Helpless part 30, never thought I would get this far tbh
"What's going on?" Nico whispered waking up with Will grasping his hand. Why was he in the infirmary?
"You're awake." Will said with a sigh of relief, "Neeks, we were so fucking scared we'd lost you."
"What?" He said before he looked down at his arms, chest and thighs, all covered in blood soaked bandages. "Mi dispiace," he whispered, sitting up and curling into a ball. Tears fell from his eyes,
"Neeks, starai bene e riceverai aiuto." Will said, sitting down next to him
"L-Lasciami in pace Will, lasciami morire.... Tanto non c'è niente- che valga la... pena salvare, sono solo un frocio c-che scappa da tutti i miei problemi. Tutti starebbero meglio senza di me."
"Non dirlo, non è vero."
"Sì, lo è davvero-" Will pressed a finger to his lip, starting to sing.
"Da bambina, non dicevo a nessuno le mie ansie
Ma qualcosa mi faceva sentire grande grande
È che so, io ero innamorata, nnnamorata di te
Segreto, segreto, chi lo scoprirà
Un dolce segreto la complicità
Tu per me e io per te
Segreto, segreto, falsa ingenuità
Un dolce segreto, sogni di un’età
Tu per me e io per te mano in mano
Nella notte guardando luna e stelle
Solo ora io mi sento quel tempo sulla pelle
Io, mai più sarò innamorata, innamorata così
Segreto, segreto, chi lo scoprirà
Un dolce segreto la complicità
Tu per me e io per te
Segreto, segreto, falsa ingenuità
Un dolce segreto, sogni di un’età
Tu per me e io per te
Segreto, segreto, chi lo scoprirà
Un dolce segreto la complicità
Tu per me e io per te"
"Perché stai facendo questo? Perché ti interessi?"
"Perché ti amo." Shock covered Nico's face, he tried to speak but no words came out so he decided to just go for it. He pressed his lips against the blonde boy, he kissed him back, cupping his face with his hand. "I'll always be here for you Angel."
"T-thank y-you." Nico whispered, barely able to process what had just happened. He'd just kissed Will Solace, he'd just fucking kissed Will Solace. After a few more minutes the son of Apollo got up, grabbing some bandages and disinfectant. He started with the left arm, slowly unwrapping it, cleaning off any dried blood with a wipe and re-wrapping it.
"It'll need stitches." He muttered, mostly to himself, but a look of panic washed over Nico's face. "Don't worry, everything's going to be okay." He whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder, trying to stabilise the small boy. He gave him a small smile before Will had gone on. He started wiping off the dried blood when the the message 'sorry' cut out into his skin with jagged writing, he placed a kiss on his forehead before going on. Nico stayed perfectly still, not flinching through the stinging of the antiseptic, he barely felt it.
"Nico, I need to talk to you about something." Will said sitting down next to him, he swallowed, this couldn't be a good thing.
"Well, you might be in here for a while." Shit, fucking shit.
"How long." Nico demanded, determined to keep his voice from breaking.
"It's going to depend okay? Please Neeks, it's for your own good. Jason asked me about it and later on so did Percy, you have some say in this, you only have to stay here a week, but if it's helping you could and probably should stay for longer. None of us can force you in here for that long, well unless you're hurting yourself but I feel like forcing you to stay here won't help. We just want to help." Nico sobbed, curling himself up.
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nhlplots · 5 months
Angel With A Shotgun | Nico Hischier
Parte 1
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plot: existiam duas coisas que nico hischier tinha certeza sobre si mesmo; a primeira, é que ele era um semideus e a segunda é que ele era completamente apaixonado por seunome.
casal: nico hischier x leitora.
avisos: narrado em primeira pessoa pelo Nico e protagonista feminina será chamada de seunome do começo ao fim da história. o sobrenome DeMarco é fixo.
observações: contém cenas +18, violência, linguagem explícita. leia com responsabilidade. história feita de fã para fã sem fins lucrativos, nenhum fato aqui realmente aconteceu e puxa coisas/referências do universo de Percy Jackson.
Pedido muito especial feito pela minha amiga Gaby, a maior stan do Nico que eu já conheci.
Boa leitura! :)
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Olha, eu não queria ser um meio sangue.
Assim como eu também não queria ser completamente apaixonado por seunome DeMarco, mas essas são duas coisas que você não consegue escolher muito bem; ser filho de um Deus grego e controlar seu próprio coração.
Quer dizer, acho que minha mãe poderia ter sido um pouco mais flexível e talvez minimamente mais inteligente em perceber que meu pai não era comum, e que ele tinha um perfil específico de um cara que meteria o pé e deixaria ela sozinha criando um filho aos dezoito anos de idade na Suíça. Sou filho de Apolo, o Deus do sol, e também da arte e um pouco do atletismo e acho que minha mãe podia ter sacado de primeira que ele não seria um bom pai porque a lei é um pouco óbvia: esses caras que tiram o violão no meio de uma festa para começar tocar uma música deprimente são o mesmo tipo de cara que vão lançar um álbum de 23 músicas sobre você mesmo que o relacionamento tenha acabado porque ele te traiu com pelo menos 89 mulheres diferentes.
Eu não sei se Apolo traiu minha mãe ou só abandonou ela grávida, honestamente ela pula um pouco essa parte da história e vai direto ao ponto em que eu nasci e ela tentou me proteger do mundo exterior até eu alcançar a idade certa para chegar aqui, no acampamento meio-sangue.
Cheguei com treze anos, eu era um pirralho teimoso e introvertido que preferia ficar o dia inteiro encarando o teto do chalé de Hermes ao invés de aperfeiçoar minhas habilidades do lado de fora, mas meu pai me reclamou sem eu precisar me esforçar, o que foi um pouco chocante porque alguns campistas e até irmãos que descobri no chalé demoraram anos até serem reconhecidos, mas eu só precisei ficar um pouco depressivo por um mês e ele deve ter pensado: esse moleque precisa reagir, e aí, bom, eu fui reclamado. Minha vida de meio-sangue começou de verdade depois disso, eu fui descobrindo coisas sobre mim mesmo que aparentemente todo mundo já tinha uma ideia, mas pra mim era novidade. Acontece que sou ótimo no arco e flecha e corrida, nem precisei treinar, minha mira funcionou como um dom, meus pés deslizavam por qualquer superfície tão depressa que às vezes eu não entendia tamanha velocidade e também tenho dedos bons para tocar qualquer instrumento.
Mas isso era quando eu era um campista assíduo que, diga-se de passagem, ganhou praticamente todos os jogos de roubar bandeira, mas agora com 24 anos tudo que eu fazia era ver meus irmãos mais novos seguindo os mesmos passos que eu, o que certamente te causa uma crise existencial em não ser especial ou o filho favorito do seu pai, mas fazer o quê? A vida é como é. Era para eu ter vazado do acampamento com dezoito anos, mas quase implorei para o senhor D me deixar por aqui, prometi pra ele roubar todos os vinhos da adega escondida do acampamento porque eu preferia morrer do que tentar voltar para minha vida normal. Ele não se solidarizou comigo, na verdade riu bem alto e me chamou de estúpido, mas surpreendentemente, ninguém nunca tentou me expulsar, só me dão um bando de tarefas e me considero o funcionário do mês toda vez porque trabalho mais do que todo mundo aqui.
“Ei, Nico! Uma forcinha aqui?” Seunome grita de longe, sua voz misturada entre os sons das folhas do chão. Ela passa as costas da mão na testa tentando carregar um tronco de árvore pequeno nos braços, ofegante.
“Noite da fogueira? De novo?” questiono me aproximando, segurando a outra parte do tronco, ajudando ela a levantar. Minhas botas afundam na terra e nós dois caminhamos com dificuldade, dividindo o peso. “Vocês filhos de Hermes não tem nada para fazer além de organizar essas reuniões?”
“Nós somos em muitos, o chalé está sempre cheio.” seunome retruca rindo. “Se não estamos celebrando, estamos nos matando lá dentro, mas disso você sabe bem.”
É, foi assim que eu conheci seunome. Brigando. As crianças que chegam no acampamento e ainda não sabem onde pertencem ficam no chalé de Hermes, e aí, eventualmente quando são reclamadas, vão indo para seus respectivos lugares. Eu demorei um mês, então foram 30 dias olhando para o teto marcado por infiltração. Seunome arrumou briga tantas vezes dentro do chalé que um dia recebeu um empurrão tão forte que caiu em cima de mim, ela era leve feito uma pena, mas ainda sim o impacto me machucou e ela se sentiu mal. Nós começamos a conversar de vez em quando e minha crise depressiva passou depois de alguns meses quando minha cabeça voltou para o lugar, ficamos inesperáveis. Assim como eu, ela também vive por aqui mesmo não tendo mais idade, é apenas dois anos mais nova do que eu, mas não tem família no mundo lá fora, ela chegou aqui muito pequena e órfã, então não tinha muito que ela pudesse explorar do mundo sozinha sendo que já conhecia aquele lugar como a palma de sua mão.
Seunome tinha sede de sair por aí completando missões, ou vivendo uma grande história e eu não tenho dúvida que ela faria isso muito bem. Era a melhor atiradora que eu conheço, além de conseguir com facilidade dominar qualquer habilidade nova que você tentar ensinar pra ela e acho que essa foi um pouco da razão que me fez ficar apaixonado por ela. Seunome tinha ombros largos embora sua estrutura fosse um pouco mais miúda e estava sempre com a camiseta laranja do acampamento amarrada em um nó, assim como seu cabelo, sempre preso no alto com alguns fios despojados pulando para fora. “Você ouviu o que estão dizendo por aí?”
Toda vez que seunome me perguntava isso, a conversa nunca acabava bem. Como eu mencionei antes, ela tinha certeza que algum dia seria chamada para participar de uma grande missão que fazia sua vida fazer sentido, então qualquer campista novo ou qualquer rumo que atravessasse o acampamento a fazia entender aquilo como se fosse um sinal. Ninguém precisava dizer pra ela, ela sentia que como filha de um Deus que viaja muito, seu destino era apenas receber um empurrãozinho do mundo para ser descoberto. Gosto tanto dela que eu entraria em qualquer cilada que ela se envolvesse, mesmo sabendo que ela me encara como um irmão mais velho e nossa relação nunca passaria disso.
“Não.” digo com sinceridade e colocamos o tronco no chão terroso, finalmente na frente do chalé. “O que estão falando?”
“Da profecia.” seunome praticamente sussurra, batendo suas mãos uma na outra. “Ouvi uma conversa sobre isso enquanto estava estudando.”
“Você estava escondida de novo ouvindo as conversas do Quíron, não estava?” arqueio a sobrancelha, mas ela revira os olhos.
“Não tem muito para fazer por aqui, então só presto muita atenção.” morde a boca, retirando do bolso o pequeno caderno de papel kraft em que anotava sempre suas observações. “Vem cá.”
Seunome me chama com o dedo e eu a sigo por dentre a floresta do acampamento porque confio nela o suficiente, estamos atravessando algumas relvas até chegarmos na parte mais afastada, ainda dentro do acampamento, mas afastada o suficiente para que qualquer pessoa pudesse nos ouvir, as paredes podem ter ouvidos por aqui.
“Aqui, olha.” ela mostra a página amarelada com uma anotação em garrancho, provavelmente porque anotou com pressa e encontro certa dificuldade em ler.
Quando as luas gêmeas estiverem eclipsadas, um antigo poder será libertado das sombras, ameaçando desencadear a fúria dos deuses sobre o Olimpo. Somente aqueles destinados a unir as chamas da esperança poderão evitar a ascensão do caos. Em terras distantes, sob a sombra de uma oliveira ancestral, a chave para selar ou liberar esse poder aguarda ser encontrada.
“Não disse o nome de ninguém, normalmente são tão específicas que não precisa de esforço para entender, só está dizendo que aqueles destinados a unir as chamas podem evitar o caos, e se for eu?” ela pergunta genuinamente, com seus olhos dilatados e os cílios longos. “Nico, precisamos fazer isso.”
“Seunome, você sabe que não consigo dizer não para você, mas mesmo que fôssemos, por onde iríamos começar? Se envolver nessas coisas é loucura, enfrentamos coisas aqui dentro com milhares de pessoas nos auxiliando, lá fora seremos só nós dois.” digo com sinceridade, fechando o caderno. “Se está na profecia é porque não é fácil e nessa altura as piores criaturas devem estar rondando a solução, acabaríamos mortos.”
“Você é pessimista.” suspira puxando o caderno, colocando no bolso. “Eu li sobre a chama da esperança uma vez.” ela puxa fôlego. “Nico, no início do mundo, quando os deuses moldavam a existência a partir do caos, uma chama especial foi criada. Esta chama, chamada de "Floga Elpídos" em grego antigo, simboliza a esperança e a harmonia entre os deuses.” ela explica gesticulando, afundando a sola do sapato na terra. “Acontece que a chama foi selada em um artefato especial pela união de três divindades. Cada uma contribuiu com uma parte de sua essência para a criação da "Chama da Esperança". Essa relíquia foi escondida para evitar que caísse em mãos erradas e fosse usada para propósitos sombrios e precisa ser recuperada antes do eclipse antes do pior acontecer.”
“Certo, e você acha que a chama foi roubada ou caiu em mãos erradas por acaso?” seunome assente.
“Sim, e os Deuses estão bravos, é por isso que estamos lidando com tantos problemas climáticos, solos inférteis, tsunamis, alagamentos.” ela suspira coçando a nuca. Seunome era a pessoa mais inteligente que eu conheço, e embora ela fosse filha do Deus estereotipado por viajar, mentir e flertar para um cacete, eu sabia que ela carregava os genes de diplomata que Hermes usava bem quando queria, ela sabia falar sobre tudo e eu adorava ouvir sua astúcia em falar por horas, mesmo que os planos mais absurdos escapassem de seus lábios pelo menos uma vez por dia. “Precisamos descobrir quem roubou.”
“Como se fosse fácil.” reviro os olhos levantando. “Seunome, sabe quantas pessoas invejadas do Olimpo estão por aí querendo roubar coisas dos Deuses e quantos viajantes devem estar atrás disso antes mesmo da profecia ser trazida pelo oráculo?”
“É? E todas essas pessoas conhecem o Tucker?”
Seunome namorou Tucker durante dois anos e meio, e devo confessar que foi o maior inferno da minha existência conviver com os dois enfiando a língua na boca um do outro do meu lado durante quase todas as tarefas. Tucker é filho do Dionísio, ele tinha guardado os maiores segredos do acampamento porque quando seu pai ficava bêbado demais, saia falando as coisas na mesa enquanto jogava baralho como se fosse uma notícia rasa do dia a dia, mas não era só isso, Tuck ouvia tudo o tempo inteiro porque usava seu poder de manipulação e fazia todos acreditarem que ele era o maior confidente do acampamento; foi desse jeito que seunome descobriu antes de Percy Jackson que Luke, seu irmão, havia roubado o raio mestre de Zeus, porque Tucker contou para ela um dia antes de Percy conseguir recuperar.
