feels like his head is spinning, and he knows it’s not because of the alcohol. He hardly has time to think about how he’s never bothered to know such a huge fact about you because in the next second, you’re skipping into the kitchen with a huge smile.
When Joshua isn’t looking, you give Jeonghan a look that silently urges him to get lost. As much as you love your friend, this was possibly the only chance you would have where Josh was actually willing to spend time with you. If there was ever an opportunity to get close with him (in more than one way), it was now. You weren’t going to let anything get in the way of that.
After you watch Jeonghan leave, you look back at Josh to find him already looking at you. It’s different from his usual stare, and it makes a carnal heat crawl up your torso.
“You’re a comp science major?”
Josh almost regrets asking his question when your smile falters. Belatedly, he realizes that any time you’re around him, there’s always an unwavering smile on your face. His heart starts beating irregularly. Did you really like him that much?
“You...” It feels like your throat is suddenly closing in on itself. “You didn’t know that?”
The dejected tone coloring your voice only makes things worse. In the back of Josh’s mind, he thinks it shouldn’t matter if the revelation upset you. But it does. It matters way more than it should, and he can’t stand the guilt that’s biting at his chest.
You convince yourself that the alcohol is making you more emotional than usual. The sinking feeling in your chest definitely has nothing to do with the fact that your feelings have gone beyond a stupid little crush. You’ve known all along how Josh feels about you because he never hid it, and no matter how much it stings, you have to ground yourself so too many of your emotions don’t show.
“Sorry.” He says awkwardly. “I guess we were in the middle of talking about me for the last two years.”
It’s a relief when you laugh. Not only because the sound is honeyed and possibly one of the sweetest he’s ever heard, but because you’re directing that pretty smile at him again.
As the night progresses, Josh doesn’t leave your side. He can’t believe you actually don’t leave him alone despite how many people flock around you and try to steal you away. But you insist on staying by him and listen to him talk about structural biology.
Eventually, you drag him to your room so you two can speak without being interrupted. It’s probably a mistake, but Joshua likes the feeling of your hand wrapped around his a little too much.
You two are sitting on the edge of your bed when you notice something. His hands are big, the biggest you’ve ever seen. It’s crazy how you didn’t notice before when you grabbed them, but now it was all you could think about. Suddenly, you feel like your head is swimming, and you’re not sure if it's because of the liquor you’ve drank or because of the thoughts that were starting to make you aroused.
“Your hands are really big.” You blurt, reaching over to grab the one closest to you.
Josh feels like he can’t breathe when you bring his hand closer to your face. The way you’re inspecting it like you want to eat it makes his dick twitch.
“You’re so pretty.”
Your words actually make him blush. The compliment sounds so sincere, and he can tell it is. Before he can even think to respond, you take one of his fingers into your mouth. All coherent thoughts are abruptly shoved out of his mind as your soft tongue circles around his digit. You look so fucking hot with your pretty lips wrapped around his index finger, and Josh can’t think of anything but you.
His cock is straining against his pants, but he’s too enraptured with the sight in front of him to care. Josh can only imagine how you would feel and look with his dick in your mouth. You abruptly release his finger with a loud pop, and it almost makes him whine.
You keep your eyes on his shimmering eyes as you lean toward him. “So fucking pretty.”
He doesn’t stop you when your hand smooths over his chest and slowly trails down his torso. It feels too good. For a second, he wonders if you know that he’s a virgin. Probably not since the way you’re currently looking at him would suggest otherwise. Would you be so eager if you knew the truth?
Josh’s breath hitches when your hand rubs over his erection. He mentally curses himself for being so pathetic to let just a few praises and promiscuous actions get him riled up enough to let you do this. But you just look so fucking pretty that he can’t help it.
He lets you grip and rub him until your hands move to his belt. That action snaps him out of his daze.
“Way-Wait.” Josh breathes out. “I... I’ve never—”
He can’t finish the sentence, but you know what he’s getting at. It doesn’t exactly come as a shock to you. Every time you ever brought up anything sexual he had grown visibly uncomfortable. Over the years, he’d gotten better at hiding it, but you could still see that it bothered him. That’s why you did your best to not mention anything about sex anymore.
It doesn’t surprise Josh when you abruptly pull away from him. He’s known all along what type of girl you were, and obviously you want a guy that's experienced in this sort of thing. Not someone like him.
“It’s okay.” You say softly. “If you don’t want to do this—with me—it’s okay.”
His eyes seem to sparkle even more now, and you can’t believe this unfairly attractive man has never actually done anything. Those eyes could get anyone to do pretty much anything. You knew it better than anyone because you had been dying for the chance.
Josh is too stunned to say anything. Were you really not going to laugh at him?
“We can go back to the party—”
You’re cut off when he suddenly smashes his lips on yours. The kiss is desperate and messy, but you quickly melt into it. To finally have him like this is more than you ever dreamed of, and you would take anything he gave you.
When he pulls away, his cheeks are flushed and his eyes seem to shine brighter than ever. You feel a jerk in your chest, and you fleetingly have a thought that Joshua had officially ruined all other men for you. It’s crazy to think because you know that he doesn't even like you.
“I...” He swallow thickly. “I want to.”
Your breath hitches slightly. “You... You’re sure?”
All it takes is for him to let out a needy yes for your hands to move and unzip his pants. The best part? He lets you. Once you free his cock from his pants, your jaw goes slack. It’s big and thick and pretty. The prettiest dick you’ve ever seen. You lick your lips and look back up at Josh’s flushed face. The sight has your cunt clenching around nothing.
You were going to absolutely ruin him.
You’re torn between looking at his pretty dick and his even prettier face. Eventually, you decide to alternate between the two. Licking your lips, you gently wrap your hand round his thick cock and give it a gentle squeeze. His soft whimper makes you rub your thighs together. The sensitive reaction he has makes you wonder if he’s ever been touched at all.
Slowly, you stroke up the length of his dick. It’s so hot and heavy in your hand that you can only imagine how it would feel inside you. But you push that thought to the back of your mind as you use his precum as a lubricant.
“Fuck.” Josh grunts as his hips buck up gently into your hand. “I-It feels different when you do it.”
You smile at him, watching his face now as to not miss a single one of his reactions. “Yeah? Is it better?”
“So much better.” He moans, tossing his head back.
You’ve never seen a hotter sight, and it takes everything in you not to start kissing up his long neck. The way he’s responding to the attention you’re giving him is driving you crazy. But it would be even better to see him beg you for once.
Josh snaps his eyes open when the pace of your hand slows dramatically. In spite of the situation, you almost laugh when he furrows his eyebrows and pouts at you petulantly. “Please...”
Don’t stop, he wanted to say.
You seemed to understand what he wanted to say, but you only offered him a teasing smirk. Maybe it’s cruel of you to tease Josh, but hearing him beg you for once was the hottest thing ever. You stop your movements and gently squeeze his cock. It takes you by surprise when Josh buries his face in your neck with a bratty whine. Fuck. Now you can literally feel your underwear sticking to your aching cunt.
“You’ve never done this with anyone else?”
His face is hot against your neck, and you can’t deny the pleasure it gives you. “No.”
“So...” you gently run your thumb along one of the more prominent veins of his cock. “No one has ever sucked your dick before?”
He shakes his head into the crook of your neck, and you just know that he probably has the cutest look on his face. You lick your lips and let out a quiet breath because as bad as you want this, you want to make sure he’s okay with anything you do.
“Will you let me be the first?”
You bite your bottom lip when his cock throbs and he lets out a strangled breath. Josh slowly pulls away from your neck and looks at you with hooded eyes. “Fuck yeah.”
Licking your lips, you release him and sink down to your knees. His cock twitches when you start to get closer, and you can't help but smirk. To think that you’ll be the first person to taste him makes you rub your thighs together in anticipation.
You give his weeping tip a gentle kiss you sensually swirl your tongue around to lick him clean. Josh’s reaction is instant. His broken gasp sounds almost cute, and it makes you wrap your lips around him in order to fully take him in your mouth. You loosen your jaw and let your tongue drag along the thick vein on the underside of his cock.
Every whimper and groan of his spurs you on. It has you wrapping your hand around the base of his cock and stroking what doesn’t fit in your mouth. Your other hand reaches for his balls, rolling them and squeezing gently. Joshua whines before it breaks off into a high-pitched moan. Your movements make him buck his hips up into you.
“Fuh-Fuck. Y/N.”
There’s nothing that compares to Josh moaning your name. It makes you bob your head faster until you feel his cock twitch in your mouth. When he whimpers about how close he is, you moan around him. The vibration sends him over the edge. Hot, thick ropes of his cum paint your mouth, and you happily swallow it all.
You slowly release him, eyes widening slightly when you see that he’s still hard. As you go to stand, you feel yourself being pulled on to Josh’s lap. The quiet squeak you let out is stifled when he messily kissed you. All you can do is kiss him back eagerly, gently suckling and biting his lower lip.
When you pull away, you know you won’t be able to let him leave your house until you’ve had every part of him. So you push him on his back and crawl up his body until your face is hovering right over his. Gently, you grind your clothed cunt on his hot dick, relishing in the way he can’t control his moans and whimpers.
“You know, you’re so mean.” You give him a soft pout that makes his cock throb against you. “Coming to my birthday party without a present.”
Somehow, Josh manages to answer you through the arousal that’s clouding his mind. “I… I’ll get you one. A-Anything you want.”
You raise a teasing eyebrow at him. “Anything?”
Joshua moans when you start to grind into him. He quickly nods, too addicted to the way you’re making him feel.
With a gentle hum, a slow smirk stretches your lips. “Then, will you give me your virginity?”
His large hands grip your hips and press you down harder against him. Joshua looks down, frustrated that you’re still fully clothed. He recalls always wanting to have his first time with someone he truly liked and had a connection with. But now that you’re here, grinding your dripping pussy on him, he doesn’t really care about that. And it was your birthday after all.
“You really want me to fuck you?”
Hearing innocent little Josh say something so crude makes you lick your lips. “I do.”
He’s aware that this probably isn’t the best idea, but at the same time, you look so good that he can’t help but want your pussy wrapped around his cock. And so he sits up and starts to roughly tug your dress off of your body. For someone who’s never done anything sexual, Josh is pretty good at getting you naked. It makes you smirk. This whole time you knew he was an undercover pervert.
You had been right all along.
Joshua feels like he might come from the sight of your naked body alone. Fuck. No wonder every guy on campus was dying to fuck you. He feels an overwhelming sense of satisfaction to think that you only wanted him.
He lets you pull off the remainder of his clothes. Josh groans when you rub your dripping cunt on his twitching cock, coating it in your juices. He’s obsessed with the sight of your pretty pussy rubbing all over him, and he wonders if he’ll ever be able to feel the same about you after you two were done.
“I... I don’t have a—”
“I want it raw.” You moan in his ear, and Joshua lets out a groan of his own.
You yelp out in shock when one of his large hands comes down to slap your ass. He gently kneads the skin before his other roughly grips one of your cheeks. A loud moan tears from your throat when he drags you up and down his cock. He does it so well and so harshly that you wonder if he lied to you before about being a virgin.
Unable to wait any longer you finally sink down on his cock. You both moan at the feeling. Josh’s cock is so long and thick that he’s already touching your sweet spot. Almost like he was made for you. It’s a shame that you know he won’t ever be fully yours.
“Josh.” You moan. “You feel so fucking good.”
He whines at the praise and helps you lift your hips so you can slam back down on his dick. You feel so good, and when you start rolling your hips against his, he starts bucking up into you. The sound of slapping skin fills your room, and if there wasn’t a loud party going on you were sure that your guests would hear how good Josh is fucking you.
“You’re so tight.” He says through a choked moan.
Joshua loves the feeling of your hot cunt clamping down on him. He nearly comes when he glances to where you two are connected and sees your sweet cream coating his reddened cock. Something carnal takes over him and before he realizes it, he’s grabbing your hips and starts helping you bounce on his cock.
You let out loud whine when he gives you a particularly sharp thrust and slams his tip against your sweet spot. Josh is quick to notices and repeats his actions. The way his thick cock is bullying into you and hitting the spongy spot inside you is making your arousal drip down his balls. Your moans can’t be contained, and you barely sound cohesive as you chant out his name.
Josh’s large hands are all over you. They glide up to cup your tits and roughly knead them before they slide down to squeeze your ass. His hips are bucking into you desperately, trying to fuck his cock deeper inside you.
The lewd squelching coming from your sopping cunt filling the room only makes you get tighter around his dick to the point where he starts throbbing wildly. It feels like your head is spinning because he’s splitting you open so deliciously and hitting that spot inside you every time.
“Are you gonna come?” You wonder as you start to gyrate your hips in a circle. “You look so pretty when you come.”
“Fuh-Fuck.” Josh groans. He does want to fill you up. He’s never wanted anything more. “I’m so close. Gonna stuff you full of my cum.”
His words push you over the edge and has you clamping down on him as you come with a loud yell of his name. It triggers Josh’s own orgasm and as you’re riding out your high, you suddenly feel his hot seed spilling into your cunt. He shoots rope after rope into you, angling his hips up to fuck it deeper into your pussy.
Coming has never felt so good. Releasing into his fist is fine, but it doesn’t compare to coming inside your sweet cunt. The way you’re sporadically squeezing him is something Josh is sure he’ll never be able to forget. You’ve probably ruined the pleasure of masturbating because it won’t ever compare to the way you’ve made him feel.
It’s worse because he keeps fucking up into you as his hands grip your ass to guide you up and down his cock until you’re both whimpering from the oversensitivity. Josh isn’t entirely sure how he’s meant to forget about this, or you. He can’t act like this didn’t happen.
You press a gentle kiss to each of Josh’s cheeks as your breathing slowly goes back to normal. His shining eyes have a look that you can’t place, but it makes you grin. “I loved my present.” You murmur. “Thank you for choosing me.”
His heart swells, and he can’t hate it. Because you’re gently caressing his hair like you don’t want to separate from him. It’s weird because he doesn’t want you to.
“Let’s go back.” You say without making an attempt to move. “Soonyoung didn’t believe me when I told him you were here.”
He ignores that you’re close with his friend and nods. Vaguely, Joshua thinks that while he didn’t have his first time with someone he loved, he still doesn’t regret it. Because he did it with you.
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Josh is pretty sure he’s loosing his mind.
Lately, all he’s been thinking about you. The worst part is that he no longer seemed to be a priority for you. It’s crazy to think about because, yeah, he had told you on multiple occasions to leave him alone. And yes, he had also told all your mutual friends to pass along the message. But how could you finally respect his wishes after he gave you his virginity?
It’s maddening because in all the time you had class together, Josh never paid you any attention. Now he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. As embarrassing as it is, he can’t physically stop staring at you. He might look like a creep, but the thing is you don’t actually notice. You’re so into paying attention and taking notes that it seems like you’re in your own world.
Finally, you come to him on a random afternoon while he’s at the library. He hates that you skipping over to him actually brings a smile to his face.
“Hey, Josh.” You say as you bend down to wrap your arms around his neck.
It doesn’t help that you’re wearing the same perfume from the night of your birthday party. That smell makes his cock twitch in his pants, and he can’t believe that even the very smell of you has him getting excited like a teenage boy.
“I haven’t seen you around lately.” Josh tries to be casual as you slip into the chair beside him.
Your frown piques his interest. “Mingyu has been taking up a lot of my time of my time. That idiot lives to make my life a living hell.”
He tries not to feel bitter about the reason you’ve been ignoring him. What does he care if you’re spending time with some dumb jock? It’s not like he cares that you deserve someone who was capable of matching your intelligence who you also happen to have great physical chemistry with. He definitely doesn’t care at all.
Josh’s bitter frown has you tilting your head. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He lies as he returns his attention back to his laptop. “I’m glad you’re having fun with Mingi. You two fit perfectly.”
Anyone might’ve taken offense to the way he purposely disregards your friend’s name and his scathing tone, but it only makes you smirk. You resist the urge to coo and lean closer to him. “Are you jealous, Joshy?”
He doesn’t react, not conspicuously, anyway. The subtle clench of his jaw is enough to rile you up, though. This new development was something that made all the chasing you did worth it.
“There’s no reason for me to be.”
You hum. “So, I guess you won’t care if I call Mingyu so he can fuck me until I can’t walk?”
It’s almost funny the way Joshua stands up and starts to gather his things. But it’s ultimately not because he’s suddenly tugging you out of your seat and dragging you with him. You question him all the way back to his apartment. Josh doesn’t say anything even as he lets you inside. Just as you start to look around, you’re suddenly being pulled in another direction.
You’re barely able to register that it’s Josh’s room before he’s shoving you on his bed. It would’ve pissed you off, but when you look back to see him taking off his clothes, you can’t help but feel excited.
“You think you’re so fucking funny, huh?” He growls once he’s down to his underwear. “Teasing me like you have.”
Josh’s voice has taken on such a deep tone that you could hardly believe it was him who talked. You lick your lips as he crawls on the bed. He roughly pulls off your skirt and tosses it behind his shoulder. It makes your pussy clench around nothing. When you were teasing him earlier, you didn’t expect to bring out such a side of him.
You lick lips in anticipation.
Last time, Josh didn’t get to fully admire you and look at you, but now he has you spread out for him like this, he’s going to fully savor it. He doesn’t hesitate to rip your panties off, groaning at the sight of your glistening pussy. “Do you get this wet for everyone, or is this all for me?”
You would’ve felt embarrassed if you didn’t want him so bad. If Mingyu hadn’t accidentally deleted your presentation materials, you would’ve fucked Josh again sooner. But none of that mattered anymore because you were here now, and he was acting hotter than he ever had.
“Don’t play with me.” You groan. “You know your dick is the only one I want.”
Josh’s cock throbs at your words, and he rewards you by pressing a gentle kiss to your cunt. He licks a long stripe up your slit, stopping to flick your clit repeatedly until you’re crying out for him. The sounds you’re making have him grinding his hard cock into the mattress to try and ease the throbbing in his boxers. He latches his mouth on to the sensitive bud and sucks, hard.
“Josh!” You moan, grinding your cunt into his face.
He smirks against you before releasing it with a pop. Your cute whimpers are something he can listen to forever, and he intends to hear that as often as he can. Joshua takes his time eating you out, indulging himself with your sweet taste. His movements are messy and uncoordinated, but so good.
Before you can reach your high, Josh abruptly pulls away from your aching cunt. He actually smirks when you whine at the loss of stimulation, and you wonder what sort of monster you’ve brought out. But because it’s him, it turns you on.
“Want my cock, baby?”
The pet name actually has you nodded eagerly and clenching around nothing. But because Josh is so fucking mean he only runs his hands over your body and slowly undresses you like if time is frozen. It’s frustrating, but when you go to help him, he harshly slaps your cunt to stop you. It only makes more slick drip out of you.
