#new favorite ship dynamic unlocked
eldritch-possum · 1 year
I just finished watching good omens and omg
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vinc3nnt · 5 months
The many things I have to babble about: Furina de Fontaine
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this is dumb, idiotic even, I've written this all by my mind, I did not stay at a single topic specifically, and ZERO professional thinking sooo plus this has rarepairs n silly shit at the end
FURINA DE FONTAINE ! (random rambling incoming)
why furina and fontaine is the best (satire??? idk but I just really like fontaine as a whole)
right before sumeru archon quest, fontaine is the absolute BEST. Inazuma kinda just felt like.. filler idk. sumeru is a LORE DROP??? but for me it just felt like a chore to do, and PAINFUL if you don't have the teleport waypoints unlocked??? i mean like so is fontaine but it isn't THAT big
but like, I'm really lazy when it comes to quests so mqybe its just a me thing??? but ever since fontaine released and I saw furina. (and the twins ig) I FELL IN LOVE. MONDSTATD? NONEXISTENT. WIPED OFF THE MAP. VENTI? HATED. /j i dont use him anyway (not that i got more motivation to do the archon quest anyway, i dont even think ive finished the fortress of meropide part LMAO)
(furina gives so nb since they came out it's crazy?? even the jp va thought furina was a boy im pretty sure??)
I don't even know bro I've loved her so much ever since she was shown in the start of fontaine's archon quest like not evne romantically its purely platonic like??? they're so my fav????
all of my new favorites in genshin are literally fontanians like,, LYNEY?? NAVIA??? AND FREMINET??? ALSO INCLUDING WRIOTHESLEY???? DAMN!!! I need to see more clorinde though
notice how furina stands out from majority of female genshin characters all sticking to/ "workaholic/ overworked girl that is nice and sweet but other than that other parts of their backstories are not elaborated on" idk like???? i dont nknow how to describe them but they are EVERYWHERE.
I am furina, furina is me
rarepairs/shipping dynamics?? !! (w/ furina, obviously smh) :
silly royal furina !! act to impress :3 (x gn reader material ?? where both are royals, but furina always acts their best in front of reader and whenever reader is amazed by furina, the silly feels like they're on cloud nine AUGHSG)
komirina/furikomi : but as ariel and that prince guy???? princey-princess furina??? (stars/sun, when she feels down in the dumps and gloomy, the other always goes to lighten their mood or smth hehehfhjfs)
furiyaka/ayarina : BUT THEM SILLIES !!! can also be a mermaid x princess au too :3 (also as the 1st part !!) sparring partners too (moon/sun?? strangely enough, ermm )
(not fatui scaramouche, it js depends what you like to call him) scararina/wanrina : i dont know they're just silly together (i dont know what kinda dynamic they'd have, maybe smth like komirina w star/sun ??, they were js both my fav characters ig !!) they're like quiet kid x theater kid/JJ
MORE about wanrina this one is random but like... they're kinda opposites??? wanderer wasn't human, but he wanted to feel human, likr... and.. focalors loved furina for her humanity (unlike ei LMAOO) now that he learns about what it's like to feel human, but just spending time w her makes him feel special ykw like,, IDK ????? they're just pretty characters (PLUS !!! light hair x dark hair) (satosugu referenc??????)
and I, thank you
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neolxzr · 2 months
Literally a genuine question no ill intent
What do you like about Aira? As much as people are absolutely adamant Akira is projecting (I really don't think he is (I'm not saying Akira is innocent) I just think he's trying to address the prejudiced thoughts the average Japanese person will have on the Ainu) Aira's weird comments and behaviour to Hiiro have been there since day one. And I also think Aira being the one who says all this is because he's supposed to reflect the fans and the average Japanese fan probably isn't that educated on the Ainu + there can be a good few racist enstars fans...
I'm not trying to sound heated about this I'm just coming from a genuine place, what appeal is there in Aira?
Also, as much as the Aira fans are talking about blaming Akira, I feel like there should absolutely be a focus on Hiiro right now considering that comment was... yknow said to him. I just think we should actually be talking about the Amagis considering that comment was intended to discuss the Amagis and their culture and the discrimination they go through.
i had someone ask me a similar question once but not in the context of all thats happening currently so you can read that here if youre inclined
buuuut what made me like aira so much in the first place was honestly that his concept as a character is really funny. i made a post a long while back that went into the funny meta jokes that you could make using aira as a character before i really knew much about enstars at all. having a character in your idol series that loves idols and canonically reads fanfic about them is just a funny concept in general. and as i continued to read more he continued to be funny and annoying and endearing (his little mini interaction with midori comes to mind immediately. there is something wrong with him)
also i tend to gravitate towards characters that give me like. little sibling energy. i love having a favorite little guy to dote on
but afterwards what really drew me to him was the main story!! thermometry specifically comes to mind (ouuugh,,,,). his feature scout stories are also great and so is feather touch! i wont like. go into detail really cause my blog is covered in me talking about aira already
his dynamic with hiiro is one of my favorites too, especially in mainstory. their dynamic isnt JUST aira says shitty things to hiiro and thats it. their relationship develops really far to the point where aira admits that he needs hiiro as much as hiiro needs him. they're young and inexperienced and kind of codependent as they're trying to keep themselves from going under in a sort of cutthroat industry. i think thats really neat. their relationship is really sweet to me and aira is a great tsundere type of character. he regularly is shown to actually like hiiro a lot as mean as he can be to him sometimes i.e. here. and you know the whole holding hands thing (which they also fucked up in the climax story but Whatever)
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theres also this. which i think about regularly. the hiiai shipping fuel is vast
and additionally i think aira has some really great relationships with other characters too, alkaloid especially. feather touch develops his relationship with tatsumi a lot and its one of my favorite aira moments. i couldnt find my screenshots for this one but basically aira gives tatsumi his unlocked phone (something VERY important to aira since hes a little screenager) and it shows tatsumi just how much aira trusts him and he realizes how important aira is as a friend to him. being someone with a history like him aira's friendship is sort of new to him and it helps them both grow
he loves his friends so so much and he’s had a positive impact on all of alkaloid. he is its heart after all
but in any case i'm not going to like, defend myself for liking aira. i am aware that the shitty stuff has been there from the start but i've said something similar in the past that was like. aira isn't real and he cannot take accountability for what he says. he's a character written by real people who doesn't have any control over how he acts. so i guess that's why when i think the writers write something i dont think he would do or say in my own personal aira opinion i can sort of brush it off as just bad writing.