“Se Tucker soubesse disse, acha que ele não teria se aventurado?” cruzo os braços mas seunome ri.
“Ele é covarde demais até mesmo para colocar uma maldita armadura e ameaçar uma mosca com uma adaga, ele jamais partiria nisso sozinho.” diz convicta. “Nico, preciso fazer isso, estou exausta de viver assim, o acampamento não agrega mais nada em nós dois e você sabe disso.” suspira pesadamente. “Vou partir amanhã durante a festa da colheita assim que o sol se pôr. Se você mudar de ideia, estarei lá.” ela me encara. “Por favor, mude de ideia.”
E naquele momento eu soube que já tinha sido convencido. Seunome passa por mim, escuto suas botas deixando a floresta, arrastando a sola pelas folhas secas e continuo parado, ponderando. As profecias podiam ser repletas de truques caso interpretada de forma errada e meu maior medo era que caíssemos em uma armadilha da qual não pudéssemos sair. Chamo meu pai internamente, ele sabe de protegidas como ninguém e sendo sincero só faço isso quando estou apavorado, não sei o que pedir porque sei que ele está me ouvindo, apenas peço para que se eu for morrer em algum momento, que ele me ajuda a sair dessa.
Passo a noite inteira revirando de um lado para o outro, uma ansiedade incomum tomando conta de mim por completo, mas consigo passar pela madrugada e por parte do dia seguinte agindo como se nada tivesse acontecido até minha pele se arrepiar por completo de medo quando o sol começa a se pôr. Ainda não vi seunome, mas sei que ela está me esperando perto da saída. Tiro a camiseta laranja do acampamento, faz muito tempo que não uso outras roupas e ando discretamente até avista-la de longe, também com outras roupas.
“Você veio.”
“Você chamou, claro que eu vim.”
O sorriso que ela abriu na minha direção ecoou nos recantos mais profundos da minha cabeça. Naquele instante, o mundo ao redor pareceu desaparecer e o plano não pareceu tão absurdo assim. Seunome ajeitou a mochila nas costas e olhou cautelosamente para os lados, pisamos para fora da barreira de proteção que era nossa única garantia de segurança do mundo exterior, a partir daquele momento, estávamos sujeitos à tudo, desde esmagados até mortos, o que não era um pensamento muito confortável.
“O que você trouxe?” pergunto um pouco curioso vendo que minha mochila é minúscula, já a de seunome parece o dobro da minha.
“Você é mesmo amador demais, eu trouxe água, dracmas de ouro, dinheiro e algumas latas de comida que podemos aquecer fazendo uma fogueira.” seus pés atravessam as raizes das árvores. “O que você trouxe?” ri pelo nariz.
“Água.” dou de ombros, um pouco constrangido. “Sou novo nisso, tá legal?”
“Sem julgamentos, Nico. Mas não é possível que você achou genial só trazer água para uma missão que você acredita fielmente que vamos morrer, quer dizer, pelo menos agora sabemos que não é de sede.”
“Ha ha, engraçadinha.”
Continuamos caminhamos pela densa floresta, meu coração pulsando um pouco mais rápido a cada passo incerto e cada barulho estranho, fosse uma ave pousando ou um grilo cantando, fazia minhas mãos suarem. Seunome, ao meu lado, revela uma destreza invejável porque lendo a dança das árvores e o murmúrio do vento, é como ela guia nosso caminho. Teria sido mais esperto termos contado do nosso plano para alguém mais velho e mais sábio porque tenho certeza que agora teríamos um mapa, um direcionamento e outros milhares de suprimentos que nem seunome com sua bolsa enorme conseguiriam pensar, mas eu a sigo sem dizer nada porque sou péssimo em reconhecer a natureza; tudo sempre parece o mesmo. Seus olhos brilham, enquanto eu, um aventureiro um tanto receoso, tento acompanhar seu ritmo.
Finalmente, emergimos de entre as árvores e deparamo-nos com um lago, provavelmente o maior que já vi em toda minha vida, extenso, escuro e que tenho certeza que era tão profundo quanto a parte mais obscura do oceano. No entanto, a visão idílica logo se tornou desafiadora quando nossos olhos capturaram a presença de Sirenes, criaturas meio mulheres e meio aves, que pairavam sobre o lago, suas vozes ecoando, atraentes e perigosas.
“Se esconde.” ela sussurra. “Sirenes não gostam de homens, foram castigadas por Deméter.” explica e assinto com a cabeça.
“O que você vai perguntar para elas?”
“Tucker me disse que Sirenes são como sereias, escondem segredos obscuros, se essa profecia está causando tanto caos aqui fora, talvez elas saibam de algo, certo?”
“Cuidado, tá bem?” eu peço tocando seu braço de leve e ela assente.
Não consigo ver muita coisa, mas consigo ouvir. Seunome, com passos cautelosos, avançou em direção às Sirenes, cuja beleza era tão cativante quanto ameaçadora. Elas eram mulheres com plumagens exuberantes, asas majestosas e olhos que brilhavam como poços de encanto. Seus cantos eram uma melodia irresistível e era preciso ter um auto controle gigantesco para não se entregar à elas. Sirenes guiavam marinheiros e manipulava cada um deles a entrar na água até conseguirem mata-lós afogados.
“Ah, doce criança, nós estávamos esperando por você.” a voz calma, suave e leve da Sirene ecoa pela floresta. “O que te traz aqui, tão vulnerável?”
“Esperando por mim? Como sabiam que eu estava vindo?”
Engulo em seco, se as Sirenes sabem que estamos por aí e faz menos de duas horas que estamos caminhando, significa que provavelmente o mundo mitológico inteiro sabe também. Ótimo, nossa morte cada vez mais próxima.
“Os ventos sussurraram que a moça de olhos tão meigos, mas ainda sim corajosos, acompanhada de um amor escondido estaria vindo até nós… Ele está escondido, não está? Não se preocupe, criança, nós não iremos captura-lo, basta apenas me dizer o que precisa.”
Meu coração trava.
“Um amor escondido? Do que você… Deixa pra lá.” seunome suspira. “A chama da esperança, quem roubou?”
“Ah, uma informação valiosa demais.” a Sirene sorri perversamente. “Não te ensinaram a ser um pouco mais persuasiva no acampamento?”
“Em troca faço Deméter tirar a maldição.”
O quê? Ela está mesmo prometendo isso para as Sirenes?
“E como você faria isso? Sei que não conhece Deméter.”
“De fato, mas meu pai ajudou quando Perséfone ficou desaparecida, se não fosse por ele, Deméter jamais saberia que Hades a capturou, desde então Deméter disse estar profundamente agradecida pelo meu pai e ficou em dívida com ele. Me conte o que sabe da chama e assim que isso terminar, eu peço para que ela retire a maldição, é uma promessa.”
“Filha de Hermes… Por que eu confiaria em você? Seu pai é um ladrãozinho mentiroso, e sua família também, não foi seu irmão que roubou o raio de Zeus?”
“Isso foi há um tempão atrás e sinceramente…”
“Mas o meu pai não é ladrão.” com uma coragem que escapa dos meus dedos, saio do meu esconderijo atraindo os olhos da Sirene, interrompendo a fala de seunome, que automaticamente me encara como se fosse me assassinar no próximo segundo. “Meu pai é Deus da profecia, muitas das vezes ele interpreta e transmite vontade de outros deuses para manter um equilíbrio divino, sou justo como meu pai e acompanharei ela para me certificar de que está falando mesmo com Deméter.”
As Sirenes, embora manipuladoras, não eram tão inteligentes, sei que as convenci embora tenha me colocado em um risco gigantesco.
“O amor escondido.” ela sorri e fecho meus olhos, seunome me encara um pouco confusa. “Nada pode perturbar mais um homem do que uma mulher que não sabe que ele a ama.” o encara. “Sente-se aqui, docinho.”
A Sirene bate em uma parte lisa tomada pela água do lado na beira da terra, e eu me aproximo com a mão no bolso, pronto para retirar minha adaga se necessário, sentando onde ela me pediu. Seunome está atrás de mim, em posição de ataque também, com a mão pronta para puxar uma flecha se necessário.
“A chama da esperança foi roubada em um momento de vulnerabilidade entre os deuses, e ela manipula e alimenta o desejo do destino, deixando que seu condutor determine caos e destruição. Typhon quer reescrever a história do mundo em que ele não seja uma figura tão mal representada pelos deuses, e vocês podem culpá-lo? Claro que não! O Olimpo sempre querendo parecer tão justo, tão fiel, e tudo que fazem é destruir uns aos outros por inveja.”
“Typhon?” pergunto com as sobrancelhas juntas.
“Filho de Gaia.”
“Com um tártaro.” a Sirene complementa a linha de pensamento de seunome. “Dizem que é uma criatura com cem cabeças de dragão, olhos flamejantes e um corpo que podia tocar os céus.”
“Ele estava aprisionado por Zeus sob o Monte Etna na Sicília.” seunome explica e agora tenho certeza que vamos morrer.
“Ele sabe que vocês estão aqui, ele sabe que estão atrás dele, a chama traz essa vantagem.” a Sirene nos encara. “Não conseguem sentir?”
O sorriso cruel é esboçado e a terra embaixo de nossos pés começa a tremer, vibra tão pesadamente que quase me desequilibro. Levanto da pedra me aproximando ainda mais de seunome, segurando sua cintura quando os pés dela vacilam, evitando que seu corpo caia no chão. A água do lado levanta como uma tsunami, e a Sirene continua sorrindo, levantando um voo ainda baixo. “Regra número um: nunca confie em uma Sirene.” seunome sussurra para mim. “Merda, merda, corre!”
Estávamos de mãos dadas no início mas em algum momento da corrida contra a água que nos perseguia derrubando árvores, acabamos soltando. Corremos desesperadamente pelas margens do lago, a onda colossal de água engolindo nossos passos. A força da tsunami era implacável, uma força da natureza que ameaçava nos devorar. Seunome, ao meu lado, era uma sombra veloz, seus olhos focados no terreno irregular. Pulávamos sobre pedras, desviávamos de árvores e buscávamos refúgio, mas a onda incessante se aproximava, rugindo como um titã furioso. Cada salto era uma corrida contra o tempo, o som do tumulto aquático ecoando em nossos ouvidos. Seunome, com sua habilidade aguçada, identificava oportunidades de abrigo em meio ao caos, e juntos, buscávamos elevações ou estruturas temporárias para nos proteger.
“Entra aqui!” ela grita, apontando para uma estrutura desajeitada que poderia parecer uma caverna. “Me ajuda!” ela pede em um tom estressado, empurrando duas pedras pontiagudas,extremamente pesadas, uma em cada lateral do espaço em que estávamos. A onda atingiu as pedras com um estrondo ensurdecedor, mas o que se seguiu surpreendente. As pedras, como guardiãs indomáveis, dispersaram a água com uma dança caótica, criando uma barreira temporária contra a inundação. No entanto, pequenos respingos escapavam, e uma chuva fria caía sobre nós, encharcando nossas roupas e deixando-nos respingados pela força bruta.
Ainda dentro da caverna, nossos olhos se encontraram em uma mistura de alívio e exaustão e seunome me abraça, ofegante. “Puta merda.” é tudo que ela consegue expressar, seu cabelo encharcado, assim como suas roupas e não estou diferente disso.
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Não tenho noção de horário, eu chutaria que já passa das dez horas da noite. Ao lado de Seunome, nos aconchegamos em pedras gastas, o brilho suave da chama iluminando nossos rostos cansados. A lata de sopa repousava sobre as brasas, aquecendo o abrigo improvisado e comíamos um pouco em silêncio.
“Nico.” ela chama e meus olhos castanhos sobem para seu rosto iluminado pela chama laranja. “O que a Sirene quis dizer com amor escondido?”
“Deixa isso para lá, seunome. Acho que ela quis dizer qualquer coisa para nos desestabilizar.” engulo em seco colocando minha lata de lado.
“Ah.” ela diz brevemente, empilhando a lata em cima da minha. “Eu pensei que… Bem, pensei que você gostava de mim ou algo assim, pelo jeito que ela falou pareceu isso.”
“É, pareceu mesmo.” coço a nuca. “Teria sido ruim se fosse verdade? Quer dizer, você teria achado estranho?”
“Não.” ela abraça os próprios joelhos.
Não estava esperando um ‘não’ tão certo vindo dela e isso faz meu coração palpitar.
“Não?” pergunto mais uma vez.
“Não.” confirma. “Sei que está mentindo, Nico.”
“O quê?” a encaro tão rápido que meu coração acelera.
“Sei disso há anos.” ela morde a boca encarando os próprios pés, e minhas pupilas são tomadas pelo constrangimento. “Você… O jeito que você olha pra mim ou fala meu nome, ou me chama de linda sem querer, não pode ser só coisa da minha cabeça.”
“Por que você nunca disse nada?”
“Eu? Por que você nunca disse nada?”
“Não tive coragem, se eu soubesse… Se eu soubesse que você já tinha ideia, eu teria falado há muito tempo.”
“Fiquei com medo disso estragar tudo, eu só tenho você, Nico. Você é tudo que eu tenho.” agarra mais os joelhos. “E eu não sou… Fácil, entende? Você teria se cansado de mim e eu teria que deixar o acampamento e seria questão de tempo até a gente esquecer um do outro.”
“Seunome, eu não acho que eu seja capaz de me esquecer de você.” digo com sinceridade. “Ou me cansar ou aceitar você sair do acampamento caso tudo isso acontecesse. Eu conheço você desde os meus treze anos de idade, sabe quantos anos isso são? Mais de dez, eu conheci você de todos os jeitos, te vi de todas as formas, eu ainda ser apaixonado por você desde a primeira vez que te vi soa como se eu fosse me cansar de você? Eu tive chances o suficiente pra isso.”
“Ei!” ela ri batendo de leve no meu ombro.
“Você nunca sentiu o mesmo e é por isso que eu não disse antes.” umedeço os lábios.
“Você não sabe do que está falando, Nico. É claro que sinto o mesmo.” ela suspira. “Sempre senti… Quando eu e Tuck terminamos, o principal motivo é porque ele não era você.”
Ficamos em silêncio por um momento e eu não soube como me sentir, de repente pareceu tudo tão diferente e confuso que eu precisei de um segundo pra raciocinar. Esse tempo todo seunome também sentia o mesmo e meu coração quis sair pela boca.