Josh thinks he might come in his boxers when he leans back and sees your arousal dripping out of you and on to his mattress. He licks his lips, loving how fucked out you already look.
You bite your lip when he finally takes off his underwear and lets you see that pretty cock of his. The way your hungrily eyeing him has Josh gripping your thighs and roughly pulling you toward him. He gently grinds himself between your folds, relishing in the way you buck your hips up into him desperately.
“Look at you, so fucking desperate for me to split you open.”
The way you pout of him makes him feel like he might actually go insane. Josh can’t keep waiting and shoves his dick into you with one hard thrust. You both moan at the feeling, and you can’t believe that you had let anything get in the way of having him fuck you again.
You notice his somewhat hesitant with his thrusts, and you slowly slide your hands down to his hips to guide them. Joshua pauses for a moment before he starts rolling his hips in that same angle that you seem to like. He focuses on your bouncing tits and the mewls and whimpers that are falling from your lips. His tip is hitting against your sweet spot repeatedly until you’re tossing your head back in pleasure.
“You like it when I fuck you there, huh, baby?” Josh says with a teasing smirk. “Let me hear how good I’m making you feel.”
His voice is sickly-sweet, and it doesn’t match the way he’s sharply slamming his cock into you.
“Fuh-Fuck!” You moan. “Don’t stop!”
Your sweet cunt is clamping down on him so tightly that he’s starting to feel some resistance. It only makes him drill into you deeper, determined to have you come undone on him.
The way his thick cock is stretching you out has your mind going blank. Joshua is fucking into your wet cunt until your moans turn into incoherent babbles. His hips are rolling into yours desperately, and you mewl wantonly when you feel his heavy balls slapping against your ass.
“God, you’re so fucking tight.” Josh gasps.
“Oh fuck.” You whine, feeling the coil in your stomach tighten. “I’m gonna—“
Josh groans when he feels your cunt tightly clamp down on his pulsing cock. He looks down and sees his dick is glistening with the arousal dripping from you. He bites his lip, feeling more turned on than ever. By this point he’s thrusting into you sloppily, hips losing their rhythm as hits against your sweet spot.
With one last thrust, you finally break. Joshua groans loudly as your walls spasm around his cock. He loves the sight of you creaming all over him, and that’s all it takes for him to come. Thick, hot ropes of his cum spill into your walls. He surprises you when he starts fucking his cum into you, hitting your spongy spot over and over again with a smirk.
Eventually, he stills and slowly pulls out of you.
You whimper when he spread your lips to watch his cum drip out of you. For a moment you think he’s done until he’s shoving his face into your sloppy cunt, sucking and licking at it like a starved man. You hiss at the overstimulation, but it feels so fucking good.
Joshua pulls away from you with a smirk. Your thighs are quivering, and the sight makes him shove his still-hard cock back inside of you. He throbs inside your hot cunt, stretching you open with every snap of his hips.
“Fuck, you’re dripping.” Josh rasps, as he starts fucking into you like it’s the last time he’ll get to have you like this.
“J-Josh.” You whimper as you arch your back. “S-So fucking good.”
It’s crazy how fast he finds your sweet spot again. He keeps slamming his cock against that spot, and it makes you feel almost dizzy. Joshua seems to notice this because he starts snapping his hips deeper into you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head when you feel the veins of his thick cock dragging along your velvety walls.
The sound you let out when Josh throws one of your legs over his shoulder is so fucking sexy that he can’t help, but moan along with you. All the arousal coating your inner thighs makes a sticky mess and fills his room with lewd squelching sounds.
“Don’t stop!” You plead, bucking your hips upwards to match his thrusts.
Josh watches his cock slip in and out of you with a loud moan. To see your cream covering his cock drives him wild. He picks up the pace, needing to see you come all over his dick again. Your mouth is dropped open in pleasure, and before he can think twice about it, he presses his lips to yours and drinks in every muffled squeal as he angles himself to bury his tip against the sensitive, velvety spot of your walls.
You can only moan as Josh continues to slam his long, veiny cock inside your tight little cunt. He smirks when you groan and drive your nails into his lithe back. Your legs tremble as he keeps thrusting into you, his girth splitting you open all over again.
“You just can’t get enough of my cock, can you, baby?” He tells with a smirk. You can’t respond because he sinks his teeth into your neck as your walls tighten on his throbbing cock.
“Fucking love your cock.” You mewl.
The way his mouth sucks on your neck and nips at your skin is almost too much and makes your head spin. Josh slips his hand down to your wet pussy, circling his fingers against your slippery bud. It only takes a few calculated strokes for you to cream and gush around his cock. Your toes curl as you orgasm with a loud cry of ecstasy.
Joshua groans as he feels his own climax take over him. Your tight cunt continues to milk him until he's forced to stop and pour himself into you. The feeling of his hot seed painting your walls is something that you’ll never get enough of. He sloppily fucks you both through your orgasms until he can no longer handle the overstimulation.
It takes you by surprise when Josh presses a tender kiss to your lips. He only grins at you before he rolls over with you on top of him. Somehow, he manages to keep his cock inside you as he nuzzled into your hair. He lets out a deep breath and gently runs his large hands up and down your back.
“Will you stay?” He asks shyly, and you can’t believe that this is the same guy who was railing you like no one else ever had before.
“Yeah.” You grin. “I might as well get used to being here.”
Joshua doesn’t try to hide his grin. He never thought that this was how things would turn out, but he’s so glad they did. Because now he was never going to let you go.
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taglist: @duolingofanaccount @felix-3002 @junhui-recs
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thezombieprostitute · 5 months
Dream Come True - Part 2
Summary: The “Garbage Men” are the guys in the mob who get the dirt on others and clean up after the higher ups. They have many different ways of gathering intel by running legitimate businesses. One such business is Jefferson/Jensen’s cyber cafe where you regularly go to work. You’ve actually become good friends with Jefferson’s daughter and Jensen’s niece. You even volunteered as their after-school tutor. One day, there’s a robbery attempt where you get hurt protecting the girls. This is how you are introduced to Curtis Everett, the guy in charge of the “Garbage Men”.
A/N: Reader is plus sized, femme. No other descriptors used.
Warnings: Shooting mentioned, not written. American healthcare system. Insecure reader. Bullying with an emphasis on fat shaming. Please let me know if I miss any!
Part 1 -- Part 3
Series Masterlist
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It's only been a few days but you find yourself unable to follow the advice of the medical staff and get some rest. Your brain won't let you. You've got budgets to consider, a resume to update, and follow up appointments to schedule. Thankfully when Jake and Jefferson had brought the girls for a visit they made sure to bring your laptop.
Because you hated not knowing, you opted to spend your time researching to see about how much you might be getting from that back-pay promised by Curtis. Jefferson had assured you that Curtis did, in fact, have that kind of pull but "please don't dig too much into it." You got the impression not everything was on the up-and-up but you have bills to pay so you agreed.
On day four you got a notice of deposit from your bank. You took a look and your jaw dropped. That couldn't be right! You'd done the research. There's no way even an experienced, highly qualified tutor would ever be earning that much! There must've been a mistake! You immediately make a note to tell someone who knows Curtis.
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Curtis and Mace were going through their weekly itineraries. Between the two of them nothing got lost. Mace would, occasionally, grumble about needing a vacation but the two of them were the only people who keep all the moving pieces in mind.
"At least we can check a few things off the list this week," Curtis grunted. "Hal's got the bugs planted in the Smith law building. Jake's confirmed they're working."
"Fowler confirmed McMann won't be a problem," Mace reported. "Apparently the guy's busy trying to hunt down the guy that ran away with his wife."
Curtis chuckled at that. "That was Nat, right?"
Mace smiled, "yeah. Nat called "dibs" and we didn't have a counterargument."
"McMann's gonna spend a long time searching," Curtis shakes his head. "Nat's the best at not being found when she doesn't want to be."
"And the Missus is definitely better off," Mace agreed. "Nat's setting her up for life."
"That reminds me," Curtis interjected. "How's the back-pay for Hero doing?"
Mace double checked a few things on his phone before replying, "it's been deposited into her account."
"Good. One more thing we can cross off the list."
"Not yet, actually," Mace hesitated. Curtis gave him a curious look. "Turns out, she's trying to get ahold of you to talk about the amount. Beck says she's adamant that it's too much."
"Huh," Curtis's eyebrows raised. "There's something you don't hear every day. I'll talk to Barber and got some legal-ese that'll explain without explaining."
Mace nods and the two continue their meeting, switching to ongoing tasks.
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"Excuse me?" It's been a few days since the money hit your account and you've finally gotten a visit from Curtis.
They kept you at the hospital longer because your stress levels made it "irresponsible" for Dr. Beck to discharge you, lest you have a heart attack as soon as you get outside. At this point you're certain Dr. Beck wants to get as much money from your stay as he can. Everyone who visits, however, says otherwise.
"Hazard pay," Curtis patiently repeated. "That's why there's so much more money than you expected."
"You can't expect me to believe that!" You are indignant. "That's not how hazard pay works. I've done my research Mr. um, Mr." you pause because you realize you don't know his last name. You feel the pang of embarrassment because you've been saying you've done your research but you don't know something as simple as a last name! You push past it and continue, "I've done my research, sir!"
You open up your laptop and bring up all of your documents of notes, focusing in on the bibliography. "I've got data from reputed tutoring websites, the Department of Labor, Glassdoor, even the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and none of them support the amount I was given."
Curtis finds himself smiling. He's been talked back to plenty of times, but never like this. "You're cute," he blurts out.
Thinking he's making fun of you, you look away from him and try not to show too much hurt. Curtis assures, "I'm not saying that to belittle you. You really have put a lot of work into this."
You shake your head, "it's besides the point, sir. You've grossly overpaid me. I know you've overpaid me. Yet you are refusing to acknowledge this."
"That's partly because I'm not sure why it's such a big deal to you," he calmly states.
"Because I don't want to cheat you!"
"Are you saying there's a price limit for saving my nieces?"
"I mean, technically there is. Could probably use some actuarial tables used in life insurance policies to find it out." Curtis gives you a hard glare but you persist, "I'm not saying that your nieces aren't priceless. I'm saying that I don't want to take what isn't mine. This is a lot of money and I don't want you going hungry or something because you feel you owe me when you don't. I only did what any decent person would do!"
"It's been my experience that decent people are rarities," Curtis stated. "As such they, and by extension you, should be treated well and given plenty."
"That's another part of the problem," you sighed. "I have not been told anything specific but I've seen and heard enough to suspect that this money might not be... legitimate."
Curtis's jaw tensed up. He'd have to have a word with the J's about being more careful. "I assure you," he nearly growled, "that the money you received was honestly earned by us and then you. All tax forms have been taken care of. All employment paperwork is settled."
You meet his gaze, undeterred by the intensity in his eyes. You see no signs of trickery. Nothing in those icy blue eyes indicating he was hiding the truth from you. You nod your acceptance and he relaxes a bit.
"Now," he says in a much lighter tone, "was there anything else?"
"Um, just one," you replied. "You said that I'm officially employed? That you might have more work for me? Who am I employed by and what other work should I be ready for?"
"The official name of my company is Everett Enterprises," he explained. "That's the company title on your W-2. As for the "other work" that was implied, it's simply a notice that I may have other employees in need of a tutor. I know Hal has been looking at getting his GED."
"So all you would need from me is more tutoring?"
Curtis can hear the tremor in your voice. You're a good person who doesn't want to get mixed up in anything illegal and he's happy to accommodate that. "Yes," he asserts. "Though that may involve helping some of my people learn how to cite their sources like you did."
That gets a half smile from you and Curtis considers the conversation done. "Now please follow the doctor's orders and rest up," he pleads. As he turns to leave he says, "make sure to get your beauty sleep."
Because he's facing away he doesn't see your face fall at the comment.
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Part 1 -- Part 3
Tagging @alicedopey because I promised I would.
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
I was wondering if you could please make Jays head canons, or Jays story's?
Sure thing! :D
Ninjago - Dating Jay Walker Headcanons
It definitely wasn’t love at first sight when he saw you, but he couldn’t deny how attractive you were
He didn’t really see you like that; not at first, anyway
You were helping them with a mission, and once it was over he figured you’d separate forever, and that’d be that
But by the time the mission was over, he found he couldn’t bear the thought of losing all contact with you
He’d come to like your personality even more than your looks, which was really saying something since he thought you were STUNNING
So, just as you were about to part, he suddenly took you by the hand
He reddened, stuttering, trying to get out his words
You just smiled, knowing what he meant before he could even get a coherent word out
You guys exchanged info, promising to meet again sometime
Later that same night, Jay contacted you, requesting a meet-up at his favorite sushi joint in Ninjago
You guys continued on like that, taking turns picking your meet-up spots
It takes a while for Jay to actually admit his feelings, but he’s painfully obvious
Honestly you’ll probably have to make the first move, unless you want to wait forever
But when you finally start actually dating, he is ECSTATIC
He is THE turbo-boyfriend: super romantic, always showing his love in huge displays, memorizing all the things you like (as if he hadn’t done that already…)
His love languages are: All Of Them. Think of literally anything romantic (poems, gifts, doing chores for you, caring for you when sick, etc, etc) and he’s done it at some point
You might legitimately have to tell him to tone it down
Especially with PDA; we’ve seen in the show that he sometimes struggles with boundaries
He’ll always want to hold your hand or stand super close, but he’ll back off if you ask
Once you outline your boundaries, though, he does his best to follow them
He’ll probably slip up once or twice when he gets excited, but he tries his hardest :(
He’s very excitable when it comes to you, but he’s also prone to channel that energy into anxiety
And jealousy, which leads to insecurity
He sometimes feels that he’s not good enough for you, with you being as amazing as you are
Don’t worry though, you can easily cheer him up by showing him literally any amount of affection
But an evening cuddling and whispering sweet nothings works best ;)
Cuddling is a must with Jay; he clings to you like a koala, and he complains that he can’t sleep without you
In fact, he insists that everything is way better when you’re there
It sometimes annoys the other ninjas
They’ll be doing something completely unrelated and he’ll just sigh and go “I wish Y/n was here”
And they’re just like: 😐
He could (and does) gush about you endlessly to others
Much to many people’s annoyance
With all this in mind, I’ll finish off by saying he’s the type to shower you with all the love in the world but then break down sobbing when you so much as smile at him
(Please smile at him)
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Thank you so much for this request! And thanks for reading, take care sweet doves!!
(divider by saradika)
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houseforwhores · 2 years
confessions | billy loomis x reader x stu macher
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a/n: this is so bad, i am legitimately sorry , and i apologize for taking this long, life is a bit tasking 🤍 (also apologize for any mistakes, i never really re-read what i write!)
warnings: fem reader, smut, PinV, oral (m&f receiving), spit roasting, slight dub-con elements, overstimulation, praise, slight degradation, cum eating(?) mentions of alcohol, unprotected sex. breeding kink (?) brief mlm interaction (not fetishized)
word count: 2905
your attention was pulled from the scene as you felt a hand on your thigh, you looked down at the rather large pale hand, you trailed your eyes up to see ice blue eyes starring back at you.
"what do you want stu?" you asked swatting his hand from your thigh.
"it's more like what do we want..." stu said trailing off
"we? who is we?" you asked tilting your head and easing your eyebrows, and as if he were on queue, billy came to the other side of you, his signature grin plastered across his face before he nodded at you.
"oh no.." you said immediately shaking your head at the boys, sure you cared about them but they were nothing but trouble.
"oh yes. please we just wanna talk." stu exasperated
"yeah, just a couple of minutes, promise." billy chimed.
"no! you guys are always up to something, last time i followed you guys somewhere i ended up blindfolded and covered in c-" you started before stu cut you off lifting his finger accusingly
"OH COME ON- that was one time! one! look you have my word, no blindfolds. scouts honor,"stu said taking his finger and crossing his heart.
"stu-" you started again, rolling your eyes. but you caught a glance of his expression, he was sporting a very believable puppy face, hand his blue eyes were sparking so bright you felt a pang of guilt. you looked over to billy. his pout unmistakable as he poked his bottom lip out a tiny bit further, raising his eyebrows.
"oh fuck me. fine! five minutes," you said caving. it was quite unfair of them, double-teaming you like this.
"you won't regret it doll. promise." billy said with a wink.
stu placed himself between your legs and faced away from you before he tucked his hands under your thigh. "hop on."
"stu i can w-" but of course before you could finished stu was slapping you on your thigh in protest.
"c'mon let's go." he said. complying you hopped off of the counter, wrapping your legs around him, your arms reaching around his neck, clasping your hands together.
stu carried you up the stairs, a few partygoers staring at you along the way, until billy shot them all glared. you sighed as you reached the top of the stairs. he brought you to his bedroom, he leaned down quickly dropping you to his bed with a creak.
billy locked the door before leaning against it, his shoulder pressed against the frame as he folded his arms, stu stood towering above you. his 6'4 frame not to be forgotten as he towered you.
"stu, back up.", stu rolled his eyes stepping back only a step, with that billy came closer leaning against the bedroom dresser that was behind stu.
"we wanted to talk to you-" stu spoke gesturing to himself and billy
"yeah stu. you already said that." you rolled your eyes, folding your arms across your chest
"maybe don't interrupt us, 'kay? doll." billy snickered
"get on with it then," you spoke unamused
"we broke up with sidney and tatum." billy shrugged. that didn't quite click for you. they both seemed like perfect couples, sure they had their flaws but who doesn't?
"and why did you do that? you guys were like the it-couples."
"i mean isn't it obvious?" stu snorted
"we think you're more our speed." billy chides
"how so?" you inquired cocking your head, a devious grin stretching across your features
"i think it'd be better if we just showed you." billy said sitting beside you, his hand on your thigh massaging the fatty flesh, his hand dangerously close to your heat. the action drawing out more of a reaction than you could've expected. you got lost in his entrancing stare, his glazed over with lust, and neediness.
"can we doll?" you heard stu ask, suddenly becoming aware of his close proximity, now sitting on the other side of you. "show you?"
your shuddered as your eyes closed, stu's warm breath fanning across your lower ear and neck, you cursed yourself feeling your pussy betray you. was this really happening?
"we promise to be gentle, love," stu whispered against your neck before placing a soft kiss against your neck, your mouth fell agape as you tilted your head to the side, a gasp emitting from your throat. billy's hand slid further up your thigh, his index finger in contact with your clit through shorts.
"just say yes, we've got you doll," billy said softly, his finger stimulating your clit as he maneuvered it against you, causing you to give in to the temptation.
"yes! please-" you were cut off by billy's lips slotting against yours, his kiss was urging and filled with need.
you felt billy's hand dance across the skin of your stomach as stu pulled his lips away from your neck. the blue eyed boy grabbed your face jerking you away from billy, toward himself before you felt his lips slotting against yours, more fervently than billy. it was sloppy but you didn't mind, not one bit. his tongue slid across your bottom lip, before he sucked in his mouth slightly, biting down earning a moan from you. stu took that opportunity, slipping his tongue into your mouth.
billy's hand that danced across your stomach had found its way into your panties cupping your warmth, the palm of his hand pressed against the hood of your clit, the slight bit of pressure driving you insane, you lifted one of your legs throwing your thigh over his, allowing him more access to you as you moaned into stu's mouth.