and not in the sense that i dont recognize that enstars sucks, because it does. enstars can be terribly racist sometimes and not just when concerning aira, and thats important to talk about (i.e. the orient cards, the king of thieves cards, etc). but at the end of the day the most important thing to recognize is the people and company behind the game as well as the real people who play the game and are affected by it. and not like, the specific characters in the game. cause they didn't actually do anything or feel anything you know
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 9 months
putonmyfavoriteshow's master fic writing post on-going ~ Violetta the heart of pretending (future franletta/leonetta reverse fake-dating au dramedy; my passion project) Soy Luna ...and they were roommates (post show jazmilia/delfma; self-indulgent rom-com chaos for side-characters who deserved more) BIA the celestial goat & her cosmic fish (platonic-for-now chiarleste's great astrology debate; a dynamic exploration between my favorite kind of bickering sidekicks) finished multi-chaps ~ Violetta a perfectly perfect gift (luty ft. franletta - my first official dcla multi-chap!) luty month (daily prompts from @iristhedeadflower) franletta month (daily prompts from @weirdthoughtsandideas) finished one-shots/two-shots ~ Violetta no boys, no problems (right?) (franletta s2 alternate ending to italy arc) an unexpected evening (jadangie fix-it fic - dcla gift exchange 2022 + bonus dcla pride month chap) midnights (a ludmila pov luty fic + bonus luty month chap) playing murder (and all that jazz) (violetta gang halloween fic - canon pairings) go figure (a naty pov luty fic) the mistletoe experiment (a natila story based on a dcla advent calendar prompt from @countessofravenclaw) welcome to new york (christmas version) (violetta gang xmas fic - canon pairings) it is what it is (luty - angsty ficlet) the deadfast club (violetta gang horror two-shot - luty focus ft leonetta/camcesca)
Soy Luna elevator goes up, elevator come down (simbar s3 missing scene - tumblr soy luna fic week 2021) unlock my heart (when lutteo got locked in the dressing room, except it's jazmilia aka the best non-canon ship ever made by a random wheel) there's a great big beautiful tomorrow (lutteo/gastina tomorrowland adventure - dcla gift exchange 2023) BIA losin' sleep (thiana s2 missing scene inspired by @assim-eu-sou) dream date (romantic chiarleste debut to ao3) non dcla ~ my sorta friend's sister's funeral (victorious - jori - angst/fluff one-shot) even crows have wings (six of crows - kanej - sl/roller skating au one-shot) page 55 (the villains of valley view - hartmy - missing scene drabble) if we were a horror movie (the villains of valley view - hartmy - hartmy watch jennifer's body)
other fan content: my tumblr edits tag my tumblr gifs tag
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citystoryscapes · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
yayyyy thank you for the tag deepa, who is the best! @fiercynn <3 I've been meaning to participate in this for agessssss
since there are both recent newcomers to bbs fandom and people like me who are new to bbs tumblr, i thought i'd create a getting-to-know-you meme for people to introduce themselves if they want! all questions are optional
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
hey, I'm rain! that's not my actual name but it's all the internet is getting. my pronouns are she/they. I'm in my 20s and a grad student, and fandom has been a (selectively) great place for me in terms of finding supportive, brilliant friends. I like to write a fair bit; occasionally, I post it too. I also like cats, big cities, good tea, and old houses.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I'd heard about bad buddy because it was airing around the same time as another show I was watching, but I wasn't toooo interested until episode 5, part 4/i4. when I tell you that kiss UNLOCKED SOMETHING IN ME... I caught up on the first 5 episodes pretty much immediately after that while quarantining alone over Christmas, and it pretty much kept me sane. I watched the rest of the show as it aired- please spare a moment of silence for the people who had to wait out the two-week gap between episodes over New Year's.
bad buddy has always made me SO genuinely happy and hopeful, reminding me that there is hope for queer Asian people even if our families aren't always supportive.
favorite ship(s)
patpran, inkpa, and some comic relief waikorn
favorite character(s)
in terms of fanworks, it's a very close call between pran and pat, but I think pran is my favorite by a hair! I love his character arc throughout the show! I especially love his confidence and the way he grew into himself. pran might win in terms of being inspirational, but I have to say, I LOVE well-written pat meta.
in terms of who I'd like to channel in real life, it's obviously ink. she is the absolute coolest, a proud simp, and a protective girlfriend.
(I'm great at avoiding making choices)
favorite episode(s)
episode 5, because what could ever compare? I also love parts of episode 3 and 11 (I'm saying this as if I don't love the entire show).
favorite scene(s)
ep 5 rooftop kiss!!!! ep 3 bus stop and mini elevator scene; ep 4 pran's injury and the three wontons dinner; ep 6 beach scene where they're paired up in the game; and their trip to the market, ep 7 confession scene; ep 9's 'anyone taller than me is fine'!!!!! ep 11 bus scene, beach scene, and song montage; ep 12's entire bait and switch reveal, and pat pran's dinner out with friends.
see what I meant about avoiding making choices?
one thing you would change about the show if you could
seconding deepa, WHY DID INKPA NOT KISS??? also this isn't a change I would definitively make to the existing show, but I'd love a b-side where we see patpran's relationship in the years between their graduations and pran's return from Singapore.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
I can't believe this is a question I am legitimately choosing to answer:
make my body say ah, ah, ah by Sabulum
heart in a cage by sunshinedobi
paradox by Everybodyknows
dynamic by riddles2
a nose boop and the rest is history by seekingmoonscapes
don't forget me when I let the water take me by gilly_bean
your love is your life by threewontons
same page by dkyth73
just friends by fiercynn and scribe
dancer by coldties
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
technically I've only published one bad buddy fanwork (it's a fic called these violent delights). my favorite thing I've created for the show is an unpublished canon-divergence fic where patpran have sex and possibly get together during their ep 6 beach trip
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
I'm sticking to the classics; same page and just being friendly by tilly birds are my top choices. I also made playlists for pat and pran, for said unpublished fic, so here's some of the songs I picked for both:
for pat: the loneliest time by carly rae jepsen, double take by dhruv, better by khalid, the enemy by andrew belle
for pran: washing machine heart by mitski, 18 by 1D, and dancer by leon
idk anything else you want us to know?