“Eu sou apaixonado por você, mais do que isso, eu sou completamente maluco por você e mesmo que aquele monstro de cem cabeças nos mate daqui alguns dias, eu quero que pelo menos você saiba disso.” finalmente digo, sentindo a coragem se instalar depois de anos. “Eu sou apaixonado pelo jeito que você anda, fala, corre, e até o jeito que você briga comigo, desculpa ter demorado tanto para dizer.”
“Eu concordo com o que você disse, eu também tenho medo de estragar tudo, mas não consigo não te querer.”
“Você está deixando isso difícil pra mim.” ela súplica em um sussurro.
“Posso te beijar, linda? Por favor?”
Seunome fica um tempo em silêncio até concordar com a cabeça. Inclino meu corpo e choco minha boca contra a dela tão depressa que meus dedos pressionaram sua nuca enquanto nossos lábios exploravam um ao outro. Seunome deslizou as mãos pelo meu ombro, como se tivesse gravando cada toque na memória pra jamais esquecer e me abraçou pelo pescoço, puxando pra mais perto. Embrenhei uma mão em meus cabelos e escorreguei a outra até seu quadril, fazendo qualquer espaço que ainda houvesse entre nós sumir. Nossas línguas se acariciavam numa sintonia perfeita, como se já fôssemos íntimos há muito tempo, fazendo meu corpo inteiro formigar.
Eu conseguia ser firme e delicado ao mesmo tempo, segurando seunome perto de mim e provocando sensações novas com o mais sutil dos toques, como nunca ninguém havia conseguido. Como Tucker nunca tinha feito. Fomos intensificando cada vez mais o beijo a cada segundo, até meus lábios ficarem dormentes e meu fôlego acabar. Mesmo ofegante, continuei beijando-a com a mesma avidez, sem querer desgrudar dela nunca mais. Já beijei outras meninas antes, mas nada soava como aquilo.
A abracei pela cintura e subi o corpo de seunome para meu colo. Sem pensar direito, ela envolveu as pernas na minha cintura e o movimento de seu quadril no meu automaticamente me fez enrijecer. Seunome tirou as pernas de sua cintura, mas logo minhas mãos apertaram suas coxas num pedido mudo pra que ela colocasse de volta. Faz o que eu pedi, ficando perigosamente sem ar, mas sem ligar pra uma besteira como oxigênio numa hora daquelas. Segurei a cintura dela com força, me prensando contra seu tronco sem ousar romper o beijo. Acho que todo aquele desejo reprimido durante anos estava se revelando ali, e não era só da minha parte.
Sem conseguir mais resistir, passei discretamente minhas mãos por debaixo da barra de sua camiseta, tocando a pele quente de sua barriga. Seus músculos se contraíam a cada toque, assim como os meus reagiram aos toques dela em meus quadris por debaixo da calça. Como se procurasse fôlego naquele beijo, ela me puxou pra mais perto ainda, e eu fiz o mesmo com minhas pernas, sentindo um volume assustador mais embaixo.
Seunome começou a puxar minha camisa pra cima, sentindo aquele conhecido volume entre suas pernas, e interrompi o beijo por dois segundos pra tirar a blusa. Escorreguei minhas mãos geladas até as suas costas, sentindo seunome arrepiar com cada toque, e respirava pesadamente. Não passava de um amasso como qualquer outro, fora o fato de eu estar sem blusa, mas estávamos tão mais tranqüilos que cada movimento parecia mais excitante, mais caloroso, mais intenso. “Você tem certeza disso?” sussurro entre nossos lábios.
Sorri satisfeito com a resposta, agora retirando seunome do meu colo e forrando um pouco o chão frio e rochoso que estávamos, colocando minha camiseta ali e posicionando a mochila para que ela pudesse deitar e relaxar o corpo. Comecei descendo meus beijos pela barriga barriga, segurando firmemente em sua cintura. Quando chego ao cós da calça jeans, lancei um olhar determinado para seunome, como se nada fosse me parar quando eu começasse.
“Seunome, você tem certeza?” confirmo mais uma vez, os olhos deixa recheados de luxúria.
“Nico, por favor.” a voz suplicando, quase implorando enquanto jogava a cabeça pra trás ao sentir minhas mãos apertarem suas coxas com força e logo subirem até o botão da calça. Cinco segundos depois, tanto a calça como a calcinha já estavam longe dali. Abri as pernas com cuidado, observando seunome de cima a baixo com os olhos ardendo de tesão. “Por favor.”
Sem dizer uma palavra, deslizei minhas mãos desde os seios dela até alcançar o interior das coxas, e me inclinei para alcançar sua intimidade com a boca. Seunome agarrou a camiseta do chão como se fossem lençóis da cama quando sentiu minha lingua, devagar a princípio, mas aumentando a velocidade e a intensidade aos poucos. Ela começou a gemer, arqueando suas costas pra cima e quando percebi que ela estava quase chegando, pelo jeito que suas pernas tremeram, parei o que estava fazendo. Seunome me olhou sedenta, tão sedenta que seu corpo levantou do chão em uma velocidade insana e ela me deitou no mesmo lugar que estava antes, puxando o zíper da minha calça com seus dedos habilidoso e me masturbando sem aviso prévio.
Meu gemido quase saiu como um grito porque eu estava pulsando nas mãos dela, meu corpo todo estava à mercê e o jeito que seus olhos dominados pelo prazer e a boca inchada de tanto me beijar me encaravam, eu sentia uma explosão.
“Chega, pelo amor de Deus.” minha voz rouca implorou, não estava aguentando mais e certamente queria chegar ao ápice dentro dela, e não fora. Seunome sorriu sacana, tão sacana que eu poderia ter gozado só de ver o jeito que ela estava me olhando, mas me controlei antes inverter novamente nossas posições. Não tinha camisinha comigo, não estava esperando carregar uma durante e sei que seunome percebeu minha preocupação, mas tudo que ela fez foi colocar a mão em mim e me colocar dentro dela. Achei que fosse morrer. Nunca senti isso antes. A penetrei de uma vez só e com força quando me ajeitei dentro dela por completo, seunome soltou um gemido alto, que logo foi abafado pela minha boca e suas unhas fincaram nos meus braços.
“Tá gostoso assim, hum?” sussurro olhando em seus olhos enquanto mexo meu corpo. Continuei investindo rápido e ela me olhava sorrindo de forma perversamente, o que me fez investir mais furiosamente e profundamente, gemendo contra seus lábios, segurando firme em minha cintura, a puxando pra mim a cada investida.
“Sim, está gostoso para cacete.” ela agarra meu pescoço para que eu vá mais fundo. Estávamos realmente urrando, suados e com os músculos totalmente tensos de prazer, até que nossos gemidos foram ficando cada vez mais cansados e eu finalmente gozei, puxando antes de ir para dentro dela. Estávamos exaustos, meu corpo caiu do lado dela, suado, e ficamos em silêncio por meio segundo. “Você acha que o Typhon conseguiu ver pela chama a gente transando?”
Caio na gargalhada alta, retribuindo o olhar.
“Sério? É essa sua preocupação?”
“Claro!” ela ri, levantando um pouco o corpo, fazendo desenhos no meu tórax com o indicador, olhando meus olhos. “Você consegue imaginar a gente tentando enfrentar um bicho de cem cabeças e saber que ele viu a gente transando?”
“Não.” coloco minha mão em sua nuca, acariciando seu cabelo por baixo, a encarando em silêncio por um tempo. Seunome inclina a cabeça e me beija levemente mais uma vez, sua respiração quente continuava batendo contra meu rosto. “Precisamos dormir, está bem? Amanhã vai ser um dia longo.”
“Eu sei, Nico, eu sei.” ela morde a boca levemente, tirando um fio de cabelo do meu rosto antes de deitar a cabeça no meu tórax e entrelaçar as pernas na minha.
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starandcloud · 8 months
Being Hunted By Natasha Romanoff
Tag, you’re it - Melanie Martez
Wheels on the buss - Melanie Martez
Hey Kids - Morning Late
I can’t decide - Scissor sisters
My Boy - Billie Eilish
Just a Fan - Roar
Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez
Psycho - Mia Rodriguez
CHOKE - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
Pumped up Kicks- Foster The People
Sorry Sorry - Kiako
Oh Ana - Mother Mother
Yandere - Jazmin Bean
Paparizza - Lady Gaga
Nowhere To Run - Stegosaurus Rex
I love you, I love you - Jun Togaw
Meant to be yours
Hayloft - Mother Mother
Run Rabbit Run - Hanagan & Allen
Wires - The Neighborhood
Who Is She - I Monster
This Hurts - MSI
Runs in the family - Amanda Palmer
Hatef–k - The Bravery
Hushh - Aviva
Puppet loosely strung - The correspondents
We’ll meet again - She & Him
After Dark - Mr. Kitty
Daddy issues - The Neighbourhood
All The Good Girls Go To Hell - - Billie Eilish
Sick thoughts- Lewis Blissett
Grind me down- Lilianna Wilde
Mad hatter - Meline Martez
Stalker’s Tango - Autoheart
Super Psycho Love - Simon Cutris
Bloody Mary - Lady Gaga
Honey, I’m home - Ghost and Pals
This Is Love - Air traffic Control
Habits - Our Last Night
Animal - Chase Holfelder
Sarcasm - Get Scared
Flesh - Simon Curist
Cry Baby - American Avenue
Another Way out- Hollywood Undead
Little Game - Benny
Killer In The Mirror - Set It Off
Crazy = Genius - Panic! At The Dicso
Freak - Suburban
Exocism - Lollia CreepP
Whisper - Burn The Ballroom
Livin’ La Vida Loco - Patent Pending
Middle of Night - Elly Dune
Miss Wanna Die - Judy Phonic
Happy Face - Jagar Twin
Boyfriend - Dove Cameron
Teacher’s pet - Melanie Martez
Fan Behavior - Issac Dunbar
Villain - K/DA
Cannibal - Ke$ha
Sex, Drugs, Etc - Beach Weather
Killing Butterflies - Lewis Blisset
Black Sea - Natasha Blume
Angels Don’t Cry - Ellise
Sharks - Imagine Dragons
Crazy in love - Daniel De Bourg
Crazy in Love - Eden Project
I Want it all - Cameron Grey
Darkside - Neoni
Yes & No - XYLO
All the things she said - Poppy
Hate me - Nico Collins
Borderline - Nico Collins
Siren - Kailee Morgue
Little girl gone - El Chinchila
If I Kill Someone For You - Alec Benjamin
Blood//Water - Grandson
Rock Bottom - Grandson
BackStabber - Ke$ha
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Side to Side- Ariana Grande
Touch it - Arianna Grande
Part of Me- Katy Perry
I gotta feeling - Black Eyed Peas
Someone told me -The Killers
Maniac - Conan Grey
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cabinofimagines · 2 years
Day four; Boo-king
I baked a cake yesterday and didn’t even use that experience in this fic also boo-king is a pun on baking i hate it myself you are welcome.
Pairing: PLATONIC Nico, Reyna, Hazel x gn!reader, a little Will and Frank in here too! Words: 1.1k Warnings: mm food, baking, mention of murder~
< prev - Halloween 2022 mlist - next >
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After the movie night, you were tired. Hence, why you slept in a little more than you had wanted too. You were just making your way to address in New Rome that Nico had given you, holding on to three bags of stolen baking goods from Spirit Halloween. At the time you didn’t think you got that many, but when you were grabbing them this morning it was more than anticipated. You stumbled in your step, trying to avoid some oncoming pedestrians.
“Do you need help?” a familiar voice piped up from behind you. “Reyna! Yes, please-,” you carefully handed her one of the bags. “Where to?”
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When you arrived it was only Nico, Hazel, Reyna, and you. Although Reyna was once again about to leave.
“Please stay!” you begged her, and she eyed you up and down. “I’m not sure-“ She started, only to be interrupted by Hazel. “Do you need to be somewhere?” She asked, and Reyna shook her head, “Then why not help us? I know Nico for sure has missed you.” Nico glared at Hazel. Reyna’s mouth became an ‘O’ shape at this revelation. As Nico saw this he sighed.
“We’re friends and I barely get to see you when you’re with the Hunters at Camp.” Nico admitted; however, he didn’t want to admit he also felt scared that Reyna had joined the hunt to begin with- he already lost someone important to the hunt and he did not want to lose Reyna too. Maybe he tried to distance himself a little- old habits die hard after all.
Unwilling to dwell on these thoughts, Nico shook his head as he grabbed a bowl. “So, do you want to help?” he extended the bowl to Reyna, who smiled and grabbed it. “Of course, Nico.” She hesitated, “I miss you too, although I don’t miss Athena’s statue.” She joked, uplifting the mood in the room. A thought shifted over her face. “How’s Coach Hedge doing?” she asked. “He’s doing great,” Nico smiled at Reyna, “But before we get side tracked, let’s start baking.”
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You had thought that the baking would mostly consist out of ingredients and mixing, however the first part of the morning was entirely lost to math. Making smaller portions of the recipe’s required you to calculate the new amounts you needed. During this, Reyna quickly took it upon herself to make a quick schedule – finding which goods could bake together, and for how long. Weirdly enough, all of this was still a rather enjoyable endeavour. You were lucky to have Hazel on your side, for she seemed to have a knack for calculating stuff.
After a quick lunch break, you finally got to baking. It started alright, you worked with Hazel on one recipe as Nico and Reyna tackled the other recipe. However, this meant that both duos were not looking out for the other- which resulted in;
“Shit! Sorry (Y/n).” Nico exclaimed as soon as he recovered from bumping into you. You were on the ground, covered in (luckily) dry ingredients. You smiled painfully as you stood up.
“Don’t worry- it could have been the wet ingredients.” You tried to reassure Nico, but he still took a step forward and awkwardly started petting the ingredients off you. You shook your head, resulting in a massive cloud of flour and sugar to form, clearly showing on Nico’s black shirt.
“Could you not?” He glared at you, and you chuckled. “Revenge,” you smiled, and Nico clearly tried to supress his own smile. You hadn’t noticed Nico reaching for an egg on the counter, but Reyna had, and she quickly grabbed his wrist.
“Don’t,” she ordered, and you laughed.
“Seems like I have a guardian angel today, thanks Reyna.” You took a step back and retrieved Nico’s bowl of the ground. “Peace?” You asked as you offered it to him.
“For now.” he grimly nodded.
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The rest of the day went rather peacefully. Everyone took better care as to not hit each other, and at the end of the day you were left with still too many treats for the four of you. At least, that is what it looked like an hour ago. With only the extra help from Will and Frank, who both showed up right as the baking was done.
Hazel held a cookie to your lips. You quickly took a bite, before she ate the rest of the cookie. You had tried some fanciers treat designs, which got better the more you made. But, all in all, this batch of snacks was not the most perfect one.