"so fucking needy for us, hmm?" billy questioned, his middle finger slipping between your folds, feeling your slick envelope his finger. "fuck, stu, she's soaked."
"damn straight she is, she's our little slut, isn't that right?" stu grinned watching you nod as he grabbed your hand guiding it toward his growing erection, your hand felt the large bulge of him beneath his jeans, he helped you unbuckle his belt before you slipped your hand in his briefs pulling out his cock. it stood tall at attention, begging for any kind of affection. a bead of precum oozing from his red tip. you swallowed thickly as your eyes trailed over the veins.
billy dragged his fingers through your slick folds, brushing past your clit, he removed his hand from your panties.
"wanna feel how wet she is stu?" billy asked, seeming more as a statement, reaching over y/n, he wrapped his slick coated fingers around stu's girthy cock, spreading your arousal up and down the length of it.
"all that for us sweetheart?" stu groaned out, swallowing thickly as billy's hand squeezed him a bit more, watching more precum drip from the tip of his dick. your mouth watered at the thought of it in your mouth.
"i think our little whore wants a taste, doesn't she?" billy said, directing the statement towards stu, his eyes never leaving y/n's, watching her  "should we let her?"
"i think she's been a good girl so far, maybe a reward is in order." stu struggled to get out as billy stroked him faster.
"hear that doll? what are you waiting for?" billy asked wiping sliding his hand up stu's cock collecting his precum before bringing the mixture to his mouth, practically mewling at the taste of the two of you together. "his cock isn't gonna suck itself."
as if you were in a trance, you got off the bed kneeling before stu, you looked up at him as he grinned down at you, a look of lust glazing his eyes. you gathered the saliva on your tongue as you brought the tip to your mouth placing it on your tongue before swirling it, swallowing the liquid to further coat his length.
you felt billy place himself behind you, his hands were in the hem of your shorts tugging them off your hips. you felt billy tug you back against him, which was considerably farther than you licked because stu was no longer in your reach.
"billy-" but before you could turn around and look at him, he brought his hand down against your ass through your shorts, he sent stu a look, his palm now soothing the place it struck.
stu smirked and kneeled in front of your face, his cock directly leveled with your mouth, you swallowed thickly as you mouth grew wetter from your hyper salvation. you steadied yourself as you reached your hand up wrapping it around stu's cock.
you brought your mouth to his balls as you licked his sack sucking as much as you could fit in your mouth, your hand slid up and down his dick.
“so fuckin’ hot.” stu said his hand coming around to the back of your neck, encouraging your movements. the paradise going straight through you as you felt your clit throb, an aching sensation in your now drenched cunt.
you were brought slightly out of your trance at the feel of billy’s dick slipping through your folds as he dragged it against your clit, spreading your arousal along his length. his actions only made you wetter. you aren’t even sure when he took his dick out but that didn’t matter now.
"you want us to ruin you sweetheart?" billy asked as he pressed his tip against your entrance, stu threaded his fingers into your hair as he pulled your head away from his balls. stu grabbed his dick and tapped it against your lips, encouraging you to open for him. you obliged taking the tip of him in your mouth. your tongue swirled around his tip, finally tasting him, along with the taste of yourself. “use your holes like the little slut you are? hm?”
“fuck, billy,” you begged in what seemed to be something between a whine and a groan, throwing your ass back toward him, letting his tip to slip inside of you, causing you to whimper at the feeling.
“ruin me.” you whispered against stu’s cock, taking him back in your mouth. you relaxed your throat, preparing for him to use you, and take what he needs.
“see doll? this is what we meant, you’re fuckin’ perfect,” stu said as he gripped your jaw adoringly, he returned his hand to its original place in your hair, he thrusted forward, slowly, allowing you to take him in deeper.
“such a fuckin slut for us, hm?” billy groan, thrusting into your wet cunt, the feeling of your tight warmth enveloping him, coating his length in your slick causing his hips to falter for a quick second, the pleasure of being inside you greater than he could ever imagine.
“mhmmf.” you moaned around stu’s cock, he seemed to love the feeling of it, he gripped your hair tighter thrusting all the way into your throat, your nose touching his pelvis as your throat stretched for him.
“just like that, sweetheart. such a good girl.” stu grunted, his mouth was parted as his head fell back, too entranced by the feeling of your mouth wrapped around him, the obscene noise coming from either end of you leaving him in complete euphoria. his praise, and billy’s slight degradation making your brain feel all fuzzy. the lack of oxygen added a bit of excitement as billy continued to abuse your cunt. “you’re doing so well for us.”
“so fucking wet f’me.” billy groaned, his finger nails were digging at your hips just enough to pinch at your skin, he plowed into you, his cock hitting all the right places inside you. you tapped stu’s thigh signaling you needed some air.
“f-fuck.” you coughed out, stu fisted his cock a bit before he guided himself into your throat again.
you felt your climax nearing. billy continued to rut into you from behind. he watched as your ass bounced again as he filled you to the hilt with each stroke, a ring of cream building at the base of his cock from your arousal as he fucked into you.
“such a fuckin whore, hmm?” billy grunted speeding up his strokes. your legs staring to shake from the pleasure. his thighs slapping against yours, his balls tapping your clit each time, reminding you just how deep inside you he was. filling you up with each stroke. “you gonna cum for me sweet heart? huh? gonna come on my cock?”
“cum for us doll.” your eyes rolled back as you closed them, you felt your pussy pulse around billy’s dick, a gush of your arousal soaked his dick, your walls contracted around him.you tapped stu’s thigh signaling him you needed some air. your throat flexed around him, the tight wet heat beckoning him to cum, his hips stuttered as he came deep inside your throat, holding himself there until he released every drip of cum, rope after rope. “fuck, babe.”
you tapped on stu’s thigh again a bit more frantically this time, your oxygen running out as your orgasam took over. stu pulled his cock out, letting it soften. billy still fucking you, his strokes slowing down just a bit while one of his hands snuck around to toy with your clit. he rubbed fast careful circles all the sensations becoming too much for your cock-drunk, slightly oxygen deprived brain to handle, your second orgasam approaching already. stu sat back on his heels as he pulled you into a kiss, his tongue swirling with yours.
“give me another one sweetheart. i’m almost there huh? milk me dry.” billy said with one last stroke, and you came again with a squeal, your
“mmhmf. fuck.”billy stilled himself inside of you, warm, white ropes coated your walls as your cunt gripped and pushed around him squeezing out every drop. “such a good fuckin slut.”
billy had pulled out, watching his seed trickle out of you and down the back of your thigh, some dripping onto the floor. your body, tired, slowly gave into gravity as you found yourself lying on your back as you inhaled deeply trying to regain your senses. billy kissed your lips softly, hovering over you, his hands made his way to your boobs, alternating between massaging them and playing with your nipples.
“you okay doll?” billy asked as he continued his ministrations, you mewled at the feeling, it felt relaxing, but you could feel a dull heartbeat still thrumming in your cunt from the overstimulation.
“mhm, so good.” you mumbled, eyes closed as you felt serene, breathing in deep. you weren’t sure when billy and stu had swapped places but stu was now between your thighs.
“i’m so glad to hear that sweetheart, you did so good for us.” stu praised as he rubbed at your thighs soothingly. “i think our girl deserves a reward, doesn’t she billy?”
“yeah, she does.” billy grinned, though your eyes were closed but you you could almost swear you heard it in his voice.
stu wrapped his lips around your swollen bud, laying kitten licks over the bud, with his hand that wasn’t holding your thigh in place, stu slid his middle and index finger through the mixture of your cum, fucking it back into you with his fingers, curling them against your g-spot.
“mhm fuck. s’too much-.” you moaned your thighs instinctively your thighs tried to close around stu’s head, a hand flying over your mouth to stifle your moans
“you can take it doll, you’ve been so good for us.” billy said shushing you. stu’s tongue slid through your folds to your entrance, dipping his tongue inside practically drooling at the taste of you and billy combined. the taste making his dick stir.
“mhm- hmph.” you moaned into your hand, your eyes shutting tighter as you whined, the pleasure in your cunt overstimulating you.
“fuck doll, tastes so good.” stu groaned before making sure to lick you clean, swallowing every drop he could reach, his fingers still fucking you, curling at that perfect angle. his mouth returned to your clit, licking and sucking. your could feel yourself nearing the edge again. and billy made sure to help push you off that cliff, as stu sped up his fingers, billy kissed and sucked on your skin, leaving hickeys, and love marks, simultaneously still playing with your nipples. stu started his lips from your clit momentarily, he spit on your clit before wrapping his lips around it once again.
“stuu! fuck! ” you said as your hands reached for his hair tugging on the short honey brown strands. you pulled his face closer as you road out your orgasam on his tongue and fingers.
“that’s it, you did so well baby.” billy said pecking your lips proudly. your eyes fluttered open, billy leaned back as stu climbed over you, you saw his face covered in your slick. he was grinning as he looked down at you, leaning down he pressed his lips to yours allowing you to taste what you and billy created. you hummed in satisfaction, pouting once stu pulled away, winking at you.
“promised you wouldn’t regret it.”
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leconcombrerit · 3 months
Phee is lying
I mentioned a theory of mine a few times (or is it hopeful thinking ?) and I decided I could share the big outline. I don't feel very legitimate making this post given that I'm one episode and a half behind, but then again I'm pretty sure I'd earn my clown costume either way.
Phee and Non's relationship : a carefully rushed framing
The cute montage at the beginning of episode 6 never sat well with me. DFF knows how to take its time ; how to develop characters, hint at dynamics without having to spell it out. And suddenly one of the most important relationships in the series is summed up in a five minutes montage ? Are you kidding me ? After that we get one scene (the bracelet one by the river) before their relationship starts to crumble upon the weight pressuring Non.
In other words, we get nothing. Most of my attachment for this couple stemmed from a) boundless joy at finally seeing someone, anyone on Non's side and b) Ta and Barcode eating ever single one of their scenes. Aside from this cute beginning, it's just Phee trying to help Non and Non not being mentally nor emotionally available for anything.
They could have done better. They could have shown us more. But they didn't. I know a common conception is that a montage with the occasional slo-mo fits the "first and naïve love" theme buuuuut I don't like it because I don't like it, sue me.
Let's see what they did show us first ; when you give so little, there's no room for triviality. And then I have just a few details I picked up on (or excavated and extrapolized like a mad scientist) that come feed my "Phee is a lying liar that lies" theory. But first, here goes a montage breakdown.
One : first in person meeting
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There are several interesting points here. Phee is standing and bending to Non's level, Non is acting cute and waving his hand like a child would ; the groundwork of their relationship is laid down. Phee is the one taking care of Non. But what I found truly noteworthy is this :
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"Do you wanna meet up ?"
Phee is taken aback by Non's suggestion. He clearly didn't expect him to do that. Except you don't have expectations for strangers or vague acquaintances. By that point, Phee and Non have been messaging for long enough for Phee to know Non quite well and for the both of them to smile like idiots upon meeting. How long exactly ? Nobody knows.
Two : perfect date and the start of a series of promises
Three or four shots of a traditional, happy date, what more could we ask for. Genuinely. Sad Non, abused Non, crying Non is brought back to a softer world. He earned this level of cliché and happiness. There's also the pinky finger promise ; that's what interests me the most, not as a singular instance but as the start of a pattern. Promises are a running theme in Phee and Non's relationship. As willing as Phee is to take oaths, he's quick to fail them -hell, just one episode prior he wasn't here for Non and it resulted in a suicide attempt. The situation with Keng isn't Phee's first failure.
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Three : Non's home
Here Non is letting Phee in his home, his room -his life. And he does so with glee. We've seen beforehow Non tends to keepto himself. Jin has to try a lot and try hard to get him to open up a bit, so whatever happens here is meaningful.
Phee taking his manga from Non could be read as them not sharing common interests (unlike Jin, my imaginary public argues with a nod). I personally saw it as them being comfortable enough to do their own thing while sharing space, until Phee got bored. Or horny. Or both. No sex scenes are shown, which has to be intentional. Phee gets a graphic sex scene with Jin, Non gets a graphic sex scene with Keng -but none for Pheenon. There's enough suggestion that the audience will get the idea, and I haven't pinpointed what lies behind that choice, but it's definitely there. They go back and forth between tooth-rottingly cute and buying a house in the bone-zone.
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Four : being each other's whole world
They're both giddy and running to find each other. Their families don't understand because they haven't told ; it's their own little world (and in Non's case probably his only happy place with no worries).
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Five : the kiss scenes
The sensual aura that built up in all previous scenes reaches its peak here. Once again nothing is shown in terms of sex, yet you can feel the physical attraction just as well. I might be getting off the rails by saying that while they're honest, they also virtually keep things private. They show us the truth, but an amputated, rushed one.
Just like I suppose Phee gives Jin an amputated and rushed version of what happened.
Six : The river
Ah, yes, the river scene. I won't be talking about the longer one with the bracelet yet cause it's separate from the little glimpses we got so far (it has dialogue, for one). But this ? This is gold to my brain.
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An apple. Not only are they both biting it, but Non's eyes are open and staring right at Phee, while Phee's are closed. Non is holding it too. Now I know the apple symbolism is a Chrisitian one and we're in Thailand, but that little detail struck me as odd when Phee and "Tan" were introduced :
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We're entering full clown territory cause the cross was probably hung there like the curtains are probably just goddamn blue, but I added a badly drawn plan of how our brains read images, starting from top left corner (where the cross is) to skim over the middle in a downward axis to the bottom left (Fluke, Jin, the more innocent ones actually I just realized) and then to the bottom right. The cross is what we see first.
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And then, wouldn't you know, our lovely apple comes back as New and Phee are discussing the boys -and where New is out to get them, Phee is already giving even Por the benefit of doubt. He's also keeping his left hand behind his back. I'll get back to Phee's left hand, but the apple comes first.
If the cross is any indication, and that we get two apples, then the first one that's set in the past, a flashback in a flashback, could be the Old Testament version, a fall from heaven ; and the second one that Phee is eating by himself, not blindly this time, could be the New Testament version as redemption from the original sin. Not to mention the greenery around them, almost like a garden.
"But then doesn't it mean that Phee, after falling for Non, starts to get redemption for failing him by saving the boys from New ?"
You know what, MAYHAPS. It could work, I guess. But same as the manga reading scene, it could go many ways. I personally think the redemption he longs for is redemption for having let Non down so badly. Besides, I don't think New is ready to kill people yet in that scene. He's just trying to gather evidence for now, and Phee knows it. So why defend those boys ? Jin I could understand, but Por ? And protect them from what, exactly ? Getting justice served and truth exposed for something they actually did ? If they're innocent, what's the rush in getting New to let go ?
Why wouldn't Phee be trying to keep New safe ?
Look it's not that far-fetched I swear. First I'm going with the fact that Phee knows Non is alive and got in contact with him somehow. One because I stand by my words, this is a face that calls for murder.
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And two, the ring tattoo. I don't think it's a continuity error. And he just so happens to keep his arm hidden behind his back when trying to stir New into giving up on his search. As a sign he's actually carrying on Non's wish ? I'd love that.
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Then someone in the group has to be in contact with the masked man, the ninth person, or else they wouldn't have known when to expect the group. Unless they literally live in those woods, which is also possible.
There's also a long post I'd started about how the show always plays by the rules, not even trying to be surprising in the decision it takes (A guy dying early on in a slasher, Phee being Non's boyfriend, Tan being New, both of them being part of the scheme) but pulling the rug off under our feet in the execution (no one else of importane having died after Por, quiet Tan being the one to murder people while decisive Phee is crying about, etc). Which gives me the feeling that it will be the same here and that Phee is much more of a mastermind than he's been whining on to Jin.
Speaking of Jin, it would also explain why Phee has been investigating him specifically. They might have been trying to determine if he'd done anything, had leaked the video or not. When push came to shove, Phee played the honesty card to get him to confess. And. He. Did.
Not to say Phee doesn't have genuine feelings for Jin, and that it doesn't make him feel torn and confused. But the fact that they banged right after Jin reminded him of Non more strongly also isn't something I'd ignore.
Anyway, I'm getting tired, short version :
Tl;dr :
I think Phee and Non's relationship was actually much stronger than we've been shown, that Phee knows Non is alive because he's the only person Non would have contacted and works with him. He was tasked with keeping New away from all this because Non doesn't want him to get hurt, but also doesn't trust him enough to tell him anything (remember that New was defined by his absence prior to Non's disappearance, only there to serve as a hurtful point of comparison, and that he wasn't close at all to Non to begin with, regardless of how much he regrets now ; I don't think Non factored New would go that far for him in his plan). The revenge plot is already underway for Non, and Phee is trying to keep things going the way they should.
Here it is. It was itching my brain and I slept very badly because of it, but I AM NOW FREE.
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lesvegas · 11 months
FNV Quest Mods That Don't Suck
I know I've made modlists before but talk of DLC-sized mods made me want to make another. Big, DLC-sized quest mods are nine times outta ten messy, poorly-made and poorly-written, feel like they should've been fo3 mods, or have numerous other qualities that are detestable to normal people with taste. I've played most of the popular ones and hate nearly all of them. Here are the ones I actually can recommend.
Note: I also highly recommend having a proper modding setup before installing any of these. Everyone and their mother has already recommended the Viva New Vegas guide before because it works and it's beginner-friendly.
Allow me to spare your dash by putting this list under a cut.
"DLC-sized" Quest Mods
Boom to the Moon - A quest where you go to the moon (yes, really) to find out what happened to a man's wife. I promise it's way better than I could possibly describe. Honestly I recommend almost all of Jokerine's mods for her attention to detail and all the cool shit she makes. This quest mod doesn't even end with the moon trip, you'll also get the best-written mod companion I've ever seen. Seriously please give this one a try if nothing else on this list.
Autumn Leaves - A murder mystery in an archival library vault inhabited by Protectrons. Story so good Bethesda stole it to make a fo4 DLC. No combat, no need for weapons or companions. WARNING: if you suck at navigating vaults like I do you may have a bad time finding stuff (there's a walkthrough in the files). Also some of the lines are a bit odd because the author's first language isn't English. Also one character is a bigot in every way possible because he's intentionally designed to be as punchable as possible. Despite all of this it's still easily one of the best quest mods I've ever experienced.
Unfortunately, making quest mods DLC-sized in general leaves ample opportunity for shit to get messy fast, so honestly your best bet for quest mods is smaller scale, vanilla-feeling mods. So while I highly recommend the above mods, I'd recommend the following ones even more for a more seamless experience.