I love all of you smart meta writers, I'm kissing your big beautiful brains
okay i'm literally going to tag all of my tumblr mutuals that i think are still in the fandom (if i missed anyone sorry!!), but also if you want to do the meme consider yourself tagged! please don’t let this flop lol 🤞🏽
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naturecalls111 · 9 months
I didn't know you played fe3h! If you've got the time, I'd love to hear your thoughts about the game, favorite character, favorite house, etc! Have you played any of the other Fire Emblem games?
I love love LOVE it. Recently I only play on hard or maddening mode, usually with New Game+, because I actually really enjoy the "repetitive" nature of the combat and playing on a more difficult level requires me to think a little bit more about tactics + makes me feel more accomplished when I level up or unlock a support chain. Otherwise I think some characters are like. Totally broken in how strong they are and it lowkey makes the combat portion of the game less technically rewarding.
Favourite character just on an overall basis is by far Dedue and it's not even close. I love everything about him and could base an entire post on him alone. I think he's so complex and his relationship with Dimitri (and the entire Blue Lions house, really), beyond just my shipping of them, is so zealous and important to me as a narrative. When I unlocked their final support and it's revealed to us that Dedue, in his heart, has always wanted the same thing as Dimitri - to be able to call him a friend, to be able to call Dimitri by his name, as equals, argh I could cry just thinking about it. He is so kind hearted, he is so gentle, he is so funny, he is so Good. (CF route Dedue doesn't exist to me because if he Did then I would be in a catatonic state of sadness for the rest of my life, and SS/VW Dedue also makes me too sad to think about, but AM Dedue, cries, all his supports are really so very interesting)
And then in no order past that, my favourites are Dimitri, Sylvain, Felix, Petra, Edelgard, Hilda, and Linhardt. (Ok maybe it's a little bit in order...) Gameplay wise especially I love Dimitri and Hilda, I think they're utterly overpowered, and I recruit Felix no matter what house I go into... Felix is like my easy win when it comes to battle, he simply dominates. Half the time he is my MVP because I send him off alone knowing he'll do the vast majority of the work without ever getting hit back lol
My favourite house is so obvious through my favourite characters - I'm just too partial to the Blue Lions, I'M SORRY I'M SORRYYYYY they have the Faerghus Four... and DimiDue... and Sylvix... and Mercedes my forever wife (I literally marry her EVERY TIME... my big booby nurse wife)... and Ashe who is my underdog archer 5ever... All the support chains in Blue Lions makes my heart really fluttery and happy, I think they feel overall like the house that is closest to each other? Ingrid and Felix have their issues with Dedue (though to be fair Felix has a grand issue with everybody in the beginning except Annette it seems LMAO) but I think barring that (which gets mostly resolved anyway) I think they're a very tight-knit group with mutual love and care for one another in a way that seems inherent to the house. Those things seemed to be needed to be honed a little bit more in the other houses through exposure to each other and effectively experiencing the war together. I think the Golden Deers, to me, felt the coldest to each other in the beginning.
Which brings me to say that my next favourite house would have to be the Golden Deers. They are so, so, so, so damn funny and lonely and nuanced and the dynamics within the house are so animated and chaotic, WAY more than the other houses. I blame Claude, Hilda, and Lysithea's presence LOL, both of whom I love deeply - I think the GD's make for an incredibly funny ensemble cast and Lorenz's general existence is like a threat to human kind I'm mostly obsessed.
And then it would be the Black Eagles. The Beagles have some of my favourite support chains in the game, I really love them. I can't explain it briefly, but there's something that feels very poignant and heavy about playing the BE house. For me it's a very different experience than playing the other houses because the relationships they build feels so tied to past and emerging pains that there feels to be a perpetual tension even after I finish playing (and, again, I always recruit Felix so the BE/CF route becomes EXTRA trauma central, Felix's dialogues are actually heartbreaking in this route and I am still not normal about from the first time I had to face the fact of WHAT I DID TO HIM WHEN I RECRUITED HIM TO THE CF ROUTE...) Also Beagles has Caspar/Dorothea support chain and it actually makes me howl laughing every time I go through it. I love Caspar.
Quick irrelevant side note, it's still stupid to me we couldn't bring Jeralt back. I honestly never care to complain about "lazy writing" for games like this because there's SO MUCH WRITING to be done that like, yeah, fine I get that Jeralt had to die, but "it's fate" doesn't cut it for me. I'd rather Jeralt died away from Byleth so that Byleth had absolutely no possibility of reviving Jeralt or even trying to save him.
Another side note, Felix not being able to have MLM endings is the biggest mistake the game ever made. How do you write one of your gayest characters to be straight. And you know what, on that note, I don't believe in Bi Linhardt either - we need more bi guys in general and then Linhardt should be gay, NO WOMAN deserves to deal with his BS lmao.
Last side note, F!Byleth is the real Byleth. I only ever play M!Byleth on my CF routes because I always marry Linhardt and he is strictly MLM to me fhufhskdjf
I haven't played the other Fire Emblem games but I have plans on playing FE: Awakening and maybe FE Warriors: Three Hopes if only to see DimiDue interacting again with new support chains :3c I watched it already but I want to earn it.... Ask away if somehow there is something I DIDN'T cover - thank you a million times for the ask, I love FE3H so very deeply and will always talk about it given the chance....
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New favorite ship dynamic unlocked: Unwilling Person Binded to a Demon Contract They Didn't Want/The Demon That Is Shocked This Is The Loser They Have to Deal with.
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lostcybertronian · 2 years
(Tell me if something doesn't make sense)
1. Author and Actor trying to agree (or rather convince the other) on the role of a "character" while simulatenously pushing their contradicting narratives onto the character.
Decide for yourself how serious it should be. They're both impulsive bitches lmao.
2. Implied nsfw. (If you're okay with that) I feel like Actor and Author are either at each others throats the entire time or utterly obsessed with each other. They're both so narcississtic I think anything between That is Rare.