“I think we should not do those,” Hazel pointed at some ‘candy’ that was fully burned, “Too hard to make, and not even tasty.” You chuckled. “I also think we should only pick 3 types of cookies-“ you glared at the only pile that was barely touched, “We made so many already, with so little ingredients.”
Reyna hummed, “What about the Halloween cake?” She asked.
“We are getting the cake.” Nico simply stated, “Or we are getting murder, whichever you prefer.” Reyna put her hands up, as she shook her head. “Okay, okay. Whatever you want Nico, you will be the one baking it.” She smiled, “And decorating it.”
“I can help decorate.” Hazel suggested, and Nico looked at her thankful. “At least one person is on my side here.” He said, and Will looked offended, but was quickly shut up by a peck on the cheek.
“I can help too, if it’s needed?” Frank coyly spoke up. “I don’t think I’ll allow you in the kitchen, Frank.” Hazel said Frank grimaced. “That was one time Hazel,” Frank huffed, “And I just confused sugar with salt!” “One time too many, Frank.” Hazel responded and Frank pouted.
“If anything, I don’t think I can help baking later in the week,” Reyna sighed, “The hunters have to help set up the corn maze, so I will have my hands full.”
“Corn maze?” Nico asked, a chill running over his back as he remembered being turned into corn. “It’s our attribution to the faire!” Reyna smiled, “Don’t tell anyone yet, only the organisers know, it’s a surprise.”
As the conversation continued, and the snacks diminished, the day turned into night. Before too long, everyone headed to wherever they were staying, and you looked forward to the faire tomorrow!
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dynamischreisen · 6 months
Max, Panama, Tag 15
Ich wollte diese Überschrift vermeiden, aber Leute - ich kann nicht anders:
Oh, wie schön ist Panama
Ich denke, ich kann mit einigem Selbstbewusstsein sagen, dass für mich heute der schönste Tag der Reise war und auch in einigen Top-Ratings in meinem Leben könnte dieser Tag mitspielen.
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Begonnen hat er recht abenteuerlich: seit null Uhr gab es keinen Strom mehr. Was für Nicos Ventilator-Problematik vermutlich ganz gut war, war es umso weniger für die Nahrung im Kühlschrank. Da nicht abzusehen war, wie lange es dauern würde (zur Erinnerung: alle Straßen dicht, kein Sprit, unterbrochene Kühlketten…) habe ich die Angel zur Sicherheit behalten. Man weiß ja nie - Abenteuer eben.
Auf der Hauptinsel Colón war dann aber glücklicherweise alles im Lot.
Dort angekommen bezogen wir unser neues Appartement, das sogar zweistöckig ist, vom Balkon Blick auf das Meer gewährt und eine eigene Küche hat. Hier werden wir bis zu unserem Flug nach Panama City leben. Mehr oder weniger auf gut Glück und aus Zeitvertreib stiegen wir in ein Collectivo, das uns zur Nordwestseite der Insel bringen würde. Ich habe mich vorher schlau gemacht, ob man im Dschungel Faultiere finden könnte und bekam die selbe Antwort wie so oft: ein müdes Lächeln und ein „muy dificil“. Aber wir wollten es probieren.
Schon die Fahrt war ein echtes Highlight, die Straße führte keine drei Meter vom Meer entfernt durch kleine Orte und die wunderschöne Natur. In Bocas del Drago angekommen, folgten wir einem Pfad, der uns zum Playa Estrellas bringen sollte, der seinen Namen nicht wegen der guten Sicht auf die Sterne im Himmel trägt, sondern die wunderschönen großen Seesterne, die dort im perfekt glasklaren Wasser leben.
Auf dem Weg dorthin wollte ich zum wiederholten Mal Locals ansprechen, ob sie wüssten, wo Faultiere seien. Nico meinte scherzhaft, er wolle nicht schon wieder ausgelacht werden. Ich entschied mich, trotzdem auf eine Dame zuzugehen, die bevor ich Luft holen konnte in den Baum zeigte und rief „allí, un Perezoso!“ übersetzt heißt das „guck mal du Blindfisch, fast hättest du das Faultier verpasst“. Wir freuten uns wahnsinnig über die kleinen grauen Fellkugeln. Doch wiedermal folgte der Fingerzeig der Natur, dass durchhalten sich lohnt und schon kurz darauf begannen die beiden Tierchen regelrecht für unsere Fotos zu posieren. Wir sollen uns glücklich schätzen und ich meine Fotos mit einem Anwohner teilen, so die Bitte.
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Mehrfach kam die Frage auf, die uns bisher an fast jedem Strand begleitet hatte. Und dieses Mal lege ich mich fest, ich habe die Antwort: es geht nicht schöner, es geht nicht besser. Der Dschungel endete wirklich direkt am Wasser, ein knapper Meter feiner, heller Sand war die einzige Barriere zum leuchtend türkisen Meer. Beim Tauchen sahen wir bunte Fischschwärme, einen großen Rochen und die Seesterne, von denen ich keine Ahnung hatte, wie riesig und cool sie sein können.
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So lagen wir neben ihnen im perfekt temperierten Wasser und tranken einen eiskalten Cocktail. Irgendwann hatte ich Lust auf Blödsinn, fand eine gigantische Krabbenschere und gab sie als Dank einem Touri-Pärchen, das auf unsere Sachen aufgepasst hatte. Es sei ein wichtiges Zeichen der Anerkennung und des Respekts in meiner Kultur, anderen Leuten Krabbenscheren zu überreichen. Und so packen sie sie ein. Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen.
Das stand logischerweise unter dem Stern der zwar ausgelutschten, aber nicht weniger wahren Definition von Glück, die Harald Juhnke einst formulierte: keine Termine und leicht einen sitzen.
Und so schlenderten wir zurück zum Haltepunkt des Collectivos, sahen Pelikane beim Fischen und kletterten auf Palmen umher. Wenn ihr nochmal an den Anfang des Artikels geht, könnt ihr mich auf einer erkennen.
Beim Restaurant vor Ort beschlossen wir die Wartezeit zu verkürzen und etwas zu Essen. Es gab Reis, eine Art Kartoffelpuffer aus Kochbananen und Makrele. Diese war laut Nico, der ja ein deutlich zurückhaltenderer Typ ist als ich, der beste Fisch seines Lebens. Und es war echt unglaublich. Zum wiederholten Male fragte ich, was denn jetzt noch kommen sollte. In diesem Moment begann die Sonne mit einem unfassbaren Schauspiel, der Himmel brannte. What a day.
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djmusicbest · 9 months
Spotify Top 50 Tracks of August 2023-08-23 Mix 4
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-08-23 Tracklist : Afro Latinism - Radio edit - Joeski.mp3 Alive - THEMBA Remix - Franky Wah, Vintage Culture, THEMBA.mp3 AMOROS - Pablo Fierro.mp3 Astro - Martin Waslewski.mp3 Beka - Samantha Loveridge, Lizwi.mp3 Besame - Malóne, Calussa.mp3 Cure My Desire (feat. Clementine Douglas) - Themba Remix - Hannah Wants, Clementine Douglas, THEMBA.mp3 Dance Again - DJ Marky, Javeon.mp3 Disappear - Franky Wah Remix - THEMBA, Nico de Andrea, Tasan, Franky Wah.mp3 Don't U - Edit - TIMANTI.mp3 Dope Dance - Tripolism, Nandu, Radeckt.mp3 El Vento - Stephan Jolk, Malóne.mp3 Eleggua - Mijangos.mp3 En Su Lugar - Malóne, Kimonos.mp3 Ethnica - Nico de Andrea, Vanetty.mp3 Gemini's - Karyendasoul, Da Capo.mp3 I Saw An Angel On The Roof & Wept - Kitty Amor 's Remix - Kitty Amor, Somadina.mp3 I Wish I Was - Saliva Commandos.mp3 In The Line To Loneliness - Nandu, Marc Facchini.mp3 Just Dance - Radio Edit - Mijangos, Aaron Sevilla.mp3 Kinky House - Saliva Commandos. Read the full article
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
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sexy. v sexy. i love it when people do dangerous things that could get them killed 👉👈
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also bro you know how we were all thinking of ways mallory could die? i think i found it. david is just going to repeatedly whack her with books. hardcovers probably do more damage than swords anyway.
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also AAAaaAHHHhhvHHHH I LOVE COMPETENT PEOPLE. also did i mention i have developed a massive crush on anjali
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(feeling kinda sorry for david btw. i'm over here completely hyped and my man was kidnapped and has to face mallory. sorry chouchou)
How are you doing Dani? <3
I took a maths exam today. We have a new teacher since summer (she's v cool and she has a girlfriend. BIG SLAY.) and her exams are so much easier than the ones my previous teacher made 😭 I might actually get a decent grade for once bro.
Das it for now, might send another ask with memes hehe. Luv u <3 Sending good vibessss 🖤
I was kinda out of it this whole week because I was sick. But I think I'm okay now?
Also legend says math teachers who are cool (and gay) are actually angels. This is a fact.
Also look at you acing the math test. NICO IS PROUD OF YOU!
Thank you for the vibes, babygirl.🖤
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De Algemene Verwarring #85 - 23 January 2023
The eighty-fifth episode of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday January 23, 2023, and you can listen to it by clicking on the link below that will take you directly to the Mixcloud page:
Pictured below is Mark E. Smith from The Fall, no introduction needed I guess. Probably a bit weird that only after 84 episodes we use a picture from The Fall on the Tumblr page, one of the most played bands in our radio show (and yes, we do think about the photos we use on this page, I actually have a list of the photos used so as not to use a photo of the same band twice). It’s already been 5 years since Mark E. Smith passed away, and even though I’m a fan of their older work, still he is missed. The track I played in this show, Solicitor In Studio, comes from the Room To Live album, generally considered as not one of their best, but I disagree with that general opinion. Yes, it was released in between two master pieces, Hex Enduction Hour and Perverted By Language (my favorite album of the band), but that does not mean it’s a bad album. It’s useful to read Stephen Hanley’s book to know the circumstances under which the album was recorded (not ideal, i would say), but the result is a Fall album that has its place in their discography.
By the way, I know I am a bit late with this post and the only reason isthat sometimes inspiration to write something is lacking. Let me know if you read this and if these posts are interesting for you. It would be much easier for me to just post playlists but if you’re interested in my writings about the bands I play, you should let me know and I’ll do my best to continue. Anyway, other music in this episode is from i.a. Civic, Tyvek, Mitraille, Oi Boys, Josef K, The Flying Lizards, Puppet Wipes, Non Plus Temps, The Darling Buds, Hood, and Brannten Schnüre. And below the photo you can find the playlist for this show. Enjoy!
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Civic: Flick The Station (7” “Those Who No” on Anti Fade Records, 2018)
Tyvek: Time Change (7” “Time Change/Inter City Walks” on Les Disques Steak, 2011)
Mitraille: House Paint Ad (LP”Mitraille” on Ronny Rex & Belly Button Records, 2022)
Oi Boys: La Liste (LP “Oi Boys” on Les Disques De La Face Cachée, Hidden Bay, Dans Le Vide, Maloka, Kanal Hysterik, Amour Entre Chien Et Loup, 2022)
Chain Cult: Always A Mess (7” “We’re Not Alone” on La Vida Es Un Mus Records, 2021)
Eastlink: Ansett (7” “Angel Gun/Ansett” on In The Red, 2013)
The Fall: Solicitor in Studio (LP “Room To Live”, reissue on Superior Viaduct, 2016, originally released in 1982 on Kamera Records)
Josef K: Radio Drill Time (2LP V/A “Punk 45: There Is No Such Thing As Society - Get A Job, Get A Car, Get A Bed, Get Drunk! - Vol. 2: Underground Punk And Post-Punk In The UK 1977-81” on Soul Jazz Records, 2013, originally released on a 7” in 1980 on Postcard Records)
The Flying Lizards: Summertime Blues (7” “Summertime Blues” on Virgin, 1978)
The Darling Buds: Hit The Ground (7” “Hit The Ground” on Epic Records, 1988)
Non Plus Temps: Facts Sound Like Myths (LP “Desire Choir” on Post Present Medium, 2022)
Puppet Wipes: The Peeper (LP “The Stones Are Watching & They Can Be A Handful” on Siltbreeze, 2022)
Hood: Cross The Land (CD “Compilations 1995-2002” on Misplaced Music, 2003)
Nico: The Fairest Of The Seasons (LP “Chelsea Girl”, reissue on MGM Records, ?, originally released in 1967 on Verve Records)
Bloedneus en de Snuitkever: Nysneus (LP “Milli Mille” on Kraak, 2022)
Brannten Schnüre: Nassgeregnet (LP “Das Glück Vermeiden” on Quirlschlängle, 2022)
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suraj-s-dream · 2 years
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SURAJ DAS: 26 year old, amateur filmmaker, agender they/them, cute and awkward and often at a loss when it comes to American things. Originally from Mumbai. Moved to Roswell 2 years ago, before that they were illegally in LA after a semester and a half of film school. Lives in Trips Trailer Park and is a cook at Crashdown Cafe. penned by Nico
BIOGRAPHY (summary)
Suraj always wanted to become a filmmaker, but born in India, it was always combined with the American Dream. They left for Los Angeles to attend UCLA, but didn’t make it through more than a single semester before working in an Indian restaurant took up all their time. Their visa ended, and alike many other employees there, they were stuck. Eventually they got out, when the owner was put in jail and the employees were compensated. Suraj ran off to Roswell instead of staying up, taking a job there and continuing their dream. They’ve made all the music videos for b2un, and are working on a full-length feature. 
For someone they can figure out their sexuality with. Suraj is ace, but they don’t know that. They’ve kissed people, because kissing people is fine, but a step beyond that has never been an option for them. The very thoughts scares them. (TAKEN BY ADIYA)
For a friend who they can tell their secret to. They haven’t told a soul about the time they spend in LA being an illegal immigrant, but it is so essential to the person they are now. They weren’t always held-back, awkward, and shy. Someone who knows might be able to see a more authentic version of Suraj. (TAKEN BY MIA)
Actors they can work with
Ace friends? PLEASSSEEE
Besties who they can hang with 
Movie lovers
Friends: Brook, Emmett, Rose, Mei, Adiya, Sparrow
Unlikely friends aka people Suraj really likes: Mia, Sparrow, Ender
Neighbors: Emmett
People they’re awkward around: Wes, Striker
Their muses: Sparrow
People they like from a distance (because they’re nice): Lara, 
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Oh also I can’t remember if I asked, but maybe an Oonagh playlist if you’d like? (Lmk if I’m requesting too many of these haha)
Not at all! Love getting these asks :D And this one was waaaaay too fun, I could have kept adding things forever. Managed to wrestle it down to 15 tracks...