"Vanilla-feeling" Quest Mods
The Collector - A quest given by a broker in which you collect debts from gamblers. Similar to the Atomic Wrangler quest Debt Collector.
Caravan Tournament - Do you suck at Caravan? Skill issue. Play this anyway and tell me how it feels to lose because I'm sure it's just as interesting as winning but I'm too good at Caravan to to see it for myself. If you get good you get to see a tiny Robobrain wearing a hat.
Working On The Chain Gang - A Powder Ganger Quest Mod - Okay, technically this makes a second faction of Powder Gangers that aren't affected by your reputation with the vanilla Powder Gangers (so yes, even if they hate you, you can experience this mod). These new Powder Gangers reorganize themselves into a legitimate faction that blends seamlessly into the Mojave NPC ecosystem.
The Moon Comes Over the Tower - This one is technically cut content, but that just means it's peak vanilla-feel. Restores the rest of the quest where Emily Ortal asks you to bug Mr. House's network in which you actually have to travel to places to do it.
Okay, these ones are silly, but trust me
Among Us But It's Fallout - It's a vault with a murder mystery you get to solve! Memes aside it's honestly really well done and you should try it.
The Hollander Hotel and Casino - For a quest involving a haunted hotel (no jumpscares, don't worry), this one feels a little goofy at times, especially with The Shining references and the guy outside selling nothing but 500 bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla. But you should give it a try anyway.
Legion Quests
Haven't done a Legion run not because you don't like being a bad guy, but because the Legion route feels lacking? Try some of these.
Legion Quests Expanded - Adds more Legion quests and expands several vanilla quests.
A Golden Opportunity - Legion El Dorado Quest - A quest where the Legion goes in and shuts down the NCR's El Dorado station.
Five Card Ante - A Legion Quest Mod - A quest parallel to Three Card Bounty in which you get to eliminate the NCR's First Recon.
Yes I Would Actually - A Legion Quest Mod - You know how Bitter Springs has three quests you can do for the NCR? Well, now you can do them for the Legion instead. You can even recruit help from the Great Khans to fuck the NCR's shit up.
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hey can I request some fluff with moster trio + sabo and ace where they are just practicing their moves with s/o (female!reader) and they accidentally hit her and she starts crying, it can be in a cute way since I was in a mood for some funny cute stuff hehe
Thank youuuuuu ^^ ♡
So I'm not sure if it's terribly funny, but I think it's cute! and fluffy! Also, sooo many tags! Oh! As a note, Oda said what animals the straw hat's would be, one of Sanji's was a duck, I used this in his.
Warnings: accidental violence, one piece boys beating them selves up, hurt/comfort, mild WCI spoilers
Word Count: 1985
     All he’d wanted to do was show off a little, show you what he’d been working on. You may already be dating, but he loved to impress you, to hear you congratulate him and tell him how amazing he was. He loved your praise, loved it when you told him that he was ‘the best in the world’. Then he’d pull you close and hold you. Sometimes for just a short while, sometimes for over an hour. Sometimes he’d fall asleep for a nap with you, sometimes he’d take you with him to go do the next thing. But now you were sitting on the ground crying, holding your injury from where his hit had connected a little too hard. The two of you had trained together before, had sparred with each other before, but he’d always pulled his punches, always been careful about hitting you, giving you what amounted to light love taps rather than full hits. The most he ever did was light bruising, maybe a little soreness, but now you were legitimately hurt. Immediately you were in his arms as he ran to the infirmary with you, his eyes panicked and worried as he set you down. How could he have done this to you? How could he have been so reckless and stupid?!
     Luffy rarely, if ever, looked so defeated, so downcast. You couldn’t think of a single time where he’d looked so… disheartened. Chopper quickly inspected your nose, sighing as he stopped the bleeding. Miraculously, it wasn’t broken or fractured, but it would hurt for days, it might start bleeding a little as it healed, but it wasn’t broken. Probably a result of Luffy still pulling his punches. Even if he hadn’t been more careful, even though he’d hit you, it hadn’t been full strength, it hadn’t been as hard as it could have been. Even still, he couldn’t stop beating himself up, silently promising never to train or spar with you again. He couldn’t risk hurting you again. Looking up at you, his eyes watered.
     “I’m… I’m sorry Y/n, I didn’t mean to, please, please don’t hate me. I’m sorry. I love you, I promise.” Luffy whimpered once you were both out of the infirmary. You smiled lightly as you caressed his cheek, giving him a soft peck on the lips.
     “I could never hate you, Luffy. You’re my world, I love you so much. So long as you still want me, I’ll still be your pirate queen.” you said, making the boy smile, his arms wrapping around you as he pulled you close, holding you tightly. He still felt awful about hurting you, but he was so glad you still loved him.
     Looking at your cut arm in horror, his sword fell out of his mouth before he was dropping the other two and rushing you to Chopper. He’d never actually cut you before! He’d even covered his blades so that he wouldn’t hurt you! But apparently, it hadn’t helped as he leaned against the wall outside the infirmary. He couldn’t look at you, couldn’t watch Chopper tend to your wound. How could he when he’d been the one to cause it? When he’d hurt you like that. He swore he could hear Mihawk in the back of his mind, berating him for hurting you. He should have used practice swords, he should have controlled himself better, he should have been more careful. The worlds greatest swordsman? The world’s greatest swordsman wouldn’t have hurt the love of his life! He couldn’t look at you as you stepped out of the infirmary, your arm wrapped in bandages. You’d needed a few stitches, but nothing serious, or at least, nothing you were concerned about. Facing the green haired man, you put your hands on either side of his face, making him look at you.
     “You’re going to be the worlds best swordsman before you know it. You’re already so strong even when you’re holding back. I can’t wait for your rematch with Mihawk, this time, you’ll be the one with a tiny knife while he struggles against you.” you said with a small giggle before kissing his cheek. He looked at you, completely speechless. You… were okay? You weren’t mad? All he could do was nod, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. He felt so, so lucky to have someone as amazing as you, someone as forgiving as you.
     This was why he didn’t fight women! This is why he insisted on not fighting you, especially! But after so much begging and pleading, he’d agreed. Then he’d continued, you told him to spar with you so that way he could fight women in the future, so he wouldn’t be helpless against them. Now he sat in the kitchen, head in his hands, his entire body shaking as tears ran down his cheeks. He’d be chain smoking his cigarettes if his hands hadn’t been shaking too much to even hold one, let alone light it and smoke it. He could still see it in his mind, replaying over and over again. Watching you double over in pain, arms wrapped around your middle where his foot had connected with your stomach. What kind of horrible person was he? What kind of monster hurt the people they loved? Was he… was he as bad as his brothers? Was he a monster like them? He heard your footsteps enter the kitchen, tears starting to fall faster as you stopped in front of him. 
     “Sanji? My darling love, my sun and stars, my sweet starfruit, please look at me.” your soft voice pleaded, the blond slowly, reluctantly lifting his head to look at you. You looked so sad as you began to wipe away his tears, kissing his forehead, his cheeks, his palms, and finally his lips, “It’s alright, mon gentil canard, it’s just some bruising, Chopper said I’ll be fine.” you said, making him tremble more as he quickly pulled you into a hug, burying his face in your stomach as he sobbed. He’d hurt you, yet you still called him yours, he’d legitimately hit you, yet you held him and kissed him. He didn’t deserve you, didn’t deserve such a forgiving angel, but if you saw fit to forgive him, he’d gladly take it.
     How could he have done this? He had better control than this! He was better than this! Running his hand through his blond locks, he tilted his head back, resting it against the wall he was leaning against. He felt so stupid right now. It seemed like an eternity before you exited the infirmary, your wrist bound in a cast. It had been broken, he’d broken it. He felt even worse. He looked at you, regret etched into his features, surprised when you smiled at him.
     “I suppose you weren’t bragging when you said your fingers could crush skulls like eggs. Then again, I expect no less from the RA’s second in command.” you said with a small laugh. Sabo was absolutely speechless. You… you were laughing? You were complimenting him? You weren’t mad?! His mouth opened and closed a few times as he tried to find the words before he pulled you into a tight hug.
     “Never again! You and I are never sparring together again!” he said sternly as he held you, burying his head in your hair. You sighed and wrapped your arms around him, knowing how stubborn he could be. Still, you had one way of making it work.     “But how am I going to become better if I don’t have you to help me? You’re the only one strong, smart, and amazing enough to help me get better. The others would just beat me into the dirt without actually teaching me anything.” you said with a fake huff as you wrapped your arms around him. Sabo froze. The others… they wouldn’t hold back like he did, you were right, they’d beat you with ease, wouldn’t hold back, and you wouldn’t learn a thing. Even if he told them what to do, they still wouldn’t know what to do like he did. With a small sigh, he nodded, his arms tightening around you slightly, holding you as if you’d disappear.
     “Alright… I’ll keep helping you… but you have to do something for me in return.” he said, hoping to reach a compromise of sorts.
     “Of course, anything.” you said, smiling as he agreed.
     “Let me take care of you until your wrist is better.” he asked, making you giggle.
     “Alright, just don’t go overboard. My wrist is broken, I’m not missing an arm.” you said, enjoying his embrace.
     What had he done? How could he have hurt you like this? Was he a demon like people said? The son of Roger, a demon child. Surely it was a title that fit what he’d done to you! He sat in his room on the floor, holding his head as he tried not to cry. He’d hurt you! He was so stupid! All the horrible thoughts that you normally pushed down came flooding back as he berated himself over and over again, only stopping when he felt something press against his head. Looking up, he saw your beautiful, smiling face.
     “Why are you in here, my sweet strawberry? Why didn’t you stay in the infirmary with me? Marco patched me up no problem, but how can I feel better if the love of my life isn’t by my side?” you asked, giving him a small, cute pout as you sat down in front of him, your legs pulled close to your chest as you gave him your sad puppy dog eyes. Immediately, his arms were wrapping around you, pulling you close, his entire body trembling as he clung to you as if you were his only lifeline. His apologies were muffled in your shoulder, but you could still hear them, still understand what he was saying.
     “Hey now, Strawberry, none of that. Why are you apologizing for showing me how good you’ve gotten? We were practicing so you could show me your new moves! You’re as amazing and strong and stunning as ever!” you said, holding him close, moving his head from your shoulder to your chest, allowing him to bury his head in your chest, the steady sound of your heartbeat soothing him. You always knew how to make him feel better, no matter what happened.
     “I… I hurt you though.” he muttered as his sobs calmed down, still holding you.
     “That’s why we have a phoenix on board, my sweet flame. Can’t be hurt if my injuries don’t exist.” you said, your smile widening. Looking at you, he tried to find any evidence of his hit, finding nothing. Your face was still as beautiful as always, still made his heart melt from the love in your eyes. 
     “I just… please… please let me make it up to you.” he begged, his eyes desperately pleading with you. With a sigh, you nodded, knowing how he’d find a way to make it up to you anyway.
     “Just don’t go overboard. It was so minor, Marco would have turned me away if he hadn’t been bored out of his mind.” you said, making the man chuckle.
     “Fine, I won’t go overboard. But I want to treat you to something nice. Let me take you out to dinner? We can take a ride on my striker, go out for a bit, then stare at the stars together.” he suggested, making you smile and nod.
     “I’d like that a lot, my lovely wildfire.” you said, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead before pulling him into a gentle kiss. The two of you stayed snuggled up like that, the devil fruit user eventually falling sleep on your chest like he often did, slumbering away peacefully like he so often did.
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moonlitlex · 8 months
i have so much to say abt chalice of the gods so im just gonna copy paste my review from goodreads here. you can also read it on goodreads
ok. i promised i would hate this book. and i do. i hate this book. i also hate rick riordan. in addition, i hate capitalism. i promise that’s relevant.
let’s talk about the book now. i’ll cover the things i love first. i love percy jackson. i love grover. i love annabeth. i love sally. i love paul. i love percy annabeth and grover together. all of these things are very obvious and self-explanatory. percy is hands down THE main character of all time. i have nothing bad to say about him. his literal fatal flaw is loyalty. he’s actually perfect and has no flaws. this is expected from the son of sally jackson, the perfect person. paul is sweet and kind to sally and that’s really all that matters. annabeth is awesome and supportive and so is grover and they’re all besties forever. you get it. you’ve read percy jackson.
the jokes are better than before. there are definitely some legitimately funny jokes in this book, which i was really missing from the last few rick riordan installments. and i don’t think this is because rick suddenly got funnier. i think it’s because this style of joke works for percy. of all of rick’s protagonists, percy seems the most natural fit for these jokes.
sally is great. grover and annabeth are generally on form. so is percy, as much as can be expected from rick riordan at this point. i will elaborate on this later.
now to complain. this is the stupidest premise i’ve ever heard of. percy is a high school senior. he is going to go to new rome university. he needs 3 divine recommendations. this is already a stupid premise but don’t worry, it gets worse. poseidon reveals that the reason percy needs these recommendations is that it’s a special requirement for him specifically made by zeus. and the reason he gets to have this stupid requirement is that he’s a child of the big three and shouldn’t exist.
hello. zeus. yes, lord zeus, it’s me. alexis.
what the absolute FUCK are you saying.
this doesn’t MAKE SENSE. the only reason percy shouldn’t have existed was that the gods had a stupid pact to not have any kids because of a stupid prophecy. two things here. one - that prophecy is OVER. everything turned out fine. thanks to percy jackson. you’re welcome, gods of olympus. two - percy has literally saved olympus TWICE now. two times. this is genuinely such a dumb and made up reason to send percy on a quest that i can’t even turn my brain off and enjoy it. it’s not fun. leave percy alone. LEAVE HIM ALONE.
it’s literally insane how stupid this setup is. rick keeps writing books about how the gods are horrible and take advantage of the demigods and the demigods live terrible lives. in this book, percy has LITERALLY saved olympus TWICE and motherfucking zeus (literally) had to be talked down from making him get 25 letters of recommendation to 3. this is AFTER percy spent 3 years in pjo almost being killed and got his memory wiped for 6-8 months depending on which book you read in hoo and then got sent on a quest to save the entire world AGAIN. this CHILD got like a 2-4 month break (depending on which book you’re reading) and he woke up with no fucking memory and had to spend like 2 more months fighting monsters and the literal primordial earth goddess. and now he has to go on literally pointless quests that someone who didn’t just get back home from saving the actual world could ALSO just do. because he needs to get some fucking letters of recommendation.
look. genuinely. percy jackson should snap at this point in the story. this boy should’ve snapped like at least 5 books ago. at minimum. rick wrote the perfect setup to show us percy’s instant descent into madness. he should LOSE it. all the gods have done for the ENTIRE time he’s known he’s a demigod is treat demigods like disposable tools. this is the point in the story where percy goes. wow. luke was right. you guys are all assholes who don’t care about us even a little bit. i am NOT saying what needs to follow is a fanfic-esque dark!percy story where he successfully destroys olympus or something. what i AM saying. is at bare minimum this is where percy goes you know what fuck you i hate you guys and washes his hands of being a demigod at least temporarily. at the very least he should sit back and think yeah, i don’t really want to go to new rome university. it’s not worth it. i will just go to a different university. look. it’s percy jackson. he can literally one shot all but the most fearsome monsters (typhon, the giants, a drakon, etc). he is literally going to be 100% completely fine going to mortal university AND he wont have to deal with zeus’s annoying ass.
listen. MY percy jackson wanted to kill smelly gabe as a 12 year old because he abused his mother. MY percy jackson doesn’t like bullies. MY percy jackson challenged ares to a fight just on the basis that ares was a fucking asshole.
MY percy jackson is not going on useless fucking quests to go to new rome university of all places.
which reminds me. why DOES he want to go to new rome university. this is percy jackson. he LOVES new york. why is percy “what did they do to my city” jackson going to university ACROSS THE COUNTRY from the city he loves. why is he doing that. and hey look. sally and paul (and soon estelle) are ALSO going to be in new york. so like WHY is he leaving for real. percy my fatal flaw is loyalty jackson. IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE OK! it’s percy he is seriously not going to have issues with common monsters attacking him. we literally saw him fight off titans and giants a fucking hellhound isn’t gonna get his ass. WHY is he leaving. it does NOT make sense.
there’s this scene ok. where sally tells them she’s pregnant. and percy’s like oh my god…. i’m going to be in california…. and my sister is going to be here…. and i was just sitting there going. yeah bro. why are you going to california. i literally do not understand. you literally are from nyc. you live here. your family is here. your friends from chb are like a short pegasus ride away. there are like 50 universities in new york. just go here. why are you leaving. you are percy jackson. being a new yorker is literally one of your defining traits. stay here. WHY AR EYOU LEAVING I DO NOT UNDERSTAND PERSEUS
and listen. if your argument is that annabeth is going to be in nru. why the FUCK is ANNABETH going to nru!!!!! WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT!!!! EXPLAIN IT!!!! percy LITERALLY says annabeth is such an overachiever she’s already run out of ap classes to take. he literally says that. why the fuck is this girl going to nru where let’s be real her admission is guaranteed. annabeth is 100% someone who would want to go to an ivy. and would you fucking believe it there’s an ivy right here in nyc. like let’s be fucking realistic here. annabeth started her architecture career at SIXTEEN designing the city the fucking GODS live in. so like. don’t you think she’d want to be a bit more challenged. don’t you think she’d want to go to a university that is actually recognizable to mortals. annabeth did NOT love new rome that much like did richard forget what he wrote. this girl was freaking out about new rome until percy said he only likes it because they could live together there. she literally does not care about new rome and she is WAY too ambitious and academically inclined to be happy with going to some small as uni 99% of employers have never heard of.
this isn’t even the worst character assassination in the book. that award goes to the way rick wrote percy. percy. my darling percy. my beloved percy. perseus jackson. light of my life. as i said before, he is MOSTLY on form. the him really wanting to cali thing is definitely ooc for him but it is NOTHING compared to the sheer amount of times rick portrays percy as stupid in this accursed novel. his internal monologue is constantly shit like i’m always so behind annabeth and omg i’m being so dumb right now and annabeth calls me seaweed brain because i’m an idiot and blah blah fucking blah.
dick riordan has forgotten that perseus jackson is, in fact, not stupid at all. he is INCREDIBLY clever. he is just not particularly academically inclined/not very book smart and it would also be perfectly understandable given the fucking books that riordan wrote to interpret that as percy being very discouraged from engaging with his studies. he genuinely enjoys chiron’s class at yancy because chiron is an engaging teacher and encourages him. he spends 90% of his time in pjo deducing what’s going on with extremely limited information because rick decided none of the characters can tell him anything because of plot and exposition reasons. in son of neptune he literally just coasts on having sherlockian (not bbc that’s a whole other angry review) powers of deduction. to the point where the characters around him are amazed at how he’s figuring stuff out. literally in house of hades annabeth’s pov’s are constantly her commenting on how she gives percy shit for being a dumbass but he’s actually really clever.