Again. Your decision which direction you want to take it. I'm always for some good toxic ships tho.
Decide which one you do or ask me for more ideas if you like neither of them. (But I have an inkling you'll go for 1.)
I chose 1. They are a dynamic duo. Also many thanks to @bing-iplier for our very interesting conversation surrounding their interactions. The Author kicking the Actor in the dick was my favorite part.
“You wake up in a concrete cell.”
    The character woke up in a concrete cell, his cheek pressed to the hard, dirty cement. It was cold; goosebumps ran down his arms, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. All he could see when he sat up and looked around was gray concrete floor, gray concrete ceiling, gray concrete bars. Was he alone? He seemed to be.
    “You realize that you’re not alone.”
    No… he wasn’t alone after all; at the far end of the cell lay a man dressed all in satin-y red and black. He appeared to be unconscious, but with his back to the character it was hard to tell. 
    “This man is the villain of the story.”
    Suddenly the man sat up, his perfectly-gelled pompadour flying askew. “You told me you’d take that out!” He cried at the ceiling, and the character could see he was not only dressed in satin but in a satin tuxedo, perfectly pressed and pristine. “I am not the villain!”
    “He is the villain,” the voice intoned. “Because every story needs a villain, and because our character here is the unfortunate protagonist.”
    The way the voice purred “protagonist” like a curse word made the character shiver; he glanced between the “villain” and the ceiling, confusion overtaking his fear as the two began to bicker.
    “I’m supposed to be the hero!”
    “There isn’t a fucking hero in this story! Everyone dies horribly! That’s the entire point.” 
    The character scrambled to his feet. Began searching for a door. Found one, set into the bars, nearly invisible; it was unlocked.
    They barely stepped through the door when another man lurched from the darkness, lack eyes glittering obsidian and fury. A knife glinted in the dim light, wrapped tight in the grip of the Author’s calloused, ink-stained fingers.
    “Sorry, it’s not your fault.” He didn’t sound like he meant it, but the character didn’t have time to ponder before the Author plunged the knife into his chest, he only had time to fall over and die.
    “I can’t believe you,” he continued, stepping over the character’s prone, bleeding corpse. “You can’t get over yourself for two seconds so I can write this story? Now I have to find a whole new character. He was perfect!”
    The Actor got to his feet, brushing nonexistent dust off his clothes. “I require a half-decent script to act properly. What you were giving me was bullshit.”
    “Fuck you!” The Author snapped, and threw the knife, burying it in the Actor’s right shoulder with deadly precision. 
The Actor stumbled back a step, tore the knife out, and laughed. “You’ll never write a novel if you lose your temper so easily. You’ll kill your characters before they get any development.” He sneered. “Some legacy you’ll build.”
The Author stomped over, and there was a brief struggle between the two men before the Author finally kicked him in the crotch, watching him drop with some amusement. “Good luck with a ‘legacy’ after that, bitch.”
With that, he turned and strode from the cell. The setting he’d created melted away with him, until only the Actor and a corpse remained in his dense, dark woods.
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dolokhoded · 1 year
Marya and Julie for ship bingo?
TEE HEE THE GIRLIES this is my second favorite wap ship peace and love on tumblr.com/dolokhoded <3<3<3
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little marjulie rant i didn't rlly care about those two until we were planning folklore au because in most of the content i'd seen their dynamic was very different from what they ended up being like in my brain, julie was flirting with marya and she was very shy and meek about it like usually yadda yadda yadda the works, but then with folklore au we unlocked a Shiny New Marjulie Dynamic in which marya was less ????? Passive?? I suppose ? And it was much more appealing to me cause marya in general is a very passive character and i love putting her in situations where she kind of goes against her usual themes. and yes they're fun i rotate them.
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beverlychills · 1 year
Introductory Post
PLEASE at least skim through the tags. Navigating this autism castle I've built may get difficult if you don't.
Also see below: Guide for takedown requests
Hi there, call me Taffy! (Any pronouns)
I'm a neurodivergent fella obsessed with Lethal League. I'm also obsessed with archiving things, and I have a dedicated personal server where I collect all the LLB fanart I can.
For a while I've been wanting to give other people easy access to all this old and new content, but I don't want to invite people to the server, and booru-making is closed right now, so this—an account made to reblog every LLB post I can find—is the next best option.
For now I run this account alone, and my archiving only encompasses things on tumblr, this may change later but I can't say for sure.
I plan to keep this archive going as long as possible.
Despite my wants to preserve everything Lethal League, there are some artists I refuse to archive due to personal convictions, or being personally asked not to archive their work.
The amount of these people is presently in the single digits, and probably won't impact the rest of the blog much.
If you want a particular post(s) taken down, or would like to be blacklisted, please DM me. Please note you may have to prove your identity to do this, in whatever way you can (so long as it does not compromise your safety or super-personal information).
If you have a Lethal League post to contribute that I haven't found yet, send me the link. Even things from deactivated accounts can still be preserved if someone else reblogged them. Or I guess if you have a screenshot.
If there's something down the list you don't wanna see, just filter the tag
Warnings: #suggestive Including but not limited to - Discussion of NSFW, off-camera lovemaking, skimpy clothing or poses... whatever you older internet denizens might call "sin." NSFW jokes are judged on a case-by-case basis Overly graphic stuff, minor x adult, or straight up p0rn if there's any left, will not be included in the archive for obvious reasons #thirstposting Any rare case of people getting a bit too excited over a given LLB character. If hypothetically seeing people talk about how much they want to bone their favorite dapper googly eyed fuck wouldn't be your jam, you might wanna filter out this tag. #nudity Tasteful nudity. Think the Statue of David. #blood For when insides become outsides, but it's not straight up gutspill. #feels Because some of us don't wanna deal with angst. #emeto Vom. #eyestrain Ouchie ow oof bright colors. ^ #aberration Chromatic aberration #gore #bugs #death #eye contact #dereality #drugs #weed #body horror #loud #flashing
Please note; Despite my headcanons, character interactions will be judged through the LLB story at face value. This means ships involving Switch will not be counted as minor x adult, because he is a robot, 5 is only how long he's been manufactured, and his mental age is not entirely clear (beyond him obviously not having the mind of a toddler). This also means things like Raptor x Switch will still be archived, since although some headcanon them to be found brothers, this is not canonically confirmed.