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Hard-wrought with Unleashed Storms - a playlist for Oonagh O'Dwyer in the band AU (link to Spotify)
The Dubliners - Óró Sé Do Bheatha' Bhaile
David Bowie - Oh! You Pretty Things
Gang of Four - We Live As We Dream, Alone
Grace Jones - Nipple to the Bottle
Cocteau Twins - The Spangle Maker
Carpenters - Ticket to Ride
Horslips - Hall of Mirrors
David Sylvian - When Poets Dreamed of Angels
Shriekback - The Big Hush
The Cure - Pictures of You
The Velvet Underground & Nico - All Tomorrow's Parties
Shakespeares Sister - Red Rocket
PJ Harvey - Sheela-na-gig
Kraftwerk - Das Model
Melissa Etheridge - Come to My Window
Comments below the cut. CW for discussion of domestic violence, EDs, you know...Oonagh stuff.
We begin with an Irish rebel song, of course. When you can also translate the opening lines as 'Welcome oh woman who was so afflicted, / It was our ruin that you were in bondage, / Our fine land in the possession of thieves… / And you sold to the foreigners!' I think we can safely call this an Oonagh song on every level.
Oh! You Pretty Things is early Bowie from Oonagh's modelling days, having a blast with her friends, living a life her family thoroughly disapproves of, and doing her bit to arm the nationalists on the side.
The Gang of Four track just makes me think of Oonagh's spikiness and cynicism, the way she throws herself into making money from her career and Cormac just doesn't believe she can really be doing that well from such a silly job - though he's happy to spend her earnings just the same. Then Nipple to the Bottle is another song about her and Cormac, alcoholism and dv, her defiance, plus Grace Jones has the kind of career Oonagh thinks she would love. And yes, I realise the song is actually about the breast vs bottle-feeding debate. But I suppose Oonagh probably has strong feelings about not being able to feed Cai herself given how unwell she becomes under Gabriel's care on the ashram, so it fits either way.
The Cocteau Twins track is just so sinister, very Berlin (QP) Oonagh, about both Cormac and Gabriel (though she doesn't know it about the latter yet). Ticket to Ride is her escape to the ashram (and yes I am deeply annoyed Karen Carpenter changed the pronouns, because it's Oonagh leaving, not Cormac), sad but at peace, and Oonagh is doubtless well aware that Karen Carpenter is battling with severe ed just like her. Horslips are another Irish band Oonagh would be fond of, and Hall of Mirrors covers everything from modelling and dysmorphia to the gas-lighting of Cormac and Gabriel. Eerily, the carnival music in the background reminds me a lot of Ticket to Ride, too.
The David Sylvian track is another one that covers her relationship with Cormac, her aunt Therese's deliberate ignoring of Cormac's violence because he's a poet and a 'great man' and the fact she puts up with him for so long for 'the cause' as well. Just imagine Francis playing a cover of this (it's a bit late, really, '88 I think, but go with it) and Oonagh raging in the audience at his audacity, but also being kind of moved that he's noticed and cares.
Softly explore each hallway and room
Like a thief in a haunted house
You never know what you will meet next
A monster or a mouse?
It's time to face up to yourself
Come and watch your head distort
This one's interesting
Shows a crack right through your heart
Then the Shriekback song is one I chose first because of the sound - it's exactly the sound Oonagh wants to cultivate in her break-through, and when she and Thady Boy sing it's precisely this kind of thing. The lyrics don't hurt either, mind:
She rises early from bed
Runs to the mirror
The bruises inflicted in moments of fury
He kneels beside her once more
Whispers a promise
"Next time I'll break every bone in your body"
And the well-wishers let the devil in
And if the river ran dry they'd deny it happening
Pictures of You is for Oonagh reflecting on her modelling career, reclaiming her identity and what she likes about herself. Musically I think she's really into early goth like The Cure.
Is there a flame in the dark?
Is there a bright hard star?
These creatures look the same now
We freeze wherever we are
We wake alone in the blackness
We sleep wherever we fall
One dream all around us
This big hush infects us all
All Tomorrow's Parties is one I had on the mini-playlist for Oonagh ages ago and it's just too her not to put it on here (see also Kraftwerk, Das Model). Definite Nico vibes to her brief attempt to get into pop-stardom, and she, too, has a quirky voice rather than a, uh, good one for singing.
Shakespeares Sister - Red Rocket is a bit of fun from a great Irish artist, but it's also a bit about the ashram:
And then oh, if I could draw, I would draw Oonagh and Marthe going absolutely ape-shit in the crowd as PJ Harvey sings Sheela-na-gig - reclaiming sexuality and Irishness and autonomy and just 'washing that man right outta my hair'. Finally, Come to My Window is also for Them - early '90s lesbian chart domination!! They deserve it.
Life's a bitch then you die
No more dancing in the sky
Part on another star
You can't get there in a car
Find a new religion
Going on a mission
Making a decision
To face my soul
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sounds-right · 12 days
11/05 Gordo (Garden) + Dyen, Diøn & Daniella Da Silva (Main Room) fanno scatenare Bolgia - Bergamo
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Sabato 11 maggio 2024 al Bolgia, top club di Bergamo, prende vita un doppio party tutto da vivere. Nel Summer Garden c'è un gigante della scena americana come Gordo. In Main Room ecco invece il sound techno di di top dj come Dyen, Diøn & Daniella Da Silva. 
Nel tempio dell'elettronica sull'A4 un artista come Gordo si trova decisamente a suo agio. Il top dj producer americano, 1 milione e 600mila fan su Instagram, è un riferimento della scena tech house. Diamanté Anthony Blackmon all'anagrafe, classe '91, nato a Città del Guatemala, vive negli USA da quando aveva 10 anni. Dopo aver contribuito a definire un movimento musicale globale in ambito EDM come Carnage, si fa chiamare semplicemente Gordo. L'approdo alla tech house, col singolo di successo del 2021 "KTM", sulla top label americana Ultra. Che ha appena pubblicato un suo singolo irresistibile come "Fallin Luv". Di casa alla Versace Mansion, continua a curare il festival TARAKA... Chiudono il cerchio nel Summer Garden del Bolgia di Bergamo Alex Rubino, Blind Code, Christian Bove e Pheelo.
Spostiamoci all'interno, nella Indoor Main Room del Bolgia di Bergamo, dove l'11/05 si sente forte la hard techno Dyen. Dj e producer olandese, ispirato dal beat old school anni '90 e dal sound industrial, ha plasmato uno stile unico, di cui si sono innamorate etichette come GENX, EXHALE. Si sale di intensità e potenza col suono di Diøn. Che è gabber e hardcore alla vecchia maniera, ossia anni '90. Insolent Rave Records e Autektone le etichette su cui cercare le sue tracce. A far scatenare la main room del Bolgia durante la serata dell'11 maggio 2024 c'è soprattutto una super dj come Daniella Da Silva. Berlinese di origine sudafricana, è una forza della natura. "Hardcore Angel", tra le produzioni più recenti, gira quasi a 160 bpm e della hard techno è ormai un inno. Infine, in Main Room suonano anche WM e Manuel Bettinelli.
Durante la stessa notte, esplode anche la Lab Room del top club sull'A4 con la musica di dj come Kevin spina, Tommi fuma, Brasco, Fofa, Ely038 e Ls17. Il Bolgia apre alle 23.30 e si balla fino alle 6 del mattino. 
L'appuntamento di sabato 11 maggio 2024 al Bolgia con Gordo è soltanto l'ennesimo di assoluto livello per questo top club. Qui si sono esibiti tra gli altri, top dj come Nico Moreno, I Hate Models, 999999999, Deborah De Luca, Joseph Capriati, klangkuenstler, Trym, Pawsa, Reinier Zonneveld, Stella Bossi, Ilario Alicante, Len Faki, Ellen Allien e Métaraph, Mathame, Franchino, Dennis Cruz, Fatima Hajji e top party come Kaluki.
11/05 Gordo (Garden) + Dyen, Diøn & Daniella Da Silva (Main Room) @ Bolgia - Bergamo
Bolgia - Bergamo
via Vaccarezza 9, Osio Sopra (Bergamo) A4: Dalmine
info: 338 3624803
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Gordo al Bolgia di Bergamo
Sabato 11 maggio 2024 al Bolgia, top club di Bergamo, prende vita un doppio party tutto da vivere. Nel Summer Garden c'è un gigante della scena americana come Gordo. In Main Room ecco invece il sound techno di di top dj come Dyen, Diøn & Daniella Da Silva. 
Nel tempio dell'elettronica sull'A4 un artista come Gordo si trova decisamente a suo agio. Il top dj producer americano, 1 milione e 600mila fan su Instagram, è un riferimento della scena tech house. Diamanté Anthony Blackmon all'anagrafe, classe '91, nato a Città del Guatemala, vive negli USA da quando aveva 10 anni. Dopo aver contribuito a definire un movimento musicale globale in ambito EDM come Carnage, si fa chiamare semplicemente Gordo. L'approdo alla tech house, col singolo di successo del 2021 "KTM", sulla top label americana Ultra. Che ha appena pubblicato un suo singolo irresistibile come "Fallin Luv". Di casa alla Versace Mansion, continua a curare il festival TARAKA... Chiudono il cerchio nel Summer Garden del Bolgia di Bergamo Alex Rubino, Blind Code, Christian Bove e Pheelo.
Spostiamoci all'interno, nella Indoor Main Room del Bolgia di Bergamo, dove l'11/05 si sente forte la hard techno Dyen. Dj e producer olandese, ispirato dal beat old school anni '90 e dal sound industrial, ha plasmato uno stile unico, di cui si sono innamorate etichette come GENX, EXHALE. Si sale di intensità e potenza col suono di Diøn. Che è gabber e hardcore alla vecchia maniera, ossia anni '90. Insolent Rave Records e Autektone le etichette su cui cercare le sue tracce. A far scatenare la main room del Bolgia durante la serata dell'11 maggio 2024 c'è soprattutto una super dj come Daniella Da Silva. Berlinese di origine sudafricana, è una forza della natura. "Hardcore Angel", tra le produzioni più recenti, gira quasi a 160 bpm e della hard techno è ormai un inno. Infine, in Main Room suonano anche WM e Manuel Bettinelli.
Durante la stessa notte, esplode anche la Lab Room del top club sull'A4 con la musica di dj come Kevin spina, Tommi fuma, Brasco, Fofa, Ely038 e Ls17. Il Bolgia apre alle 23.30 e si balla fino alle 6 del mattino. 
L'appuntamento di sabato 11 maggio 2024 al Bolgia con Gordo è soltanto l'ennesimo di assoluto livello per questo top club. Qui si sono esibiti tra gli altri, top dj come Nico Moreno, I Hate Models, 999999999, Deborah De Luca, Joseph Capriati, klangkuenstler, Trym, Pawsa, Reinier Zonneveld, Stella Bossi, Ilario Alicante, Len Faki, Ellen Allien e Métaraph, Mathame, Franchino, Dennis Cruz, Fatima Hajji e top party come Kaluki.
11/05 Gordo (Garden) + Dyen, Diøn & Daniella Da Silva (Main Room) @ Bolgia - Bergamo
Bolgia - Bergamo
via Vaccarezza 9, Osio Sopra (Bergamo) A4: Dalmine
info: 338 3624803
0 notes
dynamischreisen · 6 months
Max, Panama, Tag 13
Türkis, Grün und Rot
Wir fühlen uns immer noch wohl in unserem Zimmer über dem Wasser und schon wieder liege ich in der Hängematte, während ich diese Worte schreibe. Als ich mit 15 oder 16 diese merkwürdige Reggae-Phase hatte, hat Dad mir gesagt, er fände diese Musik ausschließlich in der Karibik erträglich bzw. gut - und dem muss ich nun, fast mein halbes Leben später, zustimmen. Erstaunlich, wie wir es hier schaffen, einfach mal abzuschalten, einfach nur rumzulungern und allen Ernstes fucking Reggae zu ertragen oder gar mit dümmlichem Grinsen und einem Caipirinha in der Hand mitwippen.
Heute morgen hat es geregnet. Das passte zwar so gar nicht in das Setting hier, hat aber diesen Prozess des Entschleunigens unterstrichen. Dann eben entspannt frühstücken und noch ein Käffchen mehr bestellen. Danach haben wir die Wanderschuhe geschnürt und sind einmal quer über die Insel zum „Wizard Beach“ gelaufen. Der war genau, wie man sich Karibik vorstellt: feiner Sand, türkises Wasser, abseits des Strandes Dschungel bis zum Meer. Durch diesen schlugen wir uns hindurch bis zum Red Frog Beach. Ihr werdet nie erraten, was sich dort finden lässt.
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Von dort liefen wir nochmal über die Insel und nahmen ein Wassertaxi zurück zum Hostel. Während Nico sich duschen ging, habe ich kurz einen Angelhaken mit Teig von unserem Steg ins Wasser gehalten und hatte ungelogen innerhalb von fünf Sekunden einen Fisch an der Angel. Als Nico fertig war mit Duschen war er bereits ausgenommen und entschuppt - nach dieser kleinen Stärkung dann fuhren wir auf die Hauptinsel Colón.
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Dort beim verspäteten Mittagessen stellten wir bei einer online Recherche fest, dass es auch unüberwindbare Blockaden auf der Panamericana gibt. Unsere Ankunft in Santa Clatalina: ungewiss. Ankunft in Panama City umso mehr. Hätte Nico keinen Vortrag zu halten und nicht die Masterarbeit vor der Brust, hätte ich keinen Job, den ich in diesem Jahr ohnehin nur noch für 2,5 Wochen antreten muss - es wäre mir alles recht schnuppe. So aber entschieden wir uns schweren Herzens (Anm.d.Red.: gestern habe ich diesen Ort noch das Paradies genannt, so schwer sind die Herzen in Wahrheit nicht) dazu entschieden, von hier nach Panama City zu fliegen. Entsprechend sind wir noch bis zum 17. November hier und unternehmen, was uns so in den Sinn kommt. Morgen zum Beispiel Schnorcheln. Über meinen ökologischen Fußabdruck mache ich mir dann in einem Monat in Taiwan Gedanken.
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lizzygrantarchives · 10 years
Rolling Stone, July 16, 2014
The vamp of constant sorrow talks about love and death — then tries to wiggle out of her cover story.
SHE GOES TO a dark place, in the end, and won’t come out of it. “I’m not sure if they should run this story,” Lana Del Rey will say, sprawled out on a soft brown couch in tiny denim cutoffs and a white V-neck tee, blowing pensive little gum bubbles. She has, by this point, spent a good seven hours talking with me. At times, it even seemed like it was going well.
“I feel like maybe we should wait until there’s something good to talk about,” she continues, in an airy tone that turns pleading. “You know? I just wish you could write about something else. There has to be someone else to be the cover story. Like, there has to be. Anybody.”