it genuinely feels like at some point during the writing of mark of athena rick decided to just slowly start making various fanon ideas canon. percy being stupid is very commonly accepted fanon because he doesn’t realize how smart he is (and fans don’t realize he’s an unreliable narrator) and the fans also love to infantilize characters with more in your face adhd (leo is another victim of this phenomenon). we’ve spent 5 books in percy’s head and he doesn’t think he’s particularly clever so it makes sense to ignore the mountains of evidence pointing towards his quick and creative thought process in favour of haha percy is dumb jokes.
the wild thing is, percy isn’t even that hard on himself in pjo. he obviously doesn’t see himself in the same way we later come to find out other people see him (mainly thinking about hazel and frank in son of neptune, which is the only time in hoo he genuinely feels like the same character as pjo percy) but he’s not really dealing with crazy self doubt and self esteem issues. he does have his down on himself moments but they’re all extremely understandable given the context because he literally faces impossible odds in every single pjo book. at one point he’s disappointed he couldn’t tell that ares and luke manipulated him… like yes bestie that’s a very valid thing to feel upset and betrayed about. it doesn’t mean that he’s actually stupid though and genuinely he comes across more as humble and not realizing just how awesome and cool and interesting he is than anything else. percy consistently shows that he is really clever. half of pjo is percy figuring out a new and interesting way of defeating his enemies and the other half is percy figuring out how to bait his enemies into a duel to improve his odds. it’s horrible what rick does to percy in his internal monologue.
it’s to an insane degree. yes i realize i have already written 500 words about percy not being stupid alone but i must stress how egregious this is. it’s literally characters who have previously acknowledged percy’s intelligence who start remarking about how he’s stupid. in house of hades percy and annabeth get out of fucking TARTARUS and reyna makes a jab about how percy wouldn’t be able to find his way out of a paper bag without annabeth. that is an INSANE thing to say for reyna and for rick. rick has not written a stupid character so it’s weird to make that something a character does without really trying to show them being wrong. from reyna’s perspective, this is a guy she was complimenting a few short weeks ago. this is a guy she immediately wanted to make a leader at the camp that she loves and is her home. this is guy she barely knows and she pretty much immediately proposes to him. WHY would she suddenly start making jokes about how dumb he is? it’s not like she actually knows him better now. he came to the battle with reinforcements and basically immediately dipped after the feast. how are we to accept reyna treating our beloved perseus in this horrific manner? we simply cannot. it is unnacceptable. this is inaccurate.
it’s so WRONG to do this to percy. yES I UNDERSTAND I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS FOR TOO LONG. I DON’T CARE. PERCY JACKSON IS MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE AND I NEED TO DEFEND HIM FROM THIS SLANDER. I AM ONLY PARTIALLY JOKING. listen. liSTEN. this is the guy whose signature move is manipulate your enemy into dueling with you when you’re outnumbered or outmatched. he very coolly manipulated bob into killing his own brother (btw this was very hot and sexy and clever and attractive perseus is king of gaslight gatekeep girlboss). he is NOT stupid. he is impulsive. he is extremely oblivious about some things. he is NOT stupid. i watched perseus jackson grow up for 5 books and he is not stupid. i always say this. i always say that percy is not stupid and richard riordan refuses to listen to me.
there are such horrendous lines as “i am a guy of limited talents. if i can’t kill it with water, a sword, or sarcasm, i’m basically defenseless.” richard how DARE you say this about my beloved perseus. he is NEVER like this. he literally would never say that. even at absolute worst percy’s internal monologue was “this plan is stupid and will get us killed. but it’s the plan i have.” he’s NOT a being defenseless guy. what hte fuck are you saying. richard did you read your own books. RICHARD. DID YOU. at one point he says that he is constantly several steps behind annabeth’s thought process. he has literally never thought this before and it is also untrue. richard. i hate you. read your own fucking books oh my god.
ok. i think i have sufficiently harped on the fact that percy is not stupid. now i will complain about another thing. and this was just in one part but it bothered me and this is my review so i get to talk about whatever i want. if you don’t like it read someone else’s review. don’t hate read my review. i didn't charge you money to read it
at one point, percy has to wrestle a god who hercules once wrestled. and annabeth says something about hercules brute forcing it. and look. i GET that hercules was freakishly strong. i get that. i understand it. but when annabeth says hercules just brute forced it they’re both like ah shit i can’t do that. perseus. beloved. you ripped the minotaurs horn off its head with your bare hands as a 12 year old with no training. you are literally insanely strong as is. that is an insane thing for a 12 year old to be able to do. hell, that would be an insane thing for a grown adult to do. i don’t think rick realizes how op percy is. he was so caught up in making percy cool (which is, you know, extremely understandable and right and correct percy jackson is the coolest man in fiction for a reason i get it) that he forgot that he made percy extremely unbelievably powerful too. with the curse of achilles he was potentially matching minor gods in power level. he fights while sustaining mini-hurricanes and explodes glaciers and shit.
some more things. the prose is… acceptable. the plot reads like a fever dream. there is a smoothie shop called himbo juice that annabeth percy and grover are evidently regulars at. and there are. himbos. that serve. juice. so you can imagine what this fever dream looks like. like the last couple rick riordan releases, this one reads like published fanfiction too, just with better quality of writing than the sun and the star.
there are some WEIRD continuity errors in here. one of them is fairly minor but i still noticed it - percy says his father compared his mother to a princess. this is not true. poseidon compared sally to a queen. specifically, he called her “a queen among women”. i know this because i am sally jackson’s number 1 fan.
more egregiously, however, is annabeth’s yankees cap heebie jeebies. percy puts on annabeths’s cap and gets the heebie jeebies while using it. and then he goes wow annabeth. you never told me that using the cap is like this. and annabeth is like yeah well. power is like that. richard. riordan. did you fucking FORGET that percy has, in fact, worn annabeth’s cap before. and it was literally completely. once again, richard, did you read your own books.
one more good thing - when percy fights geras/gary, who is the god/personification of old age, the way he does it is by imagining him and his friends getting older and embracing it. this was a genuinely good and sweet moment and it was very touching. the trio’s talks about this after the fact are also absolutely a return to form from riordan. for like, a few paragraphs. but still.
the biggest problem is just how obvious it is that this book is a cash grab. we had pjo. then we had a sequel series. then we had ANOTHER sequel series. and now we’re getting random standalone novels that are extremely unnecessary and don’t add anything. rick riordan has dollar signs in his eyes. these are not stories that make sense. these are not stories rick genuinely wanted to tell. these are stories that are being told because the purpose of publishing books now is to maximize profit. (sidebar - i told you the capitalism thing would be relevant. you should believe me more often. smh) the only reason rick is still writing these books is that they make money. they feel extremely empty and hollow.
percy is trapped as a teenager forever because rick refuses to let him age up. percy accepting old age would make FAR more sense for a percy who’s in his 20’s and just now realizing that he lived past all the shit he thought was going to kill him and he has a real life that he likes and he could actually grow old now. but percy must be a child for marketing purposes, so he stays a child. the world itself is trapped in a cycle of the gods promising they’ll be better and the gods literally not changing at all. and for the sake of the book series, it can’t change. if we had real change in the world, that would actually mean something, silly. we can’t have consequences. we have to reset every 5 years like a fucking comic book so that we can make infinite money. this is the infinite money glitch irl. just make trash that doesn’t need to be made. the end point of capitalism is making trash no one asked for that has no artistic merit just because you can make money off of it.
by the way, dr emily wilson’s iliad translation, which was also out on the same day, is LESS expensive than this book. this cashgrab nonsense novel is MORE expensive than a book a professor in classics who has a phd spent 4 years on. this is just wrong. the fun and stupid cashgrab book should NOT be more expensive than a book that someone spent 4 years meticulously translating from ancient greek. it’s just so clear and in your face. trials of apollo absolutely felt like a cashgrab but at least there was SOME semblance of effort there. this is literally just the most plain and simple cashgrab novel you can make.
hey. you know the infinite monkey theorem? the infinite monkey theorem is that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text including shakespeare. richard riordan is a monkey with a typewriter. you get it. you’ve read percy jackson.
rick riordan struck gold with pjo. it’s genuinely to this day one of my favourite things i’ve ever read, flaws and all. it’s FUN. it’s COOL. it’s THEMATICALLY COHESIVE. the characters grow and change. they feel like real people with personalities. it literally doesn’t even matter how op percy is because THAT’S how good of a character he is. he is so compelling that you want to read about him anyway even though you can tell right from the minotaur fight that this kid can decimate whatever opponent he has. the books are funny and moving because you can genuinely connect to these characters. the more i read rick riordan’s work, the more certain i am that pjo was a fluke. i don’t think he knows what he’s doing. i think he should retire from writing.
unfortunately for me, richard riordan seems to have no intention of retiring. he has announced another percy jackson book that will be released next year. i assume there will be at least 2 more books based on the setup in this one.
rick. listen. i know you’re listening because what else will you do with your time. rick, why are you doing this. hasn’t percy been through enough. when will it end. give it a rest. stop it. get some help. at the very least, read your own books before writing percy. i am right about him and you are wrong about him. you are the author and i’m killing you right now. i am strangling you and i am hitting you with weapons. all at once. i am very proficient at causing deaths. (this is a metaphor referring to roland barthes’ death of the author. i wish no bodily harm to richard riordan).
this book is… alright. percy is my smart king. sally jackson is queen of my heart. it’s a fun read but you do have to turn your brain off completely and read through some serious percy defamation.
[edit: i am downgrading this book to one star (was at 2). the more i think about it, the more angry i am. there is literally a paragraph tailor made to rub jason's death in our faces. it's about how he looks forward to getting old being married to piper and having grandchildren. it's a very low blow. jason is literally rick riordan's biggest missed opportunity and he's rubbing in how poorly he treated jason even after killing him off for apollo's character development.
annabeth still keeps putting percy down because rick doesn't realize how mean she is i guess. she's still scared of him. canonically. which is a really weird and fucked up thing to write imo. this relationship doesn't seem healthy in canon (they are healthy in my head, however, because i know what women are like) but rick refuses to address it or let them break up. i LOVE annabeth. i love her. but she is an extremely flawed character and rick never treats her as such. and it just makes it exhausting to read about her.
percy IS on form but it genuinely feels like he's tlt percy, not post hoo percy. his inner voice sounds way more immature than it has for most of pjo and in son. riordan also repurposes the "look, i didn't want to be a half-blood" line from tlt to make a dumb little joke about how high school is hard. it was a GOOD opening line. it immediately set the tone and told us so much about percy in literally just a handful of words. now it's a joke about how being a senior in high school sucks. it's this mcu-esque allergy to being sincere that pjo never had.
there is BARELY any grover in this book. i love grover so much that i was cheering any time he was there, but there is very little of him. he's in like 2 or 3 scenes and has his own side plot going on with juniper and being bad at understanding what his girlfriend wants or whatever. extremely unnecessary and not what i want for grover. this book kind of ends up feeling like it's about annabeth but from percy's perspective. she gets good moments at percy's expense. percy spends the book monologuing about how annabeth is way smarter than him and all he has is his sick ass water powers and the best swordfighting skill in 300 years, both of which are very downplayed. percy explodes a river and it's treated like this crazy freaky scary thing but two years ago in universe he made a volcano erupt and everyone was like yeah this makes sense percy is that powerful. in son he explodes a glacier and it's just a normal tuesday for him. he literally doesn't even react to it. and now we're supposed to believe his exploding and purifying a river feat is some unbelievable feat.]
in conclusion, i want a refund. no i did not purchase this book. however, i would like to be reimbursed about $5000 in emotional damages. i will also be suing richard riordan for defamation on percy’s behalf. good night new york city. and my beloved perseus jackson who lives in new york city.
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physalian · 1 month
“Endings are the hardest!” / “No, beginnings are the worst!”
I’ve never had a problem figuring out the way I want my stories to end but starting them? Yeash, that’s so much pressure. Both carry the same weight for different reasons while you have writers in both camps with legitimate arguments. One may be harder than the other on a writer-by-writer basis, but they are equally daunting.
So. Beginnings:
You have sometimes as little as three sentences to hook readers, at most the first chapter. I don’t even give fanfic more than the opening line sometimes (mostly because fanfic takes opening en media res to wild new heights). I’ve been working on a system of “I have one sentence to give you the setting, the protagonist, and the hook that makes this book different, go” and while it might not be perfect, it’s a starting point.
For example! The opening sentence to ENNS is:
Beneath the snowdrift of the longest blizzard Elias has ever endured, the last vampire in the dungeons has finally succeeded in taking their own life.
As someone who struggles with beginnings, I have given you five pieces of information in 25 words:
The setting, that concerns long and repeat blizzards and snow
Protagonist’s name
Establishing the existence of vampires
Establishing that those vampires are kept in dungeons
Establishing that those presumed prisoners are in such bad conditions, that they’re restoring to suicide, something vampires don’t tend to do
I think I did a pretty good job.
So much of the burden of your book is given to so few words. You can’t make it cliché, but try too hard to be unique and you risk looking pretentious. You have to establish the setting, the narrator, the initial setup and inciting incident and convince readers to pick your book out of hundreds of thousands of other options. I hate beginnings.
Best advice among an avalanche of others? Write a placeholder and come back later if it’s too daunting and frustrating because there is no writing advice that is one size fits all.
It’s entirely dependent on your genre, your demographic, the age of your protagonist and how self-aware they are, the tone of your story, your own personal writing style.
“First sentences should include THIS!”
Yeah, okay, but what if I have a better idea? Beyond that your sentence should have a hook that sets your book up as something apart from its genre neighbors, just go look at the most famous opening lines. They’re all different.
There is nothing in common between
Call me Ishmael.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
And that’s the point.
Endings though?
Endings bear the burden of providing catharsis, or robbing you of it. Endings have to answer ‘but what does it all mean?’ and stick the landing, or they don’t. Endings can turn a TV show that took the world by storm for four magnificent seasons and drag it limping across the finish line in a finale that sucks the life out of the fandom forever.
Endings either leave you in an existential lurch staring at the ceiling, or in tears of joy or anguish, or frothing at the mouth at yet another cliffhanger. If you can’t answer ‘what does it all mean’ you have bigger problems than just your final lines.
People don’t have fan theories about your first page, they have fan theories about what comes after your last page. There are no rules to writing an ending and sometimes by its nature of being unfulfilling you become infamous.
Example: The ending of Mark of Athena, that prompted this dedication in its sequel House of Hades.
“We’re staying together,” he promised. “You’re not getting away from me. Never again.” Only then did she understand what would happen. A one-way trip. A very hard fall. “As long as we’re together,” she said. She heard Nico and Hazel still screaming for help. She saw the sunlight far, far above—maybe the last sunlight she would ever see. Then Percy let go of his tiny ledge, and together, holding hands, he and Annabeth fell into the endless darkness.
(one short Leo POV later)
Nemesis wanted him to wreak vengeance on Gaea? Leo would be happy to oblige. He was going to make Gaea sorry she had ever messed with Leo Valdez. “Yeah.” He took one last look at the cityscape of Rome, turning bloodred in the sunset. “Festus, raise the sails. We’ve got some friends to save.”
If you weren’t in this fandom when this book came out and ended with the protagonist falling into Greek Super Hell, to wait a whole year to find out what happens next—We lost our collective minds.
And then the next book opened like this:
Tumblr media
Gettin’ a bit big for your britches there, ey, Riordan?
How you write your ending should reflect the kind of feeling you want to leave your reader with. In this case, it was anguish and despair and the pinnacle of “always leave them wanting more”. Maybe you’ve written a character who’s suffered constant setbacks to reaching their goal, and the final line is them at peace with, or without achieving it. Or it’s the final plot twist/reveal no one saw coming. Or it’s ambiguous, leaving it up to reader interpretation.
My favorite classical book ending comes from The Great Gatsby and while I had to crack open my copies of the PJO books, I know this line by heart:
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
There’s just something so melancholy and tragic about it, as it should be: Gatsby is not a happy story. That line is the answer to the thesis, that trying to live in the past and not embrace the future, not allowing yourself to move on, can only end in tragedy, and yet, so many of us do exactly that.
The image of a dinky little rowboat is always what I’ve pictured, as opposed to a ship or something more formidable. A rowboat bobbing around the thrashing waves, pitted against a force of nature it can’t ever hope to overcome, yet it endures.
The book opens on an equally melancholy note, “In my younger years…” as the protagonist reflects back on their life gone by. It’s an American classic for a reason.
Even if your final line is unspectacular, the line isn’t as important as how the narrator feels about the book being over. Quotable hashtags are great, but if the ending doesn’t feel like a proper fit, you’re going to leave readers disappointed.
Endings are so fricken fun though, no matter what’s at stake. It’s as cathartic for me to finish as I hope it is for the reader to read. There’s plenty of advice out there on the perfect opener or the perfect closer, the endless arguments over which is harder, and it’s all up to you in the end. They just come easy to me, I have no advice. I can picture them well before I get to the final pages and they just click into place. Beginnings, though? Ugh.
Thank you for 300 Followers!!!
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sharptoothed-gaze · 4 months
So after watching vods and bads stream and clips:
When things calm down or they get a moment.. I NEED for qTubbo and Sunny to actually sit/chill with qPhil Chayanne and Tallulah and TALK. Okay?
I am so sad/upset.. concerned of things in seen within the chats and stream. And I make this clear every character is valid their own feelings and pov but we as the audience are able to see more than one pov. And when we CHOOSE to ignore other povs or closed minded things can/have gotten a bit toxic.
"..you have phil chayanne and tallulah.."
Tubbo chat: they don't care...
Hallo?? Qphil cares for Sunny!!! Her God sibblings including tallulah cares!! Just like any other egg. Yes lullah was worried in the beginning but anyone paying attention can actually see they are closer than they were. They are children and sometimes things need time. Happens. Lullah adore her God father, she was there for his bday and talks to him when can. But just like sunny she can choose who she wants to talk and be around. She has a comfort level just as sunny has one. Chill. When tubbo died it was not clear to Phil, even chat was confused but once Creation came up, he understood it was real. He even apologized because seriously didn't know it was real.
On top of having to deal with his friends death he has to assure his kids have cookies. And at that point the cookies were expensive and he could not afford them. Chayanne had to assure him things would be okay. Fast forward this week he has more than enough and can help any egg if need be. Since Tubbos death qphil has had to assure the kids theyvwould get tubbo back and to not worry of sunny because they will make sure she is taken care of. But note he will not force Sunny to hang around, she is free to what she needs to thrive for now.
The miscommunication between these characters is strong. On purpose or not. Story wise I love it but as viewer I don't know... concerned now?
I just want everyone to be better and happier than the day before on the island. And the audiences to be more understanding and open minded of the ccs/characters and admins
Sorry for the novel. Sorry OP
Please never be afraid to send a long ask! I promise that it’s not a bother, and I genuinely enjoy reading people’s analysis/thoughts on both characters and the fandom.