Content type: #art Including but not limited to - Drawings, physical crafts, music, etc. #fanfic Fanfiction, whether linked offsite or posted directly to tumblr. #animation Encompasses gifs, animatics, animation memes, PMVs, the works. #modding Stuff like retexturing, 3D model editing, or even Mung Daal in Room 21 #gameplay #shitpost #textpost #cosplay
Characters: #raptor #switch #candyman #dice #jet #doombox #grid #nitro #latch #sonata #dust #ashes #toxic #dummy #mc inferno #safety league
Unlockables: #ballhead #strait jacket #zoot suit #l.2 full mecha #domino #dynamic #detective nitro #jumper cabler #safety weapon #chain engine #iron grip
DLC: #galileo #firefighter max pressure #volt (Neopolis Devastator) #ivory puppet killer #insectoid loneriding mechranger #stereo overdrive #shining gold winner #gigahertz visualizer x #nuclear nourishment #late stage illmatic #heavyduty r evolution #master of the mountain
Fandom culture: #headcanon #theory #review #ship #ship neg #oc x canon #oc #au #askblog #humanized #crossover #fusion
Archived posts will not be tagged as #ship unless the OP states so, or it is very explicitly intended to be ship art—flirting and kissing and stuff. Ships will be tagged as the involved characters' names in alphabetical order, in lieu of affectionate shipnames. This is to avoid creating extra things for you poor soul to memorize. Also, negative content about any given ship will have "neg" tacked onto the end. ❌ #candylatch ✅ #candyman x latch 🔘 #candyman x latch neg
For OCs, search their name, and for specific artists, search their blog url. ie: #cue #klayfruit Furthermore, fanon interpretations of LLB characters may be tagged like this: #henry #candyman
OC x canon shipnames will not be tagged, despite how few there are in retrospect, because I think doing that would drive me nuts.
If two OCs happen to have the same name, the name will be followed up with the creator's username depending on which OC is being referred to. This also applies if an OC name overlaps with a warning tag;
#ember sampleusername - #ember gridsbignaturals #bugs sampleusername
Other: #official Involving a Team Reptile account or one of its developers. Including but not limited to: Dev logs, headcanons from individual team members, outdated lore, threads involving them on other websites, etc. #tim #dion #yinyin #andy #kittomatic #sem
#merch Official merchandise designs and such #deactivated OP's blog is hacked or deactivated. If the URL was changed, the old URL may be tagged; for the sake of preserving the era it was posted, and so people can more easily find things if they know an old username but not the new one. #[year] Year something was posted. ie: #2015 #mod taffy
Posts with captions like "not tagging this" or things that seem personal will probably not be archived unless the OP says it's okay
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three-moving · 2 years
Lissa or Henry from Awakening!
put this one off until i could do it from my computer so i can properly look through the wiki so sorry for the delay!
lissa first:
My general thoughts & opinions on them
i did not expect to like lissa as much as i do. she's cute and bubbly and is my sunshine child in a game with so many hardships. it took me some time to warm up to her but i now absolutely adore her (and it doesn't hurt that in warriors she's swinging around a bigass axe like it's nothing -- girlboss shit right there)
Favorite moment of theirs
i've always liked the scene after fighting "marth" in ferox where lissa starts going on about how "he's so dark and mysterious... he's so dreamy..." it's just very funny to me knowing that it's actually her niece she's talking about. i don't have a great recollection of awakening because it's been a while since i last played but every so often i think about that bit and have a little giggle.
Favorite support chain
good LORD i do not remember. i went through some of her supports and the ones with frederick are standing out among them (also, i don't think i unlocked half of those in game! they feel very new to me). i think the idea of lissa teaching frederick to relax is goddamn hilarious and would be a sight to see.
My dream FEH alt for them
okay so she's already got valentines and winter yeah? i'd love to see a halloween alt for her. she's got the right energy to really have a good time in costume and i just think it'd be a fun little time!
Headcanons and/or ships I have
i didn't ship it until finishing the game and looking through tumblr, but lissa x maribelle is super cute and i just. i appreciate their dynamic a lot.
Favorite art of them
had to do a bit of searching but the one at the bottom of this post is everything to me
henry time!
My general thoughts & opinions on them
he's just a silly funny dude having a good time and i love that for him! his fucked up humour always makes me laugh
Favorite moment of theirs
his intro all the way. he's on screen for like ten seconds and you've already figured out his personality just from that. it's great.
Favorite support chain
it's not my favourite chain but henry's a-support with miriel makes me laugh. they're just. they're trying to figure out where babies come from. that's really funny to me (and also henry is just trying to be helpful to a pregnant mom and that's so sweeeeeeeeeeeeet)
My dream FEH alt for them
if he didn't already have a halloween one i'd say that for him but alas. aside from that, i'd kill for a plegian alt. if anyone deserves it it's the character that's actually from plegia. i think he'd look great!
Headcanons and/or ships I have
i can't actually think of any at the moment! i believe i had one when i was playing through the game but it's slipped my mind and i am tired of going through supports lmao
Favorite art of them
i haven't seen a lot so for now i don't have an answer, sorry!
thanks for asking and sorry for the long post lol :)
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fachailogin-7 · 27 days
Dive into the World of Fachai Login: A Comprehensive Guide to Their Casino Slot Games
Welcome to Fachai Login, the ultimate destination for slot game enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned spinner or a newcomer looking to explore the exciting world of online slots, Fachai Login offers an unparalleled gaming experience. With a vast selection of games, cutting-edge graphics, and enticing bonuses, you’re in for a thrilling ride. Let’s dive into what makes Fachai Login slot games a must-try.
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carluexstore · 2 months
Personalize Your BMW Experience with the CARLUEX Wireless CarPlay Adapter
In the world of automotive technology, customization and convenience are key factors in enhancing the driving experience. BMW owners seeking to elevate their in-car entertainment and connectivity need look no further than the CARLUEX Wireless CarPlay Adapter. This innovative device seamlessly integrates with your BMW, providing wireless CarPlay functionality and unlocking a world of possibilities. In this article, we will delve into how the CARLUEX Wireless CarPlay Adapter can enhance your BMW experience with its customizable UI interface and built-in 10 band EQ equalizer, offering a more personalized and immersive driving experience.