Maybe it shouldn’t have been a shock, landing here. Del Rey’s brand of pop stardom is self-thwarting, ambivalent, precarious: At her clouded core, beneath the considerable glamour, she is more Cat Power or Kurt Cobain than Rihanna or Katy Perry, complete with a mysterious, Kurt-like stomach ailment that plagues her on tour. And then there’s the tattoo on the side of her right hand, just below the pinkie, inked in neat black cursive: TRUST NO ONE. (On the same spot on the other hand: PARADISE.)
Still, a day earlier, it all feels different. On a cloudless, offensively hot mid-June afternoon in New York, the release day for Del Rey’s second major-label album, Ultraviolence, she answers the green wooden door of the Greenwich Village town house where she’s staying. “I’m Lana, nice to see you,” she says, offering a soft handshake and a big, white, hopeful smile, one that instantly suggests everything you think you know about her is wrong: that you’ve read too much into the consecutive placement of songs called “Sad Girl” and “Pretty When You Cry” on the new album; that you’ve taken certain recent interview quotes (mainly, “I wish I was dead already,” which earned her a Twitter scolding from Frances Bean Cobain) too seriously; that it’s a mistake to assume her aloof stage manner has anything to do with her actual personality.
Her laugh, fizzy and girlish, is coming easily. She’s all but giddy over having her album out, uncompromising, spooky, guitar-laden, hitless thing that it is: “It’s what I wanted.” Today’s V-neck tee is powder blue, nearly matching the self-applied pastel polish on her longish nails, over pale, strategically shredded jeans, cuffed just below the calves, that are familiar from another magazine’s photo shoot. She’s wearing false eyelashes but not much noticeable makeup. Del Rey is four days away from her 29th birthday (for reasons she can’t explain, she’s usually reported to be a year younger), but looks, at the moment, like a college junior home for the summer.
She seems so carefree – bubbly, even – that within 10 minutes, it seems safe to break the ice: “So, on a scale of one to 10, how much do you wish you were dead right now?”
Her big brownish-green eyes widen even further. Then she lets out a delicate snort of amusement. “Ten being dead?” she says. “You’re funny! Today is a good day.” Today she chooses life? “Yeah, today I choose life.” So, like a one? “10. 10!” she says, in a daffy singsong, not unlike Diane Keaton murmuring “la di da” in Annie Hall. “Seven. 12!” She throws back her head and laughs, possibly beginning to enjoy herself.
But when it comes to Lana Del Rey, who can tell anything for sure? She’s a baffling bundle of contradictory signifiers, a mystery that 10,000 tortured think pieces have failed to solve. David Nichtern, who signed her to his small indie label when she was still in college, saw her as “the outer aspect of Marilyn Monroe with the inner aspect of Leonard Cohen”: She may look a bit like Nico, but she’s her own Lou Reed. She’s nervous and self-conscious onstage, but fearless in her lyrics (“My pussy tastes like Pepsi-Cola”; “I was an angel looking to get fucked hard”). Her consistently viral videos are id-infested pageants of creepy-nostalgic Americana, good-girl/bad-girl dichotomies and the occasional make-out sesh with an old dude. Just try to figure out what’s going on in her 2012 clip for “National Anthem,” where she plays both Marilyn Monroe and Jackie Kennedy, dares to riff on the Zapruder footage, and casts rapper A$AP Rocky as JFK.
She’s a pop superstar with hardly any actual radio hits in the U.S., just a remix of her song “Summertime Sadness” that she never even heard before its release. And, perhaps more than any other pop star of this century, she’s been misunderstood, even hated. She was the subject of a savage indie-nerd backlash – a pre-lash, really – before most of America had ever heard of her. (Among other complaints, music bloggers felt somehow duped when her online hit “Video Games” led to a near-instant major-label deal.) Her shaky, slightly dead-eyed Saturday Night Live debut was treated like a national emergency, inspiring weeks of debate, including Brian Williams playing music critic (he was not a fan). She had her change of name from Lizzy Grant presented as evidence of deception rather than showbiz-as-usual. She had to deny surgically enhancing her lips’ poutiness (up close, for what it’s worth, they look pretty much like lips).
Released in the wake of the SNL performance, her 2012 debut on Interscope Records, Born to Die, got skeptical reviews. The songs, and her mannered, multilayered vocals, seemed to be drowning in lush, trip-hop-y production. But with the help of strong, cinematic new tracks on the bonus EP Paradise, it all turned around: The album sold more than 1 million copies in the U.S. (and more than 7 million worldwide); her Great Gatsby soundtrack single, “Young and Beautiful,” went platinum. Kanye West, who takes matters of taste seriously, enlisted her to play his wedding to Kim Kardashian. “It was beautiful, just being there,” Del Rey says. “They seemed very happy.” Earlier, over lunch, West had told her “he really liked where I was coming from, visually and sonically.”
Del Rey isn’t inclined to celebrate any of this stuff, however. “It doesn’t feel like success,” she says. “Because with everything that could have felt like something really sweet, there’s always been something out of the periphery of my world, beyond my control, to kind of disrupt whatever was happening. I’ve never felt like, ‘Oh, this is great.’ ”
The town house Del Rey is staying in belongs to someone she calls “a friend”: 31-year-old Francesco Carrozzini, a dashing Italian photographer who’s shot her for various European magazines. He obviously does well for himself – “better than us,” Del Rey jokes, as she shows me around. His four-story house is a seriously amazing bit of Manhattan real estate, a movie-star-worthy bachelor pad, its dark wood walls covered with art photos and his shots of celebrities like Keith Richards. The house is on the same block where Bob Dylan moved with his family in 1969; Anna Wintour lives nearby, as does Baz Luhrmann.
On the second-floor coffee table, near a Serge Gainsbourg box set, there’s a book called The Boudoir Bible. “No shame,” Del Rey says with a grin. She’s sitting on the brown couch, smoking Carrozzini’s American Spirit cigarettes in her languid way, below a huge black-and-white photo of a bunch of slim, naked people piled on top of one another. The midday sun is blazing through an open window, and her brown hair and fair skin are glowing in its haze – an Instagram filter or cinematographer couldn’t do better. “I quit sometimes,” she says, of the cigarettes. “And then stop quitting.” She smokes onstage, too – it’s pure craving, not an image thing. “I find, sometimes, halfway through the set, I definitely need to have a cigarette.”
Within a few days, she’ll be photographed nuzzling with Carrozzini in Europe. But for now, she says, she’s single. Starting in December or so, Del Rey began a protracted breakup with Barrie-James O’Neill, her boyfriend of three years. He’s a songwriter, which allowed her to live out some Dylan/Joan Baez fantasies (she’s partial to Baez’s paean to that romance, “Diamonds and Rust,” even quoting it on “Ultraviolence”). “It’s all been hard,” Del Rey says. “Yeah, my life is just feeling really heavy on my shoulders, and his own neuroses just getting the best of him, I think, just made it untenable. Which is sad, because it was truly circumstantial, the reasons for us not being together.”
Ultraviolence feels, at times, like a breakup album, though Del Rey says all of the songs were actually about previous relationships. Either way, it answers a lot of questions about her, even as it raises some new ones. If she were the corporate puppet or calculated fraud some of her detractors imagined her to be, this is not an album she would ever make. The main producer was Black Keys frontman Dan Auerbach, who’s gifted at summoning vintagey atmosphere and Morricone-ish grandeur, but is in little danger of being confused with Dr. Luke or Max Martin. They recorded much of it live, with his Nashville crew of rock musicians playing while Del Rey sang into a $100 handheld microphone, her vocals newly raw, jazzy and powerful. There are a bunch of guitar solos. But not one track seems even vaguely suited for pop radio.
Even before Auerbach got involved, Del Rey knew that she wanted something very different this time around. “This record was, ‘I’m going to do it my way,’ ” says her friend Lee Foster, who runs Electric Lady Studios and co-produced some of the album there. Foster told her that Bruce Springsteen had followed up Born in the U.S.A. with the stark Nebraska (Foster had the order reversed, but close enough). “We talked about taking that stance, like Springsteen shifting gears and saying, ‘I’m gonna do exactly what you don’t expect me to do.’ “
Auerbach ran into Del Rey at Electric Lady, where he was mixing Ray LaMontagne’s new LP. “Honestly, we both benefited from really not knowing anything about each other,” he says. After she played him some of the demos she was working on, he became a fan, lobbying to produce her. But he was taken aback by the major-label hassles he experienced – Del Rey is signed to two of them, Interscope and the U.K.’s Polydor. “There was a lot of bullshit I’m not used to,” Auerbach says. “The label says, ‘We’re not going to give you the budget to extend this session unless we hear something.’ And we send them the rough mix and they fucking hate it and they hate the way it’s mixed. And it’s like, ‘Thanks, asshole.’
“The story I got told,” he continues, “is that they played it for her label person and they said, ‘We’re not putting out this record that you and Dan made unless you meet with the Adele producer.’ And she said, ‘Fine, whatever.’ And she was late to the meeting, so while they were waiting, the label guy played what we recorded for the Adele producer and he said, ‘This is amazing – I wouldn’t do anything to change this.’ And here’s the kicker: Then all of a sudden, the label guy said, ‘Well, yeah, I think it’s great, too.’ ”
“I had heard about some back and forth regarding the music,” says Interscope chief John Janick. “But Lana knows her vision and her audience, and it’s up to us to follow her lead.” Del Rey acknowledges a six-week period this past spring when things were in limbo: “I mean, I think there were people they wanted me to work with,” she says. “I don’t know who they were. When I said I was ready, they were like, ‘Are you sure?’ ” She laughs. ” ‘Because I feel like you could go further.’ “
“On this album, in my opinion, you didn’t want her to try to do something,” says Janick’s predecessor at Interscope, Jimmy Iovine. “I felt she hit a bull’s-eye. Everybody’s saying to me, ‘We need a single,’ calling me from Europe. I said, ‘You don’t need anything.’ It’s a very coherent body of work, and I thought any other conversation was a distraction. Lana, more than most, reminds me of artists that I produced” – he’s thinking of Patti Smith and Stevie Nicks in particular – “which is slightly different than the majority of artists that are on Interscope. Because you can’t find those artists every day. She’s one of the rare things that come along in life, which is a lyricist. You know how rare they are, today, outside rap?”
Del Rey’s co-manager, Ben Mawson, warned her that she’d have to answer for some of the new album’s lyrics, particularly the title track, which quotes the old girl-group line “He hit me and it felt like a kiss,” then adds, “He hurt me but it felt like true love,” just in case she hadn’t made her point. She’s vague on whether this theme might be autobiographical: “I guess I would say, like, I’m definitely drawn to people with a strong physicality,” she says with a shrug, “with more of a dominant personality.”
She’s not worried about any message those lines might send. “It’s not meant to be popular,” she says, sitting in the backyard of the town house, which opens onto a shared garden, where Dylan had angered his neighbors decades ago by trying to put up a fence. She’s sipping hot coffee through a straw, a longstanding habit she acknowledges is both “weird” and “nerdy.” “It’s not pop music,” she says. “The only thing I have to do is whatever I want, and I want to write whatever I want. I just hope people don’t ask me about it. So I don’t feel a responsibility at all. I mean, I just don’t. I feel responsible in other ways, communitywise – to be a good citizen, abide by the law.”
But precisely how does she want the public to hear those lines? “I just don’t want them to hear it at all,” she says, pouting a little. “I’m very selfish. I make everything for me, kind of. I mean, every little thing, down to the guitar and the drums. It’s just for me. I want to hear it, I want to drive to it, I want to swim in the ocean to it. I want to think about it, and then I want to write something new after it. You know? It’s just … I don’t want them to hear it and think about it. It’s none of their business!”
But, um, isn’t she selling people this music? “I’m not selling the record,” she says. “I’m signed to a label who’s selling the record. I don’t need to make any money. I really could care less. But I do care about making music. I would do it either way. So that’s why it has to be on my terms.”
Del Rey has never been in therapy. “There’s nothing anyone could ever tell me that I don’t already know,” she says. “I know everything about myself. I know why I do what I do. All of my compulsions and interests and inspirations. I’m very in sync with that. It’s the other stuff that I don’t have any control over, just what’s going to happen on a daily basis. My interactions.”
So what drives her? “Now? Nothing,” she says. “I don’t have any drive anymore. But I enjoy making records. Before, I felt drive, but now it just feels like an interest. With the first record having received so much analysis, there’s no more room for ambition. It breaks that part down, just because you sort of know what to expect, and that nothing is going to work out the way you think anyway.”
She doesn’t want to conquer the world? “No, what I’d love to do is, Francesco has a bike downstairs,” she says. “I would love to take a motorcycle to Coney Island and have an amazing talk with you and jump in the water.” Somehow, this plan never comes up again.
Even as a small child, Elizabeth Woolridge Grant was, by her own recollection, “obstinate, contrary.” She was born in Manhattan to parents who both worked Mad Men-style jobs at the advertising giant Grey, but when she was one year old, they gave up those careers and moved to sleepy, upstate Lake Placid. Her dad would go on to start his own furniture company, get into real estate and then become a successful early investor in Web domain names. But Lizzy just wished they had stayed in the city. “It was really, really quiet,” says Del Rey, who has compared the town to Twin Peaks. “I was always waiting to get back to New York City. School was hard. The traditional educational system was not really working for me.”
At 14 or so, Lizzy started drinking and hanging out with older kids. The scenario, she recognizes with a laugh, was not unlike the harrowing movie Thirteen. “In small towns, you sort of grow up fast because there isn’t that much to do,” she says. “So you’re out with everybody else who’s already graduated, and that’s totally normal. But it just didn’t sit well with everyone in my family.”
“I’m a sad girl/I’m a bad girl,” she sings on her new album – but the sad part didn’t come until later. She “felt passionate” about drinking, sharing bottles of peach and cherry schnapps with her friends. “I felt like I had kind of arrived into my own life,” she says, her voice turning dreamy. “I felt free. Even though I loved leaving town, by the time I was about 15, I knew I was probably going to stay there and have a life there. I mean, I had a vision for myself, definitely, at that point. I didn’t see becoming a singer or anything. I just wanted to grow up and get married and have fun. Have my own life, my own place.” Her parents, meanwhile, wanted her to become a nurse.
Losing patience with her partying, they sent her away to Connecticut’s Kent School. The move failed to curtail her drinking, and she was miserable. Her father’s apparent success aside, she says she was on financial aid. “I was very quiet,” she says, “just figuring things out. I didn’t relate well with what was going on culturally.” She wasn’t into mean girls. “The ways people treated other people, I thought was kind of cruel. The high school mentality I didn’t really understand. I wasn’t really, like, snarky or bitchy.” In an early song called “Boarding School,” she mentions being part of a “pro-ana nation,” referring to anorexia, and sings, “Had to do drugs to stop the food cravings.” But she insists that’s fiction: “The mentality of the pro-ana community was just something that was interesting to me.”