But yeah, I totally agree with you that miscommunication and unintended pov bias are at the core of the issue here! It really sucks to see people who legitimately think that Philza hates Sunny when it just isn’t supported by canon.
Sunny might /feel/ hated or disliked, which makes sense for her pov, but that doesn’t mean qPhilza actually hates her. He’s given no indication that he hates her being around him, his children, or his home. (His only concern about her hanging out has always been the potential safety issue of 1 adult watching 3 eggs.)
So far, qPhilza has always been very direct with his language, so I don’t think there is a reason to assume Philza is secretly lying when he tells Sunny she can stay over or ask for help whenever. He might be stressed about his own capacity to protect and care for three kids, but that doesn’t mean he wants her to be alone.
Everything in canon says that Philza wants the eggs to be safe and happy just like everyone else on the island. Nothing has contradicted that. He might prioritize his own kids the most and sometimes fail to understand some social/emotional situations, but the eggs’ safety is everything to him.
Plus, canon shows again and again that qTubbo trusts qPhilza and loves his godchildren dearly. Tubbo knows that if Sunny really needed help, Philza would do everything in his power to do so. Even if all he can do is direct her to someone more capable of getting resources like bbh. That’s him thinking of and trusting the island’s collective parenting to ensure that the kids have everything they need. Considering he logs on the server an avg of 3 times a week I think that’s fair enough.
I don’t mind conflict between characters, but yeah, fans claiming things that canon doesn’t support can annoy me. Canon pretty much says that Philza /does/ care, but he can do a shit job of showing it. He’s not meeting Sunny’s emotional needs, and I think that can be worked on with communication. There’s truly no reason to assume that qPhilza is maliciously harming Sunny.
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tassodelmiele · 1 month
Noisy little mess
Hi sweetie ⁓
Here we are, it's finally monday and we can hope again in having a good, productive week (please let it be a sunny one too I can't hibernate in April I need my photosynthesis).
I'm wondering what do you think of this little work of mine, so if you feel like it you can write me whatever comment/question/any various and possible magical shit.
Have a good chocolaty day ⁓
DISCLAIMERS: little bit of touching and hints about sub/dom relationship! Finally my kinks are emerging! (evil laugh); Ghost-who-needs-to-make-peace-with-his-brain x Reader-who-needs-to-learn-how-to-shut-up; "How to be a psychologist without a degree" (by John Price); embarassing mission I hope does not exist in reality, but i needed it for plot's sake; little bit of wounds and scars (Doc.'s gonna tie you and Ghost up to a chair for the rest of your life); yelling and fighting and arguing (you're used to it by now).
Fourth part here:
«Why the hell you've let her-»
Price swallows through the smoked breath, clenching his fingers around the consumed cigar just to distract himself from the willingness to punch a wall, or the Sergeant's face.
«I've already had Ghost yelling at me for half an hour. Spare me»
«Then explain yourself, Cap.»
«I can't. I've no explanation. She'd done it by herself»
«She's no insubordinate»
«Not in that sense». He sighs. «I told her no. I knew it was too much for a rookie». He chews the extinguished cigar for a while, taking his time. «Laswell agreed. But that goddamn girl managed to convince Kate, somehow»
«How come?»
«Dunno. But she's already feeling bad enough, and she was the one who's got to rescue the girl»
«Laswell?? Ye serious?»
Price nods, eyes locked at the door in front of them. The doc entered almost one hour ago.
«And» Soap dares to ask «is Laswell…uhm…»
«She's ok» the Captain anticipates him. «Nothing broken. But the rookie…». He sighs again, scratching the bridge of his nose, pushing lightly his digits on the eyes. «I don't like soldiers wasting their lives like this. Especially good ones»
«The mission had to be done anyway»
«We could have waited for a better plan»  
He takes a last chew on the cigar, spitting it on his glove before squeezing the leftover crumbles in his fist. He throws everything in a trashcan, then gazes at Soap.
«We've got shit to do, Sergeant. We'll come to check her later»
«They've done something bad to her». That wasn't really a question, even if Soap hopes to be wrong. «Am i right?»
«What came up in that bloody lil' head of yours?»
Three gunshots in your arm (the right one, 'cause luck kicks you in the ass as always), one blade wound and various bruises, just to complete the masterpiece. Doc sent you out of the bed with a promise: to try to not touch the medications.
One in particular.
You didn't even want to eat, but you need to. So breakfast has started, with chocolate scent, closed stomach and two pairs of gaze on your red face. You've tried to avoid contact with every human being in the base, but someone's got a good sense of smell for you. And you eventually end up with Soap and Gaz surrounding you with their (legitimate) questions.
You're blushing like hell, stirring oatmeal crumble in the mug with your eyes drowning into it.
«…I've thought…i could be helpful»
«You're a brave kid, but that was-»
«Stupid» Soap ends the sentence. «To say the least». He finishes his coffee in a sip, swallowing the hot liquid in a rush. «It wasn't a rookie's work, ye should've known» 
You nod in embarrassment. «I did know»
«Then why?»
«'Cause…» you swallow, burying your eyes more into the mug, scratching the cuticles skin out of the nails. «…a girl was required. For the mission»
«Hold on» Gaz grabs your shoulder, lowering his voice. It was a confidential subject, not the one to speak about in a crowded dining room. But he keeps on with his curiosity anyway. «It was about weapons traffic, wasn't it?»
You nod.
«Then why a girl?»
You're about to answer, your mouth's already open even if you're not sure if filling them with a temporary lie, or just spit the truth.
Another sudden press on your shoulder takes you off from every doubt.
A big hand grabs you firmly, squeezing skin and bones underneath your uniform. Your body instantly shivers, tightening under the hold. You raise your head a little, but you know whose mask you're gonna jump into.
Ghost has the magical power to bring back the silence. He doesn't even have to speak, just a glare of his is enough. His look hits Soap and Gaz as to say: shut your bloody mouth; and they just roll their eyes at the ceiling, as to say: but we wanna know 'bout her mission, damn it.
Then he lowers on you just that tiny bit that's needed to let you feel his body heat closer, so warm against your cold limbs.
«Your presence is required» he says quickly, almost murmuring against your ear.
And here you are, walking behind his massive figure with eyes lowered on the ground, following his feet at a security distance through the base. He stops a couple of times to talk with someone, moments in which you play camouflaging with the wall; then you two reach a door, and you're so into not-seeing in front of you that you don't even look at where you are. 
He closes the door behind you, and only after a few seconds of embarrassment you find the bravery to mumbling:
«W-who required me?»
«I do»
Your heart skips a beat before your ears could collect his voice and your synapsis could elaborate its meaning. That's when you suddenly raise your sight, finding him clinging on the desk while looking at you through the mask, and even if you can't see his face it's pretty clear that he's judging you. You can read it on the skull, as there's an imaginary -but very perceptible-  neon writing saying: You're a bloody stupid gnome.
Voice escape through your lips automatically: «I'm sorry»
«'Bout what?» he kinda calls you out, pressing with his sternness on your pathetic whimpers.    
Your eyes lower again.
«…causing trouble-»
«Just that?»
You nod. You don't wanna talk about what kinda trouble; but he does.
«Take off your shirt»
Your brain flashes a sudden error signal, allowing you to shiver and wrap your arms tight around yourself. 
Stupid question. You know why he's asking, the goddamn doctor had probably told him.
«Your shirt» he repeats, not moving from his place.
Two days ago, you would have started a war about this, yelling at him without regrets, brave enough to fight against your superior like two children between one small bucket. 
Not now. Now you just stand in your special spot in the office, allowing your body to move just what is needed to breathe, eyes locked on the floor. You feel him growing impatient, sighing through the mask as you're disappointing him.
«'K. If that's so…»
The sentence remains hanging in the air, and in a matter of seconds, without getting aware of how fast he came toward you, his hands are on your shoulder. You instantly panic but you're too small to fight against his weight that's pushing you against the door, pinning you still with an hand on your breastbone while the other runs to your shirt's hem.
You grab his wrist in a stupid attempt at stopping him, but he lifts the shirt up in one movement, revealing bruises, a bloody bandage, and…a little scar slightly under the belly button, fresh from the oven and still shiny from some medical gel: the writing made out of fire burns on your skin in an elegant gothic style. 
He stares at it, contemplating that swallowed piece of tattooed skin. Your face becomes so red you could spontaneously combust in this exact moment.
«Who made it?» he burst out, whispering harsh words.
You swallow hot air, digging your dry throat and hoping that whatever's gonna come out of your mouth will be the most sensible as possible.
«It's…it…traffic wasn't just 'bout weapons»
«Humans» he talks over immediately. 
You nod your head, specifying with a swallow: «women» 
«You've sneak in as a good to be sold»
«There was no other way to-»
«And they've marked you» his voice's not that high, but you're whispering enough to make it easy for him to have the upper hand on you. You become quiet, avoiding his sight, with your hands still wrapped around his wrist.
«Are you proud?»
The question wasn't expected, spitted roughly through his mouth. You clench your digits, digging in his gloves.
Then you nodd.
«Yes» the answer is a breath, warmth by your boldness and the consciousness that you've done what had to be done. And none would have taken that awareness from you. You eventually lift your sight a little, meeting his mask, letting the skull shape fill your eyes.
«Yes, I am»
You know he's looking at you as if he's got an idiot under his sight. You feel him judging, investigating your behavior, interrogating your posture. And you, trapped between a scary giant and a door, with his cold glove pressed where your belly still hurts, you dare to stare at him for one whole minute.
It seems enough: he lets you go, shaking your hands away from his wrists as he stands in all of his height against you.
«Good soldiers come home alive, little gnome»
«…it's a curious scolding from one who lives a dangerous life»
«I've already told ya: you don't know me»
«But i'm neither deaf nor blind»
«Buy a bloody mirror then». He takes two steps back, letting you breathe freely for the first time since you've entered the room. «Ya can say you see us clear, but speaking of seeing yourself…I can't say the same»
«I know me»   
«It seems not»
Blood starts to rush to your brain as the embarrassment turns into a mixed spoonful of anger and bitterness. You follow him, still at security distance, toward his desk. «Why? 'Cause you've caught me touching myself once and I made one bloody moan?»
«'S not that, and we've already talked enough 'bout it» he mumbled, pretending to not pay attention as he looks through some documents on the table.
«Oh, oh sure! Now we've talked enough about it» your arms end up crossing on your chest. «after you've ripped my elbow»
«It was just a nerve»
«Judicially irrelevant» 
«Shut your bloody mouth»
«Why? 'Cause you've told me s-»
You freeze; that was a cold, hard stone order. He's got his knuckles clenched on the table, his back's muscles are visibly breathing under the pressure of maintaining a glint of calm. 
«You» he turns at you, pointing a finger at your freezed face «you are a goddamn idiot, one of the worst species. I've tried to convince myself you weren't actually so stupid but, damn god, was i right in the first place»
Guilt assaults you with a knife at your throat, for reasons you don't know. And you find your eyes lower, your spirit evaporated, your anger extinguished under his glare. You try to mutter:
«I've just done my duty-»
«You threw away your life»
«The mission had to be done, that was our last possibility to catch that damn illegal traffic» you rush, raising your voice to grow some confidence in your speech «Laswell needed a woman and i just did my damn work!»
And he almost barks back, raising stern and furious eyes at you: «than what 'bout asking someone more experienced, you bloody asshole?!»
«'Cause it was needed a woman with-!». You suddenly stop, biting your inner cheek as a last word slips, almost like a whisper, through your lips: «…inclinations»
He's left speechless for a while, standing in front of you with the finger still hanging toward your figure. You swallow; you know he's going to ask more, and that's just 'cause you can't keep your mouth shut.
As if you've called it, he spit out a terse: «Explain»
You sigh. This would be a great time to sink ten meters underground.
«I» you start gesticulating, drawing figures in the air with your hands «I am…i-»
You expect him to joke about your incapability of connecting two words together; but he remains silent, looking at you almost with curiosity. And you're forced to keep on talking.
«…I like certain things people don't usually…agree to do» you force words outside your mouth, with cheeks on fire and eyes buried on the pavement.
His conclusion wastes no time to come:
«You're a submissive»
It's not a question, it's a truth and it hits you like a brick in the face, as if he'd already understood your particular nature till the beginning. There's no need for more explanation: you know what kind of submissive he's referring to, and he evidently knows just enough about the subject to grin, just a little, under the mask.
«The target was known for his…peculiar sexual tastes». The additional clarification was not necessary, but he gives it anyway. He let out a soft chuckle, almost like he's having fun thinking about it. «I can't believe that Laswell really rely on this stupid trick»
You would really clarify how much Laswell fought against your will to volunteer for that risk, but your voice is gone under the embarrassment. Your digits are digging into cuticles again, and you're about to pretend to not exist, turn your heels and just go away.
And you don't even notice he's got closer again, till he forces your face up by roughly grabbing your cheeks in one hand. 
The disappointment is palpable.
«You've run into that perv's den alone, risking yourself for a mission you knew you couldn't handle…just to satisfy your throbbing cunt?»
That hit you worse than every other thing he's thrown at you till now. Your cheeks catch fire in his hands, guilt choke air in your lungs and poisonous butterflies eat your stomach, whispering through the entrails: he's right.
But you don't want him to be right.
«I've just decided to put every weapon I've got at your service» you spit out.
His grip gets tighter. «Sure thing. And what have you gained? Apart of a saving operation that wasted everyone's time, of course»
«Mission was completed»
«We would have found another way to do it, rookie»
«But I did it» you grab his wrist, trying again to escape from his hold. «And i'm alive, so why the hell are we even talking about-»
It happens all of a sudden: he pushes you again against the door, harder and roughly enough to make your spine squeak on it. You hold a yell, and one second after you can't breathe anymore.
He holds you by your mouth, pushing on your face with his whole hand open, while the other runs down right under your belly, squeezing on your crotch like it's made of play dough.
«This is no playfield». His voice is almost a growl murmur in your ear as he lowers enough to overcome you with his bigger body. «Soldiers have morals. And dignity. Maybe 's not clear to your pretty little brain. So: watch» and he speaks slowly, growling coldness with tongue maid of sharp metal, his eyes on you with that goddamn mask supply (and you're sure you're gonna dream about his sight forever) «your. Bloody. Mouth. Kitty» 
The nickname, the grip on your pants, the fact that you're breaking your personal apnea record…just burn your brain. And, in a loss of breath, trying so desperately to find a way out of that embarrassment while freezing your hormones that are already running too low on your body…
You bite him.
You sink your teeth in his glove as hard as you can, ripping off that goddamn dignity he was speaking about, letting the residual rage work as a fuel for your mouth. He suddenly jerks with a step back, catched by surprise, tearing his hands away, and to do so…he pushes with the other hand on your lower belly.
On your goddamn freshly engraved and barely healed tattoo.
On the scar the doc pleaded with you not to touch.
You spit his glove out of your mouth, yelling like your vocal chords have turn into a megaphone.
Ten minutes later, you two are waiting outside of the infirmary.
The knock on the door doesn't distract him, too focused pretending to find his paperwork attractive.
Price gets in without invitation.
«Just a word» he sits at the desk, usual hat at his place and cigar climbing from his lips «between me and you»
Ghost doesn't lift his sight.
«I've talked with doc-»
«I don't need to be scold 'bout it, if that's what ya'r here for»
Price sighs a low, maybe a little bit too paternal: «Ghost-»
«If you two» Simon raises his voice a little «believe in trusting every goddamn rookie, sending them risking their bloody neck just 'cause they've told you how good they are at shaking their ass-»
«You've already yelled about it, give my ears a rest. In any case, Laswell made the best choice in her position» Captain talks over him. «And I agree with her. We couldn't lose that opportunity, Simon»
«She didn't even managed to end the mission alone»
«But the rookie did a great job. Only problem was taking her out of that shit»
«You can't seriously call a kink exploitation one "great job"»
«She's a soldier. We're not here to babysit, risking our life 's part of our contract»
Price starts to get nervous, feeling some mixed emotions that he really can't stand at six in the evening. He suddenly stands up, patting both hands on the desk, taking a deep breath before exhaling a long, almost exhausted: 
«There's nothing bad in making friends with your allies…»
Ghost is already rushing an "i don't need friends" kinda sentence, but Price anticipates him:
«Me too, i've made friendships on the battlefield that i hope will last as long as my bones will walk on the dirt. Then, we could die together and be happy in whatever hell God'll decide to send us. But» and his "but" was final «i know what you're doing here. Stop it. It's gonna be draining, for the both of you»
Ghost spits out: «I'm doing nothin'», too rushed, then muttering: «Don't even like her»
«I don't care who you like. You can marry whoever you want, you've got my approval»
«For fuck's sake Price-»
«Wanna delete her from your eyesight? Just look straight in front of you from now on. Wanna keep an eye on her?» John raises his hands, throwing Ghost's embarrassment in the air while admitting with the most honest attitude: «Sure. Ok. I keep an eye on you all every goddamn minute of my life. She's not a princess, though. And ya'r not a bloody knight»
Silence becomes again the king in the office. Price is still fixed in his extreme openness, ready to give his Lt. the best suggestions on how-to-not end up again at the infirmary with that goddamn rookie (before the doc kills the both of them).
Then Ghost finally raises his gaze.
And Price has a bad sensation in his guts, almost like he'd said something he shouldn't have.
«Keeping…an eye on her» Simon repeats, lost in thoughts.
John nodds, hesitating before leaving the office.
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brasteryakintosh · 1 year
So I recently played a decent chunk of Snoot Game because of how many people I saw who claimed it's the best VN ever and the fact it was made by 4channers to spite Goodbye Volcano High for having fair working conditions and queer representation totally doesn't taint it at all. I can confirm that those caveats definitely taint the game A LOT more than those fans make it sound. It's a good game if you're a teenager who thinks Family Guy is funny and has never played a VN that wasn't a boring slice of life dating sim where the goal is to click the right dialogue to get the sexy CGs with the hottest waifu. However, if you have any criteria for tastes higher than that bar, you probably won't enjoy it.
The entire game exists purely to be able to say it's possible to make a good VN in one and a half years without doing a bunch of delays, but Snoot Game is a straightforward VN made in the easy to use Ren'Py engine while GVH is being developed in the much more complicated Unity engine as a pseudo-VN/rhythm/adventure game with a large branching storyline. It's really not comparable. Even so, it's just a weak point to criticize a game for taking a long time to come out. Delays are frustrating in the moment, but once a game is released, it usually ceases to be relevant. On top of that, the point is kinda negated by the mere fact Snoot Game is bad. The early parts are downright repulsive and it only starts to become tolerable around the point most decent players just adapt to its shittiness.
On top of that, even from what we know about GVH, it's clear its story is more ambitious overall. GVH is about a group of high school students going to school while knowing a meteor is coming that will kill them all. Adults are making them go along like nothing is wrong while the central cast use the opportunity to grow up in the ways they wouldn't really get the chance to if they had any futures to think about. It's a really great premise with a lot of promise.