Customizable UI Interface: One of the standout features of the CARLUEX Wireless CarPlay Adapter is its customizable UI interface, allowing you to tailor your car's screen to your daily preferences. With CARLUEX, you have the freedom to personalize the layout, theme, and widgets on your car's display screen, creating a more convenient and user-friendly experience. Whether you prefer a minimalist design or a more dynamic interface, CARLUEX gives you the flexibility to customize your car's screen to suit your unique style and preferences.
Tailor-Made Convenience: By customizing your car's screen with CARLUEX, you can tailor it to display the information and features that matter most to you. Whether you want quick access to navigation apps, music controls, or vehicle diagnostics, CARLUEX allows you to arrange your screen layout to prioritize your most-used features. Say goodbye to cluttered screens and hello to a more streamlined and intuitive user experience with CARLUEX's customizable UI interface.
Built-in 10 Band EQ Equalizer: In addition to its customizable UI interface, the CARLUEX Wireless CarPlay Adapter also boasts a built-in 10 band EQ equalizer, allowing you to elevate your in-car audio experience to new heights. With the EQ equalizer, you can fine-tune your music to your desired sound profile, adjusting the levels of bass, treble, and mid-range frequencies to suit your preferences. Whether you are a fan of deep bass or crisp highs, the CARLUEX EQ equalizer gives you the power to create a more immersive audio experience on the go.
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Conclusion: In conclusion, the CARLUEX Wireless CarPlay Adapter offers BMW owners the opportunity to personalize and elevate their in-car entertainment experience. With its customizable UI interface and built-in 10 band EQ equalizer, CARLUEX provides a more convenient, user-friendly, and immersive driving experience. Upgrade your BMW's in-car entertainment system with the CARLUEX Wireless CarPlay Adapter today and enjoy a more personalized and enjoyable driving experience on the road.
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pertinasities · 5 months
1, 16, 31 🫰
shipping questions !! | accepting
1 - what's the best thing about shipping for you? unlocking extra fun layers of character relationships! and new sides of muses that only come out in these situations. also just fun for au crafting rom com style im always a sucker for that
31 - do you have a favorite memory when it comes to rping a ship? oh man that's a good question. this interaction i think might be it
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yes that is an emoji of komaeda's ass. don't worry about it
16 - what's your NOTP when it comes to your muse? using a cut since this will be a little lengthy sdkfjhasdf
kaeya: rosaria! i just strongly prefer them as besties tighnari: just women. he's very gay is the thing kaveh: faruzan tbh, i do love her mentoring him but i'm just not into the dynamic xiao: the other yaksha/adepti primarily, just not a dynamic i'm as interested in w them wanderer: nahida....and dottore. like i love a good fucked up dynamic for fun and sport but they do not need to add anything to that to make it more fucked up neuvillette: i don't have one off hand, i think closest would be w furina but moreso because i'm insanely picky about how that dynamic is handled w them for shipping. lynette: men and arlecchino. she is but a baby lesbian and that's her father childe: i wish. i really wish i did. but this mf sees anything and is like i meeeaaaan. strangles him special bonus maybe showing up soon: furina: wriothesley. i don't know i just don't vibe w it wriosthesley: i will not cop out by just saying furina. i'm gonna say clorinde but only in an endgame way. them being exes to besties can be fun.
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galaxigafanatics · 6 months
Generate unlimited coins and gems in Galaxiga.
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1 vs. 1 and 1 vs. 3 Modes Galaxiga also includes specialized multiplayer modes such as 1 vs. 1 and 1 vs. 3, where players can engage in battles against a single opponent or team up to take on a more powerful adversary. These modes provide a dynamic and varied multiplayer experience3.Online Shooting GamesThe game also features online shooting games, where players can compete in leaderboards and events to mark their name among the best players globally. This mode often includes special challenges and rewards for top performers3.Customization and UpgradesNo matter which game mode you choose to play, Galaxiga offers a deep customization and upgrade system. Players can unlock new ships, drones, and upgrade stones to enhance their firepower and abilities. Each game mode provides opportunities to earn coins and gems, which can be used to further improve your arsenal4.ConclusionGalaxiga’s variety of game modes ensures that there’s something for everyone, whether you’re a solo player looking for a challenging campaign, a competitive gamer seeking PvP action, or someone who enjoys cooperating with others in co-op battles.
The game’s retro aesthetic combined with modern gameplay mechanics makes it a standout title in the mobile gaming space.As players continue to explore the vast universe of Galaxiga, the game modes provide diverse ways to enjoy the game and achieve galactic glory. With its engaging content and multiple modes, Galaxiga remains a favorite among mobile gamers and continues to attract new players to its interstellar battles.Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge as of 2021, and for the most up-to-date details on Galaxiga’s game modes, I recommend checking the official Galaxiga sources or in-app store listings.Welcome to the cosmic world of Galaxiga, a mobile game that offers an exhilarating space-shooting experience. As a beginner, you might find the vastness of space and the intensity of battles daunting, but fear not! This guide is designed to help you navigate through the stars and become a master of the Galaxiga universe.Getting StartedWhen you first launch Galaxiga, you’ll be introduced to the basic mechanics of the game. Your spaceship moves forward automatically, and your primary task is to dodge enemy fire and aim your shots to take out the alien adversaries. Each level consists of multiple waves of enemies, culminating in a boss fight that will test your skills1.Understanding Your ShipYour ship is your lifeline in the game, and it’s crucial to understand its vulnerabilities. The cockpit is the only part of your ship that takes damage from enemy fire. Keep this area safe, and you’ll be able to survive the onslaught of bullets and beams that come your way1.Weaving Through GunfireDodging enemy fire is the crux of survival in Galaxiga.