A young English instructor introduced her to Allen Ginsberg, Walt Whitman and Vladimir Nabokov (she has tattoos of the latter two names on her forearm), plus Tupac, the Notorious B.I.G. and old movies like The Big Sleep. Lines in “Boarding School” and another unreleased track, “Prom Song,” led fans to question the precise nature of this relationship, but Del Rey says it was nothing inappropriate: “He was just my friend.”
She started to think that she might want to be a singer, but could hardly bring herself to say it out loud, especially to her family. “I just thought it was kind of a presumptuous thing to say, coming from a more traditional background. You wouldn’t say it unless you really meant it.”
The summer after her senior year, back in Lake Placid, she woke up sick and hung over one morning, and suddenly realized something important was missing. “I lost my car,” she says. “I couldn’t find it. And … I don’t know, I just lost it. And I was just really sick. It was just one of the many reasons why my life was unmanageable. I didn’t want to keep fucking up. And at that point, if I was going to keep going, I wanted to have something that I really wanted to do.”
She says she hasn’t had a drink or gotten high since that year, but won’t clarify whether she considers herself an alcoholic, or if she ever went to rehab. “It’s just you never really know what’s going to happen,” she says. “Things change every day.”
She had gotten into SUNY Geneseo, a college in New York’s state-university system, but decided not to go. She took the year off, heading to her aunt and uncle’s house on Long Island. She worked as a waitress, just as she’d done over various summers. “I loved it,” she says, though her mom told one of her label execs that she had been a truly awful waitress.
Her uncle taught her some guitar chords, and she started playing open mics in the city. Somewhere around that time, she read Anthony Scaduto’s pioneering Bob Dylan biography, which she saw as a “road map” toward becoming an artist.
The next fall, she enrolled at Fordham University in the Bronx, where she majored in philosophy but otherwise hardly participated in student life. She lived with boyfriends, crashed on couches. “I was writing, writing, for years,” she says. “Trying to figure out what I really wanted to say and why I was consumed with this passion for writing, where it came from. It kept me up all night. So I was waiting to see why. That was a really whole separate world.”
She’d ride the subway late at night, composing lyrics in her head. “There were these nights that I enjoyed so much, just staying up and writing songs.” She cites a sparse, Cat Power-ish tune called “Disco” (“I am my only god now,” she sings, cheerily) and “Trash Magic” (sample lyric: “Boy, you want to come to the motel, honey/ Boy, ya wanna hold me down, tell me that you love me?”): “I felt I was really capturing my life in song form, and it was such a pleasure. And that being my whole life, you know? And really being happy, because I was doing exactly what I loved.”
A Williamsburg, Brooklyn, songwriting competition in 2006 led her to 5 Points Records, a tiny label run by Nichtern, who had, years earlier, written the Maria Muldaur hit “Midnight at the Oasis.” “I knew immediately that she was gonna be a big star,” says Nichtern. “And she herself knew, and not just by chutzpah or bravado. On some level she knew this was what her karma was.”
Nichtern hooked her up with producer David Kahne, the guy behind Sublime and Sugar Ray hits, who recalls leading her to looped beats for the first time. Kahne was a well-connected industry veteran and she was an unknown kid, but he found her somewhat daunting. “She was mysterious,” Kahne says. “I was confused a lot of the time whether what I was doing was right or wrong, whether she liked it or didn’t. It felt, a lot of times, like everything could change all of a sudden.” Like, for instance, Lizzy’s name.
Lana Del Rey is, she says, the same person – the same artist, even – as Lizzy Grant. “There’s not, like, a schism between people,” she says. “It’s actually just a different name, and that’s sort of where it begins and ends. I just thought it was strange, being born into this geographic lock-down location, and a name that you didn’t choose, and going to school for fucking 23 years. It was just unfathomable to me. So I think in choosing that name, it was just more becoming who I was, you know? It wasn’t music-related. It was just part of my life.” The other possible name was Cherry Galore, she says, probably joking: “You’d be sitting here calling me ‘Cherry.’ ”
By the time Lizzy became Lana for good, 5 Points had already released an EP from the Kahne sessions under the name Lizz Grant – and iTunes had selected Lizzy as one of the best new artists of 2008. “As we’re putting the album together, she says something like, ‘I really want to change my name,’ ” recalls Nichtern, who had been taking Lizzy and her album around the industry. “If we’re making the movie, you’d see a spit take. We’d just gotten that far with Lizzy Grant.” But Del Rey had found new management, dyed her hair from blond to brown and was ready to move on. They ended up all but scrubbing the LP’s existence from the Internet, which made it look like they were trying to hide Del Rey’s past, contributing to conspiracy-mongering later on. “We didn’t want the old album to be available just as we were trying to launch a new thing,” says Mawson, her co-manager. “And if that created suspicion in the eyes of weirdos on the Internet, then fine.”
Del Rey went off to London for months of writing sessions, one of which yielded an elegiac ode to a boyfriend who liked to play World of Warcraft, though she knew simply calling it “Video Games” was a lot more poetic (“Sometimes a girl’s just gotta generalize”). She had started making videos using iMovie, mixing self-shot webcam segments and YouTube clips: “Just putting things together, building a little world.” She perfected the approach with “Video Games,” creating a career-launching viral video. Even as she faced legal action for appropriating footage, people accused her of not actually making the “Video Games” clip herself – The New Yorker, of all places, called it “allegedly homemade.” “I definitely wouldn’t say I did if I didn’t,” she says with a sigh, showing me the software on her MacBook, which has a badly cracked screen. “That would be weird.”
It’s a clairvoyant, appropriately enough, who gives the first hint that something will go wrong on the second day. “I was trying to think of shit we could do,” Del Rey says, greeting me again at the town house door. “The only thing I could think of is we could see a psychic together.” In any case, she needs cigarettes, so we head out into the June heat. She’s wearing cheap, gold-framed sunglasses with peach-colored lenses. “They’re so ugly,” she says, striding along Bleecker Street. “Rose-colored glasses. Just what the doctor ordered.”
Del Rey was raised Catholic, but she has a mystical bent. “I’m definitely a seeker,” she says. While she was waiting for the Kahne album to come out, she got involved with an “East Village guru” who “had an ability to see into the past and read into the future.” But she left his orbit after detecting something “sinister” about him.
We end up paying a visit to a storefront psychic next to a bodega, in a creepy, red-walled room. The mystic turns out to be an unexpectedly fresh-faced woman in a matching red sundress, who enforces strict rules about “energy.” Del Rey asks her to do our readings together, but the psychic demurs: “Can I talk to the young lady alone?” The outing is becoming comically pointless.
Del Rey is laughing as we return to the house, though maybe slightly irritated. “Fuck,” she says. “I should’ve thought that one out. I don’t think she had the gift. It’s always sort of a menacing vibe unless you go to somebody who’s, like, world-renowned.” The psychic told her that this is her year for love and happiness – Del Rey jokes that there’s still six months left. She’s amused to hear that the psychic told me that I’m spiritually sensitive: “She could probably tell that you thought she was being a fucking bitch.”
We go back to talking, with Del Rey blowing cigarette smoke out the window, into the light. We finally touch on Saturday Night Live, still a dangerous subject. The performance, she maintains, “wasn’t dynamic, but it was true to form.” But the reaction was agonizing. She felt music-business friends pulling away from her. “Everyone I knew suddenly wasn’t so sure about me,” she says. “They were like, ‘Maybe I don’t want to be associated with her – not a great reputation.’ ” Iovine says they simply “got caught speeding” with the early performance, and that he spent time in the studio afterward coaching Del Rey on using in-ear monitors.
I ask her about “Ride,” a song where she sings about feeling “fucking crazy” – not an isolated sentiment in her catalog. “Well, I feel fucking crazy,” she says. “But I don’t think I am. People make me feel crazy.” We talk a little about the “I wish I were dead” thing, which she blames on leading questions. “I find that most people I meet figure I kind of want to kill myself anyway,” she says. “So, it comes up every time.”
Then, really without warning, her mood shifts. It’s a powerful thing, palpable in the room, like a sudden mass of threatening clouds. Her eyes seem to turn a shade darker: Trust no one. I ask, perversely, about “Fucked My Way Up to the Top,” one of Ultraviolence‘s best songs, which attacks an unnamed imitator who didn’t have to go through the gauntlet Del Rey did. It may be about Lorde, who criticized Del Rey’s lyrics but has a not-dissimilar vocal style.
She just released the song yesterday, but she doesn’t want to talk about it. “Now you are annoying me,” she says, half-trying to sound like she’s kidding. She lights a cigarette, looking miserable.
We begin an agonizing, endless meta-conversation about our interview and her relationship with the press. “I find the nature of the questions difficult,” she says. ” ‘Cause it’s not like I’m a rock band and you’re asking how everything got made and what it’s like touring in arenas and what are the girls like. It’s about my father. It’s about my mental health. It’s fucking personal. And these questions all have negative inferences: It’s just like, ‘SNL. Do you actually want to kill yourself?’ … Maybe I’m sensitive. Do you think?”
That’s when she says she doesn’t want to be on the cover of Rolling Stone anymore. She also says, “What you write won’t matter” – meaning that nothing will change her detractors’ minds about her.
It goes on and on. “You hit all my more sensitive weaknesses, all my Achilles’ heels. You’re asking all the right questions. I just really don’t want to answer them.”
Every attempt to talk her off this rhetorical ledge seems to make it worse. Del Rey stands up, in a distinct “time to go” gesture.
“I definitely presented myself well, and that’s all I’ve ever done,” she says, walking me downstairs. “And that’s never really gotten me anywhere. I’m just uncomfortable, and it has nothing to do with you.”
Stepping out, I try to convince her that her crisis of confidence over the interview is no big deal. It is, again, the wrong thing to say.
“It’s not a crisis of confidence, it’s not,” she says, standing in the doorway. “I am confident.” Her eyes are ablaze with hurt and pride. “I am.” She says goodbye, and shuts the door.
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Originally published on rollingstone.com with the headline Lana Del Rey: The Saddest, Baddest Diva in Rock, and in the July 31, 2014 issue of Rolling Stone with the headline Vamp of Constant Sorrow.
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muznew · 9 months
Spotify Top 50 Tracks of August 2023-08-23 Mix 4
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-08-23 Tracklist : Afro Latinism - Radio edit - Joeski.mp3 Alive - THEMBA Remix - Franky Wah, Vintage Culture, THEMBA.mp3 AMOROS - Pablo Fierro.mp3 Astro - Martin Waslewski.mp3 Beka - Samantha Loveridge, Lizwi.mp3 Besame - Malóne, Calussa.mp3 Cure My Desire (feat. Clementine Douglas) - Themba Remix - Hannah Wants, Clementine Douglas, THEMBA.mp3 Dance Again - DJ Marky, Javeon.mp3 Disappear - Franky Wah Remix - THEMBA, Nico de Andrea, Tasan, Franky Wah.mp3 Don't U - Edit - TIMANTI.mp3 Dope Dance - Tripolism, Nandu, Radeckt.mp3 El Vento - Stephan Jolk, Malóne.mp3 Eleggua - Mijangos.mp3 En Su Lugar - Malóne, Kimonos.mp3 Ethnica - Nico de Andrea, Vanetty.mp3 Gemini's - Karyendasoul, Da Capo.mp3 I Saw An Angel On The Roof & Wept - Kitty Amor 's Remix - Kitty Amor, Somadina.mp3 I Wish I Was - Saliva Commandos.mp3 In The Line To Loneliness - Nandu, Marc Facchini.mp3 Just Dance - Radio Edit - Mijangos, Aaron Sevilla.mp3 Kinky House - Saliva Commandos. Read the full article
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chrancecriber · 9 months
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 14, 2023)