But Snoot Game? A human goes to a high school of dinosaurs and falls in love with a classmate. The twist? The human is a 4channer and his love interest is a non-binary "girl" who he tries to convince to detransition for him and if they don't, they become a homeless drug addict or a school shooter. And in case you are wondering, you can donate to the development team using Crypto. Oh and the meteor from GVH just doesn't factor into the story. Granted I haven't played through all of it, but even if it does factor in, the fact it doesn't come up at all for as long as I was playing is a seriously bad indictment of the game that it thinks its most promising narrative device should be taking a backseat to the teacher who looks like that fat dude from Aqua Teen Hunger Force (did I mention this game is extremely unfunny?)
And even for a Ren'Py VN, there's just a lot of better games to play, especially furry VNs. There's Adastra, Echo, Arches, Remember the Flowers, Burrows, the Smoke Room, and Where the Demon Lurks to only name those I've played. I legitimately do not see a single reason why one would enjoy Snoot Game unless they are queerphobic, hate the idea of game developers having good working conditions (because GVH is made by a workers' co-op), or have their sense of humor completely ruined by 4chan, especially for enjoying Snoot Game over the many other far better furry VNs out there. If you're a veteran of furry VNs and want to know how bad Snoot Game is, it's like every single pet peeve about furry VNs stuffed into one game with all of the most obnoxious bigoted jokes and outdated pop culture references caked into it that doesn't even have any furry hunks to thirst over, unless you're really into scrawny scaly dudes drawn in MS Paint
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absolutebl · 1 year
May 2023 Wk 2 
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Thai Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 4 of 10 (MDL still says 12, but Gaga still says 10) - Jeng trying to improve himself so awkwardly is kinda sweet. I love that Bruce it here & queer! Yay! Chot is my favorite but Pat is my spirit animal, I always sniff people’s bath products. Jeng looking at Pat in the suit = hello, future husband. The irony of Pat running around trying to find Jeng’s weakness, when it’s clearly him. Also WASH YOUR HANDS & NO SINGING. 
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 3 of 10 - still loving this one, enjoyed seeing the seme’s side of the meat cute. The miscommunication seems properly vested (although we may be manipulated by the visuals into thinking it’s kissing when it isn’t). But so far I am all in. Also killer chemistry with the leads already. My catnip. BUT... NO SINGING! 
Our Skyy 2 (Vise Versa) eps 7-8 - Each day of the month is a BL trope? That jives. The kid was a fun plot twist - if he had been real and not a lie. I chortled a lot and all the domesticity was nice, but I wasn’t surprised when it was all Pluen lying again. Once a liar, always a liar. Could Jimmy please play a better character next time? Also. NO SINGING. 6/10
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) ep 10 of 12 eps - Amnesia just makes me feel like we backslid and all the previous work of watching 9 eps is for naught. And it was WORK with this show. At least it only lasted one episode, but still, they’re gonna use it to continue the rift? Sigh. 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 11 of 12 - As much as I dislike these characters being constantly betrayed by the narrative, I really do love Cher. A sunshine sweetheart who is actually a decent honest human, who’s not ashamed of his love or his personality, it’s really rare and admirable on screen. I have to give B&B props for this character, if nothing else. And there is nothing else. This was possibly one of the stupidest episode 11 dooms ever fielded. And I do not say that lightly.
The Promise (Thai Weds YT & WeTV) ep 8 of 10 - This show has got to stop dwelling on the separation, every time they do it it just makes Phu look worse. I legitimately didn’t think that was possible. I LOVE Party so much. Not only is he a good friend, and probably an excellent boyfriend, he’s a great businessman. Khun is lovely too. Happy to have him win Nan’s heart. Really, anyone but Phu. Also Nan = an ace who collects hotties everywhere he goes? Props baby. 
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - Very soap - kinda creepy, too long pauses, bloated cast, and utter confusion. Odd. The captions are insane, one name can (and will) be spelled 3 different ways. It’s a VAST cast and I can only really identify 3 characters: 1. the actor with the (beard?) gf who’s a suspiciously militant ally, 2. The oldest actor in the house with dark traumatic past, 3. The adorable evil femme who needles everyone. I might drop this show, I’m only really still watching bc it’s the only BL airing on Monday. Also: NO SINGING
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - I’ve been waiting for this chapter. It’s one of my favorites from the manga. 
Love Mate (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 3-4 of 8 - Aggressive flirting or stalking? These 2 give Lovely Writer vibes. Honestly, I never thought Korea would go so very old school yaoi. Also went quickly to a high heat place I wasn’t expecting (but Japan would). 50% for a sex scene is very gay but wild for a KBL. If this were Strongberry it would’ve ended on this episode and I would’ve been fine with it. Now what? 4 eps of boyfriends? That’s cool but what is this crazy surreal BL world I am living in?
Happy Merry Ending (Korea Thurs Gaga) eps 5-6 of 8 - Honestly, Korea, does it always have to be a love triangle? Always? Anygay, timid tsundere & confident sunshine is an interesting match. They’re sweet together, almost kindly. I like the calm ache of this pair. At first I thought it would be too much like Love Mate, but they’re completely different. I really want someone to punch the CEO ex, oh goodie! Battle of the hyungs. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) - very in line with the my cat boyfriend tradition but honestly how can any human look like that? He truly myst be a cat. 
The Day I Loved You (Pinoy YouTube) eps 4-5 of 10 - It’s cute. They’re cute. Truth comes out when locked in a bathroom. Yay a new pinoy BL I actually like for a change. It’s been a LONG time. However BOOO for the doomy  “I want to be remembered, are you dying”. But a nicely dramatic midpoint. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 5 of 12 - How can he be so completely unaware of how in love he is? Ah well, I suppose we aren’t yet half way through and it’s one of THOSE JBLs. In yaoi half the time you are husbands before you even confess you like the other person. 
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It is unfair for a real live human to be this beautiful. We talking Hunjin-level unfair. WTF Vietnam? Why you gotta broadside us like this? 
It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Venus in the Sky (Sat YouTube) pilot/tester?) 0 of 10 - not entirely sure what’s up with this one distribution-wise, but the pilot was classic university-set pulp. I hope it happens because the leads are cute with good chemsitry and I thought it was fun. However, this pilot holds together as its own little short too.
Stormy Honeymoon (Vietnam)
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) ep 4 of 10 - I bounced.
Next Week Looks Like This:
Star Struck (Korea iQIYI) ostensibly starts Thursday but icky is being janky about it, so we shall see - A boy has had a crush on his childhood friend for a long time. Stars Zuho (Kpop SF9 - noted good egg) opposite rookie actor Kim In Sung (the one with the crush).
Happy Merry Ending and Boss & Babe both end. Be My Favorite will be taking the GMMTV Fridgay time slot. 
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Coming in May 2023:
5/26 Be My Favorite prev title: You Are My Favorite (Thai YouTube) Adapted JittiRain y-novel (2gether, FUTS, ToL, Vice Versa) one of those “rewrite the past to change the future.” Stars Krist (SOTUS) + Fluke Gawin (DBK, Not Me). Expect this to be v low heat, full of LIES and manipulation. 
5/27 The Luminous Solution (Thai ????) 10 eps - Thana is having trouble at work and in his relationship. He can't seem to catch a break. So he makes a wish to change everything. The wish has a price.
5/27 Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan) - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS (but that has never stopped Japan before) and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I ?????  (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?*)
* At least I never have to tell Japan to stop singing. Small mercies. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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House of Cards. I like this character. I don’t have any idea who he is or why he’s so militant of an ally but I still like him. 
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I LOVE HIM SO MUCH JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. (Vice Versa’s Our Skyy eps) 
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Preach, sweetheart.
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Yes, please and thank you. (Both Boss & Babe) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? ONEUS - ERASE ME, I like the concept (suits! corset! kinky!) and it’s catchy enough
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darklydeliciousdesires · 11 months
Lost & Found - A Guero (Mayans MC)/OC Story.
Okay, okay! I cave to the demand and the excitement I have warmly received from you all. Here you go, darlings. First chapter is here. I can’t promise I will be posting the second next week just in case I want to do ANOTHER deep dive into the editing, but since I am just over halfway through writing it now, I thought I would at least post the first. 
Story is somewhat canon, with a few changes here and there to suit my artistic vision... i.e. I kicked canon in the ass and told her to go home, hahaha! Oh, I also gave Guero a surname, too! I tried to keep him as true to who we see on screen, but obviously since we didn’t get him for long, some of his characterisations are of my creation. Don’t like it? Don’t read. Simple as that. 
Nervously and excitedly awaiting your feedback, eeek! :)
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Words - 3,834
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, Minors DNI. Recounts of kidnap, child trafficking, physical/verbal/sexual abuse in the coming chapters. 
Unknown numbers. Ezekiel Reyes often received more than he wished to endure upon the burner phone he used for club business. Regularly they were legitimate, but occasionally telemarketers, such annoyances he simply hung up on instantly. While walking from his trailer to the clubhouse, he expected the call coming in to be that of nuisance, 11am seemingly the call centre worker bee’s peak time to bother him about his long-distance courier needs, or savings on his energy bills.  
It was no telemarketer, but he almost disconnected the call all the same in sheer disbelief.  
“Ezekiel Reyes?”
“Who wants to know?” His journey across the yard was undisturbed, watching as Bottles and Nestor took in an alcohol delivery, a nearby Guero and Downer giving them the usual offering of shit talk.
“Rocco Lombardi.”  
He stopped dead in his tracks. The Rocco Lombardi was reaching out to him? Nah.
“This your idea of a joke?”  
He heard a deep chuckle filter down the line. “I’m more of a knock knock, who’s there kinda fella.” Remaining paused, he thought whoever it was had at least nailed the thick, New Jersey accent. He had to give them props for that, he guessed. “Listen, you got FaceTime, I take it?”  
“I do, but...” The line cut dead. Five seconds later and sure enough, a FaceTime call came in. EZ nearly fell over when there on the screen, appeared the face of the big boss, the notorious and famed king of the mafia. There he was; the head of the biggest, most powerful crime family on earth. Rocco Lombardi.  
“That better?”  
He raised his eyebrows, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smirk. “Yeah, the confirmation is appreciated.”
“Good. Now not for nothin’, but I can’t fuckin’ stand video calls, encrypted or not. I’ll call you back.” Once again, the call disconnected, the cell ringing after a few moments. All the while EZ could feel his ego swelling, realising truly how far he’d come in his leadership that he was being sought out by someone of such standing within the criminal underworld. He was nothing short of surprised when he eventually found out why, though.
He’d always believed that the code of La Cosa Nostra forbade their operations to extend into the realms of drug trafficking. To be specific, he’d assumed it stemmed from reasons of mortality, perhaps a skewed sense of Catholic guilt, when in fact, the commoner explanation was far simpler.  
The prospect of a lengthier prison sentence, of course, increased the propensity of their members turning upon the organisation, becoming government informants in order to secure a more lenient custodial term. When the federal carrot is dangled before a desperate man, one looking at forty years when his assistance could mean all he ends up serving is ten to fifteen, tongues tend to be loosened.  
Rats out themselves, major players are taken off the streets and ultimately, the government wins.  It would be very reasonable to assume that the code is in place for this very reason, to prevent such catastrophic damage within their organisation and family infrastructure. The risk is not worth the payout. Or rather, it is bendable to the point of unrecognition when those doing said bending can earn a substantial profit.  
Enter Rocco Lombardi and his proposition.
“I think we could mutually benefit from the blending of your organisation with mine, Mr Reyes.” Lombardi was intelligent enough to be concise, even when speaking upon the relative safety of a burner phone. He hadn’t gotten to the top because he was sloppy. Lombardi had sat at the very head of the hierarchy for years, after all. He was hailed as the boss of all bosses for a reason.  
They’d once given John Gotti the monicker of Teflon Don, because nothing ever stuck to him in the way of evidence to bring about charges. That was until his own underboss has turned on him, the evidence given at trial by Salvatore “Sammy the Bull” Gravano leading to his incarceration. Truly, if there was one overlord within the organised crime world who lacked cohesion, it was the man who ruled the Romano crime family with an iron fist.
EZ Reyes had launched into thoroughly researching Lombardi after his reaching out to him, learning the ins and out of his character, how much of a slippery customer he was, how – and it went without saying – he would use people as pawns to further his own reach and agenda. It went without saying because it was the way of his own world, too. Within his MC, he went about the very same, albeit on a much smaller scale.  
Rocco Lombardi’s reach was, to put it simply, enormous. EZ and his VP would be lying if they’d have claimed that bearing such in mind, it hadn’t piqued their curiosity over what on earth he could want with a Californian based MC. For all intents and purposes, the man had his operations not merely sewn up tightly, but steel reinforced.  
“All I know is we gotta play it carefully, mano,” Bishop had sagely advised prior to their leaving Santo Padre to for a face to face with the mafioso legend, Rocco insisting that a larger MC presence not assemble in the interests of it remaining nothing short of clandestine. “Our worlds might be similar, but the mafia play by an entirely different set of rules. I ain’t saying you’re not smart enough to outsmart the guy, but he’s the kind who will have thought three moves ahead before we’ve even stepped foot into that hotel suite.”  
EZ had sipped his beer, narrowed eyes unmoving as he’d absorbed the words of the former president with all the credence they deserved. Bishop had, after all, been approached by the mafia before. His reasons for turning down an offer from a different crime family had been solid in their validity, and EZ knew he would be a fool to let this warning go unheeded. Especially since the club were on their knees where their drug trade was concerned. He also knew that somehow, Rocco likely knew this, too.  
The mafia tended to have ears in the very last places one might expect them to extend. He also knew that they preferred to keep their operations within the Italian American brotherhood if they could at all help it, so the need for an alliance was somewhat even in its beneficial mutuality.  
“I guess we just have to wait and see what this sit down entails.” Truly, it was all they could do.  
The time passed quickly between then and the two of them riding through the strip, both separately feeling the mist of apprehension gather, until they were parking up at the hotel and casino they were scheduled to meet Lombardi at, their demeanours switching to cool composure before they’d even entered the building.
The two men dressed in denim, flannel and leather looked out of place as they strode across the foyer of the MGM Grand, the buzz and tacky decadence of Las Vegas swirling all around them. Gamblers bet it all, slot machines flashed in frenzy while spitting out endless streams of coins, and alcohol flowed without restriction, certainly enough to keep it so the house always won.  
Would it be their own win he was sealing, EZ thought while waiting for the elevator, or was this the biggest and most uncertain gamble the club were about to make to date? He guessed the next few hours would tell, whether or not he was about to be presented with a winning hand.  
The ding of the elevator roused him, both stepping inside, Bishop pressing the button for the tenth floor. EZ stared straight ahead at his reflection in the shiny metal of the elevator doors, noting the haunted veil that hung over his features. Shadowy eyes and skin bearing many more lines than a man in his mid-thirties should do were now his staple in appearance, a few further flecks of grey in his hair also.
Ezekiel Reyes was a man barely holding it together, but his demeanour did not give away the tumult that gnawed at his guts and yanked at his nerves, even if it had seemed to age him five years in just over seven months. His control was as unquestionable as it was unshakable, even in the dark times his club was currently under the duress of. He would never, ever let the toll it was taking upon him show.  
He was in Vegas, after all. Home of the poker face.  
The man at his side, though? He saw through the veil. He knew. In the interests of helping him glue back together the smashed fragments of the MC, he chose to keep his observances to himself. When he’d reigned supreme, if someone had pointed out his weak points, he would have shown no magnanimity in return. He knew better than to antagonise. Bishop Losa was nothing if not tactile these days, with how much delicacy teetered upon a knife’s edge, how much was at stake.  
The elevator shunted to a stop, the doors gliding open, the men exchanging a look and a nod before they exited, walking in step down the long hallway. Coming to a stop in front of room eight one five, EZ reached to knock, his arm suddenly grasped, preventing the rap of knuckles upon the sleek, white enamel.
“Whatever goes down in there, I got you.” Bishop’s words were delivered with a solemn nod, EZ returning it before knocking the door. They stood tall as they waited, unflinching, rock-like in their demeanour, the door opening to reveal a slight yet menacing looking man in an expensive suit. He eyed up the two men standing before him, his lips pursing slightly as he stood back to allow their entrance.  
“Guns on the table.”  
EZ’s brow knitted. “The fuck?”
“You heard me, stronzo. Guns. On. The. Table.”  
Neither man took well to his condescending delivery, both irked at the display of what they considered to be one hell of a chip upon his shoulder. EZ was just about to offer his retort when a voice came from further within the suite.
“Stop playing rottweiler and let my guests in, Mario. If we’re armed, so can they be, too.” Immediately, he stood aside at the instruction of his boss, a large, dark-haired man rising from his seat at the dining table, two armed men stationed in opposing corners of the suite. “My apologies. This one here, he can be a hot head, y’know?”
Although seemingly personable right off the bat, there was an aura surrounding Rocco Lombardi that virtually crackled with menace. His ‘thou shalt not fuck with me’ demeanour was beyond palpable. “Take a seat, fellas. Can I offer either of youse a drink?”
EZ’s eyes flitted around the room, taking in every detail. He stored it all on the internal hard drive that was his brain, his guard up as naturally it should have been. “No, thank you.”
Rocco took the rebuff in his stride, gesturing to the chairs opposite as he sat again. “A man who likes to get straight down to business. I can appreciate that.” Down to business was exactly how it went, no pleasantries, no idle chatter. Rocco cut right to the chase.
“My proposition is simple, Ezekiel. My current methods in transportation of product are, shall we say, attracting more attention than myself and my associates are comfortable with, y’know? I need to implement a one stop solution. I also need a far more financially viable method of my product crossing the border from Mexico than I’m currently paying through the fucking nose for.”  
Bribes. Of course, Lombardi meant bribing the border control, an exercise EZ knew likely cost fortunes, cutting into a profit margin the mafia were probably tired of having bites taken out of. “This is where the MC comes in, youse and your tunnel.” EZ’s eyebrow twitched, just a fraction, Rocco smirking at the tell.  
“Yeah, I know all about it. Ain’t many places my ears don’t have reach. I want that tunnel as a new channel to move my product across the border, which then will be transferred to the Port of San Diego, to a designated shipping container the day it ports. You unload into the container, minus your personal cut that will ensure you keep the monopoly on supply within the Californian correctional facilities, and you also get a nice little monetary injection for you and your boys on a monthly basis. How’s that sound?”
EZ took a moment to ponder, his fingers knitting before him on the table, arm muscles flexing as he shared a sideways glance with Bishop. “Sounds like there’s a catch.”  
Rocco smirked, taking a long puff on his cigar, his eyes twinkling through the thick plumes of smoke as he leaned back in his chair. “You move two tons at a time. That is non-negotiable.”  