It may take some practice, but you’ll soon learn to anticipate enemy attacks and navigate through seas of bullets. Pay attention to the patterns of enemy fire and move accordingly to avoid getting hit1.Upgrading Your ShipAs you progress through the game, you’ll earn coins that can be used to upgrade your ship. Upgrades can enhance your firepower, improve your defenses, and unlock new abilities. Make sure to invest in upgrades regularly to keep up with the increasing difficulty of the levels1.Utilizing Power-UpsThroughout the levels, you’ll encounter various power-ups that can give you an edge in battle. These can include temporary boosts to your weapons, shields, or speed. Grab these whenever you can to maximize your chances of success1.Forming a Reactive SquadIn Galaxiga, you’re not alone in your fight against the alien forces. You can form a squad with other players, which allows for a more strategic approach to battles. Coordinate with your squadmates to take down tougher enemies and share resources1.Using BoostersFor particularly challenging stages, you might want to use boosters.
These are special items that can provide significant advantages, such as increased damage or invulnerability for a short period. Use these wisely, as they can turn the tide of a difficult fight1.Replaying StagesDon’t hesitate to replay stages on higher difficulties to earn extra prizes. This not only gives you more resources but also helps you practice and improve your skills. The more stars you earn, the greater the rewards1.Spending WiselyIn-game currency, like gems, should be spent on important items only. Avoid wasting gems on unnecessary purchases and save them for upgrades and items that will have a lasting impact on your gameplay.
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holylulusworld · 3 years
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Title: Courting
Square Filled for @spnabobingo​​​ (Round 6): Opposites attract
Ship: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester
Rating: Teen
Summary: When a tall and handsome alpha moves to town, you do something no one would expect from an omega.
Warnings: angst, pining, courting, shy reader, a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, sick reader, cuddling & snuggling, fluff
Word Count: 2,1 k
A/N: I found a cute headcanon about an omega courting for her chosen alpha on @omegaversethings​​ and turned it into a fanfiction. Thank you again. <3
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​​​​
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You always were a ‘classic’ omega. Meek, silent and shy. You never dared to talk to a foreign alpha let alone introduce yourself to one.
But here you are, offering the new alpha in your neighborhood a homemade cherry pie. You hope Dean, that’s the name of the alpha giving you sleepless nights, will like it.
“Hi, uh-erm,” you stammer, eyes glued to the ground. “I know how it feels to be new in town and the neighborhood. I made a cherry pie. If you don’t like it, it’s okay.” Before the alpha can say anything you push the container with the pie in his hands to run off.
“What?” puzzled Dean watches you run toward your house. His eyes dart from the pie in his hand back to you struggling to unlock your door. “She just brought me pie…awesome.”
The alpha strolls back inside his house, grinning as you baked him his favorite pie. “Love me some pie.”
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Over the next week, you spied on your neighbor. You tried to talk to him again, to give him more gifts but you’re not the only unmated omega in your neighborhood.
Last week Lisa offered her help with decorating his house.
Three days ago, Cassie parade along the street, wearing a skirt leaving little to nothing to your imagination, and right now, Bela tries to hit on Dean, purring for him.
You hate omegas like them as they always get the alphas you like. Being a shy omega, plain and meek, means a disadvantage when it comes to courting for an alpha.
“Not again, Bela-“ you growl low in your throat, rummaging in a paper bag. You bought random things for your chosen alpha to impress and court for him. “This one is mine…”
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“Hi,” you whimper catching the tall alpha’s scent. You can feel his intense gaze on you and the heat creeps into your cheeks. “I-I,” for a second you look up at the alpha, give him a soft smile before you place a pair of socks in his hands.
“Hi,” he says but you are halfway on your way toward your house, whimpering as you can still smell his scent linger on your clothes.
“What?” Dean stands outside of his home, looks at the socks in his hands, puzzled. 
“Do you want to finish the kitchen now or not?” Sam asks, poking his head out of the door. “Dean? Is something wrong?”
“Last week she brought me a cherry pie and ran off, today it’s socks, with pie on them,” Dean huffs. “What’s going on?”
Sam starts laughing, he even holds his stomach at his brother’s puzzled expression.
“Dean,” Sam rolls his eyes at his brother’s question. “Did you really not realize you are being courted?”
“I get the pie, but why socks, Sammy? And since when do omegas court for an alpha,” Dean sniffs at the socks, growling low in his throat when he catches your scent. 
“Some omegas do court for an alpha. I just never thought Y/N would do so. She seemed to be shy and meek,” Sam smirks when Dean presses the socks to his chest. “Maybe you should talk to her?”
“Why? I got pie and socks,” Dean grins. “I will just wait for her to come back. Maybe she makes me food too.”
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Watching Lisa talk to the alpha again you growl low in your throat. You waited patiently for Dean to come home and now that woman is chatting him up again.
“He’s mine,” you mutter. “Get your hands off my alpha. Can you just not be all over my alpha, all of you.” your hands ball into fists when Lisa giggles and her hands grip one of the tall alpha’s biceps.
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“Hi,” you shuffle from one foot to the other, offering the container with food to the tall alpha. You still don’t meet his eyes, not even when he clears his throat.
“You know, you could just talk to me, Y/N,” chewing on your lower lip you lift your head to glance at the tall alpha. You don’t know why he knows your name, but your heart began to race when he said it. “Hi, I’m Dean and I liked your pie. What did you bring me today?”
“Uh-steak and green beans. Potatoes and sauce. I-I wanted to bring you pie too, but I can only carry one container,” nervously babbling you hand Dean the food, ready to run off again.
“Why don’t we share the food?” he offers, smiling softly. “You gave me all those nice things and I would like to-“ you dash toward your house, unbeknownst Dean just wanted to invite you. 
Your heart races and your head starts to spin when you slam the door shut to sink to your knees. 
“He-he talked to me,” you whine, sniffing at your hand. Dean brushed his fingers over your skin, and you can still scent him. 
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Another day passes when you sneak toward Dean’s house. Right, when you try to knock he opens the door, offering a soft smile again. 
“Hi, Y/N,” he says, and you whimper when he says your name. “The food was delicious but I would’ve liked to share it with you. Why don’t you come inside?”
“I-I got a pie for you,” looking at the container with another pie and another pair of socks on top you bite your lower lip. “I hope you’ll like it.”
You try to hand it to Dean to run away once again but he steps outside, cups your face with two fingers to force you to look up at him. “Omega, come inside,” he says, and your heart does somersaults. “I want to share the pie with you. And,” he dips his head to catch your scent, “I cooked. Thought I should invite you over.”