23:58 Valante - Rissa 23:54 Schiller - Midnight In Shiraz 23:46 Audiofly Feat. Fiora - 6 Degrees 23:43 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 23:40 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 23:37 The Chainsmokers Feat. Kelsea Ballerini - This Feeling 23:34 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 23:30 A-ha - Take On Me (Kygo Remix) 23:27 Kai Schwarz, Cayus & Yass - My Love Is Your Love 23:24 Nora En Pure - All I Need 23:19 Dk Dent - A Walk In The Park 23:15 Mefree - Horizons 23:12 Shallour & Riah - Lie 23:07 Sacred Spirit - Yeha-noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity) 23:03 Sum Wave - Beach Memories 22:56 Armen Miran Feat. Jivan Gasp - Lost Memories 22:53 David Guetta Feat. Sam Martin - Dangerous 22:50 Hanns Feat. Lu - Chemistry 22:48 Ten Tonne Skeleton - Feel So Bad 22:42 Fous De La Mer - Vue Sur La Mer 22:39 Bolier & Arman Cekin - Fade Away (Feat. Rhi'n'b) 22:37 Omi - Cheerleader 22:33 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 22:28 Blank & Jones - Into The Sun 22:22 Hazy J - Silver 22:16 Nora En Pure - Trailblazer (Club Mix) 22:14 Vievie - Blue Island 22:10 The Chainsmokers Feat. Daya - Don't Let Me Down 22:08 Jerome & Neptunica - High On Music 22:04 Above & Beyond - The Inconsistency Principle 21:59 Steen Thottrup - El Alba 21:56 Mellowdy - Rise Up 21:54 Lika Morgan - Ding Dong 21:51 Meduza & Becky Hill X Goodboys - Lose Control 21:46 Tinlicker Feat. Roos Jonker - Come Back Home 21:43 Lenny Ibizarre - The Rain 21:39 Kygo & Sasha Sloan - I'll Wait 21:36 Kygo, Paul Mccartney & Michael Jackson - Say Say Say 21:32 Zero 7 - In The Waiting Line 21:28 Schiller - Summer In Berlin 21:24 Passenger 10 - Serving The World 21:21 Nora En Pure - Roots 21:17 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 21:13 Bolier & Leandro Da Silva - Floripa (Extended) 21:09 Sting - Mad About You 21:05 Nora Van Elken - Interstellar 21:01 Worakls - Caprice 20:56 Riccardo Eberspacher - Sunetul De Seara 20:51 Blank & Jones - Twilight Moon 20:45 Fac15 & Jay C - By The Pool (Jay C's Classic Mix) 20:40 Arden - Open 20:36 Tonenation - Hijo De La Luna 20:30 Paji - Viola (Original Mix) 20:25 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Deep Ocean 20:22 Laniia - Fireflies 20:18 Ultravox - Dancing With Tears In My Eyes 20:15 Milk & Sugar Feat. John Paul Young - Love Is In The Air 20:12 Nora En Pure - Stop Wasting Time 20:09 Kygo Feat. Sandro Cavazza - Happy Now 20:04 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 20:01 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay - Phone Down 19:55 Pang! - Lion (Original Mix) 19:52 Robin Schulz - Never Know Me (Radio Mix) 19:47 Massive Attack - Safe From Harm 19:44 Loud Luxury And Frank Walker Feat. Stephen Puth - Like Gold 19:40 Nihoni - After Sun 19:35 Schiller - Harmonia 19:30 Joachim Pastor Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Saint Louis 19:28 Lost Frequencies & Elley Duhé - Back To You 19:22 Groovecatcher - Never Alone In New York 19:19 Gamper & Dadoni Feat. Joe Jury - Satellites 19:16 Yves V X Bashkar - Halfway (Feat. Twan Ray) 19:10 Milan Euringer And Tube & Berger - Lovebreak 19:08 Topic, Robin Schulz, Nico Santos, Paul Van Dyk - In Your Arms (For An Angel) 19:05 Nora Van Elken - Let It Go 19:00 Daniele Mastracci Feat. Allegra - Something Great 18:53 Valeron - Jamal 18:49 Jazzamor - Lovin' You 18:45 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 18:43 Pulsedriver & Tiscore Feat. Anna Grey - We Are 18:37 Oliver Koletzki - A Tribe Called Kotori 18:34 Clément Leroux - Memories 18:31 Paratone - Time After Time 18:25 Schiller Feat. Sarah Brightman - The Smile 18:20 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 18:17 Carstn & Ten Tonne Skeleton - Safety Dance 18:12 Claptone Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Heartbeat 18:06 Schiller - Der Goldene Engel 18:02 Rodriguez Jr. & Liset Alea - Amplify 17:58 Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy 17:54 Above & Beyond - Out Of Time (Original Mix) 17:50 Peter Ries - Hold Me (The Force Radio Mix) 17:47 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 17:43 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing 17:37 Calavera & Manya Feat. Maja Aleksic - Seta 17:34 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 17:32 Sons Of Maria - A Kiss Like This 17:28 Hakan Lidbo Feat. Emma - What Is Love 17:25 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 17:21 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Be Here And Now 17:18 Serafim Tsotsonis - Small 2 17:15 Dennis Kruissen Feat. Liza Flume - Another Soul 17:10 Passenger 10 - The Lonely Boy Who Wanted To Make Friends 17:07 Blank & Jones - Love From The Start (Original Mix) 17:04 Rosa Linn - Snap 17:00 Dead Composers - Starlight 16:57 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 16:54 Chris Avedon - The Letter 16:49 Deep Josh & Jose Rodriguez Feat. Lisa Rose - The Clouds 16:45 Lost Frequencies Feat. Love Harder - Beat Of My Heart 16:42 Morgan Page Feat. Lissie - Firewalk 16:36 Wd2n - Sultans Of Swing (Original Mix) 16:29 Hraach Feat. Iveta Mukuchyan - Sarer Jan 16:25 Klangperlenspiel & Puzzls - Kyoto (Wish You'd Move On) 16:19 Sans Souci - Comina (Extended Mix) 16:16 Jelly & Fish - Appreciation 16:08 Hraach - After Dark 16:05 Robin Schulz Feat. Harloe - All This Love 15:57 Super Flu - Mygut (Solomun Remix) 15:53 Light Of Aidan Feat. Note For A Child - Loving You 15:51 Nathan Evans - Wellerman (220 Kid X Billen Ted Remix) 15:47 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 15:42 Tube & Berger Feat. Richard Judge - Ruckus [club Edit) 15:38 Freischwimmer - California Dreamin 15:36 R3hab & Marnik - Candyman 15:31 Under Pressure - Near The Ocean 15:25 Goa Foundation - (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight 15:22 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 15:18 Smoke City - Underwater Love 15:15 Vize & Leony - Dolly Song (Devil's Cup) 15:11 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 15:08 Nombe - Wait 15:00 Timboletti - Dhunche 14:56 Karen Gibson Roc - Painted Room 14:54 Above & Beyond - Quieter Is Louder (Original Mix) 14:51 Gamper & Dadoni - My Lovin' 14:46 Aware - En Busca Del Sol 14:41 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 14:33 Armin Van Buuren & Avira Feat. Sam Martin - Mask 14:29 Jasmon - Bamboo Queen 14:26 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 14:19 Julian Wassermann - People 14:16 Lost Frequencies, Janieck Devy - Reality 14:13 Sam Feldt Feat. Lateshift - The Riddle 14:09 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 14:06 Alle Farben Feat. Janieck - Little Hollywood 14:04 Parov Stelar - Fire 14:00 Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout 13:57 Jan Blomqvist - Maybe Not (Rodriguez Jr. Extended) 13:55 Edx - Ecletric (Mixed) 13:53 Christopher Von Deylen - She Never Told Him Her Name 13:45 Eskadet - Solitudes 13:42 Consoul Trainin Feat. Steven Aderinto & Duoviolins - Obsession 13:39 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 13:33 4 Wing - Penelope 13:30 Mike Candys & Séb Mont - What's On Your Mind 13:27 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 13:23 Teri Richardson - Shadows Of My Love 13:20 Backstreet Boys - Chances (Instrumental) 13:17 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 13:13 Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Shine (Kygo Remix) 13:11 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 13:07 Rue Du Soleil - Missing 13:04 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 13:00 Nore En Pure - In Your Eyes 12:55 Schiller & Giorgio Moroder - Lichtjahre 12:51 Lstn - Undecided 12:46 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 12:42 Italobrothers - Summer Air 12:39 Gesaffelstein & The Weeknd - Lost In The Fire 12:36 Sum Wave - Milkyway 12:32 Leslie, Ben E, Falki - Help Myself (Original Mix) 12:29 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - Saltwater (Rework) 12:26 The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card 12:17 Nor Elle - Silent Storm 12:13 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - We're All We Need 12:06 Soukie & Windish - Oak & Whiskey (Canson Remix) 12:02 Eli & Fur - Come Back Around 11:56 New Age Kings - Illusion (Instrumental Remix) 11:52 Blondee & Marc Werner Feat. Fabienne Rothe - Wonderful Days 11:46 Anrey - We Are The Mirrors (Extended Mix) 11:40 Armen Miran & Hraach - Gravitation 11:35 Lemongrass - Angel Wings 11:32 Wave Wave Feat. Evie - Real 11:25 John Kah - Carina (Enui Remix) 11:20 Amirali - My Way 11:16 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 11:14 Dimitri Vegas - Pull Me Closer 11:08 Hannah Ild - Right Beside You 11:05 Alok Feat. John Martin - Wherever You Go 10:58 Cell - Idea Spiral (Ozora Festival 2011 Live Edit) 10:54 Tomas Skyldeberg - Chillin With You 10:47 Blond:ish Feat. Shawni - Wizard Of Love 10:42 Tosca - Natural High 10:40 Felix Jaehn & The Stickmen Project Feat. Calum Scott - Rain In Ibiza 10:34 Anrey - Lost Lands (Extended Mix) 10:31 Federico Aubele - Salvacion 10:25 Tebra - Suton 10:22 Matoma Feat. Jonah Kagen - Summer Feeling 10:18 Alphawezen - 4043 10:12 Blank & Jones - Coh 10:09 Tinlicker & Helsloot - Because You Move Me 10:00 Deep Dive Corp. - Django 09:57 Winona Oak & Robin Schulz - Oxygen 09:52 Mari Boine - Gula Gula (Chilluminati Mix) 09:49 Stepha Schweiger - When I Was A Bird 09:39 Blond:ish Feat. Bahramji - Omnipresent 09:35 Atb - We Belong 09:31 Loud Luxury - Cold Feet 09:26 Schiller Feat. Jael - Tired (Live) 09:23 Enya - Caribbean Blue (Remastered 2009) 09:20 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 09:17 Duboss - Losing My Religion 09:13 Klingande Feat. Daylight - Losing U 09:08 Dreamerproject - Horizons (Glenn Main Remix) 09:06 Minelli, Filatov & Karas Remi - Rampampam 08:59 George Holliday - Never Gonna Grow 08:53 Rodg - Heights 08:49 Schiller Mit Heppner - Dream Of You 08:46 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 08:43 Dj Antoine Feat. Chanin & Jona Xx - Dancing In Tulum 08:36 Schiller & Sheppard Solomon - Sweet Symphony (My Heart Beats Again) 08:33 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Daylight Is Falling 08:31 Alle Farben & Flynn - I Need To Know 08:25 Slackwax - Midnight 08:22 Nora En Pure - Sign Of The Times 08:18 Melokind - Tiefgang 08:12 Alle Farben - Sonoro (2018 Rework) 08:09 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 08:06 Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth 08:00 Blank & Jones With Claudia Brücken - Unknown Treasure 07:56 Klangkarussell And Givven - Follow 07:50 Mollono.bass, Ava Asante - Feeling Good 07:47 Blank & Jones - Coastline 07:43 Deeperlove & Marc Korn - Vertigo (R.i.o. Remix) 07:40 Set Mo Feat. Deutsch Duke - White Dress (Radio Version) 07:35 Röyksopp Feat. Astrid S - 02 Let's Get It Right 07:27 Maxim Lany - Riding The Wave (Extended Mix) 07:22 Axwell / Ingrosso - Something 07:19 Tom Staar & Cedric Gervais - Playing Games (Mixed) 07:16 Nora En Pure - Wetlands 07:10 Kendi Underground - Chasing Cars (Hed Remix) 07:05 Glide - Y Môr 07:01 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 06:54 Zelensky - Sunset (Andy Lime Remix) 06:51 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me 06:48 Quantic - Painting Silhouettes (Original Mix) 06:45 Sans Souci - Condor 06:41 York - On The Beach (Kryder & Jenjammin Sax Edit) 06:36 Rue Du Soleil - La Francaise 06:31 Golden Tone Radio - Glück 06:25 Beyhude - Rüzgar 06:20 Parra For Cuva Feat. Anna Naklab - Swept Away (Original Mix) 06:17 Topic Feat. Nico Santos) - Home (Alle Farben Remix) 06:13 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Kings & Queens 06:10 Mike Perry Feat. Shy Martin - The Ocean 06:07 Alan Walker X Hans Zimmer - Time (Alan Walker Remix) 06:02 Rìfìs Du Sol - Alive (Anyma Remix) 05:55 Gerrit Van Der Meer - Solaris 05:47 Kygo - Freeze 05:41 Gary B - Let You In 05:35 Consolidation Feat. Moguai - Ode To Joy 05:31 Sofi Tukker & John Summit - Sun Came Up (Radio) 05:26 Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Richard Dorfmeister Remix) 05:19 Boral Kibil & Gulec - Lost Language 05:17 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 05:14 Madison Park, Beechkraft - Parts Of Me (Original Mix) 05:08 Röyksopp & Jamie Irrepressible - The Next Day (Mind Against Remix) 05:03 Robin Schulz - Moonlit Sky (With The Void Pacific Choir) 05:00 Mike Perry Feat. Casso - Inside The Lines 04:54 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 04:51 Bolier - Another Blue 04:47 Tontario - Late (Original Mix) 04:43 Christopher Von Deylen - Heliotrope 04:40 Fritz Kalkbrenner - Back Home 04:38 Tiësto & Karol G - Don't Be Shy 04:32 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 04:27 Ivan Jack - The Dock Of The Bay 04:21 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 04:18 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Josha Daniel - Oscillations 04:13 Ilo - Soleil D'hiver 04:11 R3hab X Lukas Graham - Most People 04:05 Mr.da-nos - San Francisco 2k20 04:02 Junge Junge Feat. Kyle Pearce - Run Run Run 03:58 Panama, Satin Jackets - The Future 03:56 Atb & Topic - Your Love (9pm) 03:51 Blank & Jones - #whatwedoatnight 03:44 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 03:38 Lizot Feat. Jason Anousheh - Einfach Nur Weg (Blondee & Roberto Mozza Remix) 03:36 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 03:32 Glockenbach Ft. Clockclock - Brooklyn 03:26 Best Of Chillout Lounge - White Beach (Crystal Blue Sea Mix) 03:24 Mount & Emdey - Venus 03:21 Sanah - Invisible Dress (Maro Music X Skytech Remix) 03:18 Nancy Sinatra - Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) 03:16 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 03:09 Colyn - Unstable Gravity Alert 03:05 Mahmut Orhan & Colonel Bagshot - 6 Days 02:59 Lamb - Wonder 02:55 Monolink - Harlem River 02:50 Nora En Pure - Diving With Whales (Daniel Portman Radio Mix) 02:47 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 02:42 Melosense - Road & Lights 02:38 Goldfish Feat. Nate Highfield & Dan Silver - Forever Free 02:32 Rìfìs Du Sol - Next To Me 02:29 Robin Schulz - Headlights 02:26 Blank & Jones Feat. Mick Roach - Magnolia 02:23 Sons Of Maria - Elevate 02:19 Galantis Feat. Onerepublic - Bones 02:16 Loud Luxury Feat. Morgan St. Jean - Aftertaste 02:12 John Summit & Hayla - Where You Are 02:06 Amanaska - Tide 02:03 Meduza Feat. Goodboys - Piece Of Your Heart 01:56 Le Roy - See The Light Ahead (Extended Mix) 01:50 Djuma Soundsystem - Les Djinns (Trentemøller Remix) 01:47 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 01:40 Phil Mison - Lula 01:38 Sum Wave - Passing Clouds 01:34 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 01:30 Rüfüs Du Sol - No Place 01:28 Alok & Timmy Trumpet - Underwater Love (La Vision Remix) 01:24 Daniel Portman - Sensual Desires 01:20 Glenn Main - Message To Spain 01:17 Hypnosis - Pulstar 01:14 Felix Jaehn, Cheat Codes Feat. Bow Anderson - I Just Wanna 01:12 Ofenbach - Be Mine 01:09 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Rbvln - Weight Of The World (Feat. Rbvln) 01:04 Lazy Hammbock - Surround Me 01:00 The Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This 00:57 Tiësto & Ty Dolla $ign - The Business, Pt. Ii 00:52 Cinemascope - Sweetest Story 00:46 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 00:42 Sum Wave - Goodbye Earth 00:39 Calum Scott - You Are The Reason (Tiësto's Aftr:hrs Remix) 00:36 Mount & Illian - Fool 00:34 Edx - Neptune 00:29 Nora En Pure Feat. Ashibah - We Found Love 00:26 Vievie - Sea Roses 00:22 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 00:17 Sw - Sweet Lullabies (Original Mix) 00:13 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 00:10 Gibbs - Waiting For Lonely 00:04 Nora En Pure - Tears In Your Eyes (Extended Mix) 00:01 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm
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