Two fucking tons every month. Holy mother of god. Before they’d even entered that room, they of course knew the reach of the Romano crime family, that it was extensive. Worldwide, even. Two tons of heroin every four weeks truly hammered home just how far Lombardi’s tentacles reached within the criminal underworld. The risks associated with that were unfathomable, EZ lifting his chin, his poker face firmly set once more. “I’m gonna need to see a number, the nice little monetary injection you speak of.”  
Rocco reached into the pocket of his suit, removing a pen, taking a napkin from the table before him and scribing a number upon it, sliding it across the polished wood. Upon viewing it, EZ’s well trained blank façade slid south quickly, showing it to Bishop.  
“Jesus fucking Christ.”  
His quiet exclamation was no understatement over the amount of zero’s scrawled upon the napkin.  
“I assume you know of our current difficulties with the LNG?”
The tall man nodded. “Quite a fucking pasticcio youse have gotten yourself into, eh?” His smile widened suddenly, slowly drawing his thumb and forefinger from the corners of his mouth down to the centre of his lip. “If you do the first shipment for free, I can take care of that, as well as your issues with the knuckleheaded, heavy arms wielding fuck heads you got yourselves caught up in, too.” He hissed a breath over his teeth, shaking his head. “Fentanyl, gentleman. What a risky business that is.”
What in the fuck didn’t this man know about their operations? EZ was all but surprised that Rocco wasn’t clued in on the colour of his underwear by that point, the man seemingly well informed, his intel even extending to knowing about their deal with Cole.  
He rose to his feet, jerking his head towards the balcony. “If you could give myself and my VP a moment?”  
Rocco made a passive motion with his hand, nodding. “Sure, take your time.”  
They strode across the suite, wallet chains rattling and leather creaking the only sounds to permeate the silence of the room, EZ sliding the glass door open. The warm Vegas air hit him, his eyes narrowing as he looked out over the luminosity of the strip, thousands upon thousands of lights twinkling. They glittered a promise of wealth and prosperity hinged upon a gamble, which was exactly what Rocco Lombardi was offering up to them.
“You have to back me on this when we take it to the table. The risk is massive, and I appreciate that, but this? This is our way out of it all. Our way out and our ladder to climb back to the top.”
Bishop considered the words of his president as he pulled out his cigarettes, lighting one up. A massive risk; fuck, that was putting it lightly. It was a fool’s errand, in short, transporting such a colossal consignment of heroin. The pay off, though? If they could execute each run flawlessly, it would be beyond worth it. Santo Padre would be back on top, and the Mayans kings of California.  
He wanted with everything he had to back EZ, but something persistent tugged at him deep in his guts. The old adage ‘too good to be true’ echoed through his mind. There had to be another catch. For all appearances, said catch appeared to be the two tons of narcotics, the kind of consignment that would mean the MC would never see the outside of a prison for the remainder of their lives, should they be caught moving it. However, he felt there was another shoe yet to drop from Lombardi’s perspective.  
Conflict rose in him like an unpleasant tempest, knowing that they were stuck between a rock and a hard place. Take the deal and shoulder an enormous risk or walk away from it and try to seek a way out of their mess alone. Being in the pocket of the mafia was a dangerous location, he knew that; they both knew that. In this instance, no matter how much trepidation he felt, he had to concede that Lombari’s offer was very much the lesser of two evils.  
Still, it didn’t prevent him voicing the concern. “I feel like there’s something extra he’s gonna have us on the hook for further down the road.” Taking a deep drag on his cigarette, he turned to his president, brows furrowed, his head shaking softly. “I wanna back you, but I don’t trust him.”
Neither did EZ, if he was honest. “We don’t need to trust him. We need to make ourselves indispensable to him. The weight of his organisation has the power to break us completely, and I’d be an idiot if I didn’t see that, Bish. We gotta remember that he’s coming to us because he needs this symbiosis too. If he had any other plan to move his product, he’d have exacted it by now. What he’s offering us in payment solidifies that. He needs to lock the MC down.”  
He took a breath, his eyes once again focusing on the lights below. “And our backs are against the kind of wall we can’t break alone. Rocco Lombardi can not only break that wall, he can obliterate it completely. We can’t refuse.”
Upon their return to Santo Padre, an immediate templo was called, the proposition repeated, a vote cast. It was, just as EZ had anticipated, a unanimous yes. Hell, it wasn’t like any of the men assembled around the table hadn’t known that extreme danger was exactly what he was signing up for, and this was about a risky as it got.
Moving heroin two tons at a time for the mafia was the height of hazardous endeavours, but the payoff would elicit the kind of money and power they had been striving for. Sure, they were still ultimately under someone else’s thumb, but in the world of the MC, Santo Padre rose like the phoenix from the proverbial ashes. If they were careful and exercised caution, they would remain risen, too.  
The operation was undertaken with military precision. The two tons of heroin were moved through the tunnels from one side of the border to the other, then stowed away down there for a day before the Mayans arrived, loading one ton into each van. The vehicles both then hit the road, two members within, two members upon motorcycles escorting at the front and rear, and EZ leading the way.  
They drove far enough apart not to attract the attention that such a closely assembled convoy likely would, with EZ a quarter of a mile in front, so he could warn of any upcoming complications that might lead to said convoy needing to peel off the freeway. Since the run was done at 2am, the risk of such was minimised greatly, yet still they always prepared for the worst-case scenario. This is why two vans were utilized, when all it truly took was one. If one broke down, then there they were, stuck with a life sentence cargo on the side of the freeway, rather than another means to continue their journey.
Arriving at the port, EZ gave the usual nod to the guard, a guard whose pockets had been nicely lined with mafia cash, who would duly send another of his team down to the container as soon as the Mayans left, standing guard until the cargo was loaded onto a vessel bound either for New York or the far east the following morning. Yes, the tentacles of Rocco Lombardi even reached over to the Yakuza, the Japanese criminal organisation taking two tons of product off his hands on a bi-monthly basis.  
The shipment they were about to offload on that particular night was heading straight back to New York, the guys all assembling, the usual banter firing back and forth.  
Downer, of course, was at the epicentre of it. “Hey, I thought there was meant to be whores on the dockside? That’s a thing, ain’t it? We’ve been here four times before now and no damned pussy anywhere.”
Angel lit a cigarette, raising his eyebrows. “Man, where the fuck you get that from?”
“He’s right,” Hank chimed in, “but about a couple hundred years out of date. Hookers used to frequent the docks back in the eighteen, nineteen hundreds. Gave lots of navy men who’d been at sea for months at a time a rampant case of the syph.”  
Guero couldn’t help himself. “Eighteen hundreds. Back in your youth, huh bro?” He was shot a look of pure distain from Downer, his chirp continuing. “I bet you’d like the crotch rot. You’re a sick enough individual to probably be into it.”
“It’s his kink. Itchy balls and a putrid cock, man,” Bottles interjected with, earning a snort laugh from Guero and an incredulous stare from Downer.  
Aggressively delivered middle fingers were raised. “Fuck you and fuck you even fuckin’ harder!”
Bottles grinned at the rise he’d gotten. “You wish.”  
“You’re getting way too smart with that fuckin’ yap of yours, prospect,” he snorted, pointing at Guero. “Been spending too much time with him and his big mouth.”
The man himself beamed, pulling his hood up. “What can I say?” He held his arms in wide expression, his smirk growing. “I’m infectious. Like your cock, just way less scabby.” He received a boot in the ass as he turned, heading straight over to the yellow container and hauling the levers to open it. What he expected to see within were the usual lines of packing cases into which they would load their cargo, with a specially marked one housing their cash.  
The last thing he expected to see was the body of a dishevelled looking blonde girl with a gash upon her head, lying there out cold, and the marked case notably empty of its usual stack of bills.  
“Uh, guys?” he called, appearing back around the container door as his brothers were carrying cargo across from the vans. “We got a situation in here.”  
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livixbobbiex · 6 months
More on ADHD and acceptance in Percy Jackson
TLDR: Percy Jackson was a formative ADHD representation experience for me, even though I didn't know at the time, and I hope it can be that for others too. Mostly a slightly tmi personal tale, but this has a point I promise.
I was a teenager during that specific sweet spot where internet culture had taken off, but Tiktok wasn't a thing yet. Social media was less algorithm based. This meant that my exposure to ADHD as a concept was somewhat less than what you see nowadays.
Percy Jackson was pretty much the first (and only) exposure I had to ADHD. And because I was around 13 when I first picked it up, I hadn't figured myself out yet, so I didn't have that instant relational experience. What I did relate to, though, was the emotional weight. Percy's narrative voice sucked me in, because even if I didn't understand 'ADHD' fully, I fundamentally got the otherness. The weird sense of just being different from other people. I used to daydream about being whisked away too, that I would get some explanation for why I was Other. So when I read the PJO books, it was a case of deeply understanding that narrative, but not fully knowing why.
I was able to fully pin down that I was probably an ADHDer by 16 or so (more after things like internet quizzes and specific research). And I was only able to actively start the diagnosis process when I was 18.
So when I read the Percy Jackson (and Heroes of Olympus by this point) books again with that context, it was a different experience. It didn't teach me that I was ADHD (I will say, the books don't really focus on that and consistently tie behaviours back to it explicitly). But they don't portray ADHD as a negative thing and that's very important. There is legitimate room for criticism of the 'ADHD superpower narrative' in the early books especially, don't get me wrong, but for my young self this was legitimately so helpful.
What it meant was that for me, my first true experience with ADHD was a sensation of okayness and acceptance. As Percy was told, there's nothing wrong with him, he was just built different, brain tuned to be better at different things. Yeah, the 'mortal' world is difficult to cope with, but that doesn't mean that Percy was somehow wrong or broken. Just... different. Which I suppose is the reason Rick started telling those stories in the first place, too.
That message is what stuck with me super hard, when I could directly apply it to myself. It's a fundamental part of why I have never been afraid of my diagnosis, and why I'm comfortable being super open about it both online and in my day to day life. I genuinely do not think I would be in nearly as good a position in life as I am today, had I not read those books.
So yeah. I'm stoked that the series is back in huge relevance. I absolutely love the way that ADHD has been portrayed so far in the show. In general I think access to information about ADHD nowadays is a net positive, though I do share concerns that there's a tendency to over medicalise/hyperfixate on the condition part of it. So, it does make me happy to get the kind of representation that's far more in the 'you're not broken by being different' lane, because that's something we could frankly all use more of.
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sonicboomseason3 · 1 day
Amy + Shadow + Eggman.
(idk, i'm just trying to make it as random as i can)
ask game: send me AT LEAST 3 emojis (the more random the better) and AT LEAST 2 characters from sonic boom and i’ll come up with a little drabble in response!
"It's a beautiful night tonight," Amy remarks as she briefly looks up and out her window. "There's even a full moon out. Should we go out stargazing after this?"
"What? You promised we'd play Fuzzy Puppies!" Eggman's voice comes out in a borderline whine. "I didn't cancel my plans to attack the village tonight just to look at some stupid stars, you know."
"They're not stupid," Amy protests. "And we can do both! We can just set the game up outside."
"Okay, fair. As long as the wind doesn't blow the pieces away, I'm game."
Amy nods and resumes what she was doing before: painting Eggman's nails red and yellow, alternating colors between each finger. The two of them scheduled this hangout a few days ago to celebrate the release of the new Fuzzy Puppies figurine, Chunky Chihuahua. Despite how highly coveted it was and still is, Amy somehow got her hands on it on the first day through means that Eggman is desperate to uncover when they play later. That's really the only reason he agreed to be here tonight. That, along with his belief in the importance of nail care.
He wasn't really aware that Shadow would also be here until he ran into him in front of Amy's door earlier, though he certainly isn't complaining about the additional company.
He turns his head to acknowledge the third person in the room. "What about you, Shadow? Do you wanna be Fuzzy Puppy buddies with us?"
Shadow is lying on his back on Amy's other couch, his hands folded across his chest in relaxation. Between his facial mask and the two slices of cucumbers on top of his eyes, his expression is even more difficult to read than usual. Thankfully, for what his countenance lacks in clarity, his words more than make up for it. "I'd rather be mauled by real dogs."
"Oh come on, it's real fun. Don't let the name fool you, it's a legitimate game that centers around strategy, cunning, and aggression—"
"I know what the game entails, you buffoon. Dave keeps talking about it and trying to get me to join him. My answer to you is the same one as the one I always give him. Unless they start selling a spinoff featuring cats and not dogs, I have zero interest." He peels a cucumber slice off of one of his eyes so he can shoot Eggman a warning look. "Now stop with this absurd offer of yours before I forcibly oust you from this house."
His glare may have been a bit more effective if he didn't look the way he currently does, but Eggman nevertheless figures that it may be best if he doesn't ruin one of the few times he isn't actively on Shadow's bad side. "Alright, yeesh. If this hypothetical cat spinoff ever comes out, don't expect me to play with you when you show up at my door."
Shadow scoffs but says nothing, instead opting to toss the cucumber slice in his mouth rather than putting it back on his eye. Once he swallows it, he grabs a chocolate chip cookie from the platter on the coffee table. He and Amy scheduled this hangout a few days ago to eat some of the treats she baked. Despite his aversion to the idea of friendship, Shadow ultimately decided that indulging his sweet tooth would be worth the various sacrifices he would have to make to his established character. That's really the only reason he agreed to be here tonight. That, along with his belief in the importance of exfoliation.
He wasn't really aware that Eggman would also be here until he ran into him in front of Amy's door earlier, and he certainly is complaining about the additional company. In his head.
"You know, speaking of the full moon being out, I have this recurring dream where I destroy half of it with a giant laser," Eggman supplies as a change in topic. "Not sure why."
Amy stops in the middle of putting the second coat of nail polish on his right middle finger to look up at him, a mixture of horror, confusion, and anger on her face. Shadow also looks a little taken aback as he devours his cookie and reaches for the next one, even if he seems to be doing his utter best to completely ignore him.
"What? I'm not saying I'd actually do it!" Eggman cries. "Do you know how many negative effects that would have on the planet? That's not my brand of villainy!"
Amy exhales in relief. "Good." She'd much rather not have to send Knuckles up to space again. Her contentment transforms into irritation when she hears an especially loud crunch coming from Shadow. She turns to glare at him. "Shadow, will you stop eating while you're lying on my couch?! You're going to get crumbs everywhere!" She pauses as she looks down at the cookie platter. Assessing its contents, she adds with even more annoyance, "And don't eat all the chocolate chip! Save some for Eggman!"
Shadow doesn't verbally respond to any of her demands. He simply turns his head to stare at her with his single open eye as he takes an additional two chocolate chip cookies from the platter. He stacks them underneath the cookie he already started eating, then chomps down on all three with his fangs, making sure the ensuing CRUNCH echoes throughout the entire house. He continues to stare at her.
"Ugh." Amy is the one to break eye contact first, because of course she is. She can't even say she's surprised at the lack of respect in the face of all her hospitality.
She scheduled separate hangouts with Eggman and Shadow a few days ago as part of her efforts to be the bigger person. She even tempted them with sweets, board games, and cosmetology!
And then they showed up at her front door together, one looking far more enthused than the other, and it was then that Amy knew that she accidentally double-booked. Maybe she can't complain, since she knows for a fact that things could be going a lot worse than they actually are.
"He can have all the chocolate chip he wants, it's an overrated flavor anyway. A snickerdoodle though? That's where it's—hey. Hey!" In the middle of his sentence, Eggman finally looks down at Amy's handiwork and becomes indignant. "Don't paint Orbot and Cubot's faces on my nails! What makes you think I want those two buckets of bolts anywhere on my body?!"
"You wanted red and yellow!"
"Yes, to go with my coat, not my robots!"
"Well then, sorry!" Amy snaps as she uses her finger to rub Orbot and Cubot's faces away. What a shame; she thinks she did a pretty good job with them. "What do you actually want to put on your nails? Because they feel too plain with just the colors."
"Hm..." Eggman purses his lips and rubs his chin with the hand Amy isn't in the middle of fixing, taking extra care to not accidentally rub any still wet nail polish against his skin. "Hmmm... Hmmmmmmmm..."
"Get on with it," Shadow, staring up at the ceiling, grunts as he munches on a snickerdoodle, having already gone through all of the chocolate chip. Amy's fairly certain his choice to go through the snickerdoodles next is solely to spite Eggman.
Eggman throws his hand up in the air in a well-what-can-you-do fashion. "Draw a compass pointing north on my pointer finger."
Amy levels him with a very puzzled look.
"What," Shadow mutters incredibly judgmentally.
"Hey, come on, don't either of you get it? Compass pointing north on my pointer finger? I point at things a lot?" When neither of them have a visible epiphany, he rolls his eyes and sighs at what he perceives to be their slowness. "It symbolizes that I have a sense of direction! When I point at you and your team and yell, 'ROBOTS, ATTAAAAAACK!' it shows that I lead my creations!"
"Okay, but... a compass of all things?" Amy questions. If There are so many other things that can carry the same message. For example, there is the classic arrow, which would definitely look a lot better on a fingernail than a freaking compass.
"You have no so-called 'sense of direction.' If you did, you would have already conquered this pathetic village long ago. In addition, you wouldn't be sitting around the house of one of your enemies getting a beauty treatment."
Amy wisely chooses to ignore Shadow and his blatant hypocrisy in favor of trying to understand Eggman's muse. "And why do you want it to point north anyway?"
"Oh, easy. To represent my eventual rise in power once I build my theme park," Eggman explains casually. "It's important to have aspirations. Reaching for the heavens, you know."
"Did this fool just imply that he thinks that north is the same thing as up? As in the direction of the sky? Or 'the heavens,' as he calls it?"
"What's wrong with..." Eggman pauses as it dawns on him. "Oh. Well, it's the direction closest to being up! It's not any less up than east is!"
"Hey, it's okay, you don't have to justify this," Amy cuts in quickly before he can get too into defending his logic. Mainly because she knows that once he truly starts, there's no shutting him up. "I'll paint you your compass if that's what you really want."
"Sure. And when one of the villagers asks him which way is north, he can use that finger to point upwards," Shadow says snidely, as he grabs the very last cookie off the platter. Raising it to his lips, he adds, "Given the average intelligence level of these people, they'll believe him, too."
Eyeing the cleaned plate warily, Amy makes a silent note to bake a bigger batch of cookies next time. That, or prohibit Shadow from gaining any access to them and miraculously getting him to comply with that.
"It doesn't hurt to be a little less mean, Shadow," Eggman chides as Amy resumes her work on his nails. "What would Maria think if she saw you with this attitude of yours?"
"Who's Maria?" a clearly uncaring Shadow asks through a giant mouthful of oatmeal raisin.
"My cousin. And I think you asking that just set off everyone reading this, so we should wrap this up now."
Shadow only hums noncommittally, peeling the cucumber slice from his other eye and popping it into his mouth.
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