“Y-you cooked,” you squeak when Dean moves his hand to your neck to brush your scenting gland. “I-I don’t know if I should-“
“Come inside, omega,” he says, voice deeper now, more commanding. You immediately drop your gaze and nod silently, knowing he just used his alpha voice. “I want to get to know you better, sweetheart.”
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After you had dinner with Dean, you decided to think about better gifts. You assume he tried to be friendly and pay you back for your food, but you want him to know you courted for him.
“What can I bring him next?” pinching the bridge of your nose you sigh deeply. “Maybe new socks – no, I already did twice. Underwear – too obvious. Oh, maybe a hairbrush.”
A knock brings you out of your thoughts. You slowly get up, wondering who knocks at your door on a Sunday evening.
Sighing deeply, you make your way to the door, opening it to find Dean on your doorstep.
“Hi,” you gasp when Dean offers you a book and a chocolate box. “I wanted to come over and thank you for the delicious pie and food, and I’m wearing your socks.” He points at his feet. 
“A-are you-“ biting your tongue you look at the gifts in Dean’s hands. “Are you courting for me, alpha?”
“Thought you’ll never ask,” Dean grins, stepping closer to catch your scent. “Can we go out? I’d like to invite you for dinner, Y/N.”
“You are courting for me,” your heart flutters when Dean hands you the gifts. “Yes, uh-please. I’d like to go out with you, Dean.”
“How about Saturday?” he asks, demanding an answer. The alpha makes his interest known when he looks at your mating gland. “Omega?”
“Yes, I got time,” you nod eagerly, gifts pressed tightly to your chest now. 
“Awesome. I’ll pick you up at six,” he says, giving you a once over before he nods to himself. “I’ll be seeing you, Y/N.”
When he turns to leave you must stop your heart from racing. You watch him waltz toward his house, giving you a little show when he purposely stops at his mailbox to raise to his full height and rolls his shoulders.
“Damn,” you bite your lower lip, squealing when he turns around to give you a wink. “He’s so tall and handsome…and cocky. Oh-God-where-did-I-get-myself-into?” you babble, walking back inside your house.
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“Omega, Y/N? Did you change your mind?” Dean mutters, knocking at your door. “It’s quarter past six.”
“Hi,” you cough, barely finding the strength to hold the door open. “’m sorry but I don’t feel good.” you whine, hating you must turn Dean down. “I got a terrible cold and I’m freezing and I’m hot all the time.”
“Jesus,” Dean immediately scoops you into his arms to carry you toward your couch. He looks you all over, presses one large palm to your forehead. “You’re burning up, sweetheart. I’m gonna help you out of your sweaty clothes. You’ll have a hot bath while I get you something, okay.”
“Uh-“ you sigh, eyes fluttering close, “you can’t see me naked, Sir…” you drift into sleep, mumbling something about pancakes when you suddenly feel like you are floating on air. “Wait!”
“It’s okay, Y/N. I will prepare the bath and you can undress. I’ll just go back to my house and get something for you. ‘K?”
Humming you rest your head against Dean’s shoulder, let him carry you upstairs to look for your bedroom. 
“Where’s your bedroom?”
“Second room to the left,” you whine, nuzzling your face in Dean’s shoulder. “I can’t scent you.”
“You’re sick, sweetheart. Lemme just get you comfortable, Y/N,” he ushers inside your bedroom, carefully places you onto the bed before he looks for your bathroom, cursing as you almost roll off the bed. “Careful, omega. Hmm…guess I must stick around…”
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Dean came back when you finally made it out of your bathtub.
You barely had the time to walk out of your bathroom when he stormed into your bedroom, blankets, pillows, and a few of his clothes tugged under one arm while he balanced a bowl of chicken soup with his other hand.
“I changed the sheets and tried to get you my clothes, blankets, and anything fluffy I could find at my place. It’s not much, though,” you purr when Dean puts everything on your bed to create a safe nest smelling like him. “Lie on the bed and I’ll help you get comfortable. I brought you chicken soup.”
“Soup? You made me soup?”
“Uh-I asked my mom how to make it,” Dean shrugs, explaining his mother always made chicken soup for him when he was a boy. “Now let me help you, Y/N.”
“You don’t have to, Dean,” you sigh, snuggling into one of his soft plaids. “Smells like you, I like it.”
“Yeah, everything smells like me,” he purrs, watching you relax on the nest he made for you. “You’ll smell like me too.” Dean hides he feels his heart swell when you rub his scent into your skin.
The primal part, his alpha purrs in delight, loves that you are covered with his clothes and scent.
“I’m so tired…”
“You need to eat something first, sweetheart,” Dean insists. He helps you sit while you claw at one of his shirts. You press the fabric to your nose, inhale his scent deeply, finally purring when he sits next to you to feed you with the soup.
“I wanna sleep, Dean,” you protest but Dean pushes the spoon carefully past your lips, smirking when you swallow the warm soup.
“Good, isn’t it?”
“Good,” you cough. “And tasty…”
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“I got my stuff for the next few days. Food. Clothes. Toiletries and my phone and laptop. I can work from home and take care of you,” Dean explains, while he covers you with a warm blanket. 
You are wearing one of his plaids, and he can’t help the smile creep onto his face when you snatch another from the nest to cradle it in your arms.
“I called in sick,” you whisper, closing your eyes. 
“Good,” Dean crawls under the covers, not missing your breath hitches in your throat when he lies behind you to bring you in his arms. “I’m gonna take care of my omega.”
“Your omega?”
“Mine,” he kisses your mating gland, purring when you tilt your head to grant him more access. “When you are healthy again, I’m gonna take you out, or make you dinner, sweetheart.”
“I didn’t think I got a chance,” you mumble. “I’m shy and meek, you are so—” 
“I like you are shy and sweet,” he noses his way along your neck, breathing you in. “You smell so good, like – home.”
“Home,” you whisper happily. “You smell like safety and adventure at the same time. Musky and like a warm apple pie.”
“Did I tell you I loved your pie?” Dean licks his lips, “I love me some pie. My omega bakes the best pies in the world.”
“Your omega,” you hum, liking the sound of it…